Published: 21-Apr-2012
Word Count:
Author's Profile
As Jack left his house that morning, his two young lovers from the night before in tow, the day was dawning heavily overcast. Angry dark clouds were made darker by the rising sun. When the storm broke as they were on the road to the studio, Jack was glad that they had finished filming the outdoor scenes for "Pre Season", their latest film project, the day before. The rain came in heavy fat and fast drops.
Jack, Nina and Helen were soaked on the short run from the parking lot into the studio. Joyce was already there with towels, stripping all three to put their clothes in the studio dryer. Jack was allowed to wrap a towel around himself. The studio was warm, so the girl's decided to remain naked. It delighted all the men. And there seemed to be a lot of them in today. Though Buster Bruce, and Jason were the only three male actors scheduled to perform, Fred was there with the first young actress to perform, his daughter Katie. Though Buster wouldn't be needed until that afternoon, he was already present, and the same with Bruce, who would be working a scene with Nina and Bob. Buster would run Bob's camera while he was working the scene.
Nina grew shy when introduced to Bruce. Bruce would be doing a scene with her though she hadn't yet met him. Bruce was rarely involved with the group anymore, though he still was ready willing and able to perform for the play dates, not minding at all having to be tested and abstinent weeks before he was scheduled to perform. At forty-eight years old, Bruce was still a healthy and vital man, though he moved slowly. He had been a professional wrestler, and the years of abuse that the profession put on his body had taken it's toll. He had numerous scars from surgery's, mostly on his knees, though his back and shoulders were also laced with them.
Bruce had been involved with the group from early on. Active with his daughter from her young age of seven, he had been one of the first members that Jack was introduced to. Though his daughter was grown and married with children of her own. Bruce still occasionally renewed the relationship with her from time to time.
Standing at five-seven, he was still muscular, though he was beginning to go flabby from not working out as strenuously. Bruce had been a big enough name in the ring wars, and in investing the money he made, so that he would never have to work again. He enjoyed his retirement. Introduced to Nina, Bruce smiled gently as took her to the green room to talk. Jack had no doubt that the amiable man would charm her with stories of his past life and she would be ready to do the scene. A back up plan was in place should Nina feel uncomfortable, though.
He would have most of the morning to get to know the ten year old. The first two scenes would feature Jason and Katie. Both would be filmed in a bedroom setting, the other scene scheduled for that day would be in a coach's office. To avoid having to change the set twice, Jason and Katie would do their scenes back to back.
The set was ready for the first scene, the men there helping to get it ready thus getting done faster. Katie already had her play date mask on. The eight year old was excited about the scenes since she would get to play dress up later. Standing at four foot four, she was already dressed, or undressed as the case may be, in a tight fitting night shirt and thick cotton panties. Her long auburn hair was pulled back into a ponytail,and her light brown eyes were bright with excitement and anticipation as she ran up to hug Jack.
Katie's mother Ingrid walked up and laid a fond hand on her daughter's head. She smiled at Jack and stated, "Katie has really been looking forward to today!" Standing at Five foot five, the Austrian born woman was very beautiful. She spoke with a heavy accent, but handled english well. Katie had the exact same color auburn hair as her mother. Same light brown eyes as well.
"It is her scene." Jack replied fondly. "Congratulations on your pregnancy. Fred told me all about it."
"Thank you!" Ingrid replied warmly. She got a mischievous glint to her eye as Richard came walking past. "We are going to tape the delivery so Richard can have a tool to help him get to sleep at night." Richard ducked his head blushing as everyone chuckled. Richard had fainted leaving his daughter to deliver a baby the week before. He still hadn't lived the incident down. Ingrid gave him a hug and felt him up to take the sting away, and Richard smiled.
As Ingrid let the lighting man go, Jason came walking up dressed for his scene with Katie. He had on sweats and tennis shoes, his coaches outfit though he would be performing a daddy/daughter scene. He shook Jack's hand warmly then gave Katie a warm hug as he said, "Helen seems to have had a good time. Thanks for letting her stay."
"Always happy to have Helen spend a night." Jack replied with a smile. "How did the date go?"
"Went great." Jason returned. "It's good to get away with purely adult company now and then. Renee is a delightful woman."
"Well, you know me. Anytime you want to spend company with adults, you can drop the kids off anytime." Jack replied, exaggerating a lewd eyebrow waggle that made Katie giggle. As the eight year old turned to go to the set, her father Fred came walking up and captured his wife in a hug and kiss.
Looking at them together, you wouldn't think them a likely couple. They had met when Fred traveled overseas on a vacation. They fell in love within a day, and Ingrid came back to the states with him at the end of his week. As Fred hugged and kissed his wife, their other daughter looked on fondly.
Joyce showed up and began shooing everyone to the green room so that the scene could get started. Katie went to the set and sat cross legged on the floor, playing with the Barbie dolls and dollhouse that had been set up. While she did, Jason got to his knees and talked with her softly. Bob, Ray, and Joyce were going over the shots they would need when Jason took Katie to the bed. Richard was on a ladder attaching a light to help brighten the scene under the canopy of the poster bed.
The first scene was ready to shoot. Jack checked the monitors in front of him. Jason wandered out of camera range. Bob focused in on the Barbie and Ken dolls in Katie's hands, Ray went to a close-up on her face. "Ok, Action." Jack said.
Katie began pretending that the two dolls were dancing. She started out on the far side of the room in the doll house and danced them around until they were close to the miniature poster bed. Ray's camera caught Katie as she schooled her face into a wondering expression. She began undressing the dolls with a lewd expression coming over her face. "Ok, fade." Jack called. Both camera's on the monitor went to black. While they did, Katie laid the Barbie doll face down on the bed with the Ken doll on her back. "Dissolve in." Jack ordered, and both cameras went back to the view of Katie's face, who was grinning wickedly, and a view of the two dolls.
At a nod from Jack, Jason walked into camera. "Hey, peanut, whatcha up to there?" Jason asked. Katie jumped as if surprised, then looked guilty as she tried to hide the naked dolls. Jason had seen them however, and cast a disapproving gaze on the eight year old. "Katie, what are you up to?" Jason asked suspiciously.
"Nothing daddy." Katie replied. "Daddy! You are supposed to knock!" She said still trying to hide the dolls.
Jason leaned over and picked the child off of the floor. She let the dolls fall as she was lifted. Jason carried her over to the bed and sat her down. "Katie, what were you playing at over there?" Jason asked. "What were Barbie and Ken doing?"
"They were... they were doing sex." Katie admitted blushing deeply.
"Having sex?" Jason asked in a shocked tone. "Katie, where did you learn about sex?"
"I saw you and May out on the soccer field, daddy." Katie blurted out. Jason exaggerated looking shocked. Katie placed her hands on his chest as she said, "Don't worry, Daddy! I wont tell! But it looked like so much fun!"
"I could get into a lot of trouble if anyone found out." Jason stated.
"I wont tell anyone, I promise." Katie replied somberly. "But Daddy?"
"Yes Katie?"
"Would you... would you do it with me?" Katie asked. In a rush, she added, "Please Daddy! I want to!" As the eight year old spoke, her hands darted down to Jason's crotch, placing her hand on the bulge there. It grew under her hand.
"Katie, daddy's and daughters can't do things like that." Jason replied gently. But he didn't try to remove her hand, which was rubbing insistently at his penis through his sweat pants. His voice grew lewd as he added, "Not unless the daughter is a very special little girl."
"I'm a special girl, daddy." Katie said with wide eyes. "You tell me all the time that I am special."
"I do don't I?" Jason replied. "But being a special daughter is a very big responsibility, you know. You can't tell anyone, anyone at all about what you and I do. You have to keep it the most secret ever."
"I can keep a secret, Daddy." Katie said gravely. "I wont ever tell anyone."
Jason grinned broadly and said, "Then let's see how special you can be!" As he finished speaking, he dropped to his knees beside the bed and grabbed Katie's head in his hands. She smiled delighted as he brought his lips to her's, claiming them in a passionate kiss which she returned enthusiastically. As Jason kissed the eight year old, his hand gathered her t-shirt and dragged it up, breaking off the kiss long enough to draw it over her head and throw it to the side.
Jason moved closer like he was going to renew the kiss, and Katie cried out as he pushed her onto her back. His sure hands gripped her panties and drew them down. Jason took her thin legs and parted them, pushing them up and revealing her cunny to his hungry gaze. "Ooo Daddy!" Katie cried exposed, "You look so handsome like that!"
"And you are very pretty like you are." Jason replied. As he did, he moved his face close and licked up the length of her perfect little slit. Katie jerked on the bed, then sighed as Jason set to eating her out, greedily slurping at her sex with loud lewd noises. Katie was squirming on the bed in no time.
"Daddy! Oh wow! That feels so good daddy!" Katie cried out as Jason sucked at her clit. Her pussy was growing pink with her arousal. She made a disappointed sound when Jason suddenly stood up. But she grinned as the thirty-two year old man began desperately stripping off his clothes. Naked he jumped onto the bed, laying on his back. "Come sit on daddy's face, Katie." He ordered huskily.
Katie giggled as she got to her knees and mounted Jason, facing away from him and sighing as he renewed his assault on her hairless pussy. Seeing Jason's seven incher waving in the air, she fell forward and sucked it into her mouth. She began traveling down on it as Jason moaned. Suddenly the girl acted like she was gagging, then got a look of determination as she continued to take the penis in. She got to the five inch mark then began pulling back.
The sixty-nine went for five minute with Bob getting Katie's beatific face and Ray getting Jason's busy mouth. Both the preteen and the man were panting heavily when Jason suddenly sat up, dumping Katie to the bed. He quickly set her up on all fours and positioned himself behind her. Katie remembered to squeal loudly as Jason pushed his prick into her slick cunny. Jason appeared to be pushing down on his cock, but was actually pulling it up, making it look like the preteen pussy was resisting his thrust. When he released the pressure of his hand, his cock surged forward appearing to "pop" into the child.
After the scene was cut and the cherry juice applied, the scene restarted and Jason started slow thrusting his penis in and out of the girl, sinking all but an inch of his manhood into her. He moaned as Bob's camera caught her labia milking him. Ray's camera caught both the child and man's expressions as they enjoyed the sex. Jason's hands at the girl's slender hips tightened and he began pulling her back and forth on his thrusting manhood. As he did, Katie's face twisted, her back began arching back and forth, and her throat opened in a wordless shriek. As the girl rode her release, Jason redoubled his efforts in her pussy. Katie was driven higher and higher as Jason worked to his own release. He suddenly pulled out of her, his fist jerking his prick only once before sending thick jets of his cum to stain her back and ass.
"Oh, baby, you are really my special girl now." Jason panted as he spread his seed on Katie's body.
"You're my special daddy too." The satiated preteen panted back, her body collapsing flat onto the bed.
"Cut!" Jack called out. "Great scene! Very hot!" Joyce ran out onto the set with a towel and helped Katie out of the bed, despite the cameramen reaching for her with lewd expressions on their faces. Joyce laughingly told them that Katie had to be made up for her next scene. Luckily, Renee had escorted Joyce to the set to help strip the bed to change it. Bob and Ray grabbed up the laughing woman and gave the bed reason to change as they enthusiastically double teamed her.
As Renee and the two cameramen shook the bed on the set, Jack looked over his production notes for the day. It would be at least forty-five minutes before Katie would be made up and ready for her next scene. Afterwards, about an hour allowed to change the set to the coach office, and Nina's scene would be ready to film.
As Jack was reading over his notes, he felt a hand land on his bare knee. Looking up, he saw the grinning face of Kelly, Buster's five year old daughter. "Hey!" Jack cried happily setting his notes aside as he leaned forward to give the small black girl a hug. "I didn't know you were here! where were you hiding?"
Kelly, her pretty face split in a huge grin, returned, "I wasn't hiding, I was just in the green room." She giggled as Jack leaned back in the high director's chair and informed him, "I can see under your towel when you sit like that!"
Jack returned her smile and opened his legs further as he said "And do you like what you see little girl?" Kelly nodded then surprised Jack when she ran her hand quickly up his leg to grasp his manhood in her little hand. His cock sprang to life immediately. Kelly had only been active with her father for a little over half a year, and didn't initiate sexual contact very much. She loved the thought of being in the group, but sexual expression was still new to her. She was looking forward to having sex on film in the play dates, but she was still working her little cunny loose enough to be penetrated without bursting into tears.
But as she grasped Jack's now straining cock, her other hand went out and grasped the towel where is was tied loosely at his hip and pulled it aside to get a better look at his manhood. The smile was slowly fading from her face as she stroked it, her hand light on the skin. Jack kept his own smile as the five year old explored his penis. She continued to run her hand lightly up and down Jack's impressive girth, then surprised Jack when she leaned forward slowly, bringing her lips to it.
As Kelly moved in, Jack caught movement out of the corner of his eye. Buster, kelly's father was standing about ten feet away, a pleased smile on his face as he watched his daughter get in position to give Jack head. Buster caught Jack's eye looking at him and his smile grew even broader. Jack gasped at that moment as Kelly's hot lips closed over the large red mushroom of his cock. Jack was about to give the pretty black five year old his undivided attention when the green room door opened and Jill, Katie's older sister, came out. The nine year old was naked, and when she looked over to where Jack sat, her eyes went wide and her face broke out in a wide smile. She started towards him, but was intercepted by Buster. Buster leaned down and spoke into jill's ear, and she nodded and settled against the big black man's hip to watch from a distance.
Jack gave a slight moan of pleasure as he felt Kelly's warm wet tongue exploring the head of his cock. He turned his attention back to her to find an expression of concentration on her pretty face. Her eyes were locked onto Jack's penis as she continued to lick at the head of it. her jaws were spread as far apart as they could go, but her teeth still had rather firm contact with his prick. Jack didn't mind at all, thrilled that the reluctant child had chosen to initiate what was happening. Jack gave another moan of both pleasure and encouragement as Kelly began to work her way down his shaft, her lips alive against him as she moved more of him in. His hand came up to rest on the back of her head, her soft corn rows tickling his palm, but he didn't tighten it to pull the child down. he let her take him at her own pace.
Her own very slow pace. This was the first time she had so large a cock in her small mouth, and she was going slow to get used to it. Though she and Jack knew each other fairly well, this was only the second time she had tried to take him in. The first had been at a party at Dan's house when she had been the last in a line of girls, and then she had barely taken half of his head in before he had almost drowned her with the flood of his semen. Still, she showed neither doubt nor fear, only caution as she sucked his cock into her mouth an eighth of an inch at a time.
She got about three inches of it between her lips before she gagged slightly and pulled back a little. Stopping where she was, the pretty five year old panted for a moment, then brought her hand up to her lips to grasp Jack tightly around the shaft, her small fingers barely meeting. She had been taught to do this so that in case Jack lost control and the hand he held at the back of her head did try to drag her down, she wouldn't be forced to take more then she could. With him marked that way, Kelly began to pull back and Jack's eyes half closed in bliss as he felt the smooth head of his cock riding the roof of her mouth, and the glands pressing down on her tongue, which tried to move to pleasure him as she moved her head back. As she drew off of his penis, her hand grasped around his shaft pulled away from her face.
Arriving at the top so that only the thick mushroom of his head remained between her lips, Kelly reversed direction and began to take him in again, moving faster as she gained confidence. At the same time, her hand moved upwards, and the skin being pushed from both directions began to bunch outside her lips as she arrived once more at the limit she set herself. "Oh god, Kelly, that feels great!" Jack moaned softly as she began to pull back once more. The pretty five year old's brown eyes locked onto his, reflecting a smile her lips were stretched to taught to express. She arrived at the top of her backstroke and started back down, gaining speed as her confidence grew. Arriving once more at the top of his manhood, Kelly gave a huge suck that hollowed her cheeks inward and seemed to pull her back down his shaft.
Jack moaned and allowed his head to lull back as Kelly began to bob her head up and down. He felt her other hand come down to cup his heavy nut sack and roll his testicles around inside it as Jack sighed in pleasure. Jack's head fell to the side and found that he and his lover had an audience now. Jill was still looking on in rapt attention as Kelly sucked Jack's cock. Her own hand was busy on buster's six inch tool as she stroked him in time with Kelly's bobbing head. Buster, who was six foot three, and spread his legs wide and had his hand in Jill's crotch, his fingers busy on her pussy as he watched on. Joyce and Richard were standing arms around each other's back as they watched on beaming. Sandra, Richard's twelve year old daughter was also looking on, though she stood apart from the rest. Just before Jack turned his head to focus back on Kelly, he saw Joyce whisper to Richard "Look at her go!"
Though he had already had a nice climax that morning in the shower with Helen and Nina, Jack could feel himself approaching the edge of another. As Kelly grew more and more enthusiastic on his cock, he felt his toes curl under and gave a loud moan. Kelly looked into his eyes, pleased that she was giving him so much pleasure, and Jack couldn't help but give her a grin. Suddenly Jack was overcome with the need to give this child pleasure of her own, and she reacted with surprise as he surged forward out of the chair.
Kneeling quickly, Jack's knowing fingers began working at the button of her denim shorts. As he first unfastened it, then unzipped her, Jack brought his lips to her full ones and gave her a passionate kiss. Though caught off guard, the five year old responded with equal need and threw her arms around Jack's neck to keep her balance as Jack pulled her shorts and panties to the floor. She gave a little moan into his mouth as Jack's hands cupped her taut buttocks and lifted her up. Turning in place, Jack set his little lover in his chair and held her with his eyes as he sank to his knees in front of her.
Kelly gave a sharp moan of pleasure as Jack's large hands grasped her thin legs and pushed then up and out, his eyes leaving her's to drink in the beauty of her dark sex. As her legs spread, her cunny also spread open and Jack marveled at the sight of her dark skin parting to reveal the pinkish red color of her inner cunt. His head darted forward and kelly's body spasmed as Jack's talented tongue came out licking lovingly at her pussy, further spreading her labia open as he licked his way quickly up to her hidden clit.
"Ooooo." Moaned Kelly as she began to squirm in the chair. Jack's hands moved down her parted legs and moved under the child's ass to bring her cunt more firmly into contact with his lips. He sucked gently at her swelling clitoris, bringing his tongue forward to flicker over it quickly, causing Kelly to moan, "Mmmmm feels so good!" Jack's lips formed a smile on her sex as his tongue made firmer contact then started a flickering downward path between her blood engorged pussy lips. Arriving at her tight little love tunnel, Jack's stiffened his tongue and employed his favorite trick, pushing against then into her as he made it come alive inside her. Jack moaned himself as he tasted his little lover. As he did, Kelly's feet shot forward to land on Jack's back as her legs closed over his ears, She gave a huge spasm on the chair as her hands came down to lock in his hair.
His hands left her ass and wrapped around her thin legs as Jack began to pull his tongue out of her. Stiffening it once again, he suddenly reversed direction, sticking it as far as he could get it in her now red hot cunny before stopping to lick a full circle and drawing it back out again. Kelly was moaning continuously as he drew his tongue out of her and began licking a path back to the top of her cunt. Arriving there, he once more claimed her swollen clit with his lips, and making a seal, sucked on it gently before tasting it once more with his tongue.
As his tongue made contact, Kelly gave a small squeak, then began spasming even harder on the chair. Her legs tightened and loosened on the sides of Jack's head as her head began to fly from side to side. Jack smiled in wonder as he realized that Kelly was having a decent orgasm, and he continued to flicker his tongue on her sex hoping to drive it even higher. Kelly's back arched off the chair for a moment, then settled back as she gave a deep sigh. Jack gently parted her legs and pulled away from her pussy to ask how she was feeling.
But before he could speak, Kelly's eyes opened and locked onto his. "Are you going to fuck me now?" She asked, her voice innocent and unafraid.
Jack arched an eyebrow in surprise. Kelly wasn't yet used to sex. Though she was becoming used the being penetrated, she would still burst out in tears when it happened. Not wanting to disillusion her, Jack returned gently, "I don't know if I should. You are still getting used to it, and I am probably still a little big for you."
"But I want you to." Kelly said, her voice dropping to an uncertain whisper. "Please, Jack, can we try?"
Unsure, Jack looked over to Buster, who gave a most unhelpful shrug. Jack scowled at him the turned to look back into Kelly's eyes. She returned his gaze unflinching. Jack nodded a little, then turned to ask for some lube. But even as he turned his head, Bob, who had come up behind him silently, slipped a tube into his hand. Bob gave a reassuring smile to Kelly, who returned it with a grin of her own, slapped Jack on the shoulder and said in a light tone "Go on, guy give her what she wants." Then turned and walked away.
