Mary And Sarah Make A Video

[ MM/ff, beast, bond, anal, spank ]

by Corn53

Published: 1-Feb-2011

Word Count:

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Dear Reader, Thank you for enjoying a vicarious adventure with me. If you enjoyed the story, please send me a note. Also, please share any fantasies, memories, suggestions, etc. It's how I get material for new stories. And of course, there is no way for me to verify if something actually happened or if it is pure fantasy. I'm not seeking any themes that involve violence, although mild coercion may be OK, as the naive, curious, protagonist progresses through her adventure. I'm not advocating doing any of these things with minors, although role play with consenting adults could be fun. The reason that many of my fantasy stories involve younger characters is that they are so curious about their own, budding sexuality, and they are easily seduced with compliments or "stuff," that is promised to them. The character is led through little steps and soon gets into very compromising situations.

Mary and Sarah were walking towards the library after school. They were talking about the other kids in their fifth grade class, making fun of Tammy's hair. It was warm and they each had on blue jean shorts and half t-shirts, cut above their belly buttons. As they passed a white van with a cable TV sign on the side and man looked up from his unfolded map and asked if they knew where Nicholas Street was.

"Oh sure. It's two blocks over that way." Answered Mary, pointing.

The man leaned towards the other guy in the van. "I told you it was close. Why do they give us such old maps all the time. With all the new construction going on around her, you'd think they would give us current maps. Look at this girls, we're right here." He was pointing at a spot on the map. Mary went over to look. Sarah followed.

The middle aged man with the white dress shirt and yuppie glasses, turned back to the girls. "Thanks. We've been driving around for twenty minutes."

"It's a new street." added Mary, smiling. They were standing at the van window.

"Thanks so much, girls. Tom, do we have any more of those free cable movie channel certificates?"

The driver looked about twenty-five and was wearing overalls with a cable TV badge on his chest. He smiled at the girls. "Perfect. I think I've got some but they're in the back. I'll get them." He got out and walked around to the side where the girls were standing and opened the sliding door.

A TV set was fastened on the engine compartment between the front seats. There was a lot of video equipment in the back along with some wire and tools.

The driver asked if they would like to get an adult movie channel and a secret controller so nobody would know about the station except them. He was holding a small, unusual controller device in his hand. He explained that they could watch adult movies if they were home alone.

Sarah giggled and looked down. Mary asked, "Are you sure nobody would know about it? Wouldn't it be like on our bill or something? Mom would kill me."

"Not if you show us where you live. We'll drive by your house and you just point out which one it is. Then we'll give you the special remote controller and install it later. Nobody will know except you two. We can only do it at one of your houses though. While you decide which house, get in and we'll drive by your houses so we'll know where to hook it up."

"We're not supposed to get in car with strangers." Mary said halfheartedly.

Sarah said, "Mary, this would be our secret. These are cable guys and we see them in the neighborhood all the time. Let's try it. We could do it. Our secret."

Tom was holding the door for them, smiling. "For one thing, this isn't a car." he laughed. "And for another, we're just going to drive by your house so you can point it out."

The girls got in, feeling so sneaky. Tom got in, too, sitting between them on the bench seat. Lyle hopped over to the driver's seat.

"You two scoot down while we drive by your houses. Which of you lives farther away?" He asked as he pulled out.

Tom put his arms around the two girls. "Scoot down so nobody will see you." He whispered.

The two girls scooted down, putting their folded arms on Tom's lap as they headed up the street. They were both giggling. Lyle turned around at the corner and headed back the other way.

"It's the other way." Whispered Mary. "She lives up that way." as she pointed back the way they had been walking.

"We're going around the block, so we can drive by from the other direction."

"OK." and Mary giggled again.

Tom was ready in case they balked, but he calmly said, "We could get in trouble if they find out we're giving away free cable movie channels, Mary. We have to cover our tracks. I doubt if either of you have ever seen an x-rated movie anyway. You're too young. Before we hook up the station, we ought to show you one so it won't upset you. If it upsets you, we can't install it." His hands were on their bare sides between t-shirts and pants. He could see the top of Mary's pink, cotton underwear in the gap at the side of her shorts as she leaned over on his lap to hide.

"I already watched one." Bragged Sarah. "When I baby-sat for Hendersons. The van went over a bump and Toms hands bounced up onto their t-shirts, accidentally feeling their breasts. Neither girl said anything. He moved his hands up and down on their tummies, hips, or chests each time they went over a bump or turned a corner.

