Published: 31-Mar-2013
Word Count:
"Come in!" said Greg Lomas when he heard the hesitant tap at his office door.
He looked up with interest from the file he was reading as a slim young girl came into the room and sat down in the chair he pointed out to her.
"Very nice!" he thought. "Very nice, indeed!"
Sally Smith was a young-looking 16 with long, ash-blonde hair and a slender figure which was perfectly displayed by her tight tee-shirt and denims. Her fresh, pretty face was sprinkled with freckles which only served to emphasize her youthfulness. Greg was delighted to see that she wore no bra under her tee-shirt and that the slightly-stiffening points of her budding breasts could be clearly seen through the thin white cotton.
"Your headmaster tells me, Sally, that you're interested in doing some work experience with the Child Protection Service - is that right?"
"Yes, Mr Lomas - I've always wanted to work with children and Mr Charteris said that you wanted someone to help you for a few months."
"Call me Greg, please, Sally - there's no need to be formal! The CPS does try to work closely with local schools and it's true that I'm looking for someone to assist me with my caseload."
He hesitated for a few moments.
"You do understand, don't you, that I deal mainly with cases of sexual abuse - are you sure that you're mature enough to deal with that?"
"I'm not a child, Greg!" replied Sally, with a hint of asperity in her usually soft and melodious voice.
"No, of course not. It's just that there are a few things you must understand if you're going to work with me. For a start, we need to examine what we mean by the term sexual abuse. Officially, any sexual intimacy between parent and child, for example, is classified as grossly indecent and something to be prevented at all costs. However, it's become apparent to me, over many years in this job, that many children suffer no harm at all from having a sexual relationship with one or both of their parents - in fact, they seem to thrive on sexual activity of all kinds!"
He paused for a moment to allow Sally to consider what he had said. Her pale face had coloured slightly but she otherwise showed no sign of being particularly shocked.
"Let me outline the facts of one of my current cases," continued Greg. "which may help to explain what I'm talking about."
He sorted through the file on his desk and quickly found what he was looking for.
"About a month ago, I had to find foster-parents for two young children whose parents had been killed in a car smash - 10-year-old Tom Edwards and his 6-year-old sister, Jamie. A week ago, I had a phone call from the Cunninghams to say that they were unable to continue fostering Tom and Jamie because of their inappropriate behaviour, as they put it. It appears that the kids had taken part in a good deal of sexual play with their natural parents and expected the same with their foster-parents - something that the Cunninghams were unable to deal with."
"When you say sexual play," said Sally, "does that mean that the childrens' father hadn't actually had intercourse with them - surely Jamie, at least, is far too young for that anyway."
"Not at all!" said Greg, noting the deepening flush on the young girl's pretty face. "In my time, I've known many little girls of Jamie's age, and younger, who greatly enjoy penetrative sex! In fact, Philip Edwards had intended to have intercourse with both of his children but he and his wife had already introduced them to mutual masturbation and oral sex."
"How do you know all this, Greg?"
"I had the key to the Edwards' house so that I could pick up some of the kids' clothes - and while I was there I came upon this."
He took a thick notebook from a locked drawer and placed it on the desk.
"Philip Edwards kept a journal which described, in minute detail, the sexual initiation of their children by he and his wife. This is a veritable blueprint of how to groom young children for sex, and makes very interesting reading!"
"What will happen to Tom and Jamie now?" said Sally, realizing with some surprise how much she would like to read Philip Edwards' journal!
"Well, they're in a children's home at the moment, which is far from ideal of course. The next step is to find them foster-parents who are better able to cope with sexually aware children. In the meantime, I thought that you and I could spend some time with them - probably outside working hours, if that's ok with you."
"I'd like that," said Sally with a smile.
"That's settled, then. You start work on Monday at 9 o'clock. Before that, why don't you read the journal this weekend - it will be a very instructive experience for you."
He pushed the notebook across to Sally and then reached into a drawer and passed her a glossy magazine with the enticing title of: 'Lolita Lovelies'.
"I found a stack of child pornography along with the journal - that's one of the more softcore magazines but it will be an education for you to look at the sexy little things and perhaps begin to understand why some adults find little girls sexually attractive!"
That evening, Sally settled down in an armchair and began to slowly leaf through 'Lolita Lovelies'. The thick magazine was packed with glossy, high-quality photographs of little girls in the 4 to10 age range in various stages of undress. It was immediately apparent to Sally that there had been no need to coerce these young charmers into displaying their naked and near-naked bodies. All of them clearly enjoyed posing for the camera and showed no inhibitions about opening their legs and exposing their beautiful bare mounds.
"What's that you're looking at Sally? It looks a little naughty, whatever it is!"
Sally had been so focussed on the deliciously erotic images before her that she hadn't noticed that her mother was peering short-sightedly over her shoulder. Somewhat embarrassed, she briefly explained why Greg had given her the magazine and was surprised at the response she received.
"Come and sit with me on the sofa, Sally, and let me see exactly what you've got there. I'm sure it's alright if Mr Lomas has given it to you - and I must say I quite like the idea of looking at pictures of naked little girls!"
