Susie Gets Spanked, Part 2

[ M+/g, spank, anal, video, enema, bond ]

by Corn53

Published: 30-Jan-2011

Word Count:

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Dear Reader, Thank you for enjoying a vicarious adventure with me. If you enjoyed the story, please send me a note. Also, please share any fantasies, memories, suggestions, etc. It's how I get material for new stories. And of course, there is no way for me to verify if something actually happened or if it is pure fantasy. I'm not seeking any themes that involve violence, although mild coercion may be OK, as the naive, curious, protagonist progresses through her adventure. I'm not advocating doing any of these things with minors, although role play with consenting adults could be fun. The reason that many of my fantasy stories involve younger characters is that they are so curious about their own, budding sexuality, and they are easily seduced with compliments or "stuff," that is promised to them. The character is led through little steps and soon gets into very compromising situations.

They even helped me get dressed, teasing me about not really needing my 'training bra,' but they let me wear it. My breasts were like lemons, sticking straight out about two inches. My pink nipples were smaller than the other girls I'd seen at the pool.

Mrs. Jones gave me some sheer, white, low-cut panties with lace around the top. A pink ribbon was woven into the lace with a tiny bow in the front. They were really pretty, except you could see through them. No cotton liner in the crotch - jus tsheer all over. The panties tickled my bald pussy when I walked.

Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Jones seemed to enjoy dressing me. Mom had sent along one of my old, party dresses which I hadn't worn for over a year. The dark green, velvet jumper, was even shorter since I was now about two or three inches taller. I remember getting it at the end of the sixth grade. At five feet one, I wasn't as tall as most of my classmates, but was still taller than I was in the sixth grade. I would have to remember not to bend over and to keep my knees pressed together when I was sitting.

The women fixed my hair differently, and put a beret on one side. They let me wait in my new bedroom while they got themselves and the boys ready to go out for dinner.

While exploring the room I notices straps attached to the four corners of my bed and wondered what they could be for. Happily, I found lots of other pretty underwear and sheer nightgowns in various sizes in the dresser.

We got to a restaurant, which seemed more like a tavern, and I was starving. A heavyset, blond waitress took our orders and a man with two children came over to our booth. He introduced the two kids to me. Evidently they already knew Ernie and Stan who were still standing, because he didn't introduce them to them. "This is Jamie, eleven, who is visiting us for a few weeks, and this is Jeff, thirteen. The same age as you, Susie."

"No. I'm fourteen. And my name is Susan, not Susie."

"When did you turn fourteen, Susie?" he still insisted on coaling me Susie. What a clod!

"It's Susan. I turned fourteen almost six months ago."

His condescending smile irked me for some reason. The he made it worse by saying, "You're so cute, Susie. I mean Susan. And I'm looking forward to seeing more of you later." He was still smiling and looking me over from head to toe.

Ernie and Stan went over to sit with some friends at a different booth.

Jeff was really skinny. Three red pimples made a triangular pattern on his left cheek, and his skin was chaffed from too much washing. I felt sorry for kids at school with bad acne, but I didn't talk to them. Sometimes I would get a pimple and it would be so embarrassing.

The man continued to talk with Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Smith while looking at me. "Little Susie here is lovely. Would you like to dance with her, Jeff?"

A dance floor was set up in the corner of the tavern near a band stage. There were a few covered chairs and instruments on the low stage, but no musicians. The music was coming from an amplifier which was playing somebody's cassette tapes. Oldies music. Ugh! Several kids were dancing around out of sync with the music. Little kids. About three years younger than me.

"Go on, Susie." said Mrs. Jones. "You can dance with Jeff while we wait for our food to arrive. We'll order for you. I need to talk with Fred."

"No thanks. I'd rather not."

Jamie had wandered over to the dance floor already. Jeff and Fred looked disappointed. Mrs. Jones said, "I think you ought to dance with him, Susie. We'll call you when your food arrives. Or would you rather have Jeff watch you get something later?"

"What's she going to get?" asked Jeff, lighting up.

"Mr. Johnson will tell you later, Jeff. Susie has been a bad girl. You know what happens to bad girls, don't you?"

Jeff was grinning. So was Mr. Johnson. They were staring at me. Staring and grinning.

Suddenly I felt like dancing. It was almost impossible to slide out of our booth without letting them see my panties in that short skirt, but I tried to manage. They were both watching my legs as my skin squeaked across the wooden bench seat. The short ankle socks and black pumps made my legs look even longer skinnier than were.

As I walked to the dance floor, careful not to bend at the hips, it felt like all eyes in the place were looking at me. While we were dancing to a fast song I started to relax a little bit and looked around. There were about twenty people in the room, with two waitresses running in and out. Only six kids and all of them over ten. Sometimes I liked to pretend I was a detective and try to notice things. It was a great way to daydream in school, too. Usually I just noticed the other kids and what clothes they were wearing.

While I was daydreaming and 'noticing things,' the music changed to a slow song. Jeff took me in his arms, "May I have this dance, Susie?" he asked, trying to be so polite and formal.

