Published: 28-Feb-2013
Word Count:
I was awakened by a warm body between my legs, then a wet mouth around my limp cock. A couple times a week, my wife, Alexis would wake me up with a blowjob, especially when I gave her a good fucking the night before. My wife and I been married for thirteen years, have a daughter and still fuck like rabbits. She's very loving, caring, has a great sense of humour, and has an overly active sexdrive. She's a thirty-three year old gorgeous redhead. She looks exactly like Kate Mara, her height, figure, everything, from head to toe, so I was lucky to find her and marry her.
We got caught a few times having sex by our daughter, but nothing too bad, like one time, she walked in on us while I was fucking my wife from behind in the laundry room. She had her skirt up and my cock was through the fly in my pants, so she couldn't really see much.
Well anyway, my cock went hard in seconds as she sucked it in her mouth and twirled her tongue around it. She took my seven inch circumcised cock fully in her mouth and down her throat. I love the fact she's able to deep throat without gagging. My god, she was driving me crazy, I must've really rocked her world the night before. The better I was, the better the blowjob would be, so this was by far the best bj I received in a long time.
She was so sensual with my cock, kissing it and giving it long slow licks from my nuts to the head. She then slowly slid it down her throat and rubbed her tongue around the base. As she slid back up, her lips locked around the shaft, her tongue caressed underneath while she firmly sucked on it. She started sliding her mouth up and down faster. I felt my orgasm build and I grabbed her head over the covers, then thrust my cock down her throat. My cum shot out of me and squirt after squirt went down her throat. She sucked and swallowed every last bit. My orgasm slowly died down and my cock went limp. She slid my cock out of her mouth, then slid down off the bed and seconds later, the door closed shut.
About ten minutes later, Alexis came through the door angry, I shot up from bed, grabbed the bat that was near the bed and was ready for a fight.
"Fucking two hours waiting for a tire repair...fucking asshole!" she said.
"Jeez! I thought you were an intruder!" I said.
My wife had that fiery redheaded temper, she could be scary when angry, but that also made our love making insanely hot. She then turned looking at me and laughed.
"What?" I asked.
"Put clothes on," she said.
"Yeah yeah, I would've beat their ass with both bats!" I said.
She laughed and said, "Stop making me laugh, I'm pissed...I had to wait two hours!"
"Aw poor baby," I said.
"Shush! By the way, I got you Mcdonalds, so hurry before it gets cold," she said.
She left the room and I started getting dressed. I slid my sweatpants on and then it hit me.
"How...she wasn't here...and I know I wasn't dreaming," I said to myself.
Then I heard my wife call for our daughter.
"Beth, come down to the kitchen, I got you mcdonalds!" she yelled.
Beth yelled back, "Okay mom, be right there!"
I sat down as the blood rushed away from my face.
"Beth couldn't have...oh my god!" Echoed through my head.
I got myself together and went down to the kitchen. Beth ran up to me and hugged me. She's twelve years old, little under five feet tall, and about ninety pounds. She's a younger version of her mother.
"Good morning, daddy!" Beth said.
I hugged her back and said, "Good morning, beautiful!"
We all sat down and started eating. Every so often, I would catch Beth staring at me. I wouldn't have thought twice about it, but what transpired earlier gave me reason to.
"Hun, you remembered it's lady's night, right?" Alexis asked.
"Ooops, no, but it's okay, I have no plans with the guys," I said.
"Oh, what are we gonna do, daddy?" Beth asked.
"I don't know. What do you wanna do?" I asked.
"Can we go see, Twilight Breaking Dawn part 2 tonight...pleeease?" she asked.
"Yeah yeah, we'll go see it," I said.
She jumped up from the table and gave me a hug and kiss on the cheek. Throughout the day, nothing really happened, except Alexis eyeing me up and down. I was in denial the whole day, couldn't, wouldn't believe my own daughter gave me a blowjob.
Later that night as Alexis was getting ready to go out, I came up behind her and wrapped my arms around her naked body and gave her neck kisses.
"Ray, don't make me late! I still gotta take a shower," she said.
"But, I didn't get a good morning bj," I said.
"Aw poor baby, I'm sorry," she said.
My wife confirmed it, so there was no denying it anymore, my daughter sucked my cock and it was amazing. My cock grew instantly hard.
"Raaay! I don't have time!" She said.
