Bonnie and Clyde

[ MF/ff, ped, inc, bi, reluc, orgy, parody ]

by Darkman


Published: 10-Nov-2011

Word Count:

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show Story Summary
This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Bonnie and Clyde had been driving for 3 hours, they had robbed another bank and it had taken a long time to ditch the police. They had almost gotten caught this time. What they needed was a place to hold up for awhile.

Bonnie was bitching, she was horny, as she always was right after a bank job. They usually would lay up and fuck for hours after a close one like this one had been. But with the cops on their ass most of the way, she would have to wait.

Clyde was lost. They had been driving on this country road for a long time, the car was getting very low on gas and they hadn't even passed a farm house for miles.

Bonnie had taken off her panties and pulled her dress up. She was busy finger fucking her wet pussy and begging Clyde to pull over and fuck her. Clyde was just getting ready to tell Bonnie to shut the fuck up when he saw a farm house up the road on the right. He told Bonnie that they were going to go to the house and get some gas and maybe lay up for awhile. They drove down the lane to the house.

Clyde thought; "How could anybody live this far away from everyone?"

As they neared the house Clyde saw an old man walk out of the barn, he also saw the curtains in the house part and a face sticking out. Clyde thought the man was coming towards them, but he walked straight past the car and into the house.

Shit! That old bastard must have recognized them. Well he would fix that and damn quick too. He looked at Bonnie who was already checking the Tommie gun for bullets. Clyde checked his pistol too.

Just as they had stepped out of their car the old man came back out of the house and walked towards them. He didn't have a gun so Clyde told Bonnie to put the machine gun away. Luckily the old man hadn't seen it.

As the old man walked towards the car Clyde raised his hand and said, "Hi!"

The old man returned the greeting and said, "Damn we don't get many visitors out this way, what are you guys selling, or are you just lost?"

Clyde and Bonnie smiled.

Bonnie replied, "My husband took a wrong turn awhile back and now we are about out of gas and we were hoping that you would have some that we could buy and maybe give us directions on how to get out of here."

The old man scratched his head and said, "Well, I can help you two out sure enough. The town isn't but about 20 miles from here, I can give you some gas but you guys must be thirsty and tired, come on in and meet ma and take a load off."

Clyde and Bonnie agreed and followed the old man into the house. As they walked in they saw "Ma." She was about 55 years old, and really wasn't a bad looking woman, you could tell that she had worked hard all her life as she it didn't look like she had an ounce of fat on her body, The old man looked to be about 60 or 65, he had that weathered look of someone who had spent most of his time outside.

Bonnie and Clyde sat down while Ma (Ruby) went to get some tea for them to drink. The old man sat down and asked, "Where are you two headed?"

Clyde said, "We are just traveling around trying to find work."

By this time Ruby had returned with the iced tea. She looked at the old man and said, "Pa why don't you ask this nice couple to stay for dinner."

Pa got a dark look on his face and said, "Ya, why don't you two stay for dinner, then I'll get you some gas and you two can be on your way."

Clyde thought that the old man's attitude had changed pretty quickly, and wondered what had happened. Just then they heard the sound of giggling coming from the stairs leading up to the second floor of the house. Everyone looked towards the stairs.

Ruby said "Those are our grand daughters." They're mom and dad were killed in an accident about two years ago."

With that introduction the girls started walking down the stairs. The first one was about 15 years old, she had long red hair, she was dressed in only a tee shirt and cotton panties. You could clearly see that she was going to be big breasted as her tits were already the size of grapefruits, they jiggled as she came down the steps.

The other girl looked to be about 13 years old, she had red hair in pigtails and was also wearing a white tee shirt and cotton panties. Her breasts were smaller, about the size of an apple, they didn't move a bit as she walked down the stairs.

When the Old man saw how they were dressed he quickly said "Get your asses back up stairs and put some clothes on!"

As the girls turned to comply Bonnie said "No that's alright, you two come on down here, now."

The girls stopped not knowing what to do. The old man stood up and said, "Now look here!"

Just then Clyde pulled his pistol out, pointed it at the man and said "No, you look here."

Clyde knew that Bonnie had caught the sent of fresh pussy and by the sound in her voice she wasn't going to be denied. Ruby screamed as the old man just stood there dumbfounded. Clyde told him to sit down, and told Ruby to shut the fuck up.

As the old man sat Clyde saw recognition flash in his eyes.

Clyde smiled as the man said "I thought that I recognized you, your that Bonnie and Clyde couple aren't you?"

