Published: 2-May-2013
Word Count:
The humiliation had been devastating. It still lingered, weighing heavily upon Peter and his family. Peter sat naked on the couch with a thick towel beneath his battered ass. His wife sat in nothing but a bathrobe across from him. The children had gone to their room. They would not, or could not speak, silent witnesses to the sexual horror they had seen. The day had been a nightmare.
The worst part for Maggie had been the anal sex. Peter thrusting his swollen penis into her tiny asshole, until it was as stretched and red as her cunt. Samuel who had been fondling eight year old James at the time, running his hands over the boy's tiny ass globes, had urged Peter to fuck harder. "Fuck your wife in the ass harder, Peter...or we'll replace her with your son. Ten year old Jared had his part to play in the horror story. He had been instructed to lick his dad's scrotum while Peter fucked Maggie. "To help Daddy!" he had been told. The naked ten year old had to wiggle his slender frame down under the fucking couple and then extend his tongue to lap at the large full swinging ball sack. At least it was not Samuel's balls he had been asked to lick. Jared loathed Samuel Charlston. He glanced over at his little brother, little James, over whom Jared felt he had to be protector. Jared watched the tears run down James' cheeks as Samuel squeezed and rubbed the paled melon sized ass globes.
So for Maggie the ass fuck had been the worst. for Jared, the worst was easily identifiable. It was after the ass fuck, when Samuel had ordered the ten year old to clean off his father's spent swollen prick with his mouth. Jared was ten. He was no dummy. He was a smart boy. He knew his mother's shit and ass slime coated the dirty dick, as well as his father's sperm remains. He could not stoop to this. The Japanese had been most anxious to see the ten year old clean the filthy dick orally. It almost seemed the highlight of the day. They chattered like monkeys, continually snapping away with their cameras and phones.
Jared had stood stock still, unable to move. Unable to do this most disgusting thing. Samuel had ordered him twice. Samuel was not used to having to repeat himself. Peter stood like a zombie, trembling, long strings of brownish yellow slime hanging from his swollen spent prick. Peter could not help his son. He could not stand in for him. He could not stand up to their enemy. Peter was half-way to total ruin.
From his lapel, Samuel produced a stick pin. When Jared still did not move upon a third command, Samuel gingerly stuck the stick pin into eight year old James' tiny dick. The boy twisted and howled, Samuel holding the boy tightly within his grasp. Pinning the boy against his body, Samuel moved the stick pin in and out of the little boy's pink dicklet. Maggie screamed in anguish, Peter's mouth opened and closed, but no sound came out, and Jared rushed over to his father and took the stinking, foul, waste coated dick into his mouth. The Japanese applauded. Jared puked almost at once. He backed off the dick and vomited, a mixture of his last meal, saliva, ass juice and his father's sperm.
"That's perfectly all right, Jared. I understand it's an acquired taste. Continue cleaning." Samuel said. Making the most delightful sour face, Jared returned his mouth to his dad's dirty dick, and this time managed not to puke. He licked and sucked, closing off his mind to the horrible taste and smell. Samuel shoved eight year old James away from him. The boy staggered and looked down at his own pierced dicklet. He wanted to pull the pin out of his tiny prick, but didn't know how. Would the pain be greater if he tugged it out or left it in? And would Mr. Charlston allow him to take it out.
"James, lick up your brother's mess off the floor, and I'll take the pin out." Samuel stroked his own rock hard dick through his expensive trousers. A loud sigh of pleasure escaped the lips of the Japanes when his statement was translated. Asian heads nodded in agreement. Cute young boys must be made to do unbearably disgusting things. The beauty of it matched that or cherry blossom's falling from the trees...both were a kind of beautiful destruction...a beautiful death.
Trembling, the tiny eight year old fell to his knees. His red thong hung around one ankle. He was so small so vulnerable that the sight of him on the floor like that, caused two of the Japanese Businessmen to instantly orgasm. They were quick enough to open their kimonos so the sperm shot across the room and onto the floor. James lowered his beautiful head to his brother's vomit puddle. The lake of filth smelled a bit of feces.
James made a sour face, bringing a rise of laughter out of the Japanese. The old man halted the hand of the worker masturbating him. He could not cum as often as he used to, and he did not want to waste it. He signaled his son to approach, and when the young Japanese did, the old man whispered into his ear.
He told his son to change the flight back to Tokyo for the two of them. "Send everyone else back tonight, but you and I must stay. If I never do anything else in my life, I must fuck the beautiful little ass of ten year old Jared." The old man's son bowed and took out his cell phone. The eighty year old squinted his eyes and studied the cock cleaning ten year old. How perfectly his young lips fit around his father's limp dick. The old man could almost feel the lips on his own withered stalk. The old man, like most Japanese, was impeccably clean. He showered three times a day. But he decided he would not wash his penis and balls before his encounter with little Jared.
He wanted his boy to smell and taste the full aroma and flavor of his ancient manhood. But how to broker a deal with Samuel Charlston for the ten year old's ass and mouth? He would have to give a great deal to get the boy. Still, at his age, what were his billions worth. His son was set up for life. If the ten year old ass cost fifty million, so be it. He watched the tiny ten year old melons rise and fall, as the boy licked his father's nutsack clean. Oh, what he wouldn't give to have this boy for his long as his old body and soul clung to life. If only he might take the sweet ten year old back to Japan with him, to love and fuck and torture to his heart's content.
