Published: 28-Jun-2011
Word Count:
"Bless me, Father, for I have sinned. My last confession was three weeks ago." As I said that, I knew that this week's sin was a big one. I was glad that going to confession was anonymous, especially now that I was ten and I had naughtier sins to confess. We had recently moved to this parish to take advantage of their subsidized housing program for single mothers. I liked the house, which was nicer, but only slightly bigger than the one we had moved from. I heard a man from the parish telling my mother when we moved in, that the plumbing and electrical work had been upgraded, and that a security system and new, fancy, smoke detectors had been installed in every room.
I said through the curtain, "I, umm, rubbed myself three times, Father."
"Rubbed yourself?"
"Yes, Father. Between my legs. Sister said we shouldn't do that, unless we are wiping ourselves with toilet paper, and then only for a little bit. But I rubbed more than that."
"Yes, Young Lady. Go on." Father Thomas said. "Don't leave anything out. You must tell me everything if you want forgiveness. Where were you when you rubbed yourself and how long did you do it and did you have an orgasm?"
"What do you mean by 'having an organism?'"
I think I heard Father Thomas chuckle, but I'm not sure. Then he said, "It's 'orgasm,' and it means to get very good feelings in your feminine parts."
"Oh. Well, yes for two of the times but not on the other one because I was so nervous. But later that night I rubbed it again and then had the organs thing."
"Go on." He said. "Tell me all about it. And how old are you, Young Lady?"
"I'm ten. Well, it isn't exactly my fault, Father." I wasn't sure how to continue, so I just started talking. "Well, like Mom wasn't home and I saw one of my brother's friends go in our garage. I knew my brother and one of his other friends were already out there. It's just a small garage, but we don't have a car, so he had kind of fixed it up like a clubhouse for the boys. He's almost fourteen, and likes to goof off with his friends. And, well, the friend who I saw going in the garage... like you have to go through our backyard to get to the door, since the main garage door is broken and it takes two people to open it."
"Go on with your confession." Father Thomas said when I stopped talking. I wasn't sure if I should tell the whole story. He was my fifth grade history teacher, so I hoped he wouldn't recognize my voice! "Anyway, the boy who went through our backyard and into the garage is kind of cute and I wanted to go see what they were doing. I kind of snuck up on them and tried to peek through the little window. It was painted shut so I couldn't open it, and there were lots of paint specks and lots of dirt on the window. I tried to spy on them for a while, and then tried to open the door to peek in, because they were being real quiet.
"Well, they heard me starting to open the door and started coming over to it, so I pulled it open and stepped inside. They had a pile of dirty magazines on top of a stack of boxes that they used as a table. My brother and the friend who had been in there a while had their pants down and they were rubbing their things. I saw them. The cute boy who had just gone in had his belt unbuckled and the front of his pants were open, but they were still pulled up. I said, 'what are you guys doing?'
"My brother said, 'What are WE doing? What are YOU doing? This is our private club and no girls are allowed!'
Father Thomas said, "Go on." I could tell he was leaning closer to the little black curtain inside the confessional.
"And then, Father, I did something foolish."
"Tell me everything, My Child." He said. "You must tell me everything, if you want forgiveness."
"I told them I wanted to be in their club. The boys had all pulled up their pants, but I could see they had been looking at dirty magazines, like pictures of naked girls. Girls who were doing naughty things.
"My brother started to get mad. 'This is for boys only!' He said. Then I told him that maybe I would tell on them if they didn't let me in their club. I was looking at the cute boy and also at the magazine he was looking at. He was almost a whole year older than my brother and walked over to me.
"Then he said, 'We like to look at magazines - cars, sports, and of course, naked girls!' And I think he was trying to embarrass me. I said, 'So do I, Brian!' And I don't know why I said that, Father. Because then he handed me the magazine he was holding and asked me what I thought of the girls. I said, 'it looks like they... ummm." I stopped talking again, because I was getting to the embarrassing part. I was glad that nobody else was in line to go to confession. All the pews near the confessional were empty when I went in the confession booth, and you can hear if the church door opens.
Father Thomas sounded impatient. "Keep talking, My Child. So far you haven't done anything too sinful."
"And then I looked at the dirty magazine, taking it from Brian, my brother's friend. I flipped through some of the pages, and said, 'Looks like these girls shave their pussies. No hair on any of them. And they must be over 18 or they wouldn't be in magazines and have such big boobs.' I guess I was trying to sound grown-up, Father.
"'Well, then,' Brian said, 'I bet you don't have hair either, Laura, even though you never shaved it. You're probably still bald. And I know you don't have boobs yet.'"
"See, Father, Brian is like the oldest and he's sort of the leader of their club, so my brother and his other friend were just listening. They had started looking through their magazines again, and walked around to the other side of the table away from me so I couldn't see their things.
