Published: 5-Nov-2011
Word Count:
Cindy kept asking questions, but Mr. Thompson would only say, "You'll see."
Cindy was blindfolded when Mr. Thompson began to fasten the fur-lined, black, leather wrist and ankle bracelets. Cindy had seen them sitting on the table, but didn't comment, because she remembered her last visit ten months earlier when she wore those same bracelets so Mr. Thompson could tie her in different positions on his big bed so he could spank her or tickle her, and even finger her.
She said, "But I can't see."
"That's the whole point, Little Cutie. You aren't supposed to see who is spanking you. You're about to get some pussy spankings, and some other things. I think you'll have fun, but you don't need to see. Not yet. Let me fasten you on the bed. Lie back and spread your arms and legs while I fasten you into place. I'll leave the ropes loose enough so you can still wiggle around."
"But I'm not wearing panties!" She protested. "And its people I don't know."
"You'll know them pretty soon. Yes, you'll know them really well. I'll bring them down in a few minutes." Cindy couldn't see his big grin as he headed up the stairs. "Just lie there and wonder who might be spanking or fingering you, or who you might be sucking. I'll bring our guests down in a minute."
When the basement studio was quiet, she thought back to her first visit to Mr. Thompson's house ten months earlier. She remembered that she had been very upset, angry, and scared after her Mommy left and told her to do everything he told her to do even if it was embarrasing. It was an order; not a request. Cindy had been leery of even going to his house that day after she gave her those new sexy panties to put on after her bath. She remembered thinking, 'who takes a bath on Friday, right after school? And why these brand new sexy panties?' It all seemed fishy to her at the time, just like it had earlier today... and here she was tied up, no panties, with her legs wide apart and three or four men coming down any minute to take pictures of her and spank her and who knows what else. Cindy realized that ten months earlier she didn't protest and complain nearly as much as she could have. She was upset, but also curious. Very curious.
She had often daydreamed about that first visit, and it gave her tingles just to think about it. She often imagined those things happening again when she would touch herself at night - rubbing herself between her legs and imagining that it was Mr. Thompson and that her legs were tied wide open so she couldn't close them. She had been at his mercy. A few times, when she was home alone, she had even taken some of the extra clothesline rope from the garage and tied her own feet wide apart on her bed. Then she would lie back and play with herself and pretend to struggle - knowing it was useless - she couldn't close her legs. She imagined that her finger was Mr. Thompson's. She tried to struggle and twist away from it, but it always went in. She was aware that she was wet and slippery, just like she had been when Mr. Thompson first did it. That's why his big finger had slipped all the way in. It hurt, yes, but only the first time. Then it felt good and he kept doing it and doing it, despite her protests. She remembered that she had kept protesting and telling him to stop - but it was more like pretending to object, because it felt so good.
Cindy had even wondered, after she had been arguing and complaining so much, and being so embarrassed, why she let him pull her panties down - even moving her legs so they would slide right off. She knew - and probably Mr. Thompson knew, that she could have objected more. And, to her further embarrassment at the time, she remembered getting into very lewd positions with a minimum of directions - almost willingly - opening herself to his camera - and to his eyes and fingers. It almost struck her funny now that she had been pretending to object while she willingly got into those positions, just like naughty girls in those porn magazines she had seen. It hit her - he liked to hear her protesting while he did those naughty things - knowing he wouldn't get in trouble! He liked it! Like they were acting!
These thoughts were running through Cindy's mind. She was glad that both Mr. Thompson and Mr. Bobby kept telling her that she was so cute, and she was glad that they wanted to do naughty things to her. She sensed that both of them knew she was just pretending to object to the things they were doing. She liked the feelings as they touched her - with their hands or paddles or whatever. Even the spankings - front or back - did sting a little bit, but then it felt so good.
She wondered about her Mommy's approval of the whole thing. She must have known all along the kinds of things he was going to do to her. And just an hour earlier, she stood by the couch while Mr. Thompson spanked her pussy with a paddle! And he told Cindy's Mommy that it would be easier to 'hit her target' when she had her panties off again with her legs wide apart, and her Mother agreed with him! Cindy felt that her Mommy was almost jealous - wishing it was her! And Mr. Thompson said something to her Mommy like, 'Cindy was so wet and slippery so my finger slid right in.' And he told her 'Cindy is very tight but very slippery.' He even told her that he liked it that Cindy's full, firm lips completely hid her pretty clitty unless her legs were spread wide open. When Cindy thought about those things she knew that her Mommy knew what was going on.
