Published: 13-Apr-2012
Word Count:
Author's Note: All of my stories are FICTION, borne out of an over active imagination and a fondness for children... these events did not happen and therefore should not to be viewed by minors, miners or mynahs. If you fall into one of these categories, then I suggest that you march yourself immediately to your local police station and throw yourself on their mercy. Failing that you could just stop reading!!
This story, along with all others are © Darles Chickens and may not be reposted ANYWHERE (including Usenet), without the express written permission of the author.
Comments, requests, suggestions, fantasies always welcomed. Please remember that a VALID email address is required if you would like a reply - I ALWAYS reply to genuine emails - and ALWAYS ignore flames!
This story is a work of fiction which means that it did NOT happen. If stories featuring adult/child sexual activity offend you, THEN DON'T READ IT!
I wasn't really into fishing like my friends were, but my best friend nagged me into it so I went. I was SO glad I did. Oh not for the fish or the fishing you understand but, well ...let me explain. We arrived by the river about 8.30 am. It was July and the past couple of weeks had been really hot "scorchers" were as the tabloids put it. Funny how the newspapers go mad when you get a warm spell in England! Anyhow, the weather reports had said more of the same, which was fine by me. I was 14 going on 15 and the summer holidays were here which meant no school, when my best friend Gary invited me to go fishing with him for the day. I'd been before with my older brother and quite frankly, was bored within the hour. But I thought it might be different with Gary so I agreed to go. Gary had all the equipment whereas I had none, but he lent me some of his, as he had loads. He set my rod and stuff up for me, and then unpacked all of his. He'd picked the spot, as he said he'd got some reasonable catches along this stretch of the water before.
On the way in, I noticed there was an unused patch of land near to us which was occupied by a few caravans. It seemed the gypsy or "traveller" community as they preferred to be known as now, thought they had the right to move onto any patch land they saw, so that's what they'd done here. Mind you, it had been industrial land and the factories had long since been demolished, so my guess was that the land owner was sitting on it, waiting for some property developer to come along and offer him a handsome sum so that he could build some posh riverside apartments and then flog them at grossly over inflated prices, so you couldn't really blame them. It was a nice spot right next to the river Thames. Actually I didn't mind the gypsies at all, although they always seemed to be very closely knit and kept themselves to themselves. There were one or two gypsy children playing on the camp-site. That was another reason I liked gypsies, as the gypsy children always seemed to be really cute! There was a boy I guessed to be about 7 or so, and a much younger girl who couldn't have been more than 3 as she was still wearing a nappy - and nothing else. The boy was dressed in t-shirt and trousers from what I could see. I assumed they were brother and sister, but really didn't take much notice.
Gary got his bits together and then said, "I'm going to wander upstream a bit and set up there so that we're not both fishing the same bit of water!"
"Yeah whatever!" I replied, not even looking up from the magazine.
With that Gary trotted off. I switched my little radio on and was told by the DJ that it was going to hit the 90's today. As I grabbed a coke out of the cool box, I sensed that someone was staring at me. I looked up and saw the little gypsy boy was stood there, making me jump. Gary was by now a distant speck further up the riverbank.
"Jesus!" I said to the lad in front of me, "You made me fucking jump!"
"Sorry mister!" the boy replied. "Didn't mean to!"
I'm sure he thought I was going to have a go at him.
"That's all right," I said with a big smile, "I was miles away reading, that's all."
I looked at this young boy as I took a swig of ice-cold cola from the small plastic bottle. He was the one from the gypsy camp that I'd seen earlier. I'd got his age wrong now I saw him close up and guessed he was a little older than I'd first thought. However, I did find him VERY cute.
"Want some?" I asked him, holding out the bottle of coke.
"Thanks mister!" he said taking it and wiping the top with his t-shirt.
It's funny really as I'd often heard people describing gypsies as dirty, ill-mannered people, yet here was this boy who appeared very clean and was very polite (as well as being very cute!!). As he gulped the cold liquid down I looked him up and down. He was an average sort of lad, with short dark hair in a crew cut. He was dressed in a white t-shirt, brown check trousers with a belt, and scuffed, black tie-up shoes. He had an attractive little face. One of those that looked like he could be a little cherub one minute, and a little devil the next, you know what I mean? Although he and his clothes were clean, it looked like they'd seen better days - or maybe he was wearing old clothes because he was out playing.
The boy came up for air from the drink and offered the bottle back, as he wiped the sweat from his forehead with the back of the other hand.
"That's okay," I told him with a smile,"You finish that one. I've got loads more!" I said indicating the cool box.
He smiled back at me. It was the warmest, most heart-melting smile, like it was the nicest thing anyone had ever done for him and if I hadn't before, I think that was the moment he really won me over and I fell for him big time.
"Whatcha doin' mister?" my new little buddy enquired.
I found it amusing that he called me "mister", yet I was only just into my teens myself.
I took a long slow deliberate look at the rod and all the other fishing equipment and said "I'm riding my bike!"
The boy giggled.
"No you're not!"
"Okay then, what does it look like I'm doing?" I asked.
"Well, there you go then!" I said. "Why ask?"
He smiled me that smile again and shrugged his shoulders. Again, he looked worried.
"Hot again today isn't it?" I said, changing the subject.
"Yeah!" he replied. "That's a good idea though..." he added, pointing to the big umbrella I was under.
"You can sit under it with me if you want?" I offered.
"Thanks!" he said, bending to get under the umbrella.
It wasn't especially large, just an ordinary fishing one.
"There's not enough room for me as well..." he said.
"Well I tell you want, it's up to you, but you can come sit on my lap... if you want to?"
He didn't need telling twice as he shuffled over and plonked himself down on me and my rapidly hardening cock, which caused me to wince a little.
"Jeez..." I protested, "you flopped down like a bloody elephant!"
"Sorry!" he said sheepishly and started to get up.
"I'm only kidding!" I said, grabbing him gently so that he knew he didn't have to get up. "Mind you, I do need to shift you a little because it's bloody uncomfortable at the minute!"
I held him gently and position him onto one side of my lap, kind of over the top of my left thigh. I put an arm round him
"You don't mind do you?" I asked.
He shook his head.
He nodded.
"Well," I said, "you've drunk my coke, you're sitting on my lap, and I don't even know your name or anything!"
"My name's Roman!" he told me.
"Roman? That's an unusual name?" I said.
"Not really..." he replied, "not for us travellers anyway!"
"I suppose not," I said, "it's just that I've never come across anyone called that before. How old are you then mate?"
"Nine, just turned... last month!" he told me.