"So I told Brian that I did have some hair, but only a little bit, and that I had boobs, 'and they are almost the size of half of a lemon.' Because that's what I heard a girl at school say about her boobs."
"Yes, My Child. Keep going. You are doing well. You must confess all."
"And then Brian dared me to prove it, and that's when I did something really stupid, and told him he could feel them. Instead of backing away and laughing, which is what I expected him to do, he put his hands on my chest and started feeling my breasts. I didn't know what to do then, so I just stood there. That's when Sam, my brother's other friend, came over and he started feeling them, too. I didn't have a bra on because I don't really need one, Father, and I was wearing my school uniform which kind of covers me up.
"And Brian surprised me again. He said, 'OK, you are getting little breasts already. If you have enough pubic hair to see, then I'll let you join our club, but only on Wednesdays.' And I know he picked Wednesdays because this happened on Thursday, so they could get rid of me for a whole week.
"Then I told him that he could peek and then he would see that I was getting grown up. He had me turn around - facing away from my brother, who was still on the other side of the table. Brian and Sam knelt on the garage floor and I lifted up the front of my uniform. I was going to pull down my panties, the white, cotton ones we are supposed to wear, but Brian put his hands on my hips and pulled my panties down to my knees. I let them look. Then Sam reached out to touch it, and I told them not to touch it, but Brian said he could hardly see any hair so he wanted to tug on it to make sure. And then I said, 'Well, OK.'
"So they both felt it for a while and I stood still, holding up the front of my school uniform with my panties bunched up around my ankles. And then they wanted to see my bottom, so I turned around. It was making me feel funny to let them look at it. Then they wanted me to bend over and pull it open, so I did. And then they touched it, not like sticking their fingers in me, but just feeling my bottom and touching it in the center, like you know, where the ... well, you know... where it comes out. That's where they touched me.
"They told me to unbutton my blouse and let them see and feel my boobs so then I could be in the club. So I did that, and they kept feeling them."
"Go on. Tell me what else happened." He said.
"Then it gets really embarrassing, Father, because they opened their pants and showed me their stiff things. They said they were looking at pictures and rubbing them. Brian asked me if I ever rubbed myself between my legs and I told him that I did, but only sometimes, since it's naughty to do that. I didn't use the word, 'sin,' because Brian and Sam aren't Catholics. They wanted to watch me rub myself, and they said they would rub their things and let me watch their stuff squirt out, if I let them watch me rubbing myself between my legs. So I did that. I had never done it standing up before. Brian said we could go in the house and they could watch me, but I didn't want to do that, so I just stood there, with my blouse still open; holding up the front of my uniform, and rubbed myself between my legs. They were rubbing their things, and pretty soon lots of white, sticky, warm stuff squirted out. Some of it got on my leg, but I wiped it off.
"I went back in the house after that. Brian said he wanted to play with me some more, but Mark, that's my big brother, said that I was a virgin and was going to stay that way, at least until I was a teenager. It made me feel good when he said that, Father, like he was protecting me."
"What else happened?"
"Nothing else, Father. I went in the house after that, feeling all shaky inside - like real nervous. I tried to do my homework, but couldn't concentrate, so I fixed a peanut butter sandwich."
"Did you see the boys since then?"
"No, Father. But they are coming over this weekend. Like Brian and Sam are going to spend the night with Mark on Friday because Mom will be gone, so Mark told Mom that he and his friends would keep an eye on me."
"Now, My Daughter, do not let them do those things again. Do you understand?"
"Yes, Father. I want to be good, and I don't want to go to hell."
"One last thing. Did you go upstairs and rub yourself between your legs on the same day that the boys did those things with you in the garage?"
"Yes, Father. I rubbed it for a long time and then got those good feelings, that is, an orga... orga... orga something."
"'Orgasm.' You had an orgasm. That should be saved for marriage. I will give you a light penance this time, My Child, because you did a good job telling me everything."
Then he told me what prayers to say, and he said his words in Latin.
I didn't like talking to him that long, because I was worried he might recognize my voice, because he is my fifth grade history teacher.
"Bless me, Father for I have sinned. My last confession was one week ago, and I was a bad girl."
Father Thomas said, "Tell me your sins, My Child."
"It's my brother. And his friends. Well, I umm, see? It's not exactly, not completely, their fault, but I did play naughty things with them because they wanted me to. We were going to play card games at the dining room table, but we ended up playing other games later, and I undressed and let them touch me. And I touched them. I know that was naughty. I know I shouldn't have touched them, too, but I wanted to watch them squirt out their sperm, and they wouldn't let them watch them unless I undressed and let them all rub me."
"Did they put fingers in your vagina or in your anus?"
