Pedo Park, Part 1

[ pedo, inc, inter, ws, cuckold, humil, bi, MF, Mg(7), MM/g, FF, Fg(7), MFF,MMbb, b(10)g(6) ]


Published: 31-Mar-2012

Word Count: 13013

Author's Profile

Story Summary
This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

My wife Susan and I have been married almost seven years now and we have two darling children. Josh is 6 and a perfect replica of myself, I am proud to say. He is trim, fit and has my sandy coloured hair and bright blue eyes. Our daughter Kara just turned 5 and is a true charmer. She is a sparking child, with golden long blond hair, just like her Mom, and has the eyes of a vixen, green as can be, which she inherited from her mother also. We live in a nice middle class home in Oak City and enjoy life to the fullest, thanks to my high paying job as an investment banker with Dawson, Clark and Simmons, Inc. My wife works part-time, when the mood strikes her, as a substitute teacher within our local school district. I just celebrated my thirty-fifth birthday a month ago and Susan is my junior by three years.

We have long held an interest in pedophilia, although up until recently, had never had the opportunity to engage in it, I am sorry to say. We have numerous magazines, videos, books, etc. on this most stimulating subject - or should I say divertissement or pastime - which we have been fortunate enough to obtain and collect over the past six years or so through a European friend of ours. He sends us catalogs every month or two, and we order from them via him. He is most discreet and we trust him completely.

Susan and I currently decided that we would like to have our two beautiful kids introduced to abuse and molestation, but we did not wish to do the inauguration ourselves. There were a few reasons for this, but the prime one was that we lacked the experience and felt that Josh and his pretty sister should be indoctrinated initially by a person or persons learned in pedophilia tactics. Besides, Susan and I are extremely voyeuristic and felt we would truly relish observing our two pre-teens defiled and soiled as opposed to taking part in their desecration.

Our sole problem though seemed to be locating a proper, or ANY, pedophile, as neither of us knew of any personally. We did not wish to use the Internet, for obvious reasons, and didn't know just what to do until last month when I happened to overhear a conversation in the men's room while at my office. I was sitting on the toilet in an enclosed stall, taking a healthy crap, when I had the good luck of overhearing a conversation that was taking place by the sinks. I was unable to determine whose voices I was listening to, but there were two men talking, and they were discussing a place called McKinley Park, which I knew was located in Carmel Falls, just across the river from Oak City.

The two men said, in essence, that this park was known also as "Pedo Park" because of the apparently high number of pedophiles that frequented it, as well as the vast number of parents and/or guardians who often brought their kids there for the sole purpose of having them nicely abused by these practicing pedophiles. The one guy even said that SOME children went to this park by themselves, hoping to be molested. Then, the other said that even the park police who petrol that park didn't do anything about the activities that took place there because they were either pedos themselves or paid off to look the other way. I waited until I was sure both men had left the restroom, then I exited from my stall and went back to my office. I couldn't believe my luck! I couldn't wait to get home that evening and tell Susan about "Pedo Park".

She was as enthused about it as I was, and we decided to pay a visit to this park the following Saturday afternoon. We arranged for a babysitter for the kids, as we didn't wish to bring them along until we had ourselves scouted the place and were sure it was all that those two unknown men in the restroom had claimed it was.

We dressed casually for the occasion, both of us in shorts and baggy T-shirts. It was spring and a lovely day for a walk in ANY park, and we both donned sun glasses, more for the hopeful protection of possibly being recognized by someone we might know than for protection from the sun. For all we knew at that point, perhaps one of our friend's or neighbour's hung out there!

"Wouldn't THAT be a hoot," my wife laughed, as I parked the car in the large McKinley Park lot, "if we run into someone we know here, honey?"

I didn't think that was too funny, and told her so. Then, we proceeded hand in hand down the walkway to the park itself.

Although both of us had known of this park, we'd never visited it, so we were rather impressed by the neat grounds, the obvious good landscape upkeep and the many large and shady trees that encompassed McKinley Park. I could tell it was a fairly good sized place once we had entered. It sported lots of winding paths and well trimmed green grass, and a few small streams with neat little wooden bridges to cross, lots of flowers and even a few exotic plants and shrubbery.

We encountered several people as we walked along the various paths, most of them with children in tow, and there were even several kids by themselves; some in groups of three of four, and still others who were alone. We didn't really see anything out of the norm until we came upon a scene near one of the wooden bridges. There, under a large shady tree, was an attractive woman about the same age as my Susan. She was wearing shorts and a T-shirt that had "Clifton College" embossed on its front, and she was standing, holding the hand of a very cute girl of maybe 5 or 6. The little girl, an auburn haired beauty, clad in a Mickey Mouse shirt and tight red short shorts, perhaps a size or two smaller than what she should have been wearing, was standing also, while she sucked amorously on the rather good sized cock of a man of about 50 years of age.

The man was smiling down at the becoming little wench, his pants and shorts draped carelessly around his shoe tops, and he was holding the hem of his shirt up about his waist with both his hands so that it wouldn't fall down over his pubic area. It was hard to see all of his face because he had a straw hat perched on his head. He was on the tall side though, so he was the perfect height for the girl to be able to give him this rewarding blow job while standing before him. The woman, obviously the girl's mother, was smiling also, looking on at the cock sucking act as if in a supervisory capacity.

"Now, suck the nice man's cock good, Trisha," the woman coaxed. "He has a lovely cock there for you to suck on, so show him how much you appreciate him letting you suck it."

Little Trisha stopped her slurping activities just long enough to say, "Yes, Mommy, I will." Then, looking up at the man's face, the cock sucking cutie said, "Thank you, Mister, for letting me suck your nice cock. Am I doing it okay?" Her prim hands played with his egg sized balls as she looked up at him, awaiting his answer.

"Oh, yes, little one, " he panted. "You are doing a marvellous job. Please get it back in your sweet mouth and finish me off. I have an appointment I must keep soon." "You heard the man, honey," the mother said, "Get his cock back in your slutty little mouth and make him cum soon so that he can get to his appointment."

The tot nodded, then took the man's rod back in her mouth and started to suck him faster and with more energy than she had done previously.

"Oh yeah, you little cunt, that's the way!" the man grunted loudly. "Oh yeah ,,, uhhh ..... yeah, use your tongue .... oh yeah, you sweet little bitch ... just ... just like .... THAT! Agghhhhhh ... SHIT, I'm gonna' shooooooooot!"

My wife and I watched in entrancing lust as the older man filled the young lass's mouth with his load of fuck seed. I clasped Susan's hand tightly and we stared longingly as the tiny bitch consumed the man's offering in grand style for one her age.

The man, still panting slightly after his ejaculation, retracted his spent prick from the tyke's mouth and wiped the head of it across her pretty face. The mother, rather than object to such degradation of her daughter, instead smiled as the wiping took place.

"Give his cock a nice thank you kiss, Trisha," the mother instructed, and the little pixie planted a juicy wet one right on the sensitive purplish knob affectionately.

As the man was pulling his pants upward, the mother whispered something in her daughter's ear and the girl nodded.

"Thank you again, Mister, for letting me suck your nice cock. My Mommy says you can have our phone number and come to our house sometime if you want to. "Is that right?" he said, now buckling his belt. The mother nodded and smiled.

"Well, hell, that sounds good to me," he remarked happily.

The man waited while the woman took a small note pad and pen from her shoulder bag and wrote down the number. Then she handed him the slip of paper and he tucked it safely in his pocket.

"My husband has to work on Saturdays," she informed the pervert. "And I know he would love to watch little Trisha suck your divine prick, so I am hoping you will be able to come to our home one evening during the week, could you?"

"I suppose I could do that," he quipped. "I'll phone you soon and we'll set it up, okay?"

