Daughter's Sex Ed Class

[ M/g, oral, incest, other ]

by dale10


Published: 17-Jan-2012

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

I was giving my seven year old daughter her sex education class. She was seated as usual naked on her little red plastic chair. She was sitting as I had taught her to sit with her legs spread wide as a young lady should sit, so I could see her darling little bald pussy slit.

I had told Cindy that she was so beautiful that I wanted her to be naked around the house as much as possible, especially when my buddies were over. I was seated in my arm chair, naked also with my legs spread so my big fat dick was just about eye level with Cindy. Before you call me a pervert, I would like you to listen to my logic.

I served in the armed forces in Iraq and was recently discharged because of an injury. I am twenty-five years old and a well built, good looking guy. The chicks are really hot for me. Cindy's mom the fucking bitch, cheated on me while I was serving our country, and ran off with some fucking salesman. if you want the truth, I think it was because my cock was too big for her, she was always complaining that it really hurt her, especially when I fucked her in the ass. I know my dick is really huge, but does that mean I'm not entitled to the sexual pleasure a man is supposed to receive?

So I decided to bring my daughter up correctly. Better she should learn to respect and love big cocks. Better her early sexual experiences are with a nice big beautiful prick than with some tiny two inch pizzle belonging to some horny seventh or eighth grade boy. Besides, her mom, never really liked cock all that much and I don't want Cindy to grow up with that warped point of view. I want her to realize that for a cunt, the entire reason to live is to service dick!

So there I was seated in front of her showing her my big seven inch flaccid hunk of cock and my nuts which hang really low and are the size of eggs.

"Look at Daddy's fuckmeat, Cindy, isn't it beautiful?"

She blushed. "I guess so," she said shyly.

I smiled. "Oh come on, you know you like to look at it. I see you looking at it all the time. Look at how big and thick it is. Can you say 'fuckmeat' honey?"

"Fuckmeat." She looked up at me for approval.

"That a girl. And what is that?" I pointed at her pussy. She has a really nice pussy, nice puffy twatlips.

The screwed up her pretty face and thought for a minute.

"Come on honey, what was that word that Daddy said you should always call it?"

"My... cunt!" she said proudly at last.

"Good girl. That is your cunt."

"Daddy, last night, your friend Mark wanted to tickle my...my cunt."

I raised my eyebrows. "And did you let him?"

She dropped her head and her beautiful hair cascaded down over her face. "No, I was too shy."

"Well, that's not a very good girl. You must always let any man who wants to tickle your cunt do it. You must spread your legs wide for any man who asks you and let him play with your cunt all he wants to. That's what cunts are for, Cindy."

"I'm sorry, Daddy."

"That's my angel. Now tonight when Mark and Tim and Bud come over, you let them play with our cunt all they want, ok? And maybe if you are real good, they will show you their fuckmeat. But don't ever say anything about how theirs aren't as big as Daddy's. That would not be polite. Not all men have big fuckmeat, but they can still be fun for little sluts to play with. And you are my little slut, aren't you?"

"I guess."

"Look, Daddy's fuckmeat is growing. It's getting bigger and bigger. That means you are a good girl. Good girls make men's cocks grow stiff and hard. Now while you look at my fuckmeat grow and get hard, tell Daddy what you memorized last night. Tell Daddy, how many names for a cock you memorized."

The seven year old stared at my prick and thought for a minute. "Well, cock. And now you taught me fuckmeat, even though I don't know what that means. And then...dick, and prick, and cuntbuster, and what was that? Oh yes, dork, dipstick, twathose, schlung...."

"No honey, that's schlong, not schlung. And what else?"

"Ah...pussy stuffer, sucksausage, holerammer, and and...."

"That's fine, Cindy, you are doing very well. I can't wait until you tell my friends tonight what you learned. Oh look, Daddy's prick is really hard now and twelve inches long. Isn't it beautiful? Can you smell it Cindy? Can you smell it from where you are sitting? It smells that way because it likes you.

