Published: 14-Apr-2012
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When my younger sister phoned to say they were coming to visit, I was tempted to say no. Don't get me wrong, I love my sister and her kids like there's no tomorrow, but her saying she's coming to the ranch is "Greek" for "I have just enough money for gas to get there and can we stay a few months until I get my shit together again". My sister has this gift for being able to find the biggest shit heads in the world, move in with them, support them, maybe get knocked up in the process, and then get thrown out into the street.
Since our parents died when I was 17, Kara has always looked to me for help and guidance. Given her track record with men, and the fact that I have warned her repeatedly about them, I'm not sure the guidance part has worked so well. In spite of our occasional differences, she has always known I would be there for her and her kids.
Speaking of her kids; all three are from different fathers. They must have all had weak genes too, because all I see when I look at here girls is Kara, not even a touch of anyone else. This is a good thing also, because my sister is a knock out on any level. Long, flowing brown hair, a quick smile, different color eyes; one brown, one hazel-green, long smooth neck, perfect tits, in my humble opinion, for her 5ft 9in frame (35C), flat belly, round hips... I'm getting ahead of myself. Sorry.
When this story begins, Tonya is 9 and the baby of the brood. Anna in the middle, is 12 and my personal favorite, and Cathi is 13 (13&1/2 as she likes to remind me frequently). Cathi is the spitting image of her mother at the same age, and the other two are well on their way.
Five years ago I started buying land in small chunks in and around what was to become a major ski resort. It panned out just fine and I am now secure enough financially that I can easily afford to help out my sister in any way and whenever she needs. I chose my own hours and can take weeks or months off if I desire.
I picked out an 80-acre square for myself and built a home right smack in the middle. I spent too much time in my life with neighbors I couldn't stand, so I'll be damned if I'm putting up with it now.
Four days after her call, my little sister's car turned up the drive. I had a lot of things going on at the time and their arrival was somewhat inconvenient, but I tried to look excited to see them. Kara looked as lovely as ever as she leapt out of the still rolling car and ran to give me a hug that almost cost me a couple ribs. The kids were close behind and a group hug ensued in the driveway. I helped them carry the few things they had brought into the house and showed them to their rooms. Without being rude I slipped away to get back to work and leave them to settle in.
A couple hours later, Anna ran downstairs into my office and jumped into my lap. "Hi Uncle!" She squealed, wiggling in between the computer and me.
"Hi Honey" I said, "How are you girls doing?"
"I like your house! I have my own bed! No more of Anna keeping me awake at night wiggling and making noise! Cathi has her own bed too. She used to have to sleep with Mom."
"Well then you should be able to sleep just fine," I agreed.
"Anna can wiggle and moan all night now if she wants. I don't care."
"Why is she moaning?" I asked.
"She does something with her buns. I don't know?"
I felt embarrassed for asking. I guess given her age, I should have figured it out myself. I don't have much experience with young girls. Kara wasn't much older than Anna when our folks died, and I guess she kind of raised herself as far as the way her body worked. Still, I wondered about what a 12-year old girl thought about while masturbating. At 33, I thought about a woman... well, I guess not to different in appearance from my sister.
Soon the other girls strolled into the office to see what was up. I decided I wasn't getting anymore work done today so I spun from the computer and we all fell onto the couch and talked and played and just enjoyed being together. I guess we looked like a family. I have to admit I was glad that they were here. It felt right.
Hours rolled by, and before we knew it, it was midnight.
"OK girls," my sister proclaimed, "time to get up the stairs and into your beds."
"YEAAAHH! My Own Bed!" screamed all three in unison. All gave their mother and me a hug goodnight and thundered out and up the stairs.
"I'm such a hypocrite," Kara said. "I'm just as excited about being here as the girls. I'm so awake and happy. I couldn't sleep now if I had to."
"Suits me," I said. "I miss talking to you. Like we used to. Just sit and talk about whatever came up until dawn. Remember?"
"Yeah, I remember. I haven't talked with anyone like that since. Most pricks just want to fuck me and conversation just gets in the way," she blushed slightly after saying that.
"Sorry. Just kind of rambling, I guess. That wasn't really intended for you."
"No worries Sis. That's what I miss. Things can go straight from your heart to your mouth, without worrying about editing for content. There isn't anything you can't say to me, and I hope I can still count on the same."
"You know it big brother," she responded.
We continued with mostly disjointed ramblings for what turned out to be three hours. Mostly about our lives and how things had turned out the way they had. Finally the question I had known was coming since her original phone call.
"Ted, why hasn't one of these local hotties latched onto you yet?"
"Don't start ragging on me about that please."
"I'm not ragging. Just asking."
"Well it isn't for a lack of trying," I told her. "I have my share of dates, when time allows, but none of them seem to measure up."
"Maybe you should lower the bar a little. What are they trying to measure up to?"
"I want a girl who can talk like we are now. No bullshit. No trying to keep up appearances. No wondering what her next boyfriend will think. I've never had a woman here who could really do that."
"You do now," she pointed out.
"You know what I mean. I guess it's too much to hope for, but I want the whole package. Personality, brains, and body."
"Excuse Me?" She launched herself up from the couch. "There something wrong with this body of mine? Is my brain too small?"
"Present company excluded, of course," I added.
"Why?" she asked.
"Why what?"
"Why am I not good enough for you? Christ Ted! I'm in the same boat you know. I think I have spent too much time comparing the guys I meet to you! None of them measure up so I just figure that it's my lot in life. Why am I comparing to you when you are right here?"
