Published: 19-Mar-2011
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Shannon Miller groaned. Why was Bela Karoli working everyone so hard today. Maybe because there was only 3 of them there today. The other girls had an exhibition to go to and it was just her, Dominic Moceanu and Kerri Strug working out today. Bela seemed in a very foul mood for some reason. He kept barking orders at the girls and none of them seemed able to perform to his expectations. They didn't know that he was simply a very horny man who hadn't dated for several months and was extremely frustrated.
Shannon lost her train of thought as she noticed Dominic fall off the beam. She winced as she saw Bela heading for her friend. That was one thing he would not tolerate, as all of the girls were very good at that apparatus. He began shouting at Dominic who was only 15. She and Kerri watched them out of the corner of their eyes as they continued practicing. Suddenly they heard both Bela and Dominic start shouting at each other. Before their eyes, they saw Bela pick Dominic up and lay her across his lap. He began spanking her! Dominic was never so scared in her life. When her coach picked her up and started spanking her, she couldn't believe it. She felt really embarrassed and she noticed the other girls watching.
Bela found himself spanking Dominic before he knew what was going on. He looked down at her slim body in her T-shirt and shorts and felt himself getting ex-cited. It had been so long since he took control of a slut like this and now to see little Dominic, bent over his lap and taking it, was almost too much for him. He reached down and pulled her shorts down to her ankles and began spanking her bare ass!
Shannon and Kerri were stunned. Here was their coach who they respected and admired for years, spanking their friend and fellow team mate on her bare ass! They could see her exposed bottom getting redder and redder. What neither of the girls would have admitted right then was the fact that both of them were very turned on and would have given anything to be in Dominic's place!
Dominic began crying. Not from the pain because it really didn't hurt that much, but from the shock and humiliation of being watched by her friends. As the blows continued to rain down on her tight little bottom, however, she did start to feel a little funny and ex-cited, especially between her legs!
Bela threw her off his lap and told them to head for the showers and that they were done for the day. He walked off quickly before any of them noticed the huge erection in his pants.
Shannon and Kerri walked over to Dominic who quickly pulled her pants up over her fiery red bottom. They hugged her and whispered soothing words to her as they walked over to the showers.
As they began disrobing however, Kerri and Shan-non were so fascinated at Dominic's red derrière that they couldn't take their eyes off her body. Dominic became embarrassed again and started to cry.
Both Kerri and Shannon ran over to comfort her, forgetting for the moment that they were all naked. As their bodies came into contact with each other, however, they realized that they were naked. The sensation of bare skin on bare skin was a shock to all the little girls. Shannon ran her hands across Dominic's bottom and Kerri did the same. They were trying to soothe her and calm her down but after a minute or so they noticed that they enjoyed it too! Dominic looked up at the other girls who were making her feel so much better. Before she knew what she was doing she leaned up and kissed Shannon! Shannon pulled back wildly at first but she was to turned on to really object. She returned the kiss and began shoving her tongue in little Dominic's mouth! Kerri leaned down and began kissing Dominic on her ass cheeks! Before long all three girls were on the shower floor kissing, rubbing, and caressing every part of each other's bodies.
Shannon really got aroused looking at Dominic's slim muscled body. She kissed her friends tits and began licking at her nipples. She knew that this was probably wrong, but in the heat of the moment, it just seemed to be the right thing to do. Dominic started to feel her sex getting very wet as Shannon kept licking at her nipples and Kerri was kissing her sore ass all over. She wanted to do something for her friends in return but was unsure what to do. So she tentatively reached out and touched Shannon's breasts. She had always been jealous of the older girl's figure. Then with a start she felt Kerri's tongue on her pussy lips!
Kerri was the only one who was not a stranger to lesbian sex. She and Amy Chow had explored each others bodies before, and Kerri was anxious to bring her friends into this scene too. All three of the girls changed their positions until all three had their tongue buried in another girl's pussy. They moaned and groaned as all three began to reach orgasm through their mutual manipulations. Healthy young bodies responding to sexual stimulation at a friends touch.
Meanwhile, Bela was in his office. As his erec-tion died down and the blood returned to his brain, he realized what he had done. He became so upset and worried at what he'd done and what the girls parents might think, that he raced to the showers to apologize to Dominic. He entered the room and couldn't believe his eyes. All 3 girls were on the shower floor, naked and eating each other out. His erection came back immedi-ately as he saw all that young hard flesh. He wondered how long this had been going on. He started to get angrier and angrier. He would show these little bitches who was boss!
All these years he'd lusted after his young charges, and had thought them unattainable. All these years he'd had to control his urges. And here they were, his beautiful little girls playing at sex with each other. He ran over and started shouting at them. Bela knew that he had them. They were at his mercy, because he could tell their parents what had just happened, or even better, he could tell the news reporters! He had them right where he'd dreamed of having them. Under his person sexual control!
The girls were shocked and frightened to sud-denly see Bela come over and start yelling. He escorted them all back out to the gym. They were still naked but were so scared of Bela that they felt their hearts beating rapidly in their chests all thought of sex cleared from their minds. Bela told them that he was going to punish them and if any of them talked about their punishment, he would turn them into the Olympic committee.
The girls would do anything to prevent that and so they agreed to do anything to make it up to him. He told Kerri to stand before him. He reached out and started pinching her nipples. Kerri screamed in pain but tried to pull back when she saw the look in her coach's eyes. He began pulling her small tits away from her body by the nipple. Tears formed in Kerri's eyes but she didn't make a sound. Then in a gruff voice he barked at her to bend over and touch her toes. Kerri crying, did as she was told, Bela stepped around behind her and yanked a length of twin from his pocket and tied her hands behind her back and then he bent over to examine her from behind.