Frances Smith was an attractive 34-year-old brunette with a trim figure who had raised Sally and her little sister on her own since her husband had left her four years earlier. She had a close relationship with the 16-year-old, their few disagreements usually blowing over quickly, and was proud of the fact that Sally came to her with any problems or questions she had - including those of a sexual nature.
"What have we here?" she asked as Sally sat down by her side. "'Lolita Lovelies' sounds very alluring, doesn't it? Hundreds of pics of preteen pussy and ass - a bevy of hot little sluts pose naked for your erotic pleasure!"
"Greg says that these photos will make me understand why lots of adults are sexually attracted to children. They are very pretty, aren't they, Mum? Is it wrong to enjoy looking at pictures of little girls with their legs wide open and showing off their ... erm ... "
"Pussies?" suggested Frances, smiling at her daughter's discomfiture. "Of course it's not wrong, darling. It's just that, in today's climate, it's not something that most people are willing to admit to. How can it be wrong to appreciate the beauty of a little girl's naked body?"
"Look at this, Mum!" said Sally, pointing to a full-page photo of a smiling 5-year-old cherub with legs so widely open that her tiny slit was slightly parted, giving a tantalizing glimpse of her moist inner pinkness.
"The shameless little hussy! Wouldn't you just love her to spread her pussy lips and give us a good look at her adorable pink bits?"
"Mummy!" exclaimed Sally, only half-feigning her shocked surprise.
"Well, wouldn't you?"
"Yes!" said Sally with a giggle. "Oh, look, Mum!"
For, on the next page, their wish had been granted. The naked 5-year-old was sitting facing the camera, legs wide and high and her tiny fingers pulling apart her smooth, creamy labia to reveal the dewy pinkness of her inner lips.
"Oh, my!" moaned Frances. "Isn't that so wonderfully obscene? Look how wet the little moppet is - she really loves showing off her sweet little pussy, doesn't she?"
"Even better!" squealed Sally in delight as she turned the page over.
Here, the 5-year-old's immature inner sex folds were shown in close-up - the intimate details captured in delicate shades of coral pink and light cerise. Sally realized how aroused she was becoming and knew that this was caused not just by the wonderfully erotic images before her, but by the fact that she was viewing those images with her mother - whose flushed face and rapt gaze as she examined the details of the 5-year-old's pudenda suggested that she too was aroused.
"What's this?" said Frances when she had at last reluctantly turned the page over. "We welcome submission of photographs to be considered for inclusion in future editions of 'Lolita Lovelies'. Girls from 4 to 10-years-old are our speciality. Images must be of high quality and sexually provocative - see back page for details."
"I can think of quite a few little cuties I would like to see as a centrefold in a magazine like this," said Sally.
"Tess for one, I imagine! Don't deny it, Sally - it would be marvellous, wouldn't it?"
Sally had no intention of denying, to herself or her mother, that she would love to see her 4-year-old sister posing in 'Lolita Lovelies'. The thought of Tess exposing her intimate parts to the readership of the magazine was an intensely exciting one.
"Greg is a good photographer - Yvonne Martin, his supervisor, told me. He does his own developing and everything. Shall I ask him if he'll take some photos of Tess? I'm sure he wouldn't mind - please say yes, Mum!"
"I'll have to think about it, Sally. I'll need to have a talk with Mr Lomas first - are you really sure that he'd be prepared to take photos like these?"
"Mrs Martin says he's taken lots of pictures of her little girl, Sara."
"What - without any clothes on?"
"I don't know - but I bet he has. He told me himself that the girls in 'Lolita Lovelies' were sexy little things!"
"Mmm - did he indeed! Well, Sally, you could hint that I'd like some photos taken of Tess and take it from there if he shows any interest. In the meantime, see if there are any more naughty magazines he's prepared to lend you!"
"What did you think of the journal, Sally?" asked Greg Lomas. It was Monday morning and he and the 16-year-old were sipping coffee in his office as he told her more about the work of the CPS.
"I wasn't sure if it was all true - I mean, all that about how Jamie loved him ejaculating on her face or in her mouth - and how she swallowed his ... um ... semen and said it was yummy! According to him, Jamie was only 4 when he came in her mouth for the first time, and yet she immediately asked for more!"
"Well, we can't be sure, of course, if Philip Edwards was fantasizing to some extent when he wrote this - but I must say that his story rings true to me. If the Cunninghams are to be believed - and I see no reason to doubt them - Jamie is a very sexually aware little girl who was clearly surprised and upset when her foster-parents refused to take part in sexual play with her."
"Is it common for little girls of Jamie's age to have a sexual relationship with both parents - I imagined that it was mainly fathers who were involved."
"That's often the case, I agree - but if a father molests his young daughter regularly in the family home, as in this case, he risks being caught out. You may have thought that when Harriet Edwards discovered her husband fumbling in Jamie's knickers she should have been outraged. Perhaps she was, to an extent, but then - as you will have read - she found herself taking the 4-year-old's panties off so that she and Philip could more easily molest her!"
"And you don't find that unusual?" asked Sally.
"Not at all! Although for some reason it's considered especially unnatural for a mother to sexually abuse her own children, I've never understood why. Of course, sexual abuse is a very emotive term - in my experience, many kids thoroughly enjoy their so-called abuse and regularly come back for more!"