I couldn't believe what I was hearing as she stood in front of me and looked straight into my eyes while unbuttoning her shirt. I should have said something to her but my brain couldn't form any words. I could only stare as the most beautiful creature I had ever known slowly striped for me. Her shirt hit the floor along with my jaw. Her bra-less tits, round and firm, jiggling 2 feet from my face. Then slowly unbuttoning her jeans, sliding them over her luscious hips and exposing her neatly trimmed bush. My sister turned in front of me, totally naked, and let me see her body for the first time since we were kids. She was perfect in every way.
She was right. What I wanted all these years was not going to be found. I already had what every woman in the world should hope to be. I wanted my sister.
"What do you think, big Brother? With emphasis on Big! Holy shit Ted! Is that all you?" She said staring at my crotch.
I had been unable to move. I looked down to see my cock was sticking down the leg of my jeans and was hard as a rock, making quite a bulge.
"It's all natural Kara." With that I stood and started removing my own clothes.
Kara looked admiringly as I stripped for her. We stood before each other, totally naked in the warm room, staring at each other like a couple of school kids, not sure what should come next. Kara finally moved herself to the floor by the fire and sprawled out on the carpet totally exposing her to me. Lying down next to her I started roaming her body with my hands, feeling my way along her curves like a blind man, memorizing her contours.
"We shouldn't be doing this Kara. It can't be right."
"Who told you that? Some of your Mormon friends?" she answered.
"No. I mean it feels so right, but..."
"Brothers and Sisters?" she said. "You know me better than anyone ever has Ted, in all ways but one. This is the final secret between us. I want to share it with you. I want to feel you close to me physically. I think this is what we both have always looked for in others."
She was right.
We both let our bodies take over. Never have I reveled in the feel of a woman like I did then. Her breasts, her ass, the heat of her skin, the taste of her mouth. She pushed my head down toward her pussy and I drank in her aroma. Flicking my tongue over her cunt lips caused her to quiver. I drove my face into her sex sniffing and lapping away like a starved dog. Her shaking intensified until she threw her hips into the air and clamping my head with her legs until I thought she would crush my skull. Even with her thighs covering my ears, I heard a scream that made me glad I didn't have neighbors.
She released her grip on my head and pulled me up to her, kissing me like I have never been kissed before, with pure passion. She rolled me unto my back and proceeded to kiss her way down my chest and stomach until she reached my pulsing cock. After looking at it and rolling it in her hands for a moment, she lowered her head and in one motion took my dick right into her throat. My cock is average in length, but I've been told it's very fat. Most women I've known can barely get their mouth around it. Kara licked my meat as she bobbed her head up and down occasionally driving me back into her throat again. The feeling was more than I could stand.
"Kara!" I screamed. "You need to either stop right now or don't dare stop. Your choice."
She just chuckled and rammed her mouth down on me again, in answer to my question, and continued to massage my cock with her incredible mouth.
"Get yourself ready K, I'm going to blow!"
Just as I felt the cum flying up my shaft, she took me deep into her mouth again in milked the jism out of me and straight into her belly. I don't think I had cum that much in my life combined as I did right then. Even after the spurting stopped she kept sucking and licking, causing me to throw myself around in pleasurable agony. She finally stopped before she killed me, sat up, looked me in the eye, and swallowed, swirling her tongue across her lips to get any she might have missed.
"Well now my brother. Will that hold you together?" she asked
"My God Sis, that was the most amazing thing I have ever felt!"
"The most amazing so far..." she added.
With that, she straddled my still hard dick and slowly lowered her dripping cunt onto me. I marveled at the sight of her ever so slowly parting her pussy with the head and slipping me inside her at a snail's pace. It was an incredible sight, not to mention an incredible feeling.
"I hope you can cum again big brother, just not right now," she purred
Rocking back and forth, side to side bouncing my dick off every surface inside her hot cunt, she smiled down at me.
"Why didn't you do this for me 15 years ago Ted? Or 10? Or 5? Good God! To think the man of my dreams was just a car ride away! Why couldn't I see it?"
"I guess I have wanted you all my life Kara. I just never admitted it to myself."
Kara kept bouncing on me until she shuddered with an orgasm that made the room shake. She started to fall off me but I moved with her staying buried inside her as she rolled to her back. I decided it was time to really get down to business, and drew my cock mostly out of her and drove back into her as hard as I could. I slammed her repeatedly without a thought as to anything but my own orgasm building in my loins. I fucked Kara with a passion I didn't know I processed. With absolute fury I drove into her, my sister, like a freight train, long staccato strokes, banging her cervix each time. Kara, for her part, was thrashing about on the floor, pinned beneath me, howling like a wild animal. She drew herself up to my face and spoke into my ear.
"Fill me Ted. This is the greatest feeling in the world. Pump that fat cock into your sister and fill me up."
That put me over the edge. I shot load after load of my hot semen as deep as I could into my beautiful little sisters pulsing cunt. I looked into her eyes as I came and she into mine. She was the loveliest site I ever saw at that point. We held each other close as I my orgasm subsided, feeling one another until my hard on began to slowly wilt.
It was then I noticed it was light out side. We continued to lie together, kissing and hugging, until Kara broke the spell.
"Sorry Babe, but if I don't pee sometime soon I'm going to explode."
"Same here, now that you mention it," I replied.
