Susie Gets Spanked, Part 3

[ M+/g, spank, anal, video, enema, bond ]

by Corn53

Published: 30-Jan-2011

Word Count:

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Dear Reader, Thank you for enjoying a vicarious adventure with me. If you enjoyed the story, please send me a note. Also, please share any fantasies, memories, suggestions, etc. It's how I get material for new stories. And of course, there is no way for me to verify if something actually happened or if it is pure fantasy. I'm not seeking any themes that involve violence, although mild coercion may be OK, as the naive, curious, protagonist progresses through her adventure. I'm not advocating doing any of these things with minors, although role play with consenting adults could be fun. The reason that many of my fantasy stories involve younger characters is that they are so curious about their own, budding sexuality, and they are easily seduced with compliments or "stuff," that is promised to them. The character is led through little steps and soon gets into very compromising situations.

Each boy was now stroking my thigh, holding my knees even wider apart as if 'holding' me up with one hand, and the other hand rubbing my thigh from my knee to the edge of my panties.

I knew better than to say anything as we drove down those quiet roads. I closed my eyes, wondering what else would happen to me that night. The flashlight was aimed at my open pussy and I knew it could shine through those flimsy panties. Each time we went over a bump a hand slid across the front of my panties. This continued for longer than it would have taken to get home. After just a few minutes the hands were beginning to press against the fold of my inner lips - going up and down. No more pretense of keeping me on the seat, they were feeling me. Since I knew better than to talk, I just let them do it.

It was even starting to feel good. The boys were clumsy but gentle and rubbed continuously.

"I think she has to pee, Mrs. Jones. Her panties are getting wet."

My God. Now what?

"Maybe she does have to pee, Jeff. If yo press on her where she goes to the bathroom, it might make her feel better. Then she won't have to go so bad. Isn't that right, Susie?"

I had never heard of such a thing, but only said. "Yes, Mam."

As we bounced along in the dark car, they continued to press and rub me, pressing harder. Then Jeff's finger slid under the top band of my panties and began sliding back and forth just like Mr. Webb's had. Pretty soon he had them pulled down in front, stretching my panties down below the level of the seat, and they were shining the flashlight on it. I didn't dare say anything. At first I told myself that I didn't want to get a worse spanking, but had to admit it felt good the way they continuously rubbed me. And I knew I was wet. The night air rushing in the car window was also stimulating my wet, bald pussy.

The car turned into a driveway and Jeff let my panties snap back into place. The two boys patted my pussy like saying, 'good girl,' and slid their hands back to my knees.

The door opened as we stopped and Mrs. Jones looked around into the back seat. "Here we are kids. You boys have been such a big help. I know you're tired, but would you like to stay up a little while longer and help us get Susie all set for her spanking?"

Both grinning boys said they would be glad to help.

"Well, thanks, boys, but it might take awhile. We'll have to get that bulky dress off. We've decided she can keep her panties on - at least for now."

The boys looked disappointed. Stan came running over to the car with Jami. Oh no. All four kids are here. I hope they aren't allowed to watch the spanking.

"Would you boys lead her in and show her where to stand?"

"Yes, Mam."

As I walked back into the house, fully dressed, but with the ankle and wrist straps on, I felt the pressing urge to pee... and the pressing urge to stall.

Mrs. Smith was there waiting for me and said I would need to take this dress off anyway, so she led me into the bathroom, leaving the door open. I didn't want to make the remotest appearance of arguing, so I let it pass. She helped me off with my shirt and jumper and then led me to the toilet. The four other kids were in there, too. I hoped I could wait them out, but Mrs. Smith said to hurry up or she would take my panties off and leave them off.

I pulled them down and sat right away. After I started I realized that I couldn't stall because they would hear when I was finished. And they did. I tried to squeeze out every drop to stall a little longer.

They led me back into the living room wearing only my panties, bra, and ankle socks and black shoes. Three more adults from the tavern had arrived as I walked back into the room.

I had to stand behind a low backed, overstuffed chair and they fastened my feet to the chair legs and bent me over the back of the chair towards the front, and fastened my wrists to ropes tied to the front legs. I was trapped and very exposed. My bottom was over the back of the chair and my feet were apart.

"Jeff, My hand is tired. Would you mind giving her five for me?"

