Published: 14-Dec-2011
Word Count:
Coach registered for the team and got the room assignments while the anxious teenagers piled off the bus. They were psyched up for the biggest away game of the year. Tommy Lawson, the star quarterback of the team climbed down off the bus with one arm around his little brother Timmy.
Timmy was only ten and was thrilled to death to be able to travel to a game with his older bro and the team. Tim and Tom's parents were in Europe, so the older jock had to bring his little bro along on the away trip. He was a really cute, well behaved kid, and all the jocks liked him. The boys shuffled past the Coach and Assistant Coach Alenby and got their room keys. When Tommy got up to the Coach, the big man smiled and raised his hand.
"Your brother will room with me!" He said in his strong no-nonsense way. Tommy grew pale. He knew all about the coach and his ways, but he never thought his little brother would be involved.
"Ah, coach, I thought Tim and I should room together, you know, this being his first trip and all. And I am responsible for him." Tommy felt a chill go up his spine.
"Timmy will room with me. We need to get to know each other, right boy?" The coach reached out and ruffled the soft as silk hair of the ten year old. Tim just kind of smiled. He was unsure what to say. "You can room with Asst. Coach Alenby. He has some specific training exercises in store for you before the big game tomorrow. " The coach smiled and winked at Tommy. Asst. Coach Alenby chuckled and reached out and patted the jean covered ass of the quarterback.
"Nothing too rough, mind you, you need to be able to run and throw tomorrow."
"Ah, Coach, if you want me to be at my best for the game tomorrow..." Coach's big hand shot out and grabbed the teenager by the jaw. His fingers felt the boy's still soft cheek.
"Fucking right I want you at your best tomorrow. I want you to play better than you ever have. But Asst. Coach Alenby has worked hard all season, and he wants you to be at your best tonight as well. Don't let us down, Tommy. You want that college scholarship, don't you?"
Tommy blinked. "Yes, sir!" The Coach still held the boy's face, but he allowed his thumb to enter the kid's mouth. Little Timmy looked up with a confused look on his face. The Coach slowly worked his thumb in and out of the teenage jock's mouth, and damned if the boy didn't begin to suck on the thumb. The other team members were all standing there watching. They acted as if this was something they were used to. The Coach with his thumb still in the sucking teen's mouth turned to the other boys.
"All right, you asswipes, get to your rooms. Then hook up, four to a room for three hours of exercises. You know what to do. We'll be stopping by to check up on you, and if anybody fucks up, I'll rip your fucking balls off."
"Yes, Coach," The boys answered in unison. The Coach was extreme, and intense and his coaching methods were most unorthodox, but the team had been champions for many years. The other high schools were jealous as hell. Money poured into the school, and many of the boys received college scholarships. So something was working. The Coach controlled every aspect of his boys' lives. And I mean every aspect. They were not allowed to have girlfriends or even date which for a high school boy can be a nightmare. They were forced continually to bond in the most unusual and extreme ways with other team members. That was the Coach's secret. They lived for each other.
As the boys moved passed the coaches to go up to their rooms, Asst. Coach Allenby who was twenty-four and movie star handsome, let his hands run over some of the boys. He would pat this on on the back, and that one on the ass. With one or two of them, he even stopped them with a hand to the shoulder, while his other hand cupped the bulges in their jeans. He whispered soft words of control to them, warning the more wild boys to behave and focus on the game.
Tommy Lawson shifted uncomfortably from one foot to the other. Then the thumb was removed from his mouth. "Coach, it's just that, what if my dad should find out, about you and Timmy, you know!" There was an urgent, worried look on the cute teen's face.
The Coach smiled. "It's your job to make sure he doesn't find out. The only person who could possibly tell him is the little Asscunt here, and you should be able to control a ten year old bitch of a brother. Look, Shitface, I haven' thad ten year old ass since I ran that sports camp last summer. My dick is tired of the loose holes of you high school jocks. Tomorrow is a big day for me as well as you. I have worked hard all season, just like you have, and I need to relax a bit by unloading my balls in something young and tight. " The Coach reached out and put a muscular arm around the little boy and drew him close. He pressed his bulging crotch into the boy's back as he held him in front of him as if he owned him. Timmy had a confused and slightly scared look on his cute young face. His big eyes became even bigger as he felt the man's erection pushing into his back.