She adjourned to the bathroom while I still lay there on the floor resting my eyes, when I heard a noise out near the stairs. I got up quietly to investigate and found Anna and Cathi hiding in the hallway near the office door.
"Where are you Ted?" came from the other room. Cathi held a finger to her lips.
"Just here... stretching," I said with a wink to the girls. I spun and went back to the office, closing the door behind me. As I walked to Kara I faintly heard the sound of feet going up the stairs.
"Ted," she started, "I swear this isn't what I had in mind when we came out here. I don't have any regrets though either. Without putting to fine a point on it; that was the absolute greatest fuck I have ever had. My God, I can barely walk! The point is, I am so happy to be here with you and my girls. Thank you."
"No thanks needed Kara. I couldn't be happier you are here. This has been the best night of my life."
She began sobbing and I pulled tight to me. Suddenly she jerked away. "Oh Jesus, look at the time Ted! The girls are probably awake and wondering where the fuck we are!" I contemplated saying that they already knew where and how we were, but decided against it. I'll cut them some slack this time. Kara pulled on her shirt and hustled down the hall and up the stairs buttoning as she went. The shirt barely hung down far enough to cover her bush, but I guess she thought it was covered enough.
I dressed slowly and replayed the nights turn of events over and over in my mind. The woman of my dreams was in my house. Right now. Upstairs. The fact that she was my sister was pushed aside for now. It didn't matter anymore. After a cigarette and a moment to collect my thoughts, I decided I should venture forth and see what awaited me today.
My sis and the girls were already in the kitchen burning up some eggs and sausage. As I drew a cup of coffee I got a quick look from Kara. "Good Morning Ted," she said with a sly smile. "Good Morning ladies" I said as I slid up to the table. "Good Morning Uncle," said Cathi with a smile just as sly as her mothers.
"So what's on the agenda for today girls?" I asked.
"Well, I don't know what to do at this point," Kara said. "No money and no where to live. Our options are kind of limited."
"You are going to think I'm full of shit, but you girls can stay here as long as you want. Forever if you like. I like having family around. I like having people I love around here for a change."
Kara walked over to me with tears in her eyes and bent over to give me hug. As I hugged her I realized her ass was exposed as she bent over in front of her girls, and Anna and Cathi both snickered. I'm sure they could see Kara's pussy soaked with my cum and her own juices. Hell, I could smell her. Kara spun toward the girls and looked at them a moment. "Oh, knock it off you two! Don't stare at my ass!" We all laughed out loud then.
Tonya piped up, "I want to ride a horse Uncle!"
"Me too," chimed the other two.
"Well, I suppose you could do that then. You have to learn how to ride first though."
"I can teach her Uncle," said Cathi. "I remember how you showed me." On previous visits, I had taught Anna and Cathi how to ride and they had each picked their favorite horse of the ones I kept. Tonya had been to young at the time to ride but maybe she was old enough to learn now. I looked to Kara for approval and she nodded her consent.
"All right then, finish your breakfast and get dressed properly. Then I'll help you get set up."
The remainder of their food was inhaled and three little blurs shot out of the kitchen and up the stairs.
I stood to get more coffee and Kara stepped in my path.
"Did you really mean what you said, about us staying here? Please say it isn't just about last night. While it was the greatest sex of all time, I'd rather go celibate than have you be sorry we're here."
"Yes I meant it, no it isn't, it most certainly was, and don't you dare!"
Kara jump into my arms and laughed. Wrapping her legs around me, I stood there holding her hugging me. I couldn't resist sliding a hand down and giving her ass a squeeze. She leaned back and punched my shoulder playfully.
"Knock that off," she said.
I'm glad you two are happy," came Anna's voice from the doorway.
Kara jumped down and tried to smooth out her shirt in an act that I am sure was lost on my 12-year-old niece.
"We're ready when you are Uncle," she proclaimed.
"Then lets get to it, shall we?"
The girls and I walked to the barn and I swear I could hear them humming with excitement. Anna and Cathi promptly went to their respective horses and started leading them out. I helped them with the saddles and made sure everything was secure. Tonya looked up at me with a tear in her eye and asked which horse was hers. All these female emotions in my life all at once were almost more than I could bear.
"When you learn how to ride you can pick out your own horse Honey. This time you should ride with your big sister so she can show you how it's done. OK?"
That was the ticket. "Okey Dokie Uncle!"
"Don't be all day girls and don't go off the property. Be careful, OK?"
"No prob' Uncle. I don't think we'll be long anyway. I just got on and my butt is sore already," laughed Cathi as they slowly rode off.
Back in the house Kara was busy putting breakfast away when I came in to the kitchen.
"Those girls are really great. I think this will be a lot of fun. Yes indeed. Great girls." I walked up behind my sister as she stood by the counter and reached my hand around her belly and pulled her close. "Almost as great as their Mom."
Kara pushed her ass back against my dick as it swelled in my jeans. "Fuck me Ted. Right now. Don't play; just fuck me right now."
In an instant, my clothes and her shirt were on the floor and I held Kara against the counter as I pushed my cock into her from behind with one motion. She leaned forward laying her chest on the Formica and moaned loudly. I began a rhythm of pulling out slowly then ramming into her cunt full force. She began to scream "FUCK ME TED! YES! FUCK ME! I'M CUMMING ON YOU!" Her pussy flowed a river of juice over my embedded prick. I increased the tempo and sawed in and out of her sopping snatch as fast as I could.
"Here it comes Kara! I'm going to pump you full!"