"No, Father. Well, a little bit, I mean a few times, in my vagina. I wouldn't let them put their fingers in my anus. I thought Brian was just kidding when he said he wanted to do that. Would people really do that? I mean actually put a finger in somebody's anus?" I was curious.
"Yes, My Child. It feels very good to boys and girls. And if a girl rubs herself between her legs at the same time that someone puts a finger in her anus, then she often has an orgasm."
"Oh, gee." I said. "I thought Brian was just kidding when he said that. Gee. But anyway, we didn't do that. I did rub myself while they watched me, and then they rubbed themselves, too, and squirted their stuff, but they had washcloths to squirt it in. They showed the white, sticky stuff to me. My brother reminded them that I was a virgin and he didn't want them to put their fingers or their things in me. I was glad he was watching out for me. Then we had snacks and watched TV. Brian had me sit next to him on the couch and he kept feeling me, and he even rubbed me between my legs, and then, well, he said he didn't mean to, but he did put his finger in me. But just a few times, I mean, just for a few minutes. I tried to stay quiet while he did that so my brother wouldn't hear me. We had a blanket over our laps even though it's warm outside, so nobody saw him doing it."
Then Father Thomas surprised me. He said, "Laura, you have been doing very bad things and you need more punishment. You know that, don't you?"
I was blushing and started sweating, even though nobody could hear me. He knew who I was and what I had done! He knew my Mom and had talked with her several times at school, or after mass, or once when he visited our house. I didn't say anything.
He said, "Laura, I know that your Mother, Claudia, would be very upset about this. Wouldn't she? I don't want to have to call your Mother. Claudia would want to know all about this. She would be very upset."
"Yes, Father. She would be mad. I would be grounded for a long time, and she would take away my bicycle. Things like that. And my brother would get in trouble, too, even though he goes to a public school. And his friends wouldn't be allowed to come over."
"I'm glad you're concerned about others, Laura, however, you know you deserve severe punishment. Do you know that you were a 'near occasion of sin' for the boys? Because of you, they all masturbated. Maybe several times. If they died before they go to confession they could possibly go to hell. For millions of years. You wouldn't want that on your conscience, so you must be punished. You know that, don't you?"
"Yes, Father. I'll do anything. Please. Just don't tell my Mom."
Report to the rectory tomorrow right after school. Don't tell anyone, just come directly from school. Would your Mother miss you or ask questions?"
"No, Father. She's at work. She won't be home until six o'clock, so that's like three hours after we get out of school."
"The prayers you have been saying have not been punishment enough for you. You need to be spanked, and perhaps other types of punishments as well. It's the only way I can save your soul, Laura, especially since you've been taking off your panties and spreading your legs and letting boys look at you and even letting them put fingers in you. Will you report to the rectory after school to accept your punishments?"
"Yes, Father."
I made sure nobody was watching me, but nobody was around. When school was out, everybody went home or to the playground, which was on the other side of the school, which is on the other side of the church. I knocked on the big, wood door.
Father Thomas opened the door, and let me in and locked the door behind me. He wasn't smiling. It smelled like church inside the big room - like old incense and candles, and furniture polish. The thick, red carpeting made it feel like walking on carpeting without my shoes on, even though I did have my shoes on. He told me to take off my shoes and socks, so I did.
Then he said, "I will have to tie you into position to get you ready for your first set of spankings. You are going to accept your punishments today, aren't you, Laura?"
"Yes, Father. I'm sorry for my sins."
"I must put this blindfold on you, Laura. And you must not talk unless I ask you a question. Put one of these straps on each of your ankles and wrists." He handed me four small, black leather strap things, with little belt buckles. There was like a shiny, metal ring on each of the 'punishment bracelets,' as he called them.
While I was putting them on, he went over to one of the counters; pulled open a drawer; and got out a blindfold. He opened a cupboard door that was above the counter, and pushed a button on a radio or cd player. Background music started - like an organ and some singers, but not in English, more like in Latin; some kind of classical music, but with a newer beat. It was better than the music he plays in history class when we take a test.
I was nervous, but also feeling tingly. It was hard to stand still. There was a sturdy table in the center of the big room. I looked at the paddles laid out on it. There were wooden paddles of different sizes and shapes. Some were made of black leather with different braided handles. It looked like they could really hurt. There were other things - ropes, wooden things, and some things that looked like big test tubes with a red, rubber ball on one end. I didn't know what half of the things were. One white plastic thing looked kind of like a flashlight, but there wasn't a light bulb at the end of it. It was just rounded to a point. I kept looking at it.
He laid the blindfold on the table and went over to open another big closet door. I had never been in the rectory before, and it kind of reminded me of a church with fancy windows and nice furniture. He got a camera on a tripod out of the closet.
