Phone Call

[ M/b, anal, oral, pain, hum ]

by dale10

Published: 11-Apr-2012

Word Count: 1424

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This is fiction.

Telephone And Webcam Conversation

Tyler: Hello Mr. Dale?

dale10: This is dale10 speaking. Who is this?

Tyler: This is Tyler. My dad told me to call you. I am on the webcam too, can you see me?

dale10: Not very clearly. Can you move a little to the right, Tyler? There thats better. But don't you think you should be bare assed naked when yo call me? I don't like to see boys like you with your clothes on at home.

Tyler: You want me to take off my clothes?

dale10: Isn't that what I just said?

Tyler: Do I gotta?

dale10: You are going to make me angry, and then I will tell you daddy to do something painful to you. Is that what you want?

Tyler: No sir. I'll take off my clothes.

dale10: Don't move out of the webcam. Do it right there on the floor. I like to watch little boys undress. That's right. No need to be shy with me. Take off yur underpants too Tyler. We don't want to cover your cute dickie and balls now do we? There. That's better. Now you must be much more comfortable, right?

Tyler: (sounds scared) I guess.

dale10: Now what can I do for you Tyler?

Tyler: My dad. He told me to call you.

dale10: Why?

Tyler: get some advice. He told me to call you to get some advice.

dale10: How old are you Tyler?

Tyler: Six.

dale10: My my, such a nice handsome grown up boy you are. What kind of advice can I help you with Tyler? What does your Dad want me to tell you?

Tyler: Well...he....he.....(starts to cry)

dale10: Come on now, be a big boy. No tears. Tell me what you want.

Tyler: Well, dad says he needs to start to work on my behind. Sorry, on my ass. He says I need to call it my ass.

dale10: That's what it is an ass. Sometimes an asspussy or an asscunt. Yes, I agree with your dad. At six, he should already be working on your ass.

Tyler: He has with his fingers and stuff. But its still too tight, and he says its my fault for not relaxing enough. He says my ...

dale10: Don't be shy Tyler. Say it.

Tyler: He say says my fuckhole is too small and tight and it's my fault. So he says I gotta help loosen it up. He says I should be working on it by myself instead of playing little kid games all the time.

dale10: Your dad is absolutely right Tyler. You should listen to your dad.

Tyler: Yes sir. But what it is..the thing is...He says I should put this rubber think like a dick in my ass. I forget the name.

dale10: A dildo? Does your dad call it a dildo?

Tyler: Yeah, a dildo. Sometimes he calls it a rubber dick. He says I got to put it way up my ass and keep it there when I sleep all night and I gotta work it in and out for an hour a night.

dale10: Well, what's the problem Tyler? I don't see any problem with that. Don't move honey, you are moving out of the webcam. Lay still. Spread your legs a little so I can see your dickie and nuts better. Tell me Tyler, do you suck your daddy's cock?

Tyler: Yes sir.

dale10: How often?

Tyler: Two or three times a day. And his friends to almost every night.

dale10: What a lucky boy you are to have such a nice dad. You better do like he says and get that dildo way up inside your little asstwat and work it real good.

Tyler: Its gonna hurt real bad.

dale10: Well, Tyler, my man, sometimes we have to put up with some pain to get the rewards. It will please your dad to see you in pain and you do want to please him, don't you?

Tyler: Why does my dad want to see me in pain? Why does he like to hurt me?

dale10: It makes his dick hard, doesn't it?

Tyler: yeah...real hard.

dale10: Well, that's why. It gives him sexual pleasure. And you have to do it for him to thank him for taking care of you. I don't know your dad very well, only from some emails, but I am sure he is a very fine man. You learn how to suck his dick and the dicks of his friends real good. You study and practice so you can be an expert cocksucker. All right?

Tyler: I practice every day.

dale10: Good boy. Now what's the problem with stuffing your asscunt?

Tyler: My daddy gave me three rubber cocks. One is about as big as his, it says seven inches. The next one is eight inches. And the last one is ten inches. He says I am supposed to ask you which one is best for a boy my age. (he is sniffing and crying a little)

dale10: Well, Tyler, its up to you, huh?

Tyler: My dad says I gotta choose, but I should ask your advice. Even the small one is much too big for my little butt...ass.

dale10: You'd be amazed what your little ass can take Tyler, if you just learn to ignore the pain.You have to concentrate on pleasing your dad...not on how much it hurts. Remember, he likes to see you hurt, it sexes him you have to hurt yourself for him.

Tyler: Do I gotta?

dale10: If you love your dad! Now which one do you think he'd like to see you use?

Tyler: He said he really wants to see ten inches rammed up inside me.

dale10: Well then that should be our goal, right? We want to please dad. Why don't you do this. Why don't you use the smaller ones to get open yourself up..and then after a half hour or so, go to the next size. That way your boycunt can get used to the dick and stretch. I could stay on line with you to help you.

Tyler: I don't know if I can even get the small one in.

dale10: I know you can. You just have to really push hard and not mind the pain. That's what makes you a big boy! You say Daddy has used his fingers, right?

Tyler: Yeah....two...lots of times.

dale10: Your daddy is a very smart man. He knows when you are ready for a rubber dick.

Tyler: Do lots of boys do this with their daddies?

dale10: Of course. It's part of growing up. Now come on...lets get started. What are you doing?

Tyler: Putting some of this cream on my fingers and on the rubber dick, so it goes in easier.

dale10: Are you a big boy, or a little baby?

Tyler: A.....I wanna be a big boy.

dale10: Big boys don't use any cream. Only babies use cream. Big boys shove the rubber dick in dry.

Tyler: I don't think I can do that. (crying hard now)

dale10: You can! You want your dad to love you, don't you? Then show him what a big boy you are. Shove the rubber cock in dry..shove it all the way up inside your little asscunt! Do it Tyler. Do it Now! (I watch as he places the large rubber dildo at his tiny little asshole opening)

Tyler: I gotta put down the phone. I gotta use both hands. Oh mister, it hurts so bad.

dale10: That's fine. Put down the phone. Pick it up again when the rubber cock is all the way up your asstwat.DO IT TYLER! TURN YOUR ASS MORE TOWARD THE CAMERA SO I CAN SEE THAT FUCKER GOING IN. DO IT BITCHBOY!

(I masturbate my leaking prick as I watch the little boy impale himself on the first of the huge rubber dicks. He almost passes out from the pain, and I can hear his sobs through the phone on the floor. I remind myself to tell his father to hook up a michrophone and speaker system, so the little cunt can talk to me while he is destroying himself. If the rlationship continues, I hope to get photos of the father and his friends fucking the kid silly. I have to admit, the little bitch has a really elastic asshole. I can't wait until I see ten inches up there. I hope I can hold out that long without dumping a load.)

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Very nice,I love reading about little boys getting used by thier Daddies. Introduce him to poppers.It will help him take cock easier

Antonio Green

Great story. Glad to see you're writing again, Dale.


Nice, perverted stories man!


What you write it beautiful, dude. I hope you continue this amazing story. Sounds like that little cunt is in for quite the adventure.


Excellent story Dale. I am eagerly awaiting the next installment. Dale would you pretty pllease consider moving all your stories from PZA and DEMB stories here I find it difficult to access them via mobile device and have picked up numerous computer viruses from TOR site. It sure would be great to have my favorite author all in one archive and Loliwood is awesome! Thanks my friend.

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