I picked her up and tossed her onto the bed. She tried to get up, but I flipped her onto her tummy and bent her over the bed. I held her down as I slid my pants down.
"I'm gonna beat your ass, Ray!" she said.
I leaned over and whispered in her ear, "You won't be able to when I'm done with ya."
She squirmed and tried to keep her legs closed, but I was able to spread them apart. I then slid my cock deep in her and thrust causing Alexis to grunt. She was nice and wet, it never took much to get her dripping. I grabbed her hips and started pounding my cock in and out of her pussy. She pushed herself up off the bed with her arms and met my thrust.
"Mmm yes Ray! Fuck me!" She moaned.
I continued fucking her, harder than I ever have done before and she was going wild. She bit down on the covers and grunted throughout the fucking. She began trembling and her pussy spasmed around my cock, but I kept pounding her pussy as she went through orgasm after orgasm. I noticed in the corner of a mirror, Beth was watching us and it sent me right into a powerful orgasm. I slammed my cock deep in and exploded, then collapsed on top of her.
"Baby...that was...a-amazing," Alexis mumbled.
"Mm mm," I murmured.
I rolled over and my cock slid out of her.
She giggled and said, "I don't know if I can walk."
I pulled my pants up and helped her to stand up.
"What the hell got into you?" She asked.
"I don't know," I said.
"Well find out, because I want it more often!" She said.
Alexis left for the evening out with her friends and Beth and I went to the movies. Things seemed a bit off, I was looking at Beth differently and she was extra clingy. Before she would be on her phone ignoring me, but now she held my hand while we walked and stood close to me as we waited in line. I tried to keep reminding myself it was my daughter, but when I looked at her, it was like looking at Alexis when she was younger.
We got our tickets and sat down in our seats.
"Dad, can I get a few dollars for candy?" She asked.
"Sure, hun...here ya go," I said and handed her money.
She grabbed the money and leaned over and gave me a kiss on my cheek. The kiss was different though, her lips were pouty and moist and it lasted longer than a normal peek. She stood up and scooted past me. I couldn't help, but notice her tight little ass as she went by. She wore skin tight jeans that only complimented her ass and legs even more. She came back as the movie started, sat down and began eating her sour patch kids.
"Dad, want some?" She whispered.
"Nah, I'm good." I said.
When she was finished, she propped her feet up on her seat, leaned against my right shoulder and put her arm under mine, then interlocked our fingers and held my hand. She lightly caressed the back my hand with her other hand. Three quarters the way through the movie, she readjusted herself, bringing her knees up, and leaning them against our armrest. She then placed our hands between her inner thighs and closed them.
I gently rubbed my thumb on her thigh causing her to squeezed my hand a little more and snuggle herself closer against me. Our hands slid further down between her thighs. I then opened my hand and lightly caressed the meaty part of her inner thigh. She slowly slid our hands down till the side of my pinky pressed against her crotch. I could feel her body heat come through her jeans as I caressed her thigh.
As the movie came to end, I slowly pulled my hand up from between her thighs and she continued holding it with one hand.
"Did you enjoy the movie, hun?" I asked.
"Yeah, thanks daddy for taking me," she said.
"Your welcome, sweetie," I said.
We stood up and walked out of the theater to the truck. She scooted herself over the bucket seat and snuggled up against me. I put my arm around her and she slid her arm around my lower back. On the drive home, and out of nowheres she poked my rib.
I jumped and said, "Hey girl!"
She giggled and said, "What?"
"Don't you dare tickle me," I firmly said.
"Little me? Never," she said.
"Uh huh and just incase you do, remember payback's a bitch."
A couple minutes later she did it again, but I pretended not to notice. She did it a few times before we ended up home in the driveway. I opened the door and stepped out. I reached my hand out to help her down out of the truck. She took my hand and when she stepped down onto the running board, I quickly lifted her up over my right shoulder.
"Daddy!" She screamed.
"I told you, payback is a bitch!" I said.
She laughed and said, "I'm sorry!"
"Sure ya are," I said.
She squirmed and kicked and even pinched my butt, so I pinched her on the butt.
She laughed and said, "Ouch!"
She continued trying to get down, but there was no way her petite self would be able to. She was squirming good though, I almost lost my balance a couple times walking to the backdoor. She then went for my ribs.
"I don't think you wanna do that, sweetie...I may drop you," I said.