"A camera?" I was looking at it.
"Don't talk! This is just to embarrass you, Laura. So you won't know if I'm making a video or not. But even if I did, My Child, I couldn't show the video to anybody, except perhaps some church assistants so they would pray for you." He was fiddling with the camera.
It made me nervous, and having a camera did make it more embarrassing, which he said was part of my punishment. I know I deserved a spanking.
"Let me check your wrists and ankles." He looked at the straps to make sure they were tight enough. He tightened up my two wrist bracelets. All four of the black leather bracelets were about two or three inches wide.
He had me turn around while he inspected me, and even put his hands on my bottom. He asked if I was wearing panties and I nodded, since I wasn't supposed to talk.
"Pull them down and take them off. Set them on the table next to the paddles."
I pulled them down and stepped out of them. It was embarrassing because they were old panties - kind of stained and torn, and they were also kind of wet in the middle part between my legs. I bunched them up so he couldn't see that part, and then I laid them next to the paddles.
"Before I begin your punishment, Laura, you must look into the camera and say your name and age. Hold up your wrist straps and you panties. Tell the camera that you know you deserve a punishment because you have been a naughty girl. Tell the camera that you had to take off your panties because one of your sins was taking off your panties to let boys look at you while you spread your legs apart. Go ahead. Talk now."
I looked into the camera, feeling ready to cry. My voice wavered as I began to talk. "My name is Laura and I'm ten years old. I have been a naughty girl." I held up my wrists, and showed the camera my panties. "This is too embarrassing." I said and started crying. He let me cry for a minute and then told me to start over. I started over, and this time I was able to hold up my panties. I didn't remember exactly what to say when I got to that part, so I said, "Umm, well, one of my sins was pulling down my panties to show boys my... my... ummm... my... well, between my legs, and like spreading my legs so they could see it. They looked at it and touched it, all three of them did, even my brother, and I let them, so I have to take off my panties for the punishment. Sniff." Then I started sniffing again, and started to cry.
After I cried for a minute it subsided down to sniffling. Then he said, "Time for your punishment, Laura. You do want forgiveness, don't you?"
"Yes, Father."
He fastened the blindfold on me and then fastened me over the table - clipping straps or something onto each wrist and ankle strap and pulling them tight. My ankles were fastened to two of the table legs so my feet were about a yard apart, and I was stretched out over one end of the table with my wrists halfway towards the other end of the table. My head was almost up to the row of paddles and things.
"Stay still, Laura, and don't talk. I have to let in the other people. They will help with your punishment."
"Other people! No. No, Father. Please, no. That's too embarrassing!" I struggled against the bonds, but all I could do was wiggle.
"Hush, now, Laura. You know you deserve to be embarrassed. It's part of your punishment. You liked pulling down your panties to show boys between your legs! So be quiet! Even if I had ten people come in to help me punish you, it wouldn't be too many, so hush! And I won't touch you, My Child." He said. "My assistants will punish you according to my instructions." I heard his voice across the room opening a door. With the thick carpeting, I couldn't tell how many people came over to me, but I knew it was more than two or three other people.
Father said, "Thank you, my Brothers and Sisters, for helping me punish this naughty girl. It will take about an hour to fully punish her. Then she will be purified. She is not allowed to talk. She will only tell me a sin when I tell her to tell you some specific thing she has done. She has been showing herself to boys. Taking off all of her clothes and pulling herself open so they could see between her legs. You did this, Laura, didn't you?"
"Yes, Father." I said. "I know it was a sin, and I won't do it again."
"Don't keep talking! If I ask you a question, just answer the question and do not talk any more. Did you pinch your breasts and show them to the boys?"
"Yes, Father."
Smack! The first spank against my bottom startled me. I was glad that my school uniform was long enough to conceal the fact that I wasn't wearing panties.
"Ouch! Unn!" I said and wiggled around, like trying to get away from the paddle. It wasn't really that hard of a spank, but it startled me, and it did sting a little bit.
Smack! Smack! The next two spanks felt a little harder, and I kept wiggling. "Unnn, Ohhh, no, please. Not so hard."
"Each time you talk, it just adds to your punishment, Laura. It is OK to make noises - I know you won't be able to help that, but do not say words unless I ask you a question. Now tell my assistants - did you pull down your panties and show the boys your bottom?"
"Yes, Father." I was waiting for a spank, but didn't get one. I was still wiggling though.
"And you reached your hands back and pulled your bottom wide open to show the boys your anus, didn't you, Laura?"
"Yes, Father." I flinched, even though no spank came. I couldn't see a thing through the blindfold.
"And you took off all of your clothes and let the three boys feel your breasts and your bottom and between your legs, didn't you, Laura?"
"Yes, Father." I thought maybe they were done spanking me and were just going to talk, so I didn't flinch or tighten up this time.