"So you don't think the Edwards were wrong to do what they did to Tom and Jamie?"
"I suppose it depends on what you mean by wrong. There's no doubt in my mind that Philip and Harriet Edwards were sexually abusing their children for the best part of two years and that, according to the laws of this country, they should have been severely punished. Personally, I applaud them for what they did! They obviously molested Tom and Jamie in a very caring and loving way and I can't honestly say that I think they should have been condemned for that."
Sally took the copy of 'Lolita Lovelies' from her handbag and slid it across the table towards Greg.
"You were right about this making me understand why so many people find little girls sexually desirable - mum enjoyed looking at it, too!"
"I'm sure she did! Why shouldn't she - it's perfectly natural, after all. Which one of the little cuties is your favourite? I'm sure you must have one."
Sally hesitated for a moment but then reached for the magazine and opened it at the photo of the pretty 5-year-old spreading her vulval lips.
"I think she's a very, very sexy little girl indeed! Mum agrees with me, too!"
"Hot little bitch, isn't she? Sorry - perhaps I shouldn't have said that, but ... "
"That's alright, Greg," said Sally with a giggle. "She is a hot little bitch, isn't she? And almost as pretty as my little sister, Tess. Mum and I would really like to send in some photos of Tess to the magazine - it would be really fantastic to know that thousands of people were ogling her naked body! Perhaps if we knew a good photographer ... "
"I suppose you've been talking to Yvonne! Do you really think that I'm the kind of man who would be prepared to take indecent photographs of a 4-year-old girl?"
"I'm absolutely certain that you are! How do you know how old Tess is, anyway?"
"I've been reading your personnel file - and wondering how I could get you to introduce me to your little sister."
"You can come round to our place and meet her tonight, if you like - why not bring your camera with you?"
"I'll do that! I don't suppose that you would consider taking your clothes off for me yourself while I'm there? Just for my own collection."
"I will if mum lets me," said Sally, trying desperately not to blush. "By the way, mum said to ask you if you had another mag that we could borrow - something nice and naughty, she said!"
"I'm sure I can find something," said Greg as he searched in a desk drawer. "There is this one, but you and your mother may consider it somewhat disgusting ... "
"That sounds interesting! Show it to me, Greg - please!"
Greg held up a recent issue of 'Preteen Cumsluts' and laughed at the look of shocked delight that came to Sally's face. On the cover of the magazine a freckle-faced little girl of about 8 smiled cheerfully through the glaze of glistening semen coating her cute little face. Underneath was the legend: 'See sexy little Katie getting her first messy facial! Plus scores of explicit pics of cum-splattered preteen sluts!'
"If you're not convinced that little girls enjoy having their pretty faces ejaculated on, I'm confident that this will change your mind! I'll bring it with me tonight - I'm sure you and your mum will enjoy looking at it even more than 'Lolita Lovelies'!"
"Thanks, Greg - I'm certain we will! Did you say that we were going to see Tom and Jamie today?"
"Yes - it's such a nice day that I thought we could take them to the park. We may as well go now, before it gets too hot. I know you'll like the kids - they're both very attractive but Jamie in particular is a little peach!"
The local childrens home was a functional building of red brick without an ounce of charm. Inside, each child had a small cheerless bedroom with a window looking out on to the grounds. There was a tv lounge and a playroom for the younger kids and the staff did their best to keep their charges amused, but overall there was a depressing air about the place.
A chatty young woman called Mary led them to Jamie's room and they found the 6-year-old sitting on her bed, quietly reading a book. Sally was immediately captivated by the little girl's delicate prettiness - a prettiness that was verging on true beauty, the lovely oval of her face set off by a pair of lustrous hazel eyes.
"Greg!" cried the little girl as he sat down by her side.
"Hello, princess! Are you pleased to see me? Give me a kiss then and show me how much."
Jamie flung herself into Greg's arms and kissed him fiercely on the mouth, her little pink tongue working its way between his lips. Greg returned the 6-year-old's kiss passionately, hugging her to his chest and running his hands over her firm little body.
"Lucky girl!" sighed Mary as Greg fondled the little girl's bottom through her clothes.
"Sally and I are taking Jamie and her brother to the park," said Greg, "so I want her in her shortest skirt, Mary. Were you able to buy those new panties I asked you to get for her?"
"She's got them on now. Take your shorts off, Jamie, and show Greg your pretty new knickers."
The 6-year-old gave Sally a shy glance but then stood up and quickly slipped out of her shorts to reveal her brief lacy panties which were high-cut at the side and showed a good deal of her charmingly plump bottom.
"Very sexy indeed!" said Greg.
"I thought Jamie could wear this," said Mary, holding up a very short, flared cotton skirt. "There's a bit of a breeze today, so there's every chance that the back of her skirt will lift up and give the passers-by an eyeful of her beautiful little bum!"
"Good thinking, Mary! Come on then, little one - let's pick up your brother and make our way to the park."
Mary held the skirt for Jamie to step into and then fastened it around her tiny waist. She kissed the little girl fondly on the cheek and patted her bottom.