I came with such force that I thought I would black out. My sister bucked and twisted herself as I shot deep into her. As my orgasm waned, I stumbled back, unable to stand, and fell into the chair.
"I must be out of shape," I said. "Shit, I think I saw a tunnel and a bright light there for a minute! Don't get me wrong, but my dick hasn't seen this much action in the last month, let alone the last 6 hours!"
Kara bent down and licked my ear. "Don't sweat it Brother, I'll be your personal trainer if you'll let me. We'll have you whipped into prime shape in no time." With that she knelt before me and took my softening member into her mouth once more.
"You can't be serious," I said to her.
"Don't worry Ted. I don't want to break it. I just like the way you taste. It will only hurt a little" She then proceeded to lick and squeeze my dick, performing enough CPR to bring it back to life.
That's when we heard the front door close.
It looked like a Chinese Fire Drill in the kitchen. Kara and I moving at near the speed of light, trying to locate and don our respective clothing.
It was a futile effort. We were busted. Anna stood in the kitchen entry, looking at her Mothers tits swinging in the breeze, and me trying to get my pants buttoned around my erect cock.
She didn't seem to know what to make of the scene; her eyes whipping around the room, trying to focus. She just turned and quickly stepped out into the hall.
"I'm sorry!" she squeaked." I... We... Sorry!" Then we heard her opening the front door.
"Oh Shit," said Kara. I thought the same thing. She ran quickly from the kitchen and called for the girls to come in the house. She stuck her head back into the kitchen. "I'll talk to them, OK?'
"Fine. I'll go take care of the horses," and I slipped out the back door and toward the barn.
Glad for my sister having volunteered to take the heat, I took my time with the horses. As I put the last of the tack away, I decided to go see how she was making out.
I opened the side door and could here voices and occasional laughter coming from the living room. I snuck to the doorway and peered around the corner.
"Is it safe?"
They all chuckled at me. "Come on in Ted. We're not armed."
As I walked into the room I could feel myself blushing. Unsure of where they had left off or what to say, I sat down on the floor and waited for whatever came next.
The girls looked to their mom, and my sister dismissed them with a nod of her head. They jumped up, all gave me a quick hug as they passed, and filed up the stairs. I turned and gave Kara an inquisitive stare.
"They're OK Ted. I'm pretty sure Tonya is in the dark; we were kind of talking over her head, but... Anna and Cathi are crystal clear on what we were doing. It turns out Cathi has spied on me before when I was... with, men. She had some questions and I just tried my best to tell them the way it is."
"How is it?" I asked.
"They understand about sex. I didn't give them the 'Only When You're Married' speech, I think it's a little late for that. I just explained about what sex is about and why people do it, the rewards, the dangers. I also tried to explain that not everyone thinks that sex with your brother and/or sister is acceptable, so we should keep any ideas about that in this house."
"It must have been hard for you growing up Kara. I know I wasn't any help to you about such things when you were their age."
"It's all right Ted," she said. "I made out well enough. I wouldn't have known what to ask anyway. These girls though, seem to have a pretty good handle on it. Better than I did. Or do."
She continued, "Ted, I didn't come out here just because I was horny, or to make you think that you owed me anything, or to become a whore. I just realized that there isn't anyone in the world to whom I feel as close, or to whom I want to feel closer."
"Stay Kara," I said. "Stay here with me. This feels like family. Not just Brother/Sister, or Uncle/Niece, but a group that just feels right being all together. I hope I'm not alone in this. I don't want to pressure you or make you feel that you have to stay for my sake, but the last 18 hours or so have easily been the happiest hours of my life. Not just the sex, although I could certainly get used to that, just the overall feeling in this house. I like it. A lot."
"Oh Ted!" Kara leapt out of the chair and tackled me and hugged me, rolling us around on the floor. "I couldn't be happier to here you say that. I don't know what to say. The girls were already asking when we were leaving. I didn't know how to answer. I guess I know what to tell them now."
"Then get off of me and go tell them already," I said.
She raised her hand for a mock slap. "You ain't seen nuthin' yet mister." She said in her best drawl, as she stood and hurried up the stairs.
I figured while it was quiet I should really try to get a little work done. 'All play and no work makes Ted a poor boy,' I said to myself, and retired to my office.
I had made pretty good progress on the pile of papers in my IN box, when my sister returned downstairs. I glanced at my watch and saw I had been at it for over two hours. "What's the word Sis?" I asked.
"I have to talk to you." That sounded rather foreboding.
We both sat on the couch and she stared into my eyes for a moment.
"You're killing me here Kara. What's up?"
"Well," she began, "Cathi asked more about sex between Brothers and Sisters. She wanted to know if it was different with Nieces and Uncles? She didn't come right out and say it, but I think she has designs on you, Uncle Ted."
I was floored. "What did you say to that?" I asked.
"I couldn't think of anything to say," Kara continued. "My mind went blank and I said something lame like ' Oh, I don't know...' or some shit like that. What should I have said? My 13-year-old daughter wants to fuck my brother? How do I respond to that one? I guess I could tell her you're the greatest lover since the invention of the wheel, but I have a feeling that is not quite the right answer. I suppose you should be flattered, a nubile young virgin schoolgirl wants you to take her? Eh'?"
"Flattered wasn't the word that was popping to mind," I added.
