Published: 31-Jan-2011
Word Count:
Melissa and her cousin, Rachel climbed into the back seat of Joe's Buick with their backpacks full of clothes. They waved good bye to Melissa's mom who was looking in the envelopes Joe had just handed her. Everyone was happy about the special 'research weekend.'
"You girls do everything they tell you!" Shouted the grinning Ruth to her daughter and niece as the car pulled away.
All five girls and their mothers and the many researchers who would be working on their special projects during the three days and two nights had been anxiously waiting for the weekend. Three of the researchers would not arrive until Saturday, but tonight the rest of them would play games, have fun and do a few preliminary research projects.
The other three girls had already been picked up and taken to the big log home out in the country, which was already set up for the various research projects.
"I haven't worn this dress for a year, Joe. Are you sure it's not too short?"
"No, You look so cute, Melissa. The research experiments will only take a couple hours each day, and the rest of the time will be like a party. We can play some games. They have an above-ground pool set up in the large back yard and they even have a hot-tub in the basement recreation room. The games will be fun with a talent show, dance, and some party games we designed especially for you girls. Did you put on the panties we gave you to wear today?"
"Yes." they replied in unison. Both of the girls were wearing short, white dresses with black, patent leather shoes and ruffled ankle socks. They had hair ribbons on their pig tails - one on each side of their heads, like the researchers had requested. Melissa's short, dark hair bounced when she moved, and Rachel's longer, blond hair flipped back and forth. Both girls were excited and could not contain their nervousness, giggling and fidgeting.
"The other girls are dressed up for the party, too, Rachel." said Dr. Ginny, sitting in the front seat beside Joe. "We have a surprise for you tonight, since you will be a teenager in a couple weeks. We're having a birthday party... with games, presents, and some fun spankings!"
The sudden look of consternation on Rachel's face made Dr. Ginny chuckle. "Don't worry, Honey." and she reached back to put her hand on Rachel's completely exposed thigh. "Nobody will spank you very hard. It will be part of a game. I think you'll both have lots of fun. You've already met two of the girls, Cindy and Sarah. The only girl you haven't met yet is Allison. She is pretty new, so you two can help us train her in some of the research and dress-up games.
"Her hair is almost as blond as your, Rachel and it's even longer. She is only ten, but is about at tall as you. Allison told me she's the second tallest girl in her fourth grade class." Dr. Ginny continued, "But she isn't getting a cute figure like yours yet, Rachel. You have the prettiest buds." Then Dr. Ginny took her hand off Rachel's thigh and caressed her right breast with her fingernails.
"Rachel, I think the cremes we've been using are starting to work on your breasts. They stick out almost three inches! Can you tell they're getting bigger?"
Rachel was cheered by Dr. Ginny's attentions and comments. "I'm wearing the new training bra you got me, Dr. Ginny. It feels so silky that it makes me tingle."
"What do you mean 'tingle,' Rachel?" Dr. Ginny asked coyly.
"Well, can you tell now? When you touch them?" She asked as Dr. Ginny continued to lightly fondle her size A+ breasts. She was using the tips of her fingers and fingernails to trace little circles on Rachel's breasts.
"What do we call it, Rachel, when the tips get hard like this?"
"Erect." answered Melissa, butting in. "Can I feel? Sometimes mine get hard, too, even though my buds are still pretty little - about like marshmallows."
"OK." said Dr. Ginny.
Joe chuckled quietly as they left the city limits, heading south.
Both Dr. Ginny and Melissa were tickling Rachel's breasts through her dress and training bra. Her nipples were erect.
"That tickles!" she finally giggled.
Melissa asked, "What games are we going to play, Joe? This sounds like a fun weekend."
"Some of the games are surprises for you girls, Melissa, but we'll watch you girls play tag, and swing on the swing set, and slide down the slide. You can all pretend you're even younger. We know that fifth graders probably wouldn't clown around on the swing set.
"I'm in sixth." Rachel interjected proudly.
"Yes. We're counting on you being a leader. Even though you probably have less than two years to go in our study before you're fully developed, we knew you could act younger like we do in some of the research projects on Saturdays. And remember, Allison is only in the fourth grade."
"I am excited about this, Joe. I won't be pretending when I giggle." and she giggled at the thought of cavorting with the other girls.
Joe gave the girls some more hints. "Dr. Ginny might show you some line dancing moves and we might also get you to pretend you're cheerleaders. We ordered some outfits for you. In fact we have lots of special clothing for you, except swim suits."
"But you said there was a pool set up in the backyard, Joe. I didn't bring my swimsuit." Rachel's blue eyes always sparkled when she talked about swimming. She just loved the water.
After Dr. Ginny and Joe chuckled a minute, he finally told her, "Rachel, I'm sure all the researchers will want to see your cute tan lines. It's only you girls and the researchers, so you won't have to wear suits."
"Good. I was worried that we wouldn't get to swim. Are you sure it's OK if we swim without our suits?"
"Of course, Dear." Dr. Ginny reassured her. "After doing some of the research projects in the middle of the crowd - and winning some prizes - by the way - you'll soon forget if you're wearing clothes or not. Just giggle and have fun the way we do during our Saturday sessions." Then Dr. Ginny leaned back and tickled her.
As Ginny knelt on the front seat to lean back, Joe noticed she was wearing a garter and hose, instead of her usual panty hose. He was looking forward to watching the girls play some of the different "dress-up' games they had planned. Dr. Ginny was going to undress with the girls in their half hour of 'girls only' getting ready for a dress-up game. All the researchers hoped the little girls would want to wear some 'big girl' lingerie for that particular photo session - lots of very sheer, oversize lingerie hanging on them - marching and acting silly with high heels, garters and loose hose... he was getting hard picturing it. Video cameras were set up throughout the house, some in plain view, and some behind mirrors or nestled in computer or audio equipment.
The girls were still excited when they got to the large log house in the country. The other three girls and five of the researchers were already there when they pulled in. Two of the researchers had picked up the other three girls. All were dressed for a party. Their dresses were all very short, especially since Joe told the mothers a couple weeks ago that the mother of the girl with the shortest, white, party dress would get an extra hundred dollars. Two of the girl's dresses exposed their panties even when they were standing straight with their arms down. Each girl was wearing different colored panties, furnished by Joe, which would be part of the ice-breaking game later.
