Published: 2-Jul-2012
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Since I had the house to myself for a few days, I decided get a case of beer and spend the time relaxing by the pool, working on my tan, and trying to sort out what a few things in my head. So I made my way to the grocery store to get some supplies. I guess I wasn't paying attention, because I didn't even see her until she repeated herself. "Hi Daryl. You seem to be in a daze."
"Oh, hi," I stammered. "I'm sorry, my mind was elsewhere for the moment." To tell the truth, I had just been thinking about Laura. I'd been wanting to talk to her for some time now, but we hadn't gotten beyond waving hello in passing. She and her two daughters had moved into the house a few doors down about a month ago. But, much to my disappointment, she'd so far been acting sort of standoffish towards me.
Laura was a real beauty. She was about my height, with a fabulous figure, and long auburn hair. I wasn't sure how old she was, but her twin daughters looked to be about college age.
She looked in my cart, seeing the beer and snacks and frozen pizzas in there. "Going to have a party."
"No, not really. Denise and Samantha are out of town for a while, so this is for just little ol' me."
"That's sounds nice." she said. "By the way, I hate to impose, but I promised my girls I would ask. They were wondering if they might be able to come over and use your pool once in a while."
She must have seen something in my expression because she quickly added, "If it's a problem, I understand. It was probably a little presumptuous of me to ask."
"No, that's okay." I assured her. I wasn't very keen on the idea, but if I said yes, it might put me in good graces with Laura. And I definitely wanted to cultivate a relationship with this woman. But I was worried about what Denise would say. "I guess it would be okay, as long as we make it clear that the invitation is for the girls only and not all their friends. Denise would kill me if I turned her backyard into the neighborhood swim-meet."
"Oh, don't worry. They're a couple of good kids. I don't think you'll have any complaints. You're sure it's okay?"
"Yeah, it's okay. Anytime."
Well, they didn't waste any time. About 11:00 am the next day, they were at my door. I had to mentally catch my breath when I opened it and saw them standing there.
"Hi, I'm Angela. This is my sister Andrea." said the one in front. They were wearing baggy white shorts and matching T- shirts with some cartoon character on them and no bra underneath. They had their mothers long auburn hair but were shorter, they stood about level with my chin, and a lot slimmer of figure.
I must have been staring stupidly, because Andrea smiled and added, "Our mom said you told her we could come over sometime to use the pool."
"Oh, yeah. Sure, come in." I stood aside to let them in and caught a whiff of their clean fragrance as they passed. "The pool's right out back, through that sliding glass door."
"Is their someplace we can change?" Andrea asked as she held up a gym bag."
"Oh, yeah, sure," I stammered. "There's a cabana and restroom out by the pool. You can change in there."
"How convenient," giggled Angela as they walked out. Andrea stopped at the door and looked back, "Aren't you going to join us?"
"Uh, Yeah. I guess so. I'll be out in a few minutes." She smiled sweetly and nodded, then went out the door.
I stood there a moment, my mind spinning. It seemed innocent enough, but there seemed to be a little light in the back of my mind flashing a danger signal. But then I berated myself. "Don't be stupid, Daryl. It's not like something's going to happen here. They're just here for a swim. Stuff like that only happens in porno-movies and magazines." Besides all that, it was their mother I was interested in. I stopped in the kitchen to grab myself a beer and went out back.
The girls were still in the cabana; I could here them talking amongst themselves. I set the can on the edge of the pool and dove in. I swam a couple of laps and then climbed out, sat on the edge and popped open my beer. After a couple of swigs, I heard them come out and looked up.
It was a stunning sight. They wore matching yellow bikini swimsuits which contrasted nicely with their tans and long auburn hair. The suits were cut high on the thighs emphasizing their long slim legs.
They draped their towels over a chair and sat on the edge of the pool opposite me while I tried not to stare. It wasn't easy, these two were a work of art. It was weird watching them, they walked and moved in perfect harmony, each complimenting the other. I wondered if there was anything these two did apart from each other.
Angela spoke first, "So, where's your daughter. Samantha's her name isn't it?"
"Oh, Samantha isn't my daughter," I said. "In fact, she's visiting her father this weekend."
