Sand in Her Swimming Suit, Part 3

[ ggMMF/g, finger, anal, oral, photo, les ]

by Corn53

Published: 15-Jun-2011

Word Count:

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Note: Read Parts One and Two first, so this will make more sense.

Waxed Girls' Club Party

The next morning Amy and I went out for breakfast. We talked about my nursing duties, and she was curious about any young boys or girls that I had examined. She said she might want to be a nurse when she grew up. After we ordered, she took a sip of her orange juice and said, "I had a great time last night, Ms. Vicky. It was so exciting watching those videos... oh... and making my first Waxed Girls video." She blushed.

"Of course you did, Sweetie. And I liked holding you last night while you were asleep. It's normal to want to hold somebody you care about - affectionate. You know you're always welcome at my house, even if you can only stay a couple hours or even if your Dad is with us. I like being near you."

"I like it, too, Ms. Vicky. I liked waking up in bed with you while you rubbed my back and my chest. And I think Ms. Ginny is nice, too. Do you really think she will get one of the other girls so we can... you know?"

"Yes. I'm sure of it. And you'll have a great time. I'm glad you like playing in front of the cameras."

"That's fun. It's kind of embarrassing and makes me nervous, but still, it's really fun. It gets me so excited. And then I get to watch the other girls while they do things. It's just that... well, thinking of other girls watching my videos is kind of... well, like sort of makes me nervous."

"The other girls feel the same way. I'm sure they will love you, too."

Then I asked her about school and heard about her classes, the other kids at school, her teachers, including the two mean ones, and the new clothes her Mom got her, which she thought were too old fashioned. "And she got me plain white cotton panties. So boring."

We both laughed. "Well, you have some pretty panties at my house. I'll get more things for you which you can only wear when you're staying with me, or like we go to a Waxed Girls' Club party."

"Cool. I like the ones I'm wearing now. And even though I wanted to sleep later, I'm glad you got me up to take a quick bath so we could go out for breakfast. But Daddy's not coming to get me until six-thirty, so why did we get up so early?"

"Silly, it was already after eight o'clock! You fell asleep by 12:30 after your second orgasm. And..." I looked at her, but didn't finish my sentence because I wanted to make her listen closely and the waitress walked over to our table. We didn't talk until after she put our scrambled eggs, toast, and bacon on the table.

After the waitress left, Amy leaned closer to me and whispered, "And what?"

"And I know a secret." I smiled. "That's what."

"What? What secret? Come on, Ms. Vicky. Tell me."

I pretended I didn't know what she was talking about and worked on my scrambled eggs. After a sip of coffee, ignoring her smiling questions, I said, "Did you like having two big orgasms in one evening? One during your video - which was great, by the way, and another one while we were watching the videos of some of the other little girls?"

"Yes. That felt wonderful. I like watching the videos. Can we see them again today? We have lots of time before Daddy gets to your house."

"I suppose. If you really want to."

"I liked all of the girls we saw. I think seven different ones. I want to see other girls, too. Are there really like twenty or thirty girl in the Waxed Girls' Club?"

"Yes, in this area. There are hundreds across the country. And it's normal, Amy, to like seeing other girls. Most girls like watching other girls. Sometimes, like if girls from another part of the country are traveling through here, there might be a special party for them - and so they can make a video or two with some of the girls from around here." Then I looked her in the face and bent closer. "Ms. Ginny is bringing Brittany to meet you today at noon. I'll get you all cleaned up and dressed before they get to my place. You'll get to make another video today, and lots more pictures, too. Maybe a couple different videos - starting in different outfits, and playing different games or role-playing something else."

She turned red, and her smile grew to include her whole face. "Gee. Brittany. Are you sure she wants to do that with me? I mean, she is so cute."

"Yes, she is cute. Almost as cute as you are, Young Lady. I've got to get that into your head. You are b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l." I spelled it out for emphasis. Like lots of children of divorce, or really, people in general, she didn't think she was that cute.

"Gee. Thanks, Ms. Vicky." She was looking at me. "You really think so?"

"I know so!"

"So, umm, with Brittany, umm... like will she... umm?"

"Yes. You two will get to do it all with each other - kissing, touching, then undressing, fingering, sucking on her breasts, rolling around with each other, spanking, more fingering in back while she pulls herself open, and other things that we didn't tell you about."

"She will spank me?"

"Yes, of course. Not too hard. Just like you'll spank her. It's fun on the videos. You liked watching the other girls spank each other, didn't you? And it didn't hurt when I spanked you last night, did it?"

"No. Actually it made me even more tingling down there, especially in front of the cameras. And the spanking didn't sting as much as getting waxed! That kind of hurt, but the spankings were kind of fun, even though they sounded hard. I liked watching the other girls get spanked on their videos."

"The other little girls love it too, because they know they are about to get lubricated in back, and then comes the orgasm in front of the cameras. They like that, too."

"I could tell they liked it. I liked watching them get spanked and then getting fingered in back. Gee. Even if my eyes were closed I could hear that they liked it."

"What parts of the videos do you remember? The things that really got your interest?"

"Gee, all of it. But some things were like, well, kind of a surprise because I never thought of it before, like before I met you. You know, like a girl licking another girl on her private parts, even in back."

"Could you tell if the girls in the videos liked that?"

"Yes. They really did. And so did the girl who was doing it. Both girls liked it."

"Well, Amy, here's a little confession: I love licking you, too! I love tasting and smelling and feeling you, and after you cum, I like to taste your cum. There are lots of other little girls in the club, would you like to lick some of them?"

"Gee, well yes, at least all of the girls I saw in the videos. That would be fun. Do we really all taste different?"

"Just a little different. I'm not sure, but each one is fun. I love it." Then, to reassure her, I said, "I'm not a lesbian. I like men, too, just like you like boys. But it's fun to play with another girl because we don't talk about what we do to anybody else when we're done playing. But boys are always bragging, like they want to show off to other boys."

"Boys are so rude."

"Did you notice when Rachel was licking Brittany's bottom?"

"Yes. I thought it was gross at first, but then you could tell they both liked it. Like when they were sucking on each other's titties, well, it looked silly at first, but you could tell they liked it."

"So we only show our videos to members of the Waxed Girls' Club, and nobody talks about the videos except other members. We can keep our secrets. We wash the girls off really clean before their videos, especially on the anus and pussy. And speaking of that, we'd better get you back to my place to fix up your hair and get you all dressed up."

In the car she asked me more about Brittany. I told her that her Mother started bringing her to Ms. Ginny to get waxed over a year ago, just after she had turned nine. Brittany's Mom is glad she gets to go to parties and do things with other girls, and she is also glad that she gets free spa services for letting Brittany come to our parties."