"Are you sure?" Jack asked Kelly as he squirted a little of the lubrication on his fingers. Kelly nodded her brown eyes not leaving his. Jack gave the child a small smile and brought his slickened fingers to her tight little pussy. As he slowly began to work his index finger into her, Kelly gave a small wince but made no objection. As Jack slowly began to move his finger in and out of her getting her slick and ready, Buster came up to her left side, knelt by the chair and took her small left hand in his massive ones. He smiled at his daughter, but said nothing. A moment later Joyce knelt by Kelly's right and took her right hand.
Jack squirted more lub onto his finger and moved it back inside the five year old, then took his hand away and squirted a generous amount into his palm. Setting the tube aside, Jack applied it to his cock as he got into position. Kelly closed her eyes in anticipation as Jack positioned the massive head of his prick at her vaginal opening. Jack took a grip on her splayed legs for leverage, then began to push his way inside her.
Kelly's young frame tensed as she felt the spongy head of Jack's cock pressing insistently against her, but her father whispered "Relax, baby, relax" into her ear and Kelly visibly tried to do so. It wasn't as hard as Jack thought it was going to be. Though her tight little pussy resisted him slightly, she didn't cry out or try to escape the pain as he slowly entered her. Jack kept his eyes glued to the chid's face as he steadily pushed his way into her tightness, though he wanted to throw his head back and cry out in pleasure.
Keeping a wary eye on the child's pretty face, Jack pushed forward slowly. Though she took a deep hissing breath, Kelly made no objection and Jack pushed in until she had in her ultra tight cunny as much as she had taken orally earlier. There he stopped and let Kelly get used to it being inside her. The five year old panted as Buster whispered encouragement into her ear.
When her panting calmed, Jack began to slide back out of the girl. Kelly arched on the chair again as he did so, but calmed immediately. With just the head of his cock still inside her, Jack leaned over and applied more of the clear lub to his manhood, then slowly began fucking it back into her. Kelly gave another hiss as he did, but ended it on a slight wonder moan.
"Oh god you are so tight, Kelly." Jack stated, his voice deep as he once more drew his massive penis from inside her immature cunt. Deciding she was lubricated well enough, he reversed directions and slowly filled her again. Not stopping, he began to pull out, then forward once more. Kelly laid quite still on the chair as Jack began to set a slow pace in her pussy, beginning to moan himself as her tightness milked his steel hard rod.
As Jack began fucking himself into the child over and over, Joyce's hand began to slowly work it's way down the five year old's heaving belly. Tickling as she went, Joyce said "That's it girl take that big cock. You are doing so well!" As Joyce's voice stopped, her knowing fingers found the five year old's clit and claimed it between thumb and forefinger. Slowly at first then with greater speed, she began to frig Kelly's clit as Jack increased the speed of his thrusts. Kelly gave a low moan, her belly and chest heaving and her body broken out all over in sweat.
Slowly at first, then with speed matching Jack's thrusts, kelly's tiny hips began moving up and down, helping the man to violate her. Jack gave another loud moan as Kelly's thin legs came up to wrap themselves around his hips, the heels of her tiny feet digging into Jack's hard buttocks as she began pulling him into her over and over. Jack's large hands almost hid her hips as he grasped them to help leverage himself even deeper inside the child. He felt her immature uterus on the head of his cock with each deep thrust.
Kelly gave a slight moan as her head began to move from side to side. Jack felt the walls of her tight pussy flutter on his cock, and it sent him over the edge. Though he tried to stop himself, his orgasm would not be denied, and he cried out in bliss as his large tool began splashing his seed deep in Kelly's sweet tight pussy. Jack threw his head back and yelled, "Oh god damn this is great!" As his cock spasmed inside his preteen lover.
Totally spent, he allowed his still hard cock to slip from Kelly's cunt as he leaned forward and brought his lips to her's. Their breath mingled as he kissed the panting child deeply. "Are you ok, dearest?" Jack asked when he finished expressing his gratitude with his lips.
Finally Kelly's eyes opened and she gave Jack a big smile. "I'm ok, Jack, that felt good!"
Buster gave a chuckle at that and helped his daughter sit up in the chair. "Hey, Kelly, it must have felt good." he said bringing is thick lips up to her face and kissing gently. "No tears this time!" He pointed out.
Kelly gave a start and brought her hand up to her face. Though sheaned with sweat, there were indeed no tears there. She gave a brilliant smile and almost shouted, "Daddy I did it! No crying this time!"
"I know baby." Buster stated fondly. "I am very proud of you!" And as he finished speaking, people began to come up, some clapping their hands as they added their own words of praise. Joyce, who had been sopping up Jack's spooge as it leaked out of Kelly's sopping cunt with a towel, beamed at everyone around. As the child was helped shakily to her feet so that she could be dressed, Jack reached out and took the towel she had taken off him and wrapped it back around his waist.
Though he was happy for Kelly taking him on without bursting into tears, he was disappointed in himself. If he had only lasted a little bit longer, Kelly might have had an orgasm to remember as well! But the feeling of her tight pussy milking him would have set anyone over the edge, and Kelly looked quite pleased with herself as she was. She was beaming at everyone as they all cleaned and dressed her.
Jack left the set claiming he needed to check and see how Katie's make-up was coming. Stopping along the way in the small laundry room, Jack recovered his now dry pants and slipped the on, going commando and leaving his shirt off. From there he went back to the dressing rooms and found Fred and Ingrid fusing over their daughter. Katie was already wearing the pink evening gown she would start the scene in. Jack had had it specially made the month before. Though it looked exactly like the dress Barbie wore, it featured special tear away panels as it would be ripped off of the child during her scene with Jason.
Though most of the women in the group knew how to sew, a special piece like the one Katie was wearing had to specially made. For that, Jack's contacts overseas employed a professional seamstress who could make the clothing from the measurements sent to them and made no fuss about it being obviously little children's clothing. She also worked well with leather, essential for the minor S&M scenes that the troupe sometimes acted out.
Katie was already wearing the pink dress with white frilly lace. She was sitting in a high chair, her expression blissful as her parents fussed over her. Ingrid was using a curling iron to form her straight auburn hair into small ringlets and had already done most of the front, The ringlets framed Katie's pixie face, already affixed with her play date mask. Jack noted that Katie wore a pink mask that matched the dress rather then the black latex mask that she had worn in her scene earlier.
"Hows everything going in here?" Jack asked announcing his presence. Fred (who was combing out and separating little bunches of hair for Ingrid to curl) and Ingrid turned towards him with smiles. Katie's eye snapped open to look at Jack in the mirror in front of her.
"It's going great." Ingrid informed him. "But I hope you can get the scene in one take. Katie's hair likes to be straight. These curls aren't going to last more then an hour or two."
"I'm sure we will be done by then." Jack reassured her entering the room and crossing behind Fred to take another chair at the make-up table. "She looks beautiful." Jack added as he sat. Katie beamed at him.
"Yes she does." Fred confirmed, his voice full of pride as he kissed his daughter on the top of the head. "She has been looking forward to this all week." he went on turning towards Jack. "She has made us rehearse the scene with her over and over."
"Lucky you." Jack grinned. Talking to Katie he went on, "So you are ready for it, you know all your lines and cues?"
"MmmHmm." She agreed brightly.
"You know your safe words and the safe gesture?" Jack asked, showing some concern.
"Yep." Katie answered. "Daystone and hand like this." She splayed her hand wide open in demonstration. The next scene with Jason would be her first scene with rough sex. She had made up the scene herself, shocking Jack with the elaborate fantasy after having Bob lay on top of her at a birthday party the month before. Jack was concerned that it was her first time with something this intense and wanted to make sure she knew how to stop things if it got to real for her. But Katie was looking forward to it, and he thought she would be better able to handle it then he thought.
"Very good." Jack said with enthusiasm. "It is likely to be a long scene since you and Jason have already done one. I just want to make sure you are ready."
"I am soooooo ready." Katie beamed squirming in her chair at the thought.
"You're going to be great." Jack stated as he leaned forward to kiss the eight year old on the forehead. He then stood and exited the room, leaving the child's parents to finish her make-up. As he passed the laundry room where he retrieved his pants earlier, he noticed that Joyce and Richard were inside. Not wishing to intrude, he gave them a nod and went on past, but Joyce called out to him.
"Jack, have you got a second?" The black haired beauty asked.
"Always for you." Jack answered brightly stopping and turning towards her. "What's up?"
"After the scenes are done and the clean up is finished, do you mind staying for a few extra minutes? I want to talk to the group for a second. Got an announcement." Joyce answered him, her tone somber.
Jack frowned slightly but said, "Sure, no problem. Nothing serious, I hope."
Joyce smiled and said, "It is kind of serious, but nothing that is going to be a problem. But it does affect the group, so I thought I would do it while so many of us are here."
"Hmmm." Jack replied still frowning slightly. "Now you have my curiosity up. Is it something I can help with?"
Joyce gave a brilliant smile as she moved towards him. She stood on the tip of her toes to give Jack a kiss on the cheek and answered, "As a matter of fact, you can, but you have to wait for the announcement to find out how!" With that, she sauntered past him and moved down the hall. Mystified, Jack looked at her going, then turned to Richard, who gave a small shrug and moved out of the laundry room himself.
Jack wondered about Joyce's announcement as he oversaw the change of the set. but he wasn't very worried about it. Joyce was one of the most dedicated people in the group, and Jack knew she wouldn't act against it's interest. He let it slip his mind as he watched the walls of the bedroom set moved back a bit and the bed repositioned. A small vanity was placed against one of the walls, and speakers were set on top of them to provide the music Katie and Jason would be dancing to. The speaker's sound level was adjusted so that it would play well on tape yet allow Jack to be heard when he gave instructions.
Katie made her grand entrance from the dressing room and glowed as she paraded around the set. Everyone made the appropriate noises of support, the adults telling her how pretty she looked, the other girls there expressing playful jealousy. Bob and Ray took her in hand to place her at different spots on the set setting up the camera angles they would use to film her scene.
She was seated at the small vanity playing with her hair when Jason showed up, resplendent in a tuxedo. Katie was giddy with excitement as Jason spoke with her about what they would be doing. When the thirty two year old stood, Jack noticed the bulge in his tuxedo pants and knew Jason was ready for the scene. it was quickly set and ready. Jack called out for the scene to begin
Jack saw on the monitors as Bob focused in on Katie's reflection in the mirror of the vanity. The eight year old was playing with her hair idly. Ray's camera caught Jason as he entered in through a door and made his way to Katie. "You look beautiful tonight." Jason stated as he took her by the hand and helped her to her feet.
Katie was breathless as she returned her line. "I am so looking forward to the party tonight, Ken. I want to dance the night away!"
Jason grinned as he gave a formal bow. The music started as he extended his hand and asked "Would M'lady care for a dance to get the evening started?" Katie grinned in response as she stepped into Jason's arms. The top of the eight year old's head barely reached Jason's sternum as he began to waltz her around the room, but the pair moved well together, Katie following excellently where Jason led.
Both were panting slightly three minutes later when they arrived at the four poster bed on the set and the music ended. Jason moved a step back from Katie and said "You dance so well." Before the eight year old could respond, Jason leaned down and claimed her lips with his in a passionate kiss. Katie struggled for a moment, then melted into it. After a moment, however, she broke off the kiss and stepped back.
"Ken!" She admonished breathlessly. "You know that isn't proper! You know I want to wait until we are married!"
"Proper be damned." Jason stated closing the distance between them. "We have been dating for a year now! I am tired of waiting!" With that his hand shot forward and found the collar of Katie's dress. With a savage movement, he ripped it downwards, exposing the eight year old's flat chest. The tear away panels were perfect.
"Ken!" Katie said in shock as she tried to back away. But Jason was relentless and backed her into the wall beside the bed. He reached out and hugged her to him, pushing her dress down her body as he did so. Katie struggled mightily, but was no match for the man's strength. The dress pooled around her feet as Jason picked her up and turned towards the bed. "Please stop this at once!" Katie squeaked fearfully as Jason stood her on the bed.
But Jason paid her words no mind as he paused for a second to allow Ray's camera to record the eight year old in all her glory. Katie was wearing garters and white knee length stockings, and a light blue pair of panties. After Ray's camera had a good shot of her, Jason's hands went to her panties and jerked them down her legs. "I've waited to long for this, you slut." Jason growled as the panties came to Katie's ankles. He used the panties to trip her, sending her crashing back first onto the mattress. Bob's camera caught her expression as she went down, and Jack could see that she was fighting to hold back giddy giggles. However Ray's camera from a longer view didn't show her expression quite as well, and Jack knew that he could use that one to better effect. As the panties tripped her over, the hem of them caught both of Katie's pink high heeled shoes and snatched them neatly off of her feet. It wasn't planned that way, but Jack knew that he could use that too.
After Katie landed on the bed, she remembered to school her face into an expression of fear as she looked up at Jason. The expression was dead on as Jason held her with his angry eyes and grasped at his shirt. The tuxedo was also a tear away and as Jason ripped the edges of the shirt in different directions, buttons flew everywhere. As Jason shoved his shirt and tuxedo Jacket back, the bow tie which was also supposed to be a tear away instead held fast. As Jason threw the shirt and Jacket to the side, Jack called out, "Leave the bow tie, it looks good!"
Jason didn't miss a beat as he started onto the bed. Katie tried to escape as he moved over her, but Jason's hand shot out to her thigh and dragged her back to him. Holding her down with his body weight, Jason snarled, "I'm going to love doing this, you little whore!" Katie struggled hard as Jason brought his lips to her's. He kissed her roughly, and Bob's camera on their faces caught his tongue invading the eight year old's mouth perfectly.
The eight year old continued to struggle ineffectively against Jason for a moment, but then she appeared to relax. A moment later, and she was returning his kiss with equal passion. Katie gave a small moan of pleasure as her hands, which had been on Jason's chest trying to push him away. began to move. Her right hand moved up between their bodies and wrapped around his neck, her tiny hand grasping at Jason's light brown, almost blonde hair. Her left hand moved out to the side and rode the thirty two year old man's ribs until it landed on his back and began stroking him. Jason broke off the kiss and shot the eight year old a savage grin as he hissed into her face "Yeah, you like that, don't you? I always knew you were a little slut bitch at heart!"
Not allowing the girl to make a response, he kissed her even rougher then before. Literally crushing her lips with his own, Jason kissed the girl powerfully, and Katie returned as good as she got. "Hmm, daddy is going all out for Katie." A girlish voice filled with pride stated as Jack's elbow. Helen had come up unseen as Jack's attention was on the set. Jack shot the six year old a quick grin before returning his attention to the monitors in front of him. As he did, Katie cried out when Jason broke off the kiss holding Katie's bottom lip firmly between his even white teeth. Jack saw Katie's hand splay open on Jason's back and was about to cut the scene when Jason let her lip go. Katie's hand closed quickly and Jack decided to let the scene go on.
"You've got a good mouth on you, girl." Jason snarled as he backed off the bed. "Time to use it for what it is meant for!" He added. Standing, Jason's hands went to the waistband of his pants. With one quick savage motion, he pulled out down then away from his body. With the rip of Velcro (which Jack knew he could edit out later) the pants came away neatly, freeing Jason's seven inch cock. Katie's eyes went wide with fear as she saw Jason's penis jumping out in the air.
Jason quickly remounted the bed, straddling Katie as he went. Katie once more tried to escape, but Jason's hand shot out to her neck, holding her in place until he straddled her chest. Katie tried to put her hands on Jason's muscular chest to push him away, but Jason grasped both of her wrist with his left hand and violently shoved them above her head, holding them down to the mattress. With his right hand, he grabbed his cock and began guiding it to Katie's terrified face. "Please noooooo." Katie moaned sounding so scared that Jack once more thought about stopping the scene.
Jason also hesitated. Looking down into the eight year old's face with questioning eyes, he didn't deliver his next line until Katie gave a small nod. Jason's expression went from one of concern to one of menace instantly. "'No' is not a word you will ever use with me again, you little cunt." Jason growled, pushing his cock insistently at Katie's mouth. When Katie tried to turn her head to escape the oncoming penis, his hand right hand left his member and grasped her firmly by the jaw turning her face back into position as he growled, "Open up those slut lips!"
Katie responded to the menace in his tone by allowing her lips to part. Jason gave a cry of triumph as he pushed the head of his cock past her pink lips. "Oh yeah, bitch, take this cock!" Jason cried out as he relentlessly pushed himself into the eight year old's oral cavity. The awkward angle created by his sitting on her chest insured that he wouldn't get to deep. Once he had gotten as much of his penis into her mouth as he could, Jason paused with his eyes closed in pleasure before drawing it back out again.
Katie wore an expression of mingled fear and disgust as Jason slowly began to rock his hips back and forth. Jack was proud of the performance the child was giving as Jason thrust his member into her wet mouth over and over. Bob's camera caught the action perfectly as Katie's face first smoothed over to acceptance of what was happening, then wonder at it. Her eyes began to glaze with pleasure as her cheeks hollowed inwards and she got into giving Jason head.
Jason fucked the eight year old's mouth for a few minutes before drawing his cock from her and moving from atop her. When his seven incher left her mouth, Katie lifted her head off the mattress trying to chase it down. "On your knees, slut." Jason commanded reaching down and easily handling the eight year old into a kneeling position beside him. A firm hand at the back of her neck guided the now eager child to return to sucking him off. With the better angle, Katie was getting much more of him into her eager oral cavity.
With Katie now into giving him head, Jason allowed his hand to slide down the child's sweaty back and cup her buttocks. Giving them a squeeze, he then ran his hand lower and began to stroke her cunny, Bob's camera catching the action while Ray's got the view of the girl driving herself up and down Jason's cock. Katie moaned as Jason began to masturbate her.
Katie moaned again as Jason sneered "I knew you would be into it, you filthy little cunt. Suck that cock! I don't know why I waited this long." Katie began to grow frantic on her blow job as Jason's knowing fingers drove the girl close to a climax. Jason's hand became a blur on her pussy as he frigged her, and soon Katie's body had grown as pink as the blanket they were on top of. Suddenly Katie's small frame locked in place, then began to shudder as she screamed her release onto Jason's penis. As the girl began to orgasm, Jason released her pussy and moved around to where he was facing her. grabbing either side of her face, he began to piston his cock in and out of her mouth, thrusting harder and harder with powerful movements of his hips. Katie had to grasp him by the hips to avoid being pulled over. Her arms got in the way of the camera shot, but Ray dropped down to his knees to shoot from below, and Bob put a knee on the bed to get higher.
Jason's chest was working like a bellows as he continued to abuse Katie's willing oral cavity. Katie was moaning continuously, still riding her own orgasm. Saliva was being pulled from her mouth to run down her chin with each of Jason's backstrokes. Suddenly Jason cried out, "God damn I can't take any more!" He quickly pulled his cock from Katie's mouth as it began to fire spurt after spurt of semen. He directed the flow to the panting girl's face and lips, and Katie appeared transformed as she took the facial.
When Jason finished firing his load, he returned his penis to Katie's tired mouth. Slowly he moved his cock in and out as he panted, trying to recover enough breath to continue the scene. Katie's cheeks hollowed in weekly, her own breath whistling in and out of her nose. Jack was wondering if he should stop the scene and give them a breather when Jason, still breathless, delivered his next line.
Pulling his penis from Katie's mouth, Jason panted, "There ya go, bitch, how did you like that?" Katie only gave a whimper in response. Jason went on, "You are very pretty with my stuff on your face, but we aren't finished yet, so let's get you cleaned up!" With that, Jason slid back off of the bed while at the same time thrusting Katie's face to the cover he had been kneeling on. He moved her head back and forth a few times, Katie helping him while appearing to be struggling. The he jerked the girl up by the hair and drew her to the edge of the mattress.
"What are you doing?" Katie asked sounding scared and tired. "Haven't you finished yet? I gave you what you wanted!"
Katie cried out as Jason used his grip on her hair to draw her up face to face with him. "Finished?" He snarled at her, "Bitch we haven't really gotten started yet! And I am TAKING what I want from you!" With that Jason threw Katie from him pushing her backwards onto the bed. As she fell Jason grasped her legs, and as her back bounced on the mattress, he used his grip on her legs to pull her to the edge. Katie looked down at him as Jason sank to his knees.