But Tommy wasn't giving up so easily. "But Coach, Timmy has never done anything like that! Never!" The teen's hands had balled up into fists and he was bouncing a bin on his feet.
Coach grunted. "And whose fucking fault is that? I told you to bring him around to me when he was eight and you were a Sophomore. Remember when you told me your throat was sore from all the sucking, and that you needed a break. I clearly told you, you could have rest if you brought little Timmy to visit me. You refused."
The sweat of fear was running down Tommy's face. He tried a different tactic. "Coach, I thought I would be staying with you tonight. On the night before a big game, shouldn't the quarter back get some special attention from his coach? Last year when Jesse Clabourn was quarterback, you spend the night before the championship game with him. We heard the yelling way down in our rooms. Everybody knows you get a bit rough before a big game. Coach be reasonable, I can hardly handle your huge meat, how can you expect a ten year old boy to take it?"
The Coach hugged the ten year old closer to him and allowed one hand to slip down inside the boy's tee shirt. He began to finger the ten year old boy's tits. "They got to learn sometime. Your brother may even be a better quarterback than you, if he starts working with me now. I'll make him into a star athlete, just like I did for you. You have a career ahead of you, thanks to me, Tommy." His fingers twisted and pulled at the ten year old nipples. Timmy made a face and tried to twist out of the man's grasp, but Coach held on tight. He loved to wrestle with young male cunt.
Tommy actually got tears in his eyes. "Not my bro. Please don't hurt my bro!"
The Coach laughed. " me and your little brother are going to bond is all. Nice manly bonding. I am going to show him some nice fun games. You want to play some nice grown up games, don't you?" The Coach leaned down and licked the little boy's neck and nibbled on his ear. All right there in the hotel lobby. He could have been arrested. How could he be so careless? The coach thought he was invulnerable. Perverted and sadistic as he was, he was like a God to his boys and to the school. He was untouchable.
Asst. Coach Alenby moved over to Tommy and reached down to grab a handful of the boy's hefty genitals through his jeans. "Come on, Star athlete, lets get up to our room and get out of these clothes. I've got some great pre-game workouts for you. We'll start out by my kicking back and having a room service meal and a beer while I watch you masturbate for three hours straight. Don't worry, I'll deposit my dick leak on a sandwich for you. Then I'll give you a nice big glass of fresh piss to drink."
Alenby made sure little Timmy could hear all of this. The Coach was really working Timmy's sore nipples.
Asst. Coach Alenby squeezed Tommy's sizable teenage dick and balls hard. The boy squeezed his eyes shut and a little spittle dribbled from his cute lips. "Then, we are going to play "Suck the sausage." And guess what you get to eat for dessert? My sweaty asshole. You know how you love to eat asshole. When the scouts for those college teams came through, they all agreed you ate ass better than any teenage quarterback they were scouting. That really got you the offers."
Coach, hearing this roared with laughter. "Yeah, that's cause I taught him to eat ass when he was fourteen. He's never been allowed to date cunt. I groomed him for quarterback way back then.
Asst. Coach Alenby smiled. He copied Coach by taking the soft young face in his vice-like grip. "And then, I am going to fuck the shit out of you. Just like I did in the locker room two weeks ago. Remember that? Remember how I made you crawl around on the shower stall floor with my big dick up your pussy?"
Tommy was trembling. He remembered all right. He had never been fucked so brutally. And he had been getting fucked by coaches and teachers since he was fourteen.
Coach reached out and slapped his Assistant on the back. 'Yeah, you fucking shithead. You and that horse dick of yours opened up that teen cunt so much, I can't even feel my dick in there anymore. I don't know why I every hired an assistant with an eleven inch prick."
Asst. Coach Alenby laughed and felt his massive fucker straining at his chinos. "Sure you do, Coach. You enjoy nothing so much as to watch me ass rape some fourteen year old freshman boy, forcing my big dick into his little pussy for the first time. Hearing his scream and beg. Are you sure you wouldn't like me to have a go at little Timmy there. Wouldn't you like to see me fuck the shit out of a ten year old ass?"
Coach shook his head, and play acted by hugging Timmy closer to him. Timmy was trying to hold back his tears. He didn't like to see his older brother cry. "Rest assured, horsedick, you will get a chance to fuck this young ass, but after I plow him two or three times. I won't have my fuck ruined by your meat ripping and tearing a tiny ten year old boycunt."
