Pedo Porn Adventures, Part 1

[ Mffg, ped, inc, orgy ]

by CuPED


Published: 16-Apr-2012

Word Count:

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show Story Summary
This story is a work of fiction.

Chatper 1: Introductions All Around

Jack was a happy man. The day was really going well. The eight year old girl that stared in the shoot this morning was unusually enthusiastic today. The actor playing her "Papa" lasted a long time as well. It was shaping up to be a great flick. The Pedophiles were going to eat it up!

Not only that, but a new girl was going to be auditioning in the afternoon! Jack really looked forward to auditions. His penis grew hard in his blue jeans as he thought about the paces he would put the new girl through. Her mother had assured him that the girl would perform with no hesitation. Jack had seen the photographs that the mother submitted, and was looking forward to seeing the girl live in front of him

"You look happy." A female voice interrupted his thoughts. Jack turned to find Joyce smiling at him. Joyce would be one of the actresses involved in the school scene planned for the next hour.

"Yeah, today has been going well." Jack replied returning her smile. "And I have an audition today that I am really looking forward to!"

"Oooooo a new girl?" Joyce asked wide eyed. "Can't wait to see her!" Joyce at twenty three years old was an oddity. As perverted as any of the men that participated in the making of kiddie porn, Joyce had been a child actress herself. Now grown into a stunning woman, no one would think to look at her that she thrilled at having her face between a young girls thighs.

Joyce was one of the only three adult women that Jack employed as aactress's. She was by far the most beautiful. Standing at five foot five, with raven black hair that framed her pretty face, Joyce was fit and trim. Her breasts were a bit large for Jack's tastes, but the customers really seemed to like her. Some of the customers were old enough to remember her from when she was an eight year old actress herself. Though jack hadn't had a hand in making them, he possessed a copy.

"I am sure you will get the chance soon." Jack assured her. "This girl is lovely! I am sure she will be quite popular."

"Mmmmm can't wait." Joyce repeated before going to her spot on the stage. The scene was set up and ready, Joyce was the first participant of the scene to show up. She picked up a script and began to memlearn her parts.

The next to show up was George. Looking resplendent in his frumpy suit, George looked eager to commence with the scene. At forty years old, George had the paunchy, but stern look perfect for playing teachers or principles. At six feet tall, he was an imposing presence when paired on screen with a young girl. Sandy hair was salted with just enough gray here and there to lend him an edge of dignity.

"Hey Jack!" George called cheerfully crossing to where Jack sat with an extended hand.

"Hey George, ready to go?" Jack replied shaking the proffered hand then clapping the older man on the shoulder.

"Allways!" George grinned. "You know making these flicks are the highlight of my month!"

"Glad to hear it." Jack said returning the smile. "I am really going to need some enthusiasm today. This will be the tenth time we have done this type of scene in the past two years. I don't want it to get stale!"

"You got it, pal." George replied before going off to join Joyce on the stage. As the pair talked and went over the scene, Richard, Jack's lighting and sound man approached the actors and positioned them on the stage to check the visuals of the scene. Bob and Ray, the two camera men that would be doing the filming joined the discussion. Soon George was positioned leaning back against his desk while Joyce knelt in front of him giving him a slow blow job.

As this was going on, the young starlet of the scene made her appearance. Led in by her father's hands on her shoulders, little Helen, dressed in a plaid skirt and white shirt with red knee high socks and black shoes, gave a squeal of delight and rushed over to jump into Jack's lap. Her pigtails flew as she threw her arms around Jack's neck and planted a firm kiss on his mouth. Her little tongue darted in, and Jack squeezed the pre-teen tightly as he returned the kiss.

As Jack explored the six year old's mouth with his tongue, his hands moved around between them. He lifted her plaid skirt and began rubbing her little cunt through the this nylon panties the girl wore. Helen moaned softly as he did. Breaking off the kiss, Jack looked the little girls bright eyes and said, "Hmmm, you are already damp down here. You must be looking forward to today!"

Helen giggled and ground her pussy onto Jack's hand as she replied "I was SOOO looking forward to it! I couldn't stop thinking about it all day yesterday and last night! I had to make daddy fuck me three times!" Helen's father looked sheepish and nodded.

Jack gave a mock frown and removed his hand from the delightful girl's cunt as he said, "I hope in between those three times, that you remembered to study your lines!" It wasn't a great concern of his. Helen had taken to being filmed easily. She always remembered the few lines she was given. Helen really enjoyed making the porn flicks

Helen rolled her eyes as she stated "Of COURSE I remembered my lines." In a haughty tone, she teasingly added, "I AM a professional after all!" Then she gave a brilliant smile.

"Indeed you are." Jack said fondly. "Go ahead and get on the set, we will be filming shortly." Then Jack gave the girl a quick little kiss and squeezed her ass before setting her to the floor and turning her towards the set.

"HEY!" Helen called out catching sight of George and Joyce. George was sitting in the 'principle's' chair with Joyce laid back across the table, eating her out as Bob and Ray checked out angles making sure they wouldn't catch each other in the shot. "No fair! No sex without the star!" She added running over.

"Relax, child." George said with a huge grin as the girl ran over to jump into his lap. "We were just getting each other ready for you!" He added before the girl kissed him soundly. After a moment, Helen leaned over to kiss Joyce too, right where George had his face between her legs moments before.

Jack smiled for a moment at the little girl's antics before turning to her father Jason and asking, "You got the checks?"

Jason smiled and nodded in answer. He didn't loose sight of his daughter as he did, however. On the set, George had been replaced in his seat by Ray. Helen had taken Joyce's place on the desk, and Jay was busy licking the little child's cunt, her panties held out of the way but not removed. As Jay was doing this, Bob was applying Actor's glue to the moaning girls face. After he had done with that, he placed a black latex mask that fit over the girl's eyes, masking her features while leaving her filmable for the oral action she would be performing later. Both Jay and Bob doubled as make-up artists. George and Joyce were both doing their own.

Chapter 2

"Places everyone!" Jack called out. "Let's get this in one shot! Roll film...and action!"

"So, Helen, back again, are you?" George said severely. The older man was leaning back against his desk. Helen was on a chair in front of him, her eyes downcast and looking scared. "This is the third time this week!"

"I-i-i'm sorry, Mr. Jeffers." Helen replied sounding miserable. Jack smiled at the good job the girl was doing, She sounded perfect!

"Sorry isn't going to cut it this time!" George stated firmly. "Three times this week, two last week. I've tried detention, in-school suspension. I'm afraid it is time to call in your parents!"

"No please!" Helen pleaded looking up into the older man's eyes. "Daddy will kill me if he finds out!"

"I'm afraid you leave me little choice, young lady." George stated not giving an inch. "I've told you before, this is a proper school, and we demand proper behavior! We can't have you down in the woods with those little boys showing them your panties! Especially not so that you can get a few extra deserts at lunch! It just isn't going to be tolerated!"

"I promise I wont do it again!" Helen pleaded. "Just please don't tell my parents! Daddy will kill me, then mommy will kill me again!"

"You have made that promise before, young lady." George stated severely. "But I understand that you don't want your parents to know." He added appearing to give in.

"You wont tell them?" Helen asked, her voice reflecting just the right amount of hope.

"That depends on you." George said with narrowed eyes and a shrewd tone coming into his voice. "There will have to be a punishment! But if you accept a special punishment, then I suppose we can skip telling your parents this time."

"I'll accept the punishment!" Helen stated sounding relieved. "Just so long as Daddy and Mommy don't find out!"

"Very well." George said, his face still wearing a severe expression. Turning away from the youngster, he pressed a button on a small box on his desk. Jay caught the lewd smile that came over his face not seen by the six year old as he said "Marla, could you please come in here."

Joyce walked onto the set through a door set behind Helen. Stopping to mimic locking it, she said, "Yes Mr. Jeffers?"

"Young Helen here has decided to take Special punishment rather than have her parents told." George stated. "Seems she likes to show her panties and what is between her legs to the boys here. So now she has to pay the price."

"I see." Joyce stated giving the young girl a disapproving stare.

Helen shifted uncomfortably in her seat as the woman glared at her. "W-w-what kind of punishment do I get?" Helen asked nerously.

"First, a spanking!" George stated standing up and taking the pre-teen by the shoulder. Lifting her out of the chair, he moved her over to where he had leaned against the desk and ordered, "Lean over here." As Helen moved reluctantly to obey, Joyce took the seat that Helen vacated, sliding it forward so that she was right behind the girl.

"Please, not to hard." Helen begged. She gasped when George shoved her down to lay face down on the desk.

"Marla, if you would do the honors please." George said his hand holding the girl firmly on the desk.

Helen gasped again as she felt her skirt flipped up onto her back. "-W-w-w-what are y-y-you doing?" She asked fearfully. Jack smiled again at the excellent acting job the little six year old was performing.

"Since you like to show off so much, this is where your spanking will happen!" George stated, appearing to tighten his grip to keep the girl firmly flat on the desk. George gave Joyce a nod, and the woman grabbed the preteens sheer panties and pulled the to the floor in one swift motion.

"Hey!" Helen gasped. "You can't do that!"

"Oh?" George asked. "I suppose you are right. Better call your parents instead." He went on cruely.

"No! I-i-it's okay!" Helen cried out.

"Then be quiet and take your punishment like a big girl." George said severely. Unseen by the pre-teen, both Joyce and George took Helen's panties and held them up to their noses, inhaling deeply. "Now, it is time." George stated. As he did. he brought his hand down sharply and smacked the girl on the ass. "Ow!' Helen cried out.

"Cut!" Jack called. Ray and Bob stopped the cameras as George and Joyce looked over in askance. "George, stiffen your fingers and bit. I need more sound out of that. Give her one good spank then move on to the festivities. George nodded in understanding. "Ok, action!" Jack called out.

Once more George brought his hand down, this time making a much more satisfying sound and eliciting a slightly louder "Ow!" from Helen. But this time, he didn't take his hand away. George began to squeeze and caress the young girl's ass cheek as he asked. "Now, are you going to show this off to any more boys?"

"No." Helen cried out.

"I don't believe you." George replied, still moving his hands on the girls butt. "Did that smack hurt?" He asked

"Yes it hurt!" Helen answered shrilly.

"You know, Mr Jeffers." Joyce broke in, her hand joining his on the girl's but, causing Helen to began to squirm. "Maybe pain isn't the answered here."

"What do you mean?" George asked, his voice sounding bewildered.

"Just that Helen here hasn't responded well to pain. Maybe the opposite of pain would help her to see the light."

"Interesting idea!' George stated with a lewd grin. "Tell me, Helen. does what we are doing now feel better than the spank?"

"Y-y-yes." Helen answered hesitantly.

"Hmmmm, Marla, you may be right." George said the hand holding Helen down ccaressing her back as his other hand ccaressed her butt. "Since it was your idea. how about once more you do the honors?"

Joyce gave a brilliant smile and said, "Sure thing, Mr. Jeffers!" Then Joyce leaned forward and licked up the entire length of the pre-teens moist slit.

Helen jerked as if she had been shot and said, "Hey! Wait! What are you....oh.....what are you doing to me? Ohhhhhhh mmmmmmmmm"

"Feels good, doesn't it?" George asked the moaning girl as Joyce went to work on her cunt in earnest. Helen didn't answer, just began to moan more. Looking between the live scene and the monitor set beside him, Jack could see that Bob was getting great shots of Joyce's flickering tongue as she worked the girl over.

George began moving stuff on the desk around, then turned the moaning six year old over to her back. He slid her back on the desk until her head was hanging off of it. Joyce didn't miss a lick as George was moving her. Once the pre-teen was in position, George moved over to sit in the chair on the other side of the desk and looked deeply into Helen's glazed eyes.

"Never knew how good you could feel down there, huh?" George asked the girl. Helen shook her head back and forth. "We are going to show you a lot of good things. We are making you feel good, but you will be making us feel good too." George informed her. Then he moved down and kissed the girl. Ray caught the action perfectly as George stuck his tongue into the six year old's moaning mouth. As George deep kissed the excited girl, his right hand moved to her shirt where he began to unclasp the buttons.

As George was opening her shirt, Jack looked over to Bob's camera. Joyce had leaned back to give the camera an excellent view of Helen's hairless pussy. Her slit was red and swollen and glinted with moisture. Helen was breathing quickly, and her tiny clitorous was moving back and forth as she tensed and released. Joyce's hand blocked the wonderful view as two finger began rubbing at Helen's clit, making the six year old moan once more. Joyce started frigging the girl, rubbing furiously at her little nub, hand becoming a blur. Helen was squirming as though sitting on an ant hill. Then Joyce's face came into view as she once more began licking the pre-teen

As Joyce returned to her licking, George leaned back and caught Helen's eyes. "Tell me something, child." George ordered firmly. "When you were down in the woods with those boys, it wasn't just them looking at you, was it? You liked to look at what they had in their pants, too, didn't you?"

Helen hesitated before giving a nod.

"You liked looking at those little boy penis's?" Another nod. "Well, I think it is high time that you see the adult version." George stated climbing to his feet. He began to unzip his pants, freeing his seven incher from its confinement. Helen's eyes grew wide as the older man's prick came into view, standing firm in its glory. "Little bit bigger than what you saw in the woods, eh?"