She quickly stopped, but then lifted the back of my shirt up and tried to give me a wedgie.
I laughed and said, "You're just adding to the payback!"
She kicked and said, "Daddy, you better not!"
I carried her through the backdoor to the living room and tossed her onto the couch. She tried to run, but I pushed her back down. I quickly moved on her and started tickling her ribs and knees. She was squirming, kicking, and laughing hysterically.
"Daddy, stop I gotta pee!" She said.
I stopped, but she gave me a look and tried to quickly get away. I grabbed her by the foot and she fell to the floor.
I laughed and said, "Ow, nice try, you little liar!"
She laughed and continued trying to get away. While she was on her tummy, I positioned myself over her thighs, straddling them as I pressed down on her back. I slid my fingers in her waistband and took a hold of her panties.
She laughed and yelled, "Daddy! Don't do it!"
I leaned over and whispered in her ear, "Sorry, but know I do love you, sweetie."
She squirmed as I slowly pulled her panties up. I was surprised she wore thongs now, but also disappointed, panties have more fabric to give a better wedgie.
"Hey, when did you start wearing thongs?!" I asked.
"Uhm...a few weeks ago...mom took me shopping for them," she said.
"Hm okay...a shame though, you're cotton panties are so much cuter," I said.
I was always a fan of panties, the skimpy and tight cotton panties. Also like boy shorts, but not so much thongs and g-strings. I continued pulling up her thong till it couldn't go up anymore. I let go of her and she stood up, trying to undo the wedgie, but her jeans were too tight to reach down in them.
I laughed and said, "Feels good huh?"
She stuck her tongue out at me, and then unbuttoned her jeans. She slid her hand down the back and removed the fabric from between her cheeks.
"Ha! Got it out!" she said.
I stood up quickly and said, "Oh you want more?!"
She ran to the stairs, then shook her butt at me and ran up to her room. I went to my room and got changed in a tee shirt and sweatpants, then went back down to the living room. I sat in the recliner and turned on the television. About thirty minutes later, I dozed off, but then was suddenly awakened by Beth jumping onto my lap and poking my ribs.
"Sneak attack I see!" I said.
She laughed and tried to get away. I had her by her sides, but I lost my grip and my fingers slid down into the waistband of her pajama bottoms. I ended up pulling them down to the middle of her thighs by accident. I was staring at not panties or thong, but a firm little ass.
She yelled, "Daddy, my pants!"
As she grabbed the front of her pajamas and held it up, I pulled her back to me. I then bent her over my lap, trapping her arms under her.
I laughed and said, "Tonight is not your night, little girl."
"Dad!" she said.
"Sweetheart, remember when you shook your little ass at me before running up to your room?" I asked.
She just laughed. I then smacked her butt cheek.
"Ouch! Dad!" she yelled.
I giggled and asked, "Aw too hard?"
She laughed and said, "Yes!"
I smacked her other cheek and asked, "That too?"
"Ouch, yes!" She said.
She squirmed and kicked.
"Stay still, bad girl," I said.
She laughed and said, "No!"
I laughed and knew she was liking it. I smacked her cheek again, but a little harder this time and she squeaked. I looked at her cheeks and they were nice and red, so I started rubbing them after each smack. Her ass cheeks were so smooth.
"Cheeks aren't white any more," I said.
She then said, "Well, duh dad!"
I laughed and said, "I think you're enjoying this a little too much."
She pinched my leg and giggled.
"Ouch!" I said.
I pulled her up on my lap and flipped her over. I grabbed a hold of her arms and as I pulled them up, caused her to lose the hold on her pants. I put her arms over her head, then placed my left arm over her chest and held her down. She was laughing and yelling for me to let go. I then started tickling her sides and she began squirming. I paused to let her catch her breath, but then went back at it, doubling the tickling. She kicked and squirmed more, which caused her pajamas to fall down and onto the floor.
"Daddy! My pants fell off!" I said.
I laughed and said, "Ooops, sorry."
I looked down and saw she had a reddish brown peach fuzz growing in.
"Aw, someone is becoming a woman," I said.
"Daaad...," she said as she blushed.
I giggled then gave her a kiss on the forehead and let her up. She stood up and bent down and grabbed her pants. I smacked her butt, but not hard. She jumped forward, covering herself up, then slid her pants back on.
"Beth?" I said.
"Yeah?" she answered.
"You're beautiful," I said.
