Showing Off For My Brother and His Friend, Part 1

[ Mf ]

by Corn53

Published: 29-Jan-2011

Word Count:

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Story Summary
Dear Reader, Thank you for enjoying a vicarious adventure with me. If you enjoyed the story, please send me a note. Also, please share any fantasies, memories, suggestions, etc. It's how I get material for new stories. And of course, there is no way for me to verify if something actually happened or if it is pure fantasy. I'm not seeking any themes that involve violence, although mild coercion may be OK, as the naive, curious, protagonist progresses through her adventure. I'm not advocating doing any of these things with minors, although role play with consenting adults could be fun. The reason that many of my fantasy stories involve younger characters is that they are so curious about their own, budding sexuality, and they are easily seduced with compliments or "stuff," that is promised to them. The character is led through little steps and soon gets into very compromising situations.

My big brother was in high school and I was in the seventh grade when I found a magazine under his mattress. I have always like snooping around and this was one of the treasures that further developed my sleuthing tendencies.

There were lots of pictures of naked girls in this magazine and for some reason, I could not put it down. Being a good detective though, I remembered the location, and which page it was on before I started reading - well, more like staring - from cover to cover. Some of the girls were very well endowed, which always made me jealous, and surprisingly some were hairless. I figured they probably shaved themselves since they were obviously older than me. Even though I was in the seventh grade, I still hardly had any 'boobies' which Jack sometimes teased me about, and I was just getting my first pubic hairs. You couldn't even see them without a real close look. I was starting to get some fuzz on my lower legs.

Also, I knew he liked to spy on me sometimes, because I would catch him walking past the bathroom again and again for no apparent reason whenever I took a bath. We always had to leave the bathroom door open a little bit in case anyone ever fell down in the tub like mom's aunt did years ago. We must have heard that story a hundred times - about how they had to take the hinges off the bathroom door so they could take her to the hospital to X-ray her hip. Anyway, I used to pose with my back to the door, standing in the tub, washing my chest or fanny, and looking at his reflection in the black, plastic hair brush handle. I watched him walk back and forth, looking at me.

That was when I began leaving the door open even wider. For some reason it gave me a sense of power and excitement when I knew he was spying on me. It made me feel so attractive. He was 17 and I was 12, almost 13.

Last week I was getting ready for a school dance. We were the only ones home. I figured out a way to face the door so he could see my front, but not know I was posing for him. I was pretending to dry my hair with a big towel over my head and covering my face. The music was playing on the radio in my bedroom, and I kept both doors wide open - just so I could hear the music, of course. I was singing along with the music, but really listening for his footsteps on the carpet in the dark hallway. (I had turned off the hall light on my way to the bathroom.) When I heard him come up the steps, I stood and faced the door, putting the big towel on my head, covering my face.

I was toweling my hair when his soft footsteps went past the door . . . and then back again. I think he stopped on the far side of the hall looking at me as I continued to towel off my hair.

He was watching. I knew it. What should I do now? Before I could come up with an idea, the music changed to a faster rock song, so I continued to fluff the towel and dry off my hair, singing, turning, and dancing as I let him watch me. Holding the towel over my head with my left hand, I pretended I was strumming a guitar with my right, like I did sometimes when we watched MTV together, while we were both supposed to be doing our homework.

Then and idea hit me while I was "strumming" my bellybutton. I began strumming lower and lower and began to strum my pussy lips as I danced my way out of the tub - towel still over my head, just acting silly. Besides enjoying the teasing I was doing, it also felt good, as my fingers pulled my bald lips way over to the side, pressing hard on my button hidden inside the stiffening lips. Twang, twang, twang with the sharp sound of the music. My lips snapped back in place.

Then I turned away and took off the towel, shaking my hair. The shiny brush handle was too foggy for me to tell if he was still watching or not.

Mom wouldn't be home for another half hour, so I thought of showing off in another way. What had come over me? I couldn't figure it out, but it was both exciting and naughty. ...

My room was directly across the hall from my brother's room, so when I went in with the towel around me I kept singing to the music like I usually did, but this time I forgot to close the door. My brother had gone into his room while I finished in the bathroom, but his door was also open - just a few inches - and his light was off.

I turned up the music as I continued to get ready for the party, but decided to get dressed in a different order tonight.

First I would do my hair and then get dressed. It didn't take too long to fix my hair since it was dry already. The light brown hair just barely covered my ears, so I sat backwards on the chair and just brushed it out. Jack always teased me in the summer when I sat backwards on one of the kitchen chairs to watch TV, resting my arms on the back. My hair was still too short to put my colored bands in, since school just started. I kept it short for the swim team. My tan was beginning to fade, but my fanny and chest still looked much paler than than my arms, legs, and shoulders. I was sitting sideways to the door and couldn't tell if he was watching or not, but I suspected he was.

The excitement of showing off was still getting to me, knowing my older brother was watching. The urge to touch myself between the legs got the best of me as I stood to put on my underwear. Instead of my panties, I decided to put on my new training bra first, dancing around trying to fasten it in the back. I was wearing only the tiny, white bra, with the little pink bow in front when another song came on with a strong bass guitar rhythm. Acting silly again, I began strumming the imaginary guitar but pretty soon I was fingering frets on my new bra and strumming my pussy again. It felt so good I almost forgot that my brother was only about six feet away.

