Trick or Treat at My Mom's Boss's House, Part 5

[ MMmFF/g, oral, anal, waxing, sm, les, bond ]

by Corn53

Published: 12-Nov-2011

Word Count:

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This is fiction.

Cindy's Wax Treatment And Videos

The next Saturday, at one o'clock, Mr. Bobby arrived with Freddy. Mr. Bobby expected Cindy to be cleaned up and ready to go - and she was - but he was really surprised by how nice Charlotte, Cindy's Mother, looked! Both Mr. Bobby and Freddy took a second look at her and approved. She was wearing a very short, black skirt, thigh-high, white, lacy hose with black straps from her garter belt. The high heels made her almost six inches taller than thirteen year old Freddy, and the same height as Mr. Bobby. Her lacy, white, semi-sheer blouse was open to the middle of her chest. Bright red 'wet-look' lipstick, and a black ribbon in her blonder-than-usual hair showed off her new coffiure. With a minimum of make-up, and a delicate perfume, both Freddy and Mr. Bobby wanted to fuck her, or at least look up her dress.

Mr. Bobby said, "Let me run Cindy out to the car. I have to get something and I'll come back in for a minute."

When he returned, he handed a small box to Charlotte. "Some things to play with, and extra lubricant for his anal pleasures. Also, Freddy, take this camera and get some pictures of Cindy's Mommy as she undresses for you. Go ahead and take lots of pictures today. I'm the only one who will see them, but they will also help me line up other kids for you to... ummm... work with, while I take Cindy out on assignments. You look very pretty and sexy today, Charlotte."

"Thank you."

"I've got to take Cindy over for her wax treatment and to do a couple videos. Madison is busy today, but another girl will be working with her later. I'll be back in a few hours. Before I go, may I see the panties you're wearing, Charlotte? And did you shave it all smooth like you said you would?"

She lifted the front of her dress to reveal lacy, white, hip-huggers. "Yes, I'm bald as a baby underneath. I only wish I had started wax treatments like Madison."

"It wasn't so popular back then. I'm glad more girls are doing it now. The sooner they start the better." Mr. Bobby said.

"Yes, it looks so much cleaner that way, and so much easier than shaving. I tried not to cause any nicks, but there are a few red bumps. I'm hopping Freddy will kiss them and make them all better."

Mr. Bobby looked down at a smiling and blushing Freddy. "Please kiss her red bumps from shaving, Freddy. Get some pictures. And later, use the vibrator to see if she tastes different after her clitty swells up. She'll tell you when she's excited. Just do as she says today, even if she tells you to be the boss and spank her hard. Then spank her hard - and really spank and vibrated that clitty. If she keeps her knees apart for you, then she gets a treat of your finger - but if she closes her legs when you smack her clitty, then don't give her the treat. It's kind of like dog training. And try to get some pictures while she is sucking you and tickling your balls - but do it right away before you're ready to cum. OK, Freddy? Can you follow those directions?"

"Yes, Sir. And thank you."

Mr. Bobby smiled at each of them and turned to leave. "You two have fun." He said as he went out the door.

In the car, Mr. Bobby said, "You look so cute today, Cindy. This will be fun for you and it will lead to lots more opportunities for you for the next... well, the next 'lots of years!' We'll make a video of you before your wax treatment - dancing and undressing and touching yourself - so we can get lots of close-ups before the treatment, and a video during your... Hey, why the worried look on your face, Cindy?"

"It's going to hurt! They are going to pull out all my hairs at once!"

He smiled his reassuring smile. "Yes, it will hurt a little bit. I won't lie to you. But actually it won't hurt any worse than the pussy spankings you got last week and a month ago at Mr. Thompson's house. You even had orgasms then. Remember those good, tingly feelings in your pussy?"

"Yes, now I know what orgasms are, and it feels really, really good, but that was like a game, you know, like I was trying to keep my legs open, and then they fingered me and tapped on my clitty. Sometimes they hit it too hard, but then I forgot about it in a second when they put a finger in, and they were staring at it, and it was so embarrassing, but I couldn't help it. I mean they were all looking at it, and taking pictures, and spanking it, and it just got so tingly I couldn't help it. The tingles got so big, that I got that explosion feeling inside. And there were people and cameras watching! It started twitching on its own, and I couldn't stop it."

"It felt good, didn't it?"

"Yes, like really good. But they weren't pulling my hairs out."

"No, but you know the concept - a little stinging, almost pain, and pleasure at the same time. And the pleasure is heightened with people and cameras watching. So even if you're crying - and it would be good to do that today. In fact, why don't you exaggerate your crying and complaining to make for a better video - just like you kept wiggling against your bonds at your first pussy spanking. That makes it more fun for the people watching and the people who will see your video later. But trust me, it will also feel wonderful - the way they are going to stimulate you before, during, and after the actual wax treatment. And here's a little surprise for you." He stopped talking - pretending he was watching the road.

