Published: 20-Sep-2011
Word Count:
Like all pendulums, the legal pendulum finally swung the other way. 'A new age of individual rights,' some called it.
One of the minority congressmen slipped a few paragraphs into a "higher education funding" bill, signed into law in 2019, with a cross-reference to the First Amendment on Freedom of Speech, which went unnoticed by almost everyone. This came just five years after the national legalization of marijuana - on which the new taxes generated were earmarked for education and human services. This new law on 'Children Modeling for their Higher Education' would become law on January first, 2020.
Larry was on the phone with his financial backer who had helped fund that congressman's election campaign. "Let me read you a few passages of the new law. I think we can follow the letter of the law and still make a fortune. There is a pent-up demand for this material, with only fuzzy, out-dated video clips and pictures available in the newsgroups. Old technology. And, of course, it will benefit the models' future educational plans, too. This will empower families to make their own decisions about things the permit their children to do. And, the biggest boon: anything we sell through our new sites will be legal to own. We can even make the videos here in the USA, or Canada, or Mexico - the entire North American Union - and as usual, we can still create videos in Europe, Eastern Europe, Asia, etc, and import them here and sell them to anyone in the whole world. I'm ready to get started!"
He listened on the phone for a full minute - smiling all the while. "Yes, of course you knew it would pass. The new law starts next year - "The 20-20 Vision for Higher Education,' as it's called, because each model's 'royalties' will go into an educational trust for the little girl or boy - money untouchable by parents. The parents will get custody of the entire original modeling fee which will be negotiated on an individual basis, and a portion of on-going royalties. Here are the stipulations:
1. Models under the age of thirteen must be accompanied by an adult who must remain on the premises for the entire modeling session. Models must be at least six years old and able to read. Models under the age of eight must be accompanied by both parents or by one parent and another adult.2. Before a model under the age of eighteen can make any video involving total nudity, the scope of the video must be explained by a woman who is not in the employ of the production company. She must explain things to the model and his/her parent or guardian, and these poses and behaviors must be spelled out in the modeling release form and signed by both parent or guardian and the girl or boy model.
3. There can be no overt sexual acts between a nude, underage model and anyone of the opposite sex, including oral sex or fingering.
4. The model's family will receive royalties of five percent of all internet downloads and DVDs sold. Another five percent of gross DVD sales will be placed in the child model's college education fund, and shall not be available to anyone until the child model turns eighteen.
5. There must be a security code in every video file so that files can only be played by the customers who purchased the 'play code,' when they downloaded the video. It will be included on a purchased DVD. The DVD must have embedded software which blocks that DVD from being copied.
6. The identity of the models must be protected through the use of clothing, a wig or a change in hair color and style, misleading backgrounds, make-up, etc. The model's name must be changed for use on their downloadable videos and DVDs.
7. Records of gross sales, royalties for models, and savings accounts must be kept until the model reaches the age of eighteen, at which time the fund shall be placed in the child's college funding account.
8. The companies who produce and sell these videos must keep records on every model. The records shall include dates, model release forms, and video files until the model reaches the age of eighteen as spelled out above.
9. No production company may employ more that fifty models at any given time, and no model may be in more than twenty videos between their first video and turning eighteen. Even if the child model is part of a group scene, that appearance counts as a video.
10. Any violation of the stipulations listed above may lead to a fine. If, after three warnings and/or fines, there are additional violations in videos that are sold, the production company will loose its license to produce such videos.
11. The video company must purchase a special modeling license for one thousand dollars, for each model, and keep the license on file along with all videos and accounting records.
12. These videos are now legal and the viewing rights for these videos are non-transferable. Only the original purchaser is permitted to play and view these videos. The embedded software will prevent anyone from sharing the videos in news groups or making copies to share. Videos produced and sold under these statutes are legal now and forever more, even if this law is revoked or amended in the future.
13. These rules only apply to commercially made videos and pictures. Videos and pictures made by parents or other family members - regardless of the nature of the videos - are legal as long as the videos and pictures are not sold. Furthermore, the pictures and videos are legal only if the parents, or at least one parent, is aware that the videos are being made. If videos are made of multiple children, who are not related, in the same video, and the person who is taking the video is eighteen years of age or older, he or she must have permission of at least one of the parents or guardians of each child model. If the video is being produced by an older sibling or other relative, who is under eighteen, then none of these stipulations apply, and the video is legal as long as no copies are sold. Fines could result, however, if such 'amateur videos' are shared in newsgroups, and the original producer or models are recognized. Models under the age of eighteen can never be prosecuted no matter what they do in the video, short of hurting another person, destruction of property, or other criminal behavior. Children six years old and older are permitted to play with themselves or with other minors in any sexual way, whether related or not - in videos, photos, or in front of other people, as long as any resulting videos and photos are not sold, and the video producer is a relative under eighteen. The scope of this law is aimed at regulating commercial video production.
"The other stipulations are all about accounting to make sure the models' families and the model himself or herself gets money from every video sold. There are so many vague and ambiguous stipulations, that we can almost do anything."
Larry listened for two more minutes, smiling and nodding. "Yes, my scouts already have a dozen models under eleven lined up. Do you think we should start another company for boys?"
He listened.
"OK, will do. One company for little girls and another company for little boys. And you're right, it says 'no overt sexual acts between a nude, underage model and anyone of the opposite sex,' so that means we could have two or more girls doing things together, and two or more boys doing things with each other. I'm reading this as self-stimulation is OK, and so is oral sex or fingering another model if that model is of the same sex. I think we should start off nice - just dancing and stripping and mild masturbation - and make some much raunchier videos after we've published some - and then take the fines and warnings if anything happens."
Larry listened quietly. "Another good point, Your Honor. It says 'a nude, underage model,' can't do anything like fingering someone of the opposite sex... but if the models are not nude - like if they are wearing shoes or shirts, perhaps the boys or girls could finger or suck someone of the opposite sex."
A minute later, Larry said, "Yes, Sir, I see your point. Produce as much as we can, as fast as we can, and sell the raunchiest stuff on DVDs only through many different distributors. We'll do the production and sell copies to our affiliate sites around the world. We'll hold all the keys, and nobody can view the videos without paying the fee. One fee for one computer download or a DVD which can't be copied. Yes. It will protect us. None of our customers will lodge complaints. And they will purchase the DVDs so they can play the videos on more than one computer or TV. We'll get a jump on this so we can start selling the minute this is legal again. Other producers may take months to catch up, and meanwhile, the law could get revoked. That's why I'm glad all of our DVD customers will be guaranteed that their DVDs will always be legal regardless of future law changes. And if the law doesn't change, well, we'll have enough cash within a few months to guarantee that we get the cutes t girls available. Ages six to eleven will be our focus, but some models could keep producing for another few years if we get them waxed before they start growing pubic hair. We'll do some with their angel hair, and then get them waxed."
Larry nodded while holding the receiver to his ear.