"Sure." said Jeff, walking over.

"Why are her panties wet? Look. You can see through them."

Everyone gathered round to look closely at my panties. "This is not pee." pronounced Mrs. Smith. "This girl is very naughty. You boys weren't touching her panties were you?"

"I might have accidently touched them." answered Jeff, "We were supposed to make sure she didn't fall off the seat."

"Good boy, Jeff. Did she want you to rub her?"

"Well, she said we could." interjected Ernie. "Almost like she wanted us to touch her. But we tried not to."

"Let's see if her fanny is red before we start and she pulled my panties down below my raised fanny. She could only pull them down a few inches because my knees were so far apart. "Everybody get a good look at this white fanny. It will be red pretty soon."

"Oh my. She is wet." said Mrs. Smith. Her palms and fingers pressed outwards my fanny, with her thumbs pressing almost inside my pussy, she pulled me open. "She is dripping wet. Look."

"Why do girls get so wet in there, Mrs. Smith?" Asked Jeff.

"When girls get excited their pussy gets wet inside so things can slide into them. I bet your finger could slide all the way in easily."

My God. "No. Don't." I said.

"Never mind, Jeff. I guess she wants to get on with the spanking. I thought she might let you see how slippery she is and delay her punishment, but I guess she is ready to start." and she let go of me and pulled up my panties.

Mr. Johnson put a towel on the seat cushion and laid a dark purple silk scarf over the towel. Then he laid a paddle, a belt, and one of those things you hit horses with on the cushion. He then laid a thin wooden rod down, saying "Here's a 'cane' for your tender bottom, Susie. Or should I say Susan?"

My hands could rest on the arms of the chair even though they were strapped and my bottom was several inches above the back of the stuffed chair so I could either lift off it or lay my weight down on it. I could move my fanny almost a foot from side to side.

Those paddles looked frightening. Mrs. Smith asked, "Would it be all right for the boys and Jamie to see how slippery you are? Or would you rather get started now?" and she swooshed something through the air.

"They can check, I guess." I said

She pulled my panties down again, this time a little farther and told the four kids they could take turns seeing if I was slippery. She reminded them to see how white and clear my fanny was, because it would be lots redder pretty soon. The panties were stretehed tightly between my spread and fastened legs.

"Let me know when you're ready, Susie. Just make any kind of noise." and the four adults walked over to sit on the couch and the other stuffed chairs across from me while the other kids played with my pussy, slipping fingers into me.

The adults fixed drinks and talked as if they were getting ready to play cards.

If I hadn't been so self-conscious of my nakedness, and so worried about the impending spankings, it might have felt good - very good. They continued probing and feeling me all over, even my fanny.

I didn't mind their fingers sliding into my pussy, because I was very wet, but when one of them put a slippery finger into my anus, I said, "No. Don't do that." and tried to wiggle away from the wet finger as it stayed in me. My wiggling had the effect of making it slide in and out. The grown ups got up and came over. Mrs. Jones sat down her drink and picked up the paddle which had been across her lap.

They all stood behind me. Watching me as I moved back and forth testing the straps. "Before I pull up her panties and send you kids off to wash your hands, let me show you something on her white fanny." She smacked my right cheek with her bare hand.

It stung. "OUCH!" and I wiggled my fanny back and forth.

"Look, kids, you can see my hand print. Jeff, do you think you could leave a hand print?"

"Oh sure."

"You have to spank hard. Remember Susie has been a very naughty girl and this is for her own good."

"Yes. This will help her. It might hurt, but it will help her. Right Mrs. Smith?" asked Ernie.

"Lookie," said Jamie, "It looks like a red hand on her fanny!" and she giggled.

Jeff swatted me on the other cheek. It stung, too, but I was able to keep from crying out this time.

"Well, kids," said Mr. Webb, "I'm sure you're getting tired. We'll be spanking for at least a half an hour. You can run on up to bed if you want."

They all reiterated their willingness to stay and help.

"You kids run on up and get ready for bed. Be sure to wash your hands after touching this naughty girl here." And I felt Mrs. Jones' finger slide into my pussy.

"Do we have to wear our pajamas? It's so hot." said Jamie.

Mrs. Smith chuckled. "No. You kids can just wear your underwear. It is August. Hurry back down."