"Gee. Her Mom knows?"

"She doesn't know that Brittany makes videos like the ones you saw, but she knows that we sometimes get some of the waxed girls together and talk about fashion and hygiene and how to attract boys and men. She knows that Ms. Ginny took pictures of her pussy before and after, to show other girls. I think she knows that the girls at the parties get naked and play together because Ms. Ginny says that the Mom is always glad for Brittany to come to one of the parties. Brittany's Mom thinks it's like a slumber party or something like that, and in a way it is - with girls acting silly. Her Mom buys her real sexy panties and bras. Brittany is always wet before she gets to the session with the other girl, or when she goes to a party with some of the other waxed girls. Brittany says that sometimes, like if her Mom has a date with an older man, she will give Brittany a bath while he's sitting in their living room, and then bring Brittany out into the living room to dry her off and get her dressed. And sometimes her Mom even has her try on several pairs of panties and asks the older man which ones he thinks are the sexiest on Brittany."

"Gee. Really?"

"Yes. And she tells the man about Brittany's wax treatments and has Brittany let the man feel how soft and hairless it is. So the man feels it for a little while."

"Gee, that would be so embarrassing."

"But Brittany gets lots of pretty clothes because sometimes the men will bring new panties for her to try on, and then the man helps her try them on. I think it's partly because he likes to see her naked and feel how smooth she is, you know, down there." I pointed to my own crotch.

"Wow. She is so lucky. She gets all those new, pretty panties. And, umm, I mean, like she also got to show her waxed area to a man. That would be embarrassing but exciting, too, like to let him look at it ... and even touch it!"

"And you are lucky, too, Amy. I'll get you pretty panties, but there are lots of other reasons you are a lucky girl. In most ways you can be glad that your parents keep in you a nice, safe home. You'll have other experiences as you get older. We'll talk more about this later."


Making A Video With Brittany

I was taking pictures of Amy when Ms. Ginny and Brittany arrived and pulled into my garage. I could tell Amy was excited because she couldn't sit or stand still. She was bubbling with questions.

Both little girls looked terrific. They hit it off immediately. Ginny got video of them kissing while still all dressed up. They introduced themselves with lots of giggles and told the cameras that they were going to play some games together - and then more giggles.

Over the next hour the girls... well, they had a wonderful time. Lots of touching and kissing; reaching up under each other's dress; holding up the dress and looking; and even some pulling the panties aside to look at each other's pussy.

Ms. Ginny was wise to let Brittany take control and lead Amy through her first girl-girl video. They did lots of touching while sitting, and then lying, on the couch and living room floor. They felt each other all over while still fully dressed - with lots of kissing for that first twenty minutes. Brittany kissed Amy's panties after pushing her dress up with her right hand. Amy cooperated and let her knees fall outwards.

We took a little break after the opening set, and the two girls went into the bathroom together with lots of giggles. Ms. Ginny gave Brittany a camera and asked her to get a video clip of Amy peeing. "And then let Amy work the camera while you're peeing. I want close-ups, too, so show her how to use the camera."

Brittany said to Amy as they headed to the bathroom - still fully dressed. "I know how to use the cameras. I like taking pictures of the other waxed girls. I'll show you how to work the camera, Amy. And then I'll tell you what to do while I'm getting video of you. Then you can get video of me when I'm peeing. You have to hold your dress up high and keep your knees apart. It's fun, too. Once, one of the other girls was leaning back too far and peed half of it on the floor! That was so funny, but nobody got mad, because it was a tile floor and they just cleaned it up with a towel." They went in the bathroom, and closed the door.

We heard lots of giggles coming out of the bathroom. I smiled at Ms. Ginny and gave her the thumbs up sign.

Then it got quiet in there for a few minutes before they emerged. As soon as they came out, Brittany handed the camera to Ms. Ginny. She said, "I think she was doing it right. You can see later when you look at the video. I like Amy. She is fun."

Amy smiled when she heard that.

I was on one side of the room with the cameras and I motioned for Amy to come over to me. Ginny and Brittany were still talking on the other side of the room while Ginny touched up Brittany's make-up and lipstick. I whispered to Amy, "She really likes you. Are you having fun?"

"Yes. She's nice. I like Brittany." She looked across the room and saw that they were still busy, so she whispered to me, "And hers is bald too, like mine, since we are both waxed. She showed me hers. It's a really pretty one. She even let me touch it. Just like in her videos."

I smiled and hugged her. "I'm glad you're having fun, Amy. You're going to enjoy making the Waxed Girls' video with Brittany this afternoon, aren't you?"

"Yes. It will be fun."

"Well, I know she has been looking forward to meeting you, Amy. And I know she wants to undress you and kiss you all over - front and back - and finger you and have lots of fun. And she wants you to kiss her all over, too. She told Ms. Ginny that she would really pull herself open so you could suck and lick her clitty."

Amy's hips twisted slightly. "Really? Gee."

"You will suck on her clitty, won't you, and kiss her and lick her the same way she kisses and licks you, and in all the same places?"

"Yes. Gee. I mean, yes. Ohhh, that will be fun."

I said, "Good. And it feels even more tingly in front of the cameras, but otherwise just forget about the cameras after you introduce yourselves again - before you start kissing and touching. Just forget about the cameras and don't look into them. If we have suggestions while you're playing with each other, we'll mention them to you, but pretend you don't hear anything. Just play together."

"OK. Gee. She really said that? I mean, she wants to do that with me? Gee."

Ms. Ginny walked to the center of the room and motioned for the two girls to stand next to her. She said, "You girls did good on the first part of your video. We'll be editing these videos of course, especially since we have two cameras. Look into my camera while you introduce yourselves again. Hold hands, and it's OK to giggle. After your introductions, then forget about the cameras and try not to look at us. I might whisper stage directions to you while you're having fun. I might ask you to hold position or move your head or hand so we can zoom in on part of the other actress. Amy, since this is your first, serious Waxed Girls' Club video - with the actual contact - just follow Brittany's lead. Then every so often, she'll back off and you do the same things to her. This will take a while. There is no rush. I might have you do some specialty games when you're done. Probably about an hour. We won't end the video until each of you has at least one nice orgasm. It's OK to be noisy during your orgasms, but don't fake it."

Ms. Ginny said, "Before you start, I want you each to go in the bathroom with Ms. Vicky so she can wash off your anus real good with a warm, soapy washcloth. This is important since today you'll be kissing and licking each other in back, too. Amy, you go in with Ms. Vicky first, while I give Brittany a few more suggestions."

