Published: 25-Oct-2012
Word Count:
Things happen to people. Is it destiny or is it all just luck. Helen Kapp was a good girl. A devout Mormon, the 12 year old did everything that was asked off her. The perfect girl...was how many regarded her. A good girl...she was a model Mormon child, volunteering at the local church near her home in Salt Lake City. She read the book of Mormon every day and looked forward to the day when she could be a missionary and bring the word of God to the far ends of the earth. In her junior high class, she excelled in nearly every subject and was looked on with great favor by her teachers as a model pupil. Her peers too, regarded her with admiration and she certainly was one of the most popular girls in school. She was also one of the most attractive girls in the school.
Her Jet black hair was a thing of beauty as her long tresses flowed over her young shoulders. Her face was perfectly designed by God himself, her dark eye's pulling all who gazed on them into the vortex of her beauty. Her lips were wonderfully shaped into the perfect mouth. Standing at 5ft 8 inches, she had a body that attracted the attention of all the boys in her school, not that she liked to show herself off. It was wrong to do that and Helen was a good girl...a good Mormon girl.
Her parents, Lynn and Jack were good Mormons too. Lynn, her 32 year old mother was a pillar of the Mormon Church, and was the daughter of a famous Mormon Missionary. Jack, her father was a successful stock broker in one of the city's most prestigious firms. At 33, he was well on his way to becoming a partner in the firm. Although her parents were loving parents, they were also tough on their daughter. Both were ambitious and wanted to climb to the upper echelons of Mormon Society in the city and had equally high aims for their daughter. Helen's life was strictly regimented between school and church and like many other Mormon girls her age, dating was out of the question. Like most normal girls, Helen thought about boys although she would have been the last to admit it. Helen may have been a devout Mormon girl but she was not stupid or blind. She was well aware of her effect on boys and deep inside her pure mind, she liked their attention. What girl wouldn't?
But Helen was very careful to appear above it all. She had a reputation to protect and even at the tender age of 12 years and 2 months, she knew her pious character was to be protected at all costs. Already, she was being singled out for special attention by some of the powerful elders in the church. She was a role model Mormon child...pious...reserved...hardworking...beautiful and most importantly...obedient. These were qualities the church liked in its missionaries and since recruiting new members was a top priority the church liked to spot missionary talent at an early age. Helen Kapp was high on their list and she was being watched carefully, very carefully indeed.
Although dating was out of the question for a girl so young, that didn't mean Helen was restricted from the opposite sex. The junior high she went to arranged many dances and activities where boys and girls could interact under the watchful eye of teachers and parents off course. One of these events was a dance given in honor of the junior high football team who had just completed another winning season. Helen, as a member of the student council, was one of its chief organizers. The dance was held in the large gymnasium on the east end of the school. Her job was to make sure refreshments were in place and that the DJ was set up in the corner of the gym. On the night of the dance, Helen was accompanied by her father. This was an unusual surprise for her. Her tall handsome father very rarely had the time to chaperone her, and she had to rely on her mother instead. Helen proudly grasped her father's strong arm as she made her way into the gym at 6.30pm. The dance was just getting underway and Helen introduced her father to some of her friends. Then she made her way to the table of refreshments to check on everything. Within half an hour, students began pouring in as the DJ played a collection of safe pop music. Helen was asked up to dance by many boys under the watchful eye of her father. Naturally, there were no slow numbers. About half way through the dance, Helen noticed a boy watching her. She knew she had seen him before but could not remember his name. The boy was handsome and looked to be older than the others. Helen knew that students from the local high school sometimes went to their dances too. Helen looked around for her father but he had disappeared. The boy began to make his way towards her. He had jet black hair like her and as he came closer, she saw his beautiful eyes and his big smile.
"Hi, I'm Jeff Spielman," he said holding out a large hand towards her.
"Hi...I'm Helen Kapp," she blushed, taking his hand.
He smiled broadly and held onto her hand for what seemed like an eternity.
"Yes...I know. I've heard a lot about you from my mother. She knows your mom," he said, finally releasing her hand.
Then Helen remembered who he was.
"Becky Spielman is your mom?"
"Yes," he nodded.
Helen had met Becky Spielman many times. She worked closely with her Mother on the school board.
"What brings you to our dance?" Helen smiled.
Jeff looked at her with a broad grin and slid down on a chair beside her.
"You...I came here because of you," he said.
Helen blushed and looked at her friends. The music was loud in the gym but they strained their ears to hear what was being said.
Jeff looked over at them and nodded. They giggled.
Helen looked around the room looking for her father but she couldn't see him.
"Let's go outside for some air," the boy said.
Helen looked at her friends who were trying desperately to hear what was being said.
"I don't father..."
"Oh come on...I won't bite. Just a few minutes...that's all. I have something to tell you," he smiled.
"Or would you have me tell you here?"
Helen bit her lip and looked around for her father.
"I'll see you outside," he said, standing up and walking towards the door.
Helen looked over at her friends.
"What did he say?" asked Rachal Spring leaning towards her.
"Oh...nothing...he knows my mother," she said, matter of factly.
"He's cute," said Rachal.
Helen blushed and looked around the Gym again. Her father was nowhere in sight. She wondered if it was ok to go outside for some air. Yes...there was nothing wrong with that and it was still light outside. Helen stood up and looked at Rachal.
"I have to go outside for some air," she said.
"Want me to come with you?" Rachel asked.
"No...I'll be back soon," said Helen as she turned and walked towards the door of the gym.
She stepped outside into the cool air of the evening. The sun was setting on the other side of the building as she looked out over the car park. A few students stood near by drinking pop and talking amongst themselves.
"Hi," he said steeping up behind her.
She jumped.
"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you," he smiled.
Helen looked at him more clearly in the daylight. He stood nearly 6ft tall and was lean. His dark hair was cropped tightly on his head. He had a slight tan and he wore a large fin on his finger.
"Let's go to my car," he said.
Helen shook her head.
"Oh come's just over there," he said pointing towards a blue Chevy blazer to the left of the car park.
"No I really must get back inside," she said quickly looking back at the door.
"OK...I can dig it. You're scared of me," he said quietly.
"I'm not scared," she said defensively.
"You know my's not like I am a stranger," he said in a disappointed tone.
Helen looked around at the other kids standing near the door. One of the girls was watching her carefully.
"I understand...look lets walk around the's that sound?" he asked looking at her with his large expressive eyes.
Helen shrugged her shoulders. She was beginning to feel uncomfortable as the kids at the door nudged each other and looked at her.
"No...I should go back," she said quietly.
Reaching out for her hand, he grabbed it and pulled her away from the door.
"Come on...lets go for a walk. There's nothing wrong with that, is there?" he asked.
"I'm un chaperoned," she answered nervously.
"Please...I just want to talk to you where no one can hear us," he said pulling gently on her hand.
Helen felt her legs moving. She really shouldn't but he was so handsome and she did know his mother. He was a good Mormon boy, she thought. They started walking away from the door along the side of the building. Helen looked back and saw the kids watching them.
"Don't worry...we'll stop when we get around the corner," he said, holding her hand tightly.
Helen liked his touch but she found it too forward and she tried to pull her hand away, but he resisted.
"Are you afraid to be seen with me," he asked.
"No...but people will think..."
"Let them think what they like...I want to tell you something...I've been watching you for a while and I like what I see," he said as they turned the corner.
Helen looked up into his handsome face as he stopped and turned to her, holding both her hands in his.
"I think I love you Helen," he whispered as he lowered his mouth to hers and kissed her.
Helen stood there, weak at the knees. Her mind told her to turn and leave, but her body wanted her to wallow in his gentle kiss. She felt like she would faint, as he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her again and again on her lips and cheeks.
I must stop...I must...Helen thought.
But Helen had never been kissed before like this and it felt so wonderful.
"What the hell are you doing?"
Helen felt her body being pulled backwards by the arm. She looked around in horror to see her father, his face red with anger.
"We were just..."
"I know what you were just doing, young man," snapped Jack Kapp as he pulled his daughter behind him.
"Honestly...we were just kissing..." "Just kissing...she's only 12 years old, you punk. What's your name? Answer me!!" Jack shouted.
"Shut up," he snapped back at her.
"What's your name?...I know I've seen you before," he shouted.
"Jeff Spielman...look Mr. Kapp..I'm..."
"You're a Spielman? I'm sure your mother will be delighted to hear what you were doing to my daughter," said Jack, rolling his hands into fists.
"Please Mr.'s not as bad as you think...I..."
"Did he touch you?" Jack asked tuning to his daughter.
Helen began to sob.
"Please dad...he..."
"Did he touch you...your body...did he..."
Helen was sobbing uncontrollably now. She wanted the earth to open up and swallow her forever. She felt so embarrassed.
"I'll deal with you later," he growled at the young boy.
The he took his sobbing daughter and walked her back to his car.
When they got back to the house, Helen ran to her room as fast as her legs could carry her. She slumped on her bed and cried into her pillow. After some minutes, her father came into her room.
"Stop crying...your mother will be home soon," he said, his voice full of anger.
Helen turned to look up at him through teary eyes.
"Please dad, don't tell mom," she begged.
"You behave like a little slut in public and disgrace us and you ask me not to tell your mother," he growled.
"Daddy...I didn't mean..."
"You let me down let your mother down. You let God down."
"It was just a kiss..."
"Just a kiss...just a many times has just a kiss led to just sex," he sneered.
"Ohhhhh can you say that...I would never..."
"Would never what? Hmmmm...would never little slut, you'll make us the laughing stock of our church. Do you know what would happen if you got pregnant...hmmmm?"
"Answer me!!"
Helen began to sob uncontrollably again.
"Do you know what happens to parents whose daughters get pregnant? Hmmmm? They are locked outside forever," he shouted.
Bending down, he grabbed her arm roughly.
Your mother and I have worked to hard to let you destroy all we have built. Do you hear me Helen? Answer me!!" he yelled.
"Yes...daddy...yes...please forgive me...I'll be good...I promise...please don't tell Mom...please daddy," she whimpered, grabbing his hand and kissing it.
Jack pulled her down onto the floor.
"Get on your knees Helen. Beg my forgiveness...beg God's forgiveness and I may decide to think about that."
"Ohhhhh daddy...thank you...thank"
"I said I'll consider it...but you must show me you are sincere when you ask my forgiveness and the forgiveness of God," he said solemnly.
"Yes daddy...I beg your forgiveness...I beg God's forgiveness," Helen cried as she got on her knees in front of her father and looked up into his angry face.
"Are you sincere in your words Helen?" he asked as he folded his arms across his chest.
"Yes daddy...I am sincere...please believe me," Helen said through loud sobs.
Jack Kapp looked down at his daughter and rubbed his chin as if unsure of his daughter's sincerity.
"If I do decide to heed your wish Helen and not tell your mother, I shall require your total loyalty and you hear me Helen...your total loyalty and obedience," he said in a stern voice.
"Yesssss daddy...please give me a chance...please...I'll be good," she whimpered, her lovely face glistening with her tears as she looked up at her father, her eye's begging for mercy.
Jack Kapp stared down at his daughter for a minute before answering.
"You will obey me as a good Mormon daughter should. You will never question my will obey me without that clear, Helen. Is it?" he asked in a loud voice.
Helen nodded eagerly.
"I can't hear you Helen," he said.
Helen looked up into her father's eyes.
"I promise to obey you daddy...I promise to be a loyal daughter," she cried in exultation.
"I promise to obey you daddy and to be a loyal daughter," she repeated.
Jack walked to the night stand beside her bed and returned with the book of Mormon.
"Put your hand on this holy book and repeat after me," he said holding he book out to her.
Helen quickly put her hand on the book and looked up at her father. Her father spoke and she repeated his words.
"I, Helen Kapp, do solemnly swear on this holy book that I will obey my father's wishes without question and shall remain a loyal servant to him and the Mormon Church for life."
Jack Kapp took the holy book and placed it on the table. Turning to his daughter, he ran his hand through her beautiful hair.
"My dear daughter, I must think on this for a few days. I will decide what is best for our family, our church and off course, you. I can't say I am not disappointed in your behavior Helen. There are those of us within our church that fears for the future of our youth. The world is so sinful that it is getting harder and harder for our children to resist temptation," he said solemnly.
"I will daddy...I will," Helen said clasping her father's hand and kissing it fervently.
"Perhaps we are setting to high a standard for our children in this day and age of wantonness," he said moving towards the door.
"Don't say another word Helen. You promised to obey me and the wishes of our church. Words are cheap to those that have no intention of keeping their promises. I will see by your actions if you truly mean what you say," he said, looking back at her.
"Clean yourself up. Your mother will be home soon."
Then he was gone.
Helen stayed on her knees for some time, her 12 year old brain going over everything that had happened over the last hour. She had failed her parents. She had failed her church and more importantly, she had failed herself. She always thought she was above sin, or at least the sins that mattered most. But now she saw that she was no better than anyone else. She thought about Jeff Spielman and how easily he had maneuvered her. She would have to do better. If her father was to hide her bad behavior, she would have to be a good girl from now on. She would have to be a good Mormon girl from now on.
For three days, Helen kept a low profile around the Kapp house. It was clear to her that her father had not divulged her fall from grace to her mother and for this she was forever thankful. Around the dinner table, conversation was as etc. etc. Her father did seem quieter than normal and Helen was sure he was still struggling with what had happened outside the gym nights before. This naturally made Helen nervous. While it was clear he had not spoken to her mother about it. It was also clear that he had yet to decide if it were appropriate or not to do so. Helen at first, tried to stay out of her father's way, believing that out of sight meant out of mind, but she also wanted to show him how she meant to keep her promise. She fetched his slippers and wanted to be the first one he met when he came home from the office every day, so she could take his coat. She even went with him to the local home improvement store so she could help carry some things he wanted to buy. Her father was visibly pleased with her attentive nature, but she could still see disappointment in his eyes.
One thing her father did do which made her believe he was truly giving her a chance to redeem herself, was pray with her alone. She had always prayed with her parents together and she still did. But now, her father also prayed with her alone, usually when her mother was out of the house.
By the end of the week, Helen considered herself somewhat safe. Her father had not told her mother and she was trying her best to shower her father with attention. On Friday night her father came home and pulled her aside as her mother worked in the kitchen.
"I've decided not to tell your mother Helen," he said, as he laid his hand on her shoulder.
"Ohhh thank you daddy," she gushed, and wrapped her arms around him, hugging him tightly.
Her father caressed her with his large hands and stroked her head for a minute as she began to cry.
"Stop you're crying or your mother will see you," he said pushing her away from him as he slouched down in the black leather chair of his study.
"Come here," he said, pulling her forward between his legs.
"You're not off the hook by any means," he went on.
"I am still very disappointed in you my dear child...very disappointed. I have so many hopes for you...marrying a well-respected Mormon...raising a family. What respectable man would have you if you had a reputation...hmmmm?" he asked looking up into her beautiful eyes.