A quick glance at the clock told me I had another fifteen minutes before Mom would be home. I was looking through my underwear drawer and thought I'd better try on several pairs while deciding - to prolong my teasing. My dirty panties were laying under the edge of my bed. I got on my hands and knees, keeping my knees apart, and with an exaggerated stretch, reached under to pull them out. This would give him a great view of my spread open fanny. Then, holding the dirty panties in front of me, facing the mirror on the inside of my closet door, I noticed that his door had opened a little wider. I sniffed my panties, made a face and tossed them onto the edge of my bed with a laugh, memorizing their exact location. I could check later to see if he picked them up after I left. I knew Mom wouldn't touch anything in my room, because she said she refused to pick up after me anymore. I tried on several pairs, touching myself through each pair, trying to dry off my still wet pussy. Each time I tossed a pair on the bed I made a mental note where they landed.

"Mom's drawer!" I said aloud, and skipped down the hall towards her room, wearing only my bra. I came back in with a pair of her flimsy "dress-up" panties and held them in front of me - turning around, then tried them on. Baggy, but the silkiness felt so sexy. I took them off again and put a safety pin through the band in the back to tighten them up about two inches. I put them back on - perfect! Just very baggy.

The time! I had to hurry and dress for the dance. Mom would be home any minute.

It was after eleven when I got home from the school dance. The dance was fun, but I kept thinking about teasing Jack some more. He was watching TV and asked me some questions about the dance. He surprised me with his interest. Jack usually just ignored me or treated me like I was bothering him.

Mom went on up to bed because she had to go in to work early on Saturday. "What would you like to watch tonight, Sue?"

I almost fell over from shock. Why was he treating me nice? The power was going to my head.

"Anything is OK." and I laid on the floor on my stomach in front of the TV. The short dress would certainly expose my panties, especially with my knees apart and my feet up in the air - weaving back and forth in my customary pose.

Jack was quiet, not changing channels nearly as fast as usual. I knew he was enjoying sitting right behind me in the middle of the couch.

I sat up and turned around sitting cross-legged, facing him. "Want to play Checkers, Jack? I bet I could beat you tonight. I'm too excited to go to bed right now, even though I'm really sleepy."

My short skirt had ridden up to my hips sitting that way, so my panties were almost completely exposed - Mom's panties, that is - the ones you could see through - or around, depending how they were bunched up. As I looked at him and then towards the cupboard where we keep the games, I caught him looking right at my panties. He looked away as I looked up towards him.

He smiled and said, "You haven't got a chance." and got up to get the game.

As he walked over I quickly checked out the view he would be getting if he sat on the floor in front of me. Perfect. A clear shot of my panties. I twisted towards the right just a few inches, as if to make room for the game box, thus twisting the panties on me to the side, exposing my left lip. I seemed to be glistening for some reason, as if I had just taken off my swim suit.

Jack came back and sat down across from me, right where I thought he would. I kept looking at the game box and began setting up the pieces, pretending nothing was wrong, and I knew he was looking at me.

"What should we bet, Sue?" he asked. We usually bet something silly -like a five minute back rub or doing one of the other's chores.

"I feel lucky tonight. Let's say a ten minute back rub, Jack."

"OK. Two out of three. You can go first this time." giving me the advantage. I beat him easily, making me wonder if he was trying to lose. Then it hit me - HE WANTS TO RUB MY BACK!

"You'd better go take that dress off before it gets all dirty on the floor. Why don't you just get ready for bed? You beat me, so I guess I'll have to rub your back."

I usually just wear a big T-shirt to bed over my panties, but maybe tonight . . .

As I got up to go get ready, he stood up, too, and said, "I'll go get ready myself. Meet you back down here in about ten minutes. Do you want one of my T-shirts? Be quiet so we don't wake Mom."

"OK, just bring one of your shirts over and I'll wear it tonight. Thanks, Jack. I'd been hoping you would let me wear one of your soccer shirts or something."

As I was trying to unfasten the dress in back, he just walked right into my room with one of his old athletic shirts in his hand. It looked like some kind of a basketball shirt, the kind without sleeves.

I thanked him as I took it and threw it on the bed. "Can you help me unfasten this?" almost whispering.

I didn't really need any help, but he seemed glad to help me. Then I even asked him to unsnap my bra. Instead of leaving, he just stood there as if he hoped I would get completely undressed right in front of him. I wasn't ready to give up my modesty just yet, but I did take off the dress and bra and let them fall to the floor. I turned to face him with my hands over my half-an-egg size titties. "You'd better let me finish getting ready for bed so I can come down and bet my back massage. And I'm going to look at the clock in the kitchen tonight. No cheating. I want the full ten minutes, Jack, because I beat you twice."

He was looking at my hands and chided me. "You don't have anything to hide, Sue." and he laughed quietly.

I put my hands down, like I was brushing them off, and said, "I guess you're right, but still I want you to leave while I get the rest of the way ready for bed. Go get ready yourself." and I kind of pushed him out the door playfully.

