The Pre-Teen Pussy Wax Spa, Part 6

[ MM/g, g/g, MMM/g, fingerl, bond, wax, photo ]

by Corn53

Published: 25-Jan-2011

Word Count:

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

"But Mama, I'm going to be twelve years old. Cousin Sarah wants me to be in her wedding and Aunt Jane is paying for everything. I'll just be gone for three weeks, and lots of our relatives and their friends will be there to keep an eye on me. Aunt Jane will be there. She already paid for my dress so they can get it fitted when I get there. It will be so much fun, and the hotel is near the ocean so we'll get to go to the beach. At least I hope so. It would be so much fun and I promise I'll be good. They want me to come. Please?"

Paula's Mother said, "You're almost twelve? Paula you just turned eleven last month!" She laughed. "But I've been thinking about it. You would be gone for three weeks, and there will be lots of chaperones." She looked at Paula and asked, "And will you say your prayers and read the Bible everyday?"

"Yes, Mama, of course I will. Everyday. I promise."

"Well, OK, if you promise to be a good girl, then you can ride an airplane and go meet them. You'll be gone three weeks and I'll miss you. But you'd better be a good girl the whole time! I'll call Jane to check on you."

Paula ran over and hugged her Mama.

It was the second week in June, and school had been out for ten days. Paula had been riding her bike to the pool every afternoon. It was her only luxury, although she was embarrassed by her very modest, one-piece swimming suit. Otherwise she was busy doing chores and practicing the extra math homework her teacher had sent home for the summer.

Paula's Mama said, "We'll have to get you a little suitcase. Don't forget to pack your swimming suit and sunscreen! You know, blonds get sunburned more than other kids." She was always warning Paula about things.


Day One

Two weeks later they took her to the airport. Paula had her Bible in a brown suitcase that they bought the week before in a thrift store. "And don't be too shy when you get there. You will have to meet lots of new people!" Paula's mother checked her in at the passenger counter, and made sure someone from the airline would escort her to the gate and then make sure she switched to the right connection and met her cousins at her final destination. One of the stewardesses promised to take her into the next airport and would find another stewardess to take her personally to meet her relatives.

Her cousin, and fellow bridesmaid, Rachael, met her at the airport along with Tammy, who Sarah, the bride, had nicknamed 'Wild Child,' because she liked to party. Rachael and Tammy were in the same sorority at their college, and in fact, they were both a little on the wild side, although not in front of their older relatives.

At the hotel, the fanciest place Paula had ever seen, Aunt Jane welcomed her. "I'm so glad we talked your Mother into letting you join us, Paula. I had to promise her that I would keep a close eye on you!" She laughed. "You don't look like a trouble maker to me. You'll share a room with Tammy, one of the other bridesmaids. Her boyfriend won't be here for two weeks, so I thought you could room with her and she could keep an eye on you. She has her own rental car, and I told your Mother that I would have someone take you to the ocean and Tammy said she would. She can be your surrogate mother for the next three weeks. I'll be so busy with the wedding party - seeing the caterers, the florist, the alterations ladies, and everything else!" She put both hands up in the air. "Ei, yi, yi. I can't keep up with everything. If you need something, just ask Tammy. And you can charge food and snacks on your room key. I'll take care of everything." Jane put both of her hands on Paula's shoulders and bent down to be face to face. "You're getting so grown up. Almost five feet tall, and so pretty! I'm glad you're going to be one of the bridesmaids." She stood and turned, asking Sarah a question. She walked away talking with Sarah and an older woman who had a notebook in her hand. Paula watched as her Aunt Jane walked away, still talking. The lady with the notebook was writing as fast as she could.

Tammy and Paula looked at each other and laughed - filling the sudden silence after Aunt Jane left.

Paula asked, "What's a 'sugar gate' mother?"

Tammy laughed at that. "It means you have to do whatever I say!"

"No, really. What is a 'sugar-gate' mother?" Paula persisted.

"The word is 'surrogate' and it means substitute, or a stand-in, so that, my dear, means that you have to do whatever I tell you. But I like 'sugar-gate' better. I'm going to open your gate and let some sugar into your sheltered life!"

She took Paula up to their part of the hotel complex which included several buildings around an outdoor pool and bar. There were also two indoor pools, workout areas, several large hot tubs, and a sauna. Tammy helped Paula open her drab suitcase and put things away. She said, "Paula, there is already a bible in the room! You didn't need to bring one, too!" She laughed, "And these underwear! White cotton! Boring! We'll have to get you some new ones! Tomorrow is our Brazilian Spa Day. I'll take you shopping this afternoon to get you some fun panties and bras and a new swimming suit! You can't wear a one-piece out here. People might laugh at you."

"But I'm supposed to be modest. Mama says so."

Tammy hugged her. "Honey, remember - I'm your 'sugar gate' Mama for the next three weeks. OK?"

Tammy laughed again, and Paula joined in. Paula said, "Then you tell me what to do. OK? Since you're my Mama now!"

Tammy said, in a rare moment of being serious, "Think for yourself, Paula, but I'll give you suggestions. How's that?"

"OK. This will be fun."

"And we can talk girl talk. Ask me anything you're curious about. I heard you come from a very strict, fundamentalist family, on a very tight budget. But you're with me this week!" Tammy looked at her watch. "It's already 3:00. Let's go on a quick shopping trip, just you and me. Let me get your measurements. Pants down and shirt off! Quick!"

Paula stood in her panties and training bra and let Tammy put the tape measure around her hips, waist, and bust.

"Thirty two, twenty seven, thirty three. Now, let me check mine." Tammy had undressed while Paula undressed, so the girl wouldn't be as self-conscious. She measured herself, "I'm thirty five, Twenty seven, and thirty... I'll say thirty five. We're actually kind of close, even though I'm five feet four and you're not quite five feet. Two cute blonds. That's us! So, we need to get you a two piece swimming suit and some new panties, and a sexier training bra. Let's go! Then we'll have plenty of time to go swimming tonight before dinner, and again after dinner, if you want to. My boyfriend won't be here for another two weeks because he has to work. So we'll have fun together when we're not with the whole group. You're going to have fun! That's an order from your sugar-gate Mom!"

Paula sounded worried and also embarrassed, when she said, "I only have twenty dollars, and it has to last me three weeks. Mama said I could eat free here at the hotel, but I don't really have much money for shopping. I couldn't have even come, except Aunt Jane is paying for everything."

"I'll treat. Don't worry about money. I want to get you modernized before we get our Brazilians at the spa tomorrow. And tonight is swimming night for us - before and after dinner! Let's go!" Tammy laughed, and let Paula go out the door first.

"Gee, I have my own key. I guess this credit card thing is a key."

Tammy showed her how to use it to open the door. "And you can also get food with it. Remember to always leave a tip when you sign for food."

They got in Tammy's rental car and drove off. "There is so much to remember. I never left a tip before. How far to the ocean?"

"I always leave twenty percent. Easier to figure out. Just move the decimal over two places to the left, round off, and then double it. I'll show you. And the ocean is only about a half mile, walking distance, but we'll drive to the beach so we can carry all our stuff. Tonight we're going swimming in the pool here at the hotel. There are some college boys here this weekend, and they aren't with our wedding group. Most of the wedding party won't get here for another week or so."

Paula had never seen such sexy swimming suits, which she knew she couldn't take home. Tammy went in the large, dressing room with her. She pulled out a little digital camera and took pictures of Paula in each suit she tried on. "This is so we can do a quick comparison before we pick one out for you." Paula got used to smiling for the camera as she tried on each new swimming suit, but a few times she thought Tammy clicked a picture before she had another suit on all the way. Tammy laughed when Paula asked her about that.

Tammy said, "It's OK, Paula. Gee, don't be so shy. This is to help us decide on a swimming suit. You trust me, don't you? I'll erase all these later. And I'll show you how to work the camera and you can take pictures of me, and then the next day I'll show you how to check to make sure I erased them all, except for the ones I'll keep on my laptop - wedding pictures and all, like our wedding-party luncheons, rehearsal dinner, and so on."

Paula thought that sounded fair, and it would make it easier to pick out a suit if they looked at the pictures in her camera. By the fifth swimming suit, Paula was used to Tammy aiming her camera at her all the time while she changed and posed. Tammy kept telling the eleven year old how cute she was. "And you're getting a figure already. A wispy bush, just starting to grow, and cute, little titties."

That made Paula giggle. "But I still can't get them to bounce. See?" She hopped up and down before trying on the next top. "See? I told you. They stick straight out. Almost two inches, but they don't bounce when I jump. Sometimes the girls at the pool do that in the locker room to see if their titties are getting bigger." Paula was trying to not be so shy, like Tammy had teased her about.

Tammy said, "Flip them with your fingers. That will make them bounce. Go ahead, try it."

Paula flipped both bare breasts with her fingers at the same time. They jiggled a little bit if she was rough enough.

Tammy said, "I used to practice like that. Sometimes I would pinch my nipples and then flip them. OK, Young Lady, that is one of your assignments! I want you to practice flipping, pinching, and bouncing them for the next three weeks. Then I'll measure you again before you fly back home."

Paula blushed, but she did pinch her nipples and then flipped them with her fingers. Tammy noticed that Paula's nipples had stiffened, and it looked to her like Paula was enjoying the feelings.

Tammy said, "I'm glad to see you shave your lower legs."

"I just did it before the trip. I didn't tell Mama, because she might give me another lecture on being modest. She might not even let me go swimming if she knew I shaved my legs, so I did it at the pool when one of the girls loaned me her razor and showed me how to do it."

Tammy said, "That was nice of her. How old was the girl who helped you?"

"I think she's seventeen or eighteen. On the swim team. A lifeguard. Real strong for a girl. Nobody else was around so she took me in the shower and closed the curtain and put soapy stuff all over my legs and started shaving them, and then I took over and finished them. She even offered to shave off my... you know... between my legs, but I didn't want to. She showed me hers and she shaves it. She did get me all soapy there, you know, between my legs, like she was a grown-up giving me a bath. She kept rubbing it to make it lather up. She shaved part of hers, you know, between her legs while I watched. She told me again that she would be glad to shave me there, but I didn't want to."

"Was anybody else in the shower room with you, two?"

"No, it was just us. She's always been nice to me. And this is funny, but she even washed my titties so she could feel how big they were getting, and she wanted me to wash hers, but I only did it for a few seconds. It was pretty funny. She said she would be glad to wash me anytime there was nobody else in the shower room."

"What's her name, Paula? Sounds like she could be a good friend to you."

"Her name is Angie."

"Well, Angie will be glad to see you in a few weeks when you get back home. We'll talk more about her before you go. OK?"

"Sure, OK. All these swimming suits are so pretty. My tummy looks so pale compared to my arms, legs, and shoulders. These suits are so sexy."

Half an hour later Paula was thinking the same thing about the panties that she had thought about the new swimming suit - 'so sexy!' They were looking at little lacy panties you could almost see through in a riot of bright colors. Paula said, "These are so pretty, but I couldn't dare take them home. Same with the swimming suit. I'm sorry to be spending money like this when I can't take them home. These panties don't even have a back - just a string from the front to the waistband!"

"These are 'thongs,' Paula, and I wear them all the time. Boys love them. Really, men of all ages."

"Gee, I never wore thong panties before. I've seen some of the girls at the pool take them off or put them on, even some of the fourth and fifth graders, but I don't have any like that. I thought they were so pretty and sexy, even on the girls younger than me."

"It's OK, Paula. After you're gone, I'll wash them and then I'll wear them myself. Might be a little tight, but I could get in your panties." Tammy laughed, "I bet lots of people would like to get in your panties!" She laughed again. "But I couldn't wear your swimming suit, since you got a size 32-A, and I'm a 36-C! But I could squeeze into your panties. My boyfriends like me to wear sexy panties. Let's find you a thong for tomorrow. It will be fun to all get Brazilianed together."

"Brazilianed? Is that like a kind of haircut?"

"You could say that." Tammy laughed. "But you'll see. My boyfriend loves it when I do that. Drives him crazy. And you'll have the easiest time of all of us! Your wispy blond hair. So pretty."

"It's getting darker. Mama says it will be brown when I'm older." The patted her ponytail.

Tammy smiled, knowing the girl had no idea that she had been referring to Paula's pubic hair and not the hair on her head.

They picked out a dozen pairs of very sexy panties. Paula was excited, even though she felt funny about them. And the little, sexy, almost see-through panties were so much more expensive than the bigger, heavier, cotton ones she brought from home.

Paula had to model each pair of panties for Tammy when they got back to the hotel. Paula was blushing red, trying on the panties while Tammy kept aiming the camera at her. But then Tammy was naked, too, and trying on different panties she had bought for herself. She showed Paula how to use her camera to get pictures of her in the different sexy panties she was trying on. Tammy said, "Take lots of pictures of me, Paula, even before I have the panties on. It's OK. Like I said, I'm going to erase all of these. We're just goofing around." Soon Tammy was posing naked in various positions, but nothing too lewd. Tammy said, "I want a few pictures of my little bush before it disappears tomorrow."

Paula was having fun with the camera and taking lots of pictures. She said, in kind of a bragging way, "I saw naughty pictures in a magazine when I was babysitting. Those girls didn't even have a bush! They were big girls, too, like your age." Paula laughed and blushed at the same time, feeling so naughty just saying the word, 'bush.'

"I've been letting mine grow out for the last four months. My boyfriend hates it. Well, sometimes he's my boyfriend. We both date other people, too. Anyway, he'll be glad to see me next week when it's all gone!"

"What do you mean?"

"Hey, let's get our suits on. Hurry! Hurry! We still have an hour and a half before dinner, and if we want to swim longer, we can go get dinner on our own later. I have a charge card." Tammy changed the subject before Paula learned about the wax treatments which would be part of their spa session scheduled for the next day. All the bridesmaids were getting waxed a week or two before the wedding, and then the day before, they would all get a pedicure and manicure and get their hair done before the rehearsal dinner.


Fun In The Pool

They had a great time swimming, and two of Paula's other cousins were there - the ones whose families were much more well-off than Paula's. One boy was six years old, and her girl cousin was seven. A few of them were almost rude to Paula who was from a 'poor family' and a 'Bible-thumper' besides. But Paula was gracious and was nice to everybody, glad to have Tammy as her friend. Paula though Tammy was the prettiest of all the bridesmaids. And there were other people who thought the same thing - several college age boys who kept flirting with Tammy in the pool, and also with Paula since they were hanging around together.

All the people they knew left the pool to get ready for dinner, but Tammy and Paula stayed - along with three college boys who weren't part of the wedding group. Tammy whispered in Paula's ear to play along with her and she would teach her how to flirt with college boys. Paula felt a thrill. She was glad they were staying in the pool with the three, handsome, young men.

Tammy told the boys that Paula was eighteen but small for her age - which the college boys knew was a joke, but they all played along. Paula tried to act like a college girl, even though she had just finished fifth grade. The boys threw her in the water, and held her on their strong shoulders. Paula was having a wonderful time. Chris asked her about her favorite beer, and Paula said, "Bud Light,' which she had heard on a TV advertisement. At first Paula thought it was an accident when one of the boys would touch her breasts or thighs or even her bottom while they were wrestling around and splashing in the pool. She noticed that the boys were also feeling Tammy - more openly now that the wedding party had left the pool area. Paula noticed that Chris, the shortest one at about five feet, nine inches, was also the most muscular, with long, dark hair, was playing with her the most. Tom and Larry were mostly playing with Tammy. Chris had commented on Paula's pale tummy, so Paula explained that she always wore a one-piece swimming suit at home. Chris had Paula lie on her back in the water and he lifted her up so her tummy, hips, chest, and even her feet were almost completely out of the water. Larry, one of the other college boys, pretended to play the drums on Paula's tight tummy while Chris held her up.

They were giving Paula and Tammy shoulder rides when Tammy fell over into the arms of Larry. Then Larry held her under her back with her left arm around his side, and Tom held her right arm. Chris, with Paula still on his shoulders, took both of her legs under his arms, so her knees next to Paula's ankles. They started walking in a circle keeping Tammy in the center - like they were holding a big saucer. Tammy was laughing, even though one side of her top had flipped up over her breast. Her pale, left breast was completely exposed as the boys kept bouncing and walking in the shoulder-deep water making faster circles. Tammy's breast was jiggling in the clear water. They were all laughing.

Paula said, "Tammy, your suit!"

"What about it?" Tammy asked, pretending she didn't know the top had come off her left breast.

"I can see it." Paula said, then laughed, and pointed at her exposed, pale breast.

They were all laughing. Larry said, "Let me put that back for you." He took his time - still turning in a tight circle - bouncing with the other boys - as he felt Tammy's left breast and fumbled with putting the suit back in place. He kept feeling and straightening out Tammy's top while Tammy kept laughing. Then Chris felt Tammy's bottoms - feeling and pretending to straighten out the bottom piece of her swimming suit, but he was actually feeling around Tammy's pussy.

Tammy was still laughing when Chris let Paula fall backwards off his back into the water. The three boys and Tammy put Paula in the middle of their tight circle. The pool was practically empty since the sun was almost down. Most people had gone in for dinner. With the tight circle, anyone outside the pool couldn't see what they were doing. They were holding Paula's arms at her shoulders and her legs above the knees, turning and bouncing in a circle, using Paula as a splash machine - lifting and dropping her. Paula was laughing, seemingly not even noticing that the boys were tickling her tummy and hips and arm pits. She laughed as they bounced and tickled her. As this continued, there was more and more touching her breasts and pussy - all seemingly accidental as they turned, bounced, and tickled her. Larry pulled her top up off her flat breasts. Paula was almost completely flat when her arms were up so high. Everyone looked for a minute as he tried to put her top back in place. Chris said, "She has such a cute, firm figure for an eighteen year old!" They all laughed, including Paula. They continued bouncing and splashing. Tammy and the boys noticed that Paula's nipples were hard - protruding like puffy, bird eggs, with a pink bb at the tip.

"No, don't do that." Paula said, even though she was laughing, as Tom pulled the top of her suit up to expose her almost flat breasts again. She couldn't get her arms free to pull it back in place, so Chris reached up with one hand to pull it back in place.

"Let's make 'girl sandwiches!'" Larry said to the group.

Tammy said, "Just a minute." She pulled Paula to one side and whispered in her ear again. "They are going to squeeze us, one at a time, between them. Pretend not to notice, but see if you can tell if their cocks are hard when they press up against you. If a boy has an erection while he's playing with you, it means he really likes you."

Paula thought Tammy whispered too loud, but before she could ask Tammy a question, two boys grabbed Tammy and squeezed her between them - bouncing and turning in the water, which was too deep for Paula to stand and breathe, so she had to tread water or hold the side of the pool, or, the best way was to let Chris hold her up.

She and Chris were laughing as Tom and Larry were squeezing Tammy between them while they bounced in the water. Chris was holding Paula from behind and Paula could feel his stiff cock through both of their swimming suits as he held her tight against him. She felt it pressing between her butt cheeks, but she pretended not to notice as he tickled her armpits and tummy while holding her tight. While they watched the other two boys playing with Tammy, Chris turned Paula to face him. He said, "Wrap your legs around me. I'll hold you up. Let's bounce and turn around."

She felt his cock pressing against her pussy - even bouncing on her clitty through his boxers and her bikini bottoms. With her legs wrapped around his thighs, his cock was pressing against the center of her pussy. His arms were around her back as he turned in the water. "Put your arms straight out while I turn you around."

She put her arms out feeling even more of her weight bouncing down on the tip of his stiff cock. Her pussy was tingling like crazy. "This is fun." Paula said.

Chris said, "I'll stand still and hold you. Lean back and bounce around. That's it. Keep wiggling your hips. I'll let you do the splashing."

