Wet Dreams, Part 1

[ mg, 1st, inc, bro, sis ]

by Damien


Published: 18-May-2013

Word Count:

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

It was Tuesday morning back on the 16th of June in 2009, when my mother told me to go wake up my 15 year old brother, like she has hundreds of times before. I crept quietly into his room. When I came to the side of his bed, I put both of my hands on the bed, then placed my left foot on the drawl below. I was just about to leap up and scary him awake, when he turned onto his back. I froze thinking he caught me, but then realized he was still sound asleep. I went to try again, but this time something caught my eye. I turned my head to look and what I saw took my breath away.

I was literally face to face with his penis for the first time. It was standing 6 inches straight up through the fly hole of his boxers. I slowly stepped down off the drawl and took a step back. I couldn't help, but stare at it. It was very cute. The shaft was more pale than his body and the head of it was a light red color. Several times I walked in on him getting dressed, so I have seen glimpses of his penis and balls before, and even that he was growing hair down there. Unlike now, it was always small, not thicker and standing straight up. I continued staring at it when suddenly his penis jumped. I jumped too and giggled.

Being only 8 years old, I was very curious. I even remember thinking it must feel solid like wood to stand up like that. I reached out towards it with my hand and placed my thumb and index finger on the shaft. I then squeezed lightly. I was surprised that it felt so soft, but firm. When I moved my finger and thumb slightly up and down, I was amazed the skin moved with ease. After several seconds of standing there in amazement, my brother made a sound and his penis jumped from my fingers. I was startled, I went to run away, but saw he was still asleep. My curiosity took me further as I then wrapped my hand gently around it. The heat it gave off was nice and the skin was so smooth. I couldn't wrap my mind around it.

Suddenly his penis jumped again, which made me twitch and giggle again. I started slowly moving my hand up and down his shaft. I remember how nervous I was. My hand was trembling while I stroked it. I knew if he woke up or mom caught me I would be in deep trouble, but something kept me there. I was really enjoying the feel of it in my hand. I started to stroke faster when all of the sudden, he moaned. I quickly looked up, but kept on stroking his penis. He turned his head from side to side and whispered a girl's name. I guess he was having a dream. My eyes gazed down his chest, to where I then noticed he was breathing rapidly. I didn't think anything of it, so I turned my attention back to his penis and continued stroking it.

After a couple of minutes had gone by, my shoulder started getting tired. I was about to let go, when suddenly his penis swelled up in my hand and started throbbing like crazy. My eyes shot wide open and my hand froze when the first strain of his cum shot up in the air. I was shocked and even more when two more strains shot out. As the rest leaked out and ran down over my hand, I became frightened.

I quickly left his room. I was scared. I just knew I was going to be in trouble. I went to the bathroom sink and was about to wash off my hand, when I became curious of what the liquid was. I stuck my finger in it and smeared it around. It was gooey and sticky, not like pee. I then washed my hands and when I finished, I exit the bathroom. My mother suddenly yelled up the stairs for my brother. I forgot to wake him up. I quickly went to his room and yelled a few times to wake up. On the fourth time, he finally sat up and I then quickly walked away. I was nervous all day long, I thought maybe he knew what I did, but when days passed by, I convinced myself that he wasn't aware of what had happened. I even told my best friend what happened. She said she saw her father's penis before, but not like how I described it. So she wasn't much help.

Even though a week had gone by, I couldn't stop thinking about it. Every time I thought about it, it gave me butterflies in my stomach. A few times I caught myself staring at his crotch while imagining that I was stroking it. I knew it was wrong, but I wanted to do it again. I did sneak in his room many times, but the opportunity never showed. He would have boxers on and a bed sheet over him. After a week turned into a month, I had given up.

It was Friday, the 21st of August, my mother had to cover a night shift for a co-worker at her job and so my brother had to babysit me. It was around 10 at night when my brother asked, "Hey Mimzy, do you wanna watch the movie, Trick 'r Treat?"

I said okay, but first had to get changed for bed and to wait for me. If you are wondering if that is my named, it's not. Ever since we saw the movie, The Last Mimzy, my brother gave me the nickname. Not to do with the movie, but the girl who played in it. She and I look alike. I remember it was quite hot and humid that August, so at night I would remove my clothes and just wear a tee shirt that came to the middle of my thighs with no bra or panties. At that age I didn't wear a bra since I had no breast yet, and frankly I'm just starting to get them now. Anyway, I got changed then went to the tv room and sat on the couch. He then put the dvd in the player and sat in the recliner and pressed play.

The movie was scary. I pretty much covered my face throughout the entire movie. When it finished, he and I went to bed. I went to my room, fell asleep, then ended up having a bad dream. I tried to go back to sleep, but the dream had me too scared. I went to my brother's room. I couldn't see much as he kept his room dark. I almost tripped over his clothes on the floor, but I did eventually find my way to his bed in one piece. I then laid down next to him under the bed sheet and drifted off to sleep.

