Published: 29-Dec-2012
Word Count:
It was a week before Christmas when I overheard my twelve year old niece tell her mother she didn't believe in Santa anymore. So when I got her alone, I told her a story about when I was a little boy and how I saw Santa putting gifts around my tree. She didn't believe me, of course, but then an idea popped in my head. I told her if she snuck downstairs at 3am, I bet she would see him. She took the bet and I was confident that I was going to win it.
It took a few days for my plan to come together. It wasn't easy getting all the pieces to become Santa. I went all out, it had to be perfect. I even made a few pieces at where I work, probably the most important pieces too. If you ever saw the movie, Mrs. Doubtfire, I pretty much did that, but as Santa Claus.
I wanted to make sure she didn't recognize me, so in the afternoon on Christmas Eve, I put the Santa outfit on and bought a bunch of candy canes to hand out. I went to her street and went door to door handing them out. When I came to her house, my sister opened the door.
"Ho ho ho, merry Christmas," I said.
"Merry Christmas, Santa," she giggled.
"Have you been a good girl?"
"Always Santa," she laughed.
I handed her a candy cane.
"Thanks...but wait here, I have a bad girl."
A couple minutes later, my sister came back with my niece. She didn't look happy at all.
"Merry Christmas, little girl. What's your name?"
"Stephanie," she said.
"That's a pretty name."
"Thank you."
"Well, I heard you've been bad, but you still have time to get on the good list."
"Uh huh," she said.
With the face she made, I wanted to laugh so hard.
"Well, here's a candy cane for you and be a good girl, Stephanie."
She grabbed it and walked away.
"Sorry, Santa," my sister said.
"It's okay...well merry Christmas and you be a good girl too."
"Merry Christmas, Santa and I will."
I did a few more houses then went back to my place. I thought my sister would have recognized me, but neither one did, it went perfect.
When 1:30am rolled around on Christmas Day, my plan went into action. I put my Santa outfit on and went to my sister's house. All the lights were out, so I quietly used my key and went in. I turned a light on low, saw that my sister laid out all of the presents under the tree. I then tiptoed upstairs to make sure my sister was in bed. Her door was closed, so I then sat and waited on the stairs. I was hoping my sister wouldn't wake up, in fact I was praying for her meds to keep her out. I wasn't planning on staying long, just do Santa and leave.
I looked at my watch, it was five minutes to three, and then I heard a door knob turn. I took a peek and saw my niece's door open. I tiptoed down the stairs to the tree and pretended I was unloaded presents from my Santa bag. A minute or two later, I saw her from the corner of my eye as she peeked around the corner. As I was arranging the presents, she stepped out.
"Hi Santa," she softly said.
She scared the living shit out of me, I wasn't expecting her to talk.
"Hey Stephanie, you should be in bed."
She came over and sat down next to me.
"I know Santa, but I wanna apologize for not believing in you."
"Aw that's very nice of you."
She smiled then looked at the presents. She grabbed one and slid it to her feet.
"No no, you gotta wait hun."
I went to put it back, but the vision of her little bald pussy stopped me. She didn't have on pajama pants or shorts, just a long t-shirt that didn't cover her well enough. She was sitting with one leg under her and the other was bent up against her chest. As my senses came back me, I slid the present back under the tree and stood up.
"Santa, do you want milk and cookies?" She asked.
"Sure sweetie."
We quietly went to the kitchen, I sat at the table while she went to get the milk and cookies. She went to the cabinet, she reached up, grabbed a cup and as she did, her shirt came up above her little butt. She then turned around.
"Aren't you gonna join me?" I asked.
She smiled then grabbed another cup. Once again, I was able to see her sweet little butt. She had a sexy bikini tan line around her cheeks and I followed the tan down her legs. She then put the cups on the table then opened the fridge, bent over and grabbed the milk. This time the shirt failed me. I yelled at myself for being disappointed, I mean she is my niece and she's a very young girl. I started to blame it on the alcohol I had at the party before I came there.
She then poured the milk into the cups and grabbed a pack of oreos. She pulled out a chair and sat. Again she sat with one leg bent up against her chest. I tried to not look her way, but I had to everytime when I grabbed a cookie. There was better lighting in the kitchen, so I was able to see her pussy perfectly. She wasn't tan down there, her slit was a light red color, her outer folds hid her lips well and her clit barely poked out.
