Published: 22-May-2013
Word Count:
Makenzie was sitting near her Mother, close to the TV, when the phone rang. Makenzie knew to mute the sound as her Mother answered. She could only hear what her Mother was saying, sometimes with ten to twenty second pauses, as her Mother listened.
"Oh, yes, hello, Mr. Thompson." Makenzie's Mother sat up straight.
"Yes, Ms. Laura said you might call about dinner and meeting a few of your friends."
"That would be fine."
"Today? Well, yes, I'll have her go take a bath now."
"Yes, Ms. Laura said that. I'll tell Makenzie to wash her panties area extra clean."
"OK. We'll see Ms. Laura about three O'clock."
"Yes, sure. I'll have her wash her hair when she gets home tonight."
"It might be late. Like midnight. That's OK."
"How many friends will you be meeting?"
"Oh, no, Sir. It's OK. I trust you. Two or maybe up to five would be fine if you run into friends at dinner? Well, whatever you say, Mr. Thompson."
"Yes, I know she'll be excited about going out to dinner with you and your friends. Where are you going?"
"Oh, I've never been there. I've heard it's really expensive. I'll tell her to be on her best manners."
"Thank you, Sir. I'm glad your friends want to meet her."
Makenzie's Mom hung up the phone. She smiled, as she said, "I have a surprise for you, Makenzie. I didn't say anything about it before, but you'll get to go out for dinner with Mr. Thompson and some of his friends tonight. Ms. Laura is coming over to pick you up in an hour, so run on back and take a bath. Wash really good between your legs. Ms. Laura will fix your hair and do your nails and then get you all dressed up to go out to a fancy restaurant."
Makenzie was smiling, too, as she ran back to the bathroom and started the water. She was stripped and in the tub a minute later when her Mother came in. Makenzie wasn't used to her coming in the bathroom while she was undressed, so she put her hands over her tiny breasts.
Her Mother laughed, "Oh, Makenzie. You're so funny. I used to change your diapers, and just a few days ago, I watched you get examined by Mr. Thompson. So you can put your hands down."
Makenzie smiled and put her hands down. "Oh, I forgot. That was really embarrassing."
"I can imagine it was. Embarrassing, but exciting, too, I bet." She laughed again. "Mr. Thomas certainly thought you were cute. So, remember to wash really good on your... umm... 'personal area.' You'll get to wear fancy clothes and even a garter belt and hose and I'm sure some fancy panties. High heels, too. Are you sure you want to go? You know, they might, umm... pull the panties down."
"Yes, I want to go. This is so exciting."
"Good. I want you to have a good time, and I know you enjoy modeling."
"It's exciting, Mommy. Thanks for finding Mr. Thomas. It's fun to be a model for him."
"Well, OK. I'll give you your privacy. I just wanted to make sure you wanted to go."
"I do! Wow, get my nails done? Gee."
Her Mother laughed again, feeling in a very good mood. "Honey, after you're all dry, wrap a towel around yourself and come out in the living room before you go get dressed. OK?"
"Gee. OK." She wasn't sure what her Mother wanted, but she was glad to see her so happy again. Makenzie knew they were basically broke, and that the modeling money was helping them.
After she was dried off, she wrapped a big towel around herself and went out in the living room.
"Stand in front of me a minute, Honey." Her Mother said. "I need to tell you something."
Makenzie stood in front of her Mother, and let her pull off the towel. She felt very uncomfortable as her Mother looked her over.
"Did you wash it real good?" Her Mother asked, pointing to her pussy.
"Yes. All clean." She smiled, thinking it was a joke of some kind.
"Good. Because they will probably inspect you, someplace private, after dinner."
"I know. It's OK. Mr. Thompson is nice." She didn't tell her Mother that Mr. Thomas had said he would let her look at his thing, and even lick it.
"About the wax treatment, Honey... Stand closer a minute." She gently tugged on some of the blond, wispy pubic hairs. "Fortunately you don't have much hair, so it won't hurt so bad, but it will hurt for a little bit. Like getting your hairs pulled out. But then it will be so pretty and you can model for a few more years, with just a waxing touch-up from time to time."
"It hurts?"
"It won't hurt too much. Kind of like a spanking, but just for a second at a time. But maybe you could pretend it hurts more than it does. Men like watching that. Some men like to watch a little girl get a spanking or wax treatment and then cry and say it hurts."
"Spankings weren't too bad." She felt a tingle through her pussy - remembering the spanking, followed by the anal fingering and buzzing, and then her first big orgasm - all in front of the cameras. Makenzie felt uncomfortable with her Mother tugging on her pubic hairs and looking closely at her pussy. She even grabbed a few hairs on each side of her crack and pulled her lips apart. She leaned forward so her face was just inches away from Makenzie's pussy.
"I'm glad you got it extra clean, Makenzie. It smells very clean and fresh. You know, this is helping us... I mean your modeling, and I appreciate it. Mr. Thompson told me that after your wax treatment, we might occasionally have a man stop by to give you a 'relaxation treatment,' like the way he helped your feminine part relax so he could put his finger in even though you are a very tight virgin. He used a buzzer thing. Remember?"
"Yes, I remember. He rubbed it around on my bump, and then he put his finger in me."
"Yes. Anyway, he says it will help you get your beauty rest to get 'relaxed' when you go to bed, so sometimes a man will do it for you, or... and only if you want to, kind of as a way for me to thank you for being such a good model, he said I could use the buzzer on you while I give you a finger treatment, but only if you want to. I know you might feel embarrassed at first, until we get used to it, but I want to thank you, like I said, for being a good model. Mr. Thompson said we would get used to it, and some of the other girls get 'relaxation treatments' every night from their mothers, unless a man is visiting them - like to give the girl a bath and put her to bed."
"No, that's OK, Mommy. You don't need to do that." Makenzie felt uncomfortable with that idea, although she knew the finger and buzzer treatment would sure feel good.
"But it would help you sleep better, and it's a way for me to thank you. And also, well, he said sometimes the men who give you a 'relaxation treatment' might have lots of built up tension which I could help them relieve after you to go sleep. I think you know what I mean. Anyway, that would be fun for me, and it would also mean more extra cash for us. As women... and I think you're much more grown-up now, so, as a woman to a woman, we know that men need relief. And we know that we sometimes have to do embarrassing things so men will share their money with us. We have to promise each other that we will only do these things with Mr. Thompson and his friends. You understand?"
"I know, Mommy."
"You're my good girl. My big girl. So grown up."