Jason brought his face to the eight year old's red swollen sex and sniffed deeply and lewdly. "What are you doing?" Katie asked as Jason moved his head even closer. Her entire body jerked and stiffened on the bed when Jason stuck out his tongue and licked up the length of her slit. "Oh no! Don't do that! That is so nasty!" But Jason ignored the girl and began to eat her out with enthusiasm. Katie continued to protest for a moment. "No please stop it, that is is so wrong.... but it feels good. So good!" Jason stopped eating her out long enough to shoot her a perfectly wicked grin, then returned to his task. Using his grip on her legs, Jason pushed Katie's legs almost up to her chin, exposing her perfect ass to him. He licked his way down her cunt then continued even further, thrusting his tongue between her buttocks and licking at her tight little asshole. "Oh my god!" Katie cried out once more spasming on the bed.
The scene had thus far gone on for fifteen minutes, so it wasn't long before Katie was driven to another orgasm by Jason's Oral efforts. As the eight year old spasmed on the bed, her head flying from side to side as she cried out, the voice by Jack's elbow stated knowingly, "Daddy is so ready to fuck Katie. He is hard as a rock!"
As Jason's lower half wasn't in the frame on the monitors, Jack looked towards the set and saw that Helen was correct, Jason was indeed ready to go on. "I only hope Katie can take it." Jack replied to the six year old standing beside him. "This will be the third time for Jason this morning, he could fuck her for twenty minutes or more."
"Nah." Helen answered, her voice even more knowing. "Daddy never lasts long when he is being this rough. usually he lasts long enough to make me come, then he shoots inside me. Then he will play with me a bit and be ready to go again in a few minutes!" As Helen spoke, her hand was in her crotch stroking herself. "Sometimes he fucks me for hours that way." She went on, her voice going dreamy.
On the set Jason had gotten up from the floor and quickly set Katie to her knees on the bed. As he got into position behind her, Katie looked back over her shoulder and asked weakly, "What are you going to do to me now?" Jason made no response other then to position his cock at her vaginal opening. Katie tried to struggle weakly, but Jason hands on her hips prevented her from escape. She went on in a pleading voice, "Please Ken, you can't do this! I wanted to save this for when we are married. Please, let me suck your cock again instead?" When Jason only gave her a wicked grin in return, Katie's voice grew stronger as she said firmly, "If you try this, I will scream!"
"I expect you will, cunt." Jason sneered at her, one hand sliding up her spine until it reached the back of her neck. He used that hand to shove her violently face first into the pillow as he pressed himself against her wet sex. As Katie screamed into the pillow Jason's other hand repeated it's earlier performance, making it appear as though his penis was meeting resistance, then relaxing to allow it to appear to 'pop' into the yelling eight year old.
Jason paused for a moment to allow Ray to dart in and squeeze colored astro lube onto his penis so that as he pushed it into his sobbing costar, it pooled on her labia making it appear as though blood were being squeezed out. With the cameras once more recording, Jason slowly began moving his cock in and out of the sobbing preteen girl. "Oh god, what have I done?" Jason asked, his voice filled with remorse. "Oh Katie, I am so sorry. I didn't mean for it to go this far. I was just so frustrated! Oh god what have I done?" As he moaned, he continued to move his cock slowly in and out of her cunny, his hands on her hips freeing her to use her arms to push herself up.
Katie's head had been hanging down as she sobbed, but as Jason delivered his line, her head popped up and she looked back over her shoulder at him. Her eyes were still glazed from her earlier orgasm, and despite the tired expression on her face, her voice was firm as she delivered her own lines. "What have you done?" She asked sounding outraged. "You have violated me, that is what you have done! You took my virginity before I was ready to give it. But now that you have, you should fuck me like you mean it, you pig, you bastard!"
Jason's face, which had softened as he delivered his lines, grew hard and menacing once more. His hand's tightened on Katie's hips and he used them to draw her hard back into him Katie cried out as Jason sneered. "Pig, am I? Bastard? does this feel like I mean it you fucking slut?" One of Jason's hands shot out to grab Katie by the hair. using his double grip on her, he began to piston himself in and out of her faster and faster, grunting his lines as he went, "Yeah, give me that pussy you fucking whore! Damn your cunt is so tight! Take this cock, bitch!"
Katie's head within Jason's grip was moving up and down as she began to cry out. "Oh god I'm commmmmiiiiiiiiiiing! I am there! AEIIIIIIEEEE!" The eight year old's body began jerking out of control as Jason continued to slam his cock in and out of her. Only his twin grip in her hair and on her hip kept Katie in position.
As Katie began to come down from her own orgasm, Jason suddenly jerked his cock out of her and cried out as his own took him. He fisted his cock and drew his hand up and down it twice before firing off his load. Despite it being the third cum of the morning, his sperm jetted out just as powerfully as if it had been his first. Six jet's of cum shot out onto the back and ass of his costar as Katie cried out as though each burned her. With sperm still dribbling out of it, Jason returned his penis to Katie's still open hole, then collapsed on top of her, driving both of them into the mattress. Bob's camera was on Katie's face as Jason panted, "I hope you liked that, cunt, because I will be fucking you like this forever!" Though half hidden by Jason's chest and the pillow it was pressing her into, Bob's camera still caught enough of Katie's face to show the exhausted preteen's wicked grin at Jason's words.
"Cut" Jack called out breathlessly. "That was excellent!" He praised as he got up from his chair and moved towards the suddenly busy set.
As usual, Joyce was first on the scene with a damp towel at the ready. But she had to wait a moment before using it as neither Jason nor the exhausted preteen could get up the energy to move. When he could, Jason rolled off of Katie to sit on the edge of the bed, then accepted Fred's hand to help him stand. As he pulled Jason to his feet, Fred said conversationally, "You know, if I didn't know that was what my daughter wanted, I would be kicking your ass right now." But it was said with amusement and Jason chuckled as Fred threw his arm around his shoulders and helped him off the set.
Joyce leaned over Katie using the towel to clean her up. Jack knelt beside Joyce as he asked, "Katie, are you all right?" The eight year old could barely summon the energy to turn her head, but she was smiling as her eyes met Jack's. She gave a tired little nod and moaned as Joyce's towel gently wiped at her abused cunny. Relieved, Jack asked her, "Was it everything you hoped it would be?"
"Mmmm yes." Katie sighed in response. "It was soooo much fun! Jason did me so good!"
Jack chuckled and leaned forward to kiss the sated eight year old on the forehead. "It was a very hot scene." he complimented her. A chuckle from behind him made Jack turn his head. Ingrid was standing behind him ready to take charge of Katie. Jack smiled up at her and got out of her way. Ingrid leaned over the bed and picked her daughter up, setting her on her hip as though Katie was still a baby. Katie laid her head tiredly on her mother's shoulder, still with a small grin. Jack noted that most of the curls Ingrid had worked so hard to put into Katie's hair had straightened, and was glad they didn't have to do another take.
As he turned to return to his chair, Jack noted that Helen was no longer standing by it. He scanned the studio and saw that she had made her way to where her father was still being helped off of the set. Helen was saying something to Fred, her face somber. Fred burst out in raucous laughter and said loudly, "I just may take you up on that!" Jason was smiling as he disengaged from Fred's helpful arm to ruffle his daughters hair fondly. Helen immediately threw her arms around her father's waist, licking at his belly as she did so, her hands reaching down to cup his ass. Jason laughed at her antics and walked forward with his daughter standing on his feet, down to the hallway to the laundry room and the showers beyond.
Jack sat in his director's chair and picked up his notes for the next scene. On the set, Joyce had stripped the stained bedclothes and picked up Jason and Katie's tear away clothing and was carrying the bundle to the laundry room. Sandra was on the set with a bucket and mop cleaning it quickly so that the floor could be taken away. Her father Richard had already taken the tapes from the cameras and stored them. The sound of hand tools came from behind the walls of the set as they were unscrewed from one another in preparation of being replaced. Soon the sound of a forklift starting up was heard.
As Jack watched the set being dismantled, he noted idly that the weekend crew involved in making the illegal porn tapes had become much more efficient at changing the sets then his regular crew was during the week. The walls of the set were quickly trucked away and stored in long bins designed to hold them until the next time they would be needed. Sandra cried out and giggled as Ray brought the forklift back and picked up the floor she had just finished mopping with her still standing on it. Ray grinned at her and watched with undisguised hunger in his eyes as the blonde quickly moved off the movable floor. Ray trucked the floor to the front of the warehouse where he and Bob quickly removed the furniture, storing it in the proper slots before taking the floor itself to the back of the warehouse for storage.
As Ray got another floor from the rack then took it to the furniture section so that he and Bob could get the furnishing needed for the next set, Bruce cleaned the concrete slab where the set would be set up, cleaning the dust and sawdust that inevitably accumulated when a set was assembled and taken down. As Bruce was finished sweeping Ray pulled up with the floor of the new set, Bob standing on it to hold the furnishing and decoration in place. Bruce helped guide Ray into position, then walked towards the cleaning supplies closet to store the brooms and dustpans he had used.
Ray trucked back to get the walls for the new set, leaving Bob, Buster, Bruce, Fred and Richard to screw the walls together with the hardware stored in plastic cups on the back of the paneled walls. Then the men came around to the front side of the set and quickly assembled the furnishing. It had taken just under half an hour for the bedroom set to be replaced by the coach's office set. His normal four man crew would have taken twice as long.
With the set assembled, Ray and Bob took up their cameras and began blocking out the scene. Nina came onto the set with Buster to join in the discussion, and Bruce joined them shortly thereafter. Jack was glad to note that Bruce had indeed charmed the ten year old he would be performing with, and that Nina was at ease with him. As the people on the set discussed the scene, Richard was up on the catwalk adjusting the lighting and directional microphones that would capture the dialogue, along with the microphones on Bob and Ray's hand held cameras.
Sooner then Jack could have expected, the next scene was ready to go. Since Bob was going to be starring in the scene, after the camera angles had been discussed, he handed his camera over to Buster and went over it's operation with him. Buster had used the camera before, as had most of the men involved in the play dates, but it had been awhile, and a refresher course was in order.
As the two men talked about the camera, Jack wondered away from the set. he intended to go back to the shower area and check up on Katie. The preteen had been exhausted by her scene and Jack wanted to make sure she was all right. But as he approached the green room door, Jack heard laughter and yells coming from inside. Wondering what was going on, Jack reached for the door.
He found the green room full to capacity. Tony and his son Darrel were there, along with Mark, who had shot a scene the day before. Fred was in the room with his daughter Jill. Ray's wife Debra was present, with their twin daughters April and May. To Jack's shock, new father Dan was present, as was Nina's sons Travis and Greg. Helen had apparently left her father to take his shower. Sandra was in the room as was Buster's daughter Kelly.
Jack discovered what the laugher was about almost at once. he smiled indulgently as he realized a rousing game of Duck Duck Goose was taking place. The green room was large, but just barely enough to contain the game. The furniture had been moved to the walls to leave the center of the carpeted floor open. Laying on the floor in a rough circle with their feet towards the inside, were Fred, Travis, Greg, and Mark. Each of the males were nude, and had an equally nude little girl laying on top of them in a lazy sixty-nine. Helen was currently atop Travis, April was atop Greg, Mark had Jill laying across him, and Fred was enjoying Kelly. The odd girl out was April's twin May.
May was walking around the circle touching each of her fellow preteens on the ass as she said "Duck duck duck." When she got to Helen and Travis, May's hand came down harder, smacking Helen's pert backside as she called out "Goose!" Helen got quickly to her feet and the chase was on. Both girls were yelling loudly as they ran twice around the circle. All the couples on the floor had to stop to watch and most were giggling and laughing as the two nude preteens raced around. May was slightly faster then Helen, but was held up having to dodge feet and heads as she ran. Helen almost caught her, but as May reached Travis for the second time, she leapt on top of him, making the fifteen year old give a sharp "Ooof" As he caught her. Safe, May smiled up at Helen who returned the grin good naturedly and took her turn walking around the circle as May went down on Travis.
Helen tagged April and managed to outrun her when the seven year old tipped over Fred's head. April apologized to Fred then took her turn around the circle as Helen pleasured Greg. April tagged Kelly, but was caught when she tried to crawl over the couch to avoid kicking Fred in the head again. Kelly gleefully went back to sucking Fred's long then penis. April tagged Jill and out raced her back to Mark. Jill appeared frustrated, and a moment later it became obvious why as Mark cried out and shot a load into April's eager mouth, eliminating them both. Mark looked sheepish as he carried April over to a lounge chair to finish her off. As he settled in the floor in front of Jill, Helen cried out as she was brought to an orgasm, and she was blushing as she drew Greg to the far end of the couch to finish sucking the twelve year old off.
As Jill started around the circle touching the other girls on the ass and calling out "Duck!" Jack made his way over to where Tony, Debra, Darrel and Sandra were watching the game with huge grins. Jack shook hands with Tony as Jill tagged Kelly and the two preteens raced around the circle screaming and laughing.
"Full house today." Jack commented idly.
"Joyce gave me a call." Tony replied in way of explanation. "Said something about an announcement. Wouldn't tell me what it was, though." Tony palmed his son's head as he went on with a teasing grin, "This one knew that Sandra would be here, so he insisted on coming along!"
The young black man gave his father a horrified glance as Sandra seated on the far side of him gave a giggle. Jack smiled at the pair. "How come you aren't playing?" Jack asked indicating the game which was rapidly winding down. Only two pair were left on the floor, the others moaning along the rest of the room as preteens and adults satisfied one another.
Sandra assumed a look of innocence as her hand went to he flat little lower belly. sliding it further down as she spread her legs slightly, she said "Little sore" then she closed her legs on her hand and gave a small shrug.
Jack was about to express concern when Debra piped up from Sandra's other side, "Hey Jack, do you know what this mysterious announcement is? I have to admit, it has me powerful curious, but Joyce aint spilling!" Her tone was frustrated, but in a good natured way.
Grinning at the pretty brunette, Jack replied, "She only told me she had one a little while ago. She wouldn't tell me what it was either. Said I would have to wait with everyone else."
"I didn't even know about an announcement" Dan, who had Debra sitting on his lap, supplied. "I just brought Travis and Greg to their mother. Heard about it when I got here, so I decided to stay and listen in."
Jack smiled at the tall man. "How is the baby?" He asked. Dan and his wife Jenny had just had their third daughter the month before.
"She is a joy." Dan replied proudly. "Still sleeping most of the day away, but when she is awake, she is already following conversation. Already aware of her surroundings. I think she is going to prove smart as a whip!"
"I'm sure she will be." Jack replied fondly. "How is Jenny doing?"
"Fully recovered, and working hard to get her figure back." Dan replied with a huge grin. "She loved being pregnant with Shelby, but now she says she just wants to be able to see her feet again!" Everyone gave an appreciative chuckle at that, and Dan went on. "Says she wants to have one more, to give me a son, then she is done with birthing babies. I told her I am happy with my girls, but she insists that I need a son to pass my natural charm to!" Another round of appreciative chuckles and giggles greeting this statement.
Before Jack could continue the conversation, a girlish, giggling voice called out "Jack! Help me!" Jack turned to find out that the game of Duck Duck Goose had ended. Jill was the odd girl out, but as there were never any losers in a Pedo party game, the nine year old was the center of attention and playfully struggling against Greg, Helen, Mark and April. Jill was being held on her back, the two preteen girls licking at her chest while Greg noisily slurped at her cunny. Mark was kneeling by her head, trying to give the nine year old a upside down kiss.
Jack laughed and called out, "Looks like you already have plenty of help!"
"Help them then!" Jill cried out before Mark finally captured her lips and silenced her as he explored her mouth with his tongue. Jill was soon squirming amidst all the attention as the rest laughed at her line. Jack took a step towards the group intending to join in the fun.
Just then the green room door opened and Buster's large frame filled the doorway. "Hey boss man, we are ready when you are!" He stated, getting a good eyeful of all the action in the room. "Unless you want to film in here, that is." Buster added with a grin. Jack gave a short laugh and reluctantly turned away from the action in the room.
Nina entered the set from a metal door set into the left side wall. She was wearing the same outfit she had on the day before, a light blue cotton T-shirt and red bloomer style gym shorts. She had changed her Golf cleats for tennis shoes. She turned and made her way to the left hand metal desk saying, "You wanted to see me Coach Hayes? Hi Mr. Wilson."
"Ahh, Coach Johnson's golfing prodigy." Bob said with a smile. "Yes Nina, have a seat." Nina sat in a plastic chair in front of the desk as Bob stood with a file folder in his hand. Bob made his way around to sit on the edge of the desk in front of the nervous looking ten year old. Bruce was sitting on a padded chair beside the one Nina sat in.
Bob's face was stern as he opened the folder and stated, "I am afraid that we have a problem. These are your grades. You are doing poorly in English I am afraid. Your other classes are fine, but your English grade is a problem. We may have to suspend you from the team!"
"Oh no!" Nina cried out dismayed. "Coach, you can't do that! The Regional's are coming up!"
"We know" Bruce said gently, putting his hand on the preteen's arm. "And we want to let you play! You are our best chance of bringing home the trophy this year. But the rules clearly state that you must maintain a 'C' average in your classes, but currently you are barely holding on to a 'D' in my class!"
"And the PTA has really been on the Athletics department about being sure that rule is enforced." Bob said sternly. "They are really watching us closely to make sure that education is stressed."
"But what can I do?" Nina cried out, her voice sounding on the verge of tears. "I am bad at English! I just can't keep all the rules straight in my head!" Turning towards Bruce, she asked desperately, "Isn't there some extra credit work I could do to bring my grade up? I promise that I will try really hard! Please Mr. Wilson, I HAVE to go to the regional's! If I don't, I might not earn a scholarship when I am ready for college!"
"I'm sorry, Nina." Bruce returned shaking his head. He climbed to his feet as he went on. "I did try and warn you last month that you needed to bring your grade up. I even offered to tutor you myself! But now it is to late. Doing extra credit work now would bring your grade up a little, but not to a 'C' average. It might bring up your average and allow you to pass my class at the end of the year, however."
"So that is it then." Nina said morosely sinking into her chair. "I am off the team then?"
As Nina stared down at the floor, the two men exchanged a lewd grin unseen by the child. Bob said, "Well, there is something that we can do to help you. but you have to be willing to help us."
"Really?" Nina asked perking up and looking between the two men.
"Yes." Bruce said with a gentle smile at the girl. "You see, I haven't posted the grades yet. Only Coach Hayes and I know what your average is. I COULD fudge a bit, change a score here and there to bring your average to a 'C' and let you stay on the team."
"But that is very illegal." Bob stated, sounding shocked at the idea. "We could all be in deep shit if anyone found out!"
"Oh, I don't think Nina would tell anyone." Bruce returned, laying a fond hand on Nina's head. "I could do it easily enough. But Nina, it is going to take a word from you."
"A word?" Nina asked sounding confused.
"Indeed." Bruce went on grinning wider. "English is all about words. And for you, we can make this happen if you use only one. One word that can keep you on the team, send you to the Regional's, earn you your scholarship and secure your future!"
"What word is that?" Nina asked sounding both unsure and eager at the same time.
Bruce's grin went it widest yet as he took his hand from the top of Nina's head. His hand went quickly to his zipper to pull it down, then darted inside his pant's to haul out his long thin penis. "Why, the word I am looking for is 'Yes', dear girl!"
Nina's eyes locked onto Bruce's prick as her hand went to her throat. "Mr Wilson!" She said breathlessly, sounding shocked.
Her eyes snapped to the right as Bob stood and pushed his gym shorts to the floor, freeing his own shorter but thicker seven incher. "'Yes' is such a good word." He stated as he fisted his prick and waved it lewdly at the ten year old.
Her eye's snapped left once more as Bruce stepped towards her. His hand returned to the top of her head, then traced her ponytail down to grasp at the back of her neck as he asked, "Do you know what the best thing is about words like 'yes' is, Nina?" When she tore her eye's away from his penis to give him a blank look, he went on, "It's that you have to open your mouth to say them of course! Say the word to me Nina. Say it slowly and exaggerate the word. Answer this question for me. Do you want to earn a passing grade in my class and stay on the team?"
Nina's eyes went back to Bruce's ten incher. She began to smile as she parted her lips. "Yeee." She began slowly, but with a thrust of his hips, his cock speared it's way past her parted lips. Nina reacted with surprise, her hand shooting out to grasp at the cock that entered her mouth, but then her lips closed and her cheeks hollowed inward as she gave a large suck on the member.
