Cindy The Dicklicker

[ Mg, oral, anal, incest, ws, bukkake ]

by dale10

Published: 20-Dec-2011

Word Count:

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Five year old Cindy looked up at her daddy's big fat leaking dick. A big part of her job was to take care of Daddy's Dick. She was a beautiful blond haired little angel with the sweetest face, all bright blue eyes, button nose and a race of freckles. Everybody loved her; all of Daddy's friends that is. You see since Mommy left them, she had to help Daddy out by doing some special chores. Taking care of Daddy's big dick was one of them. It had been one of Mommy's jobs, and now that she was gone, it was one of Cindy's jobs.

Cindy sat on he floor naked between her Dad's big feet and looked up at the huge dick as it dangled over the edge of the chair. She watched the way strings of pre-fuck hung from the pisshole and slowly made their way to the floor. Part of her job was to lick up all the pre-fuck. Daddy was so handsome with his dark curly hair and all his muscles. Both Cindy and her daddy were bare assed naked. Daddy wasn't always naked around the house, sometimes he wore sweat pants or boxer shorts, but he got naked when he wanted his big fat dick taken care of, which was about three times a day. Cindy was always naked. Daddy and his friends liked to see her that way. Except of course when Daddy took her out to the mall or to a movie, or to a restaurant. Then she was allowed to wear a beautiful white party dress and black patent leather shoes. She was not allowed to wear any panties. Daddy liked her little pussy to be bare at all times. Daddy got a kick of having her lift her party dress enough to show her pussy to strange men at the mall or in the park.

Daddy had carefully explained to Cindy that if she wanted to stay with him, she had to help him earn money. How else could he pay for rent and food. He didn't like to work, it took him away from his little girl, and besides, he'd rather stay home and drink beer and watch tv. Cindy didn't go to school either. She was what was called "Home schooled." That way she could stay with Daddy. He was so big and strong and handsome.

Cindy got up on her knees, making sure to keep her legs apart a bit. Daddy taught her to always keep her baby pussy on display. When Daddy's friends were over and she was allowed to visit with the big people, she had a special chair just for her. It was a wooden armchair. She would feel so special sitting in it. Daddy taught her to sit with one of her little legs up and over each arm of the chair so her pussy was really open and on display and even her little asshole could be seen by everyone. She had no idea why men liked to look at her asshole and pussy so much. and they loved to play with them too. It was weird, but she was only five, so what did she know.

Cindy leaned in and opened her little mouth. She stuck out her pretty pink tongue and scooped up some of the dripping pre-fuck.

"That's a Good little fucking bitch!" Her handsome dad said, his big toes curling withe pleasure. He loved nothing better than to watch his little girl make a total fucking slut of herself. Now Cindy licked up the string of pre-fuck until her little tongue touched the huge pink dickhead. She began to lick Daddy's cockhead. At first she had hated the taste, especially when it tasted a bit like pee or sweat. But Daddy had been patient with his little angle and taught her how to be the very best cocksucker in the whole world. He told her she was a much better cocksucker than her mommy had been. When she was a very very good girl, Daddy allowed her to sleep with his dick in her mouth all night. What a special treat that was. Of course it wasn't easy for her. Daddy's dick grew to almost ten inches hard, and it was as thick as a beer can. It was much larger than the dicks of most of Daddy's friends. A few of the black gentlemen had dicks that big,a and some, a very few, had dicks even larger, but Daddy had the best dick in the whole world.

Until a few months ago, Cindy had had no idea how important dicks were, or that it was a girl's job to take care of them. Cindy mentally kicked herself. She had been taught not to call herself a girl. She was a bitch. Daddy had taught her that the correct name for girls was Bitches. And he was always right. All of his friends called her "Bitch" or "Cunt!" Daddy also read to her, really good books about little cunts her age who took care of their daddies and other nice gentlemen. Daddy h ad explained to her, that in order to help bring in money, she had to lick and suck the dicks of his friends too. They paid Daddy to have her lick and suck their dicks because they didn't have sweet little girls of their own.

Daddy was twenty-six years old, but he had friends who ranged from sixteen or so to seventy. So m any friends. Cindy didn't know how someone could have so many friends. Silly Daddy even forgot some of their names, he had so many. He would have ten or fifteen or his friend over almost every night for Cindy to cocksuck. She didn't mind except when their dicks were stinky. And some of them wanted to piss in her mouth as well as do their cream. She didn't like swallowing piss, but Daddy was helping to teach her by pissing in her mouth several times every day now. He called it, "Total Dick Service."