Joe took the group of girls, each holding hands with one of the researchers, on a tour of the big house. There were six bedrooms and two very large bathrooms. Two smaller bathrooms were downstairs off the living room with vaulted ceiling. A small stage was set up on one side of the room.
"Is this where we're going to have our dancing show, Joe?" asked Melissa. "One of the dancing contests, Melissa. We're going to have different contests and games. And we have to do some research, too." He patted her lower back. Then he addressed all of the excited girls as they looked around the large living room The men and Dr. Ginny were around the edge of the room. "Don't forget, we have some research to do. We're going to have some fun while we're here, but you have to be ready to follow directions at all times." "Here is your first challenge, Girls." Joe said to the group of nervous girls. "I want each of you to introduce yourself to all of the researchers besides me and Dr. Ginny. You might already know some of them, but give them a big kiss and introduce yourself. They will ask you a couple questions."
The girls seemed to enjoy this activity and it gave them something specific to do.
"Sarah, when you get the pressure tested in your bottom, do you want the researcher to use lots of lubricant? Does it hurt you when the finger goes in your bottom?" Tom asked.
"It doesn't hurt a bit when they use lots of lubricant. I don't mind. It feels funny when they keep checking in and out, but it doesn't hurt. I don't remember you. How did you know my name is Sarah?" she giggled with her hand over her mouth, and shook her black hair as she adjusted the ribbon in the back.
Tom leaned way down to kiss her. He was the tallest of the researchers, and the oldest at sixty. A receding hairline with almost white hair made him look even older. He answered, "You have on the purple panties, Sarah. And they look so cute on you." He patted her bottom. "These show under your short dress."
She giggled again after the second kiss. "It's kind of embarrassing. Mom made this so short." and she twirled around.
He didn't tell her he had seen her in lots of pictures and even a video during some of her earlier research studies. The video made him suspect that she liked the anal probes. He scooted her on to Mark. All the researchers were asking similar pointed, personal questions to the excited girls, so they would be used to talking about the research projects and think nothing of it.
Next he interviewed the red-headed Cindy. Sitting down he pulled her onto his lap and tickled her tummy. "Is this your new training bra?" The pink straps were plainly visible since they had fallen out from under the narrow straps of her dress over her shoulders.
"Yes. It's so pretty. It matches the pink panties Joe gave me to wear today."
He was rubbing her almost flat chest, tracing the outline of the 28A bra through her dress, feeling the cherry tomato size bumps on her just-developing mounds of softness. "Let me see your panties, Sarah. Are they silky like your bra?"
Lifting her skirt while sitting on his lap seemed natural since all the girls were getting inspected in similar manner around the living room. He kissed her while touching her panties. His fingers probed into the firm mound and the crack between the pouty lips. Her freckles clashed with the pink panties and Tom was looking forward to playing with her later.
Allison sat on his lap next. He pulled her towards him in the big stuffed chair. Allison's long legs straddled his lap as he tickled her tummy. She was the most wiggly of all the girls and was practically jumping around on his lap as he tickled her. She was just beginning to develop hips and thighs, but her legs still looked fairly straight, with bony knees. Light blue panties were completely exposed after the tickling. He kissed her five times before she could stop giggling and kiss back.
"These are pretty panties, Allison." his fingers were tickling the panties between her spread knees.
"Thanks. That tickles." She was still wiggling, but made no move to stop his hand or to try to get away.
"I bet you can't hold completely still while I count to ten." Tom dared with his fingers still tickling her as she stood on the couch on her knees facing him - straddling his lap.
"It tickles, but I bet I can." and she set her lips in determination.
"Your panties don't have a liner, Allison." Tom said as he continued to stroke her. Getting panties without a liner for Allison was Tom's idea after he saw in a video how quickly the young girl got wet when stimulated.
"One." he said, noting moisture already. "Two."
The skinny ten year old was now holding perfectly still, looking over Tom's shoulder. By the time Tom got to ten, the panties felt so wet he could pinch her erect clitoris through the wet, silky material.
"Good girl. You did it. Now give me another kiss. Such a big girl."
The grinning girl was in no rush to get off Tom's lap, but went on to the next man, getting back into the spirit of the game.
After about fifteen minutes, Joe called the girls back to the center of the room. "You need to learn to cooperate with each other. And remember, you can't ever talk about this to anyone outside of This room. Even your mothers agreed to our secrecy pledge. They know you can't tell them about the games and research we will be doing. Are you ready?"
"Yes." said all of the girls, still wiggling and looking around.
Before we start this evening's games, we need each of you to put on a fresh pair of matching, white panties, but..." he waited to get their attention while he held the five pairs of sheer, white panties in his hand. "You aren't allowed to take off your own, or put a pair on yourself. You have to help each other. And, remember, we are all watching you. Go."
The girls had fun doing this. Their clear, high pitched voices were chattering and giggling as they helped each other. The researchers applauded their efforts as they finished the job. There were four pairs of panties on the floor and Rachel was holding someone's in her hand.
"Now girls. Get someone else's panties and hand them to one of the researchers. Wait!" as they started to pick up the panties, "When you hand a pair to one of the researchers, have them inspect your new ones to make sure they are on frontwards. OK. Go."
The still giggling girls each picked up a pair of panties and went to one of the researchers. The researchers accepted the panties and put them in a pocket. They inspected the fresh panties the girls were wearing with their hands while looking carefully to make sure they were on correctly.
"Excellent!" said Joe as he took Allison by the hand. "Before we continue our tour, I want to make a point. Here's a challenge, if any of you want to try it. Take off the panties and lay them on the floor and then try to put them on - all the way - without using your hands. "
None of the girls said anything, but you could tell they were trying to figure out if it could be done.
Finally the red headed Cindy asked if they could get upside down or use the furniture to help.
"Sure. You can try anything, except you can't use your hands. Who wants to try it. It's just for fun and in five minutes you can help each other put them the rest of the way on if you don't have them up all the way."
No volunteers yet. The girls were thinking. They loved games and challenges.
"We have some prizes." Joe said, and took out some gift-wrapped boxes. He had a box full of gaily wrapped small packages. "We'll have lots of prizes this weekend."
"I bet I can do it." said the perky Cindy at last.
"Me, too." added Rachel shaking her blond pig tails.
Then all five girls said they would try it.