Paula kept wiggling her hips around, trying to splash with her body. Only her arms and shoulders were out of the water. She kept bouncing on Chris' stiff cock which had pressed into her swimming suit, forming a small cavity at the opening of her vagina. Paula's pussy was tingling as she wiggled around against his cock - both of them pretending they didn't know that his cock was only separated from her open pussy by two, thin layers of material.

Then it was her turn to be the 'meat' in the boys' sandwich. Tom and Larry squeezed her between them, turning her around and feeling her all over as they pressed against her. She felt their stiff cocks through their boxer trunks. Larry took her hand and said, "Hold on to the waistband of my trunks while we bounce you around." He put her hand in his trunks so she had something to hold on to while they moved her around. Then Tom was acting silly and pushed down on her elbow, forcing her hand all the way into Larry's swimming trunks and against his stiff penis. Paula knew what it was and let go quickly, pulling her hand out, but they all kept laughing and splashing. She thought Larry's cock was huge!

Then Tammy said that since it would be getting dark soon, they should all go out to get something to eat. In the room, Tammy and Paula undressed. They talked after quickly washing their hair and took turns with the dryer. They were both naked, after Tammy chided Paula for being too shy. She said, "And I saw how you were looking at Chris. I think he likes you! Just keep pretending you're in college. He probably thinks you're only in high school, but let's keep pretending or else he might not want to hang around with us."

"But what about your boyfriend? Won't he be jealous?"

"He won't know. These boys are leaving Monday night. We've only got a couple days to party with them. And I still think Chris likes you. Maybe he'll kiss you tonight. If he does, just go along with it. I'm with you to make sure he doesn't try anything. I won't let him put his hand in your panties!" They laughed.

"Really? You think he might try to kiss me?" Paula felt another tingle between her legs.

Tammy noticed her squirm but didn't comment. She said, "Hey, get the camera! Take my picture again before we get dressed. It can be for our before-and-after pictures." She laughed.

Paula laughed, too, as she took several pictures of Tammy while she turned around. Then she let Tammy take pictures of her, too. She thought Tammy's 'before-and-after' comment was referring to them getting dressed.

It was casual attire for dinner - just shorts, sandals, and blouses. Tammy made sure that Paula was wearing a pair of the extra sexy panties, and loaned her a pair of her falsies to put in her training bra. "He thinks you're in college, remember?" Tammy laughed. They took pictures of each other again, and went down to the lobby. It was almost 9:00.


Out For Dinner With The Boys; Paula's First Margarita

The boys were waiting for them, wearing sandals, shorts, and sport shirts. Larry drove his convertible with Tammy in the front seat next to him, and Paula in the backseat between Chris and Tom. Everybody was in a party mood. The boys, of course, noticed Paula's falsies right away. They were pretty sure that she was only twelve or thirteen, but were going along with the game Tammy had started, pretending Paula was a college girl.

Chris and Tom each put a hand on Paula's knee. "Make a wish!" said Tom, and they pulled her knees apart. Then they all laughed. Tom said, "I bet I know what you wished for, Chris! A cherry!"

The boys laughed, but Tammy turned in her seat and said, "Take it easy, boys. Be easy on her. She doesn't get out much. I mean it. Not too fast." Tom said, "I meant that Chris likes a cherry on his ice cream sundae. He says there is nothing like a cherry to make for good eating. Yum, yum!"

Chris said, "That's right. Nothing in the world tastes as good as a firm, little, pink cherry!" They all laughed again, including Tammy, and then Paula laughed, too.

While Paula laughed, she said, "Silly! Cherries are red."

"I like the pink ones!" Chris said. They all laughed again.

They went to a small, Mexican bar-restaurant about a mile from the hotel, where Larry knew the bartender. He ordered five margaritas. Larry said, "I've known the bartender since I was 21 and started coming here every few months."

"What are these?" Paula asked, looking a little fearful.

"It's like an orange juice drink, Paula. I bet you'll like them. They aren't too strong."

But they were too strong for Paula, who really liked the taste after the first few sips to get used to it. They ordered dinner and another round of margaritas. It was fun sitting there with the college group, Paula thought, feeling different, although she couldn't explain it. It was like everything felt blurry. Chris was rubbing her back, and sometimes patting her knee or leg. She got used to him touching her - enjoying the attention and listening to them talk - about drinks, about classes, Larry and Tom talked about deep sea fishing, and Chris and Tammy were talking about SCUBA diving. Then Larry said, "I think Chris would enjoy muff diving even more than SCUBA diving. They all laughed, and Paula laughed along with them, even though she didn't know much about SCUBA diving.

Chris said, "Yes, I would love that. So firm and moist. Really moist, I bet."

Paula wasn't following the conversation, which seemed kind of disjointed and dream-like. She liked how Chris was lightly touching the inside of her thigh, just above her knee and below her shorts. Her smile was almost too big for her face and her eyes weren't focused as Chris kept pulling her knee closer towards him to slowly spread her legs. Paula was in the corner of their booth, across from Larry, Tammy, and Tom.

Tammy said, "No more muffs after tomorrow. Brazilian tomorrow. All gone."

Suddenly the three boys seemed very interested in what Tammy was talking about. Something about wax. Then Larry asked Paula directly, "What is a Brazilian anyway, Paula?"

"It's some kind of haircut."

They thought that was hilarious. Paula laughed along with them, as dinner and more drinks arrived. Tammy said, "That's probably enough margaritas, Paula. Let me order you a soft drink."

Paula didn't answer but leaned back against the cushioned booth. letting Chris continue to lightly tickle the inside of her thigh. They ate dinner. Tammy pulled the margarita away from Paula and pushed the soft drink in front of her. Paula sipped the soft drink, and picked at her dinner, laughing along with the others, but not really hearing what they were talking about. She caught some words like muff, cherry, foam rubber, and other things, but it all seemed so disjointed that it didn't make sense, and it felt so good the way Chris was rubbing her thighs and tummy.

Then Tammy said, "We need to get back to the hotel now, Larry. Let me put her to bed and then maybe you could stop by later for a night cap. Give me an hour.

The boys stayed in the lobby when Tammy and Paula got on the elevator. Tammy was holding Paula's arm as they got off the elevator and went back to the room. She said, "I know you're tired from the trip, Honey. Let me get you ready for bed. You might have funny dreams tonight after two big margaritas. I'm glad you liked them. We really fooled those boys. I'm going to get you undressed after I take you to the bathroom."

Tammy stayed in the bathroom, still holding Paula's arm while she sat on the toilet in a semi-stupor. After wiping Paula's pussy with toilet paper, she helped her out of her clothes and into a large, man's, basketball jersey, which came down past Paula's knees. Tammy said, "Did you ever wear a sleeping mask?"

"Hmmm?" Said Paula, not understanding.

"Let me put this on you, because I'm going to watch TV for a while, but I bet you're tired from your trip. Just lay back and go to sleep. It's too hot to cover up. Leave the sleeping mask on so it will be dark for you, and go to sleep. I'll put sunburn lotion on you later."

"Ahnk uu." Said Paula, meaning, 'thank you.' It felt like her bed was floating and spinning slowly in a big circle. She went right to sleep with the sleeping mask on.

She didn't hear the soft knock on the door above the TV noise an hour later. Paula was literally out of it, with her jersey up on her waist and twisted on top, fully exposing both tiny breasts. The boys looked at her for several minutes while the TV played in the background. The lights from the TV and the flash of Tammy's camera blended together.

Tammy whispered, "OK, I'll send you each a few pictures, but not until I erase her face. We could all get in trouble."

The boys agreed and thanked her. Chris put his head down close to a sleeping Paula's open pussy. "She smells so fresh and clean." He said, "And she opened her legs for me in the restaurant. She liked how I caressed her thighs, and that was before her second margarita. It's so beautiful. Hardly a bush at all. Just wispy, blond hairs. Beautiful."

"The hairs will be gone tomorrow night, if you'd like to check back." Said, Tammy.

"Unn gaa, lmm." Paula mumbled and rolled over, flat on her tummy, hiding her treasure, but exposing her plump, firm bottom.

"You boys sit in those chairs." She motioned over toward the little table with chairs around it. "I'll see how fast asleep she is." Tammy waited a minute and put her hand on the back of Paula's thigh. The girl didn't move, so Tammy put her hands on Paula's ass - one hand on each cheek. The girl still didn't move so Tammy pulled her ass open.

Chris and Tom were looking closer without putting their weight on the bed. Larry leaned closer, directly between Paula's feet, and took a picture of that tiny, pink, and undoubtedly very tight anus.

Then Tammy made Chris and Tom sit in chairs in front of the TV while she and Larry started making out on the other twin bed. After Larry came, it was Tom's turn, and Tammy got him to cum within another ten minutes. She would have given Chris a turn, too, but since Paula was lying on her back again, feet apart, he jacked off and shot his cum up Paula's leg, almost reaching her pussy.

The boys left and Tammy got a picture of the cum on Paula's leg, then wiped it off and put sunburn lotion on the sleeping girl's legs, back, and neck.


Day Two - Getting Waxed

The next morning, Paula wasn't feeling so good. She slept in until eleven, enjoying the luxury of sleeping late which she never got to do at home. She was thirsty, but Tammy only let her have one glass of water while she brushed her teeth, and then they went down for breakfast. Paula recovered completely eating a pile of scrambled eggs, toast, and drinking lots of fresh orange juice. She only took one bite of the bacon and pronounced it too greasy. "I think it might make me sick."

Suddenly, Paula's color lightened to two shades short of death, and Tammy took her upstairs to rest again. Tammy read one of her text books from school while drinking coffee, and an hour later, when Paula got up again, she seemed like her lively self again, they put on their suits and went down to the pool.

"I had a funny dream last night, Tammy." Paula said, "like you were rolling around with a boy and making funny noises." She made a face like trying to remember something. "I think I woke up, but it was the TV on, and then you were putting sunburn lotion on me. Thanks for letting me go out for dinner with you last night."

"You're welcome!" Said Tammy, feeling relieved. "I'm not going to leave you. Remember, I'm your sugar-gate Mom for three weeks!"

They both laughed, and Paula said, "No, you're too nice to be a real Mom! And too much fun!"

"We can't swim very long today. We're scheduled to be at the spa in two hours."

Paula said, "For the Brazilian hair cut. I know. I hope it doesn't look funny. Mama might be upset if it's too sexy looking."

"Oh it will look sexy all right! But your Mama won't see it?"

"What?" Paula asked, missing the riddle. "How could she not see my haircut? What are you talking about?"

"Nothing, Honey. Just come with me. Be a college girl today. Pretend we're in the same sorority and we're going to a kind of initiation!"

"Oh, fun!"

Paula was disappointed that the same college boys weren't in the pool. She was looking for Chris. Tammy said they were playing golf somewhere. An hour later they went back to the room for a quick shower. They left without even fixing their hair.

On the way to the spa, Tammy said, "This is fun. Like having a little sister."

Paula said, "Me, too. This is fun. I'm sorry Chris and the other college boys weren't in the pool. Do you think they will be there later?"

"I'm not sure. We'll just enjoy one day at a time. I think Chris wants to kiss you. Will you let him?"

"Gee. Really? Wow. Gosh." Paula said, as she squirmed in her seat. "Jimminy."

Tammy laughed. "So is that a 'yes?'"

"Yes, I mean, like why would he want to kiss me?"

"He thinks you're cute. He thinks you're eighteen but small for your age. I bet he would love making out with you. Do you get to make out with boys back home?"

"I've never been on a date, and Mama won't let me have a boyfriend, and doesn't like me to talk on the phone with them, unless we're working on a school project together - like a group report or something."

"Oh, come on. You must have kissed some boys, or been felt up at least. When I was your age I had several boys - usually older - who liked to kiss me and feel around on my chest or panties. It was fun. Never hurt anything."

"You're so lucky. That would be fun, but ... well... I mean..."

Tammy waited, then asked, "Well what?"

"I mean, it's a sin, and well, Mama wouldn't let me. She wouldn't like it."

"It's a very natural thing, Honey. And I'm your Mama for three weeks, and I believe that nothing is a sin unless it hurts somebody else. If somebody wants to kiss you or touch you, and you're not grossing out innocent little kids or hurting somebody, then it's OK." Tammy laughed, "So listen to your sugar-gate Mother! Have some fun while you're away from home. You'll still be a virgin, and nobody will ever know!"

"Gee. Do you think he would really want to kiss me? I mean he's so cute, and in college, and I'm just a kid."

"You're a pretty, young girl!" Tammy said. "I'm serious. Lots of men and boys would love to kiss you and touch you. You would still be a virgin, but you would know more about yourself."

"Gee. I wondered what it would be like to kiss him. I liked it when he held me on his strong shoulders. And he was always nice to me. The boys at school tease and joke around too much. They are rude and stupid sometimes, and say mean things to some of the girls."

"They will grow up someday. But that's a good observation. It's why I like older men or college boys who are a year or so older than me."

Paula said, "Are you, umm... a.... I'm not sure if I can say it."

"You mean am I a virgin?"

"Yes, that's what I was wondering. I mean because you've never been married."

Tammy laughed. "I lost my virginity about age 13, I think. Hmm... will try to remember. It didn't hurt me. I might get married someday. I don't know."

"What about your boyfriend?"

"I've had lots of boyfriends. The one who is coming in two weeks, well, we have kind of an open relationship. That means we both have sex with other partners sometimes. We have no intentions of ever marrying each other. We want each other to have fun. So it's OK for me to mess around with Larry and Tom, while you make out with Chris... that is, if you want to. Or you could pretend to be asleep and peek over to watch one of them making love to me. Would you like to watch? Just pretend to be asleep."

"Really? Gee, yes, I would like to watch that."

"Tonight we're going to meet the boys for dinner again. I don't think we should play with them in the pool today, we know too many people around the hotel. We'll have more privacy if we go away for dinner, and maybe we could all go to the ocean tomorrow. And if Chris does want to kiss you, just let him. That's an order, Young Lady!" Tammy laughed. "I'm your Mother speaking!"

Paula laughed, too. "Well, if it's an order! Gee. But he probably doesn't really want to."

"No rush. Time will tell. You'll have lots and lots of friends over the next ten to fifty or sixty years. Some friends for all kinds of things you'll want to do together. I'm not just talking sex, here, but you're a smart girl, and I order you to enjoy life. So many wonderful things to do and see. But this week, we'll start with kissing. And if that doesn't gross you out, your next assignment is touching!"

"I already got touched!" Paula said. "Yesterday in the pool, like you said. The boys touched me - mostly on top, but a few times on the bottom. And I felt the boys' things pressing up against me, and one of them told me to hold onto the waistband of his swimming suit, and another boy pushed my arm down, so actually touched his thing! I felt it!"

"Good for you. It didn't bite you, did it?"

Paula laughed, "No."

Tammy pulled into the spa parking lot. She said, "And tonight I'm cutting you off after two margaritas! I don't want you falling asleep while I'm getting fucked. This is a Health Class lesson for you. I want you to watch and learn something. You just have to pretend you're asleep, even if I come over and put some sunburn lotion on you. Stay awake, but pretend to be asleep. I'll move you around. They will think you're asleep and won't make any noises or get on your bed. Only me, to put on the lotion. Try to stay as limp as cooked spaghetti."

"This is so fun." Said Paula, as she closed her car door.

"Let's go get Brazilianed!" Said Tammy, and laughed again.

"OK!" Said Paula. "I can't wait till tonight."


Tammy's Gets Waxed First So Paula Can Watch

They met Ginny and walked over to her little building which was right next door to the main spa area where they did haircuts and nails. Ginny turned on all the lights as they went in, asking them questions about the upcoming wedding. "And I already did the bride and one of the other girls. There are five weddings this month, and we're doing all the brides and most of the bridesmaids. This is a growing tradition."

"What's the camera for?" Paula asked, pointing to the camera on the tripod.

"Oh, I have to get a before and after picture of each girl, and some girls want a video of the whole procedure. I guess so they can show their boyfriends how brave they are. One bride said it hurt more than the tattoo she had on her hip."

Paula stood stark still. "We're not getting tattoos, are we, Tammy? Mama would see that, and I would be in big trouble! She says I'm not allowed to get a tattoo."

Ginny and Tammy laughed, "Nobody will see this unless you let them see it."

Then Ginny looked at Tammy, "Does Paula know what we're doing today?"

"We're getting Brazilianed." Paula said, and smiled. "It's like a special haircut."

Ginny smiled. "Yes, but do you know what that means?"

Paula was looking around the room - at the special, padded table in the center, and the desk and shelves around the perimeter of the room. "It's some kind of haircut, I think, but I don't see a beauty shop chair, or whatever they're called."

Tammy and Ginny laughed. Ginny said, "Let's look at some pictures a minute. Then I'll do Tammy and you can watch." She took Paula's hand and led the cute, slim, blond, eleven year old over to the desk and pulled out the album labeled '#2.' Ginny ran her fingernail to a little tag that said, "11yr," and opened the album and laid it flat. On the left side there were eight pictures of pussies of girls about her age - all with pubic hair to some extent. Some just wispy hair, some almost none, and some with more hair - like a teenager. Ginny said, "All the girls on this page are eleven years old. Just like you. The camera is on an extension bar on top of the tripod. I put the camera over the girls' knees while she has her feet about one foot apart and take a picture before an after. We get pictures of all the girls, and that will include you. On the left are pictures I took before their Brazilian wax treatment, and these pictures on the right are the same girls after the procedure. And I'll get pictures of you both today, too, but I won't put them in an album without your permission."

Paula was staring at the pictures; her head turning from side to side as she leaned over the big album that was laid out on the desk. Finally she said, "Gee."

Tammy was beside her with a hand on Paula's shoulder. "Which ones do you think are prettier, Honey?"

Paula kept looking back and forth. Then her hips squirmed. That little squirm was the answer both women were waiting for. Then Paula said, "Those are lot's prettier." She was pointing to the bald pussies on the right.

Tammy said, "That's right. Men and boys love bald pussies like that! It drives them crazy!"

"They are all different. I never noticed before." Paula was staring at the bald pussies - some with plump, thick lips, some were narrow exposing most of the girl's clitty, and some had a bigger mound, one pussy looked extra long, like it went higher up on her tummy. That picture was right next to one where the crack didn't even look like it went all the way to the front.

Tammy said, "Yes, like boys' dicks. All different if you compare them, but each one is beautiful. Right, Ginny?"

"Yes, every cock is a little different and so is every pussy. Seeing pictures from the same angle makes it easier to see the subtle differences." Said Ginny.

"I never saw two of them at the same time. Well, maybe in the girls' locker room at the pool, but everybody kept moving. And... I just thought of something. Some of the older girls didn't have any hair. I remember wondering about that, but I didn't ask anybody."

Ginny said, "Your treatments are already paid for, but I could offer each of you either a forty dollar gift certificate to our spa or ten dollars in cash, if you undress to music in front of the camera. Nobody is ever allowed to see the video clips, except me, of course, and maybe other girls who volunteer for the videos, after I edit out the faces and voices. And I only ask the 'cute' girls, of course, which would include both of you! So before we do the procedure, I'll turn on the music and leave you alone in front of that wall." She pointed to a wall next to the door where they came in. There was a full length curtain in front of the wall. The floor was carpeted with a box the size of a small, dining room table painted on the floor, and there was a chair next to the curtain, just behind to square on the carpet. She said, "That's where you put your clothes. You just act silly, or sexy, whatever you want while you undress. It's a five minute song, and you should be naked when the music stops. You would be alone in here, and then I'll come back in a few minutes after the music stops, so keep moving around until you hear me knock. Then unlock the door. You just stay in the center area of the carpet the whole time, until I come back in. That's all there is to it. It's optional and you don't have to do it, of course."

Tammy said, "I want to do it. And we're from out of town, so I'll take the ten dollars, and I'll give it to my little companion here, but only if she does the same thing. Want to try it, Paula? Nobody will ever know. I'm going to."

Paula was blushing. Tammy was worried Paula would faint, but then she smiled and said, "OK. I'll do it. Gee. Like twenty dollars, just for undressing? OK. I mean since you're going to do it."