"Oh right," I replied. "my names Matthew. I'm 14!"
I didn't want to give him my real name, just in case... you never know. I held my hand out to shake in a gentlemanly fashion, which he immediately took.
"Nice to meet you Roman!"I told him, shaking his little hand.
He turned in towards me, settled snugly into my lap and seemed quite comfortable with me. I certainly felt comfortable with him as I put one arm around him and held my magazine in the other.
"Can I look at it with you?" he asked.
"Course you can!" I told him, so I held it in such a way as we both could see.
In the end I put it on his lap so that he could flick the pages over. It was only a car magazine which I'd now lost interest in, and Roman was only looking at the pictures of the cars anyway. I was more interested in him in any case. He came across very affectionate towards me so I decided to find out more about him, and maybe "dip my toe in the water" so to speak and see what kind reaction I got, if any.
"So how long have you been camped here?" I asked him.
"About a week..."
"Oh not long then?"
"Nah. Every time we set up camp someone comes along and moves us. No one likes diddakoi's..." he told me.
He explained that some people called them gypsies or gyppo's, some called them travellers, but he told me they were actually diddakoi's, as they had been for generations. He told me his name was Roman because it was an old diddakoi name. I assumed it came from Romany somewhere down the line. As we talked, I slowly and gradually moved my left arm that had been around him onto the top of his thigh and just rested it there. Roman made no comment, but turned more into me and snuggled up more so that his bottom was sticking out a little at the top of my left thigh. It made it a little awkward to keep my hand where it was, so I moved it again. This time I placed it on the right cheek of his cute little bum and left it there. Still no reaction as we continued to talk.
"So have you brothers and sisters?" I asked, knowing that most travellers have quite large families.
"Two sisters!" he told me, "both younger than me. One's 7 and the other's two and half!"
"I think I saw the little one when we arrived. Was that her you were playing with before you came over to here?"
"Yeah!" he replied. "She's cute and I love them both, but it's nice to get away from them for a while!"
I laughed.
"Yeah I know what you mean, my little brother's a pain too!" I told him. "I wouldn't mind a little brother like you though!"
He looked up at me with genuine affection and sighed.
"I wish you were my big brother too..."
I smiled back and as I did, I gave his bum a little squeeze. Still he didn't say anything or react in any way. My 14 year old cock was rock solid now, and I was sure that Roman could feel it through the material poking in to him. I could also feel my pants getting wet with the pre-cum I was leaking. As we continued with our small talk, I began to gently caress his firm little bum, which he appeared to enjoy but still made no comment about.
Suddenly Roman moved and sat up a bit. I thought I'd blown it and he was about to start screaming about what I was doing.
"You okay?" I asked him.
"Yeah..." he replied, "it's just that my leg's gone asleep!"
"Oh," I said, "I thought... err... maybe it was because of what I was doing?"
"Nah!" he replied, smiling that heart melting little smile again. "THAT was nice" I was enjoying it!"
Roman was actually giving me the green light and that pleased me no end.
"You sure?" I asked.
He nodded.
"Well get comfy and if you want, I'll do it some more."
Roman moved about and repositioned himself almost in the same spot. While he did that, I quickly slipped my hand into my own trousers and adjust my rock solid cock. When I pulled my hand back out it was wet and sticky. I was leaking copious amounts of pre-cum!
Once Roman had settled back down, I resumed my gentle caressing of his bum, only more blatantly this time. Every so often I would move my hand right down the crack so that my hand was between his legs and little Roman would open his legs slightly to give me better access.
"You can put your hand inside if you want?" Roman told me.
"Really?" I asked. "You sure it's okay? You don't mind?"
My heart was singing. He was really enjoying it and I wondered where it might lead.
"It's okay," the 9 year old reassured me, "really, I like it!"
"Okay, thanks!"
Again he snuggled into me and seemed to stick his bum out even more, as if he was inviting me to put my hand down the back of his trousers. I looked and I could just see the top of the crack of his little white bum. I moved my hand up under the back of his t-shirt and tried to slip my hand into the back of his trousers, but I couldn't. Although his trousers seemed way to big for him judging by the way they were gathered up at the back, his brown belt was fastened around him quite tightly and there wasn't enough room for me to get my hand down his trousers.
"I can't get my hand down your trousers..." I told him, "your belt's too tight. Can you loosen it a little?"
Roman sat up and undone the clasp of his belt at the front of his trousers. Then he undid the clip on his trousers too and I heard his zip go down.
"Try it now!" he told me enthusiastically, and went back into his snuggling position.
This time, there was no problem as his trousers were very loose. In fact, had he stood up at that moment, they would have ended up around his ankles!
I slipped my hand down the back of his trousers and into the back of his pants, where I got the first feel of Roman's cute little 9 year old bum. His skin was smooth, and it was like a little peach. I gently caressed each bum cheek in turn, Roman moving a little to make my access even easier.
"Mmm, that feels nice..." the little boy murmured to me quietly.
"You've got a lovely little bum..." I told him, "you're very sexy!"
That Made Roman giggle a little. I suppose it was being called sexy by another boy. I then pulled my hand out and Roman turned around with a look of disappointment on his face.
"It's okay, I've only stopped for a sec!" I reassured him.
I put my index finger into my mouth and lubricated it with my saliva, before returning my hand to the haven that was Roman's trousers and pants. This time, I spread his little bum cheeks apart with my thumb and fingers and gently probed his opening with my lubricated index finger. He was so smooth as the tip of my finger probed deeper into the little rosebud that was his anus. Gently ever so gently, my digit went in deeper as I felt his sphincter muscle relax enough to allow me to invade his most intimate part. Roman for his part bless him, manoeuvred himself so as to allow me best access and to ensure he remained comfortable. I bought my other hand round to the front of his open trousers searching for his other intimate treasure. I soon found it and his little boy cock was rock hard. As I gently fingered the little boy's bum hole, I stroked and caressed his little hard cock through his pants.
"Feel good?" I asked him.
"Mmm... yeeeaahh..." was the reply.
I happened at that moment to look up and saw that Gary was heading back towards us.
"I'm gonna have to stop..." I whispered in Roman;s ear, "my mate's coming back!"
"Aww..." the little boy complained with disappointment in his voice.
He was clearly enjoying what I was doing, and was just getting into it. As I bought my hands around him to do up his zip, trousers and belt, Roman asked me quietly, "Can we do it again?"
"Of course..." I told him, "I just need to work out how. Don't mention anything about it in front of him though will you?"
"It's our secret..." he whispered back as Gary approached us.
