Published: 28-Jan-2011
Word Count:
"Why sure, you may sit here, Sir." Marie Clair said to the kind-looking, middle aged gentleman. She was glad to have a "gentleman" sit next to her on the train, considering there was some "riff-raff" getting on behind him. She sure wouldn't want to sit next to one of them. Her aunt had warned her about some of the people who might be on the commuter train.
"My name is Marie Clair, and I'm on my way to Saint Catherine's School for Girls in town. I've never been to the city before." she said, introducing herself.
The man looked her up and down, making her blush, and said, "It's my pleasure, Marie Clair. My name is Dr. Hardman. I'm an instructor at Saint Catherine's. What a small world."
"Well this is my lucky day and tomorrow will be even luckier!" she said cryptically.
"Why is that, my dear?"
"I'm going to be fourteen! It's my birthday tomorrow."
"My, my. I would never have guessed. You look much younger." He said, "Wouldn't it be strange if you were the student housekeeper we've been expecting? Maybe I should call Mrs. Hardman to see what to do. She could even ask the headmistress to assign you to us. Then you wouldn't have to take the bus on in to campus, and risk getting lost in the city. You could ride home in the car with me and settle in a day early."
"Oh, I wouldn't want to inconvenience you Dr. Hardman." then she added, "But I have been worried about getting on the wrong bus."
"Yes, I'm sure your mother warned you about getting on the wrong bus, didn't she?"
"No, I lived on a farm with my Aunt and Uncle, because my parents are deceased. But, yes, my Aunt warned me about lots of things. She made the city sound like such a scary place." Marie Clair replied, looking down at the floor. He feet did not touch the floor of the train car, and she was nervously swinging her feet apart and together.
"Oh, I'm sorry to hear about your parents." commented Dr. Hardman, and patted her on the knee. "You are very fortunate to have your Aunt and Uncle." "Yes, I suppose," still not looking up, "Auntie was usually nice, but Uncle John was also my teacher, and sometimes he was pretty strict."
"What do you mean - 'strict?'"
"Well, sometimes when I didn't learn things fast enough he would spank me."
"Sometimes little girls need spankings, though. Don't they?" he asked her and patted her knee again. "I'm sure if he spanked you too hard your Auntie would have said something."
"Hmm, now that you mention it, he usually spanked me when she was gone. But a few times when she was home, she would come into the study and watch me getting spanked. Once she even said she should spank me more when he was done... to help me learn my manners and to show some gratitude." continuing, "And another thing, Uncle John never pulled my panties down when Auntie was home. He said I would learn my lessons better without all that padding."
"Now, now, Marie Clair." patting above her knee, "Whatever they did must have really worked because you are so sweet and polite. I'm sure Mrs. Hardman and I will be able to use you as our housegirl, just because you have such good manners."
"I wasn't sure what kind of a job Auntie had arranged for me, but this would be great."
"Of course, we may need to paddle you occasionally, but only for your own good. You want to continue to be a good little girl, don't you?" patting a little harder on the inside of her knee.
"Auntie said I should follow directions without asking so many questions." finally smiling at herself. "I bet I do such a perfect job that you won't ever have to spank me, Dr. Hardman."
Marie Clair's plaid, school skirt reached to just below her knees. Her black, patent leather shoes and white knee socks completed her uniform. The collar on her starched, plain white shirt had ruffles that almost touched her chin. The plaid tie and v-neck sweater matched her skirt, with matching plaid ribbons on her pig tails on the sides of her head. Her sandy-red hair didn't clash with the red plaid. No make up adorned her pretty face with turned up nose and full lips. Even with all those modest clothes Marie was obviously slender.
"Now, let me guess, Marie Clair, you must weigh about 110 pounds." Asked Dr. Hardman.
"No, Sir. More like 95, even with all these clothes on." almost laughing.
"I don't feel afraid anymore." and further explaining her laughter. "I was really worried about getting my suitcase and finding the right bus." They were pulling into the station.
"Just come with me Marie Clair. I'll call my wife from the car and have her get your room ready. We'll make you feel right at home. She might even have a maid's uniform to fit you."
Marie Clair wasn't sure about a uniform. She had been taught to remain modestly covered at all times - from her chin to her toes. She had been hoping for some reason to wear "regular" clothes like girls her age did on television, which she was rarely allowed to watch.
"Um, Dr. Hardman, do you have a television set? I almost never get to watch it at home." Marie Clair ventured, hoping for a positive answer.
"That's a privilege you will have to earn, Dear. But I'm sure you will do a good job." walking to the car. He was carrying her small suitcase. "You seem to be travelling light. For someone planning to be away at school for four years."
"Well, Auntie said I'll have to do my laundry almost every day. She said if I earn some money I'll be able to pick out my own new clothes." and looking around at all the people and confusion, added, "I'm sure glad I met you so I don't have to try to find that bus!"
In the car he phoned his wife. Marie Clair only heard half of the conversation. Her feet did not touch the floor in the car which made the dress ride up exposing her knees between the stockings and skirt.
"Hello. This is Dr. Hardman. Is Mrs. Hardman near the phone?" pause.
"Hello, Darling. I've run into one of the Saint Catherine's School for Girls students on the train and I'm bringing her home with me. She weighs 95 pounds and will be needing a maid's uniform. We should be there in about 45 minutes." pause.
"She's about Susie's size. Remember her?"
"Oh, yes, Dear. Good idea. I'm sure she'll be wanting a bath. Go ahead and get everything ready." longer pause
"No, I'm sure she'll be very obedient. She's a darling little girl. Be sure to put in a new tape. I'm not sure about shaving supplies, so check on it." with his hand on her knee, patting each time he mentioned what a good girls she was. Marie Clair could not help but overhear and had several questions, but she didn't want to interrupt.
"Her aunt and uncle had to spank her when necessary, so we may need to find the canes and things, but I don't think we'll need them." and he winked at her.
"What?" pause, "I'll ask her?"
Looking directly at her, he asked, "How many panties and bras do you have?"
Blushing, looking down, "Um, I think six panties."
Back into the phone, "She'll be needing some panties."
Looking at Marie Clair again, "How many bras do you have?"
"I don't have one. Auntie says I don't need one." then brightening she added, "But I wish I had one so I could be like the other girls."
Patting her bare knee, he said to Marie Clair, "Don't worry, we'll get you several pretty, little bras, Dear. I hope you'll like them."
"Oh, I'm sure I will. I never put one on before."
"We'll help you, Dear, don't worry about a thing. You're going to be so pretty. What size do you need?" Looking at her chest, "It's hard to guess through all those clothes."
Blushing again, but looking at Dr. Hardman, "I don't know. They're very little. How do you tell what size they are?"
"Take your sweater off and I'll be able to tell. Then when we get to the house, Mrs. Hardman will measure you for sure after she helps you with your bath."
Uncertainty showing in her face, Marie Clair began taking off her sweater. "Why do I need to take off my sweater, Dr. Hardman?"
More firmly, "You will need to learn to follow directions, young lady, without asking so many questions. You want to live with us for your full scholarship, don't you. We'll provide room and board and in exchange you will help our housekeeper, serve meals, and so forth. You will need to follow whatever directions we give you. Not only Mrs. Hardman and myself, but also some of our distinguished guests. Do you understand?"
"Yes, Sir." pulling off her sweater, flipping her pig tails back and forth, "I'll do whatever you ask and I'll try not to ask so many questions. Sorry."
"Good girl. Now unbutton your blouse." seeing her hesitate, "All the way. Hurry up, I'm on the phone. Mrs. Hardman needs to know this so she can get out the correct sizes. Choosing a bra is more difficult that you may realize, Young Lady."
"Yes Sir. See, I'm following your directions." looking a little worried and unbuttoning as fast as she can. "There - all unbuttoned." She said with a sigh of relief.
"Oh, you have a T-shirt on, too. Lift it up so I can see what size bra you will need."
"Yes sir." She untucked her T-shirt,bunching it in her fingers, and lifted it all the way up to her chin. "I'm looking forward to getting my first bra, Dr. Hardman."
Into the phone again, "Well, she looks like almost a "B" cup already, even though it's her first one. I'll check the firmness." With that he reached his right hand to Marie Clair's breasts and began a few minutes of "firmness checking." Occasionally taking his eyes off the traffic, Dr. Hardman determined that they were indeed very firm, pointing straight out, with no crease underneath. "Darling, yes, she's a "B" cup and has very firm and pointy breasts. With small pink nipples by the way." pause "Yes, Dear, I'm sure you will. They are about 60 durometer, and about 110 at the tip. Extreemely high British Thermal Unit possibilities. Did I tell you it's Marie Clair's birthday tomorrow? Yes, yes. You could take her shopping. We can have a cake tomorrow evening. Perhaps our guests could bring presents and help with the spanking. Call and tell them. Bye, Dear." and he clicked off his cell phone.
With her blouse now back in place, Marie Clair was glad she had proved she could follow directions without asking so many questions. She also wondered why her breasts felt so tingly. Had she been alone, she may have continued to test her own "firmness" for awhile longer. She wondered about the birthday shopping and other guests spanking her. "I didn't know getting a bra would be so complicated, Dr. Hardman. Thank you for your help."
"There is more to it than you think, especially since you will be fitted with a special uniform."
They drove the next half hour in almost complete silence, each lost in their own thoughts.
The long driveway led to a Victorian house with a spacious lawn. Marie Clair was excited to see such a grand house. Many questions rattled in her mind, but she resolved to keep them to herself and just follow directions until she got to know the Hardmans better.
As if reading her mind, Dr. Hardman said, "Welcome to your new home, Marie Clair. I'm sure you will enjoy your stay here. Just remember to do whatever we tell you, even if it may seem silly or embarrassing at the moment. OK?" patting her knee again, a little higher.
"Yes Sir. I'm sure glad I met you on the train."
Dr. Hardman carried her suitcase into the foyer and introduced his wife and their maid, Inga. Marie Clair had difficulty not staring at Inga's maid uniform. The short, black ruffled skirt barely covered her lacy white panties which showed when she curtsied or moved. Black mesh stockings covered her long, slender legs, and you could see the black garter straps fastened to the tops. Marie Clair guessed Inga's age at about 21. The white apron only covered the front of her very-short skirt and reached up to her low cut sheer blouse.
Marie Clair also noticed that the top half of Inga's breasts were exposed, almost like they were resting on a stiff corset platter. Not that they were large - "about orange size," thought Marie Clair, but the way they were presented made them appear larger.
Everyone noticed Marie Clair's stare. Inga was also checking out "Little Marie" as she later called her. The adults stopped talking and watched the girls' mutual staring.
"Inga! Take Marie Clair's suitcase on up to her room now and then start the bath, while we show her around her new home." directed Mrs. Hardman.
"Yes, Mum. Right away." before turning, she bowed deeply to Marie Clair, offering a clearer view of her breasts to the the shorter girl. "And pleased to meet you Miss Marie."
