Published: 15-Mar-2013
Word Count:
Peter Bruning's life had fallen apart in less than an instant. He was an up and coming thirty year old executive who had a lovely wife and two beautiful boys aged eight and ten. He was handsome and fit. He loved going to the gym and any outdoor sports-type activity. He was cheerful, competitive, ambitious and charming. And now he was FUCKED! His beautifully architected life had come tumbling down the day Samuel Charleston had come swaggering into the office. Samuel Charleston was the twenty-five year old son of one of the most powerful business tycoons in the country, and had been appointed the Head of Peter's division. He was as arrogant as Peter was kind. Nobody in the office even liked him, much less respected him, still everyone of course, tried to kiss up to him. Everyone except Peter.
Samuel Charleston came and went as he pleased, did as he liked, and contributed nothing to the office's productivity or well-being. But he was smart! And he was powerful. And Peter sense at once that Samuel Charleston had it in for him. Peter's wife said he was being paranoid. They lay in bed at night with Alicia gently pumping Peter's very large thick dick and fondling his big nuts, trying to relax him. She would suck on the large nipples on his well developed pecs and masturbate him until he had a substantial nine inch leaking erection. Then she would mount him, and it was his turn to suck on the large nipples of her ample tits while she rode him. They loved each other deeply, and their love life was rich and full. Alicia told her darling husband not to worry. But worry he did.
And then came the fateful day when his life crashed! Samuel Charleston asked Peter to come into his office.
No doubt about it, Samuel Charleston was a stunningly handsome dude. He had a slightly cruel permanent sneer to his face, set off by dark hair and flashing eyes. He slouched more than sat in his plush office chair. One hand tapped a gold pen on the glass desk top. He grinned at Peter, as the young exec stood awkwardly before him. He let Peter stand there an uncomfortably long time. His eyes seemed to eat Peter. They brazenly roamed up and down the young man's body. Finally he spoke. His voice was low and thick. "So, Peter, we haven't had a chance to get to know each other. I've been so busy getting up to speed on things around here." He did not invite Peter to sit down.
Peter tried to smile. "I want to personally welcome you to the company Mr. Charleston." It was difficult to call someone much younger than he was "Sir." Especially someone who acted so cocky. and Peter felt terribly uncomfortable at the way Samuel Charleston ate him with his eyes. They kept moving over his face and body, appraising him.
"You want to personally welcome me. That's great, Pete. I like employees who are personal. So let's cut out all the bullshit, and why don't you take off your clothes, crawl across the floor and suck my dick?"
Peter just stood there blinking. He did not know what to think...much less what to say. He could not believe what he had just heard. Powerful as The Charleston family was, Peter knew he could cause big trouble for his new boss for even kidding around in this way. He was shocked and offended and a bit scared.
Samuel Charleston swiveled back and forth in his chair. "Did you hear me, Peter? I want to get a look at you. You seem fit. I like a dude who is fit. Strip off those duds, get down on your hands and knees, crawl over to me and unzip my pants with your teeth."
Finally Peter got up the courage to speak. "I am going to leave now, Sir, and I am going to go to Human Resources and file a formal complaint. I know it is my word against yours, and I shall probably lose my job, but I can't allow this to go any further. Even if you are joking, I feel it is....."
"Oh shut the fuck up. A cute dude like you should be using his mouth to suck dick and balls, not to jabber on. Do you really think I would have even brought this up, if there had been the slightest chance that I could get in any kind of trouble, or could not enforce my wishes? Today is the beginning of a new life for you Peter. we're going to have lots of fun. And if you are a good boy and do as you are told, you might even advance int he company. I don't see you undressing." Samuel tilted his handsome head to one side and grinned."
Peter did not smile. "I don't know what you think you are doing, Sir, but this is not funny. I'm out of here." Peter turned and reached the door before Samuel's words stopped him.
"Of course if you'd rather go to do have that option." Peter's hand froze on the door. He turned back to his boss, an honest frown on his confused face. Samuel's grin grew larger. "You see, I do extensive research on my employees...especially if they are fit dudes like star handsome, ripped, in shape. I go for that type. I like to play with them. I have several really top notch private investigators at my disposal, and they can dig up stuff...well you wouldn't believe what they can dig up. Most of us have skeletons in our closets. And have yours. So what's it going to be? Do we play? Or do you want to leave your hot wife and beautiful young sons and get ass fucked in prison? Because with your cute ass, you will become a butt boy in no time flat."