"Okay," she smiled lavishly, " and thanks again for letting Trisha suck you off."

"My pleasure, " he said, tipping his straw hat. "'Bye now, and have a nice day."

"'Bye, Mister," little Trisha shouted as the man walked away.

"Well, let's head over towards the lavatories, honey cake, and see if there are any nice men there that might want to use your sugary little mouth for their nice big cocks, okay?", the mother said, as she wiped the child's mouth with a Kleenex. "Okay, Mommy," Trisha replied gleefully.

"Well, looks like we're in the right place," I said to my wife as the mother and her daughter walked out of our sight.

"Sure looks that way," my wife agreed. "Let's follow this path over here and see where it leads."

This new path led us to a most intriguing spectacle. About twenty yards up this path, beneath yet another shady tree, our eyes were treated to a pair of kids, both naked from the waist on down, and both on their hands and knees. One was a very becoming girl of 7 or 8, with twin pigtailed red hair and dazzling soft blue eyes, which were wide open as she was fucked up her tiny twat by a policeman. The other child, a boy, about 3 or 4 years younger than the girl, and also a red head, but with more of an azure blue tint to his eyes, was being splendidly corn holed by still another cop, probably the partner of the one fucking the girl, I assumed.

The boy was grimacing in agony, no doubt caused by the big dick that was plunging in and out of his very young anus, and Susan and I could detect a faint amount of tears spilling from his pretty eyes as the lawman screwed his ass with determination and fortitude. Both policemen held their underage prey tightly about their small hips as they worked their fine cocks in and out of them in notable fashion. The cops were wearing their uniformed hats, sun glasses and shirts, complete with shiny bronze badges, but their bluish pants were lowered to their ankles.

An older couple stood alongside, fully clothed in summer like attire, gazing fondly at the scene. Susan whispered to me that she thought the kids were brother an sister, and that the mature couple were probably their grandparents.

"Goddamn, Mike, this pussy is the tightest I've ever had," the one cop exclaimed to his partner. "It's real slick, too! Mmmmm....."he added with a low groan. "I'll bet it ain't as tight as this ASS HOLE!", his cohort shot back. "This kid has a super tight ass, buddy! I'm lovin' it!"

The two kids both started crying now, tears increasing now, and they wailed as they were soundly fucked by the two policemen.

"Don't pay any attention to their snivelling, " the man of about 60 said to the two cops. "They always go on like that whenever they're being fucked good. Especially Robbie. You'd think he never had a cock up his little behind before, the way he carries on sometimes!"

"Are -- are you sure, sir?" the cop screwing Robbie asked in a gasping voice, looking up at the old man as he drilled the boy still harder. "We don't want to hurt them too much, you know."

"Don't worry, you won't, officer," the matronly woman with white hair now spoke up. "Our grandchildren can take it, I assure you, can't they, Roger?" "Oh yes, they certainly can," the man said, agreeing with his wife, as he now unzipped his fly and extracted his stubby pale white cock from his Bermuda shorts. He began to beat off as his eyes watched the lewdness playing out before his tired old eyes.

"Fuck them harder!" the old woman cried out, tucking a hand under the hem of her summer frock. "Fuck the holy shit out of them, officers!"

The old couple watched in warped joy as the two luscious red headed kids were coarsely screwed by the well hung uniformed men as Susan and i looked on with mounting excitement. "Jesus, honey," I proclaimed to my wife, "those cops are giving it those kids good, aren't they?!" My cock was hard as it had ever been in my walking shorts, and I found it necessary to squeeze it when the first cop let go with his load up the boy's gyrating ass! My wife didn't reply. She moaned though.

"Ahhhh, shit, Derek, I'm shooting off up this boy bitch's glorious ass hole! Fuck me, I love this kid's ass ..... ahhhh, shit, here it COMES! Aghhhhh......." the child loving ass fucker yelled loudly.

He shook and shivered as he overflowed the small boy's rectum with his sperm. The kid screamed out, then his little body seemed to spasm as he felt the strength of the fluid go deep up his adorably sexy ass!

"Fill the little bastard up!" the boy's granddad screamed out, whipping his old semi-hard dick with a fury now. "Pump his full of your hot cum, officer! Make him suck you off and taste his own shit too, PLEASE?!"

It was then they Susan and I saw Robbie's older sister cry out and moan wildly, moving her cute ass nicely as the second cop filled her small cunt with a more than ample dose of thick cum. He rocked back and forth, twitching and grinding, as he shot off inside the enticing young pre-teen girl.

"Fuck, you have a tight little pussy!" he groaned madly, as he finished cumming in her. "I wish I could take you home and let my two dogs fuck you, you hot fucking baby whore!" Hearing that, the girl's grandfather shot his own load, paltry in comparison to the two cops though, on the grass in front of him. "Oh yeah," the old man said. "Dog fucked! Man, I'd sure love to see THAT!"

Both cops laughed at the man's comment, then almost in unison, pulled their cocks away from the two tiny holes they had just fucked so radiantly. The two kids, breathing hard, collapsed on the grass, grateful to be cock free again!

"Hey, make them clean your cocks, officers." the old man pleaded.

"They look pretty exhausted to me, sir," the one cop said. "I think we should let them rest now. Tell you what, why don't you and your wife do it instead?" "Yeah, I agree," the other patrolman said, standing up now, along with his partner.

"Get over here, you two perverts, and suck our cocks clean! "The old man and his wife reluctantly moved forward, then slumped to their knees before the two authority figures. They each took a cock at its base with their hands, then hesitantly opened their mouths and began sucking the two dicks clean.

"Can you taste your grandson's shit?" the cop who had so expertly fucked Robbie up the ass asked the old man.

"Mmmmm ..." , was all the old man could utter as he sucked warmly on the shit stained shaft.

"How about you, you old slut?", the other cop inquired. "Can you taste your sexy granddaughter's cunt juices, hm?"

She just swooned and sucked lovingly on the cop's thick rod, her white haired head bobbing up and down on it as the cop laughed in amusement.

We left that area and headed still further up the same path. We stopped for just a minute to witness a shapely young woman of 19 or thereabouts, in a tank top, white shorts and tennis shoes, pushing a baby carriage. She stopped near a balding man in his 40's, who smiled at her, then whipped out his hard cock and showed it to her. "Boy or girl?" he asked the young thing, as he approached her and the carriage.

"Girl, " she told him in a soft voice. "She's 1 year old." "She suck?" he inquired huskily.

"Yes," the young mother confessed. "Good," the man replied, and then hung his now fully erect over the side of the carriage and pressed the bloated purple coloured head to the infant's lips. "Open wide, Sue Ann," the mother said softly to her baby. "The man wants his lovely cock sucked." The man pressed harder now against the sapling's pink lips and the teeny mouth expanded just enough for him to get the head of his tool in. "Ahhhh ... nice," he lamented, placing one hand behind Sue Ann's miniature sized head and holding her in place while she gurgled and cooed softly as she sucked on the knob of the lecher's prick with glee. The young mother looked on approvingly and sighed deeply.

"You can cum in her mouth if you want to, sir," she informed the man. "I intend to, " he said. "My cum will do her good. It's very appetizing."

The mother nodded and smiled. We left before he shot off, now taking a spin off from our path onto still another sandy trail.

We didn't have to venture far before we came upon a situation that stimulated us tremendously. Just off to our right, in a wide open grassy spot, were six people, three of them children, and all of them were totally naked, as if they were in their own sheltered back yard instead of here in a public park!

