Published: 8-Nov-2011
Word Count:
Friday afternoon, four weeks after Cindy's visit to her Mom's boss's house, Mr. Bobby arrived at Cindy's house with another little girl. He carried in two metal camera cases and several light stands. Cindy and her Mom greeted him like a long, lost friend, even though Cindy's Mom had never met Mr. Bobby. She now knew that he was the source of the money for letting Cindy have those 'experiences,' with her boss, as she called them.
She said, "Cindy, this will be so much fun. Making videos upstairs with a new friend. Like little actresses."
Mr. Bobby said, "There is another kid coming in about a half hour with Mr. Thompson. There will be three kids in the videos today. I'm sure they'll have a good time." He looked at Cindy and smiled with approval at her short dress and high heels with white, lacy, ankle socks. "Yes, you'll have such a good time playing with Madison."
"I'm sure they will, Mr. Bobby." Cindy's Mommy said, while holding Cindy in front of her. "Cindy had a bath already; a perfumed bubble bath, so she's clean all over for the games and videos. I didn't have a chance to do her nails."
"That's quite alright. These will look more like casual videos - just kids having fun and experimenting. Playing doctor. That kind of thing. I even have some costumes for them." He looked at Cindy, who seemed especially bashful, not looking directly at the 'new girl,' who was six months older than Cindy.
"Cindy, this is Madison. She just turned ten, and has been in some of my videos for over a year."
Madison was smiling and looking around. She almost licked her lips when she looked at the pretty nine year old she would soon be "working" with for the videos, although she also knew she would be getting spankings on her ass and pussy, which sometimes hurt for a moment. Her dark hair was straight - just the opposite of Cindy's blond, curly hair. Madison's brown eyes had a devilish sparkle - and so did Cindy's blue eyes.
Mr. Bobby introduced everyone. "Cindy and Cindy's Mom, I'd like you to meet Madison. She's ten and has been doing videos occasionally for the last year and a half - starting with solo videos, just like Cindy did. Spankings, undressing, and so forth." He looked at Madison in her school jumper. "You like helping with the videos, don't you Madison?"
"Yes, it's lots of fun, especially with another girl, and especially, especially with somebody as cute as Cindy. It will be fun today, even if a few of the front spankings do sting a little bit. I heard you like front spankings, too, Cindy. Do you?"
"Yes. It was fun. Just kind of embarrassing since I was tied open and people were watching."
"I know. It's more embarrassing with people watching that with just cameras, but it really makes me tingle. That's a fun thing about the 'little parties.' There are always new people looking and touching you. It's really fun."
Mr. Bobby held up a hand for them to stop talking for a minute. "Before Cindy's Mom leaves, I need to tell her something. And maybe you could show her in a little bit, Madison." He looked at Cindy's Mom. "When my little models get to a certain age, they... well, they start to get pubic hair. So if a model is especially pretty - like both Madison and Cindy, well, then I arrange for wax treatments to make sure they stay hairless for several more yeas. It helps my models keep that fresh, youthful look for the videos - especially for videos with so many close-ups. Cindy, would you like to keep making videos with me for a few more years?"
"Yes. Really. It's fun. Please, Mommy, can I keep making videos?"
Cindy's Mommy looked at Mr. Bobby. "Is it for the same arrangement? You know, the same amount?"
"Yes, of course. The wax treatment will actually make an exciting video for some of our overseas customers. The girls are tied down, which the customers like, and it does hurt - almost like a little front spanking, which they also like, so the wax treatment and the before and after video clips of our special relaxation techniques would pay the same as a full, four hour modeling session. And it won't hardly even hurt Cindy because she only has a few, wispy, blond pubic hairs, so they should pull right out. Some of our models who have been getting quarterly or semi-annual, wax treatments for a few years will remain hairless down there for the rest of their lives, with just occasional touch ups. It's best to start while they are young. Then they won't ever need to shave down there."
"That would be great!" Cindy's Mom said. "Wish I had started at nine or ten."
Mr. Bobby had Madison standing right in front of him, leaning against him. They were facing Cindy and her Mother. Mr. Bobby's hands were on Madison's chest. He said, "Even as Cindy's breasts get bigger, she will still pass for younger because she will be hairless down there. It also helps with the live shows. All my girls are nine or ten, and even the eleven and twelve year olds pretend they are only nine or ten, and they can get away with it because they are hairless and it's obvious they don't shave. Madison got waxed for the first time right before she turned nine. There were people watching and the cameras. She only cried a little bit. They always try to have five or six helpers who watch and encourage the little girl, and tell her how pretty it looks. And then they'll get to keep doing parties and videos for a bunch more years."