Jamie asked another question, "Umm, since it is so hot, can I just wear my panties? I don't like wearing that shirt."

"OK, Jamie. Now run on up." and I heard a hand spank her bottom - but gently as she headed for the stairs.

Mrs. Smith hand her fingers on the top edge of my panties, ready to pull them back up, when I heard a knock.

"Who could that be at this hour? It's almost midnight."

The grown-ups went to the front door and left me tied with my panties down below my fanny. I was facing away from the door and could not see who it was, but I heard a mans voice followed by a woman's voice asking if they were too late to help out.

"No. No. We're glad you're here to help. I was hoping we could get this on video. Did you get some other good footage of her at the tavern?"

"Yes. And she is so cute. It's too bad she has been so bad and needs to get such a harsh spanking. But, you know what they say?

"Yes, Bad girls need hard spankings!" and they laughed.

It sounded like a woman kneeling down on the floor behind me. I felt long fingernails tracing up my thighs from my knees to my pussy, dancing over the stretched panties.

"I see a familiar hand print on this tender bottom. And, my my, isn't she wet?"

"Yes," laughed Mrs. Smith who was standing next to her now. "Lisa and Ronald, note how easily my finger slides in." as she slid it in once again, this time all the way.

"I bet even your big finger could slide in, Ronald."

"Let me try before the kids get back downstairs." and I felt his much larger finger slip in. The pressure built within as his finger kept going in farther and farther until I felt his hand pressing against the opening to my vagina. Then he started sliding it slowly in and out. I tried to hold my bottom perfectly still and turned my ankles outwards so it would slide easier and not hurt me. His finger was bigger and longer than the biggest thing I had ever put in, a hairbrush handle. "She certainly is slippery - and very tight, by the way."

"Yes." Said Mrs. Smith, "But here come our little helpers."

Ronald pulled his finger out quickly, so quickly I heard a slurpping noise. He pulled my panties up.

"Oh, Hi, Jamie." Said Ronald. "It's nice to see you again. We don't have to spank you tonight, do we?" and I heard her jump into his arms. They kissed. I could hear it. "No bra on tonight, and no shirt either, Jamie?"

"No. It's too hot. Mrs. Smith said we didn't have to. Thanks for letting me spend the night here tonight. I'm not sleepy."

"Well, I'm sure you kids will be a big help. We have lots f spanking to do if we're going to help Susie."

"Let's all stand in front of Susie and explain what we have to do tonight."

They lined up in front of me as if posing for a family album or something. I had to arch my back and crane my neck to see them, supporting my weight on the arms of the chair. The four boys looked funny wearing only their briefs. Jamie had on pretty pink panties. Her little buds didn't need a bra yet. I could still see the tan lines from her one piece suit. At a second glance at the boys underwear, I notice they all had stiffies. It was so obvious it struck me funny.

I must have even smiled because Mrs. Smith said, "You won't find this very amusing in a few minutes.

She told the others she would give me the first ten with the five gallon stir stick. I was yelping and 'Ouch'ing after the first one.

It really did hurt. She didn't keep a regular beat, but would do two or three in a row and wait, making me flinch once or twice and then smacking me another couple hard ones. I lost count by the time she was at ten. Mr. Webb followed with the riding crop as he was showing Jeff, Ernie, and Stan how to use it. He put the tip between my legs after the first few spanks and warned them not to let the tip hit my pussy. "Even with her panties up now, it would sting too much if the leather tip hit her pussy. Understand boys?"

"You mean avoid this wet area here?" and Jeff felt the sheer panties between my legs.

"Yes. That's it. Don't let the tip hit her there."

"OK. Can I try it?"

"Sure, Jeff. Give her ten god ones.

I was bawling when he finished. He tried to trick me several times and they laughed when I flinched.

"Let's stand her up and I'd better take these panties off. They're soaked. Spanking seems to make her wetter." said Mrs. Smith. "Children, look at her tears on the scarf. See? We are starting to get through to her about following directions." I looked down and saw the darker spots my tears had made on the dark material.

With my writs and ankles unfastened I was glad to stand up. Jamie gave me a tissue so I could blow my nose, while Mrs. Smith pulled my panties down and had me step out of them. They were wet between the legs, just like they said.

Now I was standing there, still whimpering, wearing only my lace ankle socks, black pumps and training bra. The white skin clearly showed tan lines from my bikini.

