Published: 2-Feb-2011
Word Count:
I hopped off my bike and let it fall in the yard. There was a big, black car in the driveway next to our trailer. The license plate was a different color from ours and I wondered what state PA stood for. I hid the firecrackers under the front step before going in the house. They were firecrackers the neighbor boys had been hiding to get ready for the Fourth of July, but I was spying on them and took some when they were gone.
"This is Kristen, Father William. She'll be twelve in two weeks." Mom was introducing me to a man in a black suit. He was sweating in that suit, too, since we don't have air conditioning. He looked about fifty and was just a little overweight and had a mustache. They were sitting at the table between the kitchen area and the rest of the TV room. It's a pretty small trailer. Two bedrooms. There was a lady standing next to Father William who was looking at me funny. She had on a gray, religious-looking outfit, too. I bet they were hot in those clothes.
Father William set down his pen. It looked like he was writing a check to Mom. He held out his hands as if I was a little kid and he wanted me to sit on his lap. "Well come here, Kristen." He said. His voice was deep and he sounded younger that his gray hair made him look. "This is Sister Virginia, Kristen. You'll get to attend our special camp this summer. Horseback riding, swimming, camping out. Lots of special games."
Mom was looking at the check which Father William had been writing, but she said to me, "Won't that be fun, sweetheart? Lots of games and a pool. There will be some other girls there. I told them you could keep a secret."
Now I was sitting on Father William's lap and his arms were clear around me. I was worried I would get his black pants all dusty. The playground area near our trailer court was mostly dust now. A few swings, and a slide; sometimes we just played in the bushes, hiding in the shade.
"What kind of secrets mom?" He tickled me and made me start laughing.
Then he answered my question. "Nothing to worry about, Kristen. You'll just be playing some fun games. We probably won't need to punish a big girl like you at all."
As he said that he stood me up on the floor and stood up behind me. "Hold still, Kristen, I want to see how big you are." My back was up against him and he put his big hands under my armpits to lift me up. He did. Clear off the floor.
"She's just right." He said to my mom. His fingers were on my chest as he held me up. My feet weren't touching the floor and the top of my head was against his chin. I was still kind of giggling from when he tickled me and he was moving his fingers like he was tickling my armpits, but his fingers were really more on my chest. But he was a pastor and mom was right there, so I guess it must be OK for him to touch me that way.
Mom wasn't even watching, though. She was looking at the check and the other papers on the table. The salt and pepper shakers that looked like dice were pushed to the edge of our table. He set me back on the floor and pulled me up against him, with a hand over my shoulders and across my chest to pull me back against him. "Now let me see how tall you are, Kristen." The hand that wasn't pressing against my chest was on top of my sandy, blond hair. He let go and turned me around so I could see his flat hand against his chest near his armpit to show me how tall I was. "Almost five feet already."
"Take her out to the car, Sister Virginia, while I finish this paperwork." He said, and then he sat down at the table again.
"Have fun, Honey." Mom said as we left my house. Sister Virginia took my hand firmly and started pulling me out to the car. I tried to stop and ask some questions.
Mom stood and came over and kissed me on the cheek. "Do what they tell you, Honey. And have a good time. I'll probably see you in a few weeks." It was an order.
"What about my clothes, Sister Virginia?" I asked as we got in the car. "And where is this place?"
Finally she said something, "It's OK, sweetheart. We have clothes for you. We have swimsuits and uniforms for all of you girls. It kind of helps with our research while you're in camp. You might even be selected to go to school with us next fall." She was smiling at me and had her hand on my bare knee. We were sitting in the back seat. "Our camp is out in the country. Your mother is signing the papers which give us temporary guardianship over you along with permission to spank you or use restraints if necessary, but I'm sure it won't be necessary. You seem like an obedient girl to me." And she smiled.
I was going to ask her some questions, when she added, "Our researchers pay for your camping expenses, Kristine. That's why you can afford to go to such a nice camp out in the country. Your mother will get more checks from the research companies later - especially if you are a good girl and do everything we say."
"Is that why mommy told me to do whatever you tell me to do, but to have a good time, too?"
She laughed as she moved my head around with both of her hands, looking me over closely; lifting strands of my blond hair and letting it fall, feeling my cheeks with the palms of her hands. Then she sat back and said, "Lean back and put your leg across my lap Kristine. Here comes Father William now."
