Melissa Gets Researched

[ M/f ]

by Corn53

Published: 28-Jan-2011

Word Count:

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Dear Reader, Thank you for enjoying a vicarious adventure with me. If you enjoyed the story, please send me a note. Also, please share any fantasies, memories, suggestions, etc. It's how I get material for new stories. And of course, there is no way for me to verify if something actually happened or if it is pure fantasy. I'm not seeking any themes that involve violence, although mild coercion may be OK, as the naive, curious, protagonist progresses through her adventure. I'm not advocating doing any of these things with minors, although role play with consenting adults could be fun. The reason that many of my fantasy stories involve younger characters is that they are so curious about their own, budding sexuality, and they are easily seduced with compliments or "stuff," that is promised to them. The character is led through little steps and soon gets into very compromising situations.

"Hi, I was just telling your daughter about a project I am doing with the State University." he said to the lady in the torn jean shorts and sandals. She looked to be in her early thirties and her firm, lithe legs hinted that she had been a dancer not too many years ago. Her weathered face betrayed the years of drinking, smoking, and the many minor misfortunes of life.

He sat his expensive looking camera down, got a business card out of his wallet and said, "Your daughter is just the right age. You could make an extra thousand dollars over the next six months and she would get some spending money, too."

"A thousand dollars? That would help so much! What do we need to do? Would it take much time? Are you sure this is on the level?"

"Here is my card. You could come with me now to my off-site photo studio to earn the first three hundred dollars within a couple of hours. This is a secret project so we aren't doing it on campus. You can stay with us the whole time today while I take her measurements, pressure readings, and some pictures. You'll get the money after we complete the paperwork. You wouldn't even need to stay with us the whole time."

He could tell she was interested and he stood and began walking, continuing to explain the scope of the program. "That's one to two thousand or more in cash each year for the next few years while she 'develops.' Basically the paperwork is a contract stating what we are doing with the measurements, readings, and pictures. It also states our need for secrecy throughout this project, or you must refund all of the money. Among other things, this research involves the use of creams on her developing areas to see how different formulas affect sensitivity and so forth."

"What does she have to do?"

"All she has to do is let me or the other researchers take pictures and measurements, apply the creams, test her sensitivity, and chart the changes over the course of our study."

"Will she keep her clothes on?" now looking a little leery.

Laughing, "No. We will have to be able to see the skin in order to get the photos and test the sensitivity in various positions. Nobody but researchers will ever see the pictures. This is a medical-pharmaceutical longitudinal study. If you like we can put the full face blindfold on her so nobody will ever see her face. You'll get to see what we will be doing each month in just a few minutes. First you must sign the non-disclosure agreement, of course, so we can pay you today. And, if she is accepted for the study, just drop her off once a month. Would you prefer cash or checks?"

"Cash." said the mother, adding, "You mean she might not be accepted?"

"It looks to me like she will be. We have to check breast development and pubic hair growth. If her breasts are already too developed or if she already has much pubic hair, the doctors might not want her as a test subject. And if she refuses to follow directions, she will be discontinued in the project."

Then he asked the girl, "What's your name young lady and how old are you?"

"Melissa." she was glad to be part of the conversation, "And I'm eleven but I'll be twelve pretty soon."

"Would you like to help us with our medical research, Melissa? You'll get twenty dollars each time you get measured and photographed. And your Mother will get some household money for your family."

"Oh sure. I'd like to do it. Especially since you said I was pretty."

"You'll have to promise not to tell anyone about our research. This is very important, Melissa. You can't ever tell anyone, not your friends, relatives, teachers or anybody."

"I promise not to tell. Will I get twenty dollars each time? Does it hurt? I mean what you have to do to me."

Laughing again and patting her on the back as they entered the brick office building in the aging neighborhood. "No it won't hurt. It might even feel good to you , depending on which tests we are doing."