Cindy went first and Joe pulled off her panties, wadded them up and set them in the middle of the floor. Each of the other girls had to sit on someone's lap and watch. Cindy wasted no time as she sat down next to the panties in the middle of the carpeted floor, lifting her skirt as she scooted around to put her toes in the panties. Everyone watched her scoot, roll, and twist around as she tried to get them on her feet.
Everyone enjoyed watching. The researchers liked watching the cute red head bounce around without her panties in the very short skirt, and the girls were getting anxious to try it themselves. In two minutes, Cindy was doing a shoulder stand letting the panties slide down her legs as she opened and closed her straight legs to speed the descent. Her dress wad down over her shoulders as she wiggled them into place. Now the other girls were hopping up and down, eager to try it themselves.
"Each of you go with one of the judges and practice. They are allowed to put the panties on a piece of furniture before we start. This is a practice round before you try it in front of the group. You have to do it in front of the group to get a prize like Cindy. And, did all of you see how much easier it was to change panties with help from each other?"
"Yes." said the girls, without reflection, eager to prove that they could do it, too.
A minute later all five girls were giggling and squirming trying to get their panties back on - assuming all sorts of un-ladylike positions in the process. The short dresses provided absolutely no modesty during this 'warm-up' exercise.
Eventually all the girls got to pick out a prize and unwrap it - pretty earrings, a make-up kit, jewelry or something like that. It was as if they had each one a gold medal as the adults checked the panties again, kissing and congratulating the contestants on doing such superb jobs.
"OK, Girls. Let's get on with the tour. Then maybe we can swim for a little bit, before sun-down. Oh, by the way. Tonight you're not allowed to pull down you own panties, even if you have to tinkle. You'll have to ask one of the researchers to help you. OK. Let's go downstairs to the hot-tub room. Hold hands with one of the researchers."
And the whole group headed down the steps.
Allison was hopping down the carpeted steps with her feet together. Her joy and excitement were impossible to contain. "What other kinds of games will we play, Joe?"
Before he could answer the question, Mark stopped in front of her and motioned for her to hop on his back. At thirty, Mark was the youngest of the researchers, and the strongest. He looked like a bodybuilder with broad shoulders and big arms which stretched the short sleeved, tan sport shirt. His width made him appear even shorter, only eight inches taller than Allison. "OK." said Allison and hopped on his back. He carried her down the stairs and over next to the big hot tub which had been installed especially for the weekend party with these young subjects. Allison bent down to put her hand in the water.
Sarah put her hand over her mouth and giggled because they could all see Allison's white panties completely. The tub was three feet deep all the way around with a diameter of ten feet.
"I dare you, Allison." called Cindy, as she shook her short red hair back and forth. "I dare you to get in with your clothes on." Cindy's freckles glowed when she was excited and she was glowing now.
"Anybody want to go swimming?" asked Joe.
"Let's head back upstairs girls after we look at the hot tub.
The girls were matched evenly with researchers now, since only five researchers were there. Two other men would be arriving later tonight, and another tomorrow.
"Close your eyes. Everybody switch now!" commanded Dr. Ginny. The girls put their arms down and waited for one of the researchers to pick her. This was another game and they would be playing it all weekend. The girls had to go with whichever researcher wanted to escort her or play with her. All the adults were dressed casually except for Joe and Dr. Ginny who were both wearing business suits.
"Close your eyes this time girls." They were so excited that it was hard for them to stand still while the researchers milled around, feeling them above the waists. When they were kissed on the lips, the girls were allowed to open their eyes to see who had chosen them.
Allison seemed momentarily disappointed to open her eyes and see Dr. Ginny. Then she brightened as Dr. Ginny whispered something in her ear.
They all headed back up the stairs except for Allison and Dr. Ginny. Joe nodded at Dr. Ginny as he led the others through the door back into the main room.
"I get to be first? Oh good. This will be cool. I wonder how long it will take for anybody to notice?" She was skipping again as they walked over towards the stuffed chairs on the side of the high ceilinged room. The thick wooden rafters were ten feet above the floor.
Allison followed the motions of Dr. Ginny and sat on the front edge of the stuffed chair with dark wood arms. She leaned all the way back so she was practically lying on her back. Her head was on her chest, leaning against the back cushion.
Dr. Ginny knelt down between her knees and had Allison lift her skirt. "Perfect." she said as she ran her hands around on Allison's silky white "regulation" panties. Dr. Ginny put her fingers under the waistband and tugged them part way down.
"I need to do some research with each girl tonight. You remember the taste tests, don't you, Allison?"
"Oh sure. Yes, Mam. I remember. It doesn't hurt a bit." she said as Dr. Ginny pulled the panties down the rest of the way and left them on Allison's left ankle. Allison spread her knees wide to make it easy for Dr. Ginny to do some research.
After several tender kisses, Dr. Ginny began a series of licks and tongue probes. Normally Allison enjoyed the sensations, but today when was in a hurry to get back with the rest of the group. Dr. Ginny was sensitive to this and complimented the girl on trying to be patient while she finished her first taste test. "You're being a very good, little girl, Allison. Open wider. That's it. You will be the first one to get the pink panties. We'll see how long it takes before any of the girls notice. We made such a show of giving you all identical white panties. You get to be first because you're so obedient, Allison."
Dr. Ginny had been watching Tom's "tickle game" earlier, and was anxious to taste the young girl. She had Allisonl stand up and step out of the white panties and then kneel on the floor facing the stuffed chair. Get in position for the back test now. Then we'll put these sheer, pink panties on. Pretty soon we'll go outside to play on the swings, slide, and monkey bars. Make sure everybody gets to see your panties while you play. We'll go to the pool right after that." Then Ginny proceed to taste the ten year old girl's pink anus another moment.
After Allison stood up and let Dr. Ginny slide the pink panties into place. Dr. Ginny pulled out her note pad and made several entries on the page marked, "Allison - ten." The adults had agreed to make notations each time the conducted any 'research.'
Each of the "researchers" had paid five hundred dollars to share in the thrills of researching these pre-pubescent girls. Seven researchers besides himself and Dr. Ginny. They all agreed to the strict rules of no sexual penetration - except for fingers and tongues - and even that would always bedisguised as 'research.'
None of the researchers were allowed to be in any of the pictures, and of course, they all had false names. If all went well, the girls would have a fun time, distracted by the many games and contests, and be none the wiser for years to come. Their mothers had all agreed readily to let the girls participate in the extended weekend study, especially after getting an additional two hundred dollars on top of the usual monthly hundred dollars.