"Sit a little closer. Pull your chair a little closer so you can see it real good. Look at the cockhead. Look at the mushroom head and the big wide slit in the cockhead. That's called my piss slit. You've seen Daddy pee from his piss slit. Look at how the piss slit opens and closes like a little mouth. Isn't that cute. It looks like a little mouth doesn't it?"

"Yes Daddy."

"Well then, do you think you could give that little mouth a little kiss?"

"You want me to kiss you there?" She wrinkled up her nose.

"If you love Daddy, you'll do it." I made what she calls my sad face. She doesn't like that. So she leaned in and put her seven year old lips on my dickhead. It was Heaven. Those soft lips touching the head of my fucker. Just as she finished kissing, some pre cum bubbled out of the piss slit.

"Oh look Cindy, see that? that's called pre cum...or fuck snot. It means my fuckmeat likes your kiss a lot. If you can get a boy or a man leaking, it means you are a real good girl and are doing a real good job. Tonight you can see if you can get Mark and Tim and Bud to leak, Ok?"

"Daddy, do other girls my age do this?"

"Oh honey, not all girls are as lucky as you. Not all girls have a Daddy who wants to teach them. You are very special and very, very lucky. And when you are just a year or two older, you are going to be very popular with the boys at school. I'm going to teach you how to have dozens of boyfriends, and how to keep all of them happy. And teachers too. But you have to start with Daddy and his friends.

"Do you want to touch my prick, Cindy? Do you want to hold Daddy's fuckslab in your tiny hand? That would feel real good I'll bet. Go on, don't be shy, take hold of my cock!" I leaned forward so my twelve inch dick was inches from her sweet little face.

"Now hold the dick. Look, your little hand doesn't even go all the way around it. Now I'm going to tell you a beauty secret. Do you want to have really beautiful skin like the girls on television have? Well here's the secret, every night you have to rub some of my cocksnot on your face and sleep with it on, it's really good for a little girl's skin. So while you are holding my dick, why don't you rub it all over your face?

And while you do that, I'm going to tickle your cunt with my big toe. Oh we have such fun together, don't we? And I have so much more to show you. So very much more. That's right, rub my dickhead all over your pretty little face. Get that cock leak all over so you get beautiful skin.

Don't worry, Daddy's got plenty, reach up and squeeze his big balls and then more cocksnot will come out. And then later, Daddy will show you what's even better than cock snot and that is cock cream. Cock cream is so healthy for you. You know that special sauce Daddy has been putting on your salads and your cereal?

Well, I've got a surprise for you. That is cockcream. Remember how you didn't like the taste at first and said it was all icky and slimy and Daddy said good girls eat what they are told, and that you would get to like the taste?

And now I can show you where it comes from. And sometimes you have been having Mark and Tim and Bud and Sam and Bill's cock cream on your burgers and subs and even on your popcorn, and you didn't even know it. That's why you are such a healthy girl. Now be a good girl and kiss Daddy's cock all over to thank it for producing all that nice fucksnot and cockcream. Oh look, Daddy's got his big toe in your pussy. How does that feel?"

"It feels bit... it feels a little uncomfortable."

"Well, don't worry, just trust Daddy, soon it will feel really good. Soon you are going to want the boys at school to stick their toes in your pussy, and other things as well. It's going to feel so good to have things in your little cunt. Just you wait and see. You are going to want things in your cunt all the time. Daddy will even have to buy you a special toy so you can sleep with it up your cunt all night. Wiggle your cunt on my toe honey, do that for Daddy, will you? What a good girl you are. Now put Daddy's big fat cockhead in your mouth, will you do that for me?

Do you have any idea how beautiful my seven year old daughter looks with a big dick in her mouth? Born to suck, man, the little bitch was born to suck. And I intend to teach her every cocksucking trick in the book. When I am through with her, she will have dick in her mouth most of the day and night. And in her cunt and up her ass too. That's my little girl. That's my Cindy.


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WOW!! I loved your story.... it made me so hard....I wish I had a little girl of my own....I would really enjoy it... thanks for sharing


bloody great ,if you need more help let me know , i can pay good for that, fantastic story.


Great story, very perverted, just the way I like a story to be.

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