Without a word Bela walked to his office, re-turning quickly with a large plastic object in his hand. All of the young girls gasped as he spit on Kerri's asshole and then shoved the plastic thing inside her tight asshole. Kerri couldn't hold back the scream that began issuing forth in her agony - until her coach slap-ped her face and ordered her to remain silent.
Bela then looked at the two girls standing in silence, tears streaming down their faces, then within a threatening wave he ordered Shannon over to the uneven parallel bars. When the frightened girl ran to her assigned position, Bela dragged out two long chains from a box by the wall and connected them to the taller of the bars. He stared at Shannon's small naked tits and couldn't wait to attach two nipple clamps to her nipples and smiled as he saws her wince in pain. He attached a bar between the two clamps and attaches the two chains to the bar. Then he began pulling the chains up. Shannon realized that soon the chains were going to be pulling on her tits! She begged and pleaded for her coach to stop. She promised to do anything if he would stop this.
Bela just smiled and kept pulling the chains. He watched as Shannon's tits started pulling upward. She screamed in pain, but he continued to pull until her feet were almost completely off the ground.
Bela's cock is so hard from watching Shannon that he couldn't help himself and starts undressing. When he removed his pants and the girls saw his cock, and they couldn't believe their eyes. Shannon and Kerri had both had sex before, but the coach's cock was easily twice as big as anything they had seen before!
Shannon was nearly unconscious from the pain throbbing through her chest, and finally blacks out completely, hanging limply by her tightly bound nipples. Dominic glanced over to see Kerri with that large butt-plug in her ass and Shannon unconscious with her tits pulled up to her head. She knows that she will be next.
Bela came over to the young athlete, grabbed her by the arm and lead her over to the balance beam. He ordered her to get up on it. While the young gymnast was balanced on the apparatus, she watched as her coach when back over to that box by the wall and pull out a black plastic looking rod. He walked back over to the young girl and asked if she knew what the thing he held was. When she shook her head, he said, "This my dear is what is called a dildo." He then placed the huge dildo on the beam. It had a suction cup base and was over 10 inches long and several inches wide. He yelled at poor Dominic, telling her that she is to do the splits length wise on the beam as she has done in her normal routine but with one small difference. She is to shove that dildo inside her ass and remain in the splits until he tells her to stop.
With that- Bela made the child lean over and take the large head of the dildo into her mouth to wet it up a little. She could barely get the head of it into her mouth but she did as he told her. As she started to go down into the splits, she knew she just has to aim and hope that the dildo would find the target. She also knew that if it did, she couldn't control her rate of descent by that point so that she would immediately be impaled totally on that huge cock!
Bela watched as Dominic performed perfectly. She landed on the dildo exactly and as ordered, wincing as 10 inches of plastic cock rams into her ass!
He then looked around at his 3 little slaves. He stepped over to Kerri and removed the plug from her ass. She began to whisper hoarsely over and over "thank you," until he inserted his hand up her wide open ass-hole! She was so open that he could get all 4 fingers of his hand up her ass at once, and then he began shov-ing forward to get his thumb and the rest of his hand up there. He is soon in her ass to the wrist! Kerri starts screaming in pain and slumped to the ground unconscious.
Having accomplished his goal, Bela pulls his hand out of her ass and wipes the juices off on her face. Then with a dyspeptic eye, Bela walked over to Shannon who was still passed out and released the chains from her tits. She crumpled to the ground like a little rag doll. Bela smacked her face until the girl finally returned to consciousness. Her tits were fiery red and as she came to consciousness again she started to cry as the pain began to return to her. Bela rolled the young athlete over, looking hungrily at her hard young body. Without another word the older man knelt between Shannon's legs and laid on top of her and shoved his cock inside her young tight pussy. As he penetrated the young girl she moaned, he bit her tits while ramming her full of his cock.
Shannon began shouting in pain as the big man pumped into her small sex, tearing her, opening her once and for all. She'd never be the same again. Bela finally climaxing just as he pulls out of her pussy and shoots his load all over her face! He came for almost a minute and when he was finished, her face was completely covered in his sperm! He had been storing up that load for a long time!
Finally their coach got off Shannon's body and walked over to Dominic. She was in great pain not only from the dildo in her ass but by the duration of time she had had to remain in the splits position. Bela told her to get up and then to lean over so he could see how wide open asshole was. Her ass muscles are so stretched that her ass stays open and he even after she removed the dildo, he marveled at how wide she now was.
Soon my cock would be in there, he thought to himself. He told her to get down and to drop to her knees. The young virgin athlete was unsure what was going to happen next, but she was happy to be off the beam and that huge dildo, and she wanted to obey her coach! As young Dominic stood in front of her coach, he held his now deflated cock and smiled an evil smile at her. He ordered her to sit there and open her mouth. She reluctantly followed his orders, afraid not to.
Suddenly he started pissing on her! The young girl started back shocked at what was happening. Her coach reached down grabbing the crying young gymnast, held her head and began to fill her mouth fill up with his piss! When it was full and the piss started running down her chin, he ordered her to swallow it. She grimaced, gagged, but swallowed the nasty liquid, she was afraid not to. Then with a knowing look at his young charge he ordered her to turn over and raise her ass in the air. She did as she was told and he managed to piss into her wide open asshole! His flow finally stopped and he smiled an evil smile as he looks around at his three new little slave sluts that were now his.
He told them that there were 4 years until the next Olympics, and until then, this might be part of their daily routine.
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