Joe was also certain he would get at least a hundred excellent pictures which he could sell on the black market. He would probably take over four hundred still shots besides the videos of the girls playing some of the different games.
The girls went outside to play on the swing set and the jungle gym, while two of the men pulled back the cover over the pool. Tom and Mark watched them closely. They frolicked on the swings and the slide, completely oblivious to their constantly exposed panties. Tom and Mark were delighted.
The pool water was still warm, but at the end of September, it could be colder tomorrow. There was a door into the hot tub, basement recreation room, where Tom and Mark would help the girls change.
When the pool was ready, Dr. Ginny explained that since it would be getting cooler pretty soon, they would give each of the girls a cut off T-shirt to wear, so their shoulders wouldn't be cold. "And be sure to get one of the researchers to help you take your panties off. Pee before you get in the pool, girls!" and she laughed as they headed for the door. Two girls jumping on Tom and Mark, anxious for them to help them get dressed for the pool.
"Girls," said Dr. Ginny. "Close your eyes and try to remember playing on the swings. Which girl had on different colored panties?"
"None of them were sure. After a few wrong guesses they gave up. Allison gets another prize. Open your eyes now and get dressed."
Allison clapped her hands, happy she would be getting to pick out another prize later.
They were used to being watched while they peed as part of the past two or three months of Saturday research, so they didn't mind being watched and photographed today. They were intent on getting to the pool.
Tom wiped off his girls quickly, but Mark and Joe took their time -making sure their crevices were wiped clean.
Wearing only cut off t-shirts, the girls headed for the pool. Tom and Mark had already climbed in, when Joe walked out with the girls and explained that no suits were allowed in the pool because the fibers clogged up the filters. The girls were allowed to wear the new t-shirts because of the weather.
"What about Tom and Mark?" Melissa asked.
"They don't have on suits. They are your life guards." and he laughed. "And I'm sure they'll help you climb on the rafts or get in the inner tubes."
Joe saw the curiosity in Melissa's eyes. She had been so curious about seeing "boy parts" that he was sure she would find a way to touch the researchers.
"Just have fun, girls. Jack is bringing dinner with him. He should be here in about an hour. We're having a birthday party for Rachel tonight. She'll be a teenager pretty soon."
Joe winked at Tom and Mark as they helped the girls climb into the pool with them.
As expected the girls all wanted to climb on them and get thrown in the air. They discovered instantly that both men had erections. The water was clear enough to see for a minute, but then it was too churned up. The girls wanted shoulder rides which made for some excellent photos as they climbed on. Several hands felt the men - by accident, of course. The little girls were so curious, and Dr. Ginny had explained that when a man gets stiff like that, "it means he thinks you're sexy."
Finally two of the girls were resting in the inner tubes and Allison was flaying on her back on the raft, hair trailing in the water, trying not to fall off. Tom and Mark each had one girl.
"Can I climb on you, Tom?" Rachel asked as she clung to his shoulders up against his tummy, facing him. Her arms were around his neck and her legs were wrapped around his hips. His penis was bobbing against her bottom.
"OK, but hold still for a minute." he put his hands on her fanny as if to lift her higher. Instead of lifting her higher though, he pulled her cheeks farther apart so that the head of his penis was touching the opening to her vagina. The other kids were playing with the inner tubes and Mark and Melissa were on the other side of the pool.
"Are you scared, Rachel? Do you want me to lower you an inch?"
"A little scared, but I have that itchy feeling inside, like Dr. Ginny tells me about when she tests my pressure with two fingers."
"She tested your vaginal pressure with two fingers?"
"Yes. All the way in, too. While she used the vibrating thing on my magic button."
"Did it make you start twitching inside?" he asked as they turned in circles, slowly bobbing up and down together, his hands squeezing and releasing her cheeks, rubbing her on his erection.
"Yes. I twitched inside. Dr. Ginny gets me to do that at the end of every research session. Then she does her taste test. Last Saturday, I started twitching inside again while she was doing the taste test. It was so embarrassing." She confessed.
"You know we're not allowed to do this, don't you?" as she slipped onto it another inch. It was now two inches inside her vagina.
"I'm not going to push it into you, Rachel, but you can slide down onto it if a little ways if you want. I'll hold my arms straight out to my sides. We can't tell anybody." He whispered into her ear.
"I know, but it feels so good. Mark's is too big. And you always seem so gentle when you research me. And I promise not to tell if you accidently let me slip a little lower. It doesn't hurt, Tom. Let me just bounce on it a minute. I won't go too far."
His outstretched arms signaled Joe to get some close up pictures of Rachel's face as she bobbed farther down onto his penis. Tom turned so Joe could get a good view of her face without seeing his through his view finder.
Joe grinned, knowing she didn't even notice him getting close ups of her face - open mouth. She was concentrating on something else.
They bounced and turned a few minutes longer, until Tom had to throw her up in the air before something dangerous happened. She swam back to him and they played a little longer, drifting over to Mark and Melissa. Both men were pretending to teach the girls to float on their backs, holding them up with their hips almost out of the water.
"Time to go." said Joe. Big towels were given to each of the girls as they got out and headed into the basement to jump in the hot tub. It was cooling off quickly outside now that the sun had gone down.
Dr. Ginny let them warm up a few minutes then took them upstairs to the bathrooms. She and Joe bathed them and did their hair. The pizza arrived before they could get all that hair dry. Joe was getting more pictures of the girls in the bathtub. He had already shot six rolls of film and used two video tapes. The girls were all used to Joe taking pictures so they hardly paid any attention to him. Of course Dr. Ginny wade sure they were sparkling clean between the legs. Each girl was give a color coded hemmed, T-shirt, the same color as their original panties. Each girl had already been measured, so the shirts were hemmed to just below belly buttons.
The girls were also comfortable being around the researchers without panties, they they didn't mind just wearing the t-shirts, ruffled ankle socks, and dress shoes to go back down for dinner. Two of the girls with the shortest hair, Cindy and Melissa went in to meet Jack who had just arrived with the pizzas. He had not done any of the research so far, but had seen two still photos.
His first glance at the two beautiful girls, hairless pussies completely exposed, made him glad he changed his weekend plans to come all the way out here.
Mark had the two young hostesses introduce themselves with the usual kiss, and then asked them to show Jack around.