Charles Barkley was the young faggot night desk clerk at the hotel. Now he stood behind he desk, his thin prick out of his uniform pants, frigging the fuck out of it as he listened to this filthy talk and watched these two large men molesting these boys right in front of him. Oh, someone paying just a casual glance in their direction would only see coaches fooling around with their charges...good natured horseplay, but Charles was seeing it all. And it was Hot! Charles could not wait until he got off of work. He would rush back to the apartment of his black master, Arthur, who would be sure to whip the young clerk's testicles while the faggot recounted the entire incident. Cock syrup poured all over the papers on the desk behind the counter as Charles wanked his fuckmeat. Maybe he wouldn't go back to the apartment. Maybe he would call Arthur and have him come over. After all, they had a hotel full of randy teenage boys and apparently horny, perverted coaches. And there were spyholes for looking into most of the rooms.
"Coach, if Asst. Coach Alenby fucks me, I won't be any good int he game tomorrow. I could hardly walk for two days after the last time. And I was bleeding. Remember You made me wear a tampon up my ass in the locker room?" It had been so humiliating.
But not as bad as it was for the dweeb team manager Chris Baron. The Coach had made thin little Sophomore Chris take the bloody tampon out of Tommy's raw asshole with his teeth and then in front of the whole varsity team, suck on it. The Coach insisted that was how you turned faggots into real men. He loved to watch the boys abuse Chris. They shoved toilet plungers up his asshole and made him dance naked while they snapped his body with wet towels. They hung weights from the weight room on the kid's nuts and made him run laps. JUST GOOD NATURED HORSEPLAY. Part of poor Chris' job was to suck the filthy sweay stinking wet jock straps of the team clean. And believe me, teenage boy jock straps can get pretty rank. Chris had no one to whom to turn for help. His own father thought his son was a sissy boy faggot and urged the coach to keep him as manager and towel boy. He didn't care how abusive they were to the boy, as long as it "toughened him up!" Just last week, Chris was dropped off after practice by some of the boys on the team. Chris was bare ass naked, and all over his body in black permanent marker were written the most obscene things. "FUCK MY PUSSY" was written on his ass with an arrow. "CUM HERE" across his forehead with and arrow down his nose to his mouth. "GIRL TITS" above his rather large pouty nipples, getting larger because of the torture they had to endure. And on his lower tummy, "CLIT!" with an arrow pointing to his small dick. They had shaved off all of his prick and pit hair. Chris' dad thought it was so funny, he made the boy stay that way, while he telephoned his drinking buddies to come over and have a look. Photos were taken and sent to friends. The guys from the team send their own photos of Chris looking this way but with a broom handle up his ass all over the school and to everyone on their facebook pages.
How did a school get so out of control? Simple. The Coach encouraged his boys to abuse weaker lads. And his team jocks who were constantly abused by him and is friends, took out their frustration on younger boys. Abuse is handed down in this way.
Coach had had enough talk. His dick was leaking in his pants. He pushed young ten year old Timmy Lawson ahead of him. "We won't use the elevator. You go on up the stairs ahead of me. I want to watch your cute ten year old ass in those jeans."
Tommy shook his head, tears in his eyes, as Asst. Coach Alenby steered the teen jock toward the elevator. "We will take the elevator. I always wanted my dick sucked in an elevator, and this is a good time to try it."
Coach watched young Timmy climbing the stairs ahead and above him. He made the boy carry both their bags. "Wiggle that ass boy, show me something!" Timmy dropped the bags and turned around.
"You are not my coach and I won't let you hurt me. I'll tell. You just wait and see if I don't tell!" Foolish boy. Coach hauled off and slapped the boy so hard, the kid flew into the wall and slid down three stairs. After all, what can a ten year old boy do against a muscular six foot three adult? Then the Coach hauled off and kicked the kid hard in the gut for good measure. The little boy gasped for air. He sobbed dry sobs, sucking in air in huge gulps. His hair was a mess, and he looked more fuckable than ever.
"You will fucking tell no one, or you will ruin your brothers career and his life. Do you understand. Do you want to ruin your brother's life? Answer me you piece of cunt drip!"