"Speaking of popping Ted," she reached down and massaged my rock hard cock through jeans. "Did the thought of sex with Cathi cause this? I mean I can understand her attraction. Am I going to be a hypocrite and tell her incest is all right for me but I won't share my brother's big dick with my daughter? Come on Ted! Admit that the idea of fucking a thirteen-year-old turns you on. It has to!"
"Kara," I gulped. "I never even fucked a 13-year-old when I was 13!"
"Well, maybe it's something you should think about now." With that she unbuttoned my pants and forced me to lay back on the couch while she pulled my dick back deep into her mouth. I lay back, closing my eyes, letting my mind wander. She kept licking and sucking while my head swirled with thoughts of what she had just said to me. 'Fuck her daughter? Is that what she wanted? Fuck my little niece? Is she saying I should?' I opened my eyes and lifted my head to say something. I don't remember now what it was.
I saw Kara sitting on the end of the couch licking her lips and Cathi between my legs licking my cock! It took about a nanno-second for my brain to focus on what was going on and I immediately felt cum boiling up the length of my dick.
I screamed as loudly as I ever had as my jism shot into my lovely niece's face and into her hair. My sister fell on me and the two of them proceeded to tongue fight each other for my cum.
I couldn't breathe. The room was spinning out of control. 'I think that my niece just gave me a blowjob. I think my sister was coaching her as she did?' I sat up and watched as mother and daughter faced each other and shared my cum back and forth with their tongues.
They both turned to face me. "I'm no hypocrite Ted," said Kara.
"That was amazing Uncle!" said Cathi. "There was so much stuff! Wow! It tastes good too."
"I told you it would," Kara told her.
Cathi leaned toward me and kissed me as a lover, sticking her tongue deeply into my mouth. She was a little inexperienced but was still giving me a hell of a tongue twisting.
They both stood and grabbed my legs, dragging me off the couch and I landed with a crash on the floor. Each grabbing a leg they yanked my pants off in one motion and I lay completely bare in front of them.
"Why not demonstrate to Cathi what getting eaten is all about, Ted?"
With that Cathi peeled off all her clothes and stood for me to look at. She was perfect. She was my sister in miniature. An ass you could ski off, tits that fit her frame just right, smooth, taunt belly. She smiled at me, then sat down on my chest looking just a little tentative. I Reached for her beautiful ass and slid her tight slit up to my mouth. She smelled delicious and looked like an angel as I poked my tongue into her virgin box. She started wiggling on my face as Kara started sucking my semi-hard cock. I couldn't believe my situation. My Sister wants to fuck me around the clock, now she wants me to eat out her daughter; my niece; my 13 year old niece, and is actually helping her to boot!
"Help her turn around Ted," Kara said. Cathi spun to face her mother while never breaking contact with my mouth. Kara then rose up and grasped my cock and stared guiding it toward her cunt.
"Help me Cathi."
Cathi reached out to hold my cock and point it into her mother's pussy.
"Watch carefully baby, your turn is coming. Mama's going to show you how to treat yourself with a lover."
"It looks awful big compared to your hole Mom," Cathi pointed out.
"Not to worry Honey. My pussy can stretch to let it fit. Yours will too. Especially after Uncle gets your little hole nice and wet."
"It wet right now mom."
I felt my prick slipping into Kara's wet cunt and groaned aloud as she slowly lowered herself onto me then started bouncing up and down.
"See how nice it fits Hun? It slides in and out just right." She started moaning almost immediately. "See baby? It feels so good in there. Uncle's cock is going to make me cum. OH GOD; you're going to love this feeling Cathi! Having a hard cock pounding you while you cum! YYEEAAHH!! OH FUCK! OH FUCK YES! OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING CATHI!"
Kara drove herself down on my dick as hard as he could and held her self there while she came. Cathi's breathing told me she wasn't far behind.
"Me too Mama. His tongue is making me CUM! OH! OH! OH! OH! YEAH!"
My face was flooded with the juices of this teenager I had just licked to her first orgasm with a partner.
"Do it Cathi! Cum all you want! Cum all over his face! How does she taste Ted?"
With my face covered by Cathi's cunt I couldn't speak, but managed to grunt my approval. I lifted Cathi just enough to see out between her legs. Kara was rubbing her daughters budding tits while Cathi licked and sucked on her Moms. What a sight.
I kept up my tongue lashing on Cathi's little puss while my sister gave her words of encouragement.
"Isn't that good Baby? Feel his tongue snaking up into you? Do you like that feeling? Just imagine a big fat cock in you instead, filling your tight cunt completely. Is your cunt dripping just thinking about it?"
With that Kara reached down and slid two fingers along her daughter's wet snatch and carried her juice up to her mouth.
"Mmm. Ted, I think it's time I had a closer look at my little girl. Do you mind?"
Kara helped Cathi to her feet while still impaled on my dick and brought that young pussy right to her face. Cathi began moaning again immediately.
"Spread your legs a little Cath'," Kara instructed. Cathi did as she was told and my sister started working a finger into her daughter's virgin hole. "You will feel a little twinge here Baby, but don't worry." Cathi's hips bucked as Kara pushed more and more of her finger in. She kept licking at her button while pumping her hand faster, and began wiggling her own hips, making my dick bang around inside her cunt. Both started moaning and whimpering in unison.
"Mom! You're making me do it again!" cried Cathi.
"I'm Cumming too Honey!" Kara responded.
The both froze and shrieked in stereo and shook together as they came. Another wave of my sister's juice washed over my cock as I saw the teen cunt of my niece nearly dripping with nectar.