"Oh fuck yeah!" Bruce exclaimed as he pushed five inches of his prick into Nina's eager oral cavity. "Damn your mouth is so hot and wet!" He went on as he began to draw himself out. He pulled out till only the small mushroom remained inside and pushed his way back in. Nina moaned as his cock slid past her tightened lips for the second time.
As Bruce began to fuck his way in and out of her lips. Bob came up to Nina's other side. With a grin, he clasped her free hand and guided it to his own penis. Nina grasped him immediately and began to move her hand back and forth along it's length in time with the cock moving in and out of her mouth. As Nina sucked on one prick and jerked the other, both men brought a hand to her chest, grasping, pinching and rubbing at her budded breasts. Nina's nipples stood out in sharp relief against the cotton of her shirt as she moaned in pleasure.
Sounding amused, Bruce withdrew his penis from Nina's mouth, turning her head with his grip on her ponytail, he said, "Say 'yes' for Coach Hayes too!"
"Yeees!" Nina moaned interrupting the word as she gulped at Bob's cock. Bob gave a gasp as she took him five inches down, then began thrusting her head back and forth, her cheeks hollowed inward as she gave him head. As Nina quickened her pace, Bruce's hand moved from her breast and traced it's way down. Nina's legs parted widely as Bruce began rubbing at her pussy through her gym shorts.
"Buster, move back to your left. You're in Ray's shot! Nina, shift a bit to the left please." Jack called out. Buster had taken a step to the right to better get Bruce's hand rubbing at the preteens pussy. He quickly stepped back to the left as Nina shifted. Jack nodded in satisfaction. Nina gave a moan at Bruce's attentions as she took her mouth from Bob and sucked Bruce between her lips. Jack let the eager girl shift from one cock to the other a few times before he called out, "Next segment!"
Nina gasped as Bob and Buster each took an arm and drew her to her feet. Bruce turned the child to face him as he leaned down and claimed her lips in a passionate kiss. As he explored her mouth with his tongue, his hands were busily lifting her shirt. Nina raised her arms into the air as Bruce lifted the shirt over her head. "Wow, look at these tits!" Bruce exclaimed, ducking his head down to suck her left breast whole between his lips. Nina moaned as Buster caught the action of Bruce's lips and tongue.
As Bruce alternated sucking one breast then the other, Bob leaned over and grasped Nina's bloomer gym shorts. Hooking his finger's into the hem, he knelt as he drew both the shorts and her panties to the floor. As soon as Nina's perfect heart shaped as was revealed to him, Bob brought his lips lovingly to her skin. Nina moaned as she shifted side to side, lifting one leg then the other to allow Bob to throw her clothing to the side. Nina shifted once more as Bob ran a hand up the inside of her left leg, brushing lightly at her sex before using both hands to part her butt cheeks. Ray's camera caught the action as Bob began to stab his tongue at Nina's puckered sphincter. Nina moaned loudly and arched her butt into Bob's exploring tongue as his right hand released her butt cheek to curl under and begin stroking her reddened, dampened pussy.
Nina gave a louder moan as Bob began pinching at her clitoris with his thumb and forefinger. Her next moan, caused by Bob moving his forefinger towards his chin, parting her labia as it came, was cut off as Bruce broke off his contact with her budded breasts and kissed her hard, his tongue invading her mouth. Bob stopped licking the preteen's asshole as he teasingly circled the young girl's love tunnel with his finger. Nina moaned her loudest yet as Bob stiffened his finger and pushed it up inside of her.
"Ahhh, I see Coach Johnson has already been at this." Bob stated as he began slowly pushing his finger in and out of Nina.
The ten year old began moving her hips slightly side to side as she broke off her kiss and looked back over her shoulder with smoldering eyes. "Coach Jackson too." She murmured as her breathing quickened.
"Well then!" Bob began standing upright. He gave Nina a lewd grin as he fisted his penis with the same hand he had masturbated her with. His tone was teasing as he continued, "It is high time that you experience another... 'Member'... of the staff!" Nina giggled, then gasped as Bob used his other hand to bend her over. Bruce caught at her hands to hold her up as Bob positioned himself behind the preteen, He rubbed his cock roughly up and down her pussy for a moment, then centered his dick at the opening of her love tunnel. Bob gave a loud moan as he pushed his hips forward, easily penetrating the excited child's cunt.
Bruce gave a chuckle as he released one of her hands to tap her on the forehead. Nina's head had been hanging low as Bob began to rock her body with powerful thrusts of his hips, driving all but an inch of his seven into her willing body. Buster's camera caught the smoldering expression on Nina's face perfect as she looked up into the face of the ex pro wrestler. Bruce gave a lewd grin as he fisted his cock. "This staff is from your teachers." Bruce stated. "Time for the magic word again, dear girl!"
"Mmmmmmmm yes, give it to me!" Nina moaned slowly. Bruce directed his penis at her lips, which parted in a yawn as she accepted it into her mouth. As her lips closed over the advancing tool, Nina gave another moan that was interrupted as Bruce's thin cock impacted the opening of her throat. Her cheeks hollowed inwards as Bruce pulled his hips back.
Bob set a quick pace as the men began to enjoy the child with enthusiasm. His thrusting hips threw Nina forward onto Bruce's advancing penis. As Bob drew back, Nina was pulled backwards, her pussy milking Bob. Her cheeks would hollow inwards as her backwards motion pulled her from Bruce's ten incher. As the pace quickened, so did Nina's breathing. Her body was quickly growing redder and redder.
Suddenly Nina stiffened in place, then gave her loudest moan yet as her body began to shudder, The orgasm hit her so suddenly that she grew weak in the knees. Bob and Bruce had to hold her up even as they both continued to slam their cocks in and out of the orgasming preteen. Their efforts drove Nina even higher on the wave of pleasure, and she began to scream onto Bruce's pistoning pecker.
The men slowed their efforts to allow Nina to come down. Bob was panting heavily as he gave Bruce a lewd grin and said "Hey, man, you want some of this tight pussy?"
"Hmmm," Bruce replied assuming a look of consideration. "You know, there is something tight on that end that I would like to have a shot at!"
Bob chuckled as he said, "Let's get her up on the desk, before she ends up on the floor. Here, hold her up" Bob helped Nina to a standing position then turned to the desk as Bruce's strong hands held her by the ribs, his thumb's stroking at the child's hardened nipples which seemed to fascinate him. Bruce leaned forward and claimed Nina's lips with his own as Bob began clearing the corner of the desk. Nina moaned and returned the kiss eagerly, her tongue dueling with Bruce's.
When Bob had the desk cleared, Bruce broke off his kiss and turned Nina to face him. Bob guided Nina over the corner of the desk, her left arm and head hanging off the side of it. Bruce helped by taking Nina's right leg and placing it on the surface of the desk, immediately getting into position behind her and shoving his cock into her wet pussy. Nina gave a tired moan as Bruce shifted his position to help her hold herself up with her left leg by placing a knee against it. Buster had shifted to the right end of the desk, where his height gave him an excellent angle to capture Bruce as he slid easily in and out of the moaning preteen.
Ray's camera caught a very sexy view as Bob put his hand under Nina's chin and pulled her head up. Nina's eyes were still smoldering from the energetic double fucking she had received before, but she gave a slight grin as Bob guided his seven incher to her mouth. Her grin disappeared as she parted her lips to take him in. Bob gave a satisfied moan as he slipped five inches deep into her willing oral cavity, then gave another when Nina sucked heavily at him, left hand coming up to cup the thirty year old man's buttocks.
As Bob began to slowly fuck his way in and out of Nina's mouth, Bruce set an equally sedate pace in her cunt.a Nina moaned as Bruce wet his forefinger then began stroking the panting girls puckered sphincter. "You know," Bruce stated in a considering voice, "This is one tight pussy, but I think this little asshole might be even tighter!" As he spoke, Bruce began to shove his finger into Nina's ass, causing her to suck in a sharp breath. "You got any lube over there, Coach Hayes?"
"Mr. Wilson! This is a middle school!" Bob began sternly, almost angrily. "Of course I have lubricant for the girls here!" He finished with a grin, taking a step to the right and opening the desk drawer, as he moved, Nina moved with him twisting her body painfully on the desk so that she could maintain contact with Bob's penis, She could only keep the head inside, but Ray's camera got a shot of her parting her lips slightly and running her pink tongue around the angry mushroom. Bob took out a tube and tossed it to Bruce, then stepped back to his previous position, his hand once more on Nina's chin as he thrust his hips slowly forward.
Bruce chuckled as he opened the tube of lubricant, squirting some out onto his fingers then fingering Nina's asshole once more. Again Nina hissed as his finger invaded her, but then sighed as he began to move it slowly in and out of her in time with the thrusting of his cock. Now and then he would pause to add more lub to his finger in her ass.
When he judged her slick enough, Bruce pulled his penis out of Nina's reddened cunt. He squirted a generous amount of the lubricant into the palm of his hand then stroked his member with it as he set the tube aside. "Relax now girl, this may sting a bit." Bruce said huskily as he began running the head of his tool up and down the girl's butt crack. His right hand held her firmly as he got into position to penetrate her. His left hand guided his thin pecker into her as he pushed forward with his hips.
Nina gave a squeal onto Bob's penis as Bruce entered her rear. Jack supposed that the sound was real, as Nina had little experience with anal sex. She had been brave enough about it when she read the script for the scene, but Jack was watching carefully in case she gave the hand signal to stop the action. Nina's body was tense on the desk as Bruce stopped. Half of his ten inches was inside the ten year old, the most he could get at his awkward angle. Bruce paused to let the preteen grow used to him being inside her.
Soon Nina began to relax on the desk. As she did, Bruce began drawing himself out of her, his left hand snaking down to rub at her clitoris as he did so. Nine gave a slight moan at that contact, then stiffened on the desk again as Bruce reversed direction and entered her once more. Bruce got in as deep as he could, then gave a moan of his own as he began to saw his tool in and out of the girl at a steady pace. Nina tensed with each inward thrust the first five or so, but she began to relax more with each successive thrust. Bruce increased his pace when Nina gave another small moan.
As Bruce set faster pace in Nina's ass, Bob equaled him as he thrust in and out of her hot wet mouth. "God damn this one can suck a cock." Bob moaned appreciatively. Nina looked up at him with renewed lust in her eyes as she gave a mighty suck on his dick that made Bob moan even louder.
"Nice tight ass, too." Bruce stated as he continued his anal assault with even more vigor. "I aint going to last long in here!" He said breathlessly.
"Go ahead and fill her up if you want." Bob said conversationally. "School is out, Nina is supposed to be at practice, and we have all day to play with her, I am sure this hot little body will renew your interest quickly enough."
But Nina beat the ex wrestler to release. At Bob's lewd words, she stiffened on the desk and began to shudder in place. The feeling of the ten year old's pussy overflowing with juice, and the contractions her ass made during her orgasm set Bruce over the edge, He cried out as he pulled out of Nina's anus, his prick already beginning to spew as he pulled out, His fist shot to his cock and directed the explosion. His first two spurts of spooge landed squarely in Nina's still open ass hole, the rest splattered her pussy and butt cheeks. As Bruce's red hot seed landed on and inside her, Nina screamed out onto Bob's cock, who had stopped his thrusting long enough to let the child enjoy her orgasm, and her body shuddered even more in place other desk.
When Bruce was spent, he staggered back and fell into the plastic chair that Nina had sat in earlier. The chair threatened to buckle under the ex wrestler's weight but became stable after a moment. As Bruce panted recovering his breath. Bob drew his cock out of Nina's mouth and knelt down in front of her, looking her eye to eye. "You looked like you enjoyed that, did you?" He asked gently.
"Mmmm yes, it is fun." Nina replied her voice exhausted. "This is my first time with two boys....urm men." She went on informatively.
"Well good." Bob stated standing once more lifting her head with his grip on her chin and directing his cock back into her mouth. He began to fuck himself slowly but firmly in and out, his balls swaying jarringly as he butted the head of his penis against the opening of her throat over and over. Nina's eyes quickly grew grey with lust. The preteen loved having her throat abused "I'm glad to hear you say that, Nina." Bob panted as he increased his pace. "You have a ton of potential! I want you to be all that you can be. I want you to experience all that life has to offer, I want you to take everything you can out of it."
Then Bob's went husky and hard as he stated, "And I want you to TAKE ALL OF THIS!" as he cried out his prick jarred once more against the preteen's throat, but instead of pulling back, his free hand shot to the back of Nina's head and with that added to the grip he had on her chin, he thrust his hips forward as hard as he could. Nina's abused throat resisted for a single second, then the two inches of Bob's penis he hadn't been getting in her mouth disappeared between her lips and his pubic mound pressed firmly against her nose. As his cock entered her throat, Nina threw her left leg onto the desk, her legs knocking over a lamp that had been sitting on it, making it appear as though his cock had caused her to straighten out.
Bob stopped for a moment, his hips grinding up and down with his head thrown back with a look of ecstasy on his face, then he pulled his hips back. He removed the two inches of his cock that had invaded the child's throat, and pulled back an extra inch before savagely reversing direction and entering her tight throat once more. Jack kept a very careful eye on Nina's hands, waiting to see if Bob was being to rough, But Nina's hands shot forward to grasp Bob by the ass as he pulled back and slammed his cock home for the third time.
Nina's throat was offering no resistance at all as Bob pulled back and slammed forward the forth time. As he pulled back for the fifth, Ray's camera clearly caught Nina's small biceps flex as she helped pull the thirty year old man even harder back into her again. Nina's mouth opened as wide as she could get it as Bob began to piston out of Nina's throat, and Rays camera microphone caught a "teCHEEKCA, teCHEECKA, teCHEECKA." sound each time Nina's throat was entered. The preteens eyelids drooped in pleasure as she accepted the oral abuse Bob was inflicting.
"God damn man, USE that girl!" Bruce said in an awed voice as Bob's thrust became more frantic. The line wasn't in the script, but the admiration in Bruce's tone was so genuine, Jack knew he would keep the line in the final product. Nina's body was almost glowing on the desk with her arousal, and was in constant motion. Each time that Bob entered the preteens throat, her ass would raise a few inches off the desk, only to fall once more as Bob pulled back. It appeared that the child was humping the desk in time with Bob's thrusting cock. Her legs were opening and closing rapidly, and she was rolling from side to side slightly.
Bob's own body was growing red, and his breath was coming is short grunting gasps. At the same moment, with one last thrust into Nina's willing throat, both the man and the girl reached their climax. Bob's came so suddenly that his first spurt of semen filled the girl's mouth before he could clear her lips. His remaining load landed on Nina's sweat drenched forehead and chin. Nina was flopping around on the desk like a landed fish, and Jack knew that she would be screaming if her abused throat would allow it. Totally spent, Bob collapsed heavily to his knees, the echo of the thump from the hollow floor sounding throughout the studio. At the same time, Nina's orgasm reached it's peak and she rolled up onto her left side. She over balanced and would have fallen to the floor had not Bruce alertly leaned forward and caught her neatly as she left the desk.
As Nina landed in the ex pro wrestler's arms, she went completely and totally limp. Caught by surprise, Bruce had to lean back quickly and draw the fainted girl onto his lap, lest he lose control of her. Nina's body was so totally limp that she resembled not a ten year old girl as much as a very large infant. Bruce had to run his hand up her back to grasp her head to stop it lolling about. The next line was supposed to be Bob's, but as Bruce looked towards him, Bob collapsed onto his side, clearly unable to talk. Thinking quickly Bruce adlibbed a line with not a moment to spare. "I think you were wrong about how long we had. This little girl is exhausted!"
Bruce had barely gotten the line out before Buster and Ray put their cameras down. At the same time the Green room burst open and nearly everyone present rushed the stage, Nina's mother Renee leading the charge. Everyone wore looks of extreme concern on their faces. But even before they arrived, Nina was stirring in Bruce's lap. She tried to sit up, but was to weak to do so.
The ex wrestler supported the girl as she instead curled up into a fetal position. as she did, her mouth was open in an "O" She was trying to speak, but at first only air escaped her. Finally her vocal chords engaged and she said mid sentence, "Oooooooohhhh, that was soooo goooooooood!" Only half of the sounds made it out, but everyone assembled stopped in shock. After a moment, one of the children giggled, and suddenly everyone was laughing even as they completed the rush to where Nina lay on Bruce's lap.
Renee arrived first and took charge of her daughter. She picked the ten year old up and hugged her tightly as she asked, "Are you all right baby?" Renee shot Bob a venomous glance as the exhausted cameraman began to stir. Jack could see potential trouble.
But she couldn't keep the glare going as Nina laid her head on her mother's shoulder and murmured, "Mmmm all right." Renee turned and walked away with the girl to get her cleaned up. Bob had to use a grip on the desk to pull himself upright. He had noticed the glare Renee had thrown him, and was looking contrite.
Jack strode out onto the set clapping his hands. "Ok, folks it's a good thing all of us are here, now we can get cleaned up in no time!" There was a lot of good natured grumbling as people were pressed into service.
Buster walked up to Jack as people began to gather cleaning supplies. "Did we get enough for the scene?" He asked.
"Yup, just." Jack replied. "Bruce saved the scene. Got that line out just in time. And you got the shot well, him with Nina fainted on his lap. I can edit it to make a good scene."
"Good." Buster replied as Richard walked up and took the camera from him. Richard ejected the tape and gave the camera back to the well muscled black man. Buster took the camera over to it's storage case and spoke quietly with Ray.
It took a little over half an hour to get the set cleaned and dismantled. Jack did his usual tour making sure that everything was in place and nothing was left to indicate what had taken place over the weekend. As he returned from the warehouse, he noted Bob and Renee standing off to one side. Jack intended to walk past to give the two privacy, but Renee grasped him by the arm.
"I apologize for getting carried away." Bob was saying, his voice slightly anguished.
Renee gave a sigh and transferred her grip from Jack's arm to Bob's as she said, "It is okay, don't worry about it. Nina brings it on herself. From the day Fred taught her how to deep throat, Nina has been trying it on everyone. She sucked Dan so raw one night that he was almost crying! I am just concerned that she is going to do herself serious harm."
"Still, I shouldn't have been so rough." Bob replied guiltily. "It's just when she grabbed my ass and started pulling me at her, I lost control."
"Yeah, Nina is so into it that it is hard to remember she is only ten years old." Jack stated. Spreading his hands he went on, "I am as guilty of it as anyone. I just can't deny her when she asks me to bring her all the way down. Still, I and everyone else will need to be more gentle with the lass. Renee is right, having her throat take that kind of abuse at that young an age could do her serious injury. I'll be sure to spread the word."
"Thanks Jack." Renee said gratefully.
Before Jack could respond, Joyce called out from close to the green room, "Everyone? could you gather around please? It is time for my announcement!" Immediately people began to assemble in front of the raven haired beauty.
Joyce appeared nervous as everyone gathered around. Standing beside Richard and Sandra, Joyce began, "Thanks for coming today, everyone. Your support has always meant so much to me! And I will need it more then ever now."
Concerned looks crossed most faces as Joyce went on. "I am about to embark on a journey that I've never considered before. It makes me so happy and scared at the same time." Then Joyce took a step to the left and put her arm around Richard. "This is my announcement. Richard has asked me to marry him, and I said yes!"
For a long moment, Joyce's statement brought stunned silence. Then Helen squealed in delight and ran forward to hug Joyce and Richard. Jack was almost knocked down by the rush of bodies that surged forward to congratulate the couple. Jack hung back with a huge smile to allow everyone to hug and kiss Joyce, Richard and Sandra. The twelve year old was beaming proudly at everyone.
At last Jack got his turn and moved forward to take Joyce into his arms. He hugged her tightly for a moment then stepped back, Turning he gave Richard a hug as well. "Congratulations, you two. You are going to make a fantastic couple!" He turned and took Sandra into his arms, kissing the beaming child on the forehead before continuing, "A fantastic family! This is the best news I have heard all year!"
"I didn't even know you two were dating!" Debra said reproachfully, her grin taking the sting out of the words. "How long has this been going on?" She demanded.
"Well, we have known each other for years, of course. Joyce is the one that recruited me and Sandra into this wonderful group." Richard answered, Joyce deferring to him and remaining plastered to his side. "We started seeing each other a lot just after Christmas. It wasn't until after Joyce had her extended vacation down in Mexico that I realized how deeply my feelings were for her, though. When she came back, I confessed how much I love her, and she returned my feelings. So I asked her to marry me, and she accepted my proposal."
"When is the wedding?" Renee wanted to know.
"We are thinking September fifth." Joyce replied. "We hope you all can make it! We want the entire group to be there!"