Roman was now sitting there on my lap reading the magazine again, looking the picture of innocence. We both looked as if butter wouldn't melt in our mouths.
"Oi oi, who's this then?" said Gary eyeing Roman. "Made a friend have you Matty?"
"Something like that!" I told him. "He's from the camp over there!" I said, thumbing towards the caravans.
"Oh gyppo kid!" he said, clearly not a lover of the travelling community. Then quietly and conspiratorially as if Roman was deaf, he said, "Make sure he don't nick nuffing!".
I looked at little Roman, rolled my eyes and then raised my eyebrows as if to say "What the fuck is he on?"
With that he took a bottle from the cool box and some food.
"Catching loads up there!" he said. "How you doing?"
"Er... nothing yet!" I replied.
In all honesty the very little interest I'd had in the fishing had evaporated the moment Roman appeared. I could have had the Loch Ness Monster on the end of my fishing road and still not noticed!
"I'm going back to my spot..." Gary informed me.
"Okay!" I replied, hoping he'd go sooner rather than later. "I might have a little wander with my new found friend here!" I said
"Alright," Gary replied, "I think the gear will be okay. I haven't seen a soul since we got here!"
"Me neither, except my new little mate here..." I told him.
"Dunno what it is with you..." Gary said "but you seem to be a magnet for little kids. They always seem to come to you!"
"You've either got it or you ain't!" I said smugly.
Inside, I was pleased as punch that kids always seemed to come to me. Boys AND girls.
"Catch ya later!" Gary said as he started to stroll back to his spot.
When he was out of earshot Roman said to me quietly, "He's a wanker!"
I laughed.
"Yeah he is. I bet you don't even know what a wank is though..." I teased him.
He just smiled that smile at me. I hoped that by the end of the day he'd not only know what a wank was, but would also have experienced one - preferably with me doing it.
"Shall we take a wander?" I said to my new little boy friend, "find somewhere nice quiet and secluded?"
Roman beamed at me, nodding his little head.
We both got up, my cock having subsided with Gary's return. I could still feel the dampness of my pre-cum from earlier, though in the heat, it seemed to be drying quickly.
"Fancy a piggy back?" I said to Roman as we walked hand in hand in the opposite direction to where Gary was.
"Yeah!" said the boy, so I bent down for him to climb on.
Once I was piggy backing him, I told him to cling on tightly. I felt his arms and legs clench tighter around me, as I moved my hands round under his bum and caressed his little bottom as we walked along the riverbank to find a nice secluded spot to continue our activities and Roman's initiation into boy sex.
I felt really good, but hot. The sun was shining and the temperature was well into the 90's. I don't know what it is but I love being beside water and this part of the river Thames was, in my eyes at least, an idyllic haven away from the hustle and bustle of city life. On top of that, I had a cute little 9 year old boy I was piggy backing whilst caressing his equally cute little bum, who had earlier allowed me to stroke both his little cock and bum. So all in all, the dreaded fishing excursion was turning into quite a good day. Exactly how good though, I was yet to find out.
We had gone about half a mile in the opposite direction to where Gary was fishing, wanting to put a reasonable distance between us just in case he came looking for us. That way, we'd have plenty of time to spot any approach. On the way, both Roman and I suggested various locations that we'd spotted but discounted for varying reasons. I continued to caress his lovely firm little bum all the while we were walking, and I couldn't wait to actually get my first real glimpse of it. I found it somewhat difficult to walk with Roman on my back and my own cock rock hard, but managed it somehow!
Eventually we saw a nice spot that we both liked. To get to it we had to go over a mound and through some very long grass. Then there was a small dip. I put Roman down there and I went back to the riverbank. Gary was a mere little speck way off in the distance, stretched out like he was asleep. I looked to where Roman was and couldn't even see him.
"I can't see you!" I called out to him.
"I can see you though!" he replied.
Perfect I thought. I returned to where Roman was in the dip, and found he'd taken his t-shirt off and was lying in the grass using it as a blanket. This boy was perfection as far as I was concerned. He wasn't fat, but he wasn't skinny either. Everything seemed to be in the right place and in the right proportion.
"You alright mate?" I said to him with a wink.
"Fine!" he replied.
I lie down next to him and put my arm around him.
"This is better..." I said to him giving him a cuddle.
He cuddled me back.
"It's like there's only me and you in the whole wide world..." he said with a big smile before looked up at me and said "come closer, I want to tell you something..."
I leaned in and turned my head slightly, presuming he wanted to whisper in my ear, when he stopped me and turned my face to look at him. With that, he moved forward and kissed me on the lips, taking me totally by surprise, which must have shown on my face.
"I... err... sorry..." he muttered apologetically
"What you saying sorry for?" I asked.
"Kissing you... I er... just felt like doing it!" he laughed.
"Silly sod, you don't have to apologise for that. You just took me by surprise that's all. You can kiss me all you want. In fact, do you want me to show you how to kiss properly?" I asked him.
"Properly?" he seemed curious. "Yeah if you don't mind?"
"Course not!" I told him. "Don't be surprised by anything I do, and follow what I do okay?"
Roman nodded. I put one hand behind his head and gently pulled him his face to mine, looking into his lovely brown eyes. It was only then that I noticed the very light sprinkling of freckles across his little snub nose. He was so cute. I moistened my lips slightly just before I touched them ever so lightly against his own baby soft, boy lips. I applied a little more pressure as my eyes closed and I slipped the tip of my tongue into his little boy mouth. I expected him to recoil a little at this intrusion, but he didn't. He simply opened his mouth a little more and then touched his tongue to mine. It was like a jolt of electricity and I was in heaven. He tasted so good!
This surprised me as I'd always read about travellers being "dirty" and "smelly" but he was clean, fresh, and absolutely beautiful. We continued to kiss passionately. Little Roman was an absolute natural as we searched each other's mouths with our tongues. I opened my eyes just slightly to see what sort of reaction I was getting from my little boy lover. I was surprised to see that Roman's eyes were also closed from genuine passion. I closed mine again and enjoyed the moment of my first passionate kiss with this little 9 year old boy, my right hand still gently holding the back of his head, while my other hand rubbed the silky smooth skin on his back, making its way further down.
Eventually we broke the kiss off and came up for air. I looked into those cute, inquisitive eyes.
"Was that okay? Did I do it right?" he asked.
"That was absolutely brilliant!" I told him as my hands reached the top of his trousers at the back.