"Sure I'll do it. It sounds like fun." Tammy said, "And nobody will see it except maybe other girls."

Ginny said, "That's right. Say your first name, and your age, and talk about school or boys or anything you want to talk about. Only other girls who agree would get to see a few highlights of other girls, but no voices. I edit them of course, so there are no faces in the little video clips that we would show to other girls, so nobody would recognize anybody else. And only other girls or young women about the same age would see yours. The youngest we've had is eight, and the oldest is twenty nine because after thirty we don't do the videotaping anymore. We get a 'before' and also an 'after' dance. It helps girls see how much prettier it is after the wax treatments."


Paula Watches Video Clips Of Other Young Girls While Tammy Undresses In Front Of The Camera

Ginny picked up another photo album; adjusted the camera; turned on the music and left; leading Paula by the hand. Paula heard Tammy lock the door, and could hear the beat of the music through the door, but she couldn't hear what Tammy was saying, although she did hear her muffled voice while Tammy talked to the camera.

Ginny led Paula to a little desk area outside the waxing room. There was a computer on the desk where Ginny laid the album. "You can look through this album while I run over to the other building a minute. Lock the door when I go out, and I'll knock for you to let me back in. This is a very private area. We've got about ten minutes before we'll start on Tammy's pussy wax. And if you want, move the mouse, and click on 'play' if you'd like to see other girls about your age dancing - before and after their wax treatments. No faces of course. "

The second Ginny was out the door, Paula opened the book again, starting on the first two page spread, labeled '8yr.' There were only two pussies on the left and on the right, and she could hardly tell the difference unless she looked really close at the 'before' pictures to see a little bit of fuzzy hair. The '9yr' page featured six different girls. There was a little bit more of a difference between the left side and the right side. She noticed that one of the girls looked wet between her lips. She clicked play on the computer, and flipped the album to the page, labeled, '10yr.'

The girl on the screen was about her age. She could hear the music, but couldn't see the girl's face or hear what she was saying, although she could see her mouth talking. Paula flipped to '11yr' again in the album, and studied the pictures while the girl on the computer screen finished undressing. She had a little more hair than Paula herself, in the first dance, and then none on the little clip from her second dance, but it was the same girl. Paula thought her bald pussy was much prettier than her hairy one. A few times Paula could see the girl's head when she bent over to pull down her panties, but the girl's face was whited out in the video clip, so she couldn't see the girl's face. She watched the next girl undress, too, and then turn and dance and even do stretching exercises. It was funny when the girl got on her hands and knees and wiggled her bottom towards the camera, like a dog wagging her tail. There were also two clips of the second girl - one undressing while she had pubic hair, and in the next part of the video all her pubic hair was gone. She danced slower and tried to show off her bald pussy to the camera. Paula really liked how it looked when it was bald, so she could see her lips stretch and move.

The third girl had dark hair and was wearing different clothes, like more dressy. She undressed while dancing to a different song. Paula could see immediately that this girl was more developed with bigger breasts and more pubic hair. In the second part of her video, her bald pussy lips made her look so much younger. And Paula could see that this girl had very fat pussy lips, compared to the skinny lips of the first two girls. The fourth girl was slim and blond... "kind of like me," Paula thought. She had wispy, blond, pubic hair and not much of it... also like Paula. The second part of this girl's video seemed very erotic. Besides showing off her bald pussy, this girl pulled it open for the cameras and even got on her hands and knees and pulled her bottom open - holding it for about twenty seconds while moving her hips.

Paula heard a little knock on the door and let Ginny in. "I was watching the videos and looking at the pictures. It looks like each girl did two videos."

"Yes, we do that with the really pretty, young girls." Ginny looked at Paula, then said, "Like you! So, if you would like to do a follow-up dance, and some exercises, then you'll get another twenty dollar bonus. I already talked about these options with Tammy, but she said to wait until after you've seen a few before and after video clips of other girls, before mentioning the possibility to you. So you could ask her what she thinks."

"You mean I could get forty dollars? Just for dancing around while I undress? And then like dancing again after all my hair is waxed off? Gee."

"With some of the girls, and you could be one if you're interested, we make other videos, but I couldn't show them to you, or even tell you what they are about, unless you are interested. But they might involve two girls at the same time, other types of fun activities, different toys, and ... but, we'll see how you do today."


"Yes, toys that big girls use. Toys to stimulate yourself. You'll see one today."

"And then could I watch their videos?"

"Yes, if you make videos for my private collection, then you would be allowed to see the other videos that a selected few of the other girls make - just for my private collection, of course. Not to show other people."


They knocked on the door to the waxing room. Tammy unlocked the door and let them in. Ginny locked the door behind them, and led Tammy over to the table and got her set up. She put straps around her ankles and wrists and got her fastened into position with her wrists and ankles strapped to the sturdy table. Ginny moved Tammy's feet wide apart by moving the two table extensions apart and locking the brakes on the casters.

Ginny said, "Would you mind if I did a little anatomy review for Paula?"

Tammy said, "Not a bit. That's a good idea. You can show her the parts of my pussy, Ginny. She said she learned a little about female anatomy in her Health Class, but those diagrams don't always match a real, live specimen!"

Ginny and Tammy laughed, and Paula joined in. She was staring at Tammy's open pussy. Ginny said, "In twenty minutes all that hair will be gone. She'll be as smooth as a baby. But, let me show you a few things. This ridge down the center of her pussy crack is her clitoral sheath. If I spread her lips apart with my fingers and push up towards her belly button, you'll see the actual clit." She demonstrated. "It's that little knot of nerves at the top of her inner labia. Some people call the inner labia 'flaps.' The clitty button is the most sensitive spot on a woman's body, and it's where most girls like to touch themselves with vibrators. That makes the clitty button swell up - similar to a man's penis that swells up when a man is excited, except of course, it's only about an inch long under the sheath and the button, or knot of nerves, is anywhere from a little pea to the size of a large pea." Paula was watching closely as Ginny's fingers moved around on Tammy's pussy. Ginny asked Tammy if they could touch her, and Tammy encouraged them to. Ginny said, "While I get the supplies set up and heat the wax, maybe I could have Paula vibrate your clitty so she could see and feel how it swells up and gets stiffer, just like a man's penis."

"That's a good idea." Said Tammy.

"OK, I'll get out a vibrator for Paula to use on you in just a minute. But first I want to show her your vagina." She put her finger at the opening to Tammy's vagina, and said, "It's a pretty small hole, and is almost closed completely since she's never had children. Put your finger in like this and you'll feel how tight it is." She demonstrated and then had Paula put her finger up Tammy's wet vagina.

Tammy said, "Oh, Paula. Thanks. That feels really good."

Ginny got a long, slim vibrator out of a drawer in her desk. She said, "Turn this on by twisting the base and then rub it around on Tammy's clitty. Feel her clitty every twenty or thirty seconds to see if you can tell that it's getting bigger and stiffer. Keep fingering her vagina, too, which will help tighten all the muscles in her pussy area so it will be easier to remove the hair in a few minutes."

Paula was intent on her task, after she twisted the base of the vibrator to turn it on. "It buzzes! Oh, it kind of tickles." Paula said.

Tammy said, "I love how a vibrator tickles, Paula. Press it against your own panties before you start on me, just to see how wonderful it feels."

Paula said, "I've heard girls talk about vibrators but I never saw one before. It looks kind of like a flashlight." She pressed the buzzing vibrator against her own shorts, pressing it against the front of her pussy. "Oh my gosh! That really tickles!"

Ginny was standing over at the side of the room. She had the camera turned on, positioned behind Tammy's head - aimed down at Tammy's pussy with a great view of Paula from her hips on up, as she stood between Tammy's spread and fastened legs. Paula fingered and vibrated Tammy's pussy. Paula was smiling and staring at Tammy's pussy while she worked on Tammy's clit and vagina at the same time. Tammy kept telling her what a great job she was doing and that it felt wonderful.

Ginny said, "Just a few more minutes and the wax will be warm enough. I told Paula about the follow-up video after her pussy is completely bald, and she wants to try it. Don't you, Paula?"

Before Paula could answer, Tammy said, "I wish I was young enough to qualify for the extra twenty dollars. You're so lucky, Paula. Do you want to do that? I would."

"Yes. It sounds like fun. I'll do it. Gee. Forty dollars!"

Ginny asked Paula if Tammy's pussy was getting wetter and more slippery.

"Yes, like it's getting real wet. Even coming out. Some is running down to her... her... um, her bottom."

"Then you must be doing a good job. Feel her clit and see if it's harder and bigger."

Paula pulled her finger out of Tammy's vagina. "Yes, it feels bigger! And stiffer, too! Gee."

Ginny walked over and looked over Paula's shoulder. "You're doing a great job, Paula. Maybe you could be one of my assistants! I know Tammy's vagina feels tight on your finger, but see if you can put two fingers in at the same time." Ginny overlapped her first two fingers to show Paula what she meant.

Paula overlapped her first two fingers and pushed them in. Tammy said, "Oh my God, Paula. That feels so good! Ummm." Tammy was moving her hips.

"You can stop now. We don't want her to cum yet. This way her muscles will be tighter and it will be easier for her wax treatment." Ginny said. "Look how wet you got her. Very good. I'll wipe her off and we'll do the waxing. She showed Paula how to put a strip of cloth that was coated with wax around Tammy's pussy. "We have to wait a minute for the wax to cool and stiffen up. That way it really grabs hold of the pubic hairs. Thanks for helping me get her stimulated, too. I wanted you to stop tickling her pussy before she orgasmed. This way the waxing will be easier with her muscles stiffened up - like getting ready for her orgasmic spasms.

Paula was watching closely, so she didn't see Ginny wink at Tammy. Suddenly Ginny pulled up on one of the strips of cloth and pulled out about 100 hairs in less than a second. Tammy said, "Ouch! Oh. Jeez-e-Pete! Give me a second. OK?"

"Sure," Ginny said. "I always wait a few seconds. It's only going to take about ten tugs like that to get you really cleaned off." Ginny pressed the wax strip she had just pulled off, back onto Tammy's skin, just above her pussy crack.

"So that's it? It looks like it would hurt!"

"Only for a couple seconds, Paula." Tammy said, "and when you're done, you'll be so proud of it. I bet you'll want to show Chris!" She laughed.

Paula didn't know if Tammy was joking or not, so she laughed along.

It was less than ten minutes of tugging - pulling off only one strip about every 30 - 40 seconds. Then Tammy's pussy was bald as a baby's.


Paula Gets Waxed

Fifteen minutes later, Tammy was dressed and went out of the room with Ginny, after Ginny reminded Paula where to dance. "Keep your box in the box!" Tammy said with a laugh. Paula laughed, too, even though she wasn't sure what Ginny meant. When the door was closed, she locked it and stepped into the square painted on the carpeting and started dancing and acting silly. She said her first name and age and then talked about the boys at her school who were so dumb, and then talked about the college boy who might kiss her. "And Tammy says he might even want to touch me. That would be so naughty!" She said, as she took off her blouse.

Two minutes later she was totally naked and still dancing, sometimes stopping and thrusting out her hips towards the camera, so it could get a good view, like Ginny had suggested. She did some of her stretching exercises and some of the cheers she had seen the cheerleaders practicing, even though her Mama wouldn't let her try out for cheerleading.

Paula let Tammy and Ginny back in the room. They had her strapped down in a few minutes. Ginny set up the camera, and Paula thought it was just to get the before and after pictures, not knowing it was also a video camera and would be capturing her whole experience for video clips.

Ginny said, "I was only partially kidding, Paula, about you helping me with this procedure. Actually I have a girl who is already twelve scheduled for this coming Wednesday. And if you do a good job today - during the procedure, and during your little dance when we're done, maybe you could come and help me. I bet Tammy would drive you over here. You would only be here for an hour and I would pay you twenty five dollars for helping. Would you be willing to finger another girl the way you fingered Tammy?"

Paula smiled, even though she was nervous about her pending procedure. "Yes. I could help you. I mean if it's not too much trouble for Tammy. It's really up to her."

Tammy said, "We don't have any plans all week, this week, except maybe going to the ocean a few times. I'd be glad to bring you over here. You'd have to keep the money a secret from your parents so they don't ask you where you got it."

"I could do that. I hide half of my babysitting money in a sock that fits up in a space under my bed.

Ginny said, "Hey, Paula, want to try some fun acting while you're strapped down?"

"What do you mean?"

"Pretend you're tied up and trying to escape. Move your knees and hips and elbows like you're trying to get loose. It's just for a fun video. But you can't smile or laugh. Really struggle. And keep struggling while I work the camera. Then I'll have Tammy's arm reach in with a vibrator and tickle your clitty. Keep pretending to struggle until she pushes a finger in your vagina, and then act like it feels good. OK? Want to try acting?"

Tammy said, "It sounds like fun, Paula. Want to give it a try?"


Ginny unhooked the camera and held it in front of her so she could move around and zoom in and out. Paula struggled - opening and closing her knees, and even lifting her bottom off the table and moving it from side to side. Ginny walked up between Paula's knees, and Paula opened her knees wide for the camera while she kept struggling. Then Ginny stood to one side and zoomed in while Tammy reached in with the vibrator and tickled Paula's clitty. Paula started moaning and moving her hips in a more erotic fashion, as compared to 'trying to escape.' Then Tammy pushed a finger in and Paula moaned even louder, moving her hips.

Paula had never heard of bondage, so she had no idea just how erotic it looked when she pretended to struggle as if she was trying to get away, and then reacted to the vibrator and finger. She did good about not laughing, and tried to pretend she was scared...which was actually pretty close to the truth, since she was worried about the upcoming waxing procedure.

Tammy was surprised that her finger slid in Paula's very tight vagina - and realized the girl must have done some experimenting with something at home. Neither Tammy nor Ginny commented on the fact that they could push a finger in Paula's virgin pussy without causing pain.

The girl didn't get too wet, which was as expected since they knew she was afraid of the wax procedure. However, she was somewhat wet and obviously enjoyed the vibrator.

The first strip Ginny pulled off made Paula jump and yell, "Ouch! God damn it! That fuckin' hurts!"

Both Tammy and Ginny burst out laughing at the little, Bible-reader's language! Then Paula laughed, too. By the third pull, she was able to keep from yelling and cursing. She wanted to do a great job so Ginny would hire her to help with that other girl. Paula was really curious about fingering another girl, since she had never done that before, except for Tammy who at twenty seemed like an old grown-up. She wanted to finger the other little girl and would have gladly helped Ginny even without the money, which was like getting paid for six hours of babysitting.

Soon it was done, and both women told Paula what a terrific job she had done. They wiped away the tears, and set the vibrator, which had been washed off with a germicidal soap, next to the little dance floor. Tammy handed her one of the pairs of new panties to put on for a minute while she danced. Tammy said, "It's more fun to take something off while you dance."

Tammy went on out. Ginny whispered, "An extra ten dollars for you if you play with the vibrator. During the first song, leave your panties on, but press the vibrator against yourself. Even try it on your titties. It's extra slim so it will slide in a little girl's pussy during the second song. It's OK to lie on the floor while you play with the vibrator, but keep wiggling around to the music - moving your hips and legs. Rub it around and around on your clitty to get yourself nice and wet. Feel yourself and then look at your fingertips to make sure you are really wet, and then try to push it at least half way in. It will feel good. Take your time. Tammy and I are going to get a soft drink in the other building. You've got three songs. In and out with the vibrator and press it on your clitty during the second song. If you do that, then I know I can hire you to help me with the other girl." She winked at Paula; turned on the music; and went out the door. Paula locked it and started dancing to the strong, slow, sultry beat.

Paula did a great job following directions - dancing; playing with the vibrator through her panties. During the second song, in front of the cameras, Paula had a full orgasm - to her surprise and delight. She didn't know what happened, but it felt wonderful. She started dancing again during the third song, but her pussy was too sensitive to touch the vibrator against it. She put her fingers on her pussy and lifted them so she could see the wetness. Paula stared at the goo on her fingers and then opened her hand and noticed the excitement forming strands of excitement. She danced a minute, and then scooped out more of her excitement, evidently puzzled by the amount of her wetness.

She got dressed during the fourth song, caressing her breasts and pussy as she put on her bra and panties, and then her other clothes.


Tammy Tells Paula She Started Getting Felt Up When She Was Eight Years Old And Got Licked By A Man When She Was Ten

On the way back to the hotel, Tammy asked if she finished the follow-up dance.

"Yes. And um, I even played with the vibrator like Ginny said. She told me to, like for my video. It was... well, it felt so good all of a sudden, like I burst inside. Lots of gooey stuff came out. Is that supposed to happen?"

Tammy started to laugh, but saw that Paula was serious - almost worried about it. She said, "Paula, Honey, it was probably an orgasm. Perfectly normal and understandable, especially since you know that Chris wants to kiss you and touch you! That was probably an orgasm. When a girl is excited her body produces lots of slippery wetness. It's Mother Nature's way of making you slippery so the man's cock can slide in easier. Perfectly natural. I've been thinking, tonight, later on after dinner, you're going to pretend you're asleep, and you can watch Tom and then Larry make love to me. I'll talk to them, like telling them what I want them to do. We'll keep whispering and the TV will be on making noise. They will think I left the TV on so my noises won't distract you. I make noises when I have orgasms. Did you make noises when you played with the vibrator?"

"Gee, I don't know. It felt so good I couldn't think about anything else! Maybe I did. That would be so embarrassing! But Ginny said she erases all the sound, and she only saves little pieces of a person's video - like to make sure nobody can see her face. I'm glad she does that!"

Tammy laughed. "Whatever is on your video clip wouldn't surprise or upset her. Ginny is pretty cool. You could talk to her about anything, just like you talk with me. So anyway, back to tonight. We'll get fixed up and then go out for dinner with Tom, Larry, and Chris. Maybe tonight will also be the night you get kissed by a boy!"

"He's a man!" Paula said.

"He's only nineteen, Paula. Not old enough to legally buy a drink!"

"But I'm only eleven. I was glad they didn't ask for my ID, like it says in convenience store, like if somebody wants to buy beer."

"If they ask for your ID, tell them you left your purse back in the hotel, but you were born in... Hey! Count backwards to find the year you would have been born in so you would be twenty one now. Remember that year as your birthday in case anyone asks."

Paula calculated that in her head, and Tammy tried not to interrupt. She was wishing she could see the video of Paula's orgasm - maybe her first one ever. As sore as Tammy's pussy felt, she also felt herself getting wet just imagining Paula masturbating to orgasm with a slim vibrator. She decided to ask Ginny if she could watch it while Paula helped her with the other young girl. Then Tammy wondered about watching that video clip and seeing Paula finger another eleven year old girl. She was thinking about that when she felt Paula tapping her elbow.

"You're not listening!" Paula smiled up at Tammy. "Were you thinking about tonight with Larry and Tom. And would they both, um, like you know, at the same time?"

Tammy laughed. "They would take turns. I've only done that a few times. Been with two or three boys at the same time, I mean. The nice thing is... well... I have something to suck on while one of them is pleasuring my pussy - rubbing it, licking it, and even fucking it. I suppose you've heard those words before."

Paula laughed. "Yes, of course I've heard the 'f' word. And I've heard about licking, but didn't know if people really did that."

"Licking pussy?" Tammy smiled. "Of course they do. It's wonderful. Almost as good as a vibrator!" She looked at Paula.

Paula blushed and looked at her lap a minute. Then she asked, "Tammy, how old were you the first time... umm... ?"

Tammy said, "The first time I got my pussy licked, I guess I was about your age, maybe a little younger. An older man. Well, he seemed like a man to me. And the first times I was felt up, let's see. I don't remember exactly. And it was in a swimming pool, and I wasn't sure at the time if it was on purpose or accidental, but I must have been seven or eight. By nine years old I knew when a boy or a man was feeling me up, especially if we were hiding behind my garage. We took turns looking at each other, but we didn't touch. I pulled my panties down and let him look, and then he pulled his pants and underwear down and let me look. It was fascinating. That was with boys. There was a man who used to feel me. I was their babysitter and he would drive me home."


