Published: 26-Jul-2012
Word Count:
If you don't think I was frightened for my five year old daughter when we walked into that room, you are nuts. Not that Horse wasn't good looking. He dressed in that trendy A&F baggy casual style, with a baseball cap on his head. He had a head of dark curly hair and a winning smile. He had also cut up a guy I know so badly that the poor son of a bitch needs facial repair. Horse was not to be trifled with. He thought I had trifled with him.
Actually, I had gotten into debt gambling. A bit over my head. Okay, way over my head. I was a twenty-three year old college student with a wife and child, and my life was pretty much shit. I had gambled to try to break out, and all I had done was sink myself further into shit. Horse represented the
"Boys Downtown" whomever they were.
I was pretty naïve to all this street stuff. All I knew was that I would be dead by morning if I didn't placate Horse. And what Horse wanted was not my money, which I didn't have anyway, nor my life, which I still did, but my five year old daughter. Call that sick. Go on. I do. I did. I think it's the sickest thing on earth. And I love my daughter. I really do. But what was I to do? It was either provide my baby girl for his sick lusts, or my daughter, my wife, and I would all be swimming with the fishes or some such suitable cliché.
He stood across the hotel room smiling as one of his thugs ushered us in. My daughter Hanna squeezed my hand more tightly. She was such a good girl. The saddest thing was she trusted me implicitly, and now I was about to
sacrifice her to save my own ass. Mine and Ann, my wife's. I had offered Ann to Horse, but he just chuckled and shook his head and said he likes them young. Really really young.
"So this is the little slut." He said, an evil smile on his handsome face. It stung me like a slap to the face, I tell you. Calling my beautiful little Hanna a slut. Only five years old. How could she be a slut?
"This is Hanna." I said, hearing my voice shake.
His smile grew bigger. "I'll bet she had every dick in kindergarten leaking, huh?" He reached down and groped the huge lump in his jeans. It was huge. Obscene. I'd heard a rumor he was a fucking freak down there.
"Does she know why she's here?" He walked over to us, I could see his dick lump pushing out his pants. I wanted to turn and run.
I couldn't answer. He got in front of Hanna and squatted to be on her level, looking into her big blue eyes.
"Hi Hanna. I'm Horse. Do you know why you are here?" she shook her pretty head.
He chuckled. "You are here because I am going to fuck you. Do you know what fucking is?" She shook her head, and I had to bite my lower lip to keep my sanity.
"My my, what a rotten sex education Daddy has given you. Pretty young slut like you.I would have thought you'd be sucking Daddy's big dick every night by now. That's what good little five year old girls do. Are you a good little five year old girl?"She nodded.
"Then why haven't you been sucking Daddy's dick every night?"
"I don't know..." she said barely above a whisper.
"Please..." I managed.
Horse stood up. "Are we going to do this my way or not?" He gobbed right in my face. A huge wad of spit hit my nose and ran down over my lips.
"Your way...." I muttered. Hanna gasped at the sight of her daddy being spit on. Horse looked down at her.
"Do you want your Daddy to be hurt? Tears filled her beautiful eyes. She shook her head. "If you are a good little slut and do everything I tell you to do, your daddy will not be hurt. But if you make even one mistake, I will hurt him, and I will hurt him bad. Do you understand, you fucking little cunt?
She looked at me. I nodded to her that he was was speaking the truth. She looked at him, a tear running down her cheek and nodded.
Horse smile. "Good. Then let's start out by you telling me that you are a fucking little cunt who loves cock!"
Hanna twisted her face up in that cute expression she makes when she is trying to figure something out. Horse punched me in the stomach. "I don't like to repeat myself."
"I am a little cunt who loves cock." Hanna said. You should have see how she looked, those horrible words coming out of her sweet innocent mouth. Horse shook his head. "No, you are a fucking little cunt who loves cock!"
"I am a fucking little cunt who loves cock."
"Louder. Say it nice and loud, bitch!"