Clyde smiled an even bigger grin and said, "That's right old man we are Bonnie and Clyde, We don't want to hurt you but we will if we have to. We just wanna hole up here for a few days until things calm down a bit then we'll be on our way. and you and your family......." Clyde said, turning to look at the girls still standing on the stairs, "can get back to your lives."

With that, Bonnie ordered the girls, "Get over here and let's look you two over.

The old man responded angrily "Girls I told you to get your asses back up stairs."

Clyde looked at the Old man and said, "What's this, you don't want to share with us?"

The old man glared "Just use our house, eat our food, get your gas and leave us alone, we haven't done anything to you guys."

Clyde told him to shut up. He looked at Ruby who was sitting there not moving a muscle.

Clyde told the old man, "Take a tip from your wife old man or your not going to make it to see us leave this house."

The old man's shoulders dropped, he was beaten already, Clyde was sure that he wouldn't have any more trouble from him. By this time, the girls had descended the stairs, walked to Bonnie's chair and stood in front of her.

Clyde could tell that things were going to get very interesting before this shit was over, Bonnie had that look in her eyes.

Bonnie looked at the two young girls standing in front of her and said, "What're your names?"

The older girl said, "My name is Mandy and this is Rita, are you guys really Bonnie and Clyde?"

Bonnie laughed and answered, "Yes we are really Bonnie and Clyde. Now you two turn around slowly and let Bonnie see you."

The girls slowly turned around and stopped, facing Bonnie again.

Bonnie looked at Mandy and said "Hmm you are both very pretty girls and are going to turn into very beautiful women."

The girls blushed. Bonnie reached out and laid her hand on Mandy's left tit. Clyde saw that her nipples immediately became erect at Bonnie's touch.

"Hmm, this was going to get very interesting indeed," thought Clyde.

As Bonnie started rubbing Mandy's nipple Rita stuck her chest out and said, "I have tittes too."

Bonnie, smiled and said, "You sure do, don't you?"

With that Bonnie used her other hand to stroke Rita's tit. Rita's nipples were already erect. Clyde looked at the old man and saw that he was intently watching the show before him. Ruby was still sitting there as if frozen in her place. Bonnie said, My you girls are very horny, doesn't your grand daddy do this for you?

Mandy and Rita looked at each other and Rita said "No, he doesn't pay any attention to us, but sometimes, grandma will play with us when grand daddy goes to town."

With that Ruby's face turned bright red and the Old man's face flashed anger.

Bonnie smiled, looking at Ruby and said, "I don't blame you, if I had these two little pieces running around me half naked I would play with them too."

Bonnie stopped rubbing the girl's little tits and said "Sit down girls, and tell me all about what your grandmother does to you."

The old man started to say something when Clyde looked at him. The old man let his objections die in his throat. Mandy and Rita sat down in front of Bonnie and crossed their legs. Clyde could see that in the position they were sitting in it had caused their cotton panties to pull tight across their pussies, clearly outlining the slits and puffy pussy lips.

Mandy started talking "One day me and Rita came into the house and heard a noise coming from grandma's bedroom. We snuck up to the door and looked through the keyhole. We saw Grandma and grand dad fucking."

With that Ruby said "Mandy Watch your language"

Bonnie told Ruby to shut up, looked at Mandy and said, "Go on honey."

Mandy said, "Well we watched them and after they were done and grand dad went outside to work in the field we ask grandma what they had been doing. Grandma told us. A few days later me and Rita tried to do what we had saw Grandma and grand dad doing but we couldn't because neither of us have penises. Grandma caught us and when we had explained what we were trying to do she showed us how two girls could have fun with each other."

Mandy stopped talking and looked up at Bonnie.

Bonnie said "Go on, tell me what happened, how did she show you? "

Mandy, looked at her grandmother and continued; "Well me and Rita were naked and grandma said that she would show us how to have fun but that we had to promise not to tell granddad. We agreed, Grandma took off her clothes and told us to lay on the bed. We did as she said and she began to play with our titties like you did and after a few minutes she took turns licking our nipples."

She started fingering our pussies and once we thought that we couldn't take it anymore she began to kiss down my belly and finally used her tongue on my pussy while Rita watched. Once I had cum she did the same to Rita. After Rita had cum Grandma said that it was her turn and me and Rita took turns sucking her tits and licking her pussy.

Clyde could see that Mandy's story was having an effect on Bonnie because her nipples were visible underneath her light-weight dress top. Clyde could also see that the crotch of the girl's panties had dark stains forming.