"That is only a month away!" Ingrid cried out. "Is that enough time to plan a wedding?"
"Carol has been helping me to plan it." Joyce confessed. "Once Richard and I decided to marry, I wanted it done quickly. most of the details are worked out."
"We only have to ask the participants." Richard supplied. "Speaking of which..." He went on. he turned to Ray and said, "Ray, would you do me the honor of being my best man?"
Ray was caught off guard, but grinned broadly as he stepped forward to pump Richards hand. "It will be my pleasure. Thanks far asking."The camera man said brightly.
"And I will need a Matron of Honor." Joyce stated. "Debra would you min..."
She was interrupted as Debra gave a scream and fairly leaped into Joyce's arms. After a huge hug, Debra pulled back and with dancing eyes stated, "You are going to have the best wedding shower EVER!" Everyone chuckled as Debra fairly danced in place already making plans.
"Bob, I hate to put you to work, but I can't think of anyone better to be our photographer." Richard said.
"My pleasure." Bob replied beaming.
"Ingrid and Renee, would you be bridesmaids?" After getting joyous consent from them both, she turned to Dan and said, "Jenny too, if she is available. Tell her I promise the dresses wont be TOO ugly! And I am going to call Bianca. And Carol too, she worked so hard planning it, she should be involved."
"I am sure Jenny will be thrilled." Dan replied, "It will give her even more motivation to get back into shape!"
Richard took a step forward and knelt down in front of a startled Helen. "Would you be our flower girl, peanut?" he asked gently. Helen immediately grinned and threw her arms around Richard's neck. "I take it that is a yes?" He said hugging her to him looking up at Jason who gave a nod and smile.
Joyce disengaged from Debra and moved in front of Jack. Taking both of his hands in her's and looking deep into his eyes, Joyce became abruptly solemn as she said, "I wish my father or my Uncle were alive to take part in the ceremony. But as neither of them are with us, I can think of no one I respect more. Jack, would you give me away?"
"It will be my honor and pleasure." Jack replied simply. Joyce sighed and stepped into his arms. Jack kissed the top of Joyce's head and rested his chin there while he returned the hug. When Joyce stepped back, Jack saw that a single tear had rolled down her check, and he wiped it away with a smile that drew one out of the former child star.
With that, everyone broke up into small groups to talk excitedly about the wedding. Little Helen was the center of an envious group of girls as they talked about her being flower girl. Richard was laughing with the men in the group as Ray made ever more outrageous suggestions for his bachelor party. The women were gathered around Joyce asking what Carol had planned thus far and if there was anything they could do to help. Jack heard Carol's name and knew why the oldest member of the group had been absent for so long. Carol was a terrible gossip among the group and couldn't have kept this news a secret.
Jack was grinning at that thought when Sandra walked up and hugged him. The blonde was smiling broadly. "You look happy." Jack said to her. "I take it you approve?"
"Hmmm, yes." Sandra replied, her green eyes dancing. "Daddy and Joyce are so happy together. She is going to make a great wife for him."
"And a great step mom for you." Jack replied.
"Yep! but she refuses to let me call her mommy!" Sandra stated pulling a face. She hugged Jack once more then turned to make her way to Joyce and the rest of the women.
Jack shook his head happily then turned to walk to the studio editing room. By the time he had retrieved the tapes that Richard had gathered for him and returned to the studio, Richard, Joyce and Sandra had formed a line at the door to receive congratulations and well wishes from everyone as they left. Jack gave everyone a wave and turned down the hall to the dressing rooms, making one last check to make sure all was in order. the shower room had a faucet that was leaking, and Jack twisted hard on it to make it stop, making a mental note to have it repaired.
When he got back to the studio door, he was surprised to find that Richard, Joyce and Sandra were waiting for him. "Hey, Jack." Richard said stepping forward. "We wanted to ask. After the wedding, Joyce and I are going to honeymoon in Japan for a few weeks. We have both always wanted to go. But school will be back in, so Sandra wont be able to come. We were wondering if maybe she could stay with you. Her birthday is at the end of September, and she wanted to spend as much time with you as she could before she turned thirteen."
As her father spoke, Sandra stepped up to Jack's side and put her arm around him looking up with a hopeful expression on her pretty face. She grinned widely once more as Jack answered, "I would love to have Sandra stay."
"You could 'have' me a lot in two weeks." Sandra replied with her sultry without meaning to be voice. "Joyce will be Daddy's wife and I will be yours!" She went on drawing chuckles out of the three adults.
When the chuckles subsided, Jack said, "Really, I am very happy for you all. You are going to make a great family. It really is the best thing that has happened for the group in a long, long time."
Joyce smiled as she stepped into her betrothed arms. "And we hope to be adding to the group too. I can't wait to have this man's baby!" Sandra giggled at Richards sudden panicked expression, then moved forward to shove the two adults towards the studio door. Jack chuckled himself as he watched the three make their way to the cars left in the lot. He locked up feeling well at ease and very happy.
Before Jack knew it, three of the four weeks till the wedding was gone. The group was in a flurry of activity leading up to the big event, though Jack found himself frozen out of most of the action. Whenever he offered to help, he was told everything was under control. Now at the wedding rehearsal, Jack was glad to see that all the planning had gone off without a hitch. The rehearsal went very well indeed, though Joyce was as nervous during it as if it were the actual wedding.
Carol had performed well in her role as wedding planner. She had rented out a large church for the actual ceremony, a majestic old place that was well appointed for the event. The forty-nine year old had enlisted Jack's help in making sure that the Rules would be firmly in place, and Jack had done so, using the opportunity to also discuss Nina with everyone and getting assurances that the ten year old's lovers would be more wary of her throat. Renee noticed a change immediately and expressed her gratitude to everyone.
The wedding reception would be held at Joyce's home, since it was the only house big enough to handle the crowd that would be in attendance. Joyce made it clear that the rules could go hang at her home, which was secluded enough that the group play would not be discovered. The only outsiders that would be involved with the wedding was the church staff and the caterers, who Joyce assured everyone would be gone by the time everyone arrived at her house.
The rehearsal was held on a Thursday evening. As it was ending Ray came up and informed Jack that the Bachelor party would be held that Saturday night at Ray's house. When Jack asked what Ray had planned, Ray grinned and said, "You will have to wait and see, my man, but it is going to be a blast!" Ray turned to walk away, but then seemed to remember something. "Oh, I need to come by tomorrow and raid your archives. That ok?"
Jack grinned and said it was fine. Ray walked away smiling, and Jack turned to find Joyce approaching, looking after Ray with narrowed eyes. "What has that man got planned?" She asked suspiciously as she arrived at Jack's side.
"No idea." Jack said innocently and truthfully enough. "Don't worry, I am sure Richard will survive whatever will happen." He added in what he hoped was a reassuring voice. Joyce transferred her narrow eyed suspicious gaze to Jack, who held up his hands as if to ward it off. But Joyce couldn't hold the expression, and broke it with a nervous giggle.
"I hope the actual wedding goes as well as the rehearsal." Joyce stated.
"I'm sure it will." Jack returned supportively. "Everyone is so looking forward to it. We are all going to make sure it goes as planned. You are going to make SUCH a beautiful bride!"
Joyce grinned and hugged Jack tightly before turning away to find her future husband. Her narrow eyed look came back as she saw him talking and laughing with Ray. Her steps quickened as she started towards them, and Jack gave a chuckle.
On his way out of the church, Jack saw Debra with several of the group's women. He narrowed his eyes just as Joyce had and started towards them, but laughed as he was chased away. He wondered what the twenty-nine year old had planned. Jack was sure it was going to be wild.
The next morning, Ray showed up just as Jack was getting ready to leave for work. Ray grinned as he told Jack he would need to use the editing equipment down in the basement. Once more Jack asked what Ray was up to, but Ray wouldn't give it up, and told Jack he would be sure to lock up after he was done. Jack shook his head as he left the man in his home.
Jack had to restrain himself mightily after returning from the studio not to go down into the basement and see what tapes Ray had taken from the hidden archives. He got a laugh as he passed the basement door to see that Ray had taped a large "KEEP OUT" sign on it. However, keeping out was proving hard as Jack went about the rest of that night and Saturday. Every second seemed to ramp his curiosity up more.
He left his home at seven that Saturday evening eager to know what the night would hold. The drive to Ray's house normaly took almost an hour, but Jack made it in just thirty-five minutes. It was a wonder that he didn't get a speeding ticket. But as early as Jack arrived, he noted as he parked on the road that he was the last to get there. Ray was grinning broadly as he opened the door to his home at Jack's knock.
Ray's home was an oddity. It was a large two story, built in the fifties by a successful dancer. The first floor held all the living space: A living room, large kitchen, three bedrooms and a library/den. The second floor was largely open for a dance studio. It had a large room off to one side that could be used as a master bedroom, and a large bathroom, shower area. At the end of the dance studio, french doors opened onto a balcony where a large jacuzzi was featured in one corner. When his daughters were born, Ray had converted the dance floor upstairs to a huge playroom, complete with carpeting. The children in the group loved coming over to Ray's house to play in the girlish world that had been created there.
When Jack entered the house, he was surprised to find that Ray directed him upstairs. Passing by the living room, Jack noticed that it was bare of furniture. Arriving up in the converted playroom, he found out where the furniture had gone. Ray had been busy. The playroom had once more been converted. It was still a playroom, but a decidedly adult one.
As Jack arrived at the top of the stairs, the first thing he noted was a huge screen that dominated the far wall of the space. It blocked out the french door leading to the balcony. Arranged fifteen feet in front of it was a single recliner chair. Behind it, three more recliners and two couches, one from the living room and the other Jack recognized from the den, were arranged to give everyone a view to the screen. A video projector that Ray had rented was sitting high on a stand behind the furniture. behind that, closest to Jack were three card tables. One was loaded down with snacks, the second with pizza, and the third with fixing for mixed drinks.
"Jack is here finally, we can get this party started!" Ray called out as they entered the room. He was answered with a cheers from the men at the card tables getting food and drink. George was there, along with Jason, Allen, Fred, Bob and the man of honor, Richard. When the men had all filled plates and mixed their drinks, Ray arranged them all in the chairs and couches. Folding tables had been set up at each seat to give the men a place to put their food. Richard was seated in the foremost recliner. When all the men were seated, Ray stood in the empty area between the furnishing and the screens.
"We all know why we are here on this night." Ray said grinning fit to be tied. "We are sending one of our own into the chains and shackles of holy matrimony!" The men gave an appreciative chuckle, knowing how much Ray enjoyed being married to Debra. "In one week, Richard will be deliriously happy to be wed to one of the most beautiful and life loving women I have ever known. How he got so lucky, I will never know." Ray went on.
"But for now, Richard is a free man. So tonight we party!" Ray stated. He then pulled out a remote control from his back pocket. "I thought we would start out the evening with the traditional stag film." he said as he pressed a button on the remote. The light's dimmed in response, and soon the room was in total darkness. Jack noted that very heavy drapes had been installed on the windows. Rays voice was moving in the darkness as he added, "Though perhaps these films are slightly less then traditional."
With that, the video projector sprang to life. The logo of the projector brand appeared on the screen. It faded as the movie loaded into the machine began to play. Jack recognized it immediately and turned to Ray to give him a huge grin. Ray gave Jack a wink and turned his attention to the screen.
The camera was pointed into a bedroom, and began to pan to the bed. Laying on top on her stomach was an eight year old girl. Her jet black hair was pulled back into a ponytail, and she wore a white t-shirt and black shorts. Her legs were waving idly in the air as she flipped through a magazine in front of her. The tape was old, the colors muted. The child wore no play date mask. This film predated the group.
The girl looked up as a man entered the room. Some of the men watching the film gave a gasp as they realized who they were seeing, and Richard turned in his recliner and threw a laugh at Ray, who grinned back. On the screen, eight year old Joyce said, "Hi Daddy." The man on the film wasn't actually her father, Joyce's parents had died in a car crash when she was six, The man in the scene with her was her Uncle. He had taken the girl in after her parents death. Joyce had made six films with her uncle and other men her uncle know. The one they were viewing was the first. In the scene he wore only a pair of cut off shorts.
"Hi Jenny." The man returned, leaning down to kiss the top of her head before sitting down on the edge of it rubbing her back through her shirt. "What have you got there?" He asked leaning forward to look at the magazine she was reading, The camera cut to show the magazine, which showed a little girl in a sandbox looking up with a grin at the cock that was resting on her forehead. A man stood behind the girl with a grin of his own as he looked down into her face.
"Just a magazine I found in your sock drawer, daddy." Joyce replied. "Daddy, why are these girls doing these things?"
"Because it feels good." Joyce's uncle answered.
"It does?" Joyce asked innocently. By the time this film was made, she had been fucking her uncle for over a year, and had even been shared with a couple of his friends. "How come we don't do it then?" She asked.
"Would you like to?" Uncle asked in return. "I never thought you would, so I didn't try to do it with you. But I have always wanted to!"
"It looks like fun." Joyce answered gazing at the magazine once more. She pointed out a picture to her uncle and asked, "Can we try this?" The camera didn't show the magazine this time.
"I would love to have you do that to me." Uncle said with a big grin. He leaned back with his hands going to his shorts, Quickly he unbuttoned them, pushing them down his legs as he raised his ass off the bed. His thick eight inch cock sprang up, fully erect and ready, When he kicked his shorts off, Uncle's hand went to Joyce's neck and he guided her to him Joyce was fixated wide eyed on his penis as she moved closer to it.
Joyce opened her lips immediately and sucked the head of her uncles cock into her mouth. For a moment the camera saw her working the head only as her eyes closed in pleasure. She gave a small moan. The camera man was kneeling down in front of the pair to get the uncle's expression of bliss. "Hmmm, that feels really good, but you have to do better then that!" Then the uncle's hand tighten on the child's neck and he shoved her down on his cock.
Joyce gave a mewl of surprise as she felt herself impaled. but when her uncle's hand loosened, she didn't try to pull back. Instead, the cameraman got a nice view of her face as she began to work her jaws back and forth. Her eyes closed in pleasure again as she began to draw herself back up the shaft. When only the head of his thick prick remained in her mouth, Joyce gave a suck that hollowed her cheeks and began back down. Arriving to where she had half of him, Joyce gave another cheek hollowing suck and moved back up. Soon she was bobbing hear head quickly up and down. "Oh yeah, suck that cock." Her uncle moaned.
As Joyce continued to give the man head, her uncle laid back on the bed so that they were laying side by side. His hands went to her shorts and began drawing them off of her, Joyce didn't miss a stroke as she shifted on the bed. She was on her side as her uncle threw the shorts aside. Then he placed a hand on the eight year old's bald pubic mound and began rubbing at it. Joyce gave a muffled moan as she lifted one leg and planted her foot on the bed to give her uncle access to her already damp pussy. She gave another moan as his fingers found her slit and began rubbing it.
The camera jump cut to Uncle's busy fingers, getting a good view of Joyce's squirming body and bobbing head in the background. After a few minutes, Uncle grabbed Joyce's leg, his hand almost circling her thigh and used it to pull her over him Joyce stopped her blow job and gave a squeal of delight as her uncle's tongue licked the length of her reddened cunt then found her clit. Whoever was filming wasn't very good at it, and no view of the man's tongue on her pussy was shown, but Joyce's uncle's head was busy in her crotch as the girl went back to bobbing up and down his cock.
For the next ten minutes, the camera jump cut between Joyce sucking cock and her uncle eating her out. A few times the camera showed Joyce pause her blow job while her body quivered atop her uncle's before she returned to moving up and down his shaft.
Finally the camera focused in on Joyce's face as she arrived at the top of her uncle's eight incher, The man cried out as his prick began to spasm. Joyce held her mouth on him, then allowed the spooge that had flooded her mouth to escape her lips and run down her uncle's penis. Joyce was panting as she at last unmouthed her uncle, a thin line of jism running from her lip to her uncle's prick.
Then the camera jumped to Joyce laying on her back, her ass at the edge of the bed. Her Uncle was leaning over her, his arms hooked behind her legs and hands braced on the bed as he positioned his penis at the opening of the girl's love tunnel. The camera man knelt to give the upwards view of the penis spearing into the young girl. Joyce screamed piercingly as she was entered. Then the camera cut to her uncle rocking her slight body on the bed as he pounded his cock in and out of her.
Joyce wore a pained expression for the first few minutes of the energetic fucking, but her face was a mask of pleasure after that. Her head began to fly from side to side in time with her body being rocked on the bed. Her uncle was panting heavily.
Then the camera jumped to an upward view of Joyce's pussy filled by her uncles cock. The man slowly drew out of the child completely, and a bright red slick was revealed staining her pussy and inner thighs. Joyce had explained to Jack that they used corn syrup and red food dye for the effect. The camera pulled back to show Uncle positioning Joyce on all fours on the bed.
The camera jumped again to show Joyce being taken from behind, her uncle's hands on her hips pulling her hard back into his thrusts, Joyce was giving muffled almost continuous moans as she was fucked hard, Joyce had explained to Jack that her voice was muffled because the cameraman, who was shooting her only from mid back down, was using her mouth while he filmed. it explained why the camera was jumping so much.
Then the camera jumped for a final time, getting a close up at the uncles eight inches as he pulled out of the moaning child and shot another load of cum onto her back and ass. When the penis stopped firing it's load, Uncle returned it to Joyce's well used cunt and said, "See, Jenny? I told you it felt good! And now that we have done it, I think it will feel better every time we do it again!" Then the scene faded to black with Joyce giving one final deep moan.
The men assembled all applauded as the video projectors logo appeared on the screen briefly before it went white. "And now that we are all primed by that classic example of erotica," Rays voice called from one side of the room. No one had seen him get up and walk over. Ray opened the door to the bedroom as he continued, "I think it is high time for some LIVE entertainment!"
Ray pressed a button on his remote and everyone laughed as classic twenties stripper music flooded the room through the surround system. The lights came up at another press of a button. The laughter turned to hoots and hollers as one by one preteens dressed in schoolgirl uniforms came through the door and bumped and ground their way to stand in front of Richard. The girls were all dressed the same, and each wore the same wicked looks that the directed at the groom to be.
Six year old Helen was first through the door. She wore a plain white button down shirt tied in a knot just above her navel. Her hair was in pigtails. She wore a red and black plaid skirt that came down mid thigh to her, and was swaying back and forth as she gave exaggerated thrusts of her thin hips. She had on black dress shoes and white bobby socks. Next through the door was eight year old Arlene, then Bob's five year old daughter Teresa (Bob expressed surprise and delight, he hadn't known the girl had been drafted), Nine year old Jill came out next, followed by her eight year old sister Katie. Last through the door to Jack's pure delight, was ten year old Jessie. Jack hadn't seen her in a few months. Each of the children had a red lollipop and they were moving them provocatively in and out of their mouths as they danced.
The room was filled with whistles and appreciative hollers as the girls slowly began to unbutton and unknot their shirts. They formed into a tight circle that walked around as each girl took and pulled the shirt from the girl in front of her. The circle tightened even more as the girls went for each others skirts, unclasping them but not yet removing them. The circle stopped briefly as each girl hugged another from behind and reached down to pull up the skirts each of them holding it up with one hand while rubbing in the crotch of the girl in front of her. When the circle broke, all six skirts seemed to fall of their own accord and the girls stepped out of them.
Next the girls paired off, then sank to the floor to more whistles and catcalls. Ray, back in his chair, even gave out a wolf whistle as the girls climbed atop one another in a sixty nine, licking and biting at each other's cunny's as they removed the shoes and socks of their partners. A few of the girls gave out moans. Then they were up again. As the music neared a close, they each grasped their own panties, and in coordination as the music came to an end they pushed them to the floor.
For a long moment the preteen girls stood in front of Richard letting the still whistling men admire them, then a new song came over the surround system and the children surged to Richard. They took the thirty-two year old man's hands and dragged him forward out of the chair. Richard was grinning broadly as the girls quickly began to strip him down. The were working a circle around him. One girl unbuttoning his shirt while another unbuckled his belt, then next set pushing his shirt back so that the girls behind could drag it off of him while another girl unzipped his pants. The next two girls were on the floor removing his shoes, then a pair removed his socks. Jessie unclasped the man's pants, and all the girls pulled them down his body.