Madison said, "It kind of hurts, but only for a few seconds each time, and then everybody kept saying how pretty it was and they massaged lotion on it for me. I was tied up, like for the video. Now I think it's kind of fun, especially the people watching." She giggled. "And then they all want to kiss it. I think that's funny."
Cindy's Mom was watching Mr. Bobby's hands feel Madison's chest - massaging, pulling, even pinching - while he talked with them. She asked, "If Cindy wants to, it's fine with me. But we'll keep all this a secret, right Cindy?"
"I won't ever tell anybody." She promised. "And yes, I want to. It's fun making videos. What are the 'live shows,' Mr. Bobby?"
"Tell them, Madison."
Madison said, "They are lots of fun, too, but like no cameras, especially if some of the men or women are famous or something. They play with us and help us put on different outfits. And they touch us and look at us all over, like even spanking or licking us. You know where! And maybe fingers, but we have to stay virgins, at least until we turn twelve. I hope you can come to some of the parties, Cindy. It's really fun. We could work together - like doing little shows for some of the grown-ups. You know, like playing doctor and kissing. Things like that."
"Please, Mommy. I want to do that."
"Same Money." said Mr. Bobby.
"The money has nothing to do with it, but if she wants to, then it's OK with me, especially if she can keep it all a secret."
Mr. Bobby knew that Cindy's Mom wanted the money, and that it was an important part of her decision to let Cindy participate. Then Mr. Bobby thought of a way to cement the relationship. "Madison, why don't you run upstairs with Cindy's Mommy and let her see and touch your waxed area. Don't be in a rush. You need to put on this other outfit anyway, so maybe she could help you if she doesn't mind. And let her feel how soft but firm you skin is where you got waxed." He looked at Cindy's Mom. "Would you like to see it before you decide about allowing the wax treatments for Cindy? Lots of girls Cindy's age do it."
Cindy's Mom said, "Well, I suppose I should look, I mean since I might let Cindy do it." She headed upstairs, hand-in-hand with the cute ten year old.
Mr. Bobby knew he had guessed right. He said, "Take your time. Do a very thorough investigation. Mr. Thompson won't be here for about twenty or thirty minutes. Several of the men and women at the parties have even said that the girls smell better, 'sweeter,' after a little stimulation, after getting waxed, so be sure to check that out, too. Some girls start to get pubic hair around the anus in their teens, so examine her in back, too. She had a perfumed bath just an hour or so ago, so she all clean for inspection."
"I will." Cindy's Mommy said.
"And make sure you like how it looks and feels." He was tempted to add 'taste,' but he didn't want to make Cindy's Mom feel bad about putting her nine year old daughter in porn movies, or letting dozens of men feel her; look at her; spank her; and even finger her - front and rear. Mr. Bobby was sure that Cindy's Mom would know what was going on in the movies and at the 'private parties,' but she probably would pretend she didn't know that strange men would be fingering and tasting her daughter - and spanking her ass and pussy both. And Mr. Thompson had told him that he had talked with Cindy's Mother about Cindy getting 'new tastes' in her mouth, and she was OK with that... even saying that she had done those things at Cindy's age, but her family never got any kind of compensation for it.
After Madison and Cindy's Mom went upstairs, Mr. Bobby said, "I thin Mr. Thompson will get here with Freddy pretty soon, but I wanted your Mommy to have some time to examine Madison in private, so that maybe she will let you get your pussy waxed."
"I hope she lets me. I'm getting a few hairs already. You can't see them, but Mr. Thompson tugged on them - like getting a few at a time with his fingers, so I could feel it when he tugged on them."
"I don't remember seeing any last month when I fingered you and licked you. That was a fun night, wasn't it?"
"Yes, gee."
"We've got a little time before Mr. Thompson gets here. Let me take a close look. I know your Mommy would like to get you started in the waxing program. It would be nice extra money for her, and then you could maybe start coming to some of the private parties. Would you like that?"
"Yes. Madison says its fun."
Mr. Bobby laughed. "Well, I know she gets really big tingles when she's at the party - and after some fun games, she finally takes off her panties to let everybody look. She's usually very wet and excited already by the time she takes off her panties. Did it give you tingles to let new men look at it for the first time? I sure liked seeing it, and you could probably tell that."
"Yes, it gives me big tingles, even though it's kind of embarrassing. And I could tell you liked looking at it. You were staring right at it."
"Of course I was! It's beautiful. Just like your face and you firm, little figure. Now take off your panties and sit on the edge of the couch. Lift up your dress and spread your legs so I can get another close look. I'll check for any wispy hairs, so maybe we could get you started with the wax treatments."
A few minutes later, after Mr. Bobby did a close inspection - eyes, fingers, and tongue - of Cindy's pussy, he made her happy by declaring her ready for a wax treatment. "Maybe next month, Cindy. We'll see what your Mommy says. I hope she likes Madison's. She has been getting waxed for quite a while. It hurts a little bit - similar to the pussy spankings you got last month - but then it feels wonderful while they massage it for you. Do you mine if I lick you for a little while, before Mr. Thompson gets here, and before your Mommy comes back downstairs?"
