Away Game, Part 11

[ M/b, racial, anal, oral, teen ]

by dale10

Published: 23-May-2012

Word Count:

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Asst. Coach Alenby fucked his big toe in and out of Chris Baron's fourteen year old mouth. The boy was dead asleep, totally drained and fucked into exhaustion. His naked body lay curled up on the hotel room carpet, a large champagne bottle sticking out of his asshole. But the coach's insisting big toe, thrusting itself over the boys tongue and around his gums brought him around. His long eyelashes fluttered and opened.

"Wake up, you fucking faggot. You got work to do!" Alenby stretched. He reached down with one large hand and grabbed the gay boy by the hair and dragged him up. He shoved the kid's face into one of his armpits and ordered the faggot boy to lick. Chris lapped at Coach Alenby's hairy stinking armpit. He knew what to do. He has sucked many armpits in the last few months. He knew that that was part of a faggots' duty. It was as important at learning how to properly suck a man's ass. "Listen you fucking homo, I want this room spic and span before the cleaning staff come around. Look over there at the bed. Ten year old Timmy Lawson is sleeping in a lake of cum and scum that is leaking from his fucked boy ass. I want you to lick it all up and then suck those bed sheets clean. Can't have ass scum covering the room when the hotel staff gets in here. It might give us a bad reputation. The carpet in places is soaked with piss. Suck that out too. And don't forget about all the dog spooge. You clean this room good, you hear, you fucking piece of shit? And you clean it with your tongue."

The boy moved to the other armpit, pausing for one second to lap at Alenby's big fat swollen nipples on his muscular chest. "May I please take the bottle out of my ass. It really hurts and makes it really hard for me to move around."

Alenby smirked. "The bottle comes out after you get the room clean!" He shoved the boy to one side and stood up and stretched again. He was a magnificent piece of manhood in it's prime. His legs were like tree trunks. His soft dick hung almost seven inches and swung over heavy balls when he moved. It was fair to say that all the boys on the team idolized him. And all the boys on the team had gotten to suck on that big fat dick as well. But Alenby had work to do. "I've got to go rouse the boys. We got to get in shape for the big game tonight." He padded out of the hotel room stark naked. The high school team had rented the entire floor of the hotel, so there was no fear of getting into trouble. Alenby sauntered down the hall, feeling good about himself. All they had to do was win the game! He threw open the door of the first room on his right. The boys had been instructed to keep the doors open by adjusting the metal swing lock so it caused a breach. The room stank of boy hormones. A thin ray of light played over the bed on which three of the high school boys slept. They were all naked. Alenby loved the sight of naked school boys.

The three boys were deep asleep. One lay on his side in the middle of the bed. The teenager to his right lay with his dick and balls up by the boy's head and his own face thrust into the boy's crotch. Head Coach insisted that the boys sleep this way to bond. both boys nuzzled each other's fat dicks and balls while they slept. The third boy lay at the bottom of the bed with his face buried in the ass of the middle boy. If a boy objected to the sleeping arrangements, he was benched or even kicked off the team. Since none of these boys were allowed to have girlfriends, they took comfort in each others' smooth young bodies. This is exactly what the coach wanted.

"Rise and shine, girls! Get your sorry asses into the bath and get cleaned up. We got to get moving. Today is GAME DAY!" it took the boys a few seconds to fully wake up. The rubbed sleep out of their eyes and dick leak off of their lips. They ran fingers through their messed up hair. They were darling. One of the boys sat on the side of the bed. He had thrown a huge morning erection. He looked at Asst. Coach Alenby lovingly.

"Would you like your dick sucked, Sir?" the boy asked politely.

Alenby shook his head. "Didn't you get enough last night?"

The boy laughed. "I'm sixteen, Sir. I never get enough." The boys scrambled out of bed. They stood there in front of Alenby.