"Jack, let them show you how they can put these on without using their hands."
Each girl took a hand and skipped around the house, showing him the hot tub, the bathrooms, the upstairs bedrooms and bathrooms, where Allison, Sarah, and Rachel were getting their hair dried.
Dr. Ginny said the girls would kiss him in a few minutes when they were ready to come downstairs.
Melissa and Cindy felt so pretty at the way this newcomer looked at them. They confided that they were glad they weren't wearing panties since they weren't allowed to pull them down themselves if they had to tinkle.
Finally Jack was able to speak, "Well aren't you two going to show me how you can put these on without using your hands?"
The girls gleefully threw the wadded up panties onto the floor and started showing Jack how clever they were - wiggling and twisting the panties down their up-turned legs. After three minutes of giggling and writhing around each girl was wearing a pair of the sheer, white, low cut panties.
Jack patted them on their bottoms, feeling all over, and complimented them on how fast they wiggled into their panties.
"Dinner's ready!" called Tom from the big kitchen - dining area. The other girls came downstairs with Dr. Ginny. Wearing only their cut-off T-shirts.
"Girls. Girls. You're not dressed for dinner. Why don't you welcome Jack with a kiss and then show him how fast you can put on these panties. Then we can eat and have a birthdayparty for Rachel."
Jack kissed the girls quickly. They seemed to be in a hurry, practically running to the living room to proudly wiggle into the panties. He noticed that Rachel was beginning to get some pubic hair when she was upside-down just a foot in front of him. she also had the biggest breasts - a pointy three inches. Allison was the only girl with almost no breasts at all - just puffy nipples.
The girls were all wearing panties now and headed for the pizza.
Later, after ice cream and cake and lots of pop, they went back to the living room for some dancing and playing party games with the grown ups. They even did a couple slow dances and the girls stood on the feet of the adults -everybody was acting silly. Rachel would not be thirteen for another month, but nobody minded. The party was fun.
One by one, each of the girls asked one of the researchers to accompany her to the bathroom. Dr. Ginny declined each request, deferring the panty-pulling-down to the men.
Rachel liked her presents, especially the slim, pink vibrator which took two AA size batteries. Allison didn't know what it was since she had only joined the program six weeks ago.
Rachel and the other girls giggled knowingly.
Joe said, "Maybe now would be a good time to interrupt our party for an hour of research. And so nobody gets too self-conscious, all the girls will be included tonight." Joe was standing behind Allison, embracing her, fondling her tiny breasts, he said, "And then we'll show Allison how this works. Let's keep if for a surprise now, girls." and he winked at the assembly. "Don't tell any secrets."
The other girls giggled again.
While Mark and Tom pulled out a table and got out the video camera on the tripod, the researchers were leading the girls over to the table area. Allison was trying to get Sarah to tell her what the pink thing was for, but Sarah only giggled more and said, "You'll see."
Mark laid a big towel on the padded table top - waist high for the adults and just below shoulder height for the girls. "OK," said Mark. "Who are the first two volunteers?"
"I will." said Cindy, the blue-eyed red head, always ready for any kind of challenge. Joe nodded to Mark as he helped her up to lay on the table. "You'll get another prize, Cindy for volunteering before you even knew which tests we're going to do first. Then all the other girls raised their hands, jumping. Mark picked Melissa on signal from Joe. They wanted the girls to notice some of the 'scientific' things they were studying, to further convince them that this is a real research project.
Melissa and Cindy were laying beside each other on the table with their ruffled socks, dress shoes, sheer panties, and cut-off T-shirts. Mark and Tom unceremoniously pulled their panties off. The other girls were gathered closely around the table with the adults behind them. Tom laid towels over the pair of girls - one above and one below their pussies.
"Look closely, girls. What differences to you notice?" Said Tom, the oldest researcher. His deep voice sounded so wise.
"Um. Look." Sarah's finger was tracing up and over Cindy's pussy lips. "Her lips don't close all the way even though her legs are together, but Melissa's are closed tight."
"Oh." said the other girls as they observed the obvious difference. Several fingers were tracing the difference, pulling lips apart, or squeezing them together. Whenever they let go, the firm, young lips sprung back into the same positions. Cindy's were apart, and Melissa's were together. Sarah started playfully plucking Cindy's lips - watching them spring back into position.
"That tickles, Sarah." giggled Cindy.
Tom pulled off the towels and helped the girls roll over. Red headed Cindy's buns were were much more rounded than the thinner Melissa's. The girls noticed the difference right away, feeling proud of their powers of observation. The 'scientists' applauded them, complimenting their intelligence.
"You're not just cute, you're very observant." Tom told Rachel with his hands over her shoulders, rubbing her breasts through the T-shirt. He kissed her on top of her head.
"Sarah, pull Cindy's fanny open. Allison, pull Melissa's fanny open. That's it. As far open as you can. Girl's relax your fannies so they can pull them open. Good."
Dr. Ginny continued, "What differences do you notice in anal color?"
Sarah said, "Cindy's is pink and Melissa's is light brown."
"Very good." said Dr. Ginny. "These are some of the things we measure for science, girls. Do you all see the difference?"
"Yes." the girls said, still proud of how observant they were. "And besides differences of color and appearance, there are also differences of pressure, taste, sensitivity, and so forth."
Letting this sink in a minute, further convincing the girls this was real science, she said, "OK, girls, hop down. Thanks for letting us research you. Each of you may go pick out a prize. Good girls."
The two smiling girls headed for the big box of prizes and the other girls went to watch them open their packages.
Tom and Dr. Ginny put the wooden box on the table and covered it with a blanket.
The girls were excited when they came back to the table area, each wanting to be in the next science demonstration.
"How about the new girl?" suggested Dr. Ginny. She helped her hop up on the table and rest her head and shoulders on the covered box. Tom pulled off her panties and put her knees near the edge of the table. They scooted her bottom backwards till it was over her feet.
"Let's check her pressure. There are two holes and we'll compare them. First I'll put some lubricant in each opening." Dr. Ginny put the syringe with the large nozzle into Allison's vagina and then her anus, dispensing a generous amount of lubricant into each.
"It's important to put your finger in Allison's vagina first. Then take out your finger and insert it into her anus. You'll note the difference. Allison, you'll need to concentrate on relaxing. Put your hands on your fanny and pull it open for us. That's a girl."