A minute later, Cindy asked, "What surprise?"

"Oh, well, we won't tell your Mommy, but for each man you let watch you get your wax treatment, you'll get a ten dollar bonus. Your money. Nobody will know. I think there will be five, and maybe up to seven men who will want to watch you get the wax treatment. They might help with the pussy spankings and lickings, too, but you get to decide how many you will let watch you. That's another reason to cry and complain even louder - so they will enjoy it more. If you want, you could say that you don't want any extra people to watch or help tie you into spread-open position, or you could say two, or five, or even seven if there are that many who want to help. These men will want to get a very close look before and after your wax treatment. They will be your sponsors, which means you and your Mommy will get money, clothes, and other things from them over the next few years. Maybe even a better car."

"Gee. Just for letting them watch?"

"Watch and touch. But they won't hurt you. I promise you that. They have seen your pussy-spanking videos, so they know they can't spank your clitty any harder than that."

"Well, I mean I'm going to get waxed anyway, so I guess it couldn't hurt to let people watch it. And I've been thinking about what you and Mr. Thomas told me about 'embarrassing feels better,' and I think you're right. You're sure it will feel really good when it's all over?"

"Yes, and it will be so beautiful! You'll get invited to lots of private parties. And you'll get to work with other little girls and boys to make videos."

"Besides Madison?"

"Yes. Sometimes with Madison for parties or videos, but we also have a dozen other girls within a two hour drive who model for us. The youngest is eight and the oldest is almost thirteen. They are all pretty like you, and they are all waxed. Would you like to play with those other girls?"


"You'll start off with kissing and touching each other while you're both all dressed up, even in high heels. You would be taking turns kissing and feeling each other. No rush. Have fun. And then you take turns undressing each other and looking closely anywhere you want to look - like you could put her in a position - or maybe she will put you in some examination position, depending on who wins the coin toss - and then you can tell her to pull her lips wide open so you can look in her pussy. You can feel her breasts and even suck on them and she has to let you, and you can have her pull open her ass so you can see her anus for as long as you want to look. If you feel playful, you could even tickle her clitty with your fingers while you're looking at her anus. Doesn't that sound like fun?"

"Yes. Really? And she would let me?"

"Of course!" Mr. Bobby said. "Just like you would have to let her do those things with you. And there would be people and cameras watching so it would be even more embarrassing when you pull your bottom open to let her look. So that would make it feel even better when you start fingering and licking each other. That would really be exciting, wouldn't it, Cindy?"

"Gee. Ummm, yes. Gee. When?"


Cindy was silent, but Mr. Bobby noticed that she squeezed her legs together and twisted her hips slightly.

Mr. Bobby waited - watching her subtle squirms. Then he said, "It's kind of a reward for getting waxed today. She will be very gentle with your waxed area - so no pussy spanking for you, but you can spank yours. She is your age, just a few months younger than you. She got her first wax treatment six months ago, so you can see how pretty it is. She has played games with Madison before, and the two of them hit it off, just like I'm sure you'll like her."

Cindy was still squirming in her seat. "What's her name?" She asked.

"Amanda. And I showed her pictures of you last week. She was so excited and is looking forward to playing with you. She said, 'I can't wait to kiss her. Will she take her time kissing me?' and I told her that you would take your time and that you two could kiss as long as you want."

"Really? Gee."

"And she was worried about her first wax treatment, too. She did great. Lots of tears and crying, but less than a half hour after the hair removal process was finished, she had her biggest orgasm ever - in front of cameras and five visitors. Since then, she has enjoyed going to several parties and everybody compliments her on her pretty, bald, plump, firm pussy - very similar to yours. She felt embarrassed because she was naked and tied open and there were nine adults in the room who were all completely dressed. They were touching her and everybody was staring at her pussy as she got waxed. She was crying and kept telling them to stop, but they waxed her anyway. They didn't even untie her before they helped her cum. Everybody, including the cameramen, fingered her pussy. She said it was her biggest orgasm ever! And she loves the parties, like I told you."

Cindy was quiet again, but had a faint smile on her face.

Mr. Bobby said, "You liked Madison's didn't you?"

"Yes, it's really pretty. I liked it."

"And Madison liked yours, too. She told me when I took her home. She'll be at the party next weekend. So will Amanda and some other girls. You'll get matched up with each one of them, at least for a while. I'm sure everybody will love your pussy, too, Cindy."

Cindy kept that slight grin on her face, and Mr. Bobby enjoyed watching her scissor her legs together in the seat next to him. He said, "Oh, and one of the girls told me, I'm not sure which one, that Amanda tastes really good; very juicy."