I felt the first signs of an erection coming on. I couldn't believe she was affecting me this much. I tried to keep telling myself she was my niece, but that just made it more erotic.
"I didn't get to sit on your lap this year...can I sit on it now and tell you what I want for Christmas?" She pouted.
"Hm okay."
I scooted the chair away from the table and she stood up. She then walked over to me.
"Santa...spread your legs so I can sit on your lap." She said.
"Oh sorry...I'm out of practice...got workers to do this part."
She smiled and I opened my legs as she stepped between them. She turned and sat down on my right thigh. She snuggled herself right up against me.
"Ow...cold hands Santa!"
I looked down and realized my right hand was on her bare inner thigh.
"Oops sorry."
I went to move it away, but she grabbed it.
"It's okay Santa."
My hand was merely inches away from her delicate flower. Her skin felt so smooth and warm. I was so tempted to slide my hand up, but I chickened out. She started to talk and I tried listening, but my mind was somewheres else. My imagination had my hand up between her legs with a couple fingers deep inside her pussy.
"Santa?...hey Santa!"
She snapped me out of it and as I came to, she accidentally slid off my knee. My hand slid up between her legs. I quickly pulled my hand away, but not quick enough. I felt her warmth when my index finger parted her pussy lips and as I pulled away, my finger slid up her slit.
"Darn shirt!" she said.
She lifted the back of her shirt above her butt, and sat down again. Then she swung both of her legs up on my right leg. I laid my hand back on her thigh and noticed her shirt was barely covering her pussy. One little tug on the back on the shirt and her pussy would be free. I wanted to, but yet again I chickened out. I started to slowly rub my thumb down her inner thigh then back up.
"So Santa?"
"Huh...oh sorry hun, what were you saying?"
"I was telling you what I want for Christmas."
"Wait a minute...have you been naughty or nice?" I asked.
"Nice, of course!" She giggled.
"Okay, so what would you like to get?"
"Just three things...first one is a 37 inch plasma t.v."
"Hmm okay."
She was getting that one from me anyway. I slowly started to build confidence, so after I scratched the itch on my nose, I placed my hand a few inches closer to her pussy and I continued caressing her thigh with my thumb. She didn't jump or get nervous, didn't even stop me.
"Second thing I want is a $200 gift certificate to aeropostale."
"Oh really...$200, huh?" I laughed.
As she told me the clothes she was going to use it on, I slowly eased my hand a little closer, all the while caressing her. Her legs then slightly opened, I kept my cool, and pushed my luck even more. As I slid my hand a bit further, I kept my eyes on her gorgeous blue eyes and tried to pay attention to what she was saying, but I was having some major difficulties. First was the warmth of her body around my hand and second was I could see out the corner of my eye where my hand was. My fingers were between her thighs, and there was only like two inches left to go to her pussy. Last but not least, my cock was beginning to get hard and I could feel it press against her leg.
"Yes, Stephanie?"
"The last present I would like is a rabbit."
"That's cute, a rabbit with floppy ears or no?" I asked.
"Wrong kind of a rabbit, Santa." She giggled.
I had no idea what she meant.
"Huh?" I said.
"Santa, it's a type of sex toy."
I was shocked, my hand gripped her thigh and I was speechless. She just sat there and told me the color, the shape and name like it was nothing, like it was normal for a twelve year old girl to want one, let alone use one.
"Um...how do you about this...toy?" I muttered.
"Well, I saw a video on the internet of a girl using one."
"What!" I was stunned.
"I watch porn when I masturbate and so the toy would feel alot better than a hairbrush." She said.
"A hairbrush?"
"Yeah, I use the handle of a hairbrush to slide in my pussy."
My jaw dropped, but then the vision of her using a hairbrush popped in my head. The thought of her sliding it in and out her little pussy made my cock rock hard.
"So Santa, whatcha think about the stuff I want?"
"Hm...the first two I could see you getting, but the third I don't know."
"Aw why is that?" She pouted.
