Published: 20-Jun-2011
Word Count:
The next Wednesday, right after lunch, Sister Ginny came up to me in the hallway when I was heading back to my homeroom. She wanted me to step over to the clinic for a minute. We waited by the clinic door until the hallway cleared out and the bell rang. I said, "But I'll be late for class."
Sister Ginny said, "It's OK, Margaret." She smiled. "We need you to help with a special project this afternoon. I already told your other teachers so you are excused for the rest of the day. You will get an 'A' for each class you miss this afternoon. We are going somewhere this afternoon to help Father Thomas with a special fundraising project." She looked at me, "You do want to keep helping us, don't you, so you and your family get to stay in that nice house for free?"
"Oh, yes, Sister. I'm glad to help. And it always looks like the other kids who go help with the projects had a good time, even though we can't talk about it. I know my brother Johnny had a good time, and he wouldn't tell me anything. I didn't exactly ask him what he did, but he knew I was curious, but he said he couldn't tell me."
"That's right. And Johnny has been a big help, too, on several occasions. He is almost fourteen and small for his age, just like you are small for your age. That is a good feature to have so you both can help us for at least a couple of years. How do you like your new house?"
"It's nice. Mommy really likes it, too. But, umm, well, I kind of miss when Johnny and I had to share the same bedroom."
She smiled at me. "I know. But I'm glad you do get time alone together everyday. And I'm glad you still take baths together so you can wash each other."
I wondered how she knew that, but then she opened the door to her clinic and led me inside. She got a white, plastic thing out of one of her drawers in the metal cabinet where she kept bandages, tongue depressors, and things like that. It looked kind of like a flashlight, about six inches long, but didn't have a light bulb place at the end of it. Instead it was tapered to a dull point. She twisted the base of it and it started making a buzzing noise. I asked, "What's that?"
She smiled again. "You'll see. Now stand still in front of me and put your feet apart. Stand up straight, like a good, little Catholic girl. Very good, Margaret. Now lift up the front of your skirt. I'm going to get you in the mood to help Father Thomas with the demonstrations for some new, possible donors. These are important men who will donate money to our church and school. The extra money from those nice donors helps keep us going, and it pays for your family's home, too. And since you've been here over a month we are going to start providing a clothing and food allowance, that means extra money your Mom can use. I hear she likes the job we found her, even though it keeps her away from home a few evenings a week. I'm sure you and Johnny are OK when you're home and she isn't."
Then, while I was holding my skirt up, she pressed the buzzing, plastic thing against the front of my panties and kept moving it around. "That tickles." I said. She kept pressing it and within a minute I was making little noises and moving my hips around.
"This doesn't hurt, does it, Margaret?"
"No, Sister. It just... unnnn, ohhhh... it just feels kind of ... unnn... funny." She kept pressing it against my panties, especially between my legs. "What is this for? Ohhhh, that feels funny."
"This is to help get you ready to help Father Thomas with demonstrations in front of the new donors. Now I need to take off your panties and get you ready for an enema before you go on the little trip." She pulled my panties down and told me that my pubic mound was still smooth and pretty and it didn't need a shaving touch up yet. "You probably won't need a touch up for a month or two, Margaret. The other little girls who help us really enjoy this treatment with the buzzer to get them ready to help us with the fund raising projects. I have to lubricate your anus and check to see if you need an enema. Turn around and keep standing with your legs apart while I lubricate you. Put your hands on your bottom and pull it open. That's it. Now bend way over and pull it open even wider. I'll buzz you a little more in a few minutes - right after your enema, if you need one." She got me all slippery and pushed her finger in all the way - several times.
Each time she pushed her finger all the way in me, I said, "Unnnn."
"This doesn't hurt you, does it, Margaret?"
"Unnnnn, no, Sister. Unnnnn."
"Your anus is clean and empty, Margaret. Very good. Did you poop this morning before school?"
"Yes, Sister. I always do it in the morning when I get up."
"Very good. Just like Johnny. Clean and empty. Good. I won't need to give you an enema today." She pulled her finger out, making me exhale. "Stand up and turn sideways to me. Keep your feet apart. I need to buzz you for another minute. Put your feet apart. I'll put a finger in your bottom at the same time. This helps get your muscles relaxed in back, so it will stretch easier a little later on today."
I wondered what she was talking about. She patted my bottom and put her right forefinger in my anus while I was standing with my feet apart. My hands were at my sides. As she pushed a finger in my bottom, she rubbed the little buzzer on my pussy with her left hand.