"What happened in the video, Sarah?" Asked Lyle, relieved that things were going so well with the two pretty girls.

"It showed a girl taking off her clothes and then a guy touched her."

"How did he touch her?"

"He rubbed her between her legs and then took off her panties." now Sarah giggled.

"Did she have any hair between her legs?"

"I don't remember for sure, but I think she had some."

Was it all over, or just on top of her crack?"

Mary was playing with her black ponytail, swirling it around her finger, occasionally peeking her head up off Tom's lap to see. Sarah kept yakking on about the video. "I think she had hair above it. I'm not positive."

"Why are we getting on the highway?" A note of concern in Mary's voice.

"We're going to a park, so we can watch part of a video. Then we'll be back in five minutes." Answered Lyle, in his calm, reassuring voice.

Tom said, "I bet neither of you has any pubic hair. You probably don't even shave your legs yet."

"I do." said Sarah. "And I shaved my legs three times already. Once before the school play last year. Mommy said I didn't need to, but she wanted me to look real grown-up. See?" She leaned back in her seat for a minute and put one of her legs on Tom's lap for his inspection.

He rubbed her skinny leg, lifting it over his lap. A glimpse of white panties filled him with anticipation, as he glided his hand from her ankle to her thigh. Then she scrunched back down and put her foot back down, grinning proudly.

Lyle said, "We ought to install the dirty movie channel for whichever girl has the most pubic hair. Don't you think, Tom?"

"Good idea." Said Tom. "But let's look at part of this video." He clicked a switch and the TV on the engine compartment between the front seats started. It showed two smiling girls running across a yard without any clothes on. The girls looked to be about eleven years old being chased by an older man with gray hair. One of the girls was holding a Frisbe and shouted, "You can't catch us."

The two laughing girls turned around to face the man just as he caught them. He was smiling, too, as he said, "Give me that Frisbee or I'll have to spank you right here."

"No." and they tried to run again, laughing even louder.

The man grabbed their arms,spun them and in a second was holding both of them up against him. Neither of the girls in the video had any pubic hair, but they did have small boobs - bigger than Mary's or Sarah's. The girls in the video were laughing while he tickled and rubbed their tummies and chests. You could tell they weren't really trying to get away.

"I guess I'll have to spank you!" the man in the video said.

"Me first." said each of the girls.

"Here's a bet," said Tom as the van exited the highway, "If either of you has more hair than the girls in the video, then you get the free movie channel for a year."

"I do." said Sarah.

Large industrial buildings were all around them as they turned off a side street. Mary looked alarmed as the van pulled around a dumpster and into a cavernous warehouse building.

"Where are we?" she asked with fear in her voice.

Lyle answered, "This is where we park the cable trucks, Mary. Don't worry. We'll have some privacy here so nobody will watch you pull down your pants. Nobody will see you but us. The other cable TV trucks won't be getting back for an hour."

Tom let them sit up straight. "Don't worry, girls. Your secret is safe with us. You want the free cable don't you? Then we'll have you home in five minutes."

"I promise, girls. Five minutes." added Lyle. "Then we'll take you home. Hop out."

Lyle stepped out of the van, pulling the keys, as the big overhead finished closing.

"I want to go home now." Said Mary. There was definite fear in her voice which disturbed Sarah.

"Me, too." said Sarah, beginning to look around.

Lyle opened the sliding door and took Sarah's hand to help her out.

"I want to go home." said Sarah. "Right now. We don't need the cable, do we Mary?"

"Get out here now, girls. We're not going to hurt you. We have a deal. You just pull down your pants and show us who has the most pubic hair, then we'll take you home. Five minutes."

Lyle was pulling on Sarah's hand and Tom was pushing her bottom towards the door.

Without struggle both girls got out of the van. Mary was looking around as if deciding whether to run for it.

"The sign." Said Lyle.

Tom led Sarah the few feet back to the van and pulled off the big cable TV sign. "Magnetic." he said.

"Don't be scared. Just pull down your pants. That's all we want. Honest. We'll even give you three months cable." and Lyle laughed to reassure them. We've done this with lots of other girls your age. They like it - the movie channel, that is. They are two of the girls in the video. They like to meet with us every few months to renew their agreement. It's fun. We could introduce you to them. They could tell you it's safe. Nobody will hurt you."

"I think we should just go back home, Tom. We better not do this. But thank you for the offer. Maybe next year or sometime." Mary was smiling at the men. A forced smile.

"Now." Said Tom. "You agreed. Pull down your pants. Both of you."

