Published: 18-Apr-2012
Word Count:
Author's Profile
"It was when I saw Uncle Christoph cuckold my father that I knew that I could never be the man he was. While I had taken his prize, and shared in his other, I knew that I would never have the power, the ruthlessness that inspired such unrelenting fear in a fellow man."
"Why must you be so cruel?" Bianca cried addressing George. Bianca was the third female the participated in making the porn movies. She didn't have children of her own, but as a twenty two year old school teacher, she had discovered that two of the girls in her class were sexual active with their parents. She had overheard the girls talking about their two families that had gathered the night before and was intrigued by the enthusiasm at which the two seven year old girls had talked about the sexual adventures. That was before the rules took place. Bianca had investigated and had been drawn into the group. She had been active within it for ten years, and was accepted as one of their own.
It was hard to arrange for Bianca to share the groups activities. Bianca was married, and her husband didn't know bout the group. Bianca had tried to draw him in, but her husband hated pedophiles with a passion. If he ever discovered that his wife was one, he would have killed her or worse. Bianca loved the man, but he was a terrible lover, and Bianca was only truly satisfied when active in the group. Luckily her husband was trusting, unsuspicious, and stupid. She could arrange for time to play easily if given the time.
Her normally dark blonde hair was dyed a lighter color for the scene, though her blue eyes were bright enough that she didn't need contacts. Standing at 5' 3" the thirty-two year old woman hadn't lost her girlish figure. Her smallish breasts were still firm, with nickel sized nipples that were half and inch long and very sensitive. They were exposed now and she was on her knees in front of a menacing George. This was a very rare adults only scene that the German man had asked for.
The second adult male on the set stepped forward and said in a pleading and weak voice, "Please! You must not do this to my wif-URK" He was interrupted by George's hand closing around his throat.
"She is not 'your' anything. You forget your place, pathetic little man." George hissed angrily into Robert's face. "I allowed this slut to marry you for the sole purpose of giving me what I require. New females to satiate my desires. Now that she has done that, you are no longer needed. It would do you well to remember that! I told you to leave me to my play, but since you need a reminder of who is master to this whore, now you will stay and watch!" With that, George calmly stepped forward and shoved his entire seven inches into Bianca's mouth and throat.
"Cut!" jack called. "Good job, guys. Let's get set for the next scene." The scene they had just filmed was short by the German's script. It was more of a set up for the gay scene that would film next. Bianca was helped to her feet complaining about getting switched on and shorted. George would have another scene with Jill that day, and Jack didn't want him worn out. Soon enough Bianca's voice exclaimed in delight as she was introduced to Travis and Gregg. She would have plenty of male attention to justify her coming out, as the boys were already beginning to double her even as they led her off to the green room.
"Man, this is some pretty dark, intense stuff." Robert said walking up to Jack. "You think it ever really happened?"
"I think the dialogue has been enhanced," Jack replied, "And maybe some of the memories of the sexual encounters, but sure, I think it happened."
"I wonder how it turned out, then." Robert said. As he did, Justin came walking up.
"Ready for your scene?" Jack asked the eight year old. Justin nodded, but didn't speak. "Nervous?" Jack asked
"A little." Justin replied.
"Don't worry, I will be as gentle as I can be." Robert said laying a hand on Justin's shoulder. Standing at five foot three, Robert wasn't much taller than the eight year old. Robert was the bisexual man that would perform with Justin in the next scene.
Robert's introduction to the life had been unique. A passive man married to a dominate woman, they had three daughters. He had resisted mightily when Fiona began directing him to sexualy activate his girls, but had eventually given in. Fiona wouldn't touch children herself, but she always became excited at seeing Robert put his willing daughters through their paces.
They had been discovered and introduced to the group by Peter two years before. When Fiona discovered that Peter had two bisexual sons, she had pushed Robert into trying them out. Again Robert resisted but eventually acceded to his wife's wishes. When he did, he discovered that he really enjoyed sex with boys as much as sex with girls. After Peter had gotten a promotion and reluctantly said goodbye to the group to move to Florida, Fiona had pushed him into sexual encounters with other men, and Robert hadn't resisted that transition quite as much.
While Robert was testing the waters with other men, he and his family were denied activity in the group. The fear of AIDS was a great concern to everyone. While the group was vast at the moment, and sex was freely exchanged by everyone in it, the group as a whole was monogamous. It wasn't just Robert, anyone having relations outside the group was denied participation in it. Dan and his family were cut off from the group as he initiated Renee and her's. Renee and her family were required to be tested before they could be introduced. It wasn't just AIDS either, it was for all STD's. Even Jack himself had been cut out from he group as he brought in Fred and his family.
Justin smiled up and Robert and replied "I know you will. But after I do the scenes, I think I will stay with girls. I don't think there is anything wrong with sex between guys, but I just don't think it is for me." On the set Bob smiled widely with relief, but quickly schooled his face back to neutrality. Jack had seen the reaction, though.
"Are you sure you want to do the scene, then?" Jack asked. "It isn't to late to back out. We can get another boy if we need to."
"It's ok." Justin answered. "I can do it. I said I would, and I really don't mind. I will act it up right."
"Good man." jack replied stoutly. It would have been difficult to find another young male child for the part. But Jack wasn't about to force Justin into something he didn't want to do. "Let's get it set up, then."
The scene was set up and pulled off without a hitch. True to his word, Justin acted out the scene well. Set up so that the German that Justin portrayed, after his mother and uncle had left the cuckold father in the room, had become to bold and confronted his father. The father had become angry at the boy's words and had raped him orally and anally. Normally Jack steered clear of rape scenes, but as this was a private video and the dialogue of the narration had indicted acceptance if not passion, he had done it.
By the time the male scene was over, Gregg had come out of the green room to watch. Fred stood beside him with an arm across the twelve year old's shoulder talking softly. Gregg was nodding and even smiled quietly at whatever Fred was saying. When the scene on the set was over, Fred motioned Robert over and the three stood talking. Jack turned his attention to the script, preparing for George and Justin's scene with Jill, and when the looked up the three naked males had disappeared.
As he was looking in that direction, Katie came out of the dressing rooms. She saw Jack, smiled and waved, then looked into the green room. For a moment the eight year old seemed torn, but then she turned and walked over to Jack, climbing up in his lap to be snuggled.
As jack's strong arms held the child, she said wistfully, "I wish I could do a scene like Jill's. She looks so pretty in that black dress with her hair done up that way." Katie had been in the back watching as Jill was dressed and made up for her next scene.
"The next dress up movie we do, you will get to play in." Jack promised her, bringing a brilliant smile. Jack thought ahead to the regularly scheduled film that they would work on and had a thought. "In fact, how would you like to dress up as Barbie so you can get nasty with Ken?"
"Really?" Katie asked hopefully. "Could I wear the pink gown with the lace hem?"
"Only for as long as it would take for Ken to strip you out of it." Jack said lewdly as he squeezed her ass.
Katie giggled and wriggled against him, then asked "What kind of scene would it be?"
"I don't know. I haven't written it yet. But I know of a place where I could fit it in the next script." Jack answered. "How about, you are on the floor, playing with Barbie and Ken, the camera dissolves and you are imagining the scene. What kind of scene would you imagine?"
Katie's pixie face screwed up in thought for a moment then said, "I would be at a dressing table, in a big bedroom. As I was looking in the mirror admiring my dress and brushing my hair, Ken would come in dressed in his tuxedo. Music would play and Ken would dance me around the room.
When we got near the bed, Ken would stop dancing and kiss me deep and hard, unzipping my dress as he did. When he started to pull it off, I would resist but Ken would throw me on the bed and hold me down, kissing me while I struggle until I gave in. Then he would sit up and strip me, though I would be trying to stop him. After I was naked, he would kiss me into submission again, then make me strip him. After he was naked, he would force me to suck his cock, though I am scared to. But once I start doing it, I get into it because he is talking dirty to me.
"After he cums in my mouth, pushes me down to the mattress again. I cry and ask what else he wants, then he kisses his way down my body and eats me out. He makes me have an orgasm, then gets up and takes me in his strong arms. He sets me up on my knees and pushes my face into the pillows so that my scream is muffled when takes me. Oh Jack, he is so rough! After he rips me open he feels so guilty! He tries to be gentle with me. But then I get into it and start talking dirty to him to make him be strong with me again. After Ken and me cum together, he falls over on my back and presses me down with his weight while he whispers in my ear how much he loves me and how we will be doing that forever. Then the scene fades to black and I have the Ken doll on Barbie's back, looking flush from my fantasy. How is that?" She concluded looking up into Jack's eyes, her own smoldering.
"Wow," jack said breathlessly. "That really would be hot. But he couldn't cum in your mouth in the scene. Got to be a money shot."
"Then after he gives me a facial, he would shove my head down to the blanket to wipe his stuff off my face" Katie said after a moment.
"But could you handle the rough stuff?" Jack asked. "Being pressed under a man, having him be forceful with you?"
"Oh yes." Katie said wriggling in Jack's lap again. "At Arlene's party after Bob fucked me and was laying on top of me, I started getting excited all over again." She confessed shyly
"Who would you see playing Ken?" jack asked amazed at the child on his lap. She opened her mouth quickly to answer, but Jack was quicker as he added, "Besides me!"
Katie closed her mouth and gave Jack a sheepish grin. Then her eyes clouded with thought and after a minute said slowly. "Ummmm Jason, I think. He has always been really gentle when he fucked me, but I could tell he wanted to be more forceful. He has always held back with me, but I bet he really puts it to Helen."
"Jason it is then." jack stated. "And to tie it in with the script, he can play your daddy. He walks in and sees how flushed you are and the position you are holding the dolls in. He guesses at what you were playing at. Later he seduces you, being as gentle in that scene as he was rough in the other scene."
Katie nodded with a smile, then climbed down from Jack's lap. Her hands hooked into her shorts and she quickly stripped them off. Naked from he waste down, she reached for Jack's belt saying "I'm all hot and bothered now. My pussy is so wet! I want to fuck!"
Jack looked at his watch and saw that it would be twenty minutes still before the next scene. Smiling in anticipation, he lifted his hips to let the eager child pull his pants and underwear down, then helped the eight year old as she awkwardly climbed back into his lap facing him. The director's chair was not really designed well to allow it, but they did the best they could.
Jack, his his pants still hanging off of his feet, slid his ass forward as far as he could on the chair. Hoping it was sturdy enough he helped Katie over him. As he did, his hand slid down between her legs and found that her cunt was indeed sopping wet. Katie moaned as his fingers rubbed her clit for a moment before returning to her hip. The chair wasn't wide enough for her to plant her knees, so she had to let them hang out under the armrest while she supported herself with her hands on his broad shoulders and her feet on his knees.
As jack positioned the eager girl over his manhood, she brought her face to his and claimed his lips in a needy passionate kiss that left Jack breathless. As the moaning eight year old sucked on his tongue, Jack brought her down onto him, feeling his thick penis spread the child open. Katie moaned again as Jack brought her down seven inches of his cock, loving the feel of her tight preteen cunt stretching out over him.
Katie flexed her legs and Jack helped With his hands on her hip as she rose up, then brought her back down slowly, moaning as he felt her slick smooth pussy walls gripping him. He slowly fucked her up and down his cock four times before beginning to speed up. Katie began to move her hips back and forth, bringing her swollen clit into contact with his shaft and mewling in pleasure as it sent electric bolts though her young body.
Katie's lips left Jack's and moved down to nuzzle his neck as the pace grew more frantic. "Oh god yes, fuck me Jack." The excited preteen breathed onto his throat. He sighed as he picked up the pace, driving the auburn haired child up and down his shaft. "Fuck me fuck me fuck me." Katie was saying in time with his thrusting cock. Jacks eyes closed as he sighed in ecstasy.
They snapped open again when he heard loud cheers coming from the green room. Looking at the monitors in front of him, Jack grinned when he realized his encounter with Katie was being shown to all. Ray had a long view of the preteen's back, her spine arching as she moved her hips back and forth. Bob had zoomed for an extreme close up of Katie's pussy lips milking his cock on each upstroke. Looking up, Jack saw that a microphone boom had been swung into place over them to catch the sounds of the excited girl and jack panting. "For your private collection." Ray called out cheerfully when he realized jack had noticed his prank.
"You guys are nuts." Jack chided even as he picked up the pace once more, driving his preteen lover wild. Katie's body was growing red hot and her voice had ceased as Jack filled her over and over. Suddenly her head flew back and a scream was ripped from her throat. Jack's hand's flew from her hips to the small of her back to keep her from being thrown off the chair as her small body began to thrash in release. "OH GOD CUUUUUUMIMMIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNG!" Katie screamed loudly as her head flew from side to side.