A multi-coloured beach style blanket was stretched out on the neatly cut grass, and atop of that blanket was a pretty blond girl of perhaps 8, down on her hands and knees, being rather nicely fucked from behind by a good looking brown haired lad of 12 or so. In front of the girl, sitting on his ass, was an older man of about 40, with thinning dark hair, and he was feeding the young wench his fat cock while the boy rammed in and out of her juicy cunt. I say "juicy' because Susan and I could clearly see the wetness dripping from the young thing's pussy hole and sliding down on to her boy lover's marble sized balls as he fucked her with hard pumps while holding her swivelling hips in a tight grip with his hands.

Right next to this searing trio was a lovely blond woman of perchance the same age as my wife. She was positioned flat on her back, her long legs pulled back and extended in the air, and she was receiving an ardent screwing from a boy less than half her age. Her mouth was being attended to also by a pot bellied bald gentleman of 45, or thereabouts, who was busy thrusting HIS dick in and out of it! The woman was gasping and sighing as she was fucked with piston like accuracy by the young stud, and we stopped dead in our tracks to take in this heavenly formation. The six of them were really going at it, oblivious to anything or anyone else who might be gazing at them as they wildly fornicated in the open!

"Wow, " my wife exclaimed, as we watched with widely opened eyes, "That boy is really giving that little slut a great fucking, Don, isn't he?"

"Yeah," I moaned, sticking my hand down inside my shorts now, "And the one fucking the woman isn't doing bad either!"

"Let's go closer," my wife suggested. "I don't think they'd mind, do you?"

"I don't suppose so," I laughed.

And we walked onto the grass until we were about 10 feet from the six of them. The man who was being sucked off by the blond woman looked up at us when we drew close, but he didn't say anything. He did smile at Susan though and she returned his smile with one of her own.

We continued to watch in delighted awe as the boy slamming his dick into the pretty pre-teen blond bitch started to groan softly and his cute ass cheeks suddenly clenched. "I'm cumming, dad!" he wailed, almost with a whine. "I'm gonna' shoot my stuff inside her now!"

"Go ahead, son," the man whose cock was at the other end of the little girl grunted. "Fill her up! Shoot your spunk up the little whore's pee hole! Give it all to her!" And cum he did! The boy rocked and moaned as his boyish cum raced deep up the girl's cunt, causing her small body to shudder.

"Keep sucking that cock, Tammy!" the pot bellied man who had smiled at my wife said to the little girl. "Just because the boy is done with you doesn't mean his daddy is. You keep sucking that dick until the man cums down your throat, you understand?"

"Mmmmppph ..." was all the youngster was able to say, due to the fat cock that was lodged snuggly in her smallish mouth.

The pot bellied man, still being sucked by the blond woman, watched his daughter being filled by boy cum in her cunt and seemed pleased with what he saw. He held the woman's head now and tried forcing still more of his stiff dick in her mouth while the boy at the other end fucked her faster.

Then he turned his head to me. "You wanna' fuck my daughter, sir?" he asked politely. "She's only eight, but she'll give you a good lay."

I looked at my wife. "Should I, honey?" I asked, hopefully. "I don't see why not, darling," she answered. "Go on, do her. I'd like to see it."

I didn't need any more assurances. I quickly dropped my shorts and got down behind the beautiful 8 year old. The boy who had just fucked her had just pulled out of her crack and moved aside to let me get at her. The cum from his dick was more than sufficient to allow me a swift and easy entrance to her delectable pussy, and I couldn't help but moan loudly as I entered her and felt the silky texture of her wondrous pre-teen cunt. I also found myself relishing the fact that the boy's cum was there, too, and that gave me quite an added thrill, though I had no idea why!

"How's she feel, sir?" the father asked me as I fucked her scorching hot pussy with bliss I had never before known. "Is her cunt to your liking?"

"Good God, YES!" I shouted back to him. "Her little cunt is pure heaven!"

He smiled proudly and continued face fucking the blond bitch.

The man who was being blown by sweet little Tammy let out with a sensual screech, then ejected a boiling wad of his fuck fluid inside the tyke's mouth. the sputtered, almost gagging, as she fought desperately to guzzle it all down.

"That's the way, baby girl!" her dad cried out to her in heated encouragement, "get all that man's cum, honey pie. Swallow every drop, then you can give me a big sloppy kiss later, okay?" The cum drunk muffin did an excellent job of devouring the guy's seed, I thought, as I trusted slowly now, not wanting to cum too soon. I wanted to enjoy this fine, sugar coated pussy for as long as possible!

I turned my head to the left as I fucked Tammy even slower now, and saw the boy who had just finished fucking her approach my wife.

"You wanna' clean off my dick, lady?" he asked my wife boldly, standing cockily in front of Susan.

"How old are you?" I heard Susan ask him. "Twelve, " he replied haughtily, "but I've been fucking since I was ten."

"Oh you have, have you?" Susan commented with a big smile. "Yeah, dad let me break in my little sister on my tenth birthday," he told her proudly.

 "She was only six then, and I fucked her real good , didn't I, dad?" he added boastfully, looking over at his father who was now resting on his knees after his grand cum down Tammy's throat.

"Yeah, Jimmy, you sure did," the dad confirmed. "You fucked her just fine, boy."

"So, you wanna' clean my cock, lady?" the kid asked again. "Go ahead, honey, do it!" I shouted to my wife with a raspy voice, as my aching balls slapped mightily against sweet Tammy's exemplary 8 year old ass cheeks. "I'll bet his dick tastes great!"

Without saying anything further, Susan dropped to her knees and took the boy's dick into her sultry mouth and began cleaning it for him as I watched with rapture. She cupped his small nuts with her hands and rubbed them for the kid as she sucked his cock beautifully.

"Man, your wife is sucking my kid's dick," the boy's father chided. "I want her to suck mine - give it a good cleaning up, you know - okay?"

"Yes, YES!" I howled, fucking little Tammy faster now. "Make her suck you TOO! I want to ... ahhhgghhh ... watch ... aghhh ... her do IT!"

The man just laughed as he rose up and waited behind his son now for my wife to clean his cock, too. I couldn't hold back any longer and my sperm began to go off up inside the little slut's warm pussy. "Oooooo ..." Tammy cooed as she felt my hot seed flowing up her petite cunt.

"Oooooooohhhhhhhhhh ......" No sooner had I gotten off, then the potbellied guy shot his load, too!

"Watching ... you .... ughhhh ... fuck my little girl .... made me cum, sir," he whimpered, as his jizz went flowing down the blond woman's throat. The woman managed to devour it smoothly and seemed relieved when pot belly at last freed her mouth of his rod.

"Fuck me, Johnny!" the woman now cried out lustfully. "Fuck your mommy! Give it to meeeeee, you mother fucker, you!"

Holy shit, I was thinking, as I reluctantly withdrew my spent dick from the sweet 8 year old's drenched piss slot, that kid is the blonde's SON! He really IS a mother fucker. I didn't have a chance to ponder THAT any further, as I felt two sweaty hands pushing my head down to little Tammy's well soaked snatch. Se had rolled over on her back now and I gazed lovingly at her gorgeous face.

"Eat her out, sir," Tammy's dad urged me, pushing harder at the back of my head. "Suck up your tasty cum, and the boy's cum, from my slutty little daughter's cunt, okay?"

I didn't protest or attempt to free my head from his hands. I merely got down between Tammy's still quivering legs and let my mouth sample the mass of goo that was present there. It tasted better than I thought it would, and I lapped away with pleasure as the little bitch swooned and sighed delightfully. I swabbed that tasty pussy for all I was worth, and when I was done, Tammy said, "Thanks, Mister. I liked the way you licked my cunny. You made me feel all gushy inside." Her father then got down and gave her the sloppy kiss he had promised her, and it lasted quite a long time. "Could you taste that man's goo stuff in my mouth, daddy?" the eight year old asked him once the kiss had ended.