As these realizations finally hit home, she decided what to do. She would spread her legs and enjoy the treatment - protesting all the while. The men had talked about getting video of her licking and sucking on their cocks, so she thought that, to get even with her Mom, she would show her pretty charms to others, strangers, and get caught by her on purpose. And then, if she ever said anything about it, she would say, "but you let Mr. Thompson do it."
And, she realized full well, that she enjoyed the attention, the compliments, and really, really enjoyed the physical sensations! It felt good to be touched, spanked, and fingered - especially in front of cameras. She didn't know why cameras made things feel better, but she was certain that it did, just like Mr. Thompson had said.
She also was beginning to hatch a plan for this year's trick-or-treat night with her two, trusted, nine year old girlfriends. She suspected they would both like her idea. They would wear one costume out of the house, and then alter it once they were in a different neighborhood. She already had her witch costume, which had a cascade of three, black skirts, and black tights. Once out of sight, she would ditch the two lower levels of her skirt - and the remaining skirt would barely cover the white, lacy panties she was planning to wear. She would wear white, lacy, ankle socks - the kind Mr. Thompson liked, and her lacey, white, thong panties that her Mom had bought her to wear tonight. The black hat and jacket were OK. She wondered if a man might invite the three girls to stop by later, or even invite them into his house. Maybe the girls could tell him that some boys were following them and ask to hide in his house for about fifteen minutes or so because the boys were just half a block behind them.
So Cindy decided she would have fun tonight, and also on Beggar's Night. Lots of fun. She was just beginning to realize the power of her good looks. She thought back over the previous few months and realized that more men and old boys had been looking at her - extended looks, often with a smile. Even old men, like over thirty or forty! They liked looking at her. She decided to show them a little more if the opportunity was there. Even her Geography teacher at school.
Cindy was embarrassed about being so wet with strangers coming downstairs to look at her and touch her. Then she decided, 'why be embarrassed? I am excited! I want them to look at my pussy!' Just thinking about that, and remembering the cameras which were already aimed at her - and no doubt turned on - made her even wetter. She would pretend to object more to whatever they were doing - but she would do whatever they told her to do, of course.
She heard them coming down the stairs into the finished basement. She was tied on a kid's bed - without panties and spread open - in front of cameras. When she heard them come to the side of the bed, she said, "Please don't look at me. This is embarrassing! I don't have panties on!"
"But you look so cute, Cindy. I like looking at you there." Mr. Bobby said, "And this will make a great video. Let's see how much you can wiggle around. Pretend you're trying to get loose - so wiggle and twist around - pulling against the ropes, and say things like, 'Please let me go. Don't put a finger in me. Please let me go!' and things like that."
As she talked and begged, Cindy struggled against the ropes - pulling against them with her arms and legs - opening and closing; humping her hips; moving back and forth. She discovered that she had more freedom of movement than she had first thought - but she could not close her legs.
"Keep struggling, Cindy. This is great. I like watching you."
That's what the new man and his twelve year old nephew thought as they watched her. It was a birthday present for the thirteen year old boy. His uncle was generous and knew exactly the very best present a boy could get! He already had a bike and a skateboard!
Mr. Thompson said, "Cindy, there are four men down here now." He winked at Freddy, the twelve year old. "I know you feel funny being almost naked, so we are going to take off our pants, too. We'll keep you tied up and blindfolded for now, but eventually you'll get to see our new arrivals. Some of them might even be in your videos - at least 'a part' of him."
The men laughed.
Mr. Bobby said, "You can talk if you need to, Cindy, but I would prefer it - for the video we're making now - that you don't talk too much, except to beg us to let you go, or to not spank you so hard. The more protesting, the better, Cindy."
Then Mr. Thompson added, "But before we get started, just tell me that you still want a pussy spanking, and that you still want us to put fingers in your pussy and up your ass. Do you? Did you like how it felt earlier when we did those things?"
"Yes, it felt funny, like tingly after the little stings, only please don't do it again; not with the two new men here." She was wiggling around on the bed as much as she could with her arms and legs stretched out with the ropes. She knew they liked it when she wiggled around. She could feel the cool air around her pussy, so she knew she must be really wet.