Just like that, little ten year old Timmy lost all his resolve. What could he do? He didn't want to wreck Tommy's chances to be a professional football quarterback some day. He loved his big brother.
"Answer me, TwatFace. Do you want to ruin his life?"
Timmy shook his head. " Sir."
The Coach laughed and spit a huge gob right in the soft sweet little face. "Don't you dare wipe that off!" He barked as the boy raised his trembling hand. The little fingers pulled back.
"Now get up. Take off your pants!" There they stood in the stairwell. "You heard me. Take off your pants now!" The little boy's mouth worked but no words came out. He was in shock. With shaking fingers he opened his jeans and let them drop. He stepped out of them. He stood there in his tiny white briefs, a perfect little ten year old.
"Some...somebody will see..." he stuttered. His big eyes blinked and his long lashes fluttered.
"Take off the underpants."
"Oh please, Sir. I want to go home."
Coach raised his hand to slap the boy again. Quick as he could, little Timmy slid out of his underpants. His baby dick jiggled and bounced over his tiny ball bag. His slender pink legs could hardly support him. He stood there naked from the waist down, dressed in only his tee shirt and light jacket. The coach studied the little boy dicklet. He would have fun administering some serious pain to that baby prick.
"Now turn and show me your ass!" Timmy turned. He heard the coach let out a whistle. It was indeed a beautiful young boy ass. One of the most fuckable asses Coach had ever seen. Not a pale skinny ass like so many of the boys he had fucked at that camp. No, this was a round full plump ass with a deep crack. Plump, but not fat. Coach could not stand fat assed boys. He could not stand fat boys. He had never molested a fat boy in his whole life. This ass was a prize winner. "Now, Shitbreath, pick up the bags and continue climbing to our room on the fourth floor. And I had better see that ass wiggle, or you will be sorry."
The little boy retrieved the bags and continued his journey, with each step, the Coach could see in the boy's ass crack and get just a peak of the perfect pink rosebud asshole waiting there for his huge dick."
"I SAID WIGGLE THAT ASS, BOY!" Timmy wiggled his ass the best he could. He twisted his hips and moved them back and forth, trying to please the monster who controlled him.
An hour later, four of the team members, Chad, Cliff, James, and Rick, were seated on the couch in their very nice room, masturbating each others big dicks. They were not allowed to wear any clothing in the rooms, Coach's orders. And they had to masturbate each other for three hours without anyone shooting a load. If they shot, they would be benched as punishment. The Coach wanted them to walk around always with huge full, bloated scrotums and cocks that were leaking with the need to cum. He felt it made them play better. And this was part of the bonding theory the coach had. For these boys, the only sexual outlet any of them had was "exercising with each other."
Most of the boys were straight, but being deprived of pussy for so many years, they now found comfort in each other. Coach sometimes made them suck each others' dicks...not to orgasm of course. They also had to often lick each others' ballsacks and assholes. Bonding. At first of course, they had been repulsed by the idea, but Coach worked slowly and patiently with them. Now with each other as their only outlet, they really enjoyed touching, fondling, sucking, and playing with each other. It was their life. That and sports. None of the Coach's Boys had to worry much about grades. Coach saw to that. They only had to do everything he wanted whenever he wanted it. Coach had fucked every member of his team at one time or other, but of course like any teacher, he had his favorites. Some boys he only fucked once or twice, just to put them in their place. Some boys, like Tommy, he fucked three to five times a week. Coach preferred his boy ass a bit younger than seventeen, but you had to keep a boy in his place. That was why he hired Asst. Coach Alenby, to help abuse and control the boys Alenby would organize daisy chains in the locker room where each boy stuck his dick up the ass of the boy in front of him. Then the boys would all fuck together. Bonding. After seeing that gross horror film, Human Centipede, Alenby made the boys crawl around the locker room with their mouths pressed against the asshole of the boy in front of him. The entire team that way. And then at his signal, each boy had to fart into the mouth of the boy behind him. Can't you just picture cute teenage boys playing these kinds of bonding games? Asst. Coach Alenby wanted to progress to even more disgusting and gross events, but Coach told him to go slowly. Perhaps tonight with Tommy, he would try a more extreme form of Human Centipede. He would so love to take a really healthy dump in young Tommy's mouth. That might really get him ready for the big game.