Next, with much giggling, prodding and pushing they got the six foot two tall man down on his back on the carpet. Immediately the children all dived down to him and brought their lips to his skin. Helen claimed his lips in a passionate kiss. Arlene and Jill each claimed a nipple on his chest. Katie and Teresa each put their stiffened lips on either side of Richard's already hard eight inch cock and began moving their heads up and down the shaft, effectively using their lips to masturbate him, and Jesse laid on the floor on her belly between his legs licking and kissing his scrotum. Richard moaned his bliss and the men all laughed as he couldn't figure out what do do with his hands.
After a few minutes, the girls all rotated on Richards body, each of them replacing a fellow preteen. Now Arlene was kissing him, her tongue shoved into his mouth while the other girls worked the rest of him. Every few minutes, the children would shift. Under the determined assault of the six preteens, Richard was drawing closer and closer to the edge of orgasm.
When Helen returned for his mouth, instead of kissing Richard she carefully straddled his head. The six year old gave a pleased moan as Richard's experienced tongue went to work on her cunny. As Helen blissfully rode his lips, Teresa and Katie were each taking turns sucking his cock into their mouths. They would each bob up and down his shaft as far as they could get only twice before passing it to her fellow preteen. Jessie was rolling each of Richards boiling nuts in her mouth in turn. Richard was panting heavily and would have exploded had the girls let him. Each of the preteens, other the Teresa, were well experienced in the art of pleasing men, and while they took him to the edge of release, they would not let him go over, stopping every so often to let him recover himself.
When the next shift took place, Helen was reluctant to give up her place on Richard's face. But when it was her turn once more to work his prick, Helen once more carefully straddled him. The six year old sighed deeply as she lowered herself onto the man's eight inch cock, moaning at his thickness as she slowly began to ride up and down. The child that would have been sharing the penis licked and kissed around the man's heaving belly button instead. Richard was moaning continuously, and squirming as well, but the children still would not let him orgasm. They had been working on him for almost forty five minutes.
Finally they took the poor man the rest of the way. When it came time for Helen to mount his face again, all six girls instead laid on their belly's, each of them doing her best to get tongues and lips on his penis. The children were all giggling as they tongue lashed the moaning man, but all fell back in surprise when his orgasm finally hit. His cock fairly exploded, and the strength of his release made Richard bend up almost double. As a result, his first and second wad of spooge struck him in his own face. The girls all giggled harder then ever as he crashed back down to the carpet, his prick shooting the rest of his load onto his chest and belly, When his orgasm was over, the girls all surged over him again, making the exhausted man laugh as they cleaned his cum with eager tongues. As the children licked Richard clean, the other seven men in the room applauded and cheered.
Once they were finished with Richard, the girls all rushed the remaining men, who laughingly accepted them into their arms. Jack grinned broadly as Jessie made a beeline for him. "Long time no see." He said to her after accepting her passionate kiss.
Jessie didn't answer him, but slid off his lap with her hands going eagerly to his belt. Jack gave a laugh as he helped the eager ten year old blonde undress him. he was still taking off his shirt as Jessie sucked the head of his rock hard cock between her lips. Immediately, the child began driving herself up and down his shaft, taking half of it with each stroke of her pretty head. Jack's hands went to tease her pigtails and he gave a moan at her efforts.
On the couch next to Jack and Jessie, Arlene was moaning as two men doubled on her. Fred and Bob had quickly undressed. They laid the eight year old on her back on the couch. Fred mounted the couch with a knee on either side of her and was fucking her mouth slowly while Bob was on the floor noisily licking the child into a state of bliss. As worked up as she was from her sexual play with Richard, the blonde was moaning and quivering as she reached orgasm.
All the children were ready for them. Helen had ended up in George's arms, but was in them just long enough for a kiss before stripping his pants down and straddling him on the recliner he sat on, She had barely driven her cunt up and down his prick four times before she was crying out and shuddering with him deep inside her.
On the couch next to them, Jill was sitting in Jason's lap, her feet on the edge of the couch and her hips moving forward and back, she was already crying out as Jason's knowing fingers found her clit and began pulling and pinching at it. Teresa was sitting on the couch beside the fucking pair, her face transformed with bliss as Ray noisily ate her out. The five year old hadn't yet experienced and orgasm, but she was very close to one. Ray was determined to give her his first as he applied his talented tongue to the panting five year old.
On the far recliner, Katie was laying face first in the seat as Allen slam fucked his seven incher in and out of her. The eight year old's head was moving hard back and forth in the seat as she moaned loudly. Her body was rocking the recliner with the force of Allen's energetic thrusts.
Jessie gave a squeak of surprise when Jack surged forward out of his recliner and plucked her off the floor. he plopped the grinning ten year old into his seat and set her legs up on the armrest. he returned her grin as he sank to his knees in front of her, but was surprised when she grabbed his face in her hands before he could go down on her. "fuck me, Jack." The ten year old blonde demanded. "I want to feel you in me!" Jack quickly obliged the girl, moving forward and fisting his cock, he ran the tip of it up and down the child's sopping wet cunt. Jessie jerked twice as the tip of his dick grazed her clit, and the third time it did so, she cried out and shuddered on the chair with an orgasm.
Jack quickly pressed himself firmer against the child and used his cock to spread her labia as he pushed it down into position. He quickly entered the girl's unresisting and spasming pussy with a thrust of his hips. He closed his eyes in pleasure as he felt the ten year old's pussy gripping him, tightening and loosening as she was still riding her orgasm. He waited until she started to come down before he pulled back and speared his way into her again. Jessie cried out and wrapped her legs around him as Jack began to fuck her with evenly paced strokes, Her orgasm reversed directions and she cried out again as it struck her a second time. Jack increased his pace loving the feeling of her cunt milking him and kept the child riding the waves of pleasure. Her cunt gripping and releasing his cock quickly brought him to the edge of his own release, and his voice joined hers as he dumped his load of sperm into her.
More voices filled the room as the other men and children experienced their own releases. Finally the only couple left going was Ray and Teresa. Ray had grown determined to give the five year old her first orgasm, but though she quivered steadily on the couch in front of him, she hadn't yet experienced a release. Unable to hold back any longer, Ray got to his knees and positioned himself at the opening fo her ultra tight cunt. As Ray entered the moaning preteen, Bob came over and began to gently frig his daughter's clit. Teresa's pretty head was flying back and forth on the couch as the two men pleasured her, Ray moaning as he took pleasure from her as well. Suddenly, the five year old's body locked in place, Her face was a mask of wonder at what was happening to her body. Suddenly she screamed and began to thrash about. Ray cried out as he felt her orgasm making her cunt squeeze and release his penis over and over and was sent over the edge, squirting his red hot load into the spasming child.
The pair rode their respective orgasms to the peak, then slowly came down the other side. As Ray's ended, he fell weakly to his hip, popping out of the little girl's cunny releasing his load to run out of her cunny and down the front of the couch. As Ray lay panting in recovery, Teresa was wide eyed on the couch. Bob leaned over and kissed his daughter on the forehead. When she could speak, Teresa's voice was filled with awe. "D-daddy, I... I had one! I had an orgasm!"
"I saw baby." Bob replied fondly, glowing with pride. "How was it?" He asked smiling at his child.
"It was great!" Teresa answered enthusiastically. "I felt like I was exploding! I saw all these colors! It was so neat!"
Bob chuckled and reached down to gently tweak his daughter's still sensitized clit. She jumped and gave a small little moan as he said, "And now that you have had your first, I am sure you will get them all the time now! I am proud of you baby!"
Teresa gave a pleased smile as everyone congratulated her. Ray had recovered enough to hand out damp towels and everyone cleaned each other up. Richard chuckled as the girls all ganged up on him with the towels then helped him to his feet. Someone called out "Food!" And the tables with the refreshments were rushed.
When everyone had gotten food and found a place to sit, Ray played another film. This time the newly finished Pre Season. Richard watched the film with Jessie in his lap. He fed the ten year old, first with pizza and chips, then when the film renewed his arousal, he fed her with his eight inch cock, enjoying a very leisurely blow job from the ten year old blonde. Katie sat between Jason and Bob, her hands moving up and down each of their seven inch pricks while they took turns frigging her. Teresa was on a recliner with Allen, he had her in his lap lovingly dry humping her with his cock sliding up and down her damp slit. On the other couch, Helen was laying face first over Fred's lap while George watched the film and played idly with her pussy. Arlene was squirming in Jack's lap as his talented fingers pleasured her, and Ray was sharing a deep intimate kiss with Jill as their bodies rubbed against one another.
As the film proceeded, everyone gave their opinion on the best scene. Nina's scene with Bruce and Bob was slightly edged out by Darrell's scene with Claire and Bianca. After the film ended, another energetic sex session followed, where Teresa indeed had her second orgasm with Allen, who had been just as determined as Ray in giving her one. As everyone lay panting in post coital bliss, Ray reluctantly stated that he was going to have to break up the party and get the girls to their homes.
Everyone helped clean up, both each other and the room. When everything had been returned to order, Richard once more became the center of attention as everyone congratulated the blushing man. Richard vowed that he had the best time and would never forget the evening, thanking everyone for making it so special, and especially thanking each of the preteen girls.
As Jack got into his car, he reflected that it had indeed been a fine evening. He had been glad to see young Jessie again, and promised the child that he wouldn't go so long without seeing her the next time. He drove home feeling very content.
The remaining week leading up to the wedding went even faster then the three weeks proceeding. Jack was the first one to the church, and greeted all the members of the group. Bob and his family was next to arrive, the camera man loaded down with equipment to photograph everyone arriving. It was the first time the entire group had assembled in over two years. A definite air of excitement filled the small church.
Debra gave Jack a wicked grin when she arrived with Ray and the twins. She had stopped by late Sunday evening to return the tapes that Ray had borrowed. She wouldn't give details about the wedding shower, but did mention that as energetic as the young men of the group were, both they and the bride to be had to be hauled away on dollies! The grinning woman had also mentioned that Joyce would never have to buy another item of lingerie or another sex toy for years to come. Jack pouted that Debra knew all the details of the bachelor party but was keeping the wedding shower under wraps.
As time grew close for the actual ceremony, Jack tried to sneak back twice to see the bride to be, but both times was intercepted by Carol who told him firmly that he would have to wait to see her just as everyone else would. She pushed him away from the door to the dressing area with a grin splitting her forty-nine year old features.
At last it was time. As the church organist played, Helen started down the isle, scattering rose petals from a basket as she went. The six year old was adorable and solemn as she walked. By the time she got to the end of the isle she was breathing as heavily as though she had run a hundred yards. After depositing her basket, she nearly ran to her father as the rest in attendance chuckled and told her how good a job she had done.
Richard made his appearance next. The thirty-two year old was resplendent in his tuxedo. Though this was his second marriage, he looked nervous as he walked the isle to where Ray stood beaming at him. He swayed in place and Ray had to take hold of his shoulder to lend him strength as he turned to look back the way he came.
Sandra appeared next, and looked even more nervous then her father. The group exclaimed in awe as the twelve year old started her slow walk down to her father. She was dressed in a stunning white dress that had been tailor made for her. Her hair was done up in a french braid. Arriving at the end of the isle, she gave her father a brief but very tight hug, then moved off to stand at Ray's left.
"We are gathered here today to celebrate one of life's greatest moments, to give recognition to the worth and beauty of love, and to add our best wishes to the words which shall unite Richard and Joyce in marriage." The preacher was ancient, but his voice was strong and his manner confident with experience. "Should there be anyone who has cause why this couple should not be united in marriage, they must speak now or forever hold their peace" The old man's voice made it clear that not a peep should be heard, and not a peep was. He looked sternly around at the gathered crowd as the wedding march began.
Jack felt surprisingly calm as the wedding march began to play. He turned and awaited the bride to be. When Carol brought the raven haired woman out, Jack took in a breath. Joyce was the most beautiful bride! She wore a simple but amazingly elegant white dress with no train. She wore a headdress and veil that almost hid her face. Jack gave the woman a reassuring smile as she entangled her right arm with his left, squeezing his hand hard as together they began the march down the isle. Once more the small chapel rang with noises of admiration as the group caught sight of Joyce.
When they arrived in place at the end of the isle, the march ended and the preacher's powerful voice rang out, "Who is it that brings this woman to this man?"
Jack's voice was just as strong as he stated, "On behalf of her family who have moved from this world but who are looking on with pride from the next, and on behalf of her extended family gathered here today, I do." Joyce beamed at him through her veil, but Jack heard a few sobs from behind him as he took Joyce's hand from his own and put it in Richard's. His part done, Jack stepped back and joined Sandra on Ray's left side.
The preacher's voice still carried, but was gentle now as he addressed the bride and groom. "Richard and Joyce, Life is given to us as individuals. Yet we must learn when we wed to live together. Love is given to us by family and friends. We learn to love by being loved. Learning to love and live together is one of the greatest challenges in life. And one of the most rewarding. Though I have only known you for as long as it has taken to arrange this ceremony, Richard, Joyce and Sandra, your love for one another is highly evident. I pray for the lord to give you the strength and forbearance in your effort to become a family." The preacher paused as several people looking on sobbed openly. "The rings please." He went on.
Ray gave Richard a ring and a light slap on the back as Joyce took one from Debra. When the Bride and Groom had their rings in hand, the preacher took them through the wedding vows. More sobs came from the gallery as they repeated them and slipped the rings onto each other's fingers. "Sandra, step forward please." The preacher asked as Joyce retrieved another smaller ring from Debra.
Joyce's voice was steady though tears now ran down her face as she recited an additional vow. "Though you aren't a daughter of my body, you are a daughter of my heart. While I will never seek to replace your real mother, I promise to love you as a mother should, and to keep you in my heart forever." The twelve year old was sobbing openly as Joyce slid the ring she held onto her finger. Jack stepped forward to take charge of the emotional twelve year old as Joyce and Richard faced one another.
"Richard and Joyce, as the two of you come into this marriage uniting you as husband and wife, and as you this day affirm your faith and love for one another, I would ask that you always remember to cherish each other as special and unique individuals, that you respect the thoughts, ideas and suggestions of one another. Be able to forgive, do not hold grudges, and live each day that you may share it together, as from this day forward you shall be each other's home, comfort and refuge, your marriage strengthened by your love and respect for each other." The preacher's voice seemed to grow more powerful with each word. At last he finished the ceremony. "I now present to you Mr and Mrs and Sandra Cranford! Richard, you may kiss your bride!"
Richard faced his new wife and lifted the veil from her face. He leaned in and kissed Joyce, lovingly at first then with increasing passion. He broke the kiss off just before it became R rated. The newlyweds gathered Sandra to them and started down the isle as husband and wife. The trip back up the isle took half an hour as they accepted hugs and kisses and well wishes from the group assembled.
As Richard and Joyce changed from their wedding clothes, everyone gathered outside, Jack first making sure to thank the preacher for the beautiful service. Richard Joyce and Sandra ran down laughing as the crowd threw flower petals and got into a stretch Limousine. Everyone rushed to their own cars to form the wedding convoy to Joyce's home, where the wedding reception promised to be the real event to remember!
Jack's was the first car behind the Limo. He drove along behind feeling very content.
The wedding reception started out traditionally enough. Richard and Joyce cut the huge wedding cake and did the obligatory smashing of it into each other's faces. It threatened to get x-rated when they licked the icing off of each other's faces. Then came the throwing of the garter. As Bianca, Carol and Renee were the only eligible adult women, several of the preteens were allowed to participate, Once more the removal of the garter threatened to kick off and orgy as Richard removed it with his teeth before presenting it to Joyce to throw. Sandra made a spectacular leap to catch it, then caused a lot of laughter as she twirled it around her finger giving Jack a significant look. Everyone knew where Sandra would be spending Joyce and Richard's honeymoon.
Next was a well appointed buffet. Jack stood in line behind Tony, who had been tested and abstinent since the announcement of the wedding so that he could attend all the festivities. "How goes it friend Sheriff?" Jack asked clapping the short man on the shoulder as he reached for a plate.
"Excellent." Tony replied. "I have a feeling this night is going to be worth the extra time it will take to recruit the Jennings family."
"How is that going?" Jack asked. Tony had provided pictures taken of the family a few weeks before. the girls were adorable.
"I am still visiting. They are responding well to my presence. I think they enjoy fucking in front of an audience. They have invited me to participate a few times, especially the wife. She has had me, now she wants to see what her little girls can do with me. But they understand why I can't right now." Tony answered. "They are intrigued by the group, what little I have told them of it. They seem very receptive. I think they will be ready to introduce to more people in a few weeks."
"Great news!" Jack enthused. "I am really looking forward to meeting them."
Jack filled his plate and made his way to the dining area. Taking a seat beside four year old Jules. He began to eat, but noticed that the little girl hadn't yet started. "What's the matter, peanut?" Jack asked her, "Don't like the food?"
"Daddy has to cut it up for me." Jules answered shyly. Her father was seated on the other side of her deep in conversation with Dan.
"Would you like me to do it for you?" Jack asked gently. Jules nodded her head and Jack cut the food she had on her plate into little bite sized pieces. When he was done, he handed the child her fork.
"Thank you." She said politely before spearing a piece of meat loaf and daintily bringing it to her lips. As Jack watched her take the bite, he smiled fondly and wondered how much longer it would be before the girl was interested in joining the group for play. Allen had said that she was already joining in the family fun, though not doing much as yet. Her father planned to take her on her fifth birthday, which was still a few months away.
As Jack ate, he engaged the four year old in conversation, drawing her out slowly. Soon she was chattering away. Jack learned that she was really looking forward to going to school. She was jealous of her sister and all the friends she had. The child looked around carefully before admitting that she was also jealous of all the fun that Jessie had playing with the group.
The little girl leaned in and Jack leaned down to hear her whisper, "I can't wait till daddy makes love to me on my birthday so that I can start playing with everyone. I want to learn how to do sex!"
"Your daddy tells me that you are already doing some stuff with him and your brother." Jack whispered back. The four year old ducked her head and blushed. Jack smiled and rubbed her back as he stated, "The group is really looking forward to when you can play with them all. I know I am!" Jules looked up at him in surprise and Jack waggled his eyebrows at her. She blushed and looked away, then looked back at him shyly.
"Will...when daddy makes love to me, can I do play dates like Jessie?" The child asked hesitantly.
"Of course, if that is what you would like." Jack returned smiling at her warmly. "As pretty as you are, I bet the camera would love you!" He went on.
Jules gave a huge grin and went back to her food. Jack smiled warmly as he finished cleaning his own plate. When he was done, he leaned over and gave Jules a kiss on the top of her head, making her blush furiously once more and look up at him. Jack smiled at her as he got up and left the table.
He moved into the den to find a place to digest a bit. A large plasma screen television was on playing quietly. The show playing was a comedy he hadn't seen before, so he sank into a soft recliner and began to watch. To his immense surprise, a few minutes later he was joined by his dinner mate. Jule's came into the room and came right to him. She climbed up into his lap to be snuggled while she pretended to watch what the television was playing. She was wearing a cute little sun dress with rose patterns on it. As the girl got settled on his lap, Jack began to stroke the soft skin of her leg.
Jules squirming in his lap and the feel of her soft skin under his fingertips caused Jack's penis to stir in his pants. The child laughed when someone fell down on the television screen, and the sound made him even firmer. A few minutes later, Allen strolled into the room and took a seat on a comfortable looking sofa. The child's father smiled at Jack and settled in to watch the show.
The girl couldn't seem to keep still, and the feeling of her squirming in his lap was arousing Jack. Not wanting to scare her with the feeling of his large member pushing at her bottom, Jack brought his hands to her ribs and settled her deeper into the recliner, thankfully removing her butt from his crotch. Her legs were stretched out across his and as Jack returned his gaze to the television, he absently began stroking her knee with his other hand.
Jules settled after a few minutes, but Jack could feel her eyes on him. He broke his attention away from the television screen and looked into her face. She was looking up at him with a questioning glance. "What is it, princess?" Jack asked her quietly.
"Could...may I kiss you?" Jules asked hesitantly.
Out of the corner of his eye, Jack saw Allen's head jerk over to look at his daughter. Jack saw that the other man was smiling. "I think it would be very nice if you kissed me." Jack stated gently. Jules smiled and shifted around on the chair. Jack was expecting a peck on the cheek, but was surprised when the little girl brought her lips to his. He was more surprised when they stayed there. As Jules firmed her lips to his, she shifted around more in the chair until she sat facing him, her knees on his thighs. Jack's hands automatically went to the small of the child's back to keep her where she was.
His next surprise came when he felt the child's little pink tongue probing at his lips. Jack's penis gave a huge twitch as he felt the child's tongue dart into his mouth and lick at his teeth. As he hesitantly let his own talented tongue move forward and meet the four year old's, Jack noticed Allen stand and move to the door of the den.