Mr. Bobby said, "I told our guests that you had been wearing a diaper a little while ago, and that you wet yourself." Then Mr. Bobby started talking to the other men. "When we see her again in two weeks, maybe she will wear diapers again. Would you two new men like to change her?"
Cindy heard a man's voice said, "Yes. We would both like to do that."
Mr. Bobby said, "But after you wash off her pussy, you'll have to put baby oil all over her pussy and bottom. And then I think the little baby likes getting a finger in her pussy, and even up her tight, little ass. She liked it when we did that earlier." He laughed, and Cindy heard the other men laugh along. "You want fingers up your ass tonight, don't you, Cindy?"
"No! Please don't. I beg you. That's so embarrassing."
"But it feels good to you, doesn't it - a big, fat finger slowly pushing all the way up your anus?"
She squirmed against her bonds. "Ouhhh, un, yes, it feels good, but it's so embarrassing. Please don't put your fingers in me back there. When you do that I can't hold still. It makes me wiggle all around and it's so embarrassing! I can't hold still."
"Do you like a finger sliding in your pussy?" Mr. Thompson asked.
"Yes, that feels good, too, but it doesn't drive me crazy the way a finger in back does, but please, please, don't put fingers in me anywhere. And like the time you had a finger in front and in back and the same time - both of them moving inside me - that really drove me crazy, so please don't do that. Then there is no way I can hold still."
The new man's voice said, "What if we spank her bottom and finger and buzz her front at the same time? Or what if we finger her ass and buzz her front? There are so many possible combinations."
Mr. Bobby said to the man, "We'll do all those things, and we'll keep her tied in different positions - sometimes over pillows. Then whoever is not helping with the fingering, buzzing, spanking, or whipping, can fondle her little muffin titties and pinch her nipples, or maybe rub a cock on the side of her face or put it in her mouth. We'll just try different positions."
Mr. Thompson put his hands on her pussy lips and pulled them wide apart. "Look how wet she is just thinking about the things we are going to do with her. Just like ten months ago, she was protesting, but I could tell she wanted it."
"Yes, she wants it all right. We'll start her spankings shortly." Mr. Bobby said. "First I want to introduce her to our cocks. There are four, circumcised cocks here tonight for you to play with. And the four cocks want to play with you, too! We'll take our pants off and introduce them to you."
"Please let go of my pussy. It's so embarrassing with strangers looking at it, especially while you're pulling my lips open so they can see my clitty."
"You're doing good at objecting, Cindy. Very good. I'm glad you think its embarrassing having your pussy lips pulled open to expose your stiff, swollen clitty to cameras and strangers. They love looking at it. And with the cameras... well, all our overseas customers - men, women, and boys, will enjoy looking at it, too."
Cindy squirmed.
The three men and the boy quickly pulled off their pants, underwear, shoes, and socks. Each of them were sporting erections - ranging from almost four inches and the diameter of a man's finger to almost seven inches with proportionate girth - each at maximum erect. Such was the effect of looking at Cindy's wet, beautiful, plump, bald pussy. They were also vaguely aware her hot scent, but only on a subliminal level since hers was a clean, fresh, virgin pussy. All three men and the boy - who had just turned thirteen a few weeks earlier - knew he would get to finger that virgin pussy and ass, and feel her very firm, small breasts. Of course, the boy would have been happy to be allowed to play with a female of any age up to about thirty, but he was spoiled because of his access to his uncle's pre-teen porn collection, even though it was mostly "mild" stuff. The boy and his uncle both loved to look at "almost ripe" little cherries.
Mr. Bobby said, "And there is a little bonus for you each time one of them squirts. Cock number four is the biggest, down to Cock number one; the smallest, and probably the easiest one for you to fit in your mouth. And a suggestion for you: let each of them lick you between your legs for a little bit to let them get excited so they will squirt sooner."
"No, please don't do that either. It's so wet, and I can't help that, but please don't let anybody lick me there!"
"But it will help your pussy recover faster after the front spankings. You know how that makes you clitty swell up, and getting licked will eventually help the swelling go down. We'll tie you in different positions and feel you and spank your pussy or your ass. We might even give your clitty a little buzzing treatment to make sure it swells up to the maximum size. Then one of us will kiss you there and lick you to help the swelling go back down."