"Ohhhhh, gee. Unnn." I couldn't hold still.
Suddenly she pulled her finger out and took the buzzer away. My hips kept moving. Then I had to face away from her and bend over to pull myself wide-open for her, while she wiped the lubricant stuff off my bottom. Then I dropped my hands and she pulled me open from behind while I was still bending over, putting her thumbs on either side of my pussy from behind, with her fingers on the outside of my hips, she pulled my pussy wide-open. I heard it make a little, slurp noise. She kept looking at me. "Very good. I see that it did feel good to you." She said. "I think you're ready. I already inspected your big brother, and he's ready too. Both of you are all clean. You'll be doing demonstrations with him today. I'll take you out to Father's car in a minute. They are waiting for us." Then she asked me again if I had started having periods and I told her no, and that I really didn't want to have them. She laughed and hugged me. Sister Ginny is nice.
She put lipstick and a little eye shadow on me, and added blush on my cheeks. After spraying a little perfume on me and brushing out my hair, she put a ribbon on the pony tail on either side of my head. I felt pretty. Then we went out the back door of the school.
It seemed like we drove for an hour, but Sister Ginny told me it was only forty minutes. She and I were in the backseat, and Father Thomas and Johnny were in the front seat. Father Thomas asked Sister Ginny if I was ready, and Sister Ginny said, "Yes, Father. She is clean and empty and seemed very wet and ready for the demonstrations."
"Good. I'm sure they will have a good time, and I'm sure the sponsors will enjoy helping with the demonstrations. This will certainly aid our fundraising efforts for the church."
A little while later, he asked Sister Ginny if I had enjoyed the buzzer treatment, and Sister Ginny said that she thought I had enjoyed it very much, but she had stopped short just like she had been told. He said that she, too, would get extra grace for helping today.
Father Thomas turned his head back towards me as we pulled up a long driveway to a big, fancy, old house. It looked neat. Father Thomas said, "I want you two to do whatever I say. You will be demonstrating some of your sins, but they aren't sins today because it is for demonstration purposes. They will be making videos of you, which they will use to help other people understand the nature of sin. They will also make videos while they demonstrate different kinds of punishments - such as spanking or 'embarrassment' treatments. You'll be demonstrating various kinds of sins of the flesh, including some new ones you haven't done yet, as far as we know. From your confessions, and other evidence neither of you has done some of the things we'll have you demonstrate today.
He had Johnny and me both promise to do a good job, and said that we should enjoy what we are doing because it will be such a big help. He said we would enjoy everything, "especially the new things you will do today."
Sister Ginny said, "And of course this is our secret. You're not to talk about this with anyone, including the other students at school, or your Mom, or anybody."
Both of us promised not to talk about it ever.
There were five men in suits in the room. They were smiling and talking with Father Thomas and Sister Ginny. After giving Johnny and me a glass of soda with lots of ice, they showed us two of the sets where we would be doing the demonstrations. One place they called a set was just a big bathroom, and the other was a bedroom. There were extra lights set up in each room.
While we were walking through parts of the house, Sister Ginny said, "Both kids are clean and empty for you, and both of them are hairless. And they both enjoy stimulation in back." The men seemed glad to hear this, but I was blushing.
Then we went back to the living room and introduced ourselves to the cameras while we were standing in front of the couch in our school uniforms. We had to say we were brother and sister a few different times while we talked to the camera. We both said we were two years younger than we really were, and Sister Ginny held up her hand to stop the cameras, and told the men our real ages - 10 and a half, and almost fourteen, but they can pass for younger, and it will look better in the videos. The men agreed and smiled.
Father Thomas had us explain some of the sins we committed with each when we were alone together.
Johnny started, "Sometimes I like to play with my little sister, especially when Mom is gone. She's cute." He smiled at me, and I smiled, too, when he said that. I felt myself blushing. He kept going, "Like I'll help give her a bath, and then I especially wash certain parts of her." He reached his right hand across in front of us and felt around on my chest. "Her titties are little, but she likes it when I touch them and rub them, and even pinch them. You'll see when I get her undressed, that she is developing nice, little breasts. And I like to pull down her panties, too, and rub her there." He slid his hand down over my tummy and up under my uniform. "It's especially pretty now, because it's shaved. She only had a little fuzz, but now it's all gone. Even her pretty legs are shaved now, but you couldn't see any hair unless you looked real close. It was fine and blond."