"Total Dick Service" also included licking and sucking on the big balls of Daddy and all his friends. She always knew she was doing a good job sucking on his big dangling balls when he would shout, "OH God, what a fucking whore!" or something else like that. "Total Dick Service" also included something else...something that Cindy did not enjoy. She had to lick and suck ass! She didn't mind Daddy's ass so much, she had gotten used to it. Daddy often sat and watched tv at night while his little darling licked and sucked his twenty-six year old hairy asshole. She had gotten used to the taste and smell, and after all, it was her dear Daddy's asshole. But she didn't enjoy having to lick and suck the assholes of all of his friends. She had to lick and suck ten to fifteen assholes a night, some of them not very clean. Daddy told her it was part of her job, and she had to do a real good job, so that Daddy made lots of money. He told her she had to be an "Ass Mouth as well as a Cunt Mouth."

Daddy taught her all of those fun words. He taught her what to call a man's thing. It was a dick, or a cock, or fuckmeat. Daddy loved to hear his little angel beg his friends to "Please let me suck your fuckmeat." How his friends laughed at that, and ruffled her golden hair. They smiled and called her a "Little Cocksucking Bitch." One of their favorite games was to not have her swallow their cocksnot but to shoot it all over her pretty little face. They seemed to really enjoy that. Sometimes at special parties Daddy would have for his friends, Ten to twenty naked men would stand over her face and jerk on their big cocks until they all shot their cocksnot all over her face and naked five year old body. Some also aimed at her little pussy. Then to the delight of all his friends, Daddy would take a soup spoon and scoop all the fuck sauce off her face and body and feed it to her. As far as Cindy was concerned, it was a pretty stupid game, but it made the men so happy. She didn't like the taste of fucksauce, but she was getting used to it. Daddy made sure all her food had some on. That or some piss. He said he was teaching her to like the kind of food a "Dirty cocksucking cunt-faced whore" should like. Cindy had also been taught to eat her meals out of a doggie dish on the floor. Daddy said, "Bitches should not be allowed to eat at the table with men." Don't get me wrong, her daddy was very very good to her. In the morning when he was eating bacon and eggs, he would shove a piece of bacon up his asshole and sit there at the table, with his big balls and dick hanging over the edge of his chair, one leg up on the table to open up his asshole, and allow his little angel to eat the bacon out of his shithole. There was also a box in the hall, and many of his friends brought over used condoms and deposited them in the box, and then it was part of Cindy's job to suck all the condoms sparkling clean. That was quite a job for a five year old girl. Sometimes there were thirty or forty cum filled dirty condoms in the box.

Just last week, Daddy and his little girl had been taking a walk through the park, when Daddy spotted a scum-filled yellowed, filthy, dirty, condom on the grass. "Honey, why not be a good girl, " Daddy had said, "And clean that condom?" Cindy didn't like the look of the stretched out dick sheath, but she always obeyed her daddy. She picked it up and put it over her little tongue like Daddy had taught her, and sucked on it for over and hour.

In the last few weeks as well, Daddy had told Cindy that it was time to go to work on her pussy. Time to turn it into a cunt. So every day, he and some of his helpful friends poked their fingers into her little pussy. They told her they were stretching it for dick, but Cindy still thinks it is a joke, as their dicks are much to large to go into her little pussy. They do make her put a pickle in it. They have her "Fuck her dirty cunt with a pickle." At a party last week, they made her stick one large pickle in her pussy and another one in her asshole. It hurt, but they all applauded her and made her feel "special."

Daddy explained to her that it was very important that he fuck her before she was six. He hugged her and said he had never fucked a five year old. He told her he would be very gentle and help her every step of the way. He told her that for her sixth birthday, she was going to have a huge party with twenty or thirty of Daddy's friends, and they were all going to fuck her, so of course, he had to get her ready. He also told her that some men would want to fuck her in the ass, so he had to stretch that too. To b honest, Cindy is a bit scared of all of that, but she trusts her Daddy. For now though, she'd rather just stay Cindy the Dicklicker.

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Dale -- great story. so perfect for a stud dad to treat his little cum dump that way. got my dick rock hard -- every word of it. especially liked the asshole licking and all the piss. excellent!

Grandpa Fuchs

Looks like Cindy and my little girl Lizzie would make a great pair at a gang fuck. Very good story though just a couple of errors.
Keep up the excellent work.


My friend, if you are taking time to notice minor errors, it means you are not concentrating hard enough on jerking your dick. Get to it!

cummy cunnies

I have to admit to having one single issue with your writings, dale10. I know it may add some sensuality for you, but the boys just don't do it for me in any porn content. There's just SO much that little girls symbolize that boys just can't.

But that's me. That you keep me coming back to your writings despite this misgiving of mine is testament to your acumen as a depraved smut writer.

Keep up the good work!

ps Mr Black's Gambit is an anchor in my personal pornography (damn but I love that word) collection

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