"So, after you get waxed, we'll have more visitors. The men will get so excited by helping you relax to get to sleep, that some of them might want me to help them relieve their tension. It's a way we can help each other. Of course, some of the men might relieve their tension into a small towel while they are helping you. I'll always have a small stack of wash cloths in your bedroom for them to use, if they can't wait. I'll always keep lubricant and clean towels in your room. But that's OK. Either way, you just go on to sleep. We'll leave your door open and the men will know that I come in to check on you while they are there. I know Mr. Thomas promised you would stay a virgin, but I think it's a good idea to keep my eye on those late-night visitors. I'll come in often to watch for a minute, but you just let them help you get relaxed. Don't be embarrassed, Honey. It's just mother nature. And I'll make sure they have clean hands when they get here, and I'll remind them to use lots of lubricant if they are going to ... you know. Then they will come out in the living room, or to my bedroom, and I'll help the man relax. They are allowed to do things with me that they aren't allowed to do with you, Honey."
"OK, Mommy." Makenzie knew what she was talking about.
"And we can't ever tell anybody how we get our money or what we do. That's nobody's business but ours."
"I know. I won't say anything."
"So, whenever somebody is coming to help you, I'll make sure you're all clean; have a little make-up and perfume on, and pretty, fresh panties with your nightie, so you'll be ready. I'm glad we can talk about these things. We're a good team." She stood up and hugged Makenzie. "Now go get some clothes on. Ms. Laura will be here to pick you up in a little bit. I don't want you leaving the house naked!"
Makenzie ran back to her room.
Ms. Laura came in their apartment. She smiled when she saw Makenzie all ready to go. "You already look great! Walk on out to my car and get in. I left it unlocked, and I didn't see anybody else outside near the parking lot. I'll be out in a minute."
After Makenzie left, she handed Julie an envelope. "Might have another envelope for you when I bring her home in a few hours. Probably around midnight. The slumber party is next weekend, and then next month we'll do the wax session." She pulled a small bag out of her jacket pocket and handed it to Julie, Makenzie's Mother. "This is a tiny vibrator to use on Makenzie's sensitive pre-teen clitty. Mr. Thompson said it would help us if you have your finger in her anus when she cums at night. Only on nights when you don't have a visitor or if she wasn't at a party or modeling session. Most of the other mothers tell their daughters to keep their eyes closed and to imagine a strange man coming into her bedroom. It will be easier if Makenzie is pretending to be asleep face down. Maybe sometimes you could bring in a visitor, and sometimes it would be you - as a way to thank her for helping your family to earn all this extra money. If you bring a man in, tell him not to talk while you are in the room, too. That would make it more of a game for Makenzie."
"I thought we weren't supposed to start until after she got waxed."
"You could wait, but Mr. Thompson would like you to start tomorrow night. Sometimes he will let you know there is a visitor coming over, or maybe even Mr. Thompson himself coming to help Makenzie relax. And perhaps in the future, maybe another woman will be a visitor."
"And the other mothers do this?"
"Yes, pretty much all of them. There is quite a bit of money involved because the girls are so young. And this is a way to thank them for their help. Some mothers like to start with a string of visitors first, and they watch and eventually 'help' with the fingering and buzzing, before they do it on their own."
"That sounds like a better idea. Maybe some visitors."
"And did Mr. Thompson tell you, that since we promise that Makenzie will remain a virgin, that the man might be extremely horny when he comes out of your daughter's room?"
"Yes, he told me, and I would be glad to help. Whatever the man wants to do. I know it would help protect my daughter if he knows I'll help get him off."
"Right. It's partially for the girl's safety, not to mention that the Mom's enjoy it and even get more money for helping that way."
"Yes. A win-win as they say."
"After fingering Makenzie's bottom, he might want to..."
"I've got plenty of extra lubricant. That would be OK."
"Good. And you have fine, blond hair, so it would be easier for you to keep shaved if you're going to have visitors."
"I do anyway. I like it to look clean."
Ms. Laura smiled. "Well, I'll tell Mr. Thompson. Then I know he will want to visit you. He'll play with your daughter while you watch and get her off, and then come in to see you and give you a 'test ride,' as he says." She laughed.
"I'm looking forward to it."
Ms. Laura smiled, "He told me you were one of the cutest Mom's he's worked with - slim and blond like your daughter. So, you would get about three hundred for the man to play with Makenzie for about 45 minutes, and then another fifty to come out and finish with you. That's net for you, after our commission."
"Oh. That would be great. And maybe a couple times each week?"
"Yes." Ms. Laura said, "We'll probably start you with one or two per week, but it could pick up, if you want, after your daughter has her pussy wax treatment. Also, after her videos have been out for a while, more people will want to meet her."
"Oh! I thought her videos would only be seen in other countries!"
Ms. Laura smiled, "Well yes, the headquarters for those internet video companies are overseas, but a few of their customers are in this country. It takes time for a customer to contact the main office, and get approved for ... umm... direct meetings. And there is a network of models all over the world. So some of the wealthy customers who might live within 500 miles of here, would drive that far, and pay that much, to meet you and Makenzie. And it would only be people we approve of. Sometimes they will meet our girls at a party first, and then they will make arrangements with Mr. Thompson to visit you. Only with your approval and according to your schedule. Again, this is why the money is so good."
"Well, then I guess it wouldn't be any of our neighbors."
Ms. Laura laughed. "No, definitely not. Not for that much money. Your only visitors would be wealthy men, and later, wealthy women, who are pre-approved by Mr. Thompson. The men will all know that they should leave an extra tip if they make a mess in Makenzie's room, or on her hair. Their tip would more than make up for the loss of the fifty dollars since then they wouldn't have to use you, too. Speaking of that, there might be some women who might want to use you afterwards, too. After their session with your daughter. Would you be open for that possibility?"
Julie thought a minute. "Well, sure, that would be fine. What did you mean by 'open?'"
Both women laughed!
Ms. Laura paused. "Since we're being so frank with each other, well... I would like to have a session with your daughter - give her a bath and then massage her with oil and then masturbate her while I'm tasting her freshness after the bath. And then I could show you some things to expect when you start getting women customers. This would be a training session for you both, and not for money. But you'll be getting plenty of money. I could teach you both some techniques so you have more fun, but artfully keep the man from cumming right away. More tips that way. Also, ways to increase your pleasure with another woman. Would you be interested in one of my free training sessions?"
"Yes, of course. And... well... I feel complimented that you would like to have sex with me."
"Good. I could probably help you have several orgasms. Then you will be more 'open' for women visitors." She accentuated the word, 'open.'
To Julie's surprise, Ms. Laura dropped her purse on the floor; hugged Julie and kissed her on the mouth. "Unbuckle your belt."
Julie unbuckled her belt while kissing Ms. Laura.
Ms. Laura put her hand down the front of Julie's belly, sliding beneath her panties to her shaved pussy. She fingered Makenzie's Mother, then picked up her purse and turned to leave. "Very nice. It really is shaved clean, and you are very wet. Two good signs. I know Makenzie's visitors will love finishing off with you."
She left..
Julie didn't fasten her belt. Instead she let her pants drop to the floor and went back to her bedroom to get something out of the bottom drawer in her dresser. She noticed that her own panties were soaked.
