Jemma - The Tickle Couch

[ Mf ]

by Corn53

Published: 27-Jan-2011

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Dear Reader, Thank you for enjoying a vicarious adventure with me. If you enjoyed the story, please send me a note. Also, please share any fantasies, memories, suggestions, etc. It's how I get material for new stories. And of course, there is no way for me to verify if something actually happened or if it is pure fantasy. I'm not seeking any themes that involve violence, although mild coercion may be OK, as the naive, curious, protagonist progresses through her adventure. I'm not advocating doing any of these things with minors, although role play with consenting adults could be fun. The reason that many of my fantasy stories involve younger characters is that they are so curious about their own, budding sexuality, and they are easily seduced with compliments or "stuff," that is promised to them. The character is led through little steps and soon gets into very compromising situations.

Bill explained there would be fewer judges on this test, because all my juice would be gone after just a few judges tasted me. He reminded me that all the men had to sign a pledge before they could enter the hall that they would not stick anything in the little girls except vibrators, fingers and tongues. "This is the tongue part." I'm glad he was so straightforward with me.

"But were do they taste me, Bill?" adding, "They can't kiss me with this bag over my head."

He laughed. "Of course not, Jemma. And it's not a bag, it's a hood. Your name is on it, along with your contestant number, so the judges will credit you with the right amount of points. We want to win tonight, don't we?"

"But then where do they taste me?" trying not to let him change the subject.

"Oh, I'm sure most of the judges will taste you right between the legs, and maybe even on your fanny." finally giving me the full answer. "You'll just lie in the swing with your legs apart, suspended on the slings, and your pert little fanny raised on a pillow. One judge at a time will sit down on the chair with his face at your pussy and taste. You might like it. They might even use fingers and vibrators to get more juice out. You'll get wiped off between each judge."

"I looked at the scores posted so far and you're doing great. Almost twenty judges signed up to taste you! They will have to draw straws." and sounding disappointed continued, "Unfortunately since I'm your guardian tonight, I can't be one of the official "tasting Judges" but maybe I could sample you during your break, or later on."

"Oh, I'd like that, Bill, if you want to. But what about germs?"

"You will get washed between each 'taste test.' And remember how I told you that each judge has to wash his hands with soap and water every time they touch you down here?" He stopped reached down and felt between my legs and even on my anus. "Feel my fingers now, Jemma. See how wet they are? You get wet real fast for such a little girl. Now walk by the washing station with me. We'll get you to the Tasting Swing soon enough."

"I'm not such a 'little girl.' I'm going to be fifteen. With my coat and boots on I weigh a hundred."

Laughing again, "Oh, like how soon will you be fifteen, Jemma?"

"Well, in ten months."

"Ha!" he chuckled "'Just ten months!' You crack me up. What did you like best of all the contests so far, Jemma?"

"That's hard to say. Ummm." thinking, "They were all kind of fun. I don't know why, but I even liked having the men watch me pee. Kind of a mystery-like, not knowing who's watching. Those vibrating things are great. Make me melt inside. Hey, it feels like my 'tasty juices' are developing just thinking about those things."

"Oh, Jemma." laughing louder, "This will always be a night for you to remember. You're so much fun!" he picked me up in his arms and carried me. It was faster than leading me because I walked slow with the hood on my head. "I'll get you one of the vibrators tonight. A souvenir."

We stopped to wash our hands. Several men were there. "I'm on my way to get tasted." I announced loudly through my hood.

"Is it too late to sign up for this one?" asked someone. "Bet she's really juicy."

"The ones eager to try it get the juiciest." They were all laughing. I heard a toilet flush.

"No, she's all booked up. But we might have an extra round with her later - off the record, of course, if enough judges are interested." Bill told them.

"I'll be juicy again later, I bet." joining the fun. They laughed louder.

"Sign me up!" they started saying, one at a time.

"How soon does your tasting start, Jemma?" asked the man now washing his hands in the big sink.

"Gee, I don't know. How soon, Bill?" I asked.

"In just a few minutes. We've got to head on over."

"You guys can come and watch them tase me if you want." I giggled. "Don't forget about the 'extra round' later. I sure would like all of you to taste me." I would have continued flirting, enjoying the group excitement and also enjoying getting felt on my titties by two guys at once - made me feel so grown up. "I guess we don't have time for you to taste me right now." as Bill pulled me away, still chuckling.