Then Inga turned and bent farther than was necessary to pick up the small suitcase, offering another, better view of her sheer, lacy panties to Little Maire. She picked up the suitcase and headed up the stairs. Marie Calire watched her ascend.
"Marie Clair? Marie Clair! Look here. We need to get your picture."
After several snapshots of Marie Clair, Mrs. Hardman said, "Come with me now and I'll show you around."
Then to her husband, "Douglas, I had Inga lay out her things and will give her a bath before dinner. And just in case of further day dreaming, I also got out the canes and paddles as you requested."
"Oh, I'm sorry, Mrs. Hardman, I was just thinking of Inga's outfit. I've never seen anything like it before." apologizing.
"Your uniform will be different, Dear." She led Marie Clair on a tour of the first floor, explaining some of her new duties as they went. When they went into the living room, Marie Clair picked up the remote control for the TV and clicked it on.
"Young lady! Who said you could do that? You must ask first. You are a servant here. Since you're so new I'll only give you five hand spanks. Now turn around and bend over." commanded Mrs. Hardman.
Turning off the TV and turning around as ordered, Marie Clair said, "I'm sorry. I didn't know the rules. Please don't spank me."
"Pull down your panties and be quick. That's three more for insubordination. But since it's your first day, I'll spank lightly."
"Yes Mam." not wanting to offend the hostess further. She pulled her cotton panties down to her knees, keeping her feet far enough so that they wouldn't fall to the floor, as she bent over.
"Come over to the couch, Marie Clair. I'm going to sit down and I want you to..." taking Marie Clair's hand, standing her up and walking her to the couch. Marie shuffled, trying to keep her panties from slipping down over her knee socks. It didn't work.
"Why Marie Clair! Your panties are touching the floor. Just take them off and give them here." Marie Clair stooped and picked them up. Turning, she handed them to the now seated Mrs. Hardman.
"Turn around. Lift your skirt."
"Yes, Mam."
"Put your feet farther apart. Bend over farther. Back up until your legs touch the edge of the couch. Put your feet farther apart. Hold on to your ankles."
Marie Clair was obediently holding that position, waiting, waiting. Thinking, "When is it going to start?"
"Good. Just try to bend a little farther."
Her skirt flopped over her back so her entire bare bottom was exposed. "I want you to count these Marie Clair, and say 'Thank You, Mam' after each spank. Do you understand?"
Quietly, "Yes, Mam."
Another pause. Marie Clair holding her ankles, waiting.
Smack. "One. Thank you, Mam."
SMACK! much harder. "Ouch." and standing up, rubbing her bottom. "Two, thank you, Mam."
"I didn't say you could stand up. I didn't say you could rub your bottom." and continuing in a level, patient tone, "So that's two more. Do I need to get Dr. Hardman or Inga to hold you?"
"No! I'm sorry. I'll do better." And with a flip of her dress she bent all the way over again, her legs touching the couch on either side of Mrs. Hardman's legs.
Instead of another smack on her bottom, the next thing she felt was Mr.s Hardman's fingernails tracing little circles on her fanny and down her thighs. Then SMACK! SMACK!
Maintaining some composure, eager to please, Marie Clair said, "Three. Four. Thank you, Mam."
"That's better, Dear."
SMACK! "Five. Thank you, Mam." Thinking it wasn't so bad after all. Hearing footsteps coming into the room, Marie Clair stood up again. Turning she saw both Dr. Hardman and Inga enter the room. Marie Clair turned a bright red and looked down in embarrassment.
"What's the trouble, Dear?" Dr. Hardman said to his wife.
"Marie Clair can't seem to follow simple directions. We'd better start her off on the right foot." Mrs. Hardman to the others. "What should we do?" "This is her first day here. Perhaps Inga should demonstrate obedience." stated Dr. Hardman.
"Marie Clair, watch Inga demonstrate the proper way to get a spanking." agreed Mrs. Hardman.
With Marie Clair watching intently, Dr. Hardman sat down in a stuffed chair. Without raising his voice, "Come here for a spanking, Inga."
Inga walked to the chair, lowered her sheer panties to her ankles and stepping out of them, bent over with legs apart. Backing up until her legs touched the chair. She bent down to grasp her ankles and said, "Ready, Sir"
"Very good, Inga." He gave her several pats and before she could count them he said, "Good job, Inga. You may put your panties back on now."
"Thank you, Sir." she said with a curtsy and picked up her panties.
Dr. Hardman rose and he and Inga walked over to the couch. Dr. Hardman sat down beside his wife and Inga walked around behind the couch which was sideways in the large room.
"Marie Clair, bend over again and I'll make this quick. Is her bath ready yet, Inga?"
While Marie Clair, flipped her skirt up and bent over again - legs apart and straight - grabbing her ankles, Inga answered. "It will be ready in a few minutes, Mam. Shall I go check on it?"
"In a moment. I want you to watch Little Marie's next few spanks."
Marie Clair could have put her palms on the floor, thinking, "I'll show them how obedient I can be!"
No spanks. waiting... then Dr. Hardman said, "Legs a little farther apart."
"She is getting much better already, isn't she?" inquired Mrs. Hardman. Both were patting and tickling her bottom and thighs. Then with a firm pat, not quite a spank, she said, "OK, Little Marie, let's just go on up and take your bath now. You girls run on up. Inga, help her undress. We'll be up in a few minutes."
"Yes, Mum." Inga said with a grin. She seemed to skip out of the room.
It was the largest bathroom Marie Clair had ever seen. Ruffled white curtains,several furry, white area rugs, and a big tub, almost full of scented bubbles. Marie Clair had never had help undressing before, but thought she'd better cooperate. Besides, she was fascinated by Inga. Marie Clair timidly asked several questions while they were still alone, but all she got for answers were several cryptic, "You'll see's" for answers.
When she was completely undressed, covering herself with crossed arms, she started to step into the tub which stuck out into the middle of the room. Inga prevented her from getting in with a gentle restraint on her arm.
"You're so pretty." Inga whispered into her ear. "You'll like it here."
"Thank you." Marie Clair said out loud.
"Shhh!" still whispering.
Mrs. Hardman entered and closed the door. "Inga. Five spanks. Now!"
"Yes, Mum." Inga replied as she quickly removed her panties and presented her bare bottom to Mrs. Hardman who was now sitting on the wooden stool dear the dressing table. Inga bent all the way over. From this view Marie Clair could see that she had no public hair.
Although she was surprised by this observation, Marie Clair decided not to say anything.
While spanking Inga, Mrs. Hardman explained to Marie Clair, "She wasn't supposed to be talking to you yet."
Coming to Inga's defense Marie Clair said, "She didn't talk to me, even though I kept asking her questions. I was the only one talking because I didn't know we weren't supposed to. So I should be getting the spankings, not Inga."
"My. That's commendable, Marie Clair, but we saw and heard you both talking on the security cameras. There are cameras all over the house - in every room. So don't try to fool me. Dr. Hardman is obsessed with security. He was in the military you know. Codes and spy things. He's also obsessed with germs and wants us girls to be very clean. But I know you meant no harm when you defended Inga."
Stopping after just three spanks on Inga's bare bottom, Mrs. Hardman said, "I think that's enough. Seems like you have a new friend, Inga. Why don't you undress and hop in with her? You can help me wash her."
"Yes, Mum. I would really like to." and Inga began undressing, needing a little help to unfasten some of her underthings.
"Now, come here Marie Clair and let me inspect you closer. I can see already we'll need to shave the fine, reddish hair on your legs and your little tuft of red, pubic hair." As Marie Clair stood in front of her, trying not to show her nervousness at being touched this way by a woman - or anyone for that matter. "Hold up your arms. Turn around. Good. Now hold your fanny open and bend over. Farther." She was blushing - because Inga was watching and because Mrs. Hardman was inspecting her bottom so closely. "Looks very clean. Your anus is small and pink, just like your nipples."
"Thank you, Mam." not knowing what else to say.
"Bring me the scissors, Inga, so I can snip off this little patch of red hair before the bath. And we'll do something nice with this hair tomorrow before our shopping trip." as she tugged on one of Marie Clair's pig tails. "Now turn back around and face me, Little Marie."
"But why do you need to shave me there?"
"Its a rule in our house. Ladies all shave. Right, Inga?"
"Inga, assume the spanking position here in front of us, with your legs farther apart than usual. That's right."
Look how clean she is, Marie Clair. No germs hiding here." and she traced her fingers through Inga's bald pussy.
As she was snipping off most of Marie Clair's tuft of pubic hair, Dr. Hardman walked in. Marie Clair immediately bent forward and crossed her arms in front of herself. Her attempt at modesty actually squeezed her rather small, pointy breasts together and forward between her arms - in a very innocent, but erotic way.
Dr. Hardman chuckled.
Inga chuckled too, now naked and standing at attention by the tub.
Mrs. Hardman said, "Marie Clair. Stand up straight. Put your hands at your sides. Let me clip the rest of this off." pulling Little Maire towards her with a tug on her remaining pubic hair.
"Such pretty hair." said Dr. Hardman, "Let me see." holding out his hand for the next snippet.
Mrs. Hardman snipped off a small bunch of fine, reddish hair and handed it to Dr. Hardman. "This is so pretty, but we wouldn't want any germs there, would we? Has she seen her new uniform?"
"No Dear. Not yet. We'll fit her day after tomorrow."
Dr. Hardman dispensed some foam into her hand which she rubbed on Little Marie's pubic area, working it in, especially between her legs. Marie began squirming, but keeping her hands at her sides. "Open." said Mrs. Hardman, forcing her hand back to Little Marie's fanny. Marie Clair put her legs farther apart, still squirming, beginning to enjoy the stimulation while simultaneously turning red with embarrassment.
Mrs. Hardman began shaving with her right hand while her left was back between Mraie Clair's legs rubbing shaving cream on her bottom. Marie Clair squatted slightly to put her knees farther apart, and pushed her hips forward to help.
Dr. Hardman turned and began to leave. Both Inga and Mrs. Hardman chuckled at the bulge in his pants, but Marie Clair was watching the shaving and didn't notice. "We'll have her all cleaned up in about 20 minutes, Douglas." said Mrs. Hardman to her departing partner.
Inga and Mrs. Hardman washed her very thoroughly - every square inch. Marie Clair couldn't remember ever being bathed by someone else. It felt great. She didn't understand the strange feelings she was getting. Sitting between Inga's legs with her elbows resting on the sides of the tub, she realized the hard bumps rubbing against her back were Inga's nipples pressed against her - moving - while Inga's hands 'washed' her tummy, breasts, and pussy - pulling Little Marie tighter against her. No talking. All three of them enjoying the bath experience.
The slender, 40ish Mrs. Hardman was kneeling outside the tub, sill in her sleeveless blouse and above-the-knee navy blue skirt. She had finished shaving Little Marie's legs and armpits, with lots of washing, caressing. Inga and Mrs. Hardman working in tandem, sometimes one spreading her pussy lips while the other washed her clit. "We'll get you all clean before dinner, Marie Clair... sparkling clean. Mr. Long is going to join us for dinner tonight and he especially likes girls to be clean."
