Published: 26-Dec-2012
Word Count:
I got up around 11am, took a shower and threw on a sweatshirt and sweatpants. I decided to go see if I had any mail. I stepped into the elevator and pressed floor one. The elevator doors opened to the fourth floor and stepped in, Marie.
"Hey Marie."
"Hiya Dave."
"Going down to the pool, huh." I asked.
She's nine years old and she's very pretty. She had her long black hair in a ponytail, green eyes, and stood about 4 feet tall. She had on a one piece swimsuit and a towel over her shoulder.
"You trying out for the olympic team."
"No...and Dave, that joke is getting old." she giggled.
"Well you do swim a lot and it gets you laughing every time."
As the elevator went down, I felt a tremor and the lights blinked.
"Did you feel..."
Before I could finish, an earthquake hit. She started to scream, I grabbed onto her as the elevator shook. Something snapped, elevator slanted and smacked against the wall. We flew against the elevator and into the corner. As it slid down the shaft, you could hear it scrape it's way down. We both fell to the floor when it came to a stop. The whole elevator was leaning to the side and a little forward. It was pretty bad, I thought that we would die.
"You okay." I asked.
I let go of her and she sat next to me.
"Yeah...what happened."
"I believe we just had an earthquake."
"Can we get out of here." she asked.
"My cell has no signal...how about yours."
"Stay here, gonna see if the doors will open."
There was electricity still running to the elevator, but it must've been emergency lighting, none of the buttons worked and not even the elevator phone. The doors were slightly ajar, so I pried the doors open with my fingers the best I could. As I got them opened, but barely a foot apart, a gush of steam hit me in the face and luckily enough, it wasn't smoldering hot. I could see the other set of doors, but they were closed. I looked down between the elevator and saw that we had another floor or two to fall if whatever held us there gave out.
"We can't get out that way." I asked.
"What..we can't stay trapped in here." she yelled.
"Stay calm, we'll be okay...lemme try the hatch."
It wasn't easy, especially since I had to go up hill. I pulled myself using the rail and tried to pop open the hatch, but it wouldn't budge. I started to jump and hit the hatch to force it open. After a few jumps, the elevator slid down a foot or two.
"I guess jumping is out of the question."
"Yeah, I agree." Marie said.
I went back near her, took off my sweatshirt and sat down next to her.
"Damn it's getting hot in here." I said.
"Why is it...are we on fire." she freaked out.
"No, its a broken steam pipe or vent."
"Can I use your towel to wipe my face." I asked.
"I guess we'll have to wait till someone rescues us." I said.
She just nodded.
"So you come here often." I asked.
She laughed.
We chit chatted and after time went by, the elevator became like a sauna. I folded up my pant legs.
"Dave, your pants are soaked." she laughed.
"Yeah yeah...laugh it up."
Then I remembered she had a towel.
"Marie, I'm gonna remove my pants and use your towel to cover myself."
"Okay." she said.
I stood up and pulled my pants down. When she saw I had nothing on underneath she quickly turned her head away. I grabbed the towel and wrapped it around my waist then sat back down. The water continued pouring off us.
"You okay Marie."
"Uh huh...just sweating real bad." she said.
She closed her eyes and I noticed her nipples were beaming. Her nipples poked out roughly an ⅛ of an inch. She didn't really have breast yet. I would guess she was in the training bra stage.
"Marie stay awake."
"The heat is tiring me out." she softly said.
"Stand up...c'mon Marie."
She turned over on her hands and knees, grabbed the rail and pulled herself up. She leaned up against the wall and closed her eyes. As she stood there, my eyes came in contact with between her legs. Her swimsuit hugged her pussy beautifully. I had to do a double take. Her labia majoras were a little puffy and the swimsuit fabric slid between them. I looked up.
"Marie, stay awake."
I caught her as she fell over and I laid her head down on my lap.
"Marie, wake up...Marie."
After a few minutes, I drifted off too. I don't know how long it was, but as I woke up, the heat wasn't as bad anymore. I went to wake Marie up, but realized I had a massive 7 inch hardon under the towel. Plus, it was right at her face and she was sucking her thumb. I went to move her off me, but she started to wake up. I pretended I was still asleep, but kept my eyes cracked open. She opened her eyes and as she realized what it was, her eyes went real wide. She slowly lifted off me and I shut my eyes.