Smack! It was harder.
I said, "Ouch! Ohhh, unnn." and kept wiggling.
Father Thomas said, "They will keep getting harder, Laura, unless you tell them to lift up your uniform in back. You may say that, but be polite, and say, 'please lift up my uniform and spank my bare bottom.' Can you say that for the cameras and my helpers?"
I said, "Please lift up my uniform and spank my bare bottom."
Father Thomas said, "And tell them that you liked showing your bare bottom to the boys, and tell them what you were thinking and how many times you did that."
I tried to remember how many times. I said, "Yes, I liked letting them look at my bottom, umm, in front and in back, and I guess about... well, four different times, but on a couple times I kept showing them, like when they touched me, and I kept holding it open for them. You know, so they could look at me and touch me."
"You liked doing that, didn't you, Laura?"
"Yes, Father."
Then I got several softer spanks. They didn't hurt, but they startled me, so I was wiggling around. I wished I could at least close my legs, but they were fastened far apart.
"And, Laura, the boys each showed you his penis, didn't they? And you must tell everything, just as if this was your full and complete confession."
"Yes, Father."
"And tell them what you did with each penis."
"With my brother's two friends, I licked them and tickled them, like on their balls, and then sucked on them - and like rubbed on them while I was sucking. I did that with my big brother's, too, only I didn't suck on his."
"And did each boy's cum, that's the warm, white, sticky stuff you told me about; did that get on you, Laura?"
"Yes, Father. The first time, some of it got on my uniform, so I had to wash my uniform, so the next times we did that I took off all my clothes first, so it wouldn't get on my uniform. It washes right off my skin, or like, if I swallowed it, it wouldn't get on me, but it didn't taste very good."
"But you did it again, didn't you, Laura, even though you knew it wouldn't taste very good."
"Yes, Father. I did it more times."
Several soft spanks and then two or three pairs of hands started massaging my bottom and my thighs, pulling me open. Then, after about a minute or so, I heard a man's voice whisper, "Look, Father."
Father Thomas said, "Yes, My Son. I see. This little sinner is wet." While the hands kept pulling me open and feeling my thighs, and bottom, and even my pussy, he said, "Did it excite you to talk about showing yourself to the boys? Is that why you are wet?"
"Yes, Father. I can't help it. It just gets all tingly and wet. I'm sorry. And it's so embarrassing now, with people looking at it, and maybe a camera."
"'Embarrassing' might help teach you a lesson, Laura. You should be embarrassed when people see it, but you enjoyed it, didn't you, when you showed it to the boys?"
"Yes, Father." I was telling the truth. "I liked showing them. They wanted to see it. They asked me and even said 'please.'"
"And then you showed it to them, didn't you, Laura?"
"Yes, Father."
Father Thomas said, "You see, My Brothers and Sisters - she certainly deserves punishment - embarrassment, spankings, and other things to really punish her."
I heard several people mumble their agreement, and it sounded like two or three different men and one woman, but it could have been two women. Then one of the men's voices said, "Perhaps she should reenact some of the naughty things she did and get spanked at the same time. Perhaps then she would remember not to do it."
Father Thomas agreed. "Laura, you pulled your bottom open to let them look at it, didn't you?"
"Yes, Father."
"And you rubbed yourself between your legs while the boys watched you, didn't you, Laura?"
"Yes, Father."
The other man's voice said, "Did the boys finger her, Father?"
Father Thomas said, "I believe so. Let me ask her to make sure. Laura, did any of the boys put their finger in your vagina? And if so, how far did he push it in you?"
I had to tell the truth. "Yes, Father. He pushed it in me all the way."
"And did that feel good to you, My Child?"
"Yes, Father. It felt good to me."
Then that same man said, "Like with the other sinners we helped you with, perhaps you could combine the punishment with the sin - at the same time, so she will remember not to do it again."
Father Thomas said, "Laura, in order to teach you a lesson that you will remember, I will ask some of my volunteer helpers to put a finger in your vagina, and each time the finger is all the way in, you will get a spank. I know this will hurt, and I know this is embarrassing for you, but you were a very naughty girl. You know you deserve this punishment, don't you? You don't want me to tell your Mother, do you?"
I wasn't sure which question to answer first. I said, "I know I was a naughty girl, Father, and that I deserve punishment, but please don't tell Mommy."
Then Father Thomas surprised me. He said, "I'm going to unfasten one of your hands for just a moment. Then I will let you feel four different paddles, and you must choose one - the one we will spank you with."
They unfastened my right hand and let me feel four different paddles, two of them were leather and one was like a bunch of leather straps all fastened together at the handle and the last one was wood. I wasn't sure so they let me feel each one again. I couldn't hold still while I kept feeling them. I was curious about the one with all the strands of leather, so I chose that one.