When he said the word, 'juicy,' Cindy slipped her right hand up under her dress and touched herself. She noticed that he was looking at her hand, and blushed. She pulled her hand out and said, "It itched."

"It's OK, Cindy." He laughed. "If something itches, then it's better to scratch it than to keep thinking about it. Maybe it's the new panties I gave your Mommy for you to put on after your bath this morning."

"That's probably it." She said. "The new panties. They are so pretty."


Cindy Makes A Video And Then Gets Tied Up And Waxed

Mr. Bobby pulled up a long, gravel driveway, about twenty miles out of town. He said, "I enjoyed our talk, Cindy. We'll get to be good friends. Maybe later, before I take you home, and after I taste you, well, maybe you could taste me. OK?"

"Yes. OK. Mommy says I should be real nice to you. And I think I'm getting used to it, so I don't gag anymore."

"Good." Said Mr. Bobby, with a chuckle. He thought, "The kid catches on fast." And he liked her 'innocent' candor.

"Is this it? The place?"

"Yes. It's more private here. There are several special rooms set up just for you today. Oh, I forgot to mention - later, when you're playing with Cindy, she just loves getting a finger up her anus, but don't tell her I told you this. If you say you want to do it because her rear is so pretty too, she will love you and kiss you all over. And you like having a finger up your bottom, too, don't you, Cindy?"

She blushed. "Yes."

"Well goodness!" Mr. Bobby said, as he got out of the car. "Don't be embarrassed about that. All our little girls love it. Most of them have bigger orgasms when there is a finger up their bottom."


"Yes, really. So don't be afraid to ask for it. I mean at the parties and things. The adults, and even the other kids, will be happy to do that for you." He lowered his voice as they approached the house, "You know they will all want to see your waxed area, don't you?"


"Well, they will also want to put a finger in you in front and in back, but if you invite them ... and pretend to be shy, but say something like, "umm, well, I'm wondering if your could, ummm, well, like in back?' and they would really like to hear you ask for that special treatment. Then, especially if other people are watching that person get you all lubricated and then they touch you with a vibrator at the same time, well you'll get giant tingles! The more people who are watching, and the more embarrassing it is, the bigger your tingles!"


Cindy stopped on the front porch and looked around at the big, old house - so far from anywhere. She wanted to explore it. Then she noticed a dozen cars, mostly parked in the grass, on the other side of the driveway. And there were five cars on the side where Mr. Bobby parked. "Why are there so many cars here, Mr. Bobby?"

"A few cameramen, Ms. Ginny and her assistant who will do the actual wax treatment, and some trusted friends who want to watch you today. I didn't think there would be this many. We won't start for a while, so you'll have a chance to meet them. We'll have some snacks and soft drinks first, before your first video."

"Is Amanda here?"

"No. She'll get here later with a few of her sponsors. Probably in about two hours. Maybe a little sooner."

"I'm kind of nervous, Mr. Bobby."

"I know, but this will be so exciting. Do you have some little tingles already? Are your panties getting wet?"

"Yes, gee. How did you know?"

"All our little girls get excited. This is a special day for you. A fun day! Be nice to the people here, your sponsors, and they will be nice to you. Probably ten to twenty dollars each, and that's besides what your Mommy will get. And they will want to meet you at other times, for close, private looks at your waxed area. It will be a big help for you. Some of them have seen your videos, Cindy, so you don't need to be shy. They already like you."

A dozen well-dressed adults - men and women were in the foyer with drinks in their hand. One of the women handed Cindy a glass of her favorite soft drink. She couldn't remember the names, but they were all nice to her and everybody knew her name.

One lady, slim and in her middle forties, told Cindy that she had been coming to 'first wax' parties for almost ten years, and always loved the new, little girls. "And I always have at least a dozen private sessions with each one over the next year or so. I'll want to with you, too, especially after watching your other videos. You're so cute and hot, Cindy."

"Thank you."

The nice lady led Cindy around to meet the other adults. Cindy felt self-conscious in her very short dress. Cindy was giddy from compliments and the way that everyone was looking at her.

Ten minutes later it was time to get her dressed for her video. Lots of people came in the big bedroom to 'help.' Mr. Bobby was with her. He said, "Helen, I'll leave you in charge. Cindy, Ms. Helen here will supervise, but do you remember I said that everyone will want to get a close look at your private areas before you get waxed?"

"Yes, I remember."

"Well, each person will get a minute or two to examine you all over and look closely. Then later, after your wax session, they will want to examine you again, after your third video for today. One video in a little bit - dancing and acting silly and undressing, and then the wax session video, and then another video after Amanda gets here - so you can examine each other's waxed areas, and play other games. Some of them may ask you to get in funny positions, and that's OK. And they might kiss you on different places of your body, but nobody, except maybe Ms. Helen, will finger you yet. Let Ms. Helen undress you and keep you slightly stimulated until each of your sponsors has had a minute or two. OK, Cindy? And you're doing fine."