"And you're right that it doesn't say anything about who can be present during the actual production - so you could - for a nice fee - allow people to be assistants in the production. And I think you're right that the parent or guardians will be on the premises but stay elsewhere in the building. Yes, I'll hint that, and we'll get surveillance video of the parent or guardian agreeing to let us fondle her son or daughter during the production of the video... explicit remarks which they must agree to, so that they can't turn on us, or notify the public. Yes, undress the daughter or son with the mother or guardian present while the woman explains what will be happening, and then having the mother or guardian sign the model release form - with all those things spelled out."
Larry laughed. "Yes, sir, I'll have my female photographer say something like, 'and your little girl will undress and touch herself all over, and spread her legs for the camera and pull her lips apart to show herself to the camera. That's in all our videos. And in her next video there will be another model, probably a little girl about your daughter's age, and they will kiss and touch and undress each other. The law says we must explicitly tell you the major components of the videos we will be recording, and you and your son/daughter must sign the agreement before you get the money."
He listened.
"I agree that it doesn't say two girls or two boys can do sexual things with each other, but rather they can't do sexual things with members of the opposite sex. So the girls and boys could do those things with same-sex models. That was great the way he worded those stipulations."
Larry was quiet. He knew when to listen.
Then he said, "Yes, Sir. That's what I was thinking, too. An initial financial carrot bigger than the family's entire budget for two months... just for allowing her daughter - who will be somewhat disguised - to make videos for a couple of hours. And I know the kids will have a good time, once they get used to undressing in front of the cameras. And it doesn't prohibit the use of vibrators or small dildos so the little girls will look forward to their sessions once they have adjusted to the idea. Nobody will hurt them. Their mother or guardian would be waiting downstairs after signing the papers."
Another pause.
"I didn't think of that. Yes. I'm sure there are apparently well-off families who could use a nice lump of cash with trailing commissions or royalties, while her daughter's identity remains secret... different hair color, hair style, make-up, jewelry, and other false clues in the pictures and videos. Perhaps even foreign language dubs. Yes, Sir. Good ideas. We'll be careful. Only single moms who need cash. Yes, of course. I'll things ready this week, and we'll start production Sunday afternoon."
Larry was ready to hang up and get started, but he listened another minute. "Yes, Sir. Very vague. I'll have a few of my men recruit some sixteen and seventeen year old boys who could find white trash girls and boys for little shows. A little money for everybody, and I'll indirectly provide cameras and have an associate regulate the audience. We could call them 'amateur videos' and give them away free for a donation to a related 'charity' which we can set up, that will use some of the money from these donations to do some kind of service work. Very good idea. I will attend some of these little shows myself, and possibly recruit some new, young models. And you're also right about getting a premium for the models under nine years old."
Larry called his trusted 'talent scouts,' in five different area cities. They had some "young stuff" already lined up, but none of them was sure how to find mon-daughter combinations in the nicer areas of the city, Larry would have to be careful and think of a plan. Then he thought of working through a few contacts with dance studios he had worked with before - years before, actually, before the big crackdown on kiddie porn. His crew would travel and rent cheap space for a month in each city. That would be enough time to make two or three new videos almost every day. The editing and packaging would be done later, but a different crew in a secret location. The webmasters had already been on it. They would use some of the initial video clips as teasers for the different sites featuring girls and boys around the world. They would be ready to begin accepting orders a few seconds after midnight on New Year's Day. The security encryption codes would keep their videos out of the new sgroups, although he would manage to 'leak' some pictures with the websites embedded into them. People would flock to their new sites. The judge would become an even richer man. So would Larry.
Customers would then prefer the DVDs which could be used on more than one computer, even though they couldn't be copied and shared, because the code would be integrated into the DVD so if you tried to make a copy it would mess up the original. Of course people could take digital pictures of their TV or computer screens, but that would become free publicity.
With both little girls and little boys as models they would have a huge customer base! Then Larry clicked his fingers. On every DVD we sell, there will be a dozen ads at the end featuring other models - both boys and girls. He was sure that even the most 'hetero' males would also be curious about the little boys and the many things they would be doing - alone or in pairs. And the girl-girl videos... Larry clapped his hands and went out for dinner to meet one of his trusted friends. He would include five to ten trailers at the end of every DVD, thus helping sales to skyrocket.
The next weekend they were ready, even though it would be ten months before the law went into effect and they could legally sell their videos. His friend would get the boy video production crew set up. They had often talked about having a boy dress like a girl, and a girl dress like a boy - with lots of fun role-playing at the beginnings of the videos.
Larry enjoyed the mother-daughter interviews almost as much as he enjoyed producing the videos. He was glad they had the luxury of editing their videos later, so if they happened to accidentally get video sections that were too raunchy to be included, he could edit it out and save it for himself and a few friends. He had set up camp in an old hotel in a run-down part of the city. An anonymous area of the city.
His first appointment for Sunday noon was with Vicky, a cute, shy, slim, ten year old with light brown, short hair, brown eyes, and full lips. He had seen the preview photos her mother had submitted to his talent scout. She was wearing a short skirt and kept tugging at it to pull it farther down her slender legs. Larry couldn't tell the size of her breasts with her dress on, but he remembered the pink 'bird eggs' on small, pale mounds of firm flesh. Just budding.
Vicky smiled at him nervously as he looked her over. He had her turn around for him.
Vicky said, "I'm ten, and yes, I want to star in some of your videos. I know you'll disguise me and that I gots to keep it all a secret and I have to do everything you tell me." Then she breathed. She looked ready to cry. She said, "But, sniff, do I really have to pull down my panties?"
Larry said, "Well, eventually you will, Vicky. It's for our art videos. You are such a pretty girl and people, mostly artists, will want to see you." He pulled a three ring binder off the little table he was using as a desk. "Here, look at these old paintings from the middle ages. Nudity was OK in the past and even up until the turn of this century. I'll show you other pictures in a minute, so you'll have an idea. These are 'art' pictures, Vicky. Nothing to be ashamed of."
"But, my panties?" She looked at him. "I don't want to ... um, pull them down in front of the cameras." She sniffed again. "That's naughty. It will be so embarrassing."
Larry smiled gently at her - a father figure, reasoning with her, respecting her concerns and answering them as if she was an adult. "You're a good, little girl, aren't you, Vicky?"
"That's wonderful." He said. "We only use good, little girls for our models. May I touch your chin?"
"Yes." She looked at him. Vicky was still standing. Larry and her Mother were seated in folding chairs in his temporary 'office.'
Larry reached out and touched her chin with the fingers on his right hand. He felt around on her chin and cheeks. "You have such a pretty face. It didn't hurt when I touched your face, did it?"
"No. It didn't hurt."
"Of course it didn't." He smiled. "May I take a picture of your face?"
"Yes." She smiled for his camera as he took her picture, then several more.
"There. Good. I bet getting a picture taken of your face didn't hurt either, did it?"
"So being touched gently or if we take pictures... well, it won't hurt you."
The girl blushed, "But my panties." She sniffed and blushed brighter.
Larry said, "I know, Vicky. And we'll wait as long as possible for that part of your videos, but yes, eventually you will have to pull them down." He took her hand and looked at it. "You have such pretty hands, Vicky."
Sniff. Smile. "Thank you."