"It was fun, and it didn't hurt anything. I played behind my garage, or in a secret place in the park, with several different boys, but not at the same time. I lost my virginity when I was thirteen or fourteen, about the same time that I started sucking cocks. That's fun, too."

Paula was quiet for a minute, which started to worry Tammy, hoping she didn't upset Paula with too much information. Then Paula said, "Gee, Tammy. You're so lucky."

"Yes, I thought so at the time. That is, until the boy squirted his cum in my mouth. I didn't like it at first. I swallowed some because I couldn't help it because it was squirting so much so fast, and I didn't want to get any on my clothes. But I spit most of it out. I don't anymore though. I like it now."

"It squirted in your mouth? The baby stuff?"

Tammy laughed. "Yep. A mouthful of sperm. Once I learned to swallow it, I started doing it more often. The boy thinks he is in charge - the one making things happen - and you should let him think that - but really you are in charge, and you can let him do as much as you want, and if he won't stop when you want to stop, then get mad and say you're going to tell on him if he doesn't stop and then they always stop, especially since I was under eighteen and they knew they could get in trouble. But the ones I wanted to let do everything, well, I let them do everything. You have so much to learn. It will be fun!"

Paula smiled up at her. "Gee. It's good to have somebody to talk to. Thanks for teaching me about that."

"You're quite welcome, Young Lady. Maybe you'll get kissed tonight. We'll take a shower instead of going to the pool, and then we'll get cleaned up for dinner. And wear your skirt - that khaki one - and your sexiest panties. Maybe the thongs."


Another Dinner With The Boys And Planning To Watch Tammy

The boys picked them up at eight. Chris got in the backseat and motioned for Paula to sit beside him. He put his arm around her and held her left hand with his left hand. They were all talking about the things they had done. Paula was glad they didn't ask her too many questions. She just said they went shopping. Then Larry said, "So, Tammy, did you girls get waxed today?"

Paula blushed, glad that Tom and Larry couldn't see her. She blushed brighter when Tammy said, "Yep! Both of us - bald as little babies! Not a hair down there! Little, hairless beavers!"

Tom was driving. Larry turned around in the seat and looked at Paula. "Did it hurt, Paula?"

Paula knew she was a bright red. She said, "Yes! Ouch! It hurt!"

Tammy said, "I was so proud of Paula! She only cried a little bit, and stayed in wide-open position the whole time! She did great! So grown-up about it! And now it's hairless and beautiful."

Larry said, "Well, of course she was brave. She's eighteen, right? Anyway, Paula, how did you manage to stay in position? I bet it hurt, and it would be impossible not to close your legs. So how did you stay in position and keep your legs spread wide?"

"She, I mean the lady who did it to us, puts straps around your ankles and wrists, and like they lock the table to keep you wide open and so you won't fall off. We each got strapped down." Paula was glad the boys still thought she was eighteen. She was kind of bragging. "I helped her do it to Tammy, like to get her ready, and putting on those pieces of material with the wax on them."

Tammy said, "OK, Paula. Let's not tell them too much. Especially don't mention the vibrator! We have our girl secrets!" She laughed. "And boys, we are still a little sore and tender down there, so don't be rough! I mean, if, and that's a capital 'IF'... if we let you look. My panties feel like they are tickling me when I walk. Do your panties tickle you, too, Paula?"

"Yes, it feels funny. Like all tingly down there."

Larry was persistent. "Well, we could at least look, couldn't we?"

"Maybe later." Tammy said.

Chris squeezed Paula and whispered in her ear. "You are so cute, Paula. And I won't try anything, but I would love to see it later, that is, if you trust me."

Paula didn't know what to say. She felt very uneasy - almost scared - talking this way with older boys. She said, "Maybe."

Larry asked Paula what they did with the vibrator.

Paula said, "Well, that's kind of private, but like I touched it on her wrinkly thing so it would swell up and get stiffer, so like then it's easier to pull the hairs out."

Larry said, "Good idea. Did they touch the vibrator against your wrinkly thing, too?"

"Yes. That's part of the treatment. It makes your wrinkly thing swell up."

Tom asked, as they pulled in to the restaurant parking lot, "Did it hurt, Paula, when they touched it against your wrinkly thing?"


"What does it feel like?" Larry asked.

"It gets it all tingly and it gets bigger and stiffer, like I said." Then Paula wanted to prove she was a big girl, and knew about things. She said, "Like a boy's thing, it gets bigger and stiffer, only a girl's is real tiny, of course."

Tammy cut in. "I think it feels kind of good, don't you, Paula?"

"Yes. It feels funny and gets it all ... I don't know how to explain it, but kind of shakey inside, you know, when a girl's wrinkly thing swells up."

Larry asked, "And wetter, too. Doesn't it, Paula? Like more slippery?"

"Oh, yes. It makes you wetter down there. It's kind of embarrassing, but they do it so it's easier to pull the hairs out."

They were in a different restaurant. Tom knew the bartender this time. It was fancier than the other restaurant. Tom went over to talk with the bartender in private as they got seated in a back room. There were two other tables of people eating, but they were eating dessert already.

The margaritas arrived. Paula drank hers like it was soda. Tammy looked at her. "Take it easy tonight."

"But I'm thirsty!" Paula said.

Tammy leaned closer to Paula. She whispered in her ear. "I'll let you have two, and then it's back to soft drinks for you. I don't want you falling asleep for real and missing your training show."

Chris came back from the restroom and sat in close to Paula, squashing her into the corner of the booth. He put his hand on her knee. Tom and Larry were talking with Tammy and looking at the menus. Chris said, "You are so cute, Paula. I just wanted to tell you that. You don't mind if I put my hand on your knee, do you?"

"No, it feels good." She looked at Chris' margarita and whispered to him. "Can I have a sip of yours? Tammy says I'm only allowed to have two, but they are so good."

Chris said, "Yes, but here's an idea. I'll get another one and when Tammy isn't looking, I'll pour some in your glass. That way she will think you only had two, but you could really have more."

"Gosh, thanks, Chris. This is so much fun."

Chris kept lightly stroking Paula's thigh with his fingernails.

They ordered dinner, and Tammy ordered for Paula. The food was really good - unlike anything Paula had ever eaten before. She kept taking sips of her drink, or sometimes from Chris' glass. He put his glass next to hers so she could sip out of either one. Paula caught on without any hints beyond a smile and nod from Chris.

Chris was eating with his left hand, keeping his right hand under the table, stroking Paula's thighs. She leaned back, holding her drink in both hands, just half listening to the older people talk. The hand tickling up and down both thighs had all of her attention. Then she noticed Tammy looking at her with a question on her face. Paula quickly closed her knees and sat up straight. "Thith ith only my theckond one." Then she giggled.

Everyone laughed. Tammy said, "Sorry to be a party pooper, but you guys better take us back to the hotel. She'll be out like a light in twenty minutes. She slept late last time, then ate a big breakfast and seemed fine, so I'm sure she'll be OK."

Tom flipped the car keys over to Chris. "Why don't you walk her out to the car, Chris. We'll be out in a few minutes. Just wait in the back seat."

Chris led Paula out to the car. Chris started it so he could put the windows down. The sea breeze carried the smell of ocean. After getting in the back seat with Paula, he said, "Why don't you sit on my lap facing me, Paula. I want to look in your eyes."

Paula climbed onto his lap, facing him with one knee on either side of his hips. She didn't notice that her khaki skirt had ridden up, exposing her sheer, see-through, white panties. Even though Paula felt a little dizzy, she sensed that Chris was going to kiss her, and it excited her - sending tingles all over her pussy area. She closed her eyes and leaned forward, just like in the movies. Chris knew Paula was a little drunk, but he couldn't keep himself from kissing her. They kept kissing. His hands were on her back and thighs and tummy, and then on her chest. Paula said, "Those are moszely (meaning 'mostly') foam rubber. Tammy calls them fake boobies."

Chris and Paula were falling in love - at least for the night. They were kissing when the others got to the car. Tammy looked in through the open windows and held up her hand for the others to stop. She whispered, "Maybe we could take a ten minute walk."

Larry and Tom had also looked in, but Paula had her eyes closed.

Chris had seen them out of the corner of his eye, and was relieved when they didn't come all the way up to the car. As they walked away, he brought his hand up Paula's thigh once more, and then across the panties to her other thigh. "Unnn, that tickles." Paula said.

"It doesn't hurt, does it, Honey?"

"No." She leaned against him again to continue kissing. Chris's tongue was in her mouth. When it wasn't, her tongue was in his mouth.

Chris was lightly stroking Paula's silky, white panties and noticed the girl was soaking wet with excitement. Chris said, "You were so brave today, Paula, getting the full pussy-wax treatment. Did it hurt?"

"Yes. It hurt. But now izz so pretty."

"Maybe someday you'll let me see it." He didn't mention that he had already seen it before the wax treatment, when Paula was passed out on her bed the previous night.

Chris kept kissing her. Now he was also very lightly caressing her panties, and soon started sliding a finger down the center of her slit to where the thong part was attached to the front triangle. The girl was very wet and he knew he would have a wet spot on his khaki shorts from all of her slippery wetness. Chris slipped a finger inside her panties. His finger was wet with Paula's excitement. Tracing gently back and forth - over one lip, across over her clitty sheath, and then across the other lip and back. He kept going back and forth like that, and still Paula just kept kissing him, seemingly not paying attention to Chris' finger. Paula started moaning softly as they kissed. Chris had one hand around her back and his other hand down between her legs, inside her wet panties. Since Paula didn't stop him, Chris began stroking up and down her slit - from her anus to the top of her crack - wiggling her clitty each time he slid over it. Paula said, "Izz baby smoov, isn it?"

Chris said, "Yes. So smooth. Like a baby's." Chris had known a few girls who got extremely wet over the last few years, but Paula was by far the wettest in recent memory. Her whole pussy was coated with slippery goo.

Tammy, Larry, and Tom got in the car. Paula sat up straight and started to climb off Chris's lap, but Chris said, "It's OK, Paula. You can sit on my lap until we get back to the hotel. I'm not hurting you, am I?"

Tom had turned on the radio as they left the parking lot. The three in the front seat were apparently ignoring Chris and Paula. Chris said, "Let's drive around a little bit. Turn up the radio, please."

Tom turned up the radio. The three in the front seat were all smiling, listening to Paula's moans as Chris kept rubbing her clitty. Then Chris scooted his hips forward, letting Paula sit directly on the hump of his stiff penis. He kept rubbing her clitty with his finger and scooting her forward and back on his shorts - like a lap dance in the back seat. Chris pulled Paula's panties to one side, so her bare clitty was rubbing against his khaki shorts. They were grinding their hips together, with the material from Chris' shorts rubbing against Paula's swollen clitty. Paula moaned louder. She said, "Oh, rub me there." A minute later she started saying, "Unn, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah.... Unnnnnnn," as she had her second orgasm for the day, soaking the front of Chris' shorts. She kept kissing him all the way back to the hotel, while he hugged her.

When they got out of the car, Tammy and the two other college boys looked at the front of Chris' khaki shorts with the dark, wet smear on the front. They all smiled. Tom said, "You must be a great kisser, Chris. I thought we heard you two kissing back there. Paula was smiling with an unfocused look on her face. She didn't notice the big, wet smear on the front of Chris' shorts.

Tammy took Paula upstairs, and fixed her a soft drink with caffeine in it. They got ready for bed. Tammy said, "It' looked like Chris was kissing you. Did you like it?"

"Oh, gosh. I didn't know kissing could feel so good." Tammy thought Paula was starting to wake up, when she went in the little bathroom to pee.

Tammy laughed. "Well, if it was just kissing, it would be amazing." She told Paula to undress to get ready for bed. Tammy pushed the remote to turn on the TV. "Now you've got to pretend you are asleep, but don't really go to sleep."

"I feel kind of dizzy. I better lie down for a little bit." She wasn't completely undressed, and couldn't get the bra unfastened behind her back, so she gave up.

"That's a good idea, Honey. I'll take your bra off. Just sleep in your panties. So you got to kiss Chris. Did it feel good?"

"Zzzzzzz." Paula was asleep. Wearing only her wet, thong, silky, white panties and the training bra with the foam rubber pads. Tammy unsnapped the training bra, knowing eventually Paula would wiggle out of it.

Twenty minutes later there was a soft knock on the door. Tammy let the three college boys come in, but had a finger to her lips to be quiet. "She's asleep. Not just pretending." She looked at Chris, "What did you do to her? And I see you changed shorts."

Chris smiled, "We kissed for a while and I rubbed her. That's all. I think she had an orgasm when I was stroking her clitty with my fingers."

Tammy said, "I'm sure she had one. But you didn't put a finger inside, did you?"

They were all standing by Paula's bed, looking down at the sleeping girl. Tammy looked at the three, young men staring at Paula. She smiled and said, "Let me get these off so she'll be ready for bed. It will excite you guys so you can fuck me even harder. You, too, Chris. For letting you get a good look at this... this eleven year old, bald snatch. Jail bait. All three of you owe me! You'd better fuck me really hard!"

Just in case Paula would wake up, she had the boys wait in the bathroom while she finished taking off Paula's bra and then pulled down the soaking wet panties. She laid them on top of the extra pillow on Paula's bed. She motioned for the boys to come out of the bathroom. "Who's first?"

The three of them came out of the bathroom and looked at Paula, sleeping. They watched as Tammy gently spread the girl's legs - wide open. "It's bald and beautiful." Tom finally said. "I'll do you first."

"Mine is just as bald. Don't you guys touch her. I know you would each like to lick her, especially with all that excitement still smeared around her vagina, but don't! You can see why Chris' shorts were so wet!" Tammy pulled the covers off her own bed and put the two pillows in the center and laid face down over them. "Not in my ass, but I love it from behind. Doggy style." She reached down with her right hand under her tummy to guide Tom's cock into her pussy. "Unnn, oh. I've been wanting that all day. Unnn. Yes, fast like that. Oh, God. Slam it in! Be rough with my tits."

Chris picked up Tammy's camera and took several pictures of the sleeping girl. Tammy kept changing positions - three positions with both Tom and Larry. Chris went last, almost reluctant to set down the camera. He came in Tammy's mouth while she was getting him warmed up.

"My, my, you came pretty fast, Chris. I bet you wanted some of that illegal tail, didn't you?"

"You know it! She creamed all over my pants! She's going to be a hot one."

"Be patient, Chris, and maybe you'll get to finger her tomorrow, or when we go to the beach Monday. But don't try to fuck her or I'll see that you get castrated. I'm serious. Have fun. Show her a good time, but don't stick this big thing in her. If she wants to suck on you, that would be OK. Your finger in her pussy, that would be OK, too. I told her about cunnilingus today, and she seemed genuinely interested, so that would also fine. Just not your cock in there! You know what I mean."

"I know. I really like her. So innocent, yet curious. I won't hurt her. And I probably would shoot in my pants just licking her tender, bald pussy. And of course I would let her suck my cock."

"She wants to look at it." Tammy said. "And if we go out tomorrow night, no margaritas!"

Chris said, "Could you please save me some of these pictures. I won't show anybody."

"I've heard that before. Let me put some on a cd for you, but I won't include any with her face. And don't show anybody else, especially since she is only eleven, you pervert!"

"Me? A pervert?" Chris smiled. "Who just swallowed my load of cum?"

"OK, I see your point. But still, no pictures of her face."

"Fair enough. No faces. And thanks, Tammy."

Paula hadn't moved a bit, and was still snoring softly when the three boys left an hour later, after all three of them had shot their cum in Tammy, one in her mouth and two in her vagina. She let Chris take Paula's creamed panties with him as a souvenir. Then Tammy went in to douche.


A Big Breakfast While Tammy Tells Her About Fucking

The next morning, during a big, and very late, breakfast, Tammy asked about kissing Chris.

"Oh, gosh. He really did kiss me. And we kept kissing. It felt so good. And like he touched me with his hands, too."

Tammy smiled. "I'm glad for you Honey. Did he touch you between your legs?"

Paula blushed. "Well, I let him touch me there for a little bit, too. Because, well, like he wasn't trying to take off my panties, so I figured it would be OK if he touched me there."

"You were in control, just like I told you. Very good. You're getting grown up."

"Did the boys come to our room? I must have fallen asleep. If they did, did you ummm, you know?"

"You fell asleep. I undressed you and covered you up. And then Tom and Larry came in for a little bit. We were quiet so we wouldn't wake you up. You were facing the other direction. And you slept through my demonstration!"

Paula smiled. "Did they, you know, like put their things in you?"

"They both fucked me. One at a time while I sucked on the other one. They tried to be real quiet so we wouldn't wake you up."

"You didn't. I remember you turned on the TV, and I felt kind of dizzy so I laid down on the bed. That's all I remember."

"We might go out with them again tonight. They have to leave tomorrow night, so we might even go to the ocean with them in the morning. Would you like to join us?"

Paula laughed. "Yes, if Chris is going!"

Paula and Tammy played in the pool during the afternoon. That night they went to a casual place with the three boys. Tammy and the boys each had a couple beers, but Paula had soft drinks because nobody knew this bartender, and since they were all wearing shorts and T-shirts, even with the padded training bra, Paula only looked about thirteen. They walked and talked, going over to the beach, making beach plans for the next day - the last day the boys would be there, since their plane would leave that night, and they had to turn in their rental car. Paula was staying as close to Chris as she could, trying to hold his hand, but Chris said they might run into somebody from the wedding party and he didn't want to get Tammy in trouble for being a careless chaperone. He said, "But we'll have some time alone later on. I promise. I want to kiss you again. You want to kiss me again, don't you?" Chris tried to look uncertain.

Paula said, "Yes. You know I do."

They got back to the hotel and Tammy suggested they all go swimming. The boys went to get their suits. Tammy and Paula went to their room to change. Tammy smiled at Paula's disappointment. Paula said, "Maybe we could go for a ride with them."


Paula Gets Licked

Tammy said, "Take your time changing, and I'll send Chris up to check on you. You can stay in the room a half hour before I come up to check on you, two. We have to be careful around the pool, because more people have arrived who will be at the wedding. Is that OK with you? A little time alone with him in the room?"

Paula was smiling and nodding. Tammy said, "But I trust you to stay a virgin. It's OK with me, your 'sugar-gate' Mother, if you two kiss, and even if you touch and look at each other or do other things, but don't let him fuck you. OK? That would hurt. His finger would fit in, since Ginny and I each put a finger in you, but not his cock. Can you promise me that? And we wouldn't want you to get pregnant! Then I would be in big trouble from your Mother and from Aunt Jane. OK. No fucking."

"Gee, no, we won't do that."

"OK, then. I'll give you two more time. Maybe have him put lotion on your sunburn from this afternoon. Have your swimming suit on. I supposed I could give you two an hour or so, but then I'll come up and knock on the door."

"Gee, thanks, Tammy. This is so fun!"

"Kissing, looking, touching, licking, sucking, kissing all over, fingering, and I don't care if he cums on you, just no fucking."

"No fucking. Of course not." Paula blushed.

Tammy said, "This will be your last night with him, although we are going to the ocean tomorrow, and they leave late tomorrow night. Try to let him take charge. See what he wants to do. But, if he doesn't show you his cock, you could tell him that since he got to look at you.... and I'm sure he'll want to see your wax job... that you want to look at him. And then you can touch it and even lick it. I'm sure, like most boys, he wouldn't mind a bit. Just stay dressed in your panties and training bra and invite him to put the sunburn lotion on. And if you want, maybe you could pretend to be asleep later, after Chris leaves, but stay away and peek at Tom and Larry fucking me. But for now, concentrate on Chris. Lie on your bed in just your panties and bra. And I'm charging my computer, so don't close it. See you in about an hour."