Peter's handsome face did not change expression, but the door knob beneath his hand suddenly seemed to turn to ice. "What are you talking about?"
Samuel swiveled more in his chair, like a kid playing in his daddy's office. "Got ya! My boys came across a perfect little tidbit of information about your past, Peter. It seems that when you were in college, you did some really naughty things. You and some frat brothers started a little film business in order to pay for your education. You made porno films."
Peter stood a bit taller. He felt better now. "We produced them. I never acted in any of them, and erotic films are not illegal. It was a stupid thing, I know, but so what?"
Samuel leaned in, studying Peter's body even more. " investigators discovered that some of the boys and girls you had fucking like crazed bunnies in your films...were under age. You had seventeen year old boys, fucking fifteen year old bitches. You had high school cunt swinging on dick. We've got the proof and even some of the actors and actresses who would love to initiate a law suit against you..stating they were co-erced." Peter left the pen on the table and with one large athletic hand cupped the bulge of his crotch.
Peter felt the sweat drip from his armpit and soak his dress shirt. "But that was when we were kids ourselves. We didn't know any better. It was a thing...a fraternity thing...It wasn't even my idea. I never..."
"We have plenty of proof. Even some contracts you college boys made up with your signature on them. Do you want to go to prison, Peter? "
Peter swallowed. "You can't do this to me."
"Oh, but I can. And I will. I will do it to you, without so much as a blink of my eye. I don't give a shit about you, or your wife or your sons. I want to play! And I want to play with you. So what say, you come to your senses and take off your clothes?"
Peter stood frozen. "Look, I am not gay. I can't do gay stuff. I have never done anything like that. And I...I...please, Sir. Don't ruin my life."
"The choice is yours. You ruined your own life when you made those movies in college. Man, I've seen some of the films. Those fucking kids are obviously not legal age. Some of the bitches barely got tits, and the boys look like their hairless nuts just fell last week. You dudes probably thought you could make more money with young meat in your movies...right? You ruined your life, Peter, it was just a matter of time. I am here to save you. If youy are a good boy and play with me, I'll make sure all evidence is destroyed and your "movie actors" are silenced. I'll save your career...but you are going to agree to play with me."
And that was how Peter Bruning sucked his first dick. He stood in the plush office before his young boss and took off his clothes. He slipped off his shoes and black dress socks. He removed the silk suit jacket. He stepped out of the finely tailored trousers and folded them on the straight backed chair. He undid his two hundred dollar necktie and removed his crisp white dress shirt. As as he stripped off his clothes, he stripped off his life as well. He was trapped. He couldn't bare to have his life leave his wife and beautiful give up everything he had worked so hard for. He stood there in his boxer briefs, looking at his young arrogant boss.
"Wow, Peter, you are hot. You must work out a lot. This is going to be fun. And it can be fun for you too, if you just relax sand accept it. Turn around, let me get a look at your ass."
Peter wanted to leap across the room and beat the fuck out of his boss, but he knew he dare not. Standing there in his boxer briefs, his ample fuckmeat filling out the pouch, he turned to show Samuel Charleston his ass. He'd had fags at the gym eye him before. In fact, he got a certain slight thrill knowing that other dudes got turned on by his fit body. It was not sexual, but it made him feel special, wanted, idolized. Who doesn't love that feeling? Not that Peter was an exhibitionist. In fact, he was quite shy undressing at the gym. He often turned away, showing his admirers his full firm ass instead.
"Okay, Pete...time to unveil the monument! Take off your underpants." Samuel's hand worked at his crotch, like a pervert in a porno theatre.
"Please..Sir...don't do this." Peter felt his eyes fill with tears. He wouldn't, couldn't let himself cry in front of this young asshole. He hadn't cried in a long long time.
"Look, Pete, I'm not going to put up with you waffling every time I give you an order. I'm going to be giving you lots and lots of orders, and I expect instant obedience. Now take off your underpants and show me your junk."
Peter hooked his thumbs into the waistband of his shorts and peeled them down. His full pubic bush came into view, then the thick root of his hefty dick, then the long flaccid length, and then his egg sized testicles. Peter put his hands over his dick and nuts. He shivered in spite of the comfortable temperature in the room. He felt his nipples tighten and pebble up.