"Y-y-yes." Helen stuttered before licking her lips.

"Now you get to learn how to make it feel really good." George stated moving his prick towards the girls face.

Jack could tell that the eager little girl was ready to take it in. Helen loved sucking cock. It was one of her specialty's. Though only six, she could deep throat a penis already, providing it wan't to large. George's seven incher was thin enough to where she would have no trouble.

However, having her grab up the cock in front of her didn't fit the scene. "Remember, you are supposed to be reluctant." Jack called out. "I want you tto try to turn away when he puts it to your lips. George, when she tries to turn away, I want you to put your right hand over her throat and grab the back of her neck. Use your left hand at the top of her head to turn her back towards you. Helen, I want you to put your left hand against the top of his leg and try to push him away until he gets a couple of good strokes in, then slowly move it around to help pull yourself onto his cock."

The pair moved to do as they were bid. As George's cock neared the young girls lips, Helen started to turn her head away. George moved his hands as instructed, adlibbing, "No no, child, it is a little to late for that. now open up those pretty little lips and make me feel good." as he turned her head back towards his approaching manhood. Helen's lips parted as though she were going to say something, But George thrust his hips forward, driving his cock into the girl's mouth. Helen's hand flew up to George's leg, and she appeared to be genuinely trying to push him away, but the firm grip of the man's hands prevented her. George fucked his cock into the girl's mouth four times, then Helen's face soothed out, and her hand slowly moved to the back of George's leg and her cheeks hollowed inwards as the pre-teen got into giving him head.

Jack smiled at the scene that he had directed. It looked fantastic on the monitor, an illusion of fantasy force to give the customer's a thrill. It was sexy as hell! Jack left the action on the set run for two minutes, George fucking the six year old's mouth while Joyce made lewd slurping sounds between her legs. After he judged that enough time had passed, Jack directed, "Ok, Joyce next tline please."

Bob's camera moved in on Joyce's face as she stopped licking Helen to say, "Fuck, boss, that is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen! Make her take that cock. Give it all to her!"

George smiled. He had only been sticking half of his cock in. It was all he could get between the girl's eager lips in the position he was in. Grinning wide he said, "You think she can take it all, Marla? You want to see this little slut deep throat this thing?"

"Yes yes FUCK yes!" Joyce answered huskily. "Grind your balls into this bitch's nose! I want to see her take every inch! Teach her what it is really like to be a bad girl!" With that Joyce renewed her efforts on Helen's slick little cunny.

"You heard her." George said into Helen's glazed eyes. Moving around to where he was standing facing along the length of the child's body, her head tilted back off the desk, he stated. "Get ready! You are going to have to take it in the throat, Relax the muscles of your throat, or this will hurt!" Helen managed to convey fear as George began thrusting his cock forward. With hands on either side of the youngster's head, George slowly sank inch after inch into the girl's mouth. Ray got the angle perfect as Helen's throat expanded to take the cock being thrust into it. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! George cried out in pleasure as his nuts covered the pre-teen's nose. Pulling completely out of her mouth, he added. "That was great! So fucking tight! How did it feel?"

"Do it again!" Helen said huskily, opening her mouth wide as George moved his cock into position again.

"Oh. My. GOD!" Joyce said with awe in her voice as George began fucking the child's throat in earnest. The camera was loving the action as Ray's shot showed both the cock invading the girls mouth and the swell of her throat each time she took it all. George was careful to leave the girl breathing time. Joyce stood up to get a better view of the action. the former child star began stripping off her clothes as she watched.

"Fucking excellent." A whispered voice came from beside Jack. Jack spared Helen's father a quick glance. he had forgotten the man was there. "I never knew when I started fucking her last year that it would lead to shit like this."

"It's a good thing that Tom pointed you in my direction." Jack whispered in return. "I am so glad that you shared her with us. We have all come to love little Helen as one of our own!" Then, to the actors on set, Jack called out, "Okay, lets go to the next segment!"

"Marla, come up here and take advantage of this sweet mouth, I have GOT to have that pussy." George stated pulling his cock out of Helen's hot, eager mouth. Helen tried to recapture the prize before George could get away. Jack decided that that would stay in the film.

George quickly rounded the table and took over where Joyce's lips had left off on the six year old's cunt. Joyce stood over Helen, looking into her glazed eyes and asking, "Did you like the way it felt when I was licking you down there?" Helen nodded eagerly, moaning as she did so from George's efforts. "Good," Joyce went on, now positioning herself to stand with legs on either side of the pre-teens head. "Now I want you to make me feel good the same way. Lick me just like I licked you before, and like Mr. Jeffers is licking you now."

Helen's arms came up to grip Joyce by the hips a her head darted eagerly between the older woman's legs. Jay was there to catch the action perfectly as Helen's tongue darted out to lick at Joyce's already dripping pussy. Bob caught the view of Joyce's face as Helen began slurping eagerly, catching Joyce's juices on her tongue. Joyce began to squeeze and pinch her nipple's, moaning lewdly and grinding her cunt down onto the six year old's mouth.

As Helen set eagerly to sucking and licking Joyce's cunt, George got to his feet and aimed his cock at the hairless slick cunt in front of him. Making contact with that tight little hole, he pushed forward, burying the head of his cock into Helen. Helen remembered to squeal against Joyce's pussy. George pushed his hard penis forward slowly. Bob caught the scene perfectly as inch after inch disappeared into the six year old's tight cunt. Three quarters of the way in, he stopped as if to let the child get used to it being in there.

"Freeze frame!" Jack called out. George stopped moving as Richard darted in to apply a little aastrolube tinted slightly red with food dye. "Not to much" Jack warned. When Richard was done, Jack resumed the action

George began slowly pulling out of the little girl's cunt, the red tinted astrolube made it look like he had busted the child's cherry. George pulled back until only the head of his cock remained inside, then started forward a little faster as Helen moaned. George couldn't keep a smile of pleasure off of his face as he began to fuck Helen. Slowly at first, but gaining speed.

Ray moved around to catch Joyce's expression as she watched George fucking the little girl. Joyce whispered, "Yeah, fuck her, Fuck her little ccunt hard. Make her love it!" Joyce grew more breathless as George sped up his thrusts. Ray moved the camera down to show Helen's head moving furiously as she worked at eating Joyce out. Suddenly Joyce began to pant heavily as she said, "Oh god I am almost there! I'm going to...I'M CUMMING!" Ray pulled back as the older woman began to shake and quiver in reaction to her orgasm. As she did, Helen's body also began to mimic Joyce's

"Oh god damn!" George cried out as he felt the child orgasm. Helen's cunt milked his prick as her little body spasmed on the desk. "The little slut is coming! I feel it!" George cried out he grabbed the little girl's legs and began to slam his cock back and forth into her, all but two inches of his prick disappearing into the child. Helen began crying out in pleasure, her voice muffled from still being between Joyce's legs.

"Fuck!" George cried out, "Here I go!" He barely had time to pull out of Helen's sopping cunt before the first jet of semen flew out, landing with a wet plop on the girl's stomach. "Argh1 Ahhh! Arghh!" He cried, with a new jet of spunk flying out of his prick with each one. The ssecond landed beside the first on Helen's stomach, the third soaked the plaid skirt, then the rest he directed to her hairless mound.

When George's cock stopped spasming sperm, he returned it to the youngster's pussy. Fucking very slowly in and out of her, he said, "Ok, Helen, now I want your word that you won't be showing this pretty little pussy to the boys anymore!" Joyce stepped back off of Helen's face and began using her hand to spread the spunk on her belly over Helen's tummy and chest. Helen sat up weakly, bracing her arms on the desk to look into George's face as she said "I pormise."

"Good girl." George stated lewdly still slow fucking his deflating prick in and out. "Anytime you want to show that tight little pretty pussy to anyone, you just come in here and show it to me or Marla, you understand?" Helen nodded eagerly. "And make sure that you don't tell anyone about this little special punishment, too." George warned. "If you do, we will have to deny it and tell everyone what you were doing down in the woods. Especially your parents.

"I wont tell anyone." Helen promised her voice husky. "I want to be punished like this every day!" She added bringing a laugh from George.

"Ok, Cut!" Jack called out. "Good job everyone! That is a wrap!" Helen smiled broadly over to Jack, but the expression didn't last long. Carefully putting down the camera, Ray went over to the pre-teen, pulling her back down on the desk with a squeal as he unzipped his pants and released his hard six incher. Helen eagerly grabbed hold and pulled her mouth onto it. Bob went for Joyce, pushing the woman over the desk beside Helen, then slipping his cock quickly into the twenty three year old's pussy. Helen's father appeared on the set, freeing his cock and displacing George in his daughter's cunt.

Richard was the only one that didn't try to get in on the action. As the Five adults and one child moaned and groaned, he went to the cameras and extracted the tapes, taking them to the editing room for Jack to cut later. Richard always denied himself after scene pleasure's on the set, but at next weekends regular gathering, he would fuck any little girl in sight.

Jack watched the orgy on the set for a few minutes before glancing down at his watch. "Everyone!" Jack called out. "After you have your fun there, make sure to get everything ready for the classroom scene. I will be back at two this afternoon, make sure everything is ready." After hearing the shouted assurances, Jack left the building


As Jack was leaving the front door of the warehouse/studio, he ran into ten year old Jessie and her mom Alice. Jessie squealed with delight and ran up to Jack, but didn't try to jump up on him. Jessie, like all of the girls, knew the rules. No shows of affection outside, ever. Though the studio was located in a remote area, shielded from the roadside by a thick stand of trees, and gated for security, in the business of making pedophilia films, paranoia paid off. Jessie would be starring in the classroom scene when Jack got back.

"Hello ladies." Jack said smiling at the pair. "Your a little early. We don't go for another couple of hours yet.

"We wanted to see if we could do anything to help out." Alice answered. "Jessie has really been looking forward to the play date today." Play date was the code everyone used to filming the scenes. Jessie was already dressed in an outfit twin to the one that Helen had worn. The ten year old's eyes were shining, and she could barely stand still.

"Go on inside, then, I'm sure someone can find something for you to do." Jack said with a grin. "But save your energy for later. We want you do get in some quality playtime! Also, there is a bit of left over Ruckus going on inside from another play date, so be careful."

Jessie's mom nodded her understanding as she guided her child towards the building. Jack moved on to his car. Starting it up, he drove up the long drive where he stopped at the heavy security gate. Punching in a seven digit code, he opened it and drove out. There was another fairly decent stretch of driveway before he got to the lonely country road. He saw no cars in either direction, and more importantly, none parked at the side of the road.

Jack pulled onto the road and headed towards the city, keeping a careful eye out on either side for anyone parked. Paranoia certainly did rule his world on filming weekends. Which was why he had to drive clear across town for the audition he was going to. Nina, the girl auditioning that day, was certainly beautiful, and Jack really wanted her, but she wasn't in the inner circle yet. Therefore her interview would take place in an office that served as a front.

Of course, 'Clear across town' meant only a twenty five minute ride. The town itself wasn't the smallest on the map. Just large enough that not everyone knew your business. What made it such an excellent location for the studio was that the town was within a forty minute drive to three fair sized cities. Only one of the small girls that starred in his Pedo films was actually local to the small town that the filming took place in. All the others came in from the larger cities.

Before long, Jack was pulling into the parking lot of a small strip mall. The office he would be using as a front actually belonged to a lawyer who didn't mind Jack using it from time to time. The strip of stores were far enough out of the way that they didn't do a whole lot of bbusiness, so Jack knew that he would draw little attention. Only five cars were parked in the lot, and Jack knew that one of them belonged to the actress that would be playing the part of his secretary. He also knew that two of the other cars belonged to clerks of the two other stores.

Still, Jack was taking no chances. Once out of the car, he quickly entered the office. There, sitting behind the normal secretaries desk, he saw Carol. Carol was almost fifty years old. She also starred in a few of the films, usually filling rolls of either grandmother or school teacher. Carol was still attractive, even at fifty. She had never been a child star, but her husband was a pedophile from long ago, and Carol had joined in with him as he sexually activated all three of their daughters. Carol's husband had died three years before in a car accident, and all three girls were grown.

"Hey Sam." Carol called out cheerfully. Sam would be the name that Jack was using for the interview. The fact that she had used it now told Jack that the mother and daughter were already here.

"Hi Cloe." Jack responded. "Anything interesting going on?"

"Nope, nothing much." Carol responded. "But your one o'clock is already here. They are waiting in your office." Then Carol silently mouthed "The child is GORGEOUS!" and fanned herself to show how hot she was.

"Ahhh, very good." Jack replied. As he made his next statement, he nodded towards the computer sitting in front of Carol. She shook her head with a smile. The computer was connected to a device that not even the real secretary knew about. Concealed in the desk, a small scanner checked the guests for electronics before Carol had let them into the office. It was quite expensive, but Pedophiles paranoia demanded it. "If you would like, turn on the answering machine and head out to lunch." Jack said satisfied that neither the mother or daughter were carrying concealed recording equipment.