Gee, I didn't know he could see the hair on my legs before.
Johnny said, "And now I undress and get in the bathtub with her..."
I interrupted him. "You didn't last time, Johnny. You kept your underpants on the whole time, and you didn't get in the bathtub with me."
Johnny blushed. I had never seen him blush before. He said, "Well, I was kind of embarrassed after I got shaved that afternoon. I didn't want Margaret to see that all my pubic hair was gone."
Then Father Thomas waved his hand to signal Johnny to continue.
"And we keep playing - like touching each other. When I take a bath with her, she likes me to stand up and she pulls down on my thing - which is all soapy wet and slippery, and she lets it go to watch it spring up." He told hem that sometimes he liked to lick me between the legs, since he learned to do that in another demonstration session with one of the other girls from school.
One of the men asked me if I liked it when he did that, and I said, "Yes, it was funny at first, like kind of gross, but then it started feeling so good, and I could tell he liked it, so I opened my legs wider for him."
The man said that I was such a good little sister.
Then Johnny said, "Basically we keep playing around until my white stuff squirts out. Sometimes it makes a mess which we always cleaned up really good so Mom wouldn't see it, but now she swallows it so that's easier. We have pop in the house, so then we have a glass of pop after she swallows my stuff."
One of the other men asked me if Johnny ever put his finger in my bottom. Johnny answered the question for me. "I haven't done that yet, because I just learned about it, but we'll start doing that now." He looked at me. "Does it feel good to you, Margaret, like to have a finger in your bottom?"
I blushed and looked down. "Yes."
"Would you like me to do that with you, Sis?" (Sometimes he calls me, 'Sis.')
"Yes. But use lots of slippery stuff. And, you know, get me all slippery first."
Father Thomas said, "You can demonstrate that today. And she has had bigger fingers in her bottom, Johnny, so it won't hurt her. In fact one of the fingers that went in her bottom is almost the same diameter as your penis. She really liked having the big finger slide into her bottom, and even had a big orgasm with the finger inside her. The man told me that her spasms squeezed his finger."
One of the other men said, "I like to see a brother and sister getting along so well. Now let's hear from you, Margaret."
"Um, well Johnny said most of the things. Sometimes by myself I like to rub myself. I guess that is my main sin. Johnny likes to watch me do that, too, like before he licks me there."
Then Father Thomas explained, "She gets very wet, which is probably why Johnny likes to let her masturbate for a few minutes first." He looked at the other men, and added, "You gentlemen might want to remember that, too, before you lick her." Then Father Thomas looked at me, "Margaret, these men have to demonstrate their sinful thoughts, and they imagine licking a nice little girl like you. So let them lick you without fighting."
He stopped talking, so I said, "I know. I shouldn't fight. It's a worse sin to fight."
Father Thomas smiled. "That's right, Margaret. So will you let each of these men lick you after you rub yourself for a little while? And they will each want to finger you - front and back - when the time comes. Not until after your videos with Johnny."
"Yes, Father. I want to help."
Father Thomas said, "Both of these kids are very helpful, and I'm also glad they get along so well. They play games like many brothers and sisters, but today they will also practice kissing for you. Although Margaret likes to kiss and suck on Johnny's penis, she doesn't kiss him on the mouth, but that's one of the new things they will demonstrate today. Eventually, if Margaret does a good job, she will get to suck on Johnny's cock after she plays with it. They will demonstrate other new, fun things for you today, too. Now it's time for you two to kiss and undress each other, and show the cameras a few of the things you do together so far. Then you can spend a little time relaxing before your next videos. I want each of you, before getting dressed for your next act, to spend a few minutes with each of our sponsors, so that can kiss you and touch you. You will both have to kiss everyone and let them feel you and finger you."
I started to giggle. I knew Johnny wouldn't want to kiss a man. And how could they finger him, because he's a boy and doesn't even have a vagina.
But before I could really think about that, somebody started the music and Johnny took me in his arms and kissed me on the mouth. We had never done that before, and it felt funny at first, but as we kept doing it, it started to feel good. Then he started rubbing his hand around on me.
He undressed me first, except for my shoes and socks, and then I undressed him. When I pulled down his underwear all his pubic hair was gone! It looked smaller that way. When I was licking and sucking on it a few minutes later, I wondered if it really was the same size as a big man's finger. Maybe it was. It was lots smaller than the pictures of grown-up's cocks. Those were kind of scary.