He was getting in the car as Sister Virginia pulled my right leg onto her lap. Mom came out and waved at me from the top step. "Be sure to do everything they tell you, Kristine. See you in a couple weeks. Have a good time." Mom was smiling.
She was back in our trailer by the time Father William got the car turned around. As we drove away Sister Virginia's hands were on my leg and she was looking closely. I knew my leg was pretty dirty from sliding in the dust. Her left hand was on the edge of my short play shorts.
"How are her legs, Sister Virginia?" He asked while driving. "Maybe Kristine would like something to drink."
"She has very pretty legs; just beginning to soften up; just a dusting of hair below her knees." Sister Virginia was feeling my leg and it tickled. Then they started telling me about camp and some of the fun things we would be doing. She handed me a glass bottle of fruit juice.
As I drank the sweet drink, I was picturing the horses and playing in the pool the most. They said I would have fun with the other girls who would be there and we would do some modeling classes and even some biology experiments. As they talked about some of the acting lessons, it was hard to picture one of us pretending to be a boy while we danced or acted out some movie scenes. It sounded funny, and Sister Virginia tickled me while she was telling me about the different games and acting. "There might be lots of different researchers who want to measure you girls and watch you practice your acting. Sometimes you will be blindfolded and try to tell which girl is which without seeing them, and you won't be allowed to touch the other girls on their heads while you try to figure out who is who. Won't that be fun?" she asked. "You can touch them anywhere you want, and take your time, but you can't touch their heads. It is so funny, Kristine. If someone is feeling you though, trying to guess who you are, you can't giggle like this. They would recognize your voice." And she tickled me again which made me start giggling.
She told me more about the acting when one of us will have to pretend she is a boy, "You probably won't be the boy though, Kristine, because you have such long, pretty hair, and..." she stopped talking and was looking at my chest.
"And what, Sister Virginia?"
"And you are starting to get a figure."
I got embarrassed and hunched my shoulders. My bumps kind of embarrassed me. I was conscious of them making my T-shirt stick out like two bird eggs. Sister Virginia smiled when I got shy. "You don't have to be embarrassed, Honey. It's just us girls. And Father William is like a doctor, so it will be OK if people at camp see you or touch you, Kristine. Just relax and have a good time. All of you girls are about the same age. I'll give you a bath and fix your hair when we get there. Then you will get examined and fitted for some of the special clothes the girls wear at camp." Her hand was patting my tummy while she talked, but she wasn't tickling me anymore.
We stopped the car when we were out of town and Sister Virginia got out pillows and a blanket from the trunk so I could rest. The air conditioner was on and it was cold in the car now. I finished my bottle of juice and laid back. She covered me up with the blanket. My knees were resting on her lap when we started driving again. I was starting to feel pretty sleepy as the car kept driving. She unsnapped my shorts and told me to just relax. Her hand was on my bare tummy as I stretched and yawned under the blanket. She was rubbing my tummy gently; and I was getting real sleepy and relaxed.
I must have fallen asleep while we were driving, because when I woke up it was dark and the car was stopping. As I sat up and looked around I realized my T-shirt was different. And I was wearing a short, black skirt instead of my shorts. When I climbed out of the car two other girls my age ran up to meet us. They were wearing pink T-shirts and short, black skirts too. Their skirts were so short that I could see their panties when they put their arms around Father William or Sister Virginia to kiss them hello. Then they kissed me, too, right on the lips, as Father William introduced me to them.
"Kristen, this is Tammy." Tammy kissed me again. She was taller than me. Her reddish hair was cut short like a boys and her chest was flat, but her face was pretty. She was wearing lipstick on her full lips and had on eye make-up.
"And this is Betty." Then Betty kissed me again, too - right on the lips. She was the same height as me and her blond hair was in pig tails. Her breasts were a little bigger than mine - almost the size of tennis balls.
I thought of how mom teased me about having golf balls in my T-shirt a couple weeks ago. The girls seemed glad that I was with them. All three of us had on tight, pink T-shirts and very short, black skirts. We were all wearing gym shoes.
"Why don't you girls show Kristen where she will be staying?" Father William suggested. He kissed each of us again and patted our bottoms to scoot us off towards the house. That was when I realized that I wasn't wearing panties; his hand on my bare bottom.