"Mmm, I sure could, sugar plum," he informed her, "and it tasted great! You know how much daddy likes to sloppy kiss you after you suck a nice cock, honey, don't you?" "Yes, daddy, I do," she giggled, "and I'm glad, 'cause I like it, too!"

I looked over and saw that Susan was just finishing the cleaning task on the 12 year old boy's father.

"Nice job, " he told Susan, " you're a great cock sucker, lady." "Thanks, " she smiled, as he helped her rise to her feet.

My wife and I watched as all six of them put their clothing back on and left the area, waving good-byes to us as they left.

Susan and I sat down on one of the benches that was near-by before continuing on our way.

"That was really something, honey," I told her truthfully. "That little girl's pussy was like honey and paradise combined."

"I'll bet," she laughed. "Just imagine what Kara's will feel like, Don."

"Yeah, I can imagine," I sighed. "But I don't want to fuck her until she's been broken in by some real experienced pedophiles, okay?"

"That's fine with me," my wife agreed. "C'mon, let's see what else is going on in this deranged park, okay?" We didn't have to go far to catch our next act of debauchery. About thirty yards up that same path we got to witness first hand a little girl, about three years of age, being held down nicely by her parents while two teen aged boys, maybe 13 or 14, splattered the little waif with powerful streams if their hot piss, covering the tyke from head to toe.

The girl was totally naked, but her parents and the two teen boys were clothed, except the boys had both lowered their Levis and underwear to their feet, probably, I presumed, to get a better spray going, or maybe to show off their fine pricks, I pondered, noting that both boys had nice, ample sized cocks on them. The little girl was squealing and voicing her protest of the wet attack on her entire body but none of the quartet seemed interested in her vocal complaints as the splashing went on until both teens had completely emptied their bladders.

"Now, stop squirming, Tabitha," the mother cautioned her. "these boys are giving you a nice pee bath and you should be thankful."

"I don't like it, Mommy!" she bawled. "Hold still, kitten," her father said soothingly, holding his daughter's ankles tightly. "It's almost over, then we can go home, okay?" Both boys were laughing as they shook the remaining drops of their urine on the tot's face.

"Thanks for pissing on our daughter, guys," the father said with sincerity. "We appreciated it."

"Yes, thank you both, " his wife said. "You did a wonderful job of it, too." Both boys nodded, then pulled up their Levis to their waists.

The man stood up now, reached into his pocket and extracted some money. He handed the two teen pissers a couple of bills each.

"Thanks, Mister," the one kid replied, tucking the money into his Levis. Then they took off, leaving the parents to console and attend to their still crying pissed on little girl.

"Takes all kinds, I guess, " I commented to Susan, as we left that area. She nodded in assent.

About twenty yards further, we took a different path that wound off to the left and we were glad we did when we saw what was going on just a short distance down that path, off to the left. "Jesus Christ!" I whispered huskily to Susan. "Can you believe THAT, babe?!"

Susan, obviously as stunned as I was, didn't reply. She was too busy staring at what was taking place before our astonished eyes!

What my wife and I were now transfixed by was a scene right out of a pedophile's horniest dream. Just a short distance from us was a rustic colored picnic table, and atop that table was the cutest little doll I had ever laid eyes on. She couldn't have been more than 6 or 7, and she had soft baby blue eyes, shoulder length blond hair, which was now glowing in the spring sunlight, and the creamiest white body I had ever seen. She was laid out on her back, so we couldn't actually see her ass, but I just knew that it too was no doubt a work of perfection, just like the rest of her.

She was completely nude, and her spindly little girl legs were spread as far apart as was possible. And they most certainly HAD TO BE because the biggest and blackest naked male I had ever observed was between those heavenly legs and he was giving this sweet angel a truly glorious fucking!  His black, robust body was covered with sweat , and it glistened in the bright sunlight, as he pumped with determination in and out of the desirable delicate wench's small cunt. As if this wasn't enough, Susan and I were treated in addition to the grand sight of a man of the cloth feeding this elegant little doll his holy prick. This man, a Caucasian, was naked from the waist down, but we could see he was a priest from his black top and white collar, that he perhaps was too hurried to remove. This priest was crouched in a kneeling position on top of the table, just to the right of the little pre-teen, and his cock was snuggly embedded in her widely stretched mouth.

Her sparkling eyes were wide open, and she looked up at the man of God as she sucked on his bloated shaft. Her entire body was shaking and twisting from the fucking she was so divinely receiving from the ebony stud, and both my wife and I were amazed that she was able to do such a good job of cock sucking, considering the pounding she was getting from the other end. To the left of the girl, seated on the table's edge, was a lovely and shapely looking nun, in full holy attire, with the exception that she had the hem of her lengthy black skirt hiked to hear waist. Her legs were spread wide to make room for the head of a blond woman, whose face we could not see due to the fact that it was buried in the horny sister's snatch. This kneeling woman, also Caucasian, as was the nun, was nude from the waist down also, except for white socks and running shoes. A pink halter top covered her back as she munched away at the clergy woman's pussy. The nun's head was slightly turned though so that she could witness the brutal, yet magnificent, cunt fucking of the little girl with whom she was sharing the picnic table.

Susan and I calculated that the mound muncher was probably the blond tyke's mother. A man in his 30's stood alongside the table, clad in jogging shorts, a tank top, tennis shoes, sans socks. He was casually smoking a pipe, the pleasant aroma of which we could faintly smell from our vantage point. His cock, erect and quite lengthy, stood out straight from the open fly of his shorts. He had a pair of white child's panties in his right hand, which we surmised belonged to the girl on the table, and as he puffed nonchalantly on his pipe, he would frequently grasp the stem of his pipe, remove it from his mouth momentarily, then place the angelic panties to his nose and inhale deeply, usually sighing noticeably afterwards.

There was no doubt in our minds that this man was the father of the blond tyke on the table because his eyes were focused intently on the sensually perverted scene, never wavering.

"Let's get closer," my wife urged. Without reply, I took her hand and he headed down towards the picnic table. As we closed in no one paid us any attention except for the pipe smoker. He turned his head and smiled at us congenially as we reached the table area. We smiled back and stood alongside him.

"Is it okay if we watch?" I asked.

"Sure," he replied. "No problem."

"Your daughter?" I questioned him softly.

"Yes," he replied proudly.

"She's beautiful," I said, taking a breath as the black fucker rammed into her tiny cunt even harder now, causing the little bitch to gasp.

"Thank you," he responded, even more proudly.

"How old is she?" I inquired.

"Seven," he told me, his eyes never leaving the rapturous scene.

 "This is her very first time with a black man. It's kind of sexy, don't you think? I mean the contrast in the colours, you know? She's so white and he's as black as coal." 

"I know what you mean," I replied, "it is indeed quite sexy. And she seems to be taking it well, too, especially considering that huge cock of his."

"Yes," he agreed, taking the pipe from his mouth once more, and putting the panties to his nose for still another whiff. "He had a tough time getting into her, so my wife had to help a bit. That's my wife over there, by the way, lapping that holy lady's pussy. She just loves eating another woman's cunt."

"I can't fault her for that," I remarked. "I'm Don, by the way, and this is my wife Susan."

He turned his head just for a fleeting second to acknowledge us both, then swiftly turned his attention back to the picnic table.

"Dave," he said, as his hand squeezed his cock now. "That's my daughter Shannon on the table of course, and my wife's name is Gloria. Do you two come here often?"

"Actually, this is our first time," I informed him.

"We wanted to see what it was like before we brought our kids here."

"And?" he asked.

"We like it," I replied.

"We're thoroughly impressed. We can't wait now to bring them here. They've never been molested as yet, and I must say that this is obviously the right place to get them started."

"Oh, yes," Dave said. "This is definitely the right place. We've been bringing Shannon here since she was three. She got her very first fucking here, by a man of about 50, and he broke her in nicely. Since then, she's been fucked more times than I can count. She's sucked a lot of very fine cocks here, too."