Helen's heart sank. She had hoped her father would forgive her and let her start again...let her go on being a good Mormon girl, but his words told her otherwise.
"Daddy...I'm sorry...I..."
"Yes my've said you're sorry many times now and I truly believe you are. I really do...but...being sorry isn't enough, Helen," he said, taking her small dainty hand into his.
"I'll do anything, daddy...anything to make you forgive me," she whimpered, tears rolling down her lovely red cheeks.
"I do forgive you, my child...but...whether I can trust you or not to uphold our families honor and the honor of our church is another matter. You are a Mormon Helen...and as are expected to protect our church from its enemies. Look at the other church's...they are destroying themselves with scandal and they are making a mockery of God. You know our church is growing in converts at the expense of the others. That makes us a target. Many would like our youth to descend into the abomination of scandalous behavior. As an elder, I can't let that happen. There are many of us who see the signs of decay already within our youth and your behavior has only confirmed it. If someone so pure as you can fall like that, what sort of signal will this show other children who are weaker than you. Hmmmm?" he asked, looking up at her bewildered face.
Helen liked to think of herself as older than her age, but she looked down at her father, trying to understand with her 12 year old brain, what he was saying.
"Do you understand what I'm saying?" he asked.
Helen swallowed hard and nodded.
"What am I saying?"
"You want me to be a good role model for the other young people," she said, wiping the tears from her cheeks.
"Exactly, my dear."
"I will...daddy...I will be...I will be a good role model," she said earnestly.
"I know you'll know what Jesus said...the mind is willing but the flesh is weak," he said, as he shook her hand gently.
Helen looked at the floor and took a deep breath. Her father didn't trust her anymore that much was clear. She felt more ashamed now than at any time during the ordeal. How could she redeem herself in her father's eyes if he didn't trust her anymore?
"Don't worry Helen...daddy loves you," he said pulling her down and kissing her on the cheek.
She wrapped her arms around his neck and sliding onto his lap, buried her head on his chest.
"You're a good girl Helen. But you're just a child and children make mistakes that could have devastating effects on their lives and the lives of others around them. It seems I have three choices here. One...I could tell your mother about your naughty behavior with that boy..."
"Please daddy...said Helen as she withdrew her head from his chest and looked into his face, her eye's full of terror again.
"Shushhhh...your mother will here you," replied her father quickly, looking towards the door of the study.
"Like I said...I can tell your mother and hurt her terribly. I don't know if she would ever see you in the same light again," he said in a low whisper.
"Not that it would do any good for her to know. She would ground you indefinitely and smoother you in order to protect you from sin. But that's the thing Helen, it is very hard in this day and age to protect children against sin...because it is everywhere and it is in all of us...even me," he said as he slid his hand onto Helen's bare thigh.
She looked down at it on her bare flesh, just below the hem of her school dress. He had never done that before. He had never touched her there before. Helen looked up at her father. He studied her for a moment before going on.
"The second option I have is to continue to watch you but I am as you know a busy man. I can't watch you around the clock. Off course, I could pray and hope you use good judgment when I am not around. I could have faith that you would not eat of the apple," he said as he patted her thigh.
Helen felt a strange feeling come over her. She was not a stranger to it and she began to blush with shame as she recognized it for what it was. She stared at her father as he continued.
"Or...there is another option, Helen. It is to simply accept you will sin but try and control it," he said solemnly.
"I won't daddy...I promise," said Helen, feeling more and more uncomfortable on her father's knee.
"Please don't lie to me Helen...or I may have to choose option one. You don't what that, do you?" he asked sternly.
Helen shook her head slowly. She felt her father's hand slide up her thigh on till it disappeared under her dress. She held her breath and tried not to squirm as she looked into her father's eyes.
"Are you comfortable, my child?" he asked in a low voice.
She looked at the floor.
"Answer me Helen...are you comfortable?" he repeated slowly.
Helen was anything but comfortable, but her feminine instincts told her to lie.
"Yes daddy," she whispered.
"Good. I love you very much Helen and I am prepared to do whatever it takes to protect you and our beloved church from scandal. But you must obey me without that understood?" he asked.
Helen looked at her father and nodded quickly.
"Sin is a terrible thing Helen, but it can be controlled. I sincerely believe that and there are others in the church who sincerely believes it too. Tomorrow, we are going to meet some of them. I want you to pack some clothes for the weekend. We'll be going up the Wasatch Mountains."
Helen nodded. Her father's hand slid back down her thigh as her mother called from the kitchen.
"This weekend you will know the true meaning of devotion and faith, Helen," he said, sliding her off his lap.
"Now go and help your mother in the kitchen," he said, walking around the large oak desk to his large leather chair.
"Yes daddy," said Helen as she left the room.
That night, Helen lay awake thinking about what her father had said and what he had done in the study. She didn't know what was worse; the fact that he had told someone else or that he had touched her so inappropriately. Everything had happened so fast; her meeting Jeff at the dance, her father catching her...and now this. She would have to suffer more humiliation over the weekend as her father's church friends found out about her behavior. They would never look on her the same again. One day, she was a Mormon princess, the crème de la crème of Mormon feminine idealism; the next, she would be viewed as a slut. If her father told too many people...if it all got out, she would never be able to rebuild her reputation, it was as simple as that. Her father's strange behavior in the study also bothered her. He had never touched her like that before and she had never seen that look in his eye before either. It was all very troubling to the young innocent Helen. Helen realized that something had changed and she desperately wanted to turn the clock back. But that was impossible...she would simply have to do as her father wished and go through this religious spiritual relearning. Perhaps if she behaved exceptionally well, no one else would find out.
Helen finally fell asleep, her young mind exhausted with the fear that her reputation would be sullied by gossip. In the study on the first floor, her father picked up the phone and dialed a number. After a few rings a man's voice came on the line.
"'s Jack. We'll be up there tomorrow morning," said Jack eagerly.
"Good...good. Are you nervous?" replied the man at the other end of the line.
"A little," said Jack, taking a puff of his Cuban cigar.
"Don't be...I've done this lots of times. When this weekend is over, you'll truly be one of us and young Helen will be the model Mormon daughter, an asset to the church and to your career just like my Sandy," the man said with a chuckle.
"I hope so."
"You can count on it Jack. I'm very good at this, that's why the brothers take their daughters to me. Now get some rest, you're going to need it," the man chuckled again and hung up.
Jack Kapp put the phone down on the receiver and looked at the picture of his daughter on his desk. She was so young...still a baby in his eyes. This weekend she would become a woman, a devoted daughter, a good Mormon girl. It was something he had dreamed about for nearly 5 years since becoming an initiate in the brotherhood. Now, his time had come and he was not going to let his sponsors down. Great things lay ahead for him...and all he had to do was join them fully in mind and body. There was no stopping it now...even if he had wanted too and he most definitely didn't want too.
He stood up and walked to the door, turning off the lights. He stepped out into the hall and made his way upstairs. It was late he did need to get some rest. It was going to be a long weekend and as George said, he would need all the strength he could muster, mentally and physically.
The next morning, after a quick shower and some eggs and toast, Helen found herself sitting in her father's Mercedes as it sped out of Salt Lake City and headed into the mountains. It was a beautiful autumn day and the color of the trees was spectacular. Her father said nothing to her and he seemed lost in his own thoughts. Helen stared out the window as they headed upwards away from the city. She had been in the Wasatch Mountain's many times, her family having a cabin there, and she like the natural beauty of the forests, fields and mountains very much. It was nearly half an hour before her father spoke to her.
"Helen, we are going to a cabin that is owned by Elder Rogers. We will be spending the weekend there with him and his daughter, Sandy," he said as he glanced at her.
Helen thought for a moment.
"Is that all?" she asked quietly.
"Is that all what?" he replied somewhat sternly.
"Is that all the people who are going to be there, daddy?" she asked pensively.
He looked at her for a second. Her beautiful dark hair flowed down over her shoulders and her lovely face was a thing to behold, even if a small frown crossed it. Jack turned his eyes back to the road.
"You mean is that all the people who are going to know?" he asked, raising his voice for added effect.
Helen blushed.
"Answer me, Helen. Hmmmmm?"
"Yes daddy," she said in a tortured low voice.
"So you care who knows about your bad behavior then?" he asked again.
Helen nodded her head and looked at her feet.
"So you should be, my child. If this gets around our community, people will never look at you the same again. Do you understand that?" he asked, glancing at her.
"Yes daddy," she said.
"I hope so my dear. Otherwise your life will be full of misery. Your reputation is everything, especially in our community. That is why I have decided to do's because I love you very much. You may not think I do now, but I do. I love you my dear and I want to protect you all I can," he said as he slid his hand onto her bare thigh.
Helen held her breath. She continued to look downwards but now her eye's fell on her father's large hand as it gently caressed her thigh. For the rest of the journey it stayed there almost the entire time. Helen looked out the window at the passing landscape as he fathers hand slid up and done her thigh gently. She occasionally glanced over at him, but he looked straight ahead as he stirred the car with one hand up the mountain road.
After a few hours, Jack Kapp turned the car onto a small road. Helen could see the roof of a large house over the trees as the car slowly wound its way up a slight hill towards it. Then the car exited the tree lined road into large clearing and Helen caught sight of the house in its entirety.
"Well...what do you think?" asked her father, whose hand remained on her thigh.
Helen gazed in wonder at the house.
"It's so beautiful," she said.
"Yes is beautiful. It was built by a famous architect who is a devout Mormon. He dedicated it to the church for spiritual retreats," said her father as he finally removed his hand from his daughter's thigh and pulled the car to a halt in a parking area to the left of the large front door.
Helen felt some relief that her father had stopped touching her leg and slowly climbed out of the car as she looked up at the large glass and log structure before her. She could see a girl standing on the 2nd floor looking down at them.
"Helen...Come... take your bag," said her father impatiently as he opened the trunk of the car.
Helen heard a door open behind her and a man accompanied by a beautiful blond girl strode over to their car.
Helen looked the man more closely as he walked up to them. He was tall and handsome and she guessed he was older than her father. He let go the girls hand and took both Helen's arms tightly in his large hands, before planting a kiss on her 12 year old cheeks.
"My God...she's magnificent," the man said exuberantly as he glanced for a second at Jack.
Helen found herself blushing from ear to ear.
"Jack, you never said she was so beautiful," said the man.
Helen felt her heart skip a beat.
"Helen...this is elder George Rogers, one of the greatest servants of the church. You should be honored to meet him," said her father as he walked up to the beautiful blonde.
"And this, my dear is Susan, elder Rogers daughter and the epitome of Mormon woman hood," he said, as the girl placed her long slender arms around his neck and kissed him on each cheek.
Helen's mouth opened wide.
She studied the girl intently. Susan Rogers was 15 years old and looked like a model. Her long blond hair flowed down over her bare shoulders and Helen felt her eye's wander down to the curvaceous body below. It was then that Helen realized how immodestly, Susan was dressed. The girl wore a pair of cotton hot pants which slung to her body like a second skin. Helen blushed scarlet when she saw outline of Susan's sex through the thin material.
"I think you have produced an angel," her father said, as he kissed Susan Rogers on the cheek again.
"You've not done so bad yourself," said Elder Rogers as he kissed Helen again.
She tore her eyes away from Susan and looked up into the handsome face of the girl's father. He smiled at her.
"Perhaps...but I have my doubts," replied her father as he ignored his daughter and kissed Susan again.
Helen felt her heart sink into her stomach.
"Don't be silly, Jack. Only the cream of Mormon womanhood ever gets to experience this special retreat and I have no doubts your daughter will pass with flying colors," said Elder Rogers as he pulled Helen tightly against his body and kissed her forehead.
"Look at me my dear," he said, his hands locking together in the small of her back.
Helen raised her face and looked into his blue eyes.
"Are you afraid?"
"Father...Leave the poor child alone?" said Susan with a laugh.
"She's not a child," snapped Elder Rogers, ignoring his daughter.
"She's a magnificent girl...a Mormon girl...a good Mormon girl, aren't you my dear?" he said softly, his eyes burrowing into Helen's.
Helen glanced at her father who was now watching her intently.
"I don't know...I..." whispered Helen as she broke down in tears and buried her face in Elder Rogers chest.
" sweet girl...let it all out," Elder Rogers whispered in her ear as he pulled her body tight to him.
"Susan...take Jack inside, we'll be in later," he said, turning to his daughter.
Helen heard her father and Susan walk away. She continued to cry as she felt Elder George's large hands stroke her back. It felt nice and after a few more minutes, Helen stopped crying.
"Here my child...oops...I mean my dear girl," he laughed as he corrected himself and handed Helen his handkerchief.
Helen took it and wiped away her tears.
" you feel better?" he asked softly.
"Nonsense my dear, it's good to cry sometimes. Shame can make us feel like crying, but you have nothing to be ashamed about," he said, as his hand slid over Helen's hair.
"I did something...this boy...I should have..."
"I know my dear. You father told me all about it," he said softly.
Helen felt her face turn red again.
"You're feeling great shame aren't you?"
Helen nodded slowly.
"Helen...I want you to understand something. Many young people have the same kind of...indiscretions and they don't feel any shame about it afterwards. It is too your credit that you realized what you did was wrong and you feel shame. you know what the facts of life are?" he asked softly, putting his arm around her waist and turning her, they walked towards the house.
Helen was hesitant to answer, even though she knew what he was talking about or so she thought.
"Don't be shy Helen. Do you know what the facts of life are?" he persisted.
Helen felt uncomfortable. She thought about the three letter word but fought hard to rephrase it.
"The birds and the bee's" she said in barley a whisper.
Elder Rogers stopped and turned toward her, his face taking on a serious look.
"Sexual sin, my dear...that is a fact of life. There are others too off course...but lust is with us twenty four hours a day. It is after all the force which keeps our race alive, but it can be an incredibly destructive force too. That is why we must deal with it...we must face it and understand its awesome power on our minds and bodies. Do you love our church, Helen?" he suddenly asked, stroking her hair again with his large hand.
Helen nodded eagerly.
"Tell me...tell me you love our Mormon Church...the church of Latter Day Saints," said Elder Rogers.
"I love it...I love our church," she said, her little voice rising with enthusiasm.
"I know you do, my dear child, matter how much you love our church, you can't fight the power of sexual sin. It is a force that knows no boundaries. It has no moral code. It can strike at any time as it did with you and the effects can be catastrophic, not just for you and your family, but for the church you represent," said Elder Roger's solemnly.
Helen listened intently and realized her father had said much the same to her.
"I won't do it again," Helen said quickly.
Elder Rogers looked at her for a moment, his deep blue eyes burrowing into her forehead. He placed a hand on her shoulder and smiled at her.
"This is not the talk of a young woman but a child. Are you a child?" he asked.
Helen shook her head.
"Then why do you speak like a child?" he said, rubbing her shoulder gently.