New voice, "Watch your step, Jemma." just stand on the first step and turn around. We'll lift you in." Several sets of hands picked me up as if I were light as a baby.

They set me in a chair which felt like a hammock, leaned me back lifting my bottom to put a thin pillow under it. Then they lifted my legs up and put each one in a separate sling - knees wide apart and feet even farther apart. Someone jacked up the whole thing. With each squeaky stroke I was hoisted a little higher.

"We can adjust you to hang right in front of the judges mouth this way, Jemma." while other voices made comments about how cute I was! I felt so pretty - the center of attention!

"Are your legs too far apart, Jemma?" a different man queried. "Would you like them closer together or farther apart before we start?"

"We could put them farther apart." I said, "This isn't too far for me. I'm a cheerleader and we practice spreading our legs!"

The men all started chuckling at this remark for some reason, so I added, "Go ahead, spread them wider. It feels fine to me. Really!"

I liked the feel of the air cooling off my wet pussy. Even more, I liked the attention of all those men. Anticipating the 'taste test' seemed to be making me even 'juicier.'

After my legs were adjusted even farther apart, someone rocked my little hammock and turned it so my bald pussy faced each judge in turn.

"Who wants to go first?" asked the announcer's voice - but not on the loudspeaker. I could hear laughter, applause, and comments from other areas of the room as the other contestants gave their valiant efforts. I momentarily wondered what they were going through and if they enjoyed it as much as I did.

"I'll go first." said about ten judges at once.

"Since we don't want any arguments, I'd better go first." said the announcer. "Then we can pick numbers while we wipe her off.

"All ready, Jemma?" said the announcers voice from my crotch.

"Ready, willing, and eager!" I said, in huskier voice than usual, more serious, trembling.

"I can tell you are." He ran a finger down my wet slit.

"Ohhhh," I moaned, getting even juicer, no longer laughing. The ring of judges got quiet as the announcer put his mouth to my pussy.

He didn't put his tongue in me or even lick my slit. Instead he ran his tongue up my lip beside it. Lifting his head he announced, "She tastes great, gentlemen. I didn't even put my tongue in yet, but can taste her sweetness all around. She's the best yet. Such slippery, thick juice. Ummmm." as he licked up the other side. "Can't wait to eat this one. She's probably even wet on her anus from spillover. Ummmm," as he licked my anus.

"Ummmm" I moaned too as he licked my anus.

He pulled my anus open with his strong thumbs and kept licking. Moving up between anus and pussy his tongue went from side to side. And then in. Into the center of my pussy, drinking my flavor. Lapping it out.

"Ohhhh. Unnnnghhh" and I began squirming around, scissoring my spread legs. "Unnnghhh, That feels so good mister." I said clearly. "Unnnnnghhh!"

He had reached my little button in front. I knew more juice was flowing. "Oh, guys, her juice tastes great. You'll all have to wait a minute longer." more licking. Crowd near me silent, watching me squirm, listening to me moan.

"One hundred percent!" said the announcer, finally standing, pushing back his chair. "Jemma gets a perfect score!"

They wiped me off with a warm wash cloth. The loops in the material of the washcloth stimulating me, pumping more juice from my virgin well.

"You're getting top scores tonight, Jemma." whispered Bill in my ear. Only six more judges for this event. Then we'll take a break.

"I'm in no hurry." I said, not whispering. "If anyone else wants to judge, I'd be glad to hang around. Get it, Bill? Hang around." I joked, starting to get my breath back.

"That felt so great, seriously. Is there any way I could get his tongue for my souvenir?"

Someone turned me back to face the next judge, who was scooting the metal folding chair towards me.

I felt his hand squeezing my spread lips together, squeezing and rubbing them back and forth. Back and forth like a boy scout trying to start a fire. He was lighting my fire!

Then he slid a big, calloused finger all the way into my pussy, pulled it out, tasted. "Yes, Dave was right. She tastes great." He slid his finger in again and began licking my button. Then he pushed upward with both index fingers, spreading and lifting my lips - apart and up. My pink canopy was lifted clear off my button, exposing the swollen knot, and he began nibbling.

"Unnnnnghh!" I moaned aloud. "He's got a beard" I said to myself, enjoying the subtle difference as the hair tickled my sensitized, bald lips.

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