"Well, that toy is for older girls and it's probably too...big for you."
"Santa, it's not that much bigger than the hairbrush I use!"
My mind couldn't believe what she said, but my cock understood everything. Suddenly, I heard a sound like a coin hitting the ground.
"Eh, dropped my ring." She said.
She slid off my lap then bent down to pick up her ring. She had to see the tent in my pants. She stood up and as she stepped right up to me, I felt the head of my cock slide between her legs. I took her hand in mine.
"Hm very pretty ring...who got you that?"
As I was looking at the ring, I could see that my cock was directly below her pussy. All she would have to do was lower herself a tab bit and my cock would be up against her pussy.
"My uncle," she smiled wide.
"He must be an awesome uncle."
"He's the best and I love him very much!"
"Aw that's great."
"Santa, can you keep a secret?"
"I sure can."
"I want my uncle to be my first."
My heart started racing.
"Your first?" I questioned.
"I want him to take my virginity."
"Oh, and do you think he would?" I asked.
I had no idea she felt that way towards me, but as I think about it, some things make sense now. Like, always around me, sitting on my lap, giving me hugs and kisses, I just figured she was just acting like a normal niece.
"Hm...I have a very good feeling he wants to has much as I want to," she smiled.
I don't remember or I just don't realize I lead her on to think such things. It's not like I ever get...
"Okay, missy...when did you figure it out it was me?"
"When you came to the door and plus, there's no such thing as Santa Claus!" She laughed.
"Damn, I thought it would work!"
"Your eyes gave you away," she giggled.
"Blah...okay, so tell me the damages for losing the bet?"
"You already know," she smiled.
"Wait, you were serious?!"
She stepped back, pulled her shirt over her head then slid it down her arms and dropped it to the floor. She's beautiful with an amazing body for a young girl, gorgeous blue eyes and pouty lips. While she stood there naked, my eyes traced along her entire body, her long brown hair came over her shoulders and covered her perky breast while her nipples poked through her hair. Her stomach was flat, her pussy lips and clit kept hidden and her slim legs were gorgeous.
"Very serious, uncle! I've been wanting this for years...now follow me, please."
She grabbed my hand and guided me to the living room. God, her ass was so cute as she walked. It was very firm and had some meat to it.
"Stand here."
I watched her as she stepped towards me then she started to undo the buttons on the Santa coat. I removed the silicone mask and fake beard while she undid the last button, she walked around me pulling the coat off each shoulder and then slid it down my arms. I removed the fake belly as she undid my belt buckle and pants. When my pants fell to the floor, she then pulled my boxers down.
"Mmm gorgeous cock, uncle Gab...now lift each leg."
She removed my boots, pants and boxers then kicked them aside. She walked over to the couch and brought back a comforter and a pillow. She then laid out the comforter over the carpet then placed the pillow down on it.
"She had this all planned out," I thought.
"Gab, please lay down on your back."
I stepped onto the comforter and laid down. She then spread my legs apart and sat between them. She slid her legs under each of my thighs and then straight up my sides. She placed her hands and fingers on each of my thighs and slid her hands slowly towards my cock. The feeling sent chills over my body. I watched her hands as they came together at my cock, she then wrapped her ten fingers around it.
"Mm Gab, your cock is nice and fat!"
"Mm mm!" I moaned.
Her touch felt amazing then she slowly slid them up the shaft.
"Very nice length too...much longer than the brush!"
She lowered her head and slid the head of my cock into her warm wet mouth.
"Mm Steph," I moaned.
She rubbed her soft tongue all over it then took more of my cock into her mouth. She then sucked as she slid her mouth back to the tip. She continued to stroke it while she sucked half of my cock into her mouth. Her mouth was amazing, if I didn't know her I would've thought she was a pro.
"Mm I love the way your cock feels in my mouth."
"My god...where did you learn this stuff?" I asked.
"Told you...porn and lots of it," she smiled.
She went back stroking my cock with both hands.
"I wanted my first time to be perfect and..."
"And what hun?"
"...and so, I want it to be so good that you'll want to be with me, forever."
I sat up and placed my hands on her face. As I lifted it up, I looked straight into her eyes.
"Steph, I will always be with you."