Of course I didn't say anything, hoping nobody would notice as we ran off towards the house. Sister Virginia must have changed my clothes after I feel asleep in the car. I could see a barn over near the woods and a big pool close to the house on the opposite side from the barn.
"There are two more girls coming to camp this session." said Tammy as we ran up the slight hill and up the steps into the house. I was wide awake now, and eager to explore my new home. And boy was I thirsty.
We went inside and I thought all the old furniture was pretty cool; like an old movie or something. Tammy and Betty took me up the steps and showed me the bedrooms. We each had our own small bedroom and Tammy said they had to do some of the examinations and treatments in the bedrooms, but also did some of the exams in one of the special rooms. They said they did most of the games or crafts downstairs. Sometimes they went in the main office to get examined or tested in front of other medical visitors. Both of the girls giggled when they talked about the examinations, but wouldn't tell me about them. There was a big mirror on the side of my room.
Sister Virginia came in. It was crowded with all four of us in there. "Time for dinner pretty soon, girls. Why don't you two go help Jo get dinner ready?"
"Yes, Mam." They both said at the same time and headed downstairs. I thought they were just joking by being so formal and polite, and laughed when they both said "Yes, Mam" at the same time. But they were already out of the room, so I stifled my laugh.
"Get undressed now, Kristen. I already started the bath. Father William and Dr. Gregory will be up soon to examine you. You want to be clean as you can get before that, so I'll rinse you out. I'm going to wash your hair, too."
There were so many questions in my head, but she was undressing me and I felt like I should just do what she said. She washed my hair and put a towel around my head, then washed me all over. Whenever I tried to wash myself, she took the soap away, or held my hand still, so I let her do it. It was embarrassing when she washed me between the legs, and I tried to close my knees. "Open." She said calmly and pushed on my shoulders to have me lay back in the tub. The water wasn't too deep so I laid back and let her wash me there. It's not like she was mean or anything like that, but I knew I'd better just go along with what she wanted me to do. Mom had told me to do whatever they told me. And I knew they had permission to spank me.
She opened the drain as I laid there and the water went down. It was more embarrassing now because there weren't any bubbles covering me up. And I knew that some kids my age had pubic hair already, but I hardly had any -just a few longer blond hairs near the top of the crack, but you couldn't hardly see them. She rinsed me off with warm water from a little spray nozzle like grandma used to have on her sink.
I jumped when Father William and another man walked into the bathroom. I crossed my hands in front of me, not sure weather to cover my pussy or my chest with my hands.
Father William smiled and said, "Kristen, this is Dr. Gregory and we need to examine you now. It will only take a few minutes right now, and then more after you are rinsed out. No need to be shy." He had taken my wrist in his hand and put my arm down next to my side.
Sister Virginia had me hold up my arms and she stood behind me feeling the few hairs in my armpits. "She has a few hairs already in her armpits, and a few on her pussy. I'll shave them off in a minute when I do her legs, Father William. Then I'll rinse her out so she'll be ready for her first exam."
The two men walked over to me while Sister Virginia continued to hold my arms straight out to my sides. Father William knelt down in front of me, looking closely at my pussy. "Oh yes, now I see them. So fine and blond you could hardly tell." He put his fingers on the few strands of hair and tugged on them. It didn't hurt, he just tugged his fingers along the hair a few times. Then he did the same with the hairs in my armpits. "Don't shave her yet. We may wait a month or two on that. A few of the visiting examiners will want to monitor the hair growth over the upcoming months."
Then he said to me, "You are such a pretty girl, Kristen. You already have a nice start on the type of tan we want. So pale here." He traced his finger along the outline of my two piece swim suit, then tugged the hairs again. He put a towel along the squared front edge of the tub and had me stand on it. I held Sister Virginia's hand so I could keep my balance. They had me put my feet about two feet apart. He knelt down again to look closely at the fuzz on the lower part of my legs. As he ran his fingers lightly up my legs I giggled, because it kind of tickled.
"Don't shave her legs either. The blond hair is so fine it hardly shows up. I think some of the researchers will like it." He took my hand and had me hop down.
"You're so cute, Kristen. Did your Mommy tell you to follow all of our directions while you are here at the research camp?"