"It wouldn't hurt if I took pictures of your hand, would it?"
"No." She looked at him and thought about his question. "No, that wouldn't hurt."
"And it doesn't hurt with me touching and feeling your hand, does it?"
"Nobody is going to hurt you, Vicky. You're a very pretty girl." He took several pictures of her hand - turning her hand with his big hand. "Turn and face your Mommy."
She turned so she was sideways to Larry, almost between his knees.
He ran his hand up her arm. "And this doesn't hurt your arm, does it? If I touch it or take pictures of it." He was gently massaging her upper arm.
"No. That doesn't hurt."
Larry snapped off several more pictures. Then Larry put his right hand on the back of her leg - behind her knee. "How about here on your leg? Does this hurt?"
"No. It doesn't hurt."
After running his hand up to the bottom of her dress and back to below her knee, he took several pictures of her legs. "You have pretty legs. So, did that hurt, Vicky? When I touched your leg."
"No, Sir." Sniff. "But..."
Larry slid his hand up her legs, and a few inches under the hem of her dress to pat her bottom - feeling it for the first time; enjoying the firmness of her plump ass cheeks in the silky, brand-new, lacy panties. "What about your bottom? This doesn't hurt, does it?"
She started to move away, but her Mother told her to stand still. She said, "Hold still Vicky. He's trying to teach you something."
Larry continued to feel her bottom. She was holding still. It was quiet in the room. Vicky's Mother was nodding to her to stand still. Ms. April was sitting quietly nearby.
Ms. April said, "Good, Vicky. Hold still. Put your feet apart. This will help us explain things to you. You're so pretty. You're being a very brave 'big girl' now. I'm glad you're going to be one of our models. The other little girls love being models, and I'm sure you will enjoy it, too. All the other little girls have lots of fun once they get used to it. They love making videos for us. Just keep following directions and pretty soon you'll like it, too. I know you will."
While Ms. April was talking, Vicky dutifully slid her feet apart. Larry continued feeling around on her bottom, even sliding a finger up through a leg hole to feel her bare bottom under the silky panties. He said, "Are you sure this doesn't hurt, Vicky?"
"No. It doesn't hurt."
He pulled his hand out of the back of her panties and felt around while he talked. "Lift the back of your dress so I can get a picture of these pretty panties. Are they new?"
"Yes. Mommy bought them for me. The dress, too, but we got that at the thrift store."
Larry kept taking pictures as Vicky faced her Mother, holding up the back of her dress. When Larry stopped, he said, "It didn't hurt when I took pictures of your panties, did it, Vicky?" He was still talking in his fatherly voice.
"No. That doesn't hurt. Just a little embarrassing."
"We have lots of other panties for you to model for us. Won't that be fun? Trying on different panties and training bras?"
"Yes, but I mean ... well, in front of cameras?"
"Yes." Larry said. "And it didn't hurt your hand and it won't hurt anywhere else."
"She'll do it." Her Mother said.
"And you're twelve years old? You're getting so big and brave." Larry knew she had just turned ten, but he also knew she would take his mistake about her age as a compliment.
"I'm only ten, but I'll be eleven."
Larry said, "Oh, my. Ms. April, Vicky here is only ten. She is so poised, and getting so good at following directions. So grown up. Such a cute, little figure. Stand closer to me while I talk with your Mother. Put your feet apart. I'll keep feeling your panties so you get used to being touched. I want you to know that we won't hurt you."
She stood in front of his chair with her hips between Larry's knees and her feet apart. Her left side was closer to Larry so that she was facing her Mother. "Like this, Mr. Larry?"
"Yes, perfect. Feet a little farther apart. I have to point out some things to your Mother while I touch you in front now. Just keep holding still and keep your feet apart. You're doing great, and you're so pretty. This won't hurt you either." He put his hand between her legs and began very gently fondling her pussy lips through her new, white, semi-sheer panties.
"Not there." She said, and stood up straight, putting her legs together.
Larry kept his hand between her closed legs and continued to feel her pussy. He said, "Open your legs for me, Vicky. You're doing so good. Now tell me if this hurts. Does it hurt?"
Her Mother said, "Do as he says, Vicky! It's OK. I know he has to see you and touch you, like to get you in position for the pictures."
The blushing girl said, "No, it doesn't hurt." She slid her feet apart again.
"That's better." Larry said. "I know this doesn't hurt you. The other little girls all love it when I touch them like this. But it's probably embarrassing in front of your Mother, isn't it?"
"Yes." She was still talking softly, but answered immediately, completely agreeing with Larry's last question.
"Your Mother won't be in the studio with us, Vicky. You'll just be dancing and undressing for me and the cameras. Here, let me rearrange the table." He stood and moved the card table so it was in front of Vicky. He was sitting at the corner with Vicky's Mother on his left and Vicky on his right. He put a cardboard box that had been cut diagonally so it was shaped like a podium - so that Vicky's Mother couldn't see what she was looking at. He put a picture album in front of her and told her to slowly go through the pictures, one page at a time. "You look through the pictures while I go through some papers for you and your Mommy to sign. Put your feet a little farther apart and then hold still. I'm going to keep touching you to help you get used to modeling for us. Your Mother is right here, and nobody is going to hurt you. You're a very pretty little girl, Vicky." As Larry talked, he kept feeling her pussy - caressing and sometimes gently squeezing it through her silky, white panties. "If you come back to model a few more times, maybe I'll let you watch some of the videos of some of our other little girls. Would you like to see them?"
After just seeing a few picture sets of some of Larry's other models, she said yes right away.
Larry said to Vicky's Mother, who looked up into his face - away from her daughter - who was being blatantly fondled by Larry. He said, "This is to help her get used to modeling before we actually go into the studio. I promise you that nobody will hurt her and she will still be a virgin the whole time she is a model for us. If she continues to cooperate, we may be able to use her as a model for several years, and five or six times each year. I'm glad she likes to dance to music, because that is always part of our videos." He didn't bother to explain that they would make three or four videos with Vicky each time she came to the studio. He was planning to sell every session - featuring her on three videos on one DVD - selling each one for a hundred and fifty dollars. That price would go down slightly once other companies started competing with them, which wouldn't be for a year of so.
Vicky's Mother said, "I told her to do everything you tell her to do and that nobody's gonna hurt her, just like Randal told us when he loaned me the camera so I could take the pictures of her."
"Yes, thank you for the pictures. I showed them to my sponsor who approved her as a possible model. And she is cooperating now, so that's good. As long as Vicky keeps doing everything I say, things will be fine and you will get even more than the amount Randal told you about."
Vicky's Mom sat up straighter. "Oh. That's such a help. I promise you that she will cooperate. She will do everything you say. Will I get the money today?"
Larry smiled. "Vicky, look at me a minute. You have to do everything I say so you can keep being a model. And you and your Mommy have to keep this all a secret so that you get the money. After you turn thirty, you are allowed to talk about it, but not before then. If we hear that either of you has talked to anyone about this before you turn thirty, Vicky, or before your Mommy turns forty eight, you will have to give back the money, and you might even lose custody of your educational fund." He looked at Vicky's Mommy who wouldn't be thirty herself for a few more years. "Do you promise not to talk about this to anyone, Vicky?"