"Are you ready Cathleen? Are you ready to become a Woman? Are you ready to experience the greatest feeling in the world? If you're ready for it, the feel of a cock slipping inside you for the first time is a sensation you will never forget and will never be repeated. If you're not ready, it can be terrible. What do you say Cathi?"
"I'm ready Mom. I want to feel Uncle inside me. I want to cum on him like you did. I know I'm ready."
Just listening to them talk almost made me cum then and there. It was as if I was hearing two people on the street discussing sex. But it wasn't strangers; it was my own flesh and blood talking about ME taking MY NIECE'S virginity.
Kara slowly raised herself up and my prick popped out of her, with a trail of her cum still connecting us. She had Cathi straddle me as she helped her home in on my dick. As the head made first contact with her pussy lips I could feel the heat radiating from her crotch.
"Are you ready for me Uncle?" Cathi asked me.
Was I ready? After all that had happened since the previous afternoon? Damn straight I was ready!
"Any time you are, Dear," I said.
With Kara holding my cock in position Cathi started slowly lowering her virgin cunt onto me. She was incredibly tight but was stretching to accommodate my size. When there was about 3 inches in her she started to raise up and down trying to get used to the feeling. As she worked up and down she was gradually taking more of me into her velvet box. After what felt like an eternity she had taken all of my meat into herself and I felt her ass sitting on my legs.
"There you go Darling! You have done it! How do you feel? Is it good?" Kara quizzed her.
"Oh My God Mom! I don't think I can move! I think I'm stuck on him! My insides are filled. I love it! It feels so... SO... OH SHIT! OH! OH! OH! I'M CUMMING ALREADY MOM! UNCLE! I'M GONNA CUM ON YOU! I CAN'T STAND IT!"
My niece's cunt was spasming so hard I felt like my dick was in a guillotine! The Juices from here young cunt were trying to find a way out but there was no room. Her cum was nearly squirting out around my cock! If I hadn't cum so many times I would have shot right then. As it was it took all my control to hold back from filling her tiny womb with my seed.
Cathi shook and screamed sitting on my lap until she collapsed forward onto my chest.
"She passed out," my sister said. "Well Uncle Ted, did you ever have a girl pass out from an orgasm before?
"I don't think anything that has ever happened before applies right now."
Kara reached between my legs and felt Cathi's cunt swollen with my fat prick. The massaging of her cunt brought her back to consciousness.
"Wha... What happened? Oh God! That was Amazing! I saw stars and lights and my ears were ringing and I couldn't breathe and... WOW! Thank you Uncle Ted!"
"Don't you think it's you Lovers turn to cum now? Would you like him to really fuck you now Cathi?" Kara said.
"Oh Yeah Mama! Yes Uncle Ted! Do Me! What do I need to do?"
I thought for second. "You get on your hands and knees Cath'. I'm going to fuck your pussy from behind, OK? I think you'll like it."
"If it means you're going to fill me up with your cock, I'll do anything!"
She climbed off my lap and I almost passed out at the sight of my dick slowly emerging from her pussy. In a flash Cathi was in position and wiggling her ass at me. It is a sight that I will never forget. One of the most beautiful women in the world, regardless of age, looking over her shoulder at me with a look of pure, unadulterated lust, waiting for her to fuck me as I pleased.
"Let her have it Ted," my sister prompted. "Don't tease her! Does she look like she wants to wait?"
I placed the head of my dick at the entrance to her love canal and slowly and deliberately pushed into her. Not to fast, but without stopping, I pushed all the way into her until my balls hit her leg. Cathi let out a deafening scream as I hit bottom.
"Don't move Uncle! Please don't move! Let me get used to you! Oh Shit! You're So DEEP! Anna, come look at this!"
Kara and I swung our heads toward the doorway in unison to see young Anna standing naked. Her clothes in a heap on the floor next to her. Her fingers flying around her little clit. Kara looked at me and shrugged. "Hey. What ya' gonna do? Eh?"
"Come on in Anna" I invited. "Do you want to watch as I make your sister into a woman?" She didn't answer, except to walk over by her Mothers side and stare at Cathi and I seemingly joined at the hip.
"WOW SIS! He's REALLY inside you! Cool!"
I couldn't deny my urges any more. I had to fuck this sweet young thing now. Without losing sight of the fact that this was my niece and that it was her first time, I slowly withdrew from Cathi and then just as slowly re-buried myself deep into her womb. Gradually increasing tempo, her breathing was once again becoming erratic. I was almost to full speed when Cathi screamed again.
I looked down to see Anna on her back under our hips, licking her sister's clit as I fucked her. No wonder Cathi was screaming.
That did it for me.
"I'm Going To Cum For You Cathi! You're Beautiful Pussy Is Making ME CUM!!"
Whoa there Chief!" Kara said. As I withdrew from Cathi's vise-like cunt, Kara grabbed my cock and stuck it into Anna's waiting mouth. Her tongue whipped around the head like a blender making me shoot a gallon of cum back into her throat, coating her tonsils with my seed. She continued to milk every drop from me and I rocked back on my legs and hit the floor like a ton of bricks.
'How was that Uncle?" asked Anna with a smile.
I couldn't speak. My brain and my entire body were a bowl of Jello. As if I had no bones I lay there on my back gasping for air.
"You have to remember Stud, Cathi isn't on the Pill yet, but we'll take care of that soon enough. Then she can feel you explode inside her. But not until. OK?"
I may have nodded. I have no recollection.