Ms. Laura complimented and coached Makenzie all the way back to her house. "Just be your cheerful self, Makenzie. Go along with what the men want to talk about and then later, after dinner and you get to a house, then go along with what they want to do. They won't hurt you, and Mr. Thomas will be there." She smiled and looked at Makenzie, "You're getting so grown up, Makenzie, and here is a secret..."
"What? What secret?" She wanted to know.
"There won't be any cameras tonight. It's just you and the three, or so, gentlemen. And Mr. Thomas says he really thinks your cute - so hot and sexy - and he wants to taste you and then let you play with his thing and even lick it." She looked over at Makenzie again as they drove along. "Don't tell him I told you, but he told me that if you make him squirt and swallow most of his cum he has a nice bonus for you. You won't tell him will you? Us women have to stick together."
Makenzie was smiling. "Oh, gee. Neat. I won't tell him. Like what kind of bonus?"
"I won't tell you." Ms. Laura laughed. "We'll get you all cleaned up. Oh, and another secret, just between us women..." Ms. Laura knew that the little girl models loved to be thought of as a woman. "Anyway, he told me in private that he thought you were one of the best tasting new models we've recruited in a long time."
"Really?" Makenzie was still smiling.
Ms. Laura got a kick out of exciting the little girls. Makenzie hadn't been able to sit still since they pulled away from the apartment complex. Before they had gone a mile, Ms. Laura reached over to massage Makenzie's breasts through her tight T-shirt. "Keep massaging them so they will swell up a little bit before you meet the men. Mr. Thompson will pick you up with one of his friends in his friend's BMW."
"Is that a car? I think I've heard the boys talk about them when they talk about cars."
"Yes, it's a kind of car. Be sure to tell the man you think it's really neat. Tell him you would like to ride in it again sometime."
"Gee. Would he take me for a ride sometime?"
"He would if you're nice to him. I mean if you get him to... you know?"
"Yes. You catch on quick!" Ms. Laura smiled. "From what I hear, that wouldn't be a problem for you. You get the men so excited."
"Well, the men and boys like to do that."
Ms. Laura laughed. "They sure do, don't they?"
"Yes. They like to lick me, and then let me lick them, and then they squirt."
"What else do they like to do?"
Makenzie thought a minute, while still massaging her own titties. "Well, they like to feel my titties, even though I don't even hardly have any. Sometimes they even suck on them. That's funny."
"Does it feel good?"
"Yes. It feels good, unless they are too rough."
"You're in charge, Makenzie. Don't forget that. If they are too rough, just say, 'Easy, easy.' And they will be more gentle."
"I'm in charge? But you said I should do what they say."
"You'll learn more over time. As women we want to let the men think they are in charge, but really we are. Be sure you get your pleasure, too. If you are ready to cum, tell them to keep doing that, or say, 'Oh! That feels so good!' or things like that."
Makenzie thought this over.
Ms. Laura added, "We're lucky to be girls. We can cum lots of times. Do you know what 'cum' means?"
"Is that like those really good feelings, like when you used the buzzer and there was a finger in my bottom?"
"Yes, that's it for girls. For men and boys it's when..." Ms. Laura paused.
"It's when they squirt?" Makenzie answered. "And it seems like that must really feel good to them. It just makes a mess though."
They continued their "girl talk" all the way to Ms. Laura's house.
Ms. Laura had guessed right - Makenzie's panties were already wet when she undressed the nine year old. She did not wash it off and dry it, because she knew Mr. Thomas and his friend would want to discover that wetness later. They spent a full hour on Makenzie's hair and make up, after doing her fingernails and toenails, before getting her dressed.
Although she was self-conscious about how short her dress was - the ruffles just barely covered her panties, so she couldn't bend at all without people seeing her panties. "I'll have to remember not to bend over in the restaurant." Makenzie said. "I feel so tall with these high heels on."
"Those are called 'platform' high heels, so now you are as tall as me! Five feet, two inches tall!"
"Gee. I feel so grown up."
Then Ms. Laura helped her with a little jewelry, perfume, and topped off the outfit with white gloves to match her lacy ankle socks, high heels, and a small, white purse.
She accepted the compliments from Mr. Thompson and his two well-dressed, older friends gracefully, thanking them and smiling. She complimented Leo, the man who owned the car, from the back seat, and asked if she could have another ride sometime. He promised her lots more rides. Makenzie wondered why Mr. Thompson and Jeff, the other man chuckled when Leo promised to give her lots more rides.
Mr. Thompson even said, "He'll give you lots or happy rides, Makenzie, but not for a while."
The restaurant was really fancy with white table cloths and real plates and silverware. Although she would have preferred pizza, Makenzie ate politely. She was almost too excited to eat, wondering what games the men would play with her later.
The three men enjoyed talking with Makenzie and asked her all sorts of questions. Then Jeff asked her if Alice tasted good when she was licking her in the video.
"Yes, she was very 'juicy,' like Mr. Thompson said, and she tasted good." She took a sip of water. "And that was good, because I had to keep tasting her for a long time, like for the video. And I could tell she liked how I was doing it."
Leo said, "I hear you're going to a slumber party in a few days. You'll get to taste other girls there. Won't that be fun?"
"Yes. Like sometimes for videos, but sometimes just for games. That's what Ms. Laura told me. And..." She stopped talking when a waiter came to fill up her water glass even though it wasn't empty.
Two of Mr. Thompson's friends stopped by the table, and seemed pleased to meet Makenzie, which made her smile. She knew one of the men was referring to her, when he said, "I see you'll have some delicious desert tonight. Are you going to taste something good for desert later, too, Makenzie?"
"Yes, I hope so. I like desert."
Mr. Thompson cleared his throat and thanked his friends for stopping by to say hello. The men left.
That's when Leo pulled a short stack of photos out of his inside suit coat pocket. "I have a little puzzle for you, Makenzie. See if you can tell which one is yours and which one belongs to Alice..." He paused, "That's the girl you licked for a long time for your video, isn't it?"
"Yes. That was Alice. She is the only girl I licked so far." She bit her lower lip, "but, umm, well, Ms. Laura says I'll get to... I mean, I'll have to do that to all of the girls at the slumber party."
"You like doing that, don't you, Makenzie?" Mr. Thompson asked.
"Yes." Then she giggled. "And I like when they do that to me." Makenzie blushed at her own boldness.
"Anyway, see if you can pick out yours and tell which picture is Alice. There are ten of them here, and they all have numbers on the back. You get a prize for each one you get right." Then Leo handed the photos to Makenzie, with the number sides up. "Turn them over one at a time and make a guess... yourself, Alice, or somebody else. And within the next few months you'll get to meet each of these models."
Mr. Thompson put his hand on top of the photos, as four people walked by his table with the maitre'de. Makenzie noticed the other little girl about her age who was also wearing high heels and a very short skirt. Mr. Thompson said, "Why, hello, Tom. It's good to see you again. And hello, Jackie. Are you excited about going out for another fancy dinner and then playing games?"