"Are you sure you won't hurt us?" asked Sarah.

"Yes, we promise. Nobody is going to hurt you." said Tom.

"Maybe we'd better just do it, Mary. Then they'll take us home."

"You girls have to promise not to tell anybody. We could lose our jobs." said Lyle, trying to look like he was afraid.

Sarah started to unsnap her jean shorts, when Tom said, "Not out here. This floor is too dirty. Come into the office." The concrete floor was stained with oil. There were empty boxes and pallets scattered around.

Tom and Lyle each took one of the girls by the hand and led them into the office.

Sarah was a reddish-blond and weighed about eighty pounds. The few freckles on her face gave her a healthy glow. Mary had long, dark hair and weighed a hundred already. She wasn't pudgy, but had more babyfat than her skinny friend.

"Who wants to go first?" asked Tom after closing the door. There were no windows in the ten by ten office. A green stuffed couch was against the wall and clashed with the stained, gold and orange, commercial carpet. There was a black, metal desk against the other wall with some video equipment on it, including a camera on a small tripod. The camera was aimed at the couch.

Sarah and Mary had been looking at each other. Then Mary said, "I will." She started to take off her pants. Tom said, "Shoes first. Then your top. Take off your panties last."

Lyle turned the video equipment towards the girls.

"No. Don't take our pictures." Said Mary, holding one of her shoes. She was sitting cross legged on the floor.

"We have to, Mary. Otherwise we're worried you might tell on us." said Lyle as he pushed a button.

Mary started to say something else when Lyle held up a hand. "No use arguing. We don't want to hurt you. And we won't if you do what we say. Now undress."

Mary was on the verge of tears as she took off her shoes, socks and t-shirt.

"Take off your shorts slowly." Tom and Lyle were both smiling at Mary's babyfat titties. Such tiny, light brown nipples.

After she took the jeans off, Tom picked up all her clothes and put them on the desk.

"OK. Stand up, Mary. You look so cute. Now I want us to have more fun while we make your first video. He turned on some soft rock music.

"Sarah, you have to finish undressing her and then pat her all over. OK?"

Sarah came out of her fear induced fog and walked over to stand next to Mary. She looked up a few inches to Mary's eyes. She was looking for guidance and Mary nodded her head.

"We'll do this." said Mary, "If you promise to take us right home. You have to promise never to show this to anybody."

"And you have to promise not to tell anybody about us, Mary. We could get into big trouble."

"Tom's right. We could lose our telecommunications license. We'd never be able to install cable TV again." They were laughing, trying to make the girls feel comfortable.

"Go ahead, Sarah. Kiss Mary on the lips and feel her breasts and then take off her panties."

The girls started following their directions.

"You girls are so cute. We're not going to hurt you. This is just so you won't tell on us. That's it. Kiss her breasts." The men were encouraging them with compliments and calling them 'such good actresses.'

"Now kneel down and pull down her panties."

The pink, cotton panties came down and Mary stepped out of them. As the men hoped there was just a dusting of hair above the crack.

"Your turn to undress Sarah. As you take off her clothes I want you to feel her up and kiss her. Kiss her neck, tummy, mouth, all over. And play. Act like you're playing. Hurry up. We have to leave soon to get you girls back before anyone misses you."

They started getting into the action a little bit, not noticing that the men picked up each article of clothing as Mary set it down. "That's great, Mary. Look like you're having fun. Like the girls in the other video you saw. They were having fun, weren't they? Kiss her all over."

Pretty soon both girls were naked. They could see that Mary's babyfat tits were smaller that Sarah's little cupcake tits with pink nipples. Neither of the girls had on a training bra. Sarah had the beginnings of a bush, except it was so fine and blond that it was almost invisible.

"Sarah., kneel down in front of the couch and lay your head and shoulders on it. That's right. Get on your hands and knees. Rest your head and shoulders on the couch and put your hands back on your fanny. Pull your fanny open so I can get a close up."

Sarah pulled her cheeks apart.


She complied but was beginning to look scared again.

"Now Mary, kneel down behind her and start licking her asshole."

"But we want to go home now. Come on. You promised." objected Mary.

"Don't be embarrassed. We're almost done. You girls have played doctor haven't you?"

"Yes. But I never did that. That's gross." Mary said. Sarah was still obediently holding her fanny open.

"Tom, show her how to do it." Suggested Lyle.

Tom knelt down behind Sarah and wiped off her bottom with a wet wipe. Then he blew on her fanny to dry it off quickly.