"I guess, but call me Susan."

Whoa. He was a good dancer, even though he was about three inches shorter than me. As we spun around with his arm around me, I realized that my skirt was probably too short in back. With each spin I worried the some of the diners might get a glimpse of my panties. The sheer panties. Oh my God. With that realization I tried to slow down when he turned me.

Our waitress was carrying a tray of food towards our table. "My dinner's here, Jeff. I have to go now. Maybe we can dance again after I eat." I was in no hurry to leave the restaurant.

Mr. Johnson was sitting at our booth across from me. Mrs. Jones was next to me. Dinner wasn't anything special, but it tasted great because I was so hungry. And, I wanted dinner to last for awhile. Mr. Johnson was looking at me as I ate. Jeff was standing at the end of our booth, waiting for me to finish so he could dance with me again. I didn't want to dance with him - I mean he was younger, shorte, and hand pimples, but I didn't want to leave for the spanking either. Maybe if I stalled them here, they would forget about the spankings tonight.

"Fred was asking us about the stud in your tongue, Susie. Swallow your food and show him."

This was creepy. Showing my tongue to a strange man. His stares were starting to make me uncomfortable. I flicked it around the way I did at the mall when I wanted to upset old ladies or something. It tickled him for some reason.

"She's such a pretty girl, Ellen."

Mrs. Smith spoke to me. "I was just telling Fred how smooth you are now, Susie."

I felt myself turn red.

They looked at me in silence as I blushed.

"What do you mean, 'smooth,' Mrs. Smith?" asked Jeff.

At that moment, Stan and Ernie walked over. They stood beside Jeff and said, "We'd like to dance with you some more when you're finished eating, Susie."

"It's not 'Susie' for Christ's sake! It's 'Susan.' And I don't want to dance anymore."

Mr. Johnson smiled. "Maybe we should begin her spankings here in the restaurant, Ellen. What do you think?"

"It's up to you, Fred."

"Is Susie going to get a spanking, Mr. Johnson? You know, like we did to Jamie?"

He chuckled, still staring at me. "Maybe, Jeff. Maybe. We'll see if she dances with you after dinner. Either way you'll get a treat. Dancing with her, or helping me pull something down - either way would be a treat for you."

"Jeff," said Mrs. Jones, "Ernie and Stan can tell you what I meant by 'smooth.'"

They all looked at me for a minute. I had stopped eating. My face was red.

"Eat your supper, Susie." prompted Mrs. Jones. "And then I bet you'll want to dance with Jeff and Ernie, won't you?"

"Yes, Mam. I do want to dance." and I began eating slowly, looking down at my plate while they all watched me.

Mr. Johnson said, "Jeff, you run over and tell the other kids that Susie would love to take turns dancing with you two boys and anybody else. When Susie is done with her dinner I'm sure shell feel like dancing."

Mrs. Jones put her hand on my bare thigh and squeezed it. "You're so popular, Susie. The boys want to dance with you. Isn't that nice?"

"Yes, Mam."

They let me order desert since I was being polite, but I couldn't stall all night. Dancing wasn't so bad. I guess the worst part was when Mr. Johnson came over with his videocamera and sat on the floor near us. I knew there would be plenty of glimpses of my sheer panties on his tape.

Those panties tickled my pussy in a very exciting way as I danced. It was probably because my newly bald lips were so sensitive, even though they weren't hairy before. Something felt different. It felt good.

It was getting harder to concentrate on things, even the tickly feel of those panties, as I anticipated my impending spanking. I was pretty sure the Mr. Johnson was going to do the spanking, but wondered if anyone else was going to get a turn.

About eleven they told me I was going to ride back with Mr. Johnson and Mrs. Smith. "Put these on, Susie." said Mrs. Jones. "We don't want you trying to run away in the dark. There are snakes in some of the fields around here, you know."

She handed me some tiny leather belts. They looked like wide bracelets. Actually they were ankle and wrist straps which fastened with beltbuckles. There was a ring sewn into the leather.

Several kids and adults had gathered around as we were getting ready to leave.

"Is this the little lady who is getting a spanking tonight?" asked a tall, older gentleman, the only person wearing a suit.

"Yes, she's going to get a spanking, Mr. Webb. Mrs. Jones said she might even need a bare bottomed spanking." Ernie blurted out. Everyone was watching me fuss with the wrist straps. It was almost impossible to put them on myself.

Finally Mr. Johnson helped me fasten the wrist straps. They were about two inches wide with a cotton liner. My ankle straps looked the same, but I hesitated to put them on in front of everybody because of my short skirt. "Lift your foot up on the chair, Susie." said Mr Johnson. "Now."

I didn't want everybody in the tavern to come over and watch, so I put my foot up and held my skirt down in front with my hand. It was still up in back.

Mr. Webb was now standing behind me and held my upper arm firmly. "I won't let you fall, Honey." he whispered in my ear.