"Is she your only child?" I asked him, as we both, along with my wife, watched the black man's perspiring ass cheeks clench, apparently in readiness to shoot his wad.

"No," Dave told me, "we have a son also. He's ten. He's been here numerous times, too. He got trained here, in fact, to suck cocks, and also received his very first ass fucking here when he was six. He's playing soccer today, so he couldn't make it. Usually, he will suck a cock or two here, then sometimes go down on his sister after she's had a good lay. He is rather fond of eating cum from her little pussy after she's been screwed well."

"I think that stud is about to go off in your daughter's cunt," I said boldly.

"Yes, it appears that way, doesn't it?" Dave replied. "Would you excuse me for a moment? Oh, and would you mind holding Shannon's charming panties for me? You can sniff them, if you like." Dave handed me the panties, which I wasted no time inhaling the fragrance of, then got down subserviently behind the bulky ass of the black fucker, dropped his pipe onto the grass, then cupped the stud's heavy balls with both hands and squeezed them lovingly.

"Cream her, Marvin!" Dave pleaded, almost breathlessly. "Rip her cunt in two! Shoot your potent black seed in my little daughter's precious pussy!" I let Susan have a whiff of Shannon's delightful smelling panties, and she relished the scent, just as I did, while we watched black Marvin flood the little seven year old whore's cunt with his superior baby making juice. No sooner had he started cumming, then the priest at the other end began to wail and groan. He too was about to explode.

I took still another sniff of Shannon's enthralling undies as Susan and I caught sight of the priest filling the little slut's mouth with cum.

"Keep sucking, Shannon!" the holy man ordered of her. "And use your tongue more, you unholy bitch! Take all of my cum, and swallow every drop, or the Lord will reap havoc on your hot, sexy little girl body!"

Dave quit the massaging of Marvin's balls, and was now licking them instead, and in a most skilful manner, too, and he seemed to be enjoying that task immensely, I noted. Little Shannon was doing her very best to comply with the priest's instructions, obviously not wanting any problems with God, as she gulped and slurped like a true baby slut until she had at last managed to get every morsel of the cleric's rich sperm down her throat. The priest then sighed and wiped the head of his spent prick on her enchanting face.

Marvin then pulled his tremendous rod out of the pixie's abused twat. Cum leaked from it, and he turned, forcing Dave to lick it clean. Once that was done, Dave kissed the head of the muscular African-American's prick, then looked up at him submissively.

"Thank you for fucking Shannon, Marvin," Dave said softly.

"Thank you for giving her her first ever black sexing." Marvin did not respond. He merely nodded. Then he took hold of his now limp weapon and began to piss - all over Dave's face! Susan and I watched in sheer awe as Dave passively remained kneeling before the black man, accepting his strong flow of urine without any protest or complaint. Dave was saturated by the time Marvin finished his piss.

Ironically, as Susan and I now turned our attentiveness to Dave's wife and the nun, we were greeted with still another pissing situation. The nun, who Dave explained was known as Sister Mary Elizabeth, was squatted over the amorous face of Gloria, and was filling the married harlot's mouth with a steady stream of rich, yellow urine. Gloria seemed delighted with the offering and we noticed her gulping it down furiously. The priest was keeping a careful eye on the scene, just as we were.

"That's the way, Mary Elizabeth," he cried out, "give that whore all your water! Make sure she drinks it all, too! Don't let her waste a drop!"

"Yes, Father Mike," the pissing nun replied. "She seems to like it a lot, so I am glad I have a full bladder for her."

The priest chuckled at her comment. "Would you or your wife like to empty YOUR bladders in my wife's mouth?" I heard Dave pipe up from his still kneeling position. "Gloria can handle quite a lot of liquid."

"Uh, ... well, I could stand a good healthy piss, Dave, " I informed him honestly, "but to tell you the truth, I'd much prefer to piss down little Shannon's throat. That is, if you have no objection. Is SHE a piss drinker, too?" 

"Oh yes," came his prompt response. "She can handle it. Please .. go on.. piss down her throat. I'd like to see that," he added with a soft moan.  I smiled and nodded my head, then walked over close to Shannon. She was still laying on the picnic table, cum running out of her darling pussy in gobs.

"Why don't you get off of the table, sweetie?" I said softly to her. "I think it will much easier for you to attend to my flow that way, hm?" She nodded her pretty head up and down, then gingerly climbed down from the table. Her cute legs were still wobbly from the marvellous fucking she had gotten from black Marvin, who I noticed now was nowhere to be seen.

I couldn't resist pulling the adorable baby bitch close to me and planting a warm, wet open mouthed kiss on her beforehand. She seemed surprised, but opened her soft petal-like lips to allow my tongue to enter. I held her tight against me as I ran my tongue in and around her small mouth, and my cock got hard as I did so.

"Could you taste my cum in her mouth?" the priest inquired of me, when I at last broke off the juicy, wonderful kiss.

"Yes," I told him candidly. "I think I may have some on my tongue right now, in fact."

He laughed a bit. "Good," he said. "My cum is holy, you know. You should feel privileged to have sampled it."

I nodded in agreement, feeling somewhat embarrassed though. "Okay, little one," I said to Shannon. "Let's get started, okay? You get down on your knees, and I think it might be best if you suck me off first, honey, because my poor prick is really hard now and it's throbbing."

"Okay, Mister," she replied in the sweetest voice I had ever heard.

The little bitch got on her knees, and as she did, I noticed more cum leaking from her over-filled tender twat.

"Dave, " I yelled out, feeling rather bold now with my brand new hard-on, "Why don't you get under your sexy daughter here and suck Marvin's cum juices from her pussy while she sucks me off?"

"Good idea, Don," he muttered weakly. He then scrambled over and got his head under sweet Shannon's breathtaking cunt.

"Mmmmmm ...." I heard Dave sigh and moan, as the cum began to drool down into his wide opened mouth.

"Does she taste good, Dave?" I chided, as I slid the head of my prick inside his daughter's mouth.

"Yes!" he replied, stopping his licking and sucking just long enough to reply to me. "She tastes GREAT, as always! This is the first time I've ever eaten BLACK sperm from her though, and I must say it's quite delicious!"

 "I'll bet her little pee hole smells though, doesn't it?" I said, as Shannon began sucking me ever so wonderfully!

"Yes, it does," he admitted. "It actually STINKS, but I love the foul smell of a freshly fucked cunt, especially when it's my own beautiful child's!" 

"Well, lap it up then," I grunted, now taking hold of Shannon's head with my hands, and running my fingers through her luxurious golden coloured hair.  "Oh, that's the way, sweetie!" I groaned madly. "Jesus, you are sucking me so fucking GOOD!"

My compliment with regards to her cock sucking talents apparently motivated her, and she now twirled her little pink tongue around the head of my dick, causing me to almost growl with joy! I was so engrossed with the exquisite blow job I was getting that I hadn't even noticed that my wife had removed her clothing and was now on her hands and knees across from me, in the midst of lapping the heated cunt of Sister Mary Elizabeth while Father Mike fucked her cunt dog style.

"Your fucking wife has a damn fine pussy!" the holy man shouted back to me, turning his head in my direction. "I'm going to cum in her when I'm done, my son. Hope that's okay."

"Sure, do it!" I groaned, literally face fucking little Shannon now.

"What if I knock her up?" the horny priest bellowed, rocking back and forth now on his knees, his balls making smacking sounds as they slapped up against Susan's heavenly ass as he thrust in and out of her with a furor. His hands were locked to my wife's swaying hips as he screwed her passionately, and Susan was moaning wildly, but unable to say anything, due to her face being buried in Mary Elizabeth's overheated snatch.