"Sure thing, Sam." Carol responded standing and slinging her purse over her shoulder. "I'll be back in an hour." This was just for show, however. Carol would leave the office all right, but she would be parked across the street with a sharp eye out for any police cars that looked like they might pull into the strip mall. In her purse, she had a small device that she would press, alerting Jack if anything untoward should appear to be going down.

Satisfied that the preparations were all in place, Jack entered the office proper as Carol left through the front door, locking it behind her as she went. Jack closed the door to the office and turned to look at the two female's that had risen when he entered. The mother was an attractive woman that Jack judged to be late twenties, She was dressed in a pants suit. A tall woman, standing at five feet nine inches. she was slim and appeared fit. her dark brown hair was cropped short, and very neatly styled. Her face, with high cheekbones and a thin nose would no doubt turn many heads. Her eyes were intelligent, tinted blue green, she studied Jack openly. Her smile was warm as she walked over extending a hand. Jack shook it, liking the firmness of the handshake and the soft skin. This woman believed in taking care of herself.

All of this Jack noted in a single glance, however. His real attention was drawn to the daughter. Carol was right, the child was indeed gorgeous. The pictures that her mother had submitted did not do her justice. Nina was ten years old. Older than Jack liked to start them off in the films. Her hair was dark brown like her mother's, but was long and pulled back into a ponytail. She wore a yellow hhalter top, shorts, and sandals. Jack knew that her eyes were blue from the photographs, but Nina was looking down shyly, and Jack couldn't see them. Her beautiful little pixie face, however, was plain to see. Her full little lips looked pouty even as she gave a shy smile at refeeling Jack was looking at her. She wore no make-up. And didn't need any.

Jack put on his most charming smile and said, "Hello ladies. Glad you could come today. I hope the drive wasn't to bad."

"Not bad at all." The mother said, her voice soft. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Rimi"

"Please, call me Sam." Jack said indicating that the pair should sit. When they went towards the seats in front of the big desk in the room, Jack said, "Why don't we sit over here. More comfortable." Indicating the sofa and two overstuffed chairs along the right hand wall. Taking a seat in one of the chairs, Jack watched as Nina and her mother made themselves comfortable on the couch.

As the pair got settled on the couch, the mother stated, "I am Renee, and this is my daughter Nina. Sam isn't your real name, is it?"

Jack's smile grew a bit wider and he answered. "No it isn't. Nor is Cloe my secretary's name, nor is this my real office. This is as it is for security reasons. I am sure you know that making adult films for this particular audience is a very risky proposition. Not to mention that it is about as illegal as you can get!"

"I understand completely." Renee replied.

"I am sure you must have a lot of questions." Jack stated. "And of course I do as well. Why don't we start with you asking what you would like to ask."

"Very well." Renee said. "I guess my first question is about security. how do you plan to make sure my daughter is safe in the making of these films?"

"Good question!" Jack replied. Normally the first question was about money. Jack was happy to see that this woman hd the proper perspective. "The first thing that we do is invite you and young Nina here to several get-to-know you parties. Nina will meet the people she will be working with at these events. She will not be asked to work with anyone she doesn't feel absolutely comfortable with." Jack explained.

"Next, during the actual filming itself, Nina will wear a special mask that she will be fitted for. The mask will help hide her features so that she wont be recognized." Jack went on. "There will be little chance of that anyway, as we don't distribute our films locally. They are sold overseas first, to very trusted buyers. It may be several years before they filter back in to this country. The clientele for the initial distribution is very select."

"The set where we film is in a remote location. You will, assuming that this process goes well, be given the location and a code to get in when we are set to film. We film one weekend every other month." Jack finished up.

"I see." Renee said. "What kind of scenes will be filmed?"

"Several different types." Jack answered. "The only things that are off limits in our story selections are scat and violence. We do occasionally film a mild spanking as a jumping off point for the sexual contact, but that is rare. Mostly what we do are incest stories. Also school day pictures are popular right now. "

"Where do you get story ideas?" Renee asked. Jack was pleased at her questions

"Mostly our stories come as fantasy fulfillment for our clients. Fantasy encounters are posted to a select newsgroups, and we will fill out the story and act it out. Of course, it is sometimes years before the people that post the fantasies actually get to see them acted out, but once people have seen the end result, they are satisfied. On very rare occasions, we act out stories submitted by our select distribution direct clients."

"Is there a big market for these films?" Renee asked.

"That is a tricky question." Jack answered honestly. "There are, of course, a ton of closet pedophiles out there. Mostly men that would never think of touching a child themselves, but who like to look at the stills or video files on the internet and pretend it is them. But thanks to the governments laws against kiddie porn, even that is disappearing. A few years ago, you could go online and download just about anything you wanted to. Either off of newsgroups, or in chat rooms. Now, however, it is exceedingly difficult to find this material. A lot of people that have produced child porn, whether hard-core or posing, have been busted and prosecuted.

"We avoid that fate by having a very small group of people that we supply to." Jack went on. "Our client list is under four hundred buyers, and is very hard to get onto. Because we produce our kiddie porn with high production values, we can charge top dollar for it, but any film we produce is lucky to bring in five thousand dollars.

"However, we don't do this for money." Jack stated wrapping it up. "We do this for the love of doing it. We produce this material exactly for the closet pedophile that would never touch a child himself. We make these films for every man, or woman, that loves to see the beauty of a child discovering her sexuality. We do this to give other people a glimpse into the lifestyle that a select few enjoy."

"Do you just film little girls, then?" Renee asked.

"No, we do film boys, but not often." Jack answered. "And rarely with men. There is a much lesser audience for boy films. Mostly mom-son stuff, and the occasion request for grown man, young boy. We only do about one film a year featuring these combinations. Of the four hundred or so on our client list, less than ten will buy such amterial.

"I see." Renee replied. "I hate to ask it, but on the subject of momeny...

"Not at all." Jack answered. "It is usually the first thing that people ask. To answer: For each filming weekend, you will receive five hundred dollars. Another one thousand dollars in entered in trust for Nina, which she will receive on her eighteenth birthday. Depending on how active she is in the filming, the principle plus interest earned could add up to quite a nest egg. You will be rrequired to set up and manage the trust fund, though we do insist that under no circumstances should there be a clause allowing you to access the moneys in it. Once you have drawn up the trust, and we will show you a list of ones that yield the best interest rates, you will receive a separate check in advance of the day of the filming drawn on a dummy corporation and made out to the trust itself. participation in the play dates, that is what we call filming days, is entirely up to you and Nina. We will contact you with an invitation. We do ask that if you plan not to attend the play date that you let us know at least a week before so that we can make other arrangments."

Renee nodded thoughtfully then asked, "How many girls do you employ?"

"Assuming that all the arrangements go through, Nina will be the thirteenth." Jack answered after a moment. He didn't much care for that question.

Renee nodded once more then said. "You said you have some questions."

"Yes," Jack agreed. "And I must make apologies in advance. Some of what I have to ask is a bit crude, but I have to know."

"I understand." Renee replied

"First," Jack said leaning forward in the chair. "We don't film virgins. Is Nina sexually active?"

"Yes." Renee answered

"Good, good." Jack said pleased. "Could you tell me please, how long has she been sexually active, and what were the circumstances of her becoming so?"

Renee hesitated over this one, but then said. "Nina was four when her virginity was given to my husband as a birthday present." Renee's eyes were defiant, daring Jack to judge her.

Jack smiled and went on, this time talking to Nina herself. "Nina, do you enjoy sex?"

Nina was caught off guard at being addressed directly, but answered without hesitation. "Y-yes."

"Is your father the only man you have been with?"

Nina looked to her mother this time, and mom gave a reassuring nod. "No sir." She answered

"Without naming names. can you tell me who else?" Jack asked gently

Again Nina consulted mom with her eyes before answering. "I've been with both of my brothers, and two other men that my mom knows."

"How old are your brothers?" Jack asked. He hadn't known there were brothers.

"Twelve and fifteen." Nina answered.

"I am active with my sons, and they became active with Nina after my husband died." Renee supplied.

"I see." Jack relied. "Are your sons interested in doing film? They are a good age to play brothers to the girls."

"I didn't know that was an option." Renee replied. "I will ask them, but I don't know if they would like that. they might be scared they may have to perform with men."

"They wouldn't have to." Jack assured her. "They may be asked to perform scenes with older women, though. Boys get paid less for performing, however, just five hundred in trust. If you would like, please submit photographs of them through the same channel you did of Nina if they are interested."

"Very well." Renee said pleased. "You would love to see them with Nina. They are very enthusiastic!"

"We never do that." Jack stated. "All of our adult actors are parents, but we never pair them on film with their children. Security, you see. Much less likely to be recognized as participants if they are never seen interacting on film."

"Parents act in the films as well?" Renee asked.

"Oh yes." Jack answered. "Of course, their compensation is the participation itself. They are allowed to be present on the set during filming, but not appear with their children. Or siblings. If you would like, you also may perform. Always nice to have another adult female as a resource."

"I might like that." Renee stated with a smile.

Jack smiled in return. Renee would make a great addition to the filming. She was lovely. "Now, back to the questions. How old were the friends of your mom that you have been with, Nina?"

"Ummm thirty and thirty-six." Nina answered.

"Do you enjoy being with them?


"Have you ever had an orgasm?"

"Yes, I started getting orgasms when I was seven years old." Nina replied, squirming on the couch.

"What do you like to do sexually?" Jacks asked. "Please explain in detail."

"Ummm, I like to, ummm" Nina began nervously "H-have oral sex performed on me."

"I see." Jack said. "But Nina, 'having oral sex' doesn't play well on film. People like to hear it plain. Tell me again what you like, You can use whatever words you want."

"I-i like to have my p-p-pussy eaten." Nina went on.

"Very good!" Jack said encouragingly. "What else?"

"I like to suck cock." Nina went on a little more sure of herself.

"What do you like about that?" Jack asked

"I like the way it fills my mouth up." Nina confided. "And I like how good it makes the man feel."

"Great!" Jack said. "What else?"

"I like being fucked!" Nina almost shouted. "It used to hurt so bad, but now it feels so good!"

"Very good!" Jack enthused. turning to her mom, Jack asked, "Can Nina deep throat?"

"She has tried before, but she hasn't quite got the hang of it."

"How about anal?"

"My oldest son fucked her ass once, but she didn't like it much."

Jack turned his attention back to Nina, who was blushing at the mention of anal sex. "Nina, have you ever done sexual things with other females?"

Again a quick consult with Mom before she answered "I've done some things with mommy, but I don't like it as much as I do with boys."

Jack turned back to Renee. "How big a penis can Nina take?"

"My hhusband was well endowed." Renee replied. "He had ten inches, but he never got more than half into her. Keep in mind, however, Nina was only seven when my husband died. With the two adult men she has been with, the largest was seven inches, and he can get all of that into her. My oldest son is also seven inches, and it is thick like his father's. Nina can take all of that one in her cunt, and all but three inches orally."

"We have two black men that do scenes with us. Any trouble with interracial?"

"Depends on the men." Renee replied. "If Nina likes them, then no problem. But I am concerned that they may be to big for her."

"Neither is as well endowed as your description of your husband. I have about what you described. Ten inches and thick." Jack informed the pair. "Only one actor is longer than I, by about an inch, and none are thicker. In a bit, we will see what little Nina here can do with me, and I will be in a better position to tell you what she can do with the others."

Nina nodded shyly in agreement and Jack's heart raced. His penis also grew in his pants. Renee said "Mmmmm, ten inches. I hope you don't mind if I sample it myself!"

Jack grinned in response then said, "This day is about Nina. You and I will have plenty of time to get to know one another at our various gatherings. Now that you have been introduced into this enterprise, You, Nina, and your sons will be introduced to many like minded families in the area. There are gatherings almost every weekend, and as you get to know folks, individual encounters may occur even more frequently than that."

Nina's mom looked disappointed, but nodded in agreement. "Do you have any family?" She asked suddenly

"I have been a pedophile all my life." Jack responded. "But I never married or had children of my own. I became active in this group when I was twenty. I stumbled across a friend of mine having sex with his six year old daughter while his wife watched on. They were scared to death that I was going to report them, and when I didn't, they gradually introduced me to their group. I was very surprised to find out how large the network of like minded people were, though it took me well over three years to meet everyone."

"How did you get into making films?"

"Actually, I have been a film maker for twenty years. I never became a big name. But I did write a few scripts back in the day that became very big movies. At the time, I had a really good agent that got me some incredible deals for the scripts I wrote. I parlayed the money I made from them into a pretty decent nest egg. I also got lucky with some stocks. As I said, I had tried directing, but while I was competent, it really wasn't the job for me." Jack explained.

"One of the families I met early on liked to film and photograph themselves. Mostly they had done home movies of spontaneous sex. When they found out that I had written scripts and directed a few movies, they told me that they really wanted to act out on camera some of the fantasies that the parents had. The father and I sat down and worked out a few scripted scenes, and the next weekend his family acted them out. The end result was pretty good. Good enough so that the father showed them to some of the other families they knew.

"Pretty soon, other families wanted to try out performing. So I made some other tapes with other families. Then disaster almost struck. One of the families we did a tape for put some stills screen captured from their tape out over the internet. the pictures became quite popular. Sought after. Requests were being made for video files to be captured. So they finally gave in and put one out. The father painstakingly went through each and every frame of the file he did to make sure that neither his or his families faces were seen.