The combination of seeing her on the monitor and feeling her thrashing body moving her spasming cunt rapid fire of Jack's cock brought him to climax. "Gyuahhhh!" His voice joined Katie's as his nuts tightened. His prick began spurting his hot seed into her and the camera Bob held captured it as his spunk leaked out around his cock. After the man and child rode their orgasms together, Katie collapsed against his chest as her still quivering body calmed. Jack's hands returned to her waist and slowly fucked her up and down as his penis began to deflate in her overheated cunt. As they sat panting contentedly, jack heard applause and more cheering coming from the green room and smiled.
Joyce appeared as if by magic with two towels. She said with admiration, "Jesus Jack, you really put it to her!" As Katie's legs almost buckled when Joyce was helped the satiated preteen to stand. Katie took to other towel that Joyce had brought and while holding the towel at her leaking pussy with her legs, she cleaned Jack up lovingly. When she was done, she bent over and kissed Jack's deflated cock with reverence before allowing a laughing Joyce to lead her away.
"As I watched my uncle with Margrethe that day, I resolved for the first time to learn from him. I had seen how eagerly my sister awaited his visits, how quickly she went to him. She had responded to my advances, had shown the same passion as I slipped myself into her, but she had never been eager for my touch, never desperate to hear my voice degrading her as she was with my uncle. I had tried to emulate him in every way, but I had somehow come up short. That day I decided to apprentice myself to him. If I could find the courage." As Jack read the narration that went with the script they were shooting, Bob's camera entered the room. George was sitting on the end of the couch. Jill was already on it, leaned over his lap as her head bobbed up and down.
Ray's camera was focused on Jill's blissful face as she impaled herself over and over on George's stiff seven inches. George's hands were laid possessively on the child's head and he was flexing the muscles of his arms making at appear as though he was driving her down on his cock, though actually he let Jill dictate a pace that had her richly styled black hair flying.
Jill was dressed in her full costume at the moment. A black Victorian style dress with black balls on the front of it, a full length pleated skirt, black gloves attached to black lace that ran all the way up her thin arms and black leather boots that extended up mid thigh. The dress was rustling loudly as Jill gave her enthusiastic blow job.
At a sound from across the room, George's head snapped up from where he hand been looking sneeringly at the back of the black head bobbing in his lap. Bob's camera caught the angle as Justin walked into the room. Justin's face was screwed up with fear as he slowly approached the pair on the couch. When George's voice snapped "Get out of here, boy, what happens in this room is no concern to you! Hie out of here and find some game to play." Justin stopped and half turned away, but a look of determination crossed his features and he continued his approach, sitting in a chair as he watched the eight year old suck dick.
Jill didn't miss a stroke as Justin asked "How do you do it, Uncle. Tell me the secret of it. I have watched you use this girl since the first day you took her. I have used her myself, and declared her a whore, but how is it you make her so eager to be debased?"
George's face clouded in rage, and Justin drew back terrified, but then the character gave a smile as George asked, "You have used this child, your sister, as I do?"
"Yes, Uncle." Justin replied hesitantly. "And she has responded with me as she does with you. But my touch she does not crave. Me she does not come eagerly to, almost running. How do I get her to crave my manhood as she does yours?"
George gave a snort of laughter and said "What manhood? You are just a boy! If she has responded to you as she does to me, then I've no doubt that you handled her masterly enough." George clamped his hand down on Jill's black locks and drew her up, making the girl cry out in pain, even as she struggled to get his prick back between her lips. Her eyes were locked on the cock hungrily. Jack was proud of her facial expressions. "Do you sport a tool this big, boy? Can you brand her with your seed? That is what it takes for a whore to crave your touch. There is no other secret, all you need is a bit of age. Isn't that right, girl?"
"Y-yes master." Jill whispered. "Please my I return to my duty? Please may I pleasure you?"
"See boy?" George sneered releasing the eight year old who promptly went to driving her mouth up and down his shaft once more.
"Yes uncle." Justin answered. "Then I hope to age quickly."
"Normally I don't share my whores with others, boy, but as you are flesh of my flesh, blood of my blood, I grant you permission." George's hands left the child's head and unlaced her bodice. "Take these clothes from her and use her with me." He ordered.
"Yes uncle." Justin said moving quickly to obey. As he shimmied the dress down Jill's body, jill shifting on the couch to aid him, he added, "I wish to learn from you, sir. I have tried to emulate, but I wish to learn how to handle a slut such as this from you, I want to learn to wield the power." Then Justin got down on his knees and brought his mouth to Jill's pussy, Bob caught him as the eight year old boy's tongue began to flicker up and down the eight year old girl's cunt lips, stabbing at her clit when he got close, Jill moaned in pleasure.
"What are you doing boy?" George yelled out.
"Getting her prepared." Justin said in surprise. "Else she is to dry to easily slip into."
"Is this bitch dry now?" George asked firmly.
"No sir, her juices flow as the creek behind our mansion.
"That is right, child. You say you wish to learn? Then learn this. A whore prepares herself. The simple act of mastering her prepares her to take you. If you have not learned this, then perhaps you have not mastered this slut after all." George snarled.
"I understand, sir." Justin said as he roughly got jill to her knees. As he positioned himself behind her and pushed his four and a half inch boner into her, Jill gave a loud moan. "I wondered how it was she was always slick for you." Jill began moaning continuously as she took on the man and boy.
"Hear that, boy? I would say she is prepared." George said meanly, his tone harsh enough so that Jack thought they could use the line. Returning to the script, he went on in the same harsh voice as Justin began pounding his boy meant into Jill hard enough to rock her over George's cock, "Yes, boy, that is it, show the slut who the master is. Or at least the master's student!"
"Then you will apprentice me?" Justin asked as his thrusts met Jill's body with a loud smack over and over.
George threw his head back and barked laughter. "An apprentice in usery! Why not?" Then he lifted Jill's head from off his lap and said "It is time for a lesson in how to use a cunt! Flip around, child and let me show this boy how it is done!
Jill moved quickly to do as she was told. As George stood and Justin sat, she got into position between them. As her head sank down into the boys lap, the man began running the head of his cock up and down Jill's swollen slick pussy before finding her love tunnel and pushing his way in. Jill fairly growled with pleasure as she was taking Justin's four and a half incher between her lips. Bob got a good view at the girl's mouth worked furiously, She was better able to work Justin's cock with her lips and tongue than she was George's much thicker one.
Ray's camera had a pretty good few as well and George began sawing his cock in and out of the child for the second time that day. since George had already dumped his load on her once that day, he had lasted much longer for the second scene. But as the eight year old's tight pussy milked his cock, George began to draw close to an orgasm.
Before that happened, something interrupted. With Jill working his small cock over, Justin suddenly gave a strangled cry and stiffened. He took his hands off of the back of Jill's head and started bringing them to his own as Jill mewled in surprise. His arms stopped twice and jerked in place before continuing. As Justin's tensed body began to relax, Jill held out a hand with her fingers spread far apart. It was the safe gesture the girl's had for when their mouth's were busy.
"Cut!" Jack called out. George let his cock fall from the tight twat as Jack asked, "What is it Jill, what is wrong."
The preteen didn't answer right away, She took her head out of Justin's lap then looked him in the eye for a moment before bringing her lips in to deeply kiss her fellow preteen. When she broke of the kiss on the gasping boy, she looked up and told Jack, "Justin shot off a little bit. Oh it tasted so good!"
"I did, didn't I?" Justin said in wonder and Bob carefully put his camera down and embraced his son. Other voices shouted out congratulations for his first shooting orgasm.
"It happened so fast!" Jill exclaimed, one second I was sucking him and the next my mouth was full. I was so surprised that I swallowed it without thinking. I should have let it dribble out so it would be on film forever!"
Bob reached up and kissed the girl tenderly on the forehead. "It is ok, sweetie, I am sure Justin in glad his first was in a hot little mouth like yours. Keep it safe in your tummy!"
"Ooooo, that's right, I swallowed his first load! Oh Justin, I am so happy!" Jill exclaimed with wide eyes before leaning in to give the boy another kiss. Justin was blushing furiously under all the attention. After she finished kissing Justin, Jill looked back over her shoulder at George and said, "I want to cum to! Make me cum George!"
"You heard the girl, let's get reset." jack called out. "Jill, keep sucking Justin. Don't worry if he can't get it back up, but we need you bobbing in his lap to make George's end look right."
"Ok, Jack." Jill returned moving back over Justin's deflated two inch prick. "Hurry George, I am so close," She added before taking it in.
George eagerly returned his cock to Jill's wet slit, pushing in and pulling out slowly until jack called "Action." Immediately George began moving rapidly, fucking the eight year old with force while she moaned and moved her head up and down in Justin's lap.
True to her words, within two minutes, Jill's body grew read and her moans filled the studio. She moaned loudly on Justin's small prick as her orgasm struck and her young body began to thrash. Her spine expanded and contracted as her little frame jerked up and down. Her jerking brought George to the brink and he began pounding his prick furiously into the thrashing girl before giving a yell and pulling out to soak her back and ass with his hot ejaculate.
It was Renee rather than Joyce who showed up on the set after Jack cut the scene. Renee gently cleaned the sweat and spunk of the panting child before helping her to her feet, and grabbing up the black dress to take both off the set. Arlene and Katie also appeared on the set, sensing the need, and squealed in delight as each were taken up by a camera man. The scene had been the last of the day, so Jack let them have their fun as he began helping Richard get everything stored. Travis Gregg Fred and Robert all showed up to lend a hand as well, and quicker than usual everything was cleaned, everyone dressed, and the place was ready to close up.
Dan appeared to collect Renee and her family, who would drive themselves the next day since they now knew where the place was. Nina hugged Jack tightly and as he said his goodbye's to her mother and brothers, she lifted he shirt up, stuck her head under it and began licking the hairy skin around his belly button, her hands reaching out to cup his ass as her mother said, "This one has been insatiable all day! There isn't a male here that she hasn't had in her today except Dan and she might get him on the road home. I think filming is going to agree with her!"
Jack laughed both at the statement and the ticklish sensation of a pink tongue licking the sensitive skin before he pulled Nina out from under his shirt, picked her up for a sound kiss while she giggled and sending her on her way with a not to gentle swat on her butt that still made her laugh.
jack collected the tapes made that day, stayed long enough to transfer all the towels used from the washer to the dryer, then locked up and set the alarm before setting out on the short drive home. He was all smiles as he made the drive, thinking about Nina and her family and how they fit so well in the group.
As jack got ready for bed at ten that night, he heard his doorbell ring. Frowning, he went to the door in his silk pajama pants without putting on a robe. He opened the door to find a seventeen year old girl, soaked to the bone as it had begun to rain. The blonde haired girl was shivering, her arms wrapped over her breasts. A tall girl at five eight, wearing a t shirt and a pair of blue jeans. Her feet were bare. She stood there in abject misery, but Jack could tell right away it wasn't the wet conditions that caused it.
"Allison?" Jack asked. He turned on the porch light to get a better look, and gasped in shock when he got a good look at her face. Blue eyes were red rimmed, she had been crying. The left side of her face was bruised and her left eye was blackened. The rain had loosened a bandage revealing that the right side of her lower lip was swollen and split, stitches were visible, and another bruise decorated her white skin bellow.
Allison was a girl jack knew from the past. The painful past. He hadn't seen her in four years, since she and her sister moved away with her foster parents. Ten years before, Jack had been instrumental in getting her abusive father put in prison.
Another person that had moved on had discovered Allison and her family situation when he saw the two girls and their father in the mall. He could tell right away by their stiff movements that the two girls had been fucked recently and by the look of their angry father, he was betting that it was not consensual and did not approach fun. Unsure of what to do, he had come to Jack for advice. Jack had taken it in his own hands to follow the father around. When he heard screams coming from Allison's home, he had called the police.
When the police arrived, they found both girls naked and tied up. Bruised along their chests and on their inner thighs as well. They also found video camera that the man had used to tape their rapes. He had been doing them for two years, since their mother disappeared under mysterious circumstances, Their father was a suspect, but had covered his tracks well and there was never enough evidence to charge.
At the trial, jack had sat on the stand and testified that he had been out driving when his legs got tired. He had parked his car and was walking the kinks out when he had heard screams coming from inside the house and called 911. The entire time he was on the stand, Alison's father Rudy was staring daggers at Jack. The video tape evidence was damning, and Rudy had gotten twenty-seven years.
