Published: 1-Dec-2012
Word Count:
Mr. Fundoshi was getting a massage. Three naked teenage boys were working on his slabs of fat. They kneeded and rolled the pale hunks of flesh. One boy handled the gigantic man's breasts, for that's what his pecs amounted to, very little muscle and lots of dangling tit flesh. He boy leaned down every now and then to suck on one of Mr. Fundoshi's nipples. He had been carefully taught what his master enjoyed. A second boy, a very cute and very naked fifteen year old massaged Mr. Fundoshi's belly and cock and balls. With one hand he rolled the huge testicles while with the other he squeezed and prodded, eliciting grunts of pleasure from the fat man. A third boy, fifteen years of age worked the man's legs and feet. He lifted each foot and licked and sucked on the toes. He was disgusted and repulsed by this, but he had no choice. Anything was better than a visit to the punishment room. The cute Japanese boy sucked on the big toe of his master and worked the calf muscles.
Mr. Fundoshi studied the photos of the second boy recommended by Mr. Black. This boy was fifteen and his name was Tui. He was a tough street kid. Mr. Fundoshi didn't know why it was that Mr. Black saw in the boy. He had an ugly belly button, he already had a bit of hair on his legs, His prick was bent and above it there grew a forest of unruly prick hair. The boy's tits were unimpressive. Not only that, but the boy had a tattoo. Now Mr. Fundoshi didn't mind tattoos on his Fuckers. Fuckers were the young men he kept or hired to do the fucking of the younger, weaker boys. Fuckers were required to have a tremendous cruel streak. Timor was an excellent example of a Fucker. Mr. Fundoshi wanted no Fuckers who were not able to cause a boy extreme pain. But Mr. Fundoshi doubted that young Tui could qualify as a Fucker. He was rather wimpy looking and his dick didn't look large enough. Mr. Fundoshi scanned the notes Mr. Black had included.
"I know Tui seems an odd choice. He is half Thai and half Japanese. The thing I discovered about Tui is that he is extremely sensitive to even the slightest pain. Something about his nerves or his system, but he cannot handle someone even grabbing him too hard. So imagine the fun you could have with needles and whips and hot wax and clamps. I can easily see the boy going mad with agony before you even get to the really rough stuff."
Still, Mr. Fundoshi frowned and put the photos to one side. He grabbed the neck of the beautiful young boy massaging his chest and pulled the lad to him. He kissed the boy hard on the mouth, forcing his tongue into the kid. He slopped spit around for a while. Then he withdrew his tongue and pulling back, he gobbed right in the boy's face. The boy knew better than to allow his repulsion to show. He smiled at Mr. Fundoshi, as spit rand down his cheeks and dripped from his chin.
"Suck!" Mr. Fundoshi barked, and the teenager working on his testicles instantly lowered his head and began to suck on the fat log of a dick. Mr. Fundoshi licked the face of the boy he had kissed. His fat slimy tongue lapped at the soft, smooth, teenage boy face. The teenager held very still, while Mr. Fundoshi licked nose and lips and cheeks and ears. The boy sucking his dick was feeling the fat cock grow erect inside of his mouth. "Ass," Mr. Fundoshi yelled and the third boy let the bit toe slip out of his mouth and he thrust his cute young face in between Mr. Fundoshi's legs, tongue out and wiggling to get it up inside the fat man's asshole. Mr. Fundoshi spread his elephantine thighs as far apart as he could to give the boy access to his rectum. While one boy slobbered over his erect leaking dick, the second boy fervently tried to tongue his sweaty asshole. The third boy was once again swapping spit with his master. All three teenagers were erect and dripping. They were required to be so. Not to be erect would show disrespect for their master.
None of the boys even remotely liked what they were doing. In fact, they were totally repulsed by it. They were sickened and disgusted. But they had been trained to get and maintain full hardons whenever Mr. Fundoshi wanted them. None of the three boys had cum in two months. They were monitored constantly. Even when they slept in the dorm room at night. They slept on their backs naked with no covers so that a guard could watch for an unwanted nighttime hardon or God forbid an ejaculation. For one of Mr. Fundoshi's boys to ejaculate without permission was the worst possible offence. They were kept with dripping teenage hardons for hours at a time, but they were forbidden to cum. Sometimes the boys sobbed because they needed so badly to unload their cum filled balls. But they needed to learn that they were not here for their own selfish pleasures, but for Mr. Fundoshi's.
