Mr. Black's Christmas Offer

[ M/b/g, ws, best, humil, D/s, gangrape ]

by dale10

Published: 24-Dec-2012

Word Count:

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Bill Savoy was ushered into the luxurious suite a the Belagio Hotel in Las Vegas. He had received the invitation from Mr. Black only the day before, but he knew that if he did not cancel all plans and fly out to Vegas immediately, he would never again get the opportunity to make his dream come true. The young man who opened the door was between sixteen and eighteen years old. he was naked except for a printed sarong which he wore slung so low about his hips, that had he had any pubic hair, it would have been clearly visable. The boy was remarkably handsome and of indeterminte race..something Latin or Asian, Bill surmised. His brown body was finely muscled and he had an inbred sexuality about everything he did.

"Please follow me," he said in a husky whisper and turned to lead Bill further into the massive and perfectly decorated suite. Bill's eyes couldn't help but travel down to the way the boy's hips swayed like a female cunt when he walked. His young ass made an enticing mound under the thin batik cloth of the sarong. His naked feet were wide and finely arched. Around one ankle, the boy wore a thin orange string. In profile, Bill could not only see the handsome clean line of the boy's nose and chin, but also the significant bulge of teenage boy dick pushing out the front of the sarong. Not that the boy was erect, oh no, simply that the boy was well hung when flaccid.

"Mr. Savoy, I am delighted to meet you," came the rich baritone voice from the cluster of furniture at the far end of the room. Mr. Black was seated on a couch, sipping a vodka martini and munching on some sort of rice cracker. He was dressed in loose fitting very expensive chocolate colored slacks and a baggy silk shirt of a lighter brown color, which was opened to below his pecs. Around his neck he wore a gold image of Buddha on a thin gold chair. He was middle aged and quite good looking, with close cropped black hair with just a few hints of gray at the temple. It was impossible for Bill to pinpoint Mr. Black's race as well. There was definitely some Asian there, but perhaps only half.The man's eyes were remarkable, deep and of an illusive hue that seemed to keep changing. They were absolutely hypnotic. Bill knew for the first time in his life, the thrill of being in the presence of a truly great man. Mr. Black did not rise but indicated a lounge chair opposite the couch. "Please sit down. What will you have to drink?"

Bill smiled. He had waited almost a year for this interview, and now here at last he was. "OH....a martini will be fine. I know from all the legends about you, Mr. Black that you drink a vodka James Bond. That will be fine for me as well."

Mr. Black waived one hand. "Please, Mr. Savoy...Bill if I not compare me to a shallow British thug, merely because we share the same drinking habits. And as for the legends, most of them are urban legend only." When Mr. Black smiled, he seemed almost human. His eyes twinkled and his lips formed a cooked line raised more at one corner than the other. A second boy appeared with a silver tray on which rested a small martini glass and a silver cocktail shaker. This boy was even more naked than the one who had answered the door. He wore nothing more than a red silk pouch over his genitals, and what shocked Bill the most was that he could not have been more than fourteen years of age. The young penis and sac sere clearly visible through the thin red pouch material. Except for on his head, boy had no hair anywhere on his body.

"Martinis are not meant to be served in large glasses. They become warm, and warm vodka tastes like owl piss. When they were invented they were always drunk as follows. Small glasses, the contents of which may be consummed in a swallow or two, along with a shaker filled with more! Did you know, the man who invented the martini was gay?" Bill did not.

They settled back and each had a swallow or two. The vodka was as smooth as fresh teenage boy cum. Bill was anxious to get the formalities out of the way. "I have waited almost a year to see you. I'm glad you were able to arrange this before the holidays. It will be a wonderful Christmas present to myself."

"We had to do a background check on you. And then I had some business in what was once called Burma. I think the old names of many of these countries so much more romantic than the new ones. With the changing climate in that country, we must make sure the Youth Sex Industry is not in any way hampered. Thousands of wealthy foreigners go to Myanmar each year to fuck. We can't lose that profitable market. Anway, here you are at last. So. Let us get right to the point shall we? There is a champion ship boxing match here in Vegas tonight as you may know, and I have an appointment to watch the contender work out. He will work out naked of course, so that I may appreciate the tone of his physique. So, let me see..for what is it you wish my services. Oh yes, you would like to have your daughter gang fucked."

There! It was out in the open. Bill's most secret and darkest fantasy. The thing that had obsessed his mind for over a year. It was said so casually by Mr. Black. No whispers, no coded words. The phrase seemed to hang in the air between the two men.

"Ah, see...the girls mother died a few years ago and left me....."

"Yes, yes, whatever. I am really not interested in your motives. I am only interested in providing you with the service you require. How old is the girl?"

"She's ah......she's twelve. She just turned twelve."