"David...David." she repeated.
I pretended to be startled.
"Yeah, what's happening...you okay."
"Yeah, I'm okay."
I saw her eyes drift to my hardon. Then I looked down and acted shocked. I fixed the towel and I covered myself with my hands.
"Sorry about that."
She didn't say anything.
"How you doing." I asked.
"I'm good...."
"Is there a but coming."
"I have to pee like real bad." she said.
"Oh...hmm...this may sound weird, but could you stand and pee out the door."
"I'm gonna have to try or I'mma pee myself."
"I'll help you if you need me to."
She tried to balance herself at the opening of the elevator, but couldn't.
"David, I need your help."
She got in position again, she stood with her legs apart and used her hand on the door frame to steady herself. I placed my hands on her right shoulder and hip.
"Are you lined up with the opening."
"Yep, but David...."
"But what, hun."
"I don't know how...to pee this way."
"Just...pull your swimsuit over...."
"And...um...place your fingers above your...where you pee from then press and pull up."
"Um...my suit is too tight to pull over."
"Want me to try." I asked.
"Okay." she said.
I slid my fingers in her suit, but were too tight to pull over from her sweating.
"You'll need to remove your suit." I said.
I helped her back down to me. She stood in the corner as she removed the straps from her shoulders then she had difficulty sliding her suit down.
"Marie, need help." I asked.
She nodded.
I could see she was shy.
"Don't be shy hun...you're a pretty girl."
She smiled and relaxed a bit.
She turned to me and held the rail. I knelt as I grabbed her suit and slid it down, As it passed her breast, her areolas were darkesh and her nippled were still hard. I looked up at her and smiled. She then smiled back. I looked back down and when it was close to uncovering her pussy, my heart started to race. I took a deep breath in and out then slid it past her little pussy. I couldn't not look at it, I lowered my head so she couldn't see me staring. As the suit reached her feet, she lifted her left leg and gave me a perfect view of her pussy. She had small lips, a tiny clit and no hair at all. I removed her flip flop then her suit and did the same to the other foot. She had very pretty legs too. I then hung her suit on the rail.
"Okay, let's go."
I helped her back in place, and once again held her by the shoulder and hip. She had the cutest little butt and it had some meat to it. She had that Latina booty and her whole body had a natural light tan to it.
"Dave, can you do the thing you said to do...I'm worried I'll do it wrong and pee all over."
"Okay...hold onto the door frame with two hands and point your hips towards the opening."
I removed my hand from her hip and leaned to side to get a look. I placed my index finger and ring finger on the top of her pussy. I spread her lips and she took a deep breath in. As I took my middle finger and pressed down above her clit, I lifted it and she let out a little moan.
"You can pee now." I said.
Few seconds later, her pee started to stream out of her. Her pee flowed strong for a few then it started to die down.
"Wow, you really had to go." I chucked.
She giggled.
When she was done, I helped her back to the corner. She bent down and grabbed her suit. She started to put in on and as she tried to pull it up, it went only so far up her legs.
I tried to pull them up, but it was a no go.
"We need to let them dry." I said.
"Great, watching you pee made me now have to." I laughed.
I pulled myself up to the opening and tried to keep myself from falling, but couldn't balance myself without using both my arms. There was too much of a slant even for me.
"Marie, I need you do something...."
"I need you to take my penis out from under the towel and hold it while I pee."
"I can't hold myself here and do that."
"I don't know if I can." she said.
"It's ok, don't be embarrassed...I should be the one, but I gotta pee too bad." I laughed.
"Alright." she said.
She placed one foot forward to steady herself as she leaned over to see. She took her hand and pulled the towel open.
"Okay, just grab my penis, pull it out and point it towards the opening."
My heart was racing, but my bladder was screaming for relief, so I blocked out anything sexual. She wrapped her little fingers around my dick and her touch caused me to shiver. She pulled it out, held it with a few fingers and took aim.
"Like this, David." she asked.