"Despite that effort, about a year after he put out the video file, he took his daughter to the zoo. While they were walking around talking about the animals, they noticed a man and two children following them around. When the father asked why they were doing that, the other man told him he recognized the father and daughter! Although the file they had put out never showed either the father or his daughter's face, the man recognized their voices and their manner with one another!"

"Luckily, the other man was also sexually active with his children. Eventually, he was introduced to the network of like minded families. But the close call shook everyone up. However, most of the families wanted to share their experience with the friends they had made online. That was when the rules came into effect.

  • Rule number 1: No more filming with immediate family members, unless the video was to be kept strictly private, not shared with anyone.
  • Rule number 2: No public displays of affection under any circumstances!
  • Rule number 3: Discretion discretion discretion! Always make sure that there is little risk of our passion being revealed to outsiders.

"However, many of the families still wanted to make the video tapes. Several of the girls loved acting out in the scenes. It was quite amazing how disappointed they were when we considered stopping the filming all together. So I set out to make sure we could keep doing it. I taught a few of the parents how to run video camera's, how to apply make-up, how to run the sound board. We began building contacts overseas to distribute. and here we are today." Jack concluded.

"Interesting." Renee stated. "I think we would indeed be interested in joining in. What is the next step?"

Chapter 4

Jack smiled and motioned for Nina to stand up and take a place in front of him. Nina jumped to her feet and stood proudly in front of Jack. Jack reached out and began to run his fingers carcaressing over the ten year old's bare arms, making her shiver and giggle. Jack moved his hands to the girls hips and looking her in the eye said, "I'm going to undress you now. okay?"

When Nina blushed and nodded, Jack gripped her shirt and began pulling it up . Removing it, he rrevealed her taught tight stomach, and was surprised to learn that the girl was blooming early. She had the beginnings of breasts. Little nubs at the moment. Jack reached up and grasped the girls left nipple, making her gasp and her breath quicken. He smiled as he felt the nubblet grow hard under his fingers.

Leaving her developing breast for the moment, he reached down and hooked his fingers into the girl's shorts and panties. Pushing them down her long legs, then placing them with her shirt as she stepped out of them, leaving the ten year old naked except for her sandals. Jack was proud to note that the girl maintained her pride as his hungry eyes drank in the sight of her hairless mound.

"Now, I want you to do a slow turn for me, let me have a good look at you." Jack directed. Nina moved to obey, slowly turning. When she was faced fully away, revealing her perfect heart shaped little ass, Jack said, "I love your ponytail." As he reached out and gave it a playful tug. He added "Whenever we have play dates, you will always wear your hair either like this, or in pigtails. Not just to keep your hair out of the way of the filming, but just because it is so damn cute!"

Nina giggled and continued her turn when jack let go of her ponytail. When she was facing him once again, Jack sighed, "You are a beautiful girl, Nina."

"Thank you, sir." Nina replied shyly at the compliment'

"We are about to make love." Jack admonished teasingly. "You can call me Sam."

"But that isn't your real name." Nina protested.

"Well, I think you will know my real name soon." Jack answered with a winning grin. "For now, you can call me Sam."

"Okay, Sam." Nina replied returning his smile.

"When we are acting on camera, you will be using fake names for your male lovers." Jack explained. "It's just pretend."

"I understand." The ten year old replied.

"Now, could you please give me a kiss?" Jack asked holding out his arms. Nina walked forward into his embrace, bringing her lips to his as she did. Jack kissed the girl tentatively at first, then with more passion as she responded. He felt her full little lips part as he probed them with his tongue. her own tongue darted out to meet his as she returned his kiss. As she did, Jack began exploring the young girl's body with his hands.

Nina moaned as his hands found their way to her ass. He cupped her cheeks gently at first, then more firmly. Then one of his hands crept around her hips and he slid it between Nina's parted thighs as he cupped her hairless cunt. Nina's moaned once more as Jack's fringes found the nub of her clit and began rubbing it. Jack could feel the girl growing damp on his hand, and her breathing was quickening.

Suddenly breaking off the contact, Jack leaned back and took off his shirt. He noticed as he did so Renee leaning back on the couch with her hand working her own cunt through her pants suit. Her right hand was squeezing her own breast. Apparently watching Nina in action turned the woman on. Jack could certainly understand that.

Nina took a step back as jack stood up. Looking down into the small girl's eyes, Jack asked, "Would you like to take off my pants?" Nina nodded and her tinny hands went to Jack's belt. Jack was pleased with the confidence the girl displayed as she undid his belt. She had certainly done so before.

Jack stepped out of his loafers as Nina's hands went to work first unbuttoning then unzipping his pants. As Jack had done with her, Nina hooked her fingers both into his pants and underwear and drew them off as one. She leaned over to do so, and gasped in surprise as she released Jack's fully erect prick. His cock snapped up and slapped her under the chin,

The pre-teens eyes went wide as saucers and her little hand shot out to grab Jack's cock. "Look mommy!" Nina said stepping to the side to give her mother an unobstructed view of his massive penis. "It looks just like daddy's!" She went on in delight.

"Yes it does, honey!" Nina's mom sighed in agreement. But Nina had already turned back to stare at the big prick filling her hand. Jack kicked his pants the rest of the way off as Nina slowly began to move her hand back and forth.

Jack sighed in pleasure as he sat back down in the overstuffed chair. Nina, without losing hand contact with his cock sank down to her knees in front of him. Smiling up at Jack, Nina moved her face closer and kissed his penis on the glands under the head. Jack sighed again, then gasped when he felt her hot little tongue make contact

Jack closed his eyes in pleasure as Nina licked her way around his large prick, moving from the underside to the topside, she licked her way steadily down his shaft, then went back to the underside to lick her way back up. Jack opened his eyes just in time to watch as the pre-teen reached the head of his penis and opened her mouth wide to suck it into her mouth. He almost lost it was he watched the girls lips grow taut and felt her trying to keep her jaws as wide open as she could to keep her teeth with the least amount of contact. he thrilled as he felt the girl running her tongue around the head of his prick, then gasped as her cheeks hollowed in as she gave a mighty suck. As Nina did this, she allowed herself to take move of his cock, slowly moving her head down.

"God this brings back memories." Renee's voice said, Looking up Jack saw that she had moved to the coffee table to get a better view of her daughter giving head. "Imagine her trying to take a cock this big when she was four! She could barely fit the head of her daddy's cock between her lips then." Nina moaned in agreement at the memory. Jack saw that she had sunk her left hand down to play with her cunt as she sucked him. As Nina began to bob her head up and down faster in her excitement, taking him about three inches deep at a time, Renee said wistful in memory, "Even back then Nina loved to give her father head. She used to love it when he grabbed her head and tried to force her to take more of it. It never gagged her as long as he wasn't trying to shove it down her throat. Sam, if she isn't taking it all the way to her throat, feel free to pull her down further!"

Once more Nina moaned in agreement, straining to take more of Jack's massive man meat. Her moans sent chills through his body, and he noticed that each time the girl was drawing back off of his cock, she was tightening her lips. Each time only the head remained between her lips, she would give a heavy suck that seemed to draw her back down his prick. Jack moaned himself at the pleasure the pre-teen was giving him. He was getting close to climax, and she had just begun!

Nina seemed to sense this. Breaking her rhythm, she took her mouth completely off of his prick and said breathlessly, her eyes glazed, "Oh Sam! My mouth hasn't been this full since daddy! I love your cock! Please, please make me take more of it!" With that, the ten year old ducked her head down to lick Jack's nuts before licking her way back up his shaft and once more engulfing his cock between her eager lips.

"Yes yes!" Renee said lustfully. "Make her take more! Drag that little bitches's head down as far as you can!" Once more Nina moaned in agreement. Renee now had her hand inside her pants suit and was moving furiously as the woman masturbated. Jack could tell by the look in her eye that she was close to bringing herself to climax.

Aceeding to both female's wishes, Jack moved his hands to the ten year old's head. She was now taking right at four inches of his cock on each downstroke, and Jack could tell that she couldn't take much more. Her mouth seemed to growing hotter with each bob of her head. Jack could see the little girl growing more and more excited as she sucked his cock and masturbated herself. Her body was growing red in her excitement, and her breathing was coming in short gasps, increasing the suction on his prick. Jack was once more close to dumping his load into the child's eager mouth, but this time it was he that broke the rhythm. As Nina reached the downward limit of what she could take of his cock on her own, Jack's hands tightened and pulled. He felt the head of his prick actually lodge in the child's ttight throat as he bottomed her out.

The effect was immediate. On the coffee table, Nina's mom began to shake and quiver. Her orgasm hit hard, and she began to softly cry out in reaction. Jack held Nina's head for a moment before letting her go. Nina drew her head completely off of Jack's meat and she turned her glazed eyes back into Jack's own as she almost screamed "Oh god yes! Just like that! Do it again!" Before driving her mouth back onto his prick. Jack let the girl suck him for a few moments before pulling her head down once more. This time as he let her go, he felt the child go into her own oragsm

Nina's body began to shake and quiver just as her mother's had. Her legs flew open and closed, giving her a carpet burn as she furiously frigged herself. Nina began to scream on Jack's cock as she rode her orgasm to heights that Jack could only imagine. Jack let her ride it out, enjoying the vibrations of her first screaming then moaning on his cock as her orgasm began to subside. For a moment, the girl could only rest, her mouth still impaled on Jack's massive prick.

Then slowly she began to suck her way down once more. She only got two strokes in before Jack felt his own climax come over him. "Oh God DAMN here it COMES!" Jack cried out. Nina quickly moved up to where only the head of Jack's prick was between her lips. She barely made it before the first spurt of Jack's seed flooded her mouth. The girl gave a small mewl of surprise then began swallowing as quickly as she could. The feel of her mouth and tongue working to swallow his load, plus the audible gulping sounds she made as she did so sent Jack to even greater heights. His cock actually moved the girls head as it spasmed, making her appear as though she was nodding!

When his cock finally stopped spurting, Jack was pleased to see that the eager ten year old hadn't missed a drop. Nina smiled as she let the man's prick slip out of her lips. Jack sat up suddenly and grabbed the girl by the arms. Nina registered a look of surprise as Jack easily llifted her into the air. Spinning in place, Jack plopped the girl into the chair, pushing her back to lay against the backrest as his head darted to between her legs. Nina gave a loud squeal as she felt Jack's tongue make contact with her sopping cunt.

Having just come down from one orgasm, it didn't take the ten year old long to build towards another. On all fours, Jack moved forward slightly and lifted Nina's legs over his shoulders, sending her feet to rest on his back, Using the thumbs of both hands, he spread the little girl's pussy lips apart to give himself easier access. Leaving her clit, Jack stiffened his tongue and brought it down to jab it into her tight damp love tunnel, bringing a very load moan of pleasure from the excited girl's lips.

As Jack fucked the child with his tongue, he felt a hand cup and begin to caress his balls. Renee had slid over on the coffee table. "I know this is just for Nina." She explained as her hand left his nuts to grab the shaft of his cock. "But Nina is right, your prick reminds me so much of my late husband. I just can't keep my hands off!" She began to stroke his cock like an udder, tightening her hand as she pulled down then reaching up to start over. Her attention to his prick caused it to spring once more to full life. It had only half deflated in the first place.

Jack tongue fucked the preteen for several minutes, enjoying the sweet taste of her. Nina's heels dug into his back as she began thrusting her cunt up to meet his tongue as he moved it in and out of her pussy. Nina's cunt was growing hotter and redder by the second as she neared her next climax. Jack pulled his tongue out of her hole and replaced it with a finger aas he moved back up to nibble and lick at her nub of a clit. Nina's cunt walls milked his finger as he thrust it deeply and rapidly back and forth. He soon added another finger, stretching her out for when he would fuck her.

Suddenly, as Jack began pistoning his two fingers in and out of the child's pussy, Nina began throwing her head back and forth. Her hips were thrusting up and down at a furious rate. Suddenly her entire body stiffened. "AIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! God god god!" She cried out as her orgasm hit. Jack was glad that the thick glass and well insulated walls made the room soundproof!

Jack didn't even wait for the child's orgasm to subside before he was sitting up an aiming his painfully erect cock at her pussy. Holding her legs to his chest Jack postioned his cock at the opening to her slick hole and pushed forward. "Ow ow ow ow!" Nina cried as she felt the huge cock spreading her cunt open. Jack ignored it and continued to push forward, He got seven inches inside her before he felt the opening to her uterus on the head of his cock.

He stopped there, letting the ten year old get used to his massive prick inside her. Nina's hips were still moving slowly up and down in reaction to her orgasm. Her eyes were closed tightly and she moaned "Oh god oh god oh god. It feels just like it used to when daddy fucked me!"

"Looks just like it too!" Renee commented. "Oh baby, you are spread so open right now! You have grown up so much! Sam has more in you than your daddy could ever fit in! I am so proud of you!"