She smiled at me and said, "Thanks daddy!"
"Wanna lay in my lap, like when you was little and watch t.v. with me?" I asked.
"Yeah," she answered.
She sat down, swung her legs over the arm of the recliner and laid against my chest. I started caressing her back and she snuggled herself more against me.
"Dad?" she said.
"Yeah?" I answered.
"I love you," she said sweetly.
"I love you too, sweetheart." I said, then kissed the top of her head.
She laid in my arms for about an hour while we watched television.
"Dad, I'm gonna go to bed," she said.
"Okay, hun...goodnight," I said.
She lifted her head up and gave me a kiss on the cheek.
"Goodnight, daddy." She said, then got up and left.
I caught myself dozing off again, so I decided to go to bed. I got up and headed up the stairs. When I got to the top, I heard a sound coming from Beth's room. I couldn't make it out, so I went up to her door and put my ear to it. As I pressed against it, it cracked open and then heard Beth moan. I slowly opened the door more and poked my head in.
The scented candle lit enough of her room for me to see one of the most beautifulest sight my eyes came across. Beth laid face down on her bed with her legs two feet apart and naked from the waist down. I saw straight up between her legs to her pussy. Her pale skin with pinkish skin around her pussy looked so gorgeous.
I watched as my daughter raised her firm little ass up and down, humping her middle and ring finger. She lifted her ass up and rubbed her clit back and forth, then moaned louder as she sped up. She went back to humping and sliding her fingers in and out of her pussy. She was panting and grunting as she fucked her fingers. She repeated the steps over and over again. My cock was rock hard, she was so hot and sexy. I couldn't take my eyes off of her.
"Oh daddy!" She moaned.
My heart skipped a beat, I thought she caught me, but she couldn't have, because of her position. She started moaning more as she fucked her fingers faster. She then went quiet as her ass shot up off the bed. She got on her knees, but kept her face down on the bed and started rubbing her clit very fast. My god, the view was breathtaking, her positioning was so hot. She had her knees apart, back arched and ass in the air, all the while her fingers went lightspeed back and forth over her clit.
Suddenly, she moaned and said, "Yes! Yes! Daddyyy, I love youuu!"
I almost came in my pants as she came for me and squirted. While she rubbed, her fingers dispersed her pussy juice all over the bed as it sprayed out of her. It wasn't a great amount, but enough to amaze me. She then slowly lowered herself, closing her legs around her hand, and softly moaning and panting while she came down from her orgasm.
I quietly closed her door and went into the bathroom. I closed the door behind me and jerked myself off. My orgasm came quick and was so powerful that my cum shot all over the wall. I had to quickly sit down, as I felt like I was going to pass out. I got myself together and wiped the wall clean. I exit the bathroom and went to my room. I took off my shirt and sweatpants and put on boxers to sleep in. It took me some time to fall asleep, and when I did, I was abruptly awakened once again, but this time by my wife stumbling against the bed.
I quickly sat up and said, "Ahhh! What are you doing!?"
She fell screaming and then said, "You ass! You scared the piss outta me! Literally!"
I started laughing my ass off and Beth came running in.
"What's going on?" She asked.
I held my laugh in while Alexis told her what happened and when she finished, I let the laugh out and so did Beth. My wife stood up and I laughed even harder. The entire section of her pants between her legs was soaked in urine.
"Laugh it up, ass!" Alexis said.
I tried to stop, but was not possible. She went to the bathroom as Beth and I continued laughing. The laughter faded and I stood up out of bed. My wife walked in wearing a towel and looked right at me.
"Where you going, mister?" she said.
"No wheres," I said playing it cool.
"Bullshit! You gotta pee, don't ya?" she said.
I shook my head, no. Suddenly, my wife darted over to me and pushed me back onto the bed. She then dove onto me and straddled my waist.
"Beth help me tickle him!" Her mother said.
Beth did not hesitate for a second, she hopped right up on the bed and came over to us. I flipped myself and Alexis over and grabbed a hold of Beth, spun her around and pulled her to me and held her. If someone would have walked in, I don't think we could've talked our way out of that. There we were, my wife's legs locked around my waist and Beth straddling her mother's stomach while I held her tight against my chest.
"Well, what's next ladies?" I asked.
They laughed and seconds later, Alexis started digging her fingers into my ribs. I squirmed and laughed.