I took Amy into the bathroom and washed off her anus while she bent over and pulled her bottom open. I had her stand up and bend way down. I could see that Amy's pussy was already quite wet.

Then I brought Brittany into the bathroom with me. She immediately pulled her panties to her knees and spread her feet as far as she could. She grabbed her ass with both hands and bent over - pulling her ass wide open for easy cleaning. Her dress was so short that she didn't need to lift it up in back because bending over pulled it up over her hips. I could see that she was excited, too. As I washed off her anus with the warm, soapy washcloth, I said, "When it's time to spank her, spank her pretty hard. That will wake her up and get her more sensitive when it's time to lick her anus and then finger her there. A hard spanking might also delay her orgasm. We don't want her to cum too soon. She's already very excited. I didn't clean off any of her excitement, because I know you'll want to taste it. There is plenty of it. I think you'll like how she tastes. I love how she tastes - great, like you! Are you ready to start?"

"I'm ready to go. She is a hot, little girl. And I love working with the first-timers. It's even more fun. I'll make sure she has at least one orgasm for the cameras. I really like her."

"And another thing. We haven't told her anything about men being at the parties. She still thinks it's only girls in the Waxed Girls' Club. I haven't mentioned the thousands of honorary members! Let's wait until next month's party and surprise her. OK?"

"Yes." She laughed. "I remember when I found out about men being at the parties - and then the private sessions with men. It was so exciting I almost orgasmed before they even fingered me - I mean just imagining the sessions with a man, or maybe several men. It still excites me."

"Good, Brittany. That's perfectly normal. It's exciting, but we won't tell Amy yet. OK?"

"I won't say anything except that the parties are fun."

"Good girl. And I'm looking forward to some private time with you myself, Brittany, so I can kiss you right here." I pressed my dry finger against the center of her clean and dry anus. "When you do come over to spend the night, I'll kiss you right here. And then later on, I'll use lots of lubricant and we'll have lots of fun when I slowly press my slippery finger all the way in. And maybe tap your swollen clitty with the buzzer at the same time. But we can't do that until after we've played lots of other games."

"Ohhh. When can I come over to spend another night at your house with you? It's been like almost six months. We had so much fun. Please. I hope it's real soon. I like how you... well, you know."

I laughed. "I know you liked it! I could tell." As we walked out into the other room, I said, "I'll check with Ms. Ginny about arranging another visit. Does your Mom need to go out of town any time soon? I'd be happy to baby sit you."

The girls introduced themselves to the cameras - with several start-overs, since they got the giggles when Amy was saying her name and age and that she is glad she is now in the Waxed Girls' Club. It was so cute. There is no way they could fake that nervousness. They really were excited, and Amy was especially eager. She was blushing, squirming, and giggly.

She settled down once they started kissing again. The kissed for several minutes before Brittany began feeling Amy's chest and then up under her short, white, party dress. The dress barely covered her panties, making her legs look even longer than they were. Brittany's dress was black and equally short.

Brittany said, "I'll be the first doctor, Amy. You'd better come over and lie down on this hospital bed while I examine you." They walked two steps to the big couch. She had Amy lie on her back and began to feel her all over, especially on her chest and legs. Brittany flipped up the front of Amy's short dress to expose the lacy, white panties. She said, "I'm going to have to pull these down now, Miss Amy, so I can examine you. Lift up your bottom."

Amy lifted her bottom while Brittany slid the panties down her legs and off her feet. Brittany said, "Put your legs apart. Bend your knees for me. That's a good girl. Now lay your knees outwards so I can examine you here." She touched the mound over Amy's plump, bald pussy.

I glanced at Ginny. She signaled me to get the close-ups. I knew she would be getting the whole scene. I walked down closer to the end of the couch by Amy's feet, and zoomed in on Brittany's fingers beginning to play with Amy's pussy - pulling her lips apart for a good look. Her fingers kept moving constantly - sometimes flicking across Amy's clitty which was beginning to swell.

Amy said, "Ohh, Doctor, that tickles. Ohh."

Brittany's fingers continued to move, but not going in her wet vagina yet. Brittany said, "Reach down with both hands and pull yourself open for me. I see a little swelling here." She was rubbing Amy's clitty, which was still swelling.

Amy pulled her pussy lips apart and up, just like I had taught her when I was getting the sand out of her pussy. Brittany moved her hand out of the way of my camera so I could zoom in really close. Brittany, who had done this scene with other girls, knew how to cooperate with the camera.

Indeed, Amy's clitty was swollen. It was plain to see as she held her pussy lips apart and pulled up. Her clitty was almost the size of a pink pea.

Brittany said, "Yes, it's quite swollen, Amy. I'm going to have to try to clean it off with my tongue. Maybe I could suck some of the soreness out. Just keep it pulled open for me. I'll have to lick the whole area."

Within a minute Amy was moaning softly. Brittany said, "I think this is helping the swelling to go down. Should I stop now, or lick for another minute?"

"Ohhh, unnn. Another minute." Amy couldn't hold still. Her hips were moving in small circles.

"You'll have to hold still, Amy. I'm going to have to start over. Each time you move your hips I'm going to start over. And if you can't hold still, then I will have to spank you. Naughty girls need to learn a lesson."

I smiled. Brittany was a champ. She loved this as much as Ginny and I did.

Well, of course, Amy could not hold still, so Brittany started over after promising Amy a hard spanking in a little while. This time, Amy couldn't even hold still for ten seconds as Brittany began sucking and licking Amy's clitty and her entire slit - getting tongue-fulls of Amy's excitement. "Oh, Amy. You taste so good. I think you must be getting hot because you're all wet. We'd better get you out of this dress. Leave your shoes and ankle socks on. You look so cute with the high heels."

Brittany helped her off with the dress and bra, and then examined Amy's small, puffy breasts. She said, "These are just starting to grow. If I suck on them like a little baby, that will help them grow. I think I need to suck on them and then pinch them. And you have to hold still or I'll have to spank you even harder, Young Lady!"

Brittany stood and leaned down to suck on Amy's small breasts. As she sucked she put her right hand on Amy's pussy and began rubbing again. I got the close shots, knowing that Ginny would be getting the long shots. Amy wasn't able to hold still as Brittany sucked on her breasts - alternating left to right every twenty or thirty seconds. Her right hand was still masturbating Amy's pussy.

Amy was moaning again.