"Oh, so you're her step-dad." said Andrea.
"Nope, not that either, her mother and I are just good friends."
"Oh, I see," said Angela. "You're her mom's boyfriend."
They were getting kind of personal, but I had just realized why their mother was so cool towards me. I didn't figure on how my living arrangements might look to someone else. I just had to correct that misconception. "No, it's nothing like that. Denise and I have known each other since we were kids. Our families were very close and we kind of grew up together. You might say were like brother and sister."
"Oh, I get it now." She said, and after only a moment's hesitation, she added, "Say, if you're single, maybe you can ask our mom out."
"Angela," Andrea broke in. "Quit trying to set mom up. You know she hates that."
"Oh, leave me alone," said Angela as she gave her sister a nudge on the shoulder. "I'm just trying to help. Mom never goes out anymore. She's always working."
"You should mind you're own business. Mom doesn't need your help. Besides, Daryl might not even be interested."
"And why wouldn't he be interested." Angela looked over at me. "You think our mom's pretty, don't you?"
"Well, you know you're kind of putting me on the spot here. But since you asked, yes, I find your mother very attractive." No lie on my part.
"See Andrea, I told you." Angela said as she slipped into the pool.
"You'll have to excuse my sister," Andrea told me. "She's always doing this."
"Oh you, be quiet." Angela hit her sister with a wave of water.
"Hey!" squealed Andrea as she jumped in and tried to defend herself.
I watched for a few moments as they drenched each other, laughing and giggling. Before I knew it, I was 'accidently' splashed, by whom I don't know. By this time, I had totally lost track of which twin was which.
"Whoa," I cried. "Careful there, I'm not involved in this. I'm an innocent bystander."
"Not any more!" they shouted, and with that they both turned on me.
Well I couldn't just sit and take that, so I jumped in and shouted, "Okay, you asked for it." Splashing as I came at them, they shrieked and swam, squealing, away from me. I got them pretty good until they split up and started circling and splashing me from all sides. I was still holding my own against them, until suddenly one of the girls jumped on my back, pinning my arms. She yelled, "Get him, Andrea!", and I was blasted with a deluge right into my face. Half blinded and barely able to breath, I managed to throw Angela off my back. Before I could get my bearings, I was suddenly pushed back while my feet were kicked out from under me. As I flailed for balance, I felt hands grab my shorts and before I could react, they were pulled down and off.
I finally managed to get my feet under me and when I cleared my eyes, I saw them both at the other end of the pool, laughing. One of them had my shorts and was holding them up, over her head like a trophy.
"Okay," I stammered, "I think you had better give those back now." I was more than a little nervous.
"Oh, I don't know. Why don't you come and get them." This had to be Angela. I'd already learned that she was clearly the more aggressive of the two.
"No, I think it's best if you throw them over here." The voice of reason was strong at this point. But that danger signal was beginning to flash in my head again.
"Awww, okay, if you say so." Angela smiled and swirled them over her head. "Here you go." She threw them towards me--and over my head, into the bushes along the fence.
Andrea was giggling into her hands as Angela said, "Oops! Sorry about that." Funny, she didn't sound particularly sorry.
"Oh, great. That was real cute. Now would one of you please go get them for me."
"Why don't you get them?" This was Angela again. "Are you afraid we might see something."
They started to come towards me, so I began moving back myself. But my back was to the shallow end, and with it being only three feet deep, I was rapidly running out of cover. They kept coming and soon my back was against the wall and I was sitting on the bottom.
"That's far enough girls." I tried to sound firm. "This isn't funny anymore so quit playing around now."
Angela smiled coyly and said, "So who's playing?" She kept coming, with Andrea following half a step behind.
I was sitting with my legs stretched in front of me and used my hands to try and cover my crotch. Angela then straddled my right leg, getting down on her knees, and Andrea followed suit on my left leg.
For almost any red-blooded, heterosexual man, this would qualify as a class 'A' fantasy; being seduced by a pair of bikini clad young women, particularly beautiful twin girls. But sitting there, at that moment, I was scared shitless and didn't have a clue what I should do with the opportunity. My mind was racing, trying to figure a way out of the situation.