Mr. Bobby and several other people left the room. Helen was sitting on the edge of the bed with Cindy standing in front of her knees, facing her. Helen said, "I'll feel your panties first, Cindy, before I undress you. I want to know if you are already getting excited about your day. Put your feet apart a little bit. That's a good girl. Like Mr. Bobby said, 'you're doing just fine.'"

As Cindy said, "Thank you," Ms. Helen put her right hand up under Cindy's dress and began feeling her silky panties.

She kept feeling Cindy's panties, reaching all the way between her legs and up above the back of her panties - feeling continuously from her belly button all the way down and under and between her legs and up the back. Ms. Helen looked around at the other adults with her hand moving around under Cindy's dress, and said, "Very damp panties. A good sign. Full, plump, firm lips." Then she looked at Cindy. "You're doing good at following directions. Pull your panties down to your knees and open your legs a little wider so you panties won't fall to the floor."

Cindy reached up under her short dress and put a finger under the waistband on each side, and pulled her panties down as directed. Everyone could see the wet area in the pink crotch.

Ms. Helen said, "Now I'm going to run a finger through your slit and examine you for just a moment. I'm not going to put my finger in you yet."

She started moving her hand up and back, running her forefinger through Cindy's wet slit. Then Ms. Helen pulled her hand out. She smelled her finger and then put it in her mouth. Like a wine connoisseur, she savored Cindy's excited-little-girl nectar for a moment. "Excellent. Wonderful." She looked around at the other adults. "Sweet, excited, virgin nectar. You'll all love it."

Ms. Helen repeated her taste test. When she took her finger out of her mouth, she smiled at Cindy. "You taste wonderful, Cindy."

"Thank you." Cindy said; blushing and smiling. She heard the adults saying nice things about her - "pretty face," "pretty pussy," "so young and firm," "Helen says she tastes so sweet," "I heard she has a sensitive clitty," "Somebody who saw her videos said she has a beautiful, tiny, pink asshole," and other nice things.

Ms. Helen took Cindy's panties the rest of the way off, and handed them to a man standing next to her. He smelled her panties and then put them in his mouth.

Cindy giggled. "That's gross."

Some of the other adults laughed, too. Then Ms. Helen said, "Before I undress you, I'm going to lie you back on the edge of the bed so everybody, including me, can get a good close look at your pussy to see how much hair you have."

Cindy's feet were up by her bottom on the edge of the bed, with someone holding each foot so it wouldn't fall off. Ms. Helen slowly pushed her knees out and down to fully expose her wet, open pussy to everyone. Ms. Helen put her face close to Cindy's pussy and tugged on a few wispy, blond hairs. "It's beautiful, isn't it?" She asked the other adults.

All of the adults took a close look as Cindy laid back. She couldn't see them sniffing her pussy with their noses almost touching her clitty. Each adult told Cindy how pretty it was, and that it would be even prettier after her wax treatment. The consensus was that it wouldn't hurt much because her hair was so fine and sparse. Someone explained that 'sparse' meant she didn't have very much hair; but enough to start wax treatments.

Ms. Helen said, "I waited way to long to start my own wax treatments, Cindy, and it really hurt. I had to go every few months. It doesn't hurt so much or take so long now. Almost no hair anymore. Just a few fine ones. About like yours. I'll show you sometime. Hey, maybe later you could look at mine and Amanda's so you can see how pretty yours is right now - so young and firm and juicy."

Ms. Helen and the others undressed Cindy and each of the adults in the room was able to get a close look, and a few licks. Then they put her on her hands and knees on the bed and everyone took a close look at her anus while two of the adult pulled her ass open. Again, she got a stream of compliments about her beautiful anus.

A lady said, "It's hairless and clean - just a narrow ring of brown wrinkles with a tiny, pink center. No hair in back at all. Looks delicious!"

"Thank you." Cindy said, as she put her shoulders closer to the bed like Ms. Helen asked. Although embarrassed because she was on her elbows and knees on a bed with a dozen adults scrutinizing her ass, even pulling it open, she also realized that her tingles were zinging all around her pussy and tummy - zinging like crazy. The tingles really were bigger and better when she was embarrassed.

A lady asked her if she liked having a finger in her bottom. It was quiet in the room and Cindy knew that all the adults were paying attention to her answer. She said, "Well, you have to get it real slippery first, and start real slow, and I think it helps to have a little spanking first - at least that's what Mr. Bobby said - but then it ... well... it feels so good." She was moving her bottom around even though two people were still pulling her butt cheeks apart. "Especially a big man's finger, I mean, after its slippery enough, and if he starts slow, and like after a spanking."