Brittany stood up. "I'm going to have to spank you hard, Amy, but not just yet. I have to examine one more place before I roll you over. Stay on your back and lift your knees again. Put your pretty shoes up my your bottom and lay your knees out. That's a good girl. I'm going to put a finger in you to check for tightness. Pull your pussy lips apart for me. Good girl. And try to hold still so I don't have to spank you really, really hard. That's it. Apart and up. I see your little button is still swollen. I might have to suck on it again to get some of that swelling out."

Brittany sat on the couch so her right hand was against Amy's open pussy. She slowly pushed her finger all the way in. She pulled it out and sucked on her finger. "Mmmmm, you taste good, Amy. I like how excited and juicy you get. Ummmm."

They continued another twenty minutes - taking turns - each kissing and licking the other front and back, and then fingering each other in front and in back. Both girls enjoyed helping the other have a noisy orgasm.


The Next Month

One month later Amy arrived on a Saturday afternoon, to be picked up by her Dad for brunch the next afternoon around one.

I got Amy dressed right away, in her party dress. We talked about some of the other girls during the drive out to the 'party mansion,' as I called it. She was so excited when we got to the fancy, old house in the country about an hour from my condo. She was amazed by the number of cars - all 'nice cars,' as she said I said, "So, you'll lick any of the other girls when we tell you?"

"Yes. Gee. You already asked me. It looks like lots of girls are here. How many will I get to lick? And we have to kiss first, right?"

"Yes." I laughed. "You will always kiss first. Everybody you are with. And you'll be assigned to different people tonight. Have fun with each one. Sometimes you'll be on camera and sometimes it will be in private. And..."

"I know." She hopped the next few steps as she said, "And... if I'm dressed in my party dress when I go in a private room with somebody, then I should make sure I have the party dress back on when I come out of the room. And everybody will want to help me learn new things. This is so exciting. Maybe I should change panties before we go in, because like, I mean, they are already wet."


"And I know when I'm getting spanked that they are going to ... well, you know, like make me feel really good after that."

"Yes. You might get ten spankings tonight, Amy, and I'm sure you'll love every one of them." I laughed.

We walked in. She saw Ms. Ginny and Brittany near the door at a table full of glasses, ice buckets, bottles of soda, and also gin, bourbon, and other alcoholic drinks. Brittany ran over to us and hugged Amy. "I'm so glad you're here tonight, Amy. This will be so much fun. You'll like all the other girls and grown-ups. What would you like to drink?"

"Oh, orange soda. I love that." Brittany put ice cubes in a glass for Amy, and poured it too close to the top so the orange bubbles fizzed over the top and onto the plastic tablecloth.

"Let me help you clean it up." Amy said. She took the bar towel and wiped the excess orange soda, and stood up straight.

Brittany held up her glass. "A toast. To lots of fun tonight."

Amy giggled and tapped her glass against Brittany's. "This is fun."

They took sips of their drinks. Two more girls came out to meet Amy. "I'm Hilary and you must be Amy. I saw your videos. You are so sexy! I want to make a video with you."

"Me, too." Said the other new girl. "My name is Nicole. I'm probably the oldest girl here tonight, almost twelve, but you are almost as tall as me. And you're so cute, Amy. I want to make a video with you. I like your videos. All the girls want to meet you."

"Gee." Amy's grin showed her molars!

Nicole said, "I just love your pink asshole. It's so pretty!"

Hilary said, "Yes, it's absolutely beautiful. I want to make a video with you. I especially like the tight, little, pink ones like your, Amy."

"Gee. Thank you." She blushed.


Men At The Waxed Girls' Club Party!

Then two men walked into the foyer towards the drink table. The taller and older man said, "Well, well. You must be Amy. I loved your videos, and decided to sponsor you, too." He laughed, "And like Hilary said, 'I love a tiny, little, pink anus.' I really liked how you stretched it open for the cameras so we could all get a nice, long look. Absolutely beautiful. A perfect asshole. And it must be sensitive, because it looked like you liked it when she licked it."

The other man, about thirty five, and wearing a dark suit, said, "I'm Jason, and I also loved your videos, Amy. Lots of creamy, wet, excitement. I love that. Almost no inner labia, but a big, erect clitty. Excellent. It looked like you loved it when Brittany was licking and sucking on your swollen clitty! I want to watch you make another video tonight. Maybe we'll even have a session."

The other girls kept chattering away, but Amy was silent until the men topped off their drinks and walked back towards the big living room. Then Amy said, "Men! What are men doing here?"

Brittany was smiling. She loved seeing a new girl so surprised to see men at the parties. She said, "The men are the sponsors. They pay for everything - the parties, our outfits and specialty panties and things, and our wax treatments, and lots of things that you'll learn about later. They like to watch us girls kiss and undress each other. That's all."

"But what did he mean by sponsoring me, or having a session?"

"That means you'll get to be in private with him, and let him undress you and do things. Oh, don't worry. They aren't allowed to do that. We are all virgins. The men know they aren't allowed to put anything bigger than a finger in us. And what's really fun..." Said Nicole, "... is that we are the boss! We can say 'no,' whenever we want and they have to stop. It doesn't matter if we are alone with them or in front of other people. And they have to ask before they do anything new with us."

"But..." Amy didn't know what to say.

Brittany said, "It's OK, Amy. I like saying no to a man. Ms. Ginny says its good practice, and then we can change our mind later if they ask again. Once I told a man no when he wanted to get me all slippery in back and put his finger in. Then later I told him no again, and about an hour or so later he asked me again, and that time I said yes, so we went in a private room, and he ... well, I had a really big orgasm. He was so good at it, too, like all the men are."

Hilary said, "And the men have bigger fingers! I like that. It feels so good. And sometimes I can tell that the man is nervous. And it's funny if like you wiggle around on his lap and you can feel his stiff thing. Then you know he is really excited, too. Sometimes you can feel the man cumming even through his pants."

Brittany said, "And he's not allowed to take it out unless he asks you first. I always tell them no about two or three times before I finally let them take it out to show me. By then they are ready to ... you know... squirt out the stuff."

Nicole said, "And you get a bonus, like twenty dollars, if the man squirts his stuff. We get to keep that money. At one party there were five men who squirted their stuff while I was holding their things. Boy, that is so funny. They get real excited."

Brittany said, "Sometimes it's messy though, so there are boxes of tissue in every room for just in case. But you can make them help you ... you know... get those yummy feelings, and then you can help them, or maybe not. Like I said, I like to say no a few times."

Nicole said, "And you'll like Bill. He's the older guy who talked to you; one of your sponsors. We have to be extra nice to our sponsors. Anyway, he likes to lick us. Front and back. He almost does his squirty just from licking one of us. You'll be glad he's one of your sponsors. Sometimes, like depending on your schedule, you can have a private party just with him. Just a couple hours. He might buy you things. It's fun. Tell him no a few times though, no matter what he asks you. But don't worry, he will keep asking."

