Clay's Swimming Teacher, Part 3

[ M /b anal, oral, pain, size, inc, ws ]

by dale10

Published: 16-Jul-2012

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All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

They say "Love is never having to say, I'm sorry." Then again, some say "Love is never having to say, "How was it?" Then again, for my son's live in lover, "Love was continually trying to get all eleven inches of dick up the boy's eight year old ass."

Sean was relentless. At first I was quite concerned for my son't health and welfare, but eventually for two very different reasons, I began to pray that Sean succeeded. First, until Sean could satisfactorily fuck Clay, he was using my ass to get off. I was getting ass fucked sometimes three times a day. The things we do for our children. I am convinced that Sean is oversexed. He doesn't just want sex all the time, he needs it. Even when he isn't actually fucking, he is constantly playing with his big fat dick and balls. He is very nice about it, but insistent. He says he just can't help it, if he doesn't fuck regularly, he goes all crazy. So to protect my son, I had been allowing Sean to fuck my ass.

Now I am a straight man, a formerly married man. I have fucked any number of girls. I never had a gay relationship of any kind. And with Sean's eleven inch dick, I was in extreme pain most of the time. So quite frankly, I could not wait until he got my son's hole opened enough to take his fuckmeat. After all he was my son's boyfriend, not mine.

The second reason I actually started to pray that Sean would fully dick the kid was that I could not stand the sounds of Clay screaming and crying coming from the bedroom all day and night. I got sick of hearing, "Take it out, it's too big. Please Sean, you are hurting me..." and shit like that. I do not enjoy hearing my son in pain and discomfort, and yet I know that they say, "No pain, no gain." I knew this to be true. Sean and Clay could never be proper boyfriends until my eight year old could properly take his boyfriend's eleven inch dick up his tiny asshole.

Don't get me wrong. Sean was really nice to Clay. He paid constant attention to the boy and was very sweet to him. While he watched tv, he would hold Clay on his lap and tickly and fondle the boy. I actually grew a bit jealous. They were always kissing and swapping spit and tonguing each other. Clay would sit on the floor and lick Sean's ball sack and dick for hours while we watched football or whatever. I loved seeing the love my boy showed his first boyfriend. The way he would kiss the huge leaking dickhead and bathe the scrotum in boy spit.

Sean was very patient teaching the boy how to suck cock. At first clay would only get the dickhead in his mouth. After all, Seans prick was a monster horse cock the likes of which I had never seen. My asshole has never been the same since he fucked me for those first few weeks until he go this meat up my son.

Clay's dick sucking improved with each passing day. Sean taught Clay how to lick his sweaty armpits and also how to eat his asshole. We'd be watching television, and Sean would be sitting with his heels up on the couch and his legs spread, and my eight year old son would be down there slurping and sucking on Sean's asshole. Sean was always really respectful of my boy, except when he got sexually excited, then he would get a bit rough.

"Come on, Bitch, get that fucking tongue deeper in my shit hole!" He would grind his ass on my boy's face. My dick would get so hard watching all of this, I would have to leave the room and jerk off to relieve myself. Sean was always very considerate of me. He asked if I wanted Clay to suck my ass as well, but I was too shy to have my own eight year old slurping on my rectum. But I really wanted to know what it felt like, so eventually I caved. My wife never wanted to suck my ass.

At first, Clay didn't either. "Aw, Dad," he'd say. "I don't wanna suck your ass, you're my father!" But sean insisted, and Clay learned that he always had to obey his boyfriend. So every few days, I got a really good ass suck from my son. Clay mostly did whatever Sean told him to. The few times the boy refused, Sean slapped his face or took a belt to his little ass. At first I protested, saying I was his father and only I should punish him, but Sean smiled and told me to shut the fuck up or he'd take a belt to my ass too.

I guess you can tell that Sean now walked around the house like he owned it. He was naked most of the time, his fat horse dick swinging as he padded around the place on bare feet. He really is quite a beautiful man, almost a young god, you might say. I did all the cooking and cleaning. I also paid for Sean's new wardrobe and for his gym membership.