They helped her out of the tub, patted her dry with pink, fluffy towels, and led her to the dressing table. After brushing her hair, the two women decided to leave it down - almost shoulder length.
They stood her up - she was completely docile, not questioning anything -just enjoying the new feelings. While standing in front of the mirror, Marie Clair noticed her bald pubic area. It did look very clean. Her skin had a pink sheen to it, with hundreds of so-pale freckles giving her a 'metallic' glow. In fact, Marie Clair felt like she glowed.
"Here you are, Dear, your new bra." holding it for Marie Clair to step into. Her breasts stretched out the sheer cups in the 34-A bra. Marie Clair was thrilled. Her first bra. Going away to school. A pretty woman giving her a bath. Her first train ride. Shaving her pubic area.... so many new experiences in one day!
There were matching sheer, silky panties with pink ribbon trim and a tiny bow in front. She noticed there was no cotton liner in the bottom part between the legs. They were sheer all over.
Inga and Mrs. Hardman put ribbons in Marie Clair's hair and taught her to apply make-up and lipstick. Dr. Hardman stopped in several times to check their progress, even taking a few snapshots during the make-over. Marie Clair objected but didn't dare say anything.
She wore a short skirt and sheer blouse over her new bra and panties to dinner. She had never worn high heels before and felt a little awkward. The white ruffled ankle socks made her slim legs appear even longer. Everyone commented how lovely she looked, including the three dinner guests. Although Dr. and Mrs. Hardman and their guests did seem to check out her sheer blouse intently, nobody said anything. She figured they were noticing her pretty new bra with the pink bow which showed plainly through the blouse. Their glances made her feel pretty.
As Marie Clair had been introduced to each guest in the foyer, she curtsied and said, "Pleased to meet you." Each of the guests gave her a hug and kiss. In Marie Clair's family they often kissed when greeting an adult they hadn't seen for awhile, but they just kissed her on the cheek. These visitors kissed her right on the mouth! She found that she was always being 'trained' to the Hardman's customs even in these social situations. Mrs. Hardman coached her on making their guests feel welcome. "When a gentleman bends down to kiss you, put your arms up around their neck. Kiss them as long as they want to kiss you. We may have to practice some more." The three gentleman seemed happy to help with further training, giving her several types of kisses. From a hand shake and peck on the cheek, to a long lasting wet kiss with a firm hug and one hand patting her bottom. She was flustered with the practicing, trying to get it right. At first she was concerned because her panties were almost completely exposed when she reached her arms up, but soon forgot about it while trying to concentrate on the kissing.
Mrs. Hardman smiled her encouragement. "She's kissing so good that we might not need to spank her until her birthday!"
"Perhaps not." said one of the gentleman. "I'm planning to shop for her presents tomorrow. Let's practice a few more kisses, Marie Claire, you almost have it right." This was the gentleman who flicked his tongue across her soft lips each time they practiced. Marie Clair was glad he was so concerned with her learning.
Inga served. Again wearing her maid's uniform, which surprised Marie Clair. "Nobody seems to notice Inga's short skirt - so short you can see her panties each time she bends over to serve....." Marie Clair was thinking to herself. "Maybe it's OK."
During dinner the guests discussed code games with Dr. Hardman. He explained that sometimes it's a kind of code to say the exact opposite of what you mean. Perhaps they could play that at Marie's Party.
Near the end of the meal Inga filled one of the guest's coffee cup so full that it overflowed into the saucer. "Inga!" said Dr. Hardman, "You spilled Mr. Long's coffee! Bend over for five spanks."
She sat down the silver coffee server, lowered her frilly panties to her ankles, put her feet as far apart as the panties would stretch, then in one motion flipped her skirt up while bending down straight-legged to hold her ankles. Marie Clair could see her bottom and bald pussy from just two feet away as Mr. Long gave her five hard smacks. Then Inga pulled up her panties, said "Thank you very much, Mr. Long, Sir." and then continued serving coffee as if nothing had happened. Mr. Long then complimented her for being so clean while serving.
Marie Clair was beginning to find this family a little strange... but fascinating. The kissing practice, watching the spanking, the way her new panties felt on her hairless pussy lips - all were beginning to make her feel 'funny' inside. She noticed that she was pressing her legs together tightly and squirming in her seat during the brief spanking episode.
When Marie Clair finally took her eyes off the sexy Inga, she noticed the guests were watching her reaction and she blushed a bright red. She often blushed as red heads do, but her body heat told her this might be a record.
"Marie Clair will probably enjoy her birthday dinner tomorrow." chuckled one of the guests. The others laughed their agreement, as she glowed even redder.
After dinner Mr. Long held Marie Clair's hand and led her to the living room. As the others joined them carrying their after dinner drinks, he sat in a big stuffed chair and pulled Marie Clair onto his lap, sideways across his legs. With one hand on her back and his other hand resting on her knees he began to rub her with both hands at once. She enjoyed the attention and being able to sit with the grown ups. She laughed along with them, even though she didn't know what they were talking about when he said, "Little Marie Clair is going to love her battery toys tomorrow, don't you think?"
Several of them predicted that she might turn as red as the stripes in the flag when they 'buzzed' her tomorrow. Marie Clair continued to laugh along with them, thinking they were practicing their 'codes' again. They joked about her birthday spankings, too. She unwittingly replied she wasn't scared at all since she had been spanked before. "Lots of times, sometimes without any 'padding' on, so I'm not worried about a few birthday spankings."
Mr. Long had turned her on his lap so she was facing away from him. He pulled her feet back on the big stuffed chair so that they straddled his legs. He scooted her back towards him. Now her feet were next to his hips and her bottom was pressed tightly against him. "So, spankings don't worry you. But are you very ticklish?" asked Mr. Long as he scooted his hips forward a little. "Let's see if you're ticklish." and he began tickling her sides. As she wiggled around on his lap he accidently lifted her skirt out in back so she was not sitting on it.
Now she was sitting atop a stiff thing in Mr. Long's pants, not knowing her skirt was lifted in back and tucked into her waistband. He could see her brief, sheer panties which did not completely cover her buns. "See if you can hold still with your arms straight out while I tickle you sides."
"OK. Try it. I can hold them out." she laughed. "I'm not real ticklish." She was thinking to herself, "I hope he's not mad. His thing is stiff just like my Uncle's used to get when he spanked my bare bottom on the couch at home. I hope I'm not hurting Mr. Long's thing. It's right under me, but I'll pretend not to notice." then aloud, "OK, Mr. Long, just try to tickle me. I can keep my arms straight out." and she held her arms out, trying to stifle a giggle.
To the other adults, "Sounds like she's trying to challenge me. Let's see how soon she brings her arms down." and he began stroking up and down her sides - so lightly she could hardly feel it. She wiggled and squirmed on his lap, trying not to laugh or bring her arms down, and sometimes conscious of the stiff bulge pressing into her panties. Sometimes she jumped several inches off his lap. Wiggling, squirming, jumping - up and down, side to side, but still she didn't laugh out loud or bring her arms down, even when he tickled so far around her sides that he accidently tickled her breasts. She pretended not to notice that either.
"When in Rome..." she was thinking, enjoying the total experience. "If the adults here want want to play like kids sometimes, it's OK with me." and thought there was something different about the way they were playing, but she couldn't quite put her finger on it, still thinking, "I hope I'm not hurting him with all this bouncing."
Now he was tickling harder - sometimes lightly, sometimes almost pinching - up and down her sides, back, and especially all over her tummy and breasts. Still she held her arms straight out as she wiggled and bounced even more. The other adults were enjoying the show and their drinks, not talking very much. They all watched as Mr. Long even pinched her breasts one at a time, while tickling her on the other side Everyone noticed her tiny, but very stiff nipples protruding through her sheer bra and sheer white blouse.
Mr. Long was also extremely stiff, enjoying the tickling as much as Marie Clair, and enjoying the way her panties were slipping down, exposing even more of her fanny as she continued to bounce and wiggle.
"OK, you win." said Marie Clair as she finally brought her arms down, still squirming. Laughing out loud even though she lost. Her pent up giggles all coming out at once.
Mr. Long discretely untucked her skirt from her waistband as he wrestled her around sideways on his lap again. "Anyone else want to tickle her? She lasted longer than I expected." He patted her on her bottom, just under the edge of her very short skirt.
"No, we've some plans to make for tomorrow. I'd better take her on upstairs and get her ready for beddie-bye." said Mrs. Hardman. "If she's good, I might bring her back down to kiss you all good-night." She came over and took her hand to lead her away. Marie Clair tried stoically not to show how much she really wanted to stay.
"Perhaps we should let her try the blindfold. She'll be more ready for the party, Dear." suggested Dr. Hardman.
As she led Marie Clair upstairs the other gentlemen and Inga looked at the smiling Mr. Long. He was looking at his own lap, noticing the dark moist area on the front of his light grey suit pants. "It wasn't me," he said looking up, "she must like being tickled."
Mrs. Hardman led Marie Clair into the bathroom and helped her undress. "Why Marie Clair, did you wet your new panties? Feel how wet these are." holding out the flimsy, white silk panties for Marie Clair to feel.
"Umm, I don't know why they are so wet Mrs. Hardman. Honest, I didn't peepee, but I really have to now."
"Are you sure you didn't? Well, go ahead and peepee. I'll wait here with you and then show you your new nightie." she said, "You're getting the new nightie a day early." They both listened to her tinkle. When she stood up Mrs. Hardman put a washcloth under the faucet and let the warm water run a minute. "Better let me wash you off before you try on your new nightie." and she proceeded to wash off Marie Clair's bald pussy. She dried it off and felt it to make sure it was dry.
"Marie Clair, as part of the game tomorrow at your party we will blindfold you. Let's try it on so you can practice walking blindfolded. Then we can put on your nightie. OK?"
"Sure, Mrs. Hardman. I really want to go downstairs and be with the grown-ups some more. I'm not tired."
She helped Marie Clair put on her blindfold, then walked the naked Marie Clair to her room where her nightie was laid out on the bed. Mrs. Hardman could see the bed spread clearly through the sheer, white, material.
"This is it." said Mrs. Hardman, "It's so pretty. You'll see it when I bring you back up to bed."
"You'll like the way it feels, so soft and silky. The embroidered designs are very pretty."
She helped Marie Clair try on the nightie. The ruffles around the bottom edge went down to her waist, but not onto her legs. "Ohhh, this does feel soft and silky like you said. It's awfully short, though." and she walked around by her bed fluffing it out with her arms. "It makes me feel so pretty. Like a grown-up myself. It makes my skin tingle."
"Put on these ruffled panties, too, Dear, and come back downstairs with me to say goodnight to our guests." she said quietly. She helped her slip into the matching, sheer, crotchless panties.