Brittany said, "I like how he licks me. It feels so good."

That's when I decided to step in. "Well, girls, let's walk around. I'm sure Amy wants to meet some of the others."

Amy and I met four other girls and about a dozen adults. Each of the girls was wearing a very short skirt and high heels, making some of them almost as tall as the adults. Each girl we met lifted the front of her dress with one hand and pulled her panties to the side, exposing her bald pussy to Amy, and Amy did the same to the other girl, with adults watching. Each of the girls told Amy she had a very pretty pussy, and they hoped they would get to make a video with her because they wanted to feel it and kiss it. After a couple girls said that to Amy, she started saying the same thing back to her. The adults standing next to us loved it. All of the panties were fancy - with little bows, lace, embroidered flowers.

Amy kissed everyone. All of the adults hugged her and a few held her on their laps - patting her bottom on her hip-hugger panties because her dress rose up in back when her legs were across the man's lap. Amy couldn't keep track of the names after a while. Each of the adults made some complimentary comments about her videos. "Yes, you pink anus looks so tight and inviting. I especially liked how you pulled it open so wide and held it for the camera to get a good look." "Your nipples are like pink, puffy marshmallows. I can't wait to feel and suck them." "I loved your full, plump pussy lips, and also how wet you get. You look delicious." "I like your big, plump pubic mound. Your lips are so inviting with your legs together, so I just want to kiss you there." And more comments of that nature. Amy blushed and smiled and then thanked each adult.

We heard buzzing noises as we walked through the dining room back towards the big living room. We met Ms. Ginny who handed Amy a small, white vibrator. She said, "For this game, you go up to an adult and hand them the vibrator. They will put you in some position and then tap your panties with the buzzer, but not for more than a minute. Then you'll get up; thank the person; and go to a different adult. You can also watch the other girls get buzzed, and some of them will watch you. It's a way to get comfortable with each other."

I said, "It's fun, Amy. The other girls love this game." We looked into the living room, and walked in. We watched Brittany hand her vibrator to a man who led her to the couch. He sat in the middle and laid Brittany face down across his lap. She lifted her bottom and opened her knees. He started tapping the buzzer against her panties and Brittany started moving her hips and making little moaning noises.

Just a few feet away one of the younger men, in his thirties and wearing nice sports clothes, was sitting on the floor, leaning against the side of a stuffed chair. Nicole was on her hands and knees with her bottom towards him. She lowered her head so she was on her elbows and knees as he started tapping her panties with the buzzer.

On the other side of us a man had a girl bent over the arm of a big, stuffed chair. We watched him pull her panties to her knees. She opened her feet to keep the pink panties stretched between her knees. She bent way over and we could see her bare pussy from behind as he started tapping her clitty with the vibrator. Two of the other girls and several adults were watching them, too.

One of the other men came over to us, looking down at Amy. I held up my hand indicating to wait a minute, so he stopped and watched the girl who was bent over the arm of the chair. He said, "That looks like it feels good, doesn't it, Amy?"

"Yes. Gee."

"Yes, it looks like it feels wonderful - especially with people watching."

The man said, "I bet Amy will love this game, because lots of people will be watching her. I loved her videos, and it looks like she enjoys an audience."

I said, "Amy knows that things feel even better if it's embarrassing, like with people watching. And she likes spankings now, too. Because she knows what's coming after the spankings. With lubricant. Right, Amy?"

"Yes. Unn, gee."

The man said, "Well, I'll be happy to spank you later, Amy. You have such a pretty bottom, and a wonderful, little, pink anus. I love it."

"Gee. Thank you."

I said, "You'll love the way he spanks and fingers you, Amy. All the girls do." I turned to the man, "Show Amy your finger, Fred. Look. See how big Fred's finger is? Won't that feel good?"

"Gee. Yes. Umm, but with people watching?"

"Yes, some of the other girls like watching me spank and finger a new girl. The other grown-ups like to watch, too. Will you pull your bottom open for me when it's time to get you lubricated? I liked how you pulled it open in your video."

"Yes. Unn, gee. With people watching. Gee." Her hips were moving.

Across the room we saw a man sit on the brown leather chair, and Nicole got on his lap facing him. He held her hands and let her fall backwards so she was almost upside down with her bottom resting against the man's ample tummy. Her legs were up in the air and she let them slowly fall outwards. Her shiny, black platform high heels were above the man's head. The man put his ankles together so her shoulders were caught by his lower legs - keeping her from falling to the floor. Her dress was way up as he began tapping her panties with the vibrator. Some people gathered around to watch.

Brittany was talking with a different man after her treatment on the couch. Sarah came up to me and handed me her vibrator. "Please, Ms. Vicky, could you vibrate me?"

"I'd be glad to in a minute, Sarah." I ran my hand through her thick, curly red hair. "Let me get Amy started." I looked down at Amy. "Take your vibrator up to any of the grown-ups. You don't have to talk. Just hand it to him, or her, and then let them put you in a position. It's fun. You can meet everybody this way, and it will get you relaxed and excited. Fred will wait until later to spank you, Amy, because I know he'd like you to be good and juicy wet before he plays with you."

Fred patted Amy's bottom. "I bet you're already juicy wet, aren't you, Amy?"

"Well, I kind of wet."

"Your first party. This is exciting, isn't it, Amy?"

Fred kept his hand on Amy's bottom. She didn't move away from him. "Yes. Really exciting. So fun."

We watched Nicole getting buzzed, along with the girl over the arm of the chair with her panties down. Other girls were getting the vibrator treatment in different parts of the room, and in different positions. Then Fred said in her ear, "It's fun showing your pretty, bald pussy to other people, isn't it, Amy?"

"Yes." Then she added, "It makes it all tingly. Like when they are looking at it."

"That's great. Let me feel between your legs just for a minute, before you go hand your vibrator to people. OK? Just to feel how bald and smooth you are, and a little how wet you are. OK?"

Sarah was still standing beside me. She said, "I think Amy has a really pretty one."

I said, "Fred is asking if he can feel your pussy, Amy. You can say no, but he is being very polite. We can keep watching the other girls while he feels it."

"Yes." She said. "He can feel it."

Fred said, "Put your feet apart, Amy, so I can slip my hand in your panties. That's a girl."

Fred slipped his hand under her thong in back and reached between her legs. He was bending down so his head was next to Amy's. Amy said, "Uuunnn, oh, Mr. Fred, that tickles."