"Go ahead, knock her up, Father! I don't care!" I yelled back. And I DIDN'T care! In fact, the idea of my sexy wife being impregnated by another man suddenly turned me on greatly and my cock reacted to it strongly, vibrating now fiercely inside this hot little baby slut's mouth.

Watching my lush wife being fucked by another man was indeed very highly stimulating for me, and the fact that the other man was a HOLY man made it even more exciting, although I wasn't at all sure WHY! Also, seeing Susan suck and lick the pussy of a nun while she was having her cunt plowed with ardent skill, ignited me no end! "Suck my cock, Shannon! Take it as deep as you can now, baby doll!" I pleaded.

Dave was done now with his cunt cleaning and he looked up from ground level as his pixie daughter blew me. He seemed thrilled by watching my cock race in and out of her young mouth, the girl's saliva and even some of my pre-cum now falling on his face below us.

Dave's wife was just laying in the grass, her face smeared with the piss of Sister Mary Elizabeth. She was trading glances between the blow job her whore of a daughter was bestowing upon me and the three way action involving my wife and the two holy perverts.

"Want me to lick your ass and balls, Don?" Dave asked, almost shyly. "It might make your ejaculation more intense when you give Shannon your load." "Sure, why not," I bleated ecstatically. "That might be niiiicceeeee!"

Dave scurried behind me and I soon felt my ass cheeks being parted by his hands and then I felt a very wet tongue probing at the opening of my ass hole. "Mmmm, your ass smells great, Don," Dave said with a sigh. "When did you shit last?"

"This mor ... mornnning!" I brayed, as Shannon continued working her magic on my bloated dick with her mouth.

"Mmmm, great," Dave said, sighing heavily. Then I felt his moist tongue begin working its way up my ass. I almost screamed out in bliss! I couldn't believe my good fortune! Here I was getting a most proficient blow job from the prettiest seven year old bitch I'd ever seen, while her demented father licked out my ass hole, and my own wife was being superbly serviced by two holy mother-fuckers! What joy! What a fucking dream come true this all was! The reflection of all this was too much! I began to spurt into the little waif's mouth, holding her head snug as I did so, forcing the pre-teen slut to eat up all of my load or choke to death! She did an excellent job of devouring my seed, gurgling and gasping, which turned me on greatly, as she got my semen into her belly.

"Aghhhhh ... fuck me to tears!" I wailed, as the last of my fuck juice sailed down Shannon's throat. "What a fucking GREAT cock sucker this bitch is... aghh." Dave continued exploring my ass hole with his slithering tongue as I drained my balls into his fucking whore daughter's belly and he also massaged my balls very laudably too as he rimmed out my rectum. I couldn't have been more pleased!

I wiped my spent prick on Shannon's face, just as I had seen Father Mike do earlier, and she seemed to expect it, waiting patiently for me to finish before moving. My wife, the nun and the priest were still going at it when I finally felt totally satisfied and told Dave he could remove his tongue from my ass. He gave my ass three wet kisses before moving aside. Then he grabbed his daughter and French kissed her, sighing deeply as he did so. He looked up at me when the incestuous kiss was over.

"I like kissing her after a man has cum in her mouth, " he informed me. "I get quite a thrill of tasting another man's seed that way, and this time it was even extra special because I am sure Shannon could also taste YOUR SHIT, right, honey lamb?"

"Yes, daddy," she said sweetly. "I could taste it." "Did you like it, honey?" I asked her with curiosity.

"Yes, sir," she replied softly. "She ever eat any shit, Dave?" I inquired. "No, never," Dave replied. "Not yet anyway, " he added thoughtfully.

"Hm, you know, it's been a fantasy of mine to shit in someone's mouth and have them actually eat it," I told Dave. "What do you think of that?"

I studied Dave's piss stained face as he contemplated my remark. I could sense he was intrigued by what I'd said.

"Sounds .. well, nice, I think," he sputtered sheepishly. "You, uh ... have to shit now, Don?"

"No, not at the moment," I told him. "But perhaps we can arrange something for tomorrow, hm? That is, if YOU want to of course."

"I - uh, I wouldn't be opposed to that," Dave said. "Are we talking about you shitting in Shannon's mouth or mine, Don?"

"Well, ... Shannon's, " I informed him. "But I suppose I could give YOU a turd or two also, Dave. That is, if YOU'D like me to. Would you?"

"I - I think I would like that, Don," he confessed. "I've never eaten any shit before, and neither has Shannon, as I just told you, but, well ... your ass smelled so .. so good, that I do believe I'd like a taste of your shit, if you wouldn't mind."

"Not at all, " I said, smiling down at him. "Right now though I really do have to piss like a race horse, so, Shannon, I need you to open your sweet little mouth again for me, okay, baby love?"

"Okay, sir," she said in her sugary coated voice.

I lodged my cock back inside the sexy honey's mouth and let go with blast of my hot urine as Dave looked on with keen interest. Shannon proved to be most efficient as a piss drinker, gulping down my urine in steady well timed gulps. Just a mere trickle of it escaped her mouth and landed on the grass below us.

"Good job, darling," I commended her as I withdrew my cock from her mouth and shook it in her face. "You think you'll be able to eat my shit, sweet thing, come tomorrow?"

"I don't know, Mister," she chirped very softly. "But I'll try, okay?"

"Good girl," I said, patting her head. "I can't wait for you to do that, you know? I think I am going to love shitting in that sweet tiny pretty mouth of yours and watching as you try to gobble it all down."

She smiled at me brightly. "And don't forget ME, Don, " he father chimed in. "You said I could have a couple of turds too, right?"

"I won't forget," I assured him. "Shannon gets first dibs though, Dave."

Just then I heard the horny old padre grunt and rumble as he was about to go off in my wife's cunt.

"I'm ready to fill her, my boy!" he wailed, turning his head back to look my way as his pumping increased. "I have a big load for her, too! I'm almost positive it will knock her up!"

"Good," I said. "Give it to her, Father! Give her all your spunk! Knock her up with your holy fuck seed!"

Susan's face was still smothered by the hairy holy cunt of the nun and it was a truly bewitching and beautiful sight to behold as Father Mike began to send gobs of his potent baby making fluid up my wife's fertile gash. I moved closer to the trio and urged the priest and nun on.

"Fuck her, father!" I shrieked. "Fill up her womb! Make a baby in my lovely wife's fertile belly! Smother her with your hot cunt too, Sister! Make her lick your clit and suck your hot holy whorish pussy!"

"The fucker is trying to impregnate you, darling!" I yelled to my wife, as her body rocked and shook as the good Father's cum streamed up deep inside her cunt. Susan somehow managed to pull away from Sister Mary Elizabeth's grasp and she moaned loud and long as she gave off with three quick intensifying orgasms in succession as I looked on with amazement and even a twinge of jealousy. The old padre certainly knew how to please a horny housewife, I had to admit!

"I - ugghhh ... ahhh .. know he is, honey..." Susan gasped, as the cum from the priest's cock infiltrated her insides.

"Do ... do .. aghhh .. you .. uhhhgg.. mind if he ... aghhhh ... makes me ... pregnant, Don?"

"No, sweetheart, not at all, " I told her candidly, as I bent down and pushed with my hands against the priest's grinding ass cheeks, hoping to enable his seed to seep even deeper inside my wife. "In fact, babe, I hope he DOES knock you up!"

"Ohhhh, YES, FUCK ME MORE, Father, PLEASE!!" my wife begged. "Make me .... ahhhhh ... PREGNANT! My .. my ... ahhhhh ..husband wants me to have... aghh ... your baby, lover!" 

With that Susan erupted again, shaking and twisting her entire body as she orgasmed still another time in a glorious manner. "God damn, I LOVE fucking this bitch!" the old lecher shouted out. "What a sexy hot cunt she has!"