"Yes. I promise. Mommy already told me." She wanted to turn to the next page in the thick album of 4 by 6 inch pictures.
He nodded and said, "Good." Vicky's Mother nodded back - telling him that she had encouraged her daughter to say those things. She looked at the envelope that was sitting next to the contract on the table.
Ms. April wasn't paid directly by his company, but did enjoy the deluxe apartment and lots of free 'party supplies' (pot, beer, pizza, and cable TV) that was provided by a friend of Larry.
April said, "I'm Ms. April, and I'm kind of a foster guardian, or advocate for the models. In my position, I will remain in the room while the videos are recorded, to make sure they don't do anything that we didn't explicitly agree to before hand. This is to protect your rights, Vicky. You Mommy has to agree to this and so do you. Let me read the list of things you'll be doing in your first videos today. And if things work out, we'll see you again in three months. You must keep these things a secret, and you must also both sign this model release form. Now, Ms. Vicky, you can keep looking through the pictures while I talk with Larry and your Mommy." April also loved these interviews and was looking forward to the photo sessions and asking Vicky lots of nosey questions while helping with her hair and clothes. She had enjoyed Larry's collection of illegal models for years and was eager to help with this newly legal, and more formal, endeavor. April even got dressed up for this interview, and so she could be one of the photography assistants. She also happily agreed to help the little girl change outfits; apply make-up; and help with a wig or hair style.
She read the accounting procedures first, which almost put Vicky's Mother to sleep. Vicky kept looking through a little photo album which was sitting on the table, inside the half of a cardboard box. Larry told Mary to look at the pictures of the other little nice girls and then she could sign the papers, too. The photo album had a series of photos of ten different girls about her age - from fully dressed to completely nude in a variety of positions - from modest to spread open and pulling her pussy lips open for the camera, pinching and pulling on her titties.
While Ms. April continued reading, Larry noticed that Vicky was beginning to squirm as she stood there looking at the photos while he felt and squeezed her pussy through the panties. She was wearing a short dress, and Larry was sure she was bald, with puffy buds on her chest. He couldn't wait to see and touch them. Larry's right hand had been massaging Vicky's pussy through her panties. When he felt her spread her legs wider, he slipped his hand inside her panties through the left leg hole. Vicky looked up momentarily, but didn't say anything. She went back to the photo album, parting her legs slightly wider.
April kept reading. Larry began playing with Vicky's clitty, getting a finger wet in the opening to her vagina, and tracing his wet finger around and around her clitty. He could feel it stiffening up. She opened her legs another few inches as he circled around and around her clitty with his slippery finger.
Larry wasn't listening to Ms. April either, until he noticed that Vicky suddenly looked up. April was saying, "Vicky will dance and undress, and then assume a variety of poses for the cameras. Vicky will pull her bottom open for the cameras. Vicky will pull her pussy open for the cameras so they can get close ups as she touches herself. Vicky will make several solo videos today, beginning each one in a different outfit. She might also do things such as pee for the camera with her legs wide apart while leaning back on the toilet. She will pinch and pull on her nipples - making them stiffen and swell for the cameras. She will crawl around on the floor. She may also pretend to be tied up and struggling to get free. As part of that video, after she is tied up, her clothes will be cut off with a scissors. Vicky might also be touched while tied up by various hands of grown-ups who will be off camera except for their hands. And she might be undressed and spanked and touched by an older girl. The older girl is fifteen jemma69and wouldn't spank her hard - just playfully."
Vicky had been looking at pictures just like what Ms. April was describing. She was finding it difficult to hold still while looking at the pictures of the other little girls; hearing the things she would be doing; and with Mr. Larry massaging her pussy, with his hand inside her panties rubbing her bare, wet pussy. She tried hard to hold still, but opened her feet wider. She wondered why it felt so wet. She realized that it got wet whenever she rubbed it herself or if somebody else rubbed it. She had never thought about it before, but she knew it was very wet with Larry rubbing it. He kept rubbing his finger around and around on her 'magic bump,' as she called it.
April was reading, "Nobody will hurt her, and, as always, she can stop a scene at any time." April stopped reading and looked up. "Of course, each time that happens, if it does, the modeling fee will be reduced by one fourth." April looked as Vicky's Mom. "Larry will go over the fees with you, I'm just talking about the accounting methods and so on."
Vicky's Mom said, "She ain't gonna stop things. She'll do ever thing you say. She knows that nobody'll recognize her after you get done with puttin' the wig and make-up on her. When Ms. April takes her in to get her dressed up with the wig and make-up, I have a few more questions for you, Mr. Larry." Both Vicky and her Mother signed the release forms which basically stated that she would show her naked body to the world and get spanked and fingered and masturbate in front of the cameras. They would sign another contract before each session. Larry figured both Mother and Vicky would be eager to sign and get on with the show.
Before Vicky went into the studio, she said, "I know I have to take off my panties for the pictures. And it didn't hurt when you took pictures of my hand."
Larry smiled, "It won't hurt when we take pictures of any parts of you, Sweetie. You're so cute. He nodded to Ms. April to take her into the studio. "Put fingernail polish on her, Ms. April, to finish her disguise for today's videos."
April took Vicky into the studio. Larry knew the judge and his friends would love little Vicky, from what he saw in the bathtub pictures two weeks earlier - full, plump mound with bald, fat, pussy lips, and pink, puffy nipples on little mounds of white flesh. Her tan lines accentuating her pale firm breasts, ass, and pussy.
Vicky's Mom asked, "You're sure she will still be a virgin?"
"Yes. That's part of our contract. She must remain a virgin while in our care. You can come into the studio to watch at any time, but it's best for everyone if you just wait downstairs." Larry had ways to discourage moms from staying in the studio, but usually they preferred to 'not see' what was happening.
"I understand. And you say she can only make a few videos each year?"
"Yes, that's the law, and it's one of our guidelines, too. She can't do nude modeling with anyone of the opposite sex, but I do have a fifteen year old girl who will dance with her in her third video today, if the other girl shows up. And I'll make sure she is nice to your daughter the whole time." As he folded up the papers, purposefully neglecting to give Vicky's Mother a copy, he added, "There may be a little bonus today, besides the two thousand dollars in your envelope, if she can stay longer than the three hours we agreed on. I have a visitor coming who is one of our sponsors and he would like to meet her and spend a little time alone with her, doing an interview. He is the person who has made all this possible for you. And if you agree to the extra hour, there will be a nice bonus envelope for you. Probably another five hundred dollars if your daughter answers his questions and dances for him."
"Well, we were planning to go out for dinner afterwards, but school doesn't start for a few weeks, so we can stay up later. That's OK. She can stay longer."
Larry said, "I'll order a pizza for you, and she can take a little break while we're cleaning up the studio. Then, after your pizza, I'll bring her back upstairs for a little while."
Vicky's Mom smiled. "That's a great idea. Thank you. She just likes plain cheese, but I like everything."