"But that drives me crazy. It's so embarrassing! I can't stop wiggling around when Mr. Thompson does that."
Mr. Thompson said, "It does drive her crazy, and we don't want her to cum right away. Maybe we should do a little pussy whipping right now and let our new man taste a virgin pussy - just for a minute - not long enough to bring her to orgasm. The cameras are ready. Get the little whip, Number Four."
Mr. Bobby said, "Let's wait a minute. I want to get pictures of her holding each cock before we start."
"Good idea." Mr. Thompson agreed. He said, "We want you to have fun, even while we are distracting you with pussy whippings, ass fingerings, nipple pinching, and so on. I'm going to let you feel mine now. It's number three. Later I'll see if you can tell which one you're playing with. That's a new level of our game with you, and it's partially why we want to keep you blindfolded. Here is number three." He stood next to the bed and put her hand on his stiff cock. With her arms stretched up to the head of the bed, she didn't have much range of motion, but was able to feel his cock. Also - being stretched out like that made her breasts almost totally flat - just puffy, pink nipples in the center of a small, pale mound of breast.
She stopped squirming around and focused on the cock in her left hand. Then she tried to move her right hand over, and her head, but she couldn't. Mr. Thompson laughed. "It's OK, Cindy. We just want you to meet them now. We'll untie you after some spankings and you can kneel on the carpeting and play with each one - balls, shaft, upper legs, and you can use both hands and your mouth - but only if you promise to keep your blindfold on. Could you do that? Play with them one at a time and promise to keep your blindfold on?"
"Yes. Maybe we should do that now before you start my spankings. I'll keep the blindfold on."
"No, Cindy. Not yet." Mr. Thompson said. "We know you want to play with each one, so you can get to know which is which, and we know you want to try to make each one squirt the white stuff out, but we want to spank you for a little while first. Here is cock number two in your other hand."
A slightly smaller cock - thinner, but just as long - went into her right hand. The bed was positioned so that both sides and the foot end were sticking out in front of the cameras, into the main part of the studio. "While you are feeling number two in your right hand and number three in your left, introduce yourself to the cameras and mention some of the things you'll be doing tonight."
"My name is Cindy and I'm almost nine and a half years old. And I want to go home, but I have to stay here. They are going to spank me in front and in back, and they are going to put fingers in me - also in front and in back. This is so embarrassing, especially because I can't keep from wiggling around when they do those naughty things to me."
Mr. Bobby said, "Very good, Cindy. We'll be taking turns with you. One of us at a time will be on the bed feeling, fingering, or licking your pussy after we let you rub each of our cocks. There are four here for you to enjoy. We'll let number one, the smallest, spank your pussy first and then lick it."
She kept moving both hands on the cocks. "These are so big! I wish I could see you."
"You will." He said. "I promise you that you'll see us cum - maybe on your face or neck or chest or even on your tummy. Maybe in your mouth, but you don't have to swallow."
"Good, because I tasted it once and it was yucky."
Mr. Thompson talked to the newest man who hadn't talked yet. "Take this little, black, leather 'cat-o-nine-tails' and whip it down across her open pussy. Push the little sheer skirt out of the way. Hit it on the top of her mound and down across her pussy lips and clitty. Try a couple in slow motion. You can feel her pussy with your hand first, if you want to."
Freddie put his right hand on Cindy's pussy and felt around - moving her lips. He very gently put his thumb and forefinger on the sides of Cindy's swollen clitty and moved it back and forth. He looked at his Uncle. Both of them were smiling. His uncle held his hand out and mimicked jacking off her clitty, so the boy did that on Cindy's clitty - moving the hood up and down on her clitty.
"Ohhhhh, that kind of tickles. Please don't spank it too hard." Cindy begged. "It's swollen up and big and sticking out there in the air with my legs so far apart, so please don't.... ohhhhhh, unnnn, don't spank it too hard."
The Uncle said, "That's right, Mr. Fredrick, gently like that. Perfect. Now push up on the hood and see if you can see her little 'pearl.' That's the actually clitty. Yes, that's it. Fully exposed. It's all swollen up because it feels good, and she knows you're going to finger her and lick her. Maybe try that before you whip her pussy."