She stared down at the ground unable to answer and feeling embarrassed.
He took her hand firmly in his.
"I must tell you that I had grave reservations about you coming here for this religious retreat," he said in a serious tone.
Helen looked up at him, her lovely eyes bristling with the life of youth.
"Why?...I'm sorry and I want to be good," she said excitedly.
Elder Rogers put a finger to her lips.
"Shushhhhhh...your father will hear you. He thinks you are too young to understand. To him you are and always will be a child. And he's right off course, you are too young. My own daughter was 13 when she made this retreat. Perhaps he was right, your simply too young to understand, my child," said elder Rogers in a disappointed tone.
Helen looked up into his face and saw his disappointment.
"I...want to atone for my sins," she said sincerely.
"I know I can do it."
"My dear...I want to tell you something that may frighten you," he said, glancing cautiously at the house.
"If you succeed in this retreat...if you show us we can trust you. If you understand your role in our church, it will be the greatest moments of your life. But you will have to be very strong. You will have to have faith in us, my dear," said Elder Rogers, sliding his hand over her head.
Helen nodded eagerly.
"You will feel weakness, you will feel doubt, it is only natural in a girl your age. But you must overcome it. You must resist the temptation to reject what you are about to see and hear. Do you understand my child?" he asked solemly.
Helen didn't understand but she nodded anyway. She sensed something big was about to happen in her life and she was excited at the opportunity to impress her father and Elder Rogers with her devotion to the church.
Elder Rogers looked at her for a moment and his lips curved into a wide grin. He bent down and kissed her on the lips. It was a tender kiss and Helen felt her young 12 year old body sway towards his manly form as his arms encompassed her totally. Then he released her and she looked up at him, her mouth opened in awe.
"You are quite beautiful my dear. I have no doubt it will serve our church well," he said taking her small slender hand in his.
"Are you ready my dear?"
Helen nodded slowly.
The kiss took her by storm and she felt weak at the knees as the Elder walked with her towards the house. Her young mind traveled at the speed of light in a thousand different directions. Her heart pounded I her chest as they passed into the large foyer. Her father was sitting with Susan Rogers on a large leather sofa before a huge fireplace in the sitting room. They were drinking something
Elder Rogers walked her up by the hand to her father.
Helen's eye's fell on Susan's long slender legs and her bosom. The girl looked up into her eyes and smiled.
"Your daughter wishes to please you, Jack," said Elder Rogers holding Helen's hand out to her father.
Jack Kapp looked up at his daughter, his face displaying a uncertainty which made Helen's heart sink.
He reached out and took her hand.
"Helen...Are you sure you want to do this retreat. You're so young...I don't want you to be shocked. I don't want you to be hurt," he said as he rubbed her hand.
Helen felt an overwhelming love for her father at that moment.
"Daddy...I love you...I want to be a good girl," she said, her young voice cracking with emotion.
Her father looked at Elder Rogers.
"So be it. We'll stay the weekend. I hope you don't disappoint me," he said to his daughter.
"I won't daddy...I promise," said Helen eagerly.
"Well then...let's eat, I'm starving," said elder Rogers.
They all made their way to the dining room which was dominated by a large wooden table which seated 12. Helen sat with her father as Elder Rogers and his daughter brought the food out from the kitchen.
"Smoked ham and greens...I hope you like it," said Elder Rogers, smiling at Helen.
The conversation during dinner was mainly between Elder Rogers and Jack Kapp and was mostly business and church affairs. Helen listened intently to their host talk on a wide range of topics. She wanted to speak up when something particularly interested her, but she noticed how quite Susan was, so she said nothing. Then, Elder Rogers began to talk about missionary work and he smiled at Helen.
"My young daughter here is soon off to Russia on missionary work," he said proudly, as he reached across and patted Susan's hand.
Susan clasped her father's hand in both hers and beamed back at him.
"I very proud of you my've honored me as a dutiful have served our church splendidly and now you are going to spread the holy word and to gain converts to our cause in distant lands," said Elder Rogers as his eye's glistened with tears.
"I love you very much," he said, his voice cracking with emotion.
"Bravo!!" said Jack as he began clapping his hands.
Helen was about to join in when her hands froze in mid-air. Susan Rogers leaned across the table and kissed her father full on the lips. This wasn't shocking in itself, but Susan's mouth glued itself to her fathers and stayed there. Helen's beautifully innocent eye's opened wide as she watched in awe and then she saw something else. A bulge in Elder Roger's took Helen a second to understand what that meant. Susan had her tongue in her father's mouth.
Helen's own beautifully shaped mouth opened wide with shock as she realized what Susan was doing. She knew what they called it too...French kissing.
She glanced at her father. He had a broad smile on his face as he continued to clap his hands.
Elder Rogers looked directly at Helen and she held her breath. Then finally, Susan released her mouth with a loud kissing noise that made Helen blush crimson.
The 15 year old girl turned and looked directly at Helen with a broad grin. Sliding back into her seat, she brushed her long blonde locks behind her shoulders, and pushed her well-endowed bosom out with pride.
Helen's eyes dropped down to the girl's tank top covered tits. Susan's hard nipples threatened to push through the soft cotton material. Helen swallowed hard.
"You must forgive my daughter Helen. She loves me very much and is not afraid to show it in front of others," said Elder Rogers with a grin.
"I'm not afraid to show my devotion to the man who made me and the God who made him," said Susan as she picked at her food.
"You're love for your father is beautiful Susan," said Jack Kapp eagerly.
"Thank you Elder Kapp. I hope it serves as an example to others," said Susan, looking at Helen.
"My daughter is not...she's very young," said Jack quickly as he continued to eat.
"That's no excuse," said Susan.
"Susan...please, she's just a child," said Elder Rogers.
"How old was I when I became aware...aware of my role and the role of our church," said Susan, unwilling to call off the attack.
There was silence in the room.
"I think it's time for desert," said Elder Rogers, getting up from the table.
"Tell her...she needs to know what's expected of her," said Susan in a determined voice.
Helen looked up at Elder Rogers, her young innocent face a mask of concentration.
"Perhaps we can have desert later," said Elder Rogers.
"Let's retire to the living room, shall we?"
Helen and her father made their way down a small set of steps to the sunken living room, behind Elder Rogers. Susan stayed behind briefly to clear the table.
Elder Rogers walked to the side of the large fire place and flicked a switch. Immediately, a large fire started in the huge grate.
"There, it's getting dark outside. We may have some snow this weekend," he said clasping his hands together.
Helen sat down beside her father on one of the large leather sofas. He reached over and took her hand, pulling her closer to him.
Elder Rogers smiled.
Susan came down the steps carrying a tray of drinks.
"Ahhhhhh...some refreshment," said Elder Rogers, taking one of the tall wine glasses and handing it to Helen.
Helen looked at the glass for a moment. She felt everyone's eye's on her.
"Go on my dear...take a sip, it'll relax you," said Elder Rogers in a calming voice.
Helen brought the glass to her lips and sipped slowly. There was something about it that puzzled her, but she took several sips all the same. It tasted nice.
Susan handed the other glasses to her father and Jack and took the last one for herself.
Elder Rogers and sat down in another smaller sofa to Helen's left. Susan joined her father there.
"We'll, now that we're all comfortable, let's begin shall we," he said, taking his daughters hand in his.
"Do you like the drink Helen?" he asked, sipping from his own glass.
Helen nodded.
"Yes Elder Rogers."
"Drink some more, it'll make you feel more open to what I am about to say."
Helen took a few more sips and looked at her father. He was sitting very close to her now and his left arm slid behind her back. She smiled up at him and he smiled back.
"Tell us what happened at the dance," said Elder Rogers.
Helen bit her lip. It was starting....she felt her embarrassment rise again inside her. She looked at the fire for a few moments.
"Tell him!!" her father snapped.
Helen felt some anger in his voice and promptly responded.
"This boy...he tried to kiss me...I"
"Did you stop him?" asked Elder Rogers.
"Yes...I tried."
"Are you sure? That's not what the boy said," said elder Rogers taking another drink form his half empty glass.
Helen looked at him, her face red with embarrassment.
There was a deafening silence in the room for a few long moments.
"Well...Helen...did you try to stop him?" elder Rogers asked again.
"I...did for a little all happened so have to believe me," she cried.
"There now...don't get upset," elder Rogers replied.
"'s true...I tried to stop him but he kept kissing me," Helen cried in an agitated voice.
"Drink the wine baby," her father replied quickly.
He lifted her glass to her mouth.
Helen looked at him, her big brown eye's gluing themselves to his...her young mind replaying what she had just heard her father say. It was was wine...he had called her baby.
"Drink it baby," her father said again.
Helen hesitated for a moment. She could hear a sort of desperation in his voice, a sort of pleading that made her more confident.
She tilted the glass; never taking her eye's off him and took two gulps of the wine.
"Good girl...that's a good girl," said elder Rogers from the nearby sofa.
"Helen...look at you know what you've just done?" asked elder Rogers, smiling at her.
Helen looked over at him and shook her head.
"You've obeyed your father despite reservations. You actively chose to do something you have been told is wrong because your father asked you too. That shows me you are not a child and that you can decide what's in your best interests even if it goes against what you've been thought. That is a good start to becoming aware," said elder Rogers, patting his daughter's bare thigh.
Helen listened carefully to elder Rogers.
"You deliberately did something that our church forbids. You took alcohol. Why?" asked elder Rogers.
Helen saw his hand come to rest on Susan's thigh.
"Come child, I just gave you the answer," said elder Rogers in mock exasperation.
"Because it's in my best interests," replied Helen timidly.
"And why is it in your best interest to disobey the church?" asked elder Rogers, sliding his hand back and forth along Susan's thigh.
Helen thought for a moment before replying.
"Would it be fair to say Helen...that you upset your father over the last few days?" asked elder Rogers, taking another sip of wine.
Helen looked at him for a second and then at floor.
"Yes," she said quietly.
"'re in his bad books so to speak...isn't that right?"
Helen glanced at her father, whose serious face gave the answer to the question.
"Yes," she said quietly, glancing at elder Rogers.
His hand was now higher on Susan's thigh.
"Good...your awareness of your own calculating nature is very important in your spiritual growth," replied elder Rogers.
"You choose to take alcohol when you know it is forbidden because you knew it would please your father and it is important that you please him to get back into his good books, isn't that right Helen?" elder Rogers asked.
Helen thought for a moment. Her young mind tried to understand what was being said to her, but she was working from pure instincts now and instinct provided the answer.
"Yes," she whispered, looking at elder Rogers.
"'re doing splendidly, Helen. You see, you're learning that selfishness is part of human nature. We all do things with our own interests in mind. You willingly break church codes because your father asks you too and you wish to please him. You want him to look up to you as the good Mormon girl as he did before. You have an agenda and you are willing to break the rules to carry out your agenda. Do you understand my dear?" asked Rogers as he sipped his wine and rubbed his daughter's thigh.
Helen nodded quickly. She was eager to please not just her father but the elder, but she also began to understand. She was a smart girl.
"We are all prisoners of our own greedy selfish needs, my child. It is a small thing...the alcohol...but it serves as a good example and a lead in to our next topic. And that topic is sex," said elder Rogers watching Helen closely.
Helen felt her heart miss a beat.
"There is no more powerful force on this planet. Sex is why we are here in this room now, in more ways than one of course," said elder Rogers, staring at Jack and suppressing a smile.
"I use the word sex here in scientific's a cold It says nothing of the inner turmoil, the planning and plotting, the designs we create in order to get sex. is more fitting that we use the word that means more to those of us who have religious responsibilities, to use the word lust. Do you understand what lust is?" asked elder Rogers.
Helen blushed.
There was a long silence.
"Well...Helen...are you going to answer me?"
Helen looked at the floor and wished a hole would open up in it and swallow her.
"Answer him!!" her father snapped.
She jumped with fright. It was clear her father was angry with her again and she was shocked by it. She was answering the questions to the best of her ability...she was trying her best. She felt she was doing so well, now her father was angry with her again.
"Yes," she whispered.
"Pray tell us what it is then," said elder Rogers.
Helen thought for a moment. Her young mind and instincts told her she was in trouble again. She thought hard for an answer but her mind seemed slower, less fact despite her fear, she felt strangely relaxed. She was also aware of a strange warmth flowing through her body that seemed to come from between her legs. Her face blushed red and she looked at the wine glass. It was only half empty.
"Are you ok? You seem very flushed," said elder Rogers. Helen nodded.
"Drink the rest of it my dear. It will give you the strength you need to talk about this controversial topic," he said smiling at her.
Helen wanted to put the glass down on the coffee table. A voice inside her, told her not to drink any more, but Helen felt their eyes on her.
"Daddy...I don't"
"Drink it!!" her father snapped.
Helen looked into his face and saw something she had not seen before. It made her afraid. She brought the glass to her lips and sipped some more wine. When she tried to bring it down, her father stopped her.
"Finish it!!"
Helen brought the glass to her lips again and began to empty it. When she had finished, she began to cough. Her father took the glass from her small hand and placed it on the coffee table. He then patted her back gently as she coughed and spluttered.
"Are you ok my dear? The wine will make you more responsive to your mind and body," said elder Rogers.
Helen felt her father's hand rub her back gently and she liked it. She looked up at him and he smiled.
"She's doing very well...isn't she?" asked elder Rogers.
"She's just started, Daddy," Sandy laughed.
"Patience my dear...the girl is doing fine. Now Helen...what were we talking about...ah yes...lust. You said you know what that is," said elder Rogers, finishing his own glass and putting it on the coffee table too.
Helen looked over at him. She knew she would have to give an answer.
"When people want sex," she said timidly.
"Very good answer my dear. But it's more than that. It's a mixture of body and mind. You may lust after someone with your mind or your body. When you were at that dance, I dare say it was your mind that began to lust after him, then when he kissed you, it was your body. Am I right?" asked elder Rogers matter of factly.
To Helen's astonishment, she wasn't as embarrassed or shocked as she thought she would be by this question. In fact, her body and mind were mellowing into one. Her fear began to recede and she felt her confidence growing.
"I think so," she said in a more confident tone.
"You only think so?" asked an amused elder Rogers.
Helen nodded.
"Well then...let's forget that incident. I need you to be very strong...because I'm going to talk about very personal things and I want you to answer me honestly, is that clear?" he asked.
"Yes...elder Rogers," she answered quickly.
He smiled at her. He could see she was very relaxed now. The drug was already taking effect.
"You are a beautiful 12 year old girl. You are very innocent, yet the power of lust has touched you. It did outside that school gym. And it has touched you before. Is this the first time you have been with a boy?"
Helen didn't hesitate.
Sandy laughed. "Sandy!!"
"Father...she's lying. My God, look at her. Every boy in her school and the high school, too, wants to..."
"Sandy...that's enough," said elder Rogers sharply.
Helen looked at the girl and saw disbelief in her eyes.