"That's a cute bra. Isn't it Mrs. Smith? I'd like to try on one like that sometime." said Jamie. "Like a big girl."

"Oh Jamie. Well, would you give up your right to give her ten spankings for the bra? Like a trade?"


"Susie, Jamie wants to try on your bra. If you let her wear it tonight she won't spank you her ten whacks. What do you think?"

"Umm, sniff, well, I'd be embarrassed without it."

"OK. fasten her back in position." The three men quickly had me fastened in position over the chair again. Jamie gave me a very hard spank with a wooden paddle which surprised me. Surprised me and hurt. Whack! The second one was worse and I felt tears welling up again.

"You can have it. Please. You can have it."

They stood me up again, saying I needed a break. "Only fifty or sixty more to go tonight, Susie." pronounced Mrs. Smith. As she helped me take the bra off, she fluffed up my tits, as if there was dust on them. Then she gave each nipple a pinch. More embarrassment - my nipples were stiff and sticking straight out. My knees felt weak.

The kids were still laughing at my speedy capitulation.

"Maybe I could trade something instead of my ten spanks." chided Ernie.

The petite Jamie was trying on the bra, a 32-A, which was too big for her. "I'll just wear this tonight, Susie. You can have it back tomorrow."

"What could I trade you, Ernie? I don't want any more spankings." I couldn't believe I was bargaining this way. But then, if Jamie could spank that hard, I'm sure Ernie or even Stan could hurt even worse.

"All I have left are my shoes and socks, but you could have them." I noticed Ronald getting this on video. I looked at him funny, trying to shame him into turning off his camera. It didn't work.

Ernie's face brightened with an idea, "Maybe I could give you a couple while I think of a trick for you to do, Susie. Then you could decide if you want to do the trick or get another eight spankings from me."

They put me back in position and Ernie picked up the slim cane. "Here come a couple easy ones, Susie. Remember, this is for your own good!"

Whoosh -Whack!

I practically jumped out of my skin. The tears were flowing and I was begging for him to stop.

"Silly. That wasn't even hard. Think about doing whatever I tell you. Here comes another one."

Whoosh! it went over my back, but I flinched and howled anyway. The kids roared with laughter. I was still crying but started to relax when, SMACK! It stung my ass and I jumped again. Tears were running down my cheeks.

"I'll do anything, Ernie. Anything."

"Tell me what a bad girl you've been and thank me for spanking you. Keep begging."

Mrs. Jones reminded Ernie that he had seemed interested in training the dog to do tricks.

Ronald was standing close with the camera as they unfastened me again. He was getting close ups of my face as I pleaded and begged Ernie not to spank me. "Thank you for the spankings, Ernie. I know I deserved them. I promise to be a good girl. I'll do whatever you say."

"Get on your hands and knees and pretend you're a dog. Bark, Doggie."

I started barking and begging. Those spanks with the cane hurt so bad I would do anything to avoid another.

"Sit up and beg. Tell me you'll be a good dog and you'll lick me all over like a good dog."

I sat back on my knees without putting weight on my fanny and begged him. "Please, Ernie. I want to be a good dog. I promise I will lick you all over when you want me to."

He laughed and patted my head. "I'll give you a chance sometime. Good girl. Wag your tail for me."

I started wagging my tail for him, staying on my hands and knees.

"Roll over, Girl." he said. And I did.

"Lay on your back and I'll rub your tummy like a good dog."

I laid on my back with hands and knees extended as if I was a dog. He sat down beside me and rubbed my tummy. Ronald was getting all this on tape. Ernie began fondling my breasts and then my pussy while I continued to promise to be his 'good dog.'

"Lick my leg, girl." and he patted my head. I licked his leg. He said the stud felt funny, but he liked it.

"Lick my underwear, Doggie." he said.

I licked his underwear - front and back, as he turned. If there hadn't been grown-ups so close to us, I think he would have had me kiss and lick his thing. It was very stiff through the underwear.

The grown-ups went back to their chairs to let us play on the other side of my punishment chair. Ernie had me keep licking around the edge of his baggy briefs. They were loose around his legs and he soon had me licking up under the sides. My tongue even licked the edge his small, hard balls. He was just beginning to get pubic hair. He hand me lick the other children on their underwear, too.