The mom was looking around anxiously as they went up the stairs but was reassured as soon as he unlocked the door. It looked like a medical examining room with a padded, narrow, examination table, a white metal cabinet and a tan, four drawer filing cabinet. There were several anatomical charts on the wall and a large graph paper backdrop on the wall near the video camera on a heavy duty tripod. They all sat on the folding chairs around the office table. He clicked on the CD player with typical doctor's office background music, then opened a new folder and wrote 'Melissa - 11" across the top. He began filling in the date and handed a form to Melissa's mother.

Joe went into the small bathroom and washed his hands, talking all the while. He came back our, slipping on his white lab coat. Then, taking the stethoscope out of his coat pocket, he stood behind the girl and began sliding it around on her chest, listening and feeling. He stopped and wrote down some numbers.

After the forms were filled out and signed in several places, even by Melissa. Joe handed over an envelope containing a hundred dollar bill. "This will be the first of many. You will get the rest in about an hour. Melissa, let me get some pictures of you before we start."

"Should she undress, doctor?" asked Ruth. Then she asked her daughter, "Do you have on clean underwear, Honey?"

"Oh, Mom."

"I'm sure she is fine. And I'm not a doctor. I'm a researcher. This is a test session so the doctors can determine if she will be a suitable subject. Kind of like a screen test. I'll need to get our first photo session on video. Go ahead and undress there in front of the graph paper. Take your time, removing just one piece of clothing at a time. Turn around a lot. I'll give you more instructions from time to time, Melissa. You're doing fine. I think you're a very pretty young lady."

She was very self-conscious at first but soon relaxed with both Joe's and her mother's words of encouragement. In just a moment she was wearing only her tennis shoes, socks and torn cotton panties.

"Just turn around, bend, and stretch for a minute, Melissa. She is certainly flat enough, Ruth. Just buds beginning to puff out, about grape size. Squeeze your breasts towards the cameras, Melissa." He clicked a few more snapshots, finishing the second roll already.

Ruth said, "Try pinching your nipples, Honey. That will make them their maximum size. The doctors will see that you have a lot of developing time left." Melissa obediently pinched her tiny, pink nipples towards the camera.

"BB size nipples. Excellent." said Joe, which made both Melissa and her mother smile.

"Pull down your panties now Melissa. Take your time. Don't take them all the way off yet, just pull them down and try to turn around without letting them fall all the way down."

Both Joe and Ruth were glad to see the completely hairless pussy.

"Looks like we can keep our trailer, Honey. The three hundred will pay the past due utilities and the rent, maybe even get our cable back."

"Hold still and face me so I can get a few close ups."

A moment later he said, "Sit down and take off your shoes now, Melissa. Keep your knees apart so I can zoom in with the video."

The smiling Melissa complied, but taking her time the way Joe wanted her to. Her knees were wide apart as she sat on the linoleum floor so that the doctors would be able to tell she was still hairless.

"Get on your hands and knees and face the wall now, Melissa. I need to get some close ups of your fanny."

After a few shots and another zoom in with the video, he said, "Put your head down on the floor and reach back to pull your fanny wide open for the camera."

She seemed to hesitate at this request. Her mother said, "Go on, Melissa. this is just for medical science. Nobody will see these pictures except doctors. Isn't that right, Joe?"

"Yes, that's right, Ruth. We need to determine initial anal color and texture. They will do the color charting back in the lab, of course. The color experts will only see a portion of a picture so that they won't even know what kind of tissue they are looking at."

While the adults talked, Melissa put her head and shoulders on the cold tile floor and pulled her fanny as wide open as it would go.

"A very small and pink anus. Also excellent. I'm sure the doctors will approve of her participation."

"Great." said Ruth.

"Hop up on the table now Melissa. Sorry about the cold floor."

She climbed the two steps to the table, laying on the towel on her back with her feet together, following Joe's hand instructions. He got a stainless steel calipers from the wall rack and massaged, gently pinched and measured her breasts in several spots, making notations on the record sheet with "Melissa-11" at the top. He asked Melissa to put her knees apart and took measurements on her tiny clitoris. After hanging the calipers back on the wall, he got his camera again.