Mr. Bobby looked at his watch. He said, "We need to do her first video now, and then the wax treatment. Some of you may be allowed to watch her wax treatment. It's up to her. And she will be coming to her first private party next weekend. I think there will be five little girls there. In about an hour or so, Cindy will meet Amanda and they will make a video together. Then they will play games with some of you, depending on how much time we have left. So, let's get on with the show."

A few minutes later Cindy was dressed like a Catholic school girl with a short, red plaid, jumper, white blouse, lacy white ankle socks and black pumps, with a white ribbon in her hair. Her video only took twenty minutes. Mr. Bobby sensed that the adults wanted to get on to the waxing, which would be the "highlight" - followed by another "highlight" doing the video with Amanda, and for some of the adults, still another "highlight" of a private licking session before taking the young star back home. And he was also looking forward to another very amateur blowjob from Cindy before he took her home. She was so inexperienced and awkward, that it was even more erotic!

In the other living room - video studio, she walked into the room in front of the cameras, with three magazines in her hand, and sat on the couch as directed. She talked out loud to herself for her role-playing script, even though Mr. Bobby also told her that most people who saw her video couldn't speak English.

In her best stage voice, Cindy said, "I'm so glad to have the house to myself tonight, so I can look through my brother's magazines that he keeps under his bed. Oh, gee, here are pictures of a girl sucking on a boy's thing! Gee."

She didn't have a script to follow - just a general outline. Mr. Bobby, and fifteen other adults, realized she was a natural actress. It didn't sound canned or self-conscious. She had "the flow," as Mr. Bobby's friend at a movie studio had talked about.

Within a minute, Cindy was masturbating with her hand inside her white, cotton panties. Her dress was flipped up in front so the cameras and everybody could watch what she was doing. With her left hand she flipped through the pages of the dirty magazines, making comments. "Oh, he has a big one. And it's kind of curved. Oh, his stuff is squirting in her mouth. Yuk! I wonder what it tastes like?"

Then she stood up, "It's kind of hot in here, and I have to change to get ready for bed anyway." She took off the blouse and jumper; kicked off her shoes; and sat back down in just her panties and lacy, white ankle socks. As she leaned back on the couch her back was curved, making her small breasts stick out from her body. She forgot about the magazines and started playing with her breasts with her left hand - pinching and pulling. Her right hand went back inside her panties. She pulled her hand out and looked at it. "Gee. Why is it so wet?" She smelled her fingers and then put her first two finger in her mouth and sucked on them. She did that three times, before she said, "Gee, I wonder if boy stuff tastes like girl stuff?" She tasted herself again, and then took off the panties - letting everyone see her as she turned and moved in front of the cameras.

She laid on her side on the couch, with one knee up and continued to finger and taste herself. Then she said, "Well, my stuff doesn't taste too bad. Maybe boy stuff doesn't taste too bad either. But there is so much of it! Like maybe a couple mouthfuls. It's hard to tell from the pictures."

But she wasn't looking at the pictures. She was busy with both hands now - left hand spreading her pussy lips apart, and her right hand tickling her clitty and dipping in her vagina. She kept tasting herself. "I'm getting more stuff out now. Maybe because I'm rubbing the little bump in the middle. That feels good."

She didn't make herself cum, but most of the adults were ready to.

Then it was time for the wax treatment.


Cindy's Wax Treatment

They led Cindy to the waxing room. She told Mr. Bobby that everybody could watch if there was room. She was very nervous - and got even more nervous as she put on the ankle and wrist straps. She had used the fur-lined, leather wrist and ankle straps at Mr. Thompson's house. There were brass buckles on the back of each one and she tightened them herself. The large, chrome, O-ring was opposite the buckle and notched strap. She knew she wouldn't be able to unbuckle them herself once she was fastened in place. The modified massage table was at a slight angle so she would be able to see what they were doing. There was a pillow under her head and her ankles and wrists were fastened into place.

Nobody was talking and Cindy was aware of the sound of the straps being fastened. The usual steady stream of compliments had stopped. Everyone was watching her. Her feet were up near her bottom in little stirrups and fastened with several ropes through her O-rings. There was a wide, padded belt around her tummy to keep her from lifting up or sliding away. The straps around each knees felt more like soft towels, but they were strong and kept her knees as far apart as possible.

Cindy looked down at her exposed, completely open pussy. Her clitty was still swollen from the video she had just made, but it was subsiding quickly. "It's getting smaller again because I'm nervous." She said, trying to start a conversation with anyone. Then she tried to joke, "I don't see any hair. Maybe we should wait a few months."

Ms. Helen said, "Hush, Cindy. Please don't talk now. Did you like how smooth Madison's pussy looked? And I bet you'll like how smooth Amanda's pussy is, too. So, to be in their club you have to go ahead with this waxing procedure. Are you ready?" Ms. Helen was smiling at her. Mr. Thompson and Mr. Bobby were right beside her, and they were both nodding and smiling, too.