They put both ankle straps on me and walked me out, with our small following, to a big, old car. I don't know what kind it was. Mr. Johnson and Mr. Webb walked on either side of me, holding me by the upper arms. This raised my shoulders up just enough to expose my panties front and back with each step. But that was nothing compared to how they fastened me in the car.

As I stepped into the back seat, Mr. Johnson held my right ankle and clicked a swivel snap onto the ring on my ankle strap. The snap was fastened to the floor or the back of the seat near the floor on the passenger side. This held my foot right by the door. After closing the door, he went around to the other side and pulled my left ankle over to the other side and snapped it into place. My legs were spread wide apart, fastened to the front seat where it touched the floor. Then he put a pillow behind my fanny so I could lean back against something since my fanny was on the very edge of the back seat.

I had been watching the fastening process and then suddenly became aware that my skirt was clear up. My panties were almost completely exposed. I started to pull my skirt down when a strong arm caught each of my wrists. Mr. Johnson on one side and Mr. Webb on the other. They fastened my wrists to ceiling straps over the back doors. Although my arms were not stretched out straight, I still could not reach my skirt to pull it down.

The crunch of small shoes on gravel told me the kids were getting closer to the car. "Please pull my skirt down, Mr. Johnson, Sir." I begged, trying to be as polite as possible.

"But this is a good skirt. We wouldn't want it to get wrinkled." And he pulled it up higher, clear out from under my bottom and even up above my belly button. I could see the tan line from my bikini above the top of the sheer panties. The light from the ceiling of the car made my panties translucent, so that you could see through them.

Then they rolled up my dress and folded the material into the top part of the dess, tucking some of the material under my bra so it wouldn't fall out.

The grown ups had been crouched on the edges of the back seat, protecting me from the prying eyes of the four children. When they slid out of the car, the kids all stuck their heads in for a closer look.

The four grown ups laughed. Mrs. Jones said, "It looks like you're real popular, Susie."

"Is she going to cry?" asked Jamie.

"Are you going to pull down her panties?" asked Ernie hopefully.

"Yes, she'll probably cry, Jamie. Her fanny will get the hot treatment all right! And, Ernie, I don't know if we'll have to pull down her panties. It still depends on her attitude."

"I'm not going to cry. I don't care what you do to me." I said through clenched teeth. They might be able to tie me up, but they couldn't make me do anything.

Everybody started getting into their respective cars and I was worried they might bring the children to watch me get spanked. It sounded like the kids were coming to watch, though. As we were about to pull out, Mr. Webb walked up to our car and said, "Mind if the boys ride with you? You can send them upstairs before the spanking if you want, and I'll pick them up in the morning. Or, Maybe I'll stop by later to check on things."

"No. That's fine. In fact, we might need someone to make sure she doesn't fall off the seat. It will give little Susie another chance to be gracious to the boys, too."

The two boys got out of his car and ran over to ours getting in on either side of me.

"Would you boys mind holding her legs while we drive so she doesn't fall off the seat and hurt her arms?"

"No, Sir. We don't mind." They knelt on the floor, and their grubby hands grabbed my thighs, uncomfortably close to my panties. The ceiling light was on with the door open and the grown-ups talked through the open windows while the boys looked at my sheer panties.

"Why is her skin so much whiter just above her panties, Mr. Johnson?"

Mr. Webb stuck his head in the back door and looked closely at my tan line. "It looks like a tan line, boys." and he extended his fingers to trace a line across my tummy where the tan line started, just an inch above these low cut panties. "Looks like her swim suit must be pretty skimpy. Wouldn't you say?" and his forefinger slid under the band of my panties and slid back and forth slowly. His finger pulled the panties out from my tummy as it slid back and forth. The boys were staring into the gap between fabric and skin.

"Yes." said Ernie, "Pretty skimpy." as he tried to peek down my panties.

Mrs. Jones was turned around in the front seat, watching the boys with amusement. "Well, we'd better get going in a minute. Those panties are new. They look like real silk. Don't they, Ernie and Jeff?"

Jeff's hand was just an inch from my panties on the inside of my thigh.

"I bet they even feel silky. Susie would probably let you touch them if you ask her. I'm sure she wants to be nice to you boys."

"Can We feel how silky they are, Susie? Please." asked Ernie.

"Umm. Well, I don't know if you should." I didn't want them feeling me, but I didn't want to offend Mrs. Jones either. "Maybe you could touch the edge."

"Why, Susie. That's not being very gracious. The boys are curious. If they want to see what silk feels like, you should let them. Especially since their job is to keep your little butt from slipping off the seat."

Jeff's fingers were already feeling the side of my panties, at the top outside of my leg.

"Well, OK. Thanks for keeping me from falling." Maybe I should try to be gracious.

The light went off when Mr. Webb closed the car door. Through the window he said, "Those are good boys, Susie. They will make sure your seat stays on the seat. Sorry we had to strap you in like this, but it would be dangerous if you tried to run through these fields."

"It's pretty dark in the back seat." said Mrs. Jones, "Maybe they should hold this flashlight so they can make sure she doesn't get too close to the edge." and she handed Ernie a small flashlight as the car started off.

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