"So there's a fair chance she will get pregnant from the fuck."

Bill felt his dick harden. "Ah...yes...that is a possibility. I'm fine with that." He pictured his little twelve year old daughter with her stomach swollen with child.

"Children are reaching puberty at an earlier age now than they did twenty years ago. I suspect it goes in cycles. We know that in olden days, children married at thirteen, so one assumes they had reached puberty by then. Perhaps our stupid conservative sexual values have stunted puberty for the last few generations. At any rate, studies now show that many girls reach puberty at ten or eleven nowadays, and boys have fully functional fuckers often at ten and eleven as well. It's a great delight for me to watch a boy of eleven or so, fuck a young girl of the same age. Something so romantic about it. I also really enjoy watching them fumble in their innocence. He is not certain how to put his dick in her. She is not certain how to lick his balls. What fun. From what you emailed to me, and our telephone conversation...and I'm sorry if I am covering some ground twice here, but I have so much on my plate right now, and I want to get this right; from what we discussed, I think I suggested and you agreed to a weekend abuduction gang rape. That way, the boys will have more time not only to fuck all her holes, but also to humiliate and degrade her properly. It makes for a better memory for you and a much more enjoyable dvd." Mr. Black smiled again, and ruffled the ink black hair of the little Asian boy in the pouch who knelt next to him now. Bill could see the small prick pushing out the red material, and the think silk looked to dampen with a spot of pre-fuck.

Bill sipped his drink. He felt warm and uncomfortable discussing his daughter's fucking in the open like this, but also very excited. "Yes, a weekend abduction rape."

"And money is no object? I mean for a three day fuck instead of just an over nighter?"

"I am fairly well off, as you no doubt know after checking my bank records. This means alot to me. More than anything else in my life. I really want to have my daughter turned into a fucked out cock slut. It's pretty much all I think about."

Mr. Black nodded knowingly and popped some rice crackers into his mouth and then slid the bowl across to his guest. "It's a common fantasy for many fathers. Just as many women want to be fucked by their sons, many father's want to see their daughters stuffed with dick. I have known more than a few dads who secretly spy on their daughters being fucked by teenage boyfriends. Well then, black or white...or Latino...or Asian?"

"Beg pardon?"

Mr. Black smiled. "The men who fuck her little brains out. Do you want black or white,Latino or Asian, or a healthy ethnic mix. Nothing for a girl just turned twelve like feeling her puffy virginal cunt stretched by cocks from all races. But, each race has their specialties. The Latinos can be the cruelest and really get into young twat abuse, but the blacks of course have the largest dicks by far. Nothing like watching some huge nigger dick fuck in and out of your daughter's mouth and ass and cunt, I should think."

"Oh by all means. I had honestly never even considered that, but that will be so hot! I would like her fucked by really huge dicks, so she learns the proper respect for cock, even at her young age." He pictured his poor innocent little daughter fucked by a gang of muscled black niggers. He was not a racist by any means, but using the ugly term Nigger when thinking about black dick fucking his twelve year old daughter, somehow made it more exciting. His cock grew larger in his pants and began to pulse.

"By the way, " Mr. Black said, "would you like a cock suck or anything while we visit? Emil, here..." he gestured to the fourteen year old, "is an excellent cocksucker. Unfortunately I have no young ladies here, but I promise you, you won't regret Emil's mouth. That young mouth has sucked the sperm from the Heads of State of many nations. Bitter enemies from the Middle East have his mouth in common, not to mention his fine young ass." The boy blushed modestly.

Bill shook his head. "Ugh, no, I'm fine, thank you."

"So...Blacks it will be. A gang of blacks. Do you prefer older gentlemen or young? Some prefer older men fucking their daughters, while others like strong, violent young street types."

"Oh the strong young street types by all means." Bill had visions of broad nosed, thick lipped, tattooed, lean and hungry thugs with low slung pants and humongous wet dicks pushing out the fronts of their trousers. In his mind's eye he saw silver and gold jewelry clanging as the boys mercilessly fucked his daughter with their thick gnarled fuckers, big loose balls slapping and swinging. " And I hope they are extremely rough with her."

"Rest assured, they will be. They will fuck the shit out of the little bitch and turn her into a cock hungry slut, all in one weekend. The average cock size of the boys will be between nine and twelve inches. The little twelve year old cunt will get quite a ride. Imagine her hairless young pussy opened by a twelve inch dick! She will learn how to properly respect and service dick. Now, if it is to be a weekend long fuck session, I recommend at least ten niggers. I know I said five to seven before, and I know it costs more money, but I think you will be so much happier with the results. With ten niggers, they can pretty much fuck her non-stop all wekend long. As soon as the dicks in her ass, mount and mouth, pull out, fresh ones fuck in. Just think of how she will feel being fucked continually for hours and hours and hours. And We will capture all of that in H.D. In between fucks, of course, they will use dildos, bottles, corn cobs, toilet plungers, and even baseball bats on her twat." Bill could hardly contain himself.