"Me, too." Said Larry. He knew the judge would enjoy a little something to eat later on, too, although today might be too soon. And he knew that after Vicky's Mom opened the envelope after the session today, that she would bring her daughter back whenever he called her.
Ms. April applied the orange-sparkle nail polish to her fingernails and toenails. While the polish was drying, she did Vicky's make-up, adding a fake mole on her cheek. Then came the blond, shoulder-length wig with ribbons already on it. Ms. April said, "We'll start you off in the clothes you wore here today and you can dance and slowly undress in your first video. You're so cute, Vicky. I'm sure you'll have fun making this video. Nobody would recognize you now. She put a pair of clear, designer glasses on the girl."
Mr. Larry introduced her to the two cameramen - both in their thirties. Vicky thought they were handsome, and she smiled broadly when they each told her how cute she was and that they would enjoy filming her. The first young man said, "You're so cute and so sexy!"
While they positioned her in front of the cameras in their "living room" set, Larry told her about introducing herself to the cameras just to get used to it. "You can talk about anything, because we put music over the video. We'll be talking with you the whole time. Just look into the camera now and introduce yourself, name, age, what grade you'll be in this year, what you like to do, and maybe mention some of the things you'll be doing in these videos today. OK, start now."
"Just start talking?"
Larry nodded. "We're just warming up now. While you're talking you can turn around, and even lift your dress to show the cameras in front and in back while you're talking. This will help get you warmed up to make your videos."
Ms. April was standing behind her, adjusting the wig and ribbons. Then she reached around in front and felt her chest. "I'm just checking your cup size, Vicky, so I'll know what size bras to get for your next video." She kept feeling the girl's chest, knowing the camera would be zoomed in on her hand so her face wouldn't be in the video.
Vicky said, "I'm not wearing one today, but I have a size 28-A at home, but it's kind of tight." She looked at the cameras. "Now?"
Larry nodded, keeping things low key and relaxed. Ms. April stepped back after squeezing each small breast one more time.
"Oh, that feels funny. Like when somebody else squeezes them." She smiled. She took a deep breath and started, "I'm Vicky and I'm ten years old, and last year I was in the fourth grade, but this year I'll be in the fifth grade. It's exciting to be a model and I'll get pretty things to try on, but then..." she giggled, and turned around, lifting the back of her dress to show the cameras. "I have to take it off. Everything." She blushed, as she said, "And today I have to pull down my panties in front of the cameras." She lifted the front of her dress, showing her panties again. "That will be embarrassing, like undressing all the way. So today I have to undress in front of the cameras and even take off my panties and keep dancing and stretching. And people are going to touch me in different places. And I have to pull myself open for the cameras. That will be embarrassing, too." She stopped and looked right into the camera. "Oh, I almost forgot this part: I have to sit on a toile t and pee with my knees wide apart and lean back. But I think some of it might get on the floor. Is that OK? I don't want to make a mess, but it might squirt out too far."
Larry smiled, "That would be fine, Vicky. We'll have a towel on the floor in front of the toilet. So just wait a little bit before you let loose so we can zoom in on it."
"Oh, OK, then." She said, seeming relieved.
The first cameraman said, "Larry says you're wearing real cute panties. Can I see them?"
She lifted the front of her dress again and he took a picture with a small camera, then reached out to feel the front of her panties. She held still and let him fondle her like Larry had been doing.
Larry said, "Good, Vicky. We'll just play around for a little while to let you relax. That doesn't hurt does it?"
"Does it make your pussy feel all tingly inside?"
"Yes. Oh... not so hard." She pulled her hips back away from the man's fingers.
"Did he squeeze it too hard?"
"Do you like it better when he rubs and squeezes it softer? Does that feel better to you?"
"I want him to keep massaging you there for another minute. OK?"
"Yes. OK. Ohh."
"Keep massaging her like that. I think she likes it. Does it feel good, Vicky?"
"Open your legs wider if it feels good to you."
She slid her feet wider apart. The other man was getting video of the whole scene with one camera on a tripod and the other in his hand. He moved around getting close-ups of Vicky's panties and her facial expressions. Lots of video of a man's hand feeling Vicky's panties. Neither of the men commented on how wet the panties were, but they knew little Vicky would be a hot one once she got warmed up.
Larry said, "See? It doesn't hurt - being in a video - does it, Vicky?"
"No, but are you sure you won't show Mommy?"
"Of course not. We won't show any of your pictures or videos to your Mommy. Our videos are only sold to men who like to watch little girls undress. And they like to see little girls getting touched on their panties. It feels good when he rubs your panties, doesn't it, Vicky?"
"While we're doing this, you don't have to pull down your panties. If you want him to keep feeling you a little while longer, then lift your dress higher and open your legs wider."
She bunched the front of her dress in both hands and pulled it high up her chest. She slid her feet farther apart.
Larry continued his interrogation while the experienced cameraman fondled Vicky's pussy through the panties. Larry said, "I noticed you didn't say anything to your Mommy when I slid my hand inside your panties and kept rubbing you. Did that feel good?"
"Keep holding up your dress, Vicky, and he will put his hand inside your panties and keep rubbing you. You don't have to pull them down yet. Not until later, but I want him to rub you for another minute. OK?"
"Yes." She lifted her dress even higher on her almost flat chest.
The cameraman who was kneeling in front of the ten year old, kept back so he would not be in the video. His left arm was stretched out straight. He slid his fingers up to the waistband on the silky, semi-sheer panties and pulled it down to her pubic mound. As he slipped his hand inside, it forced the panties lower, exposing her pussy to the cameras. He started massaging her pussy again, even sliding a finger underneath; getting it all wet to rub between her lips and stimulate her clitty.
Larry was loving this. "Move your hips around a little bit, Vicky, if that feels good."
She started moving her hips.
Larry said, "Maybe thousands of men will buy your videos, Vicky. All around the world. But nobody will know who you are. Is your pussy tingling? Do you like getting it rubbed? Do you like thinking about men watching you; seeing your bare pussy?"
"It's all tingly." She couldn't keep track of all of Larry's questions.
"It feels good when a man rubs your pussy, doesn't it?"
"Did a man ever rub your pussy before today?"
"Oh. Well..." She stood up, closing her legs a little bit. "I can't talk about it. I promised him I wouldn't talk about it."
It was difficult not to be surprised at this news. She had seemed so shy and innocent at first. But neither of Larry's professional cameramen showed a reaction. Larry said, "Good. I'm glad you can keep secrets because you have to keep this a secret, too. We won't ask his name or anything else about him, but did he put his finger in you?"
"Not at first. He just rubbed it, and like well, he liked me to touch him and rub him, too." She looked worried.
"We won't tell your Mommy. Don't worry." He smiled. "Your secrets are safe with us, Vicky. You can't tell anybody about us. Your Mommy gets money for letting you be a model, so she wants you to do this. We put music over the video, too, so nobody can hear everything you say." He was telling the truth since he used the word, "everything," because some of her voice would be erased if he was talking at the same time. Larry knew that his English speaking customers would love hearing the innocent, little, ten year old talk about her early sexual experiences. He felt, since this was 'legal' that he would even leave some of his questions on the video. He said, "But did he put his finger in you later, and did it hurt at first?"