"Yes." I said quietly, looking down.
"Good girl." He laughed and hugged me. "You are so pretty and just right for our developmental research. I think you'll have fun here. You'll get to play with the other girls, and even some of the researchers will make you giggle, I bet." And he tickled me. "Some of the research is to test you balance while we take pictures, Kristen. Here. Try this." He took my hands and held them straight up over my head. "Keep your hands straight up like this and keep your feet close together. Now turn around and around as fast as you can while I move my hands up and down. That's it. Just like a ballerina."
It was funny. I was turning around real fast, holding my hands together straight up over my head. It was hard to keep my feet so close together while I turned. He ran his hands up and down me, touching me all over from head to toe while I turned. I was giggling now as I tried to turn faster.
"Stop!" he said. He was laughing, too, as he knelt right in front of me with his hands on my hips. The kiss on my tummy surprised me. "Keep your hands up, Kristen. That's a good girl." We were both laughing. He tickled me with his tongue in my belly button, making me giggle even more., but I kept my hands up over my head.
"Give her a bonus minute, Sister." He said as he stood up, still chuckling.
"Now let her rinse you out, Kristen, before the examination. Dr. Gregory will supervise. If you cooperate like a good girl while you get your enema you might even get another bonus minute tonight."
After he left, Dr. Gregory asked me if I had ever had an enema before. "I don't know. What is an enema, Dr. Gregory?"
"It's a way we can rinse you out inside, Kristen, before your examination. It won't hurt. We're just going to put some warm, soapy water in you. That's all. and then you'll go potty and be all clean inside."
"Does it hurt? I asked.
"No. Get on your hands and knees in front of the tub while I put some lubrication on your bottom. It doesn't hurt a bit."
He had me rest my shoulders on the towel on the edge of the tub while he put some gooey stuff on my bottom. He even had to put some inside so I would be slippery. He pushed it in with his finger. "There." He said. "All slippery inside now. This won't hurt. Pull your fanny open. That's a good girl." Sister Virginia was holding a big, rubber balloon thing full of water with a hose attached to it. Dr. Gregory put the black, plastic end of the hose in my bottom. He pushed it way in and said, "Here it comes. Just relax. It will feel warm inside, Kristen, but it will help wash you out. Good girl."
While the water was filling me, he rubbed his hands on my legs and said, "That's a good girl. Keep pulling your fanny open. You have such pretty legs, Kristen. I think you'll earn another bonus minute for doing such a good job."
I would have smiled, but I couldn't think of anything except the full feeling I was getting inside me as the water filled me up. Then it started to feel like I had to go potty. Dr. Gregory accidentally rubbed his hand across my pussy while he continued stroking my legs.
"Such a good girl," he said and patted my fanny. "Keep pulling it open like that. Are you starting to feel full inside?" He pushed the nozzle in deeper. "Don't want this to fall out, Sweetie. Almost done."
"I'm all full, Dr. Gregory. I think that's enough. I need to go potty now."
"Oh, not yet. Just a minute." Then I heard Sister Virginia tell him the bag was almost empty.
"We're going to leave you full for a couple minutes so that you'll be all clean inside after you go potty. Just stay in that position, but let go of your fanny with your hands. When I pull this out, I want you to squeeze your fanny closed so you don't have an accident." He was moving the nozzle around inside me, getting ready to pull it out. I squeezed real hard.
He pulled it out and they told me to hold still while they cleaned up the equipment. I heard them over by the sink and toilet washing off the stuff. I really had to go bad.
Then Sister Virginia came over and helped me lay on my tummy on a big towel on the floor. "Just lay on your tummy a minute, Kristen. You can go in a minute. Keep your legs tight together and squeeze those fanny muscles so you don't have an accident."
While she was saying this to me, Father William walked back in the big bathroom with Tammy and Betty. The girls giggled watching me squeeze my fanny so hard while I laid naked on the floor.
Then Tammy said, "It's not so bad, Kristen. We all have to do it sometimes, especially right before some of the visiting researchers need to test us." And Betty added some encouraging remarks too, while I was moaning and saying I was ready to go now.
"No, not yet." Said Tammy. "You have to stay full for a couple minutes.
Then you'll feel better."
"Doesn't she have a pretty pale bottom, girls?" asked Sister Virginia.
