The Facility, Part 1

[ M/b, M/m, oral, anal, humil, ws, rape, Ds ]

by dale10

Published: 30-Nov-2012

Word Count:

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

The sound of the Hoveround motorized chair echoed through the halls or the large mansion. The sound was barely a sound at all...just a gentle hum, but it became magnified by the marble floors and high sceilings. It was at moments like these that Mr. Fundoshi wished the chair would travel faster. Technically, he didn't need the chair. He could walk. Well, he could waddle. He could waddle, if his legs were strong enough to support his four hundred plus pounds. His huge naked belly hung out so far that he could no longer see his fat penis and large testicles. He could not even comfortably reach abound the belly to touch them.

Not to worry, he had a boy to do that. He had a boy to hold his thick dick when he needed to piss or wanted his balls scratched or licked. He had his choice of boys actually. He had his choice of young innocent boys to suck his dick or wipe, wash and lick his fat ass. But still, it wasn't the same as being able to do it for himself.

The chair approached a large flat screen television monitor near the front door. He was in time! He was in time to see the slender young teen hop off the black motorcycle And approach the iron gate of the compound wall surrounding the big old house and the "facility" at the rear. The boy must be about sixteen. Mr. Fundoshi's breathing grew thicker and ragged. The kid had a great ass on him. Like King Midas with gold, no many how many he had, he always wanted more. No matter hoe many exquisite boy asses waited for his attention back in the facility, a fine new ass on a teenage boy, always got his heart beating faster. He wished now he had brought one of the boys with him to suck his dick while he watched the screen. Still, the entire incident wouldn't last for more than a few moments.

The bike rider removed his helmet to reveal a shock of rich black hair and a darling teenage Japanese boy face. Of course! Mr. Black surrounded himself by nothing but beauty. Even his messenger boys would be beautiful. He kid shook his head to loosen his hair after the confinement of the helmet. MY Lord but his young ass was magnificent encased as it was in skin tight black jeans. And when the boy turned, Mr. Fundoshi could see that the lad had a huge bulge at the crotch of the tight pants. How could a boy so slender and youthful pack such a package? Mr. Black certainly knew how to pick them.

For one crazy moment Mr. Fundoshi fantasized rejecting the boys about to be offered in the large brown envelope the bike boy carried, and demanding the bike boy himself as his next "guest." He knew of course that this was foolish daydreaming. If this boy belonged to Mr. Black, no one dare so much as touch him. Mr. Fundoshi pushed a button on the remote he carried and the outside compound camera zeroed in on the fat Bulge at the crotch of the kid's jeans. How could a boy of sixteen carry that much dick around with him? Still, flaccid tools can be deceptive. A large scrotum and a thick flaccid dick, doesn't necessarily meant that the boy sported much fuckmeat once erect. But Mr. Fundoshi knew that Mr. Black wouldn't bother with such deception. If picked a boy for his fuck package, it would be impressive. But more often than not, the dick was secondary. Mr. Black picked his boys mostly for their asses and faces.

The cute kid pushed the button next to the large iron gate, and the sound of a bell bounced off the walls of the house. Timor, a young man of nineteen dressed in nothing but a kind of silk sarong padded on naked feed toward the door. Timor was Southeast Asian and one of the "house staff." As he walked on naked large naked feet, he kept his eyes down. He knew better than to stare at Mr. Fundoshi. Timor was paid staff and not one of the unhappy guests in the facility. Timor was well paid. He also got to use some of the younger boys from time to time. From the meat pushing out the front of the silk sarong hanging low on the young man's hips, one would guess that he was very well hung. One would not be mistaken. Timor hung nine inches erect. He hung thick as a beer bottle. Mr. Fundoshi liked to watch Timor use his massive fucker on the boys. Timor also enjoyed inflicting pain, and to Mr. Fundoshi, there was little joy in sex if it did not also involve extreme discomfort for the boy being used.

After all, wasn't that the very purpose of "The Facility?" To inflict extreme agony on wonderfully beautiful boys? Wasn't that really the purpose of Mr. Fundoshi's life? Fortunately he had more than enough money to indulge in his interest. Mr. Fundoshi's grandfather had owned a very lucrative foundry outside Tokyo during the Second World War. The money had been handed down and reinvested. Mr. Fundoshi was filthy rich. Only the filthy rich could afford to deal with Mr. Black and his stock of boys.