I heard him say, "Oh, Amy, you are very wet and slippery. I think you like it when other people rub your pussy, don't you?"


That's when I decided to get her back into the current party game. "OK, Amy. Take your vibrator to one of the adults. They will put you in a fun position and buzz you for a minute. And people will be watching you, so it will feel extra good. Mr. Fred will spank you and finger you later on. Go on. I'll be here buzzing Sarah." I took Sarah's hand and led her to the sturdy coffee table that had been cleared off before the game. I laid her face up on the short table and flipped up the front of her dress. She opened her legs and let her feet drop to the floor with her knees wide apart. I saw Amy going directly to the man who had buzzed Brittany on the couch.

He led Amy to the couch. Without a word, he sat down in the middle, she laid across his lap and flipped up the back of her dress and spread her legs. She arched her back, just like Brittany had done. Several people gathered around to watch, as he gently spanked her and buzzed briefly between spanks.

Although I enjoyed buzzing Sara, with her reddish-blond hair, and seeing the other girls get buzzed, I kept following Amy around the room, watching from a distance so she would feel independent. It helped that she saw all the other girls doing the same thing. One man held Amy on his lap, facing him, and kissed her while he buzzed her between her legs.

Another man bent her over the arm of the couch so that her face was between another girl's legs. Amy watched the other girl getting buzzed just a few inches from her face, while the man buzzed Amy's panties while she was bent over.

The next man had her stand with one foot up on the dining room table while she held up her dress. He buzzed her panties which made it hard for her to stand still. Again, several people were watching.

After fifteen or twenty minutes into the game, many of the adults were removing the girl's panties before buzzing her. I saw Amy standing next to the coffee table, watching a girl without panties getting buzzed. Before they helped the girl stand up, the man holding the vibrator asked if anyone watching would like to stroke a finger through Nicole's slit to see how wet it was and to see how stiff her clitty was getting. After several people did this, Amy did it, too. She said something similar to what the other 'strokers' had said, "Yes, Nicole feels nice and wet, and her clitty is getting big and stiff."

As they helped Nicole stand up and put on her panties the man asked Amy if she would like a turn on the table in front of everybody. He said, "We'll take off your panties so we can see if your clitty is getting stiff, and then I'll let everybody stroke a finger through your slit so we can see if you're getting wet. And if you are getting wet already, then we'll give you a little more stimulation. Maybe a spanking. OK?"

Amy said, "OK."

Then he laid her down and pulled off her panties and spread her legs so one foot was on the floor on either side of the sturdy. As people gathered around - making compliments about her beautiful, bald, plump pussy - he started buzzing her swollen clitty. Several of the girls and men surrounding Amy, commented on her 'delicious-looking" wetness.

After less than a minute, the man said he needed to stop because she seemed on the edge, and then everyone, including three girls, rubbed a finger through Amy's wet slit, and commented on how stiff Amy's clitty was getting. Sarah said, "Yes, her pussy is very wet and it smells good, too. Now I really want to make a video with her sometime." The other girls agreed which made Amy smile.

The man who had been buzzing her said, "I'll give you a few front spankings to help you calm down before you go to the next person with your vibrator."

Amy didn't know what to say, so she didn't say anything. She watched the man pull a small, thin, plastic strap out of his back pocket. It looked like the plastic ruler she used at school. The man knelt at the end of the table, close to her open pussy. The first smack stung a little bit and she tried to close her legs, but several people held her knees to keep her open. The man said, "You'll get ten more. Try to open back up immediately after each tap." While he was talking he gave her continual taps on her clitty with the plastic paddle. He said, "This is a clitty paddle and it will help your clitty swell up so it is more sensitive." As he finished saying that he smacked it right on Amy's exposed, and swollen clitty. She jerked and tried to close her legs, but then opened them again of her own accord. "Good." Said the man. "if you open again after each hard one like that, it will begin to feel wonderful."

It got quiet in that area of the room as everyone watched closely. It took several minutes for him to finish the clitty spanks. Amy opened wide immediately after each smack. The man finally said, "Very good, Amy. Your clitty has swollen a little bit more. Would you like to get up now and go to the next person, or would you like another five smacks before I lay another girl on the table?"

"Five more." Amy said.

She jumped at the first smack, but again, she opened her legs. When he was done they helped her stand up. He said, "Leave your panties off now, Amy. You'll get fresh ones later. I'm sure some of the others at our party will want to feel your clitty now that it is swollen. The girls, women, and men all want to feel you. You'll let them, won't you?"

"Yes, Sir. Thank you."

And people did feel it. Amy held up the front of her dress for the other girls and any of the adults who wanted to feel her clitty. I noticed she was having difficulty walking in the high heels -probably because her legs were feeling wobbly. She watched the next girl get the same treatment - little spanks on her exposed clitty. All the girls wanted a turn on the table.

After that game, everyone was much more cheerful, playful, and affectionate with everyone else at the party. None of the girls were wearing panties, and gladly lifted the frond of their dresses if anyone - girl or adult - wanted a look.

Then Ms. Ginny announced the next game. "Since this is Amy's first Waxed Girls' Club party, and since she will get a prize if a man squirts, then I'm going to pick two girls to stimulate a man so he squirts. Then, since it will be on video, Amy and both girls will get a prize. Who wants to be in on the demonstration?" Amy saw all the other girls raise their hands, which made her smile.

The volunteer man stood next to one wall and Amy knelt on the other side of him - farthest from the camera on a tripod. Two other girls removed their dresses, but kept wearing the high heels and ankle socks. They knelt in front of the man and showed Amy how to stroke the man's thing and how to tickle his balls. Nicole demonstrated how to lick his cock to get it all slobbery wet. After sucking and stroking him for a few minutes the man was ready to cum, so Nicole opened her mouth and sat back on her ankles, lowering her head relative to his cock. She opened her mouth wide and the man squirted his white, sticky stuff into her mouth. Nicole showed it to the camera and then swallowed. Some was still dripping from the end of his penis which was already getting softer. Then Amy leaned forward to put the tip of the man's cock in her mouth so she could taste it. She sucked for a little while to get more of his cream out. Everyone heard Nicole saying how much she liked the taste of it now that she was getting used to it.

When they helped Amy up - who still had her dress on - she said it was pretty good, and not like she expected.