Freddie kept playing with Cindy's clitty. The big grin on his face told the other men he thoroughly enjoyed his birthday present. He laid down with his mouth on Cindy's pussy and started licking. With his left hand, he kept the clitoral hood pushed up out of the way so he could lick her 'little, pink, pearl.'
The Uncle said, "Maybe push your right forefinger in her pussy. It will be tight, but she's very wet, so it will go in. Taste those virgin juices; her 'love cream.' You can tell she likes it."
Cindy was moaning. "Unnnnn, ohhhh."
Her hips were moving, but the boy's mouth stayed right on her open pussy. He pushed his right forefinger slowly up her tight vagina. It went all the way in, making Cindy moan louder. After lifting his head back so he could see his finger slide in, he put it back down to keep licking her swollen clitty.
The Uncle put a hand on Cindy's tiny, pale breasts and began massaging and playing with her nipples. She had a cock in each hand, but her main focus was on the wonderful feelings in her pussy.
"Now!" Mr. Thompson said. The men stepped away and Freddie whipped the cat-o-nine-tails across Cindy's pussy. He hit with more gusto than he had intended, but Mr. Thompson told him to keep whipping it that hard.
"Even a few harder ones." He said. "She is complaining and saying ouch, but she likes it, and it will make her clitty swell even bigger for your next taste.
He kept whipping it, despite Cindy's cries for him to stop - saying it was too hard, and it really hurt, and so on... constant complaints and begging, but the boy kept whipping right down on her open pussy. Cindy tried to close her knees together as best she could, but she could not close them. Her pussy was open to the whippings.
Mr. Thompson and Mr. Bobby held her knees wider open, while the uncle unsnapped the clips from her ankle bracelets. They opened her wider despite her protests and efforts to squeeze her legs together. The two men held her open for the boys continuous pussy whippings.
"Stop!" Mr. Thompson said.
Cindy was crying - real tears running down her face. Still the men held her legs apart. They lifted her hips and pushed a big pillow under her ass so that her pussy was raised and her legs were still held by they two strong men. Her raised pussy was wide open to the boy.
"Buzzer." He said.
The boy twisted the base of the small, pink vibrator and touched the tip right on Cindy's clitty. With his left hand he pushed the hood up so that the tip of the vibrator was pressed against her 'little pink pearl.'
"Stop, and step back. Zoom the camera in on her red pussy. See how swollen her clitty and inner lips are - flushed red, engorged. She is as sexually aroused as she can get. Now finger her again and lick and suck on her clitty. Ignore the cameras. I'll edit out any of your faces. The only face in this video will be Cindy's as she cums. And Cindy, I'm going to take off your blindfold so you can look into the camera. Don't look anywhere else - just into the camera. Can you do that."
"Unnnn, ohhh, that buzzer. Yes. I'll only look at the camera. Ohhhh, just touch the buzzer on me again." She was sniffing. He nose was running, and there were reddish streaks on her face from her tears. She was looking into the camera when Freddie - hidden from view except for the top of his head - started buzzing on her clitty again. He fingered her with his right forefinger. Then, as she started cumming, he sat the vibrator aside as told, and put his mouth on her pussy - sending her over the edge with his tongue.
Freddie kept his finger in her pussy, but pulled his head back when his Uncle pulled on his shoulder. "Let her rest a minute, Freddie. You can leave your finger in her. See if you see some of her 'love cream' ooze out. You were probably tasting it. See how swollen her clitty is?"
"Yes. It's bigger and stiffer."
Cindy caught the new name, and also the 'younger-sounding' voice, but didn't think about it in her blissful state. She was wondering about the pussy whipping which really did hurt. She wasn't pretending. But then it felt so wonderful. It reminded her of the spankings on her bottom which Mr. Thompson gave her on her first visit ten months ago - and then it felt good later. Not as good as just now, but still very good. What had just happened felt wonderful! Even though her pussy was still stinging - the buzzer and kissing, licking, and fingering felt wonderful - making her whole abdomen and pussy area squeeze with pleasure - again and again - like pleasure waves.
Two minutes later, Cindy heard Mr. Bobby ask one of the others, "Did you get good close-ups of her open pussy oozing her white cream?"
The older new man said, "Yes. Was zoomed in the whole time. That little girl is hot!"