It wasn't till early in the morning when I opened my eyes. I felt my brother snuggled up behind me with his arm over me. I slept in his bed many times before, so it wasn't new to wake up like that. I closed my eyes to go back to sleep, but when my brother moved, I also felt something move between my legs. When I put my hand down between my legs, the palm of my hand rubbed over the head of his hard penis. I was shocked. I wasn't expecting it to be that. It then jumped, hitting against my vagina and sending a tingly feeling throughout my vagina. My heart started racing.

I didn't mean to look at the clock, but I was glad I did. It was 8am and my mom would be home any minute, if not already. I needed to slip out before she saw us. I was worried she would somehow see what was happening, even though the sheet was covering our bodies. So, I then scooted my butt away and as I slowly did, I could feel the head of his penis slide along my vagina. My mind was going absolutely crazy. I was about halfway when suddenly my brother moved. I grimaced and held my breath from screaming and crying. The movement caused his penis to hurt me, but why. I tried to think and only thing that came to mind was about a year before. I was on my brother's bicycle with him and got hurt. I was sitting in front of him when I fell onto the bicycle's bar and hurt my vagina. The pain felt like that, so I figured his penis just poked me. I then remembered there was blood and so I became worried. I needed to get away. If caught, I didn't know how I would explain blood too.

My entire vagina was throbbing with pain, but I had to ignore it so I could get away. I took a deep breath in and out, then moved my hips slightly forward. My eyes shot wide open when I felt his penis move. I froze in horror while screaming silently, "Oh my god! My brother's penis is inside me!" I guess the pain masked the feeling of it being in me, but as the pain began to subside, I started to feel it more and more. I couldn't really tell how much was in me, just wasn't much. I decided to try and get away once again. When I moved this time, he pulled me back against him. I froze as I thought it would go deeper and it would hurt, but it didn't do either. I didn't know if it was possible to enter me further. Frankly, up until then I didn't even know a penis could enter a vagina at all. At the time, I was feeling a lot of pressure against my vagina, just wasn't hurting.

I tried to think of another way out, but nothing came to mind. I laid there hoping he would turn over and let go. As I started to relax, I felt his penis jump and slide a little more into me. I was freaking out mentally. Before this, I knew adults did something, I just didn't know what, till now. Suddenly, I heard my mother open the door to the room. I quickly shut my eyes. I then heard her walk in and mumble something. I thought she had caught us, but I stayed still. As I laid there frightened, I could feel my brother's hard penis slowly make its way into me. It felt weird, but a nice weird, especially when it jumped. It sent shivers up my spine. I then heard my mother cleaning up. I took a peek and sure enough, she was picking up his clothes.

Suddenly, my brother scooted up higher behind me. My eyes shot open as his penis thrust further in. I held my breath and bit my bottom lip from squealing. I was shocked on how great it felt. I quickly closed my eyes as my mom turned around. I tried to lay still, but my hips wanted to move. I grasped onto the bed. My movements were not much, but were enough to where it felt amazing. I was surprised his penis felt so good as it slid around in my vagina. I took another peek and saw her bending over next to the bed. My body took over while my mind was lost in ecstasy. I began to breathe faster and shortly after, I felt a weird feeling down at my vagina. It kind of felt like I had to pee real bad. I tried so hard to hold it back, but it was too strong.

Suddenly, I bite down on the bed sheet. I didn't know what was happening. My body started trembling and my vagina spasmed like crazy. I thought the feeling would never stop. Even though it felt absolutely amazing, like nothing I have ever experienced before, it was so scary. I thought my mom would see or my brother would wake up. I was relieved as the feeling died down. I then felt my brother's penis throb inside me and his cum enter me. It felt funny as it shot a few times against the insides of my vagina. It was also very hot. It even brought a smile to my face. My heart was beating so hard and so fast as I laid there. My mother then left the room and I was able to relax a bit. A second later, without warning, my brother turned onto his back. I held my breath and grasped onto the bed as his.penis slid out. It was quick and with a wet squishy sound. Even on the way out, his penis felt great.

I slowly got off the bed and stood up. My legs felt like jello. I turned around and saw that my brother was completely naked. I then looked at his penis, it was shrunken and wet. I then noticed a wet spot on his bed, but no blood. I took a sigh of relief. Suddenly, I felt liquid running down my leg. I quickly and quietly went to the bathroom. I sat on the toilet and felt some of his cum leak out and drip down into the water. I looked down at my vagina. It was red and swollen and glistening wet. I sat there for a few. I couldn't believe that happened. I kind of felt bad, like I knew what we did...what really I did, was so wrong, but it was absolutely amazing.

After I wiped myself, I went to my room and laid down on the bed. I was so worn out, mentally and physical. I closed my eyes and fell right to sleep.

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loved it

Philip Spencer

The story starts out very well--numerous misspellings and poor word choice emphasize the story's author being only eight years old. Once it gets beyound the accidental discovery about big brother's penis, the story goes downhill.


You need to look up the meaning of the word 'drawl'. I'm sure that is not what you mean. Can you be referring to 'drawer?' I suppose that there can be a drawer next to / under a bed.


I love this story. More! It deserves a part 2 at the very least.

Peter Pan

I liked the story and hope you are already working on parts 2 to 10

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