He gave me that winning little smile that had so captivated me again as he stood up. I gazed admiringly at his naked torso, which seemed to be two-tone. His chest, back, shoulders and upper arms were a mixture of white and a very light brown, his lower arms a darker brown. It seemed he'd got a slight tan from running around with no top on, but his lower arms, which obviously had more exposure to sunlight, had tanned much more. His skin was smooth without a trace of hair anywhere of course, and a taut flat stomach with two cute little boy nipples. I could see he was trying to undo his belt again, so I reached to his hands and gently moved them away.
"Can I do that?" I asked him.
Roman nodded and moved his hands away, placing them on my shoulders as I slowly unbuckled his belt. Once that was done, I slowly moved my hand down to between his legs and rubbed the front of his crotch. I could feel his little boy cock was already stiff in anticipation, though I doubted it was anywhere near as hard as my own!
"Mmm..." he murmured as I rubbed him.
This little 9 year old boy was hot stuff and obviously enjoyed what I was doing. I unclipped his trousers and gently lowered the zip. With that his trousers fell to his ankles. Roman surprised me by stepping out of them and throwing them to one side. This delightfully cute 9 year old now stood in front of me in just a pair of red underpants which looked like they might have seen better days, as they seemed a little threadbare and tight on him. I could see his little hard cock straining through them which looked like a nice size for a boy of his age. I had him spin round so I could take a look at that little bum I'd been caressing, pulling the back of his pants out so I could look down them at it.
The first thing that struck me was the whiteness of his little bum compared to the rest of his body. It looked so smooth, firm and tight and I couldn't wait to see him in all his glory, but I was taking my time because I wanted to savour every second. My hands were trembling and my heart was pounding, but there was no way I was turning back now. I playfully let the elastic waistband ping back.
"Oww!" he complained as I turned him back round to face me.
"Sorry!" I said as I kissed his nose.
"It's okay really, it just made me jump. Can I undress you?" he asked hopefully.
I was a bit taken aback by this as usually with my little lovers, both boys and girls, I got them to take their clothes off, but usually I just got my cock out or let them put their hands inside my clothes.
"Er okay..." I said "if you really want to?"
I pulled my own t-shirt off and got onto my knees. Roman reached forward and unclipped my trousers. My cock was rock solid and he must have noticed the bulge. I felt his fingertips lightly brush it and I very nearly cum on the spot.
"THAT felt nice..." I told Roman.
He smiled at me and gently caressed my 14 year old cock like I'd done when I'd undressed him. The feeling was out of this world. God knows how I was going to stop myself from cumming too quickly. I had to figure out a way... and quick!
Roman put his hands either side of the waistband of my trousers and tugged them down. His eyes widened as he saw for the first time, the outline of my rock hard cock in my pants. He also saw the growing damp patch from the copious amounts of pre-cum that had leaked during my 14 year old excitement.
"Urrgh!" he said with astonishment, "You've pee'd in your pants!"
I laughed.
"No I haven't... it's not pee it's something else..."
"What is it then?" he asked.
I'd had this question many times before so I had the answer ready.
"Well," I started to explain, "it's not like pee at all. Feel it for yourself and you'll see what I mean?"
Roman reached out and scooped a little from where it leaked through the material, and rubbed it between his finger and thumb.
"It's slippery!" he said.
"It's meant to be!" I told him.
"It's not like pee..." he said bringing his fingers up to his nose, "don't smell like it either!"
"I told you, that's because it's not. It's designed to make your willy slippery so that you can put it into things..."
"Like what?"
"A bum, a pussy, wherever..." I explained with all the sexual wisdom of a 14 year old.
"You put it in a cat?" he asked really confused.
I laughed hard and poor little Roman looked totally baffled. He clearly didn't have a clue what I meant, so a further explanation was called for.
"Okay," I said, "you know the difference between boys and girls bits yeah?"
He nodded.
"Well, boys call the their penis a cock, amongst other things?"
Again he nodded.
"Well a lot of people call a girl;s one a pussy, although there are lots of other names..."
Roman nodded yet again, but this time as an acknowledgement that he fully understood what I had told him now.
"My little sister calls hers her minky!" he informed me.
I laughed. It never failed to amuse me the different names little girls came up with for their vaginas. Roman scooped a little more from my pants, and I was thankful that my erection and subsided a bit while we were talking and I'd gone off the boil a little, as it were.
"What's it taste like?" he asked.
"Dunno..." I lied.
I had tasted my own cum before but I neither knew how or even wanted to try and explain the taste.
"Why not taste it?" I suggested.
Apprehensively he brought his fingers to his mouth and licked it with the tip of his tongue. Then deciding it wasn't foul tasting, licked some more.
"Well?" I asked him.
"It doesn't really taste of anything..." he replied. "I thought it might be horrible but it's okay!"
With his curiosity satisfied, he continued to help me get my trousers off. Soon we were both just in our underpants.
I pulled him close to me and kissed him briefly before kissing him passionately again. It felt delightful to think I was kissing a near naked 9 year old boy. Our tongues met before I explored his mouth. He had learnt well, and quickly, and was an excellent kisser. As we kissed, I slipped my hand into the back of his pants and felt his gorgeous smooth little bum. It was firm and silky smooth without a single blemish. Most kids, in my experience at least, had a pimple, mole or some other mark which you could feel, but not Roman. My finger traced the crack between his tight little cheeks from top to bottom. It must have tickled him a little as he kind of wiggled his bum as I done it. On the second run down, I stopped at the bottom and put four of my fingers between his legs from behind, cupping his tight little ball sac. I could feel the heat from his balls and the smooth skin of the tight little sac holding two grape size balls.
"Mmm..." he murmured as I gently caressed them.
I finally broke the kiss.
"Nice?" I asked him.
"Uh huh!" was all he could manage in reply as I continued my attention in his pants.
I retrieved my hands from his red underpants and Roman gave me a look of disappointment. However, I had decided it was now time for the main event as it were.
I hooked my thumbs in either side of the waistband of his pants and gently began to tug them down. They were very tight and they caught on the tip of his boy cock which was standing to attention like a guardsman outside Buckingham Palace. I eased it gently over the tip and continued to pull them down. Suddenly the little guardsman sprang out, still standing resolutely to attention. The gusset caught between his legs before Roman reached down and freed them from between his legs, so that his red pants were bunched just above his knees. I felt like I'd reached the Holy Grail and for the first time I actually saw his little boy cock, and what a beautiful little cock it was too.
Perfectly proportioned for a boy of his age and like me, he wasn't circumcised either, which I much preferred. I just loved, even with my own cock, to pull the extra bit of dangly skin back to expose the hidden helmet underneath. It was like having an extra secret place to play with.
"You are beautiful..." I told him.