Tammy left and five minutes later, Paula let Chris in. Chris was wearing his shorts, a T-shirt, and sandals. Paula had her robe on over her panties and bra. They kissed immediately. Chris had her kneel on the bed so their heads would be almost even and he wouldn't have to bend so far down to kiss her. In one breath, Paula said, "Can you put some lotion on my sunburn from today. We were in the pool while you guys were playing golf, and the backs of my legs got sunburned."

Chris slipped off her robe and had her lie on a big towel on her bed. He unfastened the back of her training bra. They both laughed when the two, foam rubber pads fell out. Chris said, "You don't need those, Paula. I just love your tight, little figure." He started putting the lotion on her back and shoulders - taking his time and massaging it in, and taking Paula in with both eyes. He loved the feel of her tight, young skin - barely pubescent.

Then he started on her legs - enjoying the view of her ass moving each time he stroked the backs of her thighs. Paula was wishing she had worn different panties, because she knew that the thong panties would expose her anus to Chris when he started putting lotion on her bottom. Chris had her put her legs apart and he knelt between her legs as she laid on her tummy. He sat back on his ankles and put lots of lotion on each hand - pressing upwards from the backs of her knees to her hips - pulling her ass open as he glided up over her plump, but very firm, young ass. It was a beautiful sight - the tiny, pink anus in the center of a narrow ring of light brown, radiating wrinkles of her ass hole.

He said, "You are so cute, Paula. You're going to put on your swimming suit and come down to the pool, aren't you?"


"Well let me take these panties off you, so you can put on your suit in a minute. I brought my suit with me so I could change in your room. Is that OK?"

"Sure, you can change in here."

Chris said, as he pulled Paula's little panties down her smooth legs, "It's only fair to let you see me, since I'm seeing you. Do you want to look at me?" He slipped the panties over her right foot, and then she twisted so he could take it off her left foot.

"I want to look at you."

"And I want to see where you got waxed. I mean, I felt it, but now I really want to see it and then kiss you there. OK?" He could feel Paula trembling as he rolled her onto her back. He knew she was scared with a grown-man in the room undressing her with all the lights on, and the curtains opened to the diminishing daylight. There were no buildings that could see into the room.

"You are so beautiful, Paula. From head to toe. A pretty face and figure - so young and firm. I won't hurt you. I'm going to put lotion on your front now. I can see your suntan and sunburn lines from your swimming suit. Your perky, little breasts are so pale and pretty, and your pale pussy almost glows in the pale triangle from your bikini bottoms. Your tummy is sunburned."

"My swimming suit at home is a one piece." She said. Paula felt tingles from head to toe as she laid flat on her back, letting Chris look at her. And look he did! He was staring at her breasts with a little smile on his face, and then he looked down at her pussy.

"You have the most beautiful body I have ever seen." He put lotion on her tummy, shoulders, and thighs - opening her legs until Paula's plump, pussy lips parted to expose the clitty inside. "What a terrific wax treatment. You were so grown-up and brave to let somebody pull all those wispy pubic hairs out! I bet it hurt."

"Yes, it sure did. I said, 'Ouch!' and I did cry a little bit. Tammy was right about that, but I'm glad she didn't tease me about it."

"If it hurt, then I better kiss it and make it feel all better!" Chris tried to joke, but his voice cracked from nervousness. He was eager, yet reluctant to molest this trusting, eleven year old, little girl, who was only ten years old two months earlier. Then he bent down and gave her pussy lips a tentative kiss.

Chris stood up next to the bed and unbuckled his shorts as he pulled the T-shirt over his head. Then he pulled his boxers down to his ankles and stood up, letting Paula see his six-inch erection. He knew it wasn't especially long, but it was 'wonderfully fat' according to several ex-girlfriends. Paula stared at it - the first real one she had ever seen. "It's beautiful, too, Chris. Gee. It's so big. It would never fit in me!"

"I'm not going to hurt you, Paula, and I won't even try to put this in you." Chris glanced at his watch as he took it off. He knew they only had about twenty more minutes before Tammy was going to come up to interrupt them. Chris already knew this, but Paula didn't know that Chris knew.

"Tammy said your finger would fit."

Chris laughed, feeling relieved and less guilty about the whole scene. "OK, let's do that, but put your legs together and I'll pretend you're an ear of corn and eat you from your knees to your nose!"

Paula smiled, feeling safe again, and a little less scared - and tingling all over. She was staring at Chris' stiff cock and Chris was staring at her - all of her.

Chris said, "Keep your legs together so your pussy lips will be shaped like real lips. Then I'll kiss you."

Paula kept her feet together, but her knees didn't touch. "I'm a little bow-legged." She said.

"You're beautiful. That's what you are, Paula." Then he bent down and kissed her pussy. He kissed her firm, bald lips several times, and then put his tongue in. He could taste Paula's excitement. Even his tongue could tell she was very wet and excited. Reaching over with his left hand, he took Paula's right wrist and placed her hand on his cock. She started feeling around on him - cock and balls - almost too rough with his balls. "Easy, Honey." He said when she squeezed too hard.

"I never touched one before." She said, fascinated by the start difference between the hard cock and the soft, and evidently fragile, balls. She said, "The boys at school try to kick each other in the balls."

"They are just boys. Just acting silly. I want to kiss your breasts." He slid up her body, kissing as he went - to her breasts, sucking each one in turn, then back to her pussy. In a few minutes, Chris felt ready to cum. He stood and walked to the foot of the bed, taking her ankles and spreading her legs. "Bend your knees and lay them outwards so I can lick you."

He was licking her wet pussy - enjoying her gooey excitement. Paula was almost ready to cum herself, although she didn't know it was called that, but she felt her excitement building and building as Chris continued to kiss her down there. He pushed his big finger in her pussy as he licked her. "Unnnn, ohhh, Chris, Ohhh, God." Chris pushed in again, licking constantly, and she orgasmed - then tried to scoot back away from him - her clitty too sensitive for a moment. She didn't know it, but Chris came, too, leaving a glob of his cum on Paula's sheets.

He scooted up beside her, and put his cock, which was still three quarters stiff, on her hip, and kissed her on her mouth. She could taste some of her own excitement.

They were hugging each other - naked in their embrace, when Tammy knocked on the door. Chris said, "My God. She can't be here already." He stood and grabbed Paula's robe, holding it in front of him, and he opened the door an inch.

Tammy came in and looked at Paula - still lying naked on the bed, but holding the extra pillow in front of her. Tammy said, "OK, you, two. Time to go swimming."

Chris slipped into his swimming suit, and Tammy sat next to Paula - noticing the cum on her hip. "He didn't try to put it inside you, did he?"

"No. He just licked me."

Tammy laughed out loud. Then Chris laughed, too, picking up his clothes and watch to put them in the plastic shopping bag that had held his swimming suit. Then Tammy noticed the little puddle of cum at the foot of Paula's bed. "Oh, I see. OK. Into your swimming suit, Young lady. Go on down, Chris. We'll be down in a minute. And you go tinkle, Paula, then get your swimming suit on."

While Paula was in the bathroom, Tammy closed her laptop, hoping the camera captured the action, even though the picture quality wouldn't be that great. When Paula came out of the bathroom, she talked with her about what would happen later that night. "Tom and Larry will come up and fuck me. You can watch, but you have to pretend you're asleep." Tammy knew that both college boys would love showing off for the 'sleeping' Paula, which Tammy knew would lead to a great performance by both of them. It would be great! Maybe she would open her laptop again, and get a video of that, too.

Paula said, "I would rather just be with Chris, if it's OK."

Tammy looked at her.

Paula added, "I mean, we wouldn't do anything. Just like play in the pool or talk, or sit somewhere together."

Tammy said, "I understand, Honey, but there are more people here now who know who you are, and they will be keeping an eye on you. That first day in the pool, well, hardly anybody knew you. But, that's why we went somewhere else for dinner. If people saw you flirting or if Aunt Jane or really anybody saw a man touching a little girl, they would all want to protect you."

"I don't want them to protect me!"

She was so serious, it made Tammy laugh. "I know, Honey. But hey, I could check with Chris to see if there was any way he could come back, like maybe next weekend. And don't forget, we are going to the ocean with the boys tomorrow. The wedding is in 16 days, so we've got more time. Maybe he could come back." "I want to be with him tonight. He's leaving tomorrow." "I'm sorry, Paula. We just can't risk it. Aunt Jane would have a fit! And she would tell your Mother if she heard of a college boy doing... well, even if you two were just talking somewhere, somebody would break it up. And since I'm your 'sugar-gate' Mother, I would be in big trouble, too! My God, if they knew what just happened in this room - that I let a grown man lick your bare pussy.... Well, I hate to think of it. Chris could get jail time! I'm not kidding. For licking and fingering a naked eleven year old little girl! I'll see what I can do to arrange another get together with Chris before you fly home after the wedding."

"But I won't tell! I promise!" Paula said.

"We just can't risk it in the pool, Honey." Tammy repeated. "We just can't. But we can play in the ocean or on the beach tomorrow."

Paula was disappointed, but she understood what Tammy was saying. She knew Aunt Jane would tell her mother and the police if she ever found out about Chris. "OK. Guess I'll just have to watch you fuck Tom and Larry!"

Tammy laughed and hugged her.


Paula Gets To Suck A Cock

Paula's joy while splashing around with Chris, Tammy, Tom, and Larry was tinged with sadness over the planned departure of the three boys the next evening. And Paula didn't like being so cautious in the pool, so that nobody would know she liked Chris. She had to climb on Tammy, Larry, and Tom, too. The last two days were more fun than she had ever imagined possible, and she thought it was about to end. Tammy had to remind her several times about other people from the wedding party who were sitting around the pool and outdoor bar area. Then Tammy whispered to Paula, "The boys are leaving now, and then you and I will leave in about fifteen minutes. We'll keep playing in the pool after they are gone as if everything is fine and we don't miss them. Then we'll go up to our room. Now, this is an option, and don't get excited. What if Chris comes to our room with Tom and Larry. Then you two could play on your bed while we play on our bed. So you wouldn't have to pretend to be asleep, and I bet Tom and Larry would love to show you their cocks. They want to look at our waxed areas, so I could say that we'll show them our waxed areas if they will show us their cocks. If that's OK with you, just pinch me underwater."

The three boys were out of the pool, standing near their towels and bags which were on chairs near the bar. Paula looked over to see Chris nod to her. The three boys heard Tammy said, "Ouch! You pinched me too hard." She turned to the boys. "Hope to see you guys again sometime. It was nice meeting you."

The boys left and fifteen minutes later Tammy and an excited Paula went up to their room. Tammy said, "Let's surprise them. OK?"

"Yes, you mean like hide behind the curtains?" She said, as she took off her bikini bottoms. She was ready to play hide and seek.

Tammy laughed, "No silly, let's both be naked and lying on our backs on our beds with our feet apart."

Paula grinned. "OK!" She said, as she started unsnapping the back of her swimming suit top. Five seconds later she was lying naked and spread eagled on her bed.

Tammy laughed even louder, relieved that Paula was excited about showing herself to others besides just Chris. She decided to put another idea in her head to help her get over her fixation on Chris. "Maybe the other boys would let you touch or lick their cocks, too."

"Gee. Really?"

After Tammy took off her suit, she used the toilet and put on a robe. Paula asked, "Why would college guys want to look at an eleven year old?"

Oh, if you only knew how cute you were, thought Tammy. "Well, I'm sure they will want to see your waxed pussy. All guys like that. And they will like your budding titties, too, but at least Tom and Larry will want to hump me, and they won't mind if you watch. Maybe Chris could lick you while the other boys fuck me. That would be fun. Maybe get you ready for a sorority. You're planning to go to college aren't you?"

"Gee, I hope so. And I hope I can go away for school. It would be awful to live at home!"

"I see your point. And I'll help you from this end, when it comes to looking at colleges. Let's see, how soon in years will you be going to college?"

"I just finished sixth grade."

"Precocious little cunt, aren't you?" Tammy laughed.

"What is 'preciouses?" Paula asked, mispronouncing it.

Tammy laughed. "But you know what a cunt is?"

"Yes, it's another name for pussy, that's all. I've heard girls call each other that. I mean some of the rough girls who live in town."

"'Precocious' means 'advanced for you age.' And you are! You're smart and cute and so sexy. I bet you didn't even know that about yourself until you got here!"

"No. I sure didn't. I never even kissed a boy before."

Tammy looked at her lying naked on the bed. She said, "Maybe we should cover up a little bit, and let them beg to see your waxed area. I'll put a big towel over you." She covered Paula with a big, dry, pink towel. "I'll show them your tits first, but they aren't allowed to see your little, bald beaver until they agree to show us their cocks!" Tammy laughed.

"I hope they want to see it." Said Paula, still not sure why college boys would want to see her not-quite-ripe pussy, like she had heard Tammy describe it to Ginny. But both Ginny and Tammy kept telling her how pretty hers was.


Swimming In The Ocean

Tammy came back in their room at 10:30 AM, with a cup of hot coffee. Paula was still lying in bed, feeling dreamy, and thinking about Chris, Larry, and Tom - imagining their big cocks, which they let her touch with her hand. They even let her kiss them. She was amazed at how easily they slid into Tammy's vagina, which felt tight to her finger. She was glad that the boys let her finger Tammy first so she could see how tight it was and then watch their cocks slide in.

Tammy woke Paula from her reveries. "Wake up, Paula. We're meeting the boys at the ocean in an hour and a half, and we need to go to the brunch first. I talked with your Aunt Jane this morning. I told her you have been reading the bible everyday. Then Aunt Jane said she had seen me hanging around with some college boys and that you seemed to be tagging along, and she hoped you weren't too bored!" Tammy grinned and looked at Paula who still had a dark streak in her hair from Larry's cum when she backed off when he started to cum and shot up the side of her face and into her hair. Tammy said, "And here's something really funny: your Aunt Jane asked me to remind you not to mention the waxing to your Mom because she might get upset about it. And your Aunt Jane said she heard from Ms. Ginny that you were very brave during the wax treatment, so she was proud of you. Then she said, that Sarah didn't tell her that you were going to get waxed, too, or she would have asked your Mother about it first, but since it was all over, she thought it would be best not to mention it. And she did talk with your Mother on the phone. She told her that you were in good hands because you were sharing a room with one of the other bridesmaids who was keeping a close eye on you."

"Gee. No! We can't tell Mama about my wax treatment!"

Tammy laughed, "We won't. But don't you think its funny that your Aunt Jane thinks I'm keeping a good eye on you?"

Paula laughed. "You saw Larry cum all over me, even in my hair. That was messy. It's kind of dried up now. And it doesn't taste good. I know you like it, but I don't like it yet." Tammy said, "I saw you sucking on the three different cocks, though, and I saw each of the boys lick your snatch! And I watched you suck off Chris while Tom was humping me! So you need a shower to get that cum out of your hair."

"Does it really feel good, Tammy, like when they put those great big cocks in your pussy? Because your pussy felt tight on my finger, but those big cocks just slid right in." Paula laughed, "And it looked to me like you liked it!"

"I love it! But go take your shower so we can eat something and then go meet the boys at the beach. It's almost noon. I'm your 'sugar-gate' Mother and I'm telling you to get your cute, little ass out of bed!" They both laughed as Paula got up.

A few minutes later she was sitting in a chair, letting Tammy blow-dry her hair. Paula asked if all the cum was washed out. "Yes, it looks fine, Paula. Nobody will know."

Paula enjoyed the beach, and there was a boy about a year older than her playing with a beach board as the waves washed up on shore. She walked past him several times, letting him get good looks at her as she walked. He looked but didn't say anything, and kept playing with the board on the beach.

She also noticed an older man watching her closely and paraded past him a few times, pretending not to notice him. After turning and stretching where he could see her, she waded into the ocean up to her shoulders. There were other people around. Although she didn't like the salty taste of the ocean she soon forgot about it, just bouncing in the waves.

The three college boys showed up an hour or so later, and played with Tammy with Chris playing with Paula. He immediately started feeling her up, even though there were lots of people around. They both knew that nobody could see for sure where Chris' hands were under water. She rode on his shoulders again, bouncing in the waves, but she didn't want to go out too deep since she couldn't see the bottom.

Back on shore was more fun, letting the boys put sunscreen on her. The older man wasn't too far away, and he enjoyed watching the young men fondle her while applying the lotion.

They were in and out of the water all afternoon, with a little break for lunch at a nearby, family-style tavern. The boys had beer while Tammy and Paula had soft drinks. They didn't let Paula drink any of their beer because the owner of the small place kept a close eye on everything. Like all the older men, he kept an especially close eye on Paula. Paula was more aware of the glances she was getting from men now, and she liked it.

Tammy and Paula had to leave early that afternoon to get cleaned up so Paula could go 'work' for Ginny. They didn't talk about what she might be doing, but Tammy encouraged her to do a good job and have fun.


Working For Ginny (Helping To Wax Stephanie, Also 11 Years Old)

"Hi, Paula. I'm so glad you could make it. You'll get fifty dollars for helping me today. You'll be here two hours, and Tammy will come back to pick you up later."

Tammy said, "Fifty? That's more than we thought. Isn't that great, Paula?"

"Yes, gee." Paula smiled, "That would be great."

"I'll pay you in cash. Tammy told me your Mother might not approve, so you can keep this a secret, can't you?"

"Yes. And Tammy knows I can keep a secret!"

The three women laughed. Ginny knew what she was referring to. Ginny said, "The other girl will be here in about twenty minutes, and it will help put her fears to rest when she sees your wax treatment area. You'll let her look at you, won't you? I'm counting on your help."

"Yes, she can look at it."

"Good. I'm sure you'll be a great help. Well, that's all, Tammy. Go shopping and come back in two hours. Thanks for driving."

"My pleasure." She looked at Paula. "Be sure to do everything Ginny tells you."

"I will!"

Tammy left, and Ginny led the smiling eleven year old into her waxing room. It was set up the same way - the special table near the center, the undressing-dancing area in front of the curtains on the wall with the big box drawn on the carpet. But Paula noticed there were two 'fancy-looking' cameras set up on sturdy tripods, one higher than the other. Paula looked at them with a question on her face. Ginny said, "I've got two cameras set up since there will be two of you. And I'll be adjusting the cameras besides doing the wax treatments, which is why I needed a helper today, someone who knows about the dancing and undressing, and who knows how to help with the stimulation - to get her muscles ready for the treatment while I work the cameras. She seems pretty nervous, so you'll need to stimulate her quite a bit. OK?"

"Sure, whatever I can do to help."

Both Ginny and Paula felt tingles and both could feel themselves getting wet.

Ginny asked, "Did you wear sexy panties today? It looks better when you two will be dancing and undressing."

"Yes, real sexy ones." Said Paula. "Pink, with lace."

"Excellent. Now, here's what I want you to do to help her feel at ease. And I'll tell you more as we go along....." Ginny explained her plan to Paula who listened intently, even though she was squirming around. Paula smiled as she remembered the vibrator. She promised to show the other girl how to use one.

Half an hour after Tammy left, the new girl arrived with her Mother. After getting the papers signed and checking her in, Tammy led the new girl by the hand to the other building. The new girl, Stephanie, was surprised to see another girl her age was going to be the helper. Stephanie was shy and embarrassed, just like Ginny had predicted.

Paula said, "I was nervous, too, last week when they did me. And it does hurt a little bit, but only for a few seconds at a time. I'll show you how pretty mine is now, after we undress. This is the fun part. Well, one of the fun parts."