Cindy said, "I guess so."

"You have to say 'yes,' Cindy." Mr. Thompson said. Then we can go ahead, and then you'll be in the club."

"OK, then. Yes! Yes, I want to be in the club."

Mr. Thompson and Mr. Bobby stepped back several feet away with the other adults who had formed a semicircle about six feet from Cindy's pussy; just outside the two men with cameras and the camera on the tripod aimed at the center of Cindy's pussy.

Ms. Helen said, "You can cry, but don't talk. Once we get you strapped in, we'll stimulate your clitty for you to help it swell up for the pictures and video. You want your fans around the world to know how excited you get, don't you?"

"No. I mean, 'yes,' but ... what is that?" She was looking at a small, pink, penis-shaped vibrator that Ms. Helen was holding in her hand. It was about the diameter of a man's finger.

"Cindy, this is one of the toys we'll use today during your waxing ceremony. I say 'ceremony,' because after today you will officially be one of our 'select models,' and able to attend private parties and make videos, and other things. It depends on your schedule and your Mommy's permission, of course, but they will all be fun and profitable for you and your Mommy."


"Cindy, this is Ms. Ginny who travelled almost two hundred miles to do this wax treatment for us."

Ms. Ginny said, "Hi, Cindy. You are as cute as they said."

Cindy smiled as best she could to the compliment, but she was looking around at the crowd. It seemed like more than the ten or so she was expecting. "More like twenty or thirty," she thought to herself. "And they are all staring at my open pussy. It's probably still wet from my video, too. How embarrassing."

Ms. Ginny said, "And you will be even cuter in about thirty minutes or so. You're lucky. Your hair is very fine and there isn't too much of it, so it won't hurt as much as most girls. But it will hurt a little bit. It's OK to cry, and it's even OK to yell and scream. You won't get in trouble today for cussing. But, as you probably noticed, this house is way out in the country, so no matter how loud you yell and scream, nobody will hear you. Do you want me to get started now, or should we stimulate you for a little bit first? Sometimes getting it all stimulated makes it less painful."

"Umm, well, stimulate if for a little while."

"OK, now no more talking until we're done unless I ask you a direct question. If I ask you a direct question, then answer immediately and tell the truth. You can cry or yell if you need to, and you can make pleasure noises while we are stimulating you. Do you like the feeling of a vibrator on your clitty?"

Cindy nodded. "Yes."

Ms. Helen twisted the base of the little vibrator. She said, "I'll buzz you for a little while. You're still wet from your video. I'm glad you like making videos for us. You'll be so popular for videos and parties after your treatment today." Ms. Helen pushed the small vibrator an inch into Cindy's open vagina and then rubbed it all around her clitty.

"Unnnn." Cindy moaned but didn't say anything. Soon she was moaning and squirming continuously in the quiet room - just the buzz of the vibrator, the whirring of the cameras, and Cindy's moaning. Everyone was paying close attention. Each time Ms. Helen pushed the vibrator into Cindy's vagina - an inch or two or even three - the pitch of the buzzing changed. Cindy kept moaning and squirming against her bonds - unable to close her knees; spread them wider, or lift her bottom more than a few inches in any direction.

Within a few minutes, the skin on her chest was mottled. It was well-lit under the studio lights, but the back and sides of the large room were much darker.

"Cindy!" Ms. Helen said, "Do you like having a man push a slippery finger all the way up your ass?"

"Yes." She answered immediately. "But then I might, you know, have one of those organism things."

"An orgasm? Well, yes, you seem close. You are very wet. Everybody here is looking at your open pussy, but you can't close it, can you?"


"Everyone can see that you are wet and excited. We know therefore, that you enjoy showing your pussy to people, don't you, Cindy?"

"Yes. It makes it tingle."

Ms. Helen only touched the buzzing vibrator to her clitty intermittently. She said, "Well, lots of people will want to see it. They will want to touch it. They will want to kiss it. They will want to lick it."

Ms. Ginny added, "And maybe they will slide a finger up your anus at the same time - slowly pushing all the way in, while they kiss and lick your swollen clitty, and while they smell and taste your pussy."

"Unnnn, ohh." She was straining against her bonds.

"I'm going to wax you now, Cindy. We'll help you reach an orgasm when we are done. Should I start now, or maybe give you a little clitty spanking first. We aren't waxing your clitty or the inside of your pussy; just your pussy lips. Should I spank it a little bit now?"

"Unn, yes."

