Published: 3-Aug-2012
Word Count:
I threw on some skinny jeans and a tee shirt and my boots. I liked how large my dick and balls looked in the skinny jeans, it got stares from lots of boys. Preston stood naked waiting for me to give him his "New Outfit."
I could tell from the worried look on his cute thirteen year old face that he knew this would not be pleasant for him.
"First off, I bought you these darling pink shorts to wear." I tossed him the shorts, which he held up to inspect, a horrified look on his face.
"These are girls' shorts, and they are for like a six year old." He wasn't far off. They were cut for a little girl, tiny with an elastic waistband. "I can't wear these."
Preston was trying my patience. I made him stand with his legs apart and gave him five more strong swats right on the ball sack. He was in agony. The scrotum which was already red and swollen became even larger. It would look s cute in the shorts. He lifted one leg to put them on without further complaint. He has such beautiful legs, young and strong. One big foot went through the little girl leg hole and then the other followed, and soon he was struggling to get the tiny pink shorts up over his hips.
"You see, Sir. I can't wear them. They are just too small." he said with a pleading look. How cute his pouty little thirteen year old cocksucker lips looked.
"I am telling you, Preston, they are the perfect size, now just tug them up. The waist band was stretched to it's maximum, but the shorts slid up over his hips...well almost over his hips. They only came up part way over his young ass cheeks, leaving a sizable amount of ass crack showing in the back, and in the front, they barely covered his dick root. Because they were cut for a girl, there was no room for his dick and swollen balls, so his junk had to ride down the left leg in a huge bulge. His cockhead almost peeked out of the leg hole.
"You see, Preston, they fit perfectly. You will be the hit of the mall." I could tell he wanted to cry again, but like a big boy, he held back his tears.
He pointed to the huge bulge of his junk. "What about this?" he asked.
"Your dick and balls is resting to the left. In the fashion world, that is called ' dressing to the left.' It looks really stylish and sexy.
"But Sir, it's riding up into my ass crack and it hurts, and half my ass is hanging out." He reached around to feel how much succulent thirteen year old ass crack showed above the waistband.
"You know, Preston, for a thirteen year old cocksucking faggot, you have terrible fashion sense. It looks perfect to me. Now stop complaining and thank me for the nice new shorts.
He hung his head. "Thank you for the shorts, Sir."
"You're welcome, now put these on to go with them. I picked them out especially for you." They were a pair of girls' pink flip flops with sparkling pink sequins on the toe strap.
"Oh God..." was all he said, but he stepped into them like a good boy.
"And of course, we can't have you going into the mall with your bare tits showing. You know the saying, "no shirt, no service." I tossed him the tiny pink tee shirt. He could barely get it on over his shoulders. It was a little girl's size, but I had had a friend of mine embroider FAGGOT on the front in sequins. I had also cut the bottom off so it only came down an inch below his boy tits, leaving that beautiful tummy totally exposed. he knew it was no use arguing with me, so he he turned docilely toward the door, head hanging.
"Cheer up, Preston, you look really cute. Oh, here, I almost forgot." I tossed him a pink girls' baseball cap on which I had had embroidered the word, COCKSUCKER. "How beautiful you look today, Preston. What do you say when someone pays you a compliment?"
"Thank you..." he mumbled, tears running down his soft young cheeks. So off we went to the mall. I could tell he was terribly embarrassed even to walk to my car. Imagine how he would feel walking through a busy shopping mall.
"This isn't the mall..." Preston almost screamed, his high boyish voice going even higher in horror. "This is my school!"
"I just want to swing by and pick up a fall schedule, so we can plan our time together. It lists sports activities and after school events."
"Oh, no, please, Sir. No. There is summer school and summer playground camp going on. Lots of kids from my class are here." He tried to curl up in a little ball on the front seat next to me."Oh God, please don't do this to me, Sir."
"Do you love me, Preston? Do you want to be my boy?" I pulled up into the parking lot right next to the playing field where over fifty children wee engaged in various activities.
"Oh God, you know I do. You know I love you, so please don;t do this to me." He scrunched down, only his eyes and the top of his head peeking looking out onto the playground. One hand reached up and whipped off the pink baseball cap.