After he left I looked at my tiny breasts. The pink nipples were stiff with the little bump in the middle sticking out, like they did on cold days at the pool.

After closing the door all the way this time, I took off Mom's panties, noticing the wetness, and put on the basketball shirt. It barely covered my pussy and fanny if I held my ams up, so I put the panties back on. The narrow shoulder straps were baggy enough to expose my titties, depending how I was sitting. I fiddled around in my room for awhile, not sure where my game was heading. I checked out the panties laying on my bed. They had all been moved! Now I knew he had been watching me get ready for the dance. It excited me all over again.

After a firm decision to "act innocent" I felt like I was still in control and that he wouldn't know I was trying to show off my growing, changing body on purpose.

I came back down a few minutes later to find Jack sitting in the middle of the couch with the controller in his right hand. He was wearing short sweat pants and a T-shirt.

"Since I have to rub your back, I get to decide what to watch. Lay down across my lap, Sue."

If I lay down across his lap he will see that I'm wearing Mom's panties. They are so baggy that my fanny will probably peek out from under them. What should I do? He seemed to sense my hesitation and said, "Well, make up your mind. Do you want a back rub or not?"

So, without further thinking I laid down across his lap and he put his right hand on my back, outside the shirt. I knew as I laid down that he could probably see most of my bare fanny since my knees and shoulders had sunk so far into the couch. I forgot about bending over his legs, but I couldn't change my mind now, or he would know I was conscious of my near nakedness. I nonchalantly pulled down the shirt to cover my raised buns and then crossed my hands under my head which completely exposed them again. But, at least I had tried to cover myself so I could pretend that I didn't even know he could see my pale fanny, which was just a foot from his face.

To preserve my innocence even farther, I said, "I'm so sleepy, Jack. If I fall asleep wake me up before you go to bed. OK?"

"You'll wake up when I dump you on the floor, Sis." and he laughed. I was glad he called me 'Sis.' He never called me that if he was mad at me.

I made one final wiggle to get "more comfortable" across his lap, scooting down, which hiked up my shirt. I also parted my legs a few inches. "OK." I said, " Start rubbing my back." and I just looked towards the TV.

He didn't say anything and kept both hands on my back, rubbing upwards most of the time, pulling my shirt a little higher. I closed my eyes and yawned. "It feels good, Jack." and yawned again.

He rubbed for about ten minutes and I was getting really sleepy. Jack usually wasn't so gentle. Occasionally he stroked one of his hands down the backs of my knees, but not touching my fanny.

My eyes had been closed for at least ten minutes and I was breathing deeply. His right hand began stroking from the the middle of my back down past my knees in long, gentle caresses. I turned my head sleepily towards the couch, opened my knees a little bit farther and pretended to be asleep.

His left hand rubbed my shoulders, neck and upper arms, sometimes even rubbing my armpits. He absently pulled the invisible light hairs which were beginning to form - not so it hurt - but almost sensuously. Someday I'll have to shave my armpits like Mom does.

As he continued to stroke and massage my back and sides, his right hand also massaged my fanny and thighs. When he brought his hand up my leg from the inside of my left knee he came closer and closer to my pussy. The first touch was so soft I wasn't even sure he touched it, but on the third stroke his index finger played across my closed lips from right to left. He began gently tugging my left leg towards the couch on his downstrokes so that pretty soon my legs were spread much wider, opening my pussy lips for his upward return caresses.

He used both hands to take the safety pin out of the back of the panties so they were really loose. His hands easily slid completely under them as he pulled my buns apart and bent down for a closer look at my fanny.

Later, while his right hand was massaging my legs, fanny, and the outside of my pussy, his left hand began massaging farther around on my armpit, eventually reaching my stretched flat breasts. It felt great.

His forefinger began to slide up through the wet slit. For some reason this scared me, so I rolled back towards the TV and yawned again, like I was waking up.

Then I lifted my head and propped up my shoulders with my arms. Looking at the TV, I asked, "What time is it? I must have fallen asleep. I'd better go on up to bed."

I sat back on the couch with my right leg on the floor and my left foot tucked tightly against my bottom, with both arms wrapped around my bent knee, looking at the TV. This gave him a great view before I went on up to bed. "Thanks for rubbing my back so long, Jack. That felt great. Good night." and I got up to head for bed.

When I stood up Mom's panties fell down my legs and I started laughing. I just stepped out of them and said, "I'd better hide these until I have a chance to wash them and put them back in Mom's drawer."

"Why did you wear them, Sue. She would be upset if she caught you."

"They made me feel so sexy at the dance. Can you hide them for me? I'll get them tomorrow and wash them while she's at work." I stretched with hands over my head. This lifted the basketball shirt high enough to give him view of my totally bare pussy.

"OK, Sis, I'll hide them. Good night. I'll tuck you later." and he patted my fanny as I headed up to bed.

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jes wonderin

wouldn't Jack be sporting some major wood with her on his lap? Sue would have noticed and had more to comment about. Be cool to hear his version of that night. Sidenote; I like your stand on nature of stories. To each their own but love not violence.


Lovely story!!

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