Timor answered the boy. He raised his eyebrows appreciatively at the sight of the cute bike boy. And the bike boy raised his eyebrows at the sight of the handsome. Muscular nineteen year old dressed only in a low slung sarong.

The bike boy nodded his head in what was the modern remnant of a ritualistic bow. Timor did not nod back. After all, to him a messenger boy was trash...assfuck material, nothing more. Still, the Southeast Asian could not help but appreciate the sizable bulge in the pants of the kid.

"Package for Mr. Fundoshi." The boy said, a serious look on his cute face.

"I'll take it." Timor said, his voice a mellow purr. As he reached out to grasp the envelope, his strong brown hand caressed the back of the boy's hand. Their eyes met, flashed, and then disengaged. The large lump in the front of the bike boy's pants gave a lurch. Then, Timor slammed the door in his face. He turned to Mr. Fundoshi.

"Package for you, Master, he said, kneeling and holding up the envelope for the fat man in the chair.

Mr. Fundoshi grunted. "Get under there and lick my dick and balls." He said. Was that a slight look of revulsion that crossed Timor's face? It had been so long since he had been required to perform such duties. A sickly smile replaced the look of disgust.

"I'll get a boy for you, Master. They are so much better than I am at licking. Perhaps the twelve-year old, Yoti? He has such a fine tongue. It is like velvet on the scrotal sack. " Timor turned to hurry down the hall to fetch one of the boys from The Facility. But Mr. Fundoshi's harsh voice stopped him in his tracks.

"I said for you to get down there and lick my dick and nuts. Do you need a visit to the punishment room? "

Timor dropped to his knees and crawled toward the fat man, his young strong ass high. "Oh no Sir, I merely thought..."

"I don't pay you to think, Timor. I pay you to obey. I don't have time now for one of the boys. I simply want to peruse the contents of this envelope, and I require some stimulation while I do it. Do you find it displeasing to lick my fucker and scrotum?"

"Oh no, Master. It is an honor, an honor and a pleasure." To call Mr. Fundoshi's penis a fucker was not quite accurate. Although it was long and thick, he could not fuck anymore because of the great size of his obscenely fat body. He could not maneuver his great bulk into any position which allowed him to comfortably enter the ass of a young boy. From time to time, assistants held a boy under the belly and inserted the penis into it, but it was not ever successful any more. No, Mr. Fundoshi these days, got his fun from inflicting pain and torment on boys. He filled their young asses with all manner of nasty objects...but alas, not his own dick.

Timor crawled under the mountainous belly. He separated the blue silk kimono. He moved slabs of thigh and groin fat aside to expose the thick penis and the huge balls. He wrinkled his nose at the smell. As clean as Mr. Fundoshi and most other Japanese kept themselves, the fat caused a sickly sweet smell that made Timor want to puke. He extended his tongue and lapped at the wrinkled scrotal flesh,

"Now that you mention it, Timor, I do have a yen for twelve year old Yoti. Send him into my study when I go back. I I think I would like him to suck my ass."

Cruel as he enjoyed being to the boys, Timor could not help but feel a wave of pity course through him at the thought of sweet, young Yoti having to suck the fat foul asshole of Mr. Fundoshi. Just the thought of it was horribly obscene. A few months back, a ten year old boy had suffocated to death between the cheeks of that giant fat ass. It had been in no way intentional. Mr. Fundoshi's ass cheeks were just so huge and heavy that they had completely enveloped the slender smooth face of the terrified ten year old as he sought to get his little pink tongue deeper into the wrinkled stinking asshole.

"Deeper...deeper, you fucking useless Cunt!" Mr. Fundoshi has screamed at the little boy. He had bounced on the face to get more tongue up his shithole. He knew it was not a good idea to bounce on the face of a little boy. A teen of perhaps fourteen could take such pressure, but a little boy was delicate. He had once broken the neck of a child by bouncing his fat ass on the kid's face. This time, however, he had rested with his huge ass cheeks completely covering the boy's face. He felt the young tongue flicker at his puckered rectum. If the boy passed this test, he would consider using the child as one of his full time toilet boys. However, it was not to be. Suddenly the boy stopped squirming beneath him. He had suffocated under the ass. Mr. Fundoshi was furious. A perfectly good ass suck gone to waste. His dick drooped. Now he'd have to have the dead ten year old carted away and bring in another boy.