"What's wrong, Daryl?" demurred Angela. "You look nervous."
I was too dumbstruck, I couldn't speak, so Angela continued; "What's the matter? You're not afraid of us, are you?"
I managed to shake my head and mumble that I wasn't.
"Well, maybe not," she turned to Andrea. "But he sure looks uncomfortable, doesn't he?"
"Maybe there's something we can do to make him feel more relaxed." suggested Andrea. "It might be because he's sitting here with nothing on while were still dressed."
"Well," said Angela. "Let's just even the score a little."
And with that, she reached behind her back, untied the strap of her bikini top, and let it fall free. The way they were sitting on my legs, the water line came up to just below their breasts. Her suit top slowly floated away, catching for an instant on her protruding nipples. As it floated clear, Andrea followed her sisters lead. I then had two pair of perfectly matched tits, literally staring me in the face.
They were exquisite, each one slightly less than a handful. Young and firm, with no hint of sagging, and topped with tiny pert nipples. My hands itched to hold and caress them, but for some reason they were still involved in a futile attempt to cover my crotch. (An increasingly difficult prospect, since that part of the anatomy has a mind of it's own. And no matter how dense my brain was being, my dick knew exactly what it was supposed to do.)
Andrea, noticing my condition, said to her sister, "Uh-oh, I don't think it's working. He's just getting more tense."
"Oh my! Look at that. Well, I think I know what to do now." Angela began to massage my leg, starting at my knee where she was sitting, and working up my thigh until just below my crotch. Andrea grabbed my wrists and guided one hand to her breast and the other to her sister's. As I felt the firm smoothness of their skin, my brain tried one last time.
"Girls, wait!" I breathed. " Are you sure we should be doing this?"
"Daryl," sighed Angela. "You know what you're problem is, you worry too much, you think too much, and you talk too much. Now shut up and relax." That said, she removed any last pretense of innocence. She grabbed my hand at her breast and started kneading. Her other hand moved up my thigh and encircled my erection, which was now surging at full length.
That did it. I no longer cared who's daughters these were. There was no longer any time for talking or games. The only thing that mattered now was the young flesh under my hands, and I needed no more encouragement.
I massaged their breasts, squeezing their hard nipples between my fingers. Angela's hands were stroking up and down my cock and Andrea was kneading my balls as she leaned over and kissed me.
Although Angela was clearly the more aggressive of the two, Andrea was by no means being shy as she thrust her tongue into my mouth and kissed me passionately. Both girls were rubbing their crotches on my legs and their breathing was becoming strained. I reached behind Andrea and slid my hand under her suit and squeezed her ass. She raised up on her knees to give me access and I was able push her swimsuit down some and reach her pussy. She squealed in delight as my fingers slid between her soft folds. I found the bud of her clit and heard a sharp intake of breath as I gave it a squeeze between my fingers.
Angela continued to stroke my shaft as she ground her own pussy onto my thigh. She tilted her face up and started french kissing as Andrea bounced and writhed on my hand. It must have been the coolness of the water on my cock, because I felt no warning of my impending orgasm. Andrea let out a little scream and came on my hand, and before I could stop myself, I followed her. Angela watched as I sprayed my cum into the water.
"Aww, shit!" I said, as Andrea sighed and laid against my chest. "I wasn't ready for that."
"What's wrong?" Angela was still slowly stroking my semi- hardness. "Don't you think you can go some more?"
"Naww, that shouldn't be a problem." I assured her. "It just seems a waste of a good come."
"Well, we'll just have to make sure the next one counts for something."
I could already feel some stiffness returning to my cock. Andrea still hadn't said a word. She had her head against my chest and was gently thrusting her mound against me. I pointed it out to Angela, who said, "Yeah, she gets like that. It's like she goes into a trance or something. She doesn't stop until coming three or four times. I think she's addicted to orgasms."
"MMMMMMhhhhhhh." Andrea sighed into my chest.