Meanwhile, I grew tired of Sean's daily battles to get his dick up my son't ass. I will never forget the day he finally got his plumb sized dickhead into the puckered ring of Clay's asshole. Sean and I were so happy and so proud of Clay, even though the boy was almost out of his mind with pain. After that, it was only a matter of time. With each fuck, Sean forced more and more dick into the kid. I would frequently examine my son, to make sure he was okay, and I found that the boy's asshole was now permanently opened to the size of a quarter. It would have closed up again, but remember that Sean needed to fuck three or four times a day. The little boy got almost no chance to rest and recuperate. He grew even thinner and developed black circles under his eyes. He didn't talk much any more. I decided to have a chat with Sean.

"Sean, I know you say you love my son, but I am slightly concerned that perhaps your love is only sexual. You are always fucking him in the ass or mouth, and even when you are not, you are fingering and fondling him."

"I can't help it, Mr. Morgan, I just love your son, so much. Think about when he sucks your ass, isn't it wonderful? I just can't get enough of him."

"But a relationship is more than just sex. You promised to take him places and show him things. The boy needs a full well-rounded life." While I talked, Sean sat on the couch with his legs spread, his huge fucker hanging there like a separate living entity. " I am concerned that this relationship is not working out."

He screwed up his handsome face to give it some thought. Then he nodded. " You are right, Mr. Morgan. I am going to start to take Clay out and give him some fun other than just making love." Well, I was glad to hear this, although I would hardly call what they did in the bedroom making love. To me, it was just more like brutal fucking.

Two days later, I was working at the computer, when Sean came bouncing down the stairs in a baggy swimsuit and a tee shirt and flip flops. "I'm taking Clay to the public swimming pool, so he can play with some boys his own age." He smiled.

"That's wonderful," I said, and then Clay came down the stairs. He had been crying and his eyes were red. I knew why. He was dressed in nothing but the smallest little dick pouch I have ever seen. A string went around his waist and down through his ass crack in back. In front, his tiny dick and balls were covered by this playing card sized piece of red mesh material. You could easily make out his penis and scrotum through the mesh. In the rear, his entire cute little ass was totally exposed, with the small red string in his ass crack somehow making the whole thing more obscene.

He shifted from one bare foot to the other. "Please. Please don't make me go like this. All the kids will see me." Fresh tears rolled down his face.

"But Clay, baby, you look so fucking hot. Doesn't he look hot, Mr. Morgan?" Sean seemed so proud and delighted.

"Well, ugh..I have to admit you do look hot, Clay."

Sean reached over and slapped my son hard on the bare ass. "See, baby, what did I tell you? Now let's get going."

The day must have been hell for my son. I am sure all the other kids at the pool laughed at him and made fun of him. I am sure old perverts leered at him. And this was just the start. Sean kept his word and took my son out. He took him to the mall and made the boy dress in very short shorts that hugged his round ass and little lump and a cut off tee shirt so his naked tummy showed. He took the boy for "health" rides in my car. Oh, yes, Sean now drove my car. These health rides meant that Clay would have to sit in the passenger seat totally bare assed naked. Sean would take him through a McDonald's drive through, drive through parks and stop, and drive next to b uses, so everyone could look down at the naked boy. He forbade Clay to cover his slender eight year old body in any way.

Sean shocked me one day by announcing that he wanted Clay to suck my dick. Since Sean had gotten up my son's asshole, I was spared having to take his horse cock up mine. My ass began to heal. I still got ass sucked by my boy several times a week. I thought of this as a kind of massage therapy. Sean liked to watch Clay suck my ass. But then he announced that he wanted Clay to suck my dick.

"Sean, I really don't think it's proper for a boy to suck his father's cock." I had to draw the line somewhere, didn't I?

"It's not for any salacious reason, Mr. Morgan. It's clinical. I need some help. I am not satisfied with Clay's cocksucking. I don't feel he is doing a good enough job on my dick. As you know, he licks and sucks my cock several hours each day, and hard as I try, I don't seem to be able to help him improve his technique."

"Well, he' only eight. Give him time."

Sean frowned. "Let's be honest here, Mr. Morgan. He's only got a few good years left in him. You know I like my boyfriends young. I deserve the best possible cock suck. So what I want is...I want to watch him suck your cock, so I can critique him and teach him how to improve. You want to help your son and our relationship, don't you?"