Cindy smiled at the compliment.
They unfastened her wrists and flipped her onto her tummy. She thought she saw the two new men, but they flipped her over so fast she wasn't positive. One of them looked shorter than the other three men. Now she had three big pillows under her hip so she was on her knees and shoulders over the stack of pillows, with her bare ass up in the air. The first few spankings weren't very hard.
Mr. Thompson said, "We'll spank her and finger her now - a little pain mixed with a little pleasure. Maybe even some buzzing and fingering at the same time. Freddie, why don't you get her ass lubricated."
"No, please don't!" Cindy begged. "It's so embarrassing! And the cameras."
Then Mr. Bobby said, "Hush. Keep your eyes closed. Reach both hands back to pull your ass open so he can get you all lubricated."
Cindy put her hands on her ass, but she didn't pull herself open.
"I said to pull it open wide so he can lubricate you!"
"No! It's too embarrassing."
"Cindy!" Mr. Thompson said, "Don't talk for a few minutes. We're going to spank you very hard if you don't cooperate. I'm going to ask you a few 'yes-or-no' questions. For yes, pull your ass wide open three times to spell out Y-E-S, and for no, try to squeeze it closed. Do you understand?"
She pulled her ass open three times - spelling out 'Y-E-S.'
"That's better. Now then, did it feel good to you the way Freddie buzzed, fingered, pussy-whipped, and licked your clitty ten minutes ago?"
She spelled out Y-E-S by pulling her ass wide open three times.
"Good." He said. "Now spell out 'T-H-A-N-K-Y-O-U' by pulling your ass open to him for the eight letters in 'T-H-A-N-K-Y-O-U.'"
She took her time but opened it eight times.
"Now do you think you can hold it open so Freddie can put some lubricant in your ass? He's watched you pulling it open. And you know we're going to spank you and finger you and buzz you again, so cooperate and hold it open. You want to get fingered and buzzed during and after your spanking, don't you?"
Cindy spelled out 'Y-E-S,' and then pulled it wide open and held it to make it easier for Freddie to push his finger in.
"Put your hands down now, Cindy. I think he can get his finger in your asshole easy enough now!" Mr. Bobby said.
Freddie enjoyed fingering Cindy's tight, little, pink asshole. Once he got it slippery, he changed his pace - fast, slow, half-way and stop then plunge all the way. Cindy was moaning when the first spank hit her ass. A finger was buried all the way in. "Unnn - Ouch!"
Two more quick spanks had her wiggling her ass again. Freddie kept his finger in at least half way as she moved and squirmed around during her spanking. She was saying "Ouch!" followed by "ohhhh," as Freddie pressed his finger all the way in again.
The spankings stopped after ten swats. Mr. Thompson said, "That's it for the spanks, Cindy, at least for now. If you want Freddie to touch your clitty with the vibrator again while he fingers your ass, then pull your ass open wide for him."
She grabbed her ass with both hands again, and pulled it open.
As Freddie touched her clitty with the vibrator and plunged his right forefinger all the way in her ass, Mr. Bobby asked Cindy if she would like to suck on cock number one - the man who was fingering her ass. He added, "If you liked how it felt with the vibrator and Freddie's finger, then the least you can do is agree to suck his cock and let him cum in your mouth. You don't have to swallow, but swallowing would be an extra nice way to thank him. After all, he did a nice job licking and sucking on your clitty, so if you'll suck his cock, spell out 'Y-E-S' with your ass. We'll help you have another orgasm in a little bit, it you get Cock Number One to squirt. OK?"
She pulled her ass open three times to spell out 'Y-E-S.'
Mr. Bobby said, "Let's do it now. For the video. Freddie, stand over here while I move the cameras."
Mr. Thomas helped Cindy stand up. She was flushed and sexually very excited - on the edge of cumming again when they helped her stand up. He said, "Didn't that feel great the way he was fingering your ass?"
"Yes, like... It's a boy!" She put her hands over the silky, sheer material that covered her tiny breasts. She knew her skimpy blouse and very short skirt were almost transparent.