Angela suggested we get out of the pool, so I grabbed a couple of cushions off of one of the chaise lounges and spread them out on the deck. I sat down in the center of the pallet, the girls stripped out of the remaining portions of their suits and joined me. We began by exploring each others bodies. I marveled at the neatly trimmed, silky fine hair between Andrea's legs, and was pleasantly surprised to find that Angela's mound was shaved smooth and clean. Finally, I found an easy way to tell them apart. Andrea still wasn't saying much, and she kept reaching one or both of her hands between her legs, as if to rub a persistent itch (which is sort of what she was doing, I guess).
Angela pushed me onto my back, crawled between my legs, and took my cock in her hands again. It was then I realized; I had placed the mats in the sun, and it was shining right into my eyes. But there was no time to move them now. So I laid back, closed my eyes, and felt a pair of lips close around the head of my dick.
Angela was a natural. I've had a few blowjobs in my time, but this one ranked up there as one of the best. Her technique was a combination of hands, tongue, teeth, suction, all expertly applied. I don't know where she learned so much, but I didn't really care. When I felt Andrea join in, it almost sent me over the edge. I just laid back and enjoyed the sensations. Since I was effectively blinded by the sun, directly overhead, my whole world at that moment circled around the feeling of those two mouths sucking, licking, biting, driving me crazy.
I felt one of them twist around to lay their body against me. She scooted her hips towards my head, and I took the implied invitation. I ran my hands over her ass and thighs and pulled them towards me. As I felt my chin nuzzle into soft downy hair, I knew it was Andrea. I pulled her on top of me and I felt her thighs part on each side of my head. I turned my head back and forth, kissing the inside of each thigh, each kiss a little closer to the central target. She shifted her hips and pressed her pussy down onto my face. I parted her lips with my tongue and teased her clitoris for a moment until I heard and fetlt the vibration of her moan on my cock. I really went to work then; kissing, sucking, lightly biting her lips. Soon my cheeks and her thighs were coated in her flowing juices.
My angle of attack changed as she sat up. Angela's mouth also left my cock and I knew what was coming next when I felt her straddle my hips. She took my member in her hand to guide inside her and rubbed the head back and forth for a moment to grease the way. She then bore down and at first only the tip went in, as she was very tight. I let her take it at her own pace as her hips raised up and came down again, and again, each thrust going a little lower until she had most of my length in her. She raised up almost completely off me and come down hard in one final thrust. Suddenly, my cock was fully embedded in her. She held still for a moment while I could feel her muscles squeezing me, then started a slow rocking rhythm. I returned my attention to Andrea's pussy, still glued to my face. (About the only thing which would momentarily distract you from a pussy on your face, is having your dick squeezed into another such pussy!)
We continued like this for quite a while. I could hear their gasps and moans as they rocked in rhythm together, treating me like a see-saw. I felt Andrea tense up and she began rubbing herself against me hard in short, rapid, jerky movements as she came.
Andrea eventually rolled off of me and Angela continued her steady rocking as my cheeks dried in the sun. I could feel my own orgasm approaching and I began to meet her thrusts, forcing my way even deeper into her cunt. The sun was burning a red ball of fire in my mind, even with my eyes closed, and it seemed like another ball of fire was building up in my cock. I yelled out and thrust up as I exploded into her. Angela rode me hard and let out a yell of her own as her orgasm took her. She fell forward and I held her tight against me until our spasms began to slow.
I only vaguely remember what happened afterwards. My head was spinning from the sun, beer, and other excitements. I remember saying something about needing to lie down for a while, so we made it to my bedroom and I fell asleep with a girl curled up on each side of me, my arms around them.
I didn't want to wake up yet. I don't know how long I was asleep, but the dream was extremely vivid and I wasn't ready for it to end. But the movements of the bed finally woke me. It took me a minute to get my bearings, but when I heard the heavy breathing and looked for the source of the movements, everything came back to me in a rush, and I realized; it wasn't a dream.
There next to me in the bed was a sight I wouldn't mind waking up to more often: Two beautiful young ladies, wrapped in an intimate embrace, thoroughly enjoying themselves. These were indeed two very close sisters. Their arms and legs were wrapped around each other, with their mouths locked in a passionate kiss.
They didn't notice I had awakened, so I decided to keep quite and enjoy the show. I watched them writhe together for what seemed like an hour when I noticed them each move a hand, almost at the same time, down between their legs. From my angle of view, I couldn't see exactly where they went, but from their reactions, I could imagine.