After a moment, Jules pulled her head back and looked Jack in the eye. "Am I doing it right?" She asked, her voice concerned.
"You're doing it very well." Jack answered, his voice reassuring. "You are a very good kisser."
The child got a bewildered look on her face as she asked, "Then why aren't you grabbing my butt? Daddy always grabs my butt when we kiss."
"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know we were dong daddy and daughter stuff." Jack replied with a small smile. His hands moved down the four year old's back and landed on her pert buttocks. Jack began to squeeze and knead them. "Does daddy do it like this? Jack asked, his eyes locked onto the child's.
Jules nodded and moved in for another kiss. Her lips were firmer on Jack's this time. Jack moved his tongue forward to meet the child's then chased her's back into her mouth. Jules sucked on Jack's tongue as he explored her mouth. At the same time, Jack's hands went lower and lifted the four year old's skirt. His hands returned to her buttocks rubbing at them through her thick cotton panties.
"Does daddy do this to?" Jack asked after breaking off the kiss. His breathing was quickening with excitement as he engaged with foreplay with Jules. The four year old nodded and sighed. "What does your daddy do next?" Jack asked gently.
Jules' voice was barely a whisper as she said, "Next he puts his hands under my panties."
Jack moved his hands up and found the hem of the child's panties. He hooked his fingers under then and ran his hands down, enjoying the feeling of her soft skin on his palms, He began to rub at her slowly. "Like this?" Jack asked, his voice almost as low as her's. Jule's nodded with her eyes half closed. She surprised Jack once again as she pushed her taut buttocks firmer onto his hands.
As he rubbed and clasped the child's buttocks, Jack noticed that he and his playmate were drawing a crowd. Allen had alerted his family that Jules was once more initiating a sex act, and several people came to view. Everyone was being unobtrusive, watching on with smiles that ranged from fond to downright wicked. Allen's smile was wide with anticipation. The four year old hadn't yet noticed that the den was filling rapidly. Jack hoped that when she did, she wouldn't become self conscience.
He enjoyed the fell of Jules' ass for a long moment and the child began to squirm lightly. "What does daddy do next?" Jack asked her, letting her direct him to what she wanted.
Jules blushed a deeper red as she whispered, "Next he moves around and puts a hand between legs." Her blush faded but her skin remained flushed as Jack moved his left hand slowly around her body. The four year old shifted in the chair to allow Jack's large hand easier access to her. As she did, her panties rolled down, and Jack heard several soft intakes of breath as her perfectly shaped ass came into view of the watchers.
When his hand was between them Jack rubbed at her hairless mound for a long moment, and Jules once more closed her eyes in pleasure. Then he moved further down and began running a single finger over her slit. He was very pleased to note that the child's sex was slightly damp. "Does daddy do it like this?" Jack asked gently, his finger rubbing very lightly at her. Jules nodded with her eyes still closed. Her hips began to move in time with his stroking finger.
"I bet I know what daddy does next." Jack said gently, slowly allowing his right hand to leave her ass and run up her back. His fingers found the zipper of her lovely rose patterned dress and slowly began to tug it down. Once he had her unzipped he stopped stroking her with great reluctance as his hands began to pull her dress up her slight body. Jules lifted her arms to allow Jack to strip her. When he had removed the dress, he used his forearms to support the child while he carefully began to fold it. But someone darted forward and removed the dress from his hands. Glancing up Jack saw the smiling face of the four year od's mother Alice.
With his hands free, Jack began to explore the child's body. She shivered as his palms lightly ran over her skin. His hands curled around the child's back and his thumbs stroked at her chest, finding her nipples and stroking them lightly bringing another shudder from her. Jules was panting slightly and her skin was growing more flushed as Jack slowly began moving down her body. He found her panties and began to move them down her legs. His penis gave a twitch as the girl shifted in his lap to allow him to remove them.
Tossing her panties side, Jack quickly unbuckled her dress shoes and removed them along with her ankle socks. With the four year old now nude, Jack once more began to explore her body. His hands were firmer this time as the pressed into her skin. Jules shivered once more as his hands ran up her legs and found her buttocks once again. Jack had to hold back from responding to eagerly when Jules moved her face to his and kissed him once more. As his tongue moved into her mouth, Jack used his palms to spread the child's ass cheeks. A finger found it's way into her crack and stroked her tiny little anus. Jule's made a sound like the beginning of a moan.
His hands continued up her body after a moment and landed on her sides. Slowly as to not startle the little girl, Jack moved forward out of the chair. He was pleased to note that the girl moved with him instinctively, and he gave a shudder of his own as her hands came to either side of his neck. Once out of the chair on his knees, Jack turned and sat the child were he had just moved from. He maintained his kiss with her as he positioned her.
When he had her settled, Jack broke off his kiss and leaned back to look down at her. "You are sooo beautiful." He whispered huskily. Jule's blushed once more and broke eye contact demurely. Her lips began to form a smile and Jack's lips landed on them halfway through. He kissed her only a moment before his lips left hers and began to move down. His hands were on her body sensitizing her skin, drawing the path his lips would take. As he slowly kissed his way down her, the speed would be torturous for anyone experienced with sex but was just the right speed for the four year old, his eyes held her's.
As his lips found the child's tiny nipples, Jules blue eyes broke contact with his. They went wide as she looked around the den, which was full to capacity now, and she realized that she and Jack were the center of attention. Everywhere she looked, however, she found reassuring gazes and encouraging smiles. Jack had seen her eyes go wide, but was pleased to note that though her body tensed, the tension left as quickly as it came. He left her nipples and continued his slow trek down her body, now withholding his tongue from her till the right time.
Jules began to squirm on the recliner as Jack's teasing lips started over her heaving belly. he kissed his way slowly down and around her navel. Jack found her outie belly button adorable and caused more squirming as he sucked it between his lips briefly. When Jack began to kiss at the sensitive skin below her belly button, Jules' legs, which had been demurely shut, yawned open as she rested her thighs on the arms of the recliner. Jack's lip's smiled against her skin.
He held his lips there, repeatedly kissing until Jules began to relax. Then he caused her entire body to buck as he brought his tongue out and licked a path following her ab line. From behind him, Jack heard a few giggles as girls he had done this to recognized the trick. Another sound like the beginning of a moan escaped Jules as he kissed his way down and repeated the stunt, follow her abs in the other direction.
Judging that the four year old was primed, Jack returned his lips and tongue to where he started below her navel and moved more quickly as he kissed he was down. He had planed on teasing the child's thighs, but could tell by the way she was squirming that going directly to where he wanted was going to be fine. He paused at her bald pubic mound, his teeth joining his tongue and lips as he nibbled at her, then he continued down.
Jack leaned back just as he was about to mouth the girls pussy. He was pleased to note as his hungry eyes drank in the sight of her that Jules' labia was red and swollen. Her vagina appeared damp. "Soooo pretty." Jack breathed and inch away from her, his eyes locked onto the four year old's. Then he stuck out his tongue and firmly licked the length of her slit.
Once more Jules bucked on the recliner and a true moan was ripped from her as Jack began flickering his tongue over her cunny lips. Her hands were trembling as she used them to stroke Jack's face as he ate her out. Jack loved the feeling of them. His tongue flickered on her up and down. When he flickered back up to the top of her slit, Jack firmed his tongue and parted her labia. Jules' body spasmed on the recliner as his tongue pressed onto her hidden small clitoris. Her love button felt hot and slick under his tongue, but he kept it there only a moment. Using his stiffened tongue, Jack parted her lips as he moved down to her love tunnel. Jack's favorite trick when eating out a little girl was to enter her with his tongue, fucking it in and out of her before returning to her clit. This wasn't possible with Jules as she was still a virgin. But Jack still stiffened his tongue, that talented organ shaping itself to his lovers shape as he pushed it forward as far as it would go. Another moan escaped Jules as he found her hymen and licked lightly at it.
Keeping his tongue stiff, Jack once more rode the center of her labia up to her hidden love button. Her clitoral hood was to thick and her clit itself to small for Jack to get his lips on it, so he used his stiffened tongue to manipulate it. He felt it stiffen and grow even warmer under his efforts, Jules' hands left his face and trembled hard as she put them to her sides. The tremble in her hands seemed to spread to her entire body as Jack continued to bat at her clit. When her entire body was trembling and shaking on the recliner, Jack knew that he had taken her as close to orgasm as the four year old could get. He relented his efforts, licking more gently as he brought her back down to earth.
When the four year old's body calmed, though her breathing remained ragged, Jack unmouthed her pussy and leaned forward to give her lips a quick kiss. Leaning back and looking down into her pleasure glazed blue eyes, Jack said gently, and a little breathlessly himself, "You were great princess!" Jack then leaned back intending to find someone willing to help him with the vast arousal the session had wrought in his own body, but Jules' voice halted him.
Her voice was trembling and unsure as she asked, "C-can I... can I suck your cock now?" Jack looked down at her in surprise to find her staring up at him as though amazed by her own words.
He couldn't keep the smile from his face, though he tried to make it gentle as he said, "I don't know if that is a good idea, darling. I might be a bit to big for you."
He was amazed by the determination that crossed her face as her voice grew stronger. "Can I try?" She asked. "Please, I want too!" She went on.
Jack could no more say 'no' to that request then volunteer to stop breathing. He couldn't stop his grin from becoming a leer as he stated, "If that is what you want to do, I would love to have you try." He leaned forward and claimed the child's lips in another quick kiss then leaned back with a more serious face and went on, "But if when you see it, you think it is to big, just let me know, ok?"
Jules nodded with a serious expression. Jack's smile returned as he took her hands and pulled her up into a sitting position as he stood. Jules' eyes locked onto the tent his penis made as it strained against the material of his tuxedo pants. Her eyes snapped back to his as Jack said gently, "You let me undress you, do you want to undress me?" The four year old's eyes danced as she nodded at the prospect. Her hands went quickly to his belt, but Jack stopped her. Kneeling in front of the four year old he said "Shirt first."
He guided the smiling child's hand to his bow tie and guided her to show her how to pull it loose. She was delighted and giggled as she pulled the loosed tie through the collar of his shirt, Her hands were unsure as they went to the top button of his shirt, but quickly gained confidence as she worked it loose. Jack closed his eyes in pure bliss as the giggling girl quickly worked at the other buttons of his shirt. As she worked, he put his hands behind him and worked off his own shoes and socks. Jules laughed openly as she pulled Jack's shirt out of his pants to get the last button. The sound of her innocent laughter caused Jack's evil cock to twitch mightily in his pants.
She began to push the shirt back over his shoulders, then Jack presented her his wrists. He showed her how to unclasp his cuff lengths and watched as she carefully put them on the end table beside her. He turned his back to the child to allow her to pull the shirt off of his arms. Alice stepped forward again and gave her little girl a reassuring smile as she took the shirt from Jules. Jack turned back around to let the child begin to work his undershirt up his body.
Jules gave another laugh at the novelty of undressing a man, and Jack heard chuckles and giggles at the child's delight. Jules stood on the edge of the recliner and Jack had to hold her legs until she got her balance. He lifted his arms as he stared at her hairless mound in front of his face as she lifted the shirt over his head. Showing the bonelessness of youth, Jules stepped off the edge of the recliner and shot straight down into her former seated position. She was grinning broadly as Jack gave in to impulse and leaned in to give her a deep passionate kiss. Her expression grew wondering and serious once more when Jack broke off the kiss and her hands went to his chest. Her fingers ran through Jack's thick mat of chest hair and she giggled once more as the feeling caused Jack to shudder.
The four year old's eyes locked once more to the tent in Jack's pants as he stood, but her hands returned immediately to his belt. Jack smiled in encouragement as she began to work it loose. She grew hesitant as she tried to figure out how to work the clasp of his dress pants, but she smiled in triumph when she worked it loose. Her smile faded and she looked up at Jack with smoldering eyes as she grasped the tab of his zipper and slowly worked it down.
Her small hands wrapped in the waist band of his boxers, but Jack stopped her and said, "Take your time, girl. We have all night. Tease yourself a little bit. Do the pants first, then the underwear. I am very excited right now, so I'm not going to last long when if you give me head. You have to do other things to make it last longer." Jules nodded in understanding and her hands left his boxers to push instead at his loose pants. She moved them down his body slowly stopping at his knees to let gravity do the rest. She held her hands demurely in her lap as Jack stepped out of his pants and kicked them aside. Jack saw Alice dart in out of the corner of his eye as she picked his pants up and carefully folded them. Alice moved forward and gave Jules another reassuring smile as she collected Jack's cuff lengths off the end table and slipped them into a pocket.
When Alice had retreated once more, Jack gave Jules a small nod. He was pleased to see that the girl had taken his works to heart. Instead of immediately going for his boxers, her hands instead teasingly landed on his thighs and worked their way up. Jack closed his eyes in bliss as Jules palmed his penis through the material of his boxer shorts. When her hands moved up to the hem, she was slow in moving them down. Her eyes locked onto Jack thick patch of pubic hair when it was revealed, and her blue eyes went wide as she revealed the thick base of his prick.
She grew even slower and her eyes went wider as she revealed inch after inch of Jack's large tool. Her concentration was complete as she worked his underwear down. So complete that she was startled into a gale of laughter when the hem of his boxers cleared his cock and it sprang up to chuck her under the chin. She had let his underwear go in surprise and they fell to the floor. She laughed harder when Jack's prick gave a jump. Due to her mirth, the child showed no fear as she reached a hand up to grasp at his penis. Her hand would not close around his thickness, and she brought her other hand up to grab it also as she studied the largest member she had ever seen.
"Jesus it's as big as her head!" Jack heard Renee whisper off to his left as Jules began to slowly move her hands forward and back on his cock.
"Yeah, but don't forget it is magic. She is going to handle that thing just fine." He heard Jason respond in a confident whisper. Jack noted in a far corner of his mind that Renee and Jason had grown quite close in recent months and wondered idly if wedding bells were in their future.
Jack's main focus, however, was where it should be. Jules face was a mask of mixed concentration and wonder as her hands slowly worked back and forth along his large tool. Her hands tighten and drew Jack forward as the four year old leaned towards it. Her lips parted eagerly, but she was hesitant as she took the very tip of his penis between her lips. Jack had to force himself to keep his hands by his sides as Jules began to slowly take him in.
His eyes closed in bliss and he allowed himself a moan of pleasure as he felt the four year old's jaws parting to take him on. She paused with half of his mushroom in her mouth and Jack gave a slight jump and another moan as he felt her pink little tongue exploring the end of his cock. She licked at the underside then her tongue traveled up to press against the slit at the end. Jack's hips began to sway back and forth slightly as Jules moved forward to take more into her lips. They quickly grew taut as she worked her way up his thickness. Jules gagged slightly and paused with three quarters of Jack's large mushroom in her mouth. She began to pull back and Jack shuddered at the delicious feel of her silky lips riding the sensitive surface of his skin.
Jules paused once more with just the tip of Jack's penis in her mouth. Jack shuddered and moaned once more as he felt her tongue lick the his piss slit again. Encouraged by his obvious pleasure, Jules once more moved forward. Jack gave a growl of pure pleasure as she felt the child's lips close over the head of his cock. Her jaws were open as far as she could get them, but her small teeth were still deliciously firm against his glands. Her lips were stretched tight. "Oh yeah, baby, that feels great!" Jack breathed as Jules gave an experimental suck on his mushroom.
As Jules gave another, harder suck on Jack's penis, images began to flood the man's mind. Jack concentrated on the feel of the four year old giving him head as a small portion of his mind filed the images away. He could see the child growing in his mind. Suddenly with certainty, he knew that Jules would always stay with the group. She would grow up to graduate high school. Jules was a smart girl and would always have decent grades. She would have plenty of time to study because she would not date during her education. It would give her a reputation as an ice queen, but she was so friendly and outgoing that she would have plenty of friends. After High School, she would attend college in North Carolina. She would study business at first, but she would prove great with numbers and shift to accounting instead. In her first year in college she would have a brief but passionate two month affair with a girl she meets there. After that break up, she will concentrate on her studies until her final year. There she would have a year long affair with a boy she would care for greatly but not love. Just before she would graduate in the top fifteen percent of her class, she will find out she is pregnant. The boy will offer to do the honorable thing, but will be mystified when Jules breaks up with him and insist on raising the child herself.
Other then those two instances, Jules will remain monogamous to the group. After college she will move back home to have her child, a healthy and robust baby boy. Then she will concentrate on getting a job. Her good grades will allow her to land a nice position at an accounting firm that focuses on tax law. Two years into her career, she will once more become pregnant, this time with her brother Mike's baby. The baby girl will be born healthy, with none of the disasterous effects feared in a child of incest. Jules will have a hard time finding a doctor that wont report her to monitor her girl's development closely. Her daughter with her brother being the father would be the result of Jules forgetting her birth control regimen. Her next daughter three years later will be planned. She will marry a member of the group, a man who has not yet joined, and live a happy life with him.
All of this information entered Jack's pleasured mind in less then five seconds, and left his consideration immediately as the four year old began drawing back off of his cock. Jack sighed in happiness for the child's future and pleasure for his present as his hands engulfed her small head. Jack was careful to let the girl set her own pace on the blow job, stroking her hair gently as she pleasured him.
As Jules began moving back and forth on Jack's cock, her hands began to move back and forth in time with her head. She would push back as she pulled out, then pull as she moved back in, so that the skin of Jack's member gathered just outside her tight lips. Jack moaned deeply and began to breath heavily as the four year old moved him to the edge of release.
Blood was pounding in his ears as Jack heard comments start from the onlookers. "Look at her go!" Ingrid's accented voice whispered in admiration.
"Get it girl!" Buster's voice called out quietly from across the den.
"I want to be doing that!" Jules' sister Jessie stated enviously.
"I am sure you will get plenty of chances." Alice told her daughter with amusement.
"Oooo she is loving sucking that thing!" Nina stated knowingly.
"Jack is loving having it sucked." Helen replied in a sure voice.
"You bet he is." Fred stated. "He is about to fill her tummy up."
Fred was right. Jack could feel himself getting closer and closer to climax. His voice was strained as he said to Jules, "Oh honey, you are about to make me explode!" He was mindful of his last conversation with Allen nd how Jules' father had said she was still getting used to the taste of spooge. his cock was twitching in the four year old's hands nad mouth when Jack said, "Oh god, Jules, I'm about to come, princess!" Jack was trying to allow her to pull back off his penis if she wanted.
Instead, Jules looked up at him with smoldering eyes as she pulled back to where the tip of his cock was left in her mouth. When she gave a slight moan, Jack lost control. He threw his head back and yelled out as his cock began to fire his load. His prick jumped with each volley, the strength of his release shaking the girl's head up and down, making her look as though she was nodding in approval. Jules made audible gulping sounds as she swallowed Jack's seed. Jack's knees grew weak and it was all he could do to stand upright as his orgasm washed over him.
When at last his orgasm was done, jules' hands tightened on his prick and pulled forward, dragging the rest of his spooge through his cock. Though his sperm stained her lips, she didn't miss a drop, and Jack jumped as her tongue collected the last of what her hands pulled through penis. When the four year old released him, Jack stepped back and sank to his knees. he cupped the child's face lovingly and kissed her stained lips, then said, "That was wonderful, princess, thank you so much!" She smiled at him as Jack sank back onto his heels, panting to recover breath.
The four year old flushed and grinned sheepishly as people began to applaud. Alice stepped forward and around Jack to hug her. "Mommy, I swallowed it all!" Jules stated with pride.
"You sure did, baby." Alice replied, pride in her tone as well. "You looked like you enjoyed it."
"Mmm, I did." Jules stated innocently. "It was fun!" Alice smiled and leaned forward to hug her girl again, tightening her arms and picking her up. As testament to Jules initiating sex, the group had controlled themselves as they watched. But now that the main show was over, clothes were flying as men, women, boys, and girls were stripping each other. A proper orgy was threatening to break out and Alice wanted to move the four year old to the fringes.
After a moment, Jack felt soft hands on his shoulders and heavy breasts on his back as Joyce's husky voice said into his ear, "And the magic cock strikes again! Another little girl converted for life.... or at least for the next nine years!" Jack chuckled and made to turn around, but Joyce gave a giggle as she was snatched off Jack's back by Richard and Ray. Jack smiled broadly as the two men took the playfully struggling raven haired beauty to the couch and began to energetically double her.