"That's cold." said Sarah, almost laughing as she wiggled her bottom.

Tom was on his hands and knees right behind her and began licking her anus. She wiggled a little bit but didn't say anything.

"That didn't hurt did it?" he asked.


"But I can't push my tongue in. Try to relax your bottom and pull yourself wider."

He tried it again. After a minute he lifted his head and said, "A little better. Good girl. But I still can't get my tongue in. Really relax your fanny. Let your hands hold it open."

"Come over here, Mary, while he tries to get her to relax. See? He's not hurting her." and he took Mary's hand and pulled her over by the desk. He leaned against in, sitting on the edge and pulled her put against him so her back was against his chest. He put his arms around her and began fondling her chest. "You're getting to be a big girl."

She began to whimper.

"Hey. Hey. We're not going to hurt you. Is Tom hurting Sarah?"

"No." she watched him continue to lick Sarah's fanny.

"Are you ready to do it? Tom's licking it. It's not so gross. Then we can take you home."


"Tom, Mary wants to lick her now."

Tom got up and let Mary kneel down behind Sarah.

"Let me show you something first, Mary." He licked his finger, getting it all wet. "Pull your fanny open and relax, Sarah." Then he slowly pushed his finger all the way into the girls bottom. "That doesn't hurt does it?"


"OK, Mary. Start licking and try to stick your tongue in as far as you can."

Lyle was putting all the girl's clothing in a brown paper bag while Mary continued licking - dutifully at first, but then she didn't seem to mind, sometimes even licking Sarah's pussy.

The men smiled and let her continue doing this for awhile.

"Stand up, girls. Time to switch. Mary, sit on the front edge of the couch."

Mary sat on the front edge of the stained couch.

"Lean back and lift you legs up."

She did it.

"Spread you legs apart. That's it. Good girl. We'll have you home in five minutes."

"Should I kneel down and lick her, Tom?" asked Sarah, while she was looking at her friends open pussy.

"I'd better demonstrate first, Sarah. Then you can do it."

Tom knelt down in front of Mary and began demonstrating - all over her pussy and upturned ass. Lyle pulled Sarah against him next to the desk and began fondling her breasts. He placed Sarah's hands over her own pussy and said, "Go ahead. You can touch yourself."

Sarah began playing with her pussy while getting fondled. She was watching her friend getting licked by Tom. She could tell he wasn't hurting her her.

Then it was Sarah's turn while Tom worked the camera. He got it off the tripod and brought it over beside the girls. Sarah was following Tom's example, licking from Mary's asshole to the top of her pussy, with lots of tongue play. Tom was getting close ups from right beside them.

After a couple minutes, Lyle said. "Put your finger in her pussy, Sarah."

Sarah did and continued licking like she was supposed to. Pushing her finger in and out.

"Do you put your finger in you own pussy, Sarah?"

"Yes." and she went back to her duties, the camera right beside her face. "OK, Sarah. Now put your finger in her fanny. Wait, don't start licking again yet. That's a girl." She was already sliding her finger all the way up Mary's ass. In and out.

"Put your finger all the way in and then lick her pussy some more." Sarah did it.

A few minutes later they had the girls stand up again. "Have you ever seen one of these?" asked Lyle, holding a white vibrator.

"No." they both answered, looking at it closely.

Mary asked, "What is it?"

"It's a vibrator."

"I've heard jokes about them, but never saw one." she said.

Tom turned it on. It made a buzzing noise. "Hold out your hands, girls."

He tickled the palms of their hands with it. "OK. Sarah, get in the same position Mary was just in. Mary, kneel down in front of her and tickle her pussy with this."

They got more video footage of the girls experimenting with it. "That's it. Just play with it. Sarah, tell her what feels good. You can tell her where to touch you. You can even tell her to put it inside of you."

Within a minute, Sarah was giving pretty specific instructions as she wiggled on the couch, making noises.

Tom demonstrated how to pull up the hood over the swollen clitoris. "Now use the vibrator and your hand. Lick her clitoris then vibrate and so forth." Mary and Sarah were both getting into the action. Then it was time to switch again. They switched several times. The girls changed places quickly, each wanting to be the one on the couch.

"OK, girls. Stand up."

Mary looked around for her clothes. She was rubbing herself between the legs. She didn't see them anywhere.

"Time to go in the next office and watch part of a video. It will only take a minute."