Cathi crawled up to my chest and laid her head on me. She looked about the same as I felt. "I love you Uncle. Thank you so much."
The girls all stood and hugged and squeezed, rubbed and kissed each other. Then they piled up down with me and started feeling each other and me as we lay there in a sweaty heap. Anna was squeezing my dick. Kara was licking my chest.
"Don't take it personally if I fall asleep on you ladies. I haven't slept in two days and my entire sex life all rolled into one doesn't measure up to the workout I've had since yesterday afternoon."
"Let's go everyone," said Kara. We all got up and went to my bedroom and snuggled in. Tonya emerged from her room where she had been playing and asked if she could join us. "Only if you get naked" was Kara's answer. The 9-year-old was out of her clothes and in the bed in a heart beat.
There seemed that at least two of us awake for at a time during the next 8 or 10 hours. Hands on breasts. Lips on my dick. Fingers in cunts. Tongues in mouths. We were like a ball of sexual peace all together on my bed. Tonya woke up and announced she was hungry. We all echoed the sentiment and piled out of bed heading for the kitchen.
We all eat like we had run a marathon (which I suppose we had). Everyone was smiling and humming.
"Who wants to go to town and check things out?" Kara asked
The girls all cheered and answered in the affirmative. They looked at me inquisitively.
"Oh No! If I don't get some real work done today the next person to come visit is going to be a Hit Man. You go and see what there is to see. If you find something you can't live without, just charge it to me. Most of the business people in town know me."
The girls all got dressed in their best and filed out the door with a 'Bye Uncle' and a kiss for me. My Sister stopped and stuck her tongue in my mouth playfully and gave my crotch a quick squeeze. "Bye Uncle" she called back over her shoulder with a flash of that famous smile.
With a sigh of resignation, I put on some sweats and hit the office to dig through the mass of shit that is inescapable when running a modern business.
After four solid hours, I plowed through diligently and was finally basking in the light at the end of the tunnel. A trip to the Post Office and a couple quick stops around town and I was a free man for a, while at least.
I have always enjoyed living in a small town. Just on the way to the Post Office, 30 or so people waved to me. It's fun knowing everyone.
When I stopped at the fuel depot to pay a bill, the fellow behind the counter, who I knew pretty well, said, "Hey Ted. That's sure a pretty girl you found there."
"Thanks," I said, not sure at that moment what he was talking about.
I continued to get similar comments from other friends around town. When I saw my sister's clunker in front of the Town Hall I stopped to try and find her.
She was near the main desk reading some pamphlets when I found her. I called to her.
"Hi Baby!" she said as she spun around and gave me a big kiss. Not a 'Brother and Sister in public' kind of kiss mind you.
"Lets walk," I said.
We went outside on the stairs and I asked her what she had been telling people and told her what people had been saying to me.
"We went into a store to find some clothes for the girls. When we went to check out she woman at the counter asked if we were staying with you and was I your Girlfriend? I thought for a second, and decided that either we could either never go anywhere together in public, or just let people think what they want. I can't keep my hands off you Ted! People WANT to think I'm your girlfriend just moving to town. So I just agreed with them and said we had just come from back East. I hope you're not mad Ted. Please don't be mad."
I answered by pulling her to me and sticking my tongue deeply into her mouth. She responded by sucking on my mouth hard enough to loosen my fillings.
"I guess that was the right answer," I said. Kara laughed and smiled.
"I'm so happy Ted. Thank You. Let's go home."
In the 35 minute drive back to the ranch I reflected on the events of the last couple days and how my life had changed as a result of a phone call. Just incredible.
We pulled up to the house and Kara parked along side my truck. I was exiting the cab and saw Anna sitting in the seat with her dress pulled up and her hand in her panties. She looked at me through the window and smiled her mothers smile. I saw Cathi in the back seat totally nude and fingering herself furiously; eyes closed; head back. Tonya was in the front seat in the middle and my sister was massaging her bare little pussy. They all started climbing out of the car and were discarding articles of clothing as they made for the house. Four naked beauties strolled into my home. I was barely in the door when they were on me like a pack of wolves. Horny wolves at that. In the blink of an eye I stood naked before my own personal harem.
"We talked on the way home" Kara said. "The girls understand what our story is and what is OK in public. They also understand what happens here stays in this family. Think you can take care of all your girlfriends?"
Anna and Tonya took my hands and led me to the living room and laid me down on the rug. Anna fell on my cock and started licking like crazy. Tonya watched for a second, then climbed between my legs with her sister and started to mimic Anna's actions. The site of these two nubile little minx' working my dick was almost more than I could stand.
"I'm ready Uncle. I want what Cathi got. I want you in me."
"I'm not so sure Anna. Why don't you sit up here on my face and let me decide."
With that, she left her youngest sister to tend to my hard cock, and placed her wet pre-teen pussy right on my mouth. It was the best taste I ever experienced. Sweet and warm. I pushed my tongue as far into her tight cunt as I could. And I mean TIGHT. There was no way she was ready to fuck, no matter how much I wanted to. I didn't want to hurt the girl. She was bouncing around on my face and screaming like a madwoman. I rolled my eyes up a little to see Kara standing over us and rubbing Anna's little tits.
"What do you think of that pussy Ted? Is she sweet? Is she flowing? Make her cum with your mouth Ted. Make my daughter scream."
"I'm not far from it now Mom! Wow! I feel his tongue WAY in there! OH! OH! OH! I'M... DOIN'... IT... MOM! I'M DOING IT NOW! UNCLE IS MAKING ME CUM!"