After the trial, Jack had taken great care to make sure the girls were taken care of. He got them foster parents, straight but good people, himself so that they would not be split up. Though the girls were traumatized by their father then by the good meaning psychiatrists that tried to help them, Jack did not give up on them He went to visit them at least three times a week.
He never tried to seduce the skittish girls. Eventually they learned to trust Jack and even looked forward to his visits. Two years alter the trial, when Allison was nine and her sister Mandy seven, He had Allison on his lap reading her a story when she surprised him by leaning up timidly and planting a kiss on his lips. A week later her sister did the same thing. Two weeks after that, they had both done him the greatest honor as they freely gave him what their father had taken. They had been lovers for six months before their foster parents had gotten an opportunity and moved the girls away. For another six months after that, they had kept in touch writing letters back and forth. When his letters suddenly started being returned to sender, he found out that the family had moved again and he lost track of them.
Alison winced when the light struck her eyes and looked down at Jack's gasp. When she looked back up she finally spoke. Her voice quivered with barely controlled emotion as she said, "They let him out, Jack. After ten years, they let him out, and the first thing he does is find me and try to rape me."
Jack stepped aside to let the dripping teenager enter. Everything in her body language screamed 'Don't touch me, but when she turned her stricken eyes to him, Jack saw the need and responded to it. Allison resisted as he took her into his arms, but then relaxed, her arms coming around Jack hesitantly her head buried in his chest hair as he began to sob, "M-my b-boyfriend tried to s-stop h-him, b-but Daddy b-beat him s-so bad that my boyfriend is in the hospital. H-he s-s-said he knows where Mandy is too. H-he said that when he was d-d-one with me he was going to rape her, and after that h-h-he was going to come h-here and k-k-k-kill you. I called M-Mandy, but I d-d-didn't h-have your number. The o-o-only thing that stopped h-him was he heard p-p-police sirens."
Allison lost all ability to talk as she gave in to the sobs that were racking her body. Jack felt his chest hair growing even more damp as the soaked teenager added tears to the rain water already there from her t-shirt and blonde hair. "Shh shh, it is ok," Jack tried to comfort the terrified teenager. "You are safe here. The police probably already have him on the way back to jail. It is going to be okay." As if giving the lie to Jack's words, the front door flew open with a crash of splintering wood. Through the doorway a giant strode in.
Allison screamed as she saw her father filling the opening. Rudy was a huge man. Standing at six eight, his blonde hair plastered to his head and his blue eyes blazing. He was left handed, which explained the bruising on Allison's face, and in his left hand a huge and menacing knife rested. The giant didn't look like he needed a knife, since it was obvious that he had spent the entire ten years behind bars working out. His already tight T-shirt was plastered to his body from the rain, and his muscles stood out in sharp relief. His jeans barely contained the huge muscle's of his legs, even his boots seemed to be bulging out.
Allison screamed again as Rudy took a single step forward and began to speak. "I knew you would lead me right to him you stupid bitch." He snarled at his daughter. "And such a nice remote location, too! No one to hear you scream, no one to hear him die. I'm going to fuck you for hours before I slit your throat. Then it will be your sister's turn. And after that cunt is dead, I will finally be free to get more little girl pussy."
"Jeez, you're a sick fuck. I think I am going to have to kill you." Jack said conversationally, stopping the giant in his tracks with a confused expression on his face. Rudy waved the knife he held as if he thought Jack didn't see it. Jack took that time to focus on Allison's scared face. "Allison, there is a phone on the desk behind you. Go to it and call 911."
"Don't you fucking move, you slut!" Rudy yelled. "And you! I know you fucked my daughters!"
But if Rudy thought that would give Jack pause, he was wrong, Still capturing Allison's terrified eyes with his calm one he continued to speak. "When the operator answers tell her that there is a home invasion at this location. Give her my address if you know it, tell her you don't know if you don't. She can get the address from her computer....
"Mandy told me all about it. She said it to try to hurt me, but it turned me on even more!"
"...Stay as calm as you can. Answer the operator's question as best you can, but stay calm..."
"If the police come here, I will tell them you fucked my girls! You will go to jail just like I did!"
Allison appeared to scared to move, but when Jack gave her a gentle shove in the direction of the phone, she began to move. She almost began to run.
"You stupid fuck, you are just like me!" Rudy said, then he was on Jack. Swinging the big knife at Jack's face, Rudy got a surprised look when Jack threw up both hands and caught his arm, stopping it dead.
Jack absorbed a right hook that left his jaw sore, but held on to the knife hand. Allison screamed, but under it, Jack could hear the beeps the phone made when being dialed. The next right hook that Jack took split his lip and he knew he would have a bruise twin to Allison's own. The blow shook him and Jack took a step back.
Seeking to press his advantage, Rudy moved forward, but Jack reversed directions, catching the bigger man by surprise as he buried his knee into Rudy's crotch. Jack felt Rudy's testicles crumble under the knee that almost lifted Rudy off the floor. Finally Jack let go of the knife hand, twisting his body into a forward twirl, looking like a ballet move, that set him at Rudy's right side as Rudy doubled over in pain. Jack doubled his fists and brought them crashing down to the back of Rudy's neck, the blow staggered the giant, and a second blow put him face down to the carpet.
Even as he hit, Rudy was surging back up. Jack didn't give him the chance. Jack jumped on Rudy's rising back like mounting a bull. At the same time his left hand locked in the larger man's hair and his right got a grip on Rudy's chin, Jack twisted savagely with all his strength. A loud snap echoed though the room, and Rudy fell flat to the floor once more, his body beginning to quiver. Jack held his head twisted till Rudy stopped moving. When he let go, he felt bones grind together. Death released the air in the man's lungs with a loud rattle while at the same time losing his bowels, sending up a horrid stench.
Jack heard a clatter and looked up to see Allison staring at her father's body in shock, Her numb fingers had dropped the telephone. Jack walked over and picked up the receiver, sinking into the desk chair as he did. When he was seated and bringing the phone to his ear, his toe snuck under the desk and hit a hidden pressure switch. Down in the basement, his studio locked and protections fell into place. If anyone tried to get in, the kiddie porn he kept down there would be destroyed, along with a goodly portion of the basement itself. A light that looked like it was part of the television went from green to red.
"Hello? 911 emergency, is anyone there? Hello?" A bored voice was saying as jack brought the telephone to his ear.
"Operator?" Jack asked just as he was sure that the woman was about to hang up.
"Yes, 911 emergency, what is your emergency, please?"
"A man broke into my house and tried to kill me and a young lady. He is dead." Allison's eyes locked onto Jack as he said that, and he captured them with his own. He gave his address and added, "I will need the police and the coroner. As quickly as they can get here." Then he hung up the phone.
Allison looked ready to bolt as Jack got slowly to his feet."Is he.. h-he is really dead? Y-y-you killed him?"
"I had to, honey." Jack said softly, trying to calm her with his voice and his eyes. He took a slow step towards her, and she didn't step away. "It was the only way I could protect you. The only way I could protect your sister. He didn't give me a choice." He took another half step towards the frightened teen. When she didn't step away, he held his arm's open.
Allison took a shuddering breath then gave a single sob as she collapsed into Jack's arms. Jack held her softly and stroked her still damp hair as he cooed, "It's okay. He will never hurt anyone again."
"What do we t-tell the p-p-police?" Allison asked trembling.
"Just the truth, love, just the truth." After a moment he amended, "Well, not the whole truth, probably best all around if we left out the part about me sleeping with you and Mandy."
That startled a laugh out of the seventeen year old and she drew back to look into his eyes. Then she laid her head back on his chest, seeming content to rest there listening to his calming heartbeat and draw strength from him. They were still in that position seven minutes later when flashlight beams struck into the house and a voice ordered "Don't move, let me see your hands!"
Jack extended both arms wide to his sides with his hands wide open. He tried to turn to face the officers he was sure were training guns on him, but Allison had a death grip on him and wouldn't let go. instead he called out in a calm voice, "It is ok, officer, we are not armed."
"Miss, let me see your hands!" The officer ordered firmly, but also in a calm voice. For a moment, the seventeen year old stayed as she was. But then her hands unknotted from the small of Jack's back and she extended her arm out as Jack's were. Jack slowly took a step back and turned around. As he did, he saw two young officers standing in the doorway, flanking it on either side until they could access the situation.
Both officers appeared to be in their mid twenties, and both's eyes went wide as Jack stepped to the side, revealing Allison. Her t-shirt was still rain soaked, and she wasn't wearing a bra. Jack could already see each officer hoping he got to be the one to interview her.
"Is anyone else in the house?" The officer in charge shouted out. When jack shook his head and told them no, the officer's came through the door. Covering each other, they saw the huge dead body on the floor. Two more police officers appeared in the doorway, their side arms also drawn. The officer in charge cautiously bent over to check for a pulse, then shook his head up at his partner.
When the officers had checked around seeing that no one was the house, the first officer asked Jack what had happened. jack gave a quick summary before his partner tried to take Allison back outside to question her separately. Jack told him that she was wet enough and asked if he could get her a robe before he went out. The partner looked disappointed but allowed it. As Jack brought her a robe, he sighed knowing he was in for a long night.
As the officer in charge walked by the dead man, now surrounded by paramedics, he shook his head and said, "You took that monster on and won?"
"I've had some combat training." Jack returned before being led out into the rain.
Jack's prediction proved correct. It was a very long night. At first, the officers wanted to arrest him, but when the full story came out, and was compared between him and Allison, it was so obviously self defence and Jack wasn't charged. He would have to go to the station to complete a report, as would Allison, but they assured him it could wait till Monday.
It was just past three in the morning by the time the police, paramedics and crime scene investigators left, and Jack could collapse bonelessly onto his couch. Allison had wanted to drive home, but Jack had forbade it seeing how exhausted she was. She had offered to share the bed with him, but Jack had begged off. He barely remembered to set his wristwatch alarm before sleep slammed onto him like a falling building.
The alarm woke him two hours later and the still exhausted man began making early morning phone calls to cancel the video shoot. Joyce was the first he called and he asked her to open the studio so that Bob Ray and Richard could dismantle the set. He reminded her to take the towels out of the dryer. Then he called the rest of his crew and received assurances that the set would be dismantled first thing. Joyce assured him that she would get in touch with the families and make sure they knew not to come.
Jack had counted on the story not getting out, but the news was to big. The first family arrived at six in the morning as Bob dropped off Lynn, who hissed in sympathy when she saw Jacks split lip, Teresa and Justin. Warned that there was an outsider present sleeping in the bedroom, the rules slammed down. by the time Allison woke up at seven the house was full. The seventeen year old tried to leave, but was stopped in outrage as the mother hen syndrome took full effect.
When little ten year old Jessie found out what happened, she had become so enraged at the thought of the outsider "bringing the bad man" to Jack that she stiff stepped her way to the bedroom to read Allison the 'Preteen Riot Act' But Jack was just coming out of the room and snatched her up in mid stride. By the time Jack finished talking to her in his calm reasonable tones, Jessie was filled with tears of sympathy for her fellow blonde.
Allison was finally allowed to leave by mentioning needing to check on her boyfriend, looking refreshed from the efforts of the women there. A flurry of car moving shut the little street down. When Allison was gone, the real questions began. Jack was poked prodded and inspected over every inch of his body looking for bruises lacerations, open wounds. While the process was not unpleasant, by the time it was done, Jack felt like an over loved kitten.
Joyce arrived at noon, took one look at the situation and took charge in clearing the house. Many of the children needing reassurance that Jack was alive and well and would stay that way forever rebelled at the thought of leaving and many a firm hand had to be taken by the parents.
By the time the house had been cleared at one in the after noon, the unbruised side of his face had been kissed so often that it actually felt more sore than the bruised side. Only six year old Helen had the nerve to kiss the split lip, hers ever so gentle on the cut "To make it feel better". Jack had almost been moved to tears by that one.
When the house was empty of all but he and Joyce, the twenty-three year old raven haired beauty surprised Jack by hugging him tightly and sobbing on his chest for twenty minutes while he stroked her hair and back reassuring her that he was alive and well and would be forever. With her crying fit done, she insisted on her own inspection over every inch of his body, her gentle fingers doing delightful things to him but careful not to arouse him since their were no preteen's around to provide him relief.