Then he let me feel the finger of four different men and one woman. I got to feel each finger again, since I couldn't make up my mind. Then, after stalling as long as I could, with somebody still massaging my thighs and bottom at the same time, I chose the woman's finger since it was the smallest. And I could tell that she had short fingernails, which I wondered about at first. Father Thomas said, "She will tickle you between your legs, and every so often, she will push a finger in you, and each time she puts it all the way in your vagina, you will receive a hard spank."
She started tickling around on my pussy; like flicking her fingers across my clitty which made me jump and wiggle around. I couldn't help it. I think she was kneeling down behind me so her hand wouldn't be in the way when I got spanked. But she didn't push her finger in me. Instead, she just kept tickling around on my pussy with all of her fingers on both hands. It felt so funny, and so good - like tickling it all over at the same time.
Then I heard a lady's voice say, "She is very wet, Father. She definitely needs more punishment and more embarrassment." As she finished saying the word 'embarrassment,' her finger plunged all the way in me and I felt a hard spank across my whole bottom, but it wasn't a regular spank - but it was like lots of little whips at the same time, and it stung in different places. It made me jump and wiggle around. Her finger stayed pressed all the way in me, while I got two more spanks, and then she pulled her finger out and started tickling all over my pussy, even stroking over my anus. I couldn't hold still. She didn't stop moving her fingers.
Suddenly she pressed a finger all the way in me, and again I got the little whips on my bottom which was like lots of little stings at the same time. It hurt, but it was making me tingle, too. She kept her finger pressed all the way in and moved it around inside me while I got two more spanks. "Unnn, ohhh, ouch! Unnn, ohhh, ouch!" Still moving her fingers, she pulled her finger out and kept tickling me all over between my legs. I couldn't hold still. Then she pressed in again and held it there while I got three more spanks. She pulled out and kept tickling me all over my pussy and especially on my clitty.
Father said, "You seem to be learning you lesson, Laura, and accepting your punishment. Should she keep going to teach you a little more, or did you have enough of this kind of punishment?"
"A little more, Father." Then I couldn't believe I said that. Her fingers never stopped moving - back and forth across my clitty and all around. I knew I was wet and she was pulling more slick wetness out of me. She plunged in again. I said, "Unnnnn, ohh," and was wiggling my bottom all around before the first spank hit me. It made a noise and stung a little bit, but wasn't real hard. Neither were the next two spanks which came at irregular intervals.
After the next two sets of fingerings/spankings I felt like I was going to explode with pleasure inside. Father stopped everything. "Take your hands away, Ms. Gloria, and stop spanking, Mr. Timothy. We will let her calm down a moment. It was starting to look like she was enjoying her punishment." Then he put his hand on the back of my shoulder, "Are you still embarrassed, My Child?"
"Oh, yes, unnn, Father." I still couldn't hold still, but was trying to.
"Oh my, My Child. Do you have big tingles between your legs, Laura?"
"Yes, Father. I couldn't help it. Like almost having an organism."
He said, "Hmpp. She means 'orgasm.' Well, everyone. I'm glad that all six of you are here to help me. Evidently the spankings and fingerings aren't enough. Help me unfasten her wrists and ankles, and we will remove her blouse and uniform. Perhaps that will embarrass her more."
There were two people at each wrist, and one person at each ankle, as they unsnapped the straps that were fastened to the rings on my ankles and wrists. Ten seconds later I was naked. They laid me back on the table; face up, with my hands over the edges close to the far end of the table, and my back was right where the paddles had been. My feet were dangling over the edges of the table, and then someone pulled each ankle down and fastened me in place. My knees were just over the edges on either side of the table. I could move my hands and fingers and even my arms to some extent. My feet could swing in and out a little bit, but my legs were spread wide apart.
"My Child, Laura, you said that you showed your breasts to the boys and that you liked it when each of the boys felt your breasts. Is that correct?"
"Yes, Father."
"And you said that you held each boy's penis in your hand and stroked it?"
"Yes, Father."
"Ms. Gloria, put the suction tubes on her breasts to suck them out with a vacuum, so they will be bigger and more sensitive."
"Yes, Father." Said a woman's voice.
The glass felt cold against my skin. I heard something like a hand pump and felt my breasts, especially my nipples, each being sucked into a tube.
When she stopped pumping, Father said, "Thank you, Ms. Gloria. Now gentlemen, if you don't mind, would one of you stand on either side of the table so that she could hold a penis in each hand?" I heard belt buckles and zippers and then felt a big penis in each hand. Father Thomas said, "Feel them, Laura. I want to see if you would be able to tell which penis you were holding in which hand, so you could identify them later. In your right hand is 'Penis A,' and in your left hand is 'Penis B.' Check size, girth, stiffness, curvature, head size, and so on. Do you understand?"