Walking to the dresser Mrs. Hardman took out a pair of thigh high, white hose with lacy tops, and said, "Let me help you with these. Try these high heeled shoes, too. They will look better with the hose than slippers."
"Thank you, Mrs. Hardman. Now my legs feel silky, too. I'll just have to remember not to walk too fast or else the ruffles around the nightie will fly up. I wouldn't want those men to see my panties. OH, it's hard to walk fast in these shoes. It's like I'm on tip-toes."
"Don't worry, Honey. Those old men don't want to see your panties. They just like the enthusiasm of teenagers sometimes."
Heading towards the door with her hand reaching up to take Mrs. Hardman's hand, Marie Clair said, "Well, OK. I might be embarrassed, but they do all seem so nice they probably won't laugh at me."
Near the bottom of the stairs, Marie Clair softly confided, "I'm starting to feel tingly again, Mrs. Hardman. This nightie is so silky."
The men stopped talking as they walked in. All looked at her approvingly as Mrs. Hardman led the blindfolded Marie Clair into the room.
"You look lovely in your new nightgown. Put your hands down and turn around." said Dr. Hardman finally, "Doesn't she look lovely, Gentlemen? Inga, get Marie Clair a soda and she can stay up with us for a little while before going nightie-night."
"Yes, Sir." Inga responded and turned towards the kitchen, smiling.
Each of the men wanted to hold Marie Clair on his lap to kiss her good night and to play the tickle game for a few minutes.
Even blindfolded, she recognized Mr. Long's voice and immediately challenged him, "I bet you can't make me giggle or bring my arms down again." and she held up her arms, which raised the hem of her nightie almost to her belly button. This exposed her crotchless panties to everyone. She was lovely.
"She did so good putting on her blindfold in the bathroom after she got undressed and tinkled, Mr. Long. She hasn't even seen her new nightgown yet. But she likes the way it feels on her skin." said Mrs. Hardman.
Mr. Long reached out and began tickling her tummy and chest. She was smiling and wiggled a little bit, but did not bring down her arms or giggle out loud. Everyone could see that her tiny nipples were hard as rocks. Finally Mr. Long pulled her onto his lap facing him, knees on either side of his hips. "Let's review the kissing techniques we did earlier, Marie Clair, while I get ready to tickle you." He scooted his hips forward once again and pulled her towards him with his hands behind her knees.
She felt his stiffness under her again but didn't want to mention it. Her attention went momentarily to the sensation of not having panties on - the way the material of his trousers seemed to rub directly against her -stimulating her - but she knew she had panties on, so she stopped wondering about it.
It was hard to concentrate because of the tickling and kissing practice at the same time. She kept wiggling and squirming on his lap, finally bringing her arms down and giving him a hug. "You win again, Mr. Long. I hope we can practice again sometime." and continued to wiggle a moment even after he had stopped tickling her.
"I hope so too, Marie Clair. You're getting better already!" His face was flushed.
She felt like she was being passed around. Everybody liked her thigh high hose and high heels. Several men complimented her firm, budding figure and said that in a few years she would be a beautiful woman. She wondered how they could tell. Each man accidently fondled her tangerine-size breasts while tickling her and said something about how nicely she was developing.
She began to relax after the first ten "shy" minutes. "This nightie makes me feel tingly all over." she confessed to one of the men. He shared her comment with the others.
"Are these the stockings I gave you to give her, Gloria?" one of the men asked Mrs. Hardman. Marie Clair was sitting on his lap facing him, with her legs outside of his. He was bouncing her on his knees, as if she was a child. He liked watching the way her firm breasts jiggled and she liked the feel of her nipples bouncing against the silky material. The ruffled hem of her nightie barely covered her private area, but it did cover the tops of her hose. He said to Marie Clair, "Can I see the tops of the stockings I gave to the Hardmans to give you?"
"No. It would be too embarassing to lift my nightie."
Mrs Hardman overheard this. She walked up to them, standing against Marie Clair's back and said, "Young Lady, don't talk back to our guests like that. Now hold your arms straight out again if you don't want a spanking in front of our guests!"
Knowing that she meant it, Marie Clair put her arms straight out from her sides - as if she was getting ready to play the tickle game. She was conscious of how 'open' she was since she was sitting on Mr. Jones' lap facing him. Even knowing she had panties on didn't keep her from feeling somewhat 'exposed.' Mrs. Hardman reached down the front of the worried Marie Clair and lifted her nightie to just below her breasts. As Marie Clair turned red again - but did not move - the other men came over to admire the beautiful stockings. Fortunately, Marie Clair still didn't know the panties were crotchless.
"I'm glad we didn't have to spank her." commented Mr. Jones as he began bouncing her once again. All watched for a few minutes as Marie Clair relaxed, thankful she had avoided the spanking, thinking it was probably OK for them to see her panties, especially since they were going to spank her the next day. She was relieved that they only commented on her hose and didn't seem to notice her private area. She didn't know that her panties were crotchless and the way she was sitting completely exposed her bald pussy to them.
"She is such a clean little girl. Isn't she Mr. Jones?" asked Mr. Long. "Tomorrow we will have to spank you on your bare bottom, Marie Clair, and then you will get lots of nice presents. Won't that be nice?"
"I'm looking forward to the presents and I'm not scared of a few spankings." trying to put on a brave face, still unsure of the 'bare bottom' idea.
Later on, after kissing the guests goodnight, Inga led her up to bed and removed the blindfold. On the way up they had their first woman-to-woman talk. Marie Clair was honored to be be treated like an adult. "Did you enjoy talking and playing with the grown-ups, Little Marie?"
"Yes. I felt like one of the group - like they were gald to have me around. Somehow, they even made me feel like I was pretty and almost a grown-up myself."
"You are getting grown-up. And you are pretty!" with that Inga hugged Marie Clair to her, patting her bottom.
"Did you feel embarassed or anything like that, Little Marie?"
"No. Well, sometimes when they accidently tickled too high on my tummy... umm, well, I would have been embarassed, but they touched me by accident. Gee, everybody touched me there by accident, but nobody mentioned it so I didn't mention it."
"Were you embarassed to be downstairs in your nightgown?"
"No. That was OK. I mean I was dressed so they couldn't see my parivate parts or anything."
"So, in you head everything was fine. You weren't embarassed at all?"
"Gee, Inga, I never talked about my feelings before. But I was gald they wanted to play with me. I didn't mind when they kept accidently touching my... um, my.... those parts that my new bra holds. I'm embarassed to say the name."
"These are your breasts, Marie Clair." and she fondled them for the shy girl, explaining the terms. "Or some people call them tits. These hard parts on the very tip..." and she gently pinched them, "are called nipples. Did that hurt?"
"No. It didn't hurt. But it makes them feel funny, like when the grown-ups accidently touched them."
"But it didn't hurt? And you weren't embarassed when I touched you to explain the words?"
"Umm, Inga. It feels good. I'm embarassed talking about this, but I used to touch them at home, especially after my uncle accidently touched them."
"Did it feel good when Mr. Long kept 'accidently' touching and pinching your breasts?"
"Oh, you noticed that? I didn't think anyone noticed when he touched me there. He was tickling me, see, and I was wiggling around. He didn't do it on purpose!"
"Marie Clair, 'embarassed' is in your head. It's not something that happens outside of yourself. Stand still here in front of the mirror a minute before I take off your blindfold. Let me rub these and tell me how it feels, OK?"
"OK." smiling, standing still, leaning back against Inga while Inga tickled and pinched her breasts.
"Let me take the blindfold off now."
Marie Clair was shocked that she could see right through the nightie in her mirror. "Oh my!" and after looking a moment longer, she added, "Then the grown ups could see my breasts the whole time I was downstairs."
"Maybe they didn't even notice. But it didn't hurt you, did it? They could see you and you weren't embarassed because you didn't know they could see you. That's what I meant about 'embarassed' is in your head."
Marie Clair furrowed her brow and pursed her lips, trying to follow Inga's reasoning.
Inga chuckled and after tucking her in she kissed Marie Clair goodnight -a long, wet kiss right on the mouth. What a day it had been - first train ride, meeting the Hardmans, getting a bath, having her pussy shaved, wearing such grown up clothes... What would her birthday party be like? It was difficult to get to sleep, especially since Inga insisted she leave her light on.
It was too warm to get under the blanket, so after Inga left, she flipped off the sheet and began feeling how silky her nightie was - feeling all over herself - enjoying the new sensations. When she felt her panties, she was surprised to find there was no crotch. She spread her knees and felt some more. "My goodness. What kind of panties are these and why am I so wet here?" And she continued to touch herself - rationalizing, "I'm just trying to figure out why I'm so wet." The noise of the bathroom fan masked the soft whirr of the security camera as it zoomed in.
"I feel so dressed up." Marie Clair said to Inga and Mrs. Hardman who had just helped her with all the starched slips under her short ruffled white dress. She was wearing her ruffled ankle socks and 2 inch heels. Her sandy-red hair was combed into two pig tails with white ribbons to match her dress. With her sheer, white, nylon panties and bra, she felt more like a pretty 2nd grader than of a 9th grader!
At first she was disappointed that only 3 adults came to the dinner party. Her disappointment turned to relief after dinner when she saw all the beautifully wrapped presents and learned about the 'game' she would have to play to get the presents - relief that more pelple would not see her bare bottom. All three of the guests along with the Hardmans and Inga would give her 14 bare-bottom spankings for each gift, along with some "directions-following" challenges. They all told her how pretty she was and lavished kisses and good wishes on her. Marie Clair enjoyed being the center of such attention and resolved to go along with their 'games' no matter how silly they seemed.
She wasn't able to follow the instructions for the 'code game' of saying the opposite, like saying 'hard spankings' when you meant 'soft spankings,' but she was determined to try her best.
"Let's video tape Marie Clair's party tonight," Dr. Hardman suggested before they left the dining room, "OK, Marie Clair?"
"Well, ummm, OK, Dr. Hardman. Nobody will see it except for us, right?" Blushing, "Especially since you said I would have to pull down my panties for the spankings."
"Only birthday guests will see it, Dear." Mrs. Hardman replied for him. "Don't you worry. You might think it's funny later."
Then in a wispher into Marie Clair's ear, "I know you'll be getting some pretty little new panties. So don't worry about taking these off." She patted her tenderly on the bottom. "Just do whatever they say."
They all went into the living room while Inga cleared off the table. Everyone was dressed up tonight, and even Inga had on a longer skirt.
"Where are the rugs?" Marie Clair asked.
"We put the Persian rugs away for our party. We thought we were going to have more guests." Answered Dr. Hardman.
"First you need to open this one Marie Clair." said Mr. Long, as he sat in the middle of the couch with a pretty package. "Now for your 'directions following test' - Lift up your skirt, pull your panties to your knees and try to walk over here without letting them fall all the way down."
Dr. Hardman was working the camera as she shuffled over to stand in front of the couch. "Front or back first?" asked Mr. Long as he slapped his hand with a paint stirring stick. "Remember, I will spank softly on the front and really hard on the back."