Jack climbed to his feet and began making his way through the moaning, giggling, noisily slurping crowd, deftly dodging preteen hands that grabbed for his limp penis. The session with Jules had left him thirsty and he wanted to get something to drink before rejoining the fun. he made his way to the dining area and filled a glass with ice cold apple juice. He shivered slightly as his bare ass landed on the hardwood dining chair.
As he sat sipping the juice, he heard footsteps approaching from behind. He tilted his head back to see Allen entering the room. The other man slapped Jack on the shoulder as he took the eat beside him. "Thanks for being so gentle with her." Allen said softly.
"No problem." Jack replied just as softly. "She is a sweet girl. She makes you want to be gentle with her."
"Where..." Allen began hesitantly. Jack looked at the other man in askance. "What do you see happening with her?" Allen had always treated Jack's seeming to know a child's future as a joke. Jack could tell it was costing him something to ask in a serious manner. Wanting to reassure him, Jack told him most of what he saw in the brief flash of information that ran through his mind while he was enjoying Jules. He left out only the part about her having her brother's baby, and that only to not unduly concern the man. Allen appeared to relax as Jack finished speaking. "So she turns out all right, then." He said.
"She is going to be very happy." Jack replied taking a swallow of his juice. "Where is this coming from?" He asked gently a moment later.
Allen sighed before answering. "Sometimes I am not so sure. I mean, Alice and I love being with the group. God knows Jessie and Mike love it to. And now Jules, I guess. But Jessie is such a handful! She just can't seem to get enough sex! I do her every night. Her brother does too. Every night she asks me if she can spend the night with you. Right now she is in the den with Renee's boys and she is wearing them out. I have to force her to do her homework every night, and I tell you it is damn hard with her making those bedroom eyes at me. I don't know, I guess I am just worried that she might be addicted."
"I don't think she is." Jack replied thoughtfully. "I mean, she isn't acting out at school is she?"
"As near as I can tell, no." Allen replied. "At least her teachers haven't mentioned anything along those lines during the conferences I have with them."
"Well, I can't tell you not to worry." Jack said. "But my take on it is just that she likes sex. I see her interest in it as healthy and normal. I know you find it hard to understand when I say things like this, but I see Jessie turning out just fine! She has a bright future ahead of her, believe me. She will settle down eventually. She isn't going to turn out to be a brazen slut or anything, except for perhaps in the bedroom. Your daughter is smart as a whip. Both of them are. You and Alice have, and will continue, to raise them very well."
Allen considered Jack's words for a long moment, then he nodded his head. "Thanks Jack, I guess I just needed to hear some encouragement." He slapped Jack on the shoulder once more as he got to his feet. "I guess I better get back and make sure Greg and Travis survive." He smiled widely as he turned and left.
Jack finished his apple juice and set his empty glass on the table. As he moved back towards the den, he caught movement out of the corner of his eye. Upstairs on the second floor, he just caught sight of a bare ass dissapearing around a corner. He recognized it immediately, of course, having seen touched and tasted it on many occasions. He wondered what Sandra was up to. He thought perhaps she had just gone to the bathroom, though he didn't know why she would go upstairs when a perfectly available one was on the first floor.
He let it slip his mind as he entered the den. Jack was surprised to see that the sex had ended quickly and most assembled had already dressed. At the far end of the room, in front of the now silent Plasma screen television, Richard and Joyce stood side by side. As Jack appeared in the doorway, Joyce beckoned him forward. Jack moved towards her with a question in his eyes. To the right of Joyce and Richard, Ray and Bob stood dressed in their wedding tuxedos. Richard was wearing his tuxedo pants and jacket, but was bare chested.
When Jack arrived in front of Joyce, the new bride stepped up to him, stood on her tip toes and threw his bow tie around his neck. Her fingers were quick and sure as she tied it expertly. "What is going on here?" Jack asked suspiciously. A quick scan of the room showed that with the exception Richard, Ray and Bob, the male faces were as mystified as his own was. The females in the room, however, to a one held expressions from mirth to ultimate seriousness.
"You will see." Joyce replied with dancing eyes as she stepped back. She looked back over Jack's shoulder, but before he could turn to see what she was looking at, Joyce cried out, "Ok, ladies! It's time!"
All at once, the females gathered began to sing the wedding march. A moment later Jack heard Tony laugh and say, "It's an ambush!" Jack turned around and gave a gasp. Sandra was entering in through the door to the den. Except for the veil that Joyce had worn in her wedding, the twelve year old was gloriously nude. As she began her march, Sandra's face was somber beneath the veil, though Jack could see the corners of her mouth twitching. Jack couldn't help but grin, then fought to school his face to seriousness as he realized what was being sprung on him.
Ray darted forward to met Sandra half way and entwined his arm with her's to finish her walk. When they arrived at Jack, the females all stopped singing. Into the silence, Richard lifted his arms for attention and in an exaggerated preacher's tone, said, "Dearly beloved, we are gathered her to unite this man and this almost woman in the bonds of temporary matrimony. Who gives this woman child away?"
"I do, with great reluctance." Ray replied, He took Sandra's hand and guided it towards Jack. Jack held out his hand, but Ray batted it away and placed the blonde's hand on Jack's cock instead. His member sprang instantly to life as he felt Sandra take a firm grip.
Richard gave a grin but quickly schooled his features as he went on, "Do you Jack, take Sandra, over and over again, To have repeatedly and to cuddle. Do you promise to keep her satiated and content, to watch over her as she sleeps and bathes, forever and ever till our return you do part?"
Jack found it difficult to keep his voice somber as Sandra began stroking his manhood, but he managed it as he answered, "I do." The females all cheered before Richard put his hands up again for silence.
Richard turned a stern gaze to his daughter and asked, "Do you Sandra, promise to be taken by this highly sexual man over and over? Do you promise to wash his dirty underwear, to clean around his toilet. Do you promise to keep an open heart, and open legs, and open lips and open butt cheeks? Do you promise to sleep on the wet spot you and he will nightly create? For ever and ever till our return you do part?"
Sandra's sultry without meaning to be voice gravely responded, "I do!"
"Then by the power vested in me," Richard said firmly, "I now pronounce you transient Husband and Wife! What we have put together, let no preteen tear asunder! Sandra, you may kiss your groom!" Jack turned and opened his arms as Sandra's hand left his manhood to push back her veil. He rolled his eyes indulgently as her hand took him again and she bent at the waist to kiss the head of his cock.
As Sandra straightened and grinned sheepishly, the room cheered and applauded. Jack gave a laugh as the twelve year old stepped into his arms with her face in his chest hair to hide her embarrasment. He gave her a tight squeeze.
Richard held up his hands once more for attention as Sandra broke the embrace. "I want to thank all of you for making this special day even more so. And to thank you for your indulgence in ending the... festivities... early. Joyce and I have a very early flight tomorrow morning, and as it is a school night.." He paused to let the children groan at the thought. "Please drive safely, and we promise when we get back in two weeks that we will throw a proper party on a Saturday night so that the festivities can go till dawn!"
Everyone gave a large cheer at the thought, then began to approach Richard and Joyce to give their final congratulations before filing out. As the line formed, Jack found his clothes and got dressed, Sandra had darted out of the room presumedly to do the same. When he had dressed, Jack joined the end of the cue and said warm goodbye's to everyone leaving. He smiled at the good natured ribbing he received about his own faux nuptials.
When he finally got up to Joyce and Richard, he gave Joyce a tight hug and chaste peck on the cheek. She responded by grabbing his face in her hands and standing on the tip of her toes to return a not so chaste kiss on his lips that left him breathless. Grinning he shook Richard's hand and laughed when the tall lighting man grabbed his face as his wife had before letting his go. "It was a wonderful ceremony, and I know the two of you are going to be very happy together. Really, from the bottom of my heart, I wish you all the best." Jack said solemnly.
"Thanks, Jack." Richard returned. "Coming from you it means a lot to us. And thanks for looking after Sandra while we are away. She has really been looking forward to it. Just don't let my daughter wear you out. She can be insatiable. Although, she has been strangely chaste since we announced the wedding." Richard ended on a quizicle note.
Joyce's voice was teasing as she put her arm around Richard and said, "The only reason he asked me to marry him is because Sandra is wearing him out. He just needed some help to keep her satisfied.
Richard laughed and reached down to cup Joyce's ass cheek. "That was the reason, all right." He agreed. Looking at Jack he grew somber as he said, "Please, Jack, give her a couple of weeks that she will never forget. She has been a little sad about turning thirteen because of your... condition. She really does love you, you know."
Jack replied gravely, "I will do my best. I adore Sandra."
Just then, the twelve year old in question entered the den struggling with two large suit cases. She was dressed in jean shorts and a t-shirt. She beamed at Her father and new step mother as she set the suitcases down and ran up to them. "Take plenty of pictures, ok?" She said hugging each in turn. When she secured their promise that they would, Sandra turned to Jack and said imperiously, "Ok, Husband, it's time we were off!"
Jack chuckled and stepped forward to hug Sandra. Moving his hand down, he slapped her sharply on the ass and replied, "Yes, Wife, it is time for us to go. We have a Wedding night to get through. I hope you took your vitamins today!" Sandra giggled as Jack leered at her. "Have a great trip! See you when you get back." Jack said to the newlyweds with a wave. Putting an arm around Sandra he guided her out of the den, pausing to collect her bags. At the front door of Joyce's home, Sandra collected several smaller bags she had stored there.
Jack got another laugh as he got to his car. When he went around to the trunk to deposit Sandra's luggage, he found that someone had tied a single tin can from the Limo and written in shaving cream "Just Married...kinda" in small letters. Sandra came around and giggled at it too. As Jack got them situated and started down the road to his home, chatting animatedly with the twelve year old about her father's wedding and their future together with Joyce, he had a feeling of vast contentment.
When Jack arrived at his house, he and Sandra got out of his car and retrieved her luggage from the trunk. Jack set her two large suitcases down by the door as he unlocked it, then surprised Sandra into giddy laughter as he turned and lifted her luggage and all and carried her across the threshold. Setting the mirth filled preteen down, he turned and picked up her two large bags again and kicked the door shut with his heel, then led the beaming blonde back to his large bedroom.
Sandra was delighted to find that Jack had already prepared a few drawers and closet space for her things, and she chatted happily with him as they stored them. She laughed again when Jack discovered her underwear and pretended to be mystified by her training bras.
When she had been situated, Sandra gave Jack a sultry look and climbed onto his king sized bed. She made a disappointed face when he instead gave her a small grin and headed for his bedroom door. Stopping in his living room, Jack put on some soft music, then proceeded to the kitchen to fix himself and his houseguest something to drink. He sat on the couch and Sandra settled in beside him to snuggle as Jack began to quiz the pretty blonde on her school schedule and daily routines.
Richard and Sandra had moved in with Joyce after the wedding was announced, and Sandra had transferred to a new school. She missed her old friends, but was making new ones quickly. The school was close in town to Jack's house, so he wouldn't have to leave with her to awfully early to get her there. Jack was firm in making sure that she kept up her routine for doing homework.
Jack found out that Sandra liked all of her studies. The twelve year old had a broad range of interests, and was doing well with all of her studies. Jack confided that he had been a terrible student at her age. He had been much more interested in learning how to get into the female students pants then paying attention in class. Sandra laughed gaily when Jack told her of the time he had been sitting in the back of math class with his hand under the skirt of the girl sitting next to him only to be caught when the girl had an orgasm that alerted three classes of what was going on.
It was ten in the evening when Jack stood and went to the stereo. He turned it off, then held out his hand to Sandra. As he walked her back to the bedroom, Jack noted that the child was eager and excited. He smiled as he took her to his bed. Jack grinned as Sandra slowly began to undress him. She had taken his advise to Jules earlier and was teasing herself as she slowly removed his clothes.
When the twelve year old had his shirt off, she leaned forward and licked at his nipples. Jack shuddered as he felt her pink tongue working on his chest. He shuddered again as Sandra's hands ran lightly over his skin and she began to sink lower, her lips and tongue kissing a downwards path. When she was on her knees, She leaned forward and pressed her face onto the tent that formed in his pants while her hands went to his feet. Jack shifted from side to side to allow the blonde child to remove his shoes and socks.
Remaining on her knees, Sandra leaned back slightly and brought her hands to his belt. She was much more confident then the four year old had been earlier, having undressed men plenty in her past. She had been sexually active with her father since the age of four, giving him head and accepting his tongue on her cunny and finally being penetrated at the age of five. Her green eyes locked onto Jack's, and she had a slight smile as she began working his pants down his legs. Once again, Jack swayed from side to side as he stepped out of them and kicked them aside.
Her hands now on the hem of his boxers, Sandra broke eye contact as she began to slowly pull them down. Jack's breath quickened when she revealed the base of his large penis and leaned forward to kiss and lick at it. She continued to pull down on his underwear, exposing his tool an inch at a time.
When it popped free of the fabric, Sandra was ready, She had tilted her face down so that when it straightened, it hit her on the lips rather then under the chin. Immediately, the experienced preteen parted her lips and took his angry purple mushroom in. Jack gasped as he felt her tongue quickly exploring him. His hands went to the top of her pretty head as her cheeks hollowed in.
She kept him in her mouth as Jack shifted side to side for the third time. When his boxers had been kicked aside, Sandra brought her hands to his hips and slowly began to take more of him between her lips. It was sweet agony the leisurely pace she set in going down on him. Richard was well hung, so the preteen had no trouble taking Jack's girth. Jack shivered slightly as he felt her lips tongue and teeth working on his penis. Her lips resembled two wedges of peach on his white skin.
She went down until the head of Jack's cock rested against the opening of her throat, then moved forward even more until the tip of it was actually in her throat. Jack tensed slightly waiting for the blonde to swallow, a trick she knew drove men wild, but her green eyes were dancing as she denied Jack the pleasure. She began to pull back, her mouth alive on him as she worked his cock. When only the head remained inside, she drew a gasp out of Jack and she plunged her head forward, impaling herself on his massive tool. She quickly worked back and forth several times. Then she paused with the head of his penis in her mouth and once more returned to her former sedate pace.
She continued to give Jack head in that manner, driving him wild alternating between recklessly fast and hard darts of her head and sedate, consideringly deliberate slowness. He was panting heavily when at last she broke off her blow job and stood to bring her lips to his Jack kissed his lover hungrily, and she returned his passion equally, their breath mingling. As he kissed her Jack's hands went to her body and he cradled her to him.
Sandra cried out and giggled as Jack held her to him and dived into the bed, his hands catching himself to keep from crushing the child under his weight. Jack once more claimed her lips, his own crushing her's as his tongue plunged into her mouth almost as deeply as his cock had been there before. It was Sandra's turn to be breathless when Jack broke off the kiss and began working his way down her thin, perfectly framed body.
The twelve year old began to squirm when Jack arrived at her breasts. He lovingly worked on each, noting that they were growing nicely. They had resembled two plums before, but now they were apple sized. Her nipples became incredibly stiff under his expert lips and tongue. After dedicating a few minutes to pay tribute to each breast, Jack resumed his downwards journey. As his lips tongue and teeth worked at Sandra's flat belly, Jack felt a powerful need to taste her sex, but he forced himself to slow as he reached her thickening patch of pubic hair. He could feel the heat coming from the excited girl on his chin as he teased her.
Jack chuckled onto her skin as Sandra impatiently put her hands to the top of his head and shoved at him, trying to get him to go down to where they both wanted him to be. At the same time her feet planted on the bed and she tried to lift her hips to bring her cunny to his mouth, Jack gave in and ducked his head, and his twelve year old lover stiffened and cried out as his expert tongue found her slit. Soon he had the eager girl moaning and shifting on the bed as he worked her pussy into a frenzy of tingles.
She had her first orgasm with his tongue four inches deep inside her sopping wet love tunnel. Jack delighted at the feeling of her still tight pussy walls milking his oral organ. He moved his tongue around inside her, licking circles as Sandra cried out in bliss. When he began to come down, Jack withdrew from her and licked a firm path up to her clit, where his lips formed a seal and he sucked her into her second orgasm.
As she came down from her second, Sandra's finger's found Jack ears and she gripped them semi gently, using them to pull him up as her sultry voice said in an adorable pleading tone, "I want you inside me. Please Jack! I need it!"
Jack agreed that it was time and quickly moved into position over her. His hands supported his weight over her as his cock moved against her sex. So familiar was he with her body by now that he needed no visual guides to find his way into her. Sandra cried out and shifted her hips as his prick speared into the center of her honey pot. He quickly began to rock the child on the bed with hard thrusts of his hips. Sandra cried out in her third orgasm after he plunged into her for the tenth time.
But as the excited preteen shuddered beneath him, Jack frowned. Sometimes when making love to a girl, he got fleeting impressions and occasionally even visions of their futures. He didn't know if it was actual psychic impressions or just hopeful desires formed by his very active imagination. But as he felt Sandra's cunny milking his massive cock, Jack got a sudden impression of darkness and pain. So intense was the feeling that he almost cried out and stopped making love to the twelve year old. However, as quickly as it came, the impression was gone, leaving him seeing a happy Sandra hard at her studies and even harder at play in her college years.
Jack wondered what had just happened, but it slipped from his mind as Sandra moaned, "Oh god Jack, I love making love to you. Do me harder!" Jack obliged the eager girl and began rocking her even harder on the bed. For ten minutes he thrust in and out of her, bringing her to several smaller orgasms while driving himself closer to the edge. He moved up slightly on her body so that his thrusting penis rubbed even harder at her blood engorged clit, and when Sandra had her fifth heavy orgasm, Jack cried out and began to fill the moaning preteen with his man seed.
When his orgasm had passed, Jack rolled off to the side of the blonde and panted in recovery. She rolled with him to rest her head on his heaving chest, an arm thrown possessively across him. Jack stroked the girls hair idly feeling the afterglow contentment that she always inspired in him. After the air of the room had dried their bodies, Sandra leaned up and pulled the bed clothes over them, settling against Jack once more and sighing in ultimate satisfaction before her breathing evened out and she fell asleep. Jack felt his own eyelids growing heavy and barely remembered to set his alarm and turn off the lamp before sleep claimed him as well.
When the alarm woke him the next morning, Jack was surprised to find that he was alone in the bed. Sandra had slipped from it without waking him, As he sat up wondering where th twelve year old was, he heard his toilet flush and grinned a moment later as Sandra came walking in. Sleep had tangled her hair and it was wild on her head. Sandra beamed sleepily at him and stood on her tip toes to give him a kiss in greeting as he passed her to take care of his own morning bladder.
By the time he was finished in the bathroom and returned to his bedroom, Sandra had quickly stripped the bed and was sitting on it's edge more alert as she waited to watch him excersise. After she watched him perform for her and laughed at his naked jumping Jacks, Sandra stood and gave him a show as she stretched and went into her own morning routine. Jack became aroused watching the naked twelve year old gyrate and twist herself through some kind of martial arts routine, and his own nudity made it evident to the child. She arched an eyebrow at him then made him chuckle as she took his cock in her hand and hauled him off to the bathroom with it for their morning shower.
She gave him head in the shower, but added a new twist to the morning ritual as she leaned against the shower wall and waggled her ass invitingly at him. Jack had paid to install a larger water heater, so the water was still warm even after an energetic screw. The lovers toweled each other off gently, then finally got dressed and headed out into the house proper to prepare breakfast. They had a brief argument on who was going to cook before compromising and sharing the duty.
The next two weeks were pure bliss for Jack. He treasured Sandra's companionship in his home even more then he treasured making love to her every day. True to Richard's word, the twelve year old was insatiable, mounting him every chance she got. She seemed to reveled in her role and temporary wife, and seemed to delight at his good natured annoyance when she tried to take over as many of his household chores as she could.
Fulfilling his promise to her father, Jack tried to make their time together as special as he could. He treated her as though she really were his bride, taking her out for expensive diners and movies, dancing and watching sunsets. Though he couldn't be intimate with her out in public, he made up for it by treating the twelve year old as if she were an adult, and Sandra confessed that she loved the treatment. He made up for his lack of intimacy in public with his passionate ardor in his home.
It was bittersweet when Richard and Joyce returned from their honeymoon to collect the girl. Jack had a very pleasant evening with them as Richard and Joyce shared photographs and descriptions of their trip and Sandra filled them in on her own faux married life. But when the newlyweds collected the child's things and bundled her out of the door, Jack did not want to see her go.
Still as he stood in his driveway watching them drive away, Jack began to feel very content. But then he frowned. As the car disappeared into the night, Jack began to feel the contentment slip away, and be replaced by a very vague sense of unease....
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