"Oh God, yes. I want her fucked so she can't walk for a month." Bill noticed that the young man who had answered the door was now at a computer taking notes of their conversation.

"So, ten...let's say twelve, healthy, extremely well hung young niggers it will be then. What about dogs?"

Bill forgot to breath. He was in shock. He blinked and found himself almost passing out from not breathing. "Dogs?" he said at last.

"Would you like her fucked by and made to suck off dogs? That's very popular now. Men like to see young girls degraded in that way...a slimy canine dick face fucking a sweet young innocent girl. It teaches the girl that she must concentrate always on the dick, not on the body or personality behind the dick. That is important if ever you want her fucked by fat or unattractive older men. It's one thing to be raped by a studly nigger boy, but another to have some fat old far slobbering over you. She must learn that servicing the dick is the only thing that matters. So...dogs?"

"Oh...ah...yes please." He sounded like a little boy.

Mr. Black chuckled. "It can be amusing with a cunt that age. If she does get pregnant, you can tell her that she might be carrying puppies.Little girls will often believe that is possible and live in terror."

Bill took a large gulp of his drink. "That sounds great."

"So let's say, four nice big dogs. The black boys will get a kick out of watching that as well. Those big slimy dog pricks are pretty gross. And let me see....toilet games? Would you like toilet games?"

"I'm not sure what that all entails."

"Well, the niggers can piss on your daughter, or make her drink their piss for the entire weekend.They can piss up her cunt and ass, make her expel it and then lick it up. That is always very humorous to watch. They could give her a piss enema, watch her tummy bloat. She would look like she is pregnant. And then there is shit. They could shit in her mouth, or on a plate and make her eat it. You name it. It will be pretty hot to see a handsome negro buck squatting over your daughter's face and squeezing out a thick brown turd into her open mouth . A lot of these boys regularly make their girlfriends eat their shit. It's a way of testing their loyalty and obedience."

Bill frowned. "I..ah..I 'm not into shit. Is that okay?"

"It's your money. Piss?"

"Oh God yes. Have them piss all over her and make her drink most of it. Dog piss too if that's okay?"

"Certainly. We can have her licking dog piss off the floor while she had a dildo up her ass and cunt. Now what about pain?"

Bill licked his lips. "I'd like her to experience lots of pain. Extreme pain if possible. But I don't want any permanent marks, or for her to end up crippled or anything."

"No problem. She will suffer unspeakably for the entire weekend, but be returned to you as pretty as a picture on Monday morning. You know what to tell her?"

"Afterward? Sure. That going to the police would ruin her life, so we had better keep this horrible thing to ourselves. And, I should suggest that it was at least partly her fault for attracting the boys to begin with. I should plant the seed that she is a little cock slut and needs lots of dick to be happy!"

"Exactly. Now with the twelve niggers, I figure she will be fucked at least ninety times in the three days, perhaps fifty in the pussy and fourty in the ass. She will also be sucking cock pretty much all the time, cleaning dicks and such, but they will unload in her mouth or face about twenty times. I can have them pull out of her ass before they cum and shoot on her face if you prefer more facials! Many dads really want to see their little daughters' faces covered with cock slop."

"Yes, I think I'd like that, as long as they don't stint on the ass fucking. I want her rectum fully stretched!"

"Oh it will be, with those black boy pricks, I can assure you."

Mr. Black leaned forward. "She will be psychologically affected by this experience, you realize. Her mind will be damaged to some degree. I mean, she will never be the same little girl as the daughter you now have. The gang rape experience can turn some cunts off to sex for the rest of their lives. And we wouldn't want that. We want to turn her on to sex and turn her into a cock hungry slut, correct?"

"Oh yes, indeed. In fact, I want to fuck her silly myself eventually. I want her to live to worship her father's fat dick."

"Yes, well then I will include free of charge our follow up...just to make sure she turns out the way we want her."

"Follow up?"

"Aswan, come here." Mr. Black called and the handsome youth at the computer rose and walked over to the two men.

"This is Aswan. Shortly after the gang fuck, while you daughter is still recovering physically, you will introduce her to Aswan. He will be a family friend...he will comfort her and she will fall in love with him because he is so kind and so very handsome. Believe me, he knows how to make young cunt fall in love with him.He as you can see, movie star handsome."

The beautiful youth blushed a bit.