Allison was holding her fanny open. Each of the girls tried an and withheld her findings until the end. Several of the adults also wanted to check the difference. Jack tried it with each hand.
"Her fanny is tighter." said Sarah. All the girls agreed. Tom wiped off her bottom with a warm wash cloth. He patted her bottom and helped her down, scooting her towards the prize box at the same time. She seemed strangely quiet as she walked over to pick out a prize, so Dr. Ginny held her hand.
After picking out a prize, Allison confessed that all those fingers made her feel funny inside. She wanted to sit on Dr. Ginny's lap for a little bit. "I understand, Honey." as she led her over to a stuffed chair. "Tell me how it made you feel, Allison."
"It was kind of embarrassing at first." Allison said in her normal clear voice, "but then I started getting that tingly feeling inside again. You know, like when you taste me. And, it was embarrassing, everybody watching and looking at my fanny, but I didn't want them to stop. Is that normal, Dr. Ginny."
She embraced her tightly and kissed her on the lips. "Don't be embarrassed, Allison. Maybe we should go rinse you off. Right now. I think I know what you need."
"Thanks, Dr. Ginny."
When they got back about fifteen minutes later, Joe was getting ready to demonstrate the little battery toy on the birthday girl. Sarah was blushing and squirming around. Her panties off which meant they had already done some research on her. The birthday girl had only her shoes and socks on, laying on her back on the table.
Joe said, "Ah. Here's Allison. Come over here in front of the birthday girl. We'll show you how to use this toy. We'll all get to practice this in a little while, but watch closely now."
The girls were standing on either side of the table by Rachel's hips. Tom said that each girl should put her right hand in front of her pussy and her left hand on the birthday girl during this demonstration. He lifted Rachel's knees and lowered them apart with feet near her bottom. An adult was holding each knee and the girls each had a hand one of Rachel's breasts or her tummy.
Dr. Ginny whispered something into each girl's ear. Joe said, "I'll start this on low and will tickle her for five minutes. Then we'll look closely at her again." All four other girls were watching closely as he began buzzing up and down around her pussy, across and back, making circles around her clitoris, pressing against it, sliding in and out of her vagina, and so on for five minutes. Everyone could see that her clitoris was much larger and firmer.
Dr. Ginny hooked a finger on either side of Rachel's swollen clitoris and pulled upwards, lifting the hood off the red knot of nerves. Joe put some saliva on his fingers and moistened the exposed knot. "One more minute." said Joe. All watched him vibrate Rachel's clitoris another minute.
They also listened to Rachel's noises.
The grown-ups also noticed that each girl's right hand had at least one finger buried between her own pussy lips. They were all squirming.
"Now, girls." said Dr. Ginny, while Joe and Tom helped Rachel down. Rachel's skin was flushed. "I want each of you to give Rachel a big kiss."
They all seemed more subdued when Dr. Ginny wanted all the girls to come upstairs with her for a minute.
Dr. Ginny was meticulously wiped off each girl while she talked to the group. "If you're sleepy, you can go to bed in a minute. The rest of us will get on nighties and put on a fresh pair of sheer, purple panties and go back downstairs for one more short research session - kind of like the one with Rachel. Now, who wants to go on to bed?"
None of the girls felt the least bit sleepy and they surely didn't want to miss any research.
As Dr. Ginny made sure each girl was dried off, she helped them on with the purple panties and various sheer nightie tops.
She got serious and assumed her conspiratorial tone, "You know we're not allowed to have sex with you girls, don't you?"
"Yes, Mam."
"But you are all curious about it, aren't you?"
Resounding yesses.
"Well," she was practically whispering. their girls were gathered closely. "Well... tonight - if you want to, and only if you want to - you can sleep with one of the men and look at them. I mean you can look at them all over. They know they aren't allowed to have sex with you..."
She tole them about a game the men researchers had thought of, which might give the girls an idea of what sex would be like someday. But of course, they would not penetrate. The girls would keep their panties on during the simulation.
"And, if you really like the man who is teaching you things, you can kiss his thing. They will take showers before coming to bed. If you want - and you don't need to decide now - I'll put you in one of the bedrooms and blindfold you. whoever comes in to sleep with you will not hurt you. It means they want to play with you, show you things.
All the girls started volunteering before she had even finished explaining. They were so curious.
Back downstairs each of the men researchers was sitting in a comfortable stuffed chair or on a couch. Dr. Ginny assigned each of the girls a lap to sit on. They had to sit facing the researchers with knees outside of theirs. This way they would be spread wide open with their hands on the researcher's shoulders for balance. It was OK if the girls wanted to stay partially standing or put all their weight on the researcher's legs or chair.
"Girls," said Dr. Ginny, "We are going to set the timer for five minutes of research with the buzzers. Then we might do another minute if you don't mind."
All panties were dry at the start of this research session. Dr. Ginny double checked. Allison was sitting over Jack's lap, with her long legs bent at the knees. Part of her weight was on the couch. She was practically drooling with all her concentration on the buzzing between her legs.
The room was quiet except for the five buzzers. After six minutes, none of the girls were complaining, but all were wiggling a bit. "Five minutes, girls. Should we stop now or would you like a few more minutes?"
No comments.
"Well?" asked Dr. Ginny again.
"A little longer is OK."
"This doesn't hurt." said Allison. All the girls wanted to research a little longer.
Dr. Ginny was getting signals from the researchers that the panties were getting wet, some very wet.
Dr. Ginny stopped the research project and collected the panties, giving them to the researcher the girl had been sitting on. The young ladies were surprised and somewhat embarrassed to see how wet the panties were. The researchers were not. Dr. Ginny felt she had stopped in time - leaving each of the girls on the edge.
She took them upstairs one at a time, with some last minute instructions. She said they could ask the researcher anything, once he took the blindfold off. "Meanwhile, don't touch yourself, just pretend you're asleep." she suggested as she put a fresh pair of panties on each girl. "Keep these on. Unless he wants to do a taste test. Then let them taste for awhile. Or unless there is a little, sticky mess on them, then you can take them off and just cuddle up for the night. If the researcher does have some sticky stuff come out of his thing, you'll get to pick out one of the big prizes tomorrow. But whatever - don't get it inside of your pussy. OK?"
Cindy could hardly keep her hands out of her panties, but she figured it was still part of the research. She heard the door open and close. Pretending to be asleep was difficult. He sat on the edge of the bed and took off his shoes without turning off the light. She could tell that through the blindfold.