"Don't be shy, Peter. You must never be shy with me," the cocky twenty-five year old said with a smirk. "In fact, don't think of me as your boss. Think of me as your MASTER. Put your hands behind your head and let me appreciate my new toy." Peter shifted from naked foot to naked foot. He had large well arched feet. Everything about him was model perfect. He lifted his hands away from his junk and put them behind his neck. His muscular arms rippled, his stomach tightened and his full fat genitals wobbled. Samuel laughed out loud and applauded his prize. "Beautiful Peter, beautiful...I zeroed in on you the minute I walked in this place. I don't mean to be cruel, but this office has some real duds in it. Too may fatties and too many cunts. But don't worry, we'll thin the ranks. Now, what say, we get you on your hands and knees and give you your very first taste of cock?"
It was the worst day of Peter's life. The worst day of his life, thus far. Things would get significantly worse on a daily basis from here on in. He would never forget the feel of the thick plush carpet beneath his hands and knees as he crawled across it. In fact, he and the carpet would become good friends. He would spend hours and hours crawling on that carpet, going from man to man, sucking dick and licking balls. This was just his start...his initiation if you will. Samuel spread his legs wider as Peter crawled toward him.
"Peter, when you crawl for me, make sure to arch your back so your ass is the highest part of your body. Also, spread your legs a bit when you crawl. I know it slows you down, but it allows your big fat nut bag to swing. That is an immense flaccid dick you have got there Peter. You must stretch the fuck out of your wife's cunt. I am going to want to know all about your fucking habits Peter. I want to know everything about you. But first things first. First we, put you in your place. Peter knelt between his boss's spread legs.
"Okay, Peter, your first task. Using only your teeth, open the zipper on my trousers."
Peter, naked and trembling looked up at his young boss. "AI cant' do this, Sir. I just can't."
Samuel pouted. "Bad boy, Peter. When you are a bad boy, you will be punished. After you suck my dick, I am going to whip your cute ass with my belt and beat your fuck sack with my desk ruler. This is how we play our game, Peter. When you don't please me, you get punished. When you do please me, you get rewarded. Now what say, we give it a yeoman's effort?"
Peter did cry then, the first of many times. Samuel admonished the young executive not to drip tears on his expensive suit trousers. Peter had to bury his face in the hot crotch of his young boss's lap in order to get the zipper tab between his teeth. It took forever to get it down. Samuel didn't help in the slightest. He did run a hand over Peter's smooth naked shoulder. "You are going to make the sweetest pet. I can't wait for my friends to see you."
Eventually, Samuel's lust took over. He stood to make things easier. Peter got the zipper down. Samuel unbuckled his own belt and the dark trousers fell to the floor. Peter faced the enormous lump of Samuel's dick meat. He seemed to have an even larger package than Peter had. Samuel chuckled. "You like? It's pretty fucking huge, I know, but don't worry, you'll get used to it." Samuel peeled down his hand made Italian shorts. Peter found himself only inches from an enormous circumcised dick. HE COULD SMELL IT.
"I can't do this, Sir!" he repeated. Samuel frowned and shook his head. That slight movement made his flaccid dick swing as well.
"Now I have to double the number of swats to your ball sack. That is going to be painful, Peter. But you have got to learn. Right from the start, you have got to learn. Now Peter, I want you to extend your tongue out of your mouth, and I want you to lick my ball bag." It took some time. Four times, Peter tried, and four times, Peter gagged and pulled back. But finally, with additional threats to turn Peter over to the police, the young man got to work.
He licked his first scrotum. It was a thick wrinkled leathery sack. It tasted of salt and sweat. Peter got dark ball hair in his teeth. Samuel allowed him to lick scrotum for almost twenty minutes. Peter thought it would never end.
And then he was instructed to taste the dick. Samuel rested his fat cockhead on Peter's lower lip. Peter had a coughing and gagging fit and had to begin again. The cock rested on his lower lip. It felt hot and wet. Peter wondered if this was how Alicia felt when she sucked his dick. He had never thought of her comfort when he had her suck him, only of his own pleasure. Did she really enjoy sucking him? She seemed to.