"We will be testing various creems on her breasts, Ruth, but nothing that would change them in any way. It's just for measurements. I'll demonstrate with this ordinary hand lotion." And he squeezed some hand lotion into his palms and began massaging her tiny breasts. After a minute he pointd out to Ruth the they felt entirely normal which would make Melissa an ideal subject for further research.

After several pictures, front and back, in different positions on the table, Joe pulled some latex examination gloves from the metal drawer and got out a tube of sterile lubricant. While he was inserting a finger all the way into her tight, young pussy - without objections or questions form anyone, he explained. "I'm getting pressure readings. Just a few pressure tests and we'll be done for the day." While he was examining her, he explained which test he was doing now. "On a scale of 1 to 10, she is a three, which is normal for her age. It's also an indication that she has never had sex, of course, but is beginning to open a bit as she approaches the onset of menses."

He changed gloves and told her to get on her hands and knees for the anal test. Using even more lubricant and moving slower, he gave her a thorough anal exam, the lab coat hiding his delight. Melissa moaned as his large finger slid all the way into her. "Also a 3." he reported.

"Melissa!" chided Ruth, "Did that feel good or something?" and she laughed.

"I'll take Melissa into the bathroom to wipe her off and get a few pictures of her peeing. If it wasn't such a small room, you could come in too. But here are the next two envelopes so you can count this while I finish with her." he said, as he removed his gloves and helped her down off the table.

While she was happily counting the money, he led Melissa into the bathroom and closed the door. He suddenly remembered that he had forgotten to get the "double reading" and asked if she wanted to return to the table or just bend over here.

She said it would be fine in here, wanting a little privacy in case she moaned again during the test. She bent over and pulled her fanny open like Joe asked as he put some lubricant on his bare fingers. He slipped his right forefinger into her anus several times, as he knelt behind her. She moaned each time.

"Does that hurt, Melissa?"


"OK, here comes the other finger at the same time." and he very slowly slid his left forefinger into her pussy, causing her to moan louder. Sometimes he slid one finger in while pulling the other out, and sometimes he inserted both simultaneously. Melissa made soft moaning sounds and began moving her fanny around while he continued this test.

"I have to get my camera to get some close ups of you peeing. Go ahead and wipe yourself off, but don't pee yet."

Joe went out into the other room, got his camera, turned up the music volume and went back into the bathroom. Ruth was counting the twenties again, on top of the first hundred dollar bill. "I'll be back out in a minute, Ruth."

"Take your time."

"While I'm getting a few last shots, try to think of another girl about her age who could also keep a secret, and who's family could use some extra cash. You could get a hundred dollar referral fee for helping me find one more test subject."

Without hesitation Ruth said, "Her cousin. My sister's girl. Sis and I used to dance together and I still see her all the time. I'll stop by where she's bartending and mention it to her."

"Are you sure she can keep a secret? Even if she tells someone you would have to repay the money. So think about it. How old is her daughter?"

"She's 12 already, but not much bigger than Melissa."

Joe went back in the bathroom and got several shots of Melissa peeing with her knees apart. Then he wiped her off from head to toe with a warm washcloth and dried her.

After leading the naked girl back into the examination room, Joe handed her the pile of clothes and talked to them both again about the importance of secrecy. He also explained that Melissa would be getting some training bras and panties as part of this privately funded study, and suggested that Ruth use some of the money to get her some pretty clothes. It would help with the study if she could undress from a variety of outfits each week.

They made arrangements to return on Thursday afternoon a week later along with Ruth's sister and the 'new girl.' He handed Melissa her twenty dollars.

As they left, he patted Melissa's bottom and asked her if she was still scared of getting examined.

"No, sir." she admitted, "It didn't hurt a bit."

"And don't tell your cousin anything about the tests."