"It's true," she said earnestly.
There was silence.
"My dear, I'm going to ask you this question because you're doing so well. Don't be afraid to tell us the truth," said elder Rogers somewhat solemnly.
"Are you a virgin?"
Helen thought for a moment. She wanted to give the best answer she could, and she wasn't exactly sure what being a virgin was.
"There's your answer," Sandy giggled.
"She's confused...that's all," replied elder Rogers.
"Helen...have you had sex with a boy?" her father asked, his voice trembling with emotion.
Elder Rogers watched the man carefully. The drug coursing through his veins was already taking effect. He would soon be fighting to restrain himself and would lose as they all did. The pace would have to be picked up.
"Answer me...damn you!!" Jack said, raising his voice.
Helen hesitated.
"Shushhhh Jack...Helen...Helen...look at me...over here my child," said elder Rogers, grabbing her attention.
"Do you know what sex is? you know what sex is about?" he asked slowly.
"Oh father...please...she knows," Sandy snapped, as she tossed her head back on the sofa.
Helen fumbled for the right words. She knew about biology, they taught that in class, she knew about the Penis and the Vagina, and how they came together to make a baby, but in her pious mind, she didn't know if what she had done with the boy meant she was no longer a virgin.
" you know what a penis is?" asked elder Rogers quickly.
"Yes," said Helen, biting her lip.
"Do you know what a man does with his penis when he's with a woman?"
Helen nodded.
"Has a boy ever done that to you?"
Jack Kapp looked physically relieved.
"Why didn't you say that then?" he said shaking Helen with his two large hands.
"It's ok Jack...she's just ashamed...that's all," said elder Rogers.
"Baby...that day last week...that's the only time you've been naughty with a boy, right?" asked her father, lowering his voice.
Helen looked into his eyes.
His face looked as red as hers and his eyes had a fire in them she had never seen before.
"Yes Daddy...I'm sorry for being naughty," she said, dropping her head to his chest.
He bent down and kissed her on the head. His large strong arms wrapped themselves around her small form and pulled her close against him. Helen felt her head swoon.
" dear," said Elder Rogers.
Helen turned her head and looked at the man. Her eyes fell downwards to his hand that continued to slide back and forth along Sandy's bare thigh.
"Helen...I can see you love your father but you also put him at risk with your behavior. It is time we talked about how we can help you combat your sexual urges," said Elder Rogers in a serious tone.
Helen blushed.
"There's no need to be ashamed my dear...we all have sexual urges. The important thing is how to control them and we can control them. Do you believe me?" he asked.
Helen nodded. She was feeling strange now. A warm feeling was rushing over her body and, despite her fear, she began to relax. It was then her father's right hand slid onto her leg just above the knee. She looked down at it.
"Helen...Helen...Pay attention. This is very serious stuff we are going to talk about so you must listen carefully. Are you ok my dear? You seem rather flushed," he asked taking another drink of wine.
Helen looked up into her father's face. He looked as flushed as she did.
"Are you ok baby?" he asked, feeling her forehead with his hand.
Helen nodded.
"Yes Daddy," she lied.
He called me baby, she thought.
Elder Rogers watched the young girl closely. He was an expert at making the right move at the right time, giving the drug plenty of time to take effect. He decided to push ahead.
"Helen, I'd like to talk about masturbation. Do you know what that is?" he said calmly.
He exchanged looks with Jack.
Helen looked at the floor.
"Helen...Look at me. There's no need to be ashamed. Do you touch yourself?" asked Elder Rogers.
Helen looked at Elder Rogers and nodded slowly. She could see the broad grin on Susan's face and she felt ashamed.
"Thank you Helen. You're being truthful and you're trusting. That is a big step. We must own up to our weaknesses if we are to control them," said Elder Rogers patting his daughter's thigh.
"Sandy, is there something you want to tell Helen?" he asked turning to his daughter.
Helen looked at the girl. Sandy smiled at her father and looked over at Helen.
" shouldn't be ashamed of touching yourself. It's very natural and every girl does it, even if she says she doesn't," said Sandy matter of factly.
"There, you see Helen? It is very commonplace for girls to do it, no matter how religious they are. You see, that's very important to understand. The pleasures of the flesh are not that easy to reject. In fact, I would say it's down right impossible, don't you agree Jack?" he asked turning his attention to his fellow churchman.
"Absolutely...Elder's very hard to deny oneself physical pleasure," replied Kapp, his voice betraying his own excitement.
Helen looked at her father. He gave her a reassuring smile.
"Now...I'd like to pursue this further Helen. When did you start touching yourself?" asked elder Rogers.
Helen looked the floor again.
"Come now're doing so well, better than I expected. Don't be afraid to be honest with us," said elder Rogers.
Helen felt ashamed again. She remembered clearly when she had first started to masturbate and it filled her full of dread at the thought of disclosing this in front of her father or anyone else for that matter. For a moment there was silence in the room as everyone waited for Helen's answer.
"Answer him, Baby," whispered her father as he bent his had down and kissed her on the cheek.
"I don't want to Daddy," she groaned.
Elder Rogers frowned. Young Helen Kapp was proving to be more difficult than he thought. The idea of giving her more drugs flashed in his mind, but he quickly discarded it. He wanted her mind as alert as possible so she would become aware.
"Sandy, Helen needs your support. Why don't you tell her how young you were when you first started touching yourself," he said quickly, nudging his daughter.
"Absolutely. Helen...I was eight years old when I first felt the urge to touch myself. That's when I started," said Sandy, taking her father's hand.
Helen looked at Sandy in shock.
"You weren't so young then?" asked elder Rogers.
Helen shook her head.
"How old were you?" asked her father quickly.
Helen felt his hand slide back to her leg. It felt strangely good to her. It also felt good to know she had not sinned as early as Sandy.
"Ten," she said in barely a whisper.
"Thanks for sharing that, Helen. Now...another difficult question, but it must be asked. Did you feel shame when you did it?" asked elder Rogers.
Helen nodded.
"Do you feel shame now, when you do it?" he asked quickly.
Sandy grinned.
Helen nodded.
"Yet you still do it, after two years of shame, your still doing it, isn't that right Helen?" he asked.
Helen nodded.
"You see how powerful sex is on our minds and bodies. You see how it makes us do things we don't feel are you see Helen?"
Helen nodded.
"How many times do you touch yourself every week?" asked elder Rogers.
Helen felt her heart skip a beat. Suddenly she began to cry.
Elder Rogers watched as Jack Kapp comforted his daughter. He smiled to himself. Tears were not unusual at these retreats.
"It's good to cry my dear. When we sin, we feel ashamed and then the tears flow. But I want you to remember one thing. You're being asked to make public your sexual activities to a select few people who love you and wish to protect you. Imagine if everyone in school knew about this and other sinful sexual behavior, imagine what would happen then. Imagine if non-believer's found your secret. Imagine the shame you'd feel. Imagine the pain you would cause your father and mother. For the rest of your life, you'd carry the shame on your shoulders," said elder Rogers as he got up from the sofa and walked to Helen.
She was still sniffling when he sat down beside her. Sandy followed him and sat on the coffee table in front and slightly to Helen's right. She now felt surrounded as she wiped her tears from her eyes.
"Here, my child, take this," said elder Rogers handing her a handkerchief.
Helen didn't take it. She wanted to go home now more than anything. She looked up at her father with pleading eyes.
"Daddy...I wanna..."
"Stop behaving like a child," her father snapped, taking the handkerchief from elder Rogers's hand and dabbing away his daughter's tears.
Helen had a sinking feeling. She wanted to leave the cabin more than anything now, but somehow she knew that would not be happening.
Beside her, elder Rogers sat pondering his next move. He had converted many difficult girls in his time, more difficult than Helen. But he had to tread carefully; he had to be patient but assertive. He reached over and took Helen's left hand. She didn't resist, which was a good sign.
" you feel shame when you touch yourself?" he asked his daughter.
Sandy grinned at her father.
"Yes father. I still do, a little," she replied.
"How many times do you touch yourself," asked her father.
"Oh...not as much as I used too," she replied, grinning.
Her father shot her a look.
"I'd say...3 or 4 times a week," she replied, watching Helen carefully.
Helen felt her heart skip a beat. She wanted to die right the sofa. She knew what was coming and she dreaded it.
" many times do you touch yourself a week," elder Rogers asked, his voice steady and unemotional.
Helen felt her father's hand on her leg. She was so distracted by the elder's questions that she had failed to notice her father's hand. It was now under her dress on her upper thigh. Despite her mental anguish, her body seemed very warm and mellow. In fact, it felt good to have her daddy's hand so far up her dress.
"Answer him, baby!!" her father said in a strangely guttural voice.
"Well...Helen. Sandy is a woman now. Will you be one too?" elder Rogers asked quietly.
Helen knew she was lost at that moment. She would look back later in her life and realize that was the moment she started to realize what was happening. That was the moment she realized her innocence would never leave the cabin.
"Nearly every night," she barely whispered.
Helen was about to burst out crying again when she heard Sandy snigger.
"Don't mind her Helen, my daughter has found other forms of pleasure and that's why she does not do it as much as you," replied elder Rogers, patting Helen on the back.
"Every night?" asked her amazed father.
Helen felt like bursting into tears again, but her father kissed her on the cheek again and she looked into his eyes. Far from seeing anger there, she saw amazement and something in his eyes that almost resembled admiration.
"Helen...look at me...look at've nothing to be ashamed about," said elder Rogers turning her slightly towards him on the sofa.
She hung her head, but he placed his hand under her chin and lifted it.
"My daughter has forgotten when she was 12 years old. Don't pay any attention to her. are a good girl aren't you?" he asked.
Helen didn't know how to answer that question any more. Was she a good girl? She hardly thought so.
"Yes you are indeed. You are far better than some of those non-believers. You're a Mormon and that makes you better in the eyes of God. You are superior to the non-believers and because you are superior, they will try and bring you down to their level. They will try and use your weaknesses against you, your church and your family. Isn't that true, Jack?" he asked.
Jack Kapp grunted. He concentrated on advancing his hand up his daughter's leg. He was so close now he could taste it and he thought he could smell it too. His daughter's revelation made his cock throb as if it were going to explode.
"You are a good girl, but even good girls cannot withstand the pleasures of the flesh," elder Rogers continued.
"At this moment, you are choosing to please yourself, but you have already begun to seek out boys to replace your own hands, my dear. Sooner or later, your natural urges will put you in a compromising position, even worse than what happened last week. Do you see that my child?" elder Rogers asked solemnly.
Helen was very willing to believe what elder Rogers was saying now. She had always thought of herself as a good girl but she had been lying to herself. She was no better than some of the girls from the non-believing families. Her own admission had been an admission to her self as well as the others. Now she knew the elder was right. She had played with herself nearly every night. Soon, she would have boy's fingers doing the same thing.
She nodded her head and stared at the floor.
Elder Rogers waited for a moment. His own cock was starting to uncoil like some deadly snake ready to strike and he had every intention of getting a bite of the apple. But he was a seasoned corrupter of young girls and he knew that things would be much easier if he took hold of her mind before her took hold of her body. He glanced at Jack Kapp. The man was eyeing him with a pleading look in his eyes. He envied Jack Kapp and all the other fathers who had tasted their daughter's innocence. It had been nearly five years since he had taken his daughter in this very same cabin with the help of another elder. He glanced at Sandy. She was moving her ass around the coffee table like she had an itch she needed to scratch and she always did. He grinned at her. She was as eager to sample the innocent Helen as he was. He placed his hand on Helen's head.
"My is time you became aware of what it is to become a Mormon woman. It's time you come to terms with your weaknesses and how to control them," he said softly, stroking the beautiful 12 year old' hair.
"Helen, do you want to know how to control your sexual urges?" he asked softly.
Helen turned to him and nodded.
"Good my child, you are facing up to your responsibilities as a good Mormon girl should. You understand that if you continue to do bad things with boys in public, you will destroy your father's reputation and your own. More importantly, you will our church into disrepute. Do you understand that, Helen?" elder Rogers asked eagerly.
Helen Nodded.
"Answer my child...let me hear you say it."
"I do," Helen said softly.
Elder Rogers thought for a moment, rubbing his chin.
"Helen...I am going to tell you something that you must never divulge to anyone outside this room unless they are one of us," he said.
"How will I know they are one of us?" asked Helen quickly.
Elder Rogers nearly broke out laughing. His cock lurched in his pants and he looked at Jack Kapp. The man was in pain and needed relief badly.
"They will know you...for we are many. The secrets I am about to tell you, a 12-year-old girl, could destroy us if you ever told a non-believer. And when I say non-believer, I am not just talking about non-Mormons. I am talking about some Mormons too. You see Helen, only special Mormons can understand our philosophy. We are growing bigger in numbers all the time and we grow more powerful within the church," said elder Rogers, his voice rising with emotion.
"Is President Hinckley a believer?" Helen asked suddenly.
Elder Rogers smiled to himself. The drug was working now. The girl was becoming very relaxed now. Her inhibitions were growing weaker.
"No, my dear...I'm sorry to say our president is not one of us, but very soon we will have a president who will do whatever is necessary to protect our church, unlike President Hinckley," said elder Rogers quickly.
"Helen, elder Rogers may very well be our next President," said Jack Kapp, his hand sliding back and forth on his daughter's thigh.
Helen had almost forgotten her father's hand was there very close to her...
"Really?" she said, her young face a picture of schoolgirl glee.
"Of course...elder Rogers is one of the most powerful leaders in our church," her father replied.
Elder Rogers beamed with pride and his quick brain saw an opening.
"Would you believe me if I told you that God talks to me?" he asked, sliding his hand over Helen's hair.
"Yes," she said almost breathlessly.
He could see the drug was working well now. The girl's cheeks were rosy red and he guessed her young pussy lips were in much the same state. Still he fought his natural instincts and held himself in check. Patience was one of his virtues.
"He has spoken to me since I was a child, Helen. He has much work for me to do. I believe our church is the one true church. Do you believe that?" he asked.
Helen nodded.
"Speak up Helen," said her father.
"Yes," she said.
"Good. There are great things in store for our church and your father. He is a man on the rise in more ways than one," said elder Rogers unable to resist.
Jack Kapp grinned. His cock had never felt so big in his life. It felt like it was going to explode.
"Helen...many young girls have taken this retreat. They have been in the position you are now in and they passed the test of faith. If you have faith in our church and our philosophy, then all things are possible. Do you swear you will keep secret the trials you are about to undertake?" asked elder Rogers, his own cock surging inside his pants with wickedness.
Helen didn't hesitate. She felt strangely at peace, both in body and mind. She was becoming aware of her sex now. It was warm there and she tried hard not to wiggle her young ass on the soft leather sofa. Her father's hand, gently stroking her thigh was barely inches from the warmth she was now feeling. Far from objecting, Helen was enjoying her father's attentions. Her eyes dilated slightly and elder Rogers felt his cock throb with wicked expectations.