"Beautiful. Perfect. And you are too. You are going to be. You are going
to be a fucking little cunt who loves cock. Well, you are going to be a fucked little cunt who loves cock. Don't worry. Daddy is going to stay here and watch it all. That's his punishment for not paying his debts. Who knows, Daddy might even participate. Wouldn't that be fun? Now lets get a proper look at you. I want you to go over there in the middle of the room and take off your clothes. Take off that pretty dress, and those nice lacy socks and those pretty shoes. Take off your underwear until you are totally bare assed naked for me and your Daddy."
"Daddy, do I have to?" I wish she hadn't turned to ask me. Because that made Horse angry and he stomped on my foot and kneed me in the nuts. Hanna cried out and ran to the middle of the room and began to undress.
My God, she was beautiful. So beautiful that when she had stripped down to only her little girl Sesame Street panties, Horse had her just stand that way, hands at her side, so he could eat her with his eyes.
"What a perfect little whore. Jesus, that bitch is going to have nice tits on her when she gets older, you can tell that already. But to be honest with you, my man," He smiled at me, "I prefer them without tits. I prefer them when they are pre-tit! I don't get much baby pussy. It's not easy to come by, so this is a special occasion for me too!" He turned to me, spit on his hand and rubbed it all over my face. I just stood there taking it. What could I do? He turned back to my baby girl.
"Now real slow, baby, take off the panties so we can see your pretty little cunt."
Hanna frowned again. She knew what she was doing was a "bad thing." We had talked about "bad things" and how she should never let anyone do any "bad things" to her. Now I wish I had never told her that, because it just made it worse for her. She peeled down the panties and stood there totally naked. A five year old naked girl. Horse jumped up and down with glee.
"Woweee! Look at that Cunt! Look at the cunt on that little bitch! It's nothing more than a tiny slit. Oh fuck, am I going to have fun ripping that open."
"Oh God, please. I can't stand this!" Now I was crying and Hanna was crying because I was crying. Horse spun on me.
"Why don't you join the party, Daddy. Why don't you help your little cunt of a daughter to relax. Why not strip out of your clothes as well?"
"Please don't make me undress in front of her."WHAP! BAM! I was in extreme pain.
"Would you rather be dead, fuckhead? Huh? Would you rather be fucking dead? I'll still fuck your baby after you are dead, so it's your choice." Hanna was screaming for me to obey the man. I obeyed my daughter. I kicked off my shoes and peeled off my socks. Then I stood up and took off my sweatshirt, jeans and tee shirt. Then I halted. I was so fucking scared.
"Whatcha waitin' for Blanche?" Horse hooked his thumbs in the loops of his jeans.
"Do I have to show her my........." I couldn't even say it.
"Your dick? Do you have to show her your dick? Yes. Yes, as a matter of fact you do have to show her your fucking dick. So take off the fucking briefs."
My wife and I had always been very conservative around the house, and careful not to let our daughter see anything she shouldn't. So I knew that this was her very first look at a male penis. I peeled the shorts down and soot naked in front of my daughter. Her eyes widened when she was my dick, which for some awful reason was half hard. I have no fucking idea why. I am well hung. My balls hang low and heavy. Chicks have always loved them. Before I met my wife, I fucked around quite a bit. I too liked younger girls. Was this my punishment? I stood there naked. My nipples hardened in the air con of the room. I could see Hanna's nipples were nothing more than tiny pebbles.
"There. Are we all comfy now? Hanna the cunt feels much more relaxed now that she can see Daddy's prick and balls. Don't cove yourself with your hands, Jeff. If you cover yourself, Hanna and I can't see your big fat dick and balls. Have you ever seen Daddy's cock and balls, Hanna?" She didn't respond, so Horse kneed me in my big fat naked nuts. I crumpled to the rug.
"I asked you if you ever saw Daddy's big fat cock and balls, Hanna?" She yelped like a wounded animal and shook her head. She bit her beautiful lower lip in fear. Horse kicked me so my legs spread.