Mr. Bobby said, "He's almost a teenager. He's been helping you feel good: feeling you and fingering you, and even licking your pussy. He'll be making videos with you - tonight and maybe other times, too. You aren't allowed to share your last names with each other or to contact each other. Your relationship is strictly for the videos - like actors and actresses. Now be professional. Feel his cock. Let him kiss you and feel you for a little while, so we can get video of you two making out. We'll tell you what else to do in a little bit. But you need to let him cum in your mouth. You came while he was licking your pussy and had a finger in your pussy! And you were ready to cum a minute ago when he had his finger up your bottom, and a vibrator on your clitty. Now admit it, Cindy. That felt good didn't it?"
She was blushing and still trying to cover herself. "Yes." She said, and looked down at the floor. "It felt real good."
Freddy remembered his Uncle's coaching and spoke up. "You have a very pretty pussy, Cindy. And now, without the blindfold, I can see that you have a really pretty face, too. You're a very pretty girl."
She smiled. "Thank you."
Mr. Bobby said, "Now you two stand over there and we'll start our video. Start kissing each other, but Freddy, we can't get your face in our videos because these clips are starring Cindy. Tonight is her official audition. I want you to practice something in front of the cameras. Cindy, kneel down and suck him a moment. Play with his balls at the same time. When Freddy says, 'ready,' then you take your mouth off and open wide - holding the tip of his penis an inch or two in front of your open mouth so it can shoot in your mouth, and maybe some down your chest. Then when he's done squirting, you show the cum in your mouth to the camera and then swallow it. Then suck on him another minute. We're just practicing now. So he'll say, 'ready,' so you can practice for the real thing in a few minutes."
They practiced several times, and as the adults had hoped, got relaxed with each other. Then they both stood and kept kissing and feeling each other before she went down on him. She seemed fascinated by his bald balls, and kept tickling them as prompted. A minute later, Freddy said, "Ready!
It worked perfectly for the first twenty seconds. Her mouth was wide open just an inch from the end of Freddy's stiff, four inch, circumcised penis. But his first squirt had both volume and power and Cindy choked so that most of it hit her face, neck, and chest, while she coughed. Freddy held it aimed directly at her as directed. It was a good scene. As she stopped coughing, Freddy's penis was already half soft, and they directed her to lick off the remaining cum that was hanging down from the tip of his penis. She licked it off and then sucked another minute. Freddy was starting to get stiff again, when Mr. Bobby called a brief recess.
With a glass of pop in her hand, the now naked girl apologized for gagging but explained that she couldn't help it.
"It's OK, Cindy. Some men like video clips like that - of a girl gagging on cum. We'll be able to use it. In the next video, Freddy will get you to cum. Would you rather have one of his fingers in the front or the back? Don't be embarrassed, just tell me your preference."
"In back." She said, suddenly blushing again.
Over the next two hours she sucked off each of the three men, and then one more time with Freddie as another video. This time she was able to swallow all of it.
Freddy and his Uncle left, and Mr. Thompson and Mr. Bobby gave lots of compliments to the tired, little girl.
"I hope you can sleep after drinking all that pop, Cindy."
"I like pop."
The two men talked about 'acting' and 'modeling' options with her and she was very interested.
"She did great, Charlotte. I'm thinking, if it's OK with you, we'd like to use her in more videos. We could even start next month. Same compensation for you as tonight, and before you decide, look in this additional envelope in private. I know Cindy wants to do more modeling and the videos would only be shown on foreign websites."
She slipped the envelope into her purse which was sitting on the couch. She said, "Did you have fun tonight, Cindy?"
"Yes, Mommy. It was lots of fun, but I'm not supposed to talk about it."
"I know that, and we won't talk about it. I just needed to know that you had fun. Modeling sounds like lots of fun since you'll get to wear special outfits."
"That's right." Said Mr. Thompson. "She's tired and should go on up to bed, but I don't know if she'll be able to sleep after all that pop."
Cindy said, "I got another glass of pop after each time I swallowed the ... Oh... I can't talk about that."
Charlotte said, "Now, aren't you glad I took you with me over to visit Mr. Thompson tonight after your bath?"
"Yes. I had a good time, but I didn't want to go at first. And really..." she grinned, "it was kind of fun when I went last Christmas, too, but it was just so embarrassing."
"Four weeks from now - on Saturday - I'll come over here for a little video session in your house. We'll talk about other options with you. Then you can stay or leave. It's up to you."
End of Part Three
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