Timor lapped at the thick skinned scrotum, feeling the egg sized nuts roll on his tongue. He hoped Yoti's fate would be brighter. He didn't want to lose the twelve year old. He loved to fuck him. He truly loved to ram his beer can sized dick so deep into the little boy ass that his nuts could be heard slapping on the boy's body as he fucked. And Mr. Fundoshi loved to watch Timor fuck the boy. Timor never fucked Yoti without hurting him. That was a major part of the pleasure. Of course in the nine months Yoti had been with Mr. Fundoshi, he had learned to take pain without complaint. Oh, he was allowed to cry. Mr. Fundoshi loved to see a boy cry. There was not greater pleasure for him, except for perhaps getting his ass sucked.

Now, with Timor licking his scrotum, Mr. Fundoshi opened the envelope. It contained a stack of colored photos and a letter from Mr. Black.

My Dear Mr. Fundoshi: I hope all is well with you, and that you are happy and prosperous. Enclosed please find photos and resumes of potential boys for your Facility. You will see that as per your instructions, most of the boys are virgins and have never engaged in any kind of male-male sex. Some of the boys are girl fuckers, but I know how much you enjoy forcing a straight boy to perform unspeakable homosexual acts. Knowing that, I have included just a few boys with fuck experience in with the list of virgin boys. Most of the boys enclosed have never had sex of any kind except for solo masturbation.

All of these boys came to me with hopes of becoming a male model or a pop star. They were all very shy at first, but we eventually got them to undress and perform for us with promises of a great career in show business. It's very funny, and a little sad how far a boy will go to get himself out of a life of poverty and despair. Little do these boys know, but what awaits them is not only more despair, but endless torment and suffering. I assure you, we have done a complete background check on each of the boys, and none of them will be missed, as I don't suppose you will be returning them. As few or as many of these boys are available for you at our usual rate. Fortunately the recent global recession has not affected my business at all, although I assume the resistance to the Impending tax hike for the very wealthy in America is due to the knowledge that it will allow less money for purchase of my boys! After all, we both know that it is only the very very wealthy who can afford decadence.

Speaking of decadence, I want to thank you for the magnificent chess board you sent me made of teenage boy scrotums. The black haired scrotal squares are set off so nicely against the blond haired scrotums. I do hope that the boys who were forced to offer up their genitals for the chess board, knew that they were making the sacrifice for a good cause. How proud they must have been. I also hope they had a chance to see the finished product.

Back to my list of boys up for sale. I have put personal comments on some of the resumes. Some of these boys have truly spectacular asses. They range in age from twelve to nineteen. A few of the older boys, you might consider purchasing to train as FUCKERS. A couple of them are really well endowed and seem to have an untapped mean streak. As I said, they are all naïve and pretty shy at this point. They have absolutely no idea what waits in store for them.

As I have several other customers interested in these boys, I hope you can make a rather timely decision. I would like to release the boys not chosen by you to my other clients. A few of these lads are true sub missives, while others have a defiant nature which you will surly enjoy subduing. That photo you sent me of the fourteen year old you crucified last month is quite beautiful. Putting spikes though his testicles and dick as well as his hands and feet was a truly artistic touch. I hope you don't mind, but I sent the photo on to some friends of mine as an Easter card. I was wondering if you have a tape of the incident, If you might send it to me. I would really love to see the boy wriggling around up there.

Just a note of warning. Word has it that an agent of the American Government is operating under cover to expose interests such as ours in Southeast Asia. If he is found, he will be disposed of, and those above him, I am almost certain can be paid off. After all, eight U. S. Senators avail themselves of my services. Still, I wouldn't want this nosey agent to get in the way of your heads up.

Your friend,
Mr. Black

"What we think is real, is all Illusion."

Little did Mr. Black or Mr. Fundoshi know, but American Agent Richard Dickerson was already closing in on the compound!

Mr. Fundoshi lifted the photos of the first boy to study them. His name was Musashi, That had been the name of a famous Japanese Samurai. This Samurai was only fourteen. The first photo showed the boy clothed. He was very cute with black black hair and a very innocent contemporary look. Mr. Black had clipped a note to the photo.