Then he pulled the sheet down off her and began tenderly caressing her all over. She knew he could see her clearly through the sheer nightie and panties. When he began touching her between the legs, she couldn't help put part her legs. The kisses on her chest and soft nibbles on her breasts made her part her legs even farther.
He sat back up and, still without speaking, took off her nightie and began kissing her breasts again. Now kneeling beside her on the bed he began kissing her panties and then put her hand on his thing.
She didn't expect it to be so big - almost six inches long and bigger that two of her own fingers. She played with the balls the way Dr. Ginny had suggested - tickling lightly and then a gentle squeeze - and another tickle, then stroking the penis. This was fun. According to Dr. Ginny, he must really think I'm pretty, she thought, "because it's so hard and he keeps touching me."
Then he pulled her panties off and, after spreading her legs, began kissing and licking her pussy. She was still playing with his thing, when he finally spoke. It was Tom. The older man who was real nice.
"Do you want to see it before we play the game, Cindy?" and he kissed her.
He took the blindfold off and laid back, playfully laying the blindfold over his eyes while she played. Now he was kneeling next to him, looking and then even kissing the sides of it.
Summoning all her courage, she put the tip of it in her mouth. She was expecting a big glob of gooey, salty stuff to squirt into her mouth, like Dr. Ginny had warned them about, but nothing came out. She tried it again, putting the whole red tip in her mouth. Still nothing. This wasn't so bad. She looked closely then tried it again. She sat back and looked at it, letting go with her hand. It almost snapped up to his his stomach.
It looked funny so she giggled and then played with it - pulling it to the side and letting it snap back into place. Each time she put the tip in her mouth again, sliding her lips down on it and then letting go. She kept doing this while Tom played with her fanny and pussy with his right hand.
Tom was laying back letting her play and get a good look. The way she kept putting it in and out of her mouth was driving him crazy. He didn't want to cum yet, but he didn't want to interrupt her play either.
"Do you want to play the game with me, Cindy? Then you just might get another prize."
"Oh sure." she giggled, "Should I get my panties back on?"
"Yes, we'd better do that. You are so cute, Cindy. You've got me all excited. Do you want me to tickle you with the vibrator first, so you will get tickled, too? I want to tickle your magic button for you."
"Sure. Do you really think I'm cute?" as she adjusted herself on her back on the bed.
"You're very cute, Cindy." he turned on the vibrator and laid on his stomach between her legs, lifting them with his hands. He placed her feet on his shoulders and began tickling her with the vibrator while kissing and licking her pussy and ass.
After nibbling on her magic button, as she called it, he tickled it with the vibrator and then slipped it into her vagina. He continued this for a minute, telling her how cut she was between licks and kisses. Then she made a funny noise as she came. Twice. She felt so grown up.
Tom patiently helped her put the panties on after she rested. He was ready to cum himself, she was so firm and cute.
"I hope you cum, Tom, so I can get another prize. This will be a fun game." she laughed as she centered herself on the towel in the center of the bed. Her knees were pressed together, but her thighs just barely touched.
Tom put lots of baby oil on her thighs, all the way up to her panties.
"I'll do a couple practice slides between your thighs, Cindy." and he straddled her legs in a pushup position, keeping most of he weight on his arms and knees as he slid his hard penis between her slippery thighs.
"Now, when you feel my thing press up against you..."
She lifted her feet quickly, bending her knees as far as she could while pressed down on her tummy, "...catch you like this."
"Right," said Tom, already on the verge of cumming. "You try to catch me with your feet, but only if you feel my thing press up against your panties." He slid several more times, stopping short each time with great effort. She tried to 'catch' him even though he didn't push up against her.
"Silly." he teased. "I didn't press against you that time." and he knelt up and patted her rounded bottom. "I should spank you for missing." he joked, patting her bottom, stalling, not wanting to cum just yet.
"I'll put some more oil on you and then we can see how fast we can play. Don't let go until I admit you got me." he explained slowly. He put another generous amount of oil on her slippery legs. "Your legs and fanny are so cute, Cindy."
He began playing a little faster, letting her catch him each time, pressing him even tighter against the thin, protective veil of her panties.
"This is fun, Tom. I'm good at catching you, aren't I?"
"Shh." Tom said, "You're about to win another prize."
And she did.
The next morning, the girls were anxious for another fun day of games, contests, and research. Each of the girls liked picking out one of the special prizes - hairbrush and ribbon sets or perfume.
Allison had slept with Dr. Ginny, but also won a prize. Joe had been nice enough to visit them first thing in the morning to play the catch game with her. The spent almost an hour playing alone in the bedroom while Dr. Ginny was out helping with the bathing. She was very curious about his penis and was glad he let her play with it so long. The long legged girl had a big gap between her thighs, so there wasn't much pressure on his penis as he slid it up and down between the oily legs. Finally he had her lay slightly on her side, crossing her feet. That did the trick and he came between her thighs -all over her panties, so she would get a prize, too.
Joe and Ginny had worked out their plans as soon as they knew there would be five girls and only four male researchers the first night. Joe also reasoned that if he came twice before Saturday morning, it would be easier to concentrate on his photography duties. The adults met back downstairs after the girls were asleep to recap the events, look at some of the video highlights, and plan the Saturday games. Mark was sorry that he had to leave at noon.
The girls slept in until ten. Dr. Ginny collected the panties to make sure who qualified for prizes. She had been relieved to learn that none of the girls had tasted cum yet.
After a hearty breakfast, Tom and Mark gave each of the girls a bath and Dr. Ginny did their hair. One by one, she got them dressed for the day's events which would start at noon when the other researchers arrived.
The girls thought the researchers were from a major lingerie manufacturer. Joe and Dr. Ginny said it was OK to act silly while dancing around in the oversize lingerie because the men were interested in collecting developmental data. They knew Joe would be taking lots of pictures and that later on, they would be doing other research. Joe said he hoped the three men would want to stay for the rest of Rachel's birthday party.
They had been practicing walking across the stage like models, strolling and turning, going down the two steps to the floor and walking around in the high heeled shoes which were too big for them.
The nervous girls were behind the screen while the men talked in the living room, finally arranging chairs in front of the stage. Joe had the video camera set up behind the seated men.
The girls felt so sophisticated with red lipstick, their hair done up, earrings, rouge on their cheeks, and perfume. The lingerie was obviously too big, and the garters were safety pinned so at least they would stay up.