The people stopped, but the maitre'de went on to the next table and pulled out a chair for the woman who was in the small party. The woman and one of the men went over and sat down. The man named Tom, and Jackie, the young girl in the very short dress stood by Mr. Thompson's table. They introduced the two girls. Mr. Thomas said, "You two might get to do some modeling together real soon." He asked each of the girls if they would like that and they both said they would.
Jackie said, "I really want to model with you, Makenzie. I've seen some of your pictures and video clips. We'll have fun."
Makenzie blushed and looked down at her plate. "OK." She said because nobody else said anything for a minute.
Then Tom and Jackie went on to their table and sat down.
Mr. Thompson said, "Jackie started modeling for me about six months ago. She has at least one fancy dinner date every month, and loves going out with adults. I know she likes getting dressed, and she loves the games they play after dinner."
"What kind of games?" Makenzie knew they would be naughty games, and she wanted to hear about them. "I like playing games, too. Well, except not chess. I tried to play that at school once and it was too confusing."
"You'll see." laughed Mr. Thompson. "I'm sure you'll enjoy them. And we won't play chess. That's for sure!"
"OK." Leo said. "They are at their own table. Go ahead and look at the pictures. If anyone comes by our table, turn them face down again." Then he added, "Oh, and one of the pictures is a close-up of Jackie, who you'll get to play with pretty soon. Did you think Jackie was pretty?"
"Yes. Gee. Real pretty."
Then Mr. Thompson said, "I know a little secret about Jackie tonight."
Everyone, including Makenzie looked at him and waited.
Then he asked Makenzie if she thought Jackie's dress was pretty short.
"Yes, almost as short as mine. Ms. Laura had me practice walking without bending over so nobody would see my panties."
"Well, Jackie isn't wearing panties tonight. Makenzie."
Everyone looked at Jackie's table, about twenty feet away.
Mr. Thomas said, "That's another fun game that some of the models like to play - going to a nice place in a short dress without panties. Are you brave enough to play that game, Makenzie?"
She blushed. "Umm, not yet."
Leo said, "Well, maybe later. Right before we leave. You could go in the ladies room and take off your panties, then hand them to me when you come back out. I'll sit in the back seat with you on the way back to Jeff's house. I'll let Mr. Thompson drive my car. Then I can check to see if you were really brave enough to take them off. I dare you. If you do, I'll give your Mommy a nice tip."
"Gee, just thinking about doing that makes it tingle."
"That's the whole point." Said Leo. "After dinner they are going to another party. But they might stop in a few stores first, so she can walk around in front of strangers. It would just be Jackie and Tom going through a store, and if he gives her a signal, Jackie will bend down to get something off the bottom shelf - showing her bare ass to a complete stranger, or maybe several strangers. She told me once that it gives her a thrill to make a strange man look."
Mr. Thompson said, "We might let you do that sometime, Makenzie, but in a short school uniform, and walking with Ms. Laura, probably starting with your panties on, and then taking them off after some practice. Does the thought of doing that give you tingles?"
"Yes, like it's tingling now."
Then Leo said, "OK, back to the pictures before we order desert. See if you can find the picture of yours and the picture of Alice's, and even guess if you can tell Jackie's because you'll get to lick hers pretty soon."
Jeff said, "I've tasted Jackie's, and I hear you tasted great too, Makenzie."
Makenzie blushed, but didn't say anything. She continued looking at one picture at a time, like Mr. Thompson showed her - so only one picture was showing. Then she pointed to the pussy with plump lips, no visible clitty in the center, and lots of freckles. "This one is pretty, but I know it's not mine, or Alice's, or even Jackie's because of all the freckles on it." She smiled, proud she was being a good detective.
Leo took the picture and smiled as he put it back in his suit coat pocket. "But I hear she tastes good, too. Would you like to try to lick off the freckles?"
"You can't lick off freckles!" Makenzie giggled.
"No, but would you like to taste her?"
"Well, OK. Is she nice?"
"She is ten years old, and has been modeling for almost a year. Yes, she is very nice and likes to play with other girls. Would you like to model with her?"
"Yes, OK. I like modeling."
Jeff said, "All our models like modeling with other girls, and even boys. They will all want to kiss yours. The girls like to kiss each other. It's part of being a good model. And it's fun, too, isn't it, Makenzie?"
"Yes." She was only half paying attention because she was staring at the picture of the next pussy. Each picture showed a front, close-up, legs-together, view of a young pussy. Half of the girl's clitty showed in this picture - almost like a third lip that went about half way down the crack between the pale lips. Tan lines were visible on either side, showing that the girl had been out in the sun in bikini bottoms. Makenzie ran her finger down the crack in the pussy. "This isn't me or Alice because you can see part of her wrinkly thing. It could be Jackie's. I don't know."
Leo took the picture and laid it face down next to his plate. "You can look at this one again, when you need to guess which crack is a picture of Jackie's."
Makenzie studied the next one closely, then said, "I think this one is me."
Mr. Thompson asked her why she thought that.
"Because of the angel hairs on either side and some on top. That's what you said about mine. You have to look real close to see it. The other girls are all waxed, I think."
All three of the men congratulated her on her detective skills, and told her she was correct. Then Leo took the picture and studied it before handing it to Jeff. "What do you think about this one, Jeff? I think it looks delicious! So firm and plump!"
"I agree." Jeff said.
Makenzie smiled. She also blushed as the men looked at a close-up photo of her pussy.
Jeff said, "You know, Makenzie, that the other girls... Well, did you notice that Jackie was studying you?"
"Yes. Like she was kind of staring at me."
"She was wondering what you will look like, smell like, and taste like when she gets to undress you. She knows she will get to do those things. When you meet other little girl, or even a young boy model, in our studio, or at a party, or at an off-site photo shoot, you will know that you will get to undress the other model and feel and taste her... or him, if it's a boy."
Then Mr. Thompson asked her if she was sure she wanted to keep modeling and coming to parties or to go out for dinner with some of his friends and then play undressing and touching games.
"Yes." Her hips moved. "I like to model."
The men all noticed that her hips moved, but none of them commented on it. They knew she felt a surge of tingles through her groin.
She didn't guess Alice's pussy, or Jackie's, but the men promised her she would get to look at them closely before long. Mr. Thompson said, "You'll even get to taste every one of the delicious cracks in those pictures. Won't that be fun?"
"Gee. Yes. I mean, I have to for the modeling anyway, right?"
"Yes. That's right. You will have to lick each one of them."
As they were eating desert - baked Alaska, which she had never tasted before, Jeff said, "I understand some of the boys put their cocks in you ass. Did that hurt?"
"No, because Mr. Thompson put lubrication in me, and then put his finger in, which is about the same size as the boy things were. The boys spanked me first and the put the lubricant in to get me real loose before they did it. Mr. Thompson says that spanking gets it looser so it won't hurt, and it will even feel good. But the spanking has to be hard enough to make your bottom feel hot."