"Good, Doggie. Don't bite too hard." as I nibbled on the bone in Ernie's pants again. God. I couldn't believe what I was doing. And I couldn't believe that I enjoyed doing it. I even hoped the boys would pull their pants down! I wanted to lick their 'bones' on bare skin.

Then the grown ups came over and said it was time for some more spankings.

Next Mr. Johnson gave me ten spanks with the wooden paddle. It really stung. There was no bargaining with him even though I continued to beg, offering to do anything.

Mrs. Jones said she would wait till later for hers, and that she might bargain with me. She offered to teach Stan a different way to spank me, but made him promise to be careful.

They tied me on my back on the floor. My wrist straps were fastened to ropes tied to the ends of the couch and my feet were together fastened by rope to a piece of furniture on the other side of the room. I was in the middle of the living room floor wearing only my shoes and socks. Mr. Johnson lifted my bottom so Mr. Webb and Mrs. Smith could adjust pillows under me.

Now my bottom was raised on a platform of cushions so that my head and feet were on the floor. Bare, bald pussy up. After everybody petted me and asked me if I would be a good dog, they refastened my legs so they were spread apart, but not pulled out so tight. I could bend my knees and put them apart or together.

Stan enjoyed the way my pussy opened when I put my knees apart. Several of my trainers had me open and close for Stan's amusement.

Sit down between her knees, Stan, and I'll teach you a spanking trick. They asked me to open my knees wide and massaged my pussy with its own lubrication. "See the little ridge down the center, Stan?"

"I can only see it when her knees are apart, Mrs. Smith."

"That's it." She said as I felt Stan's fingers touch my 'ridge.'

" And, see how the little ridge splits apart into these two tiny flaps?" and her fingers continued to point things out - touching, stroking, and probing.

"Yes." said Stan, with his finger touching my very private parts.

"Well, take this miniature paddle and spank her very softly on the ridge. Not too hard."

I had to hold my knees apart and tell him, "Please spank my pussy, Stan. I've been a bad girl and deserve a spanking."

They scooted Stan back closer to my feet and told me I should try to keep from closing my knees when he spanked my pussy.

"One." and his light spank made me twitch clear off the pillows. It didn't hurt, but it made me jump. My jumping made Stan get the giggles as he gave me several more front spanks. Mrs. Smith made sure I stayed wet, and Ronald was standing between my feet shooting over Stan's head with his camera. I begged as instructed, but couldn't help but twitch when struck.

"You could spank a little harder than that, Stan." advised Mrs. Smith, "And try to spank right on the ridge if you want to make her jump."

The combination of front spanks and Mrs. Smiths fingers dipping into me and gently pinching the ridge each time she wetted it, was making me feel funny inside. I couldn't believe it. It was turning me on right in front of everybody. Then Mrs. Smith told me to close my eyes so I couldn't tell when the next spank was coming.

All the kids, and even the grown-ups laughed when I twitched. After waiting in the open position - on pins and needles, waiting - he would spank the top, front of my pussy. Sometimes he hit a little too hard, but I didn't say anything. There is no earthly way I could keep from twitching. They also laughed at the way Stan laughed when I opened my knees and made my lips pop open. Maybe I just wanted to keep doing this instead of getting more spankings, so I opened as fast as I could. Once it even made a popping sound as it snapped open. They all laughed. I tried to do it again, but it didn't make the noise.

"Open and close five times, Susie." Commanded Stan. I did it as fast as possible.

"Good girl." and he patted my pussy.

The kids were sent up to bed after that, but the grown-ups kept me around for their amusement for another hour. They had me do all sorts of funny things, before leading me upstairs to fasten me to my bed for the night. They all seemed to like touching me. It felt much better to get touched than spanked!

Mr. Johnson took turns with the camera with Ronald. T The men liked to see my 'lemons' bounce wile I jumped in place. The women wanted me to bend over and pull my fanny cheeks apart. Everyone touched me.

"This 'embarassment treatment' is the best thing for some naughty little girls." Mrs. Smith said as her finger slid into my bottom again.

The few more spankings I got weren't very hard, just enough to remind me to be very cooperative with their bizarre requests - all of it on video.

R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s


Thanks, a great story, I think she might need to get her naughty anus spanked as well.

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