The teenager tonguing Mr. Fundoshi's asshole knew that he was in for punishment if he didn't get more tongue up inside that thick fat asshole. But he couldn't get his face under the layers of ass fat on the man. For some reason, images of his past life unbidden, crossed his mind. He saw his family. He saw his girlfriend whom he loved to fuck. He had enjoyed nothing better than fucking girls. He started when he was thirteen. He had fucked the mother of one of his school friends. It was so heavenly that he fucked her three times a week for six months. The white rain that poured from his thirteen year old dick filled her sweet middle aged pussy, day after day, week after week, month after month. While most boys his age, including the woman's son and his best friend were masturbating three and four times a day until their small young pricks were raw with frigging, this boy was actually fucking cunt! His dick was still small, but the woman didn't seem to mind that. Between fucks, she asked him all kinds of questions about the boys in his school class, including her son. She asked him if they ever masturbated together. She asked him about her own son's prick and if he ever saw it in the gym locker room. She begged him to describe her son's dick to her in detail. All the while, she played with the boy's slender young fuck tool, gently pushing the foreskin back and forth.
Soon after, he began to fuck her in the ass. She kept begging him to arrange a threesome where he would fuck her ass, and her son would fuck her cunt. The affair had ended badly when the woman's husband had walked in on the two boys double fucking the woman. The teen was forced to run away from home. He had come top Tokyo, where he was abducted by Mr. Black and sold to Mr. Fundoshi. All of that seemed a long time ago now, and indeed it was. Still, the kid thought about fucking pussy longingly. However now, through harsh discipline and training, he had been turned into a pussy. His young fifteen year old ass was fucked every day. He sucked dick constantly. And worst of all, he was abused and even tortured for the pleasure of Mr. Fundoshi. He pushed his face further into the mass of assflesh and his tongue forced it's way into the dirty shithole.
High up over Tokyo in a skystroking building penthouse, Mr. Black sipped a vodka martini. He wore a loose dark brown cashmere sweater and tan silk trousers. His feet were bare. He lounged in a dark burgundy chair, studying the two boys who stuod hugging each other across from them. The two sons of Richard Dickerson.
"Hello boys, how nice to have you here." He handed his tubler to Kinto who placed it on the silver tray he held. Kinto was dressed in nothing but a very tiny posing pouch. He still had the dildo up his ass and would keep it there until Mr. Black told him he night remove it. The ten and eleven year old boys clung to each other, terrified of the two men and of their journey from the airport.
Pete spoke up. "Who are you? You better let us out of here! Our dad is a very powerful persona and he will come after you!" How cute. The slender little kid's lower lip trembled when eh spoke. His eyes were wide with fear.
Mr. Black smiled and leaned forward in the chair. Christ, his dick was rock hard in his trousers. "It's precisely because of your dad that you are here. You need to stay with us until your father does a few things for us, then you can go home. If you and your dad do everything we say, no worries. If you or your dad disobey us, then there will be trouble. Are you boys thirsty or hungry? Can we fix something for you?"
Something in the man's eyes made the two boys clutch each other even tighter. It was like he was eating them with his eyes. Mr. Black thought the sight of the two little boys hanging on to each other quite appealing. Like two very young lovers in an eternal embrace.
"Now, boys, there is something I need you to do for me. We need to take some photos of you to send to your dad. That way, he will know you are safe and that he can come to get you. You'd like him to come get you, wouldn't you? Both boys nodded. 'I thought so. Well, the sooner we take the photos, the sooner he will be here. There is just one thing. Before we take the photos, I need you to take off all your clothes!"
Takashi was on the job. He was making contact with a very famous underground film maker and big shot in the Boy-molesting porno industry, a man named Ryo. The reasons Ryo was not already in prison were two-fold. First, some of his best customers were high ranking members of the government. Second he was small potatoes compared to the international perversion industry run by Mr. Black. They would gladly allow Ryo to continue molesting and raping boys for the movies he made, if in return they could nab Mr. Black. They could always destroy Ryo later.
Takashi met Ryo at a dojo where two young men were having a naked judo competition. Ryo and his friends bet on one muscular young man or the other. The loser of the match also got fucked up the ass by the winner, while the guests watched. Ryo had already dropped what would be the equivalent of three thousand dollars, and he was not happy. He had seen two of his favorites beaten and humiliatingly fucked.