"I swear!!" she gasped.
"Very well, my child, my sweet Mormon child...let it begin," said elder Rogers rather dramatically.
"My dear...whenever you feel the urge to touch yourself, I want you to go to your father and tell him. Do you understand?" said elder Rogers, in a low guttural voice.
Helen was silent for a moment as she tried to understand.
"Answer me, Helen. Do you understand? Whenever you feel the urge to touch yourself, I want you to go to your father and tell him," elder Rogers repeated slowly.
He studied the girl's expression intently. He knew all the different looks...he knew what to expect. What look would young Helen show him? Then he saw it. It was just a second but he saw it and he knew then that Helen would be a good Mormon girl after all. While outside, he propagated a cool demeanor, inside his heart was pounding like mad when he saw that look; the unmistakable look of DISAPPOINTMENT.
He decided to do what he had only done with a small elite group of girls. He looked at his daughter.
"Fetch the Bible, my dear."
Sandy grinned at her father and jumped up off the coffee table and walked to a small desk. Opening a drawer, she retrieved a small Bible and returned to her place quickly.
"Take it my dear!!" elder Rogers said.
Helen frowned as she took the Bible from Sandy.
Elder Rogers saw her displeasure and his cock throbbed again in his pants.
Gotcha...gotchaaaaa, he thought.
"Go to Romans 13:14," said elder Rogers.
Helen opened the bible and quickly found the passage.
"Read it my child."
"Rather...clothe yourselves with...the Lord Jesus Christ...."
"Go on my child," said elder Rogers eagerly.
"And do not think to gratify the desires of the... sinful nature," Helen stammered.
"Have you read that passage before?" asked elder Rogers.
"Yes," replied Helen quietly.
"Did you read it to help you resist temptation my child? Did you read it before you touched yourself?" asked elder Rogers.
Helen felt her embarrassment returning. She felt her guilt returning and her young mind had somehow become more confused than it was a minute ago.
She shook her head.
"Turn to Peter 1:14-16," elder Rogers replied.
Helen turned the pages a little slower this time as her fear of humiliation returned. She found the passage and slowly began to read it.
"As obedient not conform to the had when you...lived in ignorance. But just as he who called you is be holy in all you do...for it is holy because...I am holy," she stammered.
"Very good my dear. No doubt you have read this passage before, you being a good Mormon girl," said elder Rogers.
Helen looked at him and nodded.
He could see the fear and shame in her eyes. He was so close now he could smell it and he had every intention of doing more than just smell it in a very short time.
"Did you read this passage to help you resist the urge to touch yourself?" he asked again, careful to express a disappointed tone in his voice.
Helen looked at the floor again, and wanted a hole to open up in it. Everything had changed and her young mind was now totally lost. What made things more confusing now was the fact that her father still stroked her upper thigh and the heat she felt between her thighs was still growing stronger even as she felt shame.
"Answer him baby," her father replied as he bent down and kissed her red cheek.
Despite her self-shame, Helen opened her thighs just a fraction of an inch. She bit her lip and glanced at elder Rogers. He had seen it, just as her father had felt it. He gazed downwards for a split second but it was enough to make his blood boil, not to mention his cock.
"I'll take that as a no, my child," he grinned at her.
"One more passage and then you'll understand my more passage and the secret shall be revealed to you," he said.
"Titus 2:11-12."
Helen turned to the passage. She suddenly remembered what it was before she had even reached it.
"For...the grace of God...that brings salvation has appeared to all men. It teaches us to say..."No" to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and...godly lives in this present age," she said, her voice rising with emotion.
There was silence for a few moments. Helen looked over at Sandy. The girl made no effort to avert her gaze from lowering itself to Helen's slightly spread legs.
Helen blushed scarlet, if it was possible to turn any redder. What made matters worse was the effect her father's hand was having on her body. She was fighting hard not to tremble as she waited for the inevitable question.
"Helen...did you read this passage to help you say no to sin?" elder Rogers asked.
"Nooooooo," she gasped to her everlasting shame.
Immediately her father bent his head down again and kissed Helen's cheek, this time closer to her mouth.
Helen was beginning to feel dizzy now and her entire body was feeling hot, but nowhere stronger than between her legs, where her father's fingers were gradually working their way closer and closer to the heat.
"It's not so easy to say no, is it Helen?" elder Rogers continued, eager to pursue her to the very end.
Helen inhaled deeply, her young pert 12-year-old bosom rising and falling with her passion.
Elder Rogers reached over and took the Bible from her hands and laid it down on the coffee table.
"How are you feeling, my child?" he asked, rubbing her back with his large hand.
Helen shook her head.
"Ok," she lied.
"Are you sure, my dear? Are you sure you're feeling ok?" he asked.
Helen blushed again.
"It's time to be truthful my child. Remember when I said you had to have had to trust us...remember that?" he asked.
Helen nodded.
"Then I'm going to ask you to do just that,' he said as he grabbed her hand and smothered it in his.
"You feel like touching yourself now, don't you?" he asked slowly.
Helen inhaled deeply again and stared at the floor wishing that hole would eventually open up and swallow her.
Her father took her other hand and kissed it tenderly.
"It's you hear me...its ok," he whispered in her ear.
Helen didn't know what to do or say. Her mind was torn with shame, yet her body was responding to her father's tenderness so much that she felt it shiver with pleasure.
"Come now my'll feel much better if you admit it. You've come so far this evening. Don't ruin all my hard work by denying what we all can see," he said almost pleadingly.
Helen new there was no way out. She was trapped.
She nodded her head.
"There...that wasn't so bad was it?" elder Rogers asked.
Helen shook her head.
"So, let's see where we stand at this moment. You touch yourself almost every night and prayer does not help. Is that right my child?" he asked.
Helen nodded.
"You are doing very well Helen. You are a good Mormon girl and you are smart. You see that prayer does not always work when trying to keep our sexual feelings at bay. And that is why many scandals occur when young girls have a need for sex that no amount of prayer can stop. We don't want that happening to you my dear and that's why we have brought you here this tell you and show you how to quench the lust between your thighs," he said, gently squeezing her little hand.
"Sometimes it is necessary to commit sin in order to protect that which is good...and our church is good and our love for our families is good. Helen...Remember when I said you should go to your father if you feel the urge to touch yourself?" he asked.
Helen nodded.
"Your father will try to pray with you first. He will read passages from the Bible and the book of Mormon. He will try and quench your sexual needs by praying with you. But you must be honest. You must act like a woman and not a little girl. Your father will ask you questions and you must answer them truthfully. If you do not, you're sexual desire will create scandal and destroy you and your family and hurt the church. Do you understand?" he asked.
"Yes," Helen replied quietly.
She was still confused, but something had changed, almost in an instant.
"Good. Let us practice now. Jack, take the Bible and read a passage," said elder Rogers.
"Dad, she just told us," said Sandy, loudly.
She was getting impatient waiting for her father to start the sex. He liked to take his time, stretching things out till the tension and sexual hunger was almost unbearable. But he was taking even longer than usual...a definite sign he was enjoying the seduction of innocent Helen.
"Helen will have to do this when she is alone with her father. I want her to understand what is required of her," elder Rogers replied loudly.
"Give him the Bible!!"
Sandy took the Bible from the coffee table and handed it to Jack Kapp.
"Helen...stand up and walk out to the hall," said elder Rogers.
Helen hesitated.
Elder Rogers smiled at her.
"You like where your father has his hand, don't you, Helen?" he chuckled.
Helen blushed.
"That's ok my dear...I want you to remember how good it feels when you return in a moment. Now do as I say," he said, patting her on the back.
Helen stood up and her father's hand lingered under her dress for a moment before falling away. She looked down at him and he nodded.
She turned and walked slowly across the living room towards the small set of steps that led into the hallway. She was acutely aware that three pairs of eyes were on her. Despite the lack of her father's hand on her thigh, her sex was still very warm. It was also wet. She walked up the steps swaying her ass slightly.
"Did you see that?" elder Rogers asked.
"Christ!!" groaned Jack.
"Better drink more of our concoction," said elder Rogers.
Jack took his glass from the side table and emptied it in one gulp.
"Easy...Jack...we have all weekend you know," elder Rogers sniggered.
"Ok Helen...that's far enough. Now come back in here," he yelled.
Helen walked back and descended the steps. She could see them watching her closely as she slowly crossed the room trying not to sway her ass too much.
"Stop!!" said elder Rogers when she was a few feet from her father.
"A little closer...that's it. Now, are you still feeling the urge to touch yourself?" he asked.
"No...I feel fine," she replied.
Sandy laughed.
"Don't tell lies!!" snapped her father.
Helen took a step back. Truth be told, now that her father's hand was not up her dress, and she had some moments to think, the urge to commit sin had receded somewhat. She had expected her announcement to be met with signs of approval, but one look at her father and elder Rogers told her she was wrong...very wrong. She stood back with her arms folded and her long dark hair flowing down her shoulders. She was now more confused than ever.
Elder Rogers watched her for a moment, trying to regroup. He was perhaps playing too much with the girl. He gathered himself and took a deep breath.
"My must face the truth. It is for the best. Now please..."
"But I feel ok..."
"Hold your tongue!!" snapped her father, an angry look on his face.
"Shushhhhhh Jack...everything is under control. Anger will get us nowhere," elder Rogers said quietly.
"You're afraid my sense something big is about to happen and you're afraid. It's quite understandable. But unfortunately, your fear is clouding your mind. We are not just talking about how you feel now, but how you will feel when you're alone in your room. What will you do when your sexual urges return? That is what this retreat is all about. Do you remember when your father's hand was on your thigh?" he asked.
Helen looked at her father, his face was still red with anger or so she thought.
Helen nodded.
"Do you remember what I said before you walked out to the hall? Remember I asked you to think about how you felt when your father's hand was under your dress," said elder Rogers.
Helen nodded.
"Good. I want you to concentrate on that thought. Concentrate hard on it, my child."
Helen did as she was told. Her father still looked angry with her, but just a few moments ago, he was stroking her thigh and kissing her and calling her baby. Helen concentrated on how she had felt when her father was being nice to her. She felt her body begin to relax and her fear began to dissipate. She began to feel nice between her legs again.
"Step up to your father and tell him you feel the urge to touch yourself," said elder Rogers, calmly.
Helen looked at her father and took a few steps forward on till she was standing very close to him.
"Daddy...I feel the urge myself," she stammered.
"Let me read from the bible my child. Perhaps that can help," said elder Rogers, pointing at Jack Kapp and clicking his fingers.
Jack repeated his words and opened the bible.
"Timothy 2:22 I think should do the trick," said elder Rogers.
Jack turned to that passage and began to read.
"Now flee from youthful lusts, and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart," he said in a low guttural voice.
"Helen...tell your father if that helps," said elder Rogers.
"No," she barely whispered.
"OK...Helen. Look at me. I want you to focus on me. The prayer is not working. Your urge is still there. The next step may seem scary, but I don't want you to be afraid. Just relax and follow my instructions. Is that clear?"
Helen nodded.
"Your father made you my dear. He helped create you. You know that every Mormon must strive to become a God. You know this, yes?"
"Yes...elder Rogers," Helen said, in a low voice.
"Think of your father as a God. He understands you as God does. He helped create you with God. He is the closest thing on earth to God, in your eyes. You can trust him above everyone else. He is your friend, your mentor and your spiritual counselor. You have come to him now to help you. Your father has the power to help you, my child. But you must trust him. Do you trust him to rid you of your sexual urges?" asked elder Rogers.
Helen nodded.
"I can't hear you my dear."
"Yes...elder Rogers," whispered Helen.
"Good...then I want you to raise your dress."
Helen looked at elder Rogers for a moment.
"Raise your dress!!"
Helen opened her mouth to protest...but no words came out.
"Raise your dress, my child. Let your father examine you. How is he supposed to help you if he can't examine you?" asked elder Rogers quickly.
Helen looked down at her father. His face was still red, but she suspected it was more than anger that made it that way. She hesitated.
" I have..."
"Selfish girl!!" her father snapped.
"I told you she's too selfish...I'm sick of..."
"Helen...I want you to pay attention to Sandy. Pay attention to Sandy, ok?"
" her!!" elder Rogers snapped.
Sandy Rogers stood up slowly and stood in front of her father with her legs apart. Slowly, she slid her dress up her thighs and up over her curvaceous hips.
Helen watched as the older girl displayed her nakedness to her father. She wore white panties and Helen could see a patch of wetness on them.
"You see my easy it is. Now show yourself to your father. Pull up your dress. Do it my dear. You'll feel much better for it," said elder Rogers grinning at her.
Helen looked down at her expectant father. He swallowed hard and his tongue slid across his lower lip quickly. She bent her back slightly and pulled her dress up over her belly. For a moment, she held her breath as she watched her father intently. His eyes grew big in their sockets and his tongue slid over his lower lip again.
Elder Rogers ignored his own daughter as his eyes scanned Helen's lower body. She wore a pink pair of panties and he could see the telltale sign of wetness on them. She was beautiful, very beautiful. Her body was not as well developed as Sandy's but it had all the makings of a well-sculpted work of art. His cock throbbed in sexual agony as he looked on her freshness...a lamb to the slaughter.
He ignored his daughter and slid across the sofa quickly. Helen looked at him with a pleading look of anguish and started to step away, lowering her dress.
"Don't be afraid...don't be," Jack Knapp said almost pleadingly.
"Don't be's's ok," elder Rogers said quickly as he pulled his own daughter closer until she stood beside Helen.
Helen had stepped back a foot. Now she saw her father reach out for her with his large hands.
" Jack...this is her decision...she must understand...this is for her...this is all for her," said elder Rogers, slapping Kapp's hand away.
"She's afraid," said Sandy sneeringly.
"So were leave her alone," her father snapped.
"Helen...please, I want to help you...please trust me...Helen..." said her father in a low guttural voice.
He held his hands out to her.
Helen hesitated for a brief second...then she stepped back to her father. Immediately she felt his large hands on her thighs and then they swept up over her well-shaped ass. Her body tensed for a second as her father touched her, as he never had before. She felt her body respond to his hands. It felt felt very good. The strong feeling between her legs returned with a bang. She could feel her sex quivering with lust and her face turned beet red as it began to ooze her nectar.
Jack Kapp's chest rose and fell with passion as his hands engulfed his daughter's luscious ass. His nostrils flared as he picked up the sweet scent of wet pussy...the 12-year-old pussy of his own daughter. He felt his cock ach in the tight confines of his pants, aching to burst out and find its way into that delicious innocent pussy. He felt the power grow within him...the awesome power of doing what thou wilt.
"Steady Jack...steady," elder Rogers said through clenched teeth.
His own cock was near bursting with sexual malevolence, but he kept himself in check. The child could be led to the well, but she would decide to drink of its precious contents.