"I think you will like this boy. With all the boys, it took some doing to get them out of their clothing. Most would only pose in underwear we gave them, and even then, they felt terribly humiliated, which pleased us no end. A few went all the way. Musashi was an exception to the rule. He not only stripped for us, but played with himself and willingly showed us his boycunt. I suspected that he was a young whore slut who was pretending to be innocent to get the "modeling job." Lots of young whores who need money do that. So we hooked him up to a lie detector, and it turns out he is a virgin, although he has been abusing himself since he was twelve, masturbating two or three times a day and shoving things up his asshole. Now the fact that he has self invaded his asshole may turn you off to him, but I recommend you take a close look at him. He is really cute and would respond really well to extreme pain. I think he may be a natural submissive. He is in school, but we could yank him out, and no one would miss him. He lives with an old Aunt and has already run away three times. Take a look at his tits. They are really begging to be worked on. I am sure you could get them standing out like female sow udders in no time. He also has a fine prick and sack on him. He is ripe and ready for sex. I asked him if he would suck my dick to get the job, and he said he might. I asked him if I could fuck his ass, and he said no. I cautioned him that if he lost his virginity before we hired him, the potential modeling deal was off. He was told there would be some semi-nude and perhaps naked modeling, and he was fine with that. I think he knows he is cute and is a little show off. Wouldn't you like to bring him down a peg or ten and see him crawling through slime to please you? Anyway he is offered here for your consideration. M.B. "

"Timor, what do you think of this one?" Mr.Fundoshi held out the photo and Timor crawled from beneath the man's huge belly to have a look. Timor's face was coated with spit and ball sweat, mixed in with some scum from Mr. Fundoshi's leaking dick. Mr. Fundoshi leaked pre-fuck almost like a barnyard animal in heat. He often collected it in a glass to give to one of the boys to drink. Of course the boys were also fed real barnyard animal pre-fuck as well as animal cum. Mr. Fundoshi's huge nutsack dripped with Timor's spit.

"Oh, Master, he has a beautiful mouth for cocksucking, and look at the titties on him."

"Yes, I do like his tits. His asshole looks like he has been fingering it for some time, however, and that turns me off. Still, it might be tight."

"How old is he, Master?"

"Fourteen. Just the age we most enjoy working on. He probably thinks about girls all the time when he masturbates. It would be fun to wipe the idea of girls from his mind and teach him that he himself is really a cunt. We'll put him in the perhaps file. I'll look at the rest of these in my study."

Mr. Fundoshi steered his chair down the long wide hall, filled with rare art works. Timor followed, his sarong sticking out in a huge erection. A damp spot covered the area of silk where his dickhead leaked against the cloth.

When Timor entered the study, he glanced over to one side of the room where a sixteen year old naked boy was shoving a huge vegetable up his asshole. The naked boy was lying on a kind of couch or daybed. He slammed the long thick green veggie in and out of his asscunt. The look of pain on his face was replaced with a smile when he saw Mr. Fundoshi.

"I hope you haven't been slacking off, Ryeu. You know how I feel about boys who disappoint me. Fuck your cunt harder. I want to see that vegetable all the way up your pussy. Turn yourself into a girl for me, and perhaps you won't have to visit the punishment room."

The boy wanted to cry, but instead he bit his lower lip and fucked himself even harder with he huge ass invading vegetable. The sound of it slamming into his gust and then being sucked out filled the room. Timor laughed sadistically. He knew the boy was in great pain.

Across Tokyo, in the heart of the Shinjuku, American Agent Richard Dickerson stepped out of the shower to see his two young sons wrestling on the hotel room carpet. Richard was a handsome man in his late twenties. He has a strong muscular build, and standing there naked as he was, dripping wet, with a towel in his hand, one could see that his fuckmeat was much larger than average. His huge balls swung as he stepped into the room and snapped the towels at his ten and eleven year old sons.

"Hey, boys, no rough-housing. This is a hotel. If you break something, I pay for it." The two boys stopped their rolling around and sat on the floor looking up at their naked father. They idolized their dad. "Are you boys packed?"

Brian, the ten year old wrinkled his nose. "Dad, do we have to go back to the states? We'd rather stay here with you."

Pete chimed in. "Yeah, it's fun in Japan. We made some good friends."

Richard smiled at his boys, and reached down to scratch his nuts. "I know, but Spring break is over and school is starting again. Besides, you mother misses you. And I have a very serious job to do."

His boys crawled over to him and wrapped their arms around his naked waist to hug him. His fucker hung innocently just a few inches from their faces. But there were no lewd thoughts in this hotel room. This was a perfectly innocent father with his two beloved sons. Poor Richard didn't know that his boys would never make their flight.

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looking forward to more. - thanks

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