Jeff said, "I understand you fingered Alice's anus and then watched her take a cock in her bottom. That probably made you more comfortable with trying it."
"Well, yes, and I could see that the boy things were about the same size as Mr. Thompson's finger, and his finger went in OK. Alice told me she likes a nice, hard spanking before they put them in her, and then it feels better. Mr. Thompson's finger was real slippery and he had to put it in me lots of times to make sure I was slippery."
Jeff smiled. "Yes, Mr. Thompson is very considerate that way." Then he added, "And did the boys' cocks always go in your ass?"
Makenzie blushed, "Well, sometimes they had 'little accidents.' But that didn't count, Mr. Thompson said, and so did Ms. Laura, because it was an accident, and it didn't last very long. So, like I'm still a virgin."
Leo asked, "Well, young boy's cock's don't count anyway, so you are still a virgin. Did it hurt, Makenzie, when a cock accidentally went in your pussy instead of your anus?"
"It felt big at first, but it didn't hurt me. Ms. Laura said it was because I was so slippery, and so was the boy's thing from the lubricant in my bottom, so it just slid right in. Ms. Laura says I have lots of 'natural lubricant.' She says that makes it even more slippery than my bottom."
"Did it feel good?" Jeff asked.
"Yes." Makenzie had hesitated. "But it was only for like a minute, since it was an accident."
Jeff continued, "So, as a model, it's OK with you if the boys have 'little accidents,' as you say?"
"Yes. I like being a model, and I don't want to get the boys in trouble."
Leo asked, "So, which do you like better - a small cock in your ass, or in your pussy?"
Makenzie thought a few seconds. "Gee, I don't know. It wasn't for very long."
"Then you would like to have a much longer accident sometime, so you could compare the feelings?"
"Oh, yes, that's a good idea. Then I could tell you where I like it better. Like in front or in back. Alice said she loves it, wherever it goes in her."
Mr. Thomas said, "Maybe have a few boys each do five minutes in front and five minutes in back, like during a modeling session. Do you think that would be enough?"
"Yes. That's what Alice likes to do. Five boys should be plenty... and I could maybe only play with each one for a little bit instead of a few minutes. Alice says that makes them cum too fast, like if you play with them too long first. You know, like before they put it in."
Mr. Thomas smiled, "OK, I'll set that up for your next modeling session. How about six boys?"
"That would be OK. Whatever you say."
Jeff said, "Then we can go out for dinner again to hear your conclusion."
"That would be fun."
Before they left the three adults and Makenzie went over to Jackie's table to say good-bye, and the promise to get the girls together soon. This time Makenzie was checking out Jackie as much as Jackie was looking over Makenzie.
When they got back in the car, Makenzie said, "You could tell Jackie was staring at me."
Mr. Thompson said, "You were staring at her, too. And both of you were smiling. Did you remember that you will get to pull down her panties and feel her all over, and even suck on her breasts and finger her - front and back. After you kiss each other, of course, for your video."
"Oh, unn, yes, I remembered that." Makenzie said. "And I have to let her do those things to me, too. Right?"
Jeff got a towel and pillow out of his trunk and put them in the back seat, and motioned for Makenzie to sit on the towel.
"I don't blame her for looking at you!" Laughed Leo. "But we forgot to send you in the ladies room to take off your panties. Remember?"
Jeff said, "I'll just take them off while we're in the back seat, and then I can feel if she is wet. OK?"
Both Leo and Mr. Thompson said, "OK." And then Makenzie said it, too, as she lifted her hips so Jeff could pull her panties down and off.
Jeff felt the panties before handing them to Leo in the front seat. "As I expected," he said. "Your new little model gets excited when she goes out for dinner with us."
Leo said, "Makenzie, why are your panties so wet?"
"I didn't mean to. But it gets that way sometimes, like thinking about Jackie, and the boys, and playing games. Like you guys made it get all tingly, and that made my panties get wet."
Leo laughed. "So, it's our fault, is it?"
Ms. Laura had told her that men liked to talk about such things, and she should joke along with them. "Yes, it's all your fault, Leo!" Then she said, "And you, too, Mr. Thompson and Jeff."
The men all laughed.
"Ms. Laura said that Jeff might have some dry panties for me at his house."
"How did she know your panties would get wet?"
"I don't know, but she said that the other little girl models would get wet just from hanging around with you guys."
The men laughed.
Jeff put the pillow against the door and asked Makenzie to lean back against it and to put her feet on the seat. "Now, lie back and open your knees so I can see if you really are wet, Makenzie."
Jeff felt her thighs, lightly stroking them. "Is this giving you tingles?"
"Do you like getting your thighs stroked gently?"
"May I stroke your thighs for a minute? And does this feel good?"
"I'm glad it's still light outside so I can see your pretty pussy. I've been admiring your pretty face all night, so it's good to see more of you."
"Thank you."
As Makenzie started to stroke a finger up and down in her very wet - gooey wet - slit, she couldn't stifle a moan when he stroked across her swollen clitty. "Unnnn."
It was quiet in the car as they drove along. Jeff said, "Does that feel good when my finger rubs across your clitty?"
"Unnn, yes."
"Do you think your pussy is slippery enough for my finger to slide in?"
"Unnn, yes."
Then the men in the front seats heard the soft, pleasure moans get slightly louder and longer - hearing each time Jeff's finger pushed in all the way.
Jeff went slow enough, and with pauses, so as not to bring her to climax. He would pull his finger out and put it in his mouth. "Oh, she really does taste great, Mr. Thomas."
"Thanks, Jeff. I told you. And she's tight, too, isn't she?"
"Very tight, but also very slippery."
"Unnnnn, ohhhh."
Jeff said, "We're almost back to my house, Makenzie. We'll all fix a drink, and then you and I can go upstairs to play games for a while."
"OK, but I have to tinkle."
"There is a bathroom right off my bedroom. I'll watch you tinkle, and then we can both get more comfortable. Then, I'll help you put on a different outfit, and you can go with Leo for a little while. OK?"
"Yes, OK." She was already getting used to someone watching her tinkle. "But, like if you want me to lean back with my knees apart, then you should put a towel on the floor, because I really have to go."
Jeff laughed. "Certainly. I've got lots of towels."
"Wow. This is a really fancy house."
As Jeff fixed her a soft drink at one end of the bar in his family room, the other men fixed themselves something stronger. "You look so pretty in that dress, Makenzie, that maybe I won't take if off. But since we have another outfit for you when we are done upstairs, I think I will take it off of you."
"That's OK, Mr. Jeff..." She was instinctively being more polite in the fancy house. "Ms. Laura said you would probably help me change clothes as part of our games."
They went upstairs.
A few minutes later, downstairs, Mr. Thompson and Leo heard the toilet flush. They both laughed and looked at their watches. "Right on schedule." Said Mr. Thompson.
"Bet he won't last ten minutes." Joked Leo.
He did. Twelve minutes later, they heard them coming down the stairs.