She watched as I peed, it was kind of cute and it felt so good to relieve my bladder. As the full bladder feeling faded, my body was able to focus on her touch. Next thing I knew, my penis started to get hard. Marie's eyes went wide open and her hand trembled. She wrapped the rest of her tiny hand around it, and as my dick grew, her fingers were forced apart. I was glad I was able to empty my bladder before I got fully hard. Even though I was finished, she continued holding it and staring at it.
She lightly squeezed my hard cock and rubbed her thumb over it. I wanted to see what else she would do, but I was getting tired holding myself up there.
"Marie, I'm done peeing."
"Okay." she said as she let go.
She stood in the corner and as I was about to carefully slide down next to her, I ended up losing my footing. As I slid down I turned and placed my hands on the wall above her. When I looked down to see if she was alright, I saw my cock was an inch below her chin. She just stared at it.
"Sorry about, I lost my balance...are you okay."
My cock jumped.
"Oh my god." my mind screamed.
Her hot breath felt so good on my cock. She scooted aside and we sat down.
"Come under the towel, hun."
I placed it over the both of our laps. Marie then looked down at the tent caused by my hardon.
"Oops, sorry." I said as I held it down.
After a few minutes of silence, she asked a question that I wasn't ready for.
"Dave...why does your penis get like that."
I was shocked.
"Um...because...your hand felt nice."
"Oh." she said.
I fought with myself, but I gave in.
"Did you like touching it." I asked.
"Uh huh." She nodded.
"Do you want to again."
She nodded.
I pulled the towel off me and placed it over her lap. Then I turned my body diagonal to the corner and moved a little forward, and leaned back.
"Come sit here." I patted the ground.
She moved in front of me, I then placed my legs on each side of her. She scooted
closer to me and sat indian style. She barely took her eyes off my hard cock.
"You can touch it." I said.
My cock was standing straight up as she reached out and gently put her tiny hand around the shaft. She gently squeezed then loosened up.
"Mmm." I moaned.
"Oh did I hurt you." she asked.
"No, felt nice."
She smiled then looked back at my cock.
"Funny how it's hard and soft, David."
"Yeah, it is."
She then rubbed her thumb underneath where the head and shaft meet.
"Mmm." I moaned.
She continued using her thumb.
"Marie, squeeze a bit more and slide her hand up and down."
"Like this." she asked.
She gripped it harder then slid her hand down to the base then back up under the head.
"Hm hm...perfect."
She smiled and continued stroking me.
"It's so...fat and long." she giggled.
I chucked.
After a few minutes had gone by, she stopped just below the head.
"David, what's this liquid coming out of your penis."
I said the first thing that came to mind that sounded somewhat right.
"It's to let you know that what you're doing feels really great."
It started to leaked downward and she slid her down before it went on her.
"Don't be afraid of it...touch it and see."
She brought her other hand then placed her index finger at my cum hole and rubbed it in.
"A little sticky." she giggled.
"People say it taste salty." I said.
She looked up at me with a cute look on her face.
"Try it." I smiled.
She placed her finger in my precum and slowly brought it to her mouth. She looked me in the eyes and opened her mouth. She then stuck her tongue out a little and rubbed her finger on it. She closed her mouth.
"Mm it is salty." she excitedly said.
She then did it again.
"You can lick it off my penis." I said.
She contemplated it, but then leaned over and placed her tongue right over my cum hole. She then slowly licked it.
"Mmm." I moaned.
Her hot breath and soft tongue felt awesome.
"Dave, does it come out any faster."
"Um...yeah, but you gotta make it feel really, really good."
She smiled.
"But, it comes out thicker and may taste a little different." I said.
"Different." she questioned.
"Some people like it and some don't...if you wanna find out then I'll tell you how to."
"I do."
"Okay listen carefully before you start...."
She nodded.
"Continue sliding your hand up and down. As you do that, put the head in your mouth, but don't bite...no using teeth."
She giggled and shook her head no.
"Then suck it like you suck your thumb."
She smiled.
"Okay, hun."
She started to stroke me and slowly leaned in. She then carefully slid two inches of my cock in her warm wet mouth. Lucky enough, she didn't have a small mouth. Her soft moist lips gently closed around it. As it disappeared into her mouth, her soft tongue caressed underneath the head and shaft.