"Now Preston, I want you to walk into the school office and ask for a fall schedule for me. Will you be a good boy and do that?" His breathing grew short and ragged. He gulped for air, and for a moment I thought he might pass out. He turned his beautiful face to me with the sweetest pleading look. He was desperate.
'I know lots of these kids, Sir."
"Well, that's nice, say hello to them. But don't dawdle, we need to get to the mall for lunch. Put on your baseball cap and go, Preston. NOW!"
With shaking hand, he opened the car door. One pink sequined flip flop stepped out. I could hear him crying, and it make my dick painfully hard in my tight jeans. "Oh, and Preston, don't run in those flip flops. I don't want you to fall and get hurt. Walk nice and slow. If you don't walk slowly enough, I will make you go back and do it again." I could see some boys of Preston's age who were playing ball, stop and look over.
"What will I tell them, Sir, about what I am wearing, Sir?" He said, his voice thick with tears.
"Anything you like. Say a friend bought it for you. Say you lost a bet. Say it's a costume. Or tell them that you are a fucking faggot cocksucking ass fuck boy!"
Let me tell you, it was a hoot. I sat int he car rubbing my swollen dick through my jeans as Preston was approached by boys from his school. They pointed at him and laughed, and I could tell they were calling him names. He would certainly be treated differently in the fall when school started, which was exactly what I wanted. I wanted him to become the official eighth grade cocksucker. After all, those healthy sturdy growing eighth grade boys needed to unload their balls someplace, and most of them were not fucking cunt yet. They should have been, but some of them are slow to get started, and some of the young twat still held silly notions about keeping their pussies unfucked until they were older. And you can't expect a boy of thirteen to simply masturbate all the time. So I figured that Prestons mouth could help them out. If my plans worked out, by Sept. he would be an expert dicksucker, having sucked hundreds of cocks, so he could easily switch over to the boys at his school. And who knows, perhaps some teachers as well. Oh my yes, I intended to fuck up his life royally.
Some of the kids started to shove him around. He was probably losing friends fast, which was fine with me. I didn't want him to have any friends. His only friend was to be COCK. He tried to defend himself and shoved back, but there were about fifteen boys gathered around him now, pointing to the writing on his tee shirt and cap, and to his ass hanging half out of the little pink shorts. Boys are so shy about their bodies at thirteen. I was helping Preston become proud of his. When the shoving got too rough, and one of the boys punched Preston, I gave a couple of beeps on the horn to clear the area. The boys looked at me and ran away, still jeering at my darling boy.
Preston turned to me, then turned back and headed toward the school, crying pretty hard. I hoped he would wipe his tears before facing the secretaries in the office. Since the change in attitude toward gays, schools had strict instructions not to make a fuss about boys who wore the kind of clothing I had Preston in. Of course he couldn't wear clothes with those words on them to school, but in summer, to just stop in, the staff were powerless to do anything but shake their heads and call him names once he had left with the schedule. I would find other fun things for him to wear to school. He did almost run the last few feet back to the car, but at the last moment remembered my orders and walked slowly. When he got in, he curled up into a little ball and sobbed.
"You did very well, Preston. I am very proud of you. You are a very good boy, and I love you very much. I reached down and gave his dick and ball lump a squeeze.
"They hate me now. They will hate me and bully me in the fall. I have no friends now..." he tried to sniff back the tears but couldn't control them.
"That's okay, Preston. You have me. You said you wanted to run away and come with me. Isn't that all you want? So you don't need these dumb friends. I am going to help you find some really nice adult friends who will really appreciate you." Yes indeed,hundreds of "new friends" who were going to appreciate his young asshole and mouth.
We pulled into the large modern mall parking lot. I didn't park too close, as I wanted to make him walk in public as much as I could.
"Do I gotta', Sir? " he said, sounding very much like a very little boy.
"Yes, Preston, you have to. But I've got a fun game for us to play. here put this in your ear, and let me clip this little microphone to your tee shirt. Now I can talk to you and you to me, without anyone knowing. Now I want you to walk about twenty feet in front of me, and I will give you directions and instructions. And you do whatever I say, okay?"