"Yes, Father. Should I do the balls, too?"
"Yes, m\My Child, but gently."
I kept feeling them - the size, girth, stiffness, curve, head size and shape... they were all different, just like Brian had told me, after I told him I really liked his. His was kind of pointy and not nearly as big as either of these two. One penis had a really big head and a smaller shaft, but Penis B was fatter and longer, even though the head felt the same size as the shaft.
After a minute, Father asked me another question. "And you pulled yourself open between your legs several times for each boy to show him your clitty, didn't you, Laura?"
"Well, then, it's only fitting that you be spanked on your clitty while someone pulls your lips apart. That's fair, isn't it, Laura?"
"But that would hurt! Maybe kill me or something. I hear boys talking about getting kicked in the nuts."
Father Thomas and one of the men chuckled. Then he said, "These will be light spankings. Just symbolic, if you will, to teach you a lesson. If you feel a harder tap on your clitty, then squeeze each penis you are holding. If you understand, then squeeze both of them now."
I squeezed them.
"You must rub each penis, Laura, and you will be receiving taps on your clitty. If you feel a hard tap, then squeeze the things in your hand. Is that clear?"
"Yes, Father."
"And you know that you are on video. None of the adult faces are in the video. Only you. Mostly close-ups of your naughty parts. This is to make it even more embarrassing for you, so you will learn your lesson."
Then the lady's voice said, "Perhaps a moment with the buzzer, before I take off the breast suction tubes. Then she will be more sensitive for her punishment, Father."
"Yes, Ms. Gloria. That's a good idea. Laura, keep stroking each penis. Try to show us how you stroked the boys."
"But I used both hands on one boy at a time, Father, like one hand for underneath."
"Just do it as best you can, Laura. We can't unfasten you just yet. You need more embarrassment and punishment."
As he finished speaking I heard a buzzing noise near my pussy, and then felt something tickling all around it. When it went through my open pussy slit, I jumped as it touched my clitty. "Unnnn!" I said.
In less than a minute I felt the big tingles again, but then she stopped buzzing me. She said, "Perhaps I should alternate between taps with the little paddle, taps with the buzzer, or pushing a finger in. Then she wouldn't know what to expect next as part of her punishment. She's quite wet, Father, almost as if she enjoys this."
Father Thomas said, "Oh, no, she couldn't be enjoying this. I know she is very embarrassed."
He kept talking, but the lady started tapping my clitty with the miniature paddle, or touching my clitty with the buzzer, or plunging a finger in me. Then I noticed that Father Thomas was talking to me.
"What?" I asked.
"I said that you are very embarrassed and that you are not enjoying this at all, are you, Laura?"
While he talked, the woman continued, and I couldn't hold still. I was trying to squeeze my legs together or open them wider. She kept tapping or buzzing or fingering me. I barely felt the two cocks in my hands, but tried to keep stroking them.
"Well, Laura?" Father asked again.
"It's embarrassing, Father. I don't like... unnnn, ohhh... this. Oh, Jeez. Oh, unnnn, this is so embarrassing, ohhhh." It was impossible to hold still.
The two men backed away so my hands were empty, and the woman turned off the buzzer and stopped tapping my clitty with the little paddle. She released the tubes on my breasts and took off the little pumps. Feathers started lightly tickling them. "Unnnn, ohhh, what's that?" My titties were so sensitive.
A different man's voice said, "She likes the feathers on her nipples. See how they are standing up so nicely? Firm, pink, and puffy. They must be very sensitive."
The woman's voice said, "Yes, I'm sure they are sensitized - much more sensitive than usual. That light touch with the feathers is probably driving her crazy. That will teach her. Should I spank her clitty at the same time, Father Thomas?"
"That would help her remember not to let boys see her breasts, and that she shouldn't open her legs to show them her clitty. But I don't want her to..."
"Yes, Father. I understand, and will just keep her near the edge. I know she has more punishment to do today; other sins to reenact. Perhaps we could let her down soon, and then strap her back in this position again later."
"Thank you, Ms. Gloria. Very good idea. So please continue the light spanks on her clitty. Is it getting swollen?"
"Yes, Father. It is bigger and stiffer, and she is much wetter than when we started her punishments and embarrassment. Shall I intersperse the clitty spanks with buzzer taps?"
"I know that embarrasses her when you touch the buzzer to her clitty. I will ask her." He put his hand on my shoulder - just inches above my bare breasts. It was difficult to pay attention with the feathers tickling my nipples. He said, "Laura, My Child, I know it embarrasses you when Ms. Gloria taps the vibrator on your clitty so that you can't keep still or stay quiet. Should she continue to embarrass you that way as part of your punishment?"