"You're very beautiful...and very dear...very brave for your age," he grinned at her, as his own hands took charge of his daughter's full ass.
"We've only just started father," Susan said giggling.
"The first step is always the hardest. Do you like your father's hands on your body?" asked elder Rogers to Helen.
Helen looked down at her father. She could see his nostrils flaring and she felt her heart race in her young chest. He grunted as he cupped her ass in his large hands. Something became apparent as if a bolt of lightning had hit her. She felt a certain sense of power over this man whom she had always been subservient to. It hit her young mind like a freight train and she stored it away in her most secretive mind vault. She saw raw naked lust in her father's face and something clicked in her innocent mind.
She heard someone speaking.
"'re doing magnificent...see how your father loves you?" said elder Rogers, reaching out and grabbing her slender soft hand.
She looked at him with her big blue eyes and nodded.
Elder Rogers saw her innocence and wanted to take her right there and then.
"Jesus what a delicious little fuck," he thought.
But he wanted to fuck her mind real good as well, so he concentrated on pushing ahead with the debauched lesson.
"Is your father helping you, Helen?" he asked.
She nodded at him, her face flushed, clearly distracted by her father's hands groping her young ass.
"Gooddddd. You see, my dear, sin is with us all the time. Lust is the one force of the Devil we can't resist. It's the way we are made. You must learn to understand that force and learn to control it...not stop it. Of course, it can't be stopped. must learn to control it as all good girls do...good Mormon girls," said elder Rogers, kissing her hand.
Helen was silent as she stared at Elder Rogers, trying to understand with her twelve-year-old brain what he was saying.
She hadn't put it all together yet, but she had figured out that it involved sex...and it also somehow involved her Dad.
She stared at the Elder Rogers, waiting for him to continue speaking.
"Don't look at me Helen. I want you to focus on your handsome father" he said as she turned her young innocent face back towards her father.
"He loves you very much Helen and he wants to help you. Do you want your father to help you?"
"Yes" Helen said softly, almost in a whisper, her dark blue eyes staring into her father's face.
Elder Rogers continued, watching Helen closely.
"You see, Helen, while we cannot control whether or not to have sex, we can only control WHO we have sex with."
He stopped then, letting his words sink in to Helen's young brain.
He was hoping his words and the effects of the drugs on Helen's young female body would make her understand.
The message was becoming cleared to her and Elder Rogers knew it.
Helen stared down at her handsome father, feeling his hands on her ass.
It made her feel strange having his hands touching her like that, but it also felt good.
She felt hotter between her legs...and wetter.
Her pussy was tingling now and starting to feel anxious.
Elder Rogers pushed ahead, his voice barely a whisper.
"Now Helen, I want you to concentrate on the lust you feel between your thighs."
"Your lust won't go away. Someone must satisfy it."
"The only way you can satisfy your lust is by having sex with someone."
"If you continue the way you are going, it is inevitable that you will have sex with a boy and dishonor your father and your faith, and that's not what you want to do, is it?"
Helen shook her head, the feelings of her father's hands on her ass making her pussy tingle more and feel more anxious.
Elder Rogers smiled at her, seeing the way she was responding to her father's hands, before he continued speaking.
"But there is a way for you to take control of your lust as a good Mormon daughter."
"Instead of having sex with a boy and dishonoring yourself in sin, you can choose to have sex with someone else."
"Someone who loves you very much, Helen."
"Someone who has cared for you your entire life."
"Someone who is willing to make a tremendous sacrifice to keep you from defiling yourself and to keep you from defiling the Church with your lust."
"Who do you want that person to be, Helen?" Elder Rogers asked as he stared into Helen's reddened face, knowing she was responding more and more to her father's hands on her ass.
Helen stood in front of her father and thought about everything the Elder Rogers had said.
The tingling in her pussy was becoming stronger and more intense and she felt a very strong urge to masturbate.
If she were alone she would masturbate to take away the urgency of the need, but there was no way she could masturbate now.
Her Daddy's hands on her ass were feeling better and better and even though she still felt strange having them there, she didn't feel as strange as she did only a little while ago.
She needed someone to make her feel good.
Suddenly something inside of her young female brain clicked.
Even though she didn't fully understand it yet, Helen suddenly knew who was going to help her with her growing lust.
"Daddy!" she whispered as she stared into his eyes and felt his hands caressing her lovingly.
"That's the right answer, Helen!" the elder Rogers said to her, smiling.
He glanced at Jack, who looked like he was ready to fuck his daughter's brains out.
Very soon he would be able to, but elder Rogers had more work to do on Helen to prepare her for the coming sex with her father.
"Now, my's time for you to become a woman. I see you are gripped by the demon lust. You need to achieve release from its grip. Let your father help you my dear. Let him help sweet thing...let him help you. Show your daddy where you feel him him," said elder Rogers pushing her hand down to her crotch.
Helen gasped.
"Oh baby...oh Jesus..."
Jack tried to slide his hand onto his daughter's wet twelve-year-old pussy through her panties but the elder Rogers placed his hand on Kapp's hand to restrain him.
"Don't...Jack ...don't...let her do it...let her do it," snapped elder Rogers.
Helen trembled with lust and fear. She looked into her father's eyes and saw something powerful...something menacing...something hypnotic. Beside her, she could hear Elder Rogers coaxing her on. Instinctively she knew this was a turning point in her young life. Her young mind wrestled with the terrible doubt and the overpowering pleasure. For a moment she was suddenly frozen. She heard Sandy's voice...calling her and she looked over.
The blonde was thrusting her hips wantonly towards her father. She grinned at Helen and slid her hand down to her crotch.
"That's right said elder Rogers.
"Show her, Sandy. Show her what to do when she feels hot and her the way."
" very closely...we don't want to scare you. Are you ready? Sandy will show you what to do when you need relief from sin. Watch my," he said holding his hand up.
He looked up at his daughter and smiled.
"You are feeling the power of lust my dear, isn't that correct?"
"Yes, Father...I need help to overcome it," Sandy replied solemnly.
"I see...have you tried the Holy Books...have you tried prayer, my child?" replied elder Rogers, taking her hand.
"I have tried to quench my lust with prayer father...I have tried to quench my lust with the Holy Bible and the Book of Mormon, but I am still in need...I am still hot between my legs, Father," Susan said thrusting her crotch forward at her father.
Helen blushed scarlet. She could never say that, she could never do that, but she did feel very hot and tingly between her legs. The fact that she was displaying her panty covered private area to her father made her feel very funny...she was about to pray, herself, when she felt her father's hand reach out and stroke the back of her thigh. She shivered.
" should be watching...easy..."
"She's ready...damn it, she's ready!" snapped Jack almost in anger.
Elder Rogers smiled. These little religious retreats were as much about training the father's as much as they were about training the daughters. The man was nearly driven mad with lust. It was always a challenge, keeping the father's lust in check, while giving the child free reign. That's why he enjoyed his conversions so much. Jack Kapp was straining at the bit to fuck his daughter and it made elder Rogers very pleased. Fathers were not always so eager to achieve union with their offspring once the retreat had begun. That's when his skills as a religious leader were tested to the full. Of course, sometimes drugs were also needed, but he shied away from using drugs excessively. He wanted his converts to sample the full power of the master working within them, and to fully accept it.
"She's ready indeed but a few more moments, if you please. Be careful with your hand," he replied in a calm voice, though his own heart was racing inside his chest.
"I'm just trying to relax her...Jesus," snapped Kapp, his face a mask of sheer unadulterated lust.
Elder Rogers saw yet another chance to attack Helen's innocence.
"Very well...if Helen is ok with your hand on her thigh...if it gives her pleasure, that's fine," said elder Rogers, ignoring Helen.
"But that is all...for the moment. I want her to watch closely what happens next so she may learn how to approach her father when lust consumes her, and prayer does not quench her lustful thirst," said elder Rogers glancing up at Helen.
The girl was close...he could smell her want and her need. Her face, still radiating innocence almost made him shake with wanton lust and his own chest rose with passion as much as her father's.
He turned his attention back to his own daughter who he knew from experience was as impatient for sex as Kapp.
"You have read the Holy Bible, my dear? You have read from the Book of Mormon?"
"Yes, Father...I have," replied Sandy in barely a whisper.
"And you are unable to stop the lust within you?"
"Yes, Father."
Elder Rogers felt his cock thicken and try to uncurl within the tight confines of his pants. He felt the power of Satan within him, instructing him, coaxing him...stroking his mind with the wanton hand of wickedness...fucking his mind...fuckinggggg him.
He glanced at the Holy Books on the table.
"Hand me the Holy Books, my child," he said through a deep guttural voice.
Sandy turned and quickly picked up the books from the coffee table.
She held them out to her father. He didn't take them from her, but merely placed his hands over hers.
"Swear on these Holy Books that you have tried to use them to drive the sin of lust from your mind and body. Swear that you have sought Christ's help...swear that you have prayed at the foot of the crucifix. Swear that you have asked Christ for help...swear, my child," he said, his cock throbbing with the wickedness he was creating.
"I swear" Sandy said with a lewd smile.
Elder Rogers glanced at Helen and he could see she was riveted by the scene before her. He glanced down and saw her dress had fallen down over her crotch.
"Raise your dress, my child...let your father see you...let your father see you," he said in barely a whisper.
Immediately Jack Kapp lifted his free hand to her dress.
"No...damn it...let her...let her for Christ's sake," elder Rogers snapped loudly.
His own nerves were being stretched to the sexual breaking point.
"Fuck!!" snapped Kapp, hardly able to contain his own rising tornado of lust.
Helen looked down at her father. His face contorted in mad lust. She had never heard him use vulgar language before and she was shocked.
"Raise your dress my dear...raise your dress. Now, watch and listen and learn," said Elder Rogers smiling at her.
Helen did as she was told and raised her dress so her father and everyone else in the room could see her wet panty covered crotch. She was still very embarrassed and ashamed to let people see her like this, but somehow it wasn't as bad the second time she had to raise her dress.
"Good girl...good're learning to obey not only your natural needs but our words as leaders of the Holy Church. It feels more natural doesn't it my little Mormon girl, said elder Rogers, a wide grin on his face.
Helen opened her mouth to say something but nothing came out. She felt her father's hand slide up her thigh to her ass and she felt her body tremble. She didn't dare look down at her father's face, but concentrated on the father-daughter pair beside them.
The Elder Rogers turned back to his own daughter and said "Show me where you feel lust, my dear, that I may help you rid yourself of it."
Without any hesitation at all, Sandy Rogers raised her right hand up to her vagina and said "I feel lust here, Daddy, right here. I need you to help me with it."
"If praying and reading the Holy Scripture does not help, then how do you want me to help you?" Elder Rogers asked his smiling daughter, knowing the reaction her answer was going to have with young Helen.
"I want you to have sex with me, Daddy." Sandy said slowly and deliberately, turning and looking at Helen as she said it.
Helen felt her heart skip a beat as her young mind comprehended what was happening.
She felt her father's big hands rubbing her ass again as she stared with wide eyes at Elder Rogers and Sandy, almost holding her breath as she watched.
"Are you sure you want this?" Elder Rogers asked his daughter, turning to look at Helen's shocked face as he did.
"Very sure, Daddy" Sandy responded, shifting her ass back and forth restlessly. "I need it now or I will sin with a boy and bring dishonor to you and to my religion." Sandy recited the words she had said many times before in other father-daughter initiations.
"Very well, remove your clothes then...everything except your underwear" the Elder Rogers said and he stood and watched as his daughter began to strip.
Sandy couldn't help but stare at Helen as she stripped out of her halter top and shorts and sandals.
"God Damn..." Jack said loudly as he stared at Sandy's beautiful tanned body as she stood before her father wearing only sheer white panties.
Her breasts were large and her nipples swollen.
She was wet...very wet, as evidenced by how drenched the crotch of her panties were that clung to her vagina wetly.
Helen's mouth was open in shock as and her face flushed with embarrassment she stared at Sandy's white panties that were soaked and showed a clear outline of her pussy lips underneath.
A part of her wanted to flee from the room, but another part of her, the part that was making her feel hot and wet and tingly between her legs was much stronger and wanted to stay and watch and listen and learn.
Elder Rogers turned toward Helen and her father.
"Helen, show your Daddy where you feel lust. Jack don't move. Let her do everything."
Helen blushed and didn't look at anyone as she lowered her hand down and pointed at her hot, tingling pussy between her legs.
Her heart beat faster as she wondered what was going to happen next.
She felt fear in her stomach and something else which she didn't recognize...growing excitement.
Elder Rogers had to be careful not to frighten the twelve-year-old, so he chose his words carefully, for now.
"Do you want your father to help you with your lust, Helen?"
Helen looked into her father's reddened, handsome face.
The feelings inside her pussy were stronger than ever but she felt afraid and confused about what was happening.
"Don't be afraid, Helen" Elder Rogers said soothingly, seeing her fear and uncertainty.
She was very young, the youngest daughter he had ever initiated.
It was to be expected that she would be more scared and confused than the older girls.
Her youth was making the initiation more difficult and Elder Rogers felt uncertain how to proceed.
He paused and silently asked Satan, the real God he worshipped under the guise of Mormonism, for his help now in consummating this father-daughter incest.
As he did, he felt the presence of the Master enter into the room with them, and then he felt his confidence return that he would be successful.
With the Master's help, he could not fail.
He continued speaking to an increasingly anxious young Helen.
"Your father loves you very much and is willing to do anything to help you", he emphasized the word 'anything' to try help Helen understand.
Helen looked down at her father and saw him smile reassuringly at her.
Still afraid and confused, the heat and tingling inside her vagina helped her make her decision.
Taking a deep breath, she said "I...I want you to help me, Daddy."
She felt so ashamed and embarrassed saying that to her father, knowing what it meant.
She was a smart girl, after all.
Elder Rogers smiled widely upon hearing twelve-year-old Helen ask her father to help her.
After everything she had seen and heard, she had to know what was going to happen.
She would succumb more easily now.
"You are doing extremely well, Helen. I know it must seem scary and confusing to you right now, but I want you to trust us. It will all become clear to you before the night is over with."
Helen nodded at him, the feelings between her legs making her almost dizzy now.
She knew what was coming and she wasn't surprised at what the Elder said next.
"Now, I want you to remove your dress, Helen, but you can keep your underwear on for now."
Helen heard the Elder's words but she froze, not wanting to take off her dress and expose her body to everyone in the room.
"Don't be afraid, Helen. We're all here to help you. Remove your dress so your father can help you."
Helen hesitated, still very afraid, but she knew this had to be done.
It was her duty to be a good Mormon daughter and to be obedient.
Swallowing hard, she unzipped her dress in the back and pulled it over her head and let it drop to the floor beside her.
She didn't wear a bra yet so her twelve-year-old breasts were exposed and she immediately covered them with her hands.
"No No, my dear. You must not cover yourself. Lower your hands and let your father see your body."