Joyce declared herself comforted, and set about cleaning some left over mess from the gathering that morning. But she couldn't seem to go more than a few minutes before needing to touch him. Jack began to get that over loved kitten feeling again and pleaded need for sleep. But as he was doing so, his stomach growled so loudly that Joyce heard it, and she insisted he eat first.
Jack protested right up until the second he smelled frying meat, then sat quietly with his mouth watering waiting for it to be done. A small salad, two rare pork chops, and a soda later, and he really was ready for some rest. But before he could get back to his room, Joyce once more surprised him as she hugged him tightly and declared her undying, unconditional, do anything including murder, love for him. Before he could respond, she sent him off to bed.
Jack wasn't asleep for ten minutes before the phone rang, waking him up again. The police had tried to keep the incident quiet, but someone had leaked the story, and now the news had their teeth in it. Jack listened as Joyce filled the role of press secretary, giving a no comment. After she hung the phone up, she appeared in his room to collect his, then ordered him back to sleep.
Jack awoke six hours later feeling refreshed. He walked into the bathroom where he emptied his bladder. Afterwards he got his first good look at himself since the attack had taken place and cried out in dismay. The entire right side of his face was completely black, from the edge of his lip to his cheekbone, all the way back to his ear, and down the side of his neck. Prodding gently with his fingers, the only sore places were the lip and jaw where he had been struck.
Joyce heard his cry and ran into the bathroom, giving a cry of her own when she saw the darkened skin. Her face already harried by answering the phone all day grew panicky as she declared the he had to go to the hospital immediately. It took some doing, but Jack assured her that the bruise had just spread and would be all right in a few days.
When Jack walked into the living room, he found that Joyce had been busy in the kitchen once again. Meatloaf, mashed potatoes and gravy, Broccoli in cheese sauce and biscuits were prepared and laid out. Jack dived into the food like a wolf attacking a deer, making Joyce giggle until he had taken the edge off his hunger and ate the rest at a more civilized pace. When he was full he went into the living room and sank onto the couch. Joyce sat beside him and asked how he felt.
"Surprisingly good for someone who was attacked in the middle of the night and killed a man." Jack replied. Then the enormity hit him, and he began to shake. This time it was Joyce's turn to hold him tightly and stroke his back as he rode a wave of guilt and remorse at having taken a life, no matter how necessary it was.
By the time he was himself again, it was getting late. He looked at Joyce in time to see her unsuccessfully stifle a yawn and ordered her home to bed. While she did admit to being tired, she refused to let him spend the night alone. One phone call and twenty minutes later, Alice entered with young Jessie in tow.
As he escorted Joyce out to let her replacements in, he noticed that his front door had been repaired as he slept oblivious. When asked Joyce told him Richard had done the work not only repairing the wood, but staining it to match the rest of the door.
Alice and Jessie cried out on seeing Jack's face and Jack had to convince them that he didn't need to be rushed to the closet emergency room. By the time that was done, jack was tired again, so all three retired to the bedroom where Alice watched on fondly as her ten year old blonde daughter made slow, careful as if he were glass cut crystal, love to him.
The next morning, Jack was forbidden to go to work, and forced to take a weeks vacation instead. Jessie got the day off from school to tend to his sexual needs while her mom fended off reporters both on the phone and a few bold enough to show up at his door. Jack discovered that the parents all set up a rotating schedule, and griped about it until he realized that it was needed for the children. Each child in the extended family got time to spend with Jack as their parents took care of his house. Even Nina and Renee spent a night in his home.
By Wednesday, the reporters stopped calling and coming by. Justin and Teresa were his guest for the day and Jack, being careful to go to his closet and hit another hidden pressure switch so he wouldn't blow himself up, pressed Justin into service reading all the narration for the special video. He also copied Justin's scene with jill and presented it to the family to keep for prosperity.
By Sunday Jack had seen all the children and was declared fit to see the world once more. He did take off that Monday just to be alone in his house again.
His return to work that Tuesday signaled a return to the normal routine. He endured the concerned fussing of his employees with grace. His split lip had largely healed over, and the huge bruise had faded considerably. His staff had done a great job so there was little work to catch up on, allowing him to return to the job in stride.
He was surprised that the Victorian couch and chair were back on the set, though the walls were different and the sitting table was not present. He found out that the furniture would be used in a flower commercial that day. Looking at the couch he gave a privates smile remembering the hot sight of Jill being double teamed by George and Justin.
A couple of newspapers had been left on his desk that contained the story of what had happened. Allison had also refused to comment, so they had to run with the official version the police put out. The incident had sparked of yet another tiresome debate about the state's home invasion laws. A few people had abused the letter of that law in the year before and killed lovers claiming that the lovers invaded their homes after spats or breakups. Jack's case was used to show why the laws were absolutely vital.
After a long but satisfying day, Jack returned home to find Joyce, Richard and Sandra waiting on him. After he opened the door to let them in, Joyce and Sandra insisted on making him diner, cheerfully ignoring Jack's snarls. But for the first time since the attack their first questions weren't "How are you holding up?" So Jack gave in.
"We scheduled filming the rest of the Special video for this weekend." Joyce informed Jack. "Renee and her kids asked if they could come back and watch again, I told them that I thought so but that I had to check with you first."
"They can come." Jack replied. "In fact now that their play date masks are done, why not find out if they would like to do a practice scene. I've had an idea running around in my head since Nina stayed over that night. Travis and Gregg can do a double team with Arlene. We will let them act out that brother sister scene from the shoot we did a few months ago. Renee can do a teacher scene with Justin. Just to get them used to acting and wearing the gimmicks."
"I'll cutout sections of the scripts and send them over." Joyce stated. "I'm sure they would love to give it a try. Who will Nina be acting with?"
"Oh, me." Jack stated with a lewd grin. "But I don't have it scripted what I want to do with her. Just tell her to bring along some gym shorts, tennis shoes, and a t-shirt. Hair in a ponytail."
"Can I come and watch?" Sandra asked. "I haven't met the new family yet."
Joyce threw an arm around the twelve year old and said suggestively, "You are going to love those boys. Their mother has trained them well." Reaching down, Joyce tweaked the child's small breast then cupped it in her hand as she added, "I did the audition with them, they were soooooo good!"
Sandra smiled and replied, "I'm looking forward to it, then." Then she turned towards Joyce and gave a quick kiss to her lips. As she was pulling back, Joyce's hand came to her neck and pulled her back for a more lasting effort.
As the woman and child began making out on the couch, Richard leaned forward and asked Jack, "Are you sure we have enough time to be shooting extra scenes? We still have quite a few to do for the special order. We could get them all done Saturday if we concentrate on them."
"We can make sure we get Jill's scenes done so that she doesn't have to come back Sunday." Jack answered. "But I don't see a problem with the rest coming back Sunday. And we really do need to get Renee and her's a chance to get some practice time in. They are folding into the group nicely, but I need them comfortable with scenes. We'll hold off mine with Nina till Sunday. I'll set up a little script and see if she can get it down overnight."
Sandra moaned softly and arched her back. While the two men talked, Joyce head removed the blonde twelve year old's shirt and bra, and was working her pants lose as she licked and sucked at her still developing breasts.
"I appreciate the job you did on my front door." Jack stated as Joyce sat back onto her knees and smoothly pulled her dress over her head, freeing her large breasts. As Joyce removed her dress, Sandra leaned forward and claimed Joyce's lips hungrily. As she kissed th older woman, her hands went to Joyce's breasts, her fingers finding the nipples and pinching the stroking them to hardness. Joyce moaned in pleasure.
"No problem." Richard assured him as Joyce violently shoved Sandra back on the couch and reached for her pants. She worked pants and underwear off of the flush teen as he continued, "Sorry if I woke you. Joyce tried to tell me to hammer quietly, but damned if I know how to do that."
Joyce had worked Sandra's pants off, leaving the preteen naked as Joyce kissed her way up Sandra's silky smooth legs. Sandra moaned and played with her own nipples while Jack replied. "Not at all, I was dead to the world. I didn't even realize that the door was repaired until I was walking Joyce out of it."
With her face between Sandra's thighs, her nose brushing lightly at Sandra wispy blonde pubic hairs, Joyce breathed deeply and blew hot breath as she sucked in the delightful aroma of aroused twelve year old pussy. Her head started forward, But Sandra moved forward off the couch, forcing Joyce to sit up as Sandra kneeled in front of her. Sandra gave a grin as she bent forward and sucked Joyce's left nipple between her lips as her fingers found the other. The twenty three year old moaned in pleasure bringing her gentle hands to the back of Sandra's head. locking her fingers in the blonde locks as Richard asked incredulously, "Really? I figured between the miter box and hammering, you were sure to wake up. Joyce was fit to be tied!"
Joyce used her hands in Sandra's hair to jerk the preteen's head off her breasts and brought her lips crushingly to Sandra's, darting her tongue in. Sandra leaned into the kiss, and traded sucking tongues with the older woman as Sandra guided her to her back on the carpeted floor. Both of them were moaning, almost drowning Jack out as he cheerfully responded, "Nope, didn't hear a sound!"
With Joyce flat on her back, Sandra sat up and brought her hands down to Joyce's legs. Her hands went under the raven haired woman's legs and lifted them, Resting them on her shoulders, her hands caressingly traveled down Joyce's smooth skin. Spreading when she got to Joyce's hips, Sandra smiled as she hooked her finger's onto Joyce's panties and drew them teasingly back up her legs. Sandra noticed the sopping wet crotch and brought the silky underwear to her nose as she inhaled the aroma of a turned on twenty three year old. "Must be thick walls." Richard commented as she did.
A feline growl escaped Joyce's throat as she sat up and Grabbed Sandra around the waist. Dragging the aroused twelve year old across the carpet, Joyce turned her around and pulled her backwards to the floor, sliding back as she did so. Sandra moaned with pleasure as she went flat then received a passionate upside down kiss from Joyce. Sandra gave a sultry if muffled feline growl of her own as her hands came up and gripped Joyce's jet black hair. With that handhold, she began dragging the older woman forward, kissing skin exposed while Joyce did the same to her. The arrived at each other's breasts as Jack explained, "Actually, my room is pretty well soundproofed. Not much traffic on the road out there, but some big trucks come through late at night."
Joyce paused only briefly at Sandra's small breasts before continuing to nibble and lick her way down further. Sandra's hands lost their grip in Joyce's hair and wrapped around her torso as she used them to pull herself up to lick and kiss at Joyce's flushed skin. Joyce and Sandra were nibbling at the soft skin under each of their belly button's when Richard grinned and responded, "Ahh, I see, and you don't want those truck drivers hearing the screams of passion that are usually coming out of your room at that time! Smart move."
The twenty three year old moved her body forward the last few inches and both females moaned as their lips and tongues claimed the other's prize. Joyce let her knees slide further apart. lowering her hips and the preteen attached, to the floor. Sandra's hands wrapped around the older woman's smooth hips and her fingers began working the sopping cunt even as she sucked and licked at her clit. Joyce gave a louder moan as the preteen slipped first one then two slim fingers into her love tunnel and began stroking her cunt from the inside. Jack gave a laugh and returned, "Yes, exactly, glad you approve!"
Joyce wasn't to be outdone. As Sandra's slim fingers twisted and turned, sliding in and out, the older woman's hands slipped under Sandra's firm young ass and turned her hips upwards. When in position, Joyce's flickering tongue worked it's way down her swollen pussy lips, licking circles around the opening to her tight moist hole for a moment before the wriggling tongue made it's way inside. moving her tongue inside the red hot cunt, licking one wall then the other, enjoying the taste of the ultra aroused preteen. Sandra's hips began bucking wildly at her efforts.
Sandra began rotating her fingers in Joyce's soaked tunnel in time with the tongue making circuits in her own. Joyce's hips were moving from side to side up and down as Sandra's perfect white little teeth gently began to grind her clitoris. Both women were sweating profusely, Sandra more so being on the bottom of the sixty-nine. Their sweat mingled on their flushed bodies as they each enjoyed the taste and feel of each other. Their muffled moans of passion grew louder and more constant as they each raced to bring the other to climax first.
The twelve year old won the race, but not by much. Her teeth still grinding the older woman's love button, Sandra's tongue made firm contact with the tip, Flickering ever faster side to side as her fingers sped up in Joyce's dripping hole. It was the fingers that Sandra snuck into Joyce's ass that sealed the deal.
Joyce's body began thrashing wetly on top of the sweat sickened skin of the preteen. She yelled out in ecstasy into the twelve year old's cunt. As her body gave in to the pressure and sweet release, her chin ground against Sandra's clit as her tongue flicked wildly in her. Sandra began to scream indecipherable words as her young body went into sweet release of its own. bucking wildly almost threatening to throw the older woman from atop her, Sandra spasmed.