Mr. Thompson and Leo were each sitting in a big, stuffed chair, watching videos on the enormous TV. The videos featured some of Mr. Thompson's models - doing all sorts of things. Jeff said, "She gets a bonus for swallowing some of it."
Makenzie was now wearing a short, lacy, sheer, pink nightie, with matching panties. Mr. Thompson asked her if she had fun playing games upstairs.
"Yes. It was fun. Jeff is real nice. We ..."
Mr. Thompson held up his had for her to be quiet. "Makenzie, you can tell Ms. Laura things - anything, really - but you mustn't tell men what another man does. It's OK to talk about what the boys do, but not about what a man does. OK?"
"Oh, like because it's private. I don't tell Mommy anything, but Ms. Laura says I can tell her anything I want to talk about, even about feelings, and what another girl tastes like, and private things like that." Then she noticed what was playing on the big TV. "Gee. Who is that? She's pretty. Is she going to... umm... you know... with those two boys?"
Mr. Thompson said, "Yes, she was almost nine when she made this video. It's her first video with boys who had 'little accidents' with her."
"Ms. Laura says the boys get so excited that they can't help it."
The men laughed, and then Makenzie laughed, too.
"Would you like to watch one of Jackie's videos?" Leo asked. He noticed that Makenzie was mesmerized by the video, so he added, "after we watch the boys have accidents with Jenna."
She didn't answer except for a nod. She sat next to Jeff on the couch to watch the video. Jeff had fixed himself another drink which looked much darker than his first one. Makenzie nestled in close to him, and he put his arm around her. "That is a big TV." She said.
"Would you like to come over sometimes to watch movies with me? Maybe order a pizza?"
Without taking her eyes off the screen, she replied, "Yes. Gee. That would be fun."
Mr. Thompson said, "Sometimes Jeff has one or two models come over here for a few hours - for dinner and movies, and then a few games. But you don't have to swallow."
"That would be fun." Makenzie said. "Can we turn it up?"
Leo had muted the program when they heard Jeff and Makenzie coming down the stairs. He turned up the volume. Jenna was moaning with each stroke of the 'accident.'
"You can tell she likes it, can't you?" Makenzie asked.
"How can you tell?" Leo asked with a smile.
She said, "Just listen to her, and you can see on her face, and the way she is moving... like moving her hips around when he pushes it in. She likes 'accidents.' I didn't know if he put enough lubricant in her bottom. I guess he did, and he put some on his thing, but then he had an accident right away, like before he even put it in her bottom."
Jeff was affectionately rubbing Makenzie's back and legs while she talked with Leo.
Leo said, "Do you like watching the other girls do things?"
"You'll love the slumber party. Don't tell your Mommy, but sometimes some of us sponsors stop by to bring pizza and more pop. And sometimes we stay for a little while to play games. Do you think that would be fun?"
"Yes, gee. And I like playing with other girls, too. Do they ever play card games or ping-pong, or do hula hoops? Those things are fun, too."
Leo laughed. "Yes, those things, too, and lots of dress up games, and role playing, like if one of you gets to be a boy. Ms. Laura even has a strap-on."
Jeff said, "A 'strap-on' is a special belt a girl wears with a small, rubbery penis attached to it - like on the front of panties - which the girl can use to press it in another girl's bottom or pussy. Does that sound like fun?"
Mr. Thomas said, "I have one in my brief case, if you'd like to try one on, just to see what it looks like. Want to model it for us?"
Makenzie could tell by the way he said it, that he did want to watch her try it on. And she was curious about such a thing - have never heard of one before. "Yes, I'll model it for you."
Mr. Thomas pulled his big brief case up on his lap and got it out, with Makenzie now standing beside his chair, looking at the strange things inside it. He smiled. "Some toys to show you tonight. These are little suction cups for your nipples. It makes them stand out - inviting people to touch them."
"Gee." She was curious about the suction cups, but then she spied the strap-on.
Take off your panties, Makenzie, and slip these on. I'll adjust them for you. The original was for a much bigger girl, over eighteen, and also the original penis was much bigger than a boys, but we had some alterations done, and fitted it out with a four inch penis, and narrow waist."
She stepped into the leather panties which were open in the back so there was just a belt and leg straps visible from behind. Mr. Thompson tightened it and fastened the buckle. "There. Now you're a young man!"
Makenzie was looking down at it, lifting the front of her nightie to see it better. Then Leo told her to wiggle her hips back and forth. That made the penis swing back and forth, too, which made Makenzie laugh.
"I watched the boys do this, like when they wiggled them in front of our faces, or if we tried to catch them without using our hands." She kept swinging her hips.
Leo said, "Stroke it. Pretend you're a boy and slide your hand up and down on it. That's it. Put your hips forward to make it stick up more."
They watched her. "You've got that down pretty good, Makenzie. Just like a real boy. Would you like to wear one with another girl and get it all lubricated and then push it in her pussy or ass while she is on her hands and knees, or some other position. It would be a cute video."
"Gee, that would be fun. I don't know if I would want one of these for real, like always sticking up like this. My clothes wouldn't fit right."
Leo laughed. Well, it doesn't stick up all the time. Only... well, Makenzie, when does a man's cock get real stiff?"
"Ms. Laura says, it's when he is excited and wants to cum. It's the same with when our pussies get wet."
"Ms. Laura is right." Said Jeff. "And you made mine stick up, didn't you?"
"Yes, it got stiff when I rubbed it, and like when I tickled your balls. You liked that, too."
Leo said, "We all got excited in the restaurant, Makenzie. You gave each of us men a hard-on. That means an erection. We had to adjust our clothes before we could stand up in public. It was hard not to get an erection watching you and Jackie look at each other. You were excited, but only your panties got wet, and nobody could see that."
"Oh. Girls are lucky that way." Makenzie said. "Ms. Laura says girls are lucky for lots of reasons, but also because we can cum lots of times in one day."
"Or one night!" Jeff laughed.
Leo said, "Would you like to wear the strap-on and fuck your new friend, Jackie? I know she would like it."
"And it would make a great video, Makenzie." Mr. Thomas said. "And then she could wear it and put it in you."
"It kind of feels like a real one. You can bend it a little bit, and like the tip is a little bit bigger than the long part of it."
Mr. Thompson held out a jar of greasy lubricant. "Go ahead and get it lubricated, and then try to lubricate your own bottom and we'll see if it slides in."
For the next few minutes the three men enjoyed watching Makenzie - wearing only the short, sheer nightie top, lubricate and stroke her rubber penis, and then put some in her own bottom. She got lubricant on her nightie, so Leo told her to take it off. "Take off the strap-on, too." He said, as he unbuckled the buckle in back.
Mr. Thompson handed her a small towel. "Wipe off your hands and stand in front of me and bend over. Pull your bottom open with both hands. I'll put my finger in first to make sure you are slippery enough. Then I'll push the rubber cock in you."
He fingered her several times. Then pushed the rubber cock in her ass.