"Yes, kind of, like the first time he put it all the way in, but like each time he went in a little farther, and then it didn't hurt anymore. He likes to slide it in and out, and his finger feels so big."
"Does it feel good to you when he does that?"
"Do you keep your panties on when he does that?"
"Not anymore. Last summer I did, like my swimming suit or my panties. He just pulled them to the side to rub me. But now I stay at his house and he gets me ready for my bath, before Mommy comes home. If she is going to get home late, then he plays with me more while he undresses me. Like we play games. And this is yukky, but sometimes he licks it! That's funny." She giggled.
Ms. April said, "Well, you certainly are getting grown up. No wonder you are so sexy!"
Everyone smiled, including Vicky who seemed so proud of herself.
"I get to see his thing. He likes me to rub it, but I won't put it in my mouth. He had me lick around the edge of it a few times, but once this yukky stuff squirted out and got on me, even some in my mouth and it tasted awful. He got me a pop and cleaned me off real good. Now he brings pop over in case it happens again. And it always does, but he cleans me off and I tell him that I'll tell Mommy if he gets it in my mouth again, so he is real careful."
Then Larry said, "We'll get back to the video now, but we can talk about it more later. Lift your dress higher now so he can feel those pretty panties. That's it. Now open your legs a little wider. Good. Excellent. Very good at following directions." The other cameraman kept filming. "And so cute!"
She relaxed while dancing around to the music. Mr. Larry kept telling her she was doing great and then he had her lift up her dress to show the cameras her pretty panties. She lifted the front or the back of her dress while she danced around to the bouncy music, getting into the happy spirit of making the video. It gave her tingles to show her panties to the smiling cameramen as they moved around, too.
That's when Mr. Larry said, "Would you rather take off your dress or the panties first? You can decide. Keep dancing to the music while you think about it. Either way is fine. You're doing great, Vicky. If you take off your panties first, then you can 'peek-a-boo' your front and your bottom to the cameras to get used to it. Or you can take off your dress first so everybody can see your cute chest and then see you pull down your panties and open your cute, little, feminine charms for the camera."
She noticed that Mr. Larry and the cameramen, and even Ms. April were smiling as they watched her dance. She decided to pull off her panties first. As she reached both hands up under her short dress, Mr. Larry said, "Slowly. Just pull them almost to your knees and keep dancing. Try to keep the panties stretched between your thighs. You're doing great."
A minute later the panties were half way down to her knees when Mr. Larry told her to stop. "Keep your feet apart. That's it. Now face the cameras. Lift the front of your dress. Good. Hold it. Lift it up higher. Does this give you tingles? I bet it feels all tingly inside, doesn't it?"
"Yes." And she was very aware that it did. It was tingling like crazy. She couldn't hold still.
"You're doing great, Vicky. Say the word, 'pussy.' Say it. It's OK. We put music over the videos."
"Pussy." She blushed even brighter.
"Very good. Keep saying it. Say things like, 'This makes my pussy tingle.' Or 'my pussy tingles when I show it to the cameras.' Things like that. We'll put music over the video, but I want you to get used to talking to us about how your pussy feels. Say the word 'pussy' in every sentence. Keep talking while you dance for us. Keep showing us your pussy - from in front or from the back and bend over. Keep the panties stretched between your thighs. You're doing great. So sexy."
"This makes my pussy tingle - like when I show it to the cameras. I know men will see my bare pussy." She kept moving her hips as she held the front of her dress up - just swaying with the music. "My pussy is tingling. I like showing my pussy to the cameras. My pussy tingles when I show it to people. When people rub it, it makes my pussy tingle inside." She kept moving, turning, lifting the front of her dress and then the back. When she lifted the back of her dress, she bent over without being told, so that the cameras could see her pussy from behind. "It felt good when people rub my pussy. My pussy is tingling now. I like showing my pussy to the cameras." She bent her knees; arched her back and pushed her open pussy towards the camera. "My pussy tingles knowing men will watch me do this."
"Hold that position a minute, Vicky. Maybe bend over farther and touch your pussy with your fingers and talk about having people touch it. Keep swaying your hips. You're doing great."
She bent over farther, and started rubbing her pussy with the first finger on her right hand, keeping her dress way up in back with her left. "I like rubbing my pussy. It makes my pussy tingle. My pussy tingles when somebody else rubs it. My pussy tingles even more when somebody else rubs it for me. I like it when somebody rubs my pussy or slides a finger in it. And it makes my pussy really tingle when somebody pushes a finger in me." She stood and turned to face the cameras. After lifting the front of her dress with her left hand she started rubbing her pussy with her right hand. "I like rubbing my pussy. I rub my pussy everyday. It feels good when somebody else rubs my pussy. My pussy tingles when I rub it, and it really tingles when somebody else rubs my pussy. I like having other people rub my pussy."
Larry was jubilant, listening to the little girl talk about having other people rub her pussy for her. He would definitely leave in those parts of the soundtrack. His customers would love it, too - that sweet, soft, little-girl voice. He had her take off her dress, leaving her naked except for the panties still stretched between her knees, and the white, lacy ankle socks and black shoes with one inch heels. He had Vicky do the same kind of talking while playing with her nipples - stretching, massaging, pinching and pulling on them - talking about how it feels and that she would like it if other people were pulling on them.
"It makes my pussy tingle when I pull on my nipples like this." She pinched and pulled her nipples with her right hand and rubbed her pussy with her left hand - talking all the while.
Larry had her take off the panties and lie on her back so she could spread her legs and demonstrate how she rubs her pussy at night.
"I take off my panties when I go to bed and then I rub my chest and my pussy. My pussy really tingles when I rub it." She continued to talk and demonstrate, starting to enjoy the cameras. She realized that it made her tingles even bigger. The cameramen captured the little strings of white, wet, gooey excitement on her fingers as she played in her pussy - stimulating her clitty.
Larry had her get on her hands and knees and then put her head on the carpeting and pull her bottom open for the cameras. Larry, the two cameramen, and April could all see how wet she was getting. They knew she wasn't lying about rubbing her pussy.
Larry said, "What position are you in when the man fingers you?"
She got in a series of positions to demonstrate, talking all the while. "I start out on my hands and knees before he pulls down my panties. Then he tells me to open my legs farther. He goes real slow at first until his finger gets wet and slippery, and then he pushes it all the way in. It's too big, and always kind of hurts at first, like he's stretching me inside. Sometimes he holds his finger still and I slide up and back on it, like to get used to it going in."
After that, Larry had her go through a series of stretching exercises, and that concluded scene one. He picked up the panties she had been wearing and slipped them into a plastic baggie to keep for later.
Ms. April took her back to change clothes. Larry said, "And Ms. April, don't finish things. That will certainly come later. We need to get the climax on her video, or maybe when Tammy gets here. Don't even wipe her off. Use pink or blue or green panties for the next scene. We want to capture the maximum excitement in her videos."