"Enjoy yourself, sweetie - remember to do lots of twirls so that your skirt lifts up and gives everyone a good look at your sexy new knickers!"
"Thanks for being so understanding, Mary," said Greg, kissing her gently on the lips. "Not everyone is as broad-minded as you."
"That's alright. Jamie is a sexy little thing and she knows it - what's wrong with that?"
"How are you getting on with Tom?"
"She's sweet on him!" laughed Jamie. "They're always kissing and cuddling!"
"As often as we can, anyway," agreed Mary. "There's not much privacy in this place and we have to be very careful."
"When I get the pair of them settled in their new home," said Greg, "I hope that you'll be able to spend more time with Tom - you really need the chance to take him into your bed and have your wicked way with him."
"Oh, yes, please!"groaned Mary.
"In fact, if you could meet up with us in the park this morning, we could all have a little fun together."
"I'm sure I could wangle an hour off, anyway," said Mary. "In the woods, on the far side of the tennis courts, there's a dell where we would be safe from prying eyes - do you know the one I mean, Greg?"
"Sure, I know it. We'll make our way there now - try and catch us up as soon as you can. Okay, let's be off, Jamie - the sooner we get there, the sooner I can show Sally what a horny little slut you are!"
Twenty minutes later Greg led the way into the dell, shouldering his way through a thicket of dense vegetation which screened the grassy hollow from the surrounding wood. The bright sunlight filtered through the thick bushes and dappled the ground with luminous patches of green. Jamie whirled around in a shimmering shaft of light, her flared skirt floating upwards to reveal her skimpy knickers. During the walk through the park a fresh breeze had repeatedly flipped up the back of the skirt and given passers-by a perfect view of her lovely bottom, and gaining her several appreciative looks.
Greg whispered into the 6-year-old's ear and she grinned at him and dropped to her knees on the springy grass and reached for his trouser zipper. He turned to Sally as Jamie eagerly pulled his already stiffening penis from his open fly.
"I think this will convince you that some little girls at least enjoy the taste of cum! My little semen sweetheart here is going to show you her cocksucking skills before I unload my balls into her sweet mouth."
Sally soon realized that Greg had not exaggerated the 6-year-old's fellating abilities. Jamie tickled the social worker's piss slit with the tip of her tongue until it began to weep precum and then spat onto his glans and took it into her mouth. She curled her nimble fingers around his thickening shaft and squeezed it rhythmically until it was fully erect. As she sucked wetly on the bloated knobhead, her lips stretched tightly around its ridge, she cleverly fondled his heavy balls until he was groaning with exquisite pleasure.
"Cocksucking little whore!" said Tom fondly as he and Sally sat on the grass and watched the little girl fellating Greg.
The 10-year-old was a good-looking, friendly boy who Sally had taken to immediately. She was aware that his gaze was drifting from his sister to herself and that he was now openly looking up her skirt. Though normally rather modest by nature, she found herself lifting her skirt to her hips and giving Tom a good view of her panty-covered mound - and then shamelessly pulling the gusset of her knickers to one side so that he could have a good look at her moistening twat.
"Dirty bitch!" said Greg admiringly as he saw what she was doing. "I hope you're going to give me a look when this little slut has finished with me."
"You'll get your chance tonight!" replied Sally.
"Nice pussy!" observed Mary as she struggled through the encircling bushes into the sunny hollow.
She sat by Sally's side and beckoned Tom over to her as she watched his little sister continue to noisily slurp on Greg's cockhead.
"Sit on my lap, lover, and give me a hug!" she said. "I can't afford to let you out of my sight, can I? This morning you were declaring your undying love for me, and now I catch you looking at another girl's cunt!"
"I'm sorry, Mary!" said Sally in some confusion, and hastily pulling her skirt down. "I wasn't trying to ... "
"I'm only kidding. I don't mind what Tom gets up to with other girls, as long as he always comes back to me."
"Has Greg had you yet?" added Mary casually as the social worker's pulsing cock slipped from Jamie's lips and spat a thick stream of sperm into her greedily open mouth.
"No - I've only known him a few days!"
"That's usually all it takes with Greg! It's true that he prefers the age of his girlfriends to be in single figures, but I'm sure he'll make an exception for a pretty young girl like you."
"Has he, you know, done it with you?" asked Sally curiously.
"Countless times! Not that I kid myself that I'm pretty, but I am a good fuck, or so I'm often told - and I'm almost permanently randy, which makes me very popular with the boys - and not a few girls!"
"She's always up for it, aren't you, Mary?" said Tom as he fondled her breasts through her thin dress. "She's a dirty fuckin' nympho whore!"
Coming, as they did, from the lips of a fresh-faced 10-year-old boy, these words thrilled Sally immensely and she saw that they had the same effect on Mary, judging by the blissful expression on the older girl's face.
"Thank you, darling!" Mary said, kissing Tom full on the mouth. "You do say such lovely things to me!"
Greg had by now completely drained his balls into Jamie's mouth and, after another whispered instruction into her ear, she cautiously made her way over to Sally on her knees and carefully opened her mouth as wide as possible - keeping her head tilted upwards so that she didn't spill any of the precious fluid.
Sally was amazed by how much pearly, opalescent semen was swilling about in the 6-year-old's open mouth.