Video With Nicole

An hour later, she made a video with Nicole in a special, well-lit room that had a mattress on the floor with lots of pillows, in front of a small audience of ten men, two women, and three other girls who wanted to watch her. She looked ready to cum by the time Nicole finished undressing her. I could tell it was exciting for Amy in front of the cameras, and with strange men and the other girls all watching. Nicole quickly switched when I snapped my fingers to signal Nicole to stop. Nicole knew I meant she should stop stimulating Amy because it looked and sounded like she was ready to cum. Then Amy undressed Nicole and kissed, fingered, and licked her all over, even on her bottom, which Nicole loved. Amy enjoyed it, too.

Finally Nicole got her chance to lick Amy's asshole. The audience loved the scene, and again, I stopped the action before Amy could cum. The two naked girls got up and went around the room to kiss everyone in the audience. They all patted her bottom or felt her tummy and legs, but nobody fingered her or pinched her breasts which were fully erect the whole time she was mingling with the audience. All of us could see that although Amy was blushing, she was proud of the video she had just made and enjoyed the compliments and the pats on her bottom of congratulation. Amy was only wearing the high heels and lacy ankle socks as I walked her around to talk with the people in her audience. Many of them wanted a close look at her bald pussy so Amy stood in front of that person's chair while he leaned forward to study it. As each person told her how pretty her pussy was, she thanked them. Everyone also told her she had a pretty face, hair, etc, and some wanted a close look at her asshole, so I had her put her hands on her bottom and bend way over to show them. They talked to her while she held that position, letting them study - and compliment - her asshole.

Before helping her dress, while she was still walking around in just her high heels, I led her over to two of the men who remained in the room after the other cameraman asked everyone to leave while the girls got dressed.

I said, "Amy, this is Charles and this is Peter, two of your other sponsors. Now that everyone is gone, you can let them taste you. Put your feet apart and let them run a finger through your pussy so they can taste your excitement. OK?"

"Um, OK." She opened her legs even more by bending her knees so she was almost bow-legged.

I had her stand in front of each man with her feet apart. Each man in turn rubbed a finger up and back from her anus to the front, tip of her crack - back and forth - while they complimented Amy on her video and her cute features. Then, while Amy watched, the man held up his wet finger to let Amy see how wet it was. Then he put his finger in his mouth to taste her. Charles said, "Oh, Amy. Your pussy lips are so plump and firm. And you taste great! I love the taste of your gooey, wet, whitish, thick, sexy-girl excitement! I can't wait to taste you again."

Amy didn't know what to say, so I said, "What do you say when someone gives you a compliment, Amy?"

"Oh, thank you, Mr. Charles. Thank you. I'm glad you like it."

I said, "And did you notice the size of his finger, Amy?"

She looked at the man's finger as he held it out for her.

"See how big it is? Won't that feel good sliding inside you? In front and in back."

"Oh. Gee." Now she was staring at the man's finger. "In back, too?"

I said, "He will use lots of lubricant to make sure you're real slippery before he pushes his big finger all the way in."

Amy was still looking at that first man's finger. "All the way in? Gee." She was unable to hold still.

Then Charles said, "You're so cute, Amy. First I'll finger your vagina, and I'll push in slowly because I know you're very tight. And Ms. Vicky is right, I'll use lots of lubricant before I push my finger up your asshole. I'll go slow and will make sure you're very slippery. I think you'll love it. Don't you?"

"Unnn." Her hips wiggled of their own accord. "Yes, gee. Ohhh, gosh."

A minute later Amy also thanked Mr. Peter when he told her how great she tasted. She looked closely at his equally large finger. She said, "Thank you, Mr. Peter. I'm glad you like it, too. Sometimes it's embarrassing, like when my panties get wet. I can feel them when I'm sitting in school, or on the playground. At the pool it wasn't so bad because we get in the water and we're wet all over."

"I loved your excitement, Amy. And I would like more. Can I get some more later? Please."

"Yes." Amy smiled. "OK."

Unlike most of the Waxed Girls' Club videos, neither of the girls had had an orgasm, although both came very close. I wanted to keep Amy charged up a while longer. After the men left, I was getting her dressed again, and asked, "Wasn't that fun?"

"Yes! I mean Gee! It was so embarrassing with the men watching us, but gee, I kept tingling and tingling. Like when I was licking her in back it was so quiet in the room. Like everybody was staring at us. And then the men rubbed me between the legs."

"They both loved your taste, too, Amy. Won't it be fun to give them another taste?"

"Yes. Gee."

"You're lucky to have them as sponsors. Be sure to let them lick you as much as they want later. I know they will want to taste you again. They both have big fingers, too, don't they?"

"Yes. Ohhh, gee. In front and in back? Gee."

Back in the living room, we walked over to talk with Bill who whispered something in my ear. Then I took Amy's hand and we walked over towards the big, downstairs bathroom. She asked me what we were doing. I said, "Bill wants to have a little private session with you, Amy. I trust him, and he's one of your sponsors. I know he won't hurt you and you'll have fun."

"But why are we going to the bathroom?"

"I need to wash off your bottom, so it's really clean. In case he wants to know."


"And remember, Amy, practice saying no a few times. You can let him do something a little while later, but at least a few times say no the first time he asks. Before you come out of the room, if he wants to show you what's in his pants, let him. You remember about the bonus if his white stuff squirts out?"

"Yes. Twenty dollars. Neat. Do you think it will?"

"I know it will if you rub it for him, but just have fun and play games with him." She looked at me funny, so I added, "No, not card games. I mean like role playing games. He'll tell you. Just have fun. If he does take your panties off, then I'm almost a hundred percent sure, he'll do other things, so that's why we're washing your bottom. And I'm almost a hundred percent sure you'll get the twenty dollar bonus." I smiled.

"We're learning percents in school." Amy said. "So I know what you mean by a hundred percent. It means he probably will. Right?"

My God, she was cute. I wished I could go in the room with them. Bill probably wouldn't mind, but I wanted to give her some space and privacy, too.

We were getting to the bathroom door when she stopped suddenly. "You mean rub his thing?"

"Yes. I'm sure he'll tell you how he likes it. Don't worry."


"We didn't talk about this yet, Amy, but if he wants you to lick the end of it, or maybe even taste him, then you can if you want to. If some of his stuff squirts in your mouth, that's another bonus, like ten dollars if you get most of it in your mouth, and another ten dollars if you swallow it. The other girls do that, but you need to practice first, so don't worry about swallowing it. Have fun, and if he helps you have an orgasm, just go ahead and enjoy a nice, intense, noisy one. He'll be happy. You could taste his excitement another time. You can trust him, and he'll tell you what to do. After he licks you for a while, he might even cum in his pants."


"And he will help get you dressed again before you come out of the bedroom. Here are some clean panties to let him help you with. He'll enjoy helping you get dressed, so don't rush him."