"I gotcha." Ms. April said. "There already is a lot of excitement in her videos, but I'll stay away from it... for now." She smiled. By the new model's second set of videos, Larry promised her she could lick off the excited models at the end of the shoot. She was looking forward to licking Vicky's bald, plump, very juicy snatch. At first she thought the girl would be too shy, but Larry said it would usually seem that way while the girl's mother was present.
Vicky was wearing a short, pink, cotton nightgown, which looked like a long T-shirt with small, fluffy, yellow teddy bears. She danced for several minutes, lifting her nightgown often - front and back. Soon she was on the bed masturbating for the cameras. Then she took off the nightgown and played with her breast. Next the panties came off and she continued masturbating - talking about how much she liked having other people rub her pussy for her.
Ms. April was near the foot of her bed, asking questions as she turned over and over, stretching, and masturbating. "Does the man still squirt his stuff on you?"
"Yes, sometimes. Usually on my tummy, but sometimes on my back or between my legs."
"Between your legs?"
"Yes. Sometimes we play a game when Mommy's not home, and I wear a pair of dirty panties while he slides his thing up and back between my thighs. Then sometimes his stuff squirts out onto my dirty panties. I can feel him pressing it against me when it squrits, but it doesn't go in because of the panties. And then I have to wash off the panties, and leave them in the dirty laundry with some wet washcloths from the bathroom."
April asked more questions and she answered every one of them. She obviously enjoyed playing with the older man who took care of her a few nights each week. She explained to Ms. April that now she liked it when he licked her between her legs, because it felt like he was rubbing her, "but with his tongue."
"Does he like to rub you with his tongue?"
"Yes, he likes it. He does it every time he gives me a bath, even if Mommy is out in the living room while we are in the bathroom."
"So she knows he gives you a bath?"
"Yes. She doesn't mind. She likes having him help, and like she told me once, 'He's a harmless, old man, and he thinks you're cute, and he lets us use his car, so just be nice to him and let him wash you.' That's what she said. She even tells him to lock the bathroom door in case anybody comes to our apartment."
"How old is he, Vicky?" Ms. April asked.
"I'm not sure. I guess about fifty or sixty or seventy, but I don't know. And he lets us use his car. It's how we got here today. I bet he will give me a bath tonight, but I won't say a word about this. I'm supposed to just say we went shopping. She even tells him to be sure to get me clean all over."
This video only lasted twenty minutes, but both cameramen and Larry and April felt ready to cum after watching her and listening to her bawdy, yet somehow innocent, straightforward comments.
While Ms. April was getting her dressed up in a dressy, short, black dress, putting on a different wig and changing her make up, Tammy arrived. Tammy had several piercings on her face besides her ears. Her hair was dyed black in typical, teenage, Goth fashion. She smiled when she saw Vicky. "She looks delicious. I'll be gentle."
Larry already had Tammy's Mom's signature on file, although he was pretty sure that Tammy had forged it herself, and would keep the money. She was petite and her little pussy was waxed clean, so she could pass for twelve or thirteen, except for the tattoo on her hip, and piercings on her lip, nose, and eyebrows. She was wearing black jeans and a T-shirt. No bra, although she didn't really need one, her nipples got fully erect at she looked at Vicky. She said to Vicky, "I won't spank you hard if you let me lick you later. I want to lick you and finger you at the same time, right after your bare-bottom spanking. If you want, you can feel me and undress me, too. What do you say?"
"Good. I'll be real nice to you. Did you ever lick another girl's pussy?"
"No. Not yet."
"Well, trust me, Vicky, it's really fun. It feels so good to stick your tongue in another girl's pussy. So you'll try it?"
"Yes. I'll try it."
"Good girl. We'll have lots of fun. Once you taste another girl you'll love doing it. We can rub our pussies together, too. That's called tribbing and it feels good. It will get us all juicy before we taste each other. Want to try it?"
"Gee. OK."
"I like modeling with other girls because they taste so much better than a man's cum. Did you ever taste a man's cum?"
"Yes. A few times. I spit it out. It didn't taste good."
"I washed my pussy real good before coming over here today. Put on clean underwear. I wanted it nice and clean for you."
"Thank you."
The cameramen were getting all this as the two girls talked.
Then Larry had the two girls introduce themselves and talk about the roles they would be playing at first.
Tammy said, "I'll be the boss in our first clip, and like I come home and find her rubbing her pussy, even though she's all dressed up to go out for dinner later, so I will spank her. Then we'll keep fooling around. She's going to taste me and then I'll taste her and help her cum."
Vicky was standing there, looking into the camera like Larry had told her earlier in the day. She wasn't sure exactly what Tammy was talking about, but she would soon find out.
They acted it out in the living room set, just like Tammy had said. Vicky was lying back on the couch with her dress up and her knees apart; rubbing herself. Tammy pretended to be mad and got out a paddle. She laid the younger and smaller girl across her lap, giving her a few swats with her hand. Then she pulled Vicky's panties off and spanked her some more.
The spankings were harder than Vicky expected. She was squirming around, saying, "Ouch!" after each smack. Then Tammy started rubbing Vicky's pussy and massaging her ass. Vicky said, "Ohh, unnn. I like it when somebody rubs my pussy."
"I like it, too. Now I'm going to let you undress me, and you can lick me. But we'll kiss each other and feel each other for a while first, before we get undressed. OK?"
Vicky wasn't sure if they were following the script, but she said, "OK."
They kissed lying on the couch; standing up, lying on the floor. Then Tammy undressed Vicky and let Vicky undress her. Tammy licked Vicky for a full minute, then said, "My God, you taste good! I love licking you. Do you want to lick me now?"
Tammy sat on the front edge of the couch and leaned back, opening her legs. Larry suggested that Vicky start kissing Tammy's thigh and work her way up to her pussy. That's what she did. When she got to Tammy's pussy, she kept licking and licking. Her words were muffled as she said, "Ummmffg, you taste good, ummm. I like licking you. You taste better than a man's white stuff. And there's not as much of it. Ummm." She kept licking.
The girls continued kissing and caressing each other - mouths, necks, breasts, pussies, and then Tammy got Vicky back in position on the couch and started licking and fingering. She kept going. Vicky was moaning softly and squirming around. She started getting louder. "Ummmmm, ohhhhh, gee, ohhhhh, unnnnn." She had her first ever full-blown orgasm - at the hands of another girl - in front of cameras, three men, and a woman.
Later, after Tammy left with an envelope, Ms. April was cleaning her up and putting her original dress back on. Vicky asked what had happened.
"You made a video." She said, matter-of-factly. "The cameras, or a live audience, make the tingles bigger. Did that feel good while Tammy was licking and fingering you?"
"Yes! It was like my tingles exploded inside my whole tummy and pussy."
"Did your pussy ever feel that good before?"
"No. Nothing like that. Gee, that felt so good."
"It's the cameras. I've seen it happen with other little girls. Say, speaking of other little girls, would you like to watch some of their videos sometime? Not today, but sometime. Maybe you could even be in videos with some of the other little girls."
"Gee. I would like to see them."
"So now, do you like dancing and undressing in front of the cameras, Vicky?" Larry had walked over to the dressing area.