I couldn't believe my wife was begging this man of the cloth to actually make a baby in her womb, but I loved hearing her say it! As I watched the horny priest finish his climax, visions of my pretty wife with her belly swollen from this stranger flashed through my now totally corrupt mind, and I loved what I saw there! When he at last pulled out of Susan's drenched quim, I placed my hand out and he shook it. As we shook hands, him still on his knees and trying to recapture a normal breathing pattern, he smiled up at me.

"I'm Father Mike, by the way," he said. "I'm the parish priest at Our Lady Of The Evening, over on Bliss Avenue. That filthy whore laying there is Sister Mary Elizabeth," he added, pointing to the ravished nun whose cunt my hot spouse had just lapped to several rewarding orgasms.

"I'm Don, " I told him, smiling back. "And the woman you just fucked so expertly, Father, is my wife Susan. I hope you knocked her up."

"I just may have, " he exclaimed. "I certainly put a big enough load in her, that's for sure." I could now see some of his enormous wad of jizz dripping from Susan's snatch. He saw me gazing at it. "Want to eat her out, Don? Get her cleaned up a bit?" he inquired, grinning as he spoke.

"Um, I don't think so," I replied. "Looks way too messy for my tastes."

"I'll do it!" Dave announced from behind me. "That is, if you don't mind, Don."

"Be my guest," I laughed. "But be sure to do a GOOD job, okay?"

"I will!" Dave said confidently . "I promise."

We all watched as Dave got down and began doing a clean up job on my wife's saturated cunt. She spread her legs widely for him, and he went at it as though he were about to sample an expensive plate of lobster instead of the horny well screwed cunt of a lovely married woman that was overloaded with fuck juice. "That guy sure loves sucking and licking a freshly fucked cunt, doesn't he?" I commented to Father Mike as we, along with Shannon, Sister Mary Elizabeth and Gloria all watched in amusement.

"Oh yes, he surely does," Father Mike affirmed. "He's one preposterous and bizarre son of a bitch, that's for sure. But then aren't we all, hm?"

I nodded in agreement as my wife churned her lithe body and screeched out with a terrific orgasm as Dave's tongue got the last of Father Mike's mighty holy seed from Susan's snatch, and he now flicked his energetic tongue around her clitoris, which obviously stemmed this latest climax she was in the midst of.

"What happened to that black fellow?" I asked the holy man. "He seems to have disappeared."

"Marvin? Oh, he works at the church. He's our janitor there. We brought him along today so that he could give Shannon her first black fucking,"

Father Mike said. "But he had to get back and get the church cleaned up and so on. Tomorrow is first communion day for several children, including Shannon, so he had lots to do there." 

"Oh," I replied, "I see. So then, you are the parish priest for Dave and his family, is that right, Father?"

"Yes, I am indeed," he replied proudly. "Been there about ten years now, a and I've been sexing most of the kids of the parishioners for about the last six years, I would say. Sister Mary Elizabeth, uh, assists me in that endeavour too, I should add."

"Mm, sounds nice," I told him. "Do you do both girls and boys, or just the girls, Father?"

"I do them both, " he stated smugly. "I like little boy's cocks and asses, just as much as I do the girl's pussies and asses. In fact, I have this one six year old boy whose cock is just an absolutely delight to suck. His has the most marvellous little balls too and I never fail to get off blowing him or having him blow me. His parents are very fond of watching him suck my cock too. They usually masturbate themselves to extremely healthy climaxes watching their little son gobble on my holy shaft."

Dave was done now with his clean up feat and he, along with the others, except for me and Father Mike were just laying back on the grass now, enjoying the fresh air and sunshine.

"Susan and I have two kids, " I said. "One is six, that's our son Josh, and our daughter Kara is five. Both are very good looking. Perhaps you'd like to have a crack at them, Father? They've never been molested before, so they have no experience. I don't know if that would deter you or not." 

"Not at all, " he smiled brightly. "I'm sure I would totally enjoy, um, abusing them and breaking them in, so to speak. Do you have pictures of them with you, per chance?"

"Yes, as matter of fact, I do, " I responded, pulling out my wallet from my hip pocket and showing the photo section to him. He glared at their snapshots with much interest. "Mmm," he drooled. "Very nice! Very nice indeed! Yes, I must say I would not mind at all molesting the both of them, especially the girl. She looks like a real hottie. How old is she again?"

"Five, " I replied. "So, uh .. you'd be willing to break them in, Father?"

"Yes, Don, I would indeed," he said. "My mind is already contemplating just how sexy it would be sticking my horny cock up your little daughter's cunt for the first time, maybe while you and your wife held her little wobbly legs apart for me. I think, in fact, I'd relish giving her her very first screwing on the altar at our church. What would you say to that, my boy?"

"Sounds delightful," I admitted, picturing now in my mind our sweet little Kara being spread out on a holy altar at a church, with her mommy and daddy holding her cute legs wide apart, so that a deviant pedophile 50 something priest could take her cherry as we watched!

"What church are you and your family with, Don?" he asked. "Uh, right now we attend the St. Peter's Discount House Of Worship near our home," I told him. "You might wish to consider changing, my son," Father Mike said. "If you and your wife joined my congregation, Don, you'd have the time of your lives, I assure you."

"Oh, how's that?" I asked with interest.

"Well, to begin with, " the good padre explained, "we have the PKN. That's parent-kiddie night. That's on Wednesday, and the kids all get fucked, suck cocks, eat cunts, lick asses, the works. They are all made to be bisexual from the time they are three, so they will take on a cock or a cunt with the same intensity and devotion, you see? We also have PEN. Now PEN stands for panty exchange night, Don. That is on Thursdays. You can exchange your daughter's, or even your wife's, worm panties for other little girl or wife panties, with the other parents who are members of this fine and exclusive club. You do like sniffing used panties, do you not? I saw you doing just that a while ago with Shannon's charming undies, so I'm sure you, do, yes?"

"Uh, yes, I.. guess it would be fair to say I do like doing that, although today is the first time I've ever sniffed a pair that didn't belong to Kara or my wife." I said. The holy man just nodded.

"Well, PEN then would surely suit your desires," he voiced. "Now, on the weekend, we have what we call KEN. That stands for kiddie exchange night, but it's most often held during the daytime, usually at one of our parishioners' homes, but sometimes we do get together in the basement of the church. It mostly depends on how many are slated to attend, the weather, and so forth. Now THERE, my son, you can exchange your little ones for the precious little ones of the other parents, you see? How's this all sound to you so far?"

"Jesus, it sounds absolutely wonderful!" I asserted. "I'll have to talk it over with Susan of course, but I don't think she will have any objections to us switching churches."

"Good, good." Father Mike smiled broadly. "If you and your wife are in agreement, let me know," he added. "You can come to the directory and see me personally when it's all set. Bring the children too, hm? I'll want to take some nude photos of them for our parish album."

"Yes, yes, of course," I agreed. It was then that I noticed Dave crawling over to where his pipe was still laying from when he set it down to lick black Marvin's nuts and ass earlier. I almost laughed as he attempted to light it without success. The pipe, and the contents in its bowl, were doused with Marvin's piss and would not ignite.  A few minutes later Susan put back on her clothing and we were set to depart that area. Dave approached me just before leaving. "Please keep my little girl's panties," he told me. "I'd like you to have them, Don. I'm sure there's a few good whiffs left in them."

"Thanks, " I said, stuffing the cute garment in my pocket.

"And please don't forget about tomorrow, okay?" he reminded me. "I -- I'm really looking forward to tasting your shit, Don."

"What time tomorrow?" I probed. "How would noon be for you?" Dave questioned. "You see, tomorrow Shannon will be making her first communion, so that's at nine o'clock, and it will take awhile."