Stephanie liked Paula, as a kindred spirit, from not so well-off backgrounds. Paula heard Ginny say, "These cameras are part of your scholarship for getting the procedure done free. But don't worry, nobody around here will ever see your face. I make sure all faces are edited out of the video. Little clips from your video - and you were chosen because you are so cute - might be shown to other young girls who are afraid of the procedure. And nobody around here will see your face. I can't stress that enough. I want you both to have fun and follow directions. I've gone through the outline with Paula, so just follow her lead and ignore the cameras. I won't be in the room while you two dance and get undressed. Before we start..." Tammy knew the cameras were already turned on and capturing the girl's faces as she explained things. "Before we start, I want you two girls to kiss each other. Take your time. Practice kissing. Pretend each other is a boy." Then Tammy quickly left the room, and Paula locked the door.

Paula said, "It's just us, Stephanie, so we'll have fun. I locked the door and nobody can see us. We're supposed to practice kissing first and get to know each other. We'll be kissing and touching each other all over, like to help you get relaxed with me. We have to stay in this box that's drawn on the floor." She pointed to the white lines.

Paula took Stephanie in her arms. Both little blonds were the same weight, and both slim and just beginning to get figures. Paula was two inches shorter than Stephanie, but still, she took charge and started kissing Stephanie on the lips. Both girls kept kissing. Then Paula said, "We're supposed to touch each other so we get used to it." She wrapped her arms around the taller girl. They kept kissing and started doing more feeling, soon feeling each other's breasts and pussies through their clothes. "You're doing great, Stephanie. We'll keep kissing and touching while we undress each other. And go slow. We have three or four songs." They were moving to the music and kissing and touching each other, when Paula said, "Hold up your arms." She pulled Stephanie's blouse up over her head.

Stephanie wasn't wearing a bra. Her firm breasts were the size of ½ an orange with pink, puffy nipples. Paula felt them. "You have really nice ones. So pretty. Bigger than mine." She held up her arms so Stephanie could pull her blouse off. Paula said, "Unsnap my bra. We'll take off our panties last, but not for a little while." They were still swaying to the music; kissing; and touching each other.

Paula said, "Hold still a minute, Steph." She moved Stephanie's arms out from her sides; bent down; and kissed her breasts, one at a time. Then she sucked on them, alternating one to the other, for a full minute. "I like touching you, Steph. You're so cute and sexy. Does this feel good?"

"Yes, it feels good, but umm... like I don't want to be a lesbian."

"It's OK, Steph. We're just following directions and fooling around. It's natural. It doesn't mean we're lesbians. I love boys. Wait until you get waxed, and then let a boy or a man see it. He will love it!"

"But how do you know?" Stephanie asked. "I'm serious." And she looked serious.

Paula said, "I showed some boys, actually college men, and they loved it. They all licked it because they said it was so pretty."

Stephanie stepped back. "You mean you let them see it?"

"Yes. But it was OK, because my friend, a college girl, was with me. She got hers waxed, too, and we showed the boys. They were friends of hers. They each wanted to take a turn licking and kissing each of us there. The college girl really liked getting licked there, too. It felt so good, but it was funny at first."

"Gee whiz! That's so neat. I would like to do that."

"Maybe you'll get a chance sometime." Paula said, pretending she was a grown-up.

"There is a neighbor man. He's really old. Like thirty or forty or fifty. I don't know, but he likes me, especially if my Mom isn't around. I've let him see my panties before. He's real nice to me. He says I'm getting so grown-up."

Paula smiled, "Then you're the lucky one, Stephanie, because when I go back home I don't know anybody who would want to see it or how I would be able to do it without getting in trouble. My Mama would probably shoot me if she ever heard I showed anybody my bare pussy! And I wouldn't dare let her know I got it waxed!"

"I know what you mean. My Mom would kill me." Stephanie said. "My Mom brought me here so I could get waxed and let Ms. Ginny take before and after pictures of it. Then my Mom will get free haircuts for a year, if I come back every three to six months for follow-up treatments. I didn't know I would be dancing and undressing in front of cameras, too. But it's more fun dancing with you. Ms. Ginny told me not to tell my Mom about the videos we're making today, and that's why my Mom will get the free services. Ms. Ginny also told me that if I do a good job dancing and undressing and following directions then she will let me watch videos of the other girls."

"She let me see some of their videos, but I couldn't see any faces. I want to watch more of them, especially the ones with vibrators and other toys that Ginny talked about. Anyway, today, I'll show you. We're just acting silly, but after we take off our panties and when we're playing with the vibrators again, then I'll lick you, and you can look at mine, and you can look at it real close, and even lick me, if you want to try it. We're supposed to do that as part of our undressing video."

"Really? Well, how can we be sure nobody will see our faces?"

"Like I said, Ginny showed me video clips of other girls, and you couldn't see their faces. On a couple of the pictures you could see where the girl's face was, but it was smeared out, so you couldn't see the face. So it's OK. And we're supposed to do that for the videos today, so you'll get the free wax treatments, and your Mom will get the free haircuts."

"Gee, I would like to watch the videos of the other girls, too."

Paula said, "I didn't watch any of the girls getting licked yet, because I didn't have that in my video, but we'll get to see videos of girls getting licked after we do that in our video."

Stephanie said, "Well, OK. Do you really want to do that?"

"Yes." Said Paula, remembering how Ginny had coached her. "I want to. I'm curious about it, since I never licked one before, but the boys really liked licking me so I want to see what its like. Then you can lick mine, too, if you want to. It feels really good."

"And you're sure that doesn't mean we're lesbians?"

"I'm sure. And my college friend, she told me that she has been licked by boys and girls and that either way feels wonderful." Said Paula, who really was certain that she liked boys better, but this was fun, too! "And it feels wonderful."

"Well, OK. I'll try it, but you go first."

"OK. We'll do that. But now, do you know what this is?" Paula handed her a small vibrator.

"No, I'm not sure. It looks kind of like a flashlight."

Paula said, "Twist the bottom of yours. Like this." She demonstrated with the one in her hand. Both vibrators were similar - long, slim, plastic, but Paula's was tan color and Stephanie's vibrator was white.

The girls twisted the base or their vibrators and Paula demonstrated how she liked to touch her bare nipples with the tip of the vibrator. "That really tickles." Said Stephanie.

"It makes them tingly, doesn't it?"

"Yes, gee." They did that for a little while - rubbing the vibrators on their chests and tummies. Paula sucked on each of Stephanie's breasts, really slobbering to get them wet so it would tickle more. Paula and Stephanie both vibrated one of Stephanie's breasts while Paula sucked on the other one.

Then Paula asked Stephanie to suck on hers to get them wet, too. "It tingles more after somebody sucks on them, so like they're all wet."

Paula stuck out her tiny breasts. "I've been wondering what yours would feel like." Stephanie fondled and sucked each of Paula's breasts, with the vibrator still in her right hand.

"That feels good, Stephanie. Put your vibrator between my legs while you suck on me. You really feel good, the way you touch me."

"You felt good touching me, too." Stephanie said. She put her vibrator between Paula's legs and rubbed it around on Paula's panties while sucking her breasts.

"Oh, my gosh! That feels great, Stephanie. Keep sucking and rubbing me with that. Oh!"

The girls took turns doing that with each other. Stephanie was getting sucked and vibrated through her panties. She said, "This is fun. Thank you, Paula."

Paula mumbled but kept sucking and vibrating her new friend. Then she said. "Keep standing up a minute, while I pull down your panties." She knelt in front of Stephanie and pulled her silky, light blue panties down to Stephanie's ankles and held her hand while she stepped out. "Oh, you have a pretty pussy, too, Stephanie. Show it to the camera. That's it. Ginny needs before and after pictures of it. You only have a little fuzz. Kind of like mine was - just some wispy, blond hairs - so it shouldn't hurt too bad. I'm supposed to get your pussy all tingly so the hairs will pull out easier." Paula slid the vibrator across Stephanie's plump lips. "Put your feet apart. I won't stick it in you yet." Paula had noticed that Stephanie's panties were very wet, which was one of the "good signs" that Ginny had told her to look for, because that would mean that Paula was doing a good job getting the girl stimulated. She remembered Ginny saying that if Stephanie was extremely wet, that she would give Paula a little bonus later on. Paula also remembered asking Ginny about the licking each other and if that would lick away all the wetness. Ginny had told her not to worry about that, because the licking would actually make her even wetter by the time they got to the actual waxing. Ginny had told her, "If you lick her for two minutes or more, and if Stephanie seems to really enjoy it, then there will be a little bonus for you." Then Ginny hinted that if Paula did a great job following directions like that, then maybe there would be another opportunity to help another little girl the following week. Paula was having fun and it was more money in a couple hours than she had ever earned in a whole week of babysitting. She wanted to do a good job for Ginny so maybe she could do this with another little girl!

Paula had Stephanie lie on her back and open her legs to the cameras which were several feet back from the marked area on the floor - one in front of them and one camera to the side. Paula rubbed the vibrator and her finger around in Stephanie's pussy, making sure not to block the camera view yet. Next she laid down between Stephanie's knees, so that she was blocking the view of Stephanie's pussy, but the camera on the side would be getting a view from that direction. Paula thought the cameras had moved a little bit - several times - while she and Stephanie were kissing and touching each other - not the tripod, but like changing the angel of the view. She hoped she would remember to ask Ginny about that.

But now Paula wanted to concentrate on licking Stephanie. It tasted funny at first - not bad, just a different flavor. She kept licking, trying to figure out if the taste reminded her of anything. It didn't. She realized that she liked 'pussy flavor,' and would taste her own again sometime in private. As she kept licking, Stephanie started moaning and squirming around. Paula stopped and asked, "Does that feel good, Stephanie?"

"Unnn. Yes. Don't stop."

Paula said, "I like how you taste. I want to keep licking you for a little longer. Then she remembered one of the other instructions from Ginny. She said, "I'm going to put a finger in you now. Did anybody ever put a finger in your pussy, Stephanie?"

"Oh, that really feels good - what you're doing. Just that neighbor man. He did a few times. While we were playing a game and I had to hold still."

"Did it hurt?" Paula asked, remembering that Ginny wanted her to get Stephanie to talk about her sexual experiences.

"The first time. Just a little bit. But then it felt good. And then sometimes I would lose a game on purpose so he would get to do that."

"And he didn't look at you? At your bare pussy?" Paula couldn't believe that the man had never undressed her and he put his finger in her.

"Well, he looked a little bit, like if he pulled my panties down as part of the game, but he never took them all the way off, or undressed me all the way. Just panties down and sometimes my shirt up so he could feel me. But we can talk about this. I'll tell you everything, but keep licking for a little while."

Paula didn't ask any more questions, but kept licking as she slid a finger up Stephanie's wet pussy. Paula knew her pussy was really wet, too, and that her pink panties would be a dark red color all around her pussy area from her wetness. Stephanie was squirming around and holding the sides of Paula's head - pressing it against her pussy. "That really feels good."

Paula said, "I want you to vibrate my panties now, and then pull them down. And you can vibrate me and feel me and lick me if you want to. Then I'll vibrate you and finger you some more.

Paula stood and Stephanie knelt in front of her to pull down Paula's panties after she used the vibrator around on Paula's panties. Stephanie said, "Gee, your panties are so wet. Mine get that way sometimes, like when I go over to the neighbor man's house until Mom gets home from work. But he never noticed, or at least he didn't say anything. He's pretty nice to me."

"Yes. Press it right there. Right on my clitty. Oh, that feels so good. Pull down my panties now."

She stepped out of her panties. Stephanie started fingering Paula's pussy while she stood facing the camera with her feet apart. Stephanie was using the vibrator on Paula's clitty while she fingered her. "Your pussy is so slippery, Paula."

"Unnn. Like that. Push your finger up me. Do you like my pussy?"

"It's so pretty, too. Like a baby's."

"Men and boys like to look at it. Unnn, press right there."

Then it was time for Stephanie to lick her, so Paula laid on her back with her feet apart. She noticed on the side camera that the round lens seemed to rotate, and the whole camera tilted down to aim at them. It was just half a second, and she couldn't hear it doing anything above the sound of the music. She stopped thinking about the cameras when Stephanie started licking her pussy and fingering her. With both hands, Paula pulled her pussy lips apart and up, exposing her little button to Stephanie.

"It's really pretty, Paula. I like looking at it too."

"Taste me now, Steph. Ohh, yes, like that." Paula was squirming on the floor. "Unn, you are really good at doing that."

Stephanie said, "It feels so smooth, too. This is fun."

"I liked licking you, Stephanie. You taste good. It gets me all excited."

Stephanie said, "And I like doing this."

Paula smiled, because that is just what Ginny said she was hoping to hear later when she watched the video. Paula knew that Stephanie was enjoying this, too. It was fun playing with another girl - getting to finger her, feel her, suck on her, and even lick her - and knowing that nobody would ever know about it.... And she was getting paid to help! Paula really liked this. She knew Ginny was planning some new things, too, before and after the wax procedure. It was so much fun, she knew already that she wanted to help Ginny with another girl. Paula said, "It feels so good when you lick me. I wonder if there is a way we could lick each other at the same time?"

The girls kept rolling around, touching, squeezing, licking, kissing, and then Paula laid flat on her back and told Stephanie to crawl over her and maybe they could both lick at the same time. "Oh, there. This might work. Slide your knees apart so your mouth can reach mine, and lower you pussy down to my mouth. Oh, ummm, you taste so good."

The girls had discovered the sixty-nine position. Ginny was very please, and had already decided to ask Tammy if she could bring Paula back some day next week, and leave her for a couple hours.


Stephanie's Wax Treatment

A knock on the door interrupted the girls just before they would have reached orgasm. Ginny had been watching and controlling the cameras through her computer in the other room. She didn't want them to orgasm just yet.

She came in, and put the wrist and ankle straps on Paula first. Ginny set up one camera at head height between Paula's feet. The other camera was off to one side. She explained to Stephanie, "I need two cameras so I can get a full side view and one from her feet area while she is spread open like this. Sometimes I'll zoom in to see if she is getting wet. That way I'll know when she... or in your case, when you are ready for the wax treatment. But now we're just acting silly. She's pretending to be a captive and struggling. I'll even put a gag in her mouth so it's more realistic." Ginny strapped a ball-gag around her mouth. She said, "I want Paula to pretend to scream and cry out for help while she is gagged. It makes the video more fun." Ginny had Stephanie stand next to her, between Paula's knees. "Look closely at Paula's wide-open pussy. Does she look wet to you?"

"Yes, you can see it."

"That's right. Because you two did such a great job of stimulating each other. It will make your wax treatment lots less painful, and besides, this is fun... playing around and acting silly or sexy. It's fun, don't you think?"

"Gosh. This is so exciting. Yes. It's fun. Paula is real nice to me."

"You can see she is still very wet, and it's partly because of the cameras. Now she will be allowed to see this kind of silly videos of the other girls. You, too, Stephanie, after we do your 'struggling' video. The other girls like playing games and pretending things in front of my cameras." Ginny was careful not to use the word, 'bondage.' She wanted these naïve girls to continue to star in her productions. "While I adjust the cameras, stand beside her and massage her breasts. Pinch and pull on them. Hey, I know, let's let Paula struggle for a little bit and then I'll point to you, and then you come in and pinch and pull on her breasts and then use the vibrator on her clitty while she struggles. Wouldn't that be fun?"

Paula already had the gag in her mouth, but tried to say, "yes," but it sounded like, "yeeeeghmm."

Stephanie and Ginny laughed. Then Stephanie said, "OK, then she can do that to me, when it's my turn to get tied up."

"That's a good idea, Stephanie." Ginny was smiling as she pretended to turn on the cameras which were already on. Paula struggled and squirmed. Ginny whispered in Stephanie's ear. "Start in a second, but don't laugh. Pretend you are being mean to her."

Stephanie got into her role, too, pinching harder that Paula liked. She pinched and pulled on Paula's tiny breasts way too hard, but then Paula actually started to like it rough like that. Stephanie picked up the vibrator and went to work on Paula's spread-open pussy.

A few minutes later, as Paula got off the table, she said, "That felt too hard at first, but then it felt good."

Ginny said, "Want to do another quick act before we start on Stephanie?"

"OK, I mean especially if I'll get to watch videos of the other girls."

Ginny said, "Of course, Honey. That's part of the game. They will watch yours and you will watch theirs. And for other people, I only show a few of the still shots - close-ups of before-and-after pictures that show how the wax treatments will make a little girl's pussy so beautiful. Get on your hands and knees in the square again, Paula."

While the naked eleven year old girl got into position, Ginny got a tube of lubricant out of a desk drawer. She told the girls what to do as she set up the cameras. Both girls stood up to get ready. Paula put on her sexy panties again. When Ginny said, "go," the two girls walked onto the square marked on the floor and introduced themselves.

"I'm Paula and I'm eleven years old. I got waxed last week."

"I'm Stephanie and I'm also eleven years old and I'm going to get waxed today, but first we're going to act silly for the cameras." She turned to Paula, "You have to do everything I tell you for the next ten minutes. Now hold still while I feel you and then I want to do something naughty to you." Stephanie began feeling Paula all over as she turned the girl around. She felt her chest, tummy, ass, and legs. Then Stephanie knelt down in front of Paula and pulled her panties down and had her step out of them. "Get on your hands and knees. Put your knees apart. Wider. Now lower your shoulders to the carpet. Hold still while I give you a few spankings, you naughty girl." She swatted Paula a few good ones, making Paula move and jerk after each smack. "Now put your hands on your bottom. Good girl. Pull your bottom open so I can put some slippery stuff on your little, pink hole." She put lubricant on Paula's anus and on her finger, then pushed her finger all the way in Paula's ass.

"Unnnn." Paula moaned as the small finger went all the way in. Paula moaned each time the finger was pushed in her ass. Ten times.

Then Stephanie said, "Does this hurt or feel good?" She pushed her slippery finger one more time.

"Unnnnnn. Feels good."

"Would you like me to give you ten more spanks so I can finger your bottom ten more times? They will be hard spanks."


While Ginny worked the cameras, she knew her own panties were getting quite wet! Then she had the girls stand up and do the same act with Paula doing the fingering. Ginny wiped the excess lubricant off Paula's ass, and helped the flushed, excited girl put her panties on one more time. Then the girls did the same act again, after their introductions, with Stephanie getting her ass spanked and fingered. The girls did such a great job - "acting silly" as they called it, that Ginny promised them each another ten dollars.

Ginny's business savvy told her she would soon be earning thousands of dollars from today's videos! She knew her customers would gladly pay twenty dollars for each of her ten productions of about fifteen minutes each.

Paula helped put the wrist and ankle straps on Stephanie. It was Stephanie's turn to be gagged and strapped to the table and spread open. Paula pinched and pulled on Stephanie's slightly larger breasts, and then tickled her with the vibrator while Stephanie pretended to struggle against her bonds. She was soon moaning with pleasure as Paula stimulated her breasts and pussy.

Then, in an almost literally "anti-climactic" video, she and Paula gave Stephanie the wax treatment, which only lasted ten minutes, with a little "break" after ripping off each waxed strip of cloth.

The last video clip showed Paula helping Stephanie off the table and wiping the tears from her eyes. The two naked girls kissed and hugged each other, then fondled and kissed some more. While posing for the cameras, they complimented each other on their courage and beautiful pussies - turning this way and that to show their bald, firm, plump lips to the cameras. For their video finale, they each laid down and pulled their lips apart and up while spreading their legs to show their clitty button to the camera. Then who ever was lying on the floor got licked by the other girl. That concluded their videos and the two girls felt like best friends. They got dressed. Ginny walked Stephanie over to the main building to wait for her mother, cautioning her to not mention any of the fun things they did. "If you promise to keep a secret, then maybe I could use you sometime to help me wax another girl, the same way Paula helped me today. Would you like to do that?"

"Yes! Oh, please, Ginny. I want to do it again. I'll help you. I'll help you with lots of other girls."

"We'll see." Said Ginny.

When Ginny got back to their annex building, Paula was watching another set of videos on Ginny's computer. Paula said, "But I can see the girls' faces on these video clips!"

"Yes. Because these silly videos, as I call them, are only for us girls. If anyone else is going to see a video clip, then the faces would be erased, but I wouldn't show these videos to anybody except us girls."