Then Sister Ginny stopped up. She said, "I don't want either of you to cum yet." So we each went with one of the men to another bedroom. The man who took me into that first bedroom was real nice and held me on his lap. He felt me all over and kept saying how cute I was and that it was so nice of me to help other sinners. He even said he would buy me a new bicycle. Wow. This was great. I left a wet spot on the pants of his light gray suit! He didn't get mad, but smiled. Then he laid me on the bed and licked my pussy. It felt good, but he only did it a minute because he said they weren't supposed to help us cum.
When we walked back into the living room, Johnny was being led by the hand with another man to a different bedroom. He had a 'stiffie,' as he called it, even though it was all men and Sister Ginny. It bounced while he walked. I always liked watching him walk that way, and sometimes he made it bounce and swing for me, to let me watch it. Another man - the first man that Johnny went into a room with was wiping his hand on a wet washcloth which he handed to Sister Ginny. I felt funny walking around naked while the grown-ups were all dressed. Two of the men had removed their suit coats.
The next man was real nice to me, too, and he watched me rub myself before he licked me. He said he wanted to do this again sometime, and I told him I would if Sister Ginny arranged things. "I'm not supposed to do this with strangers, but Sister Ginny told me it would be OK if she knew who the man was and if that man gave money to the church."
He laughed and promised to make a nice donation every time we got together, like he did for the other girls they brought to him. Then he licked me. It felt good, but he stopped almost right away. He said, "I'm about ready to cum, too, Margaret. Just watching you and your brother reminds me of my own childhood."
"Did you have a little sister?" I asked.
"Yes, but she's grown-up and married now. Has six kids."
"Sounds like a good Catholic." I said.
He started laughing, but I didn't know why. The other men were nice, too, and each of them said he hoped to see me again. Each of them licked me while we were in private, but they weren't supposed to put a finger in me yet. The last man I saw said he had made arrangements with Father Thomas for me to visit him for a few hours the next week, and he said he had lots of fun games in mind for me, and that I would get lots of stimulation. He said, "And sometimes I'll have two girls at a time come over to play games with me. Wouldn't that be fun?"
"Yes, that would be lots of fun."
Then it was time for Johnny and me to get dressed again and go into the bedroom set. We started our video by introducing ourselves; saying our names and our pretend ages - two years younger than we really are. Then we kissed and then we undressed each other. This time I got to play with his thing while he was standing up. That's fun, like to pull it down and let go so it bounces. Then I licked it and sucked on in for a little bit, but I had to stop before his squirted his white stuff.
He kissed me all over, and this is funny - even on my bottom. He licked my anus and then started putting lubricant on it with his finger, getting it real slippery. After Johnny was putting his finger all the way in, they stopped the video and the men each took a turn fingering my bottom. The man with the biggest fingers - a really tall and heavy man - went last. He had to go slow and use extra lubricant on his finger. It felt too big, but then it went all the way in and, gee, it felt good then. The first time he pushed it all the way in, I said, "Oh, unn, it's too big. Wait. Unnnn, ohhhh, unnnnn. Yes. Oh, slow like that, unnn."
Sister Ginny was watching closely. She asked, "Does it feel good now, Margaret?"
"Yes, unnnnn, ohhh, yes."
"And you thought it was too big at first, didn't you?"
"Yes. Unnnnn, ohhh." The man kept pulling it out and slowly pushing it back in me.
They stopped the men before I had an orgasm, but I was pretty close. I could tell by the way my hips kept moving around on their own. Then one of the men said, "We're going to continue your video now, Margaret and Johnny. First, though, we want you to hold the man's slippery finger in your hand and then hold Johnny's thing in your hand."
I did that, and said, "They are about the same size. Well, pretty close."
Then the man said, "When we start the video, you get Johnny's cock all slippery with lots of lubricant. Then Johnny, you start asking your little sister if you can put your cock in her bottom. Promise her that she will still be a virgin, but it will feel good. And, Margaret, you pretend you don't want to at first, but keep getting his thing all slippery. After he asks you three times, then you tell him he can do it, but to go real slow."
They stepped back and Father Thomas signaled us to go.
I started putting lubricant from the jar onto Johnny's cock. It was real stiff and felt so slippery once I got it coated real good with the greasy, slippery stuff. Johnny was asking me, but it was hard to keep track of what he was saying because I was still moving my hips from when Johnny and the men fingered my anus. I said, "Yes, but go real slow. You have to stop if I tell you to stop."