Tom said, "That's it. Keep a finger in your pussy while you walk. "

Sarah giggled, as they went into the next room. A small studio was set up with lights, blankets, and some very strange looking furniture with built in straps.

"First we'll put on these costumes, get a few more pictures and then take you home."

"We don't have to be home till six, Tom. We were going to the library first."

"OK. Good. We'll drop you off at the library." They helped the girls put on the night gowns and had them practice kissing and feeling each other while they positioned the cameras.

Mary helped them tie Sarah into a hands and knees position over a crate with a blanket draped over it. It was about the size of the big wire milk boxes at school. Then Mary put the blindfold on Sarah and pulled the very loose, very sheer panties down as far as she could. Even though Sarah's knees were tied securely as wide apart as possible without hurting her, the panties went down almost to her knees. Mary was playing with the vibrator on Sarah's pussy. They let her put it all the way in and Sarah said it didn't hurt. Mary put in her fingers, tongue and the vibrator in quick succession. Sarah kept telling her it didn't hurt.

"Sarah talks a lot. Doesn't she Mary?"

"She sure does." joked Mary, but she was really glad her friend was enjoying this, too. She was still a little worried, but the men weren't hurting them.

"Let's put this on her." Tom was holding a rubber ball with a leather strap through it. It looked like a harness of some kind. "It's a gag. So she won't talk so much during our video. It won't hurt her."

Mary helped Tom put on the gag and then continued to play with her friend's exposed pussy and ass. She used combinations of fingers and vibrator in her pussy. Even the larger vibrator slid into Sarah without much resistance because she was so slippery.

"Can you hear me OK, Sarah?"

Sarah lifted her head - with blindfold and gag and nodded.

"This doesn't hurt, does it?" and she shook her head.

"Try this one now, Mary."

The new dildo was shaped like a penis. Mary looked at it closely, knowing what it represented. It was bigger around, but about the same length as the vibrator they had been playing with. Tom put some slippery stuff on it and handed it to Mary.

"Put this in next. You might have to push real hard but it will go in."

It seemed too big, but she pushed hard like Tom told her and it went in. There was more resistance. She did it several times and Sarah didn't seem to object. Soon, it was going in faster.

"Now use the vibrator on her clit while you pump her."

Sarah even seemed to enjoy it. She was wiggling her bottom.

"You'll get your turn in a minute, Mary. Tell us your name and age and then do that to Sarah for another minute. Then lick her some more. We'll give you a turn next. Pull up her panties first. Then start talking, turn around and pull them down."

She pulled up the sheer nightie bottoms. "These are getting wet." She said as she played with Sarah's pussy through the sheer material. Turning she looked right into the camera and smiled, "My name is Mary Thompson. I'm eleven. Well, almost eleven. I'll be eleven next month. This is my friend, Sarah. She is already eleven. This feels good to her, like when I tickle her with this." She twisted it and it started buzzing. Mary giggled, "It makes that funny sound but it doesn't hurt." Looking into the camera again she touched it against her nipple and said, "See?" Then she turned and pulled down Sarah's panties.

"She likes this." Mary began pressing the vibrator against Sarah's clit and rubbed it all around, even pushing it into her vagina all the way. "She really likes it when I use both of them at once." After holding the penis dildo towards the camera, she pushed it into Sarah. The vibrator on the clit made her friend wiggle. "I know she likes this," she said into the camera. "Now I'm going to lick her and then it's my turn." Another smile at the camera.

Tom led her to the other box and fastened her in. "Aren't you going to untie Sarah first, so she can do me? I thought that was our deal. Then we get to go home." She said as she held her hand over by the strap so Tom could fasten it.

"I'll untie her in a minute. First I want to get you set up." The wrist and ankle ropes felt too tight to Mary, but she didn't want to complain. Then Tom put the blindfold and gag on her, promising to untie Sarah pretty soon.

Tom started the treatments on Mary - first licking, tickling and even pushing the vibrator in her vagina and a finger in her anus. Then the bigger dildoe. It felt good, but he was being too rough, pushing it in too fast. She was going to complain when he untied her.

She heard a zipper. She heard shoes drop on the floor beside her. He squeezed her breasts which were hanging down. Only her head and shoulders were tied to the covered box. Her arms and legs were tied securely.

"Do you want it in your pussy first, little Mary Thompson? Or up your ass. I heard chubby girls liked it up the ass."

She could feel hairy, naked skin rubbing against her. "He must be on his hands and knees rubbing himself on me." she thought. Hands gripped her breasts, pinching her nipples.