"About two weeks into the relationship, just as the bitch is pretty much healed, he will fuck her for the first time. He will teach her not to feel guilty about being gang fucked, but to enjoy her new status as a cock slut. He will educate her on how to please a man. She will think he is to be her boyfriend forever, so she will give him everything she has. She will hold back nothing. He will repeat with her the very same activities that she underwent with the niggers, but this time it will be done for 'love." soon, she will not be able to go without cock for even a few hours. Then you may do anything you wish with her. And all of this while she is only twelve years of age."

"That's amazing, Mr. Black. And will I be able to film the sessions with Aswan too?"

"A complete film record of all of her fucks will be provided to you. Aswan will teach her the fine arts of ass eating and proper scrotum licking. She will learn how to sleep all night with the dick of her beloved in her mouth.She will become complete cock trash."

"I insist on paying you for this extra consideration."

Mr. Black waved his hand. " No no, this is all part of the package. We like to make sure our little sluts, male or female are well taken care of, and follow up is essential. So Aswan here will become her boyfriend." Mr. Black snapped his fingers and the teenage boy opened his sarong and dropped it to the floor. he stood there totally naked and Bill gasped. Although the boy was not more than seventeen, and although his teeange cock was flaccid, it hung there as thick as a wine bottle and almost eight inches long.

"Aswan is quite unique as you can see. Erect his dick grows to thirteen inches and is thicker than a baseball bat. He had a hard time finding fuck partners until he met me. Now I find suitable young girls and boys to enjoy his enormous charm! Don't you think he will make the perfect boyfriend for your little girl?"

"Jesus, he will rip her cunt and asshole apart."

"No, she will be suitably stretched by the wekeend nigger fuck. But...each time he fucks her, she will have to struggle to take all of him. Thirteen inches of dick going into a twelve year old girl, will provide quite a painful challenge. That cock will have to penetrate her womb and then some. She will be well stuffed. And because of her love for her new boyfriend, she will take all of him and he will insist on fucking balls deep. She may never walk properly again. When she is absolutely hooked on cock and needs it several times a day in order to exist, he will drop her, and then when she is mentally and emotionally and sexually distraught, you may take over with whatever plans you have for her. Personally, after Aswan, I would think about her next lover being a horse! We can arrange that too." Mr. Black smiled. Aswan's hunk of fat teenage fuck meat had grown erect, and it stood out obescenely from the boy's body. It was grotesque.

Bill gulped. "You are serious about a horse?"

Mr. Black nodded. "Yes, of course. Its' quite popular now. We start with a large dicked pony and work up to a stallion. We have special wracks built so the horse dick cannot penetrate too deeply. A stallion provides a cum bath like no other."

"But can a twelve year old girl take a horse dick?"

"We prepare her first with fist fucking. Think of a female delivering a baby. It's a bit like going through child-birth when a horse fucks her. If she gets pregnant, it will certainly make her delivery less painful. Speaking of that, one popular thing recently has been for the father of the baby to be present at the birth. We have dna records of all of our fuckers, so we can with some little work find out who the actual father of the whelp is. Who actually among the rapists fucked her pregnant. Who knows, perhaps she will not get knocked up from the gang rape ,and perhaps Aswan will get her preggies. The thing is, we now make films of the actual birth, and the father of the child jerks off on the girl's face just as she gives birth. He can also jerk off or piss on the newborn infant if desire. So, all in all, our relationship, I hope is just starting, not concluding."

"The money has been transferred to your bank account, with a respectable tip." Bill stood, his dick pushing out the front of his trousers. Aswan looked at it hungrily.

"More than respectable. It will be a pleasure doing business with you, Bill. And I do suggest, that after the initial gang fuck weekend, while Aswan is comforting your daughter and fucking her brains out, that you at least let him suck your dick. He too is an expert cocksucker. And you might want to break into some new territory and suck his dick as well. I assure you, you will treasure the experience for the rest of your life. And, Merry Christmas!"

R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s


Wow! Hot. A bit extreem but turning a daughter into a cock slut is amazing.


Fantastic!!! Came all over myself when Mr. Black suggested a horse!! I definitely want MORE!! Dale10 has always made me come hard with his stories


I have been a big fan of Dale10 for many many years and not just here on Loliwood Studios. Oh the great pleasures I have had reading his briliant perverted fiction the only kind I dream about and enjoy so very much. LONG MAY YOU CONTINUE. On the eve of Christmas how good of you to bring back Mr Black arranging for a father having his daughter gang fucked and for the fun, totally degraded and humiliated in so many ways as she should be for our sex pleasure. Have a great Christmas & New Year Dale10.


Thank you for the kind words. With what we read goes on in the world, my most extreme stories now seem very close to reality. But one man's nightmare put into writing can be another's fantasy. fondly dale10

The Boogeyman

Dale10, you are absolutely my favorite author of the genre. I do hope we can expect more of this story. I'm so fucking horny right now.

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