With their orgasms fading, Joyce rolled her spent body weakly off of the child's equally spent frame. As she came to a stop flat on her back, towels hit the sweat soaked bellies of both females. Both were to weak to use them as the each gulped great breaths of air into their lungs. Their fingers found each others and intertwined as the recovered breath.
"Jack?" Richard's voice sounded out over the panting.
"Why didn't we get in on that?"
"They were doing so well, I didn't have the heart to interrupt." Jack replied with a grin. "Besides, it is good to let them have one to themselves now and then."
"Is it our turn now?"
"Oh hell yes!" jack answered as both men dived down to the panting females. Sandra and Joyce both giggled then moaned in renewed need as their legs came up to wrap around the men's hips. Jack met no resistance at his thick ten incher opened Sandra's soaked pussy. Joyce had a small orgasm as Richard inserted his eight inches into her to the hilt.
The smoldering eyes of each female met the other's as the force of their men's thrusts rocked them back and forth on the carpet. They could each see that the other was rapidly approaching another orgasm.
Sandra reached her's first as Jack slid a fraction up her body bringing his thick cock into solid contact with her hyper sensitive clit. "Oh god again! I'm cumming AGAIIIIIIINNNNN" Sandra yelled as her young body began to thrash under Jack. Sweat flew from her face as she threw her head back and forth. Her hands flew to Jack's shoulders and her nails dug painfully into the flesh there and Jack relentlessly pounded in and out of her soaked pussy. Sandra's release climbed ever higher under his sexual assault, until finally unable to take more, her hands hit the floor with a thump and her face smoothed into a primal expression of ecstasy and froze there as she passed out.
Joyce was moaning loudly as the orgasm she'd had when Richard slid into her built upon itself. Soon she was thrashing under the man, her hands locked around his neck as he rocked her sensitized body back and forth on the carpet. She screamed out as her body tensed then bucked as he fucked her to another release. Her cunt milked his eight inches as she spasmed, and Richard cried out with a strangled voice as his prick began jetting his seed into the twenty three year old below him. They rode the orgasm together until Richard, spent, collapsed on top of her, his lips finding her own and tasting his daughter as they murmured into each other's mouth.
Sandra began to come around and Jack fucked her slowly until her glazed over eyes locked onto his. Her eyes widened as jack then began to speed up his efforts. Spasms rocked her young body as she was shoved back and forth along the carpet by Jack's powerful thrusts. Jack cried out when his cock exploded into the preteen, then cried out again as his jerking tool brought her to another orgasm. Cock and cunt spasmed together as Sandra accepted the gift of his seed.
Panting filled the room as Jack allowed himself to slip out of Sandra and he rolled over to lay beside her. Joyce gave a small mewl as Richard's deflated cock rubbed her clitoris as he rolled to his back. Sandra sighed in utter contentment as Jack's gentle fingers drew odd designs on the sweat covering her skin.
Jack was soaked to the skin by the time he arrived late at the studio. He had picked up a nail and blown a tire, having to change it in the pounding rainstorm. He noted that everyone else had arrived and as he entered the studio found that the set was already completed. Richard was lighting it as he walked in.
Within two minutes of making his appearance, Jack was naked and being dried as the women stripped him efficiently and took his clothes to be washed and dried in the studios machines. He wrapped a towel around himself then laughed as the children refused to allow him to wear it. Thus he was naked as he went to the dressing rooms to find Jill sighing in contentment as Carol styled her black hair. She was already in her black dress
Beside her, seven year old April was giggling while trying to keep still as Joyce put the finishing touches on her make-up. Her Victorian dress was twin to Jill's, except it was a deep red instead of black. Joyce sighed in frustration as April insisted on standing and twirling to show Jack how good she looked, then shot jack a murderess glance as he started to kiss the excited seven year old. Jack got the message and picked up the gorgeous girl plopping her back in the make-up chair and settling for a kiss on the top of her styled head instead.
At Carol's insistence, Katie and May, who had been watching on in envy as their sisters were fussed over, took Jack by the hand and dragged him out of the dressing rooms. They giggled and chatted excitedly as they pulled the naked man along behind them. Katie was telling May about her scene in the next film where she got to dress up as Barbie, and May was appropriately impressed as she was told about the pink evening gown that Katie would get to wear.
Out on the set, Robert and Justin talked quietly on the Victorian style couch while Bob and Ray went over camera angles for the next scene. Man and boy already wore their costumes and masks. As jack watched, the pair stood and practiced the punch that was in the scene, Robert threw the punch in slow motion and showed the eight year old boy how to roll his head to make it look like it landed. he asked something and the boy nodded, and Robert threw a punch that looked so good that Bob started to put down the camera and come to his son's aide before he saw the boy smiling widely.
From the green room, Sandra walked out with her arms companionably around Travis And Gregg. Gregg was looking at his fellow twelve year old with a look of total adoration. Jack cast his mind back to his living room floor and smiled understanding. His smile turned wistful as he thought that her birthday was coming up soon, and afterwards he would never climax with the passionate blonde again.
Jill and April were led out on the set looking adorable. Ray beamed with pride at his daughter as the two girls were positioned on their knees facing each other where they would began the scene. May came and climbed into Jack's naked lap to be snuggled and promised the wouldn't distract him as she watched the scene. True to her word, she stayed still and didn't even react to jack's inevitable hard-on as the scene progressed.
When everyone was in position, jack began reading the narration that proceeded the scene. "Uncle Christoph wasn't due for several hours yet, but I wanted to get my fun in first. Margrethe finally seemed eager for my touch, and Helga, though not eager, did not hesitate to come when I asked. As I prepared to use them, my father entered the room and once again expressed his dissatisfaction. I don't know who was more surprised, he or I, when my sisters interrupted his wrath."
Justin placed hands on the backs of both preteen's head and moved them together. As Jill and April began to kiss, Justin started walking around them saying, "Yes you sluts. Prepare your whore bodies for my..." His head snapped up when a loud voice interrupted.
"Boy!" Robert shouted as he came into the room. Striding over to where the children were he continued angrily, "How many time must I tell you that this will not be?"
"Father, this WILL be." Justin shouted back. He opened his mouth to say another line, but Robert reached him and his hand shot out to Justin's jaw. Justin fell to one knee, then shouted out his line. "That will be the last time you strike me, father!"
"Talking back?" Robert shouted angrily. His hands went to the cord of his pants as he said. "Perhaps it is time for another lesson. Mayhap if it is administered in front of my daughters it will put a top to this nonsense!" Justin tried to scramble back, but Robert's hand shot out and wrapped in his hair, pulling him back. Robert thrust his hard five inch cock at Justin's face, then his hands went down and appeared to twist his ears when Justin didn't let him in. Justin's mouth yawned open in pain, and Robert shoved his cock in.
But he froze in place with a shocked look as the two preteen girls stood and helped each other out of their dresses. They approached the man on either side of Justin pushing him back as Jill spoke. "Father, do not be angry with what we are. We fulfill the purpose to which we were born. Pleasuring the men of our lives."
"You are a man, father." April said as she bent forward taking the head of Robert's cock between her lips.
The two preteens guided Robert back to the chair and sat him down. April's head began bobbing up and down as Jill said, "Do not rail against what we are, instead take pleasure of it. Who more deserving to have us than the very man that brought us about? Please Father, let us please you!" As Jill spoke she moved down to Robert's cock. April's mouth left him then moved down to his balls to lick noisily as Jill began giving him head. Ray's angle over Robert's shoulder caught Justin moving up behind April and thrusting his hips at her before moving her out of the shot. Once out of the shot, Justin took the seven year old to the couch then knelt in front of her to lick her pussy in preparation of when the camera would focus on them. April moaned and brought her hands to the eight year old's rapidly moving head
On the chair, Robert moaned in pleasure as his hand went to Jill's ass, She remained bent over the chair as she gave him head. Robert's hand moved to her cunt where he began masturbating the nine year old. Jill's hips began to sway as she moaned in pleasure around Robert's penis.
By the time Robert growled and got out of the chair almost slamming the preteen into it, Jill's body fairly glowed red with her arousal. Robert positioned himself over her then paused. After a moment, Jill's glazed eyes looked up in askance. and Robert whispered "Line."
Jill's face flushed with embarrassment and she said "Oh, sorry!" Before twisting her face back to lustfulness and saying "Oh yes Father! Take me as yours!" Robert growled and thrust his five inches into her cunt to the hilt, grinding against her clit as she whispered, "Oh yes! See how my whore body accepts you? Use me father, use me often and well!"
Robert snarled again and began to piston his hips back and forth, driving his five inch cock into the nine year old over and over, renewing her interrupted journey to climax. Jill was eager to return. and her body soon flushed as her breathing quickened. Robert's face was a mask of concentration as he pounded his cock into the willing preteen, wanting to make sure she climaxed. Bob had her pixie face framed in his camera as her features took on a look of utter ecstasy, meanwhile Ray got the angle showing Robert's assault on her tight moist vagina.
Over on the couch, Justin was torturing young April. She laid face down on the couch with her knees on the floor as Justin knelt behind her. His tongue was flickering up and down her swollen pussy, taking her again and again to the edge of climax, then denying the moaning girl release. Aprils body was red hot as she moaned her pleasure. While the two were not on camera, as soon as Jill and Robert were done they would be the focus.
It would prove not to be long. As Robert's cock pounded into her over and over, Jill began to speak, Her smoldering gaze locked onto Robert's face as she began to pant, "Oh god oh god, fuck me fuck me, oh so FUCKING good, oh my pussy feels so hot! I feel it! I'm going to CUMMMMMMMMMMMM!" Her voice ended in scream as that cut off abruptly as her young body began to thrash on the chair. Her hips moved up and down rapidly, and her arms locked then began to jerk on her belly. Her overheated cunt pulsated on Robert's cock fast at first then slower as she rode her orgasm to the end. Robert decided enough was enough and let his own release overcome him. He threw his head back and gave a loud yell as he pulled his penis from her vagina and shoot his seed onto her stomach. After his balls had emptied, Robert fell forward bringing his lips to the child's murmuring in tones of gratitude though the words were lost on her lips.
Bob and Ray filmed a few minutes of the satiated pair before shifting to take in Justin and April. The seven year old's beautiful face was red in her excitement as Justin got into position behind her. Her lipstick had smeared as she had kissed Jill and sucked Robert and looked sexy as hell with her lips parted as she panted. Her eyelids half closed in pleasure as Justin pushed his rock hard four and a half incher into her swollen vagina.
Justin placed firm hands on April's hips and began driving his child cock into the girl with surprising force. Already heated by his oral efforts, April began to moan and squirm on the couch as his small nuts slapped into her clit with an audible sound over and over.
May began to squirm in sympathy with her sister on Jack's naked lap. Jack tore his gaze away from the eight year old slam fucking the seven year old and looked into May's face. He gave a start as his eyes met hers. The seven year old in his lap was smoldering and as red faced as her sister. Mindful of her promise not to distract Jack, the child was trying to keep still, but her arousal overrode her mind and she gave s sheepish grin as she squirmed in his lap. Jack hugged her tight against his chest and returned his attention to the set just in time to see April reach the climax that Justin had denied her before.
A long moan became a primal wordless scream as the seven year old's body locked then began to buck. Her arms were laying beside her and Bob's camera view of his son's testicle's slapping her swollen clit caught her hands hanging off the couch flopping about uncontrolled as she climaxed. Ray's camera got her eyes rolling to the back of her head and her painted and smeared mouth opening wide as she sucked in lungfulls of oxygen, Her back arched as her belly rose and slammed back into the couch over and over.
While the seven year old came, Justin relentlessly pounded in little cock into her, driving her higher and keeping her there until suddenly he stilled in her cunt. Justin's face contorted, just barely caught by the alert Ray. His eight year old frame began to buck back and forth and only his death grip on the hip's of the spasming child in front of him kept him from falling away in reaction to his own orgasm. As the two children calmed together, Justin finally released the softly moaning dark haired girl and he sat on the couch beside her, gently caressing the small of her back just above her ass as the pair regained breath. Bob kept his camera on April's slick cunt and caught the view perfectly as a rivulet of Justin's ejaculate leaked out of her vagina and flooded over her swollen clit to drip onto the floor.