Samuel's fuckmeat grew thicker and harder and longer. He eased the cockhead between Peter's lips. It was a long afternoon. Peter learned how to suck dick. He learned how to tongue the underside, and how to nibble at the pisshole. He learned how to lick up and down the long veiny dick stalk. He learned how to lap up the pre-fuck juice. His fingers trembled when he was ordered to cradle the big hairy nuts and fondle them. He didn't want to become queer. He didn't want to become a cocksucker. His life had been so perfect. So normal and healthy. One stupid mistake he had made way back in college.
Peter sucked dick. He learned to distinguish the taste of dick leak from actual sperm. He had tasted his own sperm on his wife's lips when he kissed her after she sucked him. But this was the spunk of another person. Of another dude!
But I have lingered too long on these preliminaries. This is not the main thrust of our story. Oh no. The main thrust of our story involves Peter's total humiliation both pubic and private, and Peters forced perversions involving his own family. You see, Samuel had truly nasty plans for Peter.
It was after Peter had given his first cocksuck, while he was kneeling on the carpet, wiping the sperm from his lips with the back of his hand, head lowered, looking at the carpet, still totally naked in front of his boss, that Samuel removed Peter's wallet from his trousers. He examined the young man's credit cards and then his photos.
"Oh, wow, Peter, you have a stunning cunt of a wife. And are these your two boys? What are their names?" Peter didn't answer. He wiped the tears from his eyes. "Peter, I asked you a question. What are your son's names?"
"James and Jared." Peter felt dirty even speaking his sons' names in front of this monster.
"They are really handsome boys. Just like their father." Samuel grinned. "How old are they?"
"Please don't talk about my children." Peter wanted to curl up into a fetal position, but instead, he knelt there on the carpet naked.
"How old are they, Peter?" Samuel's voice was smooth as silk. His fat dick hung limp and thick after being sucked for almost an hour.
"James is eight and Jared is ten."
"They are very cute. Very yummy in fact. But these aren't very good photos or them. Can't you bring some better photos of them to work tomorrow, Peter?"
"I'll do whatever you want, but leave my children and wife out of this!" Peter tried to sound strong.
"I'll do whatever I want to you...and I'll involve whomever I wish. Now, I asked you if you could bring in some better photos of your handsome boys tomorrow?"
"I suppose. I'll bring in some pictures from our trip to Disneyworld." Peter mumbled, hating himself as he said it.
Samuel hoisted up his shorts and trousers and fastened them. "That was not exactly what I had in mind, Peter. What I had in mind were some nice photos of your two sons naked!"
Peter almost lunged up off the floor, in fact he tried, but he fell over onto the rug, he was so stressed. "Are you fucking, out of your mind? You fucking sick bastard!" Peter put his hands to his face and cried again.
Samuel shook his head. "Peter, Peter, Peter, Now I have to triple the strokes to your scrotum. Do you know how a ball sack swells up when it is beaten? The pain is excruciating. Now here is the deal. Tomorrow, you will bring me some nice photos of your two sons bare assed naked. Make sure I can see everything nicely, or we'll just have to do it all over again. Do this Peter. Believe me, you do not want to go to prison."
Peter was curled into a fetal position now, hugging his knees with his arms. He twisted his head up to look at his new master. "How can I? How can I take naked pictures of them?"
Samuel laughed. "You're the porno producer! But, I'll help you out. I'll give you some knockout drops. You give them to your boys, and after they go to sleep, you strip then bare assed, and you take some really nice photos for me. Of course, you will have to get your wife out of the house."
"That is so fucking perverted. I can't do something like that."
"Oh for Christ-sake, stop being such a baby. This is just the start of our games. I've got plans for you, Peter. You're going to need to be a lot stronger, if you are going to make it through this. But if you please me, good things await you as well. You'll get a promotion and a raise. You just have to be a good boy for me. Now make sure that those cute boys of yours are totally naked and that everything shows. Go on, get dressed, get on out of here. Here are your knockout drops. You can give some to your wife as well to keep her out or the way while you play. Oh, Peter, leave the underwear. From now on, you go commando under your suit trousers. Oh, and make sure you call me here in my office before you go to the toilet. Call me from your cubicle to get permission. From now on, you don't piss or shit without permission. I want you in my office tomorrow at nine o'clock sharp with the photos."
This was the start of Peter's journey to Hell, a journey on which he would be forced to take his two young sons.
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