"What a filthy cocksucking little whore you are, Jamie!" she said, surprised by how easily the lewd words came to her lips. "Swallow it all down now and show me what a good little cumslut you are."
The 6-year-old noisily gulped down her mouthful of warm spunk and smiled sunnily, having clearly enjoyed the experience. She puckered her lips invitingly and Sally kissed them, eagerly sucking on the little girl's cummy tongue when she temptingly opened her mouth.
"Come and clean up my cock, Jamie," said Greg, "when you've finished snogging my assistant!"
As the 6-year-old scampered back to Greg and began to lovingly lick his sticky knobhead, Sally understood for the first time that lovely little girls like Jamie were clearly designed to be sexually pleasured and to give sexual pleasure themselves. And if that was so - and she was convinced now that it was - then the same held true for her little sister, Tess. The very thought made her dizzy with erotic longing for the adorable 4-year-old, a longing which seemed to her to be completely natural.
"Do you like the taste of spunk, Sally?" asked Mary, breaking in on her amorous reverie. "Does your boyfriend cum in your mouth?"
"I haven't got a boyfriend at the moment - not a serious one, anyway," admitted Sally blushingly. "I'm still a virgin, actually - isn't that pathetic, at my age?"
"Don't worry about it, Sal - you won't stay unfucked for long with Greg around! I'm just the opposite to you - dad fucked me when I was 7 and then encouraged his mates to use me. That was the happiest time of my life! I loved sex from the start but it wasn't just that - I loved the feeling of being loved and cherished by a whole bunch of men. The fact that they were all shagging me silly was a bonus - a very important bonus, admittedly. Dad says that I've had more pricks than a dartboard!"
"How old are you, Mary? There can't be much difference in our ages but there's a vast difference in our sexual experiences!"
"I was 19 a couple of weeks ago. You're a virgin, while I've had sex with men, women, boys, girls and goats - well not the goats, actually, but you never can tell!"
"Do you let Greg spunk in your mouth?" Sally asked, realizing how much she was enjoying the taste of the semen sucked from Jamie's tongue.
"Yes - as often as he wants to! His cum is really thick and creamy - absolutely delicious! Tom's is more thin and watery, but that's 'cause he's only a little boy - it's a lot sweeter-tasting than Greg's. Why don't you try it for yourself?"
Without waiting for Sally's answer, Tom jumped to his feet and dropped his jeans and underpants to his ankles. For a 10-year-old boy his erect cock was more than respectably-sized - being perhaps four inches long - and he lost no time in thrusting it between Mary's parted lips and fucking her mouth aggressively. The 19-year-old clearly expected and encouraged such treatment, gripping her young lover's buttocks tightly and pulling him hard against her as he drove his rigid cock as far down her throat as he could. Tom had not yet learnt to control the onset of his orgasm and so he quickly experienced the familiar churn in his balls.
"I'm cumming, Mary - I'm cumming!" he cried within seconds, unable to hold back his orgasm after several pistoning strokes into the 19-year-old's warm, wet mouth.
He quickly pulled his prick from Mary's mouth and she pressed her lips against Sally's and dribbled the young boy's semen onto her tongue. Sally savoured the clear, viscous fluid before tilting her head back and allowing it to trickle down her throat. Then she took Tom's softening cock into her mouth and sucked it clean, working the tip of her tongue inside his foreskin to extract every last drop of his precious sperm.
"Oh, fuck!" exclaimed Mary, glancing at her watch. "I'm going to be late back - I'll see you all later."
"Sally and I had better make an appearance back at the office," said Greg. "Can you take the kids with you? I'm hoping that tomorrow I'll be able to fix them up with new foster-parents - ones who won't mind us spending lots of quality child-molesting time with them!"
That night, Greg was introduced to Sally's mother and he handed her the 'Preteen Cumsluts' magazine, wryly noting that though at first she was slightly taken aback, she was soon looking at the front cover appreciatively.
"Thank you, Greg!" Frances said, gazing with open desire at little Katie's pretty, cum-glazed face. "Explicit pics of cum-splattered preteen sluts! I must say there's nothing I like better than explicit pics of preteen sluts - cum-splattered or otherwise. Our own little slut here loves having her picture taken - why don't I take her clothes off so that you can arrange her in some lovely indecent poses?"
Greg looked at the angelic-faced 4-year-old and felt his cock beginning to stir. Tess was wearing a short, primrose-yellow sun-dress which at the same time emphasized her innocence and desirability. He longed to strip her naked and perform every conceivable obscene act on her lovely little body but for the time being he was content to have the opportunity to spread her little legs and take photos of her baby cunt. First, though, he wanted to take some pictures of Sally, whose lithe young body entranced him almost as much as that of her little sister.
"Would you mind taking Sally's clothes off first?" he said to Frances. "I'd like to arrange her in some indecent poses first so that Tess can see what's expected of her."
"Not at all! Come here, Sally. It's been a long time since I've seen you naked - far too long."
Sally felt no shame or embarrassment at being stripped naked by her mother in front of her boss and little sister. She knew that she had a good body and was more than happy to show it off, readily opening her legs wide to allow Greg to take several shots of her shaven pussy.