"Well, aren't yo boys going to greet your team mates good morning?" The boys proceeded to engage in some really wet sloppy tongue kissing of each other. They sucked on each others' lips and thrust their thick young tongues half way down each others' throats. They made slurping sounds. This was the proper way for boys on the Coach's team to greet each other. And to think that just a year or two back, these had been normal, ordinary boys. The Coach had them well trained. Alenby walked up and rammed two fingers up the ass of one of the boys. The boy pushed back and began to hump on the fingers. "You boys better win, tonight." Alenby said. And he wasn't kidding. Woe to the team when they lost a game. The Coach made it very painful for them. And this was a championship.

"Where's Coach, Sir?" One of the boys asked.

"He's out taking care of business. Now you boys get in there and take a nice long hot bath. Get your muscles loosened up." The boys pranced off toward the bathroom on their big bare feet. They bathed together too. Just as they reached the bathroom door, Alenby shouted. "Wait a second, I got some serious dick leak here!" It was true. His long fat fucker, now semi-erect from the sight of the teen boys, was leaking long strings of pre-fuck. " Taylor, get your faggoty teen ass over here and lick up my cock leak!"

Taylor, a really cute fifteen year old with a well defined young body raced across the room and dropped to his knees. His own teen dick was hard as a rock and bouncing. He stuck out his tongue and began to lap at the leaking dick head. It was an honor for a boy to lick up the cock leak of Asst. Coach Alenby. Most of the boys were in love with him.

One floor down, Terrence the massive black team bus driver was molesting a naked seven year old boy. He had already forced the innocent crying little tyke to suck on his huge black negro cock. He had soaked potato chips in his pre-fuck and forced the little boy to eat them. He had watched the seven year old crawl down the hall, his melon sized baby ass int he air. When the boy had not thrust his baby ass up high enough, Terrence had kicked the kid with his huge black foot. Now he had the boy in the kid's room. The boy's parents had given the little boy his own room, so they could fuck privately in theirs. They had ordered the boy not to leave, but he had disobeyed. Now he had to pay the price. He was now on his hands and knees on the bed, ass up in the air, crying pretty damned hard. Terrence stood by the side of the bed, slapping the bare little boy ass. He ass was red already, and he had only slapped it a few times. His big black hand smashed into the tender pale boy flesh. The kid wailed, but made little sound as Terrence had shoved the little boy's underpants into his mouth.

"You little white mutherfucker! When I tells you to get yo' ass up in the air, I mean for you to stick it way up. I want to see pink pussy!" The child on the bed quivered. Terrence smacked the tiny ass again. There were dark red hand prints on the baby globes. "Yo daddy don't spank yo bare ass enough. Dat's why you is such a disgusting piece of shit." Terrence reached down and spread the seven year old boy ass. He roughly shoved a thick black finger into the kid's asshole. The moist pink ass pucker struggled and then gave way to the fucking finger. Terrence couldn't help himself. He had gone to prison for raping little boys. He was a boy fucker. He needed to destroy innocent young boy flesh. More than once, the Coach had had to bail him out of troubled situations. Only a month before,he had been caught shoving his gigantic nigger dick into the ass of a five year old boy in the back of his big yellow bus. Only the coach's influence had kept him from being arrested. The coach made a deal with the Police Chief. The Chief, The Coach and Terrence had all fucked the five year old. You can just imagine what they had done to that tiny baby ass. Terrence knew he might get in trouble for his current actions, but who could resist a beautiful curly headed seven year old child? Terrence ached to feel his beer can thick nigger dick embedded in the tight smooth moist rectum of the little boy. He couldn't wait to hear the boy sob and beg while he thrust balls deep until his fat hairy black scrotum slapped that pale boy flesh. He hoped the boy would pass out from pain a few times, so he could slap the shit out of him to wake him up. Seven year old boys can be such bitches. The little fuckers were just asking for it. Terrence could always tell when a boy really wanted it. The kid might deny it, but Terrence could tell. Terrence could tell which boys were born whores. He loved to take the perfectly angelic face of such a boy in his big black hands and then rub his fucking leaking monstrous hunk of dick all over the baby face. leaving strains of fuck slime. There was something so special about destroying such innocent beauty.

