Published: 30-Nov-2012
Word Count:
Agent Richard Dickerson stood in the middle of the hotel room stark naked and still wet from his shower. The air conditioning was helping to dry him off, but his hair was still pretty damp. The towel hung around his neck. He hugged his two sons, Brian and Pete, ages ten and eleven. They knelt on the carpet at his feet, their arms flung around his waist. They didn't want to leave their "cool" dad to go back to their yucky school in America. They pressed their soft young faces against his upper thighs and got tears in their eyes.
Suddenly the phone rang. Richard spun around to face the bedside table on which his cell phone sat. In spinning around, his big floppy dick slapped his older son Pete in the face. The boy pulled back, but not before the fuckmeat scraped across his nose and lips.
"Whoa, sorry there, Pete. I didn't mean for that to happen."
Pete got a big smile on his darling eleven year old face. "Maybe if your dick wasn't so big, it wouldn't happen." He quipped. Richard was not amused.
"Hey, watch your language, sport. That's no way to talk." Richard moved toward his phone, balls and dick swinging. Pete pouted, he was only repeating what he heard his mom say over and over every time his dad fucked her. The boys would often sneak down the hallway in their pajamas and pause at their parents bedroom door to hear the sounds of them fucking. It was fun for the boys, who didn't as yet truly understand adult sex. Their mom would moan and say in a kind of strangled voice, "it's too damn big Richard. Your dick is so fucking big. I can take it in my pussy, but not in my ass!"
"Come on, honey, try..." Their dad would plead. Sometimes the boys would hear their mom sucking on his dick. They knew what cocksucking was from the kids at school. Boys of that age were eager to learn everything about sex. One time when Billy Jeston, who was eleven and in Pete's grade was sleeping over, all three boys knelt at the bedroom door to listen to "cocksucking in action!" They were the hit of the school the next day, when they told in detail of the choking and gagging sounds the boys' mother made as she tried to get all of Richard's huge fucker down her throat. They also heard her licking his balls.
But alas, that was when their dad was home with them. Now he was on a project here in Tokyo and their mom had no dick to suck. Billy Jeston who was always a wise ass said to Pete and Brian right in front of five other boys in the locker room, "You guys should have pitty on your mom and let her suck your dicks!" All the boys roared with laughter, which only encouraged Billy. "Shit, I'll come by and let her suck my dick!" He danced around the locker room, his three inch fucker flopping up and down, back and forth.
Richard picked up the phone and saw that is was a call from his boss, Mr. Arthur. "You boys be quiet for a minute, this is business." He sat on the edge of the bed and flicked the phone on.
"Yes, Boss? " Young Brian came across the room and sat quietly on his dad's lap, resting his cute young head on his shoulder.
"Richard, we've got an agent for the inside job. So we are green lit all the way. He's a Japanese police academy cadet. He's twenty, but he looks sixteen. You know how some of those Asians are. His name is Takashi Soruro. He's a wild card, got into lots of trouble at the academy for doing things his own way, but he's damn good. He' a bit rough and a little crazy, but you'd have to be to volunteer for this job. You will meet him tomorrow morning at the Happy Time Bar in Shinjuku, not far from your hotel. Fill him in and then it's pretty much up to him. His job will be to get picked up and somehow taken to "THE FACILITY." Once inside, he can verify all the nasty shit we suspect goes on there. Once we have our proof, we close in. You will be in charge of that part of the operation."
"Is he aware of the danger involved?" Richard ruffled his son's hair. Pete climbed up on the bed and hung on his father from behind, wrapping his slender arms around his dad.
"Oh, he knows. He knows we are after two of the biggest perverts in the world, Mr. Black and Mr. Fundoshi. If we can nab them, the entire Asian underground porno industry will be shut down. Think of the kids who will be saved. Five years ago, Takashi's younger brother disappeared. That's what got him to join the academy in the first place. He looks young enough to entice those perverts...and may be our ticket to break this porno ring."
Across town, in a tiny apartment in Asakusa, twenty year old Takashi Soruro was ass fucking a sixteen year old prostitute named Oi. She wasn't the prettiest bitch, but she was new on the streets and so still clean of disease. And hopefully her pussy and ass were still tight enough. She was not a happy camper. Takashi had picked her up and arrested her. He was only a cadet, but he could still instill fear in law-breakers. He was a rather mean, nasty young man as well. He told the terrified Oi that he wouldn't take her in and lock her up, if she let him fuck her.