"Mmm...very good, Marie." I moaned.
She also continued sliding her hand up and down my shaft.
"Shake your head yes or no...you had a popsickle before, right."
She nodded yes.
"Okay, have you ever put as much of it in your mouth as possible then pulled it out as you suck the melted juice off it."
She nodded yes.
"Good, now pretend my penis is a popsickle."
She stopped stroking and slid her mouth down my cock. She got roughly halfway then she slid her way back up to the tippy top and swallowed.
"Yesss, just like that." I asked.
She then slid her mouth down my cock again.
"When you slid your mouth up, have your hand slide up with it, okay."
She nodded again and did exactly as I said, she was a very quick learner.
"Marie, you can go as fast as you want."
After a few strokes, she picked up speed. She was becoming a pro, only stopping to swallow after a few strokes. She was able to go further down, but a couple times she gagged. Her mouth felt amazing and frankly, it was the best blowjob I have ever received. Maybe it was the years of sucking her thumb that helped her be so good. She continued to slide up and down my cock with her hand and mouth, sucking it and caressing it with her tongue.
"Mmm Marie..do you like sucking my cock." I moaned.
She nodded and I was getting real close to cumming.
"Marie, when I say I'm cumming, I want you to slide your mouth up to the head and suck, but keep sliding your hand up and down my cock, okay."
She nodded yes.
"Good girl...and one last thing, when more liquid comes out, just keep sucking and swallowing, okay."
She nodded.
My god I was so close, but what truly took me over the edge was the realization that this little girl...this beautiful little girl was sucking my cock and loving every second of it.
"Marie, I'm cummmingggg." I moaned.
She kept on stroking and as she sucked on the head, I exploded into her mouth.
"Mm." she murmured.
"Mmm Marie, keep going." I moaned.
My cock kept shooting, squirt after squirt of semen in her mouth and she swallowed every bit.
"Mm Marie, you can stop...you were amazing."
"Awe really David."
"Oh yeah, I swear baby."
She smiled and blushed. She looked so cute.
"I hope my cum tasted good and wasn't too much for you."
"Oh it was very yummy."
"Marie, since you made me feel so good...would you like me to make you feel good too."
"Yes, please."
I had to think of a way to do this since the elevator was all slanted.
"Marie, stand here in the corner."
She stood up with the towel around her still. She then stepped over my lap and as I scooted around in front her, I sat indian style.
"Okay, Marie, you ready."
She nodded.
"Spread your legs a bit and sweetie...you don't need the towel anymore."
As I grabbed it, I waited for her to let go and after a few seconds she did. I laid the towel down and looked her up and down. She was so pretty standing there naked.
"Marie, you are beautiful...may I have a kiss."
She nodded.
She leaned over and as we kissed on the lips, I placed my hands on her butt. It was nice and smooth, I then squeezed her butt.
"Mm." she giggled.
I noticed she had her pussy covered up with her hand. I laid my right hand over it.
"Baby, if you wanna stop, we can."
She was a bit hesitant, but she let me move her hand slowly away. Her pussy was beautiful and she was very aroused. Her lips were swollen and slightly apart.
"Your pussy is beautiful, Marie."
She blushed.
I placed my thumb in my mouth then gently rubbed it over her clit. I felt her body tremble. I pressed a little harder and rubbed it. She moaned and her knees almost buckled.
"Does that feel nice." I asked.
"Uh huh." she moaned.
After a few rubs, I stopped then slid my index finger between her pussy lips. She was unbelievably wet. As my finger came to her opening, I rubbed it around and used my other hand to caress her left nipple.
"Mm." she moaned.
I then slowly slid my finger into her. As my finger slid up to the middle knuckle, I was expecting to be stopped by her hymen, but my finger kept sliding up in her. I didn't think too much of it, girls do hurt themselves playing sports or riding bikes. Plus, my mind was on her hot wet pussy and how sweet it hugged my finger. I dared to see two go in her, and so I slid my finger down and as I did, her body wanted to follow.
"Baby, stay standing."
"Mm mm." she moaned.
I slid my finger to the tip then placed my middle finger at her entrance and slowly started to slide them in. She was a bit tight for both fingers. She bit down on her lower lip.