If the old man had his way, the beautiful boy would live a life of continual, ceaseless, sexual agony. No reprieve, ever, from the dicks and the dildos, the pins and the pliers, the tit clamps and the tasers. He would keep the boy on the very edge of madness for months, years even. The boy would learn to eat his meals out of asses and quench his thirst from toilets. He would be mated with animals of every conceivable sort.
He would be injected with so many sexual stimulants and fed so much viagra that a simple touch anywhere on his body would send him into spasms. His ten year old nipples would be stretched to unbelievable lengths, and his little ball sack would be battered on a daily basis. Every conceivable abuse would be performed upon him. This is what the old man wanted for Jared. This is what he intended now to get. So the boy cost a billion dollars, it was well worth it.
I woud like to report that for Peter, having his son forced to suck clean his ass slimed dick, after having been forced to fuck his own wife in the ass in front of a room filled with Japanese, was the low point of the day. But alas, this was not so. The low point in Peter's day followed. Everyone in the room was invited to fuck Peter in the ass. True, the young executive's asshole had been raped raw by the fucking machine.
But the idea of men with rampant dicks, fucking him like some common whore was even worse. He was strapped to a table, first on his stomach, later on his back with his legs up over his head, and one by one the Japanese men, all except for the old man who had a single sexual purpose now, climbed up and fucked Peter in the ass. Not one of them used a condom. Peter's raw hole was soon leaking a small stream of dickslop. Maggie sat naked, hugging her crying eight year old and watched as her sweet handsome husband, the love of her life was fucked in the ass by man after man. Samuel held ten year old Jared and pulled and tugged on his little brown tits. T
he old man was envious of the way Samuel fondled the boy. There was of course another option to buying the boy. Have Samuel Charlston and Peter's family disposed of...and simply take the boy. There were natural disasters, explosions and fires for example...where a warehouse is burned to the ground with several employees caught in the inferno. Such a thing could be arranged. The old man's prick jumped, and he had to will it not to cum.
Some of the Japanese took a second turn with Peter's ass. At one point in the horrendous ass fucking, Samuel walked naked little Jared over to his dad, and ordered the boy to clean up his dad's cunt with his tongue. Jared was somehow beyond resisting...beyond standing up to this demon. He simply lowered his handsome ten year old boy face, rosy cheeked and bright eyed, although the eyes were bright with salty tears, stuck out his pink tongue and began to lap at the cockspurt leaking from his dad's battered red swollen asshole. He knew the taste. It was the same taste as the "special vitamins" he and his brother had been taking for the last week.
His entire life collapsed inward upon him. What part of life was not sex? What part of life was not debauchery? Was there not real beauty? No real love?
What Jared did not realize was that the beauty was in the destruction of youth. The beauty was in the corruption of purity.
Peter was jarred out of his reverie by the sound of the doorbell. He stared at Maggie and realized that she was not about to get up to answer the door. She was deep in her own waking nightmare.
Peter eased himself off of the couch, the towel sticking to his ass for a moment where more cum and some blood had seeped out. The pain was so great, he could hardly walk. He grabbed his bathrobe and cloaked his nudity.
It took him forever to cross the living room so great was the burning in his asshole and bowels. When he opened the door he was surprised to see a tall, muscular black man standing there. The smell of the man hit him first.
The black had probably come right from work. He wore sneakers with no socks, khaki shorts, wrinkled and covered with stains, and a tight tee shirt with large sweat rings under the arms. The man's muscular body almost burst through the thin tee shirt material, and his nipple nubs pushed out at the cotton. His face was broad with strong negro features...thick lips, wide nose. His eyes seemed yellow. He simply stood there staring at Peter.
"Huh? Can I help you?" Peter managed, his voice ragged and tired from the long day.
The black man smiled, and his teeth were amazingly white. "You really don't know me, do you? I pass you a hundred times every day, and you fucking don't know me!"
Peter frowned, and then lit up as much as the face of any recently gang banged man could. "Wilson? Of course, Wilson...I couldn't place you for a minute."
"Unless you see me cleaning the toilets, you don't know me, right?" Wilson's hand slid up under his tee shirt to rub his muscular six pack. Wilson was tall. Strong and tall. Peter had never noticed how strong and tall. A sick feeling came over him...but he did not know why.
"Well, ah...what can I do for you Wilson? I have had a long day, and I'm about ready for bed." Peter suddenly felt unexplainably tense.
Wilson laughed. "MR. Charlston sent me over." Peter's heart stopped...skipped several beats...and started again. He glanced back at Maggie in her chair, hoping she did not hear this.
"What do you want, Wilson?" Peters' voice grew stern. It was of little use to try to stand up to Samuel Charlston, but perhaps he could somehow impress the black man before him.
"I want to fuck you and your wife. Mr. Charlston sent me over to fuck you and your wife! And oh yeah, he wants your two boys to watch!"
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