"No. I don't mind. It feels good how you do it."
"I'm glad you like it. I like licking you. And I liked the way you licked and sucked on me."
"I'm sorry I didn't swallow it. It was just too much after the first two. I almost gagged on the first one, but then I guess I started getting used to it. I'll swallow your stuff today though. I'll really try. Ohhh, that feels good. Like that. But if we hear Mommy coming downstairs, then we have to stand up. OK? I don't want Mommy to know I let people do this."
"Yes, we'll stand up. Now just be quiet and I'll lick you to get you heated up for your videos. And we won't tell your Mommy that I've been licking your pussy." Mr. Bobby wasn't sure if she was serious about thinking her Mommy didn't know about the things they were doing with her, but he wanted to keep licking her pretty, virgin pussy, so he didn't question it.
All too soon, Mr. Thompson arrived with Freddy. Mr. Bobby let them in and locked the door. The two kids were both looking down at the floor. Mr. Bobby said, "I've talked with Cindy's Mommy about getting waxed so she could keep making videos and even start attending some of our private parties. And I just examined Cindy and she is beginning to get a few wispy hairs.
"What did Cindy's Mommy say about waxing, and about the private parties?"
"She wants Cindy to do both, after I mentioned money, but then she said that the money wasn't the reason. She just wants Cindy to be happy."
Mr. Thompson coughed and smiled. "yes, well, that's very noble of her. Where is she now?"
Mr. Bobby smiled and said, "She took Madison upstairs to check out the wax job. I told her to do a very thorough examination to see if she would like for Cindy to get the treatments. They are still upstairs."
Mr. Thompson said, "Well, let's call them downstairs, and we'll examine Cindy's pussy to see if it's ready for wax treatments yet."
"Yes, Sir." Mr. Bobby said, pretending that Mr. Thompson was the boss today.
They all looked towards the stairs as Madison and Charlotte, Cindy's Mommy, came down the carpeted stairs to the living room. She seemed surprised to see a boy there, but didn't comment.
Mr. Thompson said, "This is Freddie, Charlotte. He'll be doing some acting with the girls today. He just turned thirteen. Your daughter got to know him last month at my house. Mr. Bobby was just telling me that you went up to inspect Madison's waxed area. What did you think, and did you check out the back area, too? I'm so proud of little Madison. She's been waxed three times in the last year. Isn't it pretty?"
"Yes, very pretty. Front and back. It's bald and perfect, but I don't know if Cindy needs the treatments yet. I didn't see any fuzz when I gave her a bath last month."
"Let's all take a close look. Cindy, sit on the edge of the couch and lean back. Mr. Bobby checked her a little while ago and he could see some wispy, blond hairs. And I remember seeing some last month."
Cindy blushed as she sat on the edge of the couch. Charlotte said, "Maybe Freddie could wait in the kitchen while we inspect her."
Mr. Thompson said, "Oh, no. Freddie is fine. He's see it and touched it already, so nothing to hide. In fact, Freddie was the first one to shoot his squirts in her mouth and she swallowed it." He laughed, "I don't think she liked the tasted, but she did it as directed. Part of the bonus you got."
Freddie said, "She did good. Every drop. Just a little ran down her chin."
Cindy's Mom didn't say anything.
Mr. Bobby knelt in front of Cindy and pushed her knees apart. "Lie back, Cindy, so we can inspect. Once you get waxed, you'll be able to do more videos, and also some of the private parties."
When Mr. Bobby flipped up Cindy's dress, Charlotte said, "Where are your panties, Cindy?"
"Mr. Bobby took them off so he could ... umm... 'inspect' me, and he said he could see some hairs."
Everyone looked closely. Cindy was embarrassed as her Mommy checked. She watched as Mr. Bobby pulled on a few wispy hairs - making a quarter inch of skin pull forward on her right pussy lip. "She's blond, with very fine hair, but if you look closely you can see it. And of course you can grasp a few and pull like this. I think she's ready to start the treatments. After all, if she is invited to some of the private parties, she will be inspected very closely."
"Do you want to, Cindy?" Charlotte asked, already knowing the answer and hoping to put more of the onus of the decision on Cindy's nine year old shoulders.
"Yes. I really want to go to the parties with Madison. And I like modeling."
Charlotte looked at Mr. Thomas, but didn't say anything.
Then Mr. Bobby answered the unasked question, "For the wax treatment and those videos, and for the private parties, you would get a bonus about the same size as the one you got last month when Cindy went to Mr. Thompson's house for her audition."
