Published: 9-May-2013
Word Count:
The ten year old Jared stood before Samuel Charlston. Jared was naked and very scared. Jared had learned that it served one best to be both scared and obedient when with Samuel Charlston. Jared had not only witnessed the control Mr. Charlston had over the boy's father and mother, but he had personally suffered at the executive's hands. Jared had sucked Samuel Charlston's dick. Well, he had been face fucked by Samuel Charlston. Well, he had been partially face fucked. The massive, obscene,pink, pulsing hunk of fuckmeat had been forced into his mouth and part way down his far as Samuel could get it. After all, Jared only had a ten year old little boy throat. One can't expect a ten year old boy to do everything a man can do, can one? One can't expect a ten year old boy to take a fucking obscene wrist thick slab of fucker all the way down his little throat to the balls, can one? CAN ONE?
Samuel Charlston seemed to think one can. He seemed to have no concern at all for damage her might cause the little boy throat. He warned little Jared that if he scraped the fuckmeat with his teeth one more time, he would have all of the boy's teeth yanked out, without any kind of Novocain or pain killer. Jared, through gulps and sobs and choking tried with all his pre-teen might not to scrape the dick with his teeth. It was because he simply could not open his mouth any wider. It felt as if his little jaw was being dislocated. He was technically not sucking dick. Technically his face was being used like a cunt!
Granted, little boy faces do make great cunts. The adult prick feels enveloped by warm mouth and throat tissue, and the movement of the little tongue on the underside of the prick is quite sensual. As the boy tries to gulp for air, the throat massages the fucking dick creating a feeling similar to that of a very tight young virgin cunt. It is for that reason that among a certain segment of societies' gentlemen, gentlemen who enjoy the delights of boy fucking, the face of a pre-teen boy is often referred to as a "facecunt!" Thus the development of the cute nickname..."CUNTFACE." More than a few little boys have the nick name "CUNTFACE." I'll bet some of you readers out there call a special boy or two of your own, "CUNTFACE." I personally know a young twenty-seven year old father of two boys who to distinguish between them, calls one of them "CUNTFACE," and the other one "ASSCUNT." These simple nicknames also let his good friends know what acti vities the two little boys excel in.
Little ten year old Jared was not yet an "ASSCUNT." He was becoming a pretty damned good "FACECUNT." Samuel Charlston had gotten the boys complete co-operation by simply stating whenever the boy was less than enthusiastic, "Oh well, I guess I will just have to use your eight year old brother." Jared felt very protective of little James, and thus far he had managed to keep the younger boy from much harm. The other evening, eight year old James had been forced to masturbate the big black negro Wilson. He had had to use both his little hands. Both boys had had to lick the huge black penis clean of either ass slime or cunt juice. At one point, when Jared's ten year old mouth was filled with his father's ass slime and Wilson's cum, he had been ordered to kiss James on the mouth and pass the foul slop into his brother's mouth. To spare his little brother some of the horror, brave little Jared had actually swallowed some of the ass/dick mixture himself.
That way little James had to take less into his mouth. The worst part of the evening had been when ten year old Jared had been ordered to suck Wilson's cum out of his own father's just fucked asshole. The little boy trembled so badly, he could hardly do the job. His teeth actually chattered from fear and loathing. He was only able to comply by telling himself over and over that it was his dear daddy's asshole he was sucking, so it was okay. Thankfully he had not been made to suck out Wilson's big black ass. Eight year old James had however been ordered to suck Wilson's cum out of his mother's cunt. The boys had never used the word cunt. But Wilson made them say all kinds of nasty words out loud and seemed to get a big kick out of hearing the two little boys curse. Wilson made eight year old James say out loud, "Please Mommy, may I suck Mr. Wilson's sperm out of your cunt?"
I should explain at this juncture that no one seems to know for certain whether the black man's first name or last is "WILSON." Most people just call him Wilson, but the two little boys out of fear and some kind of terror instigated respect called him Mr. Wilson, and he seems to enjoy it.