"I've got an idea, Ryo," one of his pals said. "Let's up the ante. If your boy loses this time, instead of him, you get fucked up the ass by the winner. If my boy loses, your boy can ram my ass." Ryo did not like getting ass fucked. He was the top. He was the fucker. But he could lose face in front of his friends. So he shook on it. Fortunately his boy won, and he enjoyed seeing his friend taking a good hard ass pounding.
It was while he was sitting on a tatami sipping sake that Takashi found him. Takashi had taken great pains to make himself look at young as possible. He needed to pass for sixteen to get a chance to penetrate Mr. Fundoshi's facility.
"thank you for seeing me, Ryo san." Ryo gestured for the young man to sit. He liked the looks of the boy, so fresh and innocent. He had a special thing for boys with glasses. He though they were sexy. The kid had a really good ass on him too, quite muscular for one so young. Ryo considered using him in some of his own films, but the remembered that he had to somehow make back the money he had just lost, and so he reluctantly decided to sell the boy if he could. This was actually their second meeting of sourts. The first had been a long letter with a photo attached that Takashi had sent him, offering himself for modeling services.
"So, you know that some of this modeling will be underwear modeling. And there may be some artistic nude modeling as well?"
Takashi nodded. "I understand. Although I am not used to such things, I really need the money to even live, and so I am willing to do that."
Ryo smiled. "You are a shy boy. Tell me, do you have a girlfriend?"
Takashi shook his cute head. "Oh no, Sir. I have never even done anything with a girl."
"Really. Most boys today start to fuck girls at abut thirteen. What have you been doing all these years...just playing with yourself?" Ryo laughed to see the boy blush. Takashi was a really good actor. "Well, never mind. I can find work for you, if you are not too shy to pose in underwear and thongs and so on."
Takashi thought about some of the films Ryo had made that he had seen. The police occasionally got their hands on some of the films made for "special clients." There had been films of teenage boys forced to have sex with dogs. Cute young boys forced to suck animal cock and take dog prick up their small young assholes. He had seen a film where a boy of no more than thirteen was been forced to suck the dick and balls of a chimpanzee. He had seen films of schoolboys whipped, beaten and tortured. He knew what men like Ryo were capable of. He wanted them all destroyed. Takashi's own little brother had been abducted, and although there was no proof, it was possible he had been sold into the sex industry. Ever since that horrible day, Takashi had dedicated his life to becoming a cop and crushing the underground porno industry.
Now he nodded at Ryo and smiled. "When can we start? I really need some money for my rent."
Ryo tossed a was of bills at the young man who looked more a boy. "Here, use that. There is big money in our profession, if you are willing to play your cares right and do as we ask."
Takashi got to his knees and bowed to Ryo. Ryo loved boys to be submissive to him. That was what he lived for. He was very like Mr. Black in that. Although even Ryo held Mr. Black in respectful awe.
Meanwhile up in Mr. Black's penthouse suite, two little boys, one ten years old and one eleven stood absolutely still and stark naked. Kinto moved around them with a camera snapping seemingly hundreds of photos.
"You are doing very well, boys. You see I told you we wouldn't harm you. We just need to get some photos for your dad."
"But why do we need to be naked. Its not right." Pete moaned, managing to chew on his cute lower lip between words. He was sniffling back tears. Mr. Black adored it when boys cried. He liked it when grown men cried too.
"I told you, you need to be naked so that your dad can see that in no way have you been harmed or bruised. Now do me a favor. Lift your little arms way over your heads and spread your legs nice and wide apart." Of course everything was on display. Kinto knelt down to get some nice close-ups of the tiny dicks and ball sacks of the boys. Then he scooted around for some additional ass shots. It was difficult for him to move with his painful hard on pushing out the front of the pouch. The dildo up his ass didn't help either.
"All right boys. Now you see those chairs. I want you to put one foot up on the chair and put your hands behind your necks. Yes, indeed, that is beautiful. No need for you boys to be shy or embarrassed. You are both very handsome. Like father like son. I hear your father has a really huge dick. Some day you may be built just like him. I'll betr your mom really enjoys getting fucked by him. Are you two little cherubs old enough to know what fucking is?" Mr. Black chuckled as the boys blushed pink from their face cheeks to their ass cheeks. "Oh my yes, you know what fucking is, don't you? Fucking is the most wonderful thing in the world. I live for fucking. It is the supreme pleasure in a world with too much sorrow. Right. Now Pete, you are Pete, right? I want you to stand u with one foot on each chair. Climb right on up there. Don't be shy, hands away from your cute little dickie. Now Kinto is going to move the chairs apart. You be careful you don't lose your balance and tumble off. I wouldn't want you to hurt yourself. That's it. Just a little wider...keep your balance. All right Kinto."