And I meant it. He really was. I placed my left arm around him so my hand was at the small of his back and with my other hand, rubbed his flat little belly moving slowly downwards. I gently cupped both his cock and balls in my hand and massaged him.
"Nice?" I asked.
Roman nodded. I continued to caress the little boy as I pulled him closer and kissed him, first just a couple of little pecks, and then a much longer passionate one. I moved my hand up slightly so that my hand was on his boy cock. As I said, it was a reasonable size for his 9 years and I loved the feel of it, all hot, hard and springy in the palm of my hand. I took it between my thumb and forefinger as I broke off the kiss, and began to gently pull his little foreskin back. At the same time, I moved my head down and took one of his tiny nipples into my mouth. As I swirled the tip of my tongue over it, I heard him gasp. I speeded up my hand movement and every so often, would pull the foreskin back to expose the head and rub my thumb over it. He seemed to go wild and his slim little body seemed to shiver each and every time I did this. My other hand meanwhile, had been gently caressing his delicious bum cheeks and my fingertip was now probing the tight little wrinkled rosebud of his bum hole. I pushed gently, not wanting to hurt or alarm this lovely little boy and I felt a little natural resistance. I decided not to go further there, for now at least, and concentrated on wanking his beautiful little cock.
"That feels so nice..." Roman informed me, his breath coming in short little pants.
"2If you think that feels nice..."
I left the sentence unfinished as I kissed and licked my way lower and lower, so that my face was about an inch away from the Holy Grail. I stuck out my tongue and just lightly flicked the skin dangling at the end of his cock. I saw it jump involuntarily. Then I sucked just the end bit of skin before I pulled the foreskin back to expose the little purple coloured helmet hidden underneath, which was now changing into a nice glowing red colour following my attention as I flicked my tongue across it.
"Ooh!" Roman was almost whimpering with pleasure now.
I then closed my lips over the top and sucked gently.
"Ooh... aaah... so nice..."
Roman was simply lost in his feelings of pure pleasure now. I sucked further down, right down so that the whole of this stiff little 9 year old cock was in my sucking 14 year old mouth, and my lips touched his belly. On the next trip down, I opened my mouth wider and took in his little balls as well. I sucked a little harder each time my head went down and Roman was almost over the edge.
"Ooh... aaah... nice... starting to tingle..." he gasped.
I knew that tingling sensation well from the days when a neighbour had introduced me to sex when I was 6. It meant Roman was about to cum... his first cum ever I suspected. I then started to suck his stiff little cock harder and faster.
"Tingling more... really tingling... aaah..."
I could feel his legs starting to buckle and I knew he was having a dry little boy cum. I also knew that he would want me to stop as it began to hurt after the tingle, so I eased off gradually, eventually stopping and raising my head to look at my little boy lover.
When Roman returned to earth from the high of his cum, I urged him to sit down before he fell down, his legs so weak from his first ever orgasm.
"Nice?" I asked him.
"I never felt like that before..." he said dreamily "my willy's still tingling!"
He looked down at it.
"And it's all red... look!"
I did look and it was.
"It doesn't hurt though does it?" I asked.
"Oh no! It feels nice... and really tingles still!"
"Don't worry the tingling will die down. When you get older..." I told him, "stuff like that pre-cum shoots out of it when you get those tingles!"
"Really?" said Roman with great interest at this revelation. "Does yours?"
"Yeah!" I replied.
"Cor... I can't wait to see THAT!" the little boy said with great excitement.
"Don't worry, you will!" I assured him
"Can I do the same to you now?" he asked enthusiastically.
"Course!" I told him, as Roman reached for my pants.
I sat up on my knees as Roman's hands on either side of the waistband of my pants, started to pull them down. When they were down to my knees I felt his soft little hand wrap itself around my cock. He had obviously taken a great deal of notice of what I had done to him as he pulled my foreskin back to expose the pre-cum covered helmet, which was glistening in the sunlight. Like I'd done to him, he rubbed his thumb over it.
"Mmm..." I murmured, "that feels SO good!"
And it did. Encouraged, little Roman gripped my cock a bit firmer and wanked me a bit faster. As he did, I scooped a little of the pre-cum off my cock with my finger, and my hand then made its way round Roman's back to his bum before I smeared it along the crack and the little opening. My hand made a number of trips back and forth between the two, while the 9 year old continued to pay my cock attention. My finger probed his anal entrance again which was by now, very slippery. This time around, the tip of my finger entered easily, although it was tight with Roman's sphincter muscle clamping it tightly. Little by little my finger probed deeper and deeper.
"Mmm... do it a little faster..." I encouraged Roman.
His hand speeded up and he gripped a little tighter too. As he continued to stroke my cock backwards and forwards, I began to slide my finger in and out of his tight little rosebud bum hole.
"Ooh... I like that..." Roman gasped "put your finger in more!"
I now managed to get my finger in up to the first knuckle and began to finger fuck his bum in rhythm to his strokes on my cock. I could feel my strong teenage orgasm building up.
"I'm gonna cum..." I managed to just about get out.
Roman moved his head so that he could get a better look as my cock swelled slightly and I started to cum. The first jet of hot sticky goo shot out into the air like an erupting volcano. I'd never cum so hard in my short life, and it had been building up from the moment I'd first set eyes on the 9 year old. As it fell to earth, some of it landed on Roman.
"Wow!" he gasped at having seen his first ever ejaculation.
All I could do was sigh with pleasure. As my spurting slowed a bit, 9 year old Roman's hand got covered in the hot slippery fluid, but he continued to pump away, my cum making his hand slip off every so often. He was genuinely amazed by it.
"Will I REALLY be able to do that as well?" he asked.
It was all I could do to nod at that moment.
"Did I do it okay?" he asked.
I pulled him close to me.
"You did it brilliantly..." I managed to just about get out.
Although he still had his soft little fingers wrapped around my cock, he had stopped pumping now. He looked down at his cum covered hand.
"Wow!" he gasped again, "There must have been gallons of that stuff!!"
I laughed, and having got my breath back I said, "Not really, it just looks a lot, the way it shoots out!"
"Can't wait until I can do that!" Roman said.
"It won't be long," I assured him, "a couple of years, round about 11 or so, but it varies. You'll still get the nice feeling though!"
"Like the tingling?" he asked.
I nodded.
Roman bought his hand up to his face, and smelled the thick milky liquid. He decided it didn't smell of much, and so he then stuck out his tongue and licked some off his hand. It was so erotic to watch. He licked more and more, until he was lapping it up.
"I quite like the taste of that!" he told me between laps.
"There's lots more where that came from!" I told him, "Especially when you get it straight from the source!"