Charlotte acted surprised. "Oh, I don't care about the money, although it does help a little bit. But if Cindy wants to get waxed, then I suppose it's OK with me, especially since other girls her age do it."
Mr. Bobby and Mr. Thompson didn't dare look at each other or they would start laughing about Charlotte's bold-faced lie. They both knew that Charlotte had blown guys for twenty dollars, and Cindy would be making 500 - 800 for an evening of fun.
Mr. Bobby said, "We could arrange the wax treatment for next Saturday, and then the following weekend we have a party lined up, and Madison will be there. Of course, Cindy will be invited, too, after the wax treatment. It's about an hour away from here, and it will take our wardrobe and make-up lady about an hour or so to get her ready; to do Cindy's hair and nails; some make-up, perfume, and several pretty party dresses and special costumes over the course of the evening. She will always start out all dressed up, and then a guest, or group of guests will play with her for a while - sometimes in private and sometimes in front of everybody - especially if there are several other little girls at that party. Everybody will have a great time. By the way, did you think Madison's waxed area smelled sweet after a little stimulation?"
"Yes. So soft and smooth, and it did smell very nice. I had no idea."
"So, the wax treatments will assure that Cindy will be a popular model at the private parties, so she will be called at least once a month. It looks beautiful now, but all the people at the parties will love it once it's been waxed. They will all want to feel it and smell it. I suppose most of the guests will want to taste it, too. She'll have fun and, of course, will remain a virgin - with no vaginal sex besides fingers - until she is at least twelve and a half."
Charlotte looked at her daughter - still lying back on the couch with her knees apart and her dress flipped up. Freddie was kneeling in front of her with his face just inches from her open, wet pussy. Charlotte asked her daughter if she was sure she wanted to get waxed and then go to those fun parties. She asked, "It's all up to you, Cindy, whether you go to those fun parties with Madison. It's not about the money I'll get for letting you go, so don't worry about that. It's all your decision if you want to go and have fun."
Even Cindy knew her Mommy wanted the money, but since she also wanted to go to the parties, she said, "I want to go. It sounds like fun. And I bet everybody will like touching it after I get waxed."
Madison said, "We'll have so much fun. And you're right. Everybody, even the women, will want to look at it and touch it, but they have to wait, because we'll be all dressed up. Sometimes they can put a hand up under our dresses in the big party room, but they can't really play with it until we're in private later, unless it's a special game with two or three of us girls. And then we get a whole new dress and get all cleaned up to go back out in the party. It's really fun. And the food is good."
Mr. Bobby said, "OK. It's all settled. Next Saturday I'll pick up Cindy at noon for the wax treatment. We'll be gone about four hours. That way we can at least get a few videos - one before, and during, and maybe a couple after the wax treatment, and so she will learn more about how things work at the parties. And then the next Saturday I'll pick her up about three in the afternoon. After the long drive, she'll be with Ms. Vicky in the make-up and 'get-ready' room for a couple hours before the party. The party won't start until about seven and will last at least a few hours, depending on how many guests are there, but I'll try to have her home about midnight. OK?" He looked at Charlotte.
"Yes, that's fine.
Mr. Thompson said, "And now, we want to get a few video clips of kids playing. I've got different outfits for the girls and one other outfit for Freddie. He'll only be in two of the videos, but he wants to watch the girls make their other videos - one in the bedroom, one in the bathroom. He'll be in the two videos we'll make down here in the living room." He pointed towards Cindy's Mom. "So you can stay downstairs while we're upstairs, and then when we come down here to set up, you can go upstairs. Or you could leave, of course. If you'd like to stay, perhaps you could wash off Madison's waxed area and put some lotion on her after one of our video sessions while we're setting things up downstairs."
"I'd be glad to help." She said.
Mr. Bobby smiled. "Thanks. That'd be a big help. She gets so creamy wet when she is excited. It will help if you wash her off and dry her waxed area, and then put lotion all around. We'll give her fresh panties for the next video. You'll have about ten minutes to get it cleaned off and put lotion on her lips and pubic area."
"We're going upstairs now." Said Mr. Thompson. "You wait down here. We'll be down in about an hour after two quick videos. Freddy won't be in these upstairs videos, but he wants to watch the girls undress each other and play doctor or other games. It will get him excited and ready for the downstairs videos."
Charlotte said, "I remember at that age, a neighbor boy, could cum once during some games, and then he could cum again an hour or so later."
Mr. Thompson and Mr. Bobby looked at each other. "Of course!" Mr. Bobby said. "Like last month, Cindy got him to cum twice - about two hours apart. I bet with both Madison and Cindy to help him, he could do it again. We'll start down here. Go on out in the kitchen and close the door, or you could go upstairs to watch TV, while we do a quick scene down here. Then we'll go upstairs for the two girl videos. Maybe you could wash Freddie off then, while we take the girls upstairs. He just turned thirteen and is almost four inches already. But be careful that you don't cause him to... well, get too tired out."