"I-I'm ashamed..." Helen started to say, but Elder Rogers cut her off.
"There is nothing to be ashamed of. Shame is something you should never feel. Your body is beautiful. Tell her, Jack."
"You're so beautiful, baby...SO beautiful!!" Jack said, his increasing desperation obvious in his voice. "Please let me see you."
Staring at her father and feeling deeply embarrassed, Helen reluctantly lowered her hands from her breasts.
Elder Rogers and Jack both stared at Helen's breasts, which were starting to form into small cones but were still almost flat.
They were tipped with the most beautiful pink oval-shaped nipples.
Helen was a fucking doll.
Helen blushed as she saw Elder Rogers and her father both staring at her breasts.
She felt the urge to cover herself but...something inside her...a voice...made her do exactly the opposite.
Fighting the feelings of embarrassment she felt, Helen stuck out her twelve-year-old chest and let them see her.
Elder Rogers and her father both exchanged a look.
Elder Rogers suddenly knew beyond any doubt that he would be successful now.
It was time to go to the next step.
"Jack, Go stand in back of your daughter" he said and waited until Jack was standing behind Helen.
They had already rehearsed this so everyone except Helen knew what was going to happen.
"Now Helen, your father is going to put his hands on your body to bring you pleasure. Is it alright with you if he does that?"
Helen felt her fear returning but the hot wetness between her legs made her nod her head, silently.
She felt her father's big strong hot body come up behind hers and she held her breath and closed her eyes as she waited to see what he would do.
She felt it as her father's hands reached around her body and came up to cup her young breasts.
"Daddy!!..." she gasped and she stiffened and fought the urge to pull away from his big hot hands on her sensitive breasts and nipples.
She forced herself to relax against her father's hot body as she felt his fingers began to rub and caress her nipples.
Standing behind his beautiful daughter, Jack groaned as he felt the softness of her small breasts and rubbed her small harder nipples.
His cock was rock hard and he had to be careful not to press it against her as he stood so closely behind her.
He had been warned not to do that.
He heard her sigh and felt that she was starting to relax with his hands touching her body sensuously.
"Do you like the way your father is touching you, Helen? Is he bringing you pleasure?"
Helen nodded, feeling her father's hot fingers rubbing over her nipples.
She felt strange having him touch her like this, but it felt good and Helen relaxed even more against her Daddy's strong hot body behind her.
Elder Rogers watched the scene, trying to keep control of his emotions.
Helen was allowing her father to touch and caress her breasts in an obviously sexual way and she wasn't resisting at all.
Everything was going according to his plan.
"Do you want your father to bring you more pleasure, Helen?" he said, and saw Helen quickly nod at him, still relaxed against her father's much larger body.
"Jack, walk around and stand up on your knees in front of your daughter", and he waited until Jack was standing on his knees right in front of Helen.
Helen was quite a bit shorter than him, but with him on his knees it put his face at approximately the same level as Helen's little pink nipples.
Helen looked down at her Daddy on his knees in front of her and wondered what he was going to do.
It had felt surprisingly good having his hands on her nipples and even though she felt embarrassed and strange, she was ready for something more to happen.
"Now, Jack, suck her nipples and get her excited!!"
Helen heard the Elder Rogers words but she didn't understand what was about to happen until her Dad suddenly moved his mouth up to her chest and she felt her left nipple being sucked on.
Even though she had wanted something more to happen, she gasped "DADDY!" and tried to pull away from his mouth, but Elder Rogers came up beside her and stopped her.
"Just relax, Helen. Your father is going to make you feel very good. Let him help you feel good" Elder Rogers said, waiting until he saw Helen relax before he released her arm.
Helen forced herself to relax and not pull away, but the feelings of her father's mouth on her sensitive nipple were doing strange things to her body.
She gasped, squirming and blushing as she felt her nipple grow larger and get harder as her father continued sucking it wetly in his hot mouth.
On his knees in front of Helen, Jack licked and sucked his daughter's beautiful pink nipple.
His first victory of the night was the way Helen's nipple quickly pebbled up under his tongue.
After he had licked and sucked on one pink nipple, he moved to Helen's other breast. That nipple soon became erect also.
It was happening, just the way Elder Rogers had said it would.
Helen was sexually responding to him, and this was just the beginning.
His already erect cock became much harder knowing what this would lead to in a very short time.
Helen gasped and she felt her head swim as her Daddy's hot wet lips sucked her nipples, which were now stiff and pointy.
She didn't understand what was happening, but the feelings of her father's mouth on her body was causing a strange feeling in her chest that spread down to her belly and then down between her legs, where her pussy was tingling like mad.
A moan suddenly escaped her lips and she instinctively spread her legs wider apart.
Standing beside her, watching carefully, Elder Rogers saw Helen spread her legs.
It was a very good sign that meant she was getting turned on by her father's mouth on her body.
She was responding to her father sexually, just like all the other daughters he had initiated.
It was just a matter of time before he had them fucking.
Helen felt dizzy and overheated and her legs nearly collapsed under her as her father sucked both of her nipples very intimately.
Elder Rogers reached over...steadying her.
"Ok, that's enough for now" he said, and separated a red-faced, blushing Helen from her equally red-faced father.
Elder Rogers noticed that the crotch of Helen's panties was a lot wetter than it had been, almost as wet as his own daughter's panties, showing how excited she was.
He had planned to have Sandy show her the next step but there was really no need.
She was almost there.
"You enjoyed having your father's hands and mouth on your breasts Helen, didn't you?" Elder Rogers asked as he planned his next move.
Helen nodded, her face flushed, staring down at her father.
"Is your lust satisfied now Helen?" asked Elder Rogers, watching her intently.
Helen looked over at him and shook her head silently, and then she looked back down at her father.
"Do you want your Father to help you more?" he asked and saw Helen nod, still staring down into her father's face.
Elder Rogers smiled.
It made his cock rock-hard to see how well she was progressing.
It was time to get this little bitch naked.
"Helen, your father is going to take off your panties now. Is that okay?"
Helen turned to look at him, her eyes wide, and she hesitated.
She was filled with deeply conflicting emotions.
Her sexual relationship with her father had suddenly changed, and she found this very confusing, almost disturbing.
But she couldn't deny that she had an urgent need for more pleasure between her legs and she knew now that her Daddy could give it to her.
She wanted something more to happen.
Trapped by her own lust, she finally nodded her head, too embarrassed and ashamed to speak.
Looking down into her Dad's flushed face, she watched as he moved his big hands up to her slender waist and slid his finger under the elastic waist band of her panties.
She felt her heart skip a beat as he quickly slid her panties downward. She gasped in shock, looking down as her father slid her underwear down her long legs, to her ankles. She heard a voice speaking to her. It seemed very far off. Then she heard it again.
"Lift your feet Helen!!"
"What?" ...
"Lift your feet so your father can remove your underwear." Said Elder Rogers, smiling.
Helen lifted one bare foot and then the other, and watched as her father removed them off of her feet and threw them onto carpet on the other side of the fireplace.
"Jesus....Jesus.... Oh sweet Jesus," Jack said and his cock swelled up even larger as his gazed upon his daughter's naked pussy.
He was almost beside himself with lust now, the drugs making him almost crazy to have sex with Helen.
"Baby, you're so fucking beautiful!!" Jack gasped in awe as he stared at Helen's flawless twelve-year-old vagina.
He saw that her pussy was fat and slightly stuck forward, with a reddened slit that glistened with Helen's pussy juice.
He also saw that she had a VERY swollen clitoris, a clear indication of sexual excitement.
Seeing it, his cock got a lot harder, knowing that he was going to be successful in seducing her.
He could smell her sexual aroma and the sight and smell of Helen's hot, wet pussy was making him insane with desire.
Jack suddenly felt overheated and he unbuttoned his shirt and took it off, exposing his bare, hairy chest to his daughter's gaze.
His hunger for his daughter's slender naked body was very strong now and any doubts he may have had about going further went out the window.
It was almost sexual torture to make him wait, but he knew he had to be patient a little while longer while the Elder Rogers finished his manipulations of his daughter's mind.
Jack gave the Elder an urgent look, letting him know how ready he was to do this and trying to get him to hurry up and get his daughter there.
"She's getting excited, Jack!" Elder Rogers said, staring at Helen's swollen clit.
"You are getting your daughter hot and excited!"
Staring at Helen, he could tell exactly what she was feeling: shame, confusion, fear, but more importantly, steadily growing lust and excitement.
She was giving in to her lust and forgetting about her false-morality.
Deep inside she wanted this to happen.
Her own need to be sexually satisfied was more important to her anything now.
Elder Rogers knew it wouldn't be long before she had her legs wrapped around her Daddy's waist.
Standing completely naked before her father, she stared down at her father's face and saw him staring intently her vagina.
Helen had hid her slowly growing excitement as best she could but she couldn't hide the tell-tale sign of a swollen clitoris now that her pussy was finally exposed.
She could feel the secret excitement inside her pussy building as her Daddy stared at it and she spread her legs wider apart.
Suddenly her father looked up into her face and even though Helen was only twelve and knew nothing about sex, she recognized the look of sexual hunger on her Daddy's face as he stared up into her innocent face.
It shocked and surprised her but deep inside it also excited her that her own father was looking at her like this. Helen felt a surge of feminine pride flow through her with the realization that her father was clearly thinking about her in a sexual manner.
Helen looked away from her father's face for a second, but then her eyes snapped back to his and she felt a strange feeling come over her.
Helen stared at her father's muscular chest and thick chest hair and felt her excitement grow.
It had taken awhile for it all to sink in, but twelve-year-old Helen was finally starting to see her Daddy in a whole new light.
She had only a vague notion of what sex was, but she realized that this is what was happening.
She was still very afraid but deep inside she was ready for it to happen.
Deep inside her pussy, her secret excitement grew stronger as she stared down at her big, strong handsome Father.
She felt so lucky that she was his daughter and not some other girl.
She felt excitement start to surge through her when the Elder Rogers started speaking again.
"Jack, open that cabinet behind you and pull out that big blanket that's in there" and he waited for Jack to get it.
"Spread it out on the carpet for your daughter to lie on" Elder Rogers said, watching as Jack spread out the thick soft blanket on the floor in front of Helen.
"Lay down on your back on the blanket, Helen, with your legs facing your father."
Helen did as the Elder instructed.
"Now Jack, get down on your knees in front of your daughter."
Jack moved quickly down in front of Helen's legs, his eyes on her wet, naked pussy.
He was ready to fuck, but he knew it wouldn't happen yet.
A little more foreplay had to take place first for Helen's very first time.
Lying on her back naked on the blanket, Helen's pussy felt hot and tingly and increasingly anxious.
The blanket felt soft beneath her naked body as she looked up at her father, wondering what he was going to
Having her father so close to her vagina, staring at it, made Helen feel almost dizzy.
She wanted him...she needed him to do something to make her pussy feel good.
She looked up at Elder Rogers with a look that said 'Please hurry'.
Elder Rogers saw that look and smiled.
Helen had given in to her own sexual needs and now she didn't give a fuck about morality.
She wanted to be sexually satisfied.
"Spread your legs for your father, Helen" Elder Rogers groaned, watching Helen's reddened face.
Helen immediately spread her legs wide, exposing her wet, tingling pussy to her father.
Jack didn't need to be given instructions as he quickly scooted up between Helen's long bare legs until his face was right above her beautiful reddened pussy.
Bending his head down lower, Jack inhaled the juicy aroma of his daughter's wet pussy.
Smelling his twelve-year-old daughter's excited sex was almost more than he could bear and he had to really resist the urge to pull out his cock and thrust inside of her balls deep.
That would come later, but for now he had to follow the script and do what Elder Rogers said.
He looked up the Elder, his expression telling him to hurry up.
Elder Rogers smiled at him before continuing.
"Your daughter is excited, Jack. Now, to bring her to a whole new level of excitement, eat her out!"
Helen heard the Elder's words but she didn't understand him.
She stared up at her father's face with a confused expression.
"It's all right, baby. Daddy's gonna make you feel real nice" Jack said in a low hoarse voice, his face red, as he bent his head all the way down between her spread thighs and stuck his tongue up inside of her salty slit.
"DADDY!!!!!!!!!" Helen gasped, her lower body jerking as her father's hot wet tongue began to lick up and down her pussy slit.
Helen's young mind reeled at what her father was doing with his mouth and tongue between her thighs and she felt like telling him to stop, but she didn't say anything.
She just gasped and jerked as she felt her father's tongue lick up and down her slit, his entire mouth sucking her very deeply.
The sensations of her father's tongue licking and probing her most sensitive private flesh felt unbelievably good and she let out a gasp of pleasure, which made her feel ashamed.
She had never dreamed that her father could make her feel this good with his mouth.
Helen felt herself giving way to the sea of pleasure that now engulfed her.
"Keep eating her, Jack!! Don't stop now!! She loves it!!"Elder Rogers said, coaxing Jack on in the eating out of his beautiful twelve-year-old daughter.
Jack didn't need to be told what to do as his tongue found Helen's swollen clit and he began to lick and suck it very hard.
"Daddy, don't!" Helen gasped, trying to sit up to push his head away, her young mind unable to comprehend the extreme nastiness of what her father was doing to her extremely sensitive young pussy.
Jack felt her trying to sit up and he pushed her back down with one hand and held her tightly as his mouth sucked Helen's reddened clitoris.
Her body jerked again and again underneath him as his tongue worked her little clit, making it grow larger and larger, despite herself.
After a few minutes of licking and sucking her clit, she made a little gasping moan like she was trying to fight off the erotic sensations his mouth was creating.
Pretty soon her hips began to move in small circles as Jack's tongue focused all of its attention on Helen's swollen clit.
Jack was using all of his abilities to get his daughter as hot and excited as possible for when they fucked for the very time.
Helen's hips soon began to buck against his face as she became more and more sexually turned on.
He glanced up and saw her arching her back, her eyes closed, totally lost to the sensations of being eaten out for the first time.
Her father's tongue entered her pussy and Helen let out a scream of surprise, startled by how good it felt.
She instinctively raised her well-shaped little ass off the blanket as her pussy went in search of more of her father's tongue.
Her hips soon began a lewd fucking motion of their own as her father continued his greedy lapping.
Elder Rogers and Sandy looked at each other and smiled as they watched the lewd scene on the blanket in front of the fireplace.
The room was filled with the sounds of slurping and moaning and grunting as Jack drove his daughter to higher and higher levels of sexual pleasure with his mouth.
He knew that he was supposed to bring her right to the edge of sexual orgasm but no further.
He was watching Helen's face closely so he would know when to stop them when she reached that threshold.
Jack's cock was like an iron bar inside his pants as he ate Helen out.
She was now bucking to the rhythm of his licking tongue, mashing her cunt up into his face, begging for it.
Juices were starting to flow freely from Helen's vagina and he greedily lapped up every drop that he could.