Nina, eyes still squeezed tightly shut, nevertheless smiled at her mother's praise. Jack slow began to pull his cock out of the girl, loving the feeling of her pussy walls as the gripped his cock tightly, seemingly unwilling to let him go. Jack pulled back until only a couple of inches were still inside the girl, then slowly began to thrust his hips forward again. Nina moaned and opened her eyes to star into Jack's own. Her blue eyes were almost gray with excitement. Jack pulled out and thrust in once more.

Seeing the girl was taking it well, Jack sped up his thrusts. "Ugh ugh ugh ugh." Nina punctuated with each forward thrust. Jack took great delight at the husky sound. He started fucking the ten year old in ernest.

"Oh god this is so sexy!" Nina's mom exclaimed."It has been so long since I have seen her fucked like this! Fuck her silly, Sam!"

"Yes!" Nina agreed, "Fuck me like my daddy did! Fuck me like I was your daughter, Sam! FUCK ME!"

Jack was happy to obliged. He began slamming his cock into the excited preteen, being careful not to thrust to deeply. In and out. In and out.. Back and forth, moving faster and faster. Jack, despite not ten minutes earlier having deposited a load of cum in this child's belly, could feel himself approaching climax once more.

But Nina beat him to it. Once more the preteens throat opened and she screamed "AIIEEEEEEEEEEE! I'm coming! Oh Sam, it feels so fucking great!" Then her throat was closed off as her body began to spasm. The feeling of her cunt walls grasping his cock as they expanded and contracted set Jack's own orgasm off.

"Fuck fuck fuck here it comes!" Jack cried out, his body stiffening as his cock began to spasm and fill the child's cunt with his hot jism. His body began to jerk, moving his cock rapid fire in the girl's cunt half and inched back and forth, heightening his orgasm. It seemed that he shot load after load oh his seed into Nina's red hot cunt. Finally, though, his passion started to decline. Almost falling over the child beneath him, he brought his lips tenderly to hers. However, he didn't feel a response. Looking down the noticed that her eyes were closed and her face was peaceful. Jack then realized that the hot little ten year old had passed out from the pleasure!

Jack was about ready to pass out himself. It took real effort to lift his panting body off of the girl and allow his deflating cock to slid out of her overflowing cunt. Jack collapsed to the side, ending up sitting on the carpeted floor.

Almost before his body was clear, Renee was kneeling between the girls legs to catch the flow of Jack's sperm on her tongue. As she cleaned her daughter up, Nina came around and began moaning "Oh oh oh."

Jack took a few minutes to catch his breath. When at last he could speak, he said, "That...that was incredible! Amazing! I am totally fucking spent. Its going to take me two weeks to recharge after today!" As he said this, Jack fell back onto the floor. Laying flat on his back, he added "Nina, you are the best I have ever had!"

"Thanks Sam." Came the weak response.

"Jack" Jack said, "My name is Jack."

"Jack?" Nina said. "I don't believe it! Jack was my daddy's name!"

Jack looked up in surprise and saw Renee nodding confirmation. The woman was already in the process of getting her daughter dressed again. "Oh my." Jack said smiling. "I seem to share so much in common with your father. same name, same size equipment, same incredible experience with his daughter..."

Nina giggled and let her mom help her to her feet. Jack also climbed with great effort to his feet and began to dress himself. Nina giggled again as Jack exaggerated how weak he was, and said, "Damn girl you wore me out!"

When everyone was dressed and looking warmly at each other, Renee asked mischievously, "So, Jack. did we pass the audition?"

Jack smiled widely and replied, "Oh hell yes!"

Growing serious the woman asked. "What happens next?"

"Next Dan will get in touch with you and start introducing you around." Jack replied. Dan was the 36 year old that Nina had talked about having sex with. The thought of anyone being there before him gave Jack a tinge of jealousy. Dan had arranged for the mother and daughter to meet him. "After you have met some other folks like us, things will move rapidly. There is a party next weekend that you are ore than welcome to attend. One of the girl's is having a birthday. You will meet the family sometime this week, they only live a few blocks away from you. Dan is your sponsor into our group, so he will be the one to show you the ropes and such."

"How long before my first play date?" Nina asked eagerly.

"Oh, not for a couple of months yet." Jack answered. When Nina's hopeful expression faded, Jack explained, "It is going to take time for you to meet the men that you might be acting with, dear heart. Don't forget, it took me almost three years to meet everyone, and back then there were only six families in the group. Now that is double!" Nina frowned, but nodded in undestanding

"The week after next, Nina will need to be fitted for her play date mask." Jack told Nina's mom. "If you decide to come to the birthday party Saturday, you will meet my make-up man. If not, Dan will introduce you to him. He will most likely come to your house to make the mold for the mask. If you and your sons decide to participate, then it would make sense to do all of yours at the same time."

As her mom nodded in understanding, Nina asked "Jack, will you be at the birthday party?"

"I should be." Jack answered. "Why do you ask?"

"Cause I want to have more fun with you!" Nina replied rolling her eyes. Jack chuckled and gave the preteen a hug.

"We better get going." Renee stated. "The boys get restless when they have to stay with a baby sitter." Crossing over to Jack, the woman grabbed him up for a passionate kiss. When she broke it off, she told the breathless man huskily. "I want to have MY fun with you too!" Stepping away from him, she added, "It was very nice meeting you"

"Believe me, it was my pleasure...entirely." Jack replied waggling his eyebrows at Nina eliciting another delightful giggle. Jack crossed over to open the office door and unlock the outer door to let the pair out. The mother and daughter left the office, careful to avoid appearing to friendly. Jack was pleased. As they made their way to their car, Jack closed the door and re locked it. Walking back into the office, he spent a few minutes making sure everything was as they had found it. Then he shut off the lights, shut down the computer on the secretaries desk, and left the building making sure to lock up behind him.

Jack got into his car and drove all the way around the block before pulling into the lot across the street. Pulling up beside Carol's car, he rolled down the window. The fifty year old took one look at him, then asked in awe, "That good, huh?"

Jack gave a brilliant smile and replied, "Better!"

Chapter 5

Jack couldn't keep the smile off of his face as he drove back to the studio. Life was good! The audition had gone even better than he had dared hope. Nina was going to make a great addition to the kiddie porn industry.

As he entered the seven digit code and pulled into the lot, Jack could see that everyone except George was still there. A new car was parked in the lot as well, and Jack recognized it as Mark's. Mark was the actor that would be doing the scene with Jessie. Jack wondered why Joyce was still there, though. Looking down at his watch, Jack saw that it was five minutes till two. He hoped the the set was set up properly for the next scene.

Entering the set, Jack was relieved to see that everything appeared in order. The set was the same as the principles scene before, but a blackboard had been put in place behind the desk, and several maps now adorned the walls, Three student desks were also lined up in front of what was now the teacher's desk.

Sitting in the chair behind the desk was Helen's father. Helen was kneeling on the floor in front of him, her head bobbing up and down in his lap as Ray and Bob discussed the shot. "I think I am going to need just a little more room back here." Bob was saying. he and Ray moved the teachers desk forward a bit. "Much better." Bob commented

"Everything ready to go?" Jack called out as he stepped up onto the set. He was almost bowled over as the two children in their matching school girl uniforms rushed him. Jack noticed that Helen's father was fully dressed. Apparently his daughter had pantomimed giving him head. Jack guessed that the man had enough action earlier.

Picking up each girl in turn and kissing them soundly, giving a bit more attention to Jessie since this was the first chance at physical contact, Jack nodded to each of the adults on the set. Jessie's mom was off in the corner talking to Joyce and Mark. Both Mark and Jessie were already wearing their masks and appeared ready to proceed.

As Jack put Jessie on the floor and gently pushed her towards the students desk where she would begin the scene, the ten year old's mother came up and gave him a warm kiss. "Where is Allen?" Jack asked.

"Mike wasn't feeling well, so Allen stayed home with him and Jules." Jules was Jessie's four year old little sister

"How are things going with Jules?" Jack asked with a warm smile.

"Oh very nicely." Alice answered with a lewd grin. "She has begun to join in when we play with Mike and Jessie. She hasn't done a lot yet, but she tried to suck Allen's cock. And last week, we caught her in the act giving Mike a blowjob! She adores her brother. Of course he is only eight an has only four inches, but the little slut was on him like a pro. To bad he hasn't begun to ejaculate yet so he could give her the proper reward."

"Great!" Jack returned enthusiastically. "I am happy for all of you."

"We are very pleased with her." Alice confided. "Allen is planning to take her when she turns five in a couple of months. She seems to be looking forward to it! After she becomes truly active, we think she will like to join in when we visit other families!"

"Excellent!" Jack replied giving her a hug. "I know everyone would love to....have...her" He added with a sly grin that the woman readily returned.

As Alice walked over to her daughter, Joyce walked up. Looking into Jack's face, she said "Well? How did the audition go?"

"Amazing1" Jack answered softly. "The girl is ten. A little older than I like to start them on film, but she has been active since she was four, and she has talent! I think I fell in love with her!"

"You fall in love with all the females." Joyce replied with a grin. "And age doesn't enter into it. So you think that the girl will be a good actress?"

"Oh yes." Jack replied. "And you will be happy to hear that she also has two brothers that are active. Fifteen and twelve. They might be interested in filming as well, so we might have to come up with a story that lets you try them out!"

"Mmmmm, little boy cock. you know I love it." Joyce replied "Not as much as a young sweet cunny, but almost as much" She went on grinning.

"You might have to settle for the boys." Jack warned. "Nina has done some stuff with her mom, but she liked it better with her daddy and brothers. If you get a chance with her, you will have to be at your little lover licking best to sway her."

Joyce's grin widened as she said "Ooooo a challenge! You know I will do my best!"

Before Jack could form a response, Joyce walked off. Shaking his head, he turned towards the set. "Bob, Ray, Richard, is everything ready?" The men in question nodded their heads. "OKay, clear the set, lets get ready to roll!

Chapter 6

"So Jessie, detention again?" Mark's voice rang out as Jessie entered through the door

The ten year old nodded glumly as she took her seat Opening a book and notebook, she appeared to start sudying

"Actually, I am glad to see you after school." Mark stated getting up from his desk and crossing over to kneel beside the girl. "I've been meaning to talk to you."

"About what, Mr. Davis?" Jessie asked turning her attention to him.

"Well, Jessie, it is about your performance in my class." Mark told the girl. "You are close to failing my course!"

"What?" Jessie exclaimed. "Mr. Davis! I can't fail! I've got A's and B's in all my other classes!" "I know." Mark replied sounding mystified. "That is why I am so concerned! You do so well in your other classes, what is it about math that gives you such trouble?"

"I-i-i d-don't know." The girl stammered, casting her eyes down in shame.

"You seem to pay close attention in class. Every time I look up you are staring straight at me! And when you are not, you are taking notes." Mark exclaimed. At this Jessie blushed deeply. Jack wondered what thought it was that she used to bring about that reaction. he resolved to ask her about it later.,

"I k-know." Jessie replied. "But I don't know why I can't do the work!"

"I wish you had come to me for tutoring." Mark replied. "Even if you get a hundred percent on all your tests and homework from here on out, the best you can hope for is a D minus!"

"D minus?" Jessie exclaimed. "My parents are going to kill me dead!" She went on miserably.

"We need to figure this out. young lady." Mark stated firmly. "You are much to pretty and much to smart to be killed by your parents for turning in a bad grade!"

"Y-y-you think I'm p-p-pretty?" Jessie stammered, once more turning a deep crimson.

Mark frowned at the girl before saying. "Yes, I do, very pretty, and very very smart."

"T-t-thank you." The girl stammered.

"Jessie?" Mark said sounding suspicious of something. "May I see your math notebook please?"

"Mr. Davis? Why?" Jessie said reluctant to turn over the notebook he reached for.

"I want to see what you have been writing down. I want to help you to understand math!" Mark replied prying to notebook out f the girls fingers. As he did so, Jessie appeared almost ready to panic. As Mark opened the notebook, Jessie turned her reddest yet and cast her eyes downwards

Bob panned over Mark's shoulder to get a view of the notebook. On the pages were neat little scribbles, Girlish in nature, with hearts all over it. On one page, a fairly close likeness of Mark was lovingly drawn with hearts and little lip shapes all around it. On another in capitol letters, Mrs. Jessie Davis was wrtten.

"Oh my." Mark said gently.

"Mr. Davis! I'm sorry!" Jessie began apologising.

"Is this why you aren't doing well in my class?" Mark asked holding out the notebook. "This is what you do instead of taking notes.

"Yes sir." Jessie answered miserably.

"Are you attracted to me?" Mark asked, sounding amused.

"Y-y-yes s-sir." Came the whispered respnse.

"And that is why you are doing so badly?" Jessie nodded and Mark went on. "Is that also why you keep getting in trouble? Because you know that I am your homeroom teacher and that your detention gets held in my class?"

"Y-yes sir." Jessie mumbled

"Oh my." Mark repeated. "You are only ten years old! You aren't supposed to be attracted to anyone yet, Especially not one of your teachers! All this time I thought you were paying attention. What do you really think about when you are staring at me?"