"Does it hurt."
As she shook her head no, I continued sliding them into her tight pussy. Her pussy really got tight as my fingers slid to the middle knuckles. I then slid them out and back in again.
"Mmm." she moaned.
She grabbed onto the rail with her left hand.
"You like that." I asked.
"Hm hm." she nodded.
With each stroke in, I gradually added pressure. By the fifth stroke, my knuckles slid past her opening and went the rest of the way in. Her pussy felt amazing around my fingers, she was so hot, wet and tight. As I kept my fingers deep in her, I caressed her insides then used my thumb to rub her clit.
"Ohhh David." she moaned.
I then pressed on her clit more and also pressed my fingers towards my thumb. I began to rub her clit and inside of her pussy at the same time. Marie then placed her hand on my shoulder and dug in.
"Ohhhh." she moaned.
I could feel her hot breath on my face and as I fingered her pussy, her breathing became more rapid. I then started to slide my fingers in and out. The faster and faster I went, the more she moaned
"Oh god, David." she moaned loud.
She continued to moan as I finger fucked her. I adjusted my fingers a little and felt her g-spot. Every time I slid in and pressed it, she would moan louder. She then started to thrust down onto my fingers as I slid them in. I then pinched her nipple and she moaned very loud. Suddenly, she let go of the rail, grabbed my hand and shoved my fingers deep in her.
"Ahhh David...." she moaned.
As she held my fingers in her, her entire pussy clamped down around them and her eyes lids squeezed shut. A few seconds later, she let out a long loud moan, it sounded animalistic even with the tiny voice she had. Her pussy then started to pulsate, I started to moved my fingers in and out of her. She fucked my fingers as her orgasm kept going.
After a minute or so, she started to ease up and that's when I laid down on my back. She came down with me and I slid my fingers out of her. I grabbed her by the hips and lifted her to my face. As her pussy was over my mouth, I gave it a nice firm lick over the lips.
"Mmm David."
Her pussy was so tiny that my lips fit over it perfectly, my tongue was just as wide and I didn't even have to open too wide. As I pressed my tongue over her pussy, moved it all around, she started to grind my face and moan loud. Every so often, I would dart my tongue in and out. She tasted so good and very sweet as her juices went in my mouth, I swallowed every bit.
"Mm mm m mm." she moaned.
After a few minutes, I lightly sucked her entire pussy in my mouth. She grabbed a handful of my hair and grinded my face. I gradually sucked harder and the harder it got, the faster she went and the louder she moaned. I then pinched both of her nipples and as I did, she pressed herself down on my face, gripped my hair tighter then had another orgasm.
"Oh my god...Davvvvvve." she yelled.
I was also pleasantly surprised as she squirted in my mouth. I then rubbed my tongue lightly over her pussy as she slowly came down from her orgasm. As she collapsed forward, I slid her down to my chest and wrapped my arms around her.
"How was that, hun." I asked.
"That was amazing, David."
"Yes, you are and you taste so good too."
"Thanks." she giggled.
I placed my hands on her face and gave her a kiss.
"Would you like to feel my cock in your pussy."
"It's so big...how can it fit."
"We'll have to slowly put it in." I said.
"Hm okay."
We kissed again.
"Stand up over my cock."
She stood up and scooted back. As she looked down and saw my hard cock waiting to impale her, she took a deep breath in.
"Okay, squat down till you feel it at your pussy."
She held the rail and as she started to squat, I took hold of my cock and aimed it. Few seconds later, our bodies touched and she looked me right in the eyes. I placed my other hand under her butt.
"Now slowly put your weight down on my cock."
As she eased herself down a little, my cock slid between her lips and I felt her tense up.
"Relax sweetie."
When she lowered some more, I felt her pussy stretch around the head of my cock and half of the head slid in. She then cringed.
"You okay." I asked.
"Hm hm." she nodded.
She eased down more and as my whole head slid in, her pussy clamped down around it.
"Mmm baby, you're so tight." I moaned.
She continued to put her weight down on me and more of my cock slid in.
"Dave, it's too big." she whimpered.
"Let yourself adjust to the size...I'll hold you."