"Oh good, because that would really be embarrassing!"

"Tammy won't be here for another half hour or so. Did you see any clips of things you would like to try?"

"We already did some of them, and it's funny the different ways the girls get tied up before they get tickled or spanked or vibrated. That would all be fun. And I like to watch girls touching each other and kissing and things like that."

"Tammy told me on the phone that you might get to visit her at her college for a few days in about six months, so maybe we could do your follow-up wax treatment and then another video, silly session while you're in town. Her college is only two hours away. Would you like that?"

"Gosh yes. Would I play with Stephanie again, or another girl?"

"We'll see. I have to see what my schedule is. Would you mind playing with... I mean, 'helping with' a different girl if I can't get Stephanie?"

"Oh, sure. Whoever you get would be fine."

"And you would dance and undress with her; finger her front and rear; use a vibrator on her and let her use it on you and finger you front and back? Would you do all that with another little girl?"

"Yes." "And you would do lots of kissing and feeling each other's breasts, and lick each other's waxed areas?"

"Yes, if you want me to."

Ginny smiled. "Very good. But would you enjoy doing those things; doing them in front of cameras?"

"Yes, it's fun. All of those things."

Ginny gave Paula an envelope with the money - all small bills - twenties, tens, and fives. "And keep this secret, Paula. Just mix it in with your babysitting money in your secret place when you get home."

"I won't tell anybody."

And she didn't.

Unfortunately, with Ginny's and Paula's schedules another helping session didn't work out on this trip, but Ginny promised to line things up if she was able to visit Tammy for Little Sib's Weekend.


Watching Tammy Fuck

Five days before the wedding, Uncle Brian arrived. Uncle Brian was always the life of the party. Paula's Mama didn't like him, but didn't tell Paula why. He looked a little past fifty, maybe ten or twelve years older than Paula's Mama. He was a nice looking man even though he had a pretty big tummy. He was one of Paula's Mama's older cousins. Before Paula left for the wedding, her Mama even warned Paula to stay away from him. However, Paula thought he was nice, and was trying to think for herself like Tammy told her.

When Uncle Brian realized who Paula was, he said, "My, my. So you're Gloria's little girl. A spiting image. For sure. You are so grown-up, and getting so sexy and pretty. Your Mother and I used to be friends, but that was a long time ago. Tell her I said, 'hello,' or maybe you'd better not, on second thought. You look so pretty, Paula."

Tammy invited Paula to have dinner with just her and Uncle Brian after he arrived in town. He was real well off. Both Tammy and Paula called him, 'Uncle Brian,' even though he wasn't related to Tammy and he was Paula's first cousin, once removed. They went to a fancy, expensive restaurant and ordered drinks. Tammy told Paula to order a soft drink. Tammy said she would keep the margaritas in front of her, but told Paula she could sip out if it when no waitress was around. This kept Tammy from having too much to drink, although she did have four soft drinks, besides one and a half margaritas by taking so many sips from Tammy's glass.

When Uncle Brian went to the bathroom, Tammy said, "Paula, I've known Brian for a long time, since I've been friends of the family. He and I... well, sometimes we have fun together. I'm thinking it might be a chance for me to give you another sex lesson. Only this time you have to pretend you're asleep while Brian and I play around on my bed. Would you like to watch?"

"Cool. Yes, I would like to watch you again."

"If I say the word 'Rumplestiltskin,' then I want you to start to wake up, but not too fast, so he will have time to get out of the room or to put his pants back on at least. And if I start telling him that you are sound asleep, then just stay asleep and let us move your arms and legs, and even touch you. OK?"

"Neat, like our secret signals. We can fool him."

Uncle Brian came back to the table. "Too much beer. Had to pee."

Tammy said, "We're going to the bathroom now, Brian. Did I tell you that Paula and I got our Brazilians last week?"

"No. That's fascinating. How old are you, Paula? And did it hurt when they pulled those fine, little hairs out?"

"I'm eleven." She said as Tammy held her hand and they walked to the bathroom.

Paula was glad to be included in the conversation when they got back to the table. Uncle Brian asked her lots of questions about the wax treatment. "I'm eleven. It hurt! But it was fun, too." Tammy said, "As part of the total waxing process, the woman we went to used a vibrator to help stiffen up things down there so the hairs would pull out easier. Paula had never experienced a vibrator before. Tell Uncle Brian about it, Paula." Tammy smiled at her.

Paula blushed.

Brian said, "Oh, please tell me about it, Paula. I bet it really looks pretty now, doesn't it?"

"Yes, everybody likes it. And like my panties tickle me there when I walk - like brushing against me there. And see, the vibrator thing tickles you and makes your wrinkly thing get bigger and stiffer, so like your muscles around there are stiffer so the hairs pull out easier. She had to put the wax cloth on me about twenty times, but it took lots longer to do Tammy's since she is older and had more hair down there."

Tammy said, "Paula was so good, Uncle Brian. She used the vibrator on me to help my wrinkly thing swell up and get stiffer, too."

Brian smiled and Paula who was still blushing brightly. Brian said, "I would love to see where you got waxed, Tammy, and yours, too, Paula. Will you show me sometime in private? Maybe tomorrow afternoon?"

"Sure. We'll show you, Uncle Brian." Tammy said. She looked at Paula. "You'll let him see yours, too, won't you, Paula? I mean like in our room with nobody else around."

"Gee. I don't know. Do you promise not to tell my Mother?"

"I won't tell anybody, Paula, dear, especially your mother!" Brian smiled at her. "I have an idea. Maybe tomorrow morning I'll run into town and get a tiny vibrator that is made especially for little girls. You're getting so grown-up. Wish I could buy you a present you could keep, but your Mother would be very upset if she found out I bought you a vibrator."

"You don't have to get us anything, Uncle Brian." Tammy said, "And thanks for dinner, too. I'm trying not to let Paula have too many margaritas tonight! She passed out the first night when we went out for dinner with some college boys."

Paula couldn't talk. She was blushing and looking at her plate.

Tammy said, "But the next night, I kept her from drinking so much, and we brought the boys back to our room for a little bit. They wanted to see our wax jobs. The boys thought we both looked so pretty down there, didn't they, Paula?"

"Yes. They liked looking at them... Tammy's and mine."

Tammy said, "We took off our panties so they could get a good look. Sometimes with our legs together, and sometimes apart. The boys said we looked like two little girls. And I bet Paula would love it if you brought her a small vibrator and showed her how you use them on girls down there." She turned to Paula. "He knows ways to make girls feel good. Lots of ways."

Brian asked, "Would you mind if I used the vibrator on you - just outside of your panties at first? I'll rub it on your wrinkly thing through your panties, and if you take off your panties to show me, then I'll really make you feel good. But that would be your choice. Would that be OK? Then you can wait to decide if you're going to pull down your panties for me. Or you could just let me pull them to one side for a little peek. I wouldn't make you do anything you didn't want to do, Paula. I never do that."

"OK. I guess we could do it that way. You could rub it on the outside of my panties, and maybe I'll let you peek at it."

During Paula's second margarita, Tammy brought the conversation back around to waxing. She said, "And Paula even got to help the lady wax another girl who was eleven years old like Paula. She even paid Paula to help her with the new girl; you know, to show her what it would look like, and to help her undress in front of the cameras, and to get her 'stimulated.' Paula had a good time helping with the other girl."

"Oh, wonderful." Said Brian. "What did you do to help?"

Paula was 'loosened up' from sipping Tammy's drinks. She said, "I showed her mine, so she could see how pretty it was. She liked it and I let her feel how smooth it was. Then I showed her how to undress and act sexy in front of the cameras, so then she did that, too. We danced and kissed and touched each other. She didn't have very much hair, but I could still see it and tug on it."

"How did you stimulate her?" Asked Uncle Brian.

"With my fingers and with the vibrator. You know, so her wrinkly thing would get bigger and stiffer. Things like that."

Tammy said, "And Paula and the new little girl both enjoyed getting fingered and tickled with the vibrator, and even some fingering in back."

"Really?" Asked Uncle Brian, who seemed very eager to hear more.

"Yes, like that helped her get stiffer down there. Like my finger in her... well, in front, and a vibrator, and then I like pushed my finger in back, but with lots of slippery stuff. You have to put in on your finger, and push some in her bottom to get it slippery, and then it slides in, even though it's real tight to push your finger in."

"What position were you in?" Uncle Brian asked.

"At first we were on our hands and knees, and then lowered our shoulders so we could use our hands to pull our bottom open so it would be easier for the other person to put her finger in."

"That makes sense." Uncle Brian said. "So you pulled yours wide open?"

"Yes, like I said, so she could get me all slippery and push her finger in easier."

"And there were cameras?"

"Yes. Two cameras. Like from different angles."

"Good idea." Said Uncle Brian. "And did you get in other positions? I mean for the bottom fingering."

"Yes, like for the vibrator in the front ... on your wrinkly thing, you know. Like I laid on my back, and the lady was holding my ankles up by my head, only wider apart than my shoulders, kind of like in a diaper-changing position. That way the girl could push one finger in my bottom and use her other hand to work the vibrator - like tapping it and rubbing it on my front."

"On your wrinkly thing?"

"Yes, Uncle Brian. But it's just girl stuff."

"Very interesting, Paula."

Tammy said, "I heard she had an orgasm that way. A really big one."

"I bet that felt good, didn't it, Paula?"

Paula nodded, glad that he had new things to tell Uncle Brian.

"And you liked getting stimulated in back, too?"

"Yes, we wanted to teach Stephanie, that was the other girl, that it wouldn't hurt and it would feel good, so the lady did it to me so we could show her. Then I did it to her only we didn't get her to the gasm thing, because the lady wanted her to be all stimulated and tightened up."

Brian leaned towards Paula, "And did you think it felt good? Getting a slippery finger back there, and vibrated at the same time?"

Paula blushed. "Yes. Jeez. Really good."

Brian asked, "And did the finger slide all the way in?"


"About how many times did the girl push her finger in you?"

"I don't know. I wasn't counting." Paula thought a minute. "I think usually about twenty or thirty times, but sometimes the finger only went in a little ways, like when she was putting the slippery stuff in me."

Brian said, "Well, then, I know of another little toy to buy for you tomorrow. I'm tied up tomorrow night, but why don't I stop by your room around two in the afternoon?"

Tammy and Paula both agreed.

On the way home, Tammy said they could run out to a thrift store in the morning to find Paula a cute, very short dress to wear for Uncle Brian's visit. "Then we can throw it away or donate it back to the thrift store later."

Tammy got Paula ready for bed and reviewed the code words with her. Uncle Brian arrived at their room twenty minutes after Tammy and Paula got back to the hotel. Paula was wearing the basketball jersey as her PJs. Paula pretended to be sound asleep, but she wondered if Uncle Brian knew she was awake and just pretending. She felt tingles in her pussy as Uncle Brian looked at her bare pussy and tiny titties which were fully exposed when he came into their hotel room. He could almost feel him staring at it. Her legs were open and she hoped he couldn't see that she was getting wet there.

The TV was on. She heard Tammy whisper, "She's sound asleep already, Uncle Brian. We can have some fun without waking her up. She's been lots of fun to have for a room mate these last few weeks. I like being with her and teaching her things. She really liked the college boys, and she had fun with that other girl - the one when she was the assistant when she got waxed."

"My God, she is so fucking cute! Such a pretty little girl. And her tender, plump, firm, bald pussy is absolutely beautiful, just like her mother's pretty pussy at that age. I was only seventeen and she was ten. First pussy I ever licked, and first piece of tail. We were both virgins back then - first cousins - and we would play together in different private places at all the family get-togethers. I started fucking her just after she turned eleven. She was fun. I was so disappointed when I heard she married some bible-thumper, and got into fundamental religion. Too bad. She was lots of fun. She loved to suck my cock. Swallowed every drop. Then they moved away."

Tammy whispered, "That's enough, Uncle Brian. You already told me about that fantasy. Stop making things up! And keep your voice down. You have quite an imagination and I know you like to fantasize about things. But that's enough about that."

"Oh, you're right. I shouldn't make up stories about things like that, I guess. Sorry, Tammy. But I'm not making this up - I would love to play with you for a little while. Then I'll come back tomorrow for a brief visit about two in the afternoon. Your boyfriend won't get here until tomorrow night. Right?"

"Yes, his plane gets in at ten and Paula and I will meet him at the airport. I'm glad we can sleep late tomorrow. Two o'clock would be fine. And you'll bring a little vibrator and a butt ... I mean and another little toy?"

"Yes, I bet she will love it. She is so sexy. I hope she at least let's me vibrate her panties. She is so fucking cute."

Although they were whispering, Paula could hear every word above the TV. She wondered about her Mother and why she kept warning her to stay away from Uncle Brian. Then she heard them walk over to Tammy's bed. Paula rolled onto her side and mumbled, pretending to be asleep, keeping her eyes closed. Paula heard them stop moving, and she knew they were watching her to be sure she was sound asleep. Tammy whispered, "Don't worry, Uncle Brian, she is sound asleep. She was tired, and she drank almost two margaritas, so she is sound asleep. The first night she got here, we went out for dinner with those college boys. She drank two margaritas that night and fell so sound asleep when we got back here. Two of the boys visited me later, and she didn't wake up even though both of them were fucking my brains out. Both boys were on my bed at the same time, and I'm sure I was making pleasure noises. Anyway, she didn't wake up. I even rolled her onto her back and opened her legs so they could get a good look at her open, pussy before we had our wax treatments. She didn't know a thing. So you can undress me now. It's been a year or so since we've played any of your games, Uncle Brian. I've missed you."

"I've missed you, too, Tammy. Here, let me unsnap this." He soon had Tammy undressed. He let her undress him with his back to the bed so Paula couldn't see his cock yet. Tammy was kneeling in front of him to unbuckle his belt. Paula was watching through half-closed eyes. Soon both Tammy and Uncle Brian were naked. Tammy knelt on the floor in front of him, and Paula could tell she was sucking his cock. "I love your big, fat cock, Uncle Brian."

"Good. It loves you, too." He laughed. "It stands up so big and tall for you."

Tammy turned him so he was sideways to her bed, on the other side, away from Paula's bed. But Paula could see her sucking on his big cock. It looked as big as Larry's, only a little fatter.

Then Tammy walked around so she was between the two twin beds, and bent over her bed, in a kneeling position with her knees against the edge of the bed frame, and her elbows in the middle of her bed. Paula could see Tammy's open, wet pussy as she bent over. "Take me from behind first, Uncle Brian. You know how I love it from the rear."

"Do you want it in your ass? We've never done that."

"No. It's way too big for that. It would hurt. Just fuck me."

Paula was having a tough time staying still because her own pussy was tingling and zinging like crazy. She watched as Tammy got on her hands and knees on her bed and Uncle Brian fucked her from behind again. Then he laid on his back and Tammy straddled him, bouncing up and down on his cock as if she was in a saddle riding a bronco. While they fucked in that position, Uncle Brian asked Tammy if Paula had ever seen a real cock.

"Yes, those college boys I told you about. The next night, after we got waxed, and the next afternoon. See saw all three of them, and even sucked on them. She spit out the first load, but swallowed half of the second. She told me she doesn't mind the taste so much anymore.

"Her mother loves it, too. At least she did. She got every drop of mine."

"Stop joking like that Uncle Brian. They say even sleeping people can hear things."

"Oh, sorry. I was just.... Ummm, I'm ready to cum."

"Me, too, Uncle Brian. Now fuck me faster!" Tammy was now on her back with her legs up on Uncle Brian's shoulders and he was in push-up position, slamming his big cock into her open pussy. They were both making noises as the came.

He got dressed and left quickly, to get downstairs to a little reception for the bride's family.

As soon as he was gone, Paula sat up. "Was he kidding about my Mother?"

"Of course he was, Paula. You know he's a joker. Always saying silly things."

"But I thought he was a rich businessman. That's what Mama said, and that I should stay away from him."

"No. Besides that would have been years ago. I'm pretty sure he was just making that up. Maybe to see if you were really asleep. Just ignore him. Did you see the different positions I used?"

"Yes, different ones than when the boys were here."


Uncle Brian's Second Visit

Uncle Brian got to their room at one thirty. He had a little bag with him. Paula and Tammy were both wearing short skirts they had purchased that morning at a thrift store. Tammy had on a very short, plaid skirt, and a white blouse, and Paula's was similar but a different color. They looked like two English schoolgirls, but with very short skirts. They could tell that Uncle Brian liked their outfits.

"My, my. Two pretty girls!" He was holding a brown, paper bag in his hand. "I've got some little gifts for you two. I'll give you a hint. Two of them go, 'buzzzzzzz' and they can tickle you in your private places!"

Paula giggled.

He kissed each of them full on the lips. They sat on the loveseat facing the TV set in their hotel room. He pulled Paula onto his lap and Tammy sat beside him. He opened the bag and pulled out two vibrators. One was small and made of tan plastic. The other one was much larger made of a semi-transparent, jelly-like material, that had an extension near the base that was smaller and curved so the tip was almost parallel to the main shaft. On the other side from the small section, was another extension shaped almost like a finger with rubber tips on it. Tammy said, "Oh, Uncle Brian. Is that what I think it is?"

He said yes, and proceeded to explain to both girls how it worked. This main section vibrates and turns. It goes up your vagina, and this back extension fits up your anus, and the little front extension tickles your clitty... all at the same time! Won't that be fun, Tammy?"

"Yes! I'll get off several times a day with it, I'm sure!" She twisted the base turning it on. The main shaft twisted and vibrated, making a buzzing noise.

"And I got you a tube of lubricant so we can get your anus all slippery."

Then he showed Paula the small one. This one is especially for your little wrinkly thing - to make it swell up and get stiffer. And it's about the same size as my finger so it should slide in your vagina, too, if you want to try it."

"Maybe in private, Uncle Brian. But you can show me on my panties." She remember the things Tammy had told her about not being too anxious to take off her panties. "Make him wait, Paula!" was a summary of Tammy's advice to her little protégé.

"And, let me tickle your panties right now. Open your legs for Uncle Brian."

Paula put one foot up on the loveseat between Uncle Brian's leg and Tammy's leg. She let her knee fall back and put her other leg on the other side of Uncle Brian's right leg, so she was spread open. She held up the front of her skirt with both hands. Uncle Brian twisted it on and turned it to 'high.' Then he tickled it on her chest, pressing on each of her puffy nipples before tracing it down her tummy to her panties. He moved it around on her purple panties with the white, lacy trim, being careful not to press it on her clitty. Paula kept opening wider for him, but still he didn't press it between her lips. He asked, "Where would you like me to tickle you, Paula? In the middle?"

She opened wider and pointed to the wet area on the front of her panties, dead center.

Still, he kept touching her thighs and abdomen, avoiding placing it directly on her clitty. He said, "I'll touch you in the middle, Paula, but first, why don't you girls take off some of your clothes?"

Tammy stood and took of her blouse, bra, and skirt. She turned on her vibrator and pressed it hard against her clitty. "This is a strong one, Uncle Brian. Two C-cells, I bet." Tammy motioned for Paula to take off her shirt. "You're are little, Paula, almost like a boy's chest. So it's OK for Uncle Brian to see them."

She let Uncle Brian help her take off her shirt. She already had nice tan lines that outlined her small, pale breasts, making them look slightly bigger. Her puffy, pink nipples were quite erect - making the bb-sized tips of her nipples hard. Uncle Brian said, "Very nice, Paula. I see you're getting more grown-up figure, too!" He started feeling her breasts with one hand while still tickling her panties with the vibrator in his other hand.

Paula giggled again. "That tickles."

He asked, "Has anybody ever sucked on you growing, little breasts?"

"Yes." She said, feeling proud to be a 'big girl.'

Tammy said, "Those three college boys sucked on them, and so did Stephanie, the other eleven year old girl who got waxed. And she sucked on Stephanie's, too, and also on mine. We were fooling around."