Ms. Helen pulled a small cat-o-9-tails out of a box on a table near by and started whipping it in a downward motion against Cindy's pussy. Some of the strands hit across her clitty with each stroke, making Cindy jump and say, "oh!" with each stroke. She whipped it at intervals of one to fifteen seconds. The room was totally quiet now except for the ropes holding Cindy as she twisted and strained. During the long intervals, Cindy would settle down, and then start squirming again - almost as if she wanted the next one.

"There." Said Ms. Helen. "Would you like a few more with the little, wooden paddle. You seem to like that one, too."


She varied her pace - keeping Cindy guessing. Ms. Helen had practiced pussy whipping with lots of little girls, and knew how to drive them crazy. She hit upwards against the clitty and the insides of Cindy's pussy lips. If she waited more than five seconds, Cindy would start trying to thrust her hips forward and open her legs wider to get ready for the next one - almost as if her pussy was reaching towards the paddle.

"Time to start the wax treatment." Mr. Bobby said. He didn't want the adults to cum in their pants. He was careful not to press his pants against the tripod or anything else, because the slightest pressure might make him shoot in his pants, and he wanted to wait for Cindy's mouth. He already knew this video would be a best-seller - a top dollar, best seller.

Ms. Helen stepped back so that Ms. Ginny could lay the cloth strips, impregnated with hot wax, on Cindy's pussy lips. She put one strip on each side of the girl's pussy, and another patch on the very top of her crack.

Cindy was quiet; trying to be stoic and get it over with so the people watching would help her orgasm afterwards. She knew they had gotten her close already - keeping her close until Ms. Ginny put the wax strips on her - bringing her back to reality.

The adults were all still quiet and watching closely. Three of the men had already cum in their pants - assisted by holes in their right pockets. But they knew they would be able to get it up again later while watching something this hot. Two of the women felt their own spasms as they watched Cindy's pussy getting swatted while she was tied in such a vulnerable position, and in front of cameras and strangers.

While Cindy watched Ms. Ginny working with the wax strips, and looked over the crowd of onlookers, the wax cooled enough to grip her fine, blond hairs.

"Rrrrippp!" Ms. Ginny pulled up the strip on the left side of Cindy's pussy - ripping out two dozen of her fine, pubic hairs.

"OUCH! Ohhh, damn! Stop. No. That hurts too...."

"Rrrrippp!" up came the second strip.

"No! I said stop. Shit that hurts!" Cindy's nose started running and she could feel the tears in her eyes building up. "Stop it. I mean it. I'm going to tell Mommy!"

"Rrrrippp!" the smaller strip up the center pulled up. It hurt worst than either side because the hair was slightly denser on top.

"Please, no more. That hurts." She was crying now, and her nose was running. "I mean it. I'm going to tell Mommy." Cindy was trying as hard as she could to scoot back on the tilted table, but she was fastened into place. Her arms were up over her head and she could have pulled herself up except for the wide band around her waist. Her knees and feet were strapped into place. She wiggled and struggled. She cried.

A man walked over and wiped her nose with a tissue. She looked at him. "Help me. Get me out of here."

As she talked, Ms. Ginny laid down three more strips. She ripped them upwards, pulling out more hairs.



"OUCH! Shit! I'm going to tell my Mommy!" Then she started bawling. She cried through that round of waxing and through the next - and, although she didn't know it, the last round of waxing. She was fighting and struggling against her bonds. Everyone and the cameras could see the muscles in her legs, arms, and tummy tighten as she struggled and pulled.

Then Ms. Ginny said, "Done. All done. It's so pretty. Everyone come up a few at a time for a close look. Don't touch it yet. It's probably pretty sore. It looks kind of red from the waxing and the pussy spanking. You'll be able to help me put lotion on it later, if you want, but you must be very gentle."

The adults waited for Mr. Bobby to point to them before coming up for a close look. After a few minutes of intense viewing, he had the cameras get close-ups. Cindy's nose was still running and there were tear streaks down her face, but she had stopped crying. Everyone told her it was beautiful and that she was so brave and strong.

Mr. Bobby asked people to leave the room after they had gotten a good look at it. He said, "You'll get to look at it and touch it next weekend. A few of you might get to kiss it later tonight, but you must be very gentle. It's probably pretty sore right now."

As more people filed by - taking a close look and giving compliments, some asked if they could kiss it later. That's when Cindy started smiling again. She told them "OK, but be gentle, like Mr. Bobby says. Then you can kiss it."

One man said he was looking forward to the party. He said, "There will be four or five girls there, maybe six, including you, of course. Won't that be fun? You're so lucky, Cindy, because you will be allowed to kiss each one of them. They will all be so smooth and tasty. Do you think that will be fun, you lucky girl?"

"Yes. Gee. Five?"

"That's what I heard." Said the man. "Do you want to kiss each one? I know they will all want to kiss yours."


Mr. Thompson freed her right hand first, and gave her some tissues. He said, "You did great, Cindy. You were excellent at pretending to cry and complain."