We walked over to Bill, and with several other men watching, they walked up the stairs to the bedrooms. I wished I could be in the room with her, and Bill probably wouldn't mind, but I knew Amy would be safe. Bill was a gentleman - a 'dirty, old gentleman,' true, but a gentleman none the less.

I watched some of the other girls playing games, and caught the end of Hilary and Brittany making another video in front of a small audience. Brittany led Hilary to a noisy orgasm, but I knew that Hilary could almost cum just from showing off in front of cameras and men. She truly loved undressing in front of men. She liked women, too, as I knew from experience, and could accept pleasurable stimulation from any source.

It was about an hour later when I saw Bill and Amy come back downstairs. I went over to them. "Did you have fun, Amy?"

She was grinning. "Yes! Really fun. I want to come to a party every time I visit you. OK?"

I laughed. "We'll see. It depends on scheduling."

Ms. Ginny joined us, as Bill walked over to the bar. He was smiling, too.

Ms. Ginny asked Amy if she enjoyed her fist session with one of her sponsors.

"Yes. Really. He's nice."

"You don't have to tell us what you two did up there. That's your secret. But I am curious if you had an orgasm, and if you got to see his white stuff squirt out."

"Yes! Lots of it. And I only tasted a little bit, but he said that was enough for a tip. I want some pop, because it doesn't taste good."

We walked over to the drink table and got her a glass of ice and orange soda. She said, "And I got fifty dollars, too. His finger is big, but he got it real slippery first. Gee. This is so fun. I want to have a party every time I visit you, Ms. Vicky."

Ms. Ginny said, "I'm sure we can arrange something, Amy, even if it's just with one or two men, or maybe a few different sponsors in a row. Some of the sponsors are women - like Ms. Vicky. She is your number one sponsor, so you have to always be real nice to her, and keep all of our secrets. But the Waxed Girls' Club parties are only once or twice a month. I could set it up so you also get to make a video with one of the new girls. They all want to make a video with you."

Two hours later it was time to leave the party.


Saturday Morning

The next morning she made a video with Hilary in my condo. I invited a few, trusted sponsors to my condo to watch. Both girls enjoyed wet, noisy orgasms, and shortly after wards, enjoyed the applause of the little audience. Then, before getting dressed since we were running out of time, each of the girls had sessions with two different men from our small audience. Twenty - thirty minutes alone with one man at a time so she could get more prize money. I heard Amy cum again, after some spankings, with each of her two sponsors that day in my guest bedroom. I knew that Charles was probably licking her, but I wasn't sure about the other man who I didn't know that well. When he walked out with Amy, she was smiling and holding two twenty dollar bills. She was carrying her clothes in her right hand, and the money in her left. There was a line of cum down the side of her cheek.

The man, Tom, said to Ginny and me, "She did great. After I helped her cum again with some licking and anal fingering, she helped me, getting the whole tip in her mouth, and then she swallowed most of it. Only took me one minute. After I finished her, I was so excited myself! Her little asshole is so tight. Takes lots of lubricant. I loved it..." he smiled, "...and so did Amy. I almost shot in my pants, but managed to get them down and Amy put her mouth right over it, getting the whole tip in so she could slide her lips on it a few times. Felt great. A really good Waxed Girls' Club member. I'll keep sponsoring her for years."

Amy was smiling, with the little string of cum from the edge of her mouth down to her still-bare chest. "I want some pop." She said. "And he said I did good."

I laughed and hugged her, and handed her a glass of orange soda which I had prepared right after she went in for her session with Tom.

I got the make-up and nail polish off after everyone left. We had another talk about secrecy while I cleaned her up. "But you can tell me everything, of course." I laughed. "What position were you in when your had your orgasm this time? Men like it that a girl likes different positions."

"I was on my back with my legs up close to my head. He put a little pillow under my bottom so he could finger me and lick me at the same time. Tom says he likes how I taste. He kept licking and licking while I held it open for him."

"That sounds like it was fun, Amy. Did he have much cum?"

"Tom had lots of it. I think six or seven big squirts, so I'm glad I got my mouth on it so fast because it would have made a mess. Some guys, especially the older ones, only have a little bit, like three or four dribbles, but Tom had so much. I didn't really want to swallow it, but kind of had to -like so it wouldn't get all over and so it wouldn't make a mess in your bedroom. And then he gave me a nice tip."

I helped her dress into her shorts and T-shirt and a blouse, with her gym shoes and white, ankle socks. She was ready an hour before we met her Dad for a late brunch. He had been with his girlfriend the night before. We had fun talking at brunch, and Amy was very discrete - not mentioning the party or the other girls. She said she liked staying at my house because we played games and did puzzles and sometimes watched movies with lots of popcorn. She had her bag of clothes in my car, so we said good-bye outside the restaurant. She kissed me on my cheek - with a brief and modest hug. "Thanks, Ms. Vicky. I had a good time, and want to see you again."

Her Dad promised to bring her to stay with me one or two nights each month. I was glad to hear that! Then he asked if her could drop her off on Friday night in two weeks, and promised to pick her up the next morning. I told him that would be fine. I noticed Amy smiling when he said that.

I kept her two hundred dollars for her, but promised to give her some of it whenever she needed it. She could call my unlisted number, because we didn't want to use mail or even email because other people might see it. I gave her my phone card number on the back of my nursing card, so she could call me whenever she wanted and it wouldn't show up on her Mom's or Dad's phone bill. We had had a talk about not raising suspicions or talking about any of it with her friends at school. Amy was very perceptive. However, I did have my doubts about having her see some of her male sponsors when she visited me, because that would take some of her time away from me. We slept together with ultra sheer nightie tops on. We both enjoyed feeling each other, and after our first night together - back at the beach - she was more confident about sucking and fingering me. She didn't say it, but I'm sure she noticed that my pussy wasn't nearly as 'tight' as those of the ten and eleven year olds in the club! I'm glad she didn't comment. It was nice to wake up with her.

I loved seeing her enthusiasm for all kinds of sexual experiences, and even the other games and puzzles we did. Her zest for everything was intoxicating. She especially loved the spankings and anal stimulation, so I figured she would enjoy mild bondage games soon. Most of the other girls did. I had promised her I would spank her every time she visited me... which started a giggling fit!

I was so glad she had sand in her swimming suit that warm, summer day just three months ago!

The End


Note to readers: Thanks for your comments and suggestions. Please share any early memories or fantasies that might make good stories.

R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s


Again, Corn delivers. I haven't been disappointed yet by any of your stories. Please more anal games and spanking/bondage in the future. They're my favorite parts.

The reviewing period for this story has ended.