"Noon would be fine," I said. "I'll try to hold off shitting until then too, Dave. That way, both you and your little slut daughter will have a nice healthy load of my crap to devour."

"That would be divine!" he sighed. "Thank you. We'll be here in this same spot, okay? I'll even have Shannon wear her holy communion dress, okay?''

"That would be fine," I said. Then Susan and I said our good-byes to everyone and I gave sweet little Shannon a huge juicy wet kiss, smelling and tasting my own piss from her mouth as I did so.

As Susan and I walked away, hand in hand, Dave called out,. "See you at noon tomorrow."

"What's that all about?" Susan wanted to know. "What's going on at noon tomorrow, honey?"

"I'm supposed to be here at noon tomorrow, sweetheart, so that I can take a shit in that sexy little seven year old's mouth. She's going to actually EAT my shit, and her dad wants a taste of it, too," I informed my wife.

"Mm, well, THAT should be worth watching," Susan remarked.

"Honey, it looked like you really enjoyed being fucked back there by Father Mike, yes?" I asked my wife.

"God, yes, Don," she acknowledged, without any hesitancy whatsoever. "He must be in his 50's, babe, but he sure knows how to screw! You're not mad about that, are you? I mean, that he fucked me?"

"No, sweets," I replied truthfully. "Not in the least. I'm honestly pleased that you enjoyed it so much. I have to confess, Susan, that I got an enormous thrill watching you being fucked by another guy, and I also liked seeing you eating that horny slut nun out. It was dynamic, darling."

"You know, hon, with as much cum as that old fossil pumped in me, I just may get pregnant," she said.

"I know, " I smiled. "And I must say, baby, I am hoping you will be."

"Really, Don?" she asked, unsure somewhat. "You wouldn't mind if that priest knocked me up and I had his baby?"

"No, Susan, I wouldn't mind at all," I disclosed to her. "The idea of you having a baby by another man kind of turns me on."

"Mm, me too!" she cooed, snuggling closer to me as we walked along. "And you wouldn't mind raising the child and paying for its upkeep until he or she turned eighteen, my love?"

"No, I wouldn't mind," I revealed. "In fact, I would be thrilled to do it."

"Mm, you truly are a wonderful husband," she sighed, then kissed me lightly on the cheek.

Not too far up that same path we came upon still another wild sexual confrontation. This one wasn't far off from the path either, so we were able to get a front row seat to it, so to speak. This one involved the same two park police officers we had encountered earlier. Only THIS time they were on the RECEIVING end of the action as two spunky teenaged boys, of about 14 or so, were drilling the two cops ass holes with spirited and energetic hard-ons.

The two officers were down on their hands and knees, their uniformed pants down around their ankles, as the two youths plowed their asses with vigour and empowerment. Both boys were naked, except for the tops of their heads, which were half covered with the two cops police hats. My wife and I admired their handsome bodies as we stopped now and scanned the arrangement.

Both lads were covered with sweat from the fucking they were giving the two good looking policemen. Susan commented on the size of the two boys cocks, both of which were much larger than I would have imagined they'd be for kids of that age. We could see just how long and thick each kid's dick was when they pulled out almost all the way after each thrust, then rammed back up against their prey's butts with zest and force, their balls cracking noisily against the two older guys ass cheeks with each shove.

"I guess those two cops can take it as well as give it, huh?" I commented. "Looks that way, " my wife answered. Standing nearby the homosexual entanglement were two older couples in their early 40's. We figured them to be the two boys parents. Both of the men had on walking shorts, sandals and T-shirts, and both had their stiff pricks out from their shorts. One guy was stroking his slowly while the other seemed content to just play with his balls as they watched their sons in action. The two women, both fairly nice looking, were holding cameras and snapping picture after picture of the double ass fucking as it started to pick up pace now.

"Goddamn, dad," the one boy heaved out, looking at his father. "This son a bitch has a really tight asshole! Shit, he's tighter than Uncle Dale, dad!" "Well, enjoy it then, son," his dad encouraged. "Fuck the bastard for all you're worth, Johnny. Show the cock sucker you can fuck with the best of them even if you are only fourteen." The kid lunged even harder now into the cop's tender rectum.

"Aghhhh ... ohhh, dear Jesus," the cop cried out, almost breathlessly. "Do me, kid! Fuck my ass hole! Make it bleed!"

The two sets of parents chuckled lewdly at his remark. "This one's ass is tight too, Johnny," his fucking buddy cried out, almost groaning as he said it.

"I could fuck it all day!" "Do him HARDER, Jimmy," that boy's mother called out, as she snapped still another shot with her camera. "Make him scream, baby!"

"Okay, mom," came Jimmy's quick return. Then he plunged hard and deep into his victim's anus, causing the young cop to fall to his elbows from the pressure. Again, the parents shared a good laugh.

The four parents spotted us now and motioned for us to come closer. "Come on over," said the man who was toying busily with his balls. "You can get a much better view over here." Susan and I moved in on the area and stopped just short of the first cop's face. We could see his attractive face careened with sweat and his facial expression told anyone who saw it that he was indeed being fucked up his ass by a damn good sized dick! The man who had been stroking his tool now came over and lifted the cop's chin with one hand.

"Suck me, officer," he demanded. "Suck my cock while my son batters your ass hole with his dick."

The cop opened his mouth wide and the man stuffed it full of cock meat. The policeman started sucking at once and the man moaned with pleasure, and took hold of his head and held it in place as he was being blown. The man's wife took still more photographs.

Then, the other wife set down her camera on the grass, hiked up the hem of her summer skirt, and rapidly slipped off her panties. She was a redhead and Susan and I both peered avidly at the thick bush of bright red hair that was now visible to us on her pussy. It looked extremely pretty and very succulent. She stepped in front of the other officer, lifted his head and said saucily to him, "Let's see how well you can eat cunt, shall we?" The cop responded with a grunt, then extended his tongue forward and began to lick the woman's erect clit with a frenzy.

Susan and I waited until both juveniles had deposited their respective loads of fuck seed deep up into the two cops bowels, then we left that area. We looked back, after we walked a short distance, and saw that the two boys mothers were now on their knees, sucking the youth's cocks clean of the shit that was on their sons now drained dicks.  About twenty yards up that same route, off to our left, we saw an intriguing event. A dark haired boy of about 10 was laying atop of an enchanting pig tailed girl, some three of four years his junior, and fucking her delicate cunt with fine thrusts, while the little bitch sobbed and pleaded with him to stop. A man and two women stood by cheering the kid on. The man was jacking himself off as he viewed the ordeal, and the two women were playing joyfully with each other's pussies.

"Keep fucking her, Ronnie!" we heard the one woman call out. "Don't pay any attention to her complaints!"

"Yeah, give it to her, kid," the man said loudly. "Fuck the little slut good! I want to eat her out after you cum in her!"

Much further up that path, just to our right, we took in a sight that was quite spectacular. My wife saw it first, and she nudged me with an elbow.

"God, Don, look at THAT!" she said with a heady breath. "Wouldn't you love to see Josh and Kara like that?!"

I turned my head to what she was indicating and inhaled deeply.

"Jesus, yeah!" I confided to her. "I sure would."

R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s


Thank you for bringing back this classic... It's one that I had cut my teeth on with ASSTR


Was a shockingly, breathtakingly depraved story when you first posted it, and PP has stood up quite well over time. I think many have attempted to emulate your writing style CWJ, but I've yet to find anyone who's been able to pull it off. Excelsior!


That was I the best story I've read. It was beautiful. It seemed like you read my mind of what I like. I'm about to read the second part and I hope there would be more to come. Thank you for the story. Keep up the good work.


ohhh i sooo did love it !!

The reviewing period for this story has ended.