"Good. I think we'll be able to use you for more videos. Probably in about three months. I've got clean panties for you now. And in a little while, you can have an interview with a man. Your Mommy knows you'll be up here for another half hour to forty five minutes. Meanwhile, I'll order a pizza and pop for you, me, and your Mommy. We'll eat downstairs after the man interviews. He will touch you, and might even undress you again so he can see you all over. He is my boss so be really nice to him. Tell him you had a good time and that now you like pulling down your panties in front of cameras and people. You did get tingly pulling down your panties, didn't you?"
"Yes, gee."
"Did you like licking Tammy's pussy? I know she liked how you did it."
"Good. I'll line up some other little girls for your next sessions. Maybe you'll be the older girl and you can do those things with an eight or nine year old. Would you do that?"
"Yes. OK."
"And would you lick the other little girls?"
"Yes. I would like to. Tammy says she really likes licking other little girls."
"I know she does. It doesn't mean you're a lesbian; it's just natural for little girls to do that with each other. Oh, and be sure not to mention any of this to the man who helps give you baths."
"I won't say anything to anybody!"
Larry believed her, but he wasn't sure she wouldn't accidentally say too much. But that was why they kept a low profile... almost impossible to trace. He had a 'watcher' in every city where he worked, keep an eye on the models and their families.
Larry and Vicky went downstairs to talk with Vicky's Mom. "She did great." Larry said. "Shy, and a very nice, little girl, but she followed directions."
Vicky's Mom looked at her, noting she seemed especially happy. "Did you have fun?"
"Yes. I like being a model now."
Larry held up his hand so they would stop talking. He handed Vicky's Mom an envelope. "I don't want you two to talk with anyone about this, and that includes each other. My associate will be back in contact with you in about three months to schedule her next video session. It might be during the week, and then we would do it in the evening so she won't miss school. Or, we might be able to do it on a weekend. There's a possibility we could use her two times in the same week, but that depends on your schedules."
"I'm sure we could work it out." Vicky's Mom said, hoping they would leave so she could open the envelope.
Larry knew what she was thinking. "I'm going to take Vicky back upstairs. The cameramen left and Ms. April will come downstairs in a minute and order pizza and soft drinks for you. I'll bring her back down later with another envelope."
"That's fine." Vicky's Mom said. "I'm glad she had a good time, and that she's safe with you. And I'm glad she wants to do it again."
He took the little girl back upstairs to the studio area he had set up in the old hotel. The two cameramen were packing the tripods, cameras, lights, and other gear. Ms. April went downstairs to be with Vicky's Mom. As everyone left, Larry said, "I'm glad you had a good time today, Vicky. That felt really good when Tammy was fingering you and licking your pussy in front of the cameras, didn't it?"
"Yes. Really, really good."
"And you liked licking her pussy, too, didn't you?"
She blushed and looked at the floor. "Yes."
Larry laughed. "It's nothing to be ashamed of, Vicky. All my other little girl models like doing that, too. You'll get to do it with them, and I know they'll want to lick you, too. You want to see their videos, don't you?"
"Yes! That would be neat. I would like to watch them."
"It's fun watching those videos, but it's even better to undress the girls and lick them; to feel their pussies and breasts; and to do other things we haven't taught you yet. But everything feels good. I'm glad you're going to be one of our models."
There was a knock on the back entrance. Larry quickly unlocked it and let a well dressed man into the studio. Larry introduced her to Vicky, then said, "She did a great job today, Mr. B. Had an orgasm - her first big one ever - while Tammy was licking and fingering her."
"I bet that felt good, didn't it, Vicky?"
"Yes, Sir."
"Those cameras are magic! You'll like coming back again and again to undress in front of the cameras and to play with other little girls and boys, won't you?"
"Yes, but you mean real boys?"
"Probably not this year. Just girls this year. Maybe all the time for your modeling career with us. We'll see. But you like taking off your panties in front of the cameras now, don't you? That's the main thing."
"Yes, like it made me all tingly."
"Thousands of men will want to see your pretty, little, bald pussy, Vicky. I bet that's exciting. And none of them will know your real name. But now I want to look at your pussy and feel it and undress you and feel your breasts. We can practice kissing, and do other things. I won't hurt you. Don't worry. Larry protected you today, and he's always going to look out for you. I'm going to sit in this chair and you can sit on my lap in a minute, but first I want you to lift up the front of your dress and pull down your panties so I can see what we're paying for. Your Mommy already got the money, didn't she?"
"Yes, Sir. Mr. Larry gave her an envelope."
"And she'll get another nice envelope in a little while. Larry is going to leave us now, while I undress you and play with you. Maybe once in a while you can play with one of my friends or business partners. They your Mommy would get another envelope. You would have fun, and nobody would hurt you, and your Mommy would get an envelope. Even before your next modeling session. Wouldn't that be fun? Some private games."
"Yes, but ummm, I mean, would Mr. Larry be with me?"
"Maybe. Either Mr. Larry or Ms. April would drive you to the appointment. You'll have fun. You liked it when Mr. Larry rubbed your pussy with his hand up under your dress, didn't you?"
"You'll know what kinds of games you'll be playing in a little while. Mr. Larry will be waiting downstairs. I'll get you dressed and send you downstairs in a little while to join him and your Mommy. Then you can tell Mr. Larry if you want to do more private sessions or not. It's up to you. You're a big girl now, but I know your Mommy would like getting more envelopes."
Larry went downstairs, closing the door behind him.
Vicky's Mom was telling Larry and Ms. April that she would be going out later that night to celebrate. "My neighbor across the hall, an older man, will come over to watch Vicky. They play table games and watch TV after he gives her a bath."
Larry said, "Don't flash the money around or draw attention to yourself. This is cash, so keep it safe. You have to be discrete with it."
"I know. I'll make it last and put most of it aside. Only a little in the bank."
They were talking, eating pizza, and drinking pop forty minutes later when a smiling, little girl came down the steps. She was carrying an envelope. She handed the envelope to her Mommy. "That was fun. He's real nice. I want to do that again, too. Making the videos and having little parties. It's fun. OK, Mommy? Please."
Vicky's Mother looked at Larry and raised her eyebrows in a question.
Larry said, "Occasionally he might want your daughter to play games with a friend of his. She'll be safe like we talked about earlier. This would be between our video sessions. It's only if Vicky wants to, and if you agree. Look in the envelope and decide."
Vicky's Mom walked towards the door, with her back to everyone. She looked in the envelope. She put the envelope in her purse and came back over to the group. After getting another piece of pizza out of the box, she said, "Do you want to go to more little parties like that, Vicky?"
"Yes! Really. It was fun."
Her Mother looked at Mr. Larry again. "And you're sure it would be safe?"
"Yes. Very safe. About two hours. Maybe once or twice a month. That's all."
"Well, OK. We can try it. I mean if she really wants to."
"I really want to." Vicky smiled. "I want to."
Later that night Vicky had her third full orgasm of the day, right after her bath, while the nice neighbor man licked her pussy. Vicky was asleep in her bed, and the nice, old, neighbor man was asleep on the couch when Vicky's Mother got home shortly after midnight.
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