He promised he would stop. He got behind me while I was on my hands and knees on the floor. Then I lowered my head so I was on my elbows and knees, and kind of leaned back so my bottom was more open and also closer to the floor. Johnny fingered my anus a couple more times, and then put the reddish tip of his cock against my anus and started to push in. It felt too big so I reminded him to go real slow. He stopped and waited a minute and then started pushing it in again. All of a sudden he was past my sphincter muscle, which Sister Ginny had told me about when she lubricated me before we left the school building. Johnny's cock went all the way in. I said, "Ohhhh, unnnn."
He stopped pushing, and started slowly pulling out. He didn't pull all the way out. He said, "Does this hurt, Margaret?"
"Not any more. Just keep going slowly."
He pushed in five or six more times, and then suddenly pulled it out. "I'm cumming!" He said, and then I felt his warm cum squirting onto my back. I knew I was supposed to hold still while he finished cumming, but I couldn't stop moving my hips.
A minute later, Father Thomas said, "Cut!" One of the men led Johnny to the bathroom, and the others clapped for me, but Sister Ginny held up her hand for them to stop. She had the man with the big fingers start pushing it in me again, and she used the buzzer thing on my pussy again, and then I had an orgasm.
They laid me on a towel on the bed with my knees up and my legs apart so they could zoom in on my creamy stuff that oozed out after my orgasm.
Everyone left the room except for one man, and he licked me off - being gentle on my clitty because it was so sensitive.
A little later, Sister Ginny took me in the bathroom to get me cleaned up. I asked where Johnny was, and she said, "One of the men is using him right now. He's fine, and you'll both be ready to go back to school in about half an hour. You'll get a nice bag of snacks and pop to take home today, too."
Father Thomas helped me put my school uniform back on and told me I did a great job helping other people understand more clearly about which sins they are not supposed to do. But of course, the things you did were not a sin today because Sister Ginny and I were telling you what to do. You were actually helping us. Did you have a good time, Margaret?"
"Yes, Father. It felt too big at first, but then it went right in."
"And, the donors said that you were very cooperative with them earlier when you were in private."
"Yes, they were all real nice."
"Now I would like you to spend a little while which each of them in private again, to demonstrate the things you did with Johnny in your video. No, not in the bottom, I mean with your mouth. Your bottom might be sore, but Sister Ginny will check on you every day. You've probably seen other girls going into her clinic to get checked or to learn new things, or to get shaved and so on."
"Yes, Father. I've noticed that. And I'm supposed to go with each of the men now?"
"No, just with two of them. Your big brother is helping two of them, so there are only two for you to help. And, um, if they have an accident and shoot out their white stuff, then you will get a nice bonus today for helping us out. Twenty dollars for each of the men who shots his load on you, and even more if it goes in your mouth. Understand?"
I blushed, "Yes, Father."
He said, "Normally that would be a sin, but again, you're helping us with a church project, so it doesn't count as a sin on your soul. Just enjoy it. Do you want to see the men's things?"
"Yes, Father. I'm curious about it. I've seen pictures, but the only real one I've ever seen is Johnny's."
"That's good, My Child. Only do these things with the church benefactors we approve of. I want you to go first with the man who licked you after your orgasm. Did you orgasm feel good with strange men watching you?"
"Yes, Father. It was kind of embarrassing, but it felt really good."
"Did you enjoy making the videos with your big brother?"
"Yes, Father. We never kissed before, I mean like with our mouths, and that felt good, and so did the bottom thing, but I thought it would be too big at first, but then it felt good."
"Very good, Margaret. And don't do the bottom sex things with him at home. That is only for these special demonstrations. You'll help us with more demonstrations, won't you?"
"Yes, Father. I like to help." Then I went with one man at a time into one of the bedrooms. The first man spanked me for a little while, with my school uniform flipped up in back, and he felt me all over, and then undressed me, and then licked me and even sucked on my little titties, which Sister Ginny said would help them grow, when we were talking back in her clinic room at school. Then the man took off his pants and showed me his stiff thing. It' was lots bigger than Johnny's, and the end of it was kind of purplish. The tip was almost too big to get in my mouth. I kept telling him how big it was.
The man was real nice to me. He said he calls his thing, 'my little monster,' and I play with it everyday. Then a little while later he squirted most of it in my mouth, but some got in my hair and on the side of my face. He told me not to wipe it off yet, because Sister Ginny would clean me up. He got dressed and left, and Sister Ginny came in to get me cleaned up. She was smiling and told me she had a nice little bonus for me since I was such a big help with the man.