Greg looked at the 16-year-old's naked body with admiration and lust. Although he preferred the beautifully immature body of 4-year-old Tess, he also felt a great desire for Sally's slender figure with it's shapely bottom and small, pert breasts.
"Stretch those pussy lips nice and wide, Sally," he instructed. "Show me as much pink as you can. That's it! Your daughter really is a dirty slut, Frances - you must be very proud of her."
"Yes, I am!" said Frances, flushing with pleasure. "How kind of you to call her a dirty slut, Greg - high praise, indeed! With any luck, Tess is going to prove just as slutty!"
"She'll get her chance in a minute. Can you just pull your bum cheeks apart, Sally - I want to get a few good close-ups of your arsehole."
Greg proceeded to take several shots of Sally's tight, pinky-brown anus before finally turning his attention to her little sister. Tess had looked on with astonishment as Sally exposed her intimate parts to the stranger, and now realized that his lecherous gaze had rested on her.
"Get the little slut's dress off, Frances," Greg ordered. "I know she must be dying to show off her baby cunt!"
"Are you referring to my 4-year-old daughter as a little slut, Mr Lomas?" said Frances, her face glowing with delight.
"I am, Mrs Smith. I've every reason to hope and expect that she'll be as shameless a little slut as her sister is proving to be. No doubt they've both inherited their sluttiness from their mother!"
"You have a very nice line in compliments, Greg - please keep them coming!"
As soon as Tess had been undressed, she rolled on her back on the floor and lifted and opened her legs to proudly display the fat little mound of her pussy. Then the 4-year-old giggled and pulled open her creamy-smooth labia, as she had seen her sister do, exposing the coral-pink immature lips of her inner cunt.
"See what I mean?" said Greg as he began to take numerous snaps of Tess, focussing on her baby pussy and the tiny pink pucker of her anus. "You would expect, wouldn't you, that an innocent 4-year-old would have to be persuaded to show her pussy to a stranger. Not this little slut! No false modesty here - she just spreads her cunt like a practised whore."
"Yes, Tess is a good little girl, isn't she?" said Frances. "I would love to see pics of her in 'Preteen Cumsluts' - look at this little beauty!"
A pretty little girl of about Tess's age gazed out from the glossy back cover of the magazine, her face coated with a thick mask of clotted spunk. She didn't seem too happy about the situation, her soft cherry lips pouty with sulkiness and a suspicion of wetness in her eyes. Frances found the picture incredibly arousing and couldn't help but imagine what Tess would look like with a similarly sticky mess plastering her lovely face.
"There's no doubt that a sloppy coating of semen greatly enhances the beauty of a little girl's features," said Greg. "On my next visit I'll bring a colleague, Mike Brewer, with me - I'm sure he'd be only too glad to help me give Tess's face a good creaming!"
"That would be delightful! It's just that I thought, perhaps ..."
Frances pointed to the growing protrusion in Greg's trousers and raised her eyebrows quizzically.
"I see your point," said Greg, "but I really do think it's worth waiting until I can arrange for Tess's face to be splooged by at least two loads of cum - it gives a much better effect! Anyway, I have other plans. I was going to ask your permission to take Sally upstairs and give her a good seeing to - it's high time she lost her virginity!"
"I couldn't agree more! Take her, then, and use her as you wish - you have my wholehearted consent!"
"What about my consent?" said Sally with mock outrage. "Don't I have a say in who takes my virginity?"
"Absolutely not!" declared Frances. "You'll do as you're told, young lady, or I'll have to take a strap to your backside!"
"Promises, promises!" said Sally, as Greg took her hand and led her upstairs.
"Isn't she a sweet little thing!" said Jessica Nunn as Jamie stood before her prospective foster-parents, effortlessly charming them with her angelic good looks.
Jessica and her husband, Roger, both in their twenties, had been told about the Cunningham's experiences with Jamie and her brother, but both found it difficult to believe that such captivating children could be as sexually aware as Greg had indicated.
"Go into the garden now, sweetheart, and play with Tom while Roger and I have a chat with Mr Lomas."
"Sweet, she certainly is," admitted Greg when the 6-year-old had scampered into the garden. "A sweet little slut!"
"How can you possibly refer to such a darling child as a little slut, Greg?" asked Jessica. She knew that she should be scandalized by what Greg had said but instead could only feel an erotic charge coursing through her body as he explained in detail how slutty the 6-year-old really was.
"In fact," said Greg, "when Mrs Cunningham handed Jamie back to me, she referred to her as a filthy little whore - though some may feel that a recommendation rather than a condemnation!"
"You, for one, I presume!" said Jessica.
"Possibly! I only know that if you and Roger decide to foster Jamie and Tom you must assume that they will want to have a sexual relationship with you. As I say, they were accustomed to taking part in mutual masturbation sessions with their parents - as well as oral sex, and will certainly expect the same with you."
"I think that Roger and I can accept that," said Jessica, looking towards her husband for confirmation.
"Indeed!" said Roger. "Jessica and I have always thought that it's perfectly acceptable for an adult to have sex with a young child, provided they have a loving relationship. You do understand, though, that when I'm sexually excited it will become increasingly difficult for me to prevent myself from having full sex with Jamie?"