He looked a little bit puzzled and then realised what I meant and smiled.
"I think I'd like that too!" he said with a little sexy smile.
"I need a rest first though," I told him. "It takes a little while before it can happen again, but there are lots of things we can do in the meantime though!"
He smiled again.
"That's good," he said. "I want you to show me... and do everything!".
"EVERY thing?" I asked with a bit of emphasis.
"Yep!" he replied. "It's fun and it feels really nice!"
I was dancing inside to have such a willing little pupil, and I was more than happy to be the teacher. I lifted him onto my lap and hugged him close, feeling his naked 9 year old skin against mine. I grabbed a drink for us both and we sat there chatting while we drank our cold drinks.
I couldn't get enough of this little boy, he was so hot. While we chatted, I rubbed his smooth skin - his chest, his back, his legs, his thighs. As my hand rubbed the top of his thighs, I noticed his little cock stiffening again as did my own.
"So what do you think?" I asked him.
"It's so cool..." he said. "It feels so nice..."
"What when I do things to you?" I asked.
"Yeah, but when I do things to you as well!" he said with bags of enthusiasm. "I like making you feel good!"
It seemed that he'd had grasped the concept of mutual pleasure really quickly and that pleased me immensely.
"There's still lots of other things we can do," I told him.
Roman got excited.
"Really?" he asked. "Good! I wanna do them all!"
"Whoa boy!" I laughed, "Slow down! We've got plenty of time and not only that, it feels better if you don't rush things!"
Although my cock was semi-hard, I knew I still needed a bit longer, but was satisfied with the knowledge that now my first release had passed, I would now last that much longer and wouldn't cum so quickly a second time.
"Let's finish our drinks and I'll show you more..."
I kissed the top of his head.
"Okay!" he replied, leaning up to kiss my lips.
I cuddled him all the time while we chatted, basically small talk about various things; from his travels to his favourite football team. My left arm was round him rubbing his back and my right hand stroking the top of his soft white thigh, near to where his little cock was stiff again on sentry duty. My hand moved slowly around to it, signalling that I felt I'd recovered enough, as Roman parted his legs. I gently squeezed his cock and cupped his balls again - I couldn't get enough of him- before I lifted him up off me and laid him down on the grass. Leaning over, I got my head between his legs, gently spreading his thighs a little. I licked his soft folds before tenderly taking his tiny ball sac into my mouth.
"Ooh... mmm..." I heard escape from Romans mouth.
I stopped briefly.
"Nice?" I asked.
Silly question really I know. Roman simply smiled and nodded. I gently took hold of his ankles, opened his legs and brought his knees up to his chest.
"If you like that, you're gonna LOVE this!" I told him.
My head went back down and I was looking directly at his tight little anal opening. Again, I was surprised how clean he was there, no sight or smell of anything that might be nasty, though even if there had been, I was so lost in my lust for this 9 year old boy, that it wouldn't have stopped me, or even put me off a jot. His little bum hole looked like what I called it, a little rose bud. A little bud which I was going to encourage to bloom!
I placed my hand underneath him to raise Roman up a little and sticking my tongue out, made sure it was covered in plenty of saliva, I licked his crack from just below his ball sac to the start of his back, and then back again. I then began licking and sucking his balls, repeating it two or three times.
"Ooh yeah... that feels really, really nice..." Roman sighed looking down at me and smiling. "Do it some more!"he said, grabbing my head and pulling it back towards him, so I repeated it a couple more times.
On the last sweep I stopped right at his hole, before stiffening my tongue and making it into a point. I then gently and slowly pushed my tongue into his tight little opening. Roman went absolutely crazy!
"Ooh... aaah... yeah... that's REALLY nice!"
He clasped my head tightly, trying to pull me closer so that more of my tongue went inside him. I slowly inched my tongue in bit by bit, his anal muscle slowly relaxing to allow me to orally invade his innermost parts. The smell was delicious as was the taste. Sweet yet slightly musky I suppose which was only to be expected, and full of "little boy fragrance". Not unpleasant in the least. Once I had a fair bit of my tongue up inside his little bum hole, I wiggled it about slightly, sending Roman into orbit. He had one hand round the back of my head trying to pull me in more, the other rubbing his little cock. All the while he was making pleasurable little sounds.
I eventually came up for some air, giving his little cock a suck on the way for good measure.
"That felt really nice..." he repeated, "but now I want you to lie down..."
"Okay," I said "but why?"
"You'll find out!" he told me.
I knew this was going to be special, so decided to follow his instructions. I wasn't disappointed.
I followed Roman's instructions to lie down. Of course I had a pretty good idea of what might happen, but I was intrigued nonetheless. Roman leaned over me and kissed me hard on the lips. I responded by slipping my tongue into his hot little mouth and we kissed passionately. Roman was caressing my upper body very sensually, his fingertips encircled my nipples lightly which sent new sensations right through me. I'd never had this done before and my nipples began to stick out. He then sucked on them one at a time, as his little hand firmly gripped around my 14 year old cock. I had never been so hard in my life! Slowly and gently he began to masturbate me while his tongue done a light little dance over my nipples.
Roman gradually kissed his way down my torso until I felt the tip of his tongue flick the tip of my cock, lapping up all the teen pre-cum that had gathered there. Then I felt his lips slip over it. Oh those lips. I thought I was going to cum straight away, but I managed to hold back. Roman licked the length of my shaft, then kissed and sucked my ball sac, before he worked his way back to the top and took my cock in his wet, warm willing mouth again, this time going deeper down than he did last time. Slowly he built up a rhythm, his head bobbing up and down, each time taking in more than before.
"Oh... god... ooh..." I gasped as the 9 year old sucked my cock.
I'd had some blow jobs in my short 14 years from both boys and girls, but none had ever felt like this. I put my hands to the back of Romans head and gently began to thrust in and out so I was fucking his mouth.
"Oh... Roman..." I gasped, "you're a natural little cocksucker..."
This seemed to please him as his mouth went down and the whole of my cock was down the back of his tiny throat. I could hardly believe that such a little boy could fit so much cock in their mouth... and he was still trying to fit more in!
It was then that I realised what he was trying to do. He was trying to do to me exactly what I had done to him, where I took his cock and balls into my mouth. He seemed to forget that I was much bigger than he was bless him, although he continued to try.
He took his mouth off briefly to come up for air, and as he lifted his head a saw a long thin string of pre-cum, which stretched from his lips to the tip of my cock.
"That is so nice!" I purred, hardly able to believe that I;d accidentally stumbled across such a hot, willing little boy.