"Cut!" Jack called out and was disappointed when the excited child was off his lap and running to the set before he got to the hard Tee. Bob carefully put his camera down as Ray sat beside his satiated daughter and lovingly stroked her styled hair. As May came by him, Bob snatched the child up with a squeal and had her stripped and laying over her father's lap within five seconds. As Bob freed his cock and slid it effortlessly into May's tight seven year old pussy, May desperately worked in Ray's lap freeing her fathers hard seven inches and sucking it into her mouth while her contented twin smiled on.
jack wasn't disappointed long as Katie ran over to him, already naked and flushed with excitement to repeat her chair fucking with Jack from the week before. Jack could tell that someone had been working the eight year old over, for even as she lowered herself over Jack's thick prick, opening up her already slicked cunt, she began to spasm as a small orgasm rocked her skinny frame.
"Marcy Hendricks is hot." Gregg told Travis conversationally. The brothers were sitting on the couch wearing nothing but gym shorts. Their masks had been attached to their faces with the actors glue. They were doing their practice seen with seven year old Arlene, who sat in the Victorian chair idly playing with a Raggedy Ann.
"Yeah, she is, but the one I really like is Pam Munice." Travis returned.
"Pam has been around to much." Gregg pointed out
Travis shrugged and opined, "Practice makes perfect."
Arlene made a exasperated sound and began walking the doll around in her lap, cooing at it. "What about Arlene?" Gregg asked teasingly sneering at the seven year old when her eyes snapped up to look at him.
"Oh, I would do her." Travis stated jokingly.
Gregg's face grew wicked as it turned to his brother's. "Then let's." He said evilly.
"Let's what?" Travis asked as if not catching on.
Gregg in answer got up, his five inch cock tenting his gym shorts, and approached the chair. Arlene looked up at him in askance then her eyes grew wide as Gregg leaned over and crushed his lips to hers. Arlene struggled for a moment as Gregg's tongue invaded her mouth, but then relaxed and brought a small hand up to the back of his neck as she returned the kiss. Travis jumped to his feet and started to protest when Gregg broke off the kiss and snatched Arlene's shirt off before she could resist. "I'm horny, she is here, let's fuck her." He said as the evil grin returned to his face.
Arlene looked up in shock then grabbed the doll and bolted from the chair. As she raced past Travis, his strong hands snatched her up and held her to his chest as she struggled. "We can't do that." Travis stated even as he held the child prisoner in his strong arms. "She is our sister!"
"Taste those lips and tell me that we can't." Gregg shot back as he approached the pair.
Travis looked doubtful, but lowered his head to Arlene's face. Again she struggled, smacking Travis on the side of the head with her doll before Bob's camera showed the teen's tongue licking her lips and she began to relax once more. The doll fell from her hand as she reached up to grip the back of Travis's neck. As he did, Gregg's hands hooked her shorts and jerked them down her body. Arlene's legs tried to close to prevent it, but she was naked before her thin thighs slapped together. Travis broke off the kiss with a look of wonder on his face as he said, "Wow!"
Gregg's hands gripped the slender seven year old's waste as his thumbs began stroking down her ass. He gave another evil grin and said, "See? She is into it as long as she is encouraged. I say we encourage her more and fuck her brains out!"
Arlene began to struggle as Travis gave an evil grin of his own and he said, "Why the hell not. The 'rents wont be home for a few hours. Lets play!" He flipped the seven year old around in his arms and Gregg grabbed her legs as the brothers moved the girl to the couch. Arlene struggled wildly, bucking and twisting her body in the boys strong grip.
Travis and Gregg laid her on the couch and Travis held her there with a strong hand on her flat chest as he brought his lips to hers once more. Arlene struggled a bit more, then relaxed as Travis tongued her. As she relaxed Gregg loosed his firm grip on her legs and brought his hands back to her slender hips, rubbing his thumbs down her hairless pubic mound. Arlene's body jerked as his thumbs made contact with her tiny love button at the bottom of each stroke. Her hands started down to Gregg's, But Travis grabbed her arms in his powerful hands and jerked them above her head, easily holding them there as his lips reclaimed hers.
Gregg began working her clitoris between his thumbs, and Arlene's body grew flush. She gave a low moan, and Gregg said, "See? I told you she would be into it! Our sister is as much of a slut as we are." Then he brought his young face closer and kissed her on the tender skin below her belly button. Arlen's body bucked as if she had been electrocuted and she gave another long moan as Gregg kissed and nibbled at her sensitive skin. His tongue made contact as he began licking his way down and Arlene gave another huge buck.
Arlene moaned and began to squirm as Gregg licked his way to her clit. His lips clamped down on the love button and his cheeks hollowed in slightly as he began noisily sucking at it. Jack was pleased to note that while the boys hadn't acknowledged the camera once, Gregg had shifted his head to give Ray a clear view of his lips working he moaning child.
As Arlene moaned and squirmed, Travis let go of her arms and got to his feet. Her eyes grew wide with fear and Travis pushed his gym shorts down, revealing his stiff seven incher to her frightened view. "Time for you to taste cock." Travis told the girl as he moved his member to her lips. Arlene's lips formed a thin line as she pressed them together, but Travis's insistent pressure caused her jaws to yawn open as Travis inserted his penis past her lips. Seizing his advantage, he shoved his thick prick in as far as it would go, held it there, then began to fuck it slowly in and out as Arlene's eyes went from scared to smoldering. Her right hand came up and encircled the shaft he couldn't get between her lips and began jacking it in time with the seventeen year old's thrusts. Travis growled in pleasure.
"They are doing well, aren't they?" Renee's pride filled voice whispered from beside Jack as she watched with him on the monitor her son's abuse of the seven year old blonde.
"Very well," Jack confirmed as he slipped his arm around the woman's waist. On the monitor, Arlene had allowed Travis to slip out of her mouth and was jacking his cock back and forth in her fist as she gazed at it lovingly. Bob caught the motion with perfection as her other hand sneaked between his legs. Her right hand pulled the skin of his penis taut before her left pulled him back down into her eager wet mouth. Travis moaned in pure bliss as her silky smooth lips and tongue began milking his cock.
Gregg got to is feet then freed his five inch prick. He moved into position and began running up and down the swollen lips of Arlene's twat before inserting half of the head into her love tunnel and twisting his fist to make it look like her cunt was resisting as she screamed loudly around the prick in her mouth.
"Cut!" jack called out as he surged out of his chair and walked onto the set, Travis and Gregg both withdrew their young members from the girl as they looked in askance. "That is a little to obvious." Jack said as he approached Gregg. "To pull that illusion off, you have to look like you are pushing your cock down while in reality you are pulling it up. You can't twist your fist, instead pull up from below as you tighten your fingers on the top." As he spoke, he demonstrated what he meant with hand motions. Gregg nodded in understanding. Travis did to as Jack looked his way.
Jack smiled widely and clapped the boys on the back. "You boys are doing very well!" He stated bringing a grin from both. His hand went down and tickled the sensitive skin below Arlene's belly button that Gregg's lips had hyper sensitized and said fondly to her as she first giggled then moaned, "And you, as always, are excellent!" Jack turned and left the set, saying over his shoulder "Remember, Gregg, just the head then pause."
As he returned to the director's chair, the two boys returned their pricks to the eager preteen. "Action!" jack called out. Once more Gregg's prick bent against the preteen cunt as Arlene screamed onto the seven incher spreading her jaws. The illusion was pulled off much better as he released the grip on his cock and allowed it to "pop" into the child. He paused there as Ray darted in with the cherry juice.
"What is he doing?" Renee whispered as she saw the camera man applying something to her son's thick penis.
"Just watch." jack whispered back. Ray got back into position and made a small sound to let the boy know to return to action. As Gregg moaned and sank his cock into the tight cunt of the seven year old, the Astolube tinted with food dye that was out of the camera shot on his prick pooled on the swollen lips of her cunt making it look like it was being squeezed out from inside. "Wow!" Renee breathed at the illusion of the child being deflowered. "If it wasn't for the color, that would look so real!"
As Gregg began fucking his thick prick in and out of the seven year old's slickened pussy, Jack explained, "I keep it that pinkish color for a reason. While the pooling makes it look like her hymen is torn, the color lets everyone know that it is just an illusion. That way the audience get to enjoy the fantasy of it while at the same time knowing that her pussy has been fucked before and she is actually enjoying the sex. It is one of the touches that make our films so popular."
"She certainly seems to be enjoying herself." Renee said with a smile as Arlene's moans of pleasure filled the studio.
Jack smiled and watched closely as Arlene's body grew more flush and her squirming became more pronounced. Jack knew that the girl was about to go into an orgasm and judged it just right when he called out, "Next lines and positions, please." Arlene gave a mewl of protest as the two cocks pulled out of her, denying her release as Gregg said, "Come down here and get this tight cunt, bro, I want those sweet lips!" She stared daggers at the grinning Jack but moaned in pleasure once more as the boy's strong hands flipped her over and set her to her knees. Her hungry lips eagerly claimed Gregg's five inches as he sat on the couch in front of her. She gave a muffled squeal as Travis's thicker and longer cock opened her tight pussy up even more
Soon the three set a frantic rhythm as they got back into fucking. Each was getting closer to orgasm. Gregg was the first to arrive, giving a strangled cry as Arlene lifted her mouth from his prick and received his hot thick seed on her eager face. The facial set the seven year old over the edge as her mouth opened in a scream. Gregg's last jet of jism struck her tongue as her body began to thrash. Her head began to snap from side to side throwing off sweat and sperm both as she cried out her pleasure.
Her bucking body and spasming pussy milking him brought Travis to his climax. He threw back his head and yelled out as he jerked his cock from Arlene's tight cunt as it began to explode. His hot ejaculate coated the child's back and ass. When his thick seven incher finally stopped jetting his cum onto the girl Travis slipped it back into her sopping wet hole and fucked her slowly as it deflated, moaning contentedly as he did.
Gregg's evil grin returned as his hand at the back of her blonde head returned Arlene's panting lips back to his cock. As she slowly sucked his softening prick, Gregg said to Travis, "See? I told you. As much of a slut as we are and we get to have her anytime we want!" Arlene mewled in enthusiastic agreement on Gregg's penis
"Cut!" Jack called. "Great first scene, guys!" He complimented as Joyce appeared on the set with towels to get Arlene cleaned up. Applause and loud cheers from the green room approve his words as the brothers blushed and grinned.
Jack leaned his head back and closed his eyes, happy at the practice scene. When he felt lips engulf his cock, he knew right off it was Nina. But when he felt the tip of his prick enter the tight opening of a throat and felt it constrict, he doubted himself. His eyes snapped open as his body jerked half expecting to see a the blonde head of Sandra. But it turned out to be Nina after all as she pulled her mouth off of his penis.
"Sandra taught me a new trick. Do you like it?" The ten year old asked in a voice that managed to be husky, lust filled and ultra innocent all at the same time. Her bright mischievous eyes widened in shock as Jack's hands grabbed the sides of her head and pulled her roughly down his thick cock in answer. They began to smolder as he retuned the tip into her tight throat opening and she dutifully gave a swallow. Her smoldering glazed eyes assumed a look of total and utter adoration as Jack began to firmly fill her mouth over and over with his thick ten incher. Nina's thin arms hugged his legs tightly as Jack pounded her head onto his manhood.
Nina's father had brought this child to orgasm by being rough while she blew him. Jack decided to see if he could as well. "Oh god Jack that is so fucking hot. Use that little slut!" Renee's excited voice whispered into Jack's ear as she watched him assault her ten year old's mouth.
"Yeah, Jack, rape that little bitches mouth!" Joyce's husky voice agreed in his other ear. Jack looked up to find that he and Nina was the center of attention. Fred, Robert, George, Ray, Bob, Richard, Travis, and Gregg stared in awe as Nina's long moans were abruptly cut off each time jack's massive tool pounded the opening to Nina's throat. Carol, Jill, Sandra, April, May, and Katie looked on in wonder as Jack's powerful hands force fed his giant manhood to the eager ten year old.
Nina seemed to grow more and more excited as she was impaled repeatedly on Jack's penis. Her orgasm crashed over her like a tidal wave as she began to scream on Jack's prick. Her body hugged tightly to Jack's legs began to thrash violently against them. Her muffled screams grew in volume, still cut off each time Jack's huge mushroom pounded her throat. Finally Jack could take no more. He drew Nina's head up till only the head of his cock rested between her lips, then let go as his seed flooded her hot mouth. The feeling of her tongue working to direct his salty semen to her sore throat drove jack even higher as he bellowed out his pleasure. His powerful cock spasming in her mouth moved Nina's head up and down, making her look as though she was nodding in approval as his seed overflowed her eager lips and ran down to soak his nuts.