"A-a-about how handsome y-y-you a-are!" Jessie stammered. Then in a rush before Mark could say anything else, she put her hands over her belly and said. "When I look at you I get all gooey inside! I get such a tingly feeling here in my stomach that I can't concentrate! Even when you aren't in the room, when I am doing my math homework I think about you and can't seem to do it! I imagine you..." Then the girl ground to a stop

"You imagine me what?" Mark pressed.

Jessie blushed deeply again and said in a whisper. "I imagine you beside me like you are now. Except you are touching me. Or kissing me. I can almost feel your hands on my body, your lips on mine." Then Jessie cried out, "Oh I am so wicked!"

"You aren't wicked." Mark replied gently. "You just have a crush. But in having it, you have really messed up your record. I am afraid that this bad grade is going to hurt you in the long term!"

"C-can't I do some extra credit work? I promise I will study really hard to get it right!" Jessie pleaded

"Oh it is much to late for that." Mark answered. "I'm afraid that you just don't know the material! And even if I gave you extra credit work, and you aced it, the best you could hope for is a solid D"

"My parents will hate me!" Jessie cried out miserably. Putting her head down on the desk she began to cry softly. "Is there nothing I can do?" she called out, her voice muffled by her arms.

Mark reached out and stroked his hand down the ten year old's ponytail. A lewd expression come over his face as he began to rub her back. "There may be one thing." Mark said slyly.

Jessie's head shot up off of the desk and a hopeful expression sprang into her eyes. "Please tell me what it is! I'll do ANYTHING to bring my grade up!"

"Well, first I want you to promise me that you will study hard to pick up this material!" Mark said sternly. "I will tutor you, but you must promise to use every cell in this great brain of yours to learn it!" He went on laying his palm at the top of her head and giving it a shake.

"I promise I promise!" Jessie cried out.

"Well, there is a very Special extra credit project that can raise your failing grade up to a B minus." Mark stated. "But it isn't easy, and you may not want to. It could even be painful! This isn't offered to very many, and I would understand if you didn't want to. It also takes a lot of effort and will probably take the rest of the year. I am only making this offer because I think you are a special student and very smart."

Turning in her chair to face the 'teacher' Jessie exclaimed, "I'll do it! Anything! If it will bring my grade up to a B then I will do whatever you ask!"

"B minus." Mark replied and smiled at the child's enthusiastic nod. "Are you sure?" Mark asked her assuming a serious expression. "Once you start this project, there is no stopping until it is done! You will need to be committed to it!"

"I'm sure!" Jessie cried out. "I'm sure! I want to bring my grade up! I am ready to start right now!"

"And so you shall." Mark said standing up. As Jessie looked on with wide eyes, his fingers went to his zipper and pulled it down. Reaching inside his pants he freed his seven inch cock and pointed it at the girl's astonished face.

Jessies hand went nervously to her chest as she stared at the rigid cock that confronted her. The ten year old's face looked hesitant and unsure as she said, "Mr Davis! I-i-"

"Come my dear." Mark said reaching out to take the girl by the back of her neck. "It is time to start your special project. Time to earn your grade." He went on pulling the child towards his prick.

"B-but I d-d-don't know what to do!" Jessie stammered trying to resist being pulled forwards and looking up with scared eyes at the man towering above her.

"Well, this is a classroom, so you will just have to learn!' Mark replied still pulling gently at the child's neck. "This first lesson is really simple, just open your lips and take this cock in. Suck on it like you are drinking from a straw. It may feel odd at first, but I think you will like it."

Jessie still looked uncertain as she was drawn closer to Mark's prick. Hesitantly she allowed her lips to part. When her lips first make contact with the smooth skin on the head of his penis, she jerked back in surprise, but then allowed herself to be drawn forward again and didn't pull away as the head of his penis disappeared between her lips

"Yeah, that is right. Just like that." Mark sighed in pleasure as he relentlessly pushed his cock into the ten year old's mouth. "Feel the way this thing is filling your mouth up. Feel it pressing your tongue down, the way it is spreading your jaws apart. Learn to love this feeling, little one, because you will be doing it ever day until the school year is over. This and so much more!"

When all but two inches of his seven was resting securely in the girl's hot mouth, Mark stopped and just as slowly began to pull it out. As he did so, looking down into Jessie's eyes, he went on.

"Yes yes yes. Suck that cock, baby, feel it moving over your tongue. Feel the way it is rubbing your lips."

Mark pulled back until just the head of his cock was in Jessie's mouth, then started pushing in a little faster. Jessie's eyes closed in pleasure and her jaw started working back and forth. Mark started slow fucking the willing child's face as he commented, "You didn't know it, but this was what you were craving when you were staring at me. The thought of doing this, feeling this, is what made you feel all gooey inside. You can feel the tingle now better than ever, can't you?"

Jessie moaned in agreement. Mark smiled and released his hold on her neck and he stopped thrusting his hips back and forth. He said, "You know what to do now. Go get it!" Jessie moaned again and began moving her head forward and back. Slowly at first, but gaining spread, her cheeks hollowed in and another moan was drawn out of her.

Mark let the child suck him for several minutes in silence. Suddenly he took a step backwards, forcing the ten year old to slid forward to keep her contact with his prick. Another half step back and Jessie was almost falling out of the desk. Then Mark took another step back, and Jessie smoothly moved with him to kneel on the floor as she grew more frantic sucking his cock.

"Yeah, that's right. On your knees in front of me." Mark commented lewdly. "This is where you have wanted to be all year, isn't it?" Jessie gave a long moan in response. "I know it is. And for the rest of the year, every day after school, you will be on your knees. And I may even look you up on the weekends to use you then! Hell, I may even get you to service a few of my friends, if you are a good girl!" Jessie moaned even louder and her head began to fly back and forth.

"Like that thought, do you?" Mark asked cruelly. "Does it make you all tingly at the thought of being a whore for me? Do you wonder whose cock I might point at? Do you wonder who you will kneel in front of just like you are kneeling in front of me?" Jessie became almost desperate on the blow job she was giving in response.

Suddenly Mark grabbed the girl by the shoulders, picking her up easily and carrying her towards his desk Once there, he stood her up on the desk itself. Looking up into her lust filled eyes, Mark reached up under her plaid skirt, gripped her panties and in a single motion pulled the down around her ankles. Jessie gasped, then gasped again as he began running his hands up and down her legs. Reaching up, he undid the snap at the side of the skirt, then pulled it down as well, revealing the child's hairless mound as he did so

"Did this ever enter your mind, girl?" Mark asked huskily as his hands gripped her hips and his thumbs began to massage her hairless pussy. "Did you ever imagine me touching you here in your fantasies?"

"Yes Mr. Davis." Jessie answered as huskily as Mark. "I dreamed about it!"

"Spread your legs, let me get a proper look at that little cunt of yours." Mark ordered. Jessie shifted on the table as she obeyed the teacher. Mark moved his head closer and said, "Oh yes1 So very pretty. Just like the rest of you!. But does it taste as sweet as it looks?" Mark didn't wait for an answer. Darting his head forward e began to slurp noisily.

Jessie's hands tangled in Mark's hair as she used his head to maintain her balance. "Oh god! it feels soooooooo good!" She panted. Mark growled into her cunt and rapidly started moving his head back and forth as he licked the ten year old. "Oh oh oh oh! Something's happening! I feel like I'm going to.... Ahhhhhhh! I'm exploding! Oh my god!"

Jessie's body began to spasm. Her head flew back and forth, Her back arched and if not for the grip her hands had on his hair, she would have fallen over. Even as the girl was orgasming, Mark lifted her down to sit on the desk. Her legs flew up in the air as he positioned his cock at her cunt. Savagely he slammed the entire length into her sopping pussy. Jessie grunted in reaction

Not letting the child come down from her orgasm, Mark started rapidly slamming his cock back and forth in Jessie's tight love tunnel. Jessie could not keep still on the desk as his fucking her kept her riding her orgasm. Her head flew from side to side so hard that Jack thought she was going to hurt herself. Just as he was about to cut the scene, Jessie started bucking her cunt up to meet Mark's thrusts.

Ecstasy contorted the ten year old's features as she stopped throwing her head from side to side and instead stared with lust glazed eyes into Marks face. She began to shout at the man slam fucking her, " Oh yes! Fuck me fuck me. OOOOO so good, Fuck me hard, Mark!"

Jack knew that he could not have stopped the scene now if he wanted to. He couldn't have stopped it even with a fire hose filled with icy water. But he did call out "Not Mark, Mr Davis! The enraptured child didn't appear to hear him. A moment later, though, she got the name right

"Ohh yes yes yes!" She fairly screamed with each thrust of Mark's cock. "Feels so good! Fuck me forever, Mr. Davis!" Her legs wrapped around Mark's hips as she began bucking her cunt up to meet each thrusts of Marks cock.

Mark grabbed the bucking child's tiny hips and he began to short stroke her. Pulling out only an inch or two before slamming his cock back home and grinding the girl's clit. "Oh god, Jessie, you are so tight! So wonderful! I can't hold back much longer! Oh god, I'm going to cum! Fuck fuck fuck! Here it goes!"

Mark pulled out of the ten year old pussy and jerked his cock twice before a jet of semen shot out and hit the girls clit dead on. Mark began grunting as his penis shot it's load all over Jessie's hairless mound and red swollen slit.

When his penis quick spasming, Mark collapsed onto the girl laying across his desk Claiming her lips with his, they both panted air into each others mouth as they shared the kiss. Mark's lips left the ten year old's mouth and found her throat as he began licking and kissing along her collorboane.

"Don't forget the last line." Jack called out.

"Oh shit, sorry Jack, I forgot." Mark said breathlessly. standing up again, he flipped the preteen over on the desk, allowing her to support herself with her own feet on the floor. He slid his half erect cock into the child's swollen red cunt lips once more. As he did so, he reached for a book to the side of them and opened it up.

"Time for tutoring." Mark said still out of breath as he positioned the book under the well fucked child's sweating face. "We will start with fractions. My cock is seven inches long. One-half of my cock is inside your tight little pussy. How many inches of my cock is in your cunt?"

"Okay cut." Jack called out. Jessie let lose an explosive breath and let her face collapse into the book under her (which happened to be a history book, but Jack didn't think anyone would notice.) Mark let his cock slide out of his preteen lover and fell back into the chair behind him, almost missing and hitting the floor instead.

Chapter 7

When Jessie had gained enough breath back to speak, she lifted her head from the book (Her sweat making the pages stick to her face) and asked "How was it Jack?"

"Well, it wasn't totally useless, but it was pretty fucking close." Jack observed brightly from his chair. As Mark and Jessie turned surprised faces his way, Jack held up and hand to stop their protests and explained, "Not your fault, it was mine. It was going so well from the blowjob to the transition to the teacher's desk that I just let you go with it. Both of you got a little over excited there."

"Jessie was supposed to be a virgin." Jack went on. "No way she could have taken hat bum rush fucking if she actually were one. Don't worry about calling Mark by his real name, Jessie, I can cut that out in the editing room, But it is going to be hard to cut that scene into anything useful. Ray was supposed to step in and apply the cherry juice, but you two were going at it so hard, I think he would have lost an arm if he had tried!" Jessie giggled at that.

"Give me ten minutes to recharge, and I'll be ready to go again, boss." Mark stated. "We can reshoot from where I was eating her standing up to where I laid her down and fucked her."

"Want me to fluff him?" A voice came from Jack's elbow before he could respond. He turned and looked down into Helen's eager eyes. Looking around he saw that everyone in the building had been witness to the scene. Most were looking amused at the happenings, but a few had lustful expressions in their eyes.

Looking back down at Helen and trying to keep from laughing, Jack asked "Where did you learn a term like 'Fluffing'?"

"Ray said that he was fluffing me when he was eating me out before my scene with Joyce and George." Helen explained with a smile. "He said it was to arouse me before the filming started. It worked too!"

Jack chuckled and said "Thanks for offering, dear, but you are all cleaned up now, and I want you fresh for the last scene. Can't have your hair getting mused up before you go on later, you know." Helen frowned in disappointment and Jack leaned down to kiss her soundly. She had a smile on her pixie face when he drew back.

"I can fluff him if you like." Alice volunteered.

"That might work." Jack replied. "Thanks for the offeer."

"No problem!" The adult woman said brightly walking towards the set.

"You two go off to the side." Jack said as Alice approached the grinning Mark. "We will have to change the scene up a bit. The desk is a mess now. Joyce, could you please help get Jessie cleaned up? Bob, Ray, Richard let's consult."

As Alice began sucking Mark's cock trying to get him erect then keep him that way as he sat on a bookshelf, the two cameramen and the lighting/sound man walked over to Jack. Rewinding the tape in the cameras, they tried to decide at what point to continue the scene. As they were doing this, Jack caught Joyce out of the corner of his eye helping Jessie back into the plaid skirt. Joyce had toweled the child down quickly with a damp towel.

"Leave that off, please." Jack called out. "We will be going from where she started her orgasm standing on the desk." Joyce nodded and led the half naked ten year old over to where Jack and the crew were reviewing the scene. They were soon joined by Mark, who was erect again and staying that way thanks to Alice slowly jacking his cock.

Jessie stood in front of Jack looking at herself in still frame on the daily monitor. On the screen, her back was arched and her hands were locked in Mark's hair, Her face wore a raw expression of ecstasy as she was orgasming.