"Well, then let's start on the front." giggled out the excited Marie Clair anxious to open presents, and feeling quite embarassed with her panties down. "Should I stand here." as she lifted her skirt higher right in front of him.
"No, lay on your back across my lap." and he pulled one of the cushions down beside him for her head and shoulders. "Let me pull your panties down to your ankles so you can get your knees farther apart. Don't let them fall off, but just keep them stretched between your ankles. That's a girl. Put your knees as far apart as you can. Each time I spank you say, 'Thank you for the spank. Please do it a little harder, sir.' OK, Marie Clair? Now open wide!"
Dr. Hardman had stopped taping for a moment.
"OK, I'll say it, but please don't spank too hard."
"If I spank too hard say, 'please spank me harder.' OK?"
Dr. Hardman started the tape again - just before the first front spank hit right on the open mound between her legs with a soft 'smack!' "Thank you for the spank. Please do it a little harder, Sir." The next 13 spanks were harder - so she kept asking for him to spank harder. Her body twitched with each stroke, but she continued to keep her knees wide apart while Dr. Hardman zoomed in. Mr. Long stroked her lightly between each spank, which both put her at ease and made her tingle. She was getting over her initial embarassment, concentrating on opening her knees after each tap.
Then she sat up on his lap and began opening the first gift. When she pulled out the leather ankle and wrist cuffs, each with a metal ring, she didn't know what to think.
Mrs. Hardman presented the next gift after 14 medium-hard spanks on her bare bottom. She took the time to massage Marie Clair's burning fanny between spanks. To everyone's surprise, Marie Clair thanked her also, "Thank you for the spank. Please do it harder, Mam." Then Marie Clair opened the present, clutching the navy blue silk panties with no cotton liner, and a matching sheer bra which she held to her chest with an appreciative laugh and a hearty, "Thank you, Mam. I love these."
"Come, Sweetheart, let's go try on your gifts and hurry back down."
"No, no. It's just us. Try them on right here in the living room. Besides, we all juust witnessed you bare bottom spankings." reminded Dr. Hardman. The others agreed. So while the video camera rolled, Marie Clair took off everything but her black, high heeled party shoes and lacy ankle socks, and tried on the new dark blue panties and bra. They helped her with the ankle and wrist cuffs, while Mr. Long took a leaf out of the table, leaving a gap, and put a pillow on the edge.
"Let's play over at the table now Marie Clair. Put you legs apart so we can tie your ankle bracelets to the table legs."
"Are you sure, Dr. Hardman?"
"Its part of the game. We'll fasten your arms to the other end and your pretty new bra will hang in the center of the table where Mr. Long took the leaf out." Dr. Hardman coaxed the somewhat reluctant Marie Clair, patting the pillow. She leaned over the pillow and they pulled her feet next to the table legs and fastened her cuffs with rope. They stretched her arms forward to make it easy for Mrs. Hardman to put the ropes through the metal rings on her wrist straps, and fasten the rope to the table legs at the other end. Mr. Long had clamped the table open wide enough so her breasts would be suspended where the table leaf had been removed. Mr. Jones put a pillow on the other side of the gap for Marie to rest her head on. Her fanny was several inches above the table top and she had enough range of motion to wiggle it bach and forth or up and back.
"These spanks will sting a little, Marie Clair, but be sure to say 'thank you' again."
"Yes Sir." she replied without much enthusiasm.
Marie Clair resolved to answer with enthusiasm even if it did sting, because she wanted all the presents. Fourteen meduim- hard spanks later - all on video - they opened her present for her. She didn't know what it was. It looked like a flashlight body made of white plastic. Mrs. Hardman twisted it and it started making a buzzing noise. She put it up against Marie Clair's arm. It tickled. "That tickles, Mrs. Hardman, but it feels good." she commented as Mrs. Hardman walked it along her side, pausing to tickle Marie Clair's new bra while Dr. Hardman zoomed in on her face.
When Mrs. Hardman began tickling Marie Clair's new panties he zoomed back in on her face. "Ohh, that really tickles, Mrs. Hardman. Umm" as she began squirming. "Oh, Mrs. Hardman. What is that thing? It tickles."
"Do you want me to stop?"
"No, not yet." she answered quickly, which made the adults laugh. They noted she was beginning to squirm around while getting tickled.
"We'll tickle you with this some more after you get your next two presents." She promised the girl. Then to her husband, "What time is it? Do we need to hurry?"
"Yes, we'd better give her the next two presents right now. Let me open these for you Marie Clair." and he began on the next one of the packages, setting down the video camera. Mr. Long and Inga helped open the other one in front of the curious Marie Clair.
"What's the rush?" Marie Clair asked them while trying to figure out what the rubber ball with the leather strap through it could be for. She knew what the blindfold was for. "Is this stuff for the game?"
"Yes, Marie. Before we play the next part of the game we want you to say this into the camera." and he gave her the lines. "But of course, WE won't spank you any harder. OK?"
She practiced once, remembering that this must be part of the 'code game,' and then said enthusiastically into the camera, getting into the spirit of the strange game, still enjoying being the center of attention of the 5 older people, and looking forward to getting 'tickled' on her panties again. "I love to get spanked and tickled - front and back. I'm going to pretend to object and struggle but it's just part of the game. I really like to get spanked. Please spank me real hard. I especially like to get spanked on my bare bottom! Maybe you could even put your fingers in me. I would like it if you did. Please spank me REAL HARD!" Then they put the gag in her mouth and blindfolded her.
As promised, Mrs. Hardman began tickling her panties with the white plastic thing. It felt so good that she began to squirm around whenever the buzzer pressed right between her legs, causing a wet spot to develop on the dark blue panties.
She felt vulnerable with her ankles tied to the table legs, her arms stretching her forward over the gap in the table, only wearing sheer bra and panties, ruffled white ankle socks and her high heels, unable to speak or see, but the feeling between her legs was holding all her attention....
...until she heard the doorbell.
The older adults all left to get the door. Inga slapped Marie's extended bottom with a laugh. "Get ready for your party, Honey." pressing her panties into her with the vibrator. Then she left to greet the new guests. She heard several adults walk in talking with the Hardmans when the doorbell rang again. Marie tried to break free to no avail, her pleading cries sounded like, "Ugghh, unnff unggngh."
She began to pick up parts of conversations as the new guests entered. "Mrs. Hardman, You remember Brian, don't you? He just got his temporary driver's permit so we let him drive us over tonight. And since Nick is only 12 we didn't want to leave him home alone. Neither of the boys wanted to come to a girl's birthday party, but I told them they might enjoy it." Lots of hands were now playfully patting Marie Clair's bottom but no hard spanks yet. She could feel herself turning red - brighter than her red lipstick.
"Well, of course the boys are welcome. They can help us spank and tickle her. But first let's all watch the video we recorded earlier tonight." The room got quiet as they all watched the video on the big screen TV. "The boys will like this part where she pulls down her panties and lifts her dress. Now, boys, look how she twitches each time the little paddle hits her pussy, but you can tell she likes it, can't you?"
"Yes, Mam." said two young voices. "She is so pretty."
"Could I please get a copy of the video, Mrs. Hardman, asked one of the young voices?"
"Why Brian, that's a nice idea. But first I'd like to get shots of you and your brother spanking her. Wouldn't you like to be in the video, too?"
"Yes Mam. That would be cool! Could I show it to my friends?"
"That's up to your mother, but I suppose you could show it to your friends at your house, just don't make copies. OK?"
Marie Clair could hear herself getting spanked on the video again, and begging for harder spanks - front and back! Then she heard herself saying how she was going to pretend to object and struggle but that she really liked getting spanked and wanted the guests to put their fingers in her!
"Mrs. Hardman," asked the younger voice, "Is Aunt Sarah coming over? Maybe she could bring Billy. I know he would like to spank Marie Clair, too. And he'll be studying about girls and sex and stuff in his 6th grade health class."
"Maybe I should run home and get my kids, too." said a woman's voice, "They should learn about this."
"Splendid idea. I'll go call Sarah. Meanwhile why don't you two boys give her a few practice spanks. It's OK for you to touch her anywhere you want. Ask your mother if you can pull down her panties in a few minutes."
"Oh, it's fine with me. I thinks it's healthy for boys to learn what girls look and feel like. Go ahead boys." said their mother. The boys spent the next 15 minutes giving her playful spanks and feeling her legs and panties. Marie heard the door close without a doorbell sound, which told her that the woman left to get her kids. She wondered if they would be boys or girls and how old they were. Her skin turned a brighter pink - redder than her hair.
"Ungggh! Oggghh! Nnnnfgh" said Marie Clair as she fought against her bindings.
"Ungggh! Unnngh!" mimicked Brian, laughing.
"She's really pretending she wants to get away, isn't she Brian. Oh, look. How's come her panties are wet here?" asked Nick, the younger brother while he patted her fanny. "Did she pee in her panties?"
More visitors were now entering the room, including 12 year old Billy who ran over to join his cousins.
"She really likes this, Billy." said Nick, demonstrating a hard slap on her fanny, "You want to try it?"
"Oh neat!" said Billy, "Let me practice the drums on her butt!" and started laughing as he gave her a dozen rhythmic but hard slaps. "Why are her panties so wet?"
"You boys! She's wet because she likes getting tickled with this thing. Let me show you how to use it. Watch how she wiggles when I press this up against her." said Inga. She pressed the vibrator against Marie Clair's panties "Let me pull her panties aside and put this most of the way into her. You boys watch it, and tell me when it falls all the way out." Then Inga pulled Marie Clair's panties back over the vibrator to keep it from falling right out, and pulled them up snugly - tight as a drum - trapping it in her. Whenever the vibrator started to slide out, it formed a 'tent' in the growing wet area of her dark panties.
"Unggh! Agghng!" as she tried to pull her knees together, squirming.
"Unnnngh!" mimicked the boys, laughing again and pulling the panties tighter whenever 'the tent' started to develop. It took almost 5 minutes for her to wiggle it all the way out into her panties. But that wasn't really fair because the boys 'accidently' pushed it back in several times before it came all the way out. While the boys were thwarting Marie Clair's efforts to expel the vibrator, the door opened and Marie Clair heard two more kids enter the room, one of them running over to look at her.
"Look at her panties," said a girls voice, "She must have peepeed in them!" followed by some giggles.
"Heather, maybe you should go watch the video with your mommy before you start saying stupid things." explained Billy to the younger girl. "It's not pee. She's excited to have us spanking and tickling her. But you're too young to know that. When big girls get excited, that gooey, wet stuff comes out."
"I'm almost as old as you, Billy, so shut up. You're only four months older than me. And remember last summer at Camp Sunshine when we saw that neither of us had pubic hair? Well I've got 5 now." she bragged. Then to Inga, "What's making that buzzing noise in her panties?"