Tasting her cunt juices, and the heat and aroma of her pussy was driving him mad with lust and he didn't know how much longer he could keep doing this before he blew his load into his boxer shorts.
Although he couldn't see her face with his head buried between his daughter's thighs, Jack could hear her moaning little pants as she neared her climax.
Elder Rogers saw that Helen was close...too close!
"Stop!!" he yelled. "Jack, move away from her!"
Jack quickly raised his head off of Helen's red, sopping wet pussy and stood up, his face very flushed.
Gasping for breath, he had to suppress the urge to ejaculate or he would have shot his entire load into his pants.
Looking down, he saw his daughter's heaving chest. She was staring at him with wide, shocked eyes, her face a mixture of lust and desperation.
She was actually writhing with unsatisfied sexual need as she lay on the blanket with her legs still wide apart.
She was like a little bitch in heat.
Jack looked back at the Elder Rogers and Sandy, who had very satisfied looks on their faces after watching him eat out his twelve-year-old daughter on the thick blanket.
It had been difficult, but he had done what was required of him.
He had brought his daughter to the very edge of climax, but hadn't allowed her to climax.
It had been sexual torture from both of them, but now Jack began to realize the wisdom of doing it.
Now his daughter was desperate to come, which is the way they wanted her.
She would only be allowed to come when his cock was deep inside of her.
"Good Jack. Very good" Elder Rogers said with a look of triumph on his face.
It made his cock throb to see the results of his handy work.
Just a little more work and he would have both father and daughter serving Satan.
He looked at young Helen's red, excited, confused face.
"Did your Father satisfy your lust?" Elder Rogers asked, smiling down at the red-faced twelve-year-old girl.
Helen didn't answer, looking at both men, her face a mask of intense concentration.
She clearly wanted more but she was afraid to ask for it.
"Ok then, I guess it's time to get dressed," elder rogers said, watching Helen closely.
He saw her mouth open in shock and a look of protest come over her beautiful face.
There is nothing so beautiful as a little girl in heat, and Helen was very much in heat now.
Brought to the very edge of climax by her father's talented tongue but not allowed to climax, she was in intense need.
"Is something wrong Helen? Is your lust not satisfied yet?" Elder Rogers asked, trying not to smile.
"No" Helen whispered, the feelings between her legs driving her crazy.
"We can't hear your Helen, speak up"...
"Noooo!!" she cried, her voice a mixture of lust and innocence.
"Very Well" Elder Rogers said, smiling at her.
"You're doing so well, Helen."
"Jack, It's time to help your daughter become a woman." Elder Rogers said softly. "Remove your clothes."
Helen watched, holding her breath, as her Daddy took off all of his clothes right in front of her. He undid his belt and then removed his pants, shoes, and socks. Finally, dressed in only boxer shorts, he removed those too and then he was completely naked in front of her.
She gasped as she stared up at her father's naked body.
She avoided looking between her father's legs but out of the corner of her eye she saw it, the huge stiff penis of her father.
Her eyes flicked down to her father's crotch and then quickly looked away.
A voice in her head told her to look at her father's penis.
Helen turned her head away again...but then she looked back down between her father's legs.
Her dark blue eyes quickly settled onto her Daddy's fully erect penis that was surrounded by thick curly pubic hair.
She had seen it before several times throughout the years, but it had never looked like this before.
It was HUGE and sticking almost straight out and wasn't hanging down like it usually did. Also it looked a lot thicker and redder than she had ever seen it before.
She couldn't take her eyes off of it.
Standing naked before his naked daughter, Jack groaned as he touched his manhood to feel how hard it was.
It was the biggest erection he had ever had his entire life!
His cock knew which pussy which it was going inside of and its hardness showed that it approved of that choice very much.
Jack was leaking pre-cum and he was more than ready to have mind-blowing sex with his daughter.
He turned around and looked at the Elder expectedly, asking for permission to do what he had wanted to do since Helen was eight.
Elder Rogers saw that Jack was ready to fuck his daughter.
Looking down at Helen sitting up on the blanket with a confused, excited look on her face, he knew she was almost ready to take her Daddy's cock up inside of her belly.
But before that could happen, she had to make one final decision in her own mind about what she really wanted. For the initiation to be a complete success, she had to willingly enter into an incestuous relationship with her father. It couldn't be forced upon her in any way.
This was the final mind-fuck before the actual fucking began.
"Are you ready to commit sin with your Daddy, Helen?" Elder Rogers asked, staring directly into her flushed face.
Helen swallowed hard and looked up at her naked father.
Her twelve-year-old mind raced in so many different directions as she stared at her father's long, hard penis.
She felt so confused and bewildered inside.
But beyond the confusion was the urgent need to be sexually satisfied by anyone, even by her own father.
She would have preferred that it be with a boy her own age, but they weren't giving her that choice.
Her pussy was throbbing with need now and although her young mind didn't understand it consciously, subconsciously she needed something hot and stiff to be pushed deep inside of it.
It was the strongest urge she had ever felt and it overrode all of her doubts and uncertainty.
Suddenly she wanted something to happen. She wanted it to happen right now.
Sensing that she had come to an internal decision about what she really wanted, Elder Rogers spoke.
"Tell your Father what you want him to do, Helen."
The words that Sandy had used suddenly came into her mind and Helen found the courage to repeat them.
"Daddy....I ...want you to with me" Helen stammered, deeply embarrassed but also deeply excited, knowing what was about to happen.
"Are you sure you want this?" Jack said, acting as if he didn't believe her. This too was part of the test of Helen's willingness to have sex with him.
Unsure of anything except the deep ache inside of her reddened pussy, Helen let her natural feminine instincts take over.
"Yes Daddy....please...Daddy" Helen gasped, her entire pussy aflame with lust.
And do you swear that you will never tell anyone outside of the true Mormon faith about what we are going to do?"
"I swearrr Daddy" Helen said, rocking back and forth on the blanket she was so excited.
She wanted it so bad she felt like screaming.
"Now, help your daughter, Jack!!" Elder Rogers said, finally giving Jack permission to fuck Helen.
No sooner were the words out of Elder Rogers mouth was Jack down on his knees on the blanket with his daughter.
Helen looked up at her father as he crawled onto the blanket above her.
She felt a little awkward at being completely naked with her father, but it quickly passed.
Something between her legs urgently needed to be taken care of, and that's all Helen cared about.
"Raise your legs baby, and spread them for me" Jack grunted and he showed Helen how to position her legs so he could crawl up between them to claim his incestuous prize.
"Hand me the lubricant!" Jack said, and after he received it from George, he very quickly lubricated the entire length of his penis as he kneeled between his daughter's legs.
He saw fear and uncertainty in her blue eyes and said "Don't be afraid, baby. Daddy's going to satisfy all your lust and make you feel fantastic!"
He finished lubricating his fully erect cock and threw the container on the floor beside him.
Looking down at his daughter's vagina he saw there was no need to lubricate her.
She was already very well-lubricated with her pussy juice.
Jack grunted like an animal as he spread Helen's legs wider apart and stared at his twelve-year-old daughter's hot, wet pussy.
It was time for him to have what he wanted.
Without any further delay, he crawled up higher onto blanket, his muscular hairy thigh straddling his daughter's slender body, until his pelvis was almost right above hers.
Looking up at her father, Helen could feel the heat of his much larger body above hers.
Helen's body shivered with a mixture of fear and excitement as she saw her father's enormous penis very close to her wet, hot, quivering pussy.
Helen's heart raced, her chest rising and falling with her passion.
This was the most exciting moment of her life.
She would never forget this.
It would be imprinted on her young brain for the rest of her life.
Her own big handsome Daddy who she had secretly worshipped her entire life was going to have sex with her.
Jack took hold of his well-lubricated cock and moved it down to the reddened lips of Helen's vagina.
Helen gasped loudly and jumped a little as she felt something stiff and wet suddenly prod her vagina.
She couldn't see anymore what was happening as her view was obstructed, but she felt her father sliding his cockhead up and down her pussy lips several times, seating it firmly.
It felt so big and hard and hot.
It felt HUGE against hers small vagina.
Helen was suddenly fearful that it was going to hurt her, but the deep tingling feelings inside of her vagina demanded satisfaction.
She felt his hands moved down and grip her waist.
Helen felt his strength as his large hands gripped her slender waist tightly.
Her father looked down into her face as the hot, hard thing started pressing against her slit a lot harder now, so that it was starting to hurt the sensitive, delicate vaginal folds surrounding the lips of her vagina.
"Stop! Don't thrust into her yet!!" Elder Rogers said.
He had to complete the ritual.
"Now is the time to take what's rightfully yours, as it is the right of all members of the Brotherhood."
Elder Rogers leaned forward then and hissed into Jack's ear in a low, guttural voice "Fuckkkkk herr!! Fuckkkkkkkkk herr!! Fuck her in the name of Lucifer!"
Jack groaned with animalistic lust as he pushed his bloated purple cockhead between the soft wet petals of his daughter's pussy.
He immediately came up against Helen's cherry.
The thin membrane was no match for Jack's hugely swollen cockhead and Helen's cherry quickly popped as Jack punched through it on the way deeper into Helen's hot, wet vagina.
Helen cried out, startled by the sudden intense pain, but it quickly receded as she felt the hugeness of her father's cock pushing into her.
Both father and daughter groaned as Jack pushed up inside of her and Helen's cunt lips stretched out around the invading cockhead of her own father.
She groaned as her cunt squeezed down on her father's massive penis as it pushed up inside of her.
It felt HUGE and at first she thought it was going to be too big for her.
But somehow she was adjusting to its size and thickness as it pushed in deeper.
Jack was trying to go slow and easy with Helen for her first time, but he quickly lost patience with that.
Summoning all of his strength, he thrust his hips forward violently to bury his thick cock as deep inside of Helen's hot juicy pussy as he could.
"DADDY!!" Helen immediately cried out, startled and surprised as her father's hard penis suddenly pushed very high up inside of her vagina.
She felt like it telling him to take it out, but she didn't.
Already the pain was going away as her vagina adjusted to the size of her father's cock.
Jack gasped as he felt the deliciously warm embrace of his daughter's pussy squeezing almost the entire length of his penis.
She was tight, very tight.
If she was younger this would have been impossible, but at twelve years old her pussy was big enough to adjust to his penis with any serious damage.
Now that he was all the way inside of her, it was time to fuck her.
Spreading his legs wider so his pelvis was on top of hers without putting his weight on top of her, Jack began to fuck his daughter, slowly at first.
Helen gasped and spread her legs wider apart as she felt her father's penis begin to move in and out of vagina.
It was so big it felt like it was stretching her on the inside, but it didn't hurt and she was adjusting to it.
The feel of her Daddy's huge thing moving in and out of her took Helen's breath away and was making her feel very nasty inside of her vagina.
She was still too young to understand it, but her female body knew what to do as her young sexual hormones were activated for the first time.
"Fuck her Jack!!" Elder Rogers said with glee as he watched Jack fucking his daughter.
"Fuck her so good that she loves it!!"
Jack gripped Helen's hips and his brain focused on one thing and one thing alone...fucking his daughter.
His long thick cock was moving faster and deeper inside of Helen now as she became more and more slippery inside, her own vaginal lubrications helping him fuck her.
He looked down at Helen's face and saw her reddened face thrashing back forth on the blanket as the sensations of the fucking were starting to drive her wild.
Fucking his own flesh and blood made him delirious with pleasure.
He grunted like an animal as his huge pelvis thrust in and out above Helen's much smaller one, pushing his thick cock higher and higher up inside of her belly.
Something inside of Helen snapped as she felt her father's hot hard penis thrusting in and out of her.
Perhaps it was the feeling of her father's massive organ buried deep inside he belly, its heat spreading everywhere throughout her sensitive vagina.
Perhaps it was the wild, nasty sensations she felt everywhere inside of her vagina and lower belly as her Daddy's cock rubbed hard against her reddened, swollen clitoris.
Whatever it was, Helen's natural feminine instincts took over and she was no longer passive.
She lifted her legs into the air and slid them around her father's waist, locking them with her ankles.
Helen squeezed her legs tightly around her father's waist and started thrusting herself up against him, helping him fuck her.
"UH-UH-UH-UH-UH-UH" little grunts escaped her lips as she begin to really get into the fucking.
Elder Rogers was giddy with Satanic delight as he watched shy, timid Helen becoming sexually aggressive with her Daddy.
Her true carnal nature was coming out when she was being fucked, which was a good thing.
Just like every other daughter he had had here, she was totally giving in to her own sexual greed and she didn't give a damn about morality.
Jack realized that Helen was fucking him back now, giving in to the nasty situation of fucking her own Dad.
Seeing this, he began to fuck her with even more brutal power, trying to get as deep inside of her swollen vagina as he could before be blew his load that was making his balls swell hugely.
"That's it! Fuck her for Satan's sake" elder Rogers yelled, filled with lust at the depraved sight.
The sounds of hard cock fucking wet pussy filled the room as father and daughter each approached their climaxes.
Helen's naked body glistened with sweat where her skin came against her father's skin as she wrapped her legs around his waist tighter and fucked harder.
She had completely forgotten about Elder Rogers and Sandy watching them as she felt her orgasm rapidly approaching.
Suddenly it was on her.
Her body rose up from the blanket and she meshed it tightly against her father's, as her orgasm shook her body from head to toe.
"DADDY!!!! OH DADDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" she screamed, grinding her small pelvis against much larger one as her climax seemed to go on and on.
Jack continued fucking Helen very deeply as he heard her cry out, her sexy little body convulsing and climaxing underneath him.
Her legs squeezed around him tightly as she ground her body against him, riding out the orgasm.
Then she fell back on the blanket and became limp and he felt her legs loosen around his waist.
His daughter had climaxed with his cock deep inside of her, the first of many such climaxes.
Jack tried to keep fucking her but he didn't last much longer.
He felt his aching balls tighten and he knew he was about to shoot his load deep into Helen's belly.
Fortunately he didn't have to worry about her getting pregnant yet at her young age. Later he would introduce her to birth control, but for now he could climax inside of her without concern.
He kept fucking for as long as he could but suddenly he lost it.
Immediately he heard Helen loudly suck in her breath in surprise and felt her body jerk underneath him as she reacted to all of the liquid being shot very deeply inside of her vagina by Jack's still hard-fucking cock.
It was one of the biggest comes Jack could ever remember having as he shot wad after wad of hot, thick slimy seed into his daughter's warm belly.
Finally he was done coming and he pulled out of his baby and fell back onto his ass on the blanket, breathing hard with the exertions of fucking a twelve-year-old pussy.
Elder Rogers was very pleased.
He had successfully seduced yet another father to fuck his own daughter, and they had loved it.
He would be blessed by Satan and his power and influence in the Satanic world would grow even larger.
End of Part 1
Jack D
Gabbius Maximus
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