He had a way about him; a kind of power. He was hard to argue with. i wanted to say no, but I just couldn't refuse him. So, Clay started to suck my cock. Sean set up a schedule. When he wasn't having sex of some kind with the boy, which was most of the time, he would have Clay practice by sucking my dick and licking my balls. I felt a bit bad for Clay to be honest, it seemed to me like his entire life was now spent servicing cock and balls. He was becoming nothing but a living sex hole. When he tried to resist, Sean would beat him, "for his own good."

Clay loved the attention and the affection that Sean gave him, but the price he had to pay was to be fucked or to have to suck twenty-four/seven. Sean would sit and watch Clay suck my dick. I tried not to get carried away with my lust. I tried to keep it a kind of educational experience, but a man is a man and a man has needs. I thought my son was an excellent cocksucker. I don't know what Sean had to complain about. Perhaps it was the size of Sean's meat that caused the problem. Clay would suck on my dick and work his tongue on the underside just as Sean had taught him. He would cover the throbbing dick with spit and then lick it off. He would tongue my pisshole. It was perfect. When he licked my scrotum, he would lift each nut with his tongue and bathe it in spit. When the dick spurted pre-fuck, he would hungrily eat it. In fact, for me, my son's cocksucking was perfection. But Seam was a very demanding teacher.

"Stick your tongue out, Clay. Now rest your father's dickhead on your tongue. Now with your upper lip, stroke the top of the dick head and get it spurting pre-fuck into your mouth. Now lick all around the ridge of the cockhead. Now stick the tip of your tongue into he pisshole. You hear how your dad's breathing got all ragged and heavy there? That means you are doing a good job. Now take the whole dickhead inside your mouth and suck as hard as you can. Now Mr. Morgan, grab Clay by the ears. Now fuck your dick as far as you can into his throat. Really fuck his face hard, just like it was a pussy." I slammed my dick into my eight year old son's face. "You're not face fucking him hard enough. How will he ever learn? Ram his nose into your pubic mound. Fuck that dick right down into his throat."

At first I didn't think my darling boy could take my eight inches down into his eight year old throat, but then I remember that the other dick he was daily sucking was eleven inches. I reflected on how the life of the eight year old boy had changed in one summer. I yanked on his ears and slammed his face into my crotch, forcing my dick down into his throat. He gagged and choked. Spit and cock slop dripped from his chin. I grunted and dug my dick in deeper, twisting around to get it into ever corner of his throat. I reached down and felt his neck and I could feel my cock down there. I arched my back and clenched my ass cheeks and blew my fuckload down into my son's belly. Eventually I pulled out, and as he had been taught by Sean, Clay licked my dick and balls clean, part of a boyfriend's job.

"Not bad. Getting better, Clay. We'll try it again in an hour. Meantime, get over here, Clay and lick my feet for me." The summer was taking it's toll on both myself and my son. Sean only seemed to grow stronger and more powerful.

I will never forget the day that Clay stood before me naked as he was all the time in the house now. He was still so very cute. You could just eat him up. He looked at me with his soulful eyes and his sweet face. "Dad, when does school start? isn't it pretty soon?" Was he anxious to escape from our loving home environment?

Seans' voice cut in from the couch where he was lying naked playing with his fat cock. "You are not going back to school, Clay. We are home schooling you. That way we can spend all day teaching you really important things."

I wish you could have seen the look on Clay's face. It collapsed. That is the only word for it. His lower lip trembled. His little button nose wrinkled up. His eyes squeezed shut, but tears escaped anyway. His shoulders bent down and in. His tummy fluttered. He was not a happy boy. I am not sure why. We were giving him more love than most boys ever get. And there was still more love to come.

One day the doorbell rang, and a six foot six black giant sauntered in announcing that he was a good college buddy of Sean and he had come to stay with us for a while. Sean embraced him and turned to me. Jesse here is a great dude. You're going to like him Mr. Morgan."

"But...but where will he sleep?" I asked. Stupid me.

Sean brightened. "He's going to sleep with Clay and me. He likes little boys too!"

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This is just big bullshit! And it gets worse and worse with every part :-S


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