"Ok." said Inga who had pretended not to notice that the boys kept pushing the vibrator all the way back in the birthday girl. "Look how much wetter her panties are now. We'll be pulling them off in a minute." And Inga pulled it out from inside the panties she pointed out to the curious boys how wet and slippery it was. "Feel it, Nick. Let Heather feel it. This is a slim one - about the same size as Dr. Hardman's finger," holding it up for everyone nearby to see. Several women raised their eyebrows at Inga's last remark. The vibrator was glistening with Marie's pubescent lubricant. "It's about the same diameter as two of your fingers, isn't it Nick?"
"Here, Brian, You try it. Hold it firmly and push it agains her panties. Then you can try in on her bra, too, if you want to, before you pull down her panties. Oh, Hi, Robby, I didn't see you come in." said Inga.
"Oh boy, this thing tickles my hand! Here, feel this, Nick. You go first. You guys can tickle her with it. I want to go feel her bra." the boys were talking quickly and laughing, encouraged by the adults who were now giving their drink orders to Inga. The doorbell rang several times as other guests arrived.
Marie Clair heard several of the adults say things like, "Boys will be boys." "Her dark panties are wet already." "It's a great way for the kids to learn anatomy." and so forth.
"Go ahead and pull down her panties now, boys. We're going to give her some more spankings so she can earn more of her gifts."
"Uuu, look. Her panties are sticking to her where they are wet." said Nick.
"It looks gooey." exclaimed Billy, getting a close look.
"Can I touch it?" asked Heather.
"Of course, Dear." answered Heather's mom. "I wanted you to see this."
"That 'gooey stuff' won't hurt anything. Girls do that when they get excited. It's how their bodies make it easy for things to slip into them." explained Mr. Long. "That's it, boys. Pull them down as far as they go with her feet fastened that far apart. Then you can take turns putting a finger into her if you want. Did you each give her 14 spankings yet?"
Dr. Hardman's deep baritone voice added, "With her legs that far apart you'll have to really stretch them. Maybe we should cut them off on one side. What do you think?" The boys were now eagerly pulling them almost to her knees, when the material ripped on one leg, so that the panties slid all the way down to her left ankle.
All the adults laughed at the sound of the ripping panties. Heather was giggling. The video was playing for the new arrivals. One of the adults suggested that the boys see how slippery the wet stuff was that was glistening around Marie Clair's totally exposed, upraised, bald pussy. A man wet his finger while showing them how to push in slowly at first to make sure there is plenty of lubrication. "She is really wet. That means she's ready for things to slip in, but first you'd better each give her the spankings." saying this just as someone turned up the volume on the TV so everybody could hear Marie begging to get spanked harder. All four of the boys and Heather had their heads close to Marie Clair's bottom, looking intently.
"Come over here a minute, kids, and watch this and you can see when she started getting wet. You can see other ways her body changed when she received some front spanks, too." They reluctantly accompanied Dr. Hardman to the TV. He rewound to the beginning of the front spanks and paused the tape. Marie Clair heard him explain, "You can see inside her pussy in this close up shot before the spankings started. Notice she is completely dry and all the tissue is soft. It's difficult to distinguish the different parts. Watch how that changes over the course of the 14 spanks. Notice how quickly she spreads her knees apart after each spank." Everyone, including the adults, watched quietly, which made the relative volume seem even louder as Marie Clair twitched in the video with each spank and begged to get spanked harder, and thanked Mr. Long for spanking and rubbing her.
Although Marie Clair could not see the video she heard several comments about how she seemed to get wetter with each spank. "Now here's a close up after the last spank. Notice how wet she is and see how the little bump in front is swollen. All of her tissue appears much firmer and somewhat enlarged, doesn't it, boys? You can distinguish the separate parts. See how easily Mr. Long can slide his fingers over the erect ridge down the center. Her magic button is at the bottom end of that ridge, just where it flares out into two tiny flaps beside her hole. "
"Yes sir. You can see the difference." answered Brian for the group.
"That indicates that she really likes hard spankings. Observing those changes in her pussy may help you in your Health classes, too." he chuckled at his own humor. Several adults asked to watch that part again as Heather and the four boys went back to Marie Clair with renewed interest in female anatomy.
"You can use your hand, one of the wooden paddles, the belt, the hairbrush, this riding crop, or the cane, but don't hit too hard with the cane. Maybe you should each try a few swats with each one." said Mr. Long. "Each type of paddle makes a different mark and a different sound. Pay close attention and take your time. You'll get to finger her soon enough." then added in a quiet, fatherly voice, "And boys... and you too, Heather... remember that she kept saying that she likes really hard spankings." then he gave them a knowing wink.
A lady's voice suggested, "Billy and Nick, why don't you give her the spanks for your mothers. Then you can begin putting your fingers in her and playing with the vibrator.
Several more adults came over to watch this round of spankings. The adults intended to give their spankings later when the kids lost interest. One of them had been video taping the boys' fascination with little Marie Clair's bottom with a new tape.
"I want to try that riding thing." said Nick eagerly, as he swished it through the air.
"The paddle." said Brian "Well, I want to try all the paddles, starting with the ping-pong paddle." SMACK! on Marie Clair's left cheek. Brian then bent closer to watch as the area reddened. "Can I spank her in the same spot each time? Or should I hit different areas?"
"Unnnngh!" Marie Clair squirmed.
"Wherever you want to, Brian." said Dr. Hardman, smiling and patting him on the head. "But, even though she likes hard spankings, only give her five hard ones out of each set of fourteen. Then she won't know when a hard one is coming."
SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! went Brian - all three in the same spot, laughing with the other boys at Marie Clair's noises and writing. "She really likes this doesn't she?"
They proceeded to each give her 14 spanks with all of the different 'tools' provided, sometimes stopping to rub her fanny and check to see if she was getting wetter, even Heather checked. They had each surreptitiously slipped fingers in while rubbing between spanks, noticing the changes in Marie Clair's posture. She tried to hunch forward away from the paddles but then arched back into the probing fingers - as if trying to wiggle closer.
"Brian, let's see who can make her twitch or flinch the most." challenged Billy.
"OK. Let me try the belt next." Marie jumped in her bindings as the next two swishes of the belt stung her bottom. Brian winked at the crowd as he said aloud. "Now for a really hard one. Stand back. Zoom in close on her fanny." still grinning as he swished the belt over the top of Marie Clair's back, missing her fanny completely. Everybody laughed at Marie Clair's flinch when she heard the sound of the belt in the quiet room. They laughed some more and patted and felt her and taunted her with things like, "Bet you're sorry I missed. Let me see if she got wetter with anticipation - Yep, she did!" And more laughter as all five children investigated her pussy.
"Maybe we'd better wait before giving her the spankings for your moms." suggested one of the ladies. "Let me feel how wet she is now." Marie Clair felt a long manicured fingernail flick her button several times and then slide easily all the way into her. "Oh yes, boys. You're doing a fine job on our little birthday girl."
The boys began sliding their fingers into her pussy, commenting on how tight it felt inside. They commented on the viscosity and color of the silvery wetness. Billy and Nick almost started fighting - trying to get in first, when someone suggested they see how fast they could take turns. Marie Clair was now holding still so they would not miss the center. She even lifted her bottom higher, standing on her tippy toes and arching her back to present an easier target. Billy's finger plunged in the instant Nick's came out - over and over. Brian set the cadence by calling their names like a drill instructor.
"Mr. Long, Dr. Hardman wants you to plug this wire in the back of the video camera so everyone can get a close up view on the large TV." and Marie Clair heard some clicking as it was plugged in.
"If she's 14, why doesn't she have any hair?" asked Billy while he was getting his fingers wet in the oozing pussy. "Oh, this feels slippery, almost greasy."
"We shaved off her little tuft so you boys could see better." answered Inga. "I shave mine, too. Can I get you kids some pop? Remember, this is a party. I'm sure our little birthday girl wants her guests to have a good time!"
"Can we look at your's, Inga?" asked one of the boys.
"I'm a servant and will do whatever you ask me to do, Brian."
"Maybe later, for comparison." interjected Dr. Hardman. "She's busy right now."
Brian stepped up close to Dr. Hardman and tilted his head away from the crowd to indicate he wanted a private word. Then he asked discretely if he could examine Inga in more depth at a later date, explaining he had so much to learn. Dr. Hardman chuckled and said, "Of course, Brian. I'm sure Inga would be happy to take you past your 'learner's permit!' Stop by next week."
After the boys had been taking turns fingering and feeling Marie Clair, someone suggested that the two younger boys try two fingers at once. "This is really fun!" said Billy. "My fingers just slide right in."
"I want to try those 'front spanks,'" the taciturn Robby finally speaking, "OK?"
Mr. Long asked one of the other men to take over the video camera while he set up the kids so Robby could give Marie Clair some 'front spanks.' "Billy and Nick, I want each of you to put a hand on her fanny and your other hand on her thigh just above her knees. That's it. Now pull her open so Robby can hit the target."
"Hold her open a moment, boys," Dr. Hardman continued his 'lessons.' "You can see part way up her vagina when she is pulled open like that."
That comment renewed Marie Clair's attempt for some modesty so she tried to squeeze her pussy shut, but each time she tried, the pull of the boy's hands re-opened her. The kids and the crowd were quiet as they noticed that each 'squeeze-shut' effort pushed out almost a 1/2 teaspoon of her pubescent, glistening 'wetness,' which dripped out to form a small puddle on the polished wood floor between her fastened feet - all caught close-up on the video.
Robby was very timid with the first few spanks, not wanting to hurt Marie Clair and not wanting anyone to know how much he was enjoying this. With encouragement from the crowd he gave her some harder smacks - right on her very firm little button. He paused several times to check Marie Clair's wetness, enjoying his task, but still not smiling.
Then the four boys took turns fingering her hole or feeling the different parts in front. Two of the ladies were discussing other nieces and nephews who might enjoy learning anatomy this way. "If nothing else, we could share our video with them."
Mr. Long said, "Here's another idea for you boys. Billy and Nick, pull her fanny open again. That's it. Let me show you something else. You could also put your fingers in her bottom. You have to go slow and dip several times in front to keep your finger slippery." He finally pushed his finger all the way in even though Marie Clair was squeezing as tight as she could. "She's trying to squeeze shut, boys, so get your fingers really wet and push in slowly - but hard."
"Let me try it," said Brian, "I bet I can get mine in all the way the first time."
Everyone quieted down while he pushed his finger in all the way. "Ummmggh" said Marie Clair beginning a rhythmic squeezing with her anus, in attempts to block his finger.
"I could feel when she tried to squeeze it shut, like she was trying to hold my finger. Then each time she relaxed between squeezes I pushed in farther. It was easy." bragged Brian. Then all the boys tried it.