The boys sitting on the couch, jerking each other's leaking dicks could hear Tommy getting ass fucked in the next room. They could hear him screaming and crying and begging Asst. Coach Alenby to take it out, protesting that it was too big. Somehow it made their teenage peckers even harder. Their balls bounced as they whacked each other's fuckmeat. They were always careful however to stop before a boy blew a load. They had learned how to do this over time and through many mistakes and many punishments. Some of these boys had not shot a load for months. If they won the big game tomorrow, Coach would reward the boys by milking them. Oh, yes, if a boy pleased him, he would milk the boy. The masturbating heard the thwack of a belt being brought down on a naked body from next door. Tommy screamed again. Then the sound of something in the room being knocked over. Then Alenby swearing, and Tommy sobbing. Most likely Tommy was getting whipped. Not on the ass, although that happened too. No, Asst. Coach Alenby loved to whip boys on their ball sacks. Sometimes half the team was walking around the school with swollen discolored scrotums.
Twenty minutes later, the room door opened. Alenby had a master key to the rooms. He stepped in, totally bare assed naked, his huge fucker red and covered in slime. Even though the boys had seen him bare assed hundreds of times, they never got over the size of his cock. Some of them actually kind of worshipped it. He loved to have two or three boys work on his dick at once. Two boys would lick and kiss the fuckmeat while a third boy licked and sucked the ballsack. If a fourth teenage boy was available, he would work on the Asst. Coach's asshole with his mouth. You have not lived until you have had four teenage mouths working on you at once.
Good thing, the boys were all masturbating each other. Had they been taking a break, Alenby would have been furious. He would go from room to room, checking on the boys, making sure the boys were all "exercising." The well built high school senior boys on the couch were all breathing heavily, their big dicks pink and throbbing.
"Come on, ladies, put some effort into it. I want to see those dicks dripping!" The boys frigged harder until their fuckers leaked. The danger of course was that this brought them dangerously close to cumming. Their young toes curled as their hands flew up and down on each others' pricks. Their breathing grew ragged.
"Get your fingers up your pussies!" The four boys reached down and inserted their fingers into their assholes. Now they were masturbating each other and finger fucking themselves.
Asst. Coach Alenby walked over to the boys, his fuckmeat red and raw and covered in cum and ass slime. It dripped from the swollen dick and coated the big nuts. He grabbed the boy on the end, Chad by the back of the neck. "Clean me off, Cuntmouth!" The boy bent his head to the filthy fuckmeat and began to lick the scum from it. He lavished love on the huge fucker, kissing and licking and slurping. Then he went to work cleaning the balls. No matter how horrible it tasted, he knew better than to refuse or even perform with less than wild enthusiasm. He made piggy like slurping noises while he lapped at the dirty dick, all the while still frigging the boy next to him and fingering his own asshole. These boys were good. Coach expected them to be top notch. They were all breathing unevenly now as they grew closer to orgasm. Their nice full young teenage nuts drew up in the sack. Asst. Coach Alenby loved teenage boy ball sacks. He truly thought they were beautiful. He could look at teenage nuts for hours and often did, making this boy or that sit in front of him with his legs spread, boy sack on full display. Truth be told, and he was no sissy in any way he loved to lick boy scrotum. The taste and feel of a teenage nutsack was so different from the ball bag of a grown man. The scrotum flesh was soft and velvet like and hairless. Of course Coach made any boy who was developing ball hair remove it permanently.
When Asst. Coach Alenby's fuckmeat was clean and hanging thick and heavy, he told the boys to take a break. He didn't want them to cum. They collapsed on top of each other. It was great how close they had become. Alenby went on to another room.
Tommy Lawson crawled naked across the hotel suite, his ass bleeding. He dragged himself into the bathroom where he reached up for a tampon. He worked it into his raped asshole. He looked down at the teeth marks on his full nipples. One had broken the skin. His lip was swollen where Alenby had fucked his face too roughly. The boy's face was covered with cum. It clogged his nose and even stung in his eyes, sealing one of them shut. He knew he didn't dare wipe it off. He crawled back into the main room and curled up on the carpet in a little ball and cried. He knew he had to get ready for ROUND TWO. He wondered briefly if his sweet tiny ten year old brother was doing any better with the Coach.
The truth is, he was doing worse. MUCH WORSE!
Principal Peter
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