"I'll be careful, and I'll make sure he's all clean for his next video."
"Thanks, Charlotte. Maybe you could help Mr. Bobby with some of his other shoots, when Cindy isn't one of the actresses. You could drop her off at my house and go with Mr. Bobby and come back and pick her up after the video shoot. Would you be interested?"
"Yes, I'd be glad to help."
"That would be great." Mr. Thompson said. "Cindy will stay with me and have dinner and some pop. But now, why don't you run on upstairs and put on the nightie and panties. Come back down in ten minutes so we'll be set up. Then you and Madison will make a video with Freddy. He'll pretend he's your big brother and spank both of you, and then you'll start playing games and acting silly. Then you'll each take turns sucking him, and you'll pretend you'll get a prize for whoever makes him squirt."
Cindy ran up the steps to change clothes.
Mr. Bobby said, "Take your clothes off, Madison, and when Cindy comes back downstairs, slip into this nightie." He turned to face Cindy's Mom. "We like to reward our young actresses and actors with a 'treat' every so often, even if they don't have a video or party that month. Like maybe you could help one of our boys or girls have an orgasm in the privacy of your home, while Cindy is out getting her 'treat,' or making a video or attending a party. We find that helps the kids motivated to be in our videos. And occasionally, like if we have three or four boys who will each be working with an older actress - say a twelve to fifteen year old - then we like the boys to cum first, so they last longer when they are on screen. Perhaps you could help with that. Spend a little time in private with each of the boys an hour or so before their part in the videos. The boys for those videos would usually be about fourteen or fifteen years old. Then after you get him to cum, then a half hour later he will last longer when its his turn to be in the video."
"Would that be a paid thing? I mean for me?"
"No. It would be volunteer for you. Other adults pay us two hundred dollars to spend an hour or two with one of our models for a 'pleasure session.' That's what we call these non-video session with one adult - a 'pleasure session.' I'm letting you help us as a kind of a way for you to thank us for using Cindy more often - for videos and private parties. Still interested? You would get to stimulate girls like Madison here, or boys like Freddy or sometimes a little older than Freddie. Maybe you could thank Freddy for helping your daughter become one of our stars. I know Freddy thinks you're cute... for a "grown-up!"
"I'm only twenty seven, Freddy."
"I think you're pretty." He said, and then he blushed and looked at the floor.
Mr. Bobby said, "And Freddy is still a virgin, even though your daughter sucked him off twice, he's still never had sex. I know he would like to learn, and he was very curious about the anal fingering, especially since Cindy seemed to enjoy it so much. Would you be willing to thank Freddy in private sometime? We won't say anything to Cindy. And Charlotte, would you rather play with a young boy or a young girl? The girls we use are eight and a half up to twelve, sometimes longer if they are waxed. The boys are twelve to sixteen. If you like both boys and girls, you can just let me surprise you each time I pick up Cindy."
"Just surprise me. I'll gladly work with any of the girls or boys you bring me. You know I want to help however I can." She said, looking at Freddy with renewed interest. "And with four inches already, there may be some other things we could try, too, Freddy. I'm sure you would have a good time."
Mr. Bobby said, "You would be helping the models with their careers; helping them learn various ways to please people and to please themselves. With the older boys, you could also help them get off by letting them do things to you - mouth, pussy, or ass - your choice, and off the record. None of our business. Want to try it?"
"I suppose I could try it. I mean, just to see." She stood behind Freddy, who at five feet, three inches was already as tall as she was. She felt his shoulders and arms. He's so strong already.
Freddy smiled; tried to stand up taller.
Mr. Thompson added in a lower voice, "We want our boys to learn to both give and receive, as time goes on. Some may be curious later about other possibilities, so the fingering in back will help prepare them for the day they might be introduced to new types of giving pleasure. It's a slow process usually - one step at a time - and some boys are more... well, 'flexible,' about getting or giving pleasure. So by helping them cum with a finger in back may pique their curiosity. Might be fun for you, too. You'll feel Freddy's spasms from the inside. As deep inside as your finger will go." He looked at Freddie. "Freddy, would you like to stop by here for a visit when I take Cindy for her wax treatment next weekend?"
Charlotte was still feeling his arms and shoulders. She said, "I bet we could try for three. We'll have a few hours."
"Three what?" Freddy asked.
"I bet I could help you cum three times. You've probably jerked off three or more times in one day, haven't you?"
"Yes." He blushed again, but tried to act as cool as James Bond.
She said, "Well don't jerk off on Friday or on Saturday before you get here. I'll help you. We'll have fun."