Bonnie looked at the two little girls and said "Take your tops off so I can see your titties."

Both girls quickly complied. Mandy's tits were perfect and Rita's weren't far behind. Bonnie told them to stand up, they did and Bonnie reached out and started rubbing their nipples again. Rita reached out towards Bonnie's tits but quickly pulled her hand back.

Bonnie thought for a minute, withdrew her hands stood and began to take her dress off, saying, "Well I might as well get comfortable like you two."

The old man's breath caught in his throat as Bonnie's perfect 38D's came into view. Her nipples looked to be as hard as rocks. Clyde could tell that Ruby was very interested in the show also. Bonnie sat back in her chair and told the girls to come stand beside her. They did, one on each side of the chair facing Bonnie. The girls reached out and began stroking Bonnie's nipples. Bonnie didn't return her hand to the girl's tits but rather reached around and began rubbing their asses.

Bonnie looked at Clyde, the old man and finally the old woman. She got a sly grin on her face and said to Ruby, "Now you stand up and take your clothes off. I want to watch you play with yourself while I play with your granddaughters."

Ruby looked at the old man who was now staring at the floor. Clyde pointed the gun in Ruby's direction and Ruby sighed and stood up. She took off her dress and stood there looking at Bonnie.

Bonnie said, "Keep going, I want you completely naked, just as naked as you were when you taught these girls their little lesson."

Ruby removed her panties and then her bra. She looked really good for an older woman. Her tits were about 36D's and sagged quite a bit but her figure was great. Clyde was right in thinking that she didn't have an ounce of fat on her body. Her pussy was covered with dark black hair. Clyde could see that her pussy was already wet.

Bonnie said "Sit down on the edge of the couch, spread those legs and start the show."

Ruby sat on the edge of the couch and spread her legs wide. She laid her head on the back of the couch and closed her eyes as her fingers went to work. She began to slowly rub her nipples in a circular motion slowly making bigger and bigger circles until at last she moved her hand to her clit.

Ruby was rubbing one tit with her left hand while rubbing her pussy with the right. Clyde tore his eyes away from Ruby and looked at Bonnie. Bonnie now hand her hands in the front of the girl's panties slowly rubbing their pussies.

Clyde couldn't see their pussies or Bonnie's hands because the girls were still wearing their cotton panties. As Bonnie continued to stroke Mandy and Rita's pussies the girl spread their legs and bent to begin sucking Bonnie's nipples. From the sounds Ruby was making everyone could tell that she was getting close to cumming.

Clyde's cock was as hard as a rock and screaming for release. Clyde stood up and took his clothes off. He stared at Ruby as he did so. Ruby had opened her eyes and was staring intently at Clyde's crotch area as he removed his clothing. She was pumping four of her fingers in and out of her cunt , which was making an slurping sound as they did so. As Clyde's 9 inch cock sprang into view she went over the edge and came hard, her whole body shaking as she came.

Clyde looked at Bonnie finger fucking the two girls and began to slowly stroke his hard cock back and forth. The girls were still sucking Bonnie's nipples but Clyde saw that Mandy had lowered her panties to her mid thigh allowing Bonnie unobstructed access to her cunt, Clyde saw that Mandy had a small patch of bright red hair on her pussy, It was light and didn't really hide her pussy lips. As Clyde watched Bonnie place each of her legs over the arms of the chair, fully exposing her sweet pussy to everyone. Both girls started to move but Rita was quicker. Rita dropped to her knees and began to lick Bonnie's pussy.

Bonnie said to Mandy "Take off your panties baby and stand up on my chair."

Mandy dropped her panties the rest of the way and straddled Bonnie's face putting her pussy directly in front of Bonnie's waiting mouth. Rita stopped her licking and removed her panties also. As she resumed her licking she started rubbing her own hairless pussy.

Clyde could see her fingers sliding back and forth, he could even see her asshole which looked like a rosebud waiting to be plucked. Clyde was lost in the show going on before him when he felt a warm mouth slide over the head of his cock. He looked down and saw that Ruby and crawled over to him and was now busy sucking his 9 inch cock.

Clyde looked over at the old man and saw that he had taken his cock out and was now openly jacking off. He was watching Ruby sucking Clyde's cock. Bonnie was busy licking Mandy's cunt while Rita was busy with her cunt.