She nodded and as I looked down, I was in awe. Her pussy was stretched wide to it's limit. I then felt her pressing down again, so I eased up on holding her. My cock slid more in, there was about two inches in her now.
"Baby, you are doing great."
She smiled.
As she adjusted her feet, it caused her to slide down my cock another inch.
"Ehh." she squealed.
"You okay."
"Hm hm, it just scared me." she giggled.
"Oh okay." I laughed.
As she continued pressing down, I slowly stopped holding her up, but kept my hands there. It took her about two minutes more to slide another inch and a half. When that happened, I removed my hands and showed her and her eyes light up.
"You're through the tough part, hun...only like two inches to go."
She pressed down with all her weight and as she did, my cock slid the rest of the way in her. Then she lowered her knees to the ground and sat on me.
"My god Marie, you feel so amazing."
"Mmm your penis is so far in me."
"Does it feel good, baby."
"Hm hm very...but it's also weird."
"How's that."
"Well, I feel full and...and it's feels like, it's up near my tummy."
I grabbed her hips and guided her up my cock a little then back down.
"Mmmm David." she moaned.
After a few times guiding her, she started moving on her own and with longer strokes too. My god every time she slid up my cock, her pussy felt like what a vacuum hose would be like when sucking. She placed her hands on my chest and dug her nails in. I positioned my knees upward and then held her about halfway up my shaft. As she looked at me confused, I started to thrust my cock up into her pussy and then the look turned into ecstasy. All she could do was lock her legs to my sides, dig her nails in more and take the first fucking of her young life like a pro. She could barely catch her breath between all her moaning and my thrusting.
As I thrusted my cock in and out of her pussy, her body suddenly started to shake, her pussy pulsated all around my cock and all the while screaming my name. She collapsed to my chest, I then wrapped my arms around her and she gripped my shoulder blades. I gave her several long slow strokes and as I did, she lightly purred. I gradually picked up speed till I had a decent rhythm. She then lifted her head off my chest and looked me right in the eyes.
"Yes baby."
"I wanna feel you cum in me."
I was very surprised, but she wouldn't have to beg me twice.
"Anything for you, baby."
As we kissed, I started to thrust in her, she nipped my bottom lip and moaned. I began to thrust faster and when I did, she put her face down on my chest then bit down on my left pectoral muscle.
"Mmm Marie."
She let go of my pec then continuously moaned my name and scratched my back up as she took the onslaught to her young pussy. I felt her pussy clamped down on my cock and that was all I could take anymore. I thrusted hard one last time, burying my cock deep in her.
"MMmm baby, I'm cumminggggg." I moaned.
"Ohhhhhh David...me tooooo." she screamed.
We came so hard together, I thought I was going to pass out and I didn't think I would ever stop shooting into her. Squirt after squirt shot into her, felt like a gallon by the time my cock eased up and her pussy finished milking my cock for every drop.
"Oh wow Dave...your cum is so hot."
"Uh huh." I mutter.
We laid in each others arms for some time and my cock gradually shrunk out of her pussy.
"Mmm Marie. How did you like that."
"It was amazing...I didn't know anything could feel so good, they don't teach you that part in school." she said.
"Yeah, they leave the good parts out." I laughed.
We then kissed, but this time our tongues met.
"Mm baby." I said.
"Dave, I can feel it leak out of my pussy." she giggled.
"Yeah, right onto me...let's use the towel to clean us up."
I sat up and she slid down to the floor between my legs. As we looked down at her pussy, it was a bit open still and our juices was pouring out of her. She then touched herself.
"Wow, I came a lot." I said.
She licked her fingers.
Suddenly, there was alarm sound. I then shot straight up out of bed. I was breathing heavy and was sweating. My bed was soaked in cum from having multiple orgasms.
"Wow...what a dream."
Later that day, I passed Marie in the lobby. She was dressed in her school uniform and was carrying her backpack.
"Hey Marie."
"Hey David...don't forget you promised me." she smiled.
"I remember...I'll see you later, hun."
This is two sentences! You broke it by putting a period at the end of the dialog. It should be a comma.
'Hey David...don't forget you promised me,' she smiled.
I know it's nitpicking but it drives me crazy reading stories that aren't written correctly.
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