"Virtually impossible, I would have thought!" said Greg. "Don't worry about it, Roger - Jamie is looking forward to having her tight little holes penetrated, isn't she, Sally?"
Sally had been happy to sit quietly while Greg did the talking, making sure that Roger had a good view up her extremely short skirt.
"Jamie's parents had an extensive collection of child pornography," she said, "which they encouraged her to look at even before she could read. She and her brother are very sexually knowledgeable indeed - and both are eagerly looking forward to being penetrated for the first time!"
"What can you expect of kids who are aficionados of a magazine called 'Preteen Fuckwhores'?" said Greg. "Jamie in particular is a prickteasing little slut who really needs a daddy who will regularly spread her legs and give her a good hard fucking."
"I'm sure Roger is the man you're looking for," said Jessica. "I don't believe he'd find it a problem having sex with a 6-year-old little girl, would you, darling?"
"You know, I don't believe I would!" said Roger with a grin.
He and Jessica had long shared a fantasy of sexually abusing young children but had never imagined that they would get the opportunity to make those fantasies real.
"Are you going to be our new mummy and daddy?"
Jamie and her brother had quietly edged into the room unnoticed and the little girl's plaintive question came as a surprise to Jessica and Roger.
"Would you like us to be?" asked Jessica, desperately hoping for a favourable answer.
"Oh, yes!" cried Jamie, impulsively clambering on to Jessica's lap and kissing her softly on the mouth.
"Give your new mummy a proper kiss!" said Greg. "I've told her what a horny little slut you are so don't disappoint her!"
Jessica felt the 6 year-old's tiny wet tongue darting into her mouth, while at the same time small fingers fumbled with the buttons at the front of her dress. Tom was by her side now, reaching into her open neckline and expertly exposing her breasts. Suddenly, two hungry mouths were fastened to her nipples, sucking and chewing on the rapidly hardening points.
"I told you what they were like!" said Greg. "Randy little devils, the pair of them. Sally and I will leave you now so that you can get to know them more intimately, if you know what I mean!"
As he and Sally left the room, they saw that Jamie was lifting her bottom from Jessica's lap and allowing Roger to remove her knickers.
"There's one little girl who's not likely to be a virgin for very much longer!" he said.
"That reminds me," said Sally. "Don't forget that you and Mike have a date with Tess tonight - since Mum showed her 'Preteen Cumsluts', she can't wait to have her face spunked on!"
Tess was a little shy with Mike Brewer at first but soon permitted him to take her on his knee and cuddle her. The shortness of the 4-year-old's dress allowed him to see that she wore no knickers, and when she noticed where he was looking she took hold of his hand with both of hers and pulled it between her legs with a giggle.
"Dirty slut!" said Frances affectionately as Mike examined the little girl's moist slit.
"Mummy says that you and Greg are going to sperm my slutty little face!" said Tess happily.
"Mummy knows what she's talking about," said Mike. "Naughty little girls who let perfect strangers feel at their fat little cunts are asking to have their faces spermed!"
"Mummy and Sally are always feeling at my cunny," said the 4-year-old, smiling brightly at her mother and sister.
"Feeling at your what, Tess?" asked Frances in a tone of mock sternness.
"Sorry, Mummy. I meant feeling at my cunt - feeling at my little slut cunt!"
"That's better, Tess! Let's get that dress off you now and decide the best way to splooge you so that we get some good pics."
"I want her on her back ... " said Greg.
"No doubt!" retorted Frances. "That's just what I would expect from a pervert like you, but I thought that you were supposed to be giving her a facial?"
"Ha, fucking ha! I meant that I don't want the cum dripping straight off Tess's face before I have chance to take some good photos. If we lay her down on the sofa before Mike and I do the dirty deed, most of the goo should stay put for a while - savvy?"
"Good thinking, that man - I can see you've done this kind of thing before!"
"You said you were going to take my dress off, Mummy!" complained Tess.
Frances quickly stripped her little daughter and positioned the naked 4-year-old on the sofa while Greg and Mike pulled out their cocks and began to wank them over her smiling face.
"Splooge my slutty little face!" giggled Tess, her eyes tightly shut as she eagerly waited to be spermed. She had been entranced when her mother had shown her 'Preteen Cumsluts' and longed to be able to look at images of her own cummy features.
"It won't be long now!" promised Greg as he and Mike continued to pump on their engorged tools. Despite this warning, the 4-year-old started when the first spurt of semen splattered across her nose, but she soon began to enjoy the feel of the warm gluey goo caking her face as several more spurts hit her in quick succession.
"Hold still, Tess," instructed Greg as he reached for his camera. He speedily took numerous shots of her cum-splashed face before gently lifting her head until the creamy semen dribbled from her chin and dripped on to her chest.
"Just a few more, precious," he said, hurriedly snapping away as the thick clots of spunk decorating the 4-year-old's features began to melt into each other and ooze down her face.
"Let me show you how pretty you look, Tess," said Frances, lifting the 4-year-old up and carrying her to a mirror. "What a sexy little babyslut you are - isn't she, Greg?"
"She's my darling semen sweetheart!" said Greg as Tess studied her cummy face with delight.