"It was funny." Paula said. "Like I was pretending to be a little baby and I sucked on them. She lets me do that when we're in private."

Uncle Brian laughed. "Excellent. Both of you. Well, we're in private now, could you show me how you suck on them?"

Paula and Uncle Brian stood up, then Paula laid back down across Tammy's lap so her shoulders and head were cradled in Tammy's arms. Paula started sucking on Tammy's breast. Tammy started moaning. "She sucks really good."

"I hope to find out for myself!" Uncle Brian joked.

Tammy laughed, but Paula kept sucking.

"Try pinching her other nipple, Paula. She likes that, too. Feel her and massage them and pinch her nipples."

Tammy said, "She did that with the other eleven year old, too. They both sucked and pinched each other. They even licked each other after using the vibrators."

Paula blushed, but kept sucking Tammy. She put both hands up to fondle and pinch Tammy's other breast.

Uncle Brian said, "This is getting to be a fun party." He was taking off his shoes, and then his shirt. "Let's all suck on each other. We'll take turns."

Tammy said, "OK. Sounds like fun. But I know Paula wants you to vibrate her for a little while before we play more games. And maybe she will show you how she can pull her bottom open to get fingered. I know later we'll be getting her lubricated so you can give her the other toy, but vibrate her for a little bit through her panties."

Paula laid across her bed - wearing only the short skirt and purple, thong panties. He motioned for her to get on her tummy. "Now up on your hands and knees." He put four pillows under her head and shoulders, feeling her breasts after he stuffed each pillow under her head and shoulders. "You are getting a nice little figure, Paula. I can feel that your titties move around. Will you help me get Tammy all lubricated in a little bit, so I can show her how to use the new toy?"

"Yes, OK. Unnn."

"Does that feel good, Paula, the way I'm caressing your breasts?"

"Unnn, yes."

"Good. I'll help both of you girls have some really good feelings today. And then maybe you two could help your Uncle Brian feel good, too. Now, Paula, reach back with both hands and pull your panty thong to one side and then pull your bottom wide open so I can see how you did it on your video."

She pulled herself open so he could see. She knew she was very wet, but hoped he didn't notice. He lightly traced the back of his fingernail across her anus, making the muscles tighten up. "Nice reflexes." He said. "I bet your anus very tight."

"The lady who did the waxing, and even the college boys said I was real tight. The other girl, Stephanie, never fingered anybody else there before, but she said it felt tight to her, even though she never fingered anybody else back there."

"And it felt good to you, didn't it? When each of those people fingered you."


"I bet you'll like my big finger pushing in here, too. Do you think you will like it?"


"Will you pull your bottom wide open for me, so I can push my slippery finger all the way in?"


"And will you want me to tickle your wrinkly thing with the vibrator while I push my finger in?"

He noticed her squirm her hips, with more wetness developing as they talked. She said, "Yes, that feels really good when somebody does that."

"Put your hands down. I'll massage your bottom for a little bit, and vibrate you." He touched the vibrator to the front of her panties and pressed on her clitty while he massaged her bottom with his other hand - pulling her ass open and letting it close. He gave her several playful spankings.

"Ohhh, unn. Ouch! Ouch!"

"Do you know why I spanked your pretty bottom?"

"I've been bad?"

Uncle Brian and Tammy laughed. He said, "No, not at all. You're being very good. But some spankings help get your bottom loosened up so it will feel better when I push my finger in you. You want me to, don't you?"

"Yes." Paula said, while squirming around. "Unnn, that tickles." She was referring to the vibrator.

"You're doing great, Paula. But help me with Tammy for a little while, then we'll get back to your pussy in a few minutes."

Paula helped get Tammy lubricated and watched as she got on her hands and knees on her bed. Uncle Brian turned on the vibrator and let Paula feel it. She was standing next to the bed. He told Paula to lift up her skirt and he would touch it against her panties.

"Ohhhhh, that one really vibrates!"

Uncle Brian said, "Reach your fingers inside your panties through the leg holes and pull your pussy wide open for me. Don't worry, I still can't see it. I'll vibrate your wrinkly thing for a few seconds before we put this inside Tammy."

The skirt kept falling down, so Paula asked if it would be OK for her to take it off. Both Tammy and Brian said, "Yes," at the same time. Paula unsnapped the fastener on the waistband and let the skirt drop to the floor. She put one foot up on the bedrail and reached both hands inside her little, purple panties with the big wet area in front. After she pulled her pussy lips apart and hunched her hips upwards for Uncle Brian, she said, "OK, I've got it pulled open."

He pressed the vibrator against her panties up against her clitty. Paula jumped, but quickly got back in position. He pressed it again, and she held her position. "Jeez, that really tickles. It's like shaking my wrinkly thing all over, jeez."

"Does it feel good, Paula?"

"Unnnn, ohh, yessss, ohhh."

Uncle Brian turned to Tammy, "We'll be there in a second, Tammy. I would say little Paula loves getting her wrinkly thing stimulated."

"I'm sure of it!" Tammy said. She was enjoying watching Brian manipulate the little girl.

"Ohh, unnnn, ohhh." Paula was moving her hips.

Uncle Brian pulled it away. "I'm getting you warmed up, Paula, so it will feel really wonderful when I finally bring you to orgasm. Now help me with Tammy. Put some of this lubricant in her anus for me."

Paula took a dab of the clear lubricant from the tube and rubbed it on Tammy's asshole, pressing some in each time. Soon Paula was sliding her finger in all the way. "Very good." Said Uncle Brian. "Now lubricate the back prong on this fancy vibrator. When you get older, I could get you one. Would you like that? It does your pussy and your anus and your clitty at the same time."

"Yes, that would be neat. But I could never keep something like that at home. Mama searches my room sometimes. But I have some hiding places, like for my babysitting money."

They bring the very willing Tammy to orgasm.

Uncle Brian takes his pants off, and let's Paula play with his cock. She can't take her eyes off it, and asks about the clear liquid oozing out of the tip. He suggests that she taste it, so she does, even though she can't fit the whole head in her mouth. "It tastes like the boys' stuff."

Soon Paula has her panties off and spreads for Uncle Brian's eyes. He fingers her in front first, almost bringing her to climax, but he stops. A few minutes later, Paula is oozing her excitement as Uncle Brian gets her very tight anus lubricated while she pulls her ass open for him. She is on her hands and knees, with the pillows under her head and shoulders. Then he uses the vibrator on her clitty - just tapping every few seconds to get her close again. That's when he introduces the small butt plug, saying it's a rubber finger. Once that is in, he taps the vibrator against Paula's swollen clitty. When she is ready to cum, he pushes a finger in her vagina and presses the vibrator against her clitty, while the pink, butt plug is all the way up her ass. She comes.

"UUNNNNNN! Ohhhhhh! Ohh, ohh, ohhhh, ohh, ohhhh, ohh, ohhhh, ohh, ohhhh!"

He has the two naked girls lie on their backs next to each other on Paula's bed while he masturbates and squirts his cum across both tan tummies.


Going Home

Tammy said, "I'm going to miss you, Paula."

"I'll miss you, too!" Paula said, as she hugged Tammy. "I wish you could keep being my sugar-gate Mama for a long time."

Tammy laughed. "I've been thinking of something. Aunt Jane told your Mother that I've been keeping a close eye on you; making you read the Bible everyday, and making sure you didn't do anything naughty. Remember Aunt Jane telling us that?"

Paula laughed, "Yes, it was so funny. I wondered what she would do if she knew about half the stuff we did!"

Tammy said, "So anyway, I've been thinking about college, and how you want to visit colleges. I work part-time in the financial aid office at the state university, and I would like to invite you to visit me for 'Little Sibs Weekend.' It's a big deal in our sorority and I don't have any siblings, so I'll see if your Mom might let you fly over to visit me in October."

"Wow! That would be wonderful. But I don't think she would let me and we couldn't afford a plane ticket."

"I could send you one. And I'll promise your Mother that I would keep a close eye on you. And that would also be about the time you would need your second wax treatment. June to October. Perfect. Then in a few years, if we can keep finding some way to be together, so I could get you waxed a couple times a year, you'll never have pubic hair the rest of your life."

"So it would always be pretty?"

"Beautiful!" Tammy said, "And I had another idea. Remember telling me about your friend, Angie, who is eighteen? The girl who washed your pussy and titties and showed you how to shave your legs?"

"Sure. I see her at the pool, why?"

"Maybe I could talk to her, and maybe we could set something up so she could be your tutor on some subject. Maybe you could go to Angie's house sometimes, and I could be there. All three of us could have some fun."

"I never thought of that."

"And you said that Angie really liked washing your pussy?"

Paula thought. "Yes. She would have kept washing it, but I was worried somebody would come in the locker room, and we would both be behind the same shower curtain."

Tammy said, "I have a friend who is going to be a teacher and she has students come to her house. Angie could tell your Mother that she is planning to be a teacher and has to work with some students for a class she is taking at college. She could tell your Mother that she plans to be a very strict teacher, and maybe she would ask your Mother how she would feel about corporeal punishment, meaning spankings. I bet your Mother would want you to have a teacher like that."

"Yes, she would like me to have all very strict teachers. She says there is no discipline in the schools and that kids used to get spanked where she went to school. Hard spankings. She always tells me that."

"Good. Then your Mother just might let you go to Angie's house once a week for lessons and punishments."

Paula looked concerned. "But that would hurt!"

Tammy smiled, "I had a boyfriend once who liked to spank me. I had to keep my eyes closed and had my panties down to my knees and bent over his bed. Since my eyes were closed I didn't know if a spank was coming next, or a tickle with the vibrator right on my clitty. He got me to love a little spanking!" Tammy laughed.

Then Paula laughed, too. "Gee, but I wouldn't want her to spank me hard!"

"I bet you would love it. You're a very sexy, little girl, Paula. And you wouldn't mind if she used a vibrator on you, would you?"

"Well no. That feels really good. But would she do that?"

"I'll talk to her. I bet she would, especially if she could spank you a little bit first. That is, if you were in private."

They exchanged addresses. Tammy promised to mail her some of the pictures from the wedding. "And that would be a good reason for your Mother to ask about me. And then you could mail me the contact information for Angie when you send me a thank you note for taking care of you for these three weeks. Maybe Angie would want to attend college where I go, and I could help her get the maximum money for school. Then she could be your tutor and I could meet you there."

"I'll miss you, Tammy."

Tammy hugged her again. "And you'll be a 'good girl' at home, won't you, and never tell anybody about the adventures we had."

"I won't tell anybody! Except, well, I'll talk about the wedding, and the dancing at the reception, and the rehearsal dinner, and going to the ocean, and playing in the pool - you know - the things without boys." Then she added, "And I won't talk about the waxing or show anybody, except maybe Angie at the pool."

Tammy kissed her on the check, then pointed to the security, check-in line at the airport. "I'll see you soon, and I hope you can visit me again on 'Little Sibs' weekend.


Showing Angie

Paula was glad to be home, although she missed all her new friends, especially Tammy. She told her Mama that she had been a good girl, and had said her prayers every day.

After a day of rest, she did her chores; grabbed her old one-piece swimming suit and her bag of pool things and hopped on her bicycle. It was an unseasonably cool, cloudy day. About 1:00, the pool was almost empty when Angie arrived. They talked briefly in the four foot deep area, right in the center of the pool. "I've got something to show you, Angie, but I can't tell you here. Let's go in the locker room."

Angie smiled. "I like you, Paula. I like you a lot, and I want to see what you're going to show me. Is it something from your trip?"

"Yes. But first, are you good at math?"

"I got all A's if that's what you mean. It's OK. I kind of like math and science. Some kids tease me about it, but I don't care. I hope to go to college someday, but we can't afford it."

"Maybe you could tutor me, but I'll tell you more about that idea, too, and my friend, Tammy, well, she works at the University and she thought she could get you lots of scholarship money if you helped me in math. I have to get your phone number and she'll call you about some of her ideas of how you could help me and then she would help you."

Angie laughed, "You're funny, Paula. I don't know if anybody could help me. But I'll go on in the shower room, and then you come in, but wait a few minutes. I got teased by another lifeguard for following girls into the shower room."

Five minutes later Paula went in. Angie was in one of the changing stalls with a curtain, but you could still see people's feet from out in the main locker area. Paula went in with Angie and stepped up on the wood bench. She said, "Help me take off my swimming suit and then I'll show you."

Angie was glad to help.

Paula was facing away from Angie when Angie pulled her one-piece suit down over her bottom. She stepped out and turned to face Angie. "Look. No hair. I got waxed."

Angie was staring at it. "It's beautiful, Paula. Beautiful."

"Thanks." Paula was smiling. "I was hoping you would like it. And thanks again for teaching me how to shave my legs. And... ummm... I think they are about ready to be shaved again. What do you think?"

"Would you like me to help you?" Angie rubbed her hands up Paula's slim legs - from her ankles almost to her pussy.

"Yes, please."

Angie was still staring at Paula's pussy. Paula held still and let her look, putting her feet apart on the wide wooden bench. Angie said, "Can I touch it?"

"Yes. I mean you'll touch it anyway if you wash me there again. It felt funny the other time you washed me there. Remember? When you taught me how to shave my legs?"

Angie was feeling it when a little girl ran in the locker room, used the toilet, and then ran out again. The little girl couldn't see them because of the curtain, but both Angie and Paula were worried about 'getting caught.' Angie said, "Even with the curtain for privacy, well, I want to wash you all over and shave your legs, Paula, but I don't have my shaving stuff with me today. I live pretty close. Nobody else is home at my house. Maybe you could come over to my house and then we won't have to be so worried about people coming in. Then I could take my time washing you here." She stroked her fingers across Paula's bald, plump, pussy lips.

"I don't know where you live."

Angie gave her the address and said she would go on home, and then Paula could come over in about twenty minutes. "We'll have an hour of so today because I don't have to come back to lifeguard for two hours. I'll leave now." She put her clothes on and left. Paula went back in the pool for a little while, and then she put her clothes on over her wet swimming suit and left on her bike.

She got to Angie's house on her bike, and Angie was in the garage next to her own bicycle, motioning for Paula to bring her bike into the garage. They went in the house and Angie pushed a button to close the garage door so nobody would see Paula's bike there. Angie took her hand and led her through the kitchen and hall back to her bedroom. "I have my own bathroom. I'll shave your legs in there in just a minute." She looked into Paula's eyes. "Have you ever kissed another girl?"


"Did you like it?"

"Yes. It was for a video. But that has to be our secret."

"You kissed each other in front of a camera?"

"Lots of times, in front of two cameras. And we undressed each other and kissed and felt each other. I got paid. It was really fun. We made some other videos, too, just the two of us girls. We're both eleven years old."

"Wow. I want to hear all about it, and I promise not to tell anybody. Can I kiss you now, before I shave your legs?"

"Yes. When we're in private you can kiss me." But Paula was surprised by the intensity of the kisses, and by the tongue that was soon in her mouth. But she had been kissed that way before. By Chris. She was thinking about Chris as Angie undressed her - kissing her passionately and often.

Soon both Paula and Angie were naked. Angie said, "I'll shave your legs in just a minute, but lie on my bed and let me look at you."

Paula began to enjoy the feelings at Angie looked at her - changing her position frequently while Angie looked. Paula got in some of the positions that Ms. Ginny had wanted her to get in for the cameras. She got on her hands and knees, slid her knees apart, and lowered her head and shoulders to the bed. She reached back with both hands and pulled her bottom wide open. Paula said, "I got in this position for the cameras, so they could see if there was any hair on my bottom. But for the video with Stephanie, then Stephanie put slippery stuff on my bottom and pushed my finger in. It was pretty funny, but when she kept doing it, it made me tingle."

"I bet it did!" Angie said. "I would love to watch your video!"

"It's a secret. Only the other girls who get waxed and make a video can see the videos of the other girls."

"Hmmm. Maybe." Angie said. Then Angie began feeling Paula's chest and tummy, ass and pussy, as she rolled Paula around on her bed. Sometimes Angie was rough and firm, and other times she tickled lightly - causing Paula to shiver with tingles. Then Angie opened Paula's legs and looked closely - pulling Paula's lips wider apart with her fingers. "I see you like this, too. This must feel very good to you."

"Yes." Paula said. Her hips were moving slowly - squirming this way and that.

Angie was staring at Paula's wet, bald, plump, young pussy. "If you let me kiss you here, then I promise I will help you with your math."

"Unnn." Paula didn't say a word, but pulled Angie's head down to her pussy. "We did that for the videos, too, licking each other there. We both thought it was funny, but then we liked it.

Five minutes later Paula had her first orgasm of the day, with Angie's fingers and tongue stimulating her pussy.

Two minutes later, another one, with Angie's index finger all the way up her anus.

Followed shortly by her third orgasm.

Then Paula watched Angie masturbate with a strange vibrator that had a little, flexible extension on it, which she pressed against her clitty. The extension - not much bigger than a two inch pencil, shaped like a miniature, rubber tuning fork, like their music teacher used before singing a song. "I like it when you watch me, Paula. Ohhhh, this feels so good. If you do good in your math work, I'll get you one and show you how to use it. Ohhhh. Thanks for showing me your pretty, bald pussy. Did you like how I helped you feel good?"

"Yes. Gee." She remembered what Tammy had told her about talking with the boys - to tell them something nice. Paula said, "I like watching you, too, Angie. You have a pretty one."

"Tell me more about what you did with the other little girl when you made a video while I masturbate. Keep watching me. I like to think about two eleven year old girls fingering each other. Ohhhh."

Angie reached her own orgasm while Paula was telling her about the things she did with Stephanie - being strapped down, the playful spankings, the pussy and anal fingering, squeezing and pinching each other's breasts, and all the kissing.

"I'm going to pull it out now. Watch my cum ooze out." She laid back with her legs apart and knees raised, letting Paula watch her whitish cum ooze out of her vagina. "That was a great cum. It helps when you watch me... and when you talk to me like that. It turns me on to hear about you fingering another girl and licking each other and things like that. I bet it felt good when she did that to you, didn't it?"

"Yes. Really good."

Angie shaved Paula's legs and washed the excitement off her pussy. They made arrangements to meet at the pool the next day to talk. She called Tammy from Angie's house and then let them talk for a while. She heard some words which kind of worried her - paddles, vibrators, pussy spanking, little butt plug, and so on. Every word made Paula wonder what they were talking about. Angie held out her arm to call Paula to come over to her. They were both still naked. Angie put Paula's mouth on her breast and said, "Suck me while I'm talking with Tammy."

It was exciting to suck on a full-sized breast. It was different than Tammy's - more pointed.

The next day Angie went to Paula's house and talked with her mother. She said she had to do math tutoring to get her extra credit for a pre-teacher course she would be taking at the community college. "But I'm a strict teacher, and need to know your thoughts on spanking. I know it's not approved of in the schools, but this would be free tutoring in my house, where I have a little school room set up."

"Well, I'm all for discipline! Yes, you have my permission to spank her if she doesn't work hard. She needs to learn this if she's going to pass her math classes."

And that was that. Paula was to go visit Angie twice a week for the rest of the summer. She took her math papers with her and completed them in two weeks. Then they did additional practice.

With Angie's help, math became her favorite subject. She enjoyed Angie's methods for reinforcement. Her panties were already wet by the time she got to Angie's house for each lesson.

She was allowed to go visit Tammy for Little Sib's Weekend at the University, after promising her Mama she would be a "good girl." She helped Ginny wax another young girl and do all the things she had done with Stephanie, plus a few more that Ms. Ginny thought up during the six months since she first met Paula. Those videos quickly became best sellers!

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Umm... this is one of the hottest set of stories.. ever.. I enjoyed each one more than I can say... and am so hoping for a followup as Paula really gets into much more sex play with Ginny... Angie.. Stephanie and others.. MORE,PLEASE!!!! Loving licks from Meggy xoxo

The reviewing period for this story has ended.