"Two ways this could end; one, being you let me go, or two, I pee on you," I said.
"Ew! Mom let him go!" Beth yelled.
Alexis giggled and said, "Beth, it's just urine."
I laughed as Beth tried to squirm and get away.
"Sorry sweetheart...tonight is just not your night," I said.
She laughed and gave up fighting. Alexis suddenly reached around Beth and pressed on my bladder.
"Hey, that's not nice!" I said.
"Dad, what she doing?" Beth asked.
"She's playing mean...pressing on my bladder," I said.
Alexis gave an evil laugh and kept pressing. My bladder was killing me. I grabbed Alexis' arm with one hand while the other held onto Beth. She then used her other hand to press on my bladder.
"Ha! Now what big boy?" Alexis said.
"Beth, I'll let you go if you help me get away," I said.
"Dad, you know I can't do that," Beth said.
"Okay then...you had your chance," I said.
I pushed Beth down face to face with her mother, then placed my chest over them. I used some of my weight to hold them down, then went to grab Alexis' arm that was at my bladder, but before I could grab her hand, she somehow was able to get her hand through the opening of my fly and grabbed a hold of my cock. My wife laughed. I gave up, and let myself pee.
"Ah! Dad! You're peeing on my butt!" Beth yelled.
I then said, "I'm sorry, sweetie...I couldn't hold it any longer."
Alexis moved her hand a little.
"Oh my god! Now his pee is spraying up my shirt!" Beth yelled.
"At least it's hot," I said laughing.
When I finished emptying my bladder, my wife started stroking my cock. I was shocked. I looked down at her and she gave me her fuck me now look. My cock started getting hard, and as I sat up on my knees, Alexis let go of my cock.
"I'm soaked," Beth said.
I thought she would let Beth leave, so we could fuck, but my wife had a totally different idea. She suddenly slid up our daughter's shirt.
"Mom, what..." Beth said.
"Shh honey," Alexis said.
She removed Beth's shirt and threw it on the floor. She then took our daughter's face gently in her hands and lowered her down. She placed her lips on Beth's and gave her a sweet french kiss.
I pulled my wife's hips up and guided my cock in her pussy. She then pushed Beth up and pulled her towel open. She grabbed our daughter's hands and as she placed them on her size B breast, she guided them caressing her breast.
I started moving my hips back and forth, sliding my cock in and out of my wife's pussy. I then slid my hands between Beth's arms and ribs, and around to her budding breast. I hunched over and kissed her neck as I caressed her breast. After a few strokes in and out, I thrust in causing my wife to grunt.
"Beth, stand up so daddy can remove your pants," her mother said.
I helped her to stand and pulled her pants down. She held onto me as she lifted each foot, I then tossed the pants on the floor.
"Beth, come stand over me," her mother said.
I put my hands on Beth's hips to steady her as she walked up and stood over her mother's face. I let go as Alexis took a hold of her hips.
"Don't be nervous, darling," Alexis said.
Beth just nodded.
"Turn and face your father, then lower yourself down onto your knees." Alexis said.
Beth carefully turned around and eased herself down, placing her pussy directly over her mother's face. When Alexis began licking our daughter's pussy, Beth fell forward grabbing onto my chest and moaned. I went back easing my cock in and out of Alexis, while she gave our daughter head. Beth watched as my cock slid in and out of her mother's pussy. I grabbed Beth's free hand and placed it on her mother's clit, then pressed down and rubbed Alexis' clit. I let go, then took hold of my wife's hips and began fucking her hard and fast.
"Oh god, yes Chase! Beth kept rubbing!" My wife moaned.
My wife moaned loud as Beth and I brought her to an orgasm, but she kept sucking on our daughter's pussy. Beth started grinding her pussy on her mother's face and moaning loud. Beth suddenly dug her nails in my chest.
"Mom! I'm gonna cum! Beth yelled.
She then let out a long grunt and orgasmed over her mother's face.
"Mm! Oh my...Mm!" My wife said.
Beth then collapsed over her mother's stomach with her face directly at her pussy. As she laid there, she slid her fingers down her mother's pussy and along my shaft. She slowly rubbed up and down. I then started grunting and thrusting harder.
"Yes baby! Cum in me!" Alexis begged.