The grown-ups had lots of ideas for the already enthusiastic youngsters. "Brian, see if you can hold your hand perfectly still with two fingers in her pussy. Pull the folding chair over here and hold you elbow against it. Keep your weight on the chair and don't let it move while we try this. Cross your first two fingers like this." and he demonstrated crossing his two fingers with the index finger under the longer middle finger. "Billy, you like to play the drums. While Brian holds his fingers in her, you can try to play a slow, steady rhythm with this paddle."
Brian inserted his fingers into her. He pushed slowly because it was a tight fit with two fingers, but fortunately she was very slippery. When Brian's fingers were all the way in, and his elbow braced against the top of the chair, Mr. Long nodded for Billy to give the first spank with the paddle. When the paddle smacked her fanny, Marie Clair tightened and hunched her hips forward - sliding almost off Brian's fingers. Then as she started to relax again she started to slide back onto his fingers and stopped.
"I have an idea, " said Mr. Long. "After each spank, when she hunches forward, we'll see how long it takes for her to slide all the way back onto Brian's finger. If it takes too long, give her a really hard one. Ok, Billy?"
"I'm ready."
"Now, not too hard. We'll see if she flinches all the way forward with a medium spank. Then if she doesn't slide back quick enough give her a really hard one."
"Ready." said Billy.
Mr. Long nodded again and Billy smacked her bare bottom. She tightened sliding forward again, then settled back onto Brian's fingers, faster this time, after hearing him explain about the possible harder spanks.
"That was better, wasn't it kids?"
"Yes, they agreed."
Brian added, "She still didn't slide all the way back down though."
"Try it again. Smack her, Billy."
SMACK! She flinched all the way forward and slid all the way back down onto Brian's finger. She even wigled her bottom as she slid down, trying to go as far on as possible.
As the speed picked up Brian noticed she was sliding back onto his finger faster. Within a minute she was into a steady up and back rhythm almost anticipating the spanks. Brian could tell she was even slipperyier.
Mr. Long silently signaled for Billy to stop the rhythmic spanks But Marie Clair went up and back two more times. She finally stopped when she heard the kids and some of the grownups start to laugh. They 'tricked' her like this several more times. Spanking for a minute and stopping - laughing when she continued to slide up and back even though the spanking stopped. The third time they tricked her she continued to slide up and back on Brian's fingers even though they were all laughing. She even picked up speed and wiggled more as she backed into Brian's fingers. The other boys wanted to try two fingers, too.
Each time they changed places and adjusted the chair, Marie Clair began sliding as soon as someone put their fingers in her. They didn't even have to spank her. The kids were enjoying this game.
"See if one of you can use the 'tickler' while you take turns on both holes. Bet you can't do it." dared one of the other adults, while adjusting his pants. On the third time two fingers were in at once while she was being tickled, Marie almost lifted the table she twitched so hard, moaning.
Inga gently pushed aside the vibrator and told the two children to hold still, leaving their fingers in her. With the camera zoomed in and the entrie room quiet, all the adults vicariously enjoyed Marie Clair's first - and very intense - orgasm. The children who unwittingly precipitated this event didn't appreciate the significance, but did comment on the "squeezes" she was making for over a minute.
Restrained, in the midst of a public spanking, blindfolded and embarassed - were all factors she now associated with intense sexual pleasure.
"Maybe we'd better stop for a few minutes boys, and let her rest." suggested Inga. A couple of the other adult women concurred and the boys headed towards her bra.
"Brian, take your friends to the bathroom first and wash your hands. We'll be having some ice cream and cake in a few minutes." said Mrs. Hardman.
The boys returned so quickly that Marie Clair heard several adults chuckle comments that they couldn't have washed very well.
"Get under the table, boys and see if you can unsnap her bra in the front." Said Mr. Long. "But don't touch her titties yet. I want to show you something."
They had some difficulty trying to unfasten it, but their determination eventually succeeded. The elastic pulled the bra up to the back of her neck to hang over the backs of her outstretched arms.
Mr. Long knelt beside the table to explain about Marie Clair's breasts. "Our next anatomy lesson will focus on her breasts. Look closely and you'll see that the pink part in front looks soft and rounded. Those are her nipples. Watch this one while I massage and pinch it." While he fondled her right breast he explained to the boys that the nipple was getting harder and pretty soon the little bump on the tip would stick out. They look kind of soft like marshmallows until you get her excited." as he patted Marie Clair. When he removed his hand, they could all see the difference and were eager to try for themselves. "No, just watch a minute and the other one will firm up, too. Even if you just blow on it, it might stand out for you in anticipation." The boys started blowing before he finished his sentence, betraying their own excitement. The older Brian had been adjusting his trousers as he sat under the table, aware that other things were stiffening up, too, besides just Marie Clair's tits. He didn't know it, but all the adults in the room were noticing bodily changes of their own.
Heather wanted to feel them, too, which was fine with her mom. Heather also felt the barely noticible bumps in her own blouse.
Several adults asked the boys to have fun with Marie Clair's titties, but not to pinch too hard. "Try to describe what they feel like. If her titties were fruit, what type of fruit would match their size?"
Marie Clair cringed as Heather and the boys discussed her attributes. Thinking of others seeing the video tape - with close ups of her private parts and her begging for harder spanks, and her very visible wetness, all adding to her embarrassment.
"Ladies and Gentlemen. Boys and Girls, ice cream and cake is served. You kids sit over here and watch while we unfasten Marie Clair's arms for a few minutes. She may need to go the the bathroom after drinking all that pop at dinner." announced Mrs. Hardman to the world.
While people were changing places and setting up some folding chairs nearby, Mrs Hardman whispered in Marie Clair's ear to see if indeed she did need to go to the bathroom.
"Ummmgh, ummm." which Mrs. Hardman interpreted as "Yes, Mam."
"Inga, bring it in." ordered Mrs. Hardman while two men unfastened her arms and helped her stand up, but they still restrained her hands. They did not unfasten her feet. Marie Clair felt herself being lowered onto a seat right there in the living room.
"Hold her knees apart. If you kids want to watch her pee you can come over in front." Marie Clair heard the five of them come over to sit under the table, very close to her. "OK, Marie Clair, You can go now."
"Unnggh. Unnnn" She wiggled as the pressure on her bladder mounted in her upright position. She was thinking how much better she would feel once she had gone. "There's no way I could be any more embarrassed than I already have been." she was thinking to herself. So she finally went ahead and started peeing with her knees held apart on the little portable toilet and two men holding her arms out. Then she farted! How embarrassing! As the pee started again, she farted again. The children were roaring with laughter as she finished and squeezed out the last drops with another fart.
When the laughter subsided, Dr. Hardman continued his instruction, "When you put your fingers into her bottom some air got pushed in. That's why she farted. So don't laugh too much, it's not her fault. Now we'll wipe her off with warm washcloths and dry her."
After she was cleaned they helped her stand again, feet still wide apart, fastened to the table legs. "If any of you kids want to feel her some more while she's standing up, go ahead. Notice how her breasts stick out like lemons while she is standing? She doesn't really need a bra to support them, does she?" The boys laughed in agreement and began to feel her.
"Look, her pink nipples are getting stiff again. She must like this." observed Brian.
Heather's small fingers felt different to Marie Clair, but there was no way to object, as Heather experimented with one then the other breast -squeezing, lifting and letting it drop, twisting and pinching the nipple. Marie Clair moaned in spite of herself.
She heard people bringing in the plates of ice cream and cake and then felt her feet being unfastened from the table and refastened to a bar of some kind which kept her feet about 2 1/2 apart. They fastened her wrist cuffs to another bar - like a broomstick - behind her back, which kept her ams straight out. They took off her shoes and socks so she could get better footing. They led her back from the table taking wide steps, unable to get one foot within 2 1/2 feet of the other. She was able to take short forward steps by leaning her weight to the side and hopping the other foot forward. The kids laughed as she practiced, noting how her titties jiggled.
"Ungggh unghhnnn" she tried to say something through her gag, which only brought more imitations and laughter from the children.
"Maybe she needs some spankings to speed her up." suggested Brian, laughing to the point of coughing.
"That might help her learn faster." agreed one of the adults. "But let's have our ice cream and cake first."
Two of the men helped Marie Clair sit down. Then they laid her back onto some pillows so the bar would not hurt her back. "OK, kids. Anybody want to eat some icing off the 'Little Marie' table?" and Marie Clair felt someone put a spoonful of icing on each nipple. "We'll wipe her off after each person gets done so you won't get any germs." and then he put a dab of icing into her belly button and another on her thigh. "We'll put icing on different spots on the birthday girl and you can lick it off. A 'Living Birthday Cake!'"
"Can I do it, too?" asked Heather. "I want to try it. Can I eat her belly button? Please, please. I want to play, too."
"Well, of course, Dear." answered Heather's Mom and Mrs. Hardman at the same time, laughing, "Settle down, you'll get plenty of time to play with our birthday girl."
For the next five minutes Marie Clair could feel the kids eating the icing off her. She was quickly wiped off as each spot was licked clean, and another dab was placed somewhere else. Marie Clair was wiggling around as the tongues tickled her tummy, legs, breasts, and neck. She could not tell who was who but hoped she would get to see the video later. The dabs near her lower tummy kept getting placed closer to her mound - then on the top of her slit.
She tried to sit up but couldn't get her balance because one of the kids kept wanting to eat icing off her neck, chin and even her lips which were still stretched over the rubber ball with the strap through it.
All the kids were enjoying themselves and the adults enjoyed watching. One of the boys kept licking lower and lower on her slit. Heather was now playing with one of her breasts with her fingers and tongue.
"OK, kids. Let's stand her up now and watch her practice walking."
Marie Clair could take short, hopping steps. She waited several seconds between each step, wondering why she heard the table being rolled away.
"Brian, since you had the idea of how to speed her up, take this paddle and we'll all see if your idea works." suggested Mrs. Hardman.
With a gleam in his eye Brian took the paddle and walked over behind her. Marie Clair stood up straighter trying to tell by sound where he was standing. SMACK! right on her fanny. SMACK! SMACK! two more hard ones in the same spot sent her in a hopping gallop with her feet hardly staying on the ground. The crowd applauded Brian's training methods. SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! and she was practically running in a wide circle, unable to get away from Brian who was spurred on by the laughter and clapping of the audience. "Bravo, Brian!" "That's got her going!" "Good job, Lad!" "See how her titties jiggle, Mommy?" "Perfect aim, Brian!" "Harder!" and other comments as he 'trained' her to go faster for several minutes. Between smacks, Marie Clair heard Dr. Hardman's deep voice tell someone, "That boy has presidential qualities... a natural leader."
Brian stopped spanking a moment and she slowed down, trying to guess where he was. Everyone got quiet as she slowly turned around in the center of the floor, her pig tails flipping back and forth as she turned her head -listening. With her feet tied 30 inches apart, she leaned her head forward, bending her knees - ready to run - not realizing she was also sticking her fanny out. Brian was smiling broadly, two feet away - with the paddle raised in ambush, as she unknowingly turned her extended bottom right towards him. SMACK! SMACK! and he followed her around the floor, walking quickly, while she tried to get away again. The crowd cheered as he spanked her about every five seconds, speeding her up each time.