She didn't mind being fucked, and the young cadet was very handsome, handsome like a pop star. But she didn't like taking dick up her ass. In face, she had never had dick up her ass, and Takashi was very well hung. Even that wasn't the worst. Oi had had lots of pain in her life. She was used to abuse. Her own father fucked her pregnant, and she had had to have an abortion. But not only was Takashi making her sit on his lap and fuck up and down on his dick with her rectum, he was also taking pictures of it with his phone cam and sending then to his friends.
He reached up and pinched one of her large nipples. She let out a squeak. "Smile for the camera, bitch." He ordered. He got texts from his buddies suggesting oter things he could do to the young whore. He pushed her down on his dick as hard as he could and twisted her nipple. Saliva ran from her mouth as she grimaced.
"Please, not so hard!"
"Bounce on it!" He ordered her, using her big tits to push her up and down on his red erect leaking prick. "Nothing like a good ass fuck, right, bitch?"
"You're hurting me..." she twisted in pain. He dug his finger nails into her nipple flesh.
"Damn right. I am teaching you a lesson. If you are going to be a good whore, you got to please your men. You do whatever the fuck they want. You are going to meet me once a week, and I am going to give you lessons." Then he read something on his phone and laughed. He heaved her off of his thick dick and she fell onto the cold stone floor. His fuck meat bobbed and swayed over his swollen twenty year old nuts. Pre-fuck bubbled from the flaired pisshole. The dick was streaked with cock slop and ass slime.
"You have a dirty ass. See those shit streaks on my fuck meat? Get your mouth on my dick and clean it up." He smiled down at her, looking devilishly handsome. He wore dark rimmed glasses and they highlighted his eyes.
Oi trembled. "Oh, please don't make me do that. That is disgusting."
He laughed. "You are disgusting, my little piggy. Now you have ten seconds to get your face cunt around my shit streaked dick and start to clean it off, or I'm locking you up!"
She sobbed and plunged her mouth onto the dirty cock. He gagged and vomit filled her mouth, but she swallowed it again. She knew she must not anger the policeman. Takashi took several good pictures of her sucking his dick clean, and then sent them to his buddies.
"That's a good little fucking whore! That's my baby bitch!" He reached down and grabbed her by the nipples of both tits and hauled her up. Then he spun her around and slammed her ass back down on his rampant prick. She screamed in pain.
"Oh Fuck, Oh Fuck yeah!" he yelled bouncing her on his dick again. She started to cry. Takashi loved that. He loved it when bitches cried. He had to celebrate, after all, he was about to embark on the chance of a lifetime. The chance to become a hero to the entire Tokyo police force.
Meanwhile, back at the Facility compound, Mr. Fundoshi was sitting on the face of twelve year old Yoti. He blew a huge fart and laughed at the way the naked little boy squirmed beneath him. He wiggled so more ass would cover the boy's face. He hard the muffled screams of the boy as he struggled for breath.
"If you want to breath, I need to feel your tongue way up my asshole. Then I'll move a bit so you can get some air." He reached down and grabbed the boys recently fallen testicles and gave then a twist. The kid's toes curled. Mr. Fundoshi roared with laughter and bounced on the boy's face. A naked Timor stood nearby masturbating his huge dick.
"Timor, go fetch something large to shove up Yoti's ass to get him ass sucking more proficiently."
"How about my cock, Master?" It was standing out eleven inches from his groin, leaking strings of pre-fuck onto the floor.
"No, something larger. Fetch the twelve inch dildo from the drawer!" How could this slender small boned twelve year old boy take twelve inches of forearm thick dildo up his tiny ass? Mr. Fundoshi leaned forward, his huge stomach covering the little boy's torso. He grabbed both the boy's slender ankles and lifted and spread his legs. Timor came across the room, fucker bobbing and leaking. In his hand he held the humongous rubber dildo.
"Ram it in hard, now, don't go easy on this little bitch!" Timor shoved nine inches into the screaming kid in one thrust. Then he worked the other three inches in. The boy was howling hysterically, tickling Mr. Fundoshi's asshole. "Get that tongue up my dirty rectum. I want you to clean it out with your tongue!"
In the hall, two boys who were scrubbing the floor stopped in their work to listen to the agony of their friend. These two boys were sixteen. They were naked and scrubbed the floor in a most unique way. They stuck their heads into buckets of soapy water and then licked the floor clean. While they did this, they made sure to keep their bare asses up high. For a boy to not keep his ass up and available at all times was a crime punishable in the most horrible manner. The boys also had had to move their cocks and balls across the marble to dry it. They had to lower their bodies and rub their genitals across the wet stone. After eight hours of this, they were exhausted and their teenage dicks and balls were rubbed raw. But there was no rest for boys at The Facility. Every moment of their day and night was controlled. Their only hope was for a few hours now and then without pain and torment. A few feet away, a young guard of twenty-five stood watch. If the boys stopped working, he zapped their handsome young ass or their nut sacks with his taser. But even he stopped to listen to the sounds of young Yoti struggling under Mr. Fundoshi's fat ass meat and enduring the twelve inch dildo up his little ass.