"Does that feel as good as a real one, Makenzie?"
"Yes." Then she said, "Well, like a real one, you feel the boy's hands on you, and you hear him moving."
"She is a very observant, little girl, Leo. Maybe I'll use her to help train a new boy. You know, get him lubricated, and then use a strap-on on him before he puts his cock in her. That's always a good training video."
"Great idea." Said Leo. "maybe help dress the boy in a pretty nightie and while Jackie or Alice uses the strap-on on him, Makenzie could suck on him so he gets used to cumming with a rubber cock in his bottom."
"Or maybe have Jackie with a strap-on in his bottom and his cock in Makenzie's bottom. That would be fun, too, wouldn't it, Makenzie?"
"Gee. I guess so. Unngh. This feels good, Mr. Thompson. Slow like you're doing it."
Mr. Thomas said, "I'm glad you like it. I'll bring some toys upstairs with us. But you do want to undress Jackie and touch her all over, don't you?"
Jeff said, "You'll have fun, Honey, whatever they want you to do. You are a very sexy, little girl. Would you like to watch part of Jackie's video before you go upstairs again?"
"Yes, that would be neat. Unnnngh."
"Put in Jackie's video, and find the clip of her with three boys first. Then one of the clips of her with another girl. She really likes other girls. She's almost six months older than you, and I bet she's tasted twenty or thirty other little girls."
"Gee. She's lucky."
"Get on your hands and knees. I'll keep putting my finger or this rubber cock in your bottom while you watch the TV."
The naked nine year old got on her hands and knees in front of Mr. Thompson's chair. She watched the TV while Mr. Thompson kept stimulating her bottom. Then, while they watched Jackie undress another girl, Mr. Thompson got out a little buzzer. He said, "Watch her take one in her bottom while she is sucking on another cock. Does this feel good, Makenzie?"
"Unnnn, yes. Real good. Ohhh."
A minute later, Makenzie came while watching the two boys cum in Jackie's mouth at the same time. Makenzie was the only person watching the TV. The men were watching her - seeing her spasms on Mr. Thompson's finger.
They took her back to the couch to cuddle with Jeff under a blanket for a little while to rest.
Ten minutes later she sat up. "I know them." She said, pointing to the big TV. "That's Lilya and Piona. I used to model with them. Where are they?"
Mr. Thompson said, "They were putting on a live show for a group of my friends. Tell me what they are doing with those men watching."
"They are kissing and touching each other, and now they are undressing each other. Oh, they are still touching each other. Now Piona is licking Lilya between her legs, and it looks like Lilya likes it. Gee, like how many men are watching them? Are they on like a stage or something, where the couch is?"
"The couch is on a low stage. It's kind of fun, because the girls don't know who they will be acting with on the stage - or even if it's a boy or a girl. Usually it's two girls, but not always. And sometimes they have toys to play with once they undress each other and do lots of licking, kissing, and fingering. Would you like to try it sometime, Makenzie? The girls who have put on shows say it's lots of fun."
"Well, umm, like how many men would be watching?"
"That varies, too." Said Mr. Thompson. "Sometimes only ten, but I've had as many as thirty men gathered around. And after the show, if you want, you could go in a private room with a man and help him cum. Then you get a bonus for each man."
"Do you have to swallow it?"
"No, not with that many men. And what Lilya and Piona did, since some of the men didn't care if somebody else watched them, they would have a few men watching the girl help the man cum. And, well, sometimes the other men are rubbing their things, and then they squirt on the girl, too. Here, watch Piona."
Makenzie watched as her naked, former modeling friend, Piona, sucked on one man with three others standing around her stroking their cocks. Sometimes Piona would switch from one cock to another. When one of the men was ready to cum, she opened her mouth for him. She let it squirt into her mouth, and then let it dribble out of her mouth and down her chest. As she rubbed his cum around on her chest, the next man said he was ready. He shot most of his into her hair even though she kept her mouth open. The last two men came at the same time, shooting towards her open mouth - getting it all over her face, hair, chest, and some in her mouth. Piona smiled at the camera and swallowed some of it."
"She got a nice prize." Said Mr. Thompson, "Because she at least swallowed a little bit of it."
"Gee. What was the prize?"
"I think it was either a shopping trip with Ms. Ginny or Ms. Laura, or a new bicycle, or something else. I don't remember. But would you like to perform on a small stage sometime with another girl?"
"Umm, well, I was wondering if she got to see all of the mens' things or just some of them."
"The girls got to play with all of them."
"Gee, neat. I would try it. I mean, if you want me to."
Mr. Thompson laughed. "Yes, I want you to!"
The three men helped her get dressed again - in the dress she wore to the restaurant, but with fresh panties. Leo led her upstairs. He said, "I want to kiss you, and then undress you, and then kiss you all over your body - front and back. OK?"
"Yes. And, umm, well, will I get to touch you, too?"
Leo laughed. "Yes, if you want to."
"Good." Makenzie answered, remembering Ms. Laura's suggestion to act like she wanted to touch the men, too.
Leo said, "No rush, Makenzie, but once we're both naked, I want to roll around in a bed with you, and then oil up your thighs while you lie on your tummy with your legs together. Then I'll slide my cock between your thighs while we're lying on the bed.
Leo did take his time... not even touching her panties for twenty minutes - but touching and kissing her all over - reveling in the firmness of her skin - on her arms, tummy, legs, breasts, neck, face - everywhere. He kissed and rubbed her all over.
When he finally got to her panties - the only thing she was still wearing - they were soaked and her hips were moving.
He had undressed, too, while undressing Makenzie, and let her touch and suck on his cock and play with his balls. She was still fascinated with a man's balls and cock. She could tell that Leo's was too big to fit in her - front or back. It was bigger than Jeff's cock which really wasn't much bigger than Mr. Thompson's finger. Jeff was the oldest - by a good ten years - and Makenzie wondered if men's cocks got smaller as the man got older. But she remembered more of what Ms. Laura had taught her, and didn't ask.
Leo put a big towel on the bed and had Makenzie lie face down. Then her put lots of oil all over her thighs and pussy, before climbing over her. He was in push-up position over her body and promised not to squash her.
Makenzie was in full heat by then, and didn't even catch his joke. She could feel his cock sliding up and back between her thighs and bumping against her pussy. When he got her 'oiled up,' as he said, he also put extra oil into the opening of her vagina and fingered her - plunging it all the way in. She moaned with pleasure, and even said, "Ohhh, that feels so good, Leo."
He stood up and got a pillow. "Some girls like to play this game with a pillow under her hips. Want to try it?"
"Yes. OK."
With her ass raised, Leo pressed harder against the opening to her vagina. "Oh, that's too big, Leo. Don't...unnn.... no, it hurts."
But that's when Leo came - pressed hard against the opening, but not going in.
Leo rolled over to one side. "Ohh, I almost had an accident."
"It's OK. It didn't go in. It was just starting to hurt. Your thing is too big."