Madison was watching the whole exchange with interest. "I'd like to spend time with you, too, Charlotte. I liked what you did when you examined me. It felt good." She had noticed the older woman's frequent glances at her pussy, so the naked girl made sure she was always facing Cindy's Mommy.
They heard Cindy coming down the stairs, so Madison put on her nightie for their video with Freddy.
Charlotte smiled. "OK, Mr. Bobby. I'll be glad to help you. No need to pay me, because I'm just thanking you for using Cindy more often, hopefully a few times each month, and I will make sure she has a perfumed, bubbled bath before you use her."
"Great." Mr. Bobby said, "Next Saturday I'll bring Freddy when I come to pick up Cindy for her wax treatment. Like I said, we'll be gone a few hours. And Freddy, you can fuck a woman for the first time. I think you'll like it. She'll take a perfumed bubble bath next Saturday afternoon, too, just like Cindy will. Here comes Cindy now, so you head on upstairs, Charlotte. After Freddie shoots his first wad, I'll take the Cindy upstairs for their girl-girl video. You come down and clean up Madison and Freddy. And that way you'll know what you'll have to play with next weekend. After you clean Madison send her upstairs, and send Freddy up a few minutes later, after cleaning him. He'll go upstairs, too, to watch the girls kiss and finger each other."
"Yes, Sir. I understand." She went upstairs, smiling.
"OK. Here is the scenario, Kids. Just act it out. We might give you some stage directions, but it's up to you to act out this scene. Freddy, pretend you are Cindy's big brother, and you come home and find your little sister and her friend making out and having fun on the couch. You pretend you are going to tell on them, since they are wearing your Mom's nighties and doing naughty things. They beg you not to tell, and then you say you won't tell on them if you give them each a spanking and if they promise to follow your orders for the next hour. Of course, the girls agree to your demands because they don't want to get in trouble. Then you give each of them ten spankings with the bottoms of the sheer nighties still on... and then you tell them to take off the bottoms for the next round... and soon you'll have them both naked and kissing each other and following your instructions. I'll give you the pussy spanking tool when the time comes, but meanwhile just use your hand. And after you have sucked on their breasts, and fingered their vaginas, I'll give you the lubricant so you can finger their butts - and finger each of them at least ten times. OK, Freddy?"
"Yes, I'll do it."
"Good. Just be the leader and have fun. We'll edit out your face from the videos later, but we'll try not to get your face in the picture very often, even when you are licking Madison's pussy, or sucking on Cindy's clitty or tits. Your uncle wants to let you play with girls, but he doesn't want your face in our videos."
"OK." Freddy thought, remembering what his uncle told him. "I'll try, but I want to see them and touch them."
Mr. Bobby laughed. "Of course you do! So do I, and so does Mr. Thompson! And we'll edit out your face, so don't be aware of the cameras. We'll be moving around. You can spank them - front and back - and finger them - front and back, and of course kiss them and feel them all over. That's part of the game. Try to act like you enjoy kissing, spanking, and fingering them, Freddy."
"I do!" He said. Everyone knew he was telling the truth.
After the two girls had been making out - laughing, kissing, feeling each other - for five minutes, Freddy walked onto the scene, pretending to be an angry big brother. The girls were obedient, although Cindy argued with him as if he really was her big brother. When Freddy threatened to tell on them, they both obeyed him and accepted their spankings - not real hard at first, and on the panties of their nighties.
Then he made them take off their panties and he spanked them - harder this time. Freddy took to the dominate role, as his uncle had secretly predicted to Mr. Bobby. He took the sanded and varnished paint-stirring stick and started the pussy spankings. Of course the girls couldn't hold still for their ten spanks each, so he had to start over frequently. Then he had Madison spread her legs while he sat on the couch with her left foot behind her back. He promised to spank softer now that she had her legs open so he could smack right on the "little bump in the middle," as he called it. Of course, Madison jumped with each smack that hit directly on her exposed and fully erect clitty.
Cindy took off her nightie, and knelt next to the couch with her face just a foot away from Madison's open pussy. She watched each smack on Madison's pussy. Cindy said, "Put your finger in and wipe her slippery wet stuff on her 'little bump in the middle' to get it all wet, too. Then it will sting a little bit more and also give her bigger tingles."
Freddy put his finger part way up Madison's wet vagina - making the girl moan, "unnnnn." He wiped her slippery goo all over her clitty and upper pussy. Although it was now wet, he repeated the dipping and smearing several more times - getting a pleasure moan each time.
It was quiet in the room, so that now the cameras could pick up the wet sound each time the paint-stirring stick slapped against Madison's open pussy. She reflexively closed her knees partially after each smack - sometimes more than others if it was harder and right in the center. After eight pussy smacks, Freddy asked if he should dip again.
Madison said, "Unnnn, yes, after every few spanks, get it wet again. Maybe put your finger in all the way to get more out. Unnnnn, like that."