Mr. Black knelt before the seated Buddha statue at the religious shrine in the mountains. He held lighted incense in his hand. He was approaching fifty now, but he looked thirty. His body was hard and chiseled, as was his lean face and prominent jaw. His black hair had just a hint of gray here and there. He remained totally still for twenty minutes, searching for some kind of inner peace. Then he dug the incense stick into a pot filled with sand and rose. He put his hands together in a wai and bowed his head. Next, he turned to face the bright sunlight pouring into the old stone temple.
He felt calm and relaxed. He moved like a ballet dancer. He descended the many stone steps to the parking lot and approached his limo. His young driver Kinto stood at attention. The young man looked very fit and handsome in his black uniform, brimmed hat, and dark sunglasses. You'd never guess from his perfect posture that the twenty-two year old had a ten inch dildo up his ass. Mr. Black was teaching Kinto disciple, that he mustn't let something as simple as a big rubber dick up his ass distract him from his job. Kinto loved Mr. Black and would gladly endure any amount of pain for him...something he was often required to do. Near the black limo stood a black motorcycle. Next to it, stood a boy in very tight black jeans and a black silk jacket. He held his helmet under his arm. Any pervert in the world would give half his life to be able to fuck a boy this beautiful. He approached Mr. Black with a confident swagger, something most people could not do. Mr. Black instilled fear and tension. Somehow this teenage kid didn't feel that. He smiled, and oddly, Mr. Black smiled back.
"The package has been delivered, Sir. And I have other news for you." Mr. Black took the boy's face in his hands. He leaned in and kissed the boy, thrusting his tongue into the teenage boy mouth and tasting the kid spit. The boy kissed back, his tongue dancing with Mr. Black's. Mr. Black reached down and groped the boy's huge crotch bulge. It instantly got larger as the teenage dick erected and strained against the tight black jeans.
"What news, my beautiful little fuck hole?" Mr. Black ran his fingers over the lips of the boy's full young mouth. The boy sucked on Mr. Black's finger.
" The American Agent is taking his children to the airport. He will leave them there once they are checked in, because he has a meeting, which we have set up. He thinks he is meeting someone with information about Mr. Fundoshi's compound."
"And I assume we have someone at the airport ready to abduct the children?" Mr. Black's hand squeezed the boys ample ass mounds.
"Yes indeed. Everything is ready." The boy took the unusual liberty to lift his head up to the taller man and lick his neck.
"Good. Why not ride back with me in the car so I can fuck you. We'll have Kinto send someone out here to collect your cycle.'
The teenage boy smiled and yanked his belt open. He unbuttoned his tight jeans as he climbed into the car. Mr. Black paused to give Kinto instructions. Then he ducked his head and climbed into the back of the stretch limo. The bike boy knelt with his naked ass up and facing him.. "Please fuck me hard, Sir!" he moaned.
Mr. Black made a slight smile. "Have I ever fucked you any other way?"
The boy reached back and spread his full hard ass cheeks to reveal his pink pulsing asshole. "I love you, Sir!"
"I know you do." Mr. Black undid his fifteen hundred dollar trousers and let the puddle around his ankles. He wore no underwear and his eight and a half inch dick was hard as a rock. It pulsed dark pink, the piss hole opening and closing. "I'm not going to use any lube or even spit this time. I am going to ram you dry!"
"OH YES, PLEASE. FUCK ME HARD. DESTROY ME. MAKE ME BLEED!" The boy actually quivered with fuck lust. He held onto the rear seat of the limo as Mr. Black moved in and with one violent thrust stuffed his fucker deep into the teen. The car engine started and smoothly began to make the descent into the city. Mr. Black brutally ass fucked the teenage bike boy for twenty-five minutes. He did make him bleed. Blood ran from the fucked ass, and Mr. Black made the boy lick it up off the floor of the car and off of his swollen spent dick. The fucked kid nuzzled the now flaccid prick and kissed it from root to cockhead. He licked it all over and then went to work sucking and licking the large nutsack. Mr. Black relaxed and from his suit coat inner pocket drew photographs of Richard Dickerson's two young sons. As he studied the photos of the two beautiful young boys, his dick began once again to harden. The bike boy began slurping on the tasty fuck meat.
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