More On Keeping a Boy's Ass Ready

[ Mb, anal, stretch, dildo ]

by dale10

Published: 28-Mar-2013

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

I received so much positive feedback on my tutorial on keeping a boycunt's ass ready, and I also received a number of important questions, so I thought I would extrapolate a bit on the subject. Many of you asked inquiring whether it was safe for you to fist fuck your boys. Some of you had boys of sixteen or seventeen and some of you had boys of six or seven. You need to use your own judgement on this one. Not knowing your boys and not being able to see them...many thanks for those of you who sent pictures by the way...I find it impossible to make a general rule of thumb, or fist, on the issue. The youngest boy I ever participated in fisting was twelve. After that, the next youngest was fourteen.

The fourteen year old I had been fucking for six months and so had most of my friends, so the little cunt was perfectly ready. We had been stretching the bitch with dildos, bottles, candles, kitchen utensils, loaves of french bread, you name it. One afternoon I was fucking him in my bed at an apartment complex where I was staying while doing summer theatre, and I just started to work my fingers into his fourteen year old asscunt.

I had three in nice and deep when he started to whimper. I told him that the walls were very thin and neighbors could hear. I knew that to be true because the young college dude who lived in the next apartment often fucked his various girlfriends, and I could hear every thud and balls deep fuckthrust. So I didn't want to take any chances. The boy I was doing was named Billy, and he was the little brother of an older boy I had been fucking. I warned him that he had better not make any noise while I worked my hand up into his pussy. He whimpered, I and whispered for him to shut the fuck up. The weird things is, I can't even remember using any lube or anything. I know I didn't have any crisco or lard or professional lube around. I was there to rehearse a show, and the little bitch just showed up one day, he had taken a bus for four hours just to get fucked by me.

Soon, I had four fingers up the boytwat and was curling my thumb to get that in too. He started groaning and moaning in a high little boy kind of whine. I clamped my free hand over his mouth and kept on pushing.

The kid's ass was incredibly elastic. It just about ate my hand. EVen though he was in extreme pain, I could tell that he wanted it. You know that with a bitch boy. I am sure you have sensed the same thing with some little kid. He says no, but you know that deep down he wants it. And even if he doesn't want it, you know damned well when he NEEDS it.

I remember shoving the whole hand up into his rectum. I remember turning it. I remember his slender legs and seeing the bulge in his tummy from my hand, and hearing his voice crackle and croak. I leaned down and tongue kissed him and spit into his face a few times to keep him alert while I worked the hand in him. I recall laughing at the way he curled his toes and twisted his legs around. I leaned down farther and chewed on his rubbery nipples. He was only fourteen but he had nice thick pouty nipples from six months of nipple work. We kept clamps on those puppy teats for days on end. You could actually fuck him by holding onto his nipples for handles while you plowed your dick in. His nipples or his cute ears. But I used his ears more for skullfucking. Billy was really cute. He was dyslexic and lots of people in his school didn't give him the time of day. What they didn't know was that he was actually quite intelligent. He was great with colors and music, and quite a talented little Artist. He was also a really talented fourteen year old fuck.

This was Billy's first fist fuck. Later, he graduated to even larger objects if you can believe it. I remember this first fist fuck because there I was on top of him, his legs bent back and twisted every which way, and my hand knotted up inside of him beyond the wrist and him, squealing that he could not take any more and he was going to die, and me assuring him that he could take just a little more, when the phone rang. I knew it had to be my bosses at the near by theatre. They had called to remind me of an emergency rehearsal we were having that afternoon to make up for one we had missed the day before, due to the illness of a cast member. Well, when you live and work in the theatre, IT ALWAYS COMES FIRST. And I mean ALWAYS. I can still remember this all so clearly because I could not get my hand out of the little bitch's pussy. His rectum clamped tightly around my wrist. I told the cunt to loosen up, and he cried that he was trying. I slapped him to get him to relax, but my hand still would not come out. I panicked a bit.

