Keeping a Boy's Ass Ready

[ Mb, anal, stretch, dildo ]

by dale10

Published: 27-Mar-2013

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

One of the most important things in training a boy, whether he is twelve or twenty, is to keep his beautiful young ass pliable, stretched, open and ready for fucking at all times. He needs to be taught that his ass or his pussy as your probably call it must be available and ready twenty-four seven. Boys tend to be very selfish about their assholes. They tend to think of them as being personal. You need to convince a boy as part of his Bitch training that his hole is no longer his, but that it belongs to you. He needs to accept this in his mind...he needs to come to understand the truth of this. He has to learn how to keep stretching and expanding his cunt to please you and your friends, and at the same time how to tighten his rectum muscles to continue to give you a really superior fuck every single time. After all, if he can no longer give you a really excellent fuck, what good is he? What is his purpose?

Of course a boy's ass is easier to control if the little bitch lives with you. It is much more difficult to control a boy's education if you only get to see him after school and on weekends. I do realize that not all of you have access to your boy's ass twenty-four hours a day. I was very lucky to have complete control of a boy's life a number of times in my life. In another essay, I'll discuss how to choose boys who come from a broken, dysfunctional family. You'd be surprised the number of single moms with drug or alcohol problems who are willing to turn their twelve or fourteen year old sons over to you for raising. You can even find legal ways of doing it. Once you have the boy firmly in your grip, you can work on him day and night. Otherwise, you need to make use of what time you have.

In keeping a boy's ass ready for dick, I find the following program useful. After you have thrown a good hard morning fuck into your boy's ass, and he has drunk your morning piss, he of course needs to shower and expel waste. Once he is clean and ready for school, I recommend inserting a good thick dildo or butt plug up his ass. This way not only will his ass be stretched all day at school and thus he will be ready for his after school fuckings, but also, he will think about you as his Master all day while he is in class. It will be painful at first and take some getting used to, but boys of twelve to eighteen can adapt to stress with amazing elasticity. He will complain of course that it hurts really badly to sit on a dildo or butt plug in class all day. You can help him by providing him with a chair at home that is "HIS" special chair. This would be a straight backed chair with a dildo sticking out of the seat. He sits on this at home to do his homework. Thus, eventually whenever he is not being fucked, his hole is kept ready and open by being plugged. Doctors recommend that you keep your boy unplugged for a few hours each day in order to prevent permanent damage. However permanent damage may be your goal. Doctors often don't understand that you want a boy with a nice gaping cunt.

Now as to what size the "School Dildo" should be. I feel confident in saying that a boy of fourteen should have no trouble at all keeping an eight inch rubber dick or plug up his pussy all day. Depending on your own dick and how loose you want him, you might even go to nine inches. He will pull all sorts of shenanigans to try to get you to go easy on him, but don't let him con you. Tell him what a good boy he is when he takes it all, and punish him soundly any time he tries to hedge on you. Make sure that plug is all the way in! NO seven and a half inches...all the way in and use electrical tape to keep it in. This may inhibit his social life at school a bit, but who cares? He has no time for friends anyway. When he is not at school, he is kept busy sucking dick, drinking piss, and getting ass fucked.

A boy of twelve should be able to take six or seven inches comfortably, depending on how big of a boy he is at that age. After all if you have a nine inch dick, or have friends with nine inch dicks regularly fucking the kid, he should be able to walk around comfortably with six or even seven inches up his boy chute. I have personally known boys of ten years of age taking nine or ten inch dildo's up their cunts all day. Of course to achieve that, you need to work extra hard with a boy. It is no easy task, let me tell you that.

Very important! Right from the start, you need to teach a boy that having a cunt stretcher up his pussy all day is NEVER an excuse for a loose, sloppy fuck. He will complain that the dildo makes his ass looser, so it is not his fault. You need to enforce in him the idea that he can work his cunt muscles around the dildo all day, ensuring a nice tight twat for your fucks. If he constantly tightens his pussy muscles, he will strengthen them, and then he can use that new pussy power to give you a really tight hole for your dick. He has to learn this is part of his new lifetime exercise program.

A little boy's ass will give you a sweet, smooth, tight fuck at first, bit it will be come sloppy very quickly. The little boy inner ass muscles break down quite quickly. Disciplining a boy will give you a better fuck. Whipping his little balls or his smooth pale ass, sticking pins into his feet or titties, using a lit cigarette to encourage a tighter sphincter can all help. But a boy under the age of ten or eleven often doesn't know how to control his ass or how to help you with your fuck. You will need to teach him. That is why I prefer boys of thirteen and fourteen. They are still young enough to give you the thrill of fucking an innocent child. They still have that smooth velvety skin, They still have those pouty baby lips and those wide childlike eyes. And they still have the perfectly rounded boy ass. But THEY ARE OLD ENOUGH TO KNOW HOW TO TIGHTEN THEIR NEWLY DEVELOPED PUSSY MUSCLES. They are also fully aware at that age of the shameful things they are required to do, and how each new act of sexual degradation undermines his self-esteem and his self male image. You expect to see a boy of eight or nine cry when he is uncomfortable, but by fourteen, a boy is trying so hard to be be a man...that seeing him sob is a spectacularly sweet pleasure.

I love nothing more than seeing a teenage boy of fourteen sob uncontrollably as I fuck harder and harder into his once virgin ass. He doesn't realize that seeing him cry and hearing him beg, just makes me pound him all the harder. Of course, once a boy's ass has been opened and you are keeping it ready through the daily use of dildos, you need to creatively find new ways to disorient and degrade him to keep the fucking exciting. Fisting a boy of fourteen can be fun and is possible. Fisting a boy of twelve is dangerous and you need to be very careful. I must shamefully admit that I once attended a "FISTING PARTY" with six very adult muscular leather men and a boy of ten. You can imagine what that was like.

I often make my boys fuck themselves with large dildos for the entertainment of my friends. It feeds the need of every young boy for attention, and it gives us hours of fun watching. A boy soon becomes quite adept at fucking himself. When he doe a good job, it is very important to compliment and encourage him. Words like..." That was really super Robby, you got that ten inch dildo all the way up your pussy just like a championship slut. Now how about trying the eleven incher?" The bitch will soon learn that his ass/cunt and his mouth/cunt are the new centers of his life. They will be used constantly. When I was not using a particular boy, I often made him sleep with one rubber dick in his mouth and one up his asscunt all night. That way, he never forgets his purpose in life.

To Lube or not to lube. I find making a boy use his own spit as lube is generally much better than using some "product grease." If a boy learns to rely on his own spit, he can be ass stuffed any time, any place. Some men I know make their boys carry lube around with them at all times. While the thought of a twelve year old being made to carry lube is kind of romantic, I still prefer spit and it hurts the boy so much more. You can actually play a slender boy's body like a plucked violin string. His little torso will vibrate under expert fucking tutelage. If the boy is slender and delicate enough, and you are hung well enough, you can actually feel your dick in his belly or in his throat with your hands as they massage his little body.

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oh yessss. Classic Dale at his best. Hot very hot! Keep them cumming and keep me pumping please. You rock Dale.

im yours

So this is what the boys go through, LOL,LOL About time, I really like reading this, Hope there is more to come. Would like to hear more about there traing and what they go through. Thanks


Another wonderful story from Dale. Anyone interested in a fan club? We need to stay together.


You are honestly the best pedo author that's ever published on this site. Well done.

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