So, little james placed his tiny eight year old mouth to the very cunt that had delivered him and sucked. He hated the smell. he hated the feel of his lips on his mother's cuntlips. He hated the cunt hair. Most of all, he hated the white slime oozing out of the cunt. But he had to do it. He had to do it for his poor Mommy and Daddy. Maggie sobbed hysterically as she felt the soft lips of her eight year old son nibbling at her fucked cunt. But her nipples grew hard, and her cunt spasmed with the kiss of her son. Gently he licked the dribbling negro sperm from the pussy lips. Wilson was not satisfied. He demanded that the boy stick his little tongue way up into the fuck ed cunt and scoop out the fuck slop...Just as his older brother had done on Daddy's asshole.
There is no hope from escaping either mental, physical or emotional scars for little boys who are forced to commit such acts. They are crippled for life. What ten year old boy can develop normal, healthy sexual habits and attitudes after being forced to place his lips on the asshole sphincter of his father and made to suck nigger cum and shit juice from Daddy's rectum? What eight year old boy will ever be able to look at a female in a healthy, normal way after being made to suck negro sperm from his own mother's cunt? No, the boys were damaged forever, and their ordeal was just starting. The had simply scratched the surface of depravity.
Ten year old Jared now stood naked before Samuel Charlston in the young executive's plush office. The carpet tickled the bottoms of the boys naked feet. The taste of cum clogged the ten year old's mouth and throat.
He had just finished sucking off Samuel Charlston. A few strands of black pubic and ball hair lodged themselves between the boy's teeth. It's very attractive on a ten year old. The boys tongue was coated with dick scum. Cock slop covered his gums and some of it even dribbled from his nose, from when he had gagged and it had backed up on him. He looked pretty pathetic. Pathetic and beautiful. Boys with sad faces are somehow classically beautiful.
Little Jared wanted to be excused. He wanted to go home. He wanted nothing so much as the solace of his room and his bed.
Mr. Charlston stood dressed in his dress shirt, tie, and black socks. His boxers lay on a chair with his suit trousers. His fat spent dick hung from beneath the tail of the dress shirt. Jared had just cleaned the dick. Mr. Charlston had taught him that boy sluts always cleaned up after themselves.
"What are you?" Samuel asked the little naked boy standing trembling before him.
"I'm a cocksucker, Sir." Jared answered.
"Yes, indeed. You are a ten year old cocksucker. Once you have sucked cock, you can never not be a cocksucker ever again. You will always be labelled a cocksucker. Maybe we should have the word COCKSUCKER tattooed on your chest in big bright letters. Would you like that?"
"No, Sir..." Jared's voice with thick with cum and the rawness of the fat dick that had fucked it.
"Or better yet, maybe we should have it tattooed right on your forehead, with an arrow down your nose pointing at your mouth. COCKSUCKER! Wouldn't that be nifty! Of course, you don't really need a tattoo. Everybody will be able to tell you are a COCKSUCKER. They will be able to smell cock on your breath. No amount of toothpaste or mouthwash can erase the smell of cock on a boy's breath. I can smell it from here."
A rather large tear rolled down Jared's cheek and dripped from his chin. Samuel's dick gave a lurch. "And the shape of a COCKSUCKER'S mouth changes. The lips become more pouty, more defined. You've pnly sucked my cock a couple of times, and already the shape of your mouth is changing...your lips look more like pussy lips. Yeah, pretty soon, people at school will be able to tell you are sucking cock, just by looking at you and smelling you.
And then of course there is also the odor from my balls." Samuel had spent a good part of this day teaching young jared how to properly lick a man's scrotum. To the kid's credit, he did a damned good job. Samuel has an ample sack and two egg sized nuts, and the boy did his very best to bathe them with ten year old saliva. Admit it, getting your scrotum licked by a pre-teen boy is one of the great pleasures of life. It just feels so deliciously dirty. With every swipe of the little pink pre-teen tongue, you feel the power and majesty of the molestation. You know you are molesting a little boy! You are turning him into not only a COCKSUCKER but a BALL LICKER! The entire purpose of his young life is to perform perverted, obscene acts to please you. There is no act of obscenity he will not have to perform. His innocence will be utterly destroyed.