I gave a few more thrust, then came hard and deep in my wife. I emptied into her, then fell back onto the bed drained. My daughter then crawled between my legs and sucked my cock into her soft wet mouth. She sucked and licked her mother's juices off my cock, then turned around and went between her mother's legs. I watched as Beth lowered her face down and began licking her mother's pussy. Beth lapped up my cum as it came leaking from her mother's pussy.
"Mmm honey," Alexis moaned.
Beth was on her knees and elbows between her mother's legs with her little ass in the air and Alexis had two handfuls of her daughter's hair. Alexis was humping our daughter's mouth as Beth sucked and licked her pussy. As I watched Beth eat out her mother, I became aroused again and moved behind Beth. I guided my hard cock at her pussy and rubbed the head up and down between her lips.
I started pushing my cock at her entrance, but it wouldn't go, so I slid a finger in her tight pussy. She moaned as my finger slid to the big knuckle. I moved it around and slid it in and out several times. I then slid another in, stretching her a bit more open.
"Eh! Daddy, it hurts," Beth whimpered.
"Sorry sweetheart...I'll try to be more gentle," I said.
She went back eating her mother's pussy while I slowly worked my fingers in and out of her..
"That's it, Beth! Just like that!" Alexis yelled.
My wife started cumming and Beth sucked while her mother grinded her daughter's mouth on her pussy. My wife laid there exhausted, then Beth pushed up onto her hands and slowly rocked back and forth to meet my fingers. My wife sat up and kissed Beth.
Alexis looked at me and said, "Fuck your daughter, Chase."
I removed my fingers, then slowly started pushing my cock into Beth's pussy. She grunted as I gave her a few gentle thrusts. Suddenly, the head of my cock made its way in and she cried. I froze and my wife comforted her.
"Shhh honey, you're okay...the pain will go away," Alexis said.
Beth nodded, then Alexis reached under Beth and gently rubbed her clit. I caressed Beth's back, waiting for her pussy to adjust.
"Feeling better, honey?" Alexis asked.
Beth sniffled and said, "Uh huh."
My wife then gave me the nod to start pushing. My cock began sliding into Beth's pussy and she kept grunting as it entered her. When I made it halfway, I slid back to the head then pushed back in, going deeper into her. My wife continuously reassured Beth by talking to her and kissing her as my cock stretched her pussy to the limits. She was unbelievable tight, hot, and very wet.
"Mooom..." Beth sniffled and said.
"Shh...you're doing great, baby," Alexis said.
I continued sliding in and out, each time going deeper and after many strokes, my cock finally entered her fully. I kept it deep in her, savoring the feeling of her pussy while it continuously squeezed all around my cock.
"You okay, sweetie?" I asked.
"Yes, daddy," Beth said.
"Well, my cock is all the way in you," I said.
"I feel so full," she said.
My god, her pussy was super tight and while her mother rubbed her clit, her pussy kept pulsating all around cock. Beth started moaning very loud, then pushed hard against me.
"Oh! I'm cumming!" Beth yelled.
I then started sliding in and out.
"Yes daddy!" She said.
I grabbed onto her hips and started moving my hips back and forth much quicker while thrusting in.
"Fuck me harder, daddy! I'm cumming again!" Beth yelled.
I was afraid of hurting her, so I didn't thrust too hard. Beth was moaning uncontrollably as orgasm after orgasm washed through her. She also squirted with every orgasm. She then collapsed her face down over her mother's lap. My wife suddenly stopped rubbing her clit and moved to her daughter's ass. She placed her palm over her butt crack, then slowly slid her middle and ring finger in her daughter's ass.
"Uhhh...:" Beth grunted.
Alexis started sliding her fingers in and out, and going deeper as they slid in. I started moaning as my orgasm was approaching.
"Cum in her, Chase," Alexis said.
"I'm close, baby," I said.
Beth was out of it, she just laid there with no control of her body, panting and moaning and even still squirting. My orgasm came and as I thrust deep in her, Beth and I grunted, then squirt after squirt of my cum poured into my daughter. When I let go of Beth, her knees slid down over the bed, and my cock came out of her. She laid there panting while I collapsed onto the bed. Alexis slid her fingers out from our daughter's ass and started caressing her back and moving her hair from her face.
"Baby, you okay?" Alexis asked Beth.
"Uh huh," Beth murmured.
I got off the bed and went over to them and kissed them both on the lips, then went to the bathroom. When I returned, they were in each other arms sleeping, so I laid down next to them and wrapped my arms around them.
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