"Unn, ohhh, yes, Father. I'm trying to hold still, I just can't." I heard the buzzer start again - which Father Thomas called a 'vibrator.' I had heard about them, but didn't know what they were. It must have been that plastic thing that looked like a flashlight without a light bulb. "Unn, ohh, it's so embarrassing, but I was a sinner, and deserve it." I tried to open my knees wider so she could easily put it on my clitty. I wanted to sound like I didn't want them to do it, even though I did. It felt so wonderful.
Father Thomas said, "Very well. Yes, Ms. Gloria, touch the vibrator on her clitty. That really embarrasses her and will help teach her a lesson!"
As she started buzzing or spanking my clitty - at the same time the men were tracing feathers across my titties - I felt ready to explode with pleasure again. She gave me some hard spanks on my clitty - which made me try to close my legs, but I couldn't... and then I tried to open them wider as she buzzed me. I kept moving my hips and saying, "Ohhh, unnn, ohhhh."
Then they unfastened my ankles and wrists again and got me off the table. I had to demonstrate on one of the men the naughty things I did with the boys' things. I demonstrated for a little while and then his warm, sticky stuff squirted into my mouth. Father Thomas told me to swallow it because that would certainly teach me a lesson. "And you see, Young Lady, that a boy or a man can't help but ejaculate when a young girl does that to him. 'Ejaculate' means to squirt his cum out. You need to know better. Perhaps you need even more reinforcement. Do you think you need another lesson? One more demonstration of your sin? If you swallow one more in front of the cameras you will be ready to go soon, and Ms. Gloria will finish punishing your clitty. If you don't demonstrate it, then they will leave and I will untie you when they are all gone so you can get dressed and go home. Again, if you demonstrate that sin on another of my assistants they Ms. Gloria will give you one final punishment on your clitty. If you don't do it, then we are done for the day. You will get extra heavenly forgiveness if you do one more demonstration. Do you want to stop now, or do one more demonstration, and then get the clitty treatment from Ms. Gloria. You decide. Demonstrate and get one more embarrassment treatment from Ms. Gloria, and more forgiveness, or stop now. What is your decision, Laura?"
The choice seemed confusing to me. I said, "I only get the clitty, embarrassment treatment if I suck one more man? And I mean, then I'll also get more forgiveness?"
"Yes, Laura. That's right. But you have to swallow all of it if you want Ms. Gloria's embarrassment treatment and the extra forgiveness."
"Well, I do need extra forgiveness, because I was a bad girl."
So then I sucked on a different man. I knew it was "Penis A," but I didn't say anything. After about three minutes, I swallowed all of it, and it was a lot. Then they put me back on the table face up and I got in position. I heard them move the camera. They started tickling my breasts with the feathers, and Ms. Ginny started tapping my clitty with the little paddle, or buzzing my clitty with the vibrator. I couldn't hold still or keep quiet, and pretty soon I had a big orgasm in front of them. It was embarrassing, but it felt so good.
They let me rest. Father Thomas said, "Thank you for your help everybody. Hopefully, this will be the last time we have to punish her like this. There are other more embarrassing things we will have to do if she commits these sins again. Laura, you don't want to have to come back here for another punishment next week, do you?"
"Oh, no, Father. This was so embarrassing, and some of the spankings hurt, too."
"Well, you know that if you show yourself to the boys, or if you let them touch you, then you will have to come back next week for more punishment, and different things. You don't want to come back here, do you, Laura?"
"No, Father. I'm going to be a good girl."
"That's good." He said, "Because if you ever commit those sins again, there will be more people, more cameras, more paddles, and other, even more embarrassing things that we will have to do to you for punishments. Some of my helpers today know who you are, and they will be keeping an eye on you, too. You can never talk about this with anyone! Do you understand?"
"Oh, yes, Father. I want to be a good girl. But, like what other punishments? What do you mean?"
"I can't tell you that, Laura. You'd just better be good, because it would be much worse than what happened today! Much more embarrassing!"
The people left and Father Thomas thanked them. Then he unfastened me and helped me take off the wrist and ankle straps. He helped me get dressed again, and gave me a glass of pop. While I was drinking pop, he put a black scarf with writing on it around his neck, and then said some words in Latin so I would have forgiveness.
As I left he reminded me to be a good girl. I promised I would be good.
And I was... until Friday.
Dear Readers, you may be tiring of this confession-type story. I don't want to offend anyone. I remember as a child being taught to do or believe everything a priest would say because they were the authority - to be obeyed without question. This is a work of fiction. If you would like to see more about Laura's punishments, let me know... or share suggestions for things that would be more embarrassing for our young, naïve (but curious and horny), protagonist. Thanks, Corn53
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