Nina's cheeks hollowed deeply inwards as she gave one last powerful suck before allowing Jack's cock to flop from her mouth. She laid her head weakly on his legs and her voice croaked from her abused throat, "Oh god, I love it, I love YOU sooo much Jack, I love you. I love you!"
Jack had to take several deep breaths before his hand tenderly stroked her hair and he replied, "I love you too, sweetie. You were fantastic!"
Joyce and Renee had to unlock her hands from around his legs before they could help the girl weakly to her feet and almost dragging her towards the green room to recover and get something to sooth her sore throat. Jack leaned his head back with his eyes closed as he continued to gulp in lungs full of air. He felt a hand grip his deflated cock and move it out of the way as her tongue licked the spilled seed from his balls. Opening his eyes, he saw Sandra grinning up at him as she lovingly cleaned him cat like with her tongue.
Seeing him looking fondly at her, Sandra drew her head back and said mischievously, "I guess you really DO like that trick I taught her!" Before returning to her self appointed task.
"The second time he came, I watched as Margrethe eagerly ran to the room. Her black dress, which he insisted that she wear for him, barely slowed her. Mother watched her go after dressing her with a small smile that carried the secret that I knew. I followed at a more sedate pace, so arrived at the door to watch just as she reached him. He was prepared for her arrival."
"On your knees, child." George ordered with a sneer. He sat naked on the couch his seven inches standing proud, flexing as if beckoning.
"Yes Uncle." Jill answered with soft hands on George's knees as she negotiated to a kneeling position in the difficult Victorian dress. Once on her knees in front of him, she leaned forward and lovingly took his head into her mouth.
George's hands came to rest on her head as he sighed his pleasure. "Slowly child." He ordered as Jill began working her way down his shaft. "We have all afternoon!"
Jill made no reply, but slowed her decent on his shaft, When all but three inches were between her silky lips, she just as slowly pulled back. When she arrived at the top, she gave a suck then repeated her slow motion. Working her way down a half inch at a time.
George sighed once more in pleasure at the slow blow job. As Jill blew him, he unlaced the bodice of her dress and slid his hand down the back of it to loosen it. Jill began to speed up as George urged her on with his hand at the back of her head. "Yes, girl, that is it, pleasure me."
Jill moaned as she felt his cock filling her mouth over and over. When George's hand once more urged her to greater speed, the nine year old's head began to fly up and down his shaft. She moaned again.
"That's my girl." Fred said fondly at Jack's side. "She has always loved giving head."
"She does it well." Jack replied without taking his eyes of the scene.
"Ingrid taught her how before she made me let her." Fred informed him. "She pleased many a carrot with those pretty lips before she ever got to me."
On the set, George stood and lifted Jill to her feet. She gazed with lust filled eyes as George stripped the dress down her body. When she was nude, George moved in and crushed his lips to the nine year old's. His hands worked her ass, then one slid around to settle between her legs as Jill moaned in pleasure. George broke the kiss with an animal snarl and lifted the panting preteen to the floor.
He pushed her to her knees then tummy first onto the couch as he got to his knees behind her. Bob caught the scene well as George's seven incher opened the child as he pushed into her love tunnel. Ray's camera caught Jill's blissful expression as George began slowly moving his penis in and out of her, four inches was all the used, but as he pulled out, he angled his hips down so that his penis brushed it's entire length along her clitoris.
Jill began to pant as George sped his motions up. "Mmmmm yes, Uncle, that feels so very good!" She said as George's hand grabbed her hair and pulled her head up. Her eyes were glazed as Ray captured her expression. Bob's camera moved lower, shooting between George's legs as he fucked the preteen.
"I used to get so jealous when I saw another man putting it to my girls" Fred confessed. "But I can't get enough of watching them take on a man now. Both Jill and Katie have taken to it so much. They love getting fucked."
"I hope not so much that they let it get in the way of the rest of their lives." Jack commented as George sped his efforts. Jill's young body was growing flush with excitement. Her moans rang out through the studio.
"Oh no!" Fred assured him. "They are both doing well in school, and we make sure they get plenty of time to play regular girl games with each other and other children. My girls will grow up as healthy and well adjusted as any others in the group."
As George pulled out of the moaning nine year old to sit on the coach and pull her over him, Jack asked, "How are they reacting to Ingrid being pregnant?"
"They are looking forward to having a new baby in the house." Fred answered fondly. "They both promised to help their mom and I take care of the new baby."
Before Jack could respond, Jill let out a loud scream and began to shake on George's seven incher. Ray caught her contorted face as she gave in to the pleasure racking her young body. Bob's camera caught the scene as the cumming child in his lap took George over the edge. He barely got his cock out of her before sending streams of his seed onto her butt and back. Jack cut the scene as man and child panted together.
Once more it was Renee who came to the set with a towel to clean the child and help her happily off the set. As she was doing that, Katie came out of the green room and came over to Jack, climbing up into his lap and sighing with contentment as she settled onto the blanket of his thick chest hair. Fred's hand came in and lovingly stroked his daughters hair. On the set, more people showed up to clean and prepare for departure. George's scene with Jill was the last of the day. Renee had already done her touching scene with Justin, bringing the boy to a passionate end then holding him lovingly as she listed possibilities for the future.
After a few moment, Fred plucked his little girl off of Jack's naked lap and went off to get her ready to go. Nina came to give Jack a hug and kiss then left with the rest of her family telling him that she was really looking forward to the scene with him the next day. Jack was hugged and kissed steadily as parents and their children exited the building at staggered intervals.
Sandra came to the set and spoke to her father briefly before making her way over to Jack. She had his clothes, which he hadn't worn since arriving that morning. When she got to him, her sultry without meaning to be voice said "I'm coming home with you. Daddy said it is ok."
Jack grinned then warned the twelve year old blonde, "Ok, but I have cum four times today. I might not be good company."
Sandra's eyes grew mischievous as moved her hand to wrap it around Jack's limp prick. "I'm not worried about that, this thing could go off ten times today and twelve tomorrow." His prick began to stiffen in her hand as she squeezed and she said, "See!" Then she handed Jack his dry clothes and watched as he dressed himself.
Even as Jack dressed, his cock continued to expand in anticipation of the night with the passionate twelve year old. By the time he walked out with her and locked up behind them, it was tenting his pants.
Sandra's prediction had proven true, Jack could get up again for her. They had spent most to the night idly making out as they watched television. Teasing and caressing each other so that by the time they entered his bedroom, they were pleasantly worked up for one another. Jack took his time with the passionate twelve year old, focusing on her pleasure rather than his own, enjoying himself by taking her to climax again and again before finally spilling his seed inside her.
Still basking in the afterglow, looking into Sandra's peaceful sleeping face, stroking her short blonde hair with adoration, Jack was just about to drop off to sleep himself when the telephone rang. He hated having to disturb the exhausted twelve year old as he shifted to answer it. It was just approaching eleven.
"I know what you are." A voice that Jack didn't recognize said into his ear before he could even say hello. The voice was contemptuous.
"Oh?" Jack asked coming alert. Sandra saw his expression and grew totally still.
"Yes." The voice replied. "I've been watching you. I know what you are."
"And what am I?" Jack asked dread filling him
"A fucking low life baby raper. A pedophile." The voice informed him.
"How dare you?" Jack asked mocking outrage. "Who the hell is this?"
"Oh don't try the indignant ploy with me, child fucker." The voice ordered. "I told you, I KNOW."
"What do you know?" Jack asked angrily. Sandra's eyes grew wide as she sensed something strange going on.
"I watched." The voice said. "After you wouldn't take my call last Sunday, I got curious why someone who had done what you did wouldn't want a hero's publicity. So I decided to drive over. I watched as your house filled up with entire families. I watched during the whole week while mothers and daughters came to your house to spend the night."
"So I have plenty of friends that care about me and wanted to keep me company after a tragic event." Jack said. "You know nothing. How dare you call me at this time of night and make accusations?"
"I know that there is a cute twelve year old blonde with you tonight. She is probably naked beside you on the bed trying to figure out what is going on." The voice snidely guessed.
"You are wrong." Jack lied. "She is asleep on my pull out couch in the living room. She is the daughter of a friend who had an emergency and had to leave town. She is staying with me because she couldn't go."
"Yeah, right." The snide voice stated. "How many times did you fuck her?"
"Listen, you low life sonofabitch." Jack said angrily. "What the hell do you want?"
"Glad you asked, Jack my boy." The voice responded. "What I want is in! I want some of that baby pussy that you have overflowing."
"You are crazy!" jack shouted. "You don't know what the hell you are talking about, don't call here again, or I will call the police!"
Jack started to hang the phone up when the Voice shouted. "Don't you dare! I have license plate numbers. You don't let me in, I start putting them with people and go after them! I will put together a story that will make the day care scandals of the eighties look like coverage of a flower bed growing. You don't want to fuck with me!"
"Listen, you don't know what you are talking about." Jack replied. "I am not what you think I am. There is no story, nothing to get in on!"
"You have twenty-four hours, Jackieboy, to change your tune." The voice informed him. "Just to show you that I am not fucking around here, I will call one family in the morning and tell them what I have told you. All I have to do is match one license plate with a name, and I can do that easily. Twenty-four hours." Then the line went dead.
As Jack hung the phone up, Sandra's voice asked, "What is it, Jack?"
Turning to look into her scared green eyes, Jack said grimly, "Red alert."
Immediately Sandra got up and began to dress. Red Alert was known to everyone. It meant that the group was in danger of discovery. Jack got up himself and went to his dresser. He took down his cell phone from it's charger, wanting to keep the main line open, and dialed a number.
Joyce's sleepy voice answered, "Hello?"
"R.A." Jack said. He heard Joyce curse before hanging up. He broke his connection and waited less than a minute. He answered his cell on the first ring.
"What's the situation?" Joyce asked all business. As jack filled her in on the call, Sandra listened closely, having only heard Jack's half of the conversation. Sandra had only pulled her T-shirt on, not bothering with more when she saw that Jack wasn't dressing. "What's the play? Want me to cancel the shoot tomorrow?" Joyce asked when Jack was finished.
"No, the guy seems to only know me. I don't think he knows about the studio. Actually, I don't think he knows a hell of a lot. Go ahead with the shoot, but just to be on the safe side, I wont come. We do need to get in touch of every one, let them all know what is going on and have anyone this prick calls get to us immediately. Get in touch of Bob, Ray and Richard, I hate to wake them at this hour, but it has to be done."
"Richard is here with me." Joyce informed him. "He has his cell, and he has been listening in."
"Oh. Good." Jack said. "I don't think this guy has even started looking up the license numbers he has collected. He must have been collecting them with a telescope. We would have noticed if he were in binocular range. I would very much like to know where he was. But on the bright side, if he was watching me through a telescope, he hasn't been following me around."
"How bad do you think this is going to get?" Joyce asked. Her voice was calm, but Jack could tell she was scared.
"I don't know." Jack answered honestly. "So far he seems both sloppy and stupid. But he is a newspaper reporter, and we don't have any idea what he has collected or who he has shared it with. We know he has been watching my home, which is off limits for the duration by the way, but I know he hasn't been trying to follow me or anyone else around. We are all to careful for that. We will be in a better position to know once we figure out who he is. He doesn't actually know anything, just made some unfortunately accurate guesses."
"We better start waking folks up." Joyce stated. Then, "Jack?"
"I know you." Joyce informed him. "Don't you dare think that this is your fault."
Jack pulled the phone away from his ear and looked at it wondering if the woman on the other end of it could read his mind. That was just what he was thinking. Pulling the phone back to his ear, he said, "But it is, Joyce. I am the weak link in this one. I am the exposed link that could lead to everyone's downfall."
"Let me speak to Sandra for a moment." Joyce said. Jack blinked at the change of direction, but handed the phone over to the surprised blonde.
"Yes?" Sandra asked into the phone. She listened for a moment then said "Yes ma'am." She turned to Jack to hand the phone back then socked him in the arm as hard as she could. "She wants to talk back to you." Sandra said with a grin as Jack rubbed his arm with a pained expression.
"I wont let you beat yourself up, but I will tell her to kick your ass if you keep it up, buster." Joyce informed him as soon as she heard him breathing. "Hold a second, Richard wants to talk to you."
"Jack?" Richards voice came over the line. "I guess you will want to drop Sandra off tomorrow night sometime. I'll meet you guys at the Burger King off McConall road at eight."