He said, "I have a spoon on the dresser. If I can spoon a little bit into your mouth, then you'll get the bonus points from me. And I need to wipe off your thigh and pussy before I get you dressed again. Lay on your back and open your legs. All my cum is pooled at the opening to your pussy."
"Your excitement is white and creamy, just like mine. It's all mixed together. I'll just give you one spoonful. OK?"
"I can try it, but sometimes I choke."
She didn't choke on the full teaspoon full of cum that Leo put in her mouth. "Good. You get a bonus point."
"What's a bonus point, Leo?"
"You get a point if you swallow some of a man's cum, or a boy's cum if you're making a video. When you get ten points, you get to go shopping and out for lunch with Ms. Laura."
"So I have a bonus point? Just for swallowing a little bit of your cum?"
"Yes. Actually, I think you would have several, except that first day - modeling with those boys - didn't count. So now you have two points. Try to squeeze your tummy muscles to see you can make any more of my cum ooze out. I wasn't in you, but I was pressing right against the opening to your vagina."
Leo said, "and here's a secret for you. Sometime, like if you're modeling with other girls and some boys, if you get a spoonful of boy cum from the other girl's pussy, and then swallow it, you'll get a point that way, too. So, like if a boy had an accident with Alice, or with Jackie, and then you spooned up some of his cum and swallowed it, they both you and the other model would get points."
"That sounds kind of yukky."
"But you've tasted other girl's excitement - licking her pussy, and you've tasted boys' cum, so it would just be like the two of them mixed together."
"Oh, I see. Well, I guess I could do that."
"And if a boy ever has an accident in you, go ahead and let the other girl spoon out some of his cum so she will get a point, too, and not just you."
"OK. I get it. So I just lie on my back and flex my tummy muscles?"
"Yep. That's all there is to it."
After they were dressed and going back down the stairs, Leo asked her if she liked kissing him.
"Yes. I liked everything we did. I liked kissing you, and it felt so good the way you kissed me on my... you know."
"When I licked your pussy?"
"Yes. That felt great."
"Good. We'll have to have another dinner date real soon."
After freshening her make-up, lipstick, and hair, Makenzie sat on the couch on Mr. Thompson's lap to watch another video. Two of the men were drinking scotch, but Mr. Thompson preferred gin. He offered Makenzie a sip after she said that his drink smelled the best. After a little sip, she grabbed her cola drink and took a big swig. "Ugh. How can you drink that?"
"It's an acquired taste, Makenzie. It's not naturally delicious like you. Maybe it's more like a man's cum. Are you starting to get used to that?"
"Yes. Kind of. But it tastes better than what you're drinking. That's called a martini? I've heard of them in movies."
"Yes, this is a martini. Extra dry. Want me to fix you one? I told your Mother you might have a drink with us. I'll give you ten dollars if you can take three sips of my martini."
Makenzie was momentarily by the video playing on the TV - watching a grown-up's hand fingering Dina's bottom after giving her a pussy spanking. The little paddle had been slapping Dina's bare pussy for a couple minutes - sometimes making her jump and try to close her legs. The man was naked and had a smaller cock - almost as small as a boys, but the man was real hairy. He was just getting Dina in position to put his cock in her bottom when she heard Mr. Thompson say, 'ten dollars.'
"Yes. Just take three full sips of my martini while we watch Dina and that man. We can't see his face, because we don't put grown-ups in our videos. We only show the faces of our models - boys or girls. He's going to put his cock all the way in her bottom, and then have 'an accident.' So, would you like to see if you could take three sips before we go upstairs?"
"Yes." She said - not paying much attention again, because she was riveted to the TV, watching the cock go in Dina's ass. "It's bigger than a boy's but she really likes it, doesn't she?"
"Yes. She likes mine, too. Front or back. Of course, her Mommy still thinks Dina is a virgin, and we're never going to tell her otherwise, are we Makenzie?"
"Here. Take a sip."
Makenzie took a big sip and swallowed quickly - followed by her cola chaser. "Oh, he's having an accident. Dina likes that, too."
"You're right, Makenzie. She loves it. She liked mine, too. I was blessed with a smaller-than-average size cock. Once a new model has started getting money from me and doing a good job, then... here, have another sip."
She took another big sip - as if it was pop - and then had another gulp of pop. Un-fazed by the second big sip, she said, "Oh, gee. He's still having accidents." They changed positions with the man sitting on a couch, leaning back, and Dina straddled his lap - slowly sitting down on his cock - taking it all in.
"She wants him to have an accident. She how she is aiming it so it goes in her pussy? She wants it to go in there."
"Yes, you're right again. Just a couple more sips." He gave Makenzie another big sip from his double-size martini glass.
That time, she didn't take a big sip of pop afterwards.
"Anyway, Makenzie, as I was saying, with all my new models, the ones who do such a great job, I like to have an accident with them. Kind of a privilege for being the boss. Here. One more big sip. That's a girl."
The man on the TV screen put Dina on her back with her feet up and began pounding it into her pussy. Suddenly he pulled it out and creamed all over her tummy.
Mr. Thompson said, "Dina was your age the first time she had an accident with me. It's become a tradition with our new models. Can you do one more big sip?"
"Is it three sips yet?" Her voice was almost giddy.
"One more will do it." Mr. Thompson said. "Then we can go upstairs and you can sit on my lap the way Dina sat on that man's lap. OK?"
She took another sip, but didn't answer. She looked at Leo and Jeffrey. "Wuz so funny?" She grinned.
Jeff said, "Did you like watching Dina?"
"Yez, she had the assidant. And she wun-ned to. Like on his... you know?"
"Are you ready to go upstairs with me, Makenzie?"
"Do you want to go upstairs and play with me?"
Mr. Thompson helped her walk up the stairs, after first helping her take off the high heels.
"Yer nize to me." She said on the third step. "I feel funny."
When they came back downstairs thirty minutes later, Mr. Thompson winked at his two friends.
Makenzie said, "It didn't hurt."
"And she gets a point for swallowing, too." Mr. Thompson said. "We'd better take you on home now. I think you're getting sleepy."
"Sleepy. An I won tell Mommy wha chew did. Iz are secret."
"I'll walk you in. You can take some aspirin and go on to bed."
"Mmm, sleepy."
"Would you like to put on a show sometime with one of the other girls, maybe Dina, or Alice, or Jackie, or Lilya?"
"Umm." She was nodding her head yes. "I feel funny."
Mr. Thomas put a brand new ten dollar bill in her little purse, and gave Makenzie's Mother a nice envelope. "Better wait until morning to wash her hair. It was only a little bit anyway."
He assured Makenzie's Mother that she had a good time, and that she had very good manners at the restaurant. Then they gave her some aspirin; helped her go potty and undress, and then into bed. Makenzie didn't say a word and fell right to sleep.
END of Part Two.
Next parts: The Slumber Party, The Wax Treatment, A Show with Dina, and Night Time Visitors. Please share any suggestions.
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