Kinto got down onto the thick plush carpet and on his back crawled between the two chairs so he was looking right up into the boys asshole and at his dangling little sack and dick. Then he started to snap photos.
"This is sick!" Pete snapped, tears in his eyes. "You guys are perverts!" the two little American boys it seems were being put through their paces.
"Squat just a little if you can, please, Pete." Crying pretty heavily now, the slender naked young boy squatted as best he could, opening up even more of his secret parts for the camera lens. "Good, now your brother and we are almost finished. See, this wasn't so bad now was it?" They repeated the shots with Brian. Then, at last, the two tear streaked trembling boys stood naked once more on the floor before Mr. Black.
"Good boys. Well done lads! I'm certain those pictures will bring your father at once. Now remember how when you first stood there before me, you held real tight to each other? You were scared back then, and I understand. But now I think you have seen that we mean you no harm. Now I want you to do that again. Hug each other real close.
The boys needed a bit of urging, but finally they stood rubbing their naked chests and tummies together, Kinto taking photo after photo. At least the boys were not scared of each other. They hugged each other for comfort. "How sweet! Now one more thing and we are finished. I want you to kiss each other. A nice warm friendly brotherly kiss on the mouth!" The two naked kids looked at Mr. Black with their mouths hung open in disbelief.
"That's icky. I wont do it!" Brian said, and Pete agreed.
"You want your dad to come take you away from here, don't you? If you don't do this, I won't send the photos, and he won't know where you are."
"Boys don't kiss boys!" Brian said, almost lecturing Mr. Black.
"Just for the photo. Just for your dad as a kind of joke, to show we mean him no harm. Come on...a nice big kiss on the mouth, and we can finish up here."
Finally in defeat, the ten and eleven year old brothers put their cute young faces together and smacked each other on the lips. Kinto took a photo. "I'm afraid we can't quite get it that way. Kiss each other and hold it, so Kinto can get a good photo." The boys made sick faces and wrinkled their noses, but they complied. Mr. Black made then stand that way, bare assed naked belly to belly mouths joined in a kiss for almost two minutes while Kinto took photos. "Can you relax your mouths a bit. Open them just a bit."
"Please, Mister... this is dirty!" Pete begged.
"Ah. Ah, ah, don't move. We can't get good shots if you moth. Mouths together. Brian stick your tongue a little into Pete's mouth. Just a little. The sooner you do it, the sooner we wrap up here. I want to see some tongue in your brother's mouth."
Imagine two innocent American pre-teen boys forced to commit such acts of filth and perversion. Ten and eleven year old boys don't kiss each other. Especially brothers! Kinto thought his prick would burst out of the posing pouch. He never understood why Mr. Black made him wear these obscene things. They were always stained with pre-fuck!
The boys stood that way, boy body to boy body, one brother working his little pink tongue inside the mouth of the other. "Good, oh very good. You boys are great. Now put your hands on each other's ass cheeks for me. Keep kissing but put your hands on each other's cute young ass globes! You boys really both have beautiful asses, prize winning little asses I would say. Boys like you with such pretty asses are often called "Assboys!" The two brothers posed that way, gripping each other's smooth pale ass cheeks, faces brushing as they swapped spit.
Mr. Black clapped his hands in glee. "Okay, that's enough. I think we've got all the photos we need. You boys can no go to the nice room we have prepared for you. There's a television in there. We will send in some hamburgers and fries and soft drinks. Okay? Get a good night's sleep and hopefully by tomorrow, we will hear from your dad, and you can go home." Mr. Black beamed...if what he did could ever be called beaming. The boys could not take their eyes from the huge wet stain on the front of his tan silk slacks. That was the problem with tan...every little thing showed.
Brian looked around. "Where are our clothes?"
Mr. Black frowned. "Oh, I'm sorry. I'm afraid you will have to remain naked until your dad comes for you. But don't' worry, we'll keep your room nice and warm."
Half an hour later, Agent Richard Dickerson receive some photos over the internet!
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