They both answered politely saying I was real cute and it would be fun playing some of the games with me. Sister told them to pat me on the fanny to encourage me to hold on a minute longer. They patted my bottom, saying how cute it was. Then they left the room. Everybody except Sister Virginia.
She helped me up finally and led me over to the toilet where I got to go potty at last. Then she wiped me off and put me back in the tub again, using a soapy washcloth and the spray attachment.
"All clean and ready for inspection." She smiled and helped me back out of the tub. "I bet you feel clean inside and out now, don't you?"
"Yes." I didn't know what else to say.
Then she said, "And you earned two extra bonus minutes. Isn't that great, Kristen?"
"What is a bonus minute anyway, Sister Virginia?"
"Oh, you'll see. I think you will like it."
Then Dr. Gregory, Father William and the two girls came back in the big bathroom. I was almost more embarrassed by the girls watching me getting felt and measured.
"Stand up on this step-stool while we get some measurements." Dr. Gregory said. They measured me every which way - around my chest, neck, hips, and waist. They measured my height and weight. They had me stand in some funny positions like to see if I could touch my toes with my legs straight and feet together. While I was standing that way they cupped my titties in their hands as if trying to see how big or how bouncy they were. The two girls giggled while they watched me get my first examination. Dr. Gregory took lots of pictures of me; every part.
Dr. Gregory, Father William and Sister Virgina all checked to see how springy my breasts and pussy lips were, while I stood or bent over in different positions. They even massaged them while I hung from a bar near the ceiling. You couldn't even tell I had titties when I was hanging from the bar. While I was hanging there they wanted me to show them how far apart I could put my feet without bending my knees. They felt around on my open pussy, but didn't stick their fingers in me.
And when I thought I had been measured every which way, and in every position, they had me bend over again, legs straight, and rest my hands on the closed toilet seat. Sister Virginia stretched my fanny open. As Dr. Gregory was putting on a rubber glove and squeezing something out of a tube, he said, "I have to measure your compression now, Kristen. It won't hurt. Just relax now." I noticed in the mirror that the girls were standing on their tip toes so they could see over the kneeling researchers as they got my fanny ready for the research.
The gooey stuff felt cold on my bottom and then he put a finger up my fanny. "Relax... that's it... Now squeeze real hard on my finger. Good girl. Relax. Squeeze. Very good, Kristen."
Father William was writing the numbers on the clipboard while Dr. Gregory had been examining me. He sat the clipboard down when Dr. Gregory said, "Try this, Bill. She has an excellent range: from 7 to almost 15. She is excellent. The same as Tammy, and almost at tight as Betty's. Amazing class this year. The three girls should each get another minute tonight."
Then Father William put on a glove and he did the same thing. They told me what great muscle control I had and that I would probably win some of the contests during the next few weeks. It made me smile.
I couldn't believe it when Sister Virginia asked the girls if they would like to see how tight my bottom was.
"Oh sure." Said Tammy and eagerly stepped up beside me. Now I was really embarrassed. She and Betty didn't wear gloves but took a turn putting one finger in my bottom and told me to squeeze. Each of the girls told me I was doing a good job as they slid a finger in and out several times. They were still chuckling, which made me turn red.
Next they all measured the contrasts of my tan compared to how pale my breasts or fanny looked. After taking lots of pictures - every inch and every position, Sister Virginia helped me put on my two piece swim suit and took me to the tanning bed while the men washed their hands and looked at my charts.
The girls were sent on downstairs to help get dinner ready, with reminders to wash their hands. The adults did a few last minute tests on me.
They were saying what a pretty girl I was and that I would probably make a great subject. I was smiling as I got in the tanning bed in the swim suit. It was the first time I had ever been in one, even though I heard about them on TV and the place where my aunt cut people's hair had one.
"Only twenty minutes, Kristen. Then dinner." She turned on some music.
Now I felt so hungry. "You're doing a good job of following directions. Your mother will get a note about your cooperation and maybe a bonus check for your school clothes at the end of camp. Wouldn't that be nice?"
"Sure, Sister Virginia. I almost never get new clothes." She smiled at me because I was smiling so big. "Did I do good?"
"Yes, Kristen. You did great. And I can tell the other girls like you, too. It will be fun playing some of the games and swimming or riding horses with them."
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