"Ok, we will go from here. Mark, when I say action, I want you to take Jessie by the hips and move her to the floor. Face her away from you and push her to her knees, then down to all fours. Jessie, I want you to arch your back and lay your chest on the floor when Mark starts fucking you. Remember to cry out in pain when he first enters you. After you cry out we will freeze frame and Ray will get in there with the cherry juice, then you sink into position when we start rolling again."

Jessie nodded her understanding then gasped as Jack hugged her from behind and started to gently caress her smooth pubic mound. She sighed and closed her eyes as Jack's experienced finger began rubbing gently at her clit.

"Are you going to be ok to have Mark fuck you again love?" Jack asked softly as he gently and slowly frigged the preteen. "He fucked you pretty good, you aren't to raw down here to go again are you?"

"I am a little sore." Jessie admitted. "But I think I can go again."

"I need you to be sure." Jack said into her ear before licking her earlobe and continuing, "He is going to last a lot longer this time, since he already came a few minutes ago. Not to mention your orgasm looked pretty intense as well. I don'want you to get any more raw down here than you already are."

Jessie sighed and replied. "Well, the way I am now, I wont have to fake to much feeling hurt when Mark first starts fucking me again. And the cherry juice will help. Maybe after you get good shots with the cherry juice, we can use astrolube to slick me up. I can take it if we do that."

"Good girl." Jack said fondly continuing to masturbate the child slowly. "You may have to fake an orgasm if he doesn't get you there by the time he is ready to shoot again. if you do have to fake it, I want you to do so as he is cumming on your ass and pussy. Can you do that?"

"Mmmmm." Jessie moaned both in response to the question and Jacks busy fingers. "If you keep doing that, I might not even need astrolube, Jack. I'm getting turned on all over again!"

"When Mark sets her to the floor, is he going right or left?" Richard asked.

"Left, towards me." Jack replied.

"I'm going to need to move a few lights around then." Richard stated walking towards the set.

"Put a book on the left corner of the desk, as well." Jack suggested. "That way Mark wont have to get up to get it. I want to keep the fraction's line in."

"Good idea." Jason stated. "That was a great ending to that scene."

Jack grinning in agreement then spoke to the two camera men. "Bob, Ray. that fuck scene earlier was to good to lose. Make sure you forward through that before we start filming again. I might tack it on at the end of the scene with a 'few days later' label."

Bob and Ray nodded understanding then went off to the set to check their angles. Mark, his cock still at half mast in Alice's milking hand followed behind, When he got to the set Alice sank to her knees in front of him and sucked him into her mouth again to bring him back up to full erection. Jessie started to go as well, but Jack didn't let her out of his hug.

"Jack, I love what you are doing to me, but shouldn't I be out there too?" Jessie asked.

"Let them get the scene set up first, love." Jack whispered gently into her ear. "Besides, I love what I am doing to you too!" Jessie giggled at that then relaxed back into Jack's embrace with a pleasured sigh. He continued to lightly masturbate the child until the preparations on the set were complete and Ray called out that they were ready. Jack finally let the girl go and watched as she moved towards the set on slightly shaky legs. The preteen was flushed with arousal, which is exactly how she looked at the point where she would be restarting the scene from.. Jack smiled as he took a seat and directed the men on the set who were setting the girl and man up in postion.

"I envy the ease at which you interact with the girls." Jason's voice stated into a quite moment from Jack's right. Jack kept forgetting the man was there! "Tell me, what is your secret? Why does everything with a vagina fall in love with you within ten minutes of meeting you?"

Jack turned and looked at the man in surprise. The question had been asked without a trace of the bitterness the words would indicate. Before he could formulate an answer to the odd question, he was saved by Alice. Alice walked up flushed and panting herself. Grabbing Jason by the hand and pulling him along with her, she stated "All this fluffing has got me horny. Come to the green room and fuck me, Jason."

"Sure thing, Mrs." Jason said with a wide grin allowing himself to be led away.

Helen started to follow them in and Jack called out "Audience only, girl! Helen made a face at Jack then grinned and nodded as she followed her father and the horny woman into the room. A moment later Joyce followed in as well.

Jack turned his attention back to the set. the scene was almost set to go. Mark once more had his face buried in Jessie's crotch and Jessie was standing with her back arched and her hands in Mark's hair. Jack compared their positioning to what was still on the monitor and called out "Jessie, arch your back just a little more!" Jessie did as directed and Jack called out "Perfect! Ready to go?"

Jack got affirmatives from all three of the crew and satisfied, called out "Action!"

Mark took the child by the hips and lifted her easily down to the floor, where he then turned her towards Jack. With not so gentle pressure on her shoulders, he guided Jessie to her knees, then gave a slight push forward that put her to all fours. Though Ray's camera showed the ten year old's cunt to be moist once again, Mark considerately applied the clear astrolube that had been hidden in his palm to his cock, then positioned it at the child's pussy. Pushing forward so that the head popped in, he paused while Jessie panted "Ow ow ow ow!"

Mark appeared to be straining his hips forward and used the fist on his cock to make it appear as though his prick was meeting the resistance of a hymen. Then he released the pressure on it and let it appear to 'pop' into her. "Ahhhhhhhhhh!" Jessie cried out.

"Ok, freeze!" The child and adult stopped movement as Ray darted in to apply the red tinted astrolube. "Action!" Jack called when Ray had taken up his former spot for filming. Ray got a close up as Mark pushed about half of his length into the girl. Jack was amazed as the simple device of red tinted astrolube pooling on the preteen's cunt lips made it appear as if actual blood was being squeezed out from inside her vagina.

As Ray got the closeup on her pussy, Bob got the closeup of Jessie's face. She wore a pained expression as she said "Oh oh it hurts!"

The view of the child's face also took in Mark's evil grin as he told her, "Relax, baby girl, it will only hurt for a few minutes, then it will be the best feeling ever! Besides, I told you that such Special extra credit work might hurt a bit." Then Mark slowly started to move his cock in and out of the preteen's cunt. As he did, Jessie allowed herself to sink to the floor, Mark's hands on her hips keeping her ass elevated. Her face still wore pained expression as her cheek lay on the hardwood. Each time that Mark thrust forward, Jessie allowed her lower legs to pivot at the knees, raising her feet up a little. Each time mark pulled out, she let her feet hit the floor, the shoes on them making a clumping sound.

As Mark began fucking into her cunt faster, the clumps came quicker. After about fifteen strokes the pained expression left Jesse's half hidden face. After twenty it was replaced by a look of wonder. At twenty-five, the young girl moaned. Hearing that, Mark said, "See? I told you that the pain would go away. Feels good now, doesn't it?"

"Mmmmhmmmm," Jessie moaned in reply. Then she started rocking her hips back to meet Mark's thrusts.

Jack's prediction proved true as Mark fucked in and out of the ten year olds pussy for ten solid minutes. But he was wrong about Jessie. As Mark began moving faster and faster, being careful not to fuck the full length of his cock into the girl, Jessie got more and more turned on. Her sweat soaked the floor under her face as Bob captured the glazed look in her eyes. She was moaning and gasping her pleasure constantly at the end of the ten minutes. All throughout, Mark had been addlibbing dirty talk at her. Then she had a real orgasm.

"Oh god Oh god, Mr. Davis!" She cried out. "Oh your going to make me cum! I am so close! I feel it....ah ah ah ah1 I'm CUMMMING!" As she cried out, her back moved up and down as the child spasmed in orgasm. Jack was amazed that the well fucked preteen could achieve that state again after the explosive orgasm she had ridden through earlier. But the evidence before him confirmed it.

Jessie's orgasm set off Mark's. "Oh yeah, Jessie, I feel you, Your tight little cunt is milking my cock. Of god I'm going to blow! Ugn ugn ugn ugn!" Mark pulled out just in time and began to fire his load on Jessie's perfect ass and sopping wet cunt. It didn't come as explosively as before, but there actually seemed to be more of his jism this time and he thoroughly soaked the moaning girl down. When he finally stopped shooting his load, he stuck his cock back into her wet pussy and slowly fucked in and out as he spread his seed over her ass.

Remembering the line he was to deliver, Mark reached out and grabbed the textbook from the corner of the desk. Reaching out his cum slickened hand, he grabbed Jessie's ponytail and used it to urge her gently up to all fours again. Laying the book down in front of her, Mark repeated his fractions line.

"Cut!" Jack called out. "Excellent work! We can use the hell out of this take!"

Chapter 8

"You know, I love these school girl scenes even better than the incest stuff we do." A deep voice stated from behind Jack. As Jack turned and grinned up at Buster, one of the two black men that performed on play dates. "Just seeing Jessie in that white top, bare naked around her waste and in those red knee highs and black shoes...well it is just so fucking sexy!"

"I have to agree." Jack stated looking down at his watch. Buster was early, it was an hour still before his scene, the last of the day. "But you are lying." Jack went on. "I know how much daddy daughter stuff gets you up. Speaking of which, how is little Kelly doing?"

"She is doing very well." Buster replied with pride. "She is wondering when she can start having play dates."

"As I said, when she can take cock in the cunt without crying." Jack replied. Kelly was five years old and had just become sexually active a few months before. She was getting to where she began to enjoy sex, but the pain was still great enough in the beginning that being penetrated vaginally still made her eyes well up with tears.

"That might not be much longer." Buster stated. "She is still crying, but she is getting into giving head. She even initiated with Allen last week."

"Sure did." Alice confirmed as she walked up and hugged Buster. "Allen was thrilled to death when she asked if she could give him head!"

"Kelly is initiating?" Joyce asked as she walked up. "Buster, that is great!" She added giving him a hug.

"I think it is your influence, Joyce." Buster said grinning at the twenty-three year old. "Kelly really loved having you eat her out, and took your words to heart when you were talking to her about sex."

"Has she been masturbating herself with those dildos that I left with her?" Joyce asked

"Oh yes, and it is a sight to see. She is already up to the third in the line." Joyce had left six didos and instruction for the black preteen to start out with the smallest one then work her way up to thicker ones as she got comfortable using them.

"Once she has her first orgasm, Kelly will be as happy about sex as all of the rest of the girls" Alice assured Buster. As she did, Buster looked down to find Helen hugging his leg.

Buster was a huge man. Standing at six feet three inches, he was as thick as a redwood. His arms were well muscled, his chest as thick as a rain barrel. The only thing not huge about him was his penis. Buster had the standard six inch package. As large as the black man was, however, he was surprisingly gentle as he reached down and lifted the six year old into his massive arms. Helen giggled with delight as Buster kissed the tip of her nose then brought her around as held her on his hip as if she were a baby.

As Buster was greeting Helen, Jessie walked up slowly. Someone had wiped the child clean, but she was still naked around the waste, her panties and plaid skirt was in her hands. Jessie walked up and climbed into Jacks lap, snuggling against his chest with her eyes closed.

"Oooo you look tired." Joyce told the ten year old.

"Good tired." Jessie replied in a whisper with her eyes still closed. She gave a sigh and snuggled deeper into Jacks chest.

Alice crossed over and started caressing her daughter's hair. "This is one well fucked little girl! Mark really did a number on you, didn't he, baby?" Jessie sighed contentedly in response. "I better get her home. She can nap in the car on the way back."

Jack nodded and set the exhausted child to her feet. Jessie protested as Jack ejected her from his lap, but then gave a tired smile as Jack tenderly helped her dress. Jessie then took Jack's face in her hands and gave him a long kiss which he returned tenderly

Alice demanded her own kiss before leading her exhausted daughter towards the exit. Helen demanded equal time and Buster obligingly leaned her over so she could give Jack a much more passionate kiss. When the girl breathlessly broke it off, Buster looked down and said "Looks like you are ready to go!"

"I am!" Helen returned squirming in his arms. "I watched daddy and Alice, but Jack wouldn't let me join in." She explained making another face at jack.

"I see." Buster said smiling. Turning to Jack he said, "Since we have another forty minutes till we are scheduled to start, and since we are just doing a blowjob scene, would you mind if I fucked this little girl's brains out? I can get it up again, and I will last much longer if my first load in already in her cunt." Helen grinned showing that she thought it was an excellent idea.

Jack really hated to disappoint them. "Better not." He said with reluctance. "Helen already had a scene today, and I don't want her worn out like Jessie was before we even shoot the scene. Besides, having her horny like this will bring her enthusiasm way up. Then there is the fact that the scene requires that you NOT last a long time. There will be time after the scene to fuck her silly, and I may even join in on that!" Jack concluded. Both had been making face at him when he denied them, but Helen perked up when she heard that Jack might fuck her after.

Chapter 9

Helen walked onto the set, closing the door behind her before turning round and seeing Buster leaned back in his chair. "Oh, Hi Mr. Darnell. I just came back to get a book."

Buster turned his head towards the six year old and gave a half smile. "You better hurry. Classes are over, you don't want to miss your bus!" He told her.

"It's ok." Helen assured him as she walked over to the tall bookshelf behind him. "I walk to school." As she told him that, she reached up for a book on a high shelf. Climbing the bookcase, Ray got an up skirt shot from Buster's perspective before Helen gave up and asked "Could you get this down for me, Mr. Darnell? I can't reach it."