"Spread your legs. Show Hanna your cock and balls. That's where you come from, Hanna. Oh, you came out of Mommy's cunt, but you first came from the
tiny hole in the middle of your daddy's cock! Its called a piss slit." Hanna shook her head. Horse looked angry.
"She thinks...she thinks she came from the Angels." I was sitting there on the rug, crying, legs spread, my nuts resting on the carpet, my dick half hard for no good reason, talking about angels.
"Tell her she came from your dick and Mommy's cunt."
"Honey, the man is right. The Angels sent you, but you came from...." KICK! "YOU CAME FROM MY COCK AND MOMMY'S CUNT."
Horse smiled and went toward Hanna. "And maybe after I fuck you in your little cunt, you will have a baby too!" He chuckled and turned his head to me. "It's happened you know. In Africa and India. Freaks of nature. Girls as young as five and six getting knocked up. Wouldn't that be a blast? A big pregnant belly on little Hanna?" He ordered me to sit in a chair. I did. "Spread your legs wide." I did.
"Hanna I want you to go over and have a good look at Daddy's big cock. Have you ever seen a cock, Hanna?" She shook her head. "Well you go on over and have a real good look." Hanna walked between my legs. Her eyes were so full of love along with lots of fear. She looked down at my dick and balls.
"Go on, Hanna, take Daddy's cock and balls in your hands and feel them."
"Please, Horse, must you do this?"
"I can do whatever the fuck I please. Now Hanna, I want you to take your daddy's prick and nuts in your sweet little hands. You have five seconds, or I will hurt your daddy." Horse came over behind me, and for some reason started to rub my shoulders and run his hands over my naked chest, even tweaking my nipples. It aroused me. I am ashamed to say it, but it aroused me. I am in no way gay. Never have been. But my dick got harder and harder. Hanna reached out, her eyes now fascinated by my growing prick and took my large nutsack in her tiny hands.
"Tell her how much you like it when she plays with your cock and balls." Horse was twisting both my nipples now.
"Hanna...Hanna, I really like it when you...when you play with my cock and balls." Hanna smiled at me, a strange uncertain smile. I knew she need some encouragement. "Just do as he says, Hanna, and everything will be all right." My breathing was growing heavy and ragged not only from my five year old daughter holding my dick and nuts, but from Horse working my tits.
"You are a good looking guy, Jeff. A very good looking guy. I'll bet the cunts drip when you walk by. We could have been friends. Good friends. It's a shame this had to happen. Let's hope it all works out for the best. Ask Hanna to kiss your cock!"
I couldn't. I couldn't do it. Not ask my own five year old daughter to kiss my cock. I just couldn't. Until he started to really work my nipples. He pinched them so hard, I thought I would black out. I have good pecs and rather large nipples, and they are very sensitive.
"Haaaaa......Hanna, please...please...honey, please kiss Daddy's cock."
Hanna wrinkled up her cute nose. It's a look she makes when she thinks something is icky. But when she saw Horse increase the pain still more, she quickly bent down and gave the stalk of my dick a kiss. Holy shit, her lips were so soft. My dick jumped and got even harder. Why? I know it was a really sick, perverted reaction.
"No, no, you stupid fucking Cunthole. Not a quick peck. I want you to give Daddy's cock a real long kiss..a loving smooch right on the head of the cock. Hold it in your hand and kiss it right on the tip."
My five year old daughter kissed my dick. Then at Horse's orders, she kissed each nut. The she licked my balls. She hated that. My cock was rock hard by then. Horse was gently massaging my pecs and nipples. My dick was getting wet. I was crying and in the throws of lust at the same time. Hanna was crying and her tears mingled with her spit on my fucksacks.
"That's right. Lift the nuts with your tongue. Lick way down under Daddy's scrotum. What a good fucking little bitch slut.
If you think a poor five year old girl being forced to lick a man's balls is the worse thing you ever heard of, read no further. What came after, was a thousand times more horrifying and more perverse. I can hardly even write about it. But even now, thinking back to that night of agony and terror, my dick throbs and leaks.
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