Finally in frustration, I simply tugged my hand and like a toilet plunger, it made a horrible sucking sound as it pulled form his asshole, bringing a whole lot of inner asshole with it. The kid's hole looked like a fucking flower. That scared me a bit as well. I was young and a bit inexperienced at the time. Now this is the fun part. The bed in the rented, furnished apartment had four posts, two on the headboard, and two on the footboard. You've all seen these...they are called bedknobs. They are like baseball bats with rounded tops, and ridges carved into the stalks. They stick up about two feet from the footboard..for decoration.

Well, I wanted to attend to Billy, but I also needed to get to rehearsal. I didn't want the kid walking around with half his inner ass hanging out. So I picked him up and sat him down right on one of the bedknobs.

It was a thick one, about as large as my hand had been. I forced him down and made him squat with the bed knob and the post up his fourteen year old ass. He started to cry, but I told him he had to keep his fucking mouth shut. Then I told him he had better stay that way while I was at rehearsal, and I would tend to his pussy when I got back. It was painful for him to squat that way at the end of the bed, the pole up his ass. I remember his beautiful eyes filled with tears and his long eyelashes fluttering.

The fucking rehearsal lasted four hours. And I have to admit, I wasn't very good. The Director asked me where my mind was...well it was on the boy back at my apartment impaled on the bedpost. I also kept worrying about my college jock neighbor. What if Billy lost it and began to cry for help? I trusted the kid pretty much, but pain can do strange things to people. After the rehearsal, I ran all the way back to the apartment. He was still squatting there, sweating like a little piggy, crying. He had pissed the bed. His ass was way down around the bedpost and the knob must have been fourteen inches up his cunt. I eased him off, and made him lick the bedpost clean while I examine his asspussy. It was pretty fucking ruined. I lay him down on his tummy and put hot compresses on his twat and called a buddy of mine who is a doctor back home. He arrived three and a half hours later. That is the sign of a good friend. I was assured that the little slut would be just fine, and that he was prime material for fisting. His boyhole just needed some re-aligning, which he did with his hands and fingers, much to Billy's discomfort, and he needed about two weeks with nothing going up his fuckhole. Well, what good was he? I fucked his skull three times and my doctor friend unloaded down his gullet twice, and then we beat his balls a bit and put him in the bathtub and pissed on him, but without ass fucking, the evening lost it's magic.

Still, I was grateful that the little whore came all the way up to see me on the bus alone. I let him stay with me for a week and see the show I was doing. I fucked his face occasionally and had him sucking my ass pretty regularly, but he was terribly apologetic that He had ruined my time by having an ill-prepared ass. He promised me faithfully that at home he would stretch and stuff his ass every night, so he would be ready for me when I got back home.

There are two fairly interesting after notes to this story. First, Billy was eventually fucked by dogs and a horse. He was fucked by the horse at fifteen, one of the youngest boys I have ever seen take a fully adult horse dick. By that tine, his fuckhole was so stretched and ruined that he was useless for human dick. He made a series of animal fucking films that sold quite well. He moved to California onto a ranch and continued his film career.

He is now in his early twenties and from time to time sends me movies and photos of his horse fucking adventures. I am proud to say that I helped to get him going in his career by giving him his first fist fuck.

The other anecdote concerns my jock neighbor. A few days after the incident, I ran into him in the laundry room. He was washing jock straps and dirty white briefs and tee shirts. I couldn't help but notice how stretched out the pouch of the jocks were. He seemed to be a real stud. He suddenly came over and wanted to high-five me. He told me that he heard the bitch I was fucking and I must have really gone to town on the sow because after I left, she kept crying and moaning for a couple of hours at least. The told me he really respected a dude who knew how to properly dick a bitch! And then he told me that if I wanted to stop over some night and fuck the shit out of one of his girlfriends, that would be cool with him. I never took him up on the offer.

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im yours

Thanks Dale, this was pretty good, wish there had been more though. Your stories get me so excited, Just LOVE em so much. :)


Oh my, another great story... I keep leaking while reading your stories and I can't help but jerked off 3 times in a row after finished reading

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