He smiled at me and seductively licked his lips, making a smacking sound to make sure he got all the pre-cum.
"Yum!" he said with a wicked, sexy little look on his face.
I lifted him up and placed him so that he was straddling me, facing my feet before he bent back down and continued to suck my cock. As he did, his cute little bum was up in the air, naturally opened as he bent just a few inches from my face.
I reached forward and put a hand on either side of his hips. I moved closer and pulled his bum closer to me. I simply couldn't resist that little peach with its puckered little hole winking teasingly at me. I licked his bum crack and felt a stronger suck on my cock in acknowledgement. I then slowly poked my tongue into the closed hole. I felt Roman relax his sphincter muscle as my tongue entered his little boy poop chute. I loved the smell, the taste, the texture. I began to tongue fuck his boy hole, as I fucked Roman's mouth.
We were both making pleasurable noises from our mutual ecstasy. Roman was really into it now, sucking harder and faster, his head going up and down and pushing his bum back at me more and more, trying to get as much of my tongue up inside his love tunnel as he could.
I knew I wasn't going to hold out much longer. I pulled my tongue out and was just about to warn Roman when I realised it was too late and I felt my cock starting to spasm.
Roman had seen me cum before, so he knew what it was all about. He must have sensed what was about to happen as just as I felt the first spurt, the little boys mouth went down the furthest I'd felt it before. I think he had bitten off more than he could chew, if you'll pardon the pun, as he coughed and started to gag.
I was concerned for him, but he recovered almost instantly. I could see his throat working constantly trying to swallow it all, but I was cumming more than I'd ever done before. It was just too much for him to cope with and I felt it running back down my cock into a gooey mess on my belly and over my balls.
The feeling was indescribable. It felt like every orgasm I'd ever had in my short life all together, and I thought my cock would never stop spurting. Roman continued sucking a little longer, trying to make sure he lapped up as much as he could. This little 9 year old had certainly taken an instant liking to the taste of cum. Eventually he stopped and sat back up. I was still in heaven. Exhausted, yet in heaven. He got up, turned around, and then straddled me again so that he was facing me, before he shuffled his way up towards my face. His little cock was as stiff as a poker, so he'd obviously enjoyed it as much as I had. I knew what he wanted, but I wanted to make him say it. I loved it when children said sexy things and even more so when they talked dirty.
"Say it..." I told him. "Talk dirty to me Roman..."
He seemed hesitant.
"Will... you er... do what you... er done before?" he asked somewhat shyly.
"Do what?" I teased him. "Go on... say it. You can say anything to me!"
"But I'm not supposed..."
I interrupted him.
"You're not supposed to swear I know, but you're not supposed to suck cocks or have you bum licked..."
Roman saw the sense in what I said.
"I won't tell you off!" I told him. "I WANT to hear you saying dirty, sexy things!"
Roman seemed relieved and more relaxed.
"Will you suck me again?" he whispered shyly
"Sorry?" I said like I couldn't hear.
"Will you suck me again?" he repeated, a little louder this time.
"What do you want me to do... exactly?" I said, trying to coax him a bit more into dirty talk.
He soon got the idea.
"I want to put my cock in your mouth again! I want you to suck on it and give me that tingly cum again. I want you to suck on my balls..." he continued, "stick your tongue right up my tight little bum!"
I smiled. This kid was such a fast learner. I pulled him closer and took his cock back into my mouth again, as my hand crept around the back and I began to finger fuck his hole. Again, copying what he'd seen and felt from me earlier, he began to thrust his hips back and forth, trying to fuck my mouth. With each forward thrust I had more of his little boy cock in my mouth, and each time he moved back, more of my finger entered his tight love tunnel. It wasn't long before I could tell he was going to have another dry cum.
"Ooh... mmm... nice... getting tingles... think I'm gonna cum!" he was gasping, really getting into the dirty talk now. "Suck me harder! Put more of your finger in! Ooh!"
I felt his little body starting to judder and jerk around involuntarily and knew then that he'd reached the point of no return. As he cum, I felt a warm salty wetness in my mouth. I knew it wasn't cum... it wasn't thick and slippery. It was thin and watery, although it was only a tiny bit. In his excitement, Roman had pee'd in my mouth... and I'd drank it down. I would have thought it to be unpleasant, but like the rest of this sexy little boy, it was actually quite nice!
As I lifted him off, he realised what he'd done and looked at me a little sheepishly.
"I didn't mean..." he started.
I stopped him, and smiled.
"I know, I know," I tried to reassure him, "it was accidental. Don't worry! Actually I quite liked it!" I told him.
"Really!" I assured him, hugging him closer.
He visibly brightened at my saying that.
Then he turned to me smiling and said, "I kinda cum like you then didn't I?"
I hugged him again and kissed his sweet lips.
"You certainly did little man, you certainly did!"
As we hugged and relaxed naked together, I suddenly froze.
"ROMAN!... ROOMAAAAN!" we could hear a women's gravelly voice calling in the distance.
"Uh-oh!" Roman said, "My Mum's calling!" he added, slightly panicked.
"Okay," I said "quickly get yourself dressed!"
I helped Roman get dressed as much as I could, holding his pants out for him to step into while quickly dressing myself, all the time weary of anyone who might be looking for him.
"It's okay..." the boy told me, "my Mum always calls me in for lunch like that! She gives me about 10 minutes to get back as she knows I won't go far!"
I now knew the meaning of the saying "time flies when you're having fun" as it had gone midday!
"Will you still be here when I come back?" Roman asked hopefully.
"Yeah," I told him, "we're here all day. You know whereabouts I am, so just come and find me?"
"Okay I will!" he said.
Roman threw his arms around me and we kissed passionately, our tongues dancing together.
"Promise you'll be here?" he asked again.
"YES!!" I repeated. "Now get going before she comes looking!"
He seemed reluctant to leave but he did of course, looking back briefly and giving me a wave.
I sat there wondering whether I'd fallen asleep in the sun and it had all been a dream. It had been real... hadn't it?
It HAD been real and I HAD also fallen asleep. Well it was a hot summer's day, Gary was wrapped up in his fishing and Roman had gone off when his Mum had called him in for lunch, so I was both tired and bored and had dozed off, dreaming sweet dreams of my new little sexual friend Roman, the diddakoi boy.
It was a shadow that woke me. Something, or more to the point, someONE, standing over me, blocking out the bright sunlight. I kind of half opened my eyes, but didn't really see. It was just a silhouette against the sun; an outline of a small person. I suddenly felt a small hand on my crotch area.