"Stop now, Marie Clair." commanded Brian, a man in charge, "Heather likes to see your titties bounce. Hop up and down to make them jiggle while I rest."
The tired gladiator hopped slowly up and down while Brian put his hands on her hips to turn her to face Heather and most of the crowd. "Higher and faster, or I will have to spank!" She speeded up a little bit at the threat -but not enough for Brian. SMACK - and she started hopping much higher and faster, pleasing the cheering crowd as her firm titties bounced. Heather tried in vain to make hers bounce while sitting on the edge of the chair, figiting more than usual.
"OK, now stand still and move your shoulders back and forth to make them bounce sideways."
She did this as fast as possible to avoid another swat. More applause for the ingenious Brian, a real crowd pleaser.
"Let's let her rest a minute." Mr. Long finally interceded.
"Maybe the other children would like to help you 'train' her." said Mrs. Hardman. "You can give her some more 'standing up' spankings - front and back, while she tries to walk around. Now, how does she like them, kids -hard or soft?"
"Hard!" answered all the kids at once. They ran to get their favorite paddles, belts, and so forth. Heather grabbed the belt which worried some of the other would-be spankers who admired her enthusiasm, but did not trust her aim. Two men led Marie Clair back to the center of the room and moved the remaining chairs and other furniture out of the way. Men stood every few yards around the ring so she wouldn't run into furniture.
Dr Hardman announced, "Brian gets credit for the hardest spank so far. Can anyone beat him?"
Robby got back just as the men let go of her and smacked her pubic mound with the stir stick. As she hobbled to turn around he smacked her harder on the fanny with the wooden paddle. He had a paddle in each hand! As she tried to hobble away she felt the belt slap the back of her leg just above the knee.
"Maybe we'd better just let 2 kids spank at a time." Suggested Dr. Hardman - his request an order. Mr. Long became the judge and timer, letting Robby and Heather go first. Mr. Jones was the camera operator.
Heather's next swing with the belt hit her on the side of the hip as she turned so that the tip of the belt smacked directly onto her pussy, which bent Marie Clair over. As she bent over the finally smiling Robby smacked her fanny with the riding crop - standing her quickly back up. The adults and kids all laughed as Marie Clair hobbled around, making her lemon shaped titties jiggle and bounce.
After 3 minutes of spanking, the referee said to stop and to go kiss and rub the birthday girl. Of course Heather liked the 'kiss' idea and went right for her titties - just below her mouth level. Robby fondled the one she was not kissing.
Brian walked out and asked if he could check her wetness - "to be sure she's enjoying this."
The adults looked at each other and then nodded in silent permission. Reaching between her legs from behind, his finger slipped all the way into her pussy - no resistance at all. "She likes this game." he announced sagely, holding up a glistening, wet finger to the crowd awaiting his verdict.
Applause and laughter.
"Three Cheers for Maire Clair!" said Mr. Long.
"And three cheers for the helpful spankers!" said several grown ups.
"See, the kids are learning a lot playing this game." commented one of the parents. "And I'm glad Marie Clair is enjoying her role, too."
"The next two spankers are Billy and Nick. Are you ready boys?" asked Mr. Long.
"No, I'm waiting for the belt." said Nick.
"Here it is." offered Heather. "But can I test her wetness before I sit down? Please, I want to test her, too."
"Sure, Honey." answered Mrs. Hardman and her mom at the same time.
Heather started fingering Marie Clair with gusto - slipping two fingers at once into the stationary Marie Clair. "Bet that feels good, doesn't it Marie Clair?" chided Nick as he tested a short piece of the belt on her fanny.
"Don't be mean, Nick," warned his mother.
"But she said in the video that she likes it hard." protested Nick with a wicked grin. "And I bet I can spank harder than Brian."
Laughing agreement, "You're right, Honey. Spank her as hard as you want."
"Go!" said the referee.
SMACK went the belt across the tops of the backs of Marie Clair's legs.
And less than a second later the riding crop smacked her bare pubic mound in an upward blow. Marie Clair began hopping and turning as the boys gleefully spanked her, thinking her noises expressed pleasure. The belt continued to strike the backs, sides and fronts of her legs from her knees on up, sometimes wrapping to the inside. The stinging blows also hit her fanny and sometimes the tip of the belt stung the front of her pussy.
The crowd was laughing as Marie Clair jumped around, hobbled by the two poles attached to ankles and wrists. "Look how her titties jiggle, Mommy." giggled Heather. "She is so funny."
"Break!" interrupted the referee after just two minutes.
"But that wasn't three minutes." objected Nick's mother. "Start all over."
The red lines around her legs and fanny and across her lower tummy showed everyone where the blows had been landing.
"OK. They can have another two minutes with different paddles." said the referee, "But first they might want to let her rest while they check her wetness."
Mr. Long wanted to give her time to catch her breath. "Marie Clair, try to squat down and open you legs for the boys. That's a good birthday girl." as she spread her knees, hunching her pussy forward for their easy inspection. She wanted them to keep inspecting her for two reasons, even though she would only have admitted to one.
Her perspiration mingled with her perfume giving off a sweet aroma. Her whole body glistened with her sweat and there was also a slippery trail of thicker wetness down the insides of her legs. Mr. Long had an idea for making things a little easier for the nervous contestant.
"Boy, this if fun, Nick. Isn't it?" as they each inserted a finger into her slippery pussy at the same time - for a very tight fit.
"Help me kneel her down. Why don't you do some softer front spanks while she puts her head and shoulders down on this pillow with her fanny up in the air?"
"Sure" said the boys.
"Well, I would rather just feel her titties some more anyway." said Billy.
"Let me give the birthday girl her choice." said Mr. Long. "If you want some gentle 'front spanks' and want Billy to feel your titties instead of spanking you, just lean forward and put your head on the pillows. If you want them to see how hard they can spank you for a few more minutes, then stand up." With that she knelt down immediately.
Nick looked at her upturned fanny and changed his mind. "I would rather put my fingers in her holes instead of spanking her."
Mr. Long thought this over. "I'll ask the birthday girl again." Then to Marie Clair, "If you would rather have Nick put his fingers in you instead of giving you a front spanking, then put your knees farther apart."
And - her knees slid wider apart on the wood floor as she arched her back tilting her 'holes' up for easier access.
"I want to, too, Mommy. Please. Can I finger her again?"
"You already had a turn, but maybe Nick will let you do a few for him."
"No." said Nick. "I want to do all fourteen in each hole myself."
Then during the break, while the crowd was ordering more drinks from Inga, Heather whispered something into Nick's ear.
Billy was happily fondling Marie Clair's firm, young titties as the crowd refocused on the next round of fun after getting their drinks.
"I'm going to show Heather how to put her fingers into the birthday girl, Mom. She hasn't tested Marie's fanny yet. Harummmp, Marie Clair, listen up." trying to sound like a grown-up, "I want to show Heather how to put a finger in your fanny. Your challenge is to squeeze so tight that I can't put my finger in to show her. But first I'm going to put lots of your juice in, so relax while I do that. Put your knees a little farther apart if you accept my challenge."
Marie put her knees even farther apart, arching her back more so that her chest was completely on the floor. Mr Long fluffed the pillows under her hands so the bar would not press into her back, while Nick dipped out some of her lubricant and began pushing it into her bottom - until his finger slipped easily in and out. "OK, now try to squeeze so hard that I won't be able to get my finger in. Wiggle your ass if you're ready."
Marie Clair wiggled her fanny back and forth then tightened her anus as tight as she could and waited.
Nick got his finger wet again, let her wait a moment, placed his fingertip on her puckered anus, and then pushed slowly in - all the way, while turning his hand back and forth slowly as he pressed.
"See Heather, that's how you do it." explained the triumphant Nick. The audience clapped and laughed again as Heather got her fingers wet and tried first with one finger - then two, while Nick probed the front hole.
When the children had finished, Mr. Long and Inga helped Marie Clair stand up. Mr. Long asked, "Marie Clair, if I unfasten your feet and wrists, and take off your gag, will you promise not to talk? Then Inga will take you upstaris and help you clean up so you can come back downstairs to your party. Nod your head if this is OK."
She nodded her head enthusiastically. They unfastened the two bars and took off the gag. Inga wiped off her mouth with a warm washcloth. Marie Clair rotated her jaw to relax the tired muscles... then she smiled.
The guests told her to hurry back down. Dr. Hardman promised no more spankings tonight as long as she did not talk, kept her blindfold on, and did whatever any of the guests wanted to do. The blindfolded birthday girl nodded without hesitation and was still smiling as Inga led her upstairs.
The children took the ankle and wrist straps and the two wood rods downstairs to play while the adults fixed themselves another drink and watched the video again.
Meanwhile, Inga finally took off Marie Clair's blindfold in her upstaris bedroom and began to wash her off gently with cool washcloths. She put soothing lotion on her reddened fanny and the backs of her thighs.
"Lay back on the bed with your knees up so you won't put any weight on your sore bottom, Honey. Now scoot towards the edge of the bed so I can kiss your tender pussy and make it feel better."
Marie Clair still had not spoken but did as directed, seemingly lost in a dream world. Inga heard the barely audible motor whirr of the bedroon security camera as it adjusted to zoom in on her soothing kisses.
After a moment Inga asked her if she wanted to go back down to the party or if she would rather just go to bed.
Finally speaking, Marie Clair said, "I want to go back to the party, Inga. And thanks for kissing me there. It feels better now."
"Are you enjoying your birthday party?"
"Yes. Some of the spankings were too hard. But it was fun playing with the other kids, after I got used to the blindfold. I was really embarassed at first, but they all seemed to think I was pretty, and they liked playing with me. I got lots better at the games, too, Didn't I?"
"You are pretty, Marie Clair. You did great at the games. You're a good sport, especially the way you pretended to like getting tickled with your new vibrator. And the finger game - you were really good at that - front and back."
"Thanks, Inga. I tried to slide on the fingers as fast as I could!"
"I know the adults, and maybe even the kids will want to kiss you goodnight. Since your bottom is sore, you'd better just wear the top of your nightie, OK?"
"Well, I guess they already saw everything," still speaking softly, "and I want go back to the party. I didn't get any ice cream and cake yet."
Inga laughed at this. So did the adults who had switched the big living room TV to the security system.
She was blindfolded again and led back downstairs. All the adults wanted to kiss her and wish her a "Happy Birthday." She ate the ice cream and cake standing up, which some of the adults found amusing. Her new, sheer nightie reached to just below her belly button. Everyone inspected her fanny and agreed that in a few days there would be no traces of the birthday party.
As the guests left Marie Clair invited each one to come over and play with her. Mrs. Hardman remeinded her of her role as household servant and that she would have to "wait on them."
"Oh, yes Mam. I'll do whatever they say. I want them to come and play with me." And, conscious of her blindfold she said to the parting guests, "I really want to see you."
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