They were really going at it. Their moans and gasps were becoming loud and strong as they strained against each other. Finally, they appeared to reach their climax as they became almost violent, thrashing and moaning.
They held each other tightly as their spasms finally subsided. One of them opened her eyes, saw that I was awake, and giggled.
"We've got an audience." she said.
"Oops," said the other. "Did we wake you?"
"I thought it was an earthquake." I joked. "Don't you two ever get enough."
"Nope, not really. We thought you might need your rest. Being an older guy and all. We worked you over pretty hard earlier. I wasn't sure if you'd be up for any more."
It was hard telling who was who, talking back and forth. If I closed my eyes, it would sound like one person talking non- stop. I looked over at the clock on the dresser. I'd only been asleep about an hour. Plus, with the show these two just put on, I felt more than ready.
"Old, huh," I threw back the covers and pulled one of them to me. "I'll show you how old and tired I am."
I held her against me and she felt my erection pressing into her thigh. "Mmmmhhh," she squirmed against me. "It does feel like you're ready."
"You bet I am!" I rolled her onto her back and got on top of her, pushing my knee between her legs. Looking down, I saw her pussy was clean and smooth. It was Angela. Her pussy looked so sweet, I just had to taste it. I kissed her lightly on her mouth and then her neck and on down her body, pausing briefly at her breasts, making her nipples to harden between my lips. I continued down her flat stomach, kissing lightly all the way, past her naval and onto the slight rise of her pubis. I traced my finger from the beginning of the cleft of her labia on down and she spread her legs a little wider raising her knees to allow me better access.
I heard a small gasp as I inserted the tip of it into her hole, she was still wet from her and her sister's earlier play. I worked my finger in and out, just to the first knuckle, then pulled it out and traced back up, spreading her wetness, and circled the hood of her clit. She was trying to hold still, but I could feel her legs trembling.
I leaned in and traced the same path with the tip of my tongue. Starting at the top and working my way down, avoiding the clit, I pushed it into her hole, feeling her muscles squeeze it back out. I felt my way back up her cleft and teased her clit again.
I heard her moans were a little muffled and looked up. I saw Andrea with her back to me, sitting on her sisters face. Her head was thrown back and a look of intense ecstacy was on her face. As she rode her sister hard, Angela's hands were on her sister's ass, pulling her closer.
"What a couple of nymphos." I thought as I went back to work. I decided to quit with the teasing and dove in, eating her cunt with fervor until she was bucking her hips into my face.
Angela had finally had enough and pushed my head away. I climbed back into the bed and laid down beside her. Andrea was sitting next to her sister, on her knees and rubbing her pussy. Angela reached out and grabbed my throbbing cock, which was so hard it hurt.
"Are you ready?" she asked Andrea.
Andrea looked at it uncertainly for a moment, then said hesitantly, "Not yet, I'm not ready yet."
"Well, he can't wait forever." said Angela as she moved down and put her mouth on my cock. I wasn't certain what was going on, so I laid back as she gave me a leisurely blowjob. I looked over at Andrea and she was watching her sister while still fingering herself. I reached out and touched her leg and she looked at me.
"Daryl, will you eat me again?" she asked.
My jaw was a little sore, but I nodded yes, and she climbed over me, facing me. I pulled her to me and did as I was asked. She rode me for a few minutes and I felt her shudder through another orgasm. She then slid off my face and scooted down until she was lying on top of me with her head down on my chest. Her pussy was just in front of Angela's face as she played with my cock.
Angela took her mouth from me and I felt her rub the tip on her sister's pussy, which was just close enough.
"Well, Andrea," she asked. "What do you say?"
I felt Andrea nod her head, and then she shifted down a little farther. Angela rubbed the head back and forth against the pussy until I felt it pop inside. Andrea jerked up and came right off again.
"It kinda hurts a little." she said.
Sensing Andrea's inexperience, I let her sister guide the pace. So I rubbed her back and held still as her sister said, "Just relax. Don't worry, it'll work."