Pretty soon Clyde felt that churning in his nuts and knew that he was going to shoot his load. Ruby seemed to sense that because she stepped up her efforts and tried to deep throat Clyde cock. She reached up and began rubbing Clyde's balls as he felt the come raising up.

Just as Clyde began to cum Ruby pulled her mouth back and held Clyde's cock in front of her face. Clyde's hot load struck Ruby onto the side of her nose and cheek. Ruby milked Clyde's cock onto her face until all the cum was out. She then kissed the head of Clyde's cock and began to crawl over to her husband who was busy stroking his cock and looked ready to cum also.

Clyde thought that she was going to suck his cock also but she raised her face to her husband's mouth while Clyde and Bonnie both watched in amazement as the old man began to lick Clyde's load off of his wife's face. By this time Bonnie was close to cumming as was Mandy. Bonnie reached down with one hand and pushed Rita's face into her cunt while she used the other hand on Mandy's ass to press her pussy against her face.

Mandy came quickly screaming as she did so. She almost fell off the chair but caught herself at the last minute. Once she had gotten down she quickly started to suck on Bonnie's left nipple. Rita was taking Bonnie to the edge but couldn't quite take her over.

Bonnie desperately needed to cum.

She looked at Mandy and said "Honey, you try."

With that Rita laid back or her back, fingering her pussy while her sister took her place between Bonnie's legs. Clyde watched as Rita fingered her bald pussy and moved toward the little girl.

As Clyde bent down to suck Rita's pussy he heard Bonnie say, "Mandy, put your fingers in my pussy while you lick my clit."

As Clyde's face neared Rita's pussy he could smell her scent which caused his cock to spring erect again. Clyde placed his mouth on Rita's pussy and began to use his tongue to fuck her while she continued to rub her clit and tits. Clyde heard Bonnie panting and knew that she was getting ready to go over the edge.

As Bonnie came Rita started moving her hips back and forth on Clyde's face. Bonnie came hard drenching Mandy's face with a mixture of her cum and piss. When Bonnie came real hard she would some times let go with a stream of piss, she said sometimes she couldn't help it. Mandy didn't budge but started to drink the liquid mixture coming from Bonnie's cunt.

After a few seconds Mandy sat back while Bonnie sat up in the chair both girls trying to recover from their recent cums. Bonnie, Mandy, Ruby and the old man watched as Rita fucked Clyde's tongue. Rita was playing with the clit with one hand while pumping her fingers in and out of her mouth with the other hand.

Bonnie told the Old man to help the girl out. The Old man got onto the floor and offered his erect cock to his little granddaughter. She quickly took his 6 inch cock into her mouth while using her other hand to stroke the base of his cock. Clyde felt a hand grab his cock and balls, he looked down and saw that the Old Man was stroking his cock with his hand and his face was just inches away from Clyde's cockhead. Clyde moved his hips and his cock entered the old mans mouth. Ruby crawled around and began to help her husband suck Clyde's cock, balls and asshole.

Mandy who had recovered from her cum had began licking Bonnie's cunt again. Clyde was getting close to cumming again but he wanted to shoot this load into a pussy. He raised up and flipped Ruby onto her back. As he moved into position over her he felt the old man's hand guide his cock into Ruby's waiting pussy. Ruby's pussy was very tight and Clyde almost came at once. He held back and began to pump his 9 inches in and out of Ruby's pussy.

Rita straddled her grandmother's face and lowered her bald pussy onto her waiting mouth. Ruby began to suck her granddaughter's pussy, while Mandy sucked Bonnie's pussy and the old man licked Clyde's asshole. Rita started cumming on her grandmother's face at the same time Clyde shot his load into Ruby.

Bonnie and Mandy were now 69ing and it wasn't long before they had cum on each other faces. They all laid around for the next hour or so recovering. Bonnie and Clyde stayed for about a week before they finally left. They weren't worried about the family turning them in because Bonnie and Clyde had given them something to pass their time on that lonely farm in the middle of nowhere.


They had some more good times before they left the farm and did return a few months later with some friends. But these stories are better left until the next time. If you want to read more please leave E-Mail here for DARKMAN. If you have any suggestions for the next story or the prior MANDY series you have but to ask.

One note the Mandy in this story was a Grandmother of the Mandy in our previous story. Yes, this Mandy went on to have Jane, Mandy's mother. Hmmm I wonder if all three of them ever played together?

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A great story line but how about a story about an older than 55 year old woman?
I would like to read about some old lady say in her 70 or older, I will look forward to what you have to say.

The reviewing period for this story has ended.