Freddy continued to spank Madison's clitty, stopping after every five or six smacks to finger her and get her clitty even wetter. Madison wasn't able to hold still and was now wiggling constantly - both from the pussy spanks and Freddy's finger.
As Freddy was fingering her again, he asked, "Why does it look kind of white? It almost looks like my stuff that comes out."
Madison said, "I can't help it. Sometimes, like if something feels really good, then it gets more creamy like that. Your sister told me it tastes different, too, like after it starts to get creamy - like sweeter or something."
"So, just like I thought." Said Freddy, as he started spanking Madison's pussy again. "You girls are very naughty and even lick each other's pussy. I want to watch you do that in a minute."
Cindy, who had been watching very closely, said, "I think that's enough punishment for Madison. It's my turn now. We won't demonstrate how we lick each other unless you spank me, too. And not too hard! Well, maybe like Madison's spanking - with some smacks a little harder to make it sting and tingle at the same time." Cindy stood up to switch places with Madison.
Madison said, "Just a few more times, please, Freddy. Maybe a little harder, and keep getting it wet and using your finger at the same time that you spank me."
Freddy started fingering and spanking Madison's pussy at the same time - making her wiggle and squirm on the couch. He was between her open knees. She was producing copious amounts of excitement, which Freddy kept smearing up and around on her clitty - sometimes even leaving a whitish glob on the side of her swollen clitty.
Cindy said, "She is really getting juicy."
"Do you want to taste her?" Freddy asked.
"OK, I'll stop spanking for a minute. Go ahead and get a fingerfull of her excitement. Now taste it. Let me see you."
The two men were both moving with their cameras, getting all the action from different angles. Cindy pushed her right forefinger all the way in Madison's pussy and pulled it out. She immediately stuck her finger in her mouth. "Oh, she really tastes good. Try it, Freddy."
Both Freddy and Cindy kept dipping their fingers in Madison's pussy and tasting her juices. After either of them pulled a finger out, Freddy smacked Madison's clitty with the little paddle.
At that moment, Mr. Bobby decided he had to use some of the video showing Freddy's face as he continued to dip his finger in Madison's vagina; smacked her open pussy with the little paddle; and stuck his finger in again. The scene was too hot not to share. He would give Freddy's uncle an edited copy before the videos were released overseas.
Then Mr. Bobby interrupted the hot scene, for a short break. The adults had agreed to keep the kids close to orgasm, but to get them to postpone cumming while they got more hot video. He pulled Freddy and Madison over to one side for a quick talk with some stage directions while Cindy and Mr. Thompson were getting soft drinks. He had Madison take off her nightie to get ready for the next scene. Now both girls were naked, and Freddy was still dressed.
A few minutes later they went back to the couch to continue, but now it was Cindy's turn to get her pussy spanked. Freddy said, "OK, Sis, now it's your turn. I'll give you some hard ones, and in a little bit we'll start dipping in you to get your clitty all wet. Keep your knees wide apart or I'll have to start over." Without waiting, he smacked her open pussy with the paint-stirring stick.
"Ow! That was too hard, Freddy." She had closed her knees the second the smack hit her exposed clitty.
"Keep your legs open, Young Lady!" Freddy took command. "You and Madison were being naughty girls and I have to punish you. I'll spank it a little bit softer if you keep your legs wide open. And, Madison, I want you to pinch her nipples and pull and tug on her titties. We won't start fingering you, Cindy, until you are warmed up. So count off fifteen pussy spanks, and then we'll start fingering you if you are wet and slippery enough."
By the fifteenth pussy spank, the paint-stirring stick was making a wet noise each time it hit Cindy's stiffening clitty. Freddy and Madison started dipping their finger in Cindy's vagina; smearing some of her excitement over her clitty, and then tasting their fingers.
Freddy picked up a long, wooden spoon, and started spanking Cindy's clitty with the rounded back area of the spoon. Next he use a small leather whip, which he just happened to pull out from behind a couch pillow.
Freddy ordered the naughty girls to get on their knees as he stood up and took off his pants and underwear. He still had his shirt, shoes and socks on, as the girls started playing with his cock and balls. Then he said, "Madison, I'm going to lie on my back and I want you to knees over my face. Let me get the little pillow for my head." He pulled it off the couch and laid back. Madison straddled his head - placing her pussy right in front of his mouth. Freddy said, "Sis, I want you to suck me while I lick your friend."
They switched two minutes later so he was licking Cindy's pussy while Madison sucked on his small cock and tickled his bald balls. Suddenly, Freddy stood up and had the girls kneel in front of him, as he started squirting copious amounts of cum - some on each face and a little in each open mouth.