Angela slipped the head back in and Andrea jumped again, but this time it stayed in. We laid still for what felt to me like an eternity. I wanted to just grab her ass and thrust up into her. But she was obviously new to this, so I restrained myself and waited. It was really only a couple of minutes until she said into my chest, almost in a whisper; "Please, Daryl. Please fuck me."
That was all I needed to hear, so I took over. I rolled her off on to her back and got between her knees. She looked a little frightened so I took it slow. I sat between her legs and massaged her thighs for a moment.
"Relax," I soothed. "I'll take it easy, I promise."
She bit her lip and nodded. I leaned forward on my knees and took my cock in my hand guiding it into her. She was extremely tight, but well lubricated, and I was able to work the head in on the first thrust. She tensed up, trying to squeeze her legs together, but I held still until she relaxed. I backed out slightly and pushed again. It started going in, but then I was pushing against something. I figured she was inexperienced, but I didn't expect this. I pushed harder and soon felt the resistance give way as she let out a short cry. In one long slow movement, I was fully inside her tight pussy.
As I started pumping slowly, I looked in her face, "You're a virgin, aren't you?"
She had a slightly pained expression on her face as she nodded.
"Not any more." giggled Angela. She was lying next to us, watching intently.
I grinned and slowly stroked into her. Before long I felt her legs relax and spread wider as she accepted me totally, wrapping her arms and legs around me and meeting me thrust for thrust.
I was intending on a gentle first fuck, but Andrea had other ideas. She was soon leading me into a faster pace, moaning and biting my neck and chest as I pounded into the tightest cunt I'd ever fucked. It wasn't long before she was losing control in a long, drawn out orgasm. Her tightness wouldn't let me hold back and my orgasm quickly followed, spraying my cum deep into her no-longer virgin hole.
I was totally spent. I lay between them, catching my breath as Angela casually stroked my limp cock.
"Wore you out, didn't we?" she smiled.
"Yeah, sorry." I answered.
"That's okay, It's been a long day for all of us."
We were quiet for awhile, until my curiosity got to me.
"Do you mind if I ask a personal question?" I wondered.
"No, go ahead." said Angela.
"Well, I was just curious." I went on. "You two seem awful experienced for your age."
"You're wondering how we learned so much." said Andrea.
"Yeah, especially since you're, uh, or you were a virgin."
"Well," began Angela. "A couple of years ago, mom was seeing this guy..."
"A real jerk. Didn't you set her up with him." put in Andrea.
"Never mind that," Angela continued, shooting a dirty look at her sister. "Anyway, he kind of had to leave in a big hurry since, well, he was caught by mom screwing a teenager on the living room sofa."
"Not that you had anything to do with that, right sis."
"Quiet. Anyway he had...."
"Wasn't that girl a good friend of yours." Andrea pressed.
"Well, he deserved it, hitting on us like that." Angela confessed.
"Yeah, like I said, a real jerk." said Andrea.
"Okay, let me finish." Angela continued. "As I was saying, he had to leave in a hurry."
"He barely had time to grab his pants, as mom chased him out the door." Andrea interrupted again.
"Will you be quiet and let me tell this." Angela went on as her sister stuck out her tongue. "Any way, long before that happened, we were going through a box of his we found in the attic and found a bunch of magazines and VHS tapes."
"We'd never seen anything like these before." said Andrea.
"Yeah. You might say, it opened our eyes to a whole new world. Well, we just had to try out some of this stuff, so we began experimenting with each other, learning what we liked and such."
"And Angela just had to try out everything. So she picked one lucky boy and..."
"And," Angela broke in. "I lost my cherry at the tender age of fourteen. Boy did I blow his mind." She giggled. "But poor Andrea was too chicken to try it yet."
"That's okay," said Andrea. "I enjoyed watching."
I couldn't believe these two. What guy wouldn't dream of coming across a couple of sexpots like these girls. I was considering my self quite lucky, but then I thought about what she was saying. ..Teenager, at the age of fourteen, a couple of years ago....
Seeing that danger light beginning to flash again, I was almost afraid to ask, "Wait a minute, just how old are you two?"
They looked at each other for a second, then looked at me, smiling innocently and said as one:
"Sixteen, why do you ask?"
Peter Pumper
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