Then a couple tears rolled down her face and as I wiped them away, I gave her a sweet passionate kiss. I took her into my arms and turned her over onto her back. I then positioned myself between her legs and I gave her kisses on the neck. As I worked my lips down to her breast, I took her left nipple into my mouth. I gently sucked and nibbled on it while I pinched the other.
"Mmmm Gab!"
I continued my way down to her tummy and tongued her innie belly button. She started to run her fingers through my hair as I made my way to her pussy. I then took a deep breath of her scent in, she was so intoxicating. I laid my eyes on her pussy for the first time and it was beautiful. Her pussy was slightly aroused and moist, it was starting to open up. I gently slid my tongue from the bottom of her slit to the top.
"Mmm," she moaned.
I then slid my tongue in between her lips and licked up to her clit. While my tongue was lightly pressed over her clit, I gently moved it around in circles. She grasped a handful of my hair as I slid my tongue into her. She then pushed her hips up and my head down onto her pussy.
"Mmmm Gab, I want your cock in me now!" she moaned.
I went up to her face and kissed her. She wrapped her arms and legs around my neck and waist. As I picked her up, I sat down on my knees and then I placed my left hand under her butt and my other hand I used to position my cock at her entrance.
"Are you ready, hun?"
"Yeah, Gab," she then kissed me.
I lowered her slowly onto my cock and when my head slid into her, she bit my bottom lip and moaned. I placed my right hand under her butt and as I eased her down my cock ever so slowly, I would use my fingers to help stretch her pussy around my cock. When she made it halfway down, I lifted her back to the tip then let her body weight take her back down my cock. Her pussy fit perfectly around my cock, it was hot, wet and especially tight. She was taking it so well, but was having difficulty getting down the last couple of inches. She put her feet on the ground, pushed off and pulled herself up then forced herself down on my cock.
"Mmm Gab."
"Steph, your pussy feels amazing!"
I grabbed her hips then guided her up and down my cock. As I did, she started to moan loud and put deep scratches on my back.
"Shhh you'll wake up your mother."
"No, she won't. I gave her one extra sleeping pill."
She kissed me hard as I was about to yell at her. She continued sliding up and down my cock till I stood up with her. I laid her down on the edge of the couch and knelt between her legs. I started to slide my cock in and out of her slowly, but then gradually picked up speed. Every few strokes, I would thrust hard into her.
"Harder Gab, fuck my pussy!"
As I thrust for the fourth time, my entire cock slid deep into her pussy canal. The feeling was something new to me, never been in someone so tight and hot like her. Her pussy walls gripped my whole cock like a very small glove.
"Gab, oh my god...your cock is so far in me!"
I slid halfway out then thrust back in hard.
"Yesss, fuck me," she moaned.
I grabbed her legs and placed them straight up against my chest. I held them against me with my right arm and as I started to slide in and out of her pussy, I pinched her nipples with my other hand. When I picked up speed and thrust hard, she started to moan like crazy. I had the perfect rhythm going then all of sudden she lifted her ass off the couch.
"Oh my god, Gab...I'm cummingggg!" she moaned.
As she orgasmed, the feeling of her pussy pulsating all over my cock was amazing. I could not understand why I wasn't cumming yet though. Her being so tight would be my best guess. I then stopped, placed my hands on her shoulders, I leaned forward, got up off my knees and onto my feet. As I held her there, I began to fuck her hard and fast.
"Yes Gab, fuck me!" she yelled.
As I felt the signs of an orgasm building, I fucked her even harder and faster. She dug her nails in my chest and exploded with another orgasm.
"Gab, I'm cumming oh my god oh my god, Gaaaaab!"
I drove my cock deep in her and exploded.
"I'm cumming, Steph!" I moaned.
She wrapped her legs and arms around me as I fell to my knees then collapsed on top of her. My cock continued to shoot cum into her while her pussy kept milking it.
"Gabriel.." She whispered.
"I love you."
It took all my strength to lift my head, I then looked her in the eyes.
"I love you too, Stephanie."
I then gave her a deep passionate kiss. After a few minutes in each other's arms, my cock slipped out of her pussy, I then stood up and put my clothes back on.
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