"I don't know if I can do this, Sir!" His voice trembled and his hands shook.
"Of course, you can do this, Preston. You can do this for me. Because you love me. Now you just do whatever I tell you to do."
For over an hour, I played with the thirteen year old boy this way. I made hi go into sporting goods stores where handsome young jocks worked to ask if they had extra small jock straps. Some of the clerks in the stores, male and female alike, sneered at him, and a few wouldn't even talk to him. Everywhere he walked, people stopped and stared. Some older people said he should be thrown out, and other older people, men, started to follow him. Old perverts followed him like he was a rock star. I made him stop in front of some little boys and rub the bulge in his pink shorts. They called him name. I made him sit with his legs spread for a long time. I had him ask directions from some high school boys who really made fun of him. Girls with their moms out shopping stopped and pointed and giggled. It was not a good day for poor Preston, but it was a great day for me and my dick.
I ordered Preston to go into the men's toilet, and I followed him. Four old men were about to follow as well, but a mean look from me drove them back.
"Please Sir, can we go home now? I don't feel so good." He looked pathetic. He looked unsteady on his feet. He looked delicious.
"We're going to have lunch first, Preston. But before we do that, look over there. That urinal is all clogged. The piss has not flushed down. Why not be a good boy and help out the mall. I want you to kneel down and stick your head into the urinal and lick up that lake of piss for me. And I want to take some nice pictures of you doing it."
Preston looked over at the pool of stale yellow piss in the bottom of the porcelain urinal.
"I could get sick. I could get a disease."
"No, Preston, actually piss is quite healthy. You drink my piss, don't you from time to time? So there is no harm in drink the piss from other gentlemen." I was about to get him to drink the piss of strangers...other men. How hot. I wanted him drinking male piss the way most boys guzzle soft drinks. That would certainly help drag him down."No go on crawl down there and lap up that piss. I am hungry, and I want to go to the food court."
My God, what a delightful sight, little Preston made in his pink outfit, kneeling in front of a urinal lapping up piss. i was going to make sure the boys at his school saw the pictures I took. We would email them to the other boys, or put them on facebook. I wanted the entire eighth grade to see how talented Preston was. He did a good job too. He hardly choked or puked the piss back up at all. He was actually getting used to degradation.
"That's a good boy. Come on, let's go have lunch." He wanted to run out of the place. His lips and tongue kept tasting the piss flavor on them. "Just think how lucky you are, Preston. Think of the men standing there and pissing with their big fat dicks, and you got to drink it." He almost ran for the door.
"Wait just one second. I see what you mean now about those shorts riding up into your pussy crack. That must be uncomfortable. Here, let me fix that." I took out a pocket knife and bent down and slit the crotch piece from the he had no band of cloth at all between his legs. Now the shorts hung around him like a tiny pink skirt. If he moved wrong at all, his dick and balls showed.
"You gathered quite a fan club of older men out there. I just know they will follow us over to the food court." I slit the skirt up each side, so now he had what was a loin cloth hanging in the front and back, and when he moved some dick and balls flashed. I lifted his pleading face to me and looked down into it. I gobbed a huge blob of spit onto his face and with my thumb wiped it all over.
"Here, baby, you got some dried piss on your lips. Let me clean you up a little." I spit into his thirteen year old facd three more times, until his entire facd glistened with my spittle. I reached down and lifting the loin cloth/shorts, I massaged his teenage dick. Remember he had not cum in a very long tine, so it did not take but a few seconds for the boy to throw a huge teenage boner. It pushed out the front of the pink material obscenely. He looked down at it, but could not control it.
"You look so hot, Preston. I am so proud to have you as my boyfriend. I brought the knife up to the tiny cut off tee shirt with 'FAGGOT' written on it. I cut out a hole on each side of his chest so his cute brown nipples would be seen. Now he truly was perfect. Big fat boy dick pushing out the front of what was a pink loin cloth, thirteen year old scrotum on display when he walked, face covered in piss and spit, and his tits peeking out through holes in his faggot tee shirt. HE WAS READY TO GO TO LUNCH AT THE MALL.
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