Buster sighed and got slowly out of his chair. Grimicing in pain, feet spread apart, he shuffled over to the girl and took down a book. Handing it to her he said "Here you go." Before shuffling painfully back to his chair and sinking carefully into it.

As the black man groaned and got settled, Helen stood beside him and asked "Are you ok, Mr. Darnell?"

"I'll be fine." Came the response, but his voice was strained.

Helen leaned forward and asked quietly into his ear, "Is it blue balls?"

Buster looked surprised as he asked the six year old "What do you know about that? Where did you hear that?"

"I heard some older boys talking about it." Helen explained. "They said that when a boy hasn't ecac...ebac...ejacualted for awhile, his pipes get all backed up and it hurts like hell. Is that what is paining you?"

"Helen, I am not allowed to talk to you about things like that." Buster replied sternly

"But Mr. Darnell, you ARE the biology teacher." Helen reasoned. Then leaning over the huge man, she placed her small hand on the bulge in his pants and whispered, "Besides, I want to help you."

"Helen!" Buster cried in shock.

"Mr. Darnell, you are my favorite teacher." Helen stated moving around in front of him and sinking to her knees without removing her hand from his crotch. Her other hand came up and she began to loosen his belt as she went on huskily, "Please let me help you!"

"You are only six! You can't do this!" Buster informed her. But he wasn't trying to stop the child as she began working at the button of his dress pants then unzipped them.

"Oh hush." She said sternly tugging at his pants. Buster half rose out of his seat to let the preteen pull his pants down to his ankles. He wasn't wearing underwear, and his six inch prick popped up proud. Helen grinned up at him in delight as she moved in to suck the head of his penis into her mouth

"Helen, you have to stop this!" Buster protested as the child began working her way slowly down his cock His hands flew up to his face and he wore and agonized expression as he bemoaned "Oh god, I can't believe that I'm letting this happen!"

Helen took three inches in before pulling her mouth completely off of his penis and stating huskily, "Oooo Mr. Darnell, I love the way this feels in my mouth." Then she leaned forward again and resumed giving him head

Jack looked on the monitor and saw that Bob had the perfect angle to shoot the scene. Closed in tightly on the blowjob, Jack admired the contrast of the child's white face and pink lips working over the dark brown penis. Helen took all but an inch this time, and her jaws began working back and forth as she drew back then started down faster. Her cheeks hollowed inwards. Her face looked blissful

Ray's camera caught the scene from behind Jessie. Buster's face was caught perfectly as his eyes grew wide. "My god, child, you have done this before, haven't you?" Helen moaned affirmative as she began bobbing her head up and down in the black man's lap. His huge hands completely hid the preteen's head as he began urging her to greater speed. "Oh fuck! Six years old and sucking like a pro. Oh god this feels amazing!"

Bob's camera caught the scene as Buster's hands drove the girl's head all the way down. Her nose ground into his curly black pubic hair each time she completed the downward stroke Helen was making muffled "ungah ungah ungah" noises as she was impaled gain and again on the six inch man meat. Her eyes were closed in pleasure and her jaws worked furiously back and forth as she bobbed up and down.

Buster was throwing his head from side to side. "Oh fuck so good so good." he repeated over and over. A wide amazed expression came over his face as he said "Oh god child, you're going to make me cum! OH FUCK!" Then his body stiffened and began to jerk

Bob's camera showed Helen pull herself off of the black man's prick just as the first jet of sperm splashed onto her lips. The next explosive shot hit her right between her closed eyes, the third in her forehead. Helen moaned as she received the hot facial. By the time Buster's cock stopped firing off, her face was so full of jism it almost hid the black mask that disguised her features. Bob pulled the shot back as Buster began swiping up the sperm and sticking his finger in the child's mouth as she eagerly sucked the jism clean.

"Did that...mmm... relieve the....mmm...pain? Mmmm...did...mmmm... I help...mmmm...?" Helen asked as she sucked his finger dry again and again.

Ray's long shot caught the huge grin that came over Buster's face as he stated "Oh yeah, my nuts are completely empty now. Thank you Helen!"

"Your welcome, Mr. Darnell." Helen replied with a brilliant smile. "Anytime you need to empty these things" She added cupping his balls, "You can ask me. Maybe next time you can fuck me for your relief."

Buster's hand went back to his face as Helen took his cock into her mouth once more. "Oh goodness, what have I done?" He asked the sky. "And what am I going to do next time?" He added with an evil grin as he looked right into Ray's camera

"Cut!" Jack bellowed out. "Great scene! I'm glad I didn't let you fuck before! That money shot facial was classic!"

Helen took her moth of Buster's cock just long enough to say lustfully "I like it inside better than outside!"

By the time she finished saying that and returned to sucking Buster hard again, Jack was behind her with his own massive penis free in his fist. He sank quickly to his knees and his hands shot out to Helen's hips. He unbuttoned her skirt and pulled it and her panties down her legs,. Helen lifted each knee in turn as Jack finished pulling them off. Then Jack hugged her from behind as he began unbuttoning her shirt. He took it off of Helen, leaving the six year old naked except for the red knee high socks and the black shoes.

Helen gave a muffled squeal of delight as Jacks fingers found her little nub of a clitorous. Jack smiled as he felt her sopping wet cunt. Still, he liberally doused his prick with the astrolube before pulling he six year old up and positioning his cock at her tight love tunnel. Helen gave another squeal, this time of pain as Jack's massive prick slowly spread her open. Jack slid four inches of his cock in before stopping and letting the preteen get used to it.

When Helen's head began to bob up and down in Buster's lap once more, Jack began slowly sawing his the four inches in and out, moaning in absolute pleasure as he felt the six year old's cunt stretched taut over his prick. He closed his eyes and sighed his pleasure.

After a few minutes, Jack felt a soft hand on his shoulder. Looking up, he found Joyce smiling down at him.

"I do so love watching you fit that great big thing in these little girls." She whispered huskily. "Reminds me so much of how my Uncle used to fuck me stupid when I was her age! Oh Jack, I miss him so much!" Joyce's uncle had been Joyce's guardian after her parents died in a plane crash when she was six. She was sixteen when her uncle had been murdered in a convenience store hold up. An innocent bystander that caught a stray bullet. The man had taken out several large insurance policies on himself when he had taken Joyce in, and the settlements when he was killed had made the lass a rich woman.

Joyce stared on raptly as Jack fucked Helen while the six year old continued to give the large black man head. Buster was panting as he said "Hey Jack, how about we switch it up? I want that tight little cunt!"

"High five, then." Jack said cheerfully holding up his hand. Buster slapped Jack's palm with his own and left the chair to kneel behind the moaning child. Jack took his place in the chair and returned Helen's smile as she took his big cock in her mouth. her lips and jaws were stretched as wide as they could go.

Joyce rolled her eyes and said "High five and switch, how droll!" Smiling to take the sting out of her words. Then she sank to the floor and pulled herself under Buster like a mechanic going under a car. She provided a much better service, though, as she began to lick at Buster's balls while he fucked in and out of Helen's cunt. As Joyce came to a rest. Ray knelt down at her hips. The cameraman pushed the twenty-three year olds skirt up and removed her panties. He freed his hard manhood and positioned himself over her, plunging his cock into her warm wet cunt, Joyce sighed blissfully.

Looking around even as he sighed in pleasure at Helen's blowjob, Jack saw Bob storing the video equipment in the storage lockers. As he was doing so, Jack saw Jason running a bucket of water and getting out mops to clean the set. The studio where they shot their porn was owned by Jack, and was a legitimate business. Tomorrow, commercials for local products and services would be shot on the set the orgy was taking place on at the moment. All evidence of the weekends activities would have to be completely excised.

Richard came out of the editing room where he had stored the tapes of Helen and Buster's scene. He walked to the set and began taking the desks to return to storage. Bob and Jason lent a hand, making sure to wipe the stuff down to get any stray jism marks, especially on the teacher's desk.

Jack's attention was drawn back to the child sucking his cock when Helen began making the "Ungah ungah ungah" noise once more. The vibrations she created on Jack's penis were delightful! Helen's six year old body began to thrash as she gave in to another orgasm. At the same time, Ray moaned in reaction to his own as he pumped a load of sperm into Joyce's warm cunt. Joyce was next at Rays spasming cock brought her off She moaned deeply onto Buster's balls. The combination of the preteens cunt spasming on his cock and the vibration of Joyce's moan on his nuts set Buster off. He buried his cock to the hilt in Helen's sopping cunt and shouted gleefully as he shot his load into her.

Helen had stopped her bobbing motion on Jack's cock when she had her orgasm, so Jack was able to resist blowing his own load. He grinned as Buster and Ray pulled their cocks out of the respective pussies, then got dressed and helped out in the cleaning effort. Joyce stayed in position, drinking Buster's spunk out of Helen's overflowing tunnel, enjoying the taste of man and girl's juices mixed as her own cunt lost Ray'ejaculate to be mopped up off the floor.

Though Helen had been able to take all of Buster's six incher during their scene, Jacks penis was much longer and almost twice as thick. Helen could barely get three inches of the massive cock into her eager mouth. But she tried her best to take more. She grew over eager as her head drove down on his cock, and she gagged herself. "Easy, girl!" Jack said gently as he grabbed her head and pulled it higher up on his cock. "Don't bite off more than you can chew!" He elicited laughs from some of the assembled adults with the line, but he didn't think the preteen even heard him as she desperately sought to suck the sperm from his balls.

"That's it girl, talk to it!" Buster exclaimed as Helen tried to take to much and once more gagged.

"She is determined to get all of that thing in." Jason commented as he watched his daughter grow even more desperate at her blowjob. "Jack, I don't think she would mind a bit if you made her take it in the throat."

Helen murmured in agreement, but Jack waved a hand dismissively. "There are grown women who couldn't take this thing deep." He explained. "Talented as this child is, she would get hurt if I tried to force this down her."

The exited preteen took her mouth off of Jack's ccck long and meet Jack's eyes with her glazed ones. "Hurt me, Jack, I don't mind!" She exclaimed before reclaiming her prize.

"God she is really into it." Bob exclaimed admiringly.

"Jack is too." Joyce commented knowingly as she draped her arms across Jack's heaving chest. "He is about to fill her little tummy up!" She added as she nuzzled Jack's neck

The twenty three year old was correct. Jack could fill himself getting closer and closer to climax. Helen could feel it to when Jack's prick suddenly grew even larger in her mouth. Jack stiffened and gave a strangled "Gyaaa!" His hands tightened on the arm rest of the chair (he was careful not to take the child by the head lest he did slam her down onto his prick as he orgasmed) His hips thrust up of their own accord as his cock began to spasm in the child's hungry hot mouth.

The adults all looked on in amazement as the eager preteen swallowed audibly. Even as fast as she gulped down Jack's load, two little rivulets of sperm escaped her lips and ran down the sides of Jack's cock. Helen appeared to be nodding much the same way Nina had during her audition as Jack's cock spasmed in her mouth hard enough to move her young head. When Jack had finally emptied his nuts into her hot throat, Helen's cheeks hollowed hard inward as she tried to get even more of the salty load. She let his massive penis slide out of her mouth as her tongue darted down to clean up what she had leaked out. The adults all applauded as she got the last of it then struggled into Jack's lap to snuggle contentedly.

Joyce was still draped over Jack, and she moved her hand up to caress Helen's hair as she said "Jack has got a magic cock. Every female wants it as soon as she sees it. I think this little one here had an orgasm just from sucking him off!"

Helen's eyes were closed as she laid her head against Jack's chest and confirmed. "I did. I just love sucking it so much! I wish I could take it all." She sighed once more and appeared blissful as she pressed her naked body onto Jack, grinding her pert little butt cheeks onto Jack's deflating cock as she did.

"Magic. that would explain it." Jason stated as he mopped up the floor in front of his daughter and the man whose lap she was snuggling in. "I wish we could bottle that magic and spread the joy of loving little ones all over the world!

Jack's only reply was to hug the sated preteen in his lap tightly as he returned the passionate kiss that Joyce planted on his lips. Helen was reluctant but didn't protest a little while later when Jason plucked her from Jack's lap and began to dress her. Jack got weekly to his feet and helped to return the studio to the state it had been in Friday when the regular crew had left.

When everything appeared to be back in order, everyone began to filter out. Jack shook hands or gave kisses where appropriate as they all left. Taking one last tour around, Jack made sure all was right. Then he walked into the editing room to find the tapes that Richard had carefully labeled and stacked for editing. Jack gathered up the tapes and placed them into a bag. He had a studio in his home where he would do the actual editing. He sometimes used the facilities here to edit scenes between shoots, but the majority of the work he did at home. Checking all the machines to make sure he didn't leave any preteen scenes behind to be discovered, Jack exited the building, locking up and setting the security system behind him. The sun was just setting as the contented man approached the lonely country road and turned his wheels towards home. "Pre School Fun" had shot all of it's scenes, and would be ready for shipment by the end of the week.

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This was beyond awesome. There were a few grammar mistakes but the story was SO well written and got me off fast . Thanks!!

The reviewing period for this story has ended.