"Unggh!" she tried to cry out, as she felt his dick being rubbed around on her pussy and ass cheeks. She knew what was going to happen. It all made sense.

"Oh. Does that feel good, Mary Thompson?"

Music had started again. She heard other voices. Two or three men besides Tom. Something was being pushed into her. It could be the rubber thing, or the vibrator, but she wasn't sure until she felt his hairy stomach against her fanny. He was fucking her. Faster and faster. Stopping occasionally to put a finger in her ass, or tickle her clit with the vibrator. It hurt. It felt good, too. She was trying to think of escape, worried they would kill them later. How could we be so stupid? She pictured them all tied up, getting raped. She was glad it didn't hurt too bad.

Pretty soon he stopped and someone else put some wet stuff on her and started doing it, too. His thing was bigger than Tom's. It hurt at first, but then it started sliding in and out easier.

About half an hour later she heard a commotion

Tom's voice said, "It's the police. They're outside the building. We'll have to use the secret exit."

She heard scurrying around, doors slamming, stuff getting knocked over.

Silence. Fainter noises in the distance.

Then someone comes into the room, "Here they are."

Mary was so relieved. She felt a dog sniffing her.

"Good boy, Sam. You tracked them down. We can't untie you yet, girls. We've got to gather evidence, you know."

The girls nodded their heads. They could see flashes through their blindfolds. The dog was sniffing and licking Mary's fanny.

"Gathering evidence." says the policeman.

"We've got to finish searching the building. Sam, stay here and guard these girls."

"What's this?" said a policeman's voice. "Video cameras - hooked up to a computer - hooked to a phone line?"

"Don't touch anything." advised another male voice.

"Let see whats on the last few minutes of the tape."

Mary hears herself talking and is very embarrassed, anxious for the policemen to take off her gag and blindfold so she can explain.

"Sounds like she enjoys it to me." Said one of the police voices. "And look what she's doing. Nobody is telling her what to do or say. These videos could be all over the world by now. We'll have to try to keep it a secret so the bad guys don't ever show these videos to anyone."

The other voice says, "We would untie you but we can't touch the evidence yet. I will check for bruises though." and he began feeling her all over.

"We're going to help in the search. Sam will guard you while were gone. Good boy, Sam. That's right. These are the two girls we've been looking for."

Mary felt Sam poking his cold nose into her pussy, then lick her. She heard a door close and there were no voices in the room. Sam began to climb on her back.

"What's he doing?" she wondered.

Then she felt something banging against her pussy and ass - hard and fast. She tried to figure out what it was, as it started to go into her. Suddenly it was all the way in her - like the plastic penis. It slid in and out, but so fast. The dog was making whining noises on the back of her neck, breathing hard.

Ten minutes later the "police" told the girls they are going to have to keep this investigation a total secret. The girls can't tell anybody, or it might scare the bad guys away and then everybody would see the videos on TV. They promised to contact the girls soon to give them their rewards, but meanwhile they have to keep this secret until they catch the guys.

"Sorry, but you girls have to keep your gags and blindfolds on until you get out of the van by the library. We'll drop you off from the bad guy's van, since we're taking it to the police lab for an evidence search. We'll take off your gags and let you out near the library." The policemen helped them get dressed in their original clothes, except they had on each other's panties.

The girls got out of the van after the policemen took off the gags. "Count to ten before you take off the blindfolds, girls."

"Yes, sir." Mary answered for the two of them.

Mary counted out loud. Quickly. They took off their blindfolds as the van turned the corner.

Mary felt weak, but she couldn't decide what to do. "Should we tell anybody? Did the police dog sniff you or anything?"

"Sam sniffed me and then I think he went over to protect you." Sarah replied.

"We'd better keep this our secret, Sarah. I sure wouldn't want anybody to see the video. The police told us not to tell anybody."

"What about our cable?"

"Maybe they weren't even cable TV guys, Sarah."


"I don't know what to do. We'd better just wait and see if we get our reward. Let's not tell anybody. How do you feel?"

"I'm hungry."

"Me, too."

R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s


Gee, I had forgetten about writing this story. It must have been about ten years ago. I guess this story was a little 'forceful,' but the girls weren't hurt at least. And I hope they were both able to keep the secret for a long, long time. And the dog didn't tell anyone either!

Shy Girl

This is a nice story. Little different from your other story. More action. It was like drink all the light beer then have a shot of tequila. I wish you write more story like this 'tequila'. Stronger and heavier. Thanks again for writing and posting.

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