Terrence rolled onto the bed and lay on his back. The little boy tried to crawl away, to escape, but Terrence caught him in his huge hands, laughing at the kid's spunk. Then, he held the boy over his dick. "Now you gonna' sit down on my big old black dick. Dat way it go in deeper! I ain't gonna use no lube neither.I want you to feel every fucking inch of it!" The boy sobbed and tried to twist away. Terrence held him by his slender hips. He lowered the boy until his fat leaking black prick knob was prodding the tender pink asshole.

"No, Please! No...." the boy pleaded his words lost in the spit soggy underpants stuffing his mouth. His eyes grew huge and even more beautiful. He felt the cockhead pushing at his asshole. It was too large. It would never go in. His poor little rosebud would be ripped to pieces.

But Terrence was an expert boy fucker. He knew how to work a hole. It took almost ten minutes, but he worked his cockhead into the boy's asshole. He felt the tight tiny hole slowly give way, he felt the inner warmth welcome his fuckmeat. "Oh dis is gonna' be a tight one." Now the child threw his head back, his hair plastered to his cute face with fear sweat. Little yelps came from his throat. His baby ass swallowed more cockhead. The boy thought he would die. He had never known such pain. The cock head was tremendous; like a huge plumb. The dick leak helped lube a little, but did nothing to ease the pain of the stretching. Terrence smiled as he watched the agony on the child's face. He forced more of the seven year old down onto his stiff hard massive dick. The boys legs twisted like broken branches of a tree, and his arms flapped like a baby bird trying to fly. He was being impaled on the big nigger prick! He had always been a little afraid of black men. Now he knew why.

Finally the cockhead popped through the asshole ring and entered the boys hole. The boy hoped for one minute that the worse was over, but then the giant negro began to forced the boy down on his fuckshaft. More and more beer can thick dick filled the boy's guts. His bowels felt as if they would burst. He threw his head from side to side. His thin little white body was coated with sweat. Terrence let go of the boy's hips and grabbed the seven year old child by his tiny dick. Then, he yanked hard. The boy slid another inch down onto the fuckmeat. His eyes rolled up in his head and he passed out. His body went limp. Terrence reached up and slapped the boy hard in the face. The child shook his head and came round, saliva running from his underpants stuffed mouth. Terrence grabbed a baby nipple in each hand and twisted. Then he pulled the boy down further on his dick by tugging the child's nipples. Six inches of dick were up inside the boy. The child was sure it would puncture his heart. He could feel it tearing at his gut and pushing out his stomach. But the pain in his no longer tiny asshole was the worst. Why did this man want to hurt him so? He was a good little boy. Terrence grabbed the boy's sweet face and brought it close to his own. He spit in the boy's face, huge gobs of negro slime. the spit stung his eyes and filled his nose. He had trouble breathing. More and more dick filled his tiny body. Terrence knew he had to fuck balls deep. He just had to. At that moment, it didn't matter what happened to the boy, only his fuck lust mattered. The room began to stink of black man musk. terrence curled his large toes, enjoying the bliss of feeling his fuckmeat up in the guts of a little boy. Fucking a high school boy wasn't anywhere as rewarding, even a young freshman boy. Terrence loved to hang around the grade school, where he could leer at the beautiful little boy asses. Terrence 's breathing grew ragged, and he was only half way up inside the kid. The fuck was so sweet , he wasn't sure how long he could hold out. It felt like his dick was being strangled. His big black balls pulsed with the need to fuck. He roughly pushed the boy down on his dick. Three more inched entered the kid. The child began to choke, as if the cock was thrust all the way up in his body and pushing the underpants out of his mouth. Terrence placed his large hand on the tiny flat tummy of the boy. He roared with laughter. He could actually feel his cock in the boy's stomach. He was probably rupturing things in there, but at this moment he didn't give a shit.

"Only a few more inches, honey," he chuckled. What a wonderful way to begin the day!

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Oh THANK YOU for this! I've missed this story terribly. I'm SO glad you've added another chapter.


So fucking hot!!! Thanks dale! Keep those fat nig dicks ripping the boycunts

College Boy

Dude! I love your writing. I would love to see that nigger fuck a toddler. Keep it up, Sir.

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