But Samuel had one more surprise for ten year old Jared on this eventful day. They had just been discussing it.
"Do I gotta?" Jared asked with hoarse quavering voice. His entire slender pale body trembled.
"Yup, you gotta. You gotta wear this rubber plug up your ass all the time until I say you can not wear it any more.' It wasn't that it was so awfully huge a plug. It was a black rubber cone shaped plug that got wide and then narrow with a wide base. Once lodged up the asshole of the ten year old child, it would not come out until tugged. It would certainly hurt going in, as the boy's asshole was nothing more than a tiny pucker. But once in, it would hurt even more each time the boy moved.
The boy started to cry harder. "It's gonna hurt me..."
"Yes, Jared, it will hurt you quite a bit. I won't lie to you. It will hurt each time you move and especially when you sit down and stand up. But think of it this way. You are protecting your mom and dad and little brother. Imagine the damage this ass plug would do to little James. You're a big brave boy. You're doing this to save your family. I'm even going to help put it in for you the first time."
"Do I got to wear it all night when I sleep?" The plug was really quite small, as I said, but to little Jared it looked humongous.
"Yes, indeed. All day and all night. All the time until I say you don't have to any more."
Jared's cute face screwed up as if he couldn't understand the language. "Do I gotta wear it to school?"
"Oh yes, especially in school. All day in school."
"What if people see me walk funny or move funny...or...what if they see I am in pain? What if my teachers or friends find out?" He was crying a steady stream of tears.
"Well, in that case, your Mommy and Daddy will go to prison for child molestation, and you and your brother will be sent to orphanages...different orphanages. You will never see them again."
The boy was silent for a time, and then..."What if I gotta poop?"
Samuel smiled. The little bitch was getting with the program. "I'm glad you asked that question. If you need to poop. you may take the plug out to shit. Then after you shit, you insert the plug back up into your little ass. That's why you need to learn how to properly place it yourself. It has to go all the way in so your asscunt closes over the skinny part and only the base is left out. You'll look really cute in it."
"What about gym class?"
"Well, I'm going to have your mom write a letter excusing you from certain activities including showering...for now anyway. We don't want the other boys to see the plug, do we? Not yet, anyway. But I'm afraid gym class will be especially painful for you. Playing soccer and dodgeball, climbing ropes...running laps. You will just have to grit your teeth and bear the pain. I know you can do it. I have confidence in you, Jared! After all, you are ten years old. You are not a baby any more. You are a big boy!" Samuel laughed and reached out to grab Jared's little penis. He yanked on the little boy dick. Jared moaned and tilted his cute head to one side.
"Well, Jared, let's get your little asshole stuffed, shall we? This is going to be fun...for me anyway. And think of it this way. I am helping you out. I am opening up your tiny little asshole, so it won't hurt so much when I fuck you in the ass with my big dick!"
Jared almost passed out from that statement. You can, I think, understand why. He did not want to be fucked in the ass. He saw how it almost killed his dad. He couldn't even imagine the pain. Mr. Charlston had a huge dick, not as big as Wilson's, but still huge. And Jared's ten year old alls was quite small. Do you recall the size of a ten year old boy's ass? Next time you are at the mall, take a look. Watch some ten year old boy as he passes by and pay attention to the ass in his jeans. That is a ten year old ass! Can a ten year old ass ever comfortably take an adult penis?
Well comfort is not an issue here, is it? Except of course for the comfort of the penis. The boy's ass comfort is really not a factor. In fact...the discomfort of the boy's ass may add to the pleasure of the fuck. The pain in the boy's ass lips, rectum, and bowels may be a contributing factor to the fun of the ass fuck.
Delivering discomfort to the fuckee is always part of the thrill of ass fucking, and when the fuckee is a pre-teen, then the thrill is beyond words.
But first, for a few days...the plug. And then a larger plug. The boy's total humiliation is at least as important as his pain. His total humiliation in front of school friends. His SECRET that will forever tear him away from ever having friends. That will render him damaged and deranged. That will ruin him. The knowledge that he is a COCKSUCKER and an ASSFUCK boy!
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