"I got back as quickly as I could!" I heard the familiar, sweet little voice say. "Mum said I had to let lunch go down..."
It was Roman and my heart leaped.
"I didn't think you'd still be here," he said.
"Told you I would be..." I mumbled, still trying to wake myself up.
"I know, but I did wonder..." the boy replied, still squeezing my cock back to life. "I had to shake Romina off as well!"
"Romina?" I asked.
"Yeah my sister!" he told me. "I do love her and I like playing with her... but sometimes I like to be on my own. Know what I mean?"
I nodded even though I didn't have any sisters, especially little ones, more's the pity. I'd woken up now and so had my cock by the feel of it, thanks to Roman's attentions.
"You don't waste no time do ya?" I said laughing, looking down at his little squeezing hand on my crotch
"I thought we could carry on where we left off?" he told me.
I smiled at the thought.
"We'll have to go back to our little spot?" I said.
Roman nodded as he beamed a smile back at me, so off we went back to our secluded area that we'd found earlier.
I realised Roman was hot and eager, but I'd never realised just how much until now. He was unzipping his trousers before we'd even got to the safety of our secluded littler spot fully. Within seconds he was in his underpants before they came off too and he was totally naked, his little uncircumcised cock standing proudly to attention again. I reached out and started to gently wank him as Roman undone my trousers and pulled them down. In no time at all he had my trousers and pants off, and was pulling me to him so he could suck my cock again. I felt his warm wet lips encircle my cock once more, as he flicked the tip with his tongue. Holding the back of his head, I gently fucked his little boy mouth for a few minutes before pulling him off. Then I did the same for him, flicking the tip of his cock with my tongue and then taking the whole of his cock and balls into my mouth.
I then turned him around so that I was looking at his cute little bum and got him to lean forward on all fours, raising his little bum in the air. I parted his cheeks with my thumbs and licked the crack from top to bottom. Roman went crazy again!
"Ooh... yeah... do it some more... ooh nice..." he squealed.
I pushed my tongue into the tight little rosebud of his hole. The taste was unbelievable. Slowly I pushed my tongue in deeper, as Roman pushed his little bum back onto my face and I wiggled my tongue inside his anal canal.
"Ooh... aaah...yeah!"
With my face full of 9 year old boy bum, I reached round the front of him and again began playing with his rock hard little boy cock, pulling his little foreskin backwards and forwards faster and faster.
"Ooh... yeah... yeah... YEAH... OOH TINGLING!" he squealed to another dry little boy cum.
I stopped what I was doing and got him to straddle over me.
"I'm gonna fuck you now!" I told him. "Do you want me to?"
Roman nodded as he put one leg ether side of mine.
"I wanna hear you say it!" I told him. "What do you want?"
"I want you to fuck me!" he said full of confidence now, "I want your cock up my tight little bum!"
I instructed him to lower himself down slowly as I grabbed my cock which was leaking copious amounts of pre-cum, so there were no worries regarding lubrication.
I lined the tip of my cock up against the tightly closed opening as I told Roman to slowly and gently lower himself further down on to my cock. Ever so slowly, I felt the tip of my cock enter him, breaching the natural resistance of his tight sphincter and stretching his little hole open. I told Roman to relax as he lowered himself, and I gradually inched myself into him.
"Aaahh... feels nice!" Roman gasped as my cock invaded his sweet and sexy little body and I felt the head pop in.
I had him stop for a moment or two to let him get used to me inside him. Then I felt Roman push himself right down and the rest slid in easier than I thought it ever would. He was so tight, I could feel his sphincter ring close tightly around my cock. Holding him by the hips, I gently eased my cock up and down his poop chute. Roman quickly got the idea and he took over the movements which I was happy to let him control. I was heaven as I slowly fucked his little boy pussy.
"Oh god!" I gasped. "You are so tight!"
"I can feel your cock inside me... I feel so full..." Roman gasped in reply. "Feels really good... fuck me harder!"
At his request I speeded up my thrusts, going deeper each time. I knew I wouldn't last very much longer at this rate.
"Ooh... ooh Roman... I'm gonna cum soon!" I just about managed to get out.
"Yeah... squirt it all up my bum!" he replied.
As he said that, I thought I saw something move in the bushes nearby. I put it down to my imagination. I was too far gone to worry about it anyway, although it stuck in my mind as I felt the first spasms of my cock starting
"Ooh... yeah... cumming!" I grunted as I felt the first spurt of hot teenage cum flood the little boy's bowels.
"Yeah... I can feel it... all hot and gooey... ooh!" gasped Roman as he felt me cumming up his little boy bum for the first time.
There it was again! This time I was certain the bushes had moved!
I looked to where I'd seen the movement and was mortified to see a pair of wide little eyes staring straight back at me. Roman of course was oblivious to this, as he collapsed on top of me exhausted. I stared intently and saw the eyes attached to a little girl. All I could see was that she was very cute, with brown hair tied back in a single plait.
I told Roman we should end it there and suggested we get cleaned up with the tissues I kept in my pocket and get dressed. Realising the show was over, the cute little face looked disappointed. I winked at her and she winked back with a sly smile. As she moved away, I noticed she was wearing a very short skirt and body hugging pink t-shirt. She also had the sexiest little body.
I had a feeling I had just met Romina, albeit from a distance and very briefly. I decided not to mention this to Roman, at least not for the moment.
Once we were cleaned up and dressed, I decided to broach the subject with him.
"Have you ever thought about doing this sort of stuff with your sister?" I asked him.
"Romina?" he asked.
"Yeah!" Do you think she'd be interested?"
"Nah!" Roman said confidently. "Although she's only 7 she's pretty straight laced... and she thinks boys are "yucky" - in HER words!" he added.
"Might be worth asking her..." I said, "she might surprise you?"
I looked back to where I'd seen the face and she was back there, smiling and nodding her head. I smiled back without Roman seeing and blew her a kiss. She responded in kind with a huge friendly smile and blew TWO kisses back at me.
"I'll try..." he said "but I don't think she will!"
I now KNEW that she would and couldn't wait to have both of them together. I also knew that Roman was in for a BIG surprise!
Author's Note:
This story was originally written and posted in 2005. What you have just read was intended to be a one off story... when I hit on the idea of "Roman" having a sister who spies on us and later joins in!
Although I have the ideas in my head as to what happens next, I have yet to put it down onto the keyboard.
I am however in the process of writing it so:
See what happens when 6 year old Romina joins 14 year old Matthew & 9 year old Roman for a hot sex session in the sequel to "Diddakoi Boy"... "DIDDAKOI: DOUBLE TROUBLE!"
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