Jack's voice rang with misery as he answered, "I am sorry about this, my friend. I hate that she got caught up..."
"Forget it." Richard interrupted him. "Joyce is right, don't you try to take this on yourself. Victim of circumstance and all. I'll see you tomorrow night."
"Okay." Jack replied the misery not reduced one bit in his voice.
"Oh, and one more thing." Richard went on. Jack could almost hear the grin as he stated, "Since you will have my daughter all day, I will be doing your scene with Nina!"
That startled a laugh out of jack. "Oh great, kick a man when he is half down." He said sarcastically.
They broke off the phone call and began making the rest of the group aware. Each person had a list of people to call in an emergency situation. Each call would be made from the cell to a hard line, to letters spoken, then wait for the family to use their own cells to return the call. The cell phones were all cloned
Before Jack began to make his calls, he turned to Sandra and said apologetically, "Sorry, dear heart, looks like you will be here longer than we thought. I wont be able to get you back to your dad until tomorrow night."
Sandra smiled and hugged herself tightly to Jack's side as she said, "Well, at least one good thing is coming out of this, then." Jack smiled and returned her hug fondly before making his calls. She stayed plastered comfortingly to his side throughout. An hour later, and everything that could be done had been. Jack suggested they retire for the night. They would have a long day when they awoke. The twelve year old's presence allowed Jack to sleep peacefully.
He awoke early but refreshed, and ready to take on the day. Leaving Sandra softly snoring in his bed, he went up into his attic and used his own telescope that he kept there to try and figure out where the reporter had spied on him from. He was surprised when he found it immediately. The idiot had left his telescope sitting just back in the woods almost in a straight line from jack's driveway. Jack focused in further and saw a lot of trash around the telescope, but no person looking through it. He used the range finder on his own to mark off the distance, then called up a mental road map of the area. The reporter was obviously lazy, and Jack decided exactly where he would park his car.
Coming down from the attic he found Sandra just waking up. He bid her good morning as she smiled sleepily at him, then began doing his morning exercises. Sandra laughed as uproariously as Jessie had when he did his naked jumping jacks. Also like her ten year old fellow blonde, she insisted on taking her morning shower with him. Though Sandra washed her own body and hair, she copied Jessie more by giving him a blow job in the shower, but added her own touch when she shimmied up Jack like he was a slippery tree and lowering her tight womanhood onto him. By the time she had brought him to orgasm, the water was running cold as he stepped from the shower, It was absolutely frigid by the time she had washed his seed from on her and in her before stepping back out herself.
As Jessie had when she stayed over, Sandra sat on the vanity and watched Jack shave with rapt attention as she brushed her teeth, but Sandra didn't air any matrimonial fantasies. The twelve year old blonde had planned her overnight stay long before she had asked for permission the day before, and dressed in fresh clothing.
Sandra insisted on fixing Jack breakfast, despite his protests of being the host, and as Jack ate, he knew Sandra for a better cook. After eating they sat together snuggling on the couch watching television Jack didn't worry about being seen from outside because all the windows that allowing viewing into his place were covered with a distorting glass that allowed light in but wouldn't allow anyone to see from outside. Together, the two sat and waited for the call that would tell them who the reporter contacted.
By the time the call came at just after twelve, Jack had gotten so nervous and filled with dread the Sandra had gotten to her knees as was giving him a calming slow blow job to "settle his stomach.". As soon as the shrill ring of his cell went off, she left his prick and returned to his side. He recognized the voice on the other need immediately.
"Jason?" Jack asked. "You are the one he called?"
"Worse than that, Jack, he came by." Jason's voice was filled with emotion.
"Tell me what happened." Jack replied grimly.
"He knocked on my door a little while ago. Soon as I opened it, he said to me what he did to you. 'I know what you are.' My noisy neighbor was out and I couldn't chance her overhearing, so I had to invite him in. He proceeded to call me a pedo and told me he watched as I took my daughter in to be abused when we visited.
"I pulled the outraged parent routine, but he hasn't buying. Helen was great acting disgusted and such when she 'figured out' what the man was saying. She kicked him as hard as she could in the shin. I almost had to kill him, Jack. He raised his hand like he was going to slap my girl. He stopped when he saw the expression on my face." Jason's voice fairly shook with anger.
"Jesus, Jason, I am so sorry." Jack said plunging once more into abject misery.
Hearing it Sandra punched him in the arm again as Jason's voice returned, "Sorry for what? This isn't your fault!" Before Jack could indulge in more self pity, Jason went on, "Anyway, he went through the whole thing of being a newspaper reporter and staking out your place. I asked him his name and the paper he worked for, but he wouldn't tell me. I picked up the phone and made like I was calling the police and he high tailed it out of here. I thought that maybe he had begun to doubt, but just before he left, he leered at my Helen and said he would have her at least as much as you had."
"Damn!" Jack swore. "Anything else?"
"Yeah, I did get his license plate. He drives an old beat up Honda. I think it might have been red, but the paint was so oxidized that I couldn't really tell." Jason said then read off the number and described the reporter as best he could.
Jack repeated the number making sure he got it then said, "Great work. Now we will be able to find out who this fuck is. Now that he has found out who you are, you and Helen better lay as low as possible. Be really careful. I think he is still coming after me, but we can't play this one to safe."
"You got it." Jason agreed. "And Jack, really, don't blame yourself for this. We will come through it."
"Thanks, man, and again, good job. I am glad he didn't hurt Helen. I would hate to see you get in the kind of trouble you would have for killing him." Jason said good bye and hung up. He sent Sandra back into his bedroom and immediately called a number. When the line picked up, he said, "I'd like to speak to the Sheriff please."
"May I say who is calling?" The secretary that picked up asked.
Jack gave a phony code name and was put right through. When a soft high voice answered, Jack said "R.A." and hung up the cell. Two minutes later it rang in his hand and he answered it. "Tony?"
"Yeah Jack, what is up?" The high voice asked. Tony was the second black man that did filming. He was also the county Sheriff of the small town and two small sections of the larger surrounding towns that fell within the county lines. Standing at five four, he was a slight man, but conveyed full authority in his official role. Tony was on his second marriage, having brought a son into it. His wife was Vietnamese. and the two mixed breed girl's they made together were beautiful.
"The reporter from last night showed up and Jason's door." Jack stated then told him every detail of his conversation with Jason. he gave the description and license number that Jason had given him.
"I think I know who he is from the description. Guy is a scumbag that works for the Herald. I will ruin the plate to make sure, though. When I find out, what is the play? Want me to... sanction him?"
"I can't ask you to take that risk, Tony." Jack replied. "He came after me, and threatened everyone, I will do what is necessary myself. But I would like you to investigate, see if you can find out who he might have told, see if you can lay hands on his notes, make sure he hasn't left anything at his desk, that sort of thing."
"I'll do that." Tony assured him. He hesitated a long moment before adding in a serious tone, "But Jack, what we are talking here is cold blooded. I know you did that Rudy guy, but that was kill or be killed. I don't think you have the heart to do this reporter. I know you feel responsible, and you shouldn't. Let me take this step."
It was Jack's turn to hesitate as he considered the Sheriff's words. Finally he replied, "Tony, you are probably right. And you are a good man for offering. But this is mine to do. I will find it in me somewhere to do what has to be done. If you can just free my hands by finding out what he will leave behind. I will take the rest. I know where he has been watching me from, and I am pretty sure I know where he parks when he is watching."
"All right, Jack. But my offer still stands. I will see what I can find on the scumbag." With that Tony hung up.
Jack turned off the cell and called out to Sandra. The twelve year old came back into the room and immediately sank to her knees in front of him with a smile as she reached for his zipper. Jack began to stop her then found that he was horny as all get out. Sandra sensed his need and set about taking care of him. Taking his thick erection out of him pants, she went to it with surprising enthusiasm. As soon as her lips touched it, she took it all the way to the hilt. Jack jumped in surprise as the talented twelve year old began deep throating him.
Jack only let her tight throat milk his cock for a single minute before he stood and brought the blonde to her feet, In his need, he almost ripped the pants and panties off of her. Falling to his knees looking up at her in adoration and lust, Jack brought his face between her legs. Sandra threw a leg of her shoulder to allow him easy access as he inhaled her aroma before swiping at her with his tongue.
Sandra moaned and rocked her hips, driving her arousal onto his mouth. Jack licked her busily as his hands went to her ass to steady her. He concentrated on her clitoris, hearing her moan in response then began to trace her labia with his flickering tongue. The laps he made, stopping at her clit on each. Her pussy was swollen and almost dripping as he rammed his tongue into her tight love tunnel and thrilled at the taste of her arousal.
Growling with his need, Jack pulled the moaning twelve year old to the floor and laid her flat. Her eyes smoldered as his pinned her to the floor while he worked his pants down to his knees. Her loving hands wrapped around his neck as he positioned himself. She arched into him as he plunged into her, crying out. Jack moaned in pleasure as he felt her moist tight walls grip his cock.
Sandra's thin legs wrapped around jack's waist as he began sawing his manhood in and out of her. Lunging to the hilt and grinding his pubic mound against her clit. Sandra moaned and moved her hips up to meet each of his needy thrusts. She began to pant as Jack drove her to orgasm
Jack's smoldering eyes bore into hers as she thrashed under him and began to yell his name. Mercilessly he drove his prick into her over and over, feeling himself coming close to his own release. Sandra continued to climax as he pounded into her. Then Jack's body stiffened and he cried out, his prick in her hot cunt began to fill her with his seed, and her eyes thanked him for it as they kept each other locked in the lustful stare.
Spent, jack fell over her, his lips crushing down to her as he panted. She returned the kiss eagerly, her lips accepting the gratitude that his expressed. They exchanged air with one another as Jack's penis grew soft and finally slipped from her, allowing his seed to seep from her into the carpet. She liked the weight of him pressing her down, and kept her legs firmly wrapped around him.
They stayed that way for close to an hour, kissing tenderly, comforting each other, though Sandra comforted more than Jack. at last Jack broke off, his eyes lovingly gazing down at his preteen lover before he sat up and pulled his pants up. Sandra got up off the floor and hugged the kneeling Jack tightly before retrieving her own pants and putting them on. As Jack struggled to the couch, she went to the kitchen and fixed both of them a beer, bringing them back to the couch and snuggling against him as they drank. Afterwards, they napped lightly, waiting for whatever came.
The chittering ring of Jack's cell brought them awake together two hours later. When jack answered it, he heard Tony's high pitched voice on the line. "Jack? We caught a break. The guys name is Isaac. But he no longer works for the Herald. He was fired last week for sexual harassment. He told his boss that he was working on something huge. But his desk there is cleared, and anything he has is in his car. I sent someone who owes me a favor to check his apartment, and it is clean. You are free to do what you have to, though I still think you should let me handle it."
"Thanks, Tony, you did great." Jack replied. "But I've got it."
Jack looked over at the clock and began making plans. He hand Sandra prepare to leave to meet her father while he went into the attic and checked Isaac's watching post. The man was there! Jack zoomed in on him and found that Jason's description had been right on. The man held binoculars to his face checking for movement. If he saw any, he would then use the telescope to see what was going on.
He was still there by the time Jack returned Sandra to her father and returned home. Jack took his cordless into the attic and watch the man that was watching him while the waited for him to call. Clouds rolled in as darkness fell, making the man hard to see.
As eleven o'clock neared, Jack became nervous. He planned to draw the reporter into a trap. His eyes were glued to the man he could only dimly see waiting for him to call. Thus he saw clearly what happened. A bright flash lit the night. At first Jack thought it had been lightning. But a moment later, Jack saw two other flashes. What he saw in those millisecond long flashes made him gasp.
The flashes were the result of gunfire. The reporter had been assassinated. As Jack watched through his telescope, he could make out a flurry of movement at the edge of those woods. He couldn't be sure, but he counted three people as the telescope that the report used disappeared. The reporter's body was picked up and taken west, jack thought towards his car. Jack thought that all three had gone that way, but only two returned to walk east.
Just as the shocked Jack left his attic, his cell rang. Accepting the call and putting it to his ear, a voice that could have been female of high pitched male, jack couldn't tell as it was muffled, said "Jack? The reporter had been taken care of. Red Alert is no longer in effect." Then the call was broken.
Jack's moves were robotic, automatic as he prepared for sleep. As he lay in the darkness staring at nothing, his mind reviewed what he had seen. Three flashes, the first a surprise, the other two each revealing a person. Raven haired, Beautiful fine features totally impassive...
The reviewing period for this story has ended. |