"Thank you." Cindy said, missing his tongue-in-cheek humor. "Mommy says I exaggerate at home whenever I cry, and sometimes I do, like so she will let me do something. But, um, well, it did kind of hurt. Like for a little while."

Mr. Thompson leaned down and kissed her on the mouth. "You're wonderful, Cindy. That's why we all like you so much."

Cindy blushed. "Lots of people said they wanted to kiss me later."

"I'm sure they do. And some of them might also kiss you on your mouth." He laughed, and then Cindy laughed, too.

Ms. Helen was nearby. She said, "I want to kiss her all over. You did great, Cindy. It will be a very hot video. I'm sure you'll get lots of new sponsors once people start seeing your waxed area. You'll get to show it to lots of people next weekend. Won't that be fun, Cindy?"

"Yes. Gee."

The cameras were still aimed at her as they unfastened her and helped her stand up. The few people who were still in the room applauded.

She smiled.


Getting Ready To Make A Video With Amanda

Ms. Helen and Ms. Ginny and several other ladies took Cindy to a big bathroom off the master bedroom so she could pee and then wash her face. They chatted casually about other things most of the time, but dropped occasional hints about some of the games Cindy would get to play next weekend. Cindy said she was excited about going to the party to meet new people. She asked if they thought the new people, especially the girls would like her.

They assured her they would as they helped her on with a garter belt and thigh-high hose, and high heels, and a 'nightie-type,' ultra-sheer, vest-like blouse that went to just below her belly button and tied with a sash. Depending on how she wore it, she could easily expose one or both breasts - but since it was see-through material, it didn't really matter how she wore it. Ms Ginny told her it was extremely sexy on her with her 'mini-muffin' breasts."

"Like bird eggs on mini-muffins." Ms. Helen said. "As cute as cute can be!"

As they started leading her out into the main room, Cindy asked, "What about panties? And a skirt?"

Ms. Helen said, "We want to let it cool off, Cindy. Your pussy is red and sore, so it needs to get some air."

"And everybody wants to see it." Said Mr. Thompson, who had just joined them in the bedroom-dressing room. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine. I was just acting, like you told me. Like when you told me to pretend it really hurt."

The adults in the room hid their amusement, because they knew she was lying... just like the other little girls who cried and complained while getting waxed, and were then so happy with the results and all the compliments and increased attention. It was almost as if the adults were setting up the girls so they would want to show their newly waxed area to everyone, just to get the compliments.

One of the other men caught her attention when he said, "Amanda is here. She's anxious to meet you. And, take it from me, Cindy, she tastes great! You'll love it. You want to taste her, don't you?"

"Well, um, yes, but we have to make a video, so I'll follow directions."

"But you do want to taste her, don't you? Come on. Admit it. You want to see what she tastes like. Amanda said she can't wait to meet you because she heard you're so cute. I heard another man - I forget who - tell her that you taste great, and she wants to taste you for herself. And Amanda told me that she knows your pussy is sore today, so she will just kiss it and won't lick it very much. She'll be extra gentle with you. And, Cindy, trust me on this: Amanda gets very juicy when she's excited. And she'll get excited from making a video with you; playing with vibrators and so on. Real creamy wet. And then you'll want to taste her, won't you?"

"Well, yes. You're right."

"Let's go join the others." Ms. Helen said, taking Cindy by the hand.

Cindy felt self-conscious without panties or a skirt, but otherwise she knew she looked cute - with freshened-up make-up, wet-look lipstick, a black garter belt, white, lacy hose, black high heels, and a white, sheer, frilly blouse. And her pussy was sore, so being exposed would help it cool off, like Ms. Helen said.

The other adults in the room told her it was standard to have a little party after a girl's first wax session, so they would do the video - with everyone watching the two girls undress and play together - and then have a little party today.

"How many people?" Cindy asked. "I mean for today's party."

"A few more than thirty, counting you and Amanda." Mr. Thompson said. "They will all want to see your waxed area, so you have on the perfect outfit for that." He laughed, and then the other adults and Cindy laughed, too.

End Of Part Five


Next Part: Making A Video With Amanda, And Cindy's First Party (With a Special Report on Cindy's Mommy and Freddy)

Dear Readers: As always, please share your suggestions for fun "party games" for Cindy, Madison, Amanda, and their other friends. If you submit a suggestion (for this or any other story) you may pick out a name/description of a new character. Thanks for reading this. - Corn53

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Loved the pussy spanking but wish Charlotte was more involved in observing what's been done to her little girl. It would make a great story if she actually became involved in producing movies with her daughter, deciding what she will do, what kind of games she will play and so on. Sort of hands-on approach in managing her daughter's porn career. I hope you give it a try. Your fan base would double overnight.

The reviewing period for this story has ended.