"No sir, I won't." she smiled.

Ten days later a loud muffler announced the arrival of the women at Joe's studio/apartment. The entered the examination room with their well dressed daughters, who looked like they were going to a party, in short skirts, feminine blouses, lacy ankle socks. Each girl carried a backpack with additional clothing. They met Dr. Ginny from the university who was waiting with Joe, both ostensibly filling out paperwork on their respective clipboards, which they put away as the four females entered.

Rachael's training bra was visible though her blouse but appeared to be more for decoration than function. Completely in charge, Dr. Ginny stepped beside the girl and began feeling her chest, gently squeezing her plum sized, pointy breasts. "Pull your panties down, Rachael, and hop up here." patting the examination table.

The startled girl pulled her white, silky panties to her knees and sat on the edge of the table. Dr. Ginny and Joe laid her back and lifted her skirt for a close inspection. The other two women and Melissa just watched without comment or reaction. The two mothers did seem relieved with a woman doctor. "She will do fine." said Dr. Ginny. "Just a few very fine, blond, pubic hairs beginning to grow. Perfect timing for our research. Keep holding your dress up while we talk a minute." They all stood around the exposed girl lying on the table, with her feet dangling down, holding her skirt above her waist, and feet apart trying to keep her panties from falling off her ankles. They even used her for a table momentarily, laying one of the forms they would be filling out on her now flat chest. All of the women reiterated the need for secrecy while Joe patted her bare pussy, tracing the contour of her pubic mound absently while they talked. Melissa seemed mesmerized watching his fingers stroke her cousin. She watched his finger trace up one side and down the other. Then Joe gently squeezed her lips together between his thumb and forefinger - pulling it from side to side, then pulling it out and twisting slightly. He released and patted it again while the women talked. He was not looking at his hand, but Melissa was staring at it.

Dr. Ginny reminded Rachael's mother that Rachael was not selected for sure yet and that she would have to prove she could follow all instructions without question no matter how silly the instructions might seem. "There will be a variety of different scientists involved in this project over the next two years."

After a brief interview, and completing the paperwork on the new girl, the two mothers left with their cash trusting the researchers with their daughters for the next two hours. "I'll bring the girls over every two weeks to drop them off." said Ruth, "since my sister's hours are so irregular. This extra money sure helps. I got our cable turned back on. Now you girls do everything they tell you! I'll be back in two hours."

"Before we start the examinations, we will get some pictures of you together. This will illustrate your relative size as we proceed through the other tests. We're going to put some bright red lipstick on each of you first. This will help later with the color studies on our photos." He started the camera and asked them to stand side by side facing the camera and lift their skirts in front. "That's it. Pull your panties to your knees and turn around clockwise." Both girls laughed as Melissa started to turn the wrong direction and bumped into Rachael. Rachael was more relaxed now.

He had them bend over and touch their toes, exposing their fresh fannies to the camera, then they reached back and pulled their fannies open - each one trying to be the most obedient.

"Some of the things we will ask you to do today may seem strange, but there are medical reasons for getting your reactions to everything we do. You may take off your skirts now, but pull your panties back up."

As they proceeded through a variety of poses to get relative measurements the girls started enjoying presenting themselves for the camera. They had Melissa help Rachael off with her training bra and then Rachael helped Melissa put it on - feeling how "empty" it was trying to squeeze the almost non-existent breasts. Some clowning and teasing was even encouraged by the researchers.

When they were both naked except for their panties they were directed to stand facing each other so their breasts would touch. The blond Rachael had very obvious tan lines from her two piece swimming suite now that summer was drawing to a close. It almost looked like she had on a white bra. "See how Melissa's nipples are slightly higher than yours, Rachael, even though you are taller?" The girls bumped foreheads as they both tried to look down at once. When their giggling subsided, Dr Ginny suggested they put their arms around each other to help them keep their balance. "I'll explain why in a minute, but now I want you to kiss each other." Melissa started to ask a question when Rachael's lips pressed against her mouth, shutting her up.