Then I went into a different bedroom with the other man. I thought I heard Johnny getting a spanking from the next room, but I wasn't positive. While the second man was undressing me, I heard Johnny say, "That's too big. No. It won't fit. Ow! That hurts! Let me just suck on you, instead. Yes, keep your finger all slippery. Ohhhh. OK, just a little bit farther in. It feels so big. Go slow." Then I heard a man's voice say, "But it's almost in. Just hold still a minute. I'll go real slow. You're so tight. That's it. Just a little farther." And then I heard Johnny say, "Unnn. OK. Unnnn. Is it all the way in? Ohhh, yes. Keep going slow like that. You're right. It feels good now. Ohhh. Unnnn. Yes, rub mine while you do that. I might cum again. Ohhh. It's so big. I didn't think it would fit. Ohhh."
The man who was playing with me turned up the music in our room, so I couldn't hear Johnny anymore. I wondered what he was doing. Then the man I was with started licking me between my legs and I forgot about everything. He already had my bottom lubricated, so I laid there with my feet up in the air and he licked me and fingered my bottom at the same time, and then I had another orgasm. While I was resting a minute, he took off all of his clothes, and I played with his thing the same way I had played with Johnny's. Then it squirted all over me. I tried to catch some in my mouth, but only caught a little bit. The man said that was good enough for a double tip because he had such a good time with me. He said he definitely wanted to play with me again sometime.
After that, Father Thomas said it was time to go. He asked me if my bottom was sore, and I said, "It's a little sore, but not too bad. I think the spankings helped. And the men helped finger it real slow, so it was feeling better."
"Very good. However, I think I should bless it while Sister Ginny helps Johnny get dressed."
"What do you mean?" I asked.
Father Thomas didn't say anything, but took me in one of the bedrooms and had me get on my hands and knees on the bed. After pulling down my panties and flipping up the back of my school uniform, he put slippery stuff on his finger and even more in my bottom. He said, "I'm going to say special prayers for a speedy recovery." Then, while he kept sliding his finger in me all the way and pulling it out, he said some prayers in Latin. He told me what prayers to say and to keep my eyes closed until he told me to open them.
A little while later he said, in English, "Sweet Jesus! As tight as a choir boy!" And then he wiped off my bottom again with a warm washcloth, like Sister Ginny had used, and pulled up my panties. After I opened my eyes, he led me back out into the room. Three of the men had already left, and Sister Ginny came out of the bathroom with Johnny.
Sister Ginny reminded Father Thomas to check his zipper before we left. Then she knelt in front of him and wiped off a little string of white stuff that looked like a boy's or man's cum. Sister Ginny looked at me and said, "Father Thomas must have been standing too close to you when Johnny or one of the men squirted his white stuff." She stood up and we went out to the car.
On the way back to school, she told Johnny and me that next week we would each get to help on one of the projects, but we wouldn't be working together for a couple weeks. She looked at me. "And you, Little Miss Cutie, you'll be with another girl next week, instead of your brother. Won't that be fun? Making a video in front of a little audience. You'll have fun. You'll have to undress her first, and play with her, and she will let you do everything we tell you. Would you like that?"
"Yes. That would be fun. But I like being with Johnny, too. Who is the other girl?"
"I can't tell you her name right now. I think it will be somebody from a different parish, and you've never met her. But then, depending on how things work out, you might be with one of the other girls from our special class."
Sister Ginny leaned forward and put her elbow on the back of the front seat. "Aren't Johnny and Margaret cooperative, Father Thomas? And so tight, too. Both of them."
"Yes, Sister. Excellent."
Sister Ginny asked, "Wasn't that nice of the men to use lots of lubricant to help you get nice and slippery and loosened up in back so something bigger than a finger could fit in your bottom?"
Both Johnny and I said, "Yes," at the same time! It was funny, so we laughed.
Then they talked about other things. We missed the Catechism class, so Sister Ginny drove us home. She gave us each twenty dollars, and a bag of snacks and pop. "You, two just relax tonight. Maybe take separate baths. And remember, don't talk about this with anybody. You'll each get to help out with other boys and girls, but once in a while the two of you will be working together. But no matter who you are with during these sessions, you have to keep it a secret."
We both said it was our secret.
Please share any other suggestions for other "confession" stories. Thank you. - Corn53
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