She was drowning me in her juices to be precise. I couldn't believe any girl could cum that much.
"Tonya," Kara said. "Move out of the way so your Sissy can sit on Uncle's cock."
"Are you sure?" I asked. "She is so small. She seems awfully tight Kara."
"I can do it Uncle. I'll stretch just like Momma and Cathi. Please?"
I looked at Kara again and she shrugged her shoulders. "She told me in the car that she really wants to try it Ted. I guess if she want to try, let her."
Kara walked around and sat on my knees and helped Anna get in position over my cock.
"Try to open yourself up a little bit Honey." Kara instructed. Anna did as she was told and pulled her pussy lips apart, opening her tight hole as best she could, while her mother pointed my dick toward her small hole.
First Contact. My God, the heat radiating from my niece's crotch was enough to start a fire! She tried to push straight down on me, but there wasn't anyway I could fit in her like that. "Wiggle yourself on him while you push Baby, but be ready. OK?" Her mother prompted. She began shaking her hips like a Belly Dancer, making my balls vibrate. Suddenly it happened.
The head of my dick popped inside. Anna let out a scream that is still echoing somewhere West of here. The look on her face was priceless, melting quickly from incredible surprise, to excruciating pain, to beaming pride, to pure pleasure.
"Good girl Anna," Kara told her. "Is that OK? How do you feel? Do you want more?"
"Oh Mama, I want it all, just wait a second! WOW! He's big in there Mom! Can you put more in me Uncle? Please, I want all of you inside me! Make me a woman too!"
"All right Darling. Just go easy. You are very tight still. I don't want to hurt you Anna. You feel so good to me that I want you to feel just as good."
Ever so gently, Anna pushed down harder on my shaft. A micron at a time, I watched my cock slip into this Angel. The grip of her young body on my cock, The sight of her smiling at me, Kara looking over Anna's shoulder at me; what did I ever do to deserve all this. It must have been something REALLY good.
After what felt like an eternity, I felt Anna's butt contact my pelvis. To have my prick buried in this 12-year-old was indescribable. She just sat on me and wiggled a little while Kara reached around her, hugging her from behind and squeezing her young tits.
"Mom! He's all the way inside! WOW! I'm So FULL! IT FEELS SO GOOD! What Do I Do Now!"
"You can start pumping him in and out if you like. Just raise yourself up some and then go back down"
Carefully, Anna rose up the length of my rod and hovered there with just the head in her, then, without warning, dropped full force onto me, driving my cock all the way into her womb.
"OOOHHH GGOODD MAAaa... Hey... that feels good now. Oh GOD! This Is The Greatest Feeling In The World!"
With that she began rising and falling on me again. And again. She was burning my dick in her pussy. The friction was only adding to the heat of our sex.
"OH! OH! OH! I'M... I'M ... CUMMING! I'M CUMMING ON HIM MOM! OH I LOVE IT!" Anna was pumping and screaming constantly now. I CAN'T STOP CUMMING UNCLE! CAN YOU FEEL IT! CAN YOU! I CAN'T STOP.... AAHHYY!"
Kara held her tight and stopped her bouncing on me while her massive orgasm subsided.
"Jesus Ted. I cumming just watching you two fuck. How was that?"
"Kara, if anyone moves a muscle, I'm going to cum myself."
"Climb off your Uncle for a second Honey" Kara instructed, "and lay over here on your back. Uncle can fuck you easier like this." Anna did as she was told, begrudgingly. She frowned a little as my cock popped out of her cunt. "Now pull your legs up some so he can get right at your sweet little cunt."
Kara Took hold of my cock and directed it straight back into Anna's steaming box. This time I wasted no time sliding into her right to the hilt. Every time my dick hit bottom she would jump and make a little squeak. I couldn't hold back anymore.
"Get ready Anna" Kara told her daughter, "Uncle is going to cum all over you!"
That was it. I pulled quickly out of her pussy and instantly started shooting stream after stream of jism every where. I tried to direct as much as I could onto her tits and toward her open mouth. Kara massaged my cum into Anna's little tits and belly as I collapsed backward on the floor.
"I seem to be spending a lot of time in this position the last few days," I pointed out.
Tonya was at here mother's side. "My turn Mama! I want to be woman too! Please?"
"I'm sorry Tonya. You are still too young for that Honey. When you get as big as your sisters, then we'll see. We can still have fun though. Don't you worry. We will all take care of your needs too. OK?"
"I guess so Mom," she resigned.
Over the course of the next 4 days, the five of us never left each other's sight. We just fucked, sucked, slept and ate around the clock. Indoors, outside, kitchen, bathtub. Mother, daughter, Uncle, sister, niece. We just had to reach out and there was a warm accommodating body nearby.
That was 3 years ago now. As far as anyone knows, we are Man and Wife and I have adopted the girls. The last names match already, right? We have continued our family sex-capades every day since then. The other day Cathi expressed a concern to Kara. It seems she is attracted to a young man in one of here classes at school. She is thinking of having sex him but doesn't want to upset the rest of the family. Kara and I explained that we couldn't be happier that she had found someone she liked and that she wasn't hurting anyone in the house by going out with him. Then we gave her an almost standard speech about the dangers of unprotected sex when you don't know the sexual history, blah, blah, blah.
Other than that, we all agree that we wouldn't want to change our life style for anything. No regrets.
Oh. Did I mention Kara is pregnant?
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