Melissa was the lucky girl picked to be first since she was the smallest at 85 pounds. The black, thigh-high hose hung loosely on her legs, fastened to the garter straps. The size 38-C, sheer, black bra dangled on the shoulder straps, sliding around on her size 27, almost flat chest. Sometimes it would catch on her cherry tomato size buds as it swung back and forth while she walked. She had to hold the sheer, black panties, size 12, with her hand to keep them from falling off.
Light rock music was playing as she bravely walked out from behind the folded, Japanese-print screen, turning completely around, clicked-click, every few steps. The men loved her immediately and clapped their hands. "Beautiful" said Bill as he pinched the greying whiskers on his chin. "Let go of the panties and try to keep walking and turning, Melissa. I want to see how long you can keep them up."
They began falling down her legs immediately as she continued smiling and turning, taking small steps in the high heels. She walked even slower trying to keep her knees apart so the panties wouldn't fall off right away. A minute later she stepped out of them. Bill clapped his hands and motioned for her to come down the steps, modelling among the spectators. He said, loud enough for the other girls to hear, "I'm glad I brought some extra prizes for any girl brave enough to be a model."
Bill patted Melissa's pale bottom as she turned around right in front of him. She was still nervously chewing on her tongue, flicking it back and forth as she turned in the high heels. Smiling, practically on her tip toes, he pulled her onto his lap to watch the other models.
Tall, skinny Allison was next. Her sheer, white lingerie dangling on her, too. The eleven year old wobbled even more that Melissa had. Her feet actually fit the size six shoes, but she wasn't used to walking on her toes. When directed to let go of the panties, they fell right off her straight legs. She could not get rid of her giggles. She giggled the whole time until she was sitting on John's lap. John pulled her against his ample stomach, bouncing her on his knees.
After all five girls were sitting on laps when Bill stood up, getting a tape measure out of his suit pocket.
"Take your jackets off, guys. It's warm in here." said Joe, referring to the overnight drop in temperature. The men took of their suit jackets and began getting the girl's measurements and cup sizes in different areas around the room. All the girls except Rachel were 'A's, but the three new researchers could see the wide variety of shapes in the developing girls.
Bill enjoyed comparing the feel and shape of the breasts. Melissa's cherry tomatoes, almost as if her nipples were painted on marshmallows, seemed to be his favorites. The thickening fat under Allison's otherwise flat chest also excited him.
Rachel's 'Barely B' miniature cupcakes were fun to feel and chew on. Bill was having each girl take off the high heeled shoes and stand between his knees as he sat on one of the kitchen chairs. After getting their measurements, he felt them, and had them hop up and down to make them bounce. He kissed each girl before and after examining them.
When Cindy sat on his lap facing him, legs outside his, he momentarily forgot about the beautiful, firm, little breasts all around him.
After lunch the new researchers gave each of the girls a new panty and bra set and helped them put them on, making adjustments on the straps, feeling, and making more minor adjustments.
"Almost nap time, girls." announced Dr. Ginny. "One more brief research session first." The screen had been moved to the center of the room and the chairs were sat in a large circle facing the dividing screen. "They need to get some measurements for designing panty crotch liners. We'll do the buzzers again while you stand or sit over their knees. The men were facing the screen so that none of the girls could see each other. The buzzing lasted almost ten minutes with soft music in the background. Two of the girls came, but the researchers were able to measure - and photograph - how the wet spots grew in the panties as the girls got excited.
Dr. Ginny ended the session with her announcement, "We'll be staying up late tonight. But, if any of you aren't real tired, maybe you could win another prize by teaching one of our new guests how you play the catch game."
The disappointed faces smiled when Dr. Ginny mentioned that. All the girls wanted to play hostess, so she had the new guests pick names from a hat. Rachel and Cindy really felt left out as the others led the new men upstairs by the hand, chattering about showing them how to do it. The men were laughing and Dr. Ginny was explaining the rules.
"You have to take your clothes off, too." Allison giggled and then blushed and looked down as Bill closed the door."
Bill laughed as she pulled him towards the bed. "Whoa, slow down. We've got a couple hours for our nap.
Allison jumped up on the bed and started bouncing. Her panties were still wet, but she was full of giggles and had to wiggle around for awhile. Bill loved it. They practiced kissing to settle her down.
He challenged her to undress him. She enjoyed trying to undress a grown-up but he tickled her lots of times which interrupted her concentration. Finally they were both undressed and he tickled her some more, then they wrestled around on the bed. She giggled the whole time. They took turns kissing each other while Bill counted silently to a hundred.
"Maybe you could show me the panty trick you did yesterday - you know, without using your hands. They played lots of games before Allison earned another prize. Bill was so much fun.
The other researchers were busy downstaris writing notes and moving the equipment around, laying out lubricants, tape measures, etc.
Tom went over to the two forlorn girls, wearing their new bras and panties. Putting his hands on their shoulders, he yawned. Then smiled. "I'm feeling a little sleepy. Would you two mind lying down with me for awhile?"
Smiles broke through their clouded faces. "Sure, Tom. Thanks." And the three of them headed up to his room for a nap. He took them in the downstairs bathroom to tinkle and them wiped them off carefully.
They played the 'sleeping doll' game for a long time. They pretended to be sleeping while Tom undressed and positioned them, kissing and touching them all over. There was some light in the bedroom even with the drapes closed.
Tom pretended he was asleep while the two girls pulled off his briefs and played with him.
Cindy had on a different pair of 'game' panties, but Rachel didn't as they finally started to play the catch game. Tom explained that he would wait to cum when he was sliding between Cindy's thighs. The girls were laying on their tummies and Tom did some sliding on Cindy and then on Rachel.
Since Rachel didn't have on panties, he accidentally slid part way into her. It was their secret - just like in the pool - when she bent her knees and 'caught' him with her feet. She pressed him farther into her each time.
Being careful not to cum too soon, he switched to Cindy and the delighted girl felt the hot, gooey stuff ooze through the crotch of her panties. She was pressing hard against him with her feet.
The three of them rested for an hour.
At about three thirty, Dr. Ginny took each of the girls into the biggest bathroom for a quick rinse in the soapy tub.
The girls had some boring free time after that, watching some videos, playing games, etc., while the adults got ready for the evening's party.
The reviewing period for this story has ended. |