"She's a dirty little cumbitch!" suggested Mike, causing Frances to beam with pleasure.
"What a nice thing to say, Mike - you can ejaculate on my sweet little baby any time you like! You're very quiet, Sally - would you like to lick the cum off your sister's face while it's still nice and warm?"
"Yes please, Mum! I was just thinking how lucky Tess is - only 4-years-old and already she's got men lining up to spunk on her face!"
"You're not doing so bad yourself," said Greg. "You've got men lining up to fuck you! In fact, you can take your arse upstairs now - Mike and I will be up in a minute to give you a good hard shafting."
"I love it when you treat me like a whore, Greg - thank you!"
Sally took Tess from her mother and hurriedly lapped up the gummy clots of sperm from the giggling little girl's face before exchanging a sticky kiss with her. As the gooey semen dissolved on her tongue, she handed the 4-year-old back to her mother and walked to the door, looking back at Greg and Mike.
"Don't be long, boys - I'm feeling as horny as hell!"
"Tell them something new!" said Frances. "It seems to me that you're pretty much permanently horny - you really are a cock-happy slut, Sally!"
"It takes one to know one, Mum! You're certainly getting your share recently - isn't she, Greg?"
"Cheeky bitch!" said Greg as the 16-year-old disappeared through the door.
He and Frances had developed a very close relationship in a short period of time - a relationship which was based on a natural affinity between them. Their growing intimacy inevitably led to them ending up in bed, and Greg had quickly discovered that Frances was an exciting and inventive lover.
"That girl needs taking in hand," said Greg. "If she was my daughter, I'd give her a good spanking now and then!"
"What a delightful idea! It's difficult for me to discipline a 16-year-old girl, so if you and Mike want to slap Sally around a bit before you fuck her, you have my full approval!"
"Would you like to go up now, Mike," said Greg, "and give the slut a smack or two to warm her up - I need to have a little chat with Frances."
When his colleague had gone, Greg reached into his briefcase and handed Frances the current issue of 'Kiddie Kunt' magazine.
"This is really hot stuff, Fran - just the kind of thing a perverted whore like you will enjoy!"
"You're so right - thank you, darling! This sounds extremely enticing, I must say - a bumper issue crammed with images of slutty little girls being comprehensively abused! Lots of graphic pics of juicy lolita cunts and gaping preteen asses!"
From upstairs came the sound of naked flesh being soundly slapped, swiftly followed by Sally's delighted screams and shrieks.
"I particularly want you to make sure that Tess gets to see this," said Greg. "Spunking on her lovely little face is very agreeable but it's time she realized that there are lots of other ways I would like to abuse her!"
"Always assuming that I would allow my innocent 4-year-old child to be molested in the same depraved way as the little girls in 'Kiddie Kunt'."
"And why wouldn't you? You've already admitted to me that you and Sally often talk about how wonderful it would be to watch me sexually abuse Tess - and then abuse her yourselves!"
"Mmmm - such a delicious fantasy! Alright then, Greg - provisionally, you have my full permission to use my darling little girl in any vile and disgusting way you like! That doesn't mean that she's ready for your cock in her cunt or bottom just yet ... "
"No, of course not - but I'm sure she's ready for an inch or two in her lovely little mouth! I know a little girl of 6 who is already something of an expert cocksucker and who would love to give Tess some lessons."
"You're just the kind of pervert who would happen to know a 6-year-old cocksucking virtuoso! Would this little slut allow me to molest her, do you think?"
"Jamie would not only allow it - she'd absolutely insist on it!"
"In that case, bring her over when you like! Would you care to go upstairs now and help your friend to give Sally a good slapping before you fuck her? Meanwhile, Tess and I will have a look at 'Kiddie Kunt' together and I'll try and explain to her how those massive cocks can possibly fit into those tight little holes!"
easy admitting pedo families and flowing characters with minimal flowery words and maximum gard kiddy-fuck reading.
guess that's an A
reminds me of another favorite of yours, 'The New Neighbours', all the same elements and a nice breezy read with plenty of stroke material.
can you post a bunch of, all at once?!
cummy cunnies
I like the idea of a 7 or even 3 year old dressed in a pvc 'slutty nun' Halloweeen outfit, or even a hooker outfit.
Wearing split rubber panties so that the lines of perverts don't have to actually go to the effort to actually take them off in order to molest and fuck their smooth, delicately pink little cunts.
*slaps self in face with own penis*
cummy cunnies
I appreciate the use of words such as 'arse' and 'knickers,' as you are most likely a Brit, David. However, it is neither as sexy as 'bottom,' nor as naughty-sounding as 'ass.' It is rather a throwback term and pedantic, which should never be used when referring to a tot's posterior. It even sounds funny saying it: aRse ...yuck. Unless the Brit pronunciation is something more akin to 'aHs,' which is where we most likely got 'ass' from anyway.
'Knickers' as opposed to 'panties' irritates me some as well, but not nearly as much as 'arse' does. Just no way to make that word sound sexy at all.
Spoiler: There are 3 parts published (as far as I know) and part 2 3 are even better then this one!
I long for another sequel for years, but again, that's the case with nearly every David Stephens story I read :)
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