That ended the main scene. Mr. Bobby and Mr. Thompson both applauded. Cindy went upstairs to get some fresh clothes and to wash off her face. She sent her Mother on downstairs.
"The kids did great, Charlotte." Mr. Bobby said. Your daughter was an excellent actress." She looked at Madison, naked and still kneeling in front of Freddy with cum on her face and chest.
Mr. Thompson said, "Both little girls were lucky enough to get a little of Freddy's cum. I'm going to take Madison upstairs for one final scene for today with just the two girls. If you don't mind cleaning up Freddy, that would be great. That last scene took longer than expected, but we'll get lots of good video clips from it. We'll be back down in about thirty minutes, and that will be it for today."
It was about forty five minutes later when both men and the three kids came back downstairs after another good girl-girl video. Freddy was telling Mr. Bobby that it did seem like a girl's pussy tasted sweeter when she was excited.
Mr. Bobby said, "It's the same for grown-up women, Freddy. Maybe next weekend while I take Cindy for her first wax treatment, and you stay here with Charlotte, maybe you could test your theory. You remember how to use a vibrator, don't you?"
"Good. I bet Cindy's Mommy will let you use the vibrator on her clitty. You'll see that her clitty swells up and she gets wetter. Taste her the minute you get here, and then again later after you're naked and you've vibrated her for a little while. OK?"
"Sure, Mr. Bobby. I'll do that." Freddy was smiling.
Mr. Bobby said, "You kids have some pop now. I'm going to talk with Charlotte for a little bit, and Mr. Thompson wants to take Madison and Cindy upstairs for a little bit before they get dressed again.
Mr. Thompson waited for each girl to get a big glass of soda, and then he took Madison and Cindy upstairs for fifteen minutes, so the girls could help him 'relax.' He promised to wipe them off before coming back downstairs, if he accidentally got anything on them.
Freddy and Charlotte went into the kitchen with Mr. Bobby. He said, "Freddy, I think Cindy's Mommy is curious about the pussy spanking, too, so when you spend a few hours here next weekend, be sure to give her a nice pussy spanking. Get her clitty to swell up with the vibrator, and then smack her clitty with the paint-stirring stick or the back of the wooden spoon. And don't be too soft. Really make her feel it. OK?"
"Yes, I'll be glad to." He smiled a naughty grin at Charlotte, and then blushed and looked down at the floor.
Mr. Bobby continued, "Freddy, this is just for fun for you, since we aren't using your face in any of the videos. I'm not sure how many free visits you'll get, or who you will get to see, but when I pick you up next weekend, I'll want to know if your interested in letting other women who are over eighteen... sometimes much older... play with you. Do you think you would enjoy letting older women play with you? Think about it next weekend."
He turned to Charlotte. "Like I said, you don't get paid for giving these 'pleasure sessions' to one of our stars - a boy or a girl - but you can enjoy it. I'm glad you want to help me, and it will also help our youthful actors and actresses. You're sure you wouldn't mind spending an afternoon with Madison or another waxed girl about her age?"
"No. I wouldn't mind. You know I'm happy to help." She looked down at Freddy, who was almost as tall as her, but now she was wearing high heels. "And Freddy, I want you to promise me that you will try to go two days without jacking off before you come here to play with me. OK?"
"Yes. OK."
Then she looked at Mr. Bobby, who was at least a decade older than her. "And, umm, Mr. Bobby, if there is any other way I could thank you... you or your friends... just let me know. I want to help however I can."
Mr. Bobby smiled. "Yes, and thank you." He looked her over from head to toe. "You are very attractive, and I'll take you up on that offer, even though you are over twelve!" They all laughed. "There are some things we could do that I can't do with the little ones. After all, we don't want to hurt them or scare them."
"I'll shave and take a long, perfumed bath before you get here, Freddy. I'm sure we'll have fun."
"And introduce him to the pleasures in back, too. A finger, maybe two, and lots of lubricant. Make sure he enjoys it. You never know what kinds of future experiences a handsome boy like Freddy will have in the future."
"I understand." She said. He knew that Freddy didn't have any idea of what they were alluding to, but she planned to make sure he thoroughly enjoyed his first anal experience, so he would be more open minded about future things. She decided to offer her 'training services' to Mr. Bobby if he would like to invite Freddy and another boy to visit her, but today was not the day to offer that.
A little while later, Mr. Thompson came back downstairs with the two girls, who were now dressed in their original clothes. He said, "We had fun, and the girls are all cleaned up. I appreciate all your help, Charlotte, and here is another envelope for you since Cindy swallowed, just like she and Madison did with Freddy."
Charlotte said, "Thank you. We'll see you next Saturday, and we'll both be clean and ready."
End of Part Four
Dear Readers, Please let me know your suggestions for Part Five (Cindy's Wax Treatment and Videos) and Part Six (Cindy's First Private Party).
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