"Keep doing this for a moment, girls." instructed Dr. Ginny.

After almost two minutes, Dr. Ginny said, "We will continue with some of the psychological research for a little longer before we begin the measurements and pressure readings. Right now, maintain your embrace but turn your chests towards the camera."

With the camera zoomed in on their breasts now, Dr. Ginny pointed out - with her hands and voice - that the older Rachel's nipples were more erect than Melissa's. "Now I want to continue to kiss while we feel your panties for other physiological reactions.

Rachael and Melissa continued kissing with their arms around each others' waists while Joe and Dr. Ginny began feeling their panties from behind. The girls parted their legs making it easier for the researchers to reach under to feel their pussies through their silky panties. The girls began squirming more while kissing and getting stimulated between their legs.

"Before we proceed to the next test, I want to get readings on nipple stiffness after stimulation. Melissa, I want you to kiss your cousins nipples for a minute. You may bite gently while kissing and sucking. Put each breast completely in your mouth a few times. That's a girl." Of course this did seem to make Rachael's nipples harder which both researchers verified with their fingers. Then they had Rachel "help" with some research on Melissa's nipples.

They stopped after a few minutes when Joe said, "The table is too narrow to examine them both at once. We'd better take them into the bedroom so we can lay them side by side for the next part of the examinations."

Dr. Ginny led the now quiet girls into the bedroom, noting they were holding hands, while Joe brought the cameras.

When the girls were laying beside each other across the bed with their feet hanging over the side, the two researchers pulled off the girls' panties. Noting the obvious wetness, Dr. Ginny said, "We'll have to keep these for our study. You will get new ones later." And she put them in a plastic bag after sniffing them.

The girls eagerly did the strange comparison tests they were asked to do, without any hesitation or questions. The cameras did not seem to make them the least self conscious anymore since this was for medical research. They did giggle a little bit at first during the "scent-flavor-test" when they laid on their backs at the edge of the bed while the researchers sniffed and licked them. They had explained a little bit about the scented douches which they would be testing later on in the program, and that they now needed some neutral readings.

They explained that if they continued to be very cooperative, they might be scheduled for additional research hours and might also be asked to help with testing new subjects. That is why they wanted the girls to learn to insert the anal lubricant into each other. Joe gave Melissa an enema shaped syringe filled with lubricant, and helped her insert it into Rachael's anus. He taught her to squeeze a little out, push it in farther, squeeze more out, and so forth until it was in all four inches. "Now see how easy it is to slide your finger in. That's it. All the way. Use only your right finger in her anus. Once you put a finger in her anus, don't put the same finger in her pussy before washing your hands. You can probably slip your left finger into her pussy easily since it's already wet. We need to step out a minute and write down these measurements. You can go ahead and show your cousin how the finger pressure tests will work. Maybe she would be able to take two fingers in her anus an once. You can ask her if she wants to try it after you use one finger about ten times. Remember to push in slowly. We'll be back in in a few minutes."

Leaving the video camera on, the two adults left the room to the sound of quiet moans, and partially closed the door. While watching Melissa on the remote monitor, Joe said, "I think we'll get lots of interested scientists to help fund our research. These subjects are perfect."

As they watched the girls in the monitor they saw Melissa lubricate her index finger and cross it over her forefinger. Rachael had her hands on her fanny, pulling her cheeks apart, knees and shoulders on the bed. Melissa pushed slowly all the way into Rachael's well lubricated anus.

"Unghhh." the researchers smiled at the sound from the other room.

Joe said, "I think we have found our first research apprentices."

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I have read several of your stories and have found them all enjoyable. Your writing style lends itself to a rather quick build up of sexual tension and a need for relief as I read. My only wish is that you could write additional chapters to more